Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Por ella soy Eva #65 10/16/12: The Bad, the Worse, and the Grotesque
It's yet another double-header tonight, squeezed into 90 minutes of horror, humor, and irony.
Part 1: Paybacks and Payoffs
Helena and mom are on the phone. Mom has an exam tomorrow. Everything at Playa Majagua reminds Helena of Juan. Someone (like we can't guess who) slips a note under her door. It's a mushy note from Pluto.
Rebeca sneaks around Pluto's office and finds a photo of Helena, which she curses enthusiastically. She is interrupted by Renato, who didn't bother to knock. Each has a lame excuse for being in Pluto's office. Rebeca kicks him out.
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Abismo de pasión #148 10/15/12
Senior writer Fluffy, his son Fluffy Jr, and the rest of the monkeys have worked up a doozy of an episode tonight. Since they have no sense of how humans react and behave, being simians after all, they bring us some outrageous scenes that make little sense to us. So if you put your beanies on and watch this through the eyes of an ape, it will all fall into place.
Fluffyʼs show notes:
-14 more episodes to go.
-Ideas on how to stretch this out. 1.Kill off every character in the show one at a time. 2.Introduce new characters. 3. repeat old story lines.
-Let Fluffy Jr. write some scenes and dialog. Give him a minor character, probably will give him Horacio.
-Plan el gran finale party. Put Mrs. Fluffy on that job. Televisa bosses love her parties. Have her provide Tostachos® to please the advertisers.
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Monday, October 15, 2012
Amor Bravío #45 (Uni 40) Mon 10/15/12
45: Tercio de Muerte
del Pasado
Augustina tells Ximeana she is attending the event "te guste o no te guste." Andres returns Julian's firearm and cell phone to El Diablo, who now promotes him to a lower position. He wants daily reports on everything about Camila. Ximeana
shops for shoes when she bumps into Bruno, who knows she and her
friend stole things in Monterrey.
de Nuevo:
the Shoe Store: Augustina exits the store and Bruno introduces
himself as a friend of Ximeana's; Augustina is pleased that Ximeana
has run into such a charming friend. Ximeana tries to brush him off by saying he's just passing through, but he corrects her, saying he's going to be around for a few days. Augustina actually invites him to La
Malquerida, which does not please Ximeanita.
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Refugio Para el Amor #134 Mon 10/15/12 Where in the World is Luciana Jacinto Flores Linares, ex de Torreslanda?; Roddy Stars in His Own Version of ‘The Hangover’
Remember everyone,
DEEP breaths! Breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe out….
All of Luci’s peeps have FINALLY arrived at the clinic to
find both Luci and the baby gone. A group freak-out ensues. Luci is currently
bleeding and unconscious in the back of an ambulance, whizzing by the clinic
and to a hospital with a real emergency room. Baby Rodrigo Jr. has been dumped
by that BITCH Gala in a pile of garbage in the driving, freezing rain. He is
luckily being protected by his uncle Pato’s Virgin medal, and a shuffling drunk
hears his cries and rescues him. I mean, who could resist that cute face?
The Duo of Witches returns to the scene of the crime, the
garbage heap where Gala so callously left Rosa’s first-born grandchild. Gala panics
that the baby has disappeared. Rosa panics that someone saw her. Gala is sure
no one saw her, but she’s ticked that SHE’s the one who had to take the risk.
She says Rosa’s name aloud, which makes Rosa panic even more—the authorities
might be near and hear. Rosa really loses it. “Estamos perdidas!” (We’re sunk!)
Gala, doesn’t like to be upstaged as the drama queen in any situation, so she
tells Rosa to shut the hell up. They make a hasty retreat to their rented car.
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Por ella soy Eva #64 10/15/12: Adriano and Plutarco are undeterred by the demurrals of their respective love objects. Por ella soy eva October 15
Helena is not sure re-hiring all the women is a good idea. Does GI have the money for it?
Renato is pithed to lose his place with Helena. He complains to Helena: "This is nepotism." "Lucia knew this project from the beginning, don't doubt my motives." Mousse boy leaves in a dark mood. He is clearly a villain.
Pluto is the opposite of complimentary about Eva's physical attributes, but Adri is enchanted. "She keeps rejecting me but I'm stubborn." He says his sister would have wanted Pluto to get on with his life. He says he can't.
Juan frets that he's not allowed to see Eugenia and considers coming out to Modesto. Mimi: "He didn't want to help JC when he was fleeing, so it would be crazy to hope for his help now." Juan complains he never has time to check out the company's finances and figure out the fraud.
Lucia, after all the nagging to get to be Helena's assistant, now is distressed that she's put Renato out of the job. She is MENSA to like him when he's so clearly a villain! Helena warns Lucia to be very businesslike or she's off the project.
Now Pluto wants his pet hacker to get into Eva's computer and find something damaging, he doesn't care what, nude pictures would be fine, just something to help get rid of her.
Helena is sad, she doesn't really want to go back to the beach, last time she was there with JC and they had such a great time... Helena tries to convince Eva that Pluto has suffered but Eva's heart is not melted. In fact, Eva tells Helena: "My friend Toni died sure that her husband had a lover!!" Helena is impactada.
Pluto enters, interrupting the revelations; he makes sly jokes about Adri's lust. Eva denies their relationship is anything but professional. When Eva exits, Helena asks Pluto if what Eva said was true. With smoke and mirrors Pluto deflects the gossip.
Now Santi, the dissolute drunk with the low-class wife, is sleeping on the job. He and Fer are the most useless employees at Grupo Imperio.
Pluto tells evil Mousse Boy: "**I** am your only boss."
Adri is so sad, it flusters Juan/Eva who says: "I am a man for only one woman. Uh. I mean, a woman for only one man." S/he says Adri should get a dog if he's lonely and suggests: "Let's be excellent friends, as you were with JC." Moved by Adri's misery, Eva makes a concession: Adri will have to make great sacrifices to win her love.
Lalo: "Ma, you haven't laughed the way you used to ever since Juan has been gone." He wishes he could go to the beach with her. He is cute.
Juan Carlos to Mimi: "Now that I see how awful it is to take hair off my body, I wouldn't mind hairy women." He morosely mulls: it's gonna be tough at the beach, avoiding Adri while simultaneously keeping Pluto away from Helena.
Wait, who is this gorgeous woman lying in Adri's lap while he moans about Eva? She's annoyed listening to his moaning and leaves.
Pluto comes to take Helena to the airport. Silvia asks if his love for Helena is true. He assures her he is infatuated. "Then promise you'll never make her suffer."
Eduardo's friend says he should go get Silvia back. Ed would rather hire a servant.
At the beach, Eva tells Helena: "Let's you and I not be separated for an instant." However, Adri tells Helena he's so in love with Eva and has a surprise for her, a romantic dinner. Helena promises help.
The vela! A band comes in, playing a fine romantic bolero, there is a huge hideous valentine that says "I love you," Adri narrows his eyes lustfully. He grabs Eva, he kneels at her feet and presses his head to her ... abdomen ... Helena, watching, is overcome with amusement.
