Monday, December 07, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #73 Monday, 12-7-15 (Mex 102) In Which Fiorella Finds a Knife Protruding from the Angeles Family Back
Pedro and Gianluca's yelling goes to blows right inside La Dolce Vita: Pedro is attacking Gianluca for his part in deceiving the poor, dying Vittorio and Luca accuses Pedro of being a typical, cynical rich dude and trying to make Fiorella his personal plaything. Domingo breaks up the fight and Pedro leaves in a huff.
Pedro arrives at ACorp just after Benigno has signed the papers which form the new fused company headed up by the Ass. Benigno asks for a list of ACorps customers so as to insure there is no conflict of interest between the two client bases. Pedro exchanges sharp words with Assvaldo, then leaves with Aitana trailing him. Benigno and his wife discuss the still lost cell phone. The whole group toasts the merger.
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Labels: mivac
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #102 Lunes 12/7/15
Labels: no-creo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Bajo el Mismo Cielo and Fatmagul: Week of December 7, 2015
Labels: bajo, fatmagul, telemundo
La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #118-122* Dec. 7-11
Mariana is the best!
Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (December 7, 2015)
Friday, December 04, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #72 Thu 12/3/15 (Mex 101) The things we do for love
Fi's latest argument with Gianluca ends with a demand that he never kiss her again. Boo!
Ramiro gets all dressed up and goes to La Dolce Vita to check out Diana…and he makes it clear to Domingo that he is, indeed, checking out Diana (busy flirting with Vitto). Vitto even wanders over, giving Ramiro the chance to say that the meal is excellent, and oh by the way, that woman over there is his neighbor who he has the hots for. She doesn't know they're neighbors but he watches her all the time…with her son. Well, Vitto is convinced Beto is her nephew, so that gets Ramiro nowhere. He breaks it to Ramiro that Diana's spoken for…ohh, not by him! He's an honorable lech…er, leech…er, man who's about to get married. Fake-sad Ramiro asks for the check.
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Labels: mivac
Pasión y Poder #22, Thursday, December 3, 2015: The Fall of Erick Montenegro. (And it's SO not fair!)
Labels: poder
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #101 Thursday 12/3/15 Family Trees and Histories
Labels: no-creo
Antes muerta que Lichita #52 Thursday 12/3/15 The Episode Where Grown-ups Make Bad Decisions and the Children Suffer
"I can channel scary face just as easily as my puppy dog one" |
Labels: lichita
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Antes muerta que Lichita #51 Wednesday 12/2/15 "The Rise of the Black Panther"
Just when we thought Alicia had gotten into the cab with Pits (El Axilas) it turns out that they played us in the previews and that Roberto appears just in time to prevent Alicia from ever getting into the taxi. He grabs Alicia by the arm and tells her that he has to talk to her about work and he will drive her home. What he says really does not make much sense and he has a hard time convincing her, but he manages to get her away from the taxi after a lot of arguing back and forth. Roberto tells her to wait for him at the reception desk and call her parents as he pays the taxi driver (who is already looking at him warily) a visit. Alicia remembers she did lose her phone and grudgingly goes inside complaining that Roberto always gets his way. So now we have just Pits and Roberto. Pits is afraid because he recognizes Roberto. Roberto grabs Pits by the hair on the back of the head and asks what he was doing with Alicia. Pits lies and says he was just taking her home. Roberto does not believe him one bit and tells him that if he sees him around Alicia and her family, Roberto will make Pits swallow his own fists (better that I stop here with the more than colorful description that follows).
At the Gutiérrez household, Flops (El Chanclas) is installed on the couch when he gets a phone call from Alicia. Boy is he surprised. She explains she forgot her cell phone and was just calling to say she was on her way. Magos comes to chit chat on the couch. Flops starts talking about Magos, Ximena and him, just the three of them in their own house. They wake up Nacho who has had it with their lack of respect for him and his house. He tells them go talk in their own house but not in his at that time of the night. Of course Magos has to complain.
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Labels: lichita
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #100, Wed 12/2/15: In Which Someone Finally Says the Name of the Telenovela
Julian’s Last Wishes
Labels: no-creo
Wednesday, December 02, 2015
Pasion y Poder #21, Wednesday December 2, 2015
Labels: poder
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #71 Wed 12/2/15 (Mex 100) Fifi fights for her obsession with marrying Vitto
Gael and Roxi have launched their plan to pose as lovers to fake the family out and take them off the trail of her and Benni. There is a scene where Osvaldo tells Sergio, Freddie and Sonia that Roxi and Gael are lovers and he apparently believes it. Sonia is shocked and thinks it's wrong because they are related. Freddie think it's no biggie because she's adopted.
