Sunday, August 09, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #19 Fri 8/7/15: Wham, Bam, What a Sham

Parte 1~~

Daniel catches his mistake and glibly promises to marry Maria Dolores in a proper church as soon as they might be able to, mourning and the added expense being his two major considerations.  Mama Esperanza and MD are glad to hear it—and in the end both women say sí, sí, sí as Viewerville screams at the screen, “--Oh no, no, no!!!!!”

Gerry is coaxing Ivana out of bed.  (We note the matching purple in Gerry’s choice of shirt and Iva’s nightgown which serves to confound those of us in Viewerville who are currently laying bets as to which team talented Gerald bats for.)  Work has never betrayed her, so alright.  She’ll go back today.

In the barrio, a nurse and her AA sponsor arrive at Honoria’s home to help out with Fermin’s illness.  Honoria is shocked to see two respectable-looking individuals there instead of the two drunks she thought their doctor seemed to be advocating.  Oooops!  Her bad.

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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #59 Fri 8/7/15 The Makeup, The Breakup, And The Engagement

(scenes out of order and combined) 

Alternative Title: Will The Character Who Isn't An Idiot Please Raise Their Hand...

The Makeup
Vero wanted Marty to look her in the eyes and tell her that he truly believes that she never had anything to do with Dem. Marty NEVER does this. Instead, he sweet talks himself out of the situation -- he tells her how love wonderful is because it heals all wounds -- and he also tells her that he's never loved anyone as much as he loves her. Vero for a like a second tells him that there's no point in the two getting back together if he does not trust him. But as expected she falls for the sweet talk and caves in. The two kiss and makeup once again without resolving any of their issues. For now all is well with them until the next time Crazy Marty makes an appearance which is bound to happen sooner or later. (more on this later...)

Meanwhile in her hotel room, Matilde lights a candle to La Virgencita and prays that Vero finds happiness at the side of a good man. The next morning, she wakes up to find that Vero's bed has not been slept in. Where could her precious niña be? Matilde's prayers have been answered (at least for now) because Vero is with Marty in his room. The two have spent the night together and Marty watches her sleep. She wakes up and kisses him. She asks him to promise her that he'll NEVER do anything to make her want to be far away from him. He promises (and over at The Patio we take on bets on how long it'll be before he breaks this promise just like he has broken all the other promises he has made before). He has her promises that she'll always love him and she promises. The two kiss. 

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Friday, August 07, 2015

Amores con Trampa #94 Aug 7, 2015 And Porfirio's secret is finally out! (yikes!!) and Maria and Florencio save the day for Facu... even if he does not like it

Estefi runs to Facu, is very nervous about them leaving. What if you stay behind? (she even makes him fall and of course she drops right on top of him
Perpetua brings Porfirio some eggs…he is glad she came, he wants to talk to her about something important. Something you and I lived before… about MY WIFE and YOUR HUSBAND many many years ago!  (whoa!! Stop the presses!! Did he say what he just said??)  Perpetua does not want to talk about the past… he says no use trying to cover the past… it will come to the surface any moment now… he wants the family to know the truth, the whole truth… She is so against it she just walks away on him.  He tells himself that he does not know what will happen with the family but that secret will come out sooner or later.
Facu gets Estefi off him. She feels bad, she feels like they are her family.  She would even go with him (I mean, with ALL of you! … to the end of the world)…  you all are my family!
Beto talks  with Maria and Jacinto.   Maria says maybe we don’t have to leave. I have an idea, but I need you (Beto) to help me with it! 
Facu looks for Maria all over the house, but he can’t find them. Perpetua tells him Maria and Beto left a while ago. They only said that they had to do some errands related to the store… Facu had thought she would go with him to the signing of the documents about the company.  Perpetua asks him if he is sure he wants to just turn the company over to that crappy guy Velasco.  Facu says it’s a done deal.  Porfirio asks where his Concha is… She went to the market, and he says too bad I did not know, would have gone with her to eat a campechada…   Facu and Perpetua joke and laugh about Porfirio ALWAYS thinking of food.
On his way out Facu meets the Italian lady who turns out to be Isa’s mom.  She flirts with him a bit too. She casually demands him to give her some of his time and attention. She even invites him to go to dinner at some restaurant she knows… later.   She will wait for him with open arms… eh… open stomach.    Facu says better wait for me while sitting down… (LOL!)
Santee and Isa are already at the company.  They are basically thinking it’s a done deal.  Isa greets the receptionist.  Felipe comes and is surprised Isa is there.  Isa came to accompany Santee to celebrate the beginning of their new life.  Facu arrives.  Feli says we are ready, Esteban is finishing up the papers. Esteban comes out saying it is all ready.  They all go into Facu’s office… Santee and Isa trail them a bit to do a celebratory march into the office… they basically wrestle each other to go in the office door first. 
Esteban gives the papers to Facu.  Facu signs reluctantly after Esteban gives him one last warning to read what he is signing so there are no misunderstandings later.  In run Beto and Maria… Don’t sign!!!! (reminds me of a scene in The Goonies movie). Maria asks if he signed. Yup.  Maria grabs the papers and rips them to pieces. She announces to Isa that she won’t let them make a fool of him again.   Santee gets angry, they have no money to finish the product/work… Beto announces they have a new investor who will put as much money as they need.  Santee is in disbelief… WHO??  (Florencio makes his entrance) YO!!!
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La Sombra del Pasado #123 (Mex 126) 8-7-15 Valeria the Skankster Strikes Out and Sev's Anvils Line Up!

