Monday, November 18, 2013
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: MARIDO EN ALQUILER, week of November 18, 2013
THIS is the post for Marido fans.
Labels: marido, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA, week of November 18, 2013
This is the place for comments on Santa Diabla where there's a LOT going on. Who killed Vicente, a
nueva etapa, the return of Willy... Whew! Have fun.
Labels: santa, telemundo
Sunday, November 17, 2013
PEAM #179- 11/15/13: The Perils of Valentina Commences!
Hola PEAM Peeps. I will try to make this recap, very short and sweet without missing a thing, maybe ;
Catfight! Catfight! In the park, in front of a ton of witnesses, Pato knocks the crap out of Killeronica and she does the same to Pato. It's a draw, cause the cops come and break it up. Pato warns Killeronica to stay away from her family. Killeronica tells her she'll be at the boda of Alma and Chucho, count on her, bwhaaaa!
Julio and Aida finally do the deed! It's only about time. Then there is the whole thing of was it good for you, as it was for me? They are too cute!
Short scene of Kiko playing the keyboard for Vale, he's her idol. FF>>>>
Chatita comes to Susanna's place for the Bachelorette partay. It's all done up in heart balloons, where are the red buckets I wanna know?
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
Corazon Indomable Episode 134: Season of Despair, Desparation and Estupideces
A Tribute to Rent (aka procrastination at its best)
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes so dear (umm
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes
That’s how much time, we have with this TN
We may be, rejoicing
We may be, in mourning
Tequila or tissues? Applauses or tears?
One thousand six hundred and eight minutes
How will you remember, this (adlib) TN
And So We Begin
Dejected MC greets Octavio in a “hurry up dude, I have got
better things to do like sit and look somber all day instead of taking action”
kind of day. Octavio gets to the point and states that Simona is going to
Mexico to operate and want to speak with MC prior to leaving. I am not sure
whether MC is shocked that Simona wants to speak with her or that she is going
to MC to operate which means she will not die like everyone clearly wants. Now
that that’s over with while they are standing two worlds apart, Octavio wants
to know how MC is doing. She tells him not to worry about that she is fine. She
said her goodbye’s to Alvaro because she will never marry again. She will live
alone with Lupita, never allow herself to love anyone again and get herself out
of this situation (flash of Old Mari..yay!!). Tav feels obligated to lessen the
distance between them but Mari is just defeated today. She tells him they will
never be together and with Simona getting that operation they will always be
apart (I believe this is what she was insinuating…correct me if I am wrong).
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Mentir Para Vivir #30 Fri 11/15/13 Pandora's Box: Dealing With The Aftermath
The really big news is that Tito finally got his break playing a near victim last night and made Lassie's heart go pitty-pat.
~~Partes 1, 2 & 3
Lo del Pasado:
Jose Luis, aka
Francisco Castro, now is death-grip impactado to hear from Berto (FYI the
skin-headed, disgusting, redneckish, rich ex-boyfriend of Lucia in LFDD) who’s
just told a whopper about defunct BIL, Gabriel, having been caught molesting
six year old Alina when he saw Oriana/Ines take the gun and blow Gabe away at
poolside. “—Are you telling me that he
molested my daughter?” Ruh-roh!!
Lo del Nuevo:
Berto now accuses
JL/Fakecisco of being Oriana’s husband and then JL appropriately throws Berto’s greasy,
lying, stinking backside onto the bed.
“—How do you know? Did you see it
or what? “ Yeah! I saw it all!
I saw the old man molest her and Oriana blow him away! Pow!”
“--You’re a liar and I’m going to corroborate everything you’ve told me! The Sra. didn’t own a gun; and anyway, that gun
was probably Lucina or Raquel’s! Besides it was you who killed the old
man! “ “—No, I told you it wasn’t
me!” JL either thinks pretty well on his
feet, all things considered—or he had this story all lined up, which is
probably more likely—and explains, the fairytale familial relationships. “--Yes,
the little girl is mine but the Sra. Ines--or Oriana, since that’s what you’re
calling her— she and I never got married! And she never ever [jamas] married another
man, especially not this smuggler like you say!!”
