Saturday, July 02, 2016
Sueno de amor, #78 Hot stuff Ricardo Alegria in hot pursuit of an old lady with a cane
Side note:
It’s the
first time I’m watching the new credits. As of now I believe Espe and Ric are
still endgame, but maybe Osorio wants to do a poll or something similar, to
have the audience « decide » the ending. Ha! Like anyone would care
that much to actually vote…
Part 1
Tracy of the Crazy eyes arrives at Anastasia’s house. The baby is crying, so
Ana hands her innocent little bundle to the lunatic who couldn't even love her own kids. Luquita better not
have a long memory, being in the company of these two might scar him for life.
start chatting about each others problems. Ana is worried about the DNA test,
Tracy is worried because Ernie tried to kill her. She needs to hide from him,
she’s desperate.
further explains how Murillo chickened out at the last moment, shooting into a
pillow and how he had a fake blood make-up kit in his back pocket just in case.
Tracy agreed to give him all the money and jewelry that she had in exchange
for her life. And now she’s dirt poor and has no place to stay. Could Ana help
her ? Please ?
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Friday, July 01, 2016
Yago Capitulo 28: And the World was gone
Discuss among yourselves while I work on the recap.
Ale was sitting scared in the car with Abel but Abel actually lets her go telling Ale to leave the country ASAP. Ale ran away as thunder stroke but there was no bliss in sight. Bruno getting increasingly worried messages Ale but Damian was actually at the end of the line as Ale's numb body is shown to us. Damian makes Bruno believe that Ale is still alive but in danger of persecution. Damian stomps the phone.
I blinked and the World was gone
Yago is aghast with Sara defending Lucio and makes her believe that he is going to go beat up Lucio for barbecue. Yago flips at himself for falling to his meek human nature yet again. Melina calls Yago and they meet up in church for a secret religious meeting of revenge. Melina informs Yago about the missing Alejandra .Yago get's suddenly worried as Melina tells him that just before her last breath Ale sent Bruno something about Lucio. Melina also informs Yago about Lucio being in her house. She does not want him in there but Yago wants Melina to convince Lucio in staying alas "keep your friends close and your enemies closer". Yago is sure that Melina makes a fine good convincing people so it won't be hard for her.
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Sueño de amor, Ep. 77 (6.30.16) While Esperanza almost dies, Ricardo lures Cristina to his bedroom (el muerto al pozo y el vivo al gozo).
We start this episode with a visit to the precinct, where Ricardo Alegría Sandoval (ex ''secret'' agent turned teacher) and Cristina Vélez Valderrama (the firewoman of education/life guru to raped girls), are reporting to Gilberto Rentería de la Fuente (tired of seeing Ricardo's mug even in the soup), the assault she suffered in hands of her ex husband Oscar Sousa Villaurrutia (women abuser slash bastard kidnapper). Luckily for her, super duper agent and justice avenger Ricardo Alegría Sandoval was there to save her in the nick of time and now he is getting a call from Baxter Bestertester (who will probably lose his job for doing things he shouldn't be doing), who has seen Abril Sousa Vélez somewhere in Colonia del Valle.
Since the girl is alive and there's no time to lose, the couple that used to hate each other but are now reunited by the circumstances, take off to look for her, leaving the report for another time (that if the writers remember to tie this loose end, if not, they'll forget about it and will never be mentioned like happened to Instituto Vasconcelos. Have you heard from it lately?)
Baxter's pictures show the girl and then an old woman grabbing her. Could it be that Oscar has a nanny to take care of her?
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Thursday, June 30, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 30
Discussion page for the day. Sneaky's recap coming up later in the day.
Recap below!
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 27, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week.
These are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2 pm —La Sombra de Helena
• 8 pm—Eva la Trailera**
• 9 pm—La Esclava Blanca**
• 10 pm—El Señor de los Cielos**
**On Friday, July 1, none of the three evening telenovelas will be shown. Instead, Telemundo will air two movies, The Last Airbender (7-9 PM) and Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (9-11 PM). The three evening telenovelas will resume on Monday, July 4.