Eva, indignant and decisive: "I have strong reasons to deny you and any man." Adri wonders if she's interested in women. Juan Carlos throws the rose in his face and flees. Adri eats the rose as the musicians play. They play while he eats dinner alone and gets drunk. "This is exactly why I planned never to fall in love. Now all I want are a few kisses from this gigantic woman."
Santi asks his wife if she thought of learning to cook. She says she's a modern woman and doesn't need to cook, in fact, he should hire her a maid. And, she has organized a party to introduce herself to everybody he knows. And, she wants an extension on her credit card. She spells out their contract: "You give me little ... things ... and I give you little ... kisses..."
Helena tells Pluto she doesn't want to feel pressured by his desire that she be his girlfriend. He says of course not, then pressures her: "Leave Juan Carlos in the past - the pain isn't worth it." She goes alone to her absolutely gigantic hotel suite and remembers being there with Juan and his bogus ha ha ha Argentinian accent.
Her reverie is interrupted by Eva at the door, yelling, how could you leave me with that lunatic!!!!
Helena tries to convince Eva: "You could be happy with this man who obviously loves you. Leave that dead husband in the past." As they stare into each other eyes Helena finally sees something... in Eva's eyes... oh, it's nothing. She sends Eva away. Eva is very reluctant to go.
Back at GI, Rebeca is planning some media event to her own advantage.
Juan tells Mimi he is full of memories of the wonderful things that happened at the beach last time and he wants to kiss Helena 24/7. Mimi tells him to snap out of it and concentrate.
Tomorrow the show will be at 7 pm.
Labels: por-ella
Amorcito Corazón Discussion #129-133 Oct. 15-19
Hola amigas/os
I plan to have something up soon. Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly thus far. The good - Juancho and Marisol kissed; the bad - Barf acts like her name; the ugly - she and Knuckles plan to have Juancho beat down again b/c of the kiss. The ugly also includes everything concerning EWM.
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Saturday, October 13, 2012
Por ella soy Eva #63 10/12/12: Pluti Lies, Rebeca Serves Up An Ultimaitum, It's A Marvelous Night For A Moondance
Part I
Santi comes shagging his butt into to work, he looks likes he's been thru the wringer, his shirt tail is hangin' out and he's got bed head. He's in the elevator with Eva, gets off with her, and tries to straighten up. She remarks she hasn't seen him since the non wedding when he went to Vegas. Santi finally says he got married in Vegas. Eva says don't tell me, it was a countess right??? Santi says no, I married my ex Angelica! Eva expounds on how bad this woman is, and Santi says but you don't know her, cause remember JC knew her, but not Eva. She backtracks a bit, says the woman probably is no good for him and then Pluti comes down the hall, giving Santi grief about how he looks and Eva saves Santi's bacon, by telling Pluti, Santi was with her, she's a partner too and she and Santi had things to discuss. Pluti finally leaves and Santi thanks her profusely. Eva almost knees him, tells him to stop being stupid and get to work. Santi goes and Adri is right around the corner hissing at Eva, too funny, she thinks one of the Evalettes did it, but they point to Adri. Adri does a kissy face at her and motions with his head, like this way, and the Evalettes have to tell Eva, Adri wants her to follow him. lol.
Adri is holding the door of his office for Eva, and she scoots by him, so as no part of her body brushes against his. Eva brings up the fact she misses all those women that worked at G.I., you know the hundred women who were fired/let go/down sized, you get the pic. Adri reminds her, Pluti said they weren't viable. So Eva turns the tables on Adri and starts to seduce him with his tie, of all things. lol. She rubs it on his face as she sweetly talks to him about women in the bidness and he is sweating and really liking this seduction of Eva's. He says something about looking at the papers again, that Pluti provided to get rid of these women, but Eva says I am going to work and sticks Adri's tie in his mouth, lol. He says Eva, Eva.
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Amor Bravío #44 (Uni 39) Fri 10/12/12 Wanted: One Trustworthy Right Hand Man For My Dirty Work. Tats Optional.
capítulo 44
With a shout out
to the memory of his poor, supposedly dead, preggers, and exotically Jewish
Miriam, for whom—lest we forget--our galán had converted to Judaism, we j.i.p. (join in progress) the
Mexican mishigas of the meshugges at Hacienda La Malquerida. Ximena has told la metiche de mama, Agustina,
that she’s siding with Team Alonso over blood; and as Dan has now given his
heart to the very much alive and present Camila, he and Cami have thrown
caution to the winds by pledging their bocas to besos from none but each other
forever and always, though celebrating said pledge with a round of the
horizontal Hora must needs wait till Cami’s finalized divorce papers are
firmly in her possession. L’chaim!
Across the way at
La Buenaventura, Yago (who definitely needs a wash and style about now) finds
Eliana still up and gives her a hard time about agreeing to stick around there
at the hacienda when she knows that Pablo’s going off to school soon to the
United States. Illy accuses him of
dreaming up stuff for no good reason and walks off in a huff. ( I hope this means we don’t have to FF
through any more of her scenes this episodio.)
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El Mundo de Telemundo - Week of 10/15/12: Discuss Amongst Yourselves
Here's your page for the coming week. The Telemundo evening shows were preempted tonight (Friday, 10/12) so there won't be any mini-recaps for
Corazón Valiente or
Pablo Escobar until Monday night or Tuesday morning. This is a good opportunity to chime in on some of the other shows that no one is recapping regularly but many people are still watching.
Have a great week, everyone!
Labels: diamante, elisa, pablo, rostro, telemundo, valiente
¿Dónde está Elisa?-index
Friday, October 12, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #133 Fri 10/12/12 the moms and dads are further delayed by weather and traffic... One creepy plan from the witches goes smoothly except one little detail.. leaving one live little Rod on the loose.
Don A’s well wishes to Magda and Paz for Luciana at Het Het. He orders the Cap’n to take good care of them.
Pato and Janah and Jorge… he won’t give up… ever.. (good for him!) He wants Janah to call the hangar to know if Paz/Magda took off from Het Het yet)
RosaE on phone with Julie/Gala… they need to get together to talk about the plan…
At Barrio Clinic(Thanks Madelaine!) the girls are caring for Luci, more like spoiling the heck out of her. The guys and everyone else arrives, making a lot of noise, enough for Carmela. The girls leave, followed by the guys, Fabi tells nurse ‘take care of her for me’.
Estela wants to stay a little while longer and ends up convincing Luciana to let her stay.
Carmela comes in announcing she’s about to bring baby Rod to Luci so he can eat.
Max orders Aldo to find Lastra to find out how close the Police is to their Antro business. Aldo gets scared at a briefcase full of money Max gives him. Max asks ‘can you handle it?’ Aldo says ‘yes I can!’
Lo Nuevo:
The sanitation engineer (SE for short, again thanks Madelaine!) comes in to get the trash. She hears that Estela is about to leave but wants to stay a while longer.
At Gala’s offices, Gala has debriefed RosaE and Julie on the SE lady and her attitude. Julie wonders if they can trust her to keep her mouth shut. RE says necessity is the best ally when it comes to persuading someone to stay quiet. Gala says you should have seen her, she almost kissed my hand when I handed her the money.
