Thursday, July 30, 2015

Weekend Discussion: Karmageddon Comes to Santa Lucia (La Sombra del Pasado)

We're coming close to the end and the crap is flying so here is the all-important discussion of the Karmageddons awaiting the evil ones in our story. As usual we will ask the following two questions:

What do you think the writers will do to them?
What do you think they really deserve?

Contrary to my usual practice I am posting my thoughts in this article because of my current computer issues.
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La Sombra del Pasado #117(US, Mx 120) 7/30/15 I suck at titles

Felt like word salad to me tonight. It's probably must me.

Aldonza vows to find out the truth about her father's death.

The search party that looks a little bit like a possee looks for Em. Mudo finds Em's shirt draped on a branch.

Candela whines because Cris is not at her side. He cares more about Em than he cares about meeee!

Ren tells Aldonza that it's going to be hard to solve Ray's death and prove who did it. It's been years. And if she's going to accuse Sev, she might want to have some proof.

Em is passed out near the waterfall at El Santuario. I wonder if there are any outtakes from this scene. I bet they're funny.

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La Sombra del Pasado #116 (Mx 119) - Wed 7/29 - The more things change, the more they stay the same

Melesio agrees to try to get Cris to come outside, but it's going to be difficult if he's with Cande.  In the meantime, Aldonza and Don Camilo need to stay hidden.  Jacinto walks them off to one side.

Sev lays the guilt on thick, saying he's going upstairs to check on Cande and Cris should stay put because she needs him.  And then, for some unknown reason, he heads outside and drives off in the truck, never noticing Aldonza, Jacinto, and Don Camilo lurking by a tree.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 115 (Mx 117-118), 07-28-2015: Choose a title.

So many potential titles: We Are Fam-i-ly! aka Oh. Sh*t. aka Awwwww sh*t aka ….has hit the fan aka The Culpas Come Home to Roost aka Honor They Father and Mother may be the hardest commandment aka OMG You Guys! aka The BEST EPISODE EVER.

NOTE: This was clearly multiple episodes, but they left in all the good stuff! The short will be long, the long is crazy, the capítulo is not to be skipped. If you were planning to skip it, DON’T SKIP IT. WATCH IT. I’ll put up a short of it tomorrow and edit this, but I gotta get sleep and I wanted to post in case anyone is awake and needs to discuss because this eppy was JUICY!

Short of it...
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

When bad things happen to bad people La Sombra Del Pasado #114 (Mx 116) 07/27/2015

 Hi patio peeps, below is your Monday night recap, a big thank you to Kat, AKA best team leader EVER for putting up a recap last week!

We get some footage from Friday night's episode, mainly Aldi telling Humberto that she's the one that will be talking to E-man, he had several years to man up and never did, she's also not going to give him the opportunity to lie to E-man.

Aldonza leaves and Humberto asks Adelina how Aldi found out that E-man was her brother. Adelina spills: Aldi had her fathers remains exhumed so she could have him cremated and spread his ashes in ES, when they opened his coffin only his body was there, she then questioned everyone and connected the dots. Ade tells him that she even went to see Sev, and Humberto tells her that Sev is such a bastard that he would never admit to being E-mans father.

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Friday, July 24, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #113 (Mx 115) The Sombra begins to fade

Hola, mis amigos del Patio de la Sombra!  Let’s dive right in!  The episode felt staccato and that may be reflected in the recap. 

Adelina confesses her undying love for Aldonza’s father, the late Raimundo Alcocer.  Aldonza is surprised and realizes this is the great secret Adelina spoke of some time ago.  Adelina still loves Ray because he lives in her heart though she asks Aldonza to forgive her.  It feels like such a sin to have been in love with her own sister’s husband.  Aldonza thinks it is nothing of the sort and thinks her father would have been better off with someone like Adelina.  Aldonza wants her to proudly display the picture but Adelina says no:  it’s a torture for her.  The dead should rest in peace.

