Friday, September 07, 2012

Abismo de pasión #125 9/6/12: How many fond fools serve mad jealousy!*

*Comedy of Errors

Redux: Ingrid can’t find the tickets so she kicks pillows and rants. Elisa has flashbacks to a time when she was more tastefully clad. Damian has flashbacks to a time when he had more sense. Pop! goes the sleazel! Carmina busts in on his memories.

Lo Nuevo: Carmina pushes hard to poison Dam’s mind against Gael. Doesn’t Dam realize Ingrid set him up? It was planned all along and Gael helped so he could get Dam out of the picture and calmly marry Elisa. (Grab your magic beanies folks. There are more holes in this theory than in Elisa’s clothing.)

Begoña is bored and mopey so she gives Enrique a hard time for marrying Paloma. She doesn’t know who is worse, her slut-mongering ex or her slum-sucking son. OMG, she actually gives Enrique her special bag of miscarriage tea. Nice. As he rushes upstairs to pack his bags she shrieks their house has turned into a brothel. (More like a manicomio if you ask me.)

Carmina keeps pressing Dam. Elisa hasn’t stopped loving him so Dam has become an obstacle and Gael is desperate.  Dam insists his friend would never do that but his Dam Stoopid cogs and sprockets start creaking. Slowly.

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Por ella soy Eva #37 9/6/12: Show Me the Money

There is a reprise of Eva, Helena, and Lucia's rendition of Rata de Dos Patas in the elevator.

Toni comes home to Pluto and Rebeca walks in a minute later, to which Pluto remarks, "What a surprise.  I was hoping not to see you in this house again."  At Rebeca's egging on, Toni asks Pluto why the hotel manager in Playa Majagua says he was there only once when Pluto claims to have been there twice.  Pluto feigns indignation, and to prove himself he rattle off the names of people working at the hotel and brings out pictures of Playa Majagua (which Onesimo took).  He says it pains him that Toni doesn't trust him and Toni begs forgiveness.  Rebecca glowers.

Mutt and Jeff are having a fight.  Santi suggest Fer is exaggerating his problems while Fer states that no one at home understands him.  Santi tells him Marcela does more than he does, and Fer says, "You see?  You're on her side."  Paty baby comes in and Santi falls over himself to accommodate her.  Under his breath Fer calls him hen-pecked (madilon; madil means apron), and Santi asks, "What?"  Santi and Paty are disagreeing because Paty still wants a big wedding.  She calls Santi selfish.  She uses her sexuality to tell him the reward will be great, and as he hovers in for a kiss she untangles herself from him and leaves.  Fer is enjoying the shoe being on the other foot with Santi also having relationship problems.

Bastardo is cranky at Silvia's helping him down the stairs- he accuses her of wanting him to feel like an invalid [push him, dear].  Helena, Lucia, and Lalo show up.  Lucia talks to him a mile a minute while Bastardo looks pained.  He pointedly tells her he could be worse and although SOME people wanted him to die he hasn't done it yet [ass].  He tells Helena, "At least you kept your word in bringing Lalo home.  We'll see if you disappear with him tomorrow."  Helena smartly excuses herself from the abuse.

Rebeca disbelieves Pluto's story about going to Playa Majagua twice.  He says he has too many problems to put up with her hormonal changes.  She acquiesces, but tells him she wants a new car.  "Do you think I have a machine that makes money?"  he replies.  Rebeca states she deserves the car for putting up with him because her period is once a month but his is daily [ouch].  He threatens to go and she says fine, she'll tell the manatee everything.  He calls her a dirty blackmailer, and she says, "Blackmailer, yes.  Dirty, never."  He stares at her [which he's good at, but he seldom smiles].

Jesus asks Adriano out to lunch and Adriano is visibly relieved when he sees Jesus doesn't suspect the truth.  Jesus wants to know if a man of his age looks ridiculous with a young woman.  Adriano stumbles over his words, but tells him that in love age doesn't matter if your intentions are serious.  Paola shows up (surprise!) and physically handles "Uncle Adri" in front of her father to Adriano's embarrassment.  Under the table she runs her hand up the inside of his leg, making his eyes cross more than usual in discomfort.  In his office, Adriano is mad while Paola laughs about the lunch.  He doesn't like to hide things and he thinks it would be better if her father knew the truth about the two of them.  She now gets mad and says he'll ruin everything.  She storms out.

Mimi and Eva are at lunch, with Eva talking as JC.  He is telling her how difficult it was to share a bed with Helena.  JC complains again of his abstinence and Mimi says she feels his pain but nobody ever died from that.  He tells her his last time was with Helena.  She tells him that next time he should take a cold shower, and if that doesn't work to think of the most horrible thing that happened to him.  Paying taxes, he says, and she tells him that clearly he is like a pressure cooker, so lock himself in the bathroom.  "What's wrong with you?"  he replies.  He says it's not just the sex, that with Helena it's different, it's much more.

Lucia compliments Silvia on dinner, while Bastardo complains that it had no flavor and each day she cooks worse.  Helena scolds him that Silvia is only following doctor's orders for a bland diet for HIM [ass].  Bastardo leaves with Lucia and Lalo.  Helena tells Silvia how much it bothers her how Bastardo treats Silvia, and that she fears that he is exaggerating his illness to take advantage of them.  Silvia defends him while Helena bangs her hands against her head [really, Silvia, it's time to stab him with a fork already.  he's done].

Eugenia is upset that JC hasn't called or visited in months.  Modesto tries again to get her to accept JC's death.  She quotes Shakespeare at him: "To die, to sleep, perhaps to dream."  She asks Modesto to bring her to Grupo Imperio; perhaps JC is there.

Helena is bending over in short shorts, making the bed, and in walks Eva who screams at the sight.  Eva asks if she's going to sleep like THAT, and Helena replies it's hot and Eva should too.  Eva says she's like her Aunt Cuquita and is always cold.  She then heads back to the bathroom for a nice cold shower.

Adriano compliments Marcela on her great work.  Fer is standing looking pained, but says, "I always told you my woman was ideal for this position."  Adriano jokes that from now on it will be Marcela who overlooks Fernando's work.  Uncomfortable laughter from both.  Adriano tells Marcela he wants her to finish the thesis left half done and it will be another source of pride for the family.  "No es asi, Fernando?" Adriano asks.

Helena asks Toni for a copy of her thesis but Toni admits she can't find it and will have to go to the university for a copy.  Eva asks Helena why so much interest, and Helena tells her because Pluto based the work on it and she wants to know it.

Everyone's meeting at the big colorful table.  Helena says that thanks to the team all the objectives of the first phase of the project have been accomplished.  Santi gives a cheer and Adriano scolds him while Eva tries to quiet him.  Toni tells how wonderful her trip to Playa Majagua was and that the people have complete trust in Helena.  Eva gives Toni credit for her role and Toni is exuberant to be part of this team.  Pluto throws a wet blanket on everything, saying he's worried about the people's cooperation with construction permits.  Rebeca backs him up saying that there is no one on their level with whom to negotiate.  Pluto says the money is all Grupo Imperio's and that JC's embezzlement of 3 million is making things difficult.  Adriano doesn't want to talk about this but Pluto persists.  After the meeting Helena asks Toni about JC's fraud, but Toni tells her that Adriano and Pluto keep the details to themselves.  Rebeca says it was horrible and that JC broke Adriano's heart.  Eva interrupts to say that absolutely no one has any proof against JC and that he's not here to defend himself because God has him in his Glory.  Rebeca rolls her eyes.  Helena asks about bringing Lalo to a weekend work party in Acapulco and Rebeca says no way!  Toni overrules her.  Eva smiles.

