Friday, October 04, 2013

Corazon Indomable Cap. 103 – 10/3/13 -- MariCruz’ Party Plans Are Stomped Flat By a Real Party Pooper

The Condensed Version
            With the family (Solita, monkey Chango, nameless nephew with the unfortunate resemblance to Ewwsebio) back at Rancho Abuelo, it’s time for a celebration. MariCruz is planning a baptism for Lupita and wants it to be a fabulous social event. 
            (I’m puzzled—Lupita is a year old, yet I don’t recall seeing her eat any solid food. It’s always a bottle. Also, I’ve never seen her crawling or attempting to stand or walk. She’s always in a crib or someone’s arms. I guess some developmental stuff happens off-camera.  Also, shouldn’t nameless nephew be baptized so he has a name, or is he forever anonymous?)
            Enough quibbling. MariCruz’ efforts in behalf of the party have a ripple effect, in that:
Tav and MC have an accidental meeting at the only toy store in town and it flows into an illicit luncheon make out session; Solita meets a handsome young man and sparks fly for a potential romance; a betrayal by Jose Antonio turns the party into a disaster (unless a recovery happens in the next episode).
            While these events are centered at MC’ hacienda, some familiar themes play out at Rancho Simona and the Realengo settlement.  Miguel is still waiting to regain his freedom from justice. Simona is still waiting for her husband to get with the program.  MariCruz is waiting for her feudal village new neighborhood development to open for business. Aaand, those are the bare bones.  Some semi-juicy details follow below.
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Thursday, October 03, 2013

Corazon Indomable #102

Eli is unable to do the recap. I'm posting bullet points for her instead. Feel free to add whatever is missing in the comments.

Simona tells Octavio of the bribe and the letter to get Miguel off the hook for the murder.

JA is willing to take what he can get from MC and he won't call it stealing.
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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

CI #101: In Which Jose A Suffers Multiple Personality Disorder; Tav Proves He’s Still All Beefcake and No Brass; Simona Turns Her Rancho into Fort Knox; and Twinsebio Puts Plan B into Play

Unfortunately, gang, last night's broadcast down here was butchered by damaged cable/problem satellites? and thus I had garbled video, mostly no sound and lots of unintelligible CC's for 2/3 of the show.  Finally all three parts are up.  Enjoy.  Cursed be Comcast and all its future iterations!!!

Parte 1~~

Lo del Pasado: 

Octavio swears he has a conscience and tells Miguel from his sickbed that he’d be a bastard to cheat on Simona with Maricruz after the way she repeatedly and roundly rejected his attempts at reconciliation.  No, he opines, they’ll grow old and gray before they’ll ever be able to talk civilly to each other again.  MC, on the other hand is forced to admit to herself that this venganza thing is not as great as she thought.  She’s got an itch that only Tav can scratch and she’s ready to play passive pussycat and purr, if only she could…. 

Jose Antonio has decided to reverse tack and stop being MC’s loyal lapdog; he’ll start treating Esther (his own personal lapdog) with some well-deserved respect from now on.  Esther notes a change in the surly slug she’s now married to now that he’s promised her his days of acting like a dirt poor, ignorant campesino are over.  He’s going to treat her right, feed her right (so maybe this time their baby won’t starve to death in the womb?) and they’ll live in something other than a shack. He will see that they won’t lack for anything!  Esther secretly suspects that JA finally realizes he’s sick and tired of being MC’s doormat.

Lo Del Nuevo:

MC notes JA’s late to work and when she asks him why he’s late they quibble about the fact that he’s put preggers de Esther’s well being ahead of hers and the Realengo riff and raff.  She offers by way of apology to kill two birds with one stone and says that since time’s short they can go into town together to buy what each of them needs.  He balks at the idea.  Nope, his family and HIS house come first, especially now that she’s pregnant. MC can’t believe he cares for Esther that much.  He has to treat somebody like Esther, a rich gal who gave up everything to live at his groveling level should be treated, with kid gloves and given the best of the best.  MC says chuck the inferiority complex, little bro.  it doesn’t suit you!  And dump the attitude, while you’re at it.  Why are you such a gritch all of a sudden? What have I done to you, anyway? 

