Thursday, September 13, 2012

Por ella soy Eva capitulo #42 9/13/12: And the Oscar goes to... Plutarco Ramos Arrieta!

I apologize.  I forgot to change the recorder from the other night when Univision moved the show, so this will be just from memory.

Adriano is upset about the way Paola used him and wants to say goodbye to love.  Eva tells him love is the best thing in life- "you just have to see a woman not with your eyes but with your heart."  Adriano hears the pep talk and keeps grabbing her hands in gratitude and excitement, making Juan underneath nervous as he keeps pulling away from Adriano's grasp.  Eva talks up Mimi a bit to him.

Renato shows up again at Grupo Imperio and Lucia falls all over him [really, she is too desperate].  He says something about liking parades and she just LOVES parades. [isn't that a song?]  Helena expresses her concern to Lucia about Silvia's mysterious fall down the stairs and Lucia promises that tomorrow they'll get to the bottom of it.

There's a scene with Mimi and JC and I'm sorry, but they talk so fast and it seems to be so full of idiomatic Spanish that I don't often understand much of it.  I think it would be funny if I did understand it.

There's an extended scene in the home of Fernando and Marcela.  Marcela is working (as usual) and Fernando is bitching (as usual).  Jenny offers to help with dinner and Marcela talks about them being a team.  Jenny wants to have a new boyfriend come to dinner and Fernando says, "Another one?"  The boy is polite at the table but of course Fernando doesn't like him anyway.  There's a very brief scene on the street with the son, Kevin, giving money to some blond guy who has his back to the camera.  The implication is drugs, but it must be something else because the writers are setting that up to be too obvious.  Marcela and Fernando are in bed talking about the kids.  Fernando is saying something about Kevin being slow (lento) but Marcela says he's only fourteen.

Lalo's grades have been falling, but Helena says to Silvia [or was it the other way around?] that it makes sense with all the changes in the poor kid's life recently.  Helena asks Silvia again about her fall down the stairs all those years ago and Silvia again evades answering.  It was nothing.  I don't even remember it.  She scurries out of the room to put Lalo to bed leaving Helena looking confused and concerned.  Pluto calls Helena, distraught and threatening to do something crazy.  Helena says she'll be right over.

Adriano calls Eva to invite her out to further express his gratitude for all her wise counsel.  Eva talks Mimi, who's reluctant at first, into going with her.  Adriano is happy to see them both.  Mimi drinks like a truck driver while Eva gives her a look to take it easy.  There's some talk about them being from the North, which apparently explains their behavior.  The two end up in their usual chorus of excess about life being rose-colored and it raining flowers.

Ah, here we go.  Plutarco is just beside himself with grief and is clutching a picture of his beloved and recently departed wife.  You almost forget and feel sorry for him.  Helena of course does feel sorry for him and tries to console him, saying time will heal his wounds.  Pluto again talks about doing something desperate and convinces Helena to spend the night.  Eventually she falls asleep on the couch.  In the process of covering her with a blanket he lingers way too long, smelling her bare shoulder in a version of the pervert hug and he tells her she'll soon be completely his.  Oy vey.

Eva shows up at Helena's, and to avoid temptation spends the night on the couch.  Camil is the epitome of femininity as he takes off his heels, scratches himself, and lies down like a bull on steroids.  In the morning Eva goes to awaken Helena to discover she hasn't spent the night there.  When Helena arrives Eva goes into overdrive lecturing her.  Helena gets angry and tells Eva she is just friends with the Putz.  Helena is an adult and she doesn't need another mother.  She already has an overbearing father.

Speaking of whom, Bastardo isn't at all bothered by Helena being at Pluto's.  Silvia says she doesn't understand him- he gets all righteous about Helena going out, but he's happy to see her with someone who just lost his wife.

And that someone is home alone, dressed only in a towel, parading like a peacock in front of the mirror planning his next triumph.  Adriano calls to tell him that Antonia's will is to be read and the executor is none other than JC's father, Modesto.  Pluto feigns indifference to such things; he can only think about his grief, poor guy, but somehow he'll pull himself out of bed to come.  When Adriano hangs up Pluto is once again triumphant!

But...  uh oh, the avances show Eva being the recipient of Antonia's good will.


Refugio Para el Amor #112 Thu 9/13/12 A Kiss, A Kiss, My Kingdom For Another Kiss



Recap by Anita (Who says she has taken great liberties with the dialog, times, and places in order to get to the heart of the matters at hand).

Gala and Rodrigo's Gloomy-hued Apartment

Roselena has arrived and announces to Gala that she wishes to talk to Rodrigo – a solas. Gala says she completely understands, after all their relationship has been ice cold so they probably have much to talk about. She excuses herself [but we are certain she’s as good at picking up conversations behind closed doors as Frigida]. Ok, so, que pasa, mamá? Rosa doesn’t mince any words, your father has a lover. Again with the same jealousies mamá? I’m not imagining things. Have you forgotten so soon all the harm you did thinking the same about Aurora Linares? I myself saw a message from someone calling him Osito and containing other words of love. I want you and me to confront your father.

Rodrigo asks if she’s sure she wants him to talk to his dad. She says yes and not to listen if he tries to deny it. She doesn’t deserve this humiliation. He agrees to talk to Max, but asks her to please not tell his sibs. No, no, she can’t promise that. She doesn’t deserve what he’s doing to her. He points out correctly that she kept a secret for 19 years, why not this one?

Roselena rises from her seat and puts on her imperious face, looking down at him as she would a subject—You are never going to forgive me, are you? [Her sincerity is cloudy; her desire to have him back under her control is transparent.] It’s time for you to go mamá, I’ll see you out. When her straightforward tactic didn’t work, she tries appealing through brotherly love—Patricio needs you; I need you. Unmoved, he tells her it’s getting late and grabs the keys to escort her downstairs.

Gala emerges from hiding, musing to herself, so my suegro also has a tail to be stepped on [cola que le pisen [commonly refers to having something to hide—maybe even worth blackmail]. He’s unfaithful and a liar, what a lovely family.


Don Aquiles is finally back where he wants to be. Vio is serving him and asks what he would like. He says he came back for *her,* mamacita. He’s tired of his former life and the same ‘ole same ‘ole and today she’s coming with him. Well, they are both coming on to each other. He’s the Impatient Lover; she the Shrinking Violet. She gets a peck on the cheek. Marcial watches their interaction through the screen of smoke.

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Por ella soy Eva #41 9/12/12 The Paola Anvil Drops! You can teach an old dog a new trick.

Mimi’s house- Eva is ranting about Helena going to see Pluto because he is depressed. He is using Antonia’s death to get closer to Helena. Its pure theatrics! 

Paola meets Adriano at one her dad’s favorite restaurants and she is complaining, you are not afraid that we won’t get caught.  Adriano has no fears, they are together.  Paola is tuned off because he is too intense.  (If I wasn’t translating this scene I would have fast-forwarded it-My eyes are hurting from the constant eye rolling in this scene)  Adriano asks Paola to marry him? Which requires a yes or no answer.  Paola looked like he asked her to define the Pythagorean theorem.

GI- Eva is addressing the company, (because as usual no one is working)- we are humans, we are united, and I want to ask you something.  An impatient Fernando demands to know what?

Back to the restaurant- Paola is still figuring out what to say.  Even Adriano tells her that it’s a yes or no answer.  Paola tells him that he is the best, etc. etc but…
Adriano gives her more time to decide.  He will even speak to her dad.  Is he crazy? If anyone talks to her dad it will be her.  She’ll think about it. 

Pluto’s house- Again, I felt like fast forwarding while, listening to Pluto’s babble about how Antonia didn’t love him equally. (In a sense he is right, she loved him unconditionally and it wasn’t mutual.)  Pluto had evidence that Antonia had a lover- he found his card in her things- Samuel De Ls Cavada- her college boyfriend.  (When Pluto’s anvil drops –I hope that it’s my night to translate)  He asked Helena not to tell anyone.  Ooh she doesn’t know what a calming effect her presence has on him. (Yuck)  Then he gives her a pervert hug.  Here comes Eva and the Grupo Imperia cavalry, they have come to support him and cheer him on with a real rah rah rah!