We begin with the end of the conversation at Cande’s bedside where Cris asks her upfront if she was an accomplice to the lie that Sev told about how he lost his arm.  He asks if she knew that Sev did not loose his arm in an accident with a plow or some such but rather that Raimundo Alcocer hacked him with a machete.  Cande says she didn’t know.  She always suspected his story but she didn’t want to know the details or become involved in such a disturbing event.  Cris takes Cande’s hand.  He shares his fear that he is losing the respect he had for her and Sev forever, he feels so deceived and betrayed.  Cande says she would do anything in her power to change how he feels but she cannot defend Sev because she doesn’t know what his real thoughts and motives are.  Cande swears she loves Cris with all her heart and it hurts her deeply this abyss that has grown between him.  Cris drops her hand and leaves her side, he is unmoved and unconvinced and leaves her room with his single tear still in place.  Ah, Candela, for once you tell the truth [she DIDN”T know how Sev was really severed] and your beloved Cris doesn’t believe you.

PadreJ and Aldonza talk at ES.  PJ is concerned that Eman is not there.  Aldonza thinks he’s exaggerating:  Eman can’t be with her 24/7 as if he’s her body guard!  Padre relents but insist Eman have more of a presence with her.  He tells her of his plan to do a mass for Adelina, Raimundo and Roberta and convinces her to not leave Roberta’s remains alone in the church:  if her own daughter can’t forgive her, how does she expect anyone else to?  She agrees.  Their remains will be together and he will do the mass before he leaves Santa Lucia.  She would like the mass to be private and absolutely agrees that Eman will be there.  Aldonza asks if the results from Adelina’s autopsy are back.  PJ is sure they are but he doesn’t know the details but will follow up for sure. 
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 18 Thurs 08/06/2015: Why are the slimy ones so good at their job?

I'm desperately sorry this is so late! Next week I'll be far more timely, I promise! I apologize for the typos and editing too; I'm running on very little sleep and I want people to be able to discuss the eppy.

After Max stupidly admits that he said he wanted to “play” with her, MD doesn’t give him a chance to explain himself and kicks both him and Daniel out. “I’m not some rich boy’s toy!” Max and Leo leave right away, but Daniel lingers to say that Max is on Ivana’s side because they’re friends and he won’t be able to give Maleny all she wants by himself. MD remains firm in telling him to get out, but she still loves him in her head.

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An alternative way to view the feeds

Experimental Index for Sombra

If this works, we have an alternative way to look at the feeds that would help IE and Chrome users. Even if you're not watching Sombra, please take a look when you have some time and give me some feedback on how this would work for you.
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This has to be a non-politics zone. So: no politics

We lost a couple wonderful bloggers (and almost lost a couple more) an election cycle or two ago when politics started to intrude into blog posts and comments.

This is NOT a forum for political beliefs. Political comments will be removed. Thanks for your understanding.

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Weekend Discussion: First Annual Televisa Perversity Pageant (Men's Division)

We're getting into some seriously poisonous stuff with our latest round of Televisa villains. Lately it seems that the growing influence of male writers is resulting in more perverse male villains than we used to know 10 years ago. Therefore we are now in the finals of our first-annual Perversity Pageant (Men's Division).  Who should get the Crown of Fire?
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Lo Imperdonable #58 Thu 8/6/15 She's alive! She's alive! But she's not too bright, is she?

In Mexico City

Old lovers - hard not to shake with disgust
Malena and Botel find a creepy doll in the coffin. Does that mean that her daughter is alive ? Estas viva, Veronica ?
Back at the hotel, everyone congratulates Malena for how well she’s taking the news. Botel is the one who looks rather shaken up, so Malena herself suggests he should go for a walk, relax. Botel and the PI leave, after deciding that they would resume the search and this time they will force the truth out of Clemente and will involve the authorities, too.
Left alone, Malena, who is everything but calm, wonders if Aaron knows where little Veronica might be. Just then, he calls her, asking her to join him. She refuses, demands a proof that their daughter is alive.  

