Wednesday, June 21, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #33, Weds Jun 21 2017: The Fast and the Furias

Danilo taunts Ryan, "Now you've lost two Estelas." Danilo and Laura do a press conference. Dani shows off Laura's ring and says blah blah blah. Laura looks like she has a bug in her mouth, but if she opens her mouth a bomb will go off.

Steve tries to apologize to Genesis, but she says it's too late now - it's been a month. So now we know her statute of limitations.

Another Furia artist named Ausencio Granados grouses to Morgana that the press is more interested in gossip than in music. Morgana brags.

Milton comes along and has plenty of questions. Morgana is eager to answer, but the questions are for Ausencio. Oh holy crap, her boobs are almost up to her chin. I mean... I get that she's trying to maximize, but there is a limit. She warms up her voice hilariously.

Milton asks Ausencio some pointed questions about his narcos corridos (gangster ballads). Ausencio is evasive. He says sure he knows some Salgados, but they're not THE Salgados, they're just some guys from Guadalajara. He says he's got a bone to pick with La Regia for challenging him about his songs. This inspires Ryan with a great idea to end all of this forever. (Great! So, like, just five more episodes left, correct??)

So La Regia faces off with Ausencio in front of cameras, and they have a debate about the ethics of glorifying narcos, the false virtue of machismo, etc. Eventually Ausencio says something obnoxious that I don't catch, but it's something in the general category of "do you talk that way to your husband," and La Regia slaps him. (Just a regular slap, not a bitch slap. Unfortunately.) Danilo revels in the press's attention.

Tadeo invites Valdo to the house. Tom went to San Bernardino to see about a job and will probably come home drunk. No one else is home. Tadeo says he and Maria got accepted by a school and will start in a few days. Tadeo is nervous around Valdo.
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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #32, Tuesday Jun 20 2017: The Gift Horse

This is just a mini-recap. Don't hesitate to add details in the comments.

Laura and Ryan are still in the stable when Danilo comes home. (Steve tried to warn Ryan, but Ryan was ignoring his phone.) Dani doesn't catch them because Morgana has arrived to pick a fight with him. Steve texts Genesis to ask for another chance.

Laura sneaks into the house, while Ryan waits in the stable to get the all-clear. Before Dani can go into the house, Marcelino Salgado arrives with the horse. Laura comes outside to greet them, and her hair is miraculously dry!

Danilo makes a big show of gifting the horse to Laustela, in front of Morgana. Later, after everyone has left or gone inside, Morgana decides to harm or mar the horse. Steve sends Ryan the all-clear, but as Ryan tries to leave, Morgana intercepts him. He makes an agreement with her and tells Laura so, but doesn't tell her or us what that agreement is.

Joe tells Mercy he's one signature shy of a divorce, but is interrupted by a phone call from his wife. The kids want to see him. Joe says he's too busy with work.

Next day, the doctor tells Leticia that she might have a tumor, and on top of that, she's pregnant. But she tells the kids she got a headache from being nervous and angry. And she wants to know where Maria got the money to buy the phone. Did she steal it from her father? Maria says she wanted to punish Erasmo for leaving them. Tadeo and Leticia scold her for giving Mexicans a bad name. Leticia says Maria has to go back and apologize. Oh and Tomas hasn't come home yet.
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La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #31, Monday Jun 19 2017: The New El Dorado

Danilo calls BunMan to tell him that Porfirio caught them double-dealing with Marcelino and is threatening to kill Palomita. He wants BunMan to call off the deal with Marcelino, but BunMan says that's crazy because Marcelino is throwing all kinds of money at them. Dani thinks Porfirio could be just as profitable in time, but BunMan doesn't want to alienate Marcelino. Danilo is emphatic that he does not want La Regia's daughter killed.

Let us pause for a moment to admire Danilo's one good quality. Time's up!

BunMan reminds Dani that he should be glad if Paloma is out of the way. That will take Ryan and "Estela" out of the running and then Dani can just knock up any old chick and get his 20%.

Dani really doesn't want anything to happen to Paloma. He tells BunMan she's locked up in a van and she'll be dead in an hour. BunMan tells him to quit wasting time and go find her, then.
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Monday, June 19, 2017

QEPD Dead - Antonio Medellín at 75

Muere el primer actor
You'll remember him in his last role as the rich farmer who wanted to marry Ana Lucia in Tres Veces Ana.

