Saturday, December 08, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/7/18, Episode 26: There Are Kisses And There Are ...Kisses
Lucia is surprised to take a late night phone call from the head of the Armente Family. He asks if she meant what she said on tv or was just posing for the Press. He's willing to take her at her word for a sit-down. Yes, it will be in a public place and he'll call her back with a couple of choices. NO cops or media present or else! He's a man of his word and she can trust him not to pull anything on her. "--You wanted to talk and that's what we'll do."
Across town, Carla counts her cash.
Lupita bemoans the fact that now they need to disappear and have no money to make the move. Julieta says it's no use because those two men will follow them to the ends of the earth; no matter where they try to escape to, they'll find them.
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Friday, December 07, 2018
Mi marido tiene más miedo Friday 12/7/18 Capítulo 63 Don't Poke the Bear
Fernando walks Dave to school where he mets Sebas and Frida. He leaves to go to work. Iker invites Linda out for some coffee. Yes! There is always time for coffee, or, as Iker puts it, time for a new book or a start to a new adventure. She is all smiles.
At "Reality de amor", the last challenge is "Brave for Love". The couples will have to fight fear as they undertake tests of physical ability working as a team. They have to "hand walk" over a pool, walk through a box of mice, climb a wall, put on a wedding lasso. At the end, Gabriel cannot say enough good about Dani. She has a similar declaration of love for him. They win the challenge.
Robert is at home getting upset in Dave's room. He looks at Dave's drawings when there were just the four of them.
Julieta is at work giving a presentation to Susana and other executives. She is having a difficult time but Susana helps her out.
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Thursday, December 06, 2018
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of December 3, 2018
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana**
• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad• 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5
**On Friday,
La Sultana will be pre-empted by a 2-hour movie,
The Expendables, that will run from 7-9 PM. Apparently,
La Sultana will return the following Monday (Dec. 10).
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Wednesday, December 05, 2018
Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 12/5/18 Capítulo 62 The End of an Era--OR--"Glued and Feathered"
Catalina is with Tavo talking about how she wants to be the mother that Julieta needs. As she finishes, Tavo informs her that he can no longer be her therapist. Catalina asks if she did something wrong. No, quite the contrary. She has given him a lot of hope. He can recommend another very good psychologist. Catalina assume that they will not be seeing each other again but Tavo has other plans. He wants to keep seeing her but as a friend. Catalina smiles. Tavo explains that he had to let her go as a patient because he has some affection for her. She thanks him for being so professional. She really likes the idea of being friends.
Polita informs Audifaz that she will be supporting Ari even if it means facing off against him. For the umpteenth time, Polita tells Audifaz that it has nothing to do with right or wrong. It is all about supporting his son. He starts lecturing her. She says he treats her like an employee not like his wife. He wants her to come to the Christian center with him so she won't stray from the path like her son did. Polita thinks it would be better if he were to change back to being the loving and caring Audifaz she fell in love with. She asks what the purpose of is learning so many wonderful things in his life if he is never going to use them. There is no response.
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Amar a Muerte, 12/5/2018, Episode 25: Coming Home Is So Special
Recap by Kirby J
we left off with Loosey and Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) arriving home after their “release”
(no one can imagine what kind of “release” they really had…but didn’t happen
according to Loosey). Johny is interrogating Loosey about what happened between
her and LCJ; so she comes back with, “Must I remind you that I was just
kidnapped…that we were trying to escape? …What is wrong with you?” As he holds
her head (as if wanting to force her real thoughts out of her head), JonEvil
admits that she is right and thanks her because no one understands him the way
she does…and no one respects him the way she does. Menacingly, he adds that no
one knows him the way she does...and if she is lying to him, he’ll kill him.
(LCJ) He forces a kiss on her and hugs
her, but Loosey wants to take a bath ( as she tries to push herself away)…she
needs to take a bath because she is very cold ( and smelly?). As JonEvil
releases her and leaves, Loosey looks back at him in horror.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 61, Tuesday December 4, 2018; Pancho and Susana Declare their love for one another
the judge gives his judgement in Fernando’s favor, Fernando goes to him and
promises that everything will be just fine. Then Julieta goes to embrace David,
crying. “I don’t want you to leave.” Robert has tears in his eyes.
and Pancho are having a good time at the Guelaguetza festival. Susana looks
very happy and has red carnations in her hair. They dance and have fun watching
the parade through town. It’s almost a Mardi Gras type of celebration with all
the colors and dancing. Susana says that Pancho takes her out of her comfort
zone and she enjoys herself. They enter into a gift shop to get gifts for their
families. She asks Pancho how things are going with his kids, especially Temo.
She relays how she thinks Axel will move out and that one day Sebas will become
a teenager and never speak to her again. They decide on some gifts for the
family. Pancho buys a heart shaped pendant for Susana, so she can keep him near
her heart.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/4/2018, Episode 24: It Never Happened, OK? Fer Sure??
