Thursday, February 03, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #23 2/2/11 Triumph of Morning After Doubts

Here goes. My first every recap. deep breath. Spanish/English dictionary? Check. Notepad for snark notations? Check. Let's do this....

Oye la confesióóón
De mi secretos

Where we left off yesterday. Max in an ascot, María in a comfy nighty.
Slo-mo smoochies!
Rose Petals!
Edited love scenes!

Nati calls LindaHo and wakes her up (she deserves it.) Nati is worried because María never made it home. LindaHo tells her to calm down. She probably stayed somewhere else last night.

Nati: María is incapable of doing what you're thinking.

Umm. Yeah. She is. (At least Max snuggles when he's done.)

The next morning Cruz is sleeping soundly on the couch when there is a knock at the door. He jumps up and GAH! Dear Lord, what kind of underwear is that?! He opens the door and Nati's glasses almost fall off her face she's so embarrassed. She saw London. She saw France. She saw Cruz's ugly underpants. (Why doesn't Univision edit that kind of stuff?) She tells Milagros and Co. that she is very worried about Missing María.

Speaking of María. She is getting up and taking her shower thinking about last night. She gets dressed, leaves a rose next to Max and skedaddles.

Milagros says they've called everyone and still no María. Cruz says something about a Military Parade (desfile militar) and Milagros corrects him: Fashion show (desfile de modas.) I'm sure it's meant to show what a hick Cruz is, but what do I know.

María walks in (no braids..hmmm braids=virgin?) and Nati runs to her with a ¡Mi Hija! and a hug. Nati has to get over this mother hen thing. They can make you over, hon, but if you are going to be a smotherer, you ain' never gonna get a man. Milagros and Co. look put out with her and Maite manages an ever so slightly different facial expression...somewhere between tipsy and stupid.

Max wakes up and mumbles incoherently .... mumble mumble "for the first time." (Por favor fill in the blank someone. ¡Gracias!)

Back to the barrio
Milagros and Co.-Fuss fuss fuss (I caught memos= pea-brains)
María- perdón, perdón, perdón
Milagros and Co.-It's ok. Great show btw. Praise, praise, praise

Oscar and Antonieta talk expenditures. yawn.
Whoa! What's this? Suites at the hotel?
Oscar: yup. Two models in each suite
Toni: ok. I thought María Desamparada was alone (she said the whole name. Hey! New drinking game: Every time someone says María Desamparada take a shot.)
Oscar: You were misinformed. There were 2 folks in the room. No doubt about that.
Toni: befuddled and quasi-impactada

María confesses to Nati that she and Max knocked huaraches.

Nati looks...happy!? WTF? No outrage?! Nati, I am disappointed!

María goes on to talk about how magical it was blah blah blah.

And Nati SQUEEES! (I swear she did!) C'mon! María was a good Catholic girl last night. How can you be so supportive?

Max at kayak practice. Flashback o' lovin'.

María and Nati again. Seriously, Nati is way too happy about this (can you say "vicarious" boys and girls?) She actually says fairy tale (cuenta de hadas, but you all already know that.) Give it a couple of episodes, Nati.

Wait, wait. YES! She used the "R" word: REALIDAD! As in what will happen when Victoria finds out?

LindaHo FF>> Crap! I'm a recapper now. I have to watch. She's making a phone call. Give you three guess who it is. Ding ding ding! You're right!

We cut to Casa Sandoval and our happy family is enjoying breakfast together. Fer whines about being up so early and long lines at the university. Ossie's phone rings but he ignores it when he sees who it is. Wouldn't want to interrupt a nice family moment he says.

Ossie asks Victoria about the show. We won! She says.

Fer asks about Max and the SlutMaid enters and answers the question (that is one efficient maid!) Mark my words, she's gonna be sleepin' with someone on this show before the Gran Final. Her skirt is way to short and  she rocks the booty way too much when she walks.

Victoria is shocked that Max didn't sleep at home and Ossie reminds her he's a man and well, you know, we don't think with our heads and really it's a male world so we should be able to do as we please without you women nagging and harping on us. Just make sure you give me attention and support when I need it. Like all the time. (He didn't really say that, but I think he implied it.)

Fer, of course, pounces on this and want to know why a guy can do anything he wants and she can't.

Dad tells her it's not because Max is a man it's that she's an idiot (I actually kind of missed everything he said, but I think my translation will do. Please feel free to correct me.) Fer leaves in a somewhat controlled huff.

In a restaurant. Quaint quartet singing (slightly off key.) Milagros and Co plus Nati want to eat, but it's crowded. Should have made reservations. Yada yada. Cruz makes a joke, but I didn't get it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't integral to the plot. The band comes over and begins to play. 

Cruz sings!

Bésame mucho

Milagros and Napo Dance. Napo looks a little uncomfortable.

En Victoria's Casa de Modos:
WE RULE!! Group hug!

Toni: María Desamparada (drink!) looked great.
Vic: Yeah, but it was weird she didn't come to the brindis...or Max either.
Toni and Pepino exchange "oh crap!" glances.

To the church and the merry builders. Oh look, Max has come to play at being charitable. M'cito is back and well recovered from his brink of death illness last week (thanks to THE BOX.)

Back to Casa de Modas (Man, they have us going every which way tonight.)
Toni: sooo, Vic. Why do you think Maria Desamparada (drink!) was with Max.
Victoria: 'Cause I know Max (fill in for me here)
Toni: sooo, if he were? (with María)
Vic: I would never permit that.
Toni: buuut, what if they fell in love?
Vic: Not gonna happen. Sure, I appreciate(?) María Desamparada (drink!) and I would like Fer to be more like her. But her and my family? Impossible. Besides, I've got big plans for her.

To the church!
Max wants to play at carpintero.
M'cito calls the sidekick...Domingo(?)..a menso AND a tonto. (Amen, kiddo!)
Saw, saw, saw. Hammer, hammer, hammer. Sand, sand, sand.
(Why are these scenes even here?)

Victoria mentions María's absence from the brindis. María looks a little worried, but Vic is all PSYCH! Gotcha! Here's your paycheck.

María: It's so much! I can't take this. Blah blah.
Vic: No. It's yours you deserve it.
María cries, Victoria asks whats wrong mi hija. María is again with the all my life no mommy to love me routine. Victoria reminds her they've both suffered, being orphans and all. Cue the water works. María gets a grip and apologizes for being a debbie downer.
Vic: No problem. Take the afternoon off.
Exit Maria. Enter the tears and ¡Mi hija! ¿Dónde está?

LindaHo in the hospital. JuanJo arrives and Cruz is close behind. Ruh roh!!! LindHo is recognized as the SlutHo that brought Cruz and Ossie together. LindaHo thought bubbles: Greeeat. Another poor relative.

Suddenly we are on the mini series set. Ossie et al rehearsing. There's gonna be a scene with a gun.

Napo and Cruz in hospital. We need to investigate. We can't hurt JuanJo.

María is giving the check to JP. It will help a lot of people he says. Btw, have you told Victoria about you and Max?
Er, no. I'll go ask the Virgen for help. (Um, María dear, do you think you're in her best graces right now? Perhaps a little "Please forgive me for the premarital sex" would be more appropriate?)

What a coincidence! Victoria is there, asking God to help her find what she lost (more like stolen by Satan, but I digress.) María wants something she never had aaaanddd in walks JP makes three. Victoria leaves in a barely controlled huff.

Vic plotting with driver. Bernarda can't know blah blah.
JP and María. She's says something I miss.

Fer and Cruz in the backyard. Fer yells about his being late and wants to know his excuse. He tells her about visiting his cousins fiancé in the hospital. I think she accuses him of lying. He swears he's not. I think she threatens to tell dad and he throws a few insults at her (chula=flashy?) She tells him he's an ignorante and he should get to work. Do something. He asks if she wants to help? She's says Me?! He says sure, I'll teach you the name of all the flowers and then uses some pick-up line about their perfume, her perfume? (Feel free to fill in my gaps.) She leaves.

Tomasa arrives in Victoria's office, brought by Victoria's driver (see plotting above.) Hugs. Tears. Etc. (All these years and Victoria is a big famous designer married to a famous man and Tomasa had no idea where she was?)

Bernarda is home. TOMASA!!!  Tomasa is in a for a world of hurt when she gets home.

Back to the Tomasa Victoria reunion. My you've grown into a wonderful woman, you've triumphed. I heard about your daughter. I know in my heart you'll find her.

Comic relief at church FF>>

Victoria repays Tomasa the money from all those years ago.

Pepino and minions discuss designs. María walks in and pouts. No Max. She has a sad. Pepino tells her Max is a real Cassanova and seriously he's never had a girlfriend that lasted more than 2 months except for Jimena. ooops. María asks if Max loved Jimena. According to Pepino, mucho...muchísimo.

Back to Tomasa and Victoria. So glad to see you. Bernarda is/was awful. You don't have to put up with her. But Juan Pablo is so good. Victoria gets a hard look on her face.

Nati is telling María she hasn't heard from Max. María tries to get a hold of herself in the Casa de Modas cuarto de baño. Enter Fer and MiniMe Amiga. They say what I assume are pretty insulting things 'cause María slaps her friend. No, María! No the Friend. FER! Slap FER! María runs out. Fer swears she will pay.