In Toni's office, Eva asks her about the embezzlement.  Toni says the money is legally stuck (atorado).  Eva asks, "Stuck where?  In a door or what?"  Toni says she does not have a single good memory of JC.  Cara de impacta de Eva.  Toni tells of seeing Rebeca in a bikini in Playa Majagua and feeling bad at the comparison.  Eva tells her that Rebeca has a good body but Toni has a heart, which lasts longer than the body. 

Eugenia and Modesto just miss Eva in the hallway at Grupo Imperio [my guess is Eugenia will be the first to recognize JC].  Adriano is happy to see them.  She asks for JC and Adriano gives Modesto a questioning look.

Lucia is feeling bad because another boyfriend is giving her the brush-off.  Helena acknowledges that even JC's father thinks him guilty of embezzlement, so what is she to think?

Pluto tries again with Adriano to ask about his share in the business.  Adriano tells him, "When I decide it."

Helena asks Lalo to go to Acapulco but Bastardo enters and says Lalo's not going anywhere [ass].

Eva calls a hotel to ask about the money from the embezzlement to hear that it never arrived at its destination.  Look of shock.


Thursday, September 06, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #108 Thu 9/6/12 Rod The Bod Learns Some Home Truths and Marcial Reveals Himself!


Torreslanda Home:

We start this evening with the coven of witches convening about that Linares getting his half of the bidness. Rosa comes in to tell them, yes it's confirmed Linares got his part, but he gave it to Luci, which means Luci will be there at the Torreslanda bidness. Now the girl that was the servant in this house is now a partner in the bidness. Gagme is so not down with that.

Down The Street From Torreslanda Home:

The wonderful purveyors of tacos, that would be Lorenzo and Fabain, are busy selling their tacos, when a big white SUV pulls up. It is Hanna and Lorenzo goes to the window of the SUV to talk to her. She congrats him on selling those lovely tacos. She is glad he is back in her hood, doncha know. He is just happy to see her. She wishes him much luck and then she goes, as Lorenzo gazes after the departing SUV.

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Amor Bravío #22 (Uni 17) Wed 9/5/12 Driving Miss Camila, er, Crazy (if you know what I mean)

Whoosh, the story flies by when you are recapping on the first run of a capitulo!  Pero, onward as the recaps must go on and hopefully it is all in the proper sequence of events.

We begin tonight’s story back in the jeep with Dandres driving a very drunk Camila home from Viv’s house.  Camila emotes as any good drunk does about all her problems, of which she has many.  Dandres astutely asks if these problems are because of her esposo (the one whose “problema” has recently been broadcast throughout the town).  Camila launches into the “all men are unfaithful” to which our noble Dandres claims “au contraire”.  Camila adds her skepticism about even having this discussion with Dandres as he runs the streets flirting with cada quien and his novia to boot.  Dandres pulls the jeep over and with great “sincerity” states he does … not …..have ….a novia.

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Abismo de Pasión #124 9/5/12: Gabino's room turns into the hot spot in town... Gael keeps sinking his face in it... and the Stepford wives/mistresses have multiple face-off's with each other

