Thursday, December 31, 2015


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Pasión y Poder #39, Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pillow Talk
Art promises to put family first. He wants the REAL things to work in his life, which confuses Nina and me. She (and me) want to know what the hell he's talking about when he says that he wants everything that is REAL to work, but now all of a sudden Art is dumbfounded as well.

Julia wakes Eladio, but then has a change of heart and doesn't want to talk to him. She goes back to sleep.
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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #117, Wednesday 12/30/15: Babies and Betrayals

Happy New Year, Patio Peeps!

The Old: Marcia tells Monterubio that he has to help her fend off the Santibañez, Max, MD, and Claudio. If she falls, they BOTH fall. Claudio tells Orlando that he thinks Josefa was behind Isela’s fall and he’s launched an investigation. Dan tells Ursula and Ivana that he’s NOT giving up his baby, not for all the money in the world.

The New:
Dan says that his daughter is all he has and he’s not giving her up. Ursula and Ivana are livid. Ursula reveals she already knew what he has been saying in rehab about having both his daughter and MD, and that he was going to betray her. She’s caught off guard when Dan reveals what HE’s learned from Arango. Ursula and Arango faked a will with a false signature after Hector died, leaving everything to Ursula’s administration. In reality, Hector’s real will left everything to Dan and Maleny (and nada for Ursula). Now that Maleny’s dead, all the money goes to Dan and Almita. Ha! As of now, Dan’s in charge, and he’s changing the admin on all the accounts from Ursula to himself. Ursula tries to guilt trip Arango for betraying her (again), but he already heard from Dan that she was planning on kicking him to the curb soon. He just got the jump on betraying her first. Now, Arango works for Dan.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #89 Wed 12/30/15 (Mex 123) Don't Cry for Me, Fiorella…no, really, please don't

The dog and the dog guy go running off.  So at least someone made it out of this unscathed.  There's no sign of the horse as  Fiorella is begging Pedro to please wake up.  Sonia runs up and then calls the house begging them to call an ambulance.

For some reason, after the initial panic has passed, Os and Fed are back to the usual languid sniping, which Sergio finds highly offensive.  Dante announces the arrival of the ambulance and Sergio goes running, shouting for Os to come with him.  Juli runs upstairs to inform Eloisa and Fed just sits on the couch probably pondering Os' potential involvement.  As she said--he's the one who stands to benefit if something happens to Pedro.

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Antes muerta que Lichita #69 Wednesday 12/30/15. "Strangers in the Night ( continued ) Sha la la la la . . ."

Before anything else, I want to wish you all a healthy and happy 2016!

Is it too early to start thinking about an anvil for Augusto????? I think not.

Whoopsie! I mistakenly called Rafael Gabriel for much of the recap: he still is Valeria's husband and Luciana's  "dad" who was aggravated to and left for dead by Augusto.   : )

Now back to the story . . .

The lights are still out. Augusto comes looking for Alicia and just as he sneaks up on her in the dark, the lights go on and it is presentation time. Everyone is happy happy with the OkiOki presentation . Alicia tells us her transformation from Lichita to Alicia is complete but as of today it is the beginning of the end of a love that could never be or will be. Luciana is clearly not enjoying the presentation.

Back at the mansion they all arrive home from the OkiOki presentation. As Beatriz, Augusto, Dafne, Roberto amd Luciana all come in, Valeria wonders why Gabriel did not come. Valeria called him during the evening and he never answered. Luciana tells her to cut the drama. Valeria calls Gabriel then and there and they hear the phone ring. She says it must be in their room where Gabriel must be sleeping like a log. Augusto gets an uncomfortable look on his face. Suddenly they all decide to retire for the night. Dafne decides to eat supper by herself. Valeria arrives in Augusto's and Beatriz's room crazed with worry over the missing Gabriel. He was not in their room.Augusto says no big deal he probably went out on the town and forgot his phone. Dafne arrives to see if they found Rafael and if they looked for him everywhere in the house. Dafne takes it upon herself to look around the mansion and finds Gabriel dead on the floor where Augusto left him. She becomes hysterical amd starts to scream. They all come in. Valeria tries to talk to Rafael. Luciana is in shock and says he must be asleep, right?
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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #68 Tuesday 12/29/15: A boring presentation and then MURDER MOST FOUL

Beto and Gumaro get a look at the account books and continue to suspect money laundering, but Draco catches them and throws them out before they can figure anything out.