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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #100, Monday, September 30, 2013 “Little Red Riding Hood Sneaks Into the Big Bad Wolf’s Den”

 Recap by LatinaInMD

Viewerville is introduced to a cute new ranch hand chatting it up with Ms. Nasty Natasha, when JackAss suddenly rides up on his horse. 

Meanwhile, Octavio and Maricruz have once again run into each other in the vast open fields of Tamaulipas.  She is wearing a crimson hi-low skirt with a white top.  He is wearing his usual jeans, shirt, and the single belt he owns.  He demands to know when Maricruz is going to stop bugging him and his family.  By “bugging” them, he means that she just wants to ruin herself to mortify him and roll against the current.  How dare she plan to build homes for poor homeless people when she has already given them land?  Does she want to turn her daughter into one of “them”?  He insists she let them fend for themselves, then two seconds later asks if she thinks he is so “insensitive” as to not feel for their plight. (Uh, yeah, it sure seems like it.)  She reminds him he cares about no one but himself, and besides he doesn’t know what it’s like to feel hunger and desolation, while she knows it because she has lived it.  As usual, what begins as a fairly calm discussion ends in screams, with Maricruz getting the upper hand by questioning Octavio’s manhood.  He orders her to shut up, but instead she adds:  “What are you going to do, allow yourself to be governed by Simona?  She named you her administrator so she could handle you like a puppet?  What are you in that house, Octavio Narvaez?  Nothing more than a breeding stud (“semental”)……”  Mercifully, they suddenly hear a woman screaming for help.

Natasha tells JackAss that she would love to see his nude torso, and faster than Flash Gordon he whips off his shirt to reveal to her what we must assume is a less than studly torso, since Mrs. Mejia didn’t see fit to show it to Viewerville.
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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Corazón Indomable cap 99 9/27/13 I'm Natasha, But You May Call Me Señorita Nasty

We join Maricruz and Octavio in Lupita's nursery as he kneels and gazes adoringly upon his precious little daughter as she quietly sleeps... protected by two angels that are perched unseen and silent at either end of her crib. Invisible butterflies flutter about her pretty head. For a moment Maricruz is stirred by this tender tableau presented by the two most important people in her young life and moves in, reaches out and touches his shoulder. He rises and quietly turns to face her.  Their eyes lock and they embrace and indulge in  a sensual sensuous kiss briefly savoring each others lips...

"I Hate You!"  "I Hate You More!"

Suddenly the needle scritches across the vinyl grooves and we are shaken back into our present reality. Maricruz pulls away,

"You came to see your daughter?"


"Well pay attention... there she is."

They exchange a couple of gentle insults but I don't think either of them has the heart for a battle at this moment.

As we exit the room we get a closeup of the kid. She smiles sweetly as if to reassure us that after 60 or so more episodes of this nonsense, things are gonna be alright between her mommy and daddy... or maybe one of those butterflies tickled her nose...

"Shhh! They Think I'm Asleep."
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Friday, September 27, 2013

CI Capítulo 98 9-26-13 There’s a New Real Estate Development in the Works: Rancho Realengo

            Recapper La Paloma weeps softly. She already attended a morning meeting with 300 retired government workers and made a quick afternoon trip out of town for business. Returning home, she had hopes of recapping a thrilling episode. Alas, an endless series of dull conversations fill the screen in a mind-numbing rotation of all talk, no action. Only a little hot canoodling at the end and the introduction of a new character repay the time spent by Viewerville this evening.