Eugenia and Modesto’s house- as they are having their tea and coffee-Eugenia tells Modesto that she would have gone to the funeral but Modesto felt that it would have been too much for her, being so close to JC’s death.  She can’t convince Modesto that JC is not dead.  She quotes a saying about dreams from Shakespeare’s – The Tempest.  Modesto gives her a gift.  A cell phone- JC can call her, etc.  She lets him know that she is going to return to acing.

Rebeca has another jealousy tantrum.  She wants to know why Helena was there and why didn’t he just slam the door in her face.  He is such a gentleman.  Rebeca will be his next wife not Helena.  (What is wrong with Rebeca? If he cheated with you, he will cheat on you- this is basic – Relationship 101) He tells Rebeca not to make a storm out of a glass of water. Rebeca warns him!  When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad – watch out!

The blue dressed are impressed with the house and all of the luxurious things.
Fernando mentions that now Pluto will inherit Antonia shares in the company. And he will be out of control. Marsela reminds Fernando to show respect.  The other stooge, Santiago agrees with Fernando.  Fernando was making jokes about not planning to die him and I was ready to fast forward once again.  Santiago said that with Pluto in charge it would be party time at GI.  Isn’t it party time now?  No one works.

Eva tells Helena that she is such a good person for supporting Pluto, not letting him suffer alone. Helena tells her to remember when her husband died and to watch what her ugly, indirect comments.
Eva has everyone gather around

AT GI- Lucia is looking for Mauricio who went on vacation and is not due back soon.  In the hallway, Lucid bumps into a real cutie who is going to interview for a job there.  She is willing to give him a tour of the company and he introduces himself Renato Camaro. And once again she is in love.

Eva talks about her best friend and how everyone is there to support Pluto.  Antonia’s last wish is that Pluto should mourn her and be faithful. Just like how she mourns for her husband and remains faithful.  Both Pluto and Rebeca were very uncomfortable at the mention of the word faithful.
Rebeca wants to say a few words, because she too loved Antonia. (At that point, I thought it would start thundering indoors)  They shared an office and so many other things (how disrespectful!!!!!!!!!- I wanted to jump into the TV and slap her)
Rebeca said that Antonia’s last wish was for her husband to be happy. (yeah in hell!)  Yes, in the event that a good woman is near, maybe he will remarry as he looks at Helena and Rebeca cuts her eyes. Eva tells Pluto- that to honor her friend-by being loyal and honest.  Rebeca and Eva argue over whether he should remarry and Helena shuts everyone down and says that Pluto needs to rest. Let Pluto know that she is watching him.

At Adriano’s house- he returns with Paola and Adriano is trying to be serious and let Paola know that he would like to be with her 24/7. After the restaurant question, he didn’t think that he would see her tonight. Paola doesn’t want to be pressured.  He tells her not to be so childish. Paola told him that he was a little too intense. (Hello, Paola, he just lost his sister. Estupida)

Pluto house- Rebeca is ready to move in and Pluto tells her not so fast.  They were playing Ali Baba and the 40 thieves.  The doorbell rings- and Pluto goes to answer it and tells Rebeca (Snow White) to stay put.  Rebeca tells Pluto to ask the maid to bring them something to eat, but the maid has the weekend off. No one is to see Rebeca there.  She wants her waffles with syrup and Pluto tells her to make some for both of them. She is Snow White not Cinderella. In other words she doesn’t cook.  (She’s more like the Evil stepmother to me) She tells him to hurry back, so that they can take yet another bath.)

Adriano tries to call Paola but she ignores the call.  Jesus comes in to tell Paola that he is going out and why doesn’t she answer her phone.  She wasn’t bought up that way. Oh dad, you are too intense, and I’m not in the mood. If you want to argue go and argue with one of your little chippies. Paola leaves the room and the phone rings again.  Dad sees that its from Adriano and listens to the message.  (I guess that there is no such thing as passwords on their phones)  Dad is impactado and furious!!

Adriano asks how Pluto is? Adrian also can’t sleep, he still can’t believe it. Antonia was young and full of life.   They only have each other now.  Antonia was right, he needs to settle down and not die alone.  Pluto just can’t bear to be separated from his wife’s ashes.  (And the Oscar goes to??)  Adriano goes to work and Rebeca wants to stay and bathe with Pluto.  Pluto insists that she go to work so that no one gets suspicious.  Rebeca makes fun and insults Antonia’s picture.  (If I could only teleport myself into the TV)

Paola returns from her shower and notes that Jesus (her dad) heard her message.

At GI- Adriano is at a meeting discussing the Mayagua Beach project will be in memory of his sister.
And a furious Jesus arrives at GI and insists that he wants to see Adriano. (I’m guessing that GI does not have any security) Jesus is yelling Adriano’s name! Adriano walks down the hall and when he sees Jesus, everything goes into slow motion. Every blue dress and other employees from GI are there. Everyone is impactado. (No one has the good sense to call 911, security, somebody? Que the heck? Does anyone work??)  A crazed Jesus points a gun at Adriano!!  We break for commercials.

Adriano tells Jesus to give him the gun.  Jesus is upset because Adriano is sleeping with his 20-year-old daughter. Adriano tells his “friend” that his intentions are sincere and that Paola is 25.  No, Jesus (her dad) corrects him. He doesn’t have any respect.  Jesus- says that he doesn’t deserve to live.  Adriano says that he loves Paola. Eva tells him to shoot the gun.

Silvia and Eduardo-Eduardo insults Silva yet once again and tries to deter her from studying, she is too old, blah, blah, blah.  (I can’t listen to his babble anymore) Silvia is excited about finishing her studies and getting a job.  Fernando, oops, Eduardo tells Silvia that she has to take care of him. (For a convalescing patient, he is pretty strong.  He looks like he can take care of himself) Silvia tells Eduardo that he is using his condition to blackmail Helena and keep Lalito.
His coffee is cold, he demands hot coffee.

Helena asks Jesus to give up the gun.  He doesn’t.
(Oh thank God for Eva, she gives them both a taste of their own medicine)- what a hypocrite you are, don’t you sleep with young girls?  You do the same thing; your daughter is 20 and bragged about having an 18-year old- what’s the difference.  You dispose of the women that you have for a “newer” one.  The women, oh no the girls that you make fun of, surround yourselves with, etc. etc.  What the young girls that you are with are orphans?  They don’t have parents?  We are sick of you old dogs, thinking that you are entitled to do what you want with young girls and treat us like objects.
(Still no one has dialed-911)
Then here comes Paola asking her father- what are you doing??
(Still no security, no one)
Jesus asks- if Paola feels anything for Adriano?  Adriano tells Paola to please tell her dad that they have been together for moths, at first he didn’t know who her father was and that now they are in love and want to marry.  Paola wouldn’t be caught dead marrying him.  Paola only went out with him to teach her father a lesson. - to see how ridiculous you old dogs look!  That he should forget about marrying someone young enough to be his daughter. Eva asked Paola to apologize to Adriano. He doesn’t have any respect.  Helena told everyone to get back to work. Adriano asked Paola- if at any time did you love me?  Never!  (Talking about hitting below the belt)
Adriano asked for one last favor- Jesus to shoot him, because he is so ashamed. (Where’s Mimi when you need her? And still no security)

In Helena’s office- Helena scolded Eva for getting involved.  She could have been killed.  She scared her.  They felt sorry for Don Adriano.  Helena- says that one day she may remarry,  She is not ready just yet.

In the hallway- the two stooges sympathized with Adriano and Rebeca had the nerve to say something- they were talking behind Adriano’s back.  Eva defends Adriano and dares anyone to say the contrary.
Adriano was in his office- he wanted solitude, but Eva came in and spoke to him.  Adriano thought that Paola loved him.  Hits in the heart hurt the most.  Adriano remembered that Juan Carlos said that he was in love ad everything that he did was for the love of a woman and he didn’t believe him.  JC forgives him.
Adriano is going to give up on love and women, Eva told him that time will heal his wounds.  Find someone not with your eyes but with your heart.  He kissed the hand of an uncomfortable Eva.


Por ella soy Eva #41 9/12/12 -Repost of Tablet Jefa's Wed. Recap.

There was some sort of technical difficulty with Tablet Jefa's recap of Wednesday's show. I have recreated it here, so people can read it and have a place to post in the morning.