Gonzalo has apparently confessed his tremendous two-day old love for Flavia to Renato.  Renato is concerned that not only do they not have anything in common, but Flavia is not legally divorced from her husband who is also a business partner of his (Renato’s)!  Gonzalo thinks the pot is calling the kettle black but Renato disagrees.    Does Flavia feel the same?  She feels something but she’s confused and trying to sort through her feelings about her husband.  Gonzalo throws the Aldonza/Cris thing back in Renato’s face.  Gonzalo is going to exercise his right to try to win Flavia’s heart so Renato finally backs down as they realize they haven’t really greeted each other and hug. 

PJ counsels Jock that even if they get a divorce, in the eyes of the Church, marriage cannot be dissolved!  PJ says Jock should forgive Flavia, truly, from the heart.

Tomas and his father discuss the trumped up assault charges Pru brought against him.  He swears it isn’t true and they decide to consult Silvia.  That way Pa can get a chance to meet this wonderful girl!

Cande has a fit over Cris’s torn shirt and learns he ripped it in a fight with Renato over Aldonza.  She has her tiring pissy fit which we, unfortunately, can see and hear when we close our eyes.  To Cande’s screeched inquiry Cris answers, NO, he can’t get her out of his heart, much the same way that she can’t get PJ out of hers.  Cris leaves her to stew.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #112 (Mx 113-114)

The Legal Bits-Em's Case
Padre goes to see Emanuel. They talk about the robbery. Em says it was worth it to save Solitario's life. Padre waxes all kinds of dramatic. Fight the good fight! It's the biggest fight of your life and Sev is the biggest enemy. You aren't just fighting for yourself you're fighting for ALL the little people Sev has trod upon. God is on your side! You will win! At the end of the road you will find your origin and your destiny and you will find it mounted on your horse EL SOLITARIO!!

Emanuel gets sentenced to prison. They are going to transfer him to El Reclusorio Laa Vigas. I'm pretty sure the sentence said he would stay there an undetermined amount of time until the judge made a decision(?) Throughout the episode it was made clear that that was code for "he's probably not getting out any time soon." Slivia says they will get him out. Em knows he has no defense. Silvia and Pato are hoping that Em's wanting to save the horse's life will at least get him a reduced sentence.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #111 (Mx 112) - Wed 7/22 - Love sh-- yeah, not so much

Renato visits Las Animas to harass Sev and Cande for not putting forth any kind of search.  Sev says that if Cris doesn't want to be found, there is no way to find him, which Renato would know if he was familiar with the terrain.

Cris thinks that Aldonza's amorous attentions are proof that if they just run away forever, they can be together.  She insists they can't run forever.  She still thinks Val might be giving Cris the child she'll "never" be able to and it hurts.  Cris gets the impression that the piece of trash who raped her is still around and he has some ass kicking to do.  Aldonza denies it, but says she's engaged to Renato, so Cris backs off.

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo #110 (Mx 111), 07/21/2015: New Scenery, Same Story

Sorry y’all, but this recap’s a little smushed and out of order, like a cookie in a back pocket. But I think all of the important parts are still there and also I'm still sleepy so let's jump in shall we?

The Short of It: Lola talks to Eman. Nothing useful happens there. She and Pato fight. She and Mel don’t find S/V, obviously. Val is once again staying at LA. Everyone in SL knows she’s pregnant. Adelina gives Pru whatfor in public. Joaq agrees to let Ray visit Flavia in DF. PJ tells Adelina he may have to leave SL. Cris and Al start on the check list of Cabin Reconciliations. Also, Cris’s horse is stolen.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #109 (Mx 110) - Mon 7/20 - Santa Lucia Status Updates

Javier? The new flunky is dispatched to Simoneta's place to clean it out.  Why Sev didn't call those nice movers who helped him load the coffin table into the bed of his truck is beyond me.  Flunky pockets some jewelry while he's there.

She really can't stand being cooped up in the hospital, so Gonzalo offers to let her stay at his house until he thinks she's ready to be around large groups of people and/or travel again.  Flavia would like Ray to come visit her at Gonzalo's, but that's going to depend on her test results.