Carmina beating up Gabino ‘don’t you realize you are the last thing I have in life?’
Elisa talks to Lucio about what happened. Lucio remembers when Nina died and how he suspected Gabino all along. HE is mad that Gael and Elisa did not let him know what was going on from the beginning. IF you had told me earlier I would have baked a cake… baked a cake… baked a cake…
Horacio at Nina’s grave sweating bullets of remorse, appologizing, saying ‘usted no debio morir’ (you should not have died) ‘yo se que no merezco su perdon’ (I know I do not deserve your forgiveness)
Inmundo comes in Gabino’s room and slams the door at seeing who Gabino’s visitor is. Carmina feeds him a story that she is affected by what happened to Gabino, Inmundo not buying. Carmina says if Gabino dies, you will have II all for yourself. You don’t know what kind of ‘alacran’ (scorpion?)… Inmundo defends II saying she has gone through much, having to give up a son, burying a daughter here. Carmina says I had to burry a son, my sister and the remains of my husband. Inmundo threats, don’t mess with Texas (I mean, II), II and I will rebuild our lives. (Yikes! the white of her teeth is brighter than his med robe!) Carmina says please forgive me, II is exactly the woman you deserve.
Lo Nuevo:
Gael is giving II his bed.. warns her about the old lumpy mattress, the sweaty stinch, the cockroaches, and the plaid shirts all over… II begins her crying stage act… she is ‘moved’ at what he is doing for her, exactly what she should have done for him, tuck him in and prayed with him (i need a B___ bag, please!) every night as a child. Gael is not as moved as she thought, says ‘don’t worry, there was always someone to do it. But you are right, at times when I was little I wondered what it felt like to have a mother to pamper you.’  II swears she thought about him every day. Gael says ‘I wish that were true’. II asks why he does not believe her… Gael says because of what Kenya told me about her childhood with you, she suffered much… II is willing to answer all his questions. What Gael wants most is for II to tell him who his father was.. II just says that subject needs a long time to explain, will tell you tomorrow… when I tell you it will change your life. When that door is opened, there is no turning back… Ok tomorrow… tomorrow… I’ll love you (I mean I’ll tell you)… tomorrow!... it’s only a day aaaway… (she kisses him goodnight and then rubs the stitches in her face with her fingers)
Elisa asks Lucio ‘help Damian’. He wonders why she worries about Dam so much if she is about to marry Gael. Elisa not worried about that. Elisa admits to Lucio that she does not want to visit Dam again because it is not good (maybe she means 'easy' here) for her to be with him.
Damian in jail remembers Elisa was about to tell him about her feelings, he guesses correctly that she was about to tell him she still loves him.
Outside the jail cells Alfie and Loopy are unsuccessful in having the guard let her see Damian, even when she threatened him with losing his job… Alfie assures the guard he will regret ‘this’.
Next morning Carmina is with Gabino, II comes in… starts mocking Carmina that she seems to have a bad vibe around her, that Gabino, her only ally/savior left in the world, will die… Carmina tries to demand II give her the money Gabino was going to give her for Cielo Abierto. II keeps on mocking her that she will never see the money or get the hacienda. II even tells Carmina that Gabino and her married ‘por bienes malcomunados’ (shared assets). Carmina calls her bluff, then mocks her back about letting Gabino beat her up. That II had it all planned out for months. You knew how to surround yourself with people who could pull the trigger on Gabino for you. Poor loser Inmundo thinks you are a martyr but you are the worst of hypocrits… what about your litte bastard? you thought he would defend you no matter what... But have to admit to being surprised II would get Damian to do it for his friendship with Gael. II tries to play it like it is all in Carmina’s imagination.  You are worse than me, no you are much worse. Both villainesses threaten with destroying each other… when who comes in… wait for it… wait for it, the actual ONLY LEGAL lover of Rosie Arango… a third woman who would want Gabino to have died?.  Alfie in the flesh…  Suddenly we have three women and a loser in the room.  II takes over the show, telling Alfie how nice you showed up, Carmina can now tell you about all her secrets. Carmina tries to make her exit, says no secrets here. Alfie asks why the rush. Carmina says you are probably more in hurry to get your son out of jail. Alfie agrees, she wants II to come with her right now to the courthouse to declare so Damian will be free right now. Alfie notes that Damian’s defect, inherited from his father, is that he is incapable of refusing to help a ‘lady in distress’ , in this case II.  He is noble and brave, but doesn't realize there are 'mujeres como tu' (another reference to the song with Pepe Aguilar) who don't deserve being saved. Carmina laughs in agreement. Before Carmina leaves, Alfie tells her she wants to talk to her about an unfinished tea talk subject, Stefie.  Carmina, visibly startled by the sudden request by Alfie to stir the pot of christmas past (especially when II has just CASHED IN her chance to give Carmina the 'right back at you'  laugh), claims she has nothing to hide. Carmina steps out only to find herself in front of … wait for it… wait for it… her constant annoying conscience in the form of Padre Loopy. She asks him if he is here to give Gabino the last rite, surely he won't survive. Loopy asks if she is affected or relieved by Gabino's situation. Maybe she is relieved she is ridding herself of one of the people who know her secrets. Carmina assumes Loopy was the one that hinted Alfie about asking Carmina about Stefie. Loopy denies he said anything and reminds her must be one of the several people who know your secrets, he has enough having to keep quiet about her sins. Carmina says don’t forget I am the expert in planting hatred among people. Loopy says would never forget that, you abominable woman, that you have spent many years spreading hatred and unhappiness to people’s lives. Carmina threats about planting hatred between Damian and Gael. Loopy says don’t dare touch them. Carmina says what will Damian say when he realizes he is dying of jealousy because Elisa will marry not his friend but his own brother. She will cash out on Damian’s anger to make the brothers hate each other to death. ‘ah, you did bring your bible… here you can see the results of that…’ Loopy assumes she is talkin about the story of Cain and Abel (where Cain killed Abel for jealousy/hatred). Carmina says Gael, Abel, Damian, whatever the name. What matters is that they are not the first pair of brothers to kill each other. Carmina leaves on a high. Loopy watches her concerned.  (wow! that whole sequence in and out of Gabino's room was AMAZING!!)
At hacienda, Braulio and Tonia comment that Dam's situation is not easy, and that it is better CHente does not know what happened to Gabino for now. Chente comes out, Braulio will take him to the procesadora Castanon to show him around. CHente excited.
At Castanon procesa, Flo finds Quique. She found out about his upcoming marriage to Paloma, came to congratulate him. Quique surprised she bothered to come for that. Flo calls him on his lie, last time they saw each other he said Paloma was just a friend. He calls her on being the last person who should call him on a lie. Flo takes a step back saying she only wants the best for him. Quique says he thinks the changes coming in his life are positive. Flo says just think about it, from own experience i can tell you it is the worst torture to get hitched to someone who doesn’t love you. HE gets irritated reminding her she told him many times Damian was the love of her life. Flo says she is not happy, she realized too late that due to the pregnancy, she was chained to a life she did not want to live. She had the silly hope that some day he could rescue her.  She always thought that no matter what she could come back to him. Quique asks ‘did you expect me to wait for you all my life until you got tired of being Mrs Haranguo?’.. Flo says she realizes all she lost. What pains her most among her losses are dad and Quique. Wish you happiness… Goodbye. (kiss).
Back to the 2 Haranguo mothers in Gabino’s room… THey threaten each other, Alfie wants II to declare in favor of Damian, she can accuse II of trying to murder her with Gabino. II threats she can change her version of what happened and accuse Damian of shooting Gabino intentionally. Alfie backsteps and says she wants to have the party in peace… II says heck no, you would have me kicked out of LaErmita. Alfie says not quite, I know now we have a common enemy, Carmina Bouvier and I know you can give me, or SELL me, the info I want. II says yup I know quite a bit of her. We both seem to be interested in having Carmina disappear. Alfie says for first time we both have something the other is interested in. II says Deal! I will declare in favor of your son. Alfie buys into it and leaves. II mocks Gabino… what did you expect? The three ‘Stepford wives’ in front of you and you could not do anything or enjoy the show!... (gets close to his face) why don’t you do me a favor and go ahead and die already?’(what’s with II rubbing her stitches next to her mouth into all the men she talks to ? she kissed Gael and now she kisses Gabino’s face and rubs her stitches afterwards… creepy).
Alfie insists to Loopy to marry Damian and Flo. She will do whatever is necessary to get Damian out of jail in time for him to get married this weekend. Loopy promises her to go see Damian later. II comes out and is elated to find out from Loopy that Gael was worried about her when she was not there in the morning. She believes she is finally getting to his heart. Alfie is running out of patience and poking her face with her fingers nervously, wants to take II to Merida.
Said Gael is talking to Elisa in his room (she is wearing some type of sun-catcher as necklace, complete with beads and feather-like strings) about being worried for II. Gael says last night he got to talk to II and it felt more sincere than ever. But he is really confused about all that is going on. Elisa suggests to postpone the wedding a week or two… (wrong move! Instant HULK tantrum has been triggered). Of course not!! (with a face that says Hell can freeze over before I let our marriage be postponed!!... grow up, boy!! Not everything is about you and Damian and your insecurities about Elisa!!) Elisa says doing it for his mother… and also for you, you look affected by all that has happened. Gael gets mad again, Elisa says I am here for you, only trying to help you. HE apologizes for his reaction, saying the tantrum is not about her. Elisa is not buying his appology until he tells her WHAT OR WHO is making him so angry.
Braulio and CHente meet up with Quique at procesa… Quique still thankful to chente for what he did for Sabrina, gives CHente the phone number so he can call her. Quique tells Chente about Damian shooting Gabino and Gabino being in serious condition at health center… Braulio worried about CHente who took off running.