The Paola Anvil Drops! You can teach an old dog a new trick.
Mimi’s house- Eva is ranting about Helena going to see Pluto because he is depressed. He is using Antonia’s death to get closer to Helena. Its pure theatrics!
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Amor Bravío #25 (Uni 20) Wed 9/12/12 Daniel, AKA Andres: “News of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

Rancho Malquerida - Hacienda
El Diablo has arrived to give Camila the death certificate of Daniel Diaz Acosta – bum-bum-BUMMM!  Viviana looks on incredulously as he announces, “there’s no doubt now.”

Becerra’s Office
Osvaldo comes straight to the point with Agustina.  From the moment she mentioned Dionicio’s name, he knew he had heard it before.  He remembers Dionicio had once offered to buy Don Daniel’s rancho.  It’s too much of a coincidence that he’s appeared once again now that Don Daniel has died.  Agustina jumps to the conclusion that Becerra is accusing Dionicio of using her (c’mon Aggie, take off those violet colored glasses).  She further concludes that Osvaldo thinks it’s not possible for a man to find her attractive.  (oh, this is going really wrong for Osito – woops, wrong TN).  He tells her she couldn’t possibly believe that of him, knowing what he feels for her.  Aggie suggests that this is then un revancha (revenge) because she hasn’t returned his affections in all these years, saying it’s so easy to discredit the man she’s falling for. “No,” he says, “that’s playing dirty (jugando sucio) and I would never do something like that!”  He only wants her to realize that Dionicio is a stranger, an unknown.  He only wants her to be forewarned lest she receive an unwelcome surprise.  Well, Aggie is appalled, saying he’s the one who has surprised her.  Good Day!  She leaves in a huff!

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Refugio Para el Amor #111 Wed 9/12/12 Vicky Wins and Rosa Whines and Vio Flirts With Danger


Due to a scheduling conflict, I am taking Anita's recapping night this week and she is taking mine.

Rod and Gagme Torreslanda's Apartment of No Love Lost:

Mati is trying to get Rod to forgive his loca Mama for all the trouble she caused. Rod says it'll never happen, not going home either. Mati thinks he ought to forgive her.

Het Het:

In the hamelt of Het Het, Magda is on the phone with Estelita looking for her daughter Vio, who she finds out is not there. Magda is very concerned, but Estelita tells her not to worry, Vio spent the night with Luci in the hotel she is staying at, while in the D.F. Magda wants Estelita to be sure to tell Vio she called and hands the phone to Paz. Paz wants to know how her darling boy is doing. Estelita says no worries, your son is fine and selling loads of tacos. Paz tells Estelita that the peeps down there can call her anytime cause Claudio installed a phone right in the house.

Torreslanda Bidness, Max' s Office:

We have one pithed off Max calling Vicky who is at work. He tells Vicky his wife saw the text message and now he's in all kinds of trouble. Vicky says well, I guess it's time for us to break up then, now that Rosa knows. He wants a meet, but she says she can't do it now, she's at work and besides she is so NOT putting up with his whims anymore, she just can't come running anytime he feels he wants to see her, and she hangs up on him. Yay! Max is pithed and yells and looks like he wants to fling the cell phone, and Rod the Bod comes in at this time and asks if he's ok? Max tells Rod everything is spiffy, just a little glitch with a bidness deal. Rod wants to know, from his Papa, why Rosa didn't end up in the carcel for what she had done to Luci and Claudio? Max tells him, thanks to Luci and her compassion, your mother stayed out of jail, cause Luci didn't want to send her there.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Abismo de pasión #128 9/12/12: Ingrate bites the dust... or does she?... Alfie so close but yet so far ... Flo keeps teasing Damian about surprise on wedding day... Sabrina gets truth awakening... and Gabino gets scared with yerba spa treatments

Elisa remembering the scene on the road where Alfie asks Gabino to run the kids over after Gael gives Elisa the amulet from Damian.  Adios Damian… Adios, mi amor!
Gabino shoveling dirt on Ingrate… he tells her the hole was for Carmina but he never used it. Throws the plane tix in the purse down to her and keeps dropping dirt on her. We see her up to her neck in dirt…
Lo Nuevo:
Gabino really burries Ingrate (or did he? We don’t see it… but we might as well assume he did since he wakes up with the hole totally covered up with dirt… Ingrate, how long can you hold your breath?... is it me or is this hole MIGHTY big for a single human being? Also, the dirt he was throwing in was very loose, not really dirt that has been sitting around for weeks or even months… (since before the time jump of 5 mos)
Gabino walks a few yards away from the grave but then drops to the floor… is he… is he… ? wait for it… (we will find out in 2 and 2… (chuck woolery , was that his name?) they make us wait a few mins on his status)
Fashion quip: must be new trend in wearing hospital gowns, off one shoulder. Cynderella, you approve?
DrT and the surgeon/neurologist who helped him treat Gabino discuss whether the bullet location would have affected Gabino’s motor skills… evidently it did not totally disable him if he walked away on his own. DrT comments he must be really weak and probably dehydrated as well… they need to find him and treat him asap. (the neurologist is asking DrT to give him his opinion on head x-rays?... this DrT is a whiz!!)
At Ramona’s… she is more than obsessed that Paloma eats before going to work… tells Paloma it will be a girl and she will have the same temper and stubbornness as Paloma’s mother…  Paloma settles for taking an apple to eat it on way to work.  Ramona remembers Remedios telling her she had met Gabino… and says Paloma and Remedios are the same…
Braulio and waste-of-screen-space Chente come to clinic, DrT tells them Gabino walked out and is gone.