RE says they have to rent a car and pay for it in cash, so they leave no tracks. Gala is sure this will be the last bitter pill she has to take from Rod when he gets home tonight.
SE lady calls Luci’s room, plays the role of a woman from hospital admin, saying someone needs to come to the cashier desk to get an invoice for the bill so far. Estelita leaves luci alone. And SE immediately texts Gala. (For a woman who has no education beyond elementary school, she speaks very fluently and with educated wording).
Paz, Magda, Ariche and Mr Pilot have arrived. He tells them he will drive them to the clinic personally, on orders from Pato, Rod and Claudio himself. Ariche says you know how to drive many things. Trains too? Not quite.
Back at Barrio Clinic, SE goes to get Carmela and plays like it is Gala who plans to come steal the baby herself. They both run in Luci’s room to alert her. Carmela is very nervous asking Luci not to get scared (LOL!). They tell Luci about a young elegant woman (why did they not tell her she is pregnant?) was around asking questions about Luci and the baby. SE plays it like she is doing a good deed warning Luci about her and her baby being in danger (that is enough info for Luci, she knows who it is.). She grabs the baby and holds it hard to her chest and jumps up from her bed. Carmela is heading to alert hospital Admin, leaves SE with Luci.(ouch!) Luci is very … VERY…anxious.
Paz and Magda with Ariche and Mr Pilot are still stuck in traffic under a nasty storm.
Estelita finally gets to the front of the line at Cashier. She asks the lady for the invoice.
Back At Luci’s room SE keeps working Luci into a paranoia attack. Luci holds baby Rod very tightly. She won’t even let SE touch her. Now she is in ‘suspect anyone’ mode and heads out. SE helps Luci sneak out around security guard. Then she immediately texts Gala ‘she already left’. (sorry I have a police/MP husband, this woman almost dance a jarabe tapatio [complete with mop & bucket cart] around the CLUELESS security guard).
[Ok, Luciana… let me give you a few options you should have thought about before you ran with your baby into a lightning diluve story only 24 or fewer hours after having a C section [you might say… its late, why bother them; at which time I would smack you on the head with the food tray] IT IS YOUR SAFETY AND YOUR BABY”S!!!! MOVE!!!!:
1. Call Pato (he certainly can put resources out there for you in a flash…)
2. Call Claudio (same as above, he can call and get lots of resources moving for you immediately)
3. Call Rod (heck, this might be HIS wife and HIS mother, after all…)
4. Get out of the room but don’t leave the hospital: Hide in a maintenance closet, ANYWHERE… Your top priority should be to change your location but to HIDE somewhere where your team could find you easily!!
5. Doesn’t even Lorenzo have a cell phone now?? Why not call him or Vio? They were on the way there anyway…
6. Go right to the hospital admin yourself and get them to protect you while the people you could call on the phone get there.
7. Pop a Zumba DVD and dance away with Beto until Lorenzo and Vio get there… after that let Vio take care of RE and Gala… she already has a grudge on them anyway.
8. Put a set of scrubs on and go mingle with the resident doctors, maybe you will find one that will help you hide after you tell him your entire story and he actually believes it.
9. Write a last will so everyone will know what you intend to do with your proceeds from the pot making and what you want them to do with the baby if it survives. Leave a PS for Lorenzo and Hanah to adopt Ariche.
10. Any combination of the above..
11. (the one you chose… running out like a maniac holding your baby out in the storm with no energy, no stamina, low blood pressure, no specific plan of action/defense at all and not alerting any trusted backup help you out.DUH!)
Poor (AND STOOPID) Luci is out on the street under a diluve complete with lightning all over. A car is following her from behind as she walks down the sidewalk.
Meanwhile Paz/Magda/Ari/MrPilot are still stuck in traffic at same spot for almost 1 hr.
Luci keeps walking down holding Little Rod, she is wabbling, surely weak and in pain, her wound surely has opened up again… Car still follows her. Baby starts to cry.
Luci gets to a covered bus stop. Car still approaching very slowly. Luci cries and eventually faints to the floor. A covered woman in designer heels gets out of the car, goes to Luci and takes the baby, leaving Luci there. Woman in heels gets back in car. Its … wait for it… wait for it… RE!! she hands the baby to Gala and says ‘do what you need to do. I will take care of Luciana’. Gala leaves the car, baby on hand. RE calls for an ambulance for Luci (hmmm!... so she does NOT want Luci to die, she wants Luci to suffer the rest of her life for the disappearance of her baby! AND be blamed for it?? GGGRRRR!!!! In a creepy way it makes all the sense in the world, no worse torture for a mother than to know her child is out there somewhere and team RE blames her for it.)
At TL house, Pato is having nightmares, seems like he hears the cries of a woman… Mati comes in, she notices Pato is anxious in his sleep and she and Janah wake him up.
He keeps hearing the cries… but he does not realize what it is… He asks them if they heard about Luci.. no nothing since yesterday. They smile talking about the baby. Then Pato asks for RE, they have not seen her all day, Mati says she left after ‘comida’. They find it strange that RE would go out and be out so late under a storm.
Back at Barrio Clinic, Estelita keeps waiting for the invoice. They won’t have it ready until the doctor releases Luci. Estelita complaints about someone calling the room … She rushes back to Luci’s room.
Nicole and Vicky leave work, Nicole is excited about her new location. She leaves Vicky in charge while she is out starting the other place. Vicky is excited about the task. She hopes she will be independent someday. Vicky gets grabbed by a man
Procopio and Don Aq try to call Luci’s room. But no one is there. Don Aq tries again, to no avail.
Gala drops the baby at some trash cans… hides from a police car with sirens on nearby. ‘hasta nunca little devil. Everything that happens to you will be that cabaretera’s fault. Die already!’ She leaves him there, but seems baby is covered by the trash bags nearby.
At TL manor, Max comes in Pato’s room and tells them Rod must be here any moment. Max also finds it weird that RE is away and not back yet and didn’t tell anyone where she was going, didn’t even take Genaro with her.
Estelita is back in Luci’s room and does not find her or baby, gets alarmed instantly. Starts asking Carmela where Luci is. Carmela is also surprised. Carmela runs out. Estela is upset now.
Back to Vicky’s stalker… … it is Aldo! Vicky yells at Aldo told you I did not want to see you or Max. Aldo pulls out a stack of money (from Max’ briefcase) and tells her he wants to give it to her for her new business. Vicky does not want it. She is afraid someone will assault him for it. She runs out. Leaving Aldo upset.
Rod and Claudio finally make it to airport.
Luci is picked up by ambulance on the street. They notice she is unconscious but still breathing, and bleeding quite a bit through the C-section wound. (Shouldn’t they have covered her before walking her to the ambulance so she would not get the cold water on her face? Duh!! Also, wouldn’t she still have her hospital bracelet? Similar to the one Gala took from her baby?)
RE: this would not have happened if Luci had listened to me. IF she had left from our lives!
Gala: Well, I hope she dies, because from now on her life will be a calvary.
RE: Where did you leave the baby?
Gala: Where he belongs, in the trash.