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Friday, July 17, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #108 (Mx 109) 7-17-15 The return of Cris's spine and Val takes charge: Good vs. evil, lite

Sombra Patio Peeps!  Estamos en las Ultimas Semanas!  Let’s jump right in.  Some members of the patio have entreated the tn gods that Cris keep the nice, erect spine he sprouted last episode.  Well, our boy marches in to daddy’s office demanding to know where his lover, Simoneta is!  He cares because Simoneta is expecting his and Lola’s half sibling and Simoneta is Lola’s mother!   Sev doesn’t accept the child is his but Cris has learned aaaaall about DNA and this matter can be settled easily.  Sev finally says she is in San Miguel holding up her part of a bargain they made:   Sev claims that Simoneta had an abortion.   Sev shouts that Cris ought to be more concerned about his own unborn child than Sev’s.  Cris knows how to take care of his own business.  AND SO DO I!  Yells Sev.  Cris doesn’t believe Sev one bit and vows to leave no stone unturned until he finds Simoneta and he prays to God when he finds her that she is well.  Cris leaves Sev using his tongue to count his teeth.  (Igbo saying for laying something on another’s mind.)

From the Police Station Aldonza calls Hum to tell him Eman is in jail.  Hmm, looks like the same patient that left the office in indignation the day Hum through Pru out.  I guess his cough won out over principal.

Nava, Val and Sev (Los Tres Diablos)  are walking.  Sev tells Val to trust that Nava will get her momma out of jail and lock up that low life Eman.  They run into Aldonza, Renato and Silvia as they leave the station.  Snarls, yips and hissing ensue. . .Aldonza (the zorra) should be the one in jail. . .Pru is going to be sued for slander and defamation of character. . .Sev insults Aldonza’s virtue and she holds Ren back from charging.  After the three walk away, Val kvetches about how much she HATES Aldonza, Sev caresses her face and Nava looks at them like, “what the . . .”

Cris goes to the Santa Lucia Hilton to get some info on Simoneta.  The clerk gushes and grins right into the camera,  torn between whether to flirt with Pablo Lyle and telescope her continuing availability as a novela extra or actually play the part of the hotel clerk.  Pablo, not Cris, looks like he wants to burst out laughing.  Anyway, he gets a forwarding address for Simoneta but we don’t know if this actress will get another part.  Sheesh!
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Thursday, July 16, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #107 (Mx 108) - Wed 7/15 - Inebriated absent one's posterior

OK, the Tomas-Silvia outing is set for Friday and he insists on paying. He also offers to snog her on the park bench, but she laughingly resists…sorry all, but she looks like she's enjoying it…at least until Pru shows up to make a scene.  Don't be calling Silvia a "golfa!" (Three guesses what that means, and you'll only need one.  Drink!)  Can Silvia sue her for that?  I'd watch those court proceedings.  Pru calls Tomas her "EX-novio" and stands on the bench to shout out to all the passersby that no, he's her AMANTE (lover), because the lady here is MARRIED, is she not?  Even if it won't be for much longer.  Silvia's watching this in fascination.  Tomas calls her out for going to Aldonza's house last night and says she's a hypocrite because he's her AMANTE!  AMANTE!  AMANTE!  His unseemly behavior drives Pru away and drives Tomas and Silvia into gales of laughter.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 106 (Mx 107), 07-14-15

Short: Pato and Lola are getting married! One of them’s happy about it. Tomás is back home and ready to do good. Pru is proud of her mob antics. Lola tells Cris about S/V’s pregnancy and disappearance. Eman gets arrested. He tells Don Antonio the truth about El Solitario, but Don Toño’s on his side. PJ says Cande would be the woman of his life…if he hadn’t become a priest. Ren(/Aldi) will press charges against Pru. Sev forges Cris’s signature to put El Solitario back in his name so that he can legally crush Eman.