At Quinta, Elisa receives visit from Dam…  Came to alert you that Gael already knows everything… (well, I would not say EVERYTHING if we count that Rosie is his dad, that Carmina killed Kenya, that he is a dumb childish cluts)… Elisa will speak to Gael… anything else? Yes, wanted to talk about your dad’s lands (CA). Elisa reluctant to talk about that, but Dam tells her Alfie was behind Gabino buying from Augie… Elisa understands now why the bargain basement price tag. Why does she want CA? Dam says our procesadora is in trouble so my mom thought if we produced our own chile … Elisa refuses to let her aunt sell to her procesadora’s main competition… My procesadora is doing really well so I will pay my debts soon.  Dam sarcastically congratulates her on starting her new life with Gael on the right foot… anything else? … no, well yes! I hope that with Gael you will find everything I could not give you… Same here, with you and Flo…
Dam asks to let him hug her goodbye… they both cry… this hug seems a bit beyond a goodbye hug. He is about to kiss her but pulls back at last second… he gives her one last tender stroke caress on her face…
Outside Dam walks right into Gael… and Gael is again on ‘get out-a-here!’ mode… yells at Dam that Elisa and him have everything here in LaErmita… it would be very easy for Dam to start over with Flo elsewhere. Dam asks him  what he means. Gael says once you asked me if I felt insecure about Elisa… Gael admits that as long as Dam is near, Elisa won’t be happy with him. Dam says I was born here and I want to stay here… ‘don’t you feel contempt with having everything? Look, the only valuable I have ever had in life is named Elisa (can’t blame Dam for taking away what you never had, boy)… so for the brotherly love we once had, I ask you to leave town and leave us in peace… (ok Gael, you have tried to ask Damian face to face several times already and honestly, I am tired of seeing you fail at that… how about trying to send him an email, memo, telegram, certified letter with return-receipt card, notarized proclamation, billboard, flyers nailed around town, plane advertisement, newspaper ad, or maybe you can run for mayor so you can have some authority to ban him from town. I am only throwing a few ideas your way. What you do with them is entirely up to you)
Alfie continues to order around her hacienda staff… the reception will be here in the garden (the last party in the garden was pretty eventful)… Carmina comes to see Alfie.. ALfie guesses this visit has to do with Alfie going to see Ingrate… Alfie asks why does my contacting Ingrate make you so nervous? Carmina mocks Alfie asking questions at this time about Rosendo and Stefie’s relationship. Alfie asks are you sure you have nothing to say? Carmina answers question with question. What has Ingrate told you? Alfie refuses to give details until she has the evidence at hand. Ingrate gave her clues that she has blamed the wrong woman all along. Carmina again laughs and mocks that theory. Alfie says if it turns out to be true, there are only two possibilities.. either it was someone I never met, or YOU ARE THE FATHER! (sorry, I mean YOU ARE HER!)…  Carmina basically tries to make Alfie feel dumb for even thinking of that story. Why revolve the past again? Alfie says I am curious about what secrets Gabino has been keeping all along. Carmina tells her go ask him, he woke up last night. No idea what evidence Ingrate was going to give you but she is gone for good now. Besides, you should not trust her.. remember she wanted to blame your own son for a crime he did not commit… what if such evidence does not exist? Alfie swears she will get to the truth with or without Ingrate’s help. Won’t rest until I confirm if the woman who took Rosie from me was Stefie or not. I always suspected you know much more than you say… and if I confirm you have been deceiving us all, I swear to you there won’t be any safe hiding place for you in the whole world. Will put all my resources, all my power and the rest of my life to destroy you.
Elisa and Gael discuss what Carmina should do with CA… yawn… Gael lies to her about what he talked with Damian… what will he do about Ingrate? … Gael is looking for her to find out why she asked Damian to take the blame… he needs to know if she shot Gabino on self defense or if she pre-planned the whole thing and used US to kill him and not be blamed for it. Elisa asks what do you honestly think? Gael says the worst, he would believe anything about Ingrate by now. Kenya had told him not to trust her. He is sorry he had forgot that because there was a point he did believe in Ingrate. Elisa gives him a comforting hug.
Gabino is walking around, apparently toward the cenote, but he is wabbling as if he were drunk… now he does not have a bandana hand, he has a beige bandage hand wrap instead.  Paloma finds him, in his delirium he thinks she is Remedios… ‘is it you? Yes, it is you… my Remedios… the only woman who has really loved me, my nina bonita…’ Paloma gets worried that he confused her with her mother.. questions why he was talking about her mother… calls his name loudly but Gabino won’t wake up again.
Sabrina visits Paolo at jail. HE asks her why she lied about ‘him raping her’… she did it so because he dropped her. He asks her to tell the truth. She asks him why he broke up with her when she lost the baby. Honest Paolo says cause I never liked you and you are a stoopid escuincla with whom I was about to ruin my life. She asks him if he has any message for his niece. HE says but of course! Ask her what she was planning to do with your baby. She was planning to take it and pass it as her and Damian’s baby. Flo asked him to be nice to Sabrina and fake being the loving fiancée and then when the baby were born, to make Sabrina believe it was dead and hand it over to Flo to pass it as her own. You wanted the truth? Well, there you have it. Can you handle it? It is not fair that I am here locked up while my niece enjoys the high life as Damian’s fiancée… I broke up with you when you lost your baby because the deal was off… Think, you shallow head!! You still don’t get it?? That baby would have been the Arango heir!! you are a stoopid nina!!
Alfie calls the clinic and finds out Gabino walked out, so she grabs a gun that belonged to Rosie…
Paloma brings Gabino to Ramona who loudly refuses to care for him… Paloma yells at her to care for him while she runs to get DrT. Ramona is reluctant to stay alone with him. Paloma keeps yelling to care for him. ‘what do I do now with this THING??’ LOL!
Paolo calls Flo and mocks being at beach and not having time to talk because he has a bridge game to catch. HE warns her that there is a wedding gift surprise coming toward her, which will be memorable, and she will regret having turned her back on him!! (slams the phone on her)… Paolo’s lawyer is there to visit him, seems to bring good news…
Gael and Elisa are riding his horse together, he is mad (so what’s new?) about seeing CA so abandoned after he spent so many years working it. Elisa promises she will find a way to convince her aunt to sell her the portion of the land she still has, and they will get it back and get it producing again. Gael promises the same thing back to her, he will support her as her husband and together as husband and wife they will see it through… (Damian has an angry frown watching Gael and Elisa kiss…)
Braulio is comforting Chente that Gabino will appear. Paloma runs in to tell DrT that Gabino is at her hut. DrT will send an ambulance immediately to get him…  Chente runs out before Braulio can stop him.
Meanwhile Ramona is reluctantly caring for Gabino with an avocado/herb spa face mask applied with a metal spoon, acupuncture, chiropractic massage … Scared Gabino is grunting and asks her ‘what are you doing to me?’ ‘what one day I promised myself never to do for you, saving your life, you miserable scum!’
Alfie is waiting nervously at her hacienda. Damian arrives. (ok, have to admit her blouse and necklace are to die for.. where can I find that necklace for myself?) Alfie is in begging mode, asking Dam if he is still mad at her about Augie’s lands. She was not going to steal anything, she was going to pay a fair price. Dam says not so fair, what Gabino offered was a bargain basement. But it doesn’t matter because the lands won’t be ours or Gabino’s. Elisa wants to buy them from Carmina. Alfie argues that seems Gabino did not offer Carmina the full price she(Alfie) was willing to pay.  Dam says it is evident Gabino was playing with you. Still can’t get his head on the fact that Gabino was Alfie’s trusted man for so long. ALfie says well, the important thing is I got rid of him for good. Dam says you took too long. Alfie alerts Dam Gabino left the clinic. And she taps her fingers nervously on her botox chin, she gives him the gun that belonged to Rosie. She is afraid Gabino will try to get back at Damian. Damian refuses, don’t need a weapon to defend myself. She gets him to keep it by telling him it was Rosie’s and he got it as a gift from my father on our wedding day. Dam thinks it is a strange wedding present (and so do I... then again, maybe i would not if papa knew his daughter well enough).
At quinta, Elisa was waiting for Carmina. Carmina arrives nervous and Elisa notices it. Elisa wants to talk … Carmina tells her Gabino walked out of the clinic… Elisa asks if Carmina still plans to sell CA to Gabino. Carmina reminds Elisa that deal was signed by Augie, not her. Elisa asks why won’t you sell it to me for a higher price? Cause it was your dad who decided on the price. I only dealt with Gabino for half of CA. Elisa tells her the lands were for ALfie, gabion was just an intermediary (presta nombres). Let me remind you my dad would never have sold the lands to Alfie. Carmina says as I would never sell them to you. Before I sell them to you I will sell to Gabino, Alfie or any stranger who walks by. Elisa tells her she will fight for CA and the quinta, and since Carmina has another place to live, she will fight for everything that was Stefie’s.
The phone rings. Elisa answers, she is confused by whoever is arranging a meeting with her, she leaves.
Dam is holding the gun in his hand, Flo comes in and gets nervous instantly. Dam tells her the gun story. Flo says you better put it away, so we don’t have an accident. Tomorrow our lives will change… Dam does not believe so. Maybe Gael is right, and we should leave this town… Flo says no, your friend is wrong. Your place is here in LaErmita. You can’t leave.  Dam surprised since she always found any chance to persuade him to live in Mex City. Flo says I don’t want you to sacrifice for me. I know what this town means to you. What about if we just forget the subject for now. Tomorrow will be a very special day for us. That is what matters.
Previews: wedding day, Elisa and Ramona: Flo…what promise did she make? / today you will find out.
Voiceover promises lots of excitement …


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #40 9/11/12: Goodbye, Antonia

I turned on the tv at 7:55 and we were already in full swing! Adri is very upset about his sister in the hospital, in a diabetic coma. He tells his baby girlfriend Paula to value her loved ones "Because life evaporates quickly."

Many of the GI employees want to visit Toni. Fer feels sort of guilty for being so beastly to her; he and Santi now realize she'd always been nice to them. Pluto and Rebe pretend to care.

My tv went dead. When it came back Eva told Mimi on the phone: "I have the keys to Toni's house. I need somebody who can crack a safe."

Jesus and his daughter (Adri's baby girlfriend) come to the hospital. The doctor tells everyone Toni is deteriorating faster than he'd expected, they can't get her out of her diabetic coma and her blood pressure is higher, it's less likely she'll recover. Pluto takes his fake agonies around the corner and there prays to God that she'll die right NOW!

Adriano cries over his sister: I never told you what a great woman I think you are. I am so proud to be your brother. Her eyes flutter! Then she appears to be dead, it must be time for a commercial. While hugging his inconsolable brother-in-law, Pluto mouths his thanks to God for killing Toni.

Helena calls Eva to say Toni just died. Eva, mournfully, to the air: "You left too soon, my dear friend. I hope you pardon me from heaven and believe what I told you, I'll remember you with affection. You were always my beautiful woman."

