Friday, November 08, 2013

La Tempestad, Thursday November 7, 2013 —No Puede Ser

Miami, Florida
A Penthouse Apartment

To: Señor Televisa Ejecutivo
Senior Vice President
International Programming Sales

Dear Señor Ejecutivo:

I am writing to inform you of my progress in combining ‘La Tempestad’ with Disney’s ‘Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride’. At the risk of sounding too self-congratulatory I must say that things are going splendidly.

I am settling in to my ‘day job’ at Univision in Miami and no one suspects that I am on a mission from Corporate Televisa to undermine the mental health of the American TN viewing audience.  This editing position is a piece of cake—really, I could just cut and chop at random and I think few would notice.

However, Don Televisa, (I am always your humble servant) I took your suggestion and used my time wisely whilst recuperating in Los Angeles. I faithfully went to the tanning and massage salon that you suggested and I took frequent field trips to Disneyland with that unsophisticated dolt, Nareo.

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CI capítulo 128, Thur. 11-7-13 -- The Good, the Bad, and the Crazy. (You Decide Who’s Who.)

            Simona involves Maricruz in the main drama of this episode. The Narvaez brothers share in this problem, while some secondary characters stir and simmer their own drama in the background.  The smaller matters will be summarized first, then on to the juicy stuff. 

            Simona puts on a convincing show for the doctors, answering their questions correctly and appearing quite sane and logical. They leave.
            Perico discusses marriage at Solita (not with, exactly.) She understands once he points to his ring finger. She happily mimes a wedding crown, veil, and long train on a dress. He can’t afford a lavish wedding and somehow makes her understand. She happily agrees to a simple ceremony.     
            Valdez of the rodent face is visiting Vargas and saying the people must move from the Rancho Narvaez settlement so gold extraction can begin.

Land Grabbing and Gossip
            Valdez and Vargas discuss the wild colony (Realengo) and the rancho colony (Narvaez). If Vargas would just cooperate in moving everyone out, he could become the CEO of a utility company in the city. If he doesn’t, who knows where he could end up? (So much for Solita and MC hosting his wedding at the hacienda.)

            Clorinda stops by to visit Ester. The people are restless and miserable; they need to see a solution to the land and housing problem. By the way, Amador is doing better with his daughter Lina. He brings her treats and pays more attention to her. And Simona is BSC. Clo needs to find Padre Julian and let him know there’s violence brewing with the poor folk.  That evening, Padre Julian visits Ester and Clorinda returns. There are five sick people at the riverside and the situation is dangerous.

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Thursday, November 07, 2013

PEAM #173- 11/7/13- The Garcia- Montemayor Family Can Never Have a Happy Family Function

Good evening to all, it’s me Luisita once again.

My brother’s dad is back in jail and some idiot named Darwin is bothering him about that monster, Uri.  This idiot said that he knows that Rogelio has money hidden and he could use it for them.

I’m at work with my mami and my papi.  They will be home about 9.  Paty asks what time they are going to be home.  She is acting very suspicious.

At mi abuela- Chatita’s house she is waiting for Cricket Face.  My soon to be abuelo, Panfilo.  He cleans up well.
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The return of Lupita Narvaez CI #127 Wed Nov.7th, 2013

My DVR ate the episode, I tried to look online for it and only found bits of it, the following is what I was able to see, if I can find the episode online tonight I'll come back and re-do this :(

An open letter to Perrico:

 Dear Perrico, I think I speak for all of viewerville when I say that you need to go pound sand! If you love Natrasha then go be with her and leave poor Solita alone. She needs someone who is kind and loyal and you are neither. Is there something in the water that makes you and everyone else in this godforsaken story believe that marriage is the solution to all your problems? Do I need to remind you that the last person who someone married out of pity now has a brain tumor? Do you want your own brain tumor? Thought not. Please Perrico if you don't love Solita leave her alone, or else we will all get out our pointy sticks and hunt you like a dog.

Kisses and Hugs,


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Cast of Lo Que La Vida Mi Robo

Angelique Boyer is Montserrat Mendoza she is the convent educated girl. She is the daughter of Graciela and Lauro Mendoza.

Osvaldo Benavides as Dimitrio Mendoza is Montserrat's brother and son of Graciela and Lauro.

Daniela Castro as Graciela Giacinti de Mendoza is the Mama from Hell of Montserrat and Dimitrio.

Rogelio Guerra as Lauro Mendoza is a retired Military police capitan. Graciela's husband and Papa of Montserrat and Dimitri.

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Synopsis: English translation of the teaser for 'Lo Que La Vida Me Robó' and: we could use some more recappers for this one.