RE: Did you ensure no one saw you? Did you leave him well hidden?
Gala: I could not. A police car came by and I had to leave him out there.
Vio, Fabi and Lore arrive to the hospital, the ambulance goes right by them and Lorenzo seems to get a bad vibe. He says it is sooo cooooolldd!!
Inside the ambulance, Luci is still alive but seems to be in critical condition judging from the urgency to arrive the medics are in. She has low blood pressure and is bleeding heavily.
Paz, Magda, Ariche and MrPilot are finally nearing the hospital. But not quite there yet.
Paz comments that for a while she has been feeling a bad vibe of anxiety. Ariche can’t wait to meet Luci’s baby. Paz can’t wait to hug the baby. They tell Ariche they don’t think they will let him come in the hospital so they will drop him off at the vecindad first.
At TL house Pato keeps looking at the baby picture. He and Janah wonder if he will look like Rod later when he grows up. Pato can’t wait to feel better to go see Luci and his nephew agay. Janah wants to go with him, her first class is not until noon so she can go with him to see Luci and baby. Janah tells him he has to rest to continue with the therapy ‘si quiero llegar lejos tengo que ir despacio’ (if I want to get far I have to take it slow)
Lore, Vio and Fabi arrive, Estela anxiously tells them what happened. As she is telling them Luci is nowhere to be found, Paz and Magda arrive, Paz gets panicky instantly asking Lore what happened if she asked him to care for Luci. Lore and Fabi run out to look for her. Paz shakes Carmela, they can’t disappear. Carmela has alerted the Hospital Admin. Just then Rod and Claudio arrive while Paz is still in her panic attack. Paz tells Rod that they can’t find Luci or her grandson. Claudio asks where they are. Rod looks at Luci’s empty bed, and he and Claudio/Paz stare at each other.
Meanwhile the baby is found by a drunk street bum… just in time to save him from Gala and RE who came back to the trash cans …
Previews: Julie asks RE and Gala what happened… they say … eh… weeeeeellll… SE gets questioned by hospital security (or police)…
Sorry I did not have a lot of snark because I did not feel very encouraged after Luci’s stoopid decision making…
Labels: refugio
Weekend Discussion: Look-Alikes Part II
Here's an update on a popular weekend gallery including suggestions from our readers and bloggers:
Arturo Carmona / Christopher Reeve:
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Amor Bravío #43 (Uni 38) Thu 10/11/12 Amor con Mucho Snogging
Natalia tells them that the dead guy's name is Julian Hernandez and he's been staying at her mom's hostel. The cops say she has to come down and give a statement, as does Camila…and Rodolfo. Alfonso is trying to glom onto Camila, but she makes it clear she doesn't want or need him around. The other maid asks Piedad why she's so upset. Piedad says she feels nauseous and goes to make a tea.
Rich bitch tells her parents she hasn’t been able to hook the big fish, despite her best efforts. "And I really, really liiiiike him." Her dad tries to get her to agree to leave, but she's determined to stay and keep making futile passes at Pablo. I guess she likes a challenge. Papi says he'll talk to Pablo's dad. Mami approves of her daughter's determination.
Papi tells Cayetano that he only told a half-truth…his sister is sick, but that's not why they left Ileana at the ranch. "I apologize for abusing your confidence. I was desperate! I'm broke and the business I do with you is the only one still going. Please don't tell my daughter! That's why I've kept her away from us." Cayetano agrees that Ileana can stay there as long as she likes.
Luzma contemplates slitting her wrists by the shores of the lake,
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Abismo de pasión #147 10/11/12: Yo ex padre, is there an amulet for that?
Tonight's recap brought to you by J.A. Henckels.
OK folks, we’re all settled on The Patio with our yellow bandanas and pitchers of Harvey Wallbangers. No more of that noisy chair scraping please, however comments and howls from the peanut gallery are encouraged. El mesero will be passing around baskets of overripe bananas for our throwing pleasure.
Let’s see, where did we leave off last night? Marta, remind us please: “Gabino visits Alfie and fakes being happy she is fine after her crisis. Gabino reminds her that they have a pending deal, he still wants to be associated to the procesadora. Will do anything to get that. Alfie asks how far would he go to get it. Gab offers to make Elisa stop breathing.. (and stop crying too?? That does not sound THAT bad)”
Gracias amiga, now on with tonight’s tonterías...
Alfonsina flips her fan at Gabino in disgust. She will take care of Elisa on her own, sola. Gabino claims all his years of being head guy at the ProCe will be of help to her. He can break Elisa and bring Alfie back to the top. Bah, she sniffs, he just plays dirty and his liabilities outweigh his benefits. Gab pulls out his big gun. (No, you dirty-minded girls at the back row table. Not THAT big gun.) He tells Fina if she doesn’t deal with Elisa then she will lose everything. She will lose Dam to Elisa the same way she lost Rosendo to Estefania. (Huh? But Dam’s not her...oh never mind. Hand me a banana.) She will end up with nada. Fina fanatically flips her fan and says she’ll think about it.
Lupe is still wearing all white like he’s practicing to be an angel. Elisa and Lucio show up and she blathers annoyingly about the gift of Estef’s fancy new grave. Lupe says he has many Very Important things to tell Elisa in front of said grave. Not important enough to tell right now of course, but important enough to put off until 4:00 this afternoon for reasons only a monkey can fathom. The Patio is in an uproar and Blue Lass starts hammering out sympathy cards for Abismart.
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Por ella soy Eva #62 10/11/12: The Three Faces of Eva
Mimi, Eva, and Eugenia are in Mimi's bedroom looking at old pictures Mimi has collected from Eugenia's acting career. They make Eugenia happy. Eugenia gets up to find the bathroom, gets confused, and winds up in Eva's room where there are several pictures on the wall of Juan Carlos' transformation into Eva. Eugenia is shocked and upset. "Eva doesn't exist, Juan Carlos deceived me, Juan Carlos is Eva," she realizes. She shouts to Eva that she want to leave now. Eva asks if something is wrong and Eugenia replies "Appearances deceive and one never knows who is truly behind the mask." Eva doesn't understand her meaning.
Angelica wants Santiago to take her out to one of them there fancy restaurants where he used to take stuck-up Patricia [you know, where the waiters aren't on skates]. Maybe they will wind up in one of those society magazines. Santi is tired (and broke) but Angelica wins him over. At the restaurant, Angelica is reading aloud from the menu and making faces and gagging at the pretentious entrees. Santi looks around, embarrassed by his wife's lack of class. Lower your voice, he tells her. Two friends of Santi's approach their table, and Santi jumps up and stands blocking their view of the table (and Angelica). After they leave Angelica is hurt and asks why he didn't introduce her to his friends. Friends? I barely know them, he replies.
Lucia is with Helena and going through an entire box of tissues over Renato. Eventually she tires of her own misery and asks about Pluto. Shhh, Helena tells her, she doesn't want Lalo to overhear about Pluto's feelings of love, but she confesses she is thinking about him more than before. She also admits to comparing him to JC. Lucia asks who comes out ahead, and Helena says "The one thing clear to me is that I've lost confidence in men."
