Tuesday, March 08, 2016
Antes muerta que Lichita #115 3/7/16 "El gran final" Part 2
My tape starts after the credits. Two lawyers come to take Mateo away from the Guttierez home - Alicia's custody had been temporary and now it has elapsed. They've come to take him back to an orphanage (? a "governor's house). Sadness and tears. Yet again Mateo is told, "I'll come for you and we'll never be separated." If that kid doesn't spend years in therapy my name is not Sigmund Freud.
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Labels: lichita
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 3 (Mar 7, 2016)
This is an invitation for those who have not yet checked out Un Camino Hacia el Destino. Put on your walking shoes and come along. You may actually enjoy it. It has nuns in white habits, a few schoolgirls, no annoying kids. It has a gardener who gets sweaty in undershirts, frizzy haired villanas, an old grandpa, a bitter disillusioned wife, sensible nannies, shyster lawyers and an earnest young guapo doctorcito.
It is not a teen novela (it's at 7:00 p.m.), although it may come close. It has a bouncy upbeat teenager on the verge of womanhood and her first serious romance.
It has a great cast and we're hoping the directors keep the producer in check. Earlier episodes are on Univision (at least I see 2,3,4 and 7,8,9--not sure what happened to 5 & 6), Hulu (I'm guessing) and OnDemand. Recaps for the first two weeks are on the first discussion page. New ones coming, as time permits. Please contribute to the discussions, though.
Note to Carlos: Every time I type Dr. Carlos (Horacio Pancheri), I think of you.
Note to Susanlynn: Your Sweet Baboo gives the sweetest kisses.
Labels: camino
Pasion y Poder #100 Franco was Having the Greatest Most Bestest Most Evilest Day of His Life Until......
The family runs into the reception area and Connie wants to know how the baby's doing. When Erick sees Miguel, he tries to go after him, but Art breaks it up. The doctor will not release the baby until he sees some ID. There is an Amber Alert out on that baby. Connie sends Clara home to get her ID and the birth certificate. The doctor says that the baby is dehydrated. Nina asks Erick what happened to the jewelry and cash. Erick says that the kidnappers were willing to discount the price because a sick baby is a worthless baby. The doctor brings out the baby and places it in Connie's arms. Nina tells Connie that the baby is coming home with them since it was kidnapped under Connie's watch. Erick agrees. Connie and Erick blame each other. Finally, Connie begs Art to let her take the baby home with her. Who will feed the baby and keep it alive? Petra can't clean the house and watch the baby. Art says that they will get a body guard. The baby will stay with Connie.
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Labels: poder
El Hotel de los Secretos #30, 3/7/16 Monday: Hissy Fits
Ayala presents Teresa with his evidence: the Mallet of Reckoning. She doesn't even recognize it, much less accept it as a murder weapon. She's unimpressed by Ayala's assertion that it's the only object that could have inflicted the wound found on Cristina's skull. Ayala says it could only have been wielded by someone who comes and goes from the hotel at his or her whim. Gravel from the courtyard was also found in the ironing room. (Teresa's face momentarily turns grave when Ayala's back is turned.) He asks, no, begs her to allow him - without forcing him to obligate her - to question the employees. "Very well, as long as it's only the employees," she replies. What a heart of gold. He asks her to send them one by one and reminds her that the interrogations are private.
Elisa asks Victoria to send a telegram to Don Javier first thing tomorrow, advising him of her impending arrival with her son. She hopes to be welcomed with open arms. Victoria asks if she'd also like to send a telegram regarding that favor Teresa was hoping for. "I won't lift a finger for my dear in-law," Elisa snickers. "I'll let the Alarcons smoulder in their own flames. Now prepare my bath!"
Jacinto tells Lupe that he doesn't want to fight. There are things he just doesn't want to tell his father. "Little Rock," Lupe says to Jacinto in English. It's a place in Arizona, Lupe says. (Er, does he mean Arkansas?) That's where Lupe tracked Jacinto's mother to. He invites Jacinto to write to her if he likes.
Benjamin interrupts: The police are questioning people, and they're starting with the chauffeur.
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Labels: hotel
Antes muerta que Lichita #115 3/7/16 "El gran final" Part 1
Here we go . . .