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Friday, November 15, 2013
La Tempestad, Capítulo 80, Friday, November 15, 2013: El Gran Final: Time Wounds All Heels*
*Groucho Marx
An Evening of Suicide, Madness, Murder, Redemption and Romance
The Acme Anvil truck pulls away from a high-rise construction site on the outskirts of Our Lady of the Sea. It has been a busy few days for Acme, and the demand for its foolproof product is still brisk.
Esthercita, fueled by a potent cocktail of booze, pills, self-pity and resentment, teeters near the edge of the concrete slab and glances at the abyss below. Marina has already wrested baby Michel away from her. Esthercita has one final bit of venom to spew: Little Michel is the son of Ernesto Contreras!
Before anyone can stop her, Esthercita steps off, falls dizzyingly through space and ends up broken and bloody on the ground.
The Acme truck speeds off. Next!
Hernán emerges from the bathroom of the psychiatric prison wearing the orderly's uniform and badge. The orderly himself is left in the bathroom, badly beaten, maybe dead.
Hernán strolls right past the security guard at the employee exit, waving casually at the man but never looking back at him, while he fantasizes about Damián's demise.
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La Tempestad, Thursday November 14, 2013 — The Penultimate Storm
Pregnant Much?? Not
Damian ‘outs’ Estercita’s fake-pregnancy ruse by pulling
the pregnant foam belly out from under her dress in front of the whole town. He then
throws it into the crowd, a bit like it was, say, a garter from a wedding. I
guess if you catch the fake belly you will be the next one in Our Lady of the
Sea to show up semi-pregnant.
Damian and Marina kiss and make up. They have overcome all
the obstacles to their love. (Maybe not.
This is only the penultimate episode, not the final.) The whole town claps and
there are fireworks.
Claudio Loves
In the hospital, at Mercedes’ bedside, Claudio tells
Mercedes that he is in love with her and asks for a chance at a relationship.
She wants to have a little time with her daughters but she will give him a
chance to walk with them. They confess mutual love.
Magdalena and Valentin come hand-in-hand to Mercedes Sr.’s
bedside. Mercedes gives her blessing to the relationship.
Bea Is Dying
Beatriz is dying. Father Tomas comes and takes her confession.
He tells her that she has completed her mission in life by raising Marina to be
the strong, courageous, noble woman she is today. After Fr Tomas confesses and
blesses her, he tells Becky and Jose that Bea is preparing for God’s final
call. Becky visits her beloved sister. Beatriz mentally tells Rebecca not to
worry. She summons the doctor who tells her that Beatriz has little time to
live. Jose is standing by during this exchange, simply bursting out of his
royal blue shirt. Jose had better stop hitting the weights so hard or he is
going to need an entirely new wardrobe.
In a close up we note that Beatriz’ makeup makes the actress
look pretty rough—her eyebrows are completely unadorned!—so we are not
surprised when Beatriz prepares to pass.
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Mentir Para Vivir #29 Thu 11/14/13 Llegar para Sorprender
As everyone files into the boardroom, Ricardo asks Inés if that's Jose Luis or not. She lies, remembering the threats he made.
Francisco (JL) dangles the possibility of expansion in front of the board. He also brings up the idea of offering lower quality fabrics at a lower price, making up for it by moving a greater quantity. Ricardo seems not to object, although he was the one who brought up the company's reputation being based on the quality of their fabrics. What he does object to, after Inés asks what role the Caribbean Investment With Potentially Funny Money Firm will play, is that in order to carry out this huge expansion, they would have to depend on the CIWPFMF's cash, since Aresti Breton doesn't have that kind of liquidity. That would make CIWPFMF the majority shareholder in Aresti Breton. I vote no. Oh, wait, crap, I'm not on the board. Paloma comes to visit. I'm digging the hat, babe!
Eliseo schleps Francisco's luggage over to Casa Bonita where he runs into Felipe…oops! Eliseo talks fast and claims he got fired from being caretaker at El Descanso, so he got a job as a cab driver, and he met Francisco Castro and got a job being his "achichincle" (henchdude). He whines about his hurt shoulder so Felipe will carry the bag and then makes a cara de "me fregué!" (I'm screwed!) while Felipe's back is turned.