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Friday, June 16, 2017

La doble vida de Estela Carillo, #30 Friday, 6/16/17 The worst idiot narco wannabe in history

Paloma and Rosario surprise Laura with a visit right outside of Furia Productions. There are a lot of fans there waiting to see Regia, between them Nina and Fausto, too. Fausto sees Palomita and says « mi hija » (did I hear right?)

Steve is trying to win some time for Ryan, who is still in the restaurant basement, dealing with the slowest computer ever. He finally finds some documents, but has to run before he's able to make any type of transfers.

Laura as Regia meets with Marcelino, the leader of one of the cartels – she promises that she was forced to sing. Danilo, aka the New El Dorado is also there. Laura is disgusted to see what new role Danilow is playing.

LetMe and Tadeo come to take Maria back to Tomass' home. She doesn’t want to go, but Erasmo says she can always come visit him, but can't stay for good. Maria reluctantly agrees to go, but wants to say goodbye to her dad first ; as soon as she’s alone, she steals the money she found the night before, because she feels that her father is failing her (or is it her entire family?)

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #29 6.15.17: Those Who Go Looking for Trouble are Sure to Find It

Webcam video is in italics.

• Danilo wakes up, grabs the rifle Laustela left and shoots at Asdrubal’s men as they burst through the door. He runs out of bullets and they shoot him in the left side of his chest. He goes down with a smile of his face.
• Mercy arrives home with Joe. She thinks it’s incredible that Ryan would reprimand her for her actions, especially since she’s now a widow, but everything is always her fault. Joe thinks he will forgive her eventually but Mercy doesn’t think so, especially after he already forgave and forgot Laustela’s fake robbery. She then grows quiet and admits that she feels dirty because of their actions but Joe tells her that it will take time, but they will get through it. He then kisses her.
• Laustela arrives with Ryan at his condominium and Rosario gives her a big hug before thanking her lucky stars that she’s okay. Ryan explains that Laustela has been through hell and back but was finally able to escape Danilo. Rosario nods as Laustela goes to get her some clean clothes so she can shower. Once alone, Laustela admits that she thought today was the last day of her life but Ryan proposes they beat him at his own game. Laustela would prefer he not get involved as Danilo is now a murderer because he killed El Dorado.
• Mercy wouldn’t want to give up her opportunity to be happy and Joe doesn’t want her to. He agrees they did wrong by Walter but that is the past. Mercy worries about what people will say when they are out in public but Joe doesn’t care. He does ask that she tell him if she doesn’t want to be with him anymore so he can leave. Mercy doesn’t think it’s that easy, especially after they’ve admitted their feelings to each other, but Joe reiterates that he will do what she wishes.

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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #28 6.14.17: Even the Best Laid Plans Go Awry, Especially with an Idiot at the Center

• Laustela reiterates that she only does as she’s told and Asdrubal lets her go. He then nods and Talisman stuffs a gun in Danilo’s mouth and asks if he kills him. Asdrubal prefers to call El Dorado first and pulls out his cell phone as Danilo tells them that El Dorado will vouch for him and explain what happened.
• Rita is cleaning the front porch when Fausto comes and explains that Laustela told him to come back in a few days and see if she could get him a job at the house. Rita tells him that she can’t help him because Laustela and Ryan are no longer together and she left to god knows where. She then leaves as Fausto curses his luck.
• Asdrubal talks to El Dorado and promises to take care of the situation. He hangs up and Talisman points a gun at Danilo’s privates as another sicario threatens to slash Laustela’ throat. She reminds them that she has a daughter but Danilo confesses that El Dorado was the one who told him to branch out in the first place. He suggested that he reach out to Porfirio and get rid of Marcelino’s cartel in Torre Blanca. Talisman then punches Danilo and Asdrubal chides Danilo for talking to El Dorado behind their backs, despite his many warnings. Danilo begs them to let Laustela go and Asdrubal obliges but reminds Laustela to keep her mouth shut or they will kill Paloma.

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #27 6.13.17: How to Betray Cartel Leaders and Almost Get Shot

• Rosario and Paloma cheer Laustela on because she’s committed to Regia despite the circumstances. They all smile.
• Nina tells Fausto that his scar is almost closed but it got infected so he’s going to have a nasty scar. He thought they had taken good care of him at Mr. Blake’s but that was not the case. Nina is curious and Fausto explains that Mr. Blake is a blind white guy. Nina then gets ready to go, much to Fausto’s annoyance, since he wanted her to stay but Nina wants to go see Regia live, especially after she met her in person. She suggests he get dressed and go with her but Fausto wants her to come back afterward so they can have some fun. Nina suggests he pay her, so he can reserve her time, and Fausto halfheartedly does, though he chides her for making him pay since he thought they knew each other better.
• In the dressing room, Genesis tells Laustela that Ryan is on his way and the band members are almost ready. Laustela comes out, as Regia, and Genesis complements her attire and body. Just then, Danilo comes and Genesis leaves. He thinks Laustela looks gorgeous but a little sad. Laustela admits that she wanted to be a singer but the circumstances have made her less enthusiastic. He nods and requests that he open with a new song before handing her a piece of paper. Laustela argues that she didn’t rehearse it and it looks strange but Danilo wants her to learn it in 20 minutes and perform it as instructed.