Lucía and
Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) are still in the water enjoying their looong kiss
(while the goons are probably closing in, but they don’t seem to care). As they
continue their passionate kisses, she takes off his shirt; she slips off her
dress…next to come off is her bra (as the water starts to steam). They break
apart briefly, looking into each other’s eyes, then continue their fierce
display of desire. LCJ stops and looks up, as does Lucía, as a flock of birds
flies above. (LCJ relieved that they weren’t giant moths).
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Amar a Muerte, 12/3/18, Episode 23: No News of The Escape
called Juliana and they talked about the kidnapping. When Val ended
the call Lucho told her she shouldn't be talking about this with
someone who is practically a stranger. She indicated she didn't want
him to stay over, so he left.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 12/3/18 Capítulo 60 A Nightmare Becomes Reality
Linda is out with Iker at a café for what turns out to be a "book date". He explains that through books we can travel to many different places at the same time. He shows her a couple of classics like "A Thousand and One Nights" and a play by Aeschylus. She is not too excited by those but is interested in a book by Jane Austen, one of the first feminists, that he describes as about a woman who grows up in a time when women had to follow societal norms: marry and be dependent on a man. Linda asks if the character gives up men in the end. Iker explains that she finds a man who challenges her, but in the end excites her as much as he makes he despair. Linda thinks about Axel. She tells Iker she will have to read that one.
Clarisa stops by to say goodbye to Axel. She was good with him but he was just playing her. From now on she will devote herself to someone who really values her. Axel looks happy but a little sad when she leaves.
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Monday, December 03, 2018
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of December 3, 2018
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad • 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Saturday, December 01, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 11/30/18, Episode 22: Risking It All And All A Part Of The Risk
Parte 1~~
Running through the jungle.....🎸(apologies to
Creedence Clearwater Revival)
Montilla has found the cell phones left as a taunt but not the kidnapped Lucia and Jacobo, aka León, aka, Leonchin, aka Jacón, aka Jake. He screams at the underling detective to get the dogs out to track them somewhere up the mountain. Otherwise, if they don't find them and quick their reps have been risked --and lost. They'll be the laughing stock of the whole of Mexico.
It's a smart idea, that, since the kidnappers
are running somewhere...but it's to another couple of getaway cars. These miscreant thugs have been to this kind of rodeo a time or two.
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Friday, November 30, 2018
Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 11/30/18 Capítulo 59 The Gift of Forgiveness--OR--Crisanta Laughs Last
At school, the students are talking about their characters. Lupita asks Dave why he is so sad. He is just thinking about having two blood related parents and two adopted parents. He asks Lupita is she would like to go get some ice cream after the rehearsal. "Yes!" is Lupita's answer.
Catalina is all upset about Susana stuck in the elevator. Maybe she should call the fire department. What about the meeting? Julieta says that they should just do their work even though the repairmen still haven't arrived. Julieta will fill in for Susana at the meeting. Catalina asks the stars for help.
Pancho and Susana are seated on the floor talking and laughing as he tells jokes. He thinks life itself is an elevator sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, sometimes you're out of order just like now. He suggests that they talk abut the happiest moments of their lives rather than the worst. He asks Susana what made her happy as a little girl. Susana says when her father made her shrimp sandwiches. For him, it was when he took his first bite of watermelon. They move on to their adult lives. She mentions when her children were born. . . . Pancho mentions when he met his mother. . . . she mentions her first promotion. . . . for him it is the smell of a mango and helping people at the market . . . for her it is the smell of the sea and seeing him again. . .
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia; Capítulo 58, Thursday November 29, 2018; Happy to be stuck with you—even inside an elevator!
[NOTE: Missed a piece of this because it was
raining so hard that my satellite signal was interrupted. I will start where my
recording was able to begin.]
Axel is
studying in bed and everywhere he looks, he sees Linda’s face. Her face is on
his laptop, inside his book, and haunting him in the dark. She “says” to him, “Accept
it! You are in love with me.” He puts
the pillow over his head.
writes a letter concerning Ari and says when he repents of his sins, he can
come back. Polita is in the background crying.
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Thursday, November 29, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 11/29/2018, Episode 21: Games Goons Play OR Colombo Solves the Case of the Missing iPhones
Recap by Rgv Chick
At the goon shack,
Leo/Chi/Jac (LCJ) is about to reveal himself to Lucia when Goon 1 enters with
good news…they are in luck (Rats! there just had to be an interruption!). He
talked to his boss and the boss thinks they should be more practical; they
don’t need to hold both of them since it means more food to bring and more eyes
to watch them. LCJ agrees and tells him they should keep him…it would be more
practical. Goon 1 scoffs and tells LCJ that he knows he wants to be a
superhero, but that role doesn’t fit him well because he is just a simple
chauffeur who is worthless. When Goon 1 asks Lucia if LCJ is her chauffeur or
her lover, she repeats that he is her chauffeur; so Goon 1 tells them that he
is the one to go…they’re not going to let him go…they are going to kill him. As
LCJ is taken away, Lucia cries. Wait ! With
good news like this, don’t tell me the BAD news then.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of November 26, 2018
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
- 8-9PM - La Sultana
- 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
- 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 11/28/2018, Episode 20: Dead Battery? Flat Tire? Hijacked by 8 Goons?
