Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Antes muerte que Lichita #40 Monday 11/16/15: Alicia on the rise and Alex's secret uncovered.
After they leave (the client saying, "you robbed my heart,") Sandra screams at Alicia about pulling this surprise. Beto deflects the rage saying "I knew about it," which is not true, and Augusto points out that it was all a success so stop beefing. Alone, Elias congratulates Alicia: "you are truly a creative director and remember - it's better to surprise than disappoint."
Magos pathetically continues to more-or-less pole dance all around Luis, purported father of Ximena. He pays little attention. Turns out the blond in the photo on his desk is his girlfriend. [How did he get this job with an office so easily??] Mags is undaunted.
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Labels: lichita
Pasión y Poder #10 Mon 11/16/15 Connie Smells a Ratt because She Smells Like One Too!
Labels: poder
Monday, November 16, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #90 Lunes 11/16/15
Labels: no-creo
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #60 Mon 11/16/15 (Mex 87-88) Los ricos también sufren. . .de la estupidez!
Julieta tells Sergio she's going to Italy, Rome to be exact, with Santino Orsini. Sergio is immediately jealous and thinks he should go with her but Julieta nixes the idea.
Freddie reports back to Dante about Fiorella and Gianna moving back into El Rancho. She directs this little plotting session: the goal is to keep Pedro away from Aitana AND Fiorella so that he can suffer the way she suffered when her Father died (kinda of an "off" comparison, but this is Freddie), and she wants to make sure Fifi marries Vitto so as to be rid of the opportunistic Italian heffa! The first step is Dante's telling Eloisa about the hospital room Pedro has set up. He trots off like a dutiful bull dog.
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Labels: mivac
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Celia, Bajo el Mismo Cielo, Señora Acero and Preciosa Perla: Week of November 16, 2015
La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #105-109 Nov. 16-20
Labels: la-vecina
¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (November 16, 2015)
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres-Cap 89-Fri 11/13/15, Or New Year, Same Old Problems
As usual, scenes combined, not continuous
Honoria Hangs on to Hope
Jenny tells Hon per her doctor boss, they are many techniques, devices and procedures that can help Julian have a child. The important thing is that Julian takes medical tests to find out if he's able to have children since his inability to move his legs doesn't mean he's sterile.
Hon asks Jenny if she would be willing to have children with Julian. Jenny reminds Hon that Julian has completely friendzoned her. He sees her as a sister and any children she has, he'd only be their uncle.
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Labels: no-creo
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Pasión y Poder #9, November 13: So yeah, I went out with your sister, mi amor.
Labels: poder
Friday, November 13, 2015
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #59 Fri 11/13/15 (Mex 85-86) Gianna's Illness provides Fiorella an Escape from Hell Resort AND Free Both from The Dragon's Lair!
Freddie snoops in Pedro's office, finds documents related to the swindle of Maximo's brother and Freddie's Father, Gabriel Angeles. She is convinced, therefore, that Pedro is not only fully aware of the swindle, but an accomplice! Dante vigorously disagrees with her but Freddie is convinced Granny brought him up to speed and now he's covering for her. Freddie vows that Pedro and any other Angeles involved MUST PAY!
Assvaldo and Sonia meet with Fabio in a restaurant to recruit him to join with them in their "bring down Pedro" scheme. He doesn't even need to fully hear them out and asks them if the whole thing is a joke or if the conversation is being recorded. Fabio flatly refuses: he WILL NOT be involved in sinking Pedro nor allying himself with the likes of them! Fabio looks like he wants to laugh right in their faces and doesn't look the least bit intimidated when they threaten to tell his wife and send some of the "hundreds" of damning photos of him and Sonia to his wife. We'll have to find out how this one turned out later!