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Monday, June 12, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #26, Monday Jun 12 2017: And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon

There is no dish.
There is no spoon.
How can you eat your Hopeos without a dish or spoon?
Easy: pour your beer, wine, or milk directly into the box. It's moisture-proof! Then spear your cereal with a fork. Take a selfie and post it on InstaSnapFace!

Calao tells Danilo that El Dorado somehow failed to make a deal with Porfirio Pineda, el Baron, from the Los Altos gang. This is Danilo's big chance!

At the secret hideaway, Ryan asks Laura to promise they'll never be apart again. They kiss. She warns him that Danilo is dangerous - not so much on his own, but by way of the people around him. She doesn't want him to find out that she and Ryan are together. And she's worried that there will be a scandal about her being with Ryan and then with his brother. Ryan is angry, but Laura urges him to be patient.

At a bar, Calao carefully places his sunglasses under his hat. This is irrelevant, but I had to rewind three times to see what it was, so now you know too. For some reason, he and Danilo have come here to discuss the new client (maybe they're worried that his office is bugged?). Danilo wants to know what's the deal with this Porfirio Pineda guy, but Calao doesn't tell him much - only that he wanted to meet with Danilo. Danno thinks maybe El Dorado wants him to take up the clients that El D can't handle. Calao says in that case, El D will probably want a commission. Dani says no, it's HIS deal and he won't share! He asks Calao to set up a meet and not let BunMan know about it. He promises Calao a stake in the deal.
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Saturday, June 10, 2017

La doble vida de Estela Carillo, #25 Friday, 06/09/17 Regrets, threats, and intolerable inepts (courtesy of RgvChick)

We start back with Ryan finding out that Laura is with Danilow because she’s being threatened with deportation and being separated from Paloma. Ryan Crazy Eyes Cabrera wants to go break his bro’s bones, but Rosario says it would be too dangerous for Laura. Ry wonders once again what makes Mexico so scary, but Rosario has spilled enough beans for now. He realizes that he has been acting like an imbecil with Laura but Chayo asks him to take things slow.

Laura doesn’t want to talk about Paloma’s dad with Mercy, since he’s dead. She says a tearful goodby to Paloma (I’m crying a bit, too). Then, in the car, she cries some more, thinking about what she’s been through with her daughter (saving her from whatever was threatening them in Mexico, crossing the border, playing together). Next thing you know, she’s back at the house, just when Mercy is about to take Paloma shopping and teach her to call her mommy (wtf!). She says that she just can’t separate from her daughter, it would be a terrible mistake. Mercy is a mom, she must understand. (Does she? She did abandon a child, right?)
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Thursday, June 08, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #24 6.8.17: Can Tacky Douchebags Write Love Songs?

• Ryan begs Paloma to drop the gun as Rosario comes and sees her. Rosario drops her tea cup and they both run to Paloma and take away the gun. Paloma tells them that she found it in Danilo’s room and Ryan then chides Rosario for leaving the girl alone. He demands to know where Laustela is but Rosario asks him to calm down, especially because she didn’t let Paloma play with a gun on purpose. She then picks up Paloma and hugs her.
• Laustela keeps singing and Calao, who is drunk as a skunk, tells Talisman, who is also drunk as a skunk, that she’s not bad at all but she’s missing a little extra something. Talisman walks over to Laustela and screams at the Danilo, who is talking to two girls sitting on his lap, that his lead singer is missing something. Calao agrees that she’s missing two extra things and Talisman rips off Laustela’s shirt. Laustela, shocked, tries to hold her shirt up as Nina, Fausto’s call girl, screams that they should leave the singer alone as she is there to entertain them. Calao demands she shut up and pushes her on the chaise as Danilo grabs a gun from one of the security guards and points it at Talisman. Talisman takes out his gun too, points it at Danilo and tells him that he was just giving Laustela fashion tips. Laustela comes and dares Talisman to touch her again because then she’ll take care of him personally. He and Danilo laugh before putting their guns away as Laustela chides them for their pissing contest. Asdrubal notices the fight and goes over to them as Laustela tells the men to leave her be so she can sing. Talisman tries to start another fight but Asdrubal puts everyone in their corners and the party continues as Laustela sings.