Set of the mini-series. Last minute gunfight choreography run-through. Break for lunch.

Nati is arriving at Casa de Modas. María asks why she's there. I hope it's for a makeover, but alas, not tonight. Fer runs up and slaps María. CAT FIGHT! Fabián runs up and breaks it up and Fer says ugly stuff to Fabián. You are only friend with Max 'cause he pays for stuff etc. Victoria comes out and says you two: in my office!!

Nati and Fabián!!!! YAY! I told you! Go back and look at the comments. I know I mentioned it! Ahem. He invites her to sit in's office.

Back at the lunch break a mysterious, gloved hand is switching out the fake bullets for real ones.

Victoria is all over Fer and María like white on rice. Fer whines "I'm your daughter." To which mom answers "Which is exactly why you shouldn't be acting like this." María apologizes. The girls leave and Victoria thought bubbles that she does not want María in her family. (Or something similar)

Nati and Fabián are completely hitting it off and talking movies. María enters...and Max soon after. He  pretty much ignores María and asks Nati for her help in something urgent and important. He's secretive.  He'll call. Wait for the call. A$$.

On the set. The fight. Bang! Bang! Cut! Great job, everyone. ¿Osvaldo? ¿Osvaldo? Dude, not funny. ¿Os? Oh noes! The gun was loaded! With real bullets!


woo hoo! My first recap!


La Verdad Oculta #97: Pumpkinhead in the cross hairs

"Hernández" explains he took a bullet in the leg, promises to wait for Adolfo's call and exits the condo. In Michoacán, Jorge reiterates to Dora she's going to wind up dying alone and with an innocent man on her conscience; and though she's conflicted, he doesn't even chip her stubbornness.

Leonardo visits Juan José and angrily busts him for the stupid armed stunt at Adolfo's; but it's a revelation that Juan José knows the kidnap hideout -- and found it empty and covered with blood. They're heading straight there. Back in Michoacán, Jorge enlists a young woman to covertly call David for Dora.

At the recently vacated hideout, Leonardo tensely orders blood, finger prints and any scrap of evidence examined. At a public phone in Michoacán, the young woman calls Mario's house incognito to learn from the maid David's health and relieve Dora's mind.

Distraught Alejandra visits Juan José, and Asunción and Pancha witness from around the corner her abject torment over the disappearance of the kids. Across the way Gabriela learns disconcertedly from maid Ramona that a girl called David. Back at Juan José's, Asunción apologizes to Alejandra for having been hard on her.

Alejandra surprises and delights everyone with her fervent wish to adopt Caramelo when all this is over and she and Juan José are married. Back at Mario's, due to Gabriela's penetrating questions, Abelardo has to lie to her that the Campo Real covert communications are hidden in a truck out front like in a movie.

When Abelardo reveals this lie to "Mario" in private, Santiago still refuses to let Gabriela in on the disguise, insisting he has so little time in the role left. "Hernández" visits Adolfo at the condo and presents the crooked cop's disgraceful rap sheet as evidence of his sincerity, claiming powerful friends secured his prison release and reinstatement.

"Hernández" wants vengeance against Leonardo; he says he likes money, too -- and Adolfo should set him a test if he doesn't trust him. At Mario's, "Mario" can't escape before Gabriela corners him with her doubts that supposedly covert David runs all over town with his cell phone turned off and now he has a girl calling him!

Back at the condo, Adolfo forces "Hernández" to remove his jacket against the suspicion of wearing a wire, which he isn't; and he asks why a cop isn't wearing a gun. Gabriela sped to Santiago's and admits to Julieta her fears David is fooling around. Back at Adolfo's, "Hernández" claims he's not there as a cop; rather an ally.

So Adolfo agrees to set him a test to prove his trustworthiness; he'll receive a call from one of Adolfo's men. Santiago arrives home to a hornet's nest named Gabriela, won't satisfactorily answer, and exits again in a huff with Gabriela on his heels. Downstairs on the sidewalk, they meet Leonardo & Co. entering.

Leonardo awkwardly introduces "Hernández" to Gabriela, who's looking markedly askance at the newcomer. The men abandon her there and exit up to Leonardo's. At Juan José's that evening, he comes downstairs to find catatonic Alejandra huddled on the floor, hugging Caramelo's toy. He can't interest her in anything.

But he, Asunción and Pancha try to get her to eat. Back at Leonardo's, he reiterates that David needs to continue the ruse to save the kids and trap Adolfo, despite his hatred of Adolfo and fears Gabriela will suspect him and think he's fooling around. And also despite David's revelation Adolfo plans a test of loyalty -- where he must kill someone!

Upstairs, Gabriela grouses to Julieta that it seems her dad and Leonardo are great koffee klatch pals; not to mention that new dude with them who looks like a killer more than a cop. She doesn't want to think about the fact that after all the trouble they've had, now it looks like David might have a girlfriend!

In Juan José's kitchen, Alejandra still won't eat Pancha's delicious looking soup and steak, but gratefully considers grasping the lifeline Asunción offers by way of joining them at church. Being there will make them feel closer to God and their spirits more in tune to pray for their loved ones, he counsels.

Across the way in Gabriela and David's bedroom suite, things get worse and worse when David calls her familiarly "Gabi," which she notes he never does -- and what's next, a bouquet of flowers? When he admits he was actually going to bring flowers, she exclaims he'd better bring a whole wreath of them!

David's denying all her accusations and about to calm her down just when Gabriela notices a big stain of makeup on his collar -- and cracks him a smart smack in disgust. He can only weakly claim it's his own makeup. Next day, Adolfo phones "Hernández," who's in the covert van, with the details of the meeting and warns if he doesn't show, he's toast.

Leonardo assures David they will be backing him up the whole time. At church, the four kneel to pray; with Pancha promising to go easier on her son, Asunción to deserve Caramelo more and make her proud, Juan José acknowledging his impotence despite wealth and bravery, and Alejandra bidding God's protective mantle cover the frightened children.

On the street in front of Adolfo's condo building, it turns out the man "Herández" must meet is none other than former security chief Édgar -- and his prospective mark is Juan José Victoria! Back outside the church, the sun shines and banishes storm clouds above the four supplicants who are now ready for a miracle.

In his home office, "Mario" can only ineffectually deny Gabriela's proof of makeup on David's collar; but he manages to convince her to wait and see. She exits as David enters and then Abelardo; and the three quickly connect the poisoning of Roberto to Édgar when David excitedly relates who his contact at Adolfo's turned out to be.

And not only that: the person he's supposed to assassinate is Juan José Victoria!


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Triumph of Panic - Introduction

¡Hola a Todos!

Let me introduce myself.

I am Sara.
And I'm an idiot the new recap-er (recapadora... I just made that up) for Wednesdays.

I'm a Spanish teacher living in the South. I promise I'll do my best, but Univision doesn't seem to have great closed captioning in my neck of the woods so sometimes I miss things. (Like 90% of Milagros' and JuanJo's lines...but I sort of tune them out...and LindaHO...but I pledge to you to pay closer attention.) I know, Spanish teachers should know everything. Ask me about South American and Spanish Literature, I may be able to help you. Apparently listening and speaking weren't that important waaaay back when I was studying in college.

(BTW, I use parenthetical statements a lot.)

I am looking forward to this ride. Y'all better, buckle up. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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Llena de Amor #121 (Mex. 126) Wed 2/2/11 The Big Sleep

Major Crankypants checking in here. I thought tonight was a big snooze but maybe some of you will disagree with me and we can get a red-hot discussion going. As far as actual events go, MV and Eman engage in red-hot smooches which leads to a job.
Oliver and GretelMan engage in red-hot smooches which leads to a firing. Emiliano and Netty reminisce about their red-hot smooches and he promises one day he'll break free of Fedra and marry her. And that's it for romance. The only other major scene was the General torturing Bernardo by offering him a sip of water and then pouring it out instead, while promising to keep Bad Bernie imprisoned in the basement nether regions forever.

Well, the condom ad scene just about went on forever as well. Because there were numerous interruptions. As we ended yesterday, Netty had just stormed in, full of shock and awe at the smooch scene. Tonight it was Lorenzo, raising Cain and swearing he wouldn't have his daughter disrespected like that. Once he understood it was a film for an ad and they'd lose millions if they didn't please the client, he backtracked somewhat. But not before taking Emanuel aside and warning him that if he played Ilitia dirty , he would wind up dead. Dead, you hear me?

On to calmer terrain. Netty and Emiliano are cooing over the various photoshopped pics of Marianela's wedding. Well, Emi's cooing and rumbling. Netty's lamenting that she wasn't there to share Marianela's joy and give her advice on marriage (interesting thought since Netty has never been married herself. Guess we'll have to assume that she has some extensive romantic experience though, San Antoñio notwithstanding). Emi remarks on how the important thing is that Mari has married someone successful and making a good salary. Why do we always end up talking about money?! snaps Netty. The only thing Marianela needs is love. (Take notes, folks. That telenovela key concept will be on the final.)