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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #116 Tuesday 12/29/15: Patrnity Bites, Maternity Without Rights, and Baby's In The Middle

We go to Alma’s funeral.  She left a letter to her family of last thoughts.  Max is to take care of headstrong Leo.  Leo is to stick with Clara who really cares for him.  Claudio is left without Alma’s pardon, and a request to right the wrongs he’s done.
The paternity results are in and Daniel’s DNA is the darned baby-daddy.  He rubs Max’s nose in it as much as possible.  (What else would we expect?)  Despite Max’s best arguments that DannyBoy is a drug addict and the family is suicide prone, the judge gives temporary custody to Grrrrsula and Family.
Corina introduces herself to Nayelli’s kids and tries to take them with her, but Aldo stops her.  She lies about knowing Nayelli and why she was with the kids.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Pasión y Poder #38 Martes 12/29/15

Chapter 38: Family Affairs

The more I observe these two families and their interactions the more I wish I could meet Suetonius. Maybe I can't because I'm his latter-day reincarnation: I feel like I'm in a 21st-Century Roman Empire. Two titans of modern industry with sons betraying them, both with dysfunctional families and assorted wannabes who want only power and the inheritances they think they deserve. Nobody's been murdered yet that I know of, but only because that's a lot harder to get away with these days. Sejanus didn't have to worry about DNA or fingerprints. But everything that makes crime more difficult now makes character assassination much easier, including the willingness of people to always believe the worst and prove it if they have to. That's sometimes useful and some people get better at this all the time. – D.D.
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Yo No Creo en los Hombres #116 Martes 12/29/15

Chapter 116: Life and Death

Leo entered Alma's hospital room and kissed her forehead. When she didn't react he instinctively ran and called for the doctor. When the doctor felt Alma's pulse he looked back at the nurse, who nodded. They looked at Leo, who realized what this meant. He cried out “Mama! Mama!” many times. He stayed at her bedside, embraced her, and cried.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene A Casarse #88 Tue 12/29/15 (Mex 122) Well, she always wanted a daughter.

Gianna interrupts Pedro and Fiorella's kissyface session in the employee kitchen, pretending she didn't hear a word of their conversation.  She's just telling them about Roxi being thrown out when Joaquina comes in.  Pedro goes running to talk to Eloisa.  Joaquina wonders if she might have gone to a friend's house, but Gi can't resist snarking that Roxi doesn't have any friends (which is mostly true!) and both Joaquina and Fi are shocked.  Fi tells Gi it's not like her to say stuff like that.  "Yeah, well.  Keeping secrets is worse," says Gi, and storms off.

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Antes muerta que Lichita #67 Monday 12/28/15. "Conveniently Roberto Does not Have to Tell the Truth Again and Again . . ."

Due to technical problems, you are getting my notes/observations for the recap otherwise known as the long and the short of it . . .

Don Augusto has just told Alicia to fire Brisas and he brings up the "one rotten apple" comparison. For him it is just part of the job to make heads roll when employees fall short and not overthink it. Alicia refuses to just fire Brisas without finding out exactly what happened since Brisas has always been such a good worker. Augusto reminds her about the two lost accounts. Sandra sticks up for her.

Roberto is still talking to Venus and getting overly dramatic about Mateo maybe being taken from the country even maybe, etc. Venus tells him to cut it: His son is being very well cared for: the orphanage would never put his son in a bad situation. Fear and pain are bad advisors. She tells him to find the best way to find out what happened to his son but to do it within legal means and not to tell more lies since that is what got him in the mess he finds himself now. Roberto says his situation is just not that easy. (Wah!) Venus tells him the same thing Gumaro has told him: the day he starts telling the truth things will begin to change for him.