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CI capítulo 133 – 11-14-13 – Some People Are Packing Up and Leaving Town
Scenes are grouped under topic and
may be described out of order. I always thought Solita was undeservedly
ignored, so I felt compelled to write an account from her point of view. It’s at
the end of the recap and not part of the action, so feel free to ignore it.
more or less
Tav thinks about Maricruz and
decides it’s alright if she marries for love, but not from need.
Padre Julian and Nilda talk.
Solita lived a life of disability, but it was due to Nilda’s ignorance and her
Alvaro hears Perrico say he’ll
be best man at the wedding, but really came to warn the birdbrain that drastic
action is needed to keep Solita with him. He needs to grab her and run away.
Herminio meets Octavio
outdoors, carrying baby Octavito. Simona gave the baby to a couple living in a
shack. Tav cuddles the baby and takes him home.
Life in
the Mad House
Ofelia is ecstatic to see Tav
returning with his son and heir. He instructs Ofe on the new safety standards:
the baby will sleep in her room and she is to watch him carefully.
Defense against crazy Simona becomes
a moot point when Ofelia finds her on the floor of her room, completely
unresponsive. She runs screaming for Migreedy, afraid Simona is dead. Tav is
gone, but the situation won’t wait. Migreedy will call an ambulance to get her
to the hospital. Tav arrives home as the
ambulance crew is loading Simona. He gets the story of her collapse from Miguel
and says he’s going to the hospital.
The doctor says Simona is in deep
shock and is a difficult case.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013
PEAM #178-11/14/13- An Episode of Bridezilla
Good evening all.
We begin with Alma visiting her former cellmate, Tecolota.
Ricardo and Jesus are talking in the office and in walks Vicki. Why?? A "kitten fight" ensues between Marisela and Vicki. Insults are thrown but Vicki is there
is to arrange music for Jesus’ wedding.
Vicki has contacts.
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Corazon Indomable #132, The search continues.
MC tells Solita that Nilda is her mother. Solita doesn't seem to understand, MC then repeats it to Perico as if he wasn't standing right there when she said it and acts like he just heard it for the first time too. They all leave Solita alone with Nilda to not talk. Nilda cries and Solita wonders what is going on. I have a halloween wig that looks just like Nilda's hair.
Octavio is searching for the missing baby.
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La Tempestad Capitulo 78 , Wed 11/13/13 - What’s good for Fulgencio is always bad for someone else.
Ahoy amigos y amigas, thank you for hanging in there with us amid all the crazy cuts and random editing. All the scenes that were edited out of tonight's episode are in BLUE. The scenes are mostly in order. Thank you for your patience.
The Phonymoon - Last night we left Marina in a very uncomfortable situation. To wit, Hernan is ready to “claim” his wife. He has forced her to the bed and she yells over and over for him to let her go. “Suelteme!!”
Hernan, in a convenient moment of self-awareness, realizes what he’s doing and sobs his apologies. Marina tells him he’s the worst of men, grabs her shirt and baby, and leaves him weeping in a pathetic heap on the floor. Whew! That was close.
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Mentir Para Vivir #28 Wed 11/13/13 JL makes Oriana an offer she can’t refuse, or can she?
for Two
JL tries to get Oriana back but he's not getting anywhere. She's
not willing to forgive and forget. He begs for forgiveness for this one
error. After all she's suffered, she can't believe he'd ask her for
forgiveness. Yeah, he can see how she's suffering, kissing another man!
She admits she has a novio. She had to have a reason to move
forward and besides, she had been told JL was dead. She tells him Lucina and
Raquel are the only ones who know her true identity.
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PEAM #177- 11/13/13: The End Is Near, Repent Veronica! Look to Jesus, Jesus Loves You (Sorry, We Don't Mean Garcia)!
Recap By Pablo
This is the recap of a very stupid episode (I am so glad this ordeal is almost over)
Fo-fo-for you, Je-je-Jesús, the sky is the li- is the li- is the limit!
It's weird that this stutterer friend of Jesús, whom he considers almost his brother, was not seen (or heard of) in any of the 175 previous episodes. I guess he had to be a stutterer because that's funny (to who is not), specially when they always start their phrases with what we think would be a bad word, but when they finally say it, it turns out it was not!! It was not funny 20 years ago and is still not funny. Popó, popó, por favor haz caca, haz caca, camino al andar!
It wouldn't hurt to try, if you could handle the truth...