Back to the red-hot bed and the red-hot smooches. There are so many thought bubbles in the air, it's a wonder their lips can connect. She's thinking " I love you Emanuel." He's thinking "We can't go on hiding what we feel!" Meantime, the lips, the arms, the hands....are all busy. And presumablyy every hormone in their respective bodies are going Biiiiinnnnggggooooo!
As soon as Jorge says "Corte" (cut) though, Mari grabs her robe and races off. Emanuel has that bewildered Whassup? look on his face.

As does Brandon when he learns, listening to Muñeca's phone conversation with Ilitia, that Ms. Top Model is off to Paris. A rather poignant conversation follows as Muñeca tries to find out just what Brandon's intentions are with her daughter. Well, nothing. She's off-limits. Too fine for the likes of me. She's in the world of famous names, fine cars, pedigrees high-falutin' folks. I know my place and it's not amidst all that fuss (faramalla). I'm a street guy (callejero) and besides, she's done nothing but diss me, humiliate me and call me an animal since the day I met her. Somehow, after saying all that, Brandon looks as lovesick and wistful as ever. So let's keep our fingers crossed!

Now back to MVicky. She's twisting in the wind, determined to keep up the farce of Victoria and the "maraña de mentiras" (web of lies) she's constructed, even though Doris reminds her any 6-year-old could photoshop wedding pictures and that proves nothing. Then we have some tears and mucho whining. Her punishment for all this will be to never be able to love Emanuel even though she knows now he didn't try to poison her and didn't cheat on her with Ilitia. Ah yes, but he's betraying you NOW with Ilitia, points out Doris. Well, no...he says he hasn't touched her since the wedding. Doris looks dubious. Just then the door opens. It's Emanuel. Why are you crying? he asks. More confused looks.

After the ads, we have our one delicious treat. A little torture scene with Bernardo. The General plays it to perfection, taking a sip from the water bottle while Bernie pants and begs. Then offering it to him briefly before turning and pouring it out on the ground instead.
That was the entrée. For dessert, he promises Bernardo not just two years locked up in his den but an entire lifetime. Take that you hound! Your punishment for your vile treatment of my daughter Gretel.

Said daughter, complete with mustache and wig, is in Oliver's office and one thing leads to another and next thing you know they're rolling around on the floor kissing each other. The Comisario enters at just that time, judges that it's inappropriate and unprofessional and totally the last straw! The drunken binges, the lapses in proper police behavior (like not wearing bullet-proof vests) the late arrivals and now this!...He's sorry but this is it. Hand over your badge (placa) and your gun (arma). You're fired (despedido). Oliver is devastated.

So is Emanuel. Devastated by the power of the attraction he's feeling for Vicky and her smoldering kisses. And he felt her response as well.

E- So what's the problem? You has no commitments.
M/V- No, but I respect other people's property. And you belong to another woman.
E - Is it just me?...or do you feel what I'm feeling?
M/V - I'll never fall in love again.
E - Who hurt you? It was Jorge, right? When he married your best friend Marianela.

M/V thinks back to the pain she felt when she walked in and saw Emanuel at the altar with Ilitia and saw him marrying HER!....not ME!... Emanuel, still wondrously clueless, murmurs that if only Marianela hadn't left, Vicky could be with her Jorge right now and he'd be happily married to his gordita. So we're both tied to our past, he concludes, but maybe we should be turning to each other instead.

M/V looks like she has a headache, listening to this. And well she should. What a mess she's made of it.

Oliver too. But he's scrambling as fast as he can trying to extricate himself. You're like a father to me, Comisario, he bleats. You can't do this. But alas el Comisario can. With his tail between his legs, Oliver and his faithful Pollito trudge out. Bummer.

Back to our protagonistas. Emanuel is arguing for the relentless implacable force of Passion. We can't control this. Our kisses are like nothing in this world. This flow of soul is interrupted by an asthma attack (guess an inhaler will always be on the bedside table with this couple) and as he fumbles in Vicky's purse for that contraption, he's transported back to the time he helped Marianela find hers. After some deep gulps, M/V settles down. What a scare you gave me, Marianela! gasps Emanuel. Let's pause now while they both look impactados. Manny's brain cells are starting to whir. Your way of kissing, your fragrance, your smile, your gaze. I don't want to believe those wedding photos were doctored but there is so much resemblance. No puede ser. No puede ser! Nope, no puede...Vicky smoothly claims that she and Marianela were together so much they started acting alike. And, as a matter of fact, they met because of their mutual asthma. Lots of folks have this condition y'know. And we both suffered an attack in a class we were taking. Both had to bolt for the inhalers. Ended up laughing about it afterwards. Blah blah blah. Emanuel's on track though. Forget the asthma stories. All he knows is he wants to be with her, wants to kiss her, wants to...And as he moves in for another scorching beso, who should walk in the friggin' door but Jorge. Cool as a cucumber of course. Am I interrupting? says Mr. Urbane. Let's leave this delicate situation for a moment and get back to our middle-aged lovers, Emiliano and Netty. Equal time for the oldsters, sez I!

He's apparently explaining his failure to move ahead with the divorce from Fedra on grounds that he just too worried about his children. Gretel especially. Netty assures him Gretel is fine but she respects her wish to stay hidden for now.
Emiliano's also grateful for how Netty has helped and welcomed Axel into her life. Well, I can't help loving your children just as if they were my very own replies Netty. Oh my. Clearly these two are meant for each other. Netty will have all the joys of children and none of the stretch marks. Not a bad deal.

And not a bad deal that Jorge is offering either. He wants Emanuel and M/V, with their fantastic chemistry, to be the prototype couple for his Healthy Lifestyle campaign. They'll be a couple who motivate each other to stay fit, work out together, a mutually supportive life full of laughter and kisses. And new duds. Yep, no tired old wardrobe rags for them. He wants them to go out tomorrow morning and shop for new clothes for themselves to wear in the campaign.

After Emanuel leaves, M/V asks the question we've all been asking. Why are you practically throwing me into Emanuel's arms? she queries. Because....if nothing happens, then perhaps I have a hope that one day you will accept me at your side, reasons Jorge. He's dead wrong but hey, if it helps the plot, we'll go along with this delusional thinking.

Delusional. Now there's a good word to describe Consuelo. Here's her latest trick to ensnare Brandon. Javi, her kid, is sent down to plead her case. She's been in bed all day. Won't eat. But if Brandon will just go see her, maybe she'll perk up. The lame arm-twisting works. Consuelo, her little nose peeking over the bedsheets, pleads for Brandon to stop ignoring her.
How about the three of them going out to eat. Okay, but just as friends, cautions Brandon. And zap, just like that, Consuelo jumps out of bed, already in her glad rags...just a moment to add the earrings and she's good to go. Oh my. Let's bring back Ilitia from Paris pronto!

There are three other people out to eat in a restaurant (will it be the same one? I doubt it) Jorge, M/V and Netty are supping in an upscale place, ready to sample a fine Spanish wine Mr. Ubanity recommends, and exchanging mutual compliments. Netty still doesn't understand why Marianela hasn't put in an appearance. When M/V starts to explain, she insists that she let Mari's husband answer instead. Which Jorge does quite gracefully. Yes, Mari is in Mexico but not in Mexico City. She's taking a vacation, a bit of a retreat, in order to think things over and to summon the strength to face her family again. But, she did give me this present for you, he adds, handing over a book about Modern Techniques of Acting. Netty playfully bristles and asks if they're trying to tell her she's outdated, behind the times (caduca). No, no...this is just something new they thought might interest her. Well what interests her is whether or not Marianela is happy. Ah, replies Jorge, I'll be frank. She is right now trying to decide if she wants me beside her or if she is still in love with Emanuel. Cue big impactados eyes for Miss Netty.

Now we find ourselves back at the mansion, enjoying both Nereida and Fedra's discomfiture at Bernardo's absence. They're rifling through his chest of drawers but nothing is missing. Fedra does the required clothes sniffing number. Truly I do not understand this but it's always symbolic of deep affection and distress. Which has its limits. Stop sniveling, Fedra snaps at Nereida. Now I'm gonna have to go off and distract myself. You've upset me!

Clearly it's the next morning, because Emanuel and M/V, clad in some skin-tight well....tights,
are gazing up at a clothing store....the very same store where M/V in her gordita era, was humiliated by Ilitia and Kristel. Emanuel is tapping into the same memories as he remembers mistakenly barging into Mari's dressing room instead of Ilitia's. And I'm remembering how much I hated this show at the beginning with all the fat jokes. But moving on...M/V starts to model some clothing for Eman. First a skin-tight beige knit number. I think it's smashing. Emanuel doesn't. Then an equally skin-tight fussy black number. Negative. I'm not familiar with various Latino gestures, but one Emanuel is making, a back and forth wave under his chin, reminds me of a French gesture which means "boring". He does a another circular motion with his hand which I'm guessing means "so-so". But I'm not sure. Jarocha, are you out there? Help us if you know.

Meanwhile, help is on the way back at the boarding house. Oliver is grieving the loss of his job but thinking he could maybe work as a taxi driver or a guard (velador). In sails Netty, delighted to see our two lovers and chortling that what the world needs is more Kisses, more Love! Well those kisses got him fired, laments Gretel. Esto no se queda asi! (fig. This ain't gonna happen!) yelps Netty. That's discrimination. We'll soon take care of that!