What We Saw Before
          One great moment was MariCruz saying “I think I’m going crazy!” We heard a ripple of reaction from Viewerville here, but no united agreement. She wants to see Simona’s face reacting to the land giveaway.
          We also see Simona telling Octavio the news of the upcoming baby. Things will be different with this baby, compared to the baby that She Who Must Not Be Named won’t allow him to see.
          JA tells Ester that they’ll all go to live at MC’s ranch. Hasn’t she heard the news of the relocation of the Realengo folk?  Maybe not, since she doesn’t hang out with the neighbors so much. 

A Long String of Conversations in Short Summaries

  • ·         Mig and Tav—Tav couldn’t say no to group expectations and MC pressure when she announced he’d match her donation of 5 hectares of land.  Mig is angry MC is trashing their old ranch and he tells Tav not to let Simona find out. The bros will never forgive MC for her cavalier attitude toward their family land.

  • ·         Ester wonders what will happen when Simona finds out about all this.

  • ·         JA warns MC she’ll find out how bad the Realengo scum are. (His attitude is incomprehensible, but that fits with this TN.) She doesn’t know why she got carried away and thinks she needs to talk to Padre Julian.

  • ·         Simona tells Miguel that Ofelia will testify in his behalf concerning Eusebio’s killing.

  • ·         Navario (twinsebio) is telling Lina’s drunk daddy that his letter to the rich lady didn’t work, so maybe he’ll contact Miguel Narvaez directly. He has a bottle in his hand.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Corazon Indomable # 98 The Magic Dimples Work Like Magic

Miguel tells Octavio he wants to turn himself in now because he only has a son to live for, and I guess that’s not enough. Miguelito sure got in the wrong line when they were handing out parents. Octavio tries to convince him to let him help. Miguel agrees that the reason he’s in trouble to begin with is because Octavio brought that woman to their home. What Octavio should have said was; just because I brought her to our home, it didn’t give you the right to mistreat her like you did. She was my wife and your wife was terrible with her, and you continually backed Lucia up when I defended her. No one deserved to be treated that way, and you both deserve what’s coming to you now. But instead, Octavio really said; you’re right, it is my fault so that’s why I want to help you now.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Corazon Indomable # 96, 09/24/13, The curse of love... only worse than the curse of watching this.

First of all RIP (Rest In Purgatory) Lucia
I was the one to recap Tav's first wedding, too, some 90 episodes ago. What an honor, really, may this new marriage be as happy as his last one. If he gets a number three, could I have that one, too? I'm getting good at this. 

Sweet, romantic music, and the green mountains of Tamaulipas start the show.

On the bridge
Tav is holding Mari in his arms and asking her why she’s sometimes so lovable and others such a raging bitch (that’s how I heard it).
This is just what Mari needed to pull out of the embrace and remind Tav (and the two viewers who had probably forgotten this detail) that she hates the Narvaez, doesn’t need his pity and he will end up hating her as much as she hates him.
But Tav is in protagonista mode, grabs her by the waist, reminds her that she seemed to enjoy the kiss they just shared.
Well, so did he, slave of his passions, Mari mocks him and declares that they are both cursed to feel a guilty love. She loves him with locura, but he leaves because it’s his wedding day and he doesn’t want to see her ever again.
As he rides off on his horse, she screams at him about being bought by Simona and how she pities the woman – but once she is alone, she starts to cry, because she’s the one to pity the most in this story and she knows it.

Tav doesn’t go straight to his wedding, he stops near a tree to think about the kiss he and Mari shared. He’s sure she’s only playing with him, as part of her venganza, because she surely hates him. But he’ll marry Simona, who proved to be a good woman, he won’t disappoint her. 
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Corazon Indomable #95, 9/23/2013: Lucia Passes the Venganza Torch, After Becoming One Herself

A lot happened tonight, so let’s skip the old stuff and get right to the new. 

We start the evening seeing Mari walking through her land, accompanied by one of her workers. She mentions that the work they are doing will benefit many people. Are those buckets we see in the hands of the workers in the background? Are they actually PICKING the oranges? Mari takes Jose Antonio off to attend other matters with her, as Nazario, aka Twinsebio, skulks into view and thought bubbles that Mari must have a thing for her capataz.