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Thursday, August 06, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #122 (Mx 125) Thursday 8/6 Check Out The Junk In Her Trunk*

*This title inspired by doris

My cat is sick. He's been to the vet and he's not acting any better. I am in spaz mode right now and I really didn't pay close attention to the episode. Here's what I remember (in no particular order.) I will come back in the morning with a real recap.

Aldonza does not shoot Sev. I guess I should be glad about that since protagonistas don't murder, but I wouldn't have held it against her. She was in a church yeah...bad.

Hum is one hell of a general practitioner. He's performed surgery (amputation, vascular surgery) and now he's participating in Adelina's autopsy. I am pleasantly surprised that they are able to determine that Adelina's death was a homicide. There were no traces of pills in her stomach. It must have been injected. I seem to recall it was ácido bariburico. It's like Ley y Orden exploded all over SL.

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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 17 Wed 8/5/15 Oh sweetie you don˝t believe in Clowns?

( Some scenes may merged out of context. Also there are some issues with quotes since I have recently upgraded to Windows 10. I really like it but it messed up my keyboard preferences a bit.)


MD is at Dan¨s house looking for him but Isidro The Handmaiden tells her that Dan cannot be found, she should ask Uncle Google . Ursula comes instead and MD was about to leave but Ursula tells her to stay. Isidro leaves and MD now alone with Snobby Mom returns Ursie  the money that Dan borrowed for the sewing bar.  Ursie accuses her of chasing Dan like a dog but MD says that Dan was the one who defrauded her trust.  She is giving Ursie  the money because she´s happy that she got liberated from her creepy ass scum of a boyfriend.  

Isela surprises her molested best friend Orlando and uses her new work as an excuse to ignore him. She also has to pay the bills to the house since MD is without a job ya know. But Orlando is not pleased because Josefa will never agree with their cough cough "friendship".  The shop assistant comes and Orlando tells him that he came to buy a sewing machine but Isela also wishes to see the beds for their new house. Ugh yeah right.

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Yo no Creo en Los Hombres #16 Tue 8/4/15 She had to find out sometime

Sorry this is so late! I have no excuses, I just forgot. This recap is essentially me recapping as I watch using my handy-dandy laptop, so bear with me if it's a little unpolished. There's also probably scenes I missed while I was typing other scenes up, so fill in as needed! At least I have a full recording this time!
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Lo Imperdonable #57 Wed 8/5/15 Filler, Filler, Filler, And What's In The Casket?

Filling in for LatinaInMD 

Magdalena lies to Botel and tells him that she had a drink because she was very nervous. He tells her mixing booze and medication is a big no no. She promises it won't happen again. He wants her to be OK and to work on her fear of the outdoors. She promises that little by little she'll be able to handle it. She hugs him tight and wishes she could always be in his arms. He notes that she talks as if she's about to disappear from his life which won't ever happen. 

Pierre and Pablo chat. Pablo is all smiles -- he's never been soooo happy and thinks that Mina Escondida is a paradise. Pierre thinks the same. Daniel and Matilde show up. Daniel introduces Matilde to Pablo. More chit chat that was pointless. Matilde doesn't like that her niña's hubby yelled at her. But Pablo tells her that Marty is a good man and was probably just desperate because of the situation with Vero (Side note: Yeah because that excuses him behaving like a big fat jerk...NOT). Vero wheels in (thanks Eli!) and tells Pierre that Marty wants to speak to him. Pierre goes to see him (and makes a face of either fear or "I'm not in the mood for his crap!"). 

Marty apologizes to Pierre for his jealous snit from before and accepts that Pierre is not to blame for his problems with Vero. Pierre hopes his apology is sincere and that he's not apologizing because Vero asked him too. How does Marty respond to this? By basically telling Pierre that yeah he IS only apologizing to him because Vero asked him too. Jerk. He goes on to tell Pierre that he doesn't like him being near Vero. He does accept though that he can't boss Vero around but lets Pierre know that he'll be close to Vero. So he wants the room close to hers like he had asked. Pierre will give him the room. Pierre assures Marty that he's a gentlemen and would never ever get in between a marriage BUT in the end the women are the ones who choose. (Side Note: Is Pierre basically saying that he'd go after Vero if she was free? So much for his LOVE for Claudia.) 

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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #121 (Mx 124) - Wed 8/5 - Everybody cries

Em is having coffee with Vero and Don Ant.  They won't let him take off in the middle of the night alone--they're going with him, just as soon as they're all packed.

Cris asks Don Camilo to call Padre J as Aldonza is still crying and rocking Adelina's body.

Lola visits Padre J to see how Em's doing, but he's left already.  Lola throws a tantrum.  I agree Em is sad and shouldn't be alone, but he'll be with Don Ant and Vero.  Padre J doesn't seem to know that, but he thinks a little solitude would do Em some good.  The phone call from Don Camilo interrupts them.  Cara de impactado de Padre J!  And a "!no puede ser!" into the bargain.  He tells Lola that Adelina is dead.