Recap by Kirby J
Leonchi yells at the goons, “What do you want?” The main goon tells him that they are from Cartel de los Armenta and they want someone to pay for the article that was published today.
At the company, Mateo congratulates Palomarez for being so obedient and caving in…he’ll probably be the employee of the month. When Palomarez reminds Mateo that they are only employees, Mateo retorts that what he doesn’t forget is Gaston….who was murdered…and up to a few days ago attended parties with them. Palomarez snaps that when Mateo owns his own newspaper he can do whatever the heck he wants, in the meantime, they have orders to follow. Mateo then tells Palomarez that he sent his article on Gaston to his email so that he can read it and publish it. Palomarez agrees…as long as Eva approves it.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 11/28/18 Capítulo 57 The Woman Who Knew Too Much--OR--The End of Blanca's Excellent Adventure
Ghost stories at "Reality de amor" and practical jokes with Gabriel.
Blanca slips into the bathroom at the hideout to make a phone call.
Back at Blanca's house, Audifaz is irate when Robert tells him Ari needs to be happy. Imelda snidely swipes at Audifaz by commenting that this is what happens when a boy doesn't have a masculine role model. Julieta tries to run interference insisting that being gay is not a bad thing. Audifaz blames it all on Temo. Ari says he was born that way. No minds are changed. Robert answers his phone and it is Blanca. She is not being kidnapped because the thieves think that she is some big bad thief herself. She is upset but doesn't think she is in danger. Robert tells her to play along while he gets her cellphone tracked. Robert tells everyone that a band of thieves have mistaken Blanca for one of their own. As they all start getting upset, Robert tells them he needs to find her.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 56, Tuesday November 27, 2018; Fernando decides he wants to take custody of David
sees Blanca go by in a black SUV with Blanca waving and saying “I love you.”
lady driving the SUV says she will take Blanca over to the place where the
Reality show is being recorded.
At the
reality show, it turns out that Daniela is just acting as directed for the
show. The crew and other participants
give them a big applause.
has an appointment with Tavo. As they finish up, he shakes her hand. Something tells
me she is developing a crush on him. After she leaves, Pancho comes in to see
Tavo. He sits on the couch, but then asks if he should lie down. Tavo tells him
it is not necessary. So Pancho says he will get down to business and be very
direct. He says, “My son confessed to me that he is gay.” They have a conversation
regarding Temo being gay and how Julio does not accept it. Tavo tells him that
family support is needed, or else his son might leave home.
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Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 11/27/2018, Episode 19: Invasion of the Black Moths OR Too Much Wabbit Gives Indigestion
Inside the dark cave, the
black moths fly around as we hear Beltino cry out. Outside Beltino looks at a
very dead Valerio and as the black moths surround him, he runs away. He wanders
around wondering how he is going to get out of there. Meanwhile, Alicia is at the
university looking for Beltino; she thinks something bad must have happened.
Barbara has Sammy sitting
on her lap as she talks to a client who is looking for a lost document. She looks
at Sami hoping that he sees something and stalls until she tells the man his
time is up. After the man leaves, Barbara asks Sami if he didn’t see anything;
and he tells her he was busy talking to Conchita. Barbara’s jaw drops.
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Amar a Muerte, 11/26/18, Episode 18: La Fashionista Santa Muerte Has a Busy Day
*Left alone at the cemetery
after Gastón’s interment, Leonchi sees his own grave. We don’t get a chance to
know what he’s thinking.
*Camilo is continuing the session with Karla explaining transmigration of souls. He uses two chess
pieces to demonstrate, but he can’t explain how it happens. He tells Karla he
wrote a book on reincarnation, which is not the same. She
and Jacobo share something for which he would like an explanation. Karla says
if the objective is for them to pay for their sins now…Cam interrupts. Neither
of them are to blame for any of this. Karla begs to differ. She sees death all
the time. Cam tells her Jacobo does, too. He wonders how far this will go.
Karla doesn’t want to cause anyone else’s death. Cam wants to know if she’s
tried to get in touch with anyone in her family. She shakes her head, no.
*Beltino and Valerio are at
the site of a beautiful waterfall. Valerio does some hokey pokey and sends
Beltino into a cave behind the waterfall. Valerio must stay outside, within the
stone circle to continue with the ritual. Beltino warns him that if something
goes wrong, he can’t guarantee Sammy’s safety. Beltino sheds his outer shirt
and wallet and goes in the swirling waters.
*Barbara, left with the mischievous
little Sammy, is desperately trying to get ahold of Beltrán. She wants to be
rid of Sammy, who’s annoying and hungry all the time. Sam calls attention to
the crystal ball and sees his abuelo. Barb doesn’t see anything.
*Valerio continues to do some magic outside. Weird things are happening inside the cave. A behatted Sta.
Muerte appears, as does a shiny light which envelopes Beltino and helps us to
see what is going on.
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