We teleport to Isla Dorada, where Miguel is greeting Lucia and Mini Miggy happily. Lucia decided to surprise him by not letting him know she was coming back so soon. They’re not just here for a visit, but to stay. In any case, they no longer have a home to return to in Tamaulipas. Plus, Lucia informs Miguel, Ewsebio’s brother has popped up, looking to settle scores for his brother’s death. Miguel looks confuddled by this news.

It’s nighttime in the countryside, but our protagonists are not having a peaceful night of sleep. Mari tosses and turns, and then finally gives up. She laments being all alone, and doesn’t think she can go on. Her loneliness can only be ended by HIM—her obsession and her torment (martirio).  Meanwhile, the HIM of which Mari speaks, is also wide awake and assuming Mari is sleeping peacefully. He wishes he had her in his arms to end this anguish. “Maricruz. My Maricruz.” He remembers asking her if there is any hope for them to get back together, and Mari telling him never. He asks himself why they can’t be together.

Morning breaks, and JA and Mari enter her office. He is heaping praise on her for the good work she’s doing for the poor people of Realengo. They are all grateful. (I didn’t see JA heaping any praise on his wife when she tried to do the same things, with no money. In fact, I remember him being an ass about her clothing, feeding and caring for Lina, and scoffing at her desire to teach the children of Realengo.) Mari modestly deflects the praise. She wants to get the kids of Realengo clothes, games, cookies and candy. She smiles happily, all dimples and teeth, feeling high on her good works. (See Mari. Isn’t this way more fun than your vengeance plots that all end with you in tears?)
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Saturday, September 21, 2013

CI, Cap. #94: Breaking News!! Rising Epidemic of Vengeance and Jealousy plagues the state of Tamaulipas

Confession: So I have not physically watched this Tn in over a week but thankfully I kept up with the recaps. You recappers are a million times better than the writers of this Tn so thanks for the laughs. Now on to the show…

Wow…I barely recognize Simona. She doesn’t look to bad, perhaps a little too much makeup but this is a Tn so I digress. Anyway, Simona is angry because Octavio and Lucia hid the fact that MA is the new duena of his ranch. He promises that he will still marry her (sounds like this is an obligation…you put yourself there Oblivio! No one pushed you) and she should not worry. Simona is rightfully scared because she thinks MA has followed him back to the ranch and that he still has MA in his heart (well-done Simona…your brain cells are completely intact. If only you will follow that hunch and leave him be. He deserves no one!).

We have another jealous female, aka Esther, who questions JA about his whereabouts. She tells him that she knows that MA is the new duena of the ranch. JA looks busted but he tells her that he didn’t want her to know because she would act the way she is acting now. He informs Esther there is no reason for her silly jealousy. MA is like a sister and there relationship is only business. He tries a couple of “mi vida” and some hugs but Esther aint having it! (Ok…since when where they on good terms? I thought they were still running around in circles playing the  “you need to leave, this place is not for you” and “I love you, I will stay here until you believe me” game.)

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Friday, September 20, 2013

CI, Cap. 93 – 9/19/13: Good-bye Golden Isle, Hello Hacienda! (Or: Lock Up Your Husbands, MariCruz Is Back!)

From the Previous Episode
          The farewell scene with Raiza and MA is repeated: Teo and Angel are the same person, thanks to the magic of cosmetic surgery. Raiza should work with him and give him a chance.  The ladies hug and say they prefer “see you later” to goodbye. 
          Also repeated is the scene with Tav embracing Simona while seeing a flashback of MariCruz, which doesn’t bode well for his future with the revamped ranchera.

