Monday, July 21, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., 7-21: Dínora's back and Juan is in the crosshairs

Olegario and Quintina

Olegario and Dominga

Juan is angry (his gun is out of the picture)

Malcom nearly blows Fernando's head off

She's back with a new 'do but still gunning for Juan

I'll put the comments to today's episode into this posting.


Marie Celeste, I also noticed the stand-in. The wig was not as curly as Mario's actual hair. Yup, the "Amor Prohibido" performance was a little disturbing, but I'm glad that Melissa finally realized what a mess she was getting into and got herself out of it. After today's episode, we see that your Dinora theory was indeed correct.

Shame on Olegario! He's not even that good looking, and now it turns out he has a babe in every stable! Hope he gets caught. If Dominga takes refuge at the Reyes house, there will be no hiding things. I think she'd actually be a good "pareja" for one of the fruit boys. She's too pretty for Olegario. Quintina may well forgive him, but if she does, I hope she gives him hell first. She's no shrinking violet and will know how to keep him in line in the future.

That Gabi is taking the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" saying a little too close to heart. It will no doubt come to bite her in the butt. I figured the mere fact that Malcolm nearly decapitated Fernando would be a wake up call about the insanity of keeping those guys around, but it looks like she's too insane to see the truth. On the plus side, this means we still have many episodes to go.

Marie Celeste:

I completely agree about Olegario. ¡Que descaro! I did like him, but he's lost some points with this little stunt. I had the same thought about Dominga and the Fruit Sons. Hopefully she'll see there's greener grass at the Reyes' place, and Quintina will teach Olegario a thing or two & he'll end up sorrier but wiser.

So we now have Dinora "2.0". Strangely enough, I like the new hair (more the cut than the color, but as a whole, I think it works.) Talk about "mala hierba nunca muere"; she's it. I hope the Reyes & Elizondo clans modify their behavior a little better in light of the fact it's clear someone is trying to murder Juan. Since the police are of no help at this point, it would be a good idea for both the Elizondos and the Reyes' to watch their backs a little closer. We'll see how they do.
Nice to see Memo is back. He tells the waiter that he's doing terrible - 'me va como los perros en misa' 'It's going like dogs at Mass.'

Ok, I assume that Amor Prohibito was played because Leonidas is married. But we didn't get that tune when Juan and Norma got together and she was married. I don't see what would have been so 'prohibido' about Melissa and Leonidas, if Melissa had been interested. While mothers don't marry their daughter's ex-husbands very often, old guys dump their wives for a fresher model all the time.

Marie Celeste, once you said that Antonio reminded you of a baboon, I can't get that out of my head when I see him. ;-) How true!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs., July 17, A Welcome Home goes wrong

Esperanza helps Don Filemón

Juan and a horse

the welcoming committee for Jimena

Grabi and Feonando crash the party

Abuelo is deprived of the opportunity to be the life of the party

Óscar's got a Mercedes convertible now. Very nice.

Super bad timing on the welcome home party for Jimena. We're not even going to ask yet again why these women feel they have to stay in their mother's house and take all that abuse when they could be with their cute guys.

Don Filemón didn't waste any time putting Hortensia behind him. I don't think I've ever seen anyone wear red eye shadow before. Miguel and Manolo need to set him straight.

So Belinda is trying to buy clothes for someone who is much taller. That can only mean one thing - Dínora's back from her vacation.

And now Malcom and Carmela are back. It doesn't seem possible but things are going to get worse at the Elizondo hacienda.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Wed., July 16,

Fernando two times Grabi on their honeymoon

"¡¿Querían guerra?! ¡Pues, guerra van a tener!" "You want war!? Then you will have war!"

Do we need a reason for another cute pic of Juan?

Melissa tries to help Leonidas find inner peace or at least loosen up a little

Juan and Norma

How about Feonando leaving his bride to gamble all night and go after hot chicks and then when Grabi is annoyed, a little rough sex and she's purring like a kitten. Yecch! If I have to hear 'Amor Prohibido' one more time, I'll scream.

Sarita saved Juan's life but he didn't seem very appreciative. Why doesn't he carry a gun in his truck like all the other guys who drive pickup trucks? Speaking of which, this may be the last we see of Juan's junker.