So where do we stand now? Back at the clothing shop I mean. Well, seems M/V is trying on a bathing suit. She's concerned it's too small. Emanuel argues for world peace and conservation. Gotta save material doncha know? C'mon out. Don't be shy. She does. He babbles. Loses his breath. Babbles some more. Eyes glaze over. Asks her to turn around. More babbling. Walks around her himself. Babble babble babble.

And in walks Mama Fedra. Shocked. But not speechless. Emanuel, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!?
And with that deep philosophical question, we end.


Gladiola asks Brandon if he wants "cuernitos" for dinner. I think this is a play on words. "Cuernos", horns, signifies infidelity. "Cuernitos" I think are like croissants. Guess she's giving him grief for going out with Consuelo.
And Lorenzo is still trying to do some red-hot smooching of his own with Kristel. Eeeewwwww. My eyes!

faramalla = fuss
callejero = street guy, naco
maraña de mentiras = tangle of lies, web of lies
me dejó mal = left me bad off, devastated me, bothered me....Emanuel, talking about the power of his kisses with Vicky filming the ad
ota jalón = another pull....Emanuel, urging Vicky to take another gulp from her inhaler
tino = judgment, good sense, tact, sensitivity...Netty, praising the aptness of Marianela's gift to her
caduca = outdated, behind the times, expired
velador = watchman, guard
esto no se queda asi = fig. we won't put up with that. no way!
cuernitos = croissants?
placa = badge
arma = weapon, gun

Dicho of the Day

Quien de su casa se aleja, no la halla como la deja. He who leaves his house will not find it the same when he returns. (Could apply to Ilitia who has left for Paris, leaving Emanuel and M/V to give free rein to their passion.....perhaps? We shall see.)


La Fea Más Bella #195-196 2/2/11 Lety is back from Acapulco and Fernando is back from the dead.

Capitulo 195.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Sorry this is so long. I’ve tried to cover all the important points from the meeting because it establishes the new world order.

Marcia remembers how mean she was to Lety. She’s sure Lety will refuse to help them. Ali tells Marcia how superior she is to Lety, but Mar reminds her that regardless, Fern fell in love with Lety.

A light shines on Fernando's gloom.
Lety enters the board room. Fernando can’t take his eyes off her. But he’s ashamed for what he did, and he’s kept at bay by her coldness. Lety is very nervous to be sitting across from him, especially because he keeps looking at her. He runs out to the washroom to say her name, kiss her picture, and burn off a little excitement. “Mi Lety.”

Guillermo (Gui) wants to promote Mexican cuisine internationally, and he wants Aldo to front the campaign because he’s the perfect man for the job.

No more fighting!
Humberto tells the board to lay aside the rancor and put Conceptos back on its feet (does that mean he’ll stop treating his son like slime?). Ariel asks Lety her price for rescuing the company. Lety can’t answer without her lawyer. Marcia wants Conceptos lawyers there too. Humberto says the lawyers are only there to keep the process legal.

Lety’s position.
Sanchez says that Lety needs to be in charge of the financial management of Conceptos. Lety looks apprehensive and Ariel objects. Fernando smiles because he knows she’s more than capable, and he’s glad she’ll finally have a chance to show her skills and do the class of work she deserves.

Ariel assumes Lety demanded to manage Conceptos in exchange for her cooperation. Lety corrects; she wants to stay as far away as possible. Sanchez corrects Lety; her name is on Conceptos, so she needs to stay involved to protect her interests. Marcia objects; does Sanchez think they’ll try to cheat FI if Lety’s not there? Sanchez stands firm; Lety has every right to supervise and insure that her asset is managed properly. Fern watches proudly as Lety confidently stands up to the board and says she doesn’t want to interact with them.

Ariel says they just have to send reports to Lety periodically. Fernando tells Ariel that FI handles all Conceptos’ financial obligations. Fernando returns from the dead, with his old energy and vigor! How I’ve missed him!!! Lety is as excited as I am to see him alive again, but she quickly remembers that she’s not supposed to feel that way. Fern tells Ariel that as such, the president of FI is more important than that of Conceptos.

Aldo can’t wait to see Lety. Caro tries to tell him that now’s not a good time because she’s in the midst of the storm. Besides, he said he was going to give Lety time to get over Fernando. Aldo doesn’t really care whether it’s a good time or bad time for Lety; he just wants to see her RIGHT NOW. Do I detect a smudge on his ultra-white hat?

The President.
Ariel says they need to select a president for FI who will also head Conceptos (I wonder if he had anyone in mind). Lety quickly asserts that she has the right to make the choice, and she asks Humberto to serve. Marcia agrees. The moment Fernando points out that the president is the one who negotiates with the banks, Humberto refuses vigorously – his shame over their position with the banks is Humberto’s big hot button. I wonder if Fernando derailed him on purpose?

MSM says their position is precarious. The banks saw that their recovery was working. Conceptos must run the business as before, or the banks will refuse to work with them. Lety must continue to have a prominent role in the company. Fernando loves that! Lety refuses to return to the way it was before – that’s intolerable. Fernando knows why, and he hangs his head. MSM says that if Lety is not at the front of FI, the banks will distrust them and might restart their legal action. Lety flatly refuses to be an employee of Conceptos. MSM chuckles. No, her position will change. Ariel refuses to accept that. Humberto invites anyone to propose a better solution, and there’s none. Humberto designates Lety as the new president of Conceptos.

Marcia resigns. Lety tries to stop her. She hasn’t yet accepted the presidency. Marcia says, “I’m no fool. This (both of them staying) would kill us. This is the only way to save the company. As such, you stay. I’ll leave, to keep the promise we made.” This is too much for Lety. She steps out of the meeting too. Teresita whines. They can’t possibly let Marcia quit and give Lety the presidency. Humberto tells her to suck it up.

Salesman of the Year, Round 2.
In the presidencia, Lety tells Humberto she can’t be president in these conditions. She doesn’t want to see Fernando nor Omar. Marcia quit. Ariel and Teresita want her gone. And he (Humberto) probably isn’t wild about the idea, either. Humberto says, “It’s an infierno, but it’s one you and my son created, so you need to fix it. The presidency is not a reward for what you did. No, it’s the price you should pay. If you really want to save the company, do what I ask. Do you hate Conceptos so much? What do you want? What can we do so you’ll accept?”

Capitulo 196.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Humberto tells Ariel he sent Lety home to lunch so Erasmo would convince her to accept the presidency. Sneaky! But instead Aldo intercepts her outside Conceptos.

2. Fern visits PG. He orders whiskey but changes it to water. He tells PG he couldn’t take his eyes off Lety; she’s so beautiful. He confirms PG’s suspicion that every day, he loves Lety more. But he didn’t know Lety was coming back, and he got back with Marcia. Maybe he was wrong, but he thought that relationship deserved a chance.

3. Lety tells Aldo she doesn’t want to go back to Conceptos, but she feels obligated. Aldo laughs scornfully at the idea of obligation and tells Lety her only obligation is to be happy and free, and enjoy life. (Okay, sign me up for the Aldo-haters club horita mismo!) She’ll feel guilty if she abandons Conceptos. He decides it’s not the time to tell her he loves her.

4. The lounge lady sings, “My pain and fear are finished. I’ll get rid of fear, everything that got in my way, and erase your name.” Fern asks if Lety will let him explain what happened and that he’s hopelessly in love with her. He’s dying because she’s not with him. PG tells Fern he will quit and go far away from what his life was, to know himself. Fern says there is no way he can quit Conceptos.

5. Aldo almost walks into Fern’s car. Aldo remembers Fern as the drunk with the car on the beach.

6. Fern comes up behind Lety in the vortex, and she backs away from him. Lety tells Mama that she’ll accept the presidency because she’d feel awful if she didn’t. Mama says this her chance to show off what she’s made of. Tom tells her she’ll make a great president. Pop is shocked and bursts with pride.

7. Lety names her conditions. She wants her term to be as brief as possible so she needs the conditions that will allow her to succeed. 1. She can to make decisions independently. 2. Fernando (not Don Fernando) does not give her orders. 3. Ariel treats her with respect. 4. Tomás is made an executive. 5. Marcia stays or the deal is off.

8. Humberto the master salesman reminds Marcia how much she loves Conceptos, and he pushes Marcia’s hot button, telling how her father could die in peace because he knew Marcia would fill his shoes in his absence. He tells her Lety’s conditions, and Marcia is sure it’s because Lety wants to take her revenge, but Humberto corrects her. Further, he says it would break her father’s heart if he knew she resigned. That’s the zinger; Marcia agrees to stay.

9. Camil hides behind his hand as he laughs at the HaHA’s, but the camera insists. Sanchez says they must meet at the court in the morning, with legal representatives of both companies, Lety and Fern. I love that little boy smile! Fern looks like he was named to play Tom Sawyer in the school play against Lety’s Becky Thatcher (Tom kisses Becky in the play).


Eva Luna #62 Tue 2/1/11 An episode full of tears and idiots.

Eva Luna, Feb 1, 2011—Episode 62. An episode full of tears and idiots.