Back to Elisa/Gael, now full blown replayed argument about Damian and who-do-you-love: ‘try and deny that everytime you see Damian something like this happens! Don’t you think I can see how you hug him? how you melt for him? / I don’t melt for anyone!/ Certainly not for me! I got that real good! But what about for him?? / He is a married man expecting a child, what part of that don’t you get?? / Rub it in my face that that is why you are not there! / you have no right to reprieve me for anything. Since we got engaged I have not betrayed you. / no? Try to deny that you still love him. / Look, I have always been honest with you but now I am beginning to question about your honesty. I have known you all your life. And something is up with you. And obviously you are hiding it from me. / You are right. (with a 'caught with the hand in the cookie jar' look down in shame) / Then stop acting as if you have a big load on your conscience, because mine is really clean.
Flo visits Paloma at DrT’s office. Paloma gets defensive, but Flo says don’t worry my place is with Damian. Paloma smartly points maybe your heart is not. Flo turns the question on her. Are you in love with Quique? Paloma says ‘I don’t use those tricks of getting preggers to catch a man’. Flo says would not like for QUique to go through same situation again and be with a woman who does not return his love…. Later Flo asks Paloma how does it feel to be expecting a baby? Paloma says perhaps same as you. A huge happiness but at same time fear, want to be a good mother. Will be the biggest love of my life. / Your grandma was right/ what did she tell you? / that there is something in the look of a pregnant woman… not sure but … maybe… happiness… (Flo leaves crying, perhaps feeling sorry for not really being pregnant and envying Paloma a bit).
Lucio visits Dam at jail in Merida. He pains to see Damian there. Damian says don’t worry, lawyer is working on it. Lucio says there are a couple inconsistencies in your story. You said you fought Gabino for the gun and then it went off by accident. In the police investigation it showed the gun was shot about 4 meters away from Gabino, and that is why he is still alive. Dam tries to say it all happened so quick that the details escape him. Lucio says better remember so you will be released. At least while he is in jail he won’t have to deal with Flo or with Alfie. Lucio laughs in agreement but says you better not be hiding anything. Better tell the truth sooner rather than later. Alfie runs in to tell Dam that it is all settled, II declared in his favor and she paid the bail. The day after tomorrow you will be able to marry Flo. Lucio is forced to congratulate Damian. Damian looks like he heard his friend died.
Loopy is seeing Gabino… too sad that no one in this town is interested in you… (as if called by intercom, in runs Chente). Braulio tries to get CHente out, but no one will get him away from his papa. Outside the room Braulio uses Lolita’s shoulder to cry on about CHente. Lolita says Chente will have to realize Braulio is the only father he ever had. Braulio thanks Lolita. She goes to talk to CHente. Lolita talks to Chente and tells him about Braulio being his only father, whereas Chente rejects him to be with someone who never cared about him. But CHente won’t listen so Lolita gives up, comes out and tells Braulio she will spend the night in the waiting room with him. Braulio moved at Lolita’s concern in both Chente and himself.
Alfie drops off II at hacienda. Alfie is thankful to II for declaring for Damian, and, that business done, tries to get II to tell her about Carmina. But II claims she is too tired and it was a long day. Alfie seems to buy that. Talk to the pillow about the price tag on some plane tix I am interested in. II says I am no travel agent. Alfie says don’t be silly, you know what tix I am talking about. Sure. Who told you about them? That doesn’t matter. I want them.  II says what you want is to find out what names are in them, if Stefie or someone else. Alfie leaves.
II looks in Gabino’s safe and around all over the hacienda for the plane tix… to no avail.
Elisa gets home and remembers scenes about their childhood where Gael was jealous of how she wanted to contact/write to Damian. (sighs.. hah.. Gael will never change)
Damian remembers another childhood scene, when he and Gael were talking about Damian having his dad but Gael not even knowing who his was but he has Damian, Elisa and now Paloma as friends… then Elisa and Paloma arrived and Damian and Elisa suddenly only had eyes for each other.  Suddenly Damian’s daydream is rudely interrupted by the last person he would have expected to see (i giggled at her response 'but you had me in the list, right?')… Tangel-Ho. She mocks him for always having been so naïve… you don’t realize you got played by II… that woman is a fox… II used you to shoot Gabino. Even if it hurts you to hear this and you don't believe it, Gael helped her all the way. (she is certainly fulfilling her promise to Loopy)
Previews: Carmina keeps twisting the knife… Gael confronts Carmina saying not Damian or anyone will separate Elisa from him. Carmina says don’t be so sure… and seems to give him the same spoon fed poison… VO: but among so much evil, a truth explodes!... Damian confesses to Loopy that he did NOT shoot Gabino Mendoza.
Note tomorrow's ep is at 8:55 EST, 7:55 CST!!!


Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #36 9/5/12: The Party Episode- The Old Dogs, The Slumber and Beach Parties!

Ah, hello all- we start off listening to the old dogs conversations about a party and how there will be plenty of yummy, young girls in attendance.

Helena kisses Lalito goodnight over the telephone.  Helena invites Eva to sleep in her large bed, for the impromptu slumber party. I love the" que, que- what?”

Fernando's house-
Marsela says that with two salaries we can pay our bills much faster than before. What a blessing in this economy, oh I forgot; we are talking about the Neanderthal.  Fernando wants to take over the finances, Kevin gets his cell phone that is for emergencies and it’s not a toy, yeah, now she is the best mom in the world. Last week he needed her at home when he came from school, teenagers, Fernando then complains that Marsela is wasting money.  The only thing that this man does is sleep, eat and complain.

Back at Helena's
Eva is in heaven, she is staying at Helena’s but she can’t sleep with her-she snores, she talks in her sleep and Lucero lets out such a belly laugh.  (At times she is like the audience finding it hard to contain herself. - Lol) she just can't sleep with Helena! she walks in her sleep, etc. Helena won't take no for an answer, it's settled? She will share the bed with Helena.

Playa Mayagua- Rebeca was enjoying her meal just a little too much, Antonia points out that its too cholesterol laden and she will ask for fruit or something lighter. Rebeca points out that by not eating Antonia will insult the natives.
Uh oh, Pluto has been there two times, not just once and Antonia starts eating.

At the old dog party-Adriano is MUY -impactado, Paola is his friend Jesus' daughter. Karma is wonderful!

Fernando is complaining about Kevin's cell phone. According to him Marsela can't do anything right, it was a surprise that he was not included in.  He is too young for a phone, its counterproductive. Marsela feels that she will know where he is. (I do agree with Fernando, let me get my head examined because he will use the cell phone to lie and say that he is somewhere that he isn’t.) Kevin seems sneaky.  Kevin is on the phone with someone saying that he can add him to his contacts and to let him know when he gets "something" please don't let it be drugs.

Back at the party- oh Jesus is just so proud of his scank of a daughter. Adriano looks like he has seen a ghost. Of course Paola knows him Uncle Adr.  After I finished rolling my eyes at this scene, I don't like to see this actress speak, there is something odd about her mouth. Jesus’ young chippie, Ximena who comes over to the conversation and they walk away to mingle with the other guests.
Adriano is not happy.

Pluto is calling Rebeca; oh he has left several messages. She finally answers. The place (Playa Mayagua) is a pigpen but the food isn't too bad. How does that make sense?  Rebeca needs to speak to Pluto to clear something up.  Pluto wants to know- what does Rebeca know. He has to wait until tomorrow.

Back to the slumber party- Eva tells about missing her Belisario and being a widow and not undressing in front of anyone but him, and Helena compares her feelings to Eva's. She too feels like a widow and that she will not be with Juan anymore.  He is always in her dreams; he is the love of her life. He will always remain in her heart.  The rest of this scene was too funny- you are not going to take off your makeup.  No, she can't in case of an emergency. Eva had something on her eyebrow and screamed and ran into the bathroom.

Back at the party- the lovebirds are arguing as to why Paola didn't share that Jesus was her father.  Seriously, who cares?  Adriano was treating Paola like a hot potato.
But Jesus toasts him. Yuck!!  Another eye rolling scene for me.

A night gowned and stocking wearing Juan is in the bathroom saying that he can no longer go on with this farce and goes to Helena's bed.  Helena wakes up and Juan tells her that Eva doesn't exist.  Is this a dream? Camil is singing in the background.  Helena was sure that Juan was alive.  He explained why he had to invent Eva.  Helena is ecstatic. Juan tells her that he loves her, adores her, they kiss, the bedroom gets ready to explode and then I knew it!!!  Juan was daydreaming!
Helena checks on Eva, she's taking too long in the bathroom and Helena is getting sleepy,

OMG- Eva has a green mask on. A mask that her/his 80 something aunt wears and she looks like she is 25. I’d like several gallons of that cream. This concoction has been in the family for generations.  She doesn't know about Ponds cold cream and the likes because she is from the north.
Poor Eva is trying to take a cover and keeps disturbing Helena's sleep.  Eva sleeps on the floor.

Playa Mayagua - a local man says that the natives have their support in this project and will do anything for Helena Moreno. Rebeca is thrilled at the mention of Helena's name. She complains about getting bitten by the mosquitoes, etc.
Rebeca tries to tempt Antonia to eat the decadent breakfast but this time Antonia stands her ground!