We pick up the story with Augusto confronting Alicia about the papers she has that belong to him and telling her he has never ever ever in his life forgiven a betrayal. He tells her not to make him look like a fool and asks her if the papers were the only reason she came. He wants to know why she would pay him back like this. Then he is right back in her face when she asks him if he thinks it was nothing what he did to Roberto: making him end up in jail again on his account. Augusto cannot believe that she could be in love with that imbecile. He cannot believe that he Augusto de Toledo Y Mondragón has fallen into her trap. He is at first incredulous but then he applauds her for having done it. She isn't just some social climber; she's a master of her craft. Alicia admits to us that there was some truth in his words. Alicia tells him she is sorry if she really broke his heart. He grabs her and again is in her face. Augusto tells her that he never thought it was possible for anyone to hurt him the way that she has. Anyway, it is too late to help out "her" Roberto. She wants to know what he did to Roberto. He screams that "her" Roberto is dead and throws her back on the bed. Alicia is shocked.
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Labels: lichita
Monday, March 07, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagul: Week of March 7, 2016
The novelas currently being covered are the following (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
noon - Fatmagul
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva la Trailera
10 PM - La Querida del Centauro**
**La Querida del Centauro is approaching the end of its run. On Monday, March 28, it will be replaced by El Señor de los Cielos ∞ (well, a slight exaggeration...it's actually El Señor de los Cielos 4).
Labels: centauro, eva-la-t, fatmagul, quien, telemundo
Saturday, March 05, 2016
El Hotel de los Secretos #29, 3/4/16 Friday: Proof of Murder
While they pledge themselves to each other and probably doing it again, we see Sofia looking at her now flat belly, Filipe kissing a comatose Mercedes, and a fully clothed Eugenia lowering herself into a tub.
Julio wants Isabel to run off with him. But Isabel wants to stay and change bad mojo in the hotel. But Julio throws cold reality on her face. He’s a waiter and she’s the owner’s daughter. That will never work if they stay there. He finally convinces her and tells her that he’s going to buy 2 train tickets and will meet her there at 6:30pm.
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Labels: hotel
Pasión y Poder Cap #99 March 4th 2016 Erick Jr. is still kidnapped, Caridad gets fired, and Nina gives up her jewelry.
On Erick's instruction, the thug calls Casa Montenegro, and leaves a message for Erick with Petra. The message: Tell Erick we have his son.
Labels: poder
Friday, March 04, 2016
Antes muerta que Lichita #114 March 4, 2016... ALicia saves Mateo, stretches her luck too far, gets two ears full (one from Luci, one from AUgie) and ends up caught by Augie
Mateo has several near near near misses of getting flattened like a pancake by cars… when suddenly out of the millions and millions of people in Mexico City, who grabs Mateo and prevents him from getting in danger? Alicia!! Who happened to be walking exactly at the same spot… ok so the predictable happens next… he recognizes her and is very relieved, hugs her, he explains to her that GUmaro was supposed to meet with him and take him to Roberto but he never came, she swears to him that with her and her family he will be safe… moving on..
At hospital, poor Gumaro runs in to the bathroom but Mateo is nowhere to be found… Draco is following a shadow he saw go by… I don’t think he figured it was Gumaro. Needless to say, Gumaro does not find Mateo… Valeria calls him to find out what happened… he says surely Mateo was taken back to the Penthouse… Gumaro meets up back with Valeria and Luciana. Luciana thanks them for caring for her, she feels like they are her family. Vale says … well… we are.
Draco calls Augie who of course is not happy to hear the news… he wants Draco to fire the nanny and send her packing far far away… and then look for the escuincle Mateo.
Alicia brings Mateo to her home, to meet Elsa, Magos and Ximena. Alicia tells her family that Mateo is Roberto’s son… Elsa, Magos and Ximena are all surprised to hear the Roberto-Mateo relationship… Alicia begs her mom to keep him there, he will be much safer than with Augie. Ximena asks Mateo how old he is… 7.
Gumaro tells Luciana that he needs to go keep looking for Mateo. Luciana whispers to him she shivers to think that Augie would have Mateo… Valeria volunteers to go to the penthouse and find out instead of GUmaro risking his own neck.