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Wednesday, June 07, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #23 6.7.17: Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Thing Or Loaded Guns

• Tomas shows Leticia around his house and shows her the room she would stay in. She thinks it’s pretty but she thinks it would be wrong of her to stay with him, since they barely know each other, but Tomas reminds her that they are friends and he will respect that. Leticia prefers to look a little more but thanks him for his help. Tomas nods but reminds her that she could find something cheaper but she needs to be careful as she doesn’t speak English and doesn’t know a lot of people. Leticia nods and Tomas offers to keep teaching her English and showing her around LA. Leticia smiles.
• Maria tells Tadeo that they must escape but Tadeo reminds her that the shack is full of teenagers like them so it’s unlikely they’ll escape. One of the teenagers thinks they will be sold, possibly to narcos, but Maria begs Tadeo to not let her be sold. Tadeo vows to die first before he lets anything happen to her. He continues to try and get himself loose from the restraints.
• Mercy to Ryan announces that her home is almost clean of filth, lest the viper upstairs. She wonders why Morgana is even there, is it because he wants to forget Laustela or is it because he can’t be alone. Ryan reiterates that there is nothing between him and Morgana and she will leave as soon as she’s found a place. Mercy doubts it but she hopes Morgana is not the first in a long list of women he hopes to forget Laustela with.

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Tuesday, June 06, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #22 6.6.17: A Star is Born...Under the Guise of Heavy Makeup and Cheap Extensions

• Calao finds Fausto exiting his hotel room and the two get into a fist fight. When Fausto gains the upper hand, and begins to choke Calao, he pulls out a knife and stabs Fausto in the ribs. Calao gets up, cleans his knife on Fausto’s shirt and leaves him a pool of his own blood.
• At Furia, Genesis instructs Leticia to start cleaning the empty offices for now. Leticia obliges but wants to know if she’s officially hired since she doesn’t have papers. Genesis tells her that she hasn’t but it will get sorted out soon. Genesis then leaves as Leticia pushes the cleaning cart to the first office. She bumps into Morgana, who tells her to watch out where she’s going, and leaves without another word. Leticia, however, remembers when Morgana went to Chavalin’s bakery and inquired about Laustela. She comments on how small the world is.
• Laustela tells Rosario about Ryan’s and Morgana’s recording. Rosario is shocked and Laustela chides herself for crying as Ryan is not worth it. She is also tired of crying, especially after all that happened to her in Mexico. Rosario then tells her that Rita is with Paloma but she needs money for her medicine. Laustela goes to get the money but Rosario demands to know what is going on as she’s been very distant lately.

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La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo, #21, Monday Jun 5 2017: Morgana's Busy Day

Tomas and Leticia talk about their past. She has two kids, and her husband left her. She doesn't want to talk about it any more. Tom says something similar happened to him; his wife left him and hit him with a restraining order for 30 feet/10 meters. That's why he came to CA from MT. He says it's better to be far away.

Leticia says she misses her children terribly. Tomas doesn't have kids, but he's always dreamed of having a house, wife, family.

At Furia, Morgana and Laustela are still yelling at one another. Morgana says that Estela's been fooling around with Danilo and convinced him to make her the singer and get rid of Morgana. Laustela says that's a lie, just like Morgana's claim that Laustela locked her in that room backstage. Danilo is siding with Laustela, much to Morgana's disgust. Genesis ushers Morgana away. Laustela takes off in the opposite direction. Danilo jokes to Ryan about watching women fight. Ryan replies, "we have to talk."

Calao is at the house, allegedly to pick up some papers that Danilo forgot. Rita offers to go get them from the study, but Calao suddenly wants a drink of water and says he'll wait for her in the kitchen. She lets him into the house.
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Saturday, June 03, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carilo, #20 Friday, It takes a village to write a recap

Hello, everybody!

I have to break my promise about having a recap ready because I simply couldn't bring myself to watch a silly telenovela after spending more than an hour on the news channels, trying to find what what on Earth is going on in London.

But you guys are amazing; barely need any recap at all to get the ball rolling, and for almost 100 comments no less.