Patricia is talking to Delia in the hope that she allows Rogelio a special permit to attend her best friend's big wedding. Sorry Charlie,
1) Delia is out of town and
2) Personal matters are not to interfere with prison regulations
Heartbroken, Patricia starts walking aimlessly. Her brain orders her legs to move, but her heart has stopped responding... meanwhile, unbeknownst to her, in Avon's media room she is being awaited... without her, there could be NO WEDDING!!
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Mentir Para Vivir #27 Tue 11/12/13 You Mess with Her, You Mess with Me! Capische?
Aresti Breton,
Ricky’s Office: Lila and Berto have
shown up unannounced. Lila would like to
recommend a new investor group that wants to partner with Aresti Breton in South America and Europe. Francisco
Castro is her contact’s name. Upon
hearing that name, Oriana practically jumps out of her skin. Ricky immediately agrees and says that they
want to introduce Mr. Castro to the board.
Oriana also thinks it’s a good idea, but she wants to consult with
Paloma first. Oriana asks for the name of
the company. Where are their
accounts? Berto says that they have a
lot of accounts in the Cayman Islands. All
Rich people have accounts in the Cayman Islands. Ricky abruptly ends the meeting. After the siblings leave, Oriana tells Ricky
that Francisco Castro was the name of the man who was in the restaurant. She’s certain that Francisco is really Jose
Luis. If Francisco Castro invests, the
money is dirty. Ricky says that may be
the case, but it’s better to keep your enemies close to you. They will do whatever
Paloma says. Oriana says that Paloma
will do whatever Ricky says, so that does not comfort her.
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La Tempestad Cap #77. November 12th 2013. Repeat After Me: "They All Warned You Marina But You Didn't Listen!"
Ep #115 and #116 were combined tonight. Scenes out of order. No color combination tonight since I did a lot of combining to make the recap flow better.
Ep #115
Fully Confesses His Love
Magda and Marina can't quite understand Fully's concern for their mother. Fully questions them about Claudio. Magda responds: "He's a friend of my mother's". Fully confesses his unrequited love for Mercedes. It was unrequited because Mercedes loved Michel Fabre. Fully excuses himself and leaves.
On La Tempestad:
Thank you, Mejia for the DamFineAbs view!
The bullet is removed and Bagre disinfects the DamWound. While DamFab is in pain, over in viewerville we can't help but enjoy the view of his DamFineAbs.
DamFab tells Bagre and Lolo about Marina's marriage to Hernan. They are so impactados with the news they each chug down some booze. DamNeedsSomeBoozeToo wants some booze too and is given some to chug down. DamFab tells Bagre and Lolo that Marina was forced into marriage with Hernan. DamFab will plan his next step. He'll rescue Marina and his daughter without putting them at risk. He'll lay low so Hernan thinks he's DamDead. That way Hernan will be taken by surprise with his return.
There is a lot of back and forth with this: DamFab wants to rescue Marina and his daughter. He could care less about the DamWound. DamFab doesn't want the DamWound checked on while the crew insists it get checked on. This goes on for several scenes until DamFab FINALLY agrees to the DamWound getting checked on.
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
PEAM, Tuesday 11/12/13 (#176): Hugs, Kisses, Clues, and Dead Ends
After work, Ferni and Xochi visit Fernando's dad at the old folks' home. Dad is aquiver with tentative excitement and Parkinson's. He's been keeping up with his sons' lives through the newspapers; he read about Fernando's wedding and Rogelio's imprisonment. Maybe someone should tell him about these recaps.
Dad is remorseful and contrite about being such a lousy father; he doesn't blame Fernando for not having visited sooner. Fernando explains that Rogelio actually told him that their father was dead. Dad doesn't blame Rog for that, either. Fernando tells him not to dwell on the past - there's still the future, and five new grandchildren on the way!
Dad says it was worth the wait to finally see Fernando again. Fernando forgives him, and they hug.
It's Friday the 7th of June, by the way. Valentina is aghast that her father and Alma have to wait nearly a year and a half to get married in the cathedral of their choice. (It's where Alma's parents got married. Look how well that marriage turned out!) Then the phone rings. Guess who it is? Guess!