Melissa and Leonidas were very funny. How can Leonidas be so nice with Jimena and so stupid with his son. Although personally, I think Ruth could do better. Has Jimena actually agreed to go live with her husband! What an amazing idea.

It looks like the good times - performances by Pepita and nice family dinners - at the Elizondo hacienda are over tomorrow.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., July 14 - A wedding reception to remember

Rosario entertains the wedding guests

Abuelo listens to Benito and Belinda in Grabi's bedroom

Belinda and Benito caught 'in flagrante delicto' by the Rosales

Franco and Sarita at Santa Clara

Juan David looks on while Juan and Norma kiss

Rosario's performance at the reception was amusing. The gents sure liked it. The straight-laced ladies - not so much.

Who would have thought the wedding would get even more grotesque after the bride and groom left!

I nearly died laughing at Abuelo's intrepretation of what he overhead Belinda and Benito saying when they were trying to sew up Benito's pants ("it came out..." "the hole is too small.."). And then again when Raquel came to Melissa's house and Leandro said that the only way Benito could abuse Belinda was to try and steal her plate of food.

Belinda and Benito - what a perfect couple. It would be funny except that Belinda is accessory after the fact in Juan's kidnapping. She knew about it and I think she hired the matones.

You were right, Marie Celeste. It was very obvious that Mario wasn't really there for part of the episode.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs., July 10, Grabi lets her hair down and drops a bombshell

the 'old' Gabriela

the new Gabriela

her astonished daughters

Melissa, Leandro, Ruth and Antonio sing the 'Yo soy tu mujer' song while Benito grumbles

Raquel and Benito (eating as usual)

That title was too good to miss. We got a new Grabi and most of the episode involved people running around saying that it was impossible/horrible/embarassing for Grabi to marry Feonando. Except for the fact that we know that Feo is bad and Los Reyes are good, it is hard to argue with the sentiments expressed by both Juan and Grabi, herself, that Grabi should be free to ruin her life the same way that she thought her daughters did with their choices.

Very nice scene with Sarita and abuelo where she defends her choice of and love for Franco.

Yes, indeed, that was Olmos the jorobato (hunchback) from Zorro as the snobby guy at the nuthouse. Franco was great here too using his power but very calmly and reasonably. You are so right, Marie Celeste. It is hard to remember the callow Franco who was mooning over Rosario and who let himself get tangled up with Eduwina.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. & Wed., July 8 & 9 - Two kinds of forbidden love

Óscar introduces Jimena to his favorite place
Óscar and Jimena

Franco and Sarita get a nasty surprise

Juan and Norma dance

Lots of developments in the last two days:

Juan and Ruth got rescued.

It was a classy move when Melissa and her sons went to be with Raquel and wouldn't let her drive them away with her insults.

The celebration at the Reyes hacienda looked liked a lot of fun. Melissa was particularly amusing when she insisted on dancing with Juan (the bigger the horse, the better the ride).

Why do I think the police will have no success in finding Dínora?

I guess there is a sort-of resolution between Rosario and Armando. It's nice that they aren't trying to kill each other anymore.

Antonio returns to town to be with Ruth and Melissa puts him up much to the disgust of Benito.

And, of course, Franco and Sarita finally got together. Very sweet scene until, of course, Feonando brings Grabi to surprise them in their love nest. Grabi appears to have lost her mind and Fer has gone completely to the dark side. Does Grabi really think that her daughters are going to give up their lives and live with her forever? Grabi's attack on Sarita was horrible and this is why Grabi wins the worst mother contest over Ester from LT.

Finally, there is the 'love' scene between Fer and Grabi. You notice that they don't get the 'yo soy tu mujer' song. It's 'Amor prohibido,' 'Forbidden Love,' for them. It was pretty hard to watch. Do we think Fer got the idea of asking Grabi to marry him after he told her that he understood why she was choosing her daughters because he didn't have any power at the hacienda. He stops on the way out of the study as if the idea just came to him or had he planned it beforehand?


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., July 7, Juan and Ruth get out of the cabaña and into the pit

Juan and Ruth

I'm back from a very nice mini-vacation.