Helena wakes up and looks for Eva, she slips into the bathroom and the toilet seat is up and the towel is soaked. Was a man here? Que the heck! She asks Eva already dressed  and serving breakfast  and Helena asks about the toilet seat being up and the soaked towel. Again another family member story, her Uncle Ochente. She blames leaving the bathroom like that lets her feel like her husband is still alive.  She is careful not to wet her goodies.  Helena loves having Eva around. I am sure that the feeling is mutual.

Helena is visiting Lalito and Eduardo calls for Helena.  He makes sure that Helena brings Lalito home from school. Helena keeps her word and while dad recuperates Lalito stays there. He is a strong outpatient!  He yells for Silvia to change yesterday's water.  She is a better woman than I, because he would have been wearing said water!

Mimi meets Eva and warns her to be careful staying with Helena because she can get caught. Yes, she/ he shaved.  My goodness, how much Avon do these blue dresses buy?  They ask for everything but they are slow to pay. Oh no, here comes Adriano.

Playa Mayagua- Antonia is bothered that Pluto has been there 2 times already.  Of course Rebeca has time to take a quick swim in her itsy bitsy bikini, before they lave, be strong Antonia, and don’t give up!!

Adriano and Mimi get into it again.  Why is she at his place of business? She is Miss not Mrs., hard head.  She isn't bothering anyone. The blue dresses agree.  He doesn't want Mimi there; Mimi is trying to a make an honest dollar as she puts her money into the bank of her bra.  She has been summoned to Adriano's office. Mimi is delighted.  Mimi is making strides!

Helena's office-they discuss Helena's plan for Lalito and a meeting to get information from Antonia about Playa Mayagua.  Eva goes to make the arrangements and in walks Pluto without knocking.  Eva doubles back

Adriano's office- he starts yelling at Mimi about her coming into his place of business without permission and ends up asking for men's products.  Mimi” indiscreetly" asks why does he have such a youngster as your girl?? Adriano tells her to butt out of his personal business.  Adriano tries on a little of the cream.  I could not stop laughing.

Pluto is shoveling his crap that he is there being supportive in Helena's personal life, blah, blah, blah.  He just admires Helena. Then he brings up again how his wife has changed, she's distant, etc.  Yeah right!

Lucia is having problems with her Mauricio.  They will talk later.  In the elevator Eva tells Lucia that no man is worth crying about and the three gals break into song.

Antonia is back.  The couple missed each other and in walks Rebeca.  The girls shared a taxi. Antonia asks Pluto about the two times that has was there.  Antonia wants to know what is going on, he told her that he was there only once?

 We will find out tomorrow at 7:55


Refugio Para el Amor #107 Wed 9/5/12 Lots Going On, But It's All Talk and No Action, (Except Some Signatures)

Recap by Anita

Lo de Ayer
Luci is at the funerario finishing the very emotional conversation with Pato on the phone.
L.  I’m so sorry we have all ended up hurt by this situation.  The last thing I wanted is for you (formal, plural ustedes) to be suffering. 
P.  Really, it matters to you that I am suffering?
L.  Of course.  I would never do anything that could hurt you (she used the familiar, singular tu).
P.  Nor I.  Never forget, I would give my life for you.

In this emotional moment, Pato essentially is declaring his love for her.  This sentiment is not lost on Luci and she’s not sure what to say—and is certainly glad they are not having this conversation face-to-face or on Skype, because her face says it all. 

Lo de Hoy
En Het Het—Ariche has come to see Magda and Paz, who are working on pots and talking, just as a man arrives to install a phone in Paz’s house.  She gets all discombobulated because she didn’t order the phone and hopes she isn’t expected to pay for it.  The installer says orders are orders and he has one for a phone for here.  And no, she doesn’t have to pay.  Dear, dear, where to put it.

Luci returns to find the telephone installed.  When Luci says she wasn’t the one who ordered the phone, they speculate.  It was probably her pa; it had to be a good person, a gentleman, so of course it must be Luci’s papá.  Ariche says it would be better to keep quiet about the phone or it’s likely they’ll end up as a branch of the funerario.  They laugh and try the phone.  The phone is dead.

Luci goes back to the funeraria to call Claudio.  Norma tells her that Lic. Linares is at the TL offices to make arrangements for the legal, or official signing [firma de sesión de derechos], handing over the property dictated by the verdict.  She tells her that Linares left Luci an open airline ticket and a hotel reservation in case she wants to accompany him to the meeting the next day.  Luci changes the subject to the matter of the telephone.  Yes indeed, it was her papá that ordered it to be put in.  Norma mentions again the importance of tomorrow’s meeting for her father, in case she wants to be there.  It shows in Luciana’s face that it’s the last thing she wants to do.  She says no.

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Amor Bravío #21 (Uni 16) Tue 9/4/12 Driving Miss Camila

Viviana’s Place
Camila recounts finding “El Vato” swimming in his skivvies.  Viviana tells her she may as well face it.  Camila’s more attracted to him than she’d care to admit. 

Alonsssso’s Attack

Alonsso’s just getting started with la ramera when he passes out.  He doesn’t pass “GO”, but she collects her $200.  Well, maybe not but she does clean out his wallet.  HAHAHA.  To her credit, she does tell the front desk on the way out that the dude in 210 is out cold.  The front desk clerk finds Alonsso sprawled on the floor.  He instructs the front desk to call La Cruz Roja lest he die on their watch.  He checks his wallet for ID and sees that he’s been cleaned out.  He calls the Malquerida office and speaks to Natalia, telling her Alonsso’s in trouble. 

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Abismo de pasión #123 9/4/12: The News Spreads—Gabino Took A Bullet In The Head and Damian’s The Shooter

La Ermita Health Center – The Drama Unfolds
Ingrid has really lost it. In a voice shrill with hysteria, her face busted and bruised, bloody lip and side curls drooping she begs E. Tovar, M.D. to make sure that Gabino  Mendoza dies of his gunshot wound to the head. No, she is not kidding. With Gabino alive she will have no peace…Edmundo naturally thinks she is just upset. HIS Ingrid doesn’t mean this. He cannot just let Gabino die. He is a doctor and besides, it is better for Damian if Gabino doesn’t die. Ingrid twists the meaning of his reply, “Oh, so Damian is more important to you than I am”! As Edmundo tries to calm the ranting woman, she pulls away and says, “Don’t touch me, I want to be alone”. Edmundo leaves her twitching in some waiting room at the hospital.

In Dr. Tovar’s Office Paloma and Quique have THE News
In Dr. Tovar’s office, Paloma sits anxiously. Heaven forefend that she should be working when Dr. Tovar is off on some emergency. Enrique comes in and they have a sweet conversation. She is excited to be having this baby, even thought her grandmother thinks she is making all the wrong decisions. Enrique tells her not to worry; as far as he is concerned the baby IS his. He offers to make a real go of it as a couple and kisses her gently on the lips—as Gael walks in.

Gael is shocked but when QuiQue says that he and Paloma are an item, he tells Paloma that he hopes she finds what she has been looking for. She is happy with her man, she claims for the first time in a long time. Enrique tells Gael they are expecting a child. Gael is muy upset.

Gael looks like someone smacked him upside the head with a wet burrito. He doesn’t believe it.  She is not in love with Enrique. She is too! Paloma snaps and he should not forget it again! He congratulated the happy couple and gives them his news—Damian has shot Gabino!

Carmina Gets the News
Carmina runs into Delores right as she is leaving for the Health Center to be with Elisa. Lolita tells Carmina that her FRIEND, her ASSOCIATE or her BELOVED Gabino Mendoza was shot in the head by Damian.