I did steal some of your input about the show and added it here, for those who come back to visit the page later on. Thank you, Julie, I actually stole all your mini-recap (I would never get upset over that). Also, thank you to everyone who contributed (Alfredo, Diana, RGV, Kirby, Steve, Anita, Susanlynn, Nina)I stole little bits and pieces from all of your comments.

I hope this makes a little bit of sense to you.

Danilo and Nasty Co are going to pay Fausto, using Furia money under the guise that Laustela will do a solo album.
Laustela is supposed to become the only singer in Danilo's band, allegedly per El Dorado's orders (according to BunMan). She doesn't want to, but Morgana doesn't believe her.

Thanks to Chavalin's help (who's more useful from jail than any of the other characters), Laustela is now suspicious that Furia is laundering money, but does she suspects Ryan is the culprit?  And because she fibbed to Genesis about her reason for wanting to know the name and address of the disc alleged presser, Genesis innocently blabbed Laustela's mission to Danilo, so Danilo knows that she's on the trail.
Laustela decides to tell Ryan about the blackmail and asks him for help (right turn); but then she goes and tells Danilow about her suspicions regarding the laundering of money (left turn). She pushes away Danilow for now, but she needs to be more cautious than that. In this particular situation Moronga (LOOOL) is right to be upset because she's being thrown to the curb, but why is it Laustela's fault? Initiating a fight with every man's darling (Laustela) was definitely not the right move for her, especially since she ended up losing. I have a feeling she will want a rematch soon. That is, if she has the time. It looks like she's about to be kicked to the curb, and Danilo isn't exactly thinking clean, no hard feelings break-up.

Danilo forces himself on Morgana. She eventually stops fighting, she even appears to enjoy it, but is she really? Also, Danilower then low seems to like it rough. I hope Laustela opens her eyes to this buffon FAST. 

Osiel, La Tona's hubby, is dead.

Paloma is starting to soften's Mercy's cold heart. Is Rosario annoyed because faux grandma is buying too many presents, therefor spoiling the child, or is she jealous?

LetmeLearn, desperate to learn English, calls Tomas - the scruffy, thin man from the park. Because a guy met in the park for a few seconds is the best person to go to if you want to ask for a favor.
May I suggest she get her own show and leave ours in peace?

That's about it!
Once again, sorry for today, but I really didn't have the heart to do more this morning and now I have to run to work.


Friday, June 02, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #19 6.1.17: If He Drugs You...He Doesn't Love You

Memories are in italics.

• Laustela doesn’t care about Ryan and Morgana’s kiss. In fact, she came to ask him for help regarding Chavalin’s situation.
• Ryan asks Joe to help Chavalin out. Joe will do what he can but he notes that falsifying IDs is a serious offense. Ryan then asks about Liz and Joe notes that they are thinking about splitting up.
• Laustela asks Genesis if she can give Leticia asylum at her apartment for a few days and Genesis accepts.
• Danilo tries to get Laustela to celebrate with him that the album is complete as does Morgana, who is still pissed at all the attention she is Danilo gives Laustela.
• Laustela and Rosario discuss the Ryan and Danilo situation to death. Laustela notes it’s temporary and she was clear with Danilo about her feelings. Danilo doesn’t seem to care and skips the celebration to eat lunch with them and Paloma at the house.
• The next day, Danilo discusses the money laundering scheme with “El Dorado.” ED notes that he will soon replace him as it usually the rule of life. Danilo smiles at the thought.
• Several days later, the showcase is about to commence and Danilo gets handsy with Laustela backstage, though she chides him immediately. Danilo then goes to Morgana’s dressing room, offers her a drink, and suggests she use her other ASSets since she has less than ideal singing skills. She tries to throw him out but her vision gets blurry and she faints on the couch.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #18 5.31.17: A Confession of Love from a Coward with Bad Fashion Sense

• Having seen the gun, Ryan understands why Estela always said that her life depended on what was in the blue suitcase; he assumes she always her knew father’s lifestyle would catch up to her. Laustela notes the gun is new, and barely touch, before Ryan suggests she keep it, for protection. Laustela hesitates and Ryan reminds her that he already saw her handle a gun and knows she can use it. Laustela hopes she never has to use it.
• That night, Laustela and Ryan arrive home for a change of clothes. Ryan gives her the suitcase and asks her to hide the gun. Laustela nods, goes to Ryan’s room and looks for a place to hid it.
• Morgana finally finds Chavalin at the bakery, explains that she’s Laustela’s friend, and tells him that Paloma, Laustela’s daughter, had to go to the hospital. He asks if she’s okay and Morgana nods as Chavalin takes out his cell to call Laustela. Morgana stops him, reminds him she’s at the hospital, and asks how he is related to Laustela. Chavalin thinks it’s strange she doesn’t know, since Laustela sent her, but she looks untrustworthy either way so it could be that she’s not as friendly with Laustela as she originally told him. Morgana tells him to calm down, she just thought Laustela had no family, but he explains that he’s an uncle on Laustela’s mother side. He then asks Morgana to leave as he’s very busy and has to call his niece. Morgana nods, huffs and puffs, and hurries out.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #17 5.30.17: Empty Perfume Bottles & (Not So) Empty Threats