I thought the commercial might revive her but no, now it's the wake. "Tony is an angel now, we'll miss her," Eva consoles Adri, who says: "She opened her eyes and looked at me before she died." "She was saying goodbye." "She wanted to tell me something." Pluto is pretending he cared. "I can't live without my Antonia." He embraces Helena.

Eva feels guilty. Mimi says it's not her/his fault.

"We shared so many things, our office for instance," sobs Rebe.

Everybody worries for Adri, he has no family now. Juan Carlos's father consoles him too. "She asked me to start a family," Adri says, staring at Paola. JC to Mimi: "And there's my dad, he's suffering all over again, and I can't tell him how much I miss him, and my mother."

We must FF past Pluto's hypocritical hysterics. Shortly we find him at home, pouring a huge goblet of champagne and insulting his wife's ashes. The doorbell rings, he hides the champagne, but it's Rebe! who's ready to start interior decorating "our" house, "finally we'll be together after all these years." She's dreaming about all the shares he'll have inherited. He says they have to pretend sorrow for a while.

Helena's medical insurance is not going to cover his current expenses. There was a mysterious expense 25 years ago and because of that, their benefits have run out (then why are they still paying?????). Sylvia had some serious problem. When Helena asks her mom what it was, her mom nervously lies to her and runs out of the room.

Adri tells Eva: "You were a big consolation to Toni, you were the friend she always wanted to have. And I want to thank your cousin Mimi for helping out too." Adri hints at a big decision to be announced shortly.

JC gripes to Mimi: "I don't have any reason to go to the house now, how will I get in to find Pluto's secrets?" Helena calls and says "I'm going to visit Pluto because he's so sad about his wife's death." JC howls! Then decides to give a surprise to the widower.

Adri invites Paula to her dad's favorite restaurant, he doesn't care who sees them. He proposes marriage.

The show ended a half hour early.


Abismo de pasión #127 9/10/12: Memories, like the corners of my mind...

 Monday's recap brought to you courtesy of cathyx. Thanks Cathy!! (Reminder: there will be no episode on Tuesday.)

Rehash- Doc is at the hacienda waiting for Ingrid when she arrives. He feels as though sheʼs hiding from him. Why did she lie to him? He found out that she was the one to pull the trigger and let Damian take the blame. But I didnʼt come here to talk about that. Why didnʼt you tell me that you married Gabino? Ingrid tries to hug and Doc tells her one of my favorite TN commands ʻNo me toques.” Another one is “largate”. He asks why did she want Damian to take the fall, why did she want him to let Gabino die? She says Gab had everything he had because she got it for him and it isnʼt fair. She wants her portion of it. He is mad that he and Damian got used by her and she needs to largate out of La Ermita and heʼs going to call the police tomorrow. He leaves, she has a hissy fit and throws things around. She grabs the leopard and throws in on the ground and lo and behold, there are the tickets she was looking for.

Carmina visitʼs Gab and cries about why he didnʼt listen to her about how dangerous Ingrid is. He suddenly wakes up and grabs her neck. She breaks free and he complains about his massive headache. She tells him that of course it does, you have a bullet in it. She gets help.

Braulio, Lola and Chente are in the square eating sandwiches. Antonia sees them and yells saying she was looking everywhere for them and there they are. Brau tries to talk to her about being easy on Chente and not fight with him. Antonia tells Lola, hands off my man. Lola agrees and leaves.

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Amor Bravío #24 (Uni 19) Mon 9/10/12

Capitulo 24:   Strong Women, Stubborn Men


Lo del pasado

Julian, El Diablo's henchman, tells him over the phone that he will get the official death notice the next day. El Diablo wants it by fax ASAP so he can put his plans in motion.

Lo de nuevo

Camila's Study (in the cabaña):  Pablo visits her to ask for help with the misunderstanding with Luzma; she makes the call to get her to come over. After she arrives Camila exits just in time for Andres to bring her mare around so she can go riding. He has anticipated her desire to do so, which she finds disturbing. [Methinks this be a metaphor for racier things.]

The two teens start to settle their differences as a teen pop love song plays. We think their elders are more interesting.
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Por ella soy Eva #39 9/10/12: Turning Up the Heat!

Antonia, hanging with Juan in Acapulco, wants to give her her house keys. You know, because she trusts her so much.

Plutarco he shows up at Helena's place with his greasy hair and leather jacket to tell her about his desperate situation with his marriage to Antonia. He acts all broken-up, presumably looking to get some sympathy points with Eva. Then they go to her dad's house to get Lalito back. Pluto has worked out some weird arrangement with Helena's dad whereby Helena gets to take Lalito if the two of them will live with Pluto and Antonia. I don't really get it. They retrieve the boy and go out to eat.

Heckel and Jekyll (Santi and Fernando) are at the pool, barking at girls in bikinis. They want to have some fun w/ these bonboncitas! Eva pops in to keep them honest... Antonia is there too, and the jerks make fun of her, so Eva and Antonia  really crank the screws and turn up the pressure on them for being jerks. Eva makes a speech about the grace of the feminine form in all its shapes and sizes and throws them both in the pool.

Meanwhile, Marcela, Fernando's overworked wife, assures her daughter that her husband would never cheat, but deep-down she's not so sure.

Pathetic and gross old Adriano is getting desperate, calling his underage girlfriend (who is eating ice cream)  and begging for her attention: "Yo estoy loco por ti!" Nothing interesting happens with those two this episode.

At the pool, Eva admires Antonia's aquamarine choir-gown, they talk about true beauty being within, and then she tears off the robe and dives into the water in a swimsuit! Eva awkwardly declines to hop in with her and scuttles off to confer with Mimi by phone about possibly faking it in a swimsuit.

Rebeca, Pluto's bimbo is eating cherries and wondering why he is so late. Fortunately, the waitress serving Pluto, Helena, and Lalito is an informant for Rebeca, and lets her know that her Cachito is eating out with another lady and some squirt! Predictably, Rebe flips out again... "That vile scorpion Helena... How dare she steal "my" man?"

Jeez, EVERYONE is in Acapulco! Paty baby is here too!

OMG THE JIG IS UP! Antonia walks in on Juan in a state of disarray (as he struggles to think of a way to hide his leg hair and get in the pool) and immediately recognizes him! Poor girl, she thinks this is all some cruel trick. In all the time Juan spends saying "let me explain" he probably could have summed it up. Anyway, she lets him explain and he tells her it was all for love of Helena, but he still likes her a lot as a friend. Poor Antonia feels like she was used. Juan looks suitably remorseful and attentive to her distress. THEN he hits her with another blow: accusing her husband of the fraud and asking her to help him find proof of Pluto's villainy. She begs time to think and process.

Marcela is at home continuing a sweet conversation with her daughter about whether to choose career, family, or do both. The girl seems to have a good idea of the qualities that make her dad such a jerk (though Marcela insist her husband exhibits none), and the girl seems to be listening to her mom's advice much more closely than any real teenager would.

Pluto yells at a portrait of his wife and smashes it - He says he was only playing games before, but now he's serious about bumping her off - he wants to be the widower who conquers Helena.

Alone in her hotel room, Antonia thinks back on all the times Juan/Eva was sweet to her. Including the time that I must have missed that Antonia tried to commit suicide with Vitamins and Juan talked her down! I think this is the leadup to her realizing that Juan really has changed.

Anyway, here are the advances:
Tomorrow: Antonia will catch her husband getting nasty with Rebeca! Yay!


Refugio Para el Amor #110 Mon 9/10/12 Vio’s Looking for a Sugar Daddy; Vicky’s Trying to Lose a Sugar Daddy, but Gains a Dangerous Enemy in Rosa; Luci and Rod Refuse to Board the Forgiveness Train

Luciana has once again had the unfortunate timing of encountering Roselena while trying to seek out Padre Honesto. She should realize by now that 90% of the good Padre’s time is spent (unwillingly) listening to Rosa’s crazy rants.  The Padre, eager to use that 10% of Rosa-free time, immediately leaves them alone when Rosa says she and Luci have a pending conversation. He really couldn’t get out of there fast enough!