Long: Adelina and PJ put Baby Aldi to sleep. PJ will try to figure out what happened with those crazy people tomorrow, but she should get some rest tonight. On the stairwell, Adelina fairly bursts: What’s wrong with these people?! They could’ve set the house on fire! They could’ve hit Aldonza or Dominga with one of those bricks! PJ doesn’t get the incredible stupidity either, but thinks Pru’s off her rocker and chances are she paid those people.
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La Sombra Del Pasado #105, 7/13/15: Maybe it's time to leave town

Morning peeps here's your recap:

Humberto and his shrew

Poor Humberto, I think we can all agree that his life poor choices have finally caught up with him, his wife belongs in an episode of Cheaters and his daughter, well, she needs some serious professional help. Today, Humberto's wife shows up at his clinic and tells him that she will never give him the divorce and if he moves forward she will take him to the cleaners. She also accuses him of cheating on her with Aldonza, aka, her favorite whipping boy.

Humberto tries to talk sense into her but Pru will have none of it, finally, her crazy overwhelms Humberto and he drags her out of his office, Pru, ever the evil shrew starts screaming and asking him not to hit her any more, he tells her she is out of her mind and tosses her out of the clinic. This all happens in front of a few patients, Hum apologizes and asks Blanca to send in the next patient, but having witnessed the madness that patient leaves the clinic so fast that you'd think the place was on fire- the next patient does go in to see Hum but does not look too happy at having to see Hum.
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Friday, July 10, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #104, 7/10/15: No cliff hanger, just more annoyance

Greetings, all!  There was essentially no review tonight and we get right to Val’s confession to Cande that she shot Aldonza and only regrets she failed to kill her!  Cande calls her stupid!  Val’s justification is that as long as that zorra is alive Cris will never have anything to do with her!  Cande counters that he certainly won’t when he finds out what she did.  Val reveals that she knows Aldonza is out of the hospital:  she was the one who called the front desk, not Cande.  Cande demands to know where the rifle is and Val runs upstairs to get it where she’s kept it hidden.

Tomas is consulting with the statue of a saint he’s dusting when Pru walks up and hears him talking about his latest amorous target, Silvia.  He drags her out of the church and refuses to answer her questions about who “is robbing her of his love!”  He is decidedly cold.  It’s over between them:  he tried to kill himself for her and she didn’t even show up!  He rejects her efforts to butter and kiss him up though he asks aloud amid her ministrations, “Why is the flesh so weak?”  Tomas gathers himself and pushes her away.  Pru tells him about Teresa “betraying them” and her threat to publish the intimate details of their affair.  Pru wants Tomas to shut her mouth permanently!  Does she thinks he’s capable of killing someone in cold blood?  Pru answers very quickly, YES!  As Tomas protests while admitting he has flaws but he would never. . .Pru meets his protests with suggestions of mayhem of a lesser degree, like breaking her knees.  He is NOT going to touch one single hair on a woman’s head!  His protests fall on deaf ears as she whips out her wallet to give him some monetary incentive.  Disgusted, Tomas finally leaves when Pru refuses to, wiping her slime off his face as he goes.

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Thursday, July 09, 2015

La sombra del pasado #103 7/9/15

Valeria gives back the engagement ring. She tells Cris she'll take it back if he changes his mind. Cris responds with a rousing chorus of "We are never ever ever getting back together." Val spews some venom about Aldonza and does this flouncy dizzy spell maneuver. Cris comes running and she pouts about him faking concern. She knows she doesn't matter to him. Oh and Val, the 80s called, they want their shirt back.

Aldonza tells Adelina she's going to give Renato a try. Adelina approves. Aldonza is going to put all her effort into the relationship. Whatever.

Cris has saddled up the horse and he's going for a ride. He needs to get away from the oppressive atmosphere. All talk buddy. I would be more impressed if you were packing your bags and getting the hell out permanently. A midnight ride just ain't cuttin' it with me, Pablo Revere.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #102 - Wed 7/8 - Please don't go!

Aldonza says she and Renato have decided to date, and she'd rather do it without baggage.  Cris is angry, but Aldonza says her disappointment with him killed her love.  The judge calls them into his office and Cris tells Aldonza she wins…"Let's go end this farce."