The News Travels to Horacio’s Shed
Alfonsina pays Horacio a visit and accuses him of shooting Gabino. Horacios smiles when he asks if Gabino is dead, but the Black Widow says that he is in grave condition at the Health Center. Well, demands Alfie, if it wasn’t you then who shot him?  Calm down, Horacio tells her. The matter is out of Alfonsina’s hands.

Elisa Visits Damian In Jail and Gets Some Completely Different News

Elisa asks Damian how he is doing and he says very well, thanks for coming. (Really, Damian? You are very well?) Elisa says she came because he shouldn’t be alone. He says the lawyer is taking care of everything. They begin to talk about his upcoming nuptials. He doesn’t want to lie in front of God, be married in the Church to a woman he doesn’t love—He is doing it for duty, nothing else. Then you are being manipulated by Flo and your Mother.

Elisa asks why and Damian comes out with the whole story. He is not sorry. He did it for Elisa, to save her inheritance of the greenhouses.  The only way his mother would not take legal action against Elisa’s for her debt—was if Damian met Alfonsina’s condition. One, he had to stay in La Ermita and Two, he had to marry Florencia in the church. Now there is some fine hand porn as these two touch through the bars of the jail cell.

Now they go back and forth about how he is happy to help her and his friends. She calls him a fool. He tells her that she lied about being in love with Gael. He tells her to go and be happy with Gael. Elisa is crying and when Damian asks why she grabs him though the bars and pulls him to within kissing distance.  Elisa tells him—Because right now, my whole heart and soul are with him…AANNDD the door opens behind her as Flo comes into the jail cell area. Elisa leaves and Flo thanks her for coming. Damian fights back tears as he calls, “Adios, Elisa”.

Back At The Health Center There Is More News For Alfonisna
Alfonsina enters and asks Dr. Tovar how Gabino is . He is alive but grave. Alfie cuts to the chase, in Edmundo’s best medical opinion, Will Gabino live? Edmundo reiterates that once the specialist sees Gabino they will know more. It is possible, but there is no saying how his cognitive functioning will be. There are many documented cases of a patient recovering from a gunshot wound to the head.

Alfonsina want to know who shot Gabino. It was your son, Edmundo replies. No, no…Alfonsina faints to the floor.

At The Jail
Florencia says she noticed that Damian and Elisa seemed to be having a MOMENT when she came into the cell.  Elisa was crying and very close to you…Damian says he is very anxious in the jail. Flo says she is there to support him.

Damian breaks the news that he thinks that, given the circumstances, they had best cancel the upcoming Church wedding and celebration. Flo is a bit menacing as she replies that it is a shame, many people are counting on the outcome of their marriage. He apologizes and acts the part of the perfectly supportive wife. Don’t worry, Flo croons, what is important is YOU, Damian. Well, your recapper thinks that Flo has more than just a fake-baby up her sleeve. She is being far too nice here for my liking.

Moving The Story Along
·      Carmina reflects on the Good Times with Gabino. Well, not really but she does recall their hot sexo.
·      Guadalupe and Gael have another yet conversation about Elisa not loving Gael, etc, etc.  ‘Lupe asks if he spoke with Ramona yet. No. Lupe looks sick.
·      Gael tells Lupe about Ingrid, Gabino and the shot heard around La Ermita.
·      Gael, Lupe and Ingrid run into one another in the Plaza. Lupe insists that Ingrid be his guest at the Rectory. Meanwhile, Gael is finally falling for her sob story and offers to accompany her to the Hacienda so she can get her things.

Gabino Receives Some Visitors
The OO-whoo-oo music begins as Horacio, dressed in blue scrubs with a mask over his face comes into Gabino’s room. The scene is a little Shakespearian, as Horacio lowers his mask and says, “Thanks for everything, Gabino. For giving me one last chance to change my life . He gets closer and speaks right into Gabino’s face, “For turning me into a murderer”.

His back is to the camera as Delores walks into the room and addresses him as ‘Doctor’. She asks for permission to enter. He ignores her and doesn’t answer. Elisa walks in and Horacio makes a quick getaway without Delores seeing his face.

In Another Room At The Hospital
·      Alfonsina is propped up in a bed. Elisa visits her and wants to help Damian. Elisa tells Alfie that Damian acted in defense of Ingrid. Alfie is a bitch to Elisa and Flo comes in the room. Elisa leaves.
·      Flo asks Alfonsina what is wrong with her. Alfie thanks her for asking, but Florencia quickly takes the wind out of Alife’s sails. In the best line of the night, Florencia states,
·      “It is a shame, Alfonsina, that you did not have a heart attack”. Pow! Score one for Florencia!
·      Padre Lupe comes in and offers to take Alfonsina to see Damian in jail.
·      Elisa tells Don Lucio the news about Damian and Gabino.

In Gabino’s Room
Carmina comes in, leans over Gabino and…starts beating him in the chest with her fists. He doesn’t respond. Wow. She calls him an imbecile. Edmundo comes in and asks why Carmina is there. Do they have a relationship? Carmina snaps that Gabino WORKS for her. Then she rags on Edmundo for having a relationship with Gabino’s lover., a woman like THAT. Edmundo defends Ingrid’s honor and makes a delusional statement about his lover, “She is a decent woman, a good woman who has suffered much”. Carmina comes back with, “You are right Edmundo. Ingrid is EXACTLY the kind of woman you deserve”.


Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #106 Tue 9/4/12 To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Sometimes Just Estupido!

Ugh. I never thought I'd say this—I'm the Forgiveness Queen after all—but I just wanted to smack the snot out of the good Padre Honesto last night for his premature entreaty for everybody to forgive “poor widdle Roselena.” In spite of her theatrical “confession”, the woman has no repentance or regret for what she did. Regret for being found out, yes. Regret for what she actually did, no. Roselena is still cloaked in a thick shroud of comforting self-righteousness, believing that she did it all for the Great Love she has for her children. What a crock! And Padre Honesto and that milksop Matilde are totally buying into it. Maximino isn't fooled, and Rodrigo doesn't seem to be either. But everybody else is tiptoeing around it, not wanting to upset poor little Rosie for her self-interested long-standing wickedness. Let's forget all about what she did, and just worry about her tender little feelings and fragile little mental state ! Puke-worthy, if you'll forgive me saying so.

Now that I have that rant out of the way, let's all just calm down and look at what happened last night.

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Por ella soy Eva #35 9/4/12: Evil Gramps does not die. There's going to be a slumber party!

Marcela's husband is still sulking, jerk. Marcela tries to explain that adults talk things out. He says he'll get used to her being an executive, but he wants to hear about things first. She says he has a chicken heart and it seems to be a compliment.

JC's mother is waiting for JC to call, any minute. She recites poetry and misses him; she insists he's on a trip. She also misses the theater and is mad that her husband tore her from her career.

JC finds Pluto and Helena by Evil Gramp's hospital room. Sadly, the nasty fellow is out of danger. Eva watches unhappily as Pluto chats standing very close to Helena. S/he goes to see Lalo in the waiting room. Lalo's afraid his grandfather will die like JC did. Big bear hug.

Pluto tells Adriano he gave Helena the day off, but somebody has to go to Playa Majagua. Adriano tells Pluto "I'll die alone like a dog, I have no wife or child... but I'm thinking about giving it a try!" Pluto's inheritance is in danger!

Due to drinking green slime, Tony lost three kilos. Rebe is aggravated, perhaps this means Tony won't die soon.