A New Chapter for Our Heroine
          A jet streaking across the sky symbolizes MariAle’s flight (in both senses) from Isla Dorada.  At her Mexico City home, Tobias and Solita welcome her, Lupita and Juanita. She greets her nephew, “Hi, kid,” so he’s either still nameless or she’s forgotten his name. She updates Tobias: she was forced to sell the casino and bought Rancho Narvaez. No need to fix a room, since she has to go alone to get things fixed up. Then she’ll bring Solita and nameless nephew to their new home. (Solita seems not entirely happy to be left behind again.) Tobias asks if she bought the ranch for revenge and she admits he’s right.

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Careful who you kiss!

Hi patio peeps,I'm going to give you a short recap because (A) not much happened in tonight's episode and (B) I'm feeling a little bit under the weather, so here we go!

Parts 1 & 2 are up

He kissed her, god help us all:

In the good old pueblo Octavio, his half a brain cell and Simona are chilling out, it turns out that our dear Octavio has been feeling a little depressed (waaah waaah look at how our hearts bleed for you, NOT!), Simona says that's understandable given all that he has been through, he agrees, even the sale of the ranch has given him the blues, but maybe some day he and Simona can afford to buy it back.

Simona jumps all over that and asks him if he would like to have the ranch back, she would buy it for him if he wanted her to. Eh, someone needs to tell her to calm the heck down, the only time you can buy love is when you go to the pound and buy a cat or a dog. Octavio, who just a few seconds ago suggested buying the ranch now tells her that no, he would not like that-we need to put him on some medication, his lack of short term memory worries me.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

CI Capítulo 91: Taking The Easy Way Out....Again!

Capítulo 91 

[Parte 1]

Lo del Pasado:

While Simona 2.0 tells Esther she has a problem recognizing her new and improved self in the mirror, Octavio and his guilt-ridden conscience don’t do much better with Ghost of Eusebio, his identical twin brother (as in spittin’ image of) who’s also apparently got it in for Los Narvaez. (And we thought Ewwwie and his raspy voice were one of a kind!  Who knew?)

Lo del Nuevo:

Twin Brother Of Eusebio asks for a job cuz he’s hurtin’ for money.  Tav says sorry, my ranch has been sold so I can’t offer you anything.  Maybe the new owner will have something for you. (Uh, aren’t you the new ranch manager for the one next door, Bozo? It's just like I thought!  You don’t know nothin’ ‘bout runnin’ no ranchos! Just like I thought: just gonna be Simone’s toy-boy.)  Tav wanders back the way he came, telling TBOE that he heard wrong.  No work here.  El TBOE gripes to himself that now he won’t have a chance to get back at his bro’s murderer.

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Monday, September 16, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #90, Monday, 9/16/2013 – Boy, Oblivio Really Is No Good!!!

Recap by LatinaInMD

Boy, Oblivio Really Is No Good!!!

The Short:   When I was enjoying this show, I liked recapping every little detail.  But now that I’m somewhat bored (sorry, gringo), I came up with this short Haiku version of Oblivio’s “accomplishments” in this episode:

Flee Shut Up Doris,
Lean on Simona for Dough,
Bye, Bye, Baby Girl!!!

Oh, ok, I guess a little detail is still in order, given this is such a “pivotal” episode.  

The Long:

I’m still giving you all more or less a bullet-point recap because that’s pretty much what we got from the editors with this seriously chopped-up episode.  Was it just my impression, or were most scenes just seconds long?

Previously:  Lucia is on the phone with Ofelia, telling her they have sold the ranch and must pack up their belongings.  Octavio bemoans to Ed the loss of his parents’ beloved ranch, as if he didn’t spend the better part of his adult immature playboy life trying to get rid of it.

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Corazón Indomable #89, Fri 13: A Hammock In The Shade Of A Tree

Racap by Carlos

The cool girls, Doris (she's the governor's daughter in case you forgot) and Mariana, her BFF and future stepmom, are hanging out in Doris' room as the phone rings. Mariana answers and mouths to Doris, who's busy filing her nails,

"It's him!"