Giana and Gael's little interlude in the garden is interrupted by Roxi and this is when the bulletin broke in. Later in the episode Gigi is bummed out about the fake romance between him and Roxi: she's afraid a real boink is in the future. Gael chills her out and warms her up at the same time with tender caresses and kisses.
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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #50 Tuesday 12/1/15: Enter the Armpit
But before Luci can make her big entrance, Alicia trips on Mateo and they have a face-to-face. She explains the purpose of the rich people visiting (to get money out of them), he says all the orphans had been told to stay out of sight for the duration of the event, and she proposes that they both hide.
Whoah! Luciana is trying to wrangle the press, preening and suggesting they ask her about the wedding, but one reporter says there's a rumor that she's pregnant! Everyone gasps!
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Labels: lichita
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #70 Tuesday 12/1/15 (Mex 99)
The Cards Know All *insert spooky music, and Tarot appropriate hand waving here*
(I got a good episode this time(at least I think so) its got suspense and intrigue and not too much of the annoying people or situations)
Ok, where were we, oh yeah; Alina is a huge hypocrite. Roxi throws a fit and Quina gives in as per usual
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Yo No Creo EnLos Hombres #99 Tue 12/1/15 -- Life Catches Up To Claudio And Alma Stops Playing The Fool
[Briefly as possible, there are only a few highlights in this miserably overlong episodio. --ed.]
- Josefa the angry Jefa knows she is in trouble this time cuz she just bashed Isela's head on the terrazzo floor, and Ise is lying there totally unconscious and bleeding. She raced out to get help from the barrio version of Dumb and Dumber, screaming for a taxi. (I guess ambulances are a luxury.) Of course, Max and Leo, who've just come for Esperanza and Clara in hopes they'd stay a while at mom and pop's palace while the Honoria Horror Show of Hate dies down, helps out the Heffer. Ho-sey lies (natch) about how Ise ended up unconscious and bloody on her floor. "--duh-h, she just suddenly passed out and dropped and hit her head."
- Claudio, who found Alma in pain in the bathroom and nearly passed out from that, takes her to the hospital. She's quickly now becoming a pain herself, getting up and out of bed, schlepping her hanging bags and tubes all around, and thus sneaking up behind Clod in every whispered conversation, getting in the old hubby's face everywhere he turns. She, in this way, manages to overhear the phone call that Leo makes explaining they've found Ise bashed and bloody and wanting to know which hospital is best to bring her to. Clod naturally suggests the one he's at now, and then explains Mom's there taking up a bed also.
Labels: no-creo
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Pasión y Poder #20 Martes 12/1/15
Labels: poder
Antes muerta que Lichita #49 Monday 11/30/15: Chanclas shows his true colors and Luciana prepares to hug an orphan
Later Roberto surprises Chanclas looking around in his office. Chanclas picked the wrong place to get caught because when it comes to lying bums, "it takes one to know one." Beto, immediately suspicious, later tells Gumaro about the incident and they agree: Gumaro will get his shady associates - "uh, ex-associates" - to look into the guy.
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Labels: lichita
Pasión y Poder #19 Monday 20151130 Once Again, Eladio Proves that Erick Road the Short Yellow Limousine to Prep School Every Day!
The Day Before
Gomez Luna Clan
Julia asks Eladio for a divorce. Julia tells him that she doesn't care if he resumes boinking Montseratt, as long as he keeps his mitts off of her. Eladio tells her that she will live in fear in this house if she doesn't start being nice to him soon. Julia says that she has always lived in fear. She feared her father and now she fears her husband. You'll have to come at me better than that buddy! Eladio tells Julia that her attitude towards him determines how he treats David. Before he leaves the room, he asks her to think about it.
Eladio checks the GPS on Julia's phone and tells his hunky body guard Efrain, to keep a close eye on Julia. I will be keeping an even closer eye on Efrain 'cause he is so fine. Anyway, Eladio tells Efrain, the hunky body guard, that Julia's life has been threatened and he wants her stalked. If she goes to the bathroom, Efrain had better be in the next stall. He stresses that Efrain's life depends depends on it.
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Labels: poder
Monday, November 30, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #98 Lunes 11/30/15
Labels: no-creo
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