Everyone is welcome to join in
the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share
the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're
referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the
conversations they're looking for.
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Yago, #27, Wednesday 6/29/16: The Bad Penny
Hi everybody. I was at Best Buy tonight, and I saw Lucio's new smart TV. Or should I say, his
Fidel's having a flashback. A young man is making a quick buck challenging people to a shell game in the park. A young Fidel watches for a while and decides to play. Naturally, he loses. The next customer, a young Camilo, also loses, but does not accept his loss as gracefully as Fidel did. He pulls a knife on the cheater. Fidel comes forward and asks for the honor of the first punch. They smack the guy up, take his money, and run off. Camilo thanks Fidel for his help, and a forevermore friendship is born. Oh and they both have lucky coins. Watch those coins!
In the present, Fidel fingers a coin and tells Yago that his best friend became his worst enemy. That man was Camilo Michell. (Fidel cuts Raul's corpse loose from the chair.) "You have your own revenge to complete," Yago acknowledges. "It's time to begin," Fidel says, stuffing the coin into the dead man's pocket.
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 19 (June 27, 2016) 2nd Half
Apologies to David Bowie and Thanks for the Memories +++++++
Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes (Turn and face the strange, Frizzy and Camila) ++++
Turn and face the strain, Fernanda, of missing Carlos ++++
Ch-Ch-Changes in Marissa, Carlos and Paco ++++
Don't have to be a richer man, Louie, to be such a Louse ++++
Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes, lots and lots of changes for little Pedro Fernando ++++
Ch-ch-Changes (Turn and face the strange, Mariana and Amelia) ++++
Pedro Don't want to be a better man, 'cause he already thinks he's perfect ++++
Time may change....Javier, but not his love for Fernanda
Labels: camino
Tres Veces Ana - Episode 29 - Evil plans and tearful good-byes
Mariano’s future love interest (we can only assume based on
the supposed amount of dislike being thrown around) Viviana is having lunch
with Julietta, who happens to be Daniel’s mother. Julietta laments her son is
not the same ever since falling in love with Ana Leticia. They spend some time
discussing her tragic fate of losing her husband after just one year and sounds
like in light of that Julietta is giving her a break. Viviana thinks that
perhaps Daniel might have another chance with Ana Le.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Sueño de amor #76 Wed. 6/29/16
So, here we go! I had some technical difficulties tonight. Let us just say, my recording was less than ideal.
The surgery has started. Ernesto is being supportive not just with opening his wallet but to Pato and also Pedro as his own children. They all have high hopes for Esperanza's survival.
Long hours of surgery . . . .
Pedro talks out his problems with Kristel with Ernesto. Pablo is reluctant to have any involvement with her because of the possibility of her blackmailing him using her depression and not eating.
At Margarita's house, Kristel is bemoaning her solo state without boyfriends. Her whole family cheers her and tells her how much they love her. Although smiling, on the inside Silvana is happy Kristel has ended up alone.
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Yago #26. Tuesday June 28, 2016. The Pawns Are Turning Against Their King
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Lorenzo is the one who received a bullet as a result of the scuffle with Teo. The next scene shows medical personnel scrambling to save a patient who went into cardiac arrest. Lorenzo starts narrating: Ever since he lost his father, he has been wondering how his own death would be like. Would his dad be waiting for him in the great beyond? The patient is revived. Unfortunately, it’s that old crook Damián. Young Lorenzo is well and truly dead. Abel is devastated following the loss of his vato/young man, his “keed” (kid). Teo apologizes. Abel says he is the one who failed Lorenzo. He is equally responsible for the death of Lorenzo, just as he is to blame for the death of Lorenzo's father, Facundo. Later on, when Abel and Teo prepare to bury the body in the woods, Abel removes Lorenzo’s chain, the one that once belonged to his dad. He grabs Lorenzo’s lifeless face between his hands and, fighting back the tears, he bids him farewell: “Hey kid! I hope that you’re finally going to be OK, that you will be with your Papá and that you’re finally at peace. I also hope we see each other again, somewhere, some time.” In a later scene, Abel visits Facundo’s grave to give him back his son’s chain, the chain of “their” kid. He assures him that not a day goes by where he doesn’t think about him. If there is justice in this life, Abel knows he will be punished for what he did. Getting his just deserts will be a relief for Abel. He would finally be at peace.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #75. Tuesday June 28, 2016. Have Faith In Your Dreams, Especially The Ones Where You Don't Die
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Kracy calls her kids to taunt them: Did they get a chance to see Filomena, the venomous froggy Mommy left in the house? Ricardo takes the phone away from Rodrigo and forbids Kracy to talk to his kids. He sends a text message to Baxter asking him to locate (ubicar) Kracy’s phone number. Kracy is in Mexico City, comes back Baxter’s answer, almost instantly. Kracy threatens to kill Ricardo with one shot to the forehead. After she hangs up, Ricardo phones Baxter to ask for another “favor”: Please find Cristina’s missing kid and let Tricky Ricky get all the credit and grateful nookie.