First, the boring part- Armando and Rosario. They hate each other; they love each other; they try and kill each other. Who cares? These two deserve each other.

It was actually amusing that Dínora, who had no compunction about torturing Juan would react so strongly when the matones were going to rape Ruth.
Juan gets a little payback on Dínora, not nice but understandable. Ruth had to point out that maybe they should get going before the matones came back.

So Franco finds Juan's cross in the burnt up cabaña. When did Juan lose it? As far as I can tell, he didn't have it on in from the beginning of the scene in Thursday's episode when he pretended to agree to Dínora's demands. He has it on in a scene that was cut from Wednesday's episode but is on You Tube. Between the scene where Fer and Dínora are talking and she says that there is just one thing that is keeping her around and where Norma comes out on the balcony, there is a scene where Juan is sleeping and he is clearly wearing the cross. He has a dream that he is in church getting married to Norma and then she turns into Dínora and she and all her family are laughing at him. There is the suggestion that Norma is picking this up because at end of the dream, Norma suddenly wakes up, checks the baby and goes out on the balcony.

Picky details- It probably would have been as cold in the cabaña at night as it was out in the open. Juan's shirt was completely destroyed by being used as a rope for him to climb out of the hole? It looked like it just got ripped up some. His pants would have made a better rope - stronger material and longer but whatever.


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. 7-1: the Wedding is cancelled

Pepita is a smart cookie. She couldn't guess that it was Rosario that Panchita was hiding and not with some boyfriend?

Abuelo asks if Grabi is 'bailando de una pata,' literally, 'dancing with one leg,' i.e., is she happy that the wedding was cancelled.

Otra vez, pobre Juan- It makes my arms hurt just to see him chained up like that. And when he had to ask Dínora to help him stand up, qué lastima!

Just before the scene where Juan get 'medical treatment' from the matones after Dínora goes after him with her riding crop, there was a scene on the You Tube video (cap. 100, part 2) where Norma is in bed remembering her last evening with Juan and hoping that nothing bad was happening to him that was cut from this version of the novela.

Raquel is stupid as well as evil. Why would she think that insulting Los hermanos Reyes and suggesting that Juan was dead would make Ruth come back to her?

I don't know if I would have stood as long as Norma did listening to the venom Dínora spouted before I hit her or just walked away.

Anyway, I am going out of town tomorrow so I won't be able to post anything for Wed. and Thurs. 's episodes. (The novela is not on on Friday.)


Monday, June 30, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes- Mon., June 30 - Return of the House of Sadism and the Love Nest of Perversion

Pobre Juan!

On Friday's episode Dínora told Belinda she had her House of Sadism built for her. That shows she wanted to get somebody in there. It is an especially evil level of premeditation. On LT, Béatriz and Alcides just happened to find cabañas with handy manacles.

At least we get to see Mario's bare chest while he's in the House of Sadism unlike Alcides on LT.

Here's a funny bird thing. They showed a hawk hovering at one point. I think it was just before Juan woke up in the cabaña the second time. This was shot in Colombia, I assume, so I'm not sure what kind of hawk it was (lots of possibilities) but the sound they played was the call of a Red-tailed Hawk. Red-tails are about the only hawk that make this fierce scream so that sound is used everywhere on TV and in movies for every bird of prey. (It wasn't a Red-tail. Red-tails don't hover.)

I like the scene where Dínora was beating up the cop while asking how he could accuse a poor defenceless woman of doing somethink like that. Then she beats up the Fruit Sons when she goes over to the Reyes Hacienda.

Ursula asking Belinda to do her exercies inside so as not to nauseate the vaqueros was amusing, too.

Grabi had to lay a guilt trip on Sarita by saying, 'I know you won't abandon me.'

The castrated/kidnapped (castraron/secuestraron) mishearing by Melissa was funny too.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Fri., June 27 - Abuelo has a mal presentimiento

According to one online schedule, Monday's PdG episode is 2 hours but the rest of the week is one hour and the second hour is a rerun of El Juramento. I don't think PdG is on the 4th of July. Telemundo typically reruns of its novelas during their first week.