• Paloma wakes up, crawls out of bed, and sees that Rosario and Laustela are not in the room with her. She goes off to find her.
• In the meantime, Rosario is in the laundry room, oblivious to Paloma’s escape.
• Ryan is in the kitchen, contemplating taking a drink but decides to pour it down the sink. Morgana comes and asks for a drink; he obliges and she tells him that nothing better than a stiff drink to wash over life’s troubles.
• Paloma goes to Mercy’s room, sees the lamp shaped perfume bottle and decides to pretend to be “Mercy.” She demands the perfume bottle from Rita and then proceeds to stray some on neck. Accidently, she sprays some into her mouth and begins to cough and sneeze uncontrollably.
• Laustela is in Ryan’s room, thinking, when there’s a knock on the door. It’s Danilo, with guitar in hand. He has come to show her his new song and asks him to sing it, so she can feel better. Danilo begins to sing as Laustela smiles.
• Ryan asks if things are bad with Danilo and Morgana confesses that she feels he doesn’t pay attention to her anymore. Ryan reminds her that he’s busy with the new album but Morgana extends her fingertips to Ryan and explains that she and Danilo haven’t been together in a while. Ryan suggests she talk to Danilo but Morgana reminds him that she’s a young, beautiful woman that still has a lot to give a man. She gets close to Ryan and asks if she is beautiful. Ryan nods but tells her that he needs to go and does as Morgana smiles.

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La Doble Vida de Estela Carrillo (LDVDEC) #16 5.29.17: The Double Life of (Pretty Much Everyone but Paloma)

Memories are in italics.

• At Furia. Danilo warns Calao to be careful as his extracurricular activities almost got them in trouble with Ryan. Calao reiterates that it’s not his fault they sent him for Laustela but Danilo is happy after all because he now knows the real reason Laustela went back with Ryan: Calao’s threats. Calao smiles but shakes his head and denies having threatened Laustela. Danilo does remind him that he is his boss so if he falls, so does Calao.
• Ryan wants to know who hacked his medical file but Steve shakes his head. Ryan has no idea who would be interested, as only Mercy knew, and his lawyers went through great lengths to make sure his stint in the rehabilitation center wasn’t brought up in the trial. Ryan assumes it could be Pedro’s people, investigating his past to see how they can blackmail him, or it could have to do with Laustela’s threats. Steve is confused and frustrated as Ryan just told him he thought the threats were a lie.

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Saturday, May 27, 2017

La doble vida de Estela Carrillo, # 15, Friday 05/26/15 Dumb and dumber make a fine couple, indeed

This is from memory (watched while cooking dinner), so sorry for any mistakes; I did a lot of editing, I combined scenes for better flow, stupid dialogues were ignored (almost everything having to do with the Threesome that nobody asked for, formed by LetMe, Eraser and Brujita).

Estela is waiting for Ryan at the restaurant, but he's a no show. She calls Furia and Genesis tells her that Ry forgot his phone at work because he left in a hurry - he needed to "save" someone. This worries Estela, she asks Genesis to search for the last call on Ryan's phone and give her the number. (Note to Ryan: password protect your phone, you silly idiot.)
She then calls said number and ends up at a rehabilitation clinic where a receptionist tells her that Mr. Cabrera has been checking in, without giving any further information.
Estela is impactada that Ryan would hide something this important from her and tells Chayo that she needs to further investigate. There is no way that she can tell him her own deep dark secrets as long as HE has deep dark secrets of his own.

So these two lovable fools already have a rocky relationship three days into their dating/ engagement (who would have guessed, with all the lying by omission, by mistake, on purpose, for the grater good etc etc..). When they meet back at the house, Ryan apologizes for standing her up at the restaurant, in the process making up a story about some business deal that he had to solve asap. Estela pretends to believe him, but decides to do some investigating into  Ryan Cabrera, Man of Many Secrets and ardent lover.

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