At Marcela and Fernando's house the kids are getting ready for bed and Marcela urges Ferni, "You agreed we are going to talk to the kids about sexuality. You with Jennifer, me with Kevin." Ferni balks as usual at anything remotely sounding like work, so Marcela says OK, I'll talk to Jennifer and you to Kevin. "Don't say any of the stupid things your father said to you," she tells him.
Jennifer tells her mother she's not hiding anything, but don't tell dad about the condom she found. Jen tells Marcela that her boyfriend Dani is a dear and he doesn't pressure her to do anything. Marcela says that Jennifer is worth much, that a boyfriend should treat her with the respect she deserves and he should have patience for what she needs. The boys are also having their heart-to-heart. Kevin wants to know if it's OK to have two or more girlfriends at the same time, and Fernando wets himself with excitement at the idea his son could be a stud. Kevin confesses to being in love. Ferni asks if it's a girl in school or his music class, and Kevin says no, she's a woman. Ferni asks to see a picture and Kevin pulls up Candy Sweet's web site. What do you think, he asks. "What do I think!? What's wrong with you?" Ferni yells. Kevin protests that his dad introduced them, and Ferni yells, don't throw the fault on me! When your mother finds out the result will be the ducks are shooting the shotguns (los patos les tiran a las escopetas). Kevin grabs his father's tie and shakes him, making him promise not to tell his mother about Candy. Marcela walks in and wants to know what's going on. "Nothing, really," they both reply. In bed later, both Marcela and Fernando deny that anything important came up in their talks.
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #132 Thu 10/11/12 The Plot Thickens and The Moms and Dads are Delayed
Ok, y'all before y'all start reading this recap, I want y'all to take some deep cleansing breaths, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhallle, exhallle, feeling better? If this doesn't work for you than tell yourself this in only a TN, only a TN. Now on to the recap, you will be yelling at the TV but those cleansing breaths should have helped you. If not do them again. Now on to the recap.
Barrio Clinic:
Luci has just received that text from her Mushashon. Luci smiles like an angel as a lone tear goes down her cheek and she has a little smile on her face.
Torreslanda Home:
Rosa la loca is at home and on the phone to Gagme. She wants to know why Gagme hasn't been picking up the phone and by the way where is she anyways. Gagme tells Rosa la Loca she is at her office, she has a job, doncha know. The Champagne Queen is listening in on the phone convo as she is sitting in Gagme's office. Rosa la Loca wants Gagme to go home to her Apartment of No Love Lost and wait for further news. Gagme wants to know what la loca is planning. Rosa tells her ,she is going to vist Luci at the clinic, and keep up this farce of looking for forgiveness until this is over and of course the la loca is smiling that disdainful royal grin again.
Toronto, Canada
Oh, what have we here? It is a nice scene of tension easing for this capitulo. Anyone had to take more cleansing breaths yet? Anyhoo, Conny and Oscar are having lunch in beautiful Toronto and Conny would like to ask Oscar something. Conny is kinda hemming and hawing and Oscar says he loves when Conny is mysterious. So Conny gets to it and asks Oscar if he misses his ex novia. Conny would really like to know if he has any feelings for said ex novia and that this ex novia may have been better for Oscar than Conny, after all the ex novia was much younger than Conny and Oscar and he could have had children with her. Oscar says that may have been well and good but the road of life took him elsewhere. Oscar tells Conny that being a lawyer is his life's work and he loves it. Conny wants to know if his grand passion in life is his job. Oscar says yes it is. Oscar tells Conny that with his ex it was always a competition, she may have been a lawyer too, he tells Conny all they had in common was work and that's it. Conny asks him again if he misses his ex. Oscar tells her no again. Oscar tells Conny he remembers a better woman in his life, and takes her hand and kisses it, sigh. Conny thanks him and says mi amor, and he asks if he passed the test, lol. Conny tells him he passed with honors. Oscar says ti amo and kisses abound, don't you just love this couple? Conny gets a text from Melissa with the pic of Roddy, jr and Oscar sees it too. Oscar texts Rod and Oscar and Conny are oohing and aaahing over little Roddy.
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Amor Bravío #42 (Uni 37) Wed 10/10/12 “Yup, She Luuvvs Him (in Between the Murder and Mumsy Mayhem)”
We begin this evenings Capitulo with scenes from the night before: Camila looking longingly after Dandres as he leaves the kitchen for a dip in the lake, Leo Sordido being tormented by the ghosts of murders past as he pulls a gun on them and gulps down some cheap swill, and Rafael and Camila review the email from Daniel proposing to meet Camila face to face after all this time.
Heading over to the Albarran Rancho, the parental units have returned home to their sons and there are greetings and hugs all around. La Duena of Albarran (aka Moms) expresses her concern about Pablo and questions the brothers about him. El Dueno (aka Pops) adds that Pablo has stated that he wants to go abroad to live and presumably study. Mariano, shocked at this news blurts out that he had no idea that “Pablo was so disillusioned at not …” choke and pause……”Que?” El Dueno asks, “Finish that statement” he commands Mariano. Cut. Over at Camila’s office, she proclaims her excitement at finally meeting Daniel after all this time. Rafael dumps a wee bit of water on her parade. Rational Camila sees that Rafael wants her to lower her expectations of the pending meeting. He assures her that her life will change after the meeting and proceeds to what he really wants to talk about.
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Refugio Para el Amor #131 Wed 10/10/12 Uncle Patricio Makes Viewerville Cry Him a River
Ayer –
For the best coverage, see the end of JudyB’s recap from
last night.
•Patricio is on the phone with Rodrigo in Shanghai. He tells him he’s the father of a boy.
•Lorenzo calls the moms.
•Roselena is on the phone telling Gala about the birth of
Luci’s son.
Such Bad Luck... it’s a
maldito niño, born out of wedlock, who will have the Torreslanda name.
Gala throws the pillow and screeches, Maldita
Domestica (it’s as good as the Estudpidas she used to throw around).
She’s royally pithed that she’s going to
produce a girl, while La Criada Esa has brought forth a boy.
She wants Rose to keep Rod from giving the ‘bastardo’
the Torreslanda last name.
Rose says
that is something she can’t do—force him not to give the baby his last
Rodrigo and her family wouldn’t
stand for it.
Gala, La Fría, says, then
we’ll just have to make sure that escuincle disappears from our lives for
Rosa, La Reina de Hielo, says,
count on it.
Hoy –
The Clinic
Lorenzo, Patricio and Violeta are in Luciana’s room at the
It’s quite spacious for a
neighborhood clinic, but ni modo.
Luciana is still sleeping off her crisis: the emergency C-section and
related complications due to the preeclampsia.
Patricio is there with her, as is Lorenzo and Violeta.
He thanks Lorenzo for letting him sign as the
person responsible for making decisions on Luci’s behalf.
Lor says that’s not a problem, he knows how
much Pato cares for her.
Pato says it was a matter of having so little time to make an important decision on her
Vio vows not to leave Luci’s
side for anything.
Lorenzo has to go; so
does Pato.
Vio settles into the couch
para vigilarla (to keep watch over her).