Rosa offers Luci a chair, but Luci wisely chooses to remain standing and clutching her bag. (Good thinking Luci. Easier to fight and take flight that way.) Rosa’s back in Stepford Wife mode, and starts weaving her tale about her only sin being protecting her family and keeping them united. She knows that for Luci, she must seem the worst woman in the world, but she swears before God, Christ, and the Padre’s large cross, in a Church no less, that she’s repentant! (Where is that bolt of lightning when it’s needed?) Luci’s not falling for it for a second. She holds her head high, looks at Rosa and then the cross and says: “Well, then let Him (God) forgive you, because I can’t.”  Woohooo!!!!!
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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #104-108 Sept. 10-14

Oh I wish I had time to do this episode justice. Thank heaven for the witty discussion!

The Flintstone Plotline

  • The gals show up at Zoe's. While there, Sabrina slimes on FFFFF and Isa sees it. Later, Ssssabrina slimes on Fer and Zoe sees.
  • The next day the three Caballeros Tarados fret over the Hobag Conundrum. Every once and a while Fer talks some sense: "better to tell the truth ourselves than to let Sabrina talk." That idea gets shot down every time. They think a payoff will work. Dumba$$es.
  • Manny asks Fer if she can fire Ssssabrina. He gives the go ahead. Sssabrina gets pithed and tells him he has until tomorrow to decide to give her her job back or she's blabbing.
  • Isa confronts FFFFF while Zoe confronts Fer.
  • Everyone leaves work early. Susy wonders if anyone around the constructora works.
  • Isa confronts Ssssabrina. Ssssanbrina admits to sleeping with FFFFF (it was just a simple "acostón; un chiste rapitín" she argues.) Isa swears on her mother that if Sssabrina keeps it up she will pay and  cry lágrimas de sangre.
  • Zoe confronts Ssssabrina. See above. Zoe doesn't go the tears of blood route. She goes the Slap the Ho route.
Horny, Willy, Lucia
  • Horny offers to pay reIcky dos mil pesos to rough up Lucia.
  • Lucia tells Reina and the other girl not to say a word to Willy, but she's heading off to Canada. The promise not to tell Willy. Luckily they tell Jazmín who promptly tells Willy.
  • Willy, Moncho, Juancho, Nacho and Chicho devise Operación Tananana.
Beba and Jorrible
  • Beba fusses at Jorrible for fighting with Fernando.
There was tons of vocab I didn't get to write down. I hope that I can do that tonight. 


Saturday, September 08, 2012

Amor Bravío #23 (Uni 18) Fri 9/7/12 Pushy Broads Like Viviana Make The Rockin’ World Go ‘Round Or “Ruh-roh!” For Rafa And D’Andres

Capítulo 23    

While Camila is still trying to find daylight at the end of the tunnel of love, Viviana and Isadora show us once again that behind every wimpy, impotent man there’s an uber-domineering mother; and behind every self-respecting woman’s decision to stand up for herself [darse lugar], there’s an unthinking hunk of a male whose mouth moves faster than his brain, and whose maw is large enough to accommodate a size 13 foot.  (Rafa, honey, call your office!)

Lo Del Nuevo

Rafael goes on a fact-finding investigation, pretending that he and his mama are interested in buying Rancho La Malquerida.  He flashes that brilliant smile with those sparklingly gorgeous brown eyes at the helpless, young county clerk who then tells him—in strictest confidence--that there is a very wealthy entrepreneur, whose trade in stock is tourist developments and who wants to buy this property in order to convert it into an important vacation/tourist development.  Rafa’s little expedition is cut short when he gets a call from Viviana supposedly telling to come quickly because a calf is about to be born, and they’re going to watch while Camila works her veterinarian magic.

At the M.Q., Augustina watches Isadora and Alonso perambulating into the living room together.  Gussie’s curious as to why Al’s out of the hospital so soon.  Poor, abandoned Al takes the opportunity to plead his case and whines that since Cami didn’t want to come see him, he’s back to be “at her side”, feeling that his first priority is his wife.  Gussie tells them she isn’t so sure her daughter will want anything to do with him, but she’s tending to her animals in the stables right now in any case and doesn’t have time.  Doesn’t matter, says the forlorn Lonso.  He’s going to find her-r-r-r and force her-r-r-r to face hi-i-i-i-m! NO, objects the devoted MamaDora, as she shoves Sonny Boy back down onto the couch.  (Sorry, but the more I see of Flavio Medina playing the supposed son of lovely Leticia Calderon, the more I feel the actor should have gotten a face peel before filming, or make-up should have given Leti a few more wrinkles and a little fake streak of gray hair!  It’s like Benjamin Buttons, the early years!)  Mama declares that she’ll find and fetch Cam, then races out the door on her quest. Gussie stares indignantly at her loathsome loser of a son-in-law as he begins chewing what remains of his claws.  He peeks up through the corner of his squinty little eyes at her, flinching and scowling under her accusatory gaze, and waits for MamaDora to procure “his” cold-hearted and cruel Camila for a suitable scolding. 

Outside in the driveway, Padre Baldedero gives Daniel a verbal thrashing for lying to him about living out on the street when really he was staying at Sra. Amanda’s B&B.  Dan’s excuse is that he feared being discovered and didn’t have any idea that Amanda was his mother’s friend until the padre told him so.  Ok, says Baldo, then why did Dan refuse a perfectly good and safe position in town to work there at this ranch?  Dan replies that there’s no better place to get to the bottom of things than by being in the middle of a den of thieves [boca del lobo=in the lion’s mouth/den].  He’s going to make things right and get justice, like he told him before--or die trying.  Padre insists it’s too dangerous.  Dan says he’s got nothing to lose and a lot to gain if he does.  It’s suddenly clear to Padre why Dan wanted a letter of recommendation from him—to get on here and be protected!!  Yep, nods Dan. FYI, Padre needs to remember to call him Andres around there!  Fine. Padre says he’s got a letter from his daddy for him that would have done the same, and he was about to give it to him, but he wanted to assure himself about the facts first.   (Padre’s intentions are good, but even a snail sprints faster than this old dude!)

MamaDora now walks into the cow pens and finds Cami tending to her sick cow who’s having a problem with labor.  Isa tries shaming Cam into rushing back with her to her hubby’s side.   “--Why, he couldn’t bear to stay another day in the hospital without you!” (Aw, tell her to pitch that load of manure over the fence into the bull pens with the rest of the dung!)  Cam bites her tongue and tries explaining she needs to finish up there, but will be in immediately after, implying (as all Viewerville and anybody with half a brain can see) that ailing Al couldn’t be that lonesome, what with his mama and Gussie there to keep waiting on him hand and foot! “—I can’t believe that this cow is more important than your husband!!!  What a lack of humanity you’re showing!”  (The cows, of course, are the geese, to mix my metaphors, laying the golden eggs…er…bulls here, lady! They’re the very things that allow Lonnie Boy and you to sponge off los Monterde—and, I bet you pesos to pine nuts that Vivi was ready to tell old abhor-rible Dora exactly that if she’d gotten half a chance!) 

Cam, still cool under fire, hurriedly spells it out for MamaDora: it was Alonso’s decision to leave the hospital against the doctor’s orders, so please don’t come telling her how to act or not concerning her husband.  Isa riles and pulls rank on her DIL, reminding Cam to mind her tone.  Cam apologizes and politely repeats that she should not interfere with her and her husband’s personal business, and assures her that she’ll be in once she’s finished with the important duties there!  Isa sniffs and storms off (undoubtedly not used to being contradicted in both word and deed), griping the whole way out about how Camila’s attitude is “inconcebible [inconceivable/ unbelievable]”!!   Viv gives Cam kudos for standing her ground.   Cam takes heart and gets back to birthing [alumbrar] her bulls.

Inside the hacienda again, Gussie brings her lonesome (loathsome) SIL some broth.  He begs her to convince Cami that he only did what he did to avoid more aggravation and frustration for her.  It was an “experiment” you see, to check whether his “problem” had solved itself. Gussie replies that times have changed and women stick up for themselves nowadays; they don’t feel they have to put up with this kind of humiliation, aka, ridiculous male chauvinist crap.  In walks the irritated and irksome Isadora, complaining that Camila was more interested in some “stinking [apestosa] old cow” than her indisposed, doting and adoring hubby, Al.  Hearing that, Lonnie races out of his bed and rushes angrily down to the cow pens to give Cam a piece of his mind--which, in light of the circumstances in which he was found, makes Viewerville wonder if there was another blocked artery, one depriving oxygenated blood to his brain!!    