Idiot Man doesn't anticipate that the bruja that he's chosen for a bride will not be a good stepmother for his little Laurita. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

We rewind with Don Julio talking with his lawyer, who confirms that criminal charges against Eva have been dropped and Marcela's bank accounts have been "thawed" (unfrozen).

Marisol shows up at Daniel's mansion and wants to see Francisco. Jacky greets her and stalls on explaining where Francisco is. Marisol says she has nothing else to do so she'll wait at the house.

Meanwhile the idiot Daniel and Icky are at the wedding reception. Daniel is thinking of Laurita and Icky spews some garbage about how they'll all get along and Laurita will come to accept her. I'm nauseated.

Marcela and Leo are at the wedding reception and are happy. (Nobody cares!) Anyway, Marcela is telling Leo that she arranged for a discreet wedding so that Eva wouldn't get wind of it and kick them all out of the house. Leo tells Marcela how he's almost scammed stupid Alicia into thinking he loves her, and that once he's got Alicia, he'll find Eva. They're both crowing over their supposed triumphs.

Tony is alone with Alicia at the pension and he looks like he has bad intentions. Alicia is terrified.

We cut to Marisol and Jacky talking. Marisol is very transparently asking about the rooms in the house, sounding like the gold digger that she is. Jacky is increasingly uncomfortable and finally says that she must tell Marisol something important.

Back to a terrified Alicia and a creepy Tony. It boils down to him warning her that Leo is not sincere (totally the truth) and then professing his love for her, which she doesn't believe, but then he seems so earnest that she is wavering.

Jacky is almost going to tell Marisol the truth when Francisco interrupts! DRAT! More nauseating scenes between them. WhatEVER.

Tony is now crying about everything and asking forgiveness and Alicia seems moved. But she says she won't be his girlfriend. Tony again warns her against Leo as he leaves with tears streaming down his face.

Nonsense between Marisol and Francisco talking about travel agencies and wedding arrangements. So totally don't care.

Marisol wants to know what Jacky was going to tell her. Jacky stammers and says it was nothing. Francisco assures Marisol that it was nothing, that Jacky is always making up stuff.

Nauseating triumph between Bimbutt and Leo the Slime at the wedding reception.

Marisol has to leave, she left the taxi guy out there and it's going to cost! As Marisol and Franciso rush out, Jacky says to herself that Francisco is going to have a lot of problems when his lies are uncovered.

A quick scene with Eva thought-bubbling how she wants Daniel to suffer for all he's done and she can't love, never will love.

Happy filler scene between Don Ricardo and a happy Justa as he flirts with her as she cuts vegetables in the kitchen.

Don Julio tells Eva the good news—criminal charges have been dropped. Julio explains that Marcela dropped the charges, not Daniel. Eva thanks Don Julio for all he's done.

At Don Julio's hideaway, we see that Tia Tilda is having trouble with the TV remote and he sits next to her and helps her out. (Does anyone suspect what I'm suspecting will be in the future for these two?) Julio asks Tilda what's up with Eva crying. He asks Tilda to find out.

The World's Most Idiotic Man (Danny) is talking to his Bruja Bimbutt "wife" at home. He's engrossed in his laptop. She reminds him that they've got to leave soon. She thoughtbubbles that she doesn't know why he's so preoccupied with that brat, his daughter, but no worries, she'll get the girl out soon.

Tilda's pressing Eva for info on the crying. She says it's because she found out that The World's Most Idiotic Man married the Bimbutt. Eva then says adamantly that she hates Daniel! HATES him. Protesting too much, obviously.

Laurita is trotted in by Jacky to see the "happy couple." She hugs her dad but seems quite reluctant to deal with the Bimbutt Bruja. Said Bimbutt makes some totally bogus speech about how they'll be friends, get along, blah blah blah. Laurita is too smart for this. She turns to leave and apparently she used a bad word and Idiot Man scolds her and tells her that's not the way. She retorts, "What is the way? To marry someone you don't love?" Speak it, Laurita.

Some filler scene with Justa cooking from a recipe.

Laurita tells it all. Idiot Man married Bruja because he was angry with Eva. Idiot Man gets mad but Laurita makes a hasty exit. Bruja feigns understanding. She assures Idiot Man that the girl is going through a phase and will eventually accept it.

Daniel (Idiot Man) scolds his daughter for being truthful. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Cute filler scene between Don Ricardo and Justa regarding the "question" (aka proposal) he asked her. She says don't rush her and gives him the eye and flirts with him. He seems happy.

Idiot Man and Bimbut Bruja are sent off by Evil Marcela and Evil son and they get in the car to go on honeymoon. Idiot Man looks anything but happy, but I don't feel sympathy for Idiot Man because he's an idiot and totally deserves all this misery.

Eva is telling Tia Tilda that she's off to the pharmacy (hopefully to get a pregnancy test!) and is able to tell Tilda that the charges have been dropped but not by Daniel aka Idiot Man.

Idiot Man and Bruja Bride are in the limo and stopped somewhere where of COURSE Eva happens to walk by. Bruja sees Eva and makes a big show of kissing Idiot Man so Eva can see. Eva hides behind something and looks shocked and then resolved. Idiot Man has no idea what just went down.

Eva looks distressed after witnessing the Bimbutt Bruja kissing her Idiot Man groom in the car.  (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Adrian meets up with Laurita and they share their news. His useless dad and her Idiot Dad and all the combined idiocy of their parents.

Eva apparently hightailed it back home to tell Tia Tilda how she saw Idiot Man and Bruja kissing in the car. Eva is crying.

Laurita and Adrian again. Adrian is talking about how he's wanting to study but what can he do.

Eva sniffing and vowing to Tia Tilda that she'll get revenge on Daniel. She talks about the love that will not die. Whatever. More resolved looks from Eva.

Bimbutt Bruja and Idiot Man at Fake Florida L.A.X. She wants to shop on the boat? Whatever. Don't care.

Bruja on the phone with Leo telling him how she saw Eva. He's going to see about finding her and is all perked up that an Eva Spotting has occurred in Fake Florida-based L.A.

Don Julio has a chat with Eva and warns her that she must not let Evil Marcela know where she is, because even though the charges are dropped, Marcela wants to protect her interests and Eva is at risk. Eva then says the she saw Bruja Bimbutt Icky on the street.

At Fake Florida-based L.A.X., the flight was delayed and it looks like Idiot Man is freely drinking of the liquor as Bruja looks content.

That drink won't help you forget that you married a crazy freak, Idiot Man. (Click on image to see much larger version.)

Don Julio warns Eva that he shouldn't talk to Alicia because she's probably being watched and the evil ones could locate Eva that way.

An elated Don Ricardo looks delighted at the colorful dinner table that Justa has set. Flirty happiness. He presses her for an answer and she says that a lot of garbage has gone down in her life and she won't make hasty decisions right now.

Eva thoughtbubbling about how she is separated from Daniel, or whatever. Missed the plot here. It's more of the same, I think.

A resigned-looking Daniel goes to boat with Bruja Bride.

A cool scene where Eva is studying English with a distinguished-looking black man.

We cut back and forth between English studying and Idiot Man on the cruise ship. Idiot Man manages to call little Laurita and chat with her and looks genuinely happy for the first time this episode.

More cruise ship location scenes with Idiot Man and Bruja. Interspersed with scenes of Eva getting etiquette lessons. No elbows on table, please. We are to assume that this montage of scenes shows a passage of time. A few weeks, maybe? I can't imagine that they'd be on the cruise for too long, but who knows.

Etiquette for Eva (Click on image to see much larger version)

Idiot Man drinking alcohol on cruise ship. Eva learning the computer. Idiot Man looking unhappy and resigned on cruise ship. Computer lessons for Eva. Computer lessons in English. Bruja and Idiot Man dancing. Idiot Man looking unhappy. Lots of unhappy Idiot Man. Brief happy moment for Idiot Man as they win money on a slot machine, but back again to Unhappy Idiot Man. You deserve to be unhappy, Idiot Man.

You brought this upon yourself, Idiot Man. (Click on image to see larger version)

Now we stop and have a nice scene of Eva being congratulated by Don Julio about who much she's learned. She reads and writes better. She reads and writes better in English. She has learned some of the social niceties. Don Julio looks younger himself.

Her new class starts with some tutor lady who I suspect does not speak Spanish as her first language.

Suddenly we are with Marisol and Giorgio walking in a mall and talking. Something about money for the wedding preparations. Giorgio, being sensible and not an Idiot Man, says this doesn't sound right. Marisol looks at him like he's an idiot. No dear, look in the mirror if you want to see an idiot.

Eva at home being studious and suddenly she has a dizzy spell. We all know what this means. She didn't get that pregnancy test at the pharmacy. Tia Tilda is there to help her gracefully pass out on a couch and then to fuss over her.

End of episode!

Video clips hopefully coming in the morning or afternoon!


Llena de Amor #120 (Mex. 125) Tue 2/1/11 Remember, kids: no party hat, no party.