Luci comes to.
She wants to know
where her baby is.
She starts getting
agitated, but Vio calms her down.
baby is safe, in the nursery.
Luci can’t
see the baby until tomorrow.
Luci keeps
repeating to no one in particular that she’s the mother of a beautiful boy.
TL House, Patricio’s
Pato is back in his room at TL House.
He’s on the phone checking with the capitán
of the corporate jet on the plans to send the plane to Het Het to pick up
The weather is still
Pato wants them here as
soon as possible and the capitán is to bring them personally to the clinic.
Shanghai, China Hotel
Rodrigo is pacing the hall outside his hotel room.
Claudio joins him and wants to know if there
is any news of Luci.
Rod says no.
Claudio promises they’ll leave as soon as
their business is finished.
Claudio adds
that he’s happy to know his grandson is well, but Luciana’s health has him
Rod is sad they are so far
Claudio agrees; after all their
careful planning, life threw them a curve.
Rod wants to be close to Luci and his son—if
Luci will let him.
Claudio promises to
talk to her as he doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Rodrigo that
happened to him when Luci was born.
can’t forget what my mother did, but please, let’s not talk about that
anymore, asks Rodrigo.
She is my mother, but every
time I think about what she did, a little more of my affection for her dies.
TL House, Master
Roselena is getting ready for a lunch date with Gala.
Max tells her not to temp fate; you’ve gotten
everything except Rod’s forgiveness.
If you
try anything against Luci, your children will never forgive you.
She’s in a foul mood. She’s snapping at Max;
she’s done everything he’s asked her to do, but
nothing, nothing pleases him.
stalwart loyal Frigida gets hissed at when she comes to tell her mistress that
Gala’s waiting for her and where her children are (Jana’s at school and
Patricio is going to the clinic to see Luciana).
When RE tells her the baby has already
arrived and it’s a boy, Frigida starts musing out loud over Luci’s baby boy and
oooh, what if Gala has a girl---it would be the end of the world.
RE sweeps out.
Frigida is left to mull over the facts: bottom
line, Luci wins the match.
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Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Abismo de pasión #146 10/10/12: maybe we should skip the honeymoon altogether, he's not that into ANYTHING....except fighting DamHotInYellow
Elisa’s ‘chilindrina’ WHAAA!! WHAAAA!! skid on Lolita… ‘Dam won’t trust me, I have never been anyone’s but his!’...yada yada. Lolita worried Elisa does not cry anymore (I am not so sure that is a bad thing… well, yeah, only on Elisa) Elisa swears she won’t be at peace until she clears her mother’s name… Lolita warns her she’s sacrificing her happiness for something she might never accomplish. Elisa can’t stay status quo.
Dam comes over to toast the ‘snappy couple’. Gael keeps playing role of happy bunny and sarcastically says ‘I hope your wishes come true’. Paloma walks away to greet DrT’s patients. Gael reminds Dam of his promise and threatens Dam not to break it. .Dam says sorry, deal is off. I came and handed Elisa over to you on silver platter… and to my surprise you married Pal instead. I still don’t get it (no, Dam, you would NEVER get it). Gall has to bring him up to speed in the fact that he boinked Pal while engaged to Elisa and that ‘slippery slope’ of his had consequences. Dam says it makes sense now that Elisa is so upset. She feels betrayed by you. Gall has the nerve to say ‘nope, she can’t stand that I am marrying Pal and not her’.
Lo Nuevo:
Dam says sorry but now you are married and I am single. So I am going after the half eaten candy bar you left behind.
At hacienda, Tonia so happy to see Alfie back. Alfie whines that Tonia gives her too much info… like Dam is still at his bro’s wedding… then that they arrested BeGoneYa for hiring someone to kill Paolo… that Paolo was about to rot out there… that Flo is still in town.. Tonia says Flo must be so sad, she first lost her dad and now lost her uncle. Alfie says Paolo is not a loss anyone will cry a river about, Guido’s death was much more important.
Back at wedding, Ramona and Lupe discuss their same ol’ subject. Ramona: ‘since you had to tell one truth, why not throw the rest of the baker’s dozen secrets’. Lupe rebuttes that saying he is not the only one keeping quiet on some truths. Ramona says Pal cannot find out who is her father, some truths destroy people. She reminds him she feels guilty of Augie’s death.. yada yada. Lupe repeats his usual response, ‘you will feel better when you spill the beans on Stefie/Rosie/Carmina’. Again, Ramona says WHY DON’t YOU?
Carito and DrT… seems she has been drinking quite a bit… DrT is behaving like a pure gentleman… Carito feels bad and faints right before his eyes. HE won’t let Elisa go with him to take Carito to the Centro de Salud.
At Merida police station, BeGoneYa throws her ‘pittiful me’ act to Enrique.. Enrique seems willing to give Dam some good competition on who will be more of an idiot to his mother’s ‘I am the victim’ speeches. Enrique tells her she is not arrested, she was brought here only to be questioned on the murder.
At Centro de Salud Carito wakes up, DrT lets her know that during his checking her out he discovered she had had a mastectomy (breast cancer surgery) and asks her when she had her last chemotherapy. That is surely why her body immune system is weakened. Carito gets really upset/angry, ‘you had no right!!’ SLAP!!!
Back to wedding… Paloma announces it is time to throw the bouquet… Lolita goes to grab Maru to go stand with the women. Elisa goes too, and she convinces Flo to go along. Do it for Pal. Of course Elisa gets the ‘prize’ and before she can realize what she has in her hands, she has Dam behind her ‘see? I told you so! You are going to lose that bet.’
Back to Hacienda, Alfie is worried, Dam is taking too long (as if he were 5 years old and went to town alone). A little while later she gets a surprise/scary visitor… Horacio came to check why she has not stopped by the cemetery. Still interested in messing with Gabino? Alfie seems to trust Gabino won’t harm her anymore. Horacio not so sure. Alfie sends him back, promising she will visit him when she feels better. Tonita comes by and could swear she was talking to someone. Alfie says no, I am still waiting for them. Tonia looks at her like not totally buying it.
Back at wedding, Paloma urges Dam to get going on marrying Elisa. Dam congrats Paloma on expecting. Pal teases Elisa with ‘you are getting married… you got the bouquet’… Pal tells Elisa she feels like in a dream. Elisa hugs her, notices Gael looking at her and Elisa intentionally puts the bouquet to block his seeing her face.
At quinta, Gabino arrives. Throws himself on couch. Carmina comes in, he asks her ‘where the heck were you?’ Carmina can’t believe his nerve. He wants her to cook for him. She says you know the way to the kitchen. If you want me to play a woman who waits on you and cooks for you you must be very sick in the head. Gabino starts to leave, she says no no no wait… Gabino plays like he is willing to please her and stay, but he walks away… again, Carmina is alone.