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Labels: mivac
Antes muerta que Lichita #39 Friday 11/13/15.... Alicia is a hit with the board members.... and makes an impression when she presents her work to the Oki Oki owner... Roberto shows more jealousy, ALex shows more concern
The guy from the board that Alicia just saved from choking says a toast for Alicia … Roberto and Alex take notice… Of course Luciana whines and rants about all the attention Alicia is getting when she got a piece of bread thrown at her chest… Augusto whispers to Alex that this is a significant moment…
Magos and Ximena converse about whether Ximena liked the ‘guero’
Alicia and the board member guy dance… Another board guy comes and wants to dance with Alicia as well. He talks to Alicia about her desire to continue and expand her advertising career… he agrees that the API is very related to that… another board guy comes and wants to dance with her as well. They all have a different subject to do small talk with her… Roberto still taking notice from a few feet away… The guy talks about Alicia’s drive to grow her career… Roberto finally has had enough passive attention and comes and cuts off the other guy to dance with Alicia… he is a bit sarcastic in his comment about all the attention Alicia has got.
Luciana and Chuchette comment on Alicia’s dancing and dressing skills… they say even though she looks fine, she can’t dance or behave elegantly.
Alicia and Roberto still dancing but arguing… basically he is jealous and she is trying to defend herself. He is trying to control his impulse to kiss her… she rants ‘don’t you dare’. She notes to him that he once was behaving totally the opposite with her.
Augusto sits with Bea, they also have noticed Alicia’s attention by all the board members. Augusto gives her a bit of a speech about the ‘image’ they should present to everyone… then they ‘fake’ embracing for everyone and the press flashes all over.
Now it is Luciana dancing with Roberto… of course she likes the attention from the photo flashes… He wants to hear more about Alex’ accident… she won’t say anything beyond what he knows.
Alicia and Alex are dancing too… she is afraid that when the ‘fake engagement’ ends, they will end up labeled as liars…
At the office Braulio and Brisa are talking… she gives him two months worth of rent money. He says he is surprised at her remembering the rent and her accuracy.
Back to the party… The board leader is giving the press a speech. Alex takes center spot and asks Alicia to join him. HE gives a speech about advertising 101… and the challenges facing them…. Suddenly something is going on… everyone is eewwing and awwwwing… Alicia suddenly looks down and gets freaked… Bea brings her a coat to cover up… (?? Not sure, my guess is someone spilled something on her and made her like she had an ‘accident’)
Back to the office… Brisa says that with her rent payment, she has the right to claim half of the space… he feels deceived…
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Labels: lichita
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #58 Thu 11/12/15 (Mex 84) Parallel lines ... who meet, side by side, by side.*
Alas, the massage cabins have neither cable nor Internet, so I do not have a recap prepared for you.
When last I saw sneaky two shoes, she was hopping on the back of an ATV with a mysterious stranger. As they drove away she called back to me "I don't know if I'll be back in time to recaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." So we're just going to have to play it by ear.
In the meantime, grab a frozen drink with a little umbrella in it (assuming Benito hasn't drunk them all) and discuss away!
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Labels: mivac
Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, 2nd Edition
Labels: mivac, no-creo, poder, weekend
Pasión y Poder #8, November 12, 2015: The End of a Very Long Dry Spell
Honey, you've got a spider the size of a Buick in your bathroom! |
Labels: poder
Antes Muerta que Lichita #38 Thursday 11/12/15: The Episode Where Alicia has a Really Really Good Day.
We left off with Roberto trapped under Don Augusto desk while Luciana throws a fit with her Tio.
Luciana whines like a teenager not getting her way. She wants to have drive the company car, wants Alex as a BF and the best position at Iconika. Most of all she wants the pest, Lichita, fired! Don Augusto surprisingly tolerates Luciana's tantrums. Alicia and Alex will remain an item even through he does not approve of her because it is convenient for him and Alex's image. Don Augusto admits his respect for Luciana's need for power and control. She truly is his blood which loses meaning on Luciana. She does not get why she Alex cannot see her as a contender...I mean look at her...really look! Don Augusto repeats that Alex will never fall in love with a WOMAN......(pin drops)...other than Alicia Gutierrez, so give it up and get out.
Alex drops in on Alicia's parents during their 15 minutes of fame with the Cara's reporter. He wants them to know he is very serious about the relationship with their extraordinary daughter. Nacho gives Alex the third degree until Alicia drags Alex outside. She wants to know why he is trying to prolong their false relationship. Alex is not ready to confess the truth to his family yet. Alicia feels bad for lying to her family. He reminds her that she should take advantage of their false relationship. She needs this to continue in order to keep her current position at Iconika. Alicia eventually concedes.