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CI #131 -- Lost and Found: Simona Misplaces The Mini-Tav While Nilda Makes Contact With Solita
We settle in for another round of redneck hobsnobbery as the doc is informing Esther, Octavio and Miguel
that Jose Antonio will be off the job for the next two weeks, and admits that
he has a legal duty to report the shooting. Esther goes in to chat with her hubby while Migui
and Tav ask if the doc knows who shot JA and why. The doc tells them what JA told him: that it
was a tenant from Rancho Narvaez over some personal dispute. (Sorry, Doc, but the name’s been changed to El
Abuelo. I suppose they forgot to make
the script change…..) Tav thinks out
loud saying he’s relieved it wasn’t about “her”… Sra. Maricruz. Migui does a quick verbal shuffle explaining
how Esther and she don’t get along and that perhaps JA wanted to avoid having
to mention her name. The doc says nope,
nothing like that and then takes his leave.
Migui does another mental number on Tav to make him continue to doubt MC’s
good character when it comes to other men in the region.
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Mentir Para Vivir #26 Mon 11/11/13 Mentir para engañar a la tonta de Lila
Jose Luis is explaining Eliseo that he bailed on Raquel’s inauguration
party because he can’t be seen by his wife just yet. Idiot Eliseo thinks this
is Corazon Indomable and some beard and a different hair could forbid Oriana from
recognizing her husband, but JL knows better.
Joaquin calls just then and JL explains that he found the company to use
for their lavado de dinero (money laundering)
– they don’t need the capital, but he’s sure he can pull off the transaction.
We don’t hear how much money they’ll “invest”, but it’s a lot.
Eliseo tries to find out what is the deal, but JL puts him in his place.
Casa Bonita is getting ready for the big opening, with a pool filled of
flower petals. Nice.
Ruben is getting all dressed up to go to the party; since Madhilde wasn’t
invited, she wants him to refuse attendance, too – normally, I’d agree with the
wife in situations like this, but this is Maddy, so she has it well deserved.
She thinks they should have at least invited her as a gesture and if she
can’t go, then Ruben won’t either. But he really, really wants to go – and he
states this in a ridiculous childish voice, like he was a 10 year old going to
his first sleep over.
Maddy accuses him of sleeping with one of the women, el desgraciado!
Oriana, Alina, Ricardo and Paloma arrive at the party; Lucina welcomes
them, as Raquel looks on. Then she notices that Lucina is searching for Ruben
in the crowd. Raquel explains that Francisco isn’t attending because he’s in a
business trip; Lucina implies that something might be going on between Raquel
and Francisco, because, you know, she’s Raquel.
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La Tempestad, November 11, 2013. Capitulo 76.
DamFab comes to tell his daughter and Marina good night. Ungrateful Marina tells him there is no need. Just because their daughter was born doesn't mean anything has changed. Estercita is still expecting a another child of his. DamFab reminds her that it was a set-up. Marina recognizes that, but he let himself fall victim. DamFab feels that the baby Estercita is expecting is not his. He asks her to have confidence in him. He loves her. They kiss.
Mexico City: Crazy Hernan tells Ernesto how much he really hates him. You have turned me into a man without scruples. He pulls out a gun. Ernesto asks him if he would kill his own father. Crazy eyed Hernan tells him to come up with a better lie. Ernesto says he is not afraid of death and is not lying. But you told me you killed by parents replies Hernan. Ernesto says I ordered the man who raised you to die. I liked your mother but she kept rejecting me. So that is why I took her by force. Shut up! yells Hernan. You are making me tell you everything and you will know the truth. She kept quiet so that I wouldn't do anything to her husband. Somehow he found out the truth and that is why I ordered for them both to be killed. How can you talk about this coldly? Ernesto says in this type of business there are no feelings. That is why I never told you where they were buried. There was no reason for you to mourn them. Crazy eyed Hernan grabs Ernesto and says he's going to kill him. Ernesto dares him to shoot the man that gave him life. Crazy eyed Hernan tells Ernesto he detests him. He can't kill him, but life is a b!tch and it will make him pay for all he has done. Ernesto says he knew that Hernan didn't have the balls to do it. Ernesto tells Hernan that even though he has become a traitor, he can't kill him since he is his son. Hernan says he preferred to never know that Ernesto is his father. I would rather have died not knowing the truth. He leaves.
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