Ernesto brings Esperanza flowers and accompanies her to church along with Pato and Pedro. In case you’re wondering, no, the walls didn’t bleed when the handsome devil walked into church. A two-minute praying scene to La Virgen de la Paz ensues.
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 28
Discussion page while Sneaky writes a recap for us!
Sneaky's recap added below .
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Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #74. Monday June 27, 2016. Nothing Like A Solid Slab of Lala Cheese To Free You From These Love Pains!
Ah the joys of villana-imposed parenthood! |
At a glance
-- When lies, blackmail, guilt and murder all fail to heal heartache and lovesickness, one must turn to Lala’s delightful range of dairy delectables for comfort! Because a gassy stomach will always distract you from a broken heart!
A closer look
Cristina crosses paths with Óscar, her abusive ex-hubby, at the shopping mall. He is going up the stairless escalator, rocking his signature salt-n-pepper quirky quiff. She is coming down the stairless escalator, slaying that nude-colored dress whose plasticky fabric hugged, nay, suffocated, her pneumatic curves. She sees Óscar’s face clearly (we don’t), recognizes him immediately and runs after him. When she finally catches up to him, it turns out he is some other dude. Two questions boggle and perplex the viewers at this point:
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Yago, #25, Monday 6/27/16: "Doesn't it feel good to tell the truth?"
Hold onto your hats. When
Yago characters show up for an episode, they mean business!
We begin with a memory. I hadn't yet figured out how to do captions during this part so I'm not sure exactly what was said, nor even whether it was Yago's memory or Lucio's. But Yago and Lucio are playing in Jonas's workshop, and then Lucio is getting scolded by his mother (or grandmother). Yago says Lucio should have thought twice before betraying Omar.
In the present, Lucio's had a giant smart TV delivered. What a great daddy! What a nice house full of fine things!
Alejandra/Susana and Damian/Rufino chat in Dam's car. He invites himself to her apartment, but she says no, her roommates are too nosy. Dam says congratulations, you passed my first test. Now pass my second test: give me your real name. Ale says she'll tell him hers if he tells her his. Dam says he's Oscar Bravo. (Oh, come on. And I'm Juliet Sierra! Meet my friend, Victor Whiskey X-Ray Yankee Zulu!) She says she's Felicia Requena. "Doesn't it feel good to tell the truth?" Damian asks. She gets out of the car and pretends to fumble with her keys as he drives off. Then she takes off down the street. Dam in fact only pretended to drive away; now he follows her on foot.
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Tres Veces Ana - Episode 27 - Long episode's journey into the night
I don't know about all of you guys, but I struggled through today's loong episode! I am glad it's my recapping night, else I would have had to put the episode off.
Also, consolidating some scenes below, so don't be thrown off by that!
Creepy Isidro and Rodrigo (Abue's former beau) are discussing the sale of Creesidro's lands. Creesidro did not anticipate selling that soon and wants to wait. Suddenly Ramiro appears and is introduced as Rodrigo's new accountant. Rodrigo asks Ramiro to walk Creesidro to his taxi and then return. The taxist is, as we remember, Santiago. Of course right then, the hotel doorman asks Santi to do a lap around the building and not occupy the space in front of hotel. Just as he takes the said lap, he of course misses both Ramiro and Isidro, so once again the best friend reunion is successfully avoided by the telenovela deities.