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Labels: lichita
El Hotel de los Secretos #28, 3/3/16 Thursday: Discussion page
Teresa dragged Cristina to the linen room and Sofia found them there. Teresa told Sofia she had to help her with her made up story. A nervous Sofia agreed. Sofia wiping up the blood on the floor with her dress was so sad. That poor woman. Ayala did see it when he was near Cristina’s body. Sofia is losing her marbles fast.
Julio comes back to the hotel with Ayala and Dogoberto, Isabel tells them that Cristina is dead and Ayala goes to see the body.
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Labels: hotel
Antes muerta que Lichita #113 Thursday 3/3/16
This was a long episode with much going on so lets jump right in!
For a person who just got arrested, Roberto seems very calm. Only when Augusto walks into the API office with his tsk tsk attitude did Roberto throw a disgusted glance his way. The API trio are shocked that corruption befell them and ask the wrong person (Augusto) how this could have happened. Augusto fishes for clues and asks if the API trio have another suspect/fall guy in mind. These dunces think this was a one man show and regret that Augusto moved on from API.
Valeria and Luciana discuss the epic attack Augusto faced from the exes...Val, Bea and Sandra. More surprising to Valeria was Alicia defending and supporting Augusto. She just cannot understand since Alicia was raised in such a nice family. Luciana is not so understanding and believes that Malicia is just plain deceitful, horrible person. On to more important topics....Luci confides in Val about the suspiciousness of her father's (Rafael's) death. Luci has a hunch that Augusto has something to do with it. They both confront Dafne when they realize she was the last one who spoke to Rafael before he died.
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Labels: lichita
Thursday, March 03, 2016
Pasión y poder, Episode 98, Thursday, March 3, 2016: Sudden Death, Stolen Babies, Broken Hearts, and Just Plain Malice – and you thought you had problems!
Labels: poder
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, La Querida del Centauro, and Fatmagul: Week of February 29, 2016
Noon - Fatmagul
8 PM - ¿Quién es Quién?
9 PM - Eva La Trailera
10 PM - La Querida del Centauro
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!
Labels: centauro, eva-la-t, fatmagul, quien, telemundo
Pasion y Poder #97 Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Justino and Clara talk about their upcoming nuptuals. They have already told Luisita about it and she's happy too. Clara texts Caridad to tell her the great news. Justino tells Clarita that the night before he heard Franco saying that he had a child with Marintia. Clara says she already knew, and that if it were up to her, she would have already told Gaby about it.
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Antes muerta que Lichita #112 Wednesday 3/2/16 "Augusto Confronted by Three Fates Plus One Fist"
Now on with our story . . . at Icónika
We left Alicia being sexually pressured by Augusto but responding by screaming back at him in his face. Augusto comes to his senses, backs down and apologizes for his behavior. Alicia says okay to his apology but she is tired and they can talk later. He then expresses how much he wants to start a new life with her, to marry her and have children with her. Augusto laughs that he could be a father and grandfather at the same time. Alicia is puzzled for a second. He lets it drop that Luciana is pregnant. Alicia now has something new to consider. Augusto asks for a goodnight kiss. She kisses Augusto on the forehead. After he leaves, Alicia thinks about the "news". It was unexpected but she already had decided to run the risk of her plan because of her love for Roberto and nothing would change that even if he had chosen to be with someone else. But then she starts thinking about Luciana and Gumaro and what Mateo is doing at Augusto's penthouse and wondering why he is not with his father like he should be. Evidently Augusto has Roberto in a bind. Alicia has a lot to think about.
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Labels: lichita
El Hotel de los Secretos #27, 3/2/16 Wednesday: Let’s Leave This Damned Hotel!
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Wednesday, March 02, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Weeks 1, 2 (Feb 22, Mar 1) Discussion Thread
Labels: camino
Lichita 3/2
Alicia tries to get Gumaro to give her the real dirt on Beto. He mostly just tells her she needs to be easier on him, the two of them came from tragic origins and Sheila really knocked Beto off the straight and narrow.
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Labels: lichita
El Hotel de los Secretos #26, 3/1/16 Tuesday: A Grand Send-Off For Andres; Felipe’s Frightening Familiars, And Sofia’s Compulsory Surprise
Labels: hotel
Pasión y Poder Martes 3/1/16 #96
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