Him is a desperate and confused Octavio who's furiously seeking answers about recent events. but he's not gonna get them here... Doris wants nothing to do with him.
She's Describing It For Me As We Speak.

He picks up the phone and calls Maricruz. He tells her that he is calling to congratulate her and say goodbye. Say what? She thought that he's about to marry the governor's daughter. Nopis. No wedding, and worse, he's been accused of horrible crimes. Maricruz looks confused.

Still busy with her nails, Doris explains to Mariana that Octavio has decided not to marry her so she had him expelled from the island.

I wonder what they were talking about before he called if she's just now telling Mariana about it.

 "Then you don't love him?"

"I may love him but my pride and dignity are much more important than that..."

She will enjoy watching him suffer.

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Friday, September 13, 2013

C I, Cap. 88, 9/12/13 – Vengeance Is Mine! Says MariCruz. And Mine! Says Doris.

          It’s a casserole episode here:  some chunks of meaty action layered with lots of rehash and other filler, just in case you forgot or never knew what happened waaay back. Short scenes may be combined.

Warmed Over from Yesterday
          Simona, with her upgraded image,  reminds Octavio she always loved him, wanted to marry him. He knows they’ve been BFF, but she’s all gorgeous now. (No explanation on how the mole was removed so quickly.) She knows he loves MariCruz and doesn’t love Doris, but she can offer a third option. She’ll settle for being his wife and living at his side. 

Tav Starts the Next Round of Angry Spouses
          Raiza and MariAle see Tav enter the casino with a new lady on his arm. Simona is amazed at how sophisticated and elegant MA appears. (Simona’s in a lavender and lace gown, MA in dark blue with silver trim and long sleeves.  It has near total coverage in the front and a completely bare back except for a few silver strips.) MA should remember her, but is doubtful until Tav says Simona’s full name. 

          Cautious courtesy follows between the two ladies, while Tav and MA start some verbal sparring, based on her past and his taste in women.  She claims she’s still somewhat bruta (coarse), but she’s going to marry the Gov and become a society lady. MA tells Simona this is her best chance to marry Octavio. He praises Doris’ fine qualities, and MA says that’s good, they’ll all get along living in the same house. MA breaks off the useless arguing and sweeps Simona into the casino for a tour.

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #87 Forget the Monkey, Where's the Mole?

I’m sitting at the patio of low expectations with the crowd to watch tonight’s episode. Everyone seems to be in a good mood. I will be giving bullet points as I am busy having a good time with all my Caray amigos.

We open with Mariana rushing to Doris’s bedroom after the maid tells her that Doris was  screaming that she wanted to kill herself, and the patio shouting ‘Do it’.

Simona sits in the beauty salon with Jackie giving the hairdresser instructions to make her beautiful. Simona has her doubts.

Miguel is kinda sorta happy about selling the ranch, but on the other hand feels guilty that he’s letting his father down because his father loved it so much. Octavio, not so much.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #86, 9/10/13 Miguel can read a newspaper, Simona visits the isla just in time for her makeover and Doris likes to fake it

Hello, Patio People, it’s been a while since my last recap, so I feel a little rusty. But, here goes...

Pretty in pink Maricruz is in her office, wondering about whether Octavio knows that Doris tried to kill her or not. Oh well, here is a nice little project for MC to take care of. She picks up the phone and dials her adorable tormento, who is still in the hospital.
Octavio is happy to hear her, but he hides his feelings quickly, using his usual mask of mockery and condescension (this is a word, right?). They Señor/ Señora each other while MC tells him that something muy grave happened, and no, it definitely has nothing to do with their daughter (like she’d ever share such an information with him) – it’s about his muchachita enamorada (Doris, in case anyone wondered), who tried to assassinate her.