I saw part of the second hour of today's episode when I was home for lunch. I will watch the rest before the LT finale.

No one has mentioned what Juan and the cowboys did to Raquel and her horrible friends when she came for Ruth. It was pretty funny but mean too. A couple of days ago, Leandro said something to Raquel about her wig and until it got all wet, I didn't think it was supposed to be a wig as opposed to an acress portraying an older woman with a wig. You'd think Raquel could afford something better looking. I really can't stand Raquel. It's not just that her character is horrible, which it is, but why couldn't they find an older woman to play here. With her smooth skin, the actress playing her is totally unconvincing.

So Memo has actually killed one person and badly injured another. So much for just being a clown.

I too find the Rosario and Armando story line very boring.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., June 23 - Ruth leaves home, the incompetant assassins fail yet again, Memo gets an unwelcome assignment

Good episode yesterday-

Oscar and Jimena are such a cute couple. This endless fooling around might easily be very irritating but they do it so well that it is entertaining.

It was funny how in Juan and Oscar's 'serious talk' with Franco, Oscar pretended to be more concerned about having his and Juan's relationships messed up by Franco's romance with Sara than about Franco's feelings.

Sarita finally tells her sisters who she is seeing.

Ruth finally finds out that she is adopted and from Melissa, not Calixto. So far, anyway, Melissa seems like a good character. She told Raquel off. Raquel is as possessive as Gabriela but not as evil. The reaction of the 'fruit sons' when they saw Ruth walking on the road was amusing, too.

What can you say about Herzog and Rubinsky latest fiasco? It seem highly improbable that no one in the restaurant would have called the police even if Franco didn't want to. What is it with the old cars in the novela? There's Juan's truck, of course, which is just a heap but both H&R and Pepita drive these classic cars.

Memo seems really unhappy about his assignment to kill Rosario. He talks big but he's not a killer. He didn't even want to fight to protect Armando when he got beat up. He kept pushing the other bodyguards forward.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon. and Tues. June 16 & 17 - Brothers and sisters work together

Monday’s episode was very sweet.

Jimena and Sarita did a good job of sowing doubt in Norma’s mind about Dínora. Fernando helped by getting himself alone with Juan David and then putting clumsy moves on Norma.

Los hermanos Reyes were also very good together with Óscar and Franco trying to help Juan and then all of them trying to keep Eva from leaving after Óscar figured out that she was Ruth’s mother.

Then the Elizondo sisters deciding to work together was great too.

Quintina was prepared to defend Juan and the hacienda against Dínora – who would prevail in a fight between them? I'd put my money on Dínora. She probably strong and fueled by evil.

Tuesday's episode:

Senile old Calixto almost blabbed the truth to Ruth.

Óscar’s little pep talk with Eva before meeting with Raquel was incredibly sweet. I keep using that word but I can’t think of a better. And then the Reyes brothers sitting outside like nervous parents while Eva did them proud inside against the ghastly Raquel. BTW, Eva used one of expressions Marie Celeste talked about in the last post:

Raquel: Eva Rodrigues, vamos por partes
Eva: Que partes ni que ocho cuartos, señora, se acabó.

Raquel: Eva Rodrigues, let’s go one step at a time.
Eva: One step at a time my foot, that’s over with.

Benito eating with the ranch hands was hysterical and so was his falling down in the manure pile and having to be washed with a hose.

What a ghastly smile Grabi had when she invited Fernando out to eat.

Poor Armando all alone in the hospital. Did you ever see a hospital that used blue sheets on its beds?

Grabi thought Fernando was attractive and the perfect man for …. her daughter. But now for her? Yecch!

It was funny when Juan picked up Juan David and he/she started to scream.

Franco and Sarita were so cute together holding hands.

Loved the scene of Óscar and Franco pulling Dínora’s chain at the dinner where she hoped to trap Juan into marrying her.

And abuelo partying at the bar Alcala.

Uh oh. Looks like more trouble for Juan tomorrow.


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs. & Fri., June 12 & 13- Dínorah is having better luck with scheme to get Juan than Armando is with his plans to kill Franco

Sorry for the tardy posting. I'm a little behind. Here is some stuff I liked or thought:

Juan & Norma: When Juan goes to meet Norma at the Rosales hacienda, I'm just yelling for him not go inside before Norma gets there. You just knew what that witch Dínorah was going to pull something.