In Alicia's office she is telling Braulio and Brisas how it is: they are not beginners and she expects more RESPONSIBILITY (as the professionals they are) shown by them. Brisas offers to quit since she was the one who messed up. Alicia says nobody is quitting. She will talk to the "Mis favoritos" snack people about a "redesign" they will be doing to try to get the account back.

Elías thinks he is shocking Sandra by telling her Icónika USA is already set up. Sorry, she says, no surprise there. She does not look happy when he leaves, though. Hmmmm . . .

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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, #115 Monday 12/28/15 A Death in the Family

This is a super sad episode and the recap is very long because of all the detail.

A little refresher from way back last Wednesday, Orlando and Claudio are in the ICU with Isela who is on life support, arguing about who will take care of the baby. Orlando claims that Isela’s last wish was to have Orlando take care of her, but Claudio wants to step up and claim the baby as his own, even giving her his last name. Poor Doris, hanging back by the doorway, hears this exchange and is heartbroken at learning Orlando’s intentions and feelings. Just then, Isela takes a huge breath and her eyes jolt open. Orlando reacts, and runs to get the doctor while Claudio stands there stunned. (I know who I want around me in an emergency, and it’s not the Clod). 
Orlando finds a doctor, sees Doris, hugs her saying that Isela is awake, and goes back in.

Back at the poor person's hospital, The Padre comes out with the nurse after baptizing the baby, the nurse tells Esperanza and Max that she will send them the video of it. Why couldn’t they be there in person?
Just then, Max gets a call that Alma is brought to the rich person's hospital.  He runs off to see about her.
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Pasión y Poder #37 Monday 12/29/15 What Good Wine Goes with a Hot Francofurter?

Sorry, once again, not edited.  Still sick.  Thanks for your get well wishes. 

In this episode, Eladio has harassed or has pissed off most of the people in the telenovela.  So, I thought this was an appropriate song for your listening pleasure.

Eladio releases the canaries, but captures Julia by her reed, thin neck. He's pissed that she left the hospital without alerting him.  He tells Julia, that she's useless and uneducated.  He's knows that she's seen Art.  After Eladio leaves, Julia tells herself that she will stop being useless and will learn to take care of herself.  She will then leave him. 

Eladio keeps the party hoppin' and moves it into the house by terrorizing Gaby as Franco, her spineless boyfriend, looks on and does absolutely nada!  Finally, we learn lots of prepositions, but not the good sex ones that we can use, Susanlynn.  Gabby is visciously tossed on top of the table, bounced off of the wall, down on the couch and choked between the door way. Once Eladio is gone, Gaby asks Franco why he didn't take her side.  He said that she was in the wrong, she should have called Eladio. 
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #87 Monday 12-18-15 (Mex 121) Set ups and Teases

Benni hears the tale end of Eloisa's eviction of Roxi from the Ranch.

Pedro goes to meet Fiorella at the summit of a hill in the garden.  She excitedly shares the pictures we saw her looking at earlier in her bedroom.  The little girl, about eight or so, is her; a couple of pictures of her Mother and a picture of her Mother and Father in their youth.  She is excited and touched, she feels close to them just looking at the pictures.  Once all this exposing and prosecuting of Benigno is over and everybody knows of their love, Pedro wants Fiorella to show him all the places where she grew up.  Lots of smiles and kisses.

Sergio pleads with Eloisa not to be so hard on Roxi.  Assvaldo and Sonia think Eloisa is right. Eloisa asks for her medicine.  Freddie goes to the dining room where Dante is dripping the drops into a glass of water.  He gets a phone call and has to leave, asking Freddie to take her the drops.  Freddie, of course, puts demon drops of doom into the glass and takes it to Eloisa.

Assvaldo is on the phone talking to Benigno about the horse Pedro is getting and how this will fit into their plan to murder him.

Freddie takes the glass to Eloisa and is about to drink when she interrupts herself to fuss some more about Roxi.  Freddie prompts her to go ahead and take her medicine and Eloisa launches into a high-pitched chant about how the glass contains a special tea that Maximo bought for her and doesn't Freddie want to try it?   There is a little struggle as Freddie says no and Eloisa even tries to make her drink it and the glass spills.  Sergio and Julieta look on, horrified.