Adriano accosts his baby girlfriend as she strolls along with her baby friends. She says she never wanted to see him again, he insinuated something awful yesterday (but I don't know what it was). He shouts out his apologies for being an idiot and asks her to be his girlfriend. (That doesn't impress me much, or her either.) Later she comes to the office, says she's still mad at him but accepts his offer of "something more serious." Eeew, they kiss.

Paty baby is at kick boxing and so is the black haired rival. They punch each other and argue over Santi.

Evil Gramps regains consciousness. "Look what you did, this is your fault," are his first words to Helena. "You tried to take Lalo away from me, look what happened. You'll kill me if you take him." She says Lalo can stay until Gramps recuperates. She thinks maybe she should go back and live there too.

Tony can't find her thesis. She begs Pluto: "Since Helena can't go to the beach, why don't you and I go instead? Like a taste of second honeymoon!?" He says no. Instead, she should go with Eva.

Eva, though, says she can't go, she has to stay to help Helena. She suggests Rebeca instead. Rebe doesn't want to go but Tony, half-owner of GI, overrules her!

The dad, settled back at home, says Helena can't stay under his roof. Lalo runs in and salutes and wants to spend the night with Evil Gramps.

Eva doesn't want to go to the beach because she knows Pluto is plotting to get Helena alone. And in fact, coming to visit Helena at her parents' house, s/he hears Plutarco has escorted Helena back to the new apartment.

Pluto's closing in on Helena at the new apt. Helena's surprised Eva left without saying goodbye. Pluto tells Helena "my wife has stopped loving me, she didn't even ask if we could go together to the beach."

The doorbell rings, breaking the mood - it's EVA! She screams! "My life is a big tragedy!!! My apartment has flooded, I have nowhere to spend the night!" Helena offers her place. Pluto: "Why didn't you go to playa Majagua?" He's quite surprised Rebe went instead!

Rebe has left many messages for Pluto. She's furious about this trip. She has a picture of herself in a bikiny on her night table.

Toni and Rebe arrive at Playa Majagua. Rebe asks about cable tv, internet, a/c, etc (they don't have). "I'm not accostumed to miseries! What kind of disgusting bugs, tarantulas, etc. do you have here?" "We have them all!" the manager says cheerfully.

Adriano's old dude friend Jesus is having a cocktail party and there will be young girls -- "the kind we like." He's dumped his previous girl and has a new one. And there will be a surprise.

Eva beams, eavesdropping as Helena says goodnight to her son on the phone. Helena invites Eva to sleep in her bed!


Abismo de pasión #122 9/3/12: Where everyone in La Ermita gets a chance to become impactada

Our regular commenter cathyx has agreed to help us out with Monday's episodes and give recapping a shot. Now presenting the first recap by Cathy... 

Old news: Dam visitʼs Elisa and Lola is very anxious. Since sheʼs worried about them, she tells him that Elisa and Gael went to Gabʼs house. Camina arrives at Gabʼs house to talk business. Heʼs not there but Ingrid is. Ingrid tells Carmina that she knows they are lovers but doesnʼt care. Ing knows Gab better than anyone and has an obsession to have everything that Rosendo had. That is why Ingrid is at the hacienda instead of her. Carmina looks puzzled so Ing tells her that she was Rosendoʼs lover before her and she
gave him something Carmina never could. A son. Carmina is impactada.

After Alfie leaves, Flo scours the house for the other keys to her room.

Gab comes home and wants to know why Ing didnʼt come to the bank with Gael. She said she changed her mind. She tells him she wants half of everything. Everything he has is because she got it for him. She killed Guido for him too. She knows he has lovers and she got one too the day that he had sex with Carmina. Sheʼs been doing her lover for 5 months now. Gab is impactada.

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Amor Bravío #20 (Uni 15) Mon 9/3/12

Capitulo 20: The Hormonal Tidalwave Begins

Lo del pasado

Andres talks with Rafael, telling him his intentions. Creepy string-section music as Alonssso bothers Camila while she is bathing and thinking about Viviana's advice. If we needed further proof that they did not actually vo-di-oh-do-do, her discomfort was it, por supuesto.

Lo de Nuevo

Viviana's Apt: Rafael and Andres continue their conversation with Rafael continuing to defend Camila. Andres is being stubborn in thinking that Camila is behind his recent troubles, as we expect at this stage of the story. Rafael admits his interest in Camila and Andres takes this badly, thinking he cannot trust Rafael.
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Monday, September 03, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #105 Mon 9/3/12 Judgment Day Arrives for Roselena Torreslanda!

The Old: CL has just told Luci that she (and her baby) are his sole/universal heirs, which means she will be heir to half the Torreslanda fortune. Luci and her two mamas are beyond impactada at the news.

At the Club, the TLs have finally gotten rid of that bore, Boris, who apparently has his own torturous Sunday evening family meals to go to. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to be a victim of Roselena’s crossfire again. A wise decision. Max issues an invitation to his favorite niece, whom he says he loves and respects, in the most menacing way possible. He loves that she defends her principals, but was hurt by her sitting behind CL, and not her dear uncle, during the trial. Melissa tells her dear uncle that she admires and respects CL, and always believed in his innocence, but she of course believes her uncle to be innocent as well. It was that no good Pedro Campos. But had her tio been guilty, it would have hurt her and her cousins greatly. Max accepts that he is strict, demanding and a bit of a despot (a bit?!!), but NEVER a criminal. (Hah!) He then puts on his sun glasses and looks like a sinister mix between the Godfather and Jack Nicholson.

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Por ella soy Eva #34 9/3/12: Old men and their exploits

Here's a nice break from studying for my GRE: a quick, breezy episode of my new favorite show!

The curtain rises on Eva and Antonia having fun at a club. Pluto's wife is stupidly not flirting with a sweet plus-size dude who dances with her (respectfully) and says more sweet things to her in 45 seconds of screen time than Plutarcho has over the course of their entire marriage.

Eva, for her part, is getting hit on pretty heavily by some nondescript gentleman... He does a magic trick, but Eva's not having any: "don't you dare pull anything out of me!" The guy leans in and persists, so Eva grabs him by the collar, pulls him close, and threatens him with a deep and scary Juan-voice.

The boss is getting freaky with his underage girlfriend, who's moping cause it's her birthday. Unfortunately, he offers to throw a party for her and all her young friends!

Eva and Adriana get to talking at the club... Eva falls onto dangerous ground when she mention that she only  ever had only one love (obviously thinking of Helena) but slips up on pronoun genders (saying la que conoci)... Adriana freaks out and the music stops, and Eva lamely covers up by claiming that her only love has been "la felicidad."

Pluto is getting tired of his bimbo (the naked hot-tub-time just isn't giving him the thrill she expected). As usually, she ignores his disinterest, and happily brandishes a strawberry and makes cracks about free willy and la fea mas fea. He gets testy with her and, in a fit of spite, she suggests that she may know something about what went down at G.I. (the fraud?). Anyway, as usual, things don't go her way and Pluto storms out of the tub with her shouting after him.

Haha, look Adriano in his pink shirt making a fool of himself at dance party he threw for his underage girlfriend (Paola, I think). And wow, it really gets gross. He gets a call from Jesus Legarrete (who is this dude?), and tries to put Paola on the line. The name totally freaks out his baby girlfriend and she shuts down the party! I wonder, maybe Legarrete is her dad?

Pluto has raced home from his tub-rendezvous to play sick in bed for Antonia. She brings up how bad the marriage is, and he suddenly comes up with the energy to get all fiery and passionate!