Abuelo, referring to Fernando, "There's nothing worse than an 'ignorante' with power.
How true!

Franco to Óscar after he says that Juan doesn't know how to handle women, "If you know so much [about women], how come they leave you naked anywhere?"

Óscar and Jimena: The fracaso at the commercial shoot was hysterical. Poor Bruno.

Franco and Sarita: Nice scene on the rock when she told him she had always liked him but she doesn't know him yet.

Rosario and Armando and the incompetant assassins. It was funny to see Armando trying so hard to get rid of Franco while Rosario is shagging everything in pants. The brilliant Herzog and Rubinsky not only put their 'bomb' in the wrong car but the bomb itself was totally incapable of killing anyone (fortunately). Armando's reaction when Franco came into the restaurant was priceless.

Armando saying that if he believed in sorcery, he would suspect that someone had done something to him because all his plans turn out so badly.

Referring to his conclusion that if Rosario was out all night with someone else, it had to be Franco, Memo said to Armando, 'Asi es que, blanco es y la gallina lo pone,' which means literally, 'so if it's white and laid by a chicken...' with 'it's an egg' as the unspoken conclusion. The only similar expression in English that I can think of right now is, 'if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...'

Franco and Óscar trying to get their girls to help get Norma back to Juan.

Marie Celeste: Keeping in mind that this is a spoiler free blog, I just want to say that I couldn't resist and looked ahead on You Tube to what is going to happen in episodes 97-107 in a couple of weeks, I guess. Oh my! I can't wait to see it in on the TV. I don't know how you can watch a novela on the internet. It would drive me crazy.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues & Wed., June 9 & 10 - The party for the opening of the fashion center has lots of consequences and Dínora gets busy

Thanks for the post on what was cut from the Norma's visit to Juan on Monday's episode. Hot stuff.

Eva looked so nice in her evening wear as opposed to the frumpy uniform type outfit she usually wears.

The Óscar/Jimena/Leandro carry on was amusing. Leandro looked very nice dressed up in the flamenco outfit.

Once again, the hired killers mess up (fortunately). Good thing there was that gun in Sara's car.

Now I want all the people who said that it didn't make any sense on LT for Hugo to believe that Soledad had betrayed him with Alcides to say that it is reasonable for Norma to believe that Juan was having a relationship with Dínora. It is ridiculous to believe that a straight shooter like Juan would betray Norma but his is novela standard operating practice. The lies of the evil ones are always believed so that the principals can eventually reconcile.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., June 9 - Juan David gets baptized; Grabi enlists a new ally; Martín goes for a ride and Rosaio waylays Franco

Juan escorts Norma out of the hacienda and in a very nice scene Norma tells Juan that the baby will be baptised Juan David. Then Juan finds his brothers sitting on the stairs of the house when he goes back in. Very cute and funny.

In spite of Gabriela's protestations, the baby is baptised with Juan and his brothers present and there is a party at the Reyes hacienda afterwards.

It looks like not much stands between happiness for Norma and Juan so trouble has to come along in this case in the shape of Dínora who allies with Gabriela to separate Norma from Juan. Can you say evil witch woman? To start her campaign, Dínora comes over to see Juan and makes nice although it was funny the way he backed up to avoid contact when she came to congratulate him on the baptism of his child.

Fernando is making great strides in alienating all the workers at the Hacienda.

Martín (in his military uniform) gets a fun outing with Pepita until Gabriela has to spoil everything.

Óscar is neglecting business to work on getting Jimena back and Rosario lies in wait for Franco and Memo witnesses their meeting but fails to see where they went afterwards, which, of course, convinces Armando that Rosario is two-timing him.

Why is it that virtually all the activity on the Reyes ranch outside of the stables takes place right at that fence that borders on the Elizondo property?

The invitation to the re-opening of Leandro dress shop causes interest and consternation in many places. The incompetent assassins are are on the job again.

Tomorrow - love blooms for Franco and Sarita?