Tav: Are you joking, Señora?
MC: No, Señor, your muchachita histerica almost killed me because she hates me. And she hates me because I’m marrying her dad.
Tav: If you’re marrying her dad, she has all the rights! (This is not a joke, he actually said that!)
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Monday, September 09, 2013

Corazon Indomable #85, 9/9/13: Lupita’s Mommy and Daddy Continue to Pimp Themselves; Let’s Hope She Doesn’t Follow in the Family Business

The Old: Tav tries to break up with Doris; she refuses to be broken up with. Mari treats us to a Venganza Monologue (thanks Adriana) about how Rancho Narvaez will be “MIO!”

The New: The next day (new outfit indicates this), Maria Alejandra is enjoying a quiet moment, doing work in her office and surprisingly NOT giving us a Venganza Monologue, when all of a sudden La Hija del Gobernador bursts in, packing heat. Doris, dressed very fashionably and tastefully for murder, in a grey and black chiffon dress, points her handgun at Mari, steadying it with her left hand, and says, “You are NOT going to marry my father, and you certainly aren’t going to end up with my boyfriend!”

All of this makes Ester, La Loca, look very sane as she continues to dig for water with a garden trowel in Realengo. Her blind neighbor girl, Lina, passes by and Ester lures her over with some bread. Lina especially likes sweet bread and mentions that her dad brings her bread, sometimes. Ester can’t contain her enchantment with the little girl and kisses her hand, which both surprises and pleases Lina. She asks if Ester isn’t evil (as is being said about her). Ester explains that she’s just a bit undone/frayed (deshilachada/o) at the moment, which happens sometimes when something bad or sad has happened in someone’s life. She offers to tell Lina a fairytale. We see the beginnings of a beautiful friendship.

Back to the real Locas, on the Island…Mari tells Doris to pull the trigger, “Do it!” Doris wonders if Mari doesn’t think she’s capable of doing it. Mari does, but she’s not scared of her.
D: Your life is at risk if you keep provoking me.
M: What do you mean by that? That if I don’t provoke you, you’re not capable of firing? Poor deluded girl (ilusa).  I’m going to marry your father when I damn well feel like it! And your boyfriend, even if I stop being his wife, I have him so much in my hands that if I asked him to, he wouldn’t marry you!

Mari lunges for Doris reaching for the gun, they struggle over it, Doris’s arm is wrapped around Mari’s neck, but Mari manages to bite Doris’s hand, making her drop the gun. Mari grabs the gun and points it at Doris.
D: You damn ferocious beast (fiera)!
M: Call me Savage! That’s what everyone calls me! Go ahead! Now, get the hell out of here!
Doris refuses to leave, so Mari calls security to have her dragged out.
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Saturday, September 07, 2013

Corazon Indomable #84: The Plight of Esther & Doris Makes Little Steps Towards Crazyville

We start with MA adamantly denying her interest in Octavio. She tells him he is the father of her child so she should feel a little worried but nothing more is going on. El Governor gives her a skeptical “who are you kidding” look (as he should) and wonders if she is really sure of her feelings.

Octavio ponders that MA/MC does not care about him since she has not been to the hospital to visit him (aww boo-hoo…not!). He then flips the switch and gets angry saying he will speak to his lawyer so that he can see his daughter. Eduardo and Aracely interrupt his solo conversation with a visit. Ed tells him that leg of his must be bi-ionic (viewerville nods in agreement). Aracely informs Octavio that Ed was part of a rescue team to look for him. Oblivio asks him why (umm, he is your friend right?). Ed gets uncomfortable and tells him not to ask so many questions. Oblivio was hoping that MC organized the whole thing. Ed tells him that of course MC fretted over his disappearance but Oblivio believes what he wants to believe.

Doris and Co. are in what appears to be a club/discoteca (have they run out of money again because this looks like someone’s house with seizure lights flashing in the background).  Doris is thinking of staying for a while to see the boyfriend in the day and then take advantage of the D.F nightlife. She also wants to make sure he is divorced so she can have dibs and marry her pilito!

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