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Monday, June 27, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 19 (June 27, 2016) 1st Half
We left off with Fernanda conducting the inmate orchestra and playing her violin for the Directora of the Prison and various inmates who chose not to register. It sounded pretty professional. La Malquerida got to sing. She has a lovely voice. This can only result in lifting the spirits and self-esteem of the inmates. For Fernanda personally, we will have to wait and see. She has a lot of juggling--Carlos & Marissa, Amelia, Maribel, La Malquerida, Felipe. Since she told off Camila, she has no idea what has happened to our Junior lying traitor. She has no idea what Luis is up to, nor Mariana.
Glory be, the only thing grand that happened on Friday is that Pedro found Don Fernando in The Only Asylum in Mexico that needed landscaping.
There will be plenty to discuss, so carry on, Caminantes.
Labels: camino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of June 27, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2 pm —La Sombra de Helena
• 8 pm—Eva la Trailera
• 9 pm—La Esclava Blanca
• 10 pm—El Señor de los Cielos
Everyone is welcome to join in
the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share
the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're
referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the
conversations they're looking for.
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Tres Veces Ana #21: SHOW ME THE MONEY! would seem that Orlando is Hell bent on cashing in on other people’s strife with his proof of life that Ana Lucia is alive!!!!!!! He tells Ramiro he wants A-Lucky’s rich relatives to ante up antes or nothin’ doin’. Ram feels deceived! Well he was, says Orly. She’s his friend and he only wanted to protect her and he was scared for her! Ram says show me this photo or I go. Ok. Orly opens his phone and shows him a photo of A-Lucky at a danse class rehearsal. Wow! The likeness! It’s her! She really is alive! Oh, and BTW, she has no memory of the accident Ram’s been talking about. Oka, then why is she still called Ana Lucia if she doesn’t have any memory of her past? Seems she was wearing some bracelet with her name on it.
Ok. So, Ana-Lu is having problems concentrating on her new acrobatic project. AniBal, aka AniBaldy, screams at her that her friend has her head on straight and so should she! Maribel secretly smiles a contemptuous grin as Ana takes it verbally on the chin. Later in break Bel beams at her friend and asks where she was and what’s going on inside her head. Ana-Lu lies that Santiago took her to San Nicolas to pick up cash owed by Dona Chana. And Orlando? Oh, they had it out with him. The guy’s nuts! He sliced Santi’s 4 tires all to hell! Just out of jealousy! “-Tough nuts! I’ve never led him on!” Well, Bel left town without word cuz she was mad at the dude for ignoring her affections. She here now with her BFF pursuing her dream!
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #73. Friday June 24, 2016. When Putting The Kibosh On Someone, Stick To The Tried-And-Tested Classics!
¡Ándale, Poison Froggy! I'll give you a million meaty flies if you get him between the eyes! |
At a glance
-- Kracy's death-by-froggy murder plan failed. Ricardo lives. ¡Maldita sea! Bloomin' heck!
-- Pouty Pato and Loopy Luca call off their wedding. ¡Enhorabuena! Congratulations!
-- The new opening credits indicate it's very likely that the insipid twosome, Cristina and Ricardo, end up together. ¡Da igual! Makes no difference!
A closer look
It’s breakfast time at Casa Guerrero. Anastasia shows up with the wee tot in her arms. She wants him to meet his Auntie Pato, soon-to-be ex-fiancée of his father. Anastasia introduces the baby as Luca, named after his daddy, obviously. She also adds that the unlucky father has already met his Mini-Me. Pato is so shocked and saddened, she starts sobbing. Esperanza accuses Anastasia of renting the baby, as her latest ploy to separate
the PatoLuca pair.
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Friday, June 24, 2016
Yago Capitulo 24 :The Cogs on a wheel
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