Melesio gives the guys a pep talk about how you have to keep working and do the best job possible even if working for Satan himself scares the crap out of you.  Speaking of the devil…Sev appears to tell them all to quit yapping and get back to work and mentions docking people's pay.  Sev tells Mel to get the horses they're taking to Puebla ready…with Cris' help.  But Cris is out running a personal errand.

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capítulo 101, 7-7-2015: Shocking amounts of sense displayed

Short of it: The bishop wants to talk to PJ. Aldonza tells PJ that the exhumation’s coming up. Don Antonio freaks out on Eman, but Vero explains what happened and he backs off. Tomás tries to make amends with Hum, who already knows what’s going on! Val goes home, but doesn’t tell Pru what’s really going on. Dom and Mel return to LA. Mari’s going to work for the Dream Team. Aldonza won’t pursue the Val/Lardo theory. She freaks out on her wedding dress and pursues the divorce instead. Cris won’t give it.

Super important question: Is Cris wearing red, Converse-like sneakers when kissing Aldonza in the red dress in the opening credits?

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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

The End is near La Sombra del Pasado #100 07/06/2015

Here we go!

 Sev walks in on Prudencia and Valeria- he heard everything and demands to know who the real father is. Val tries to make excuses, she tells him he heard wrong but he's on to her and tells her to shove it, he knows what he heard and now it is perfectly clear to him that Val is not in love with his son.

He tells her that all she wants is to take advantage of Cris and that he thought Aldonza was bad but that Val is worse. Val begs him not to compare her to Aldi- she is a better woman but Sev tells her he is not so sure about that any more and tells her that he will withdraw his support, he no longer wants Cris to marry her. Sev is on the warpath, he asks the maid where Cris is but she has no idea.

It seems like Sev is set on unmasking Val but he has an appointment that he must keep. Where is he going? Well, he is off to visit the bishop, who by the way is wearing a very fetching hat thingy in a lovely shade of hot pink. Me want. Something tells me that Sev is up to no good. Someone, hold me!
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Friday, July 03, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #99, 7-3-15 Baby Bomb Bombs!

Hey, y’all!  I am so glad to be back with y’all on the patio.  Thank you, Diva, for covering for me last Friday and thank you to all my awesome teammates:  Diva, Eli, Hellashelle and Sweet Baby Chihuahuas for the past two weeks of recaps of some exciting episodes.  I so missed hanging out with y’all but I’m back now with not quite a blockbuster episode but anyhoo, here it is!

Padre Jeronimo, he of the iron halo, thanks Ren and Silvia for that brilliant sting and take-down of Sev’s evil plot to destroy PJ with an accusation of sexually abusing and impregnating a young, mute girl.  PJ doesn’t want to press charges:  it won’t do any good.  He wants to trap Sev in something much bigger, more important; something that will show the whole town who Sev really is!  PJ knows that this fight against Sev in the long run might cost him his life but he can’t let Sev get away with his arrogant and cynical treatment of the town as if it’s his own tool to use as he wishes.  Silvia and Ren pledge their unconditional support!

Adelina sits holding a picture of Raymundo and we are whisked with her to the terrible night of Raymundo’s murder.  Roberta is wearing red, but it’s not festive or sexy red, but the not yet dried blood of . . .who, her lover, Sev, or her husband, Raymundo, mortally wounded after she shot him in the back?  Roberta feigns surprise at Jock’s recent announcement that Ray had died in an automobile crash.  Adelina slapped Roberta hard and wished her and her damned lover a quick trip to hell.  In fact, she was going to the police!  Adelina confessed her love of Raymundo and cursed the day he married Roberta who stops her at the door and falls to her knees to beg Adelina not to tell.  Back in the present Adelina repeats “it was my fault, my fault.”  Dominga, ever ready with comfort startles Adelina who asks Dominga to pay her no mind.  Ay, what a tragedy was Raymundo’s life, so young with a new baby.  The worst part of it is, Adelina intones looking at the picture, is that it could have been prevented.

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