The co-madres race out after loping Alonso, trying to stop him from another boneheaded and deadly mishap.  Loping Lon rushes past D’Andres and the Padre in the driveway, but Gussie orders D’Andres to chase after him.  Padre mentions he was there to check on Al’s health; Gussie asks him how he knew about Alonso.  Somebody in town told him.  Gussie and Isadora are horrified to realize that apparently the whole town now knows about the damnable droop in Alonso’s drawers.

Luzma, meanwhile, arrives home and lies to Leoncio and her mama about her suspension.  Instead she tells them that due to “a teachers’ meeting,” school’s out for the next couple of days.  Tío Leo tells her she’s got chores to do, helping her mother if she’s off school, and he wants no buts about it!  He’s not about to allow her to “laze around the place [andar de vaga]” while her mama’s got work to do.  (Ok.  Even a broken clock, as they say, is right twice a day.)

Viv and D’Andres watch the fireworks ringside when Lon eventually shows up at the cow pens and immediately starts carping about his having to walk all the way down there just to talk with her because she’d rather attend to some cow than hi-i-i-i-m!  (Sorry, Numb-nuts, but word up: the sad truth is that this cow’s carcass, alive or dead, is worth oodles more than yours!) Cami, despite all, tries politely suggesting that he return to the house, promising that she’ll attend to him when she’s finished with the cow.  However, that won’t do for the perverse little putz!   “—No! We’re going back to the house together! (Is that a foot stomp I see?) Your priority as my wife is me!”  Cam says yep, she gets it, and he’s right.  A wife’s duty is to attend to her husband; but since they never had that kind of relationship, they are an incompatible husband and wife and she wants a divorce! (Nice way to turn the tables, toots!  High fives start hittin’ all over Viewerville.) Cara de I can’t believe-she-shoved-it-back-in-my-face-and-pulled-a-proverbial-fast-one-on-me de Loathsome Lon. 

Back inside the main house, Dionisio arrives and greets the gang.  He gives a special swak to his mark, aka, the ever-gushing and most gullible Gussie, as Viewerville pauses for a communal gag before turning its attention back to the screen.  Gussie introduces Padre B to Dio, “her novio”.  The padre takes note and then his leave. 

Back by the cow pens, Lon is pissed as hell.  “—It’s a bit personal a topic to discuss in front of this worthless trash [gentuza= low-class scum of humanity, white trash, rabble] don’t you think?”  Yep, agrees Cam.  “--So go back inside and I’ll come by in a bit to discuss it with you after I’m done.  I am busy right now.”  He starts grabbing at his chest and bitching about his condition.  Cam warns him not to try that emotional blackmail crap on her.  She hasn’t got time for it!  He heads back towards the main house, eventually screaming at D’Andres to stop following him around already!  Rafa shows up at that point and asks what’s going on.  Dan explains that Cami just asked her hubby for a divorce in front of gawd and everyone.  Rafa’s excited as hell.  Cami’s not going to forgive the rat bastard after all!  Now’s his chance!  Don’t get so excited, says D’Andres.  “--She needs that wimp around to do her dirty work for her!”  Rafa, all smiles, insists that Dan’s just so wrong about her.

Vivi tells Cam she did the right thing and to hang in there and stand her ground.  No guilty feelings, because Cami married a guy who became a stranger to her.  No, says Cam, he was a stranger from the beginning.  (I’d say the operative word here is “strange” rather than “stranger”.) Viv adds that she shouldn’t doubt her motives or her actions.  She knows, because she felt uncertain and doubted the same way Cami is now.  “--Divorce is a frightening thing and so is the loneliness that comes with it.”  Cam sobs tears of frustration and relief, admitting she feels alone half the time as it is.  Viv continues to encourage her to buck up, since after all she’s an intelligent, educated, attractive, self-sufficient gal who should never lose sight of that!  She even has herself a ranch!  Cam stops her there and explains that the ranch really isn’t hers and how her uncle left it all to his illegitimate son.  More tears on Viv’s shoulder.

At the same time, Rafa finishes telling Daniel that the M.Q. is being sold but, that he’s sure Camila doesn’t know it.  Dan argues that she has to know it because she ordered the appraisal herself.  Rafa explains that she loves the land and the animals too much to sell them, so it wouldn’t make sense.  (Anybody else think Dan’s too linear in his thinking?)  Dan doesn’t buy it, so Rafa agrees to disagree and says that’s why they’re going to continue their fact-finding mission and get to the truth!

Cami continues explaining the odd circumstances and events concerning this fugitive cousin, Daniel Diaz Acosta, to Viv and explains that nobody knows who he is, or even what he looks like, since nobody’s ever met him. 

In the meantime, across the way at the Buenaventura, Big Bro Mariano returns home.  In rushes Pablo and demands to know if Eliana erased the message from Luzma the night before.  Eliana lies, saying no, of course not, but once the two brothers are out of the room she allows herself a malevolent and victorious smile as hisses are now heard in living rooms throughout Viewerville.

Back at the M.Q., Dionisio gets on Al’s case about the pending disaster now that his divorce is imminent.  He warns Al that if Camila kicks his scrawny ass to the curb, that he’ll take this loser’s place as lover in charge.  Lonnie argues that Dio can’t do that since the woman he’s talking about is his wife! Dio lets out with a belly laugh and a half.  “—Je-je! She’s what??”  Scowling Al doesn’t see the irony in his poorly chosen words.  You might want it that way, lecturers Dio, but seems to me that we’re all very aware that that never happened and I’ll be damned if I’ll lose the huge investment I've made in this project so far!  Al doesn’t see it that way.  Naw, Camila wouldn’t give him a second look.  Dio scoffs.  “--You wanna bet??” Dio spells it out in no uncertain terms.  Unlike a loser like Alonso, he actually knows how to woo a woman, to keep her happy and contented, and most of all…sssssatisfied!  Al sneers back that Camila would never go for it, especially after Dio’s dating Cam’s mama.  Dio scoffs. “--We’ll see about that, now won’t we?”

At los Alberrán, Eliana eavesdrops against a closed study door as Mariano assures Pablo that he’s not as closed-minded as their parents when it comes to somebody’s background or financial status.  If little brother and Luzma love each other then that’s all that counts.  Pablo can count on his support he assures him and then persuades him to go after his gal and fight to win her back.

At the same time, Camila tells Rafa and Viv that while she’s waiting for the calf to start down the birth canal, she’s going to take the break to discuss things with Alonso. 

Luzma finds out from D’Andres, meantime, that there was a message left from Pablo on Camila’s answering machine after all.  D’Andres finds out that Cami’s been acting as a go-between of sorts because Luzma and her boyfriend must hide their relationship from everyone.  That’s why she was outside the night he defended her from Terrible Tío Leo, but he never showed and blah, blah, blah…..  D’Andres fights a major eye-roll and sends her off to work things out with her “ex-non-ex-or-whatever”.

Dio runs into Cam inside the main house and tells her in his most ingratiating and sycophantic way that he doesn’t agree with Al’s behavior and he’s on her side unconditionally.  So, if she needs anything from him he’ll be there, yes he will, cuz she’s got a friend...for whatever else….uh-hem…she needs. Cam says thanks and blows if off. 

Dora and Gussie meanwhile, chat over coffee.  ViboraDora tells Gussie that she should take it slow with Dio, since nobody knows that much about him and his friendship/association with Alonso is a rather recent thing.  “--Could be he’s a man that runs from commitment, don’t you think? After all, strange that he’s never once been married.”  Gussie says they’re giving it a try for a while, but she feels his intentions are totally honorable.  Dora advises her that, even so, she shouldn’t get her hopes up or “confuse infatuation [enamoramiento] with the fear of loneliness.”

Upstairs, Cam comes in for a chat about bailing from Ailing Al.  He apologizes profusely and races on about how he was only trying to rescue their relationship and to test out the situation without hurting her in order to avoid the same hurtful arguments they’ve had.  She brings up the therapist again and asks why he’s not been seeing one as he promised he would.  Al says something about using a pill instead for a shortcut cure-all which of course, he sees now was stooopid… and the rest is history.  He mentions that he feels castrated around her.  She is tired of hearing that old saw again, she says, and figures it’s all the more reason to end their farce of a marriage right now, amiably as he promised when she gave him a second chance. 