At wedding, Lucio has loaned the truck to Gael again. They are all smiles… Lucio wishes them all the best. Asks Pal to be VERY Patient with her hard headed hubby. IF he does not behave let me know and I will smack him over the head. Elisa also greets and wishes the best for the couple. Elisa reminds Gael he promised to make Pal happy. Dam also came to say goodbye. Warns Gael the road to Cancun is good but still drive carefully. He embraces Gael and tells him he wishes them all the happiness. Ramona warns Gael to take care of Paloma. Dr T arrives in time to say goodbye to the newlyweds. Paloma asks him how Carito is… well, just needs rest… Pa’padre also arrives in time to say goodbye… gives them one final speech of the life as a couple is not easy, but love is a splendor thing. After all ‘you are always with what/who you love’. Wherever I am I will always look out for you, and come see me if you need me for anything. Gael is thankful to him. Gael calls him padre, Loopy asks to be called Guadalupe, Gael says no, you will always be my papa’padre. ((ANVIL ALERT!!! THIS GOODBYES ARE VERY VERY VERY SCARY!!!)) and FINALLY!!! They are on their way! (Gael did not open the door for Pal… strike one, Gael!! But you stroke out for all 27 outs already, man!!)
Braulio sees his house, newly decorated by Lolita… they get smoochy talking about this being what they both dreamed years ago, her being the only woman he ever really loved, and still being in time to see it through, she wants to show him the rest of the house before they get too clingy… well, once in bedroom after a quick approval, they kiss passionately, he manages to stop and tell her it is getting late… but she won’t let him stop now that she has him where she wants him… she has always been ‘tu mujer’ FINALLY!!!
Carmina is ready for bed… again hears noises… comes out of bedroom to investigate. When she comes out to kitchen she notices a broken glass thing on floor… she grabs a huge knife and takes it with her to bedroom.
Dam and Loopy finally arrive home… She could not sleep … Loopy not willing to witness another of her ‘scenes’. He is more willing to hug her and say he his glad she is finally back home… in HER home. HE goes away to rest. She tells Loopy she is glad he is finally living with them ‘this is your house’.
Dam warns ALfie that Elisa did not marry Gael, and although she still does not dance to his tune, he won’t stop until she marries him. Alfie starts to confront his will… He is not willing to yield anymore. ‘Elisa already won the war on you’. ‘if you put me between the sword and the stone and make me decide, you know which choice I will make. I already lived the life you chose for me. I grew up very far from me. I married the woman you chose for me. And everything turned out awful. So now I will live my own life whether you agree with it or not.
At Cancun hotel… Gael seems to be ok with Paloma… even pleases her when she asks him to carry her through door ‘como en las peliculas’ (as in the movies). But once they are in balcony, she gets all excited about the luxuries of the hotel, never been away from LaErmita, then she wants to get steamy and he doesn’t. He almost goofs saying ‘its been a hard day’. When she asks him why, he says for all the events of the day…Again she tries to get steamy and again she is turned down. THE JERK wants to shower and go to sleep. He leaves her there alone, very sad. … (I am surprised my tv doesn’t have a couple shoes through the screen yet)
At cemetery, Elisa gets her surprise… Stefie’s toumb looks wonderful ‘Here rests eternally Stefie Bouv de Castanon, loving wife and mother’… Elisa is totally moved. Lucio comes over and explains it was a surprise, and that Lolita helped him too. Elisa thanks him for the best gift she has got … EVER!... She wants to go see Lolita to thank her too. Lucio says Lolita never came home to sleep. She and Braulio are finally having their powwow…
Said Lolita is being awaken by Braulio… she asks him to tell her she is not dreaming… they are very happy together, happier than I would conceive any of our younger couples could ever be. Braulio says it was the happiest moment of his life. She says she never thought she would feel so much and so wonderful. HE has been hoping to wake up beside her and say good morning… She realizes she spent the whole night with him. What will I tell Don Lucio and Elisa? Braulio took care of it. HE called LUcio early to let him know. What is wrong with it, we are both adult, available… he tells her Lucio said ‘about time!!’… HE fixed her a coffee, and will go fix her breakfast. She wants to make it herself, but he wants to pamper her. She is in heaven.
At quinta, Carmina is getting dressed… sees the knife and puts it in her purse… (YIKES!!! OOOH NOOOO!!!!)
Carito arrives to quinta, tells Carmina she is interested in buying the quinta.
At Santa Ana Procesadora, Dam and Maru are very worried about the financial state of the procesadora. Maru sort of gives him a speech ‘what did you expect after the adventure of stealing the bride and staying away days?’ … need to convince mother to accept that we find some investors. Dam is decided on taking the reigns of the procesadora. Maru excited to hear that. He needs to find investors because he certainly does not want Gabino to be it. Maru giggles, she has an idea, what if Elisa becomes the investor.. then she would be associate of the procesa… that way Alfie would not reject the idea of Dam and Elisa marrying. Dam agrees, for my mother it would be a way to keep some level of control.
Gabino visits Alfie and fakes being happy she is fine after her crisis. Gabino reminds her that they have a pending deal, he still wants to be associated to the procesadora. Will do anything to get that. Alfie asks how far would he go to get it. Gab offers to make Elisa stop breathing.. (and stop crying too?? That does not sound THAT bad)
Previews don’t look very encouraging at all for Loopy, he even wears all white, and says(I believe to Alfie) he has an appointment at 4pm with Elisa… Loopy meets with Carmina at cemetery, she says ‘I would be willing to do anything’… (and seems she stabs him, but I could be wrong). It all looks very gloomy for Loopy… yikes!!
Wait a minute… if this happens at the cemetery, where is Horacio? Will he witness Carmina’s newest deed?
Labels: abismo
Por ella soy Eva #61 10/10/12: Men, Lies and Deception
I am still closing my mouth from last night’s impactado momento, when we met Modesto’s "other family".
Adriano is trying to score points with Eva by asking Mimi about Eva’s hobbies, favorite perfumes, etc. He will not take no for an answer. A woman like Eva needs a sophisticated approach but Mimi reminds him that Eva only has eyes for her late husband. Why not weigh your options with another woman? He wants Eva!!
He has a real woman in front of him and he doesn’t realize it. Men are blind and crude!!!
In the Principal’s office-the Principal is telling Helena that the school psychologist completed a periodic assessment on the students and noticed that Lalo is different, he is distancing himself from his friends. Lalo was such a good boy, but lately he has been irritable and almost got into a fight. (As an educator, I’m a little embarrassed about this scene- hmm- did anyone bother to talk to Lalo, he has had a lot going on in his personal life as of late?)
Helena recounts that he has moved out of his grandparents house to live with her, met his real father, who once again left him to return to the US. The principal says that he tells his friends that his dad is still around in Mexico. He’s lying. (Here’s a first- a child that lies) At home- Lalo walks over the sofa to sit down and Helena asks him if he still thinks about his dad? Sometimes, he says and she asks if he talks to any of his friends about his dad and he says a few. He misses his dad and doesn’t understand why he left or how come they can’t go to visit him. (Here’s a thought- maybe the psychologist can discuss separation with Lalo) He would like to spend some fun, bonding time with his dad. Helena explains that sometimes things are out of our hands or our control (like Pluto’s money and thugs, threatening your dad so that he had to leave the country)
The doorbell rings and I’m sure that it’s the pain, oh Pluto. I’m right and he’s bearing a pizza and a Lego like gift. Here we go- he was just so worried about the phone call from the school (and the Hitchcock like music is weirding me out) He was just so worried. Puleeeze! Oh thank you for worrying about my son and she proceeds to tell him about the Principal’s concerns.