Hard to tell how we get the message from the ad they’re shooting…Kristel’s and Mau’s video makes a much more compelling argument for latex.
This is going to be a quickie…I have to leave really early in the morning for a work trip, and I still need to pack.
At the restaurant, Jorge and Emanuel accuse each other of not having married their one true loves. Eman says Jorge’s into Victoria. Jorge says Eman’s obviously still hung up on Marianela. MariVicky finally gets tired of hearing how everyone loves her and tells them it’s a pointless argument. They’re both married. Now back to business. How does Emanuel know so much about weight loss? Why did he study it? He says because Marianela was everything to him, and he wanted her to be healthy so they could live long, long lives together.
Emanuel talks about getting Mari up early for exercise. We see it in flashbacks, with the utterly necessary mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after Mari tripped and Eman fell on top of her. Victoria smiles and says she remembers…uh, being told this story by Marianela, of course. Jorge tells Emanuel to move on. Eman says he knows his gordita hates him, although he still loves her. Jorge says she isn’t YOUR gordita anymore. Emanuel sniffles and assures them that from now on, that chapter of his life is closed. He’ll forget about her. MariVicky wipes away a tear.
They go back to the agency, Emanuel bizarrely hovering over MV as they walk, like he’s trying to sniff her hair or something. She tells Jorge she’s learned a lot working with Emanuel. Eman wonders why she’s being so nice to him. She suggests they start over again, as friends. They shake on it, Eman standing back and reaching way out suspiciously, waiting for the trick.
Meanwhile, in the studio, the crew has been setting up a romantic bedroom scene. Jackie chases André onto the set and trashes it and yells at him. Lowrenzo chews her out for the unprofessional behavior.
Doris tries to fix Jackie’s makeup while the models yell at each other. André’s sick of the jealous fits and wants to break up. Jackie says she’ll kill him first. Doris says they don’t have to make up, but the makeup is a must, so leave the killing until she’s done.
Emiliano comes to the studio and takes Eman and Jorge away for businessy stuff, leaving MariVicky unguarded in time for Malicio to walk in. Mauron gives MV roses. She reminds him that she’ll have nothing to do with him until he ditches Kristel at the altar. MV coldly shoves the roses back at him and tells him not to interrupt her work. On his way out, Fonskanka smoothly regifts the roses to Jackie and tells her she’s the most beautiful woman ever. André tells her she’s even worse than he is with the flirting, and he gets beaten with the roses.
Meanwhile, bride-to-not-be Kristel is in Lowrenzo’s office, reading a lurid tabloid report of the video viewing. Low tries to remember to throw a little sympathy into his pervy commiseration. Mostly he’s bummed he didn’t get to see it. Kristel starts describing it to him. “Like this?” he tries to act it out, clutching her against him. No, not quite, she says, scooting around to the other side of the desk to get away from him, but continuing her flushed recounting of the passionate intensity. Low tries hard to stay network-legal.
He doesn’t try for long, though. Next we see them, he’s sliming all over Kristel, trying to kiss her. He tells her Agent Orange is selfish and doesn’t appreciate her; she needs his expert dirty-old-man lurvin’. She feebly objects…he’s her mother’s lover and all… Low doesn’t care, and gets her in a torrid embrace just as Malicio walks in.
Kristel claims they were just talking about their commercial, and Low was getting something out of her eye. Mau isn’t fooled, being an expert on pervy rapeyness and all. He throws Kristel out of the office so he can privately yell at Low for losing the stolen money and hitting on his novia. Low asks why he’s marrying Kristel, anyway…it’s gotta be either money, or some other dame. And since the engagement happened just as Garduño got out of prison, Low is convinced Mau and Garduño have a scheme going, and he’s furious to be left out of it. Also, he knows Mau has the hots for Victoria, and threatens to tell Emil about Mau’s extracurricular activities. Malicio agrees to let Low’s low behavior slide.
Over at the big house, Fedra and Nereida cry because Bernardo is nowhere to be found. Woe is them. But more woe is Bernie, and I couldn’t be happier about it. He’s still tied to the chair in the basement, and a rat is gnawing on his nethers. Delightful.
Paula and Delicia are at the supermarket. Delicia is tired; they’ve been shopping for a long time. She’s starting to think Paula is dilly-dallying on purpose. A voice comes on the loudspeaker, calling Delicia to another area of the store. She’s confused but heads over. Axel pops out of a tower of paper products.
Axel and Delicia sing and dance around the store, and he gives her flowers from a display. She smiles, but argues that he’s rich and she’s poor, and it will never work out. The loudspeaker comes on again: “Señorita Delicia, please accept the flowers.” “Stay out of it!” Delicia yells to the ceiling. Axel puts her hand on his chest so she can feel how fast his heart is beating when he’s with her. She says that’s sweet, but this is just a game that will end. Axel gets down on one knee and asks her if she wants to marry him. Delicia looks stunned, slowly breaks into a quivering big smile, and says, “…no.”
Delicia marches through the clothing department as Axel hustles after her. The loudspeaker pipes up: “Señorita Delicia, why don’t you want to marry your novio?” “Stop being a metiche!” she yells at the ceiling. Axel tells her he really wants to be married to her, even if she wants to keep it a secret. He yells so everyone can hear that he loves her. She says that’s hardly keeping it a secret. Then she whispers to him that she’s never…you know. He says it’s his first time, too…being in love. Loudspeaker: “Señorita Delicia, stop being so difficult!”
Delicia finally kisses her handsome prince, and the shoppers all cheer.
The police are staking out the Dollhouse, like they’re going to catch anything sneaky going down when you can see police swarming like flies. Brandon tells Tejeda that Fidel’s family owns a bodega that is available for rent. It was empty, but for the last few months it’s been rented by Emanuel Ruiz y de Teresa.
Inside, Muñeca has been raving to Flora about the second honeymoon she’s been enjoying with Lowrenzo, thanks to El Lirio. She thinks he’ll change and everything will be different now. Flora diplomatically bites her tongue and says, “eh, maybe.” But Muñeca is not thrilled about the police presence. Flora says not to worry, the money is well hidden. Muñeca asks Fidel why the police suspected him. He says they’re just clueless. She says if he knew anything about El Lirio, he’d tell her, RIGHT? Fidel says he’s got to go take the medicines to the orphanage.
Brandon goes into the Dollhouse and tells Muñeca that Emanuel is the number-one suspect. He’s the only one with the skills and the access for what El Lirio has pulled off. He wants Muñeca’s help to get evidence. She’s saved by the phone…it’s Ilitia, calling from the plane to tell her about the job in Paris she’s on her way to. Brandon is of course super-interested in that. Muñeca asks him exactly what his intentions are.
Now back to the A plot: It’s time to film the condom advert. In the studio, André and Jackie are in the silky red bed surrounded by candles, and Emanuel is behind the monitors hollering for megapasión and not getting it. André insists that he’s a professional, so it doesn’t matter that he and Jackie are fighting; they’ll get the job done. Another take. No heat. Emanuel and MariVicky are getting frustrated. Jorge comes in and remarks that the actors seem tense and cold.
Emanuel and MV get up and demonstrate to André and Jackie what they want. Love. Desire. Connection. Jorge stands back, smugly stroking his chin as he watches them.
Another take. It stinks. Jorge says André and Jackie suck. Cut. Jorge offers to take over and direct this ad, no charge. Emanuel is insulted that he thinks he can do better, and says to prove it, then. Jorge takes off his jacket and says first thing, they need new models. How about you two? Emanuel and MV are horrified. No!
Of course, the next thing we know, Eman and MV are in robes, getting their makeup done. Emanuel protests that they’re not models and have no experience, and he’s really uncomfortable about writhing around nearly nekkid with his coworker. Jorge says but they’ve got the right appearance of love, passion, desire, feeling. Just do a screen test and then we’ll decide. MV looks very annoyed at Jorge.
Jorge coaches Eman and MV on the scene. Emil stands by and looks concerned. Luthes, cámera, acthión. MV strolls to the bed and climbs in next to her waiting paramour and they look uncomfortable and almost kiss. Cut. Eman thinks he needs breath spray. André supplies it, along with a smirk. Take two. They repeat the action to the same point, which is where MV decides SHE needs some breath spray. Take three. This time they go for it.
Do they ever go for it. The smooching goes on for a loooooong time. Emil comments to Jorge that they are so professional. Jorge agrees that in all his directing experience, he’s never seen such a real-looking kiss. Doris silently frets that Emanuel is going to realize it’s Mari, and she drops her powder, making a loud noise and disrupting the filming. Jorge says they’ll do another take. MV and Eman pretend to be put out by this.
Jorge convinces his models that the ad needs a good ending (?). They agree to one more take. While they’re hot and heavy again, Netty walks into the studio and loudly demands to know what’s going on. Isn’t she an actress? Doesn’t she see the cameras and the whole crew standing around?
Netty is introduced to Jorge, and she raves at length about the handsomeness and manliness of her niece’s awesome husband while Emanuel stews in jealousy. Jorge slings back the praise, so they get on like a house on fire. Emil gets Netty out of the studio by offering to show her Marianela’s wedding pictures.
Take 5…
Avances: Emanuel realizes that Victoria is Marianela.


Triunfo del Amor #22 2/1/11 Fashion Show Success Gets Max an After Party

Victoria and Bernarda do their fighting over Victoria's daughter, who is also Bernarda's blood. Bernie will NEVER accept the "bastard" child. Victoria thinks one day, her daughter will hear her grandma's words and hate her. I'm thinkin someone's gonna hear Victoria's words and divorce her!