Meanwhile, D’Andres and Rafa are discussing Cam’s husband and the pending divorce.  Rafa makes the mistake of calling him Daniel just as Vivi walks up to them.  She overhears and asks why he just called Andres ‘Daniel’ ?   “—What’s going on here?  Where do you two know each other from anyway?” 

Back up in their bedroom again, the sniveling Alonso gets on his knees and pathetically begs Cam not to divorce him.   She tries to get him to stand up.  He blubbers some more and tells her he can’t possibly live without her, that he truly loves her.  She’s his life!  (Pardon me while I fight the indigestion reliving this scene is giving me.)  She calmly reasons with him that it’s no good tying oneself to something that isn’t working, and then reminds him that he promised they’d divorce on good terms if it ever came to that.  He denies it and finally refuses outright to give her a divorce.  (Ok.  Annulment, it is then?!)  She stares him down and calmly walks out of the room, almost as if she’s backing away from a skittish and dangerous wild animal to avoid it charging at her.

Outside once more, Rafa and Dan try lying their way out of the dung pile they’ve stepped in.  Rafa lies, saying they only met there through the interviews he did with the staff; D’Andres says Rafa simply made a mistake cuz he meant to call him Andres.  She screams at them to stop treating her like a dumb female cuz if there’s one thing she can’t stand it’s for men to do that to her!! Rafa starts to give in and tells D’Andres that she can be trusted [de fiar]. Dan tries walking off and leaving them to sort it out.  Viv gets in his face, tho’, and warns him to tell her the truth or she won’t be responsible for what comes next!  Rafa tells Dan that she won’t stop till she gets what she wants from them.  Dan still tries pretending he’s just an ignorant peon, but she threatens to tell Cam that she heard Rafa call him Daniel.  D’Andres says he doubts she’ll care.  Viv gets in his face.  “--Oh no?  Well, she just happens to be waiting for a guy named Daniel who is her cousin and who’s the sole heir of the ranch.  So, would you happen to be that Daniel she’s waiting for?” 

Rafa gets upset that Viv never told her anything about it.  “--Could be that’s because Camila just finished telling me! Nobody knows anything about him; but he’s a fugitive from justice and that he’s the true owner of this hacienda.”  Dan starts to walk off but Viv stops him in his tracks.  “—You are that person, aren’t you?  You are Daniel Diaz Acosta, her cousin and the sole heir to La Malquerida!”

In town, Padre B stops in at Lic. Osvaldo Becerra’s legal office to tell him that he has not only met Dionisio Ferrer, but he’s now officially dating Agustina. 

At the same time, Dan tries to squirm out of it one last time.  He wouldn’t be there working as a cowboy or a chauffeur, he explains, if he were some heir-apparent to a ranch!  Sure he would, says Viv, if he were hiding from the law!  “--What a coinkydink that you’re not from around here; that you have a Chilean accent, not to mention that you seem totally unsuited as a cowboy and are well-educated, too educated to be accepting the pittance of a salary a cowboy makes!  So tell me what’s going on here already or I’ll go tell Camila and she can sort it out!”  Rafa grabs Viv’s arm and pleads with Daniel to let her in on it.  He refuses. “—She’s Camila’s friend!”  Rafa insists she can be trusted and to just tell her the truth already!  Dan backs off then and admits sarcastically that he really has no choice at this point.  He asks her to be  as trustworthy as Rafael claims she is.  “--What I have to tell you is rather sensitive, too sensitive, to tell you out here.”  Vivi agrees and offers to have them come to her place that evening to give their side of it with her.  She won’t tell Cam anything for now, she says, but warns them that her loyalty is totally to Camila.

In town at Lic. Becerra’s again, Baldo tells Osvaldo that he doesn’t trust this Dionisio Ferrer character as far as he can throw him [me da mala espina], and he especially doesn’t like him involving himself at the ranch, considering his past history with Don Daniel.  They agree Dio’s probably going to try taking advantage of Camila and Agustina’s “fragile state of mind” in order to get his hands on the ranch.  Padre B encourages him to fight for her if he truly cares for her.  “--Don’t let this other guy steal her away!”

Rafa and Viv, now, fight over his keeping secrets from her with all that money involved.  She says she feels used.  Rafa defends Daniel and his intentions, but can’t go into why because Cami comes back at that point.  The sick cow is about to deliver her calf now so the group race over to the pens. 

In the meantime, MamaDora stops by to chat with Sonnie to find out what happened with them.  He tells her that Camila is determined to get that divorce and admits that he is in love with her; that he loves her more than life itself.  There’s no way he can allow Dio to take her away from him.  Dora is dumbfounded.  What’s he mean?  Al explains how the guy threatened to go after Cam if she divorces him.  Al comments that it was Dio who approached him about becoming business partners and in the end who really wants control of the ranch.  He can’t stand the guy any longer, he says.  Dio’s gotten so ambitious that he’d do anything to get what he wants!  No problem, says Mama.  If they play their cards right, if anything goes wrong, the only one to blame will be Dio.  They’ll come out of it all smelling like a rose.  For that reason, warns Mama, Al has to remain cool headed and free of any emotion.  Love can’t be a part of this equation.   

D’Andres is now at the cow pens to help with the birth of the calf.  Cami delivers the calf, a bull, but the mother dies.  It’s obvious that Cami has done everything humanly possible to save the animal and feels really bad about the whole thing.  She leaves the group to clear her head.  Rafa looks over at Dan and asks him to recognize that “any woman who would feel that badly over the death of an animal wouldn’t be able to harm a human being.” Dan remains skeptical. “—Yeah, well people are capable of anything for money, and there’s lots of money here!”  Rafa is disgusted and simply reminds him they’ll see each other that night at Viv’s.

Inside the main house again, Gussie tells Piedad how happy she is with her new romance; that she figures she’s being compensated for so many years alone.  Just then she takes a call from Lic. Becerra.  He makes a date with her for early morning coffee to discuss some important information he’s just recently discovered.

Across town from Becerra’s office, Dio takes a call from El Trench saying he’ll have the death certificate in his hands the next morning. 

Dio smiles triumphantly and says to himself that finally he will have possession of both the ranch and of Camila Monterde!!


Abismo de pasión #126 9/7/13: Squawking & Stalking

Hacienda Beltrán:

After Elisa overhears the conversation between Ingrid and Damián, Dam comes clean about who really shot whom. No more lies! Well, at least not about that. Ing turns on the waterworks and the lie fountain, but Damián says let’s just see what Gabino has to say when he wakes up. He stalks off.

Ingrid whinges away to Elisa about shooting Gabino to protect herself and, oh, right, Gael – he threatened Gael. Yeah. Elisa says she totally understands: she, too, would have defended herself against anything other than a lifetime of verbal abuse, character assassination, attempted rape and slapping. You know, something really serious. But anyway, that wasn’t what she came for – she wants information on the Blue House. There’s a loud KA-CHING KA-CHING KA-CHING as Ingrid’s eyes turn into a slot-machine jackpot. The Blue House! The tickets! Let us fly, my pretty!

Hacienda Castañon:

Gael finally has enough of Tía Crazy’s poison pills and stalks off himself, only to encounter the Begoñaphone on the sidewalk. She dresses him down about his trashy mother and his trashy friends and he takes this for an amazingly long time before re-stalking.

Begoña goes inside and tries to rope her pretend friend into her little pity party: that tendriled tramp stole my husband, and now he’s going to marry her – and, what’s even worse, take her to live in the house that I decorated! Carmina has to pull out her little bingo card of sympathetic clichés to remember how normal people behave in this situation: ¡Qué barbaridad! ¡No puede ser! ¡Pobre de ti! Then she puts the card away and goes back to being herself: I have some citrus secrets that will give you the upper hand…

Read more »


Por ella soy Eva #38 9/7/12 : I'll go if you go. Or will I? Are you going? Maybe I won't. Hmmm...

Our characters spent much of the hour debating whether or not they should go to Acapulco.

Eva and/or Juan Carlos
JC tells Mimi what he learned on the phone. Supposedly JC bought a $3 million share in that hotel with the money he stole from GI, but the hotel never got the money. Surely Pluto has it. They'll need to find someone who can crack a safe!

In the restroom, Cindy(?) asks Eva if she has a "toalla." Eva calls her "clueless," and cluelessly hands the confused girl a paper towel from the dispenser. (Sanitary pads are also called "towels" in other nations, including England.) Read more »


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