Friday, June 06, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes - Friday, June 6: Fernando discovers Norma's secret and meets an old friend; Óscar puts on war paint

You were right, Marie Celeste (como siempre). This was a great couple of episodes and I haven't even seen the last 15 minutes.

How long was Fernando working at the Hacienda before he caught Norma on her Saturday fence visits with Juan? One day?

How many times is Norma going to insist that she can do what she wants - visiting Juan, deciding to name the baby Juan David but refuse to just leave when her mother goes ballistic.

Uh oh, Fernando hooks up with Dínorah - they will have a common enemy - Juan

Óscar's plan to get back with Jimena was very funny. They are a very cute couple.

It was great when Franco threw Rosario out of the Hacienda. I didn't realize how much Juan dislikes Rosario. And now the nitwit, I forget his name, who played Agapito in Zorro, is going to follow Rosario. That will work out well, I'm sure.

Looking forward to Monday


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Wed. June 4 - Juan gets to see his baby!

I haven't quite seen all of today's episodes but I thought I'd post since the scenes with Norma, Juan and the baby were so cute. I guess the real reason for the fence between the Reyes and Elizondo property was so that Juan and Norma could lean on it. I don't know far it is from the Elizondo house to this fence but it is not that easy to carry a baby in your arms very far. Norma should get one of those snugli things or a baby packback. Too bad Norma didn't run into Juan earlier, she just melted into a little puddle when she saw him and all her concerns about not letting him near the baby went out the window. I'm sure it won't be much longer before she is crossing the fence without the baby to be with Juan.

Óscar and Franco having business meetings while Óscar is in his giant bathtub is hysterical. So now Óscar is going to invest in Leandro's dress shop. That should be interesting.

Rosario is back. Yawn. She's just never happy no matter where she is.


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes - June 1 - That baby is 6 months old and doesn't have a name!

Well, we certainly moved the plot forward in yesterday's episode.

Norma had her baby. At first, I thought she had given birth to a six-month year old but then it was clarified that time had passed. This baby does not appear to have a name. I assume naming is going to be clarified once Juan finally gets to see his son;

Norma is divorced from Fernando. This seems to have driven Feonando over to the dark side since he tried to hurt the baby;

Los Hermanos Reyes are running their hacienda and buying land that adjoins the Elizondo hacienda. That was cute when Juan was opposed to making a counter offer on the property until he found out that it would give them access to the Elizondo estate

Juan and Óscar are sad to have lost their loves (Óscar doesn't seem all that sad with his new Beamer convertible) and Juan is concerned that Franco doesn't have any love;

Rosario is tired of touring;

A skanky new female is going to make a play for Juan and her family are now enemies of the Reyes; and

Jimena has a career being a model for Indian Savage cologne.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Mario!!Feliz cumpleaños para Mario!!

Today (Sunday) is the birthday of Mario Cimarro, guapissimo star of two novelas on Telemundo that are currently featured in recaps or discussions here on Caray Caray: La Traición and Pasión de Gavilanes.

To celebrate the occasion, here are five (all that I was allowed to upload) photos of Mario. Enjoy!!!

Mario as a baby! (thanks Marie Celeste)
Hugo escapes from the mine (Nancy's request)

My Favorites from La Traición:

Hugo in disguise
Iremos juntos de este mundo como cuando nacimos...

and Mario as Juan Reyes in Pasión de Gavilanes:

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Pasión de Gavilanes - Fri, May 30 - Franco doesn't know how to be a patron so its Juan and Óscar to the rescue!

This was a great episode - probably my favorite so far. I loved team Juan taking on Malcom and Carmela and coaching Franco how to throw his weight around. I loved Franco's inability to manage without his brothers. I loved Óscar's glee at finally getting the good life. Would he have abandoned Juan if he couldn't have been convinced to live in the Hacienda? This was the first time I heard Óscar call Juan, Juancho. I loved Eva coming up with the right arguments to convince Juan and Óscar frantically signaling Franco not to object to Juan's decision to only be an employee.

I liked the Indian Savage guy. I loved Pepita coming to dinner at the Elizondo's and charming Málcom. And what are Pepita' given names? What a mouthful.

And Monday Norma's baby is born! Wow!


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