Labels: lichita
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Capitulo 88 Thu 11/12/15: Chelo for President!
Labels: no-creo
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Pasión y Poder #7, Wednesday 11-11-2015
Eladio brings Julia breakfast in bed. He says he learned to cook when he was the food manager at the hotel. He hands her a rose and hopes that she sees how he is changing. He would also like her to accompany him today. Julia can't believe what she is hearing. It's like he's a different person. He says he's the same, he just realized that he has to pay more attention to the details, and he likes the change he's made. Julia is happy (But for how long?).
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Labels: poder
Antes muerta que Lichita #37 Wednesday 11/11/15
The first real scene is loser Magos with her loser friends Gerry and Paula. She is telling them she really doesn't know who Ximena's father is. At the time she got pregnant she was cheating on her steady El Chanclas with a "Luis somebody" who never called her after the sex. So, she will just tell Magos that her father is El Chanclas. The three losers decide to have some "chelas" (beers).
In the meantime, Alicia is on the phone with her mom telling her she will be working late. Alicia hears that Magos is out with her buds and hopes she does not get into trouble.
Back with the trio of losers: they are pounding back the beers. They talk about being lucky and Gerry brings up how lucky Magos was after vandalizing the car of the supermarket manager and getting away with it. They drink to continued good luck.
The same night, Beatriz is driving Augusto crazy in bed with her overwrought concern that Alex is not home yet. Augusto cannot be bothered: Alex is a full grown man. She has a hunch that something bad has happened to her son. She tells him to go to sleep and she will pray for their son alone.
Alicia gets a phone call at work. The next thing we know is she is getting out of a taxi. A naked Alex trying to hide behind a tree awaits her. It turns out that he got assaulted (he admits it wasn't too bad)( guess they took his clothes) Alicia has brought him clothes from the costume department at work. At least they were decent enough not to take his cell phone. He just wants to go home. He apologizes for calling her but the was nobody else he could call. Alicia promises she will not tell anyone about his misadventure.
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Labels: lichita
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Yo No Creo en los Hombres #87, Wed 11/11/15: Lo Que No Fue en el Año de Orly, Pero Sí, Fue en el Año de Alma
Labels: no-creo
Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #57 Wed 11/11/15 (Mex 83) Of all the massage cabins in all the world….
The masseuse goes off to get backup while Pedro and Fi contemplate their fate. Fi admits she's having a crappy time and she finds the whole place weird…with the tables and strangers touching you. Pedro claims it's about spa-ing with the right person. When the masseuses show up, Pedro keeps up the pretense that they're married and tells the story of how they met. Fi accuses him of exaggerating the bike accident. Fi really freaks out when she hears that part of a couple's massage is teaching her how to give her "husband" a massage and get the cranky expression off his face. Yes, Fi…oil on the hands...hands on his chest…circular motions…. Neither one of them can quit grinning.
Fi gets to keep her robe and skip her massage, just like she wanted. *sigh* She actually asks Pedro not to tell Eloisa that she's now had some massage training…or else Eloisa will be asking for massages all the time. No, she's serious about that. The masseuse tells them the "temazcal" is available (this is both a purifying sweat ritual and the structure where it takes place) and there's nothing like it, especially when you experience it with the one you love. Pedro talks her into it.
10 minutes later, they're outside the temazcal in swimsuits watching a "temazcalero" (person who facilitates the temazcal ritual; in Kat-speak the "-ero" suffix amounts to adding "dude" after whatever the noun is, so the temazcalero is "the temazcal dude") go through a ritual before he ushers them inside a small, domed stone hut. Inside, the temazcalero continues the ritual, pouring water over hot rocks. Fi and Pedro join in on chanting and drumming. Afterwards, they rush off to take a shower that's bound to feel cold no matter the actual temperature!
And thus ends our romantic interlude at the Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort. Alas, other people exist and other events happened outside the cozy little Pedro-Fi bubble. If you really want to know, read on….
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