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Amores con trampa #92 and #92 Wednesday and Thursday 8/5/15 and 8/6/15

Wonder Jarifa!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All the peeps are waiting for you!!

And the recaps that you do!

Woman of the hour!!! With her recap power!!

(Look for it in the comments!)


Lo Imperdonable #56 Tue 8/4/15 Veronica makes her escape!


  • Bad Marty makes Vero cry by telling her he is tired of having to beg for forgiveness, he gives up and won't bother her any more (wanna bet that's not true?)
  • In Mexico Aaron continues his emotional torture of Maggie, he tells her he lied about their daughter being dead in order to make her suffer for dumping his sorry butt and running away with Botel. *I HATE AARON!*
  • Bad Marty brings Matilde to look after Veronica and then gets angry when Vero accuses him of doing it only to make himself feel less guilty.
  • Along with Matilde a neurologist comes along and examines Vero, he is surprised to hear that Dr.Feelgood has been keeping her sedated but proclaims the young Doc did a good job.
  • In Mexico Claudia visists Ginny and tells her she's there to see Emi, over coffee she shares that Marty fired her, Ginny blames this on Vero always getting what she wants from men, and tells Claudia that she and Emi are novios.
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La Sombra del Pasado #120 (Mx 123) - Tue 8/4 - Red dress blues

And a little bit of recapper blues!  I think your team is running ragged, but we are nothing if not dedicated.  Here's a quick and dirty rundown of last night, condensed for space…

Pru is frantically searching for the cell phone, which Juana obligingly hands over.  Thanks, Juana

Silvia is still recovering, and very well, and she's allowed to go home.  Renato gets an eye- and ear-full of her giddily hugging Tomas, kissing him, and telling him that YES, she wants him to stay with her night and day, forever and ever.  She also makes him promise not to go after Pru.

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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Do what you gotta do, bro La Sombra Del Pasado 119 (Mx 122) 08/03/2015

Hello my peeps, here is your recap!

When trying to bribe someone goes wrong:

Severiano is acting like a creeper and hiding in the shadows waiting for the , eh, what is he? Detective, ministerio publico, police officer? Sev tells the officer that he wants to know what he needs to do in order to get his gun back, the officer says it's simple: All he has to do is wait for Adriano's trail to be over. Sev says  he would be willing to give the good officer a very good compensation for his help. The officer wants to know how much Sev is willing to pay and Sev says that that's up to him (the officer).

Officer: "Well, I can tell you're terrified that we will match the bullets found in Raymundo's body to your gun"
Sev:" No, that's not the case at all, that's just one more story made up by that crazy woman. I don't even think the bullets came from the body, who knows where she got them from, so what do you say, will you help me get back the gun?"
Officer: I'm sorry but your offer doesn't interest me Mr. Mendoza, in fact  I don't have the gun any more, I recommend you try to bribe the judge, maybe you'll have better luck with him. Good night

Sev is left with his mouth hanging open, it was AWESOME.

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Lo Imperdonable #55 Mon 8/3/15 You won't have Crazy Marty to kick around anymore!

Crazy Marty has left the building.  
In his stead, he has left Good Marty, the loving husband who checks his ego at the door and takes care of Vero's needs while expecting nothing in return.  Well, almost nothing.

Good Marty promises Vero that he will take her to her family in Mexico as soon as she is well enough to travel.  Vero listens silently.  That's not enough for Marty.  He wants to hear her say he has made her happy.  She's glad, she says finally, looking absolutely miserable.  She doesn't want to be a continuing burden to everyone – to Ana Perla, to Blanquita, and most of all, to him. 

She asks him to leave her alone so she can go to sleep.  But as soon as he is gone, she starts to cry.  Has he finally taken her at her word?  Has she driven him away? Even though getting free of Crazy Marty made perfect sense, she's not sure that divorcing Good Marty will make her happy.  
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Monday, August 03, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #15 Lunes 8/3/15

Chapter 15: Another Game of Telephone

Maria Dolores arrived at Max's office and told him off for thinking she was pursuing Daniel for his money. She told him that Daniel had misrepresented himself as a chauffeur while all the time he was the spoiled son of the employing family. But that now his family was broke. Max wasn't quite ready to believe that although he didn't accuse Maria Dolores of lying. He knew Daniel was a player of some kind. He then said he would talk to Maleny about this since she was Daniel's sister. Maria Dolores' cell rang and she answered. It was Esperanza, who told her about what happened to her shop. She told her she would be right there. When she ended the call she almost broke down. Max held her for a moment and asked if she wanted him to take her to the police station to report it. She said “Thanks but no thanks” and headed out the door.
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