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Monday, December 28, 2015

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Celia, Bajo el Mismo Cielo, Señora Acero, and Fatmagul: Week of December 28, 2015

Here's this week's page for discussion of Celia, Bajo el Mismo Cielo, Señora Acero, and Fatmagul.  Señora Acero is now in últimos capítulos and will end in two weeks (Monday, January 11).  Beginning the next day (January 12) will be La Querida del Centauro, starring Humberto Zurita, Ludwika Paleta, and Michel Brown, among others.  More information about this upcoming novela can be found on Telemundo's web site .  Bajo el Mismo Cielo is in últimas semanas, with all kinds of issues to be resolved (or not) in the next few weeks.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in the discussion of these novelas.  Please remember to indicate at the top of your posting the title of the novela you're discussing, so everyone can easily find comments about the show(s) they're following. 

Since this week will usher in 2016, LXV and I would like to wish everyone un Feliz Año Nuevo.

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La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #132-136 Dec. 28-Jan. 1

All the news from San Gaspar, Progreso, and the DF.


¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (December 28, 2015)

Hola Carayites!

In this week's edition:

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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Pasión y Poder Episode #36 Friday, December 25th 2015 Nina turns over a new leaf.. or so it seems, David and Regina make love, and Eladio calls Artie a loser.

Merry Christmas everyone. Hope that you all had a beautiful day today with your family and friends.

Gisela doesn't want Consuelo rooming with her and Clara. Three's a crowd, after all, and they only have ONE bathroom to pee in for crying out loud. Clara puts her foot down and reminds the old hag that this is HER home and if she allows her to live there it's because the hag doesn't have anywhere else to live. So Consuelo's stays! And Gisela better be nice to her! Period. 

Eladio wants NOTHING from Artie. Hummy (Humberto) goes on and on about why Eladio should enlist in Team Regina and David. He'd make Julia happy! Plus, he'd have access to all of the Montenegro fortune including a part of his properties if Regina and David get hitched. Eladio smells a rat bastard when he sees one and he knows Hummy is only thinking about what is convenient for his crummy old himself. He threatens to send him back to Shady Pines and then taunts him a little by messing with the cables of his oxygen tank. Over at The Patio, we all cross our fingers and hope this is the end of the old man, but before he does any real damage to the old man he walks off. Darn. 

Erick returns home and tries to avoid talking to his folks. But Artie asks him to the living room before he counts to five. Artie and Nina (who is now magically siding with Artie) rip him a new one. They both know very well that he's still getting it on with his little Ratt friend. Artie informs him that his wife has left Casa Montenegro. Yippeee! Erick's glad to hear that. He couldn't stand watching Consuelo flirting with that creepy guy with the dorky glasses- Miguel. Artie tells him to cut the crap and to be a man and face his responsibilities. Artie tells Erick to bring Consuelo back to the house or else. Erick lets his dad that he's divorcing Consuelo. And that he could care less about that child! 

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #86 Friday, 12-25-15 (Mex 120) Pedro in the Cross Hairs and Vitto Lays a Goose Egg

Hope everyone had a Buon Natale!  Merry Christmas!  Feliz Navidad!  Ciao, Patio Peeps!  Well, let's see how Fifi was able to get her delicate little foot out of her mouth after carrying on to Eloisa how beautiful Pedro's Mother's (Pilar) villa is.  Well, when she first got there she was so taken with the beauty of El Rancho she told Fidel there couldn't be a more beautiful place on earth.  Fidel then showed her pictures and she was all like, "well, shut my mouth!  This place IS more beautiful than El Rancho!"  Fidel also shared that Eloisa hardly goes there anymore.  Eloisa appears to buy it and hears the racket from the wild party as she is about to leave Fiorella's room.