Max comes down instead to see what the commotion is about. Why so much screaming? Victoria throws Bernarda out, and Max wants explanations. Who was that lady? Victoria says it's not important, and she leaves to prepare for the show. Max looks unconvinced...and HOT! Sorry, I couldn't help it.

At the Casa de Modas, Pepino is blabbin about the show. They're going to be competing with some pretty competent people. He's confident of his own skills though. He puts on some hilarious glasses.

Padre is telling JP that he should forget the past. At times, he seems like he questions his priesthood. JP says nothing and nobody will make him leave his job.

Maria puts on her mascara. Pepino talks about how spectacular everything needs to be.

Max is in a robe (drool), dreaming about Maria Desamparada and how lovely she is.

Everyone tells Maria how beautiful she is. Victoria arrives and comments on how precious Maria looks too. She takes Maria's hand to see her nail polish, and notices the ring on her finger. She asks Maria to come to the side a minute, and she asks about the ring. Maria doesn't know what to say. Victoria advises her to hold off on relationships right now. She tells her not to lose her life over a fling, and she flips the ring over. They smile at each other.

The models arrive in a hotel room with Pepino. Maria wonders whether all of the girls will stay here. The jealous one says, no just her and Maria. Greattttt. Flowers arrive for Maria at the door, and everyone asks who they're from. The note says "Mucho Exito" in the GIRLIEST of handwriting. It was probably the florist that wrote it. Anyways, the other girls are happy for her, and leave with Pepino. The jealous one stays behind and goes to the bathroom to freshen up after she gives Maria some mouth about being the star of the show.

Milagros is using some cards to determine Linda's future. She tells Linda that someone misses her (?). She wonders who, but Linda plays innocent.

Maria is still marveling over the roses when there's a knock at the door. Surprise! It's Max with a bunch of besos and good luck wishes. She thanks him for the flowers, but tells him enough with the kisses. She fills him in on Victoria's advice. Aventura? Max asks. This is not a fling, he says with more kisses. They split in an instant when the jealous model pops out of the bathroom, and I finally hear her name; it's Maya. Max wishes them both luck and leaves.

JP is still lamenting over his child. Padre tells him he's one of the best priests he's ever met...I feel like arguing that, but I'll leave it alone. JP says that what he did as a man is ruining his conscious as a priest.

Victoria's lookin good in red, oh, but then she speaks. More regrets and remorses. She feels like only Antonieta and Padilla know her for who she is. The man she loves and is married to doesn't even know her, and this could separate them.

Osvaldo thinks of making love to Victoria. He smiles and tells himself how much he loves her. Then he has a flashback of doin' it with Linda, and he wonders why he remembers her.

Linda's still hospitalized. She cries that Osvaldo's going to pay.

Max and Fabian arrive at the show location. They take their seats, and Max comments that he's nervous for Maria.

Victoria admires Maria's beauty, and Maria admires Victoria. Vicki tells Maria to have control of her body and mind. Confidence is everything. No need to be nervous. To a klutz like me, that sounds hard, but Maria says she'll do exactly like Victoria says. They have a sweet hug.

Antonieta's on stage, welcoming the audience, and introducing the new, star model, Maria Desamparada. That makes Max smile. Maria walks out in a blue gown, and Max is entranced. I freakin' love it when WL winks.

Some guy on stage introduces Luciano's line. More models walk.

Nati is with Linda at the hospital. She wishes she could see Maria model. Linda wishes she could have been there because Osvaldo the millionaire will probably be there. Juan Jo's at the door. They hug and act all cuddly in front of Nati and then make a plan to watch a horror movie. Juan Jo stupidly wonders why Nati left. Idk, maybe because you guys acted like she wasn't even in the room! Did Juan Jo even say hi to her?

Nati's in the waiting room, crying about how she loves Juan Jo. She looks cute without the glasses. Make over would be pretty darn easy.

More models. Clapping. Fabian notes that the competition looks tough. Max agrees but has full faith in Maria Desamparada.

Some gal tells Nati to stay strong. Nati thanks her and runs off.

Juan Jo the idiot is asking Linda why Nati doesn't like horror movies. She ran like a chicken. Linda assures him that Nati probably went to the bathroom and will be back. She screams cause the movie's SO scary, and she scares JJ.

Milagros and the old guy are watching the desfile on TV. She's hitting on him while marveling that none of the models are as beautiful as Maria Desamparada. More talking.

Linda and Juan Jo kiss, but Linda decides to push him away from her. Nurse is at the door and says visiting hours are over. JJ promises to come tomorrow.

Maria is getting compliments from Victoria. Vicki asks if Maria's nervous. Nope; she was born to do this. Victoria likes that answer. They exchange loving smiles.

Looks like Osvaldo's at home. Linda calls him in one of the most annoying voices I've ever had the displeasure of hearing and wishes him goodnight and threatens to blackmail him.

Ya know, after spending all day Monday through Friday at school, going from one side of campus to the other, I get tired of even seeing the models walking. Geesh, it's a fashion show. I get the picture.

Fer walks in with that thing she calls her boy friend. For some reason or another, Max and Fabian both wish that Fabian was with her.

Oscar sees Padilla. He goes to the back and asks Victoria if Osvaldo's there. He's not because he doesn't like for the media to focus on him at Vicki's event. Oscar lets her know that Fer, Her boy friend, and boy friend's dad are here. Vicky goes to confront Padilla, and Antonieta sends Oscar to follow her.

Nevermind. Vicki is talking to Fer. Fer says she's been obedient and thinks she deserves to be able to bring her boy friend here. She adds that no matter how hard she tries, she'll never please Victoria.

Oscar forbids Padilla from intervening between mother and daughter. Max stands up to see what's going on, but Fabian tells him to stay put.

Max goes to wish Maria good luck. Yep. Those kisses must give some luck. Antonieta and Pipino catch them makin' out behind some clothes racks. Really slick, Max. Pepino says they're lucky Victoria didn't see them. Max tries to comfort Maria and gives her a few more kisses before Antonieta wipes the lipstick off his hot face and sends him away.

Maria doesn't know what to say. Antonieta and Pepino try to convince her to stay away from Max.

Vicki tells Fer whateva'. Even though she hates her boy friend and his dad.

Maria's introduced on stage. Victoria tells Fer that Maria looks amazing. Fer doesn't like her. She gave her good advice once, but that's all. Apparently, Maria thinks she's a queen. Victoria says she IS a queen. Fer notes that Vicki's acting like a proud mother.

Pepino and Antonieta talk way too loud about Max's secret. They don't say Maria's name, but Maya's listening. Vicki returns and has Oscar announce that she's really proud and will reward their work. Yay. Vicki asks where Maria is. She's getting dressed.

Guillermo calls Osvaldo. He wishes him luck in his shooting and is really happy for him.

Pepino, Antonieta, and Victoria stare at Maria happily. We don't see her yet.

Tell me it's the last round! Yep. Ok, keep the models comin'. Maria! I must say that although she looks very nice in the wedding gown, it was over-hyped. Max is happy anyways. He looks very in love with her. Victoria and Pepino are called on stage. Vicki hugs Maria. Max looks at Maria and says, now that's a woman. Oh wait, they won? Duh, Cielo.

Bernarda is cursing Victoria and remembering her encounter with Vicki at the Casa de Modas. Suddenly, she remembers a fire and goes bonkers, shouting "NO, NO!" Tomasa runs in, but Bernarda crazily kicks her out. Freakin sociopath.

Pepino walks into Maria's and Maya's room, and they wonder why he didn't knock. Well, he dresses them and is like their brother. Blah. Blah. Maya's leaving, and Maria considers going home as well.

Oh, but Max is at the door to surprise her. He brings champagne. He came for a private celebration. Wink. Wink. He wants to celebrate her success. She modestly says it's everyone's success. Kisses and champagne...Did I forget to mention Maria's in a night dress?

It's late. Nati wonders why Maria's not back home. She hopes she's okay.

Maria is happily sitting at Max's side, talking about the lighting, music, and applause; it was like a dream. [Maybe it's just me, but I'd at least let my roomies know how the show went if not tell them I'd be home late.] Maria's so happy. Max is really happy for her too. Cheers. Maria wishes she could pause time and be with Max forever. She can spend the night with him, he says. Maria asks if he understands what he's saying. Hell yes he does. Ew. Cheesy music and close ups. Where's the theme song? ...ah, ok. There it is. Now, it's romantic. Kisses and te amos. The shiny star effect is a turn off; I'm taking astronomy and think the stars are beautiful as they are. Anyways, once everything stops glittering, it's romantic and lovely...yeh, it's gettin' hot in here as Maria gives in to Max. I don't blame her.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak, in a suit, without a suit, I don't even care!


La Verdad Oculta EP96 02/01/2011 – Lesson of the day: never mess with Pumpkinhead, Psycho Eddie, Mina and the Genovéses

* After a short panic attack Gabriela pulls a Hermione Granger and explains Adolfo and the business partners what synergy is, and when shocked Adolfo (This thing has a brain? Really?) tries to continue the meeting FaustiMario saves the day with a fake migraine. In the meantime worried Elsa calls Juan José who tells her the story of Alejandra, the mall and the tires. The kids were kidnapped? Yes, it seems so.