Eva and Eugenia are in a pool hall. Wow!! Eugenia is a pool shark. Men are so prejudice and think that women can’t play. My son JC wouldn’t have allowed me to stay in here. Eva tries to tell her how much he loved her, but Eugenia is not buying it. She knows JC better than anyone else. JC was just as prejudice as his dad when it comes to women. Two men come over and they make a wager over a friendly game of pool.
Silvia is telling Helena about her new job and Pluto is so happy for her and for Lalo. Pluto is going to play with Lalo. Silvia is pleased with Pluto but Helena is still thinking about JC. Pluto is gaining Lalo’s confidence. Pluto is a good parent figure for Lalo, as per Silvia (Helena, I know that she is your mom, but she is the same woman who picked Mad Dad, so let’s not be too quick to make life partner decisions)
The ladies lost the game, but the men didn’t take the money, they wanted Dona Eugenia’s autograph. They won’t take the money from the women at first. Eugenia and Eva lost but what was important was that they were together. (Another touching moment)
Grupo Imperio- GI- Oh Helena, I don’t want to be a bother by stopping by your house (bearing gifts) and Helena says no problem, you were worried about Lalo. Oh yes. (Seriously, these scenes with Pluto looking like an adolescent are tired!) The blue dresses were listening to every word and Pluto summons them back to work. - Finally!
Rebeca (wearing a snakeskin print blouse gee- she has all the animal prints, I’m waiting to see her in tiger stripes, next) stops Pluto in the hallway and asks about his whereabouts for dinner last night. She was not pleased that he sent Oneismo. He told her that he was working, just like everyone should be doing. (I agree! - there is too much downtime) Pluto was heading to see Adriano and did not have time for small talk. Just bring him his information as he snaps his fingers.
Eva and Eugenia arrive at the hospital and Eugenia falls asleep. Eva speaks as JC. He is dying to return as himself, there is so much to he wants to say to her. She wakes up and says Juan Carlos. Is that you?
Adriano is looking at his gallery of photos, with Tiger Woods, former President George Bush and I didn’t catch the last one. (If anyone knows who he is, please let me know) Adriano wants to know how did he conquer his sister, Antonia? We adored each other (Morbid music), she was sweet, sensible marvelous, I was captivated from the beginning. Ahem! He just misses her. (His nose should grow at this point) He feels so alone. So does Adriano. His dad told him that men shouldn’t be alone. Are you interested in anyone, asks Pluto. Adriano smiles innocently.
Adriano is worried that the Mayagua Beach project may be too much for Helena. Why? Because she is a vulnerable woman. When women are vulnerable they are traitors, they have mood swings, blah, blah, blah. (I can’t believe what I’m hearing) don’t worry BIL. I have a solution. Let it in my hands.
Eugenia insists that she heard Juan Carlos’ voice. Eva tries to convince her that she’s wrong. Eugenia quotes- Shakespeare.
Mousse Boy comes into Pluto’s office and Pluto wants Helena’s movements reported to him but in strict confidence. You can count on him. It’s a shame that such a good project will end a way that no one expects.
Eva feels bad that he has to deceive his mother who is confusing reality with fiction. (Is she really?) He/She is learning things about his mother that he never knew before. His father does have another family with a 6-year-old daughter.
Pluto asks a personal favor of Helena, he needs her advice regarding his renovation. He needs a feminine opinion. He doesn’t want it to look like a magazine. He wants to make it a home. Their lives parallel a house. How was your house, Helena?
Mimi and Eva talk about Modesto’s other family. They discuss the possibility of Eva renting her own apartment to live with Eugenia. Mimi teases Eva about Adriano and how he was asking her advice on how to conquer Eva. Eva didn’t give it a second thought. Eva remembers that he hasn’t seen Helena for a bit and she must be with Pluto. Eww Adriano stops Eva. He needs to talk to her. We can talk but not alone. We will talk but touch me and don’t look at me. He brings up the Mayagua Beach project. Eva brings up the fraud with JC. JC was like a son to him. Adriano wants to know why she is interested? He will tell her when she wants and throws her out of his office, nicely. JC it still hurts.
Loose Lucia is talking to the light blue dresses. She is looking for Renato, oh no she is looking for Helena. (yeah right) Then they have a ridiculous conversation about who is more handsome JC or Renato. Renato is snooping around Helena’s office and sits in her seat and says that this place is for him. Lucia enters and Renato is very cold. She invites him to go out and he can’t make it. Work is his priority and he is not interested. Loose Lucia is impactada. (Lucia you are a user magnet)
Modesto is at home and Claudia, the maid runs in to tell him that a woman and child are looking for him. Claudia and her daughter walk in. (How did she get in?? - didn’t she have to be announced) Carmen couldn’t wait any longer at the hotel for him. They have to leave. Well at the office you can’t get enough of me, at the hotel the same thing but now I have to go. Busted- Eugenia asks- why is this woman and child in MY house? Modesto is at a loss for words.
Loose Lucia is crying because she and Renato have broken up.
Eugenia reads Modesto and asks him how dare he allows his concubine into their house. What a lack of respect. Hmm, who looks crazy now? There is an explanation says Modesto-Let’s hear it!!! Remember we only have less than 30 minutes. So my husband’s secretary is his lover, what gall!!! It was an emergency. How could you have this scene in front of your daughter- (who’s out of order now?) Talk to your family, Modesto! I’m going out with my friend, Eva.
Eva- feels that she is being punished with the wig, the heels, and the dress. I’m mad (as a man) and I can’t see Helena. I can’t see Helena because I am dealing with karma.
Eugenia calls Eva and desperately needs to see her.
Modesto wants to know why in world did Carmen think that it was okay to come to the house. Its important and I couldn’t reach you. Uh oh, she wants to talk about their son that they haven’t heard from in awhile. He’s not a boy, he can take care of himself, compared to JC may he rest and peace. JC was a full-fledged man. (You guys are good-could it be Renato???)
Eugenia tells Eva about Modesto and the other family. She only trusts Eva. Eugenia is thinking about the past and Eva tells her that she should believe that one day she will be a star again. Eva is going to take her to someone who admires her.
Eva takes Eugenia to her room and Mimi is honored to see her. Mimi remembers when she starred in the novella- Corazon Real. Eugenia remembers a movie from the room (the skype show form earlier this week??) Mimi tells her that a movie had been shot there.
Eva thanks Mimi for receiving his/her mother so well. Mimi is delighted to have such a star in her house. Mom is looking for the bathroom and makes a wrong turn into Eva’s room and thought bubbles to the first time that she met Eva, the time that Eva said that she was Juan’s friend, the skype show, the car, the various conversations. About women. Oh no- Juan Carlos has deceived her and now she knows, that Juan Carlos is Eva.
Coming attractions: - to remember is to live- Helena is still thinking about JC and Pluto is lurking in the sidelines; Eugenia has figured out that JC is Eva.
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