Mimi tries to have a talk with Adriano's little girlfriend, but she insolently storms out. Then she tries to suggest to Adriano that the relationship is inappropriate and he insolently storms out (not before telling her to leave the building).

Poor Antonia thinks everything is going great with Pluto! Eva is happy for her, but Juan hasn't been with a girl for a while and all the steamy talk is getting him a little frustrated.

Now Helena's evil dad yells at Helena's lawyer. He throws a total fit and looks like he's going to hit someone. He storms off and the next thing we know Lalito is screaming bloody murder! Turns out grandpa  had a heart attack, and a really badly-timed transition video makes it look like he's actually fine and putting Lalo to bed! Instead, after the commercial, it's time for some moping in the hospital. It turns out he'll be OK, but only if he doesn't get mad anymore. Haha.

Pluto's bimbo has taken it upon herself to stuff Antonia with cake! But she doesn't go for it, which is good news for those of us who are sick of the fat jokes.

Legarrete shows up and the retro bar where Adriano is on the phone, begging Paola's forgiveness. Legarreteis the one whose name freaked Paola out in the first place, and I forgot to mention that he had also told Adriano that he only accepts chicks aged 22 to 28. He's got his own super-young girlfriend, and he gets all chummy and advises Adriano to just go from one super-young chick to another, never get married, and that's the key to happiness. They both look awfully pathetic, congratulating each other and swilling booze.

In another show of pathetic, Juan complains to Mimi about the pain of abstinence.

Santi is once again getting married to Katy Baby. Watch him squirm!

Some dude rear-ends Eva's borrowed VW. He looks really freaking scary (what's up with his head?), yells at her, and threatens to call the cops!


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #99-103 Sept. 3-7

No EWM or Horny today. It's a Labor Day miracle.

Sabrina continues to try to sink her claws into Fernando. She thinks that Cecilio is suspicious and attempts to keep him from thinking that she is up to no good and foiling her plans.

Lucia comes to the raffle which really raises Willy's spirits (PS: Cockatoo #1 is named Narciso--Nacho.) Jaibo skulks about watching Juancho.

Jorrible survives the horse ride (darn.) Isa and Jorrible have dinner with Sarita and Leo. Jorrible smarms about how he likes family living. Isa takes Jorrible for a walk around the property. She remembers the day with Nando at the poza de manantial (spring/swimming hole) aka la cama cósmica. While they are out, Fernando calls. Leo starts to tell him off for not being supportive, but Sarita takes the phone and tells Fernando to stop bothering her daughter.

Willy attempts to sing Amorcito Corazón while he dances with Lucía. Sor Pilar interrupts to tell Lucía about some thing she went to in Canadá and that it's an excellent opportunity to get support/talk about the casa hogar. Sor Pilar will talk to the obispo mañana about Lucía representing the casa hogar (did Sor Pilar acutally say what it was?? I've watched it twice and I don't think I caught it...even with the Spanish CCs.)

Juancho tries to break up with Barf. She talks him out of it. They go back to her place so she can "get a sweater." She suggests they take advantage of the empty house. He shuts her down. Woot.

Moncho wins the car. The crowd is not pleased. The CC's provide me with a new vocab word: abucheos-booing and jeering. They all think it was a trick.

Sabrina goes to visit the oh so happy Zoe and FFFFF. Fernando's call interrupts the social call and FFFFF has to go. He's nervous as hell. When the two gals are alone, Sabrina starts to discuss Ceci and her negative feelings about him. Zoe staunchly defends him and Sabrina asks "what gives?" Zoe tells all about her night with Cecilio.

Jaibo beats up Juancho, takes pics with his phone and sends them to Knuckles.

At the club, FFFFF convinces Fernando to take the 3 Marías, go to the ranch and get Isa.

At departamento de los Lobo, all the girls are playing a board game with Knuckles. Marifer wants to play with Knuckle's phone. He hands it over and Marifer sees the pictures Jaibo sends. She announces to the room that Kunckle has just received some horrible pictures and it looks like Juancho. Marisilly demands an explanation aaand FIN! (Don't you know Knuckles will slime out of it somehow?)

sucursal-branch (Moncho's company is going to close his branch)
olvidadizo(-a): forgetful (The girls at the Casa Hogar tell Sor Pilar that Lucía can be forgetful.)


Saturday, September 01, 2012

Abismo de pasión #121 8/31/12: Of Course She Said Yes! Did You See the Size of That Ring?

Sorry so late.  I didn't have any ccs, so I had to really concentrate.  There may be some mistakes that I will correct later. 
Casa de Arango Florencia’s Bedroom:  Alfonsina plunges a knitting needle into Florencia’s prosthetic belly!  Florencia’s deception has been discovered!  Damien, Enrique and Ramona observe the heated confrontation.  Help me!  I love you, Enrique!  Whew!  It was only a dream! Florencia wipes the sweat from her brow, only to discover Alfonsina, sitting beside her bed, has been watching her sleep. 
Casa de Mickey and Mallory Foyer:  Gabby points a pistol at Gall (let’s hope he uses it).  Ingrid pleads with Gabby not to shoot her son.  She begs Elisa to take Gall outside.  As soon as they leave, Ingrid joyfully leaps into Gabby arms. 
Mansion of Mickey and Mallory Porch:  Gael wants to go back in and rescue Ingrid.  Elisa, who’s thinking, doesn’t believe it’s a good idea to confront a psycho who’s holding a pistol.  Gael wants to know if she has weapons at her house.
Casa de Arango Florencia’s Bedroom:  Alfonsina wants to know why Florencia was screaming Enrique’s name in her sleep.  Alfonsina tells Florencia that Enrique knocked up Paloma.  Alfonsina tells Florencia that Alfonsina will be her worst nightmare; don’t piss her off.  She’s only being nice to Florencia because she’s preggers, but once she drops that fake babyload…it’s on!  Florencia tells her mother-in-law not to ever come into her room uninvited again.  She forgot to lock the door, but that won’t happen again.  Alfonsina tells Florencia that she has a key to her bedroom.  Florencia didn’t forget to lock the door. 
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Amor Bravío #19 (Uni 14) Fri 8/31/12 No More Hunkerin’ Down For Hunky D'Andres Cuz The Gig Is Up—Or Is It?

Capítulo 19  

We begin as Camila, Agustina and Padre Baldomero begin chatting about what they know of the aforementioned Daniel Diaz Acosto.  Cami and Gussie tell Padre B. it’s not much.  Eager to eavesdrop as a matter of self-preservation and self-interest, meanwhile, Daniel sneaks in through the backdoor past Maja.  Maja, our four-legged female, appears to be just as puzzled and overwhelmed by this dude’s hunkalicious physique as all two-legged ones, and she looks like she’d rather have a belly rub and a bowl of kibble from him instead.  She half-heartedly barks in protest.  (Give it up, girl.  You’ve just bombed your guard dog orals.)  As Daniel surreptitiously enters to hide in the shadows, Gussy explains to father Baldomero that Lic. Becerra is formally requesting DDA be declared legally dead, having most probably drowned in the ocean, so that Cami can take proper possession of the ranch.  Padre B gets visibly upset, telling them they cannot do that since…DDA is alive!! Padre Baldo’s riveting revelations have Camila and Agustina furrow-browed impactada, which is to say, emotionally reeling.  D’Andres is disgusted with the padre for racing to the hacienda to spill the frijoles so fast.   Cami demands an explanation.
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