We catch up with Benito in the darkened kitchen of the employee's quarters, sitting on the floor killing a bottle of tequila.  Gianna finds him and sits down next to him.  Benito thinks he's an idiot, Gianna thinks Roxi really loves him but was overwhelmed with everyone watching.  Benni wonders whats eating her.  Gianna whines that Gael got high right in her face!  Benni concludes they have both made terrible choices in love and offers her his back-wash filled bottle of tequila.

In the Big House at El Rancho the party is going full blast!  Gael wants to find Roxi but she convinces him to forget the little Italian gata.  Roxi and Gael jump up and down which passes for dancing when you're high on being Roxi and street drugs, respectively.  Granny and Eloisa enter the madness and Granny calls out "What is all of this?"  Roxi answers, "A Party!"  Eloisa is about to call a halt to the shenanigans but sees Freddie and Dante walk in and ask the same question.  This time, Eloisa answers "It's a PAR-TAY!!  EVERYBODY SHAKE YOUR BOOTIES!"  And she begins to break it down with the best of them.  Freddie and Dante exchange glances while Fiorella tries to get Eloisa to leave.

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Friday, December 25, 2015

Antes Muerta que Lichita #66 Friday 12/25/15 The honeymoon is shortened... The new competitor coffee shop steals customers... and Alicia, Braulio and Brisa have a very very bad day.

New admin lady at the orphanage tells Roberto from behind door that Mateo was taken from the home. Mateo was already adopted by a couple.  Roberto is in disbelief. Wants to confirm it with his own eyes.  Door opens and you can see the scared face of Roberto walking in…  he runs to Mateo’s bed to see it empty and made up.
Ximena asks Nacho if the clients will come back… Nacho tries to comfort her lying that the people at the coffee shop across the street are just letting the clients try their coffee. Elsa is upset, what are we going to do?  Magos can only whine (cry over water past the bridge).   
Magos gets a call from a guy that we don’t know yet… well, turns out he is the guy from the collections company trying to get her to pay the credit card.
Roberto finds some stair steps to sit and cry…
Lichita and Sandra are still at their conversation. Sandra has another heat flash of her meno…  Lichita offers to drive Sandra home… Sandra is a bit rough questioning if she means to come in the public bus (pesero) or taxi… Lichita says no, in the company car she has.
Elsa can’t stand the curiosity, wants to taste/try the coffee from across the street to see if it is truly better than hers.
The admin lady assures Roberto that Mateo’s adoption was legal… He doubts it, he says they can’t take his parental rights… The lady assures him it is a done deal. Roberto says we’ll see about that.
At the car, Roberto tells Luciana that they took his son away.  Luciana still is not taking him very seriously, asks if he is feverish, then wants him to come to the house to rest…  he just walks away and sends her to the house.  Luciana comments that she thinks he is delirious. 
Luciana is driving Sandra home, is driving pretty pretty slow… gets people to drive around her… she yells at another driver… Sandra is probably sure this is her last ‘ride’ with Lichita.
At the house, Rafa and Val are questioning Bea for running out on her psychologist appointment.  Bea would rather talk to her confessor/priest about her worries/woes.  Then Luciana comes home and Valeria turns her attention to her asking questions about where Roberto is.
Roberto and Gumaro meet.  Apparently Roberto is at the Vidal couple (Marta’s), since Roberto thinks they were the ones that adopted Mateo… Gumaro says if they have him they won’t hurt him. Roberto then wonders if they don’t have him, what if it is other people?
Luciana tells parents she got bored with beach… (really??)  She says her husband is workaholic… and he had to come back directly to the API…  Valeria leaves toward kitchen, Rafa asks Luciana for the truth, why did they come back earlier.  Luciana is not ready to give details, so walks away on him.
Magos is still on phone with the guy from collection company.  Ximena has to deal with a potential client but when he sees it is Ximena trying to serve him while Magos is on cell phone, he leaves miffed. 
Magos still not willing to pay. 
Nacho and Elsa come back… she says coffee is not bad but the prices are still mysterious…  Some other potential clients come… since they see Nacho and Elsa have cups from the other business, they go over there. Elsa is lamenting their luck.
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