* A very outraged *Viewerville: yet handsome* psycho tells Adolfo what kind of violent losers he hired to do the dirty job. They tried to hurt the kids and they hit Yolanda! Look, Eddie isn’t a saint either, but he would never manhandle children, actually, his sons are the same age as those kids. Adolfo, who also gets angry at the news orders Édgar to get rid of the losers. But be careful, Yolanda and the children mustn’t notice what happened!

* Mauricio gives Elsa a lift to Juan José but first she wants to speak with Alejandra. She storms into the design studio to scold the woman who was stupid enough to leave the kids in a car, which leads to an ugly quarrel between her and Mina, who fiercely defends her best friend and kicks Elsa out of the office.

* While David, FaustiMario and Abelardo are proudly praising Gabriela’s intelligence and wits in the Genovés villa, at the other end of the town Ramón and Leonardo are talking about Hernández, the corrupt cop and the newest cunning plan that may bring Adolfo down.

* Half an hour later in the tunnel house David, Fausto and Abelardo are talking about Alejandra and the tragedy that just had happened to Juan José, when the supercops show up with a photo of Luis Hernández and Leo tells David his great idea: he should play the cop for a few days in order to get close to Adolfo. Abelardo worries about David’s well being, since Adolfo is an intelligent and unscrupulous man, but Leo keeps asking David to consider his proposition. This could be a great way to defeat Dolphie.

* Édgar arrives at the hideout with a string and a very determined face. However, judging from the laughs and the disgusting conversation of the goons, he’s already late. But he doesn’t lose his nerve, he hides… and waits. Alejandra tells Juan José on phone what happened in her office. No, she isn’t upset, Elsa was right. Speaking of Elsa, she’s just arrived at JJ’s and they discuss the curious case of the tires and Ale’s mental abilities again… which, not so surprisingly, leads to another quarrel. When Pumpkinhead gruffly tells Elsa she should get off the high horse after being involved in smuggling, the exhausted girl burst out crying. First Asunción tries to comfort her, then JJ apologizes her.

* At the hideout Édgar ruthlessly strangles Ears, and then he shoots Pablo, who’s urinating outside the building. In the meantime Lionheart, Pumpkinhead, Ale and Asunción talk about Zaida and her relationship with Adolfo. At last an adult (Leo, who else) puts two and two together, and explains to the others that the kids must’ve had The Letter and that’s why they were kidnapped. But it’s just a theory. Anyway, he’ll ask for a search warrant for the Ávila condo and Yolanda’s flat and Ale’s car will be analyzed, too. Asunción & co. are completely devastated and Leo tries to ease their pain: don’t worry, they’ll find the children.

* Finally Eddie enters a filthy room of the hideout where half-naked Zaida trembles. The heartbroken psycho hugs and consoles the raped and crying woman, and tells her the goons are dead. He swears he’ll protect her forever.

* While Asunción is crying over that Adolfo kidnapped his little girl, Pumpkinhead decides to play John McClane… again. *Viewerville: double facepalm*He shows up at the Ávila condo in the middle of the night and storms into the bedrooms. Oops, that’s Bertha, who willingly tells him where he can find Dolphie. Okay, let’s try the impressing scene again. Where? Are? The? KIDS?! It takes only five minutes, a huge, crazy caveman, a gun and some shouting to make arrogant Adolfo worry for his life and confess.

However, after JJ leaves, Dolphie calls Eddie and orders him to get the hell out of the hideout. Hmm. Adolfo. You forgot Bertha was standing behind you. What are you talking about? Did you kidnap children?! Adolfo sighs. Yes, yes, yes, but he had to do that. It was about that letter. And she has to testify against Juan José, they could send him back to jail! But sorry, Bertha doesn’t want to do that. Nooo? How dare you! Adolfo slaps his favourite handmaiden and kicks her out of his home.

* Pumpkinhead drives to the hideout hurriedly but he doesn’t find anything but a few bloody rags. John McClane collapses. No puede ser, no puede ser!

*Bertha, who’s still wearing her nightgown and a coat, shows up at Carlos’s flat. Yeah, the damsel is in serious distress. And what happened? JJ. Gun. Kids. Kids? Bertha tells him about the letter that proves Carlos killed the maid and Moustache has a flashback. *Viewerville: hi, Roberto* In the meantime Édgar shows Caramelo, Chicles and Yolanda their new home. He plays the rugged goon but it’s hard to resist those cute kids and Yolanda’s sad eyes. At Carlos’s Moustache is ready to confess everything to Faidella. Roberto killed the girl, but he’s also culpable because he kept his mouth shut! Bertha begs him to forget that idea, he would end up in jail and since Adolfo has the children he would hurt them anyway. Why doesn’t he wait a bit longer? Please, Carlos. All right, all right.

* In the car Leo and Ramón give acting advises to anxious David (just act naturally) and try to convince him he can do it. Of course, but there’s a little problem: David’s spine and legs aren’t healthy yet so he can’t walk perfectly. At the second hideout Yolanda begs to Édgar: she offers her freedom for theirs. He confesses he’s also very worried about the kids.

*The three cops arrive at the Ávila condo where Adolfo is quite happy to see them; at least he can tell them what JJ did last night. Oh, really? The policemen aren’t very helpful and Adolfo has no proof since the maid didn’t see JJ threatening him. Anyway, the boys came to introduce him Ugly David, I mean, Comandante Hernández who will also investigate after the Ávilas. We won’t let you in peace. And one more things: if Adolfo kidnapped the kids he should let them free because kidnapping means 15 years in prison. Just think it over. Bye.

* Yolanda has a cunning plan, too: Eddie lets the kids go, and then he kills Yolanda and tells Adolfo it was all her fault. No way, Madame. Please, Édgar, please! But Eddie just pulls an evil smile and promises her nothing will happen to Cara and Chicles.

* Aaand Adolfo has another uninvited visitor: Hernández El Feo, aka the worst amateur actor ever came to tell him he doesn’t like Faidella at all, and he would love to team up with Adolfo. And how could he trust Hernández? Well, Adolfo could check his files and David gives him a business card. Everything is perfect… But when Hernández is about to leave, Dolphie notices his lameness. Excuse me, Comandante… Did something happen to your leg? *Viewerville: we’d rather talk about synergy, mmkay?*



Tuesday, February 01, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #193-194 2/1/11 Humberto could sell mittens to pythons.

Capitulo 193.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.
1. Sanchez calls Lety to cancel the meeting to sign over FI to Conceptos. Lety says Fern doesn’t want to talk to her, no way. Mama doesn’t quite believe that. Alone, Lety that says if she just thinks of Fern talking to her, all her courage disappears. She wishes Aldo were there to give her strength.

2. Fern tells Omar that the only thing he’s wanted since the meeting is to talk to Lety. Yesterday he knew where she was and couldn’t go because he was with Marcia, and because she hates him. They need her help and he didn’t want to aggrevate her. Not to get back the presidency! It’s for his father.

3. Humberto calls Lety and sets up a meeting. He begs, yes begs her. MamaT is horrified that she’s coming to the office. Humb tells them all to swallow their pride and accommodate Lety if they want her help. Marcia runs from the room like a twelve year old girl.

4. The board remembers how they humiliated Lety and now they need her help. Fernando says if she refuses to help, it’s not just for how they acted the last day. He covers himself by saying they were always harsh to her.

5. Lety meets Caro for coffee before her meeting. Aldo calls and Lety feels better. Caro helps Lety buy clothes for a new image.

6. Fern is a bundle of nerves because he’s going to see Lety. Omar suggests that he never really loved her, and he’ll realize it when he sees her.

Capitulo 194.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lola meets with Efren and their lawyers. Paula throws a fit because Saimon gave Ali a ride home. Celso has to detain Lety at the gate because Marcia ordered him to never let her step foot in Conceptos. When she enters, the cuartel gushes and Marcia peers down her nose.

2. Lety tells Humberto that she wants to turn over FI as soon as possible. He says that if she does, Conceptos will be destroyed. The only solution is for her to keep FI. Lety says to herself, “I’d have to be together with Fernando again.”

3. She tells him, “Don’t ask this of me. I know I did wrong and I’m paying with my life. Since I walked into Conceptos they’ve humiliated me. Fernando yelled at my parents that I robbed the company, and my family is sacred to me. I’ve had big conflicts with Ariel, Marcia, and Fernando.”

4. Humberto says they all know this is the only solution, and they hope she’ll accept. He reminds her that she accepts responsibility for the crisis; is she going to abandon them now? She can’t disappoint her father like that. She agrees. Then he tells her to come into the board meeting, and she panics again, so again he invokes her father’s name.

5. Aldo tells Caro that he’s crazy about Lety and plans to tell her that he loves her. He even loves her defects. He identified with her pain of having been betrayed, and his pain transformed into love for Lety. I think Caro wishes that Aldo had fallen for her instead of for Lety.

6. The HaHA’s resign from Efren’s case because he lied to them about his salary. Sanchez tells Lola to persue a different divorce so the judge will dictate child support.

7. Lety goes to the cave and remembers when Fernando hugged her goodbye, when she left the cave, and when Marcia called her a criminal in front of the cuartel.


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