If you'd like to recap email me: - thanks - blog mom.

This story takes place in the picturesque town of Aguazul. Montserrat lives there: she's a pretty girl, of high social status, who wants to have a "rose colored" life. She is constantly manipulated by her mother, Graciela Giacinti, for whom only social appearances are important and who will under no circumstances lose social status, even though her husband Lauro Mendoza, a retired admiral, has lost everything.

Montserrat has been converted into the solution to all her parents' socio-economic problems: her mother has selected her the ideal spouse, Sebastián de Icaza, son of one of the most influential familes in Aguazul. Nevertheless, Montserrat is not interested in marrying for her family's convenience and in fact is in love with José Luis, who runs a marina. Her parents ignore this romance, and this oppresses their daughter.

José Luis feels his relationship with Montserrat is going nowhere and feels the family Mendoza will never accept him.

On the other hand, Alejandro, a laborer on a nearby farm with hopes of bettering his station in life, knows the truth: that his father is Don Benjamin Almonte, a cruel, powerful and wealthy man who revealed this secret on his deathbed. Alejandra didn't receive this news happily. At the very same time life will bring him to meet Montserrat, for whom he immediately falls!

[Skipping a lot which seems to be spoilers]

The destiny of these three people will coincide and among them will be love, friendship, passion, contempt and rancor due to secrets, betrayals and hate provoked by the ambition and avarice that surrounds them.

Cast of characters:

Daniela Castro is Graciela Giacinti de Mendoza
Bad guy. Hypocrite, she appears a devoted woman devoted to her Catholicism but is actually a dark creature full of ambition and greed. She loves to be surrounded by luxury and is proud to be part of an important family. But she has a secret! Long ago she was the lover of Benjamín Almonte. Now, for money she is capable of selling her own daughter to his bastard son and heir.

Angelique Boyer is Montserrat Mendoza

Good guy. Noble, capable of sacrificing herself for her family. Fragile and innocent, she's been in a convent. To her own surprise, little by little she falls truly in love with her husband, which will be a problem when she falls for José Luis. All her problems will strengthen her character.

Sebastián Rulli is Alejandro Almonte

Good guy. Loyal and fair, a gentleman who treats people with respect. His mother, a humble farm worker, died when he was a lad. His life changes when his boss confesses to being his father and leaves him a pot of dough. He becomes a powerful man. He meets Montserrat and falls hopelessly in love with her.

Luis Roberto Guzmán is José Luis Álvarez

Good guy. From a poor background but honorable and a good worker. Capable of anything when it comes to love. Montserrat is the love of his life. When he finds out she is forced to marry a man she despises while he is in jail (unjustly) [spoilers]. He realizes, sadly, that the love Montserrat has for him has changed and that Alejandro, her husband, is a good man.

Sergio Sendel is Pedro Medina

Bad guy, of course. Arrogant and egotistical, of course. [Will he throw phones?] He married Nadia for political reasons: he needed a wife of perfect reputation and a good name when he ran for municipal president. He's dedicated to persecuting Alejandro.

Rogelio Guerra is Lauro Mendoza

Bad guy. Retired husband of Marina, he seems strong but deep down is weak. He and Graciela had two children: Montserrat and Dimitrio. His heart troubles, exacerbated by losing all his riches, have diminished him before his dominating wife.

There are a lot more characters described at Novela y Series

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La Tempestad Capitulo 73 , Wed 11/06/13 - Hernan is the man with the plan, but do they ever work?

Edited scenes are in a pretty COLOR.

Ernesto wants Hernan to prove his loyalty to him by kidnapping his hijo and bringing the bebé to Ernie ASAP. Hernan vows he never betrayed Ernie and if Ernie says frog then Hernan will jump.

DamLoyal is damglad that Marina believes him. Hugs. He wants her on his DamManlyChest and to be a family that will never be separated.

Jose helps battered Becky onto her bed. He tells Ms. CabezaDura he’s tired of her little jokes that always make fun of his feelings. He says he’ll be sure to let her boyfriend Oso know she’s been hurt. Becky wants to run after Jose but her ankle hurts, her head is pounding and she aches all over.

DamSweet and Marina enjoy the warm evening breeze in R-LayDee and agree it’s impossible for them to stay away from each other. He says they will prove to the world that their love is like the sea, infinite and eternal.
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Mentir Para Vivir #23 Wed 11/6/13 That's no forro - that's my wife!

MPV Wednesday 11-6-13  That's no forro - that's my wife!

Celio tells Ricky the only thing missing fjrom El Bungalo is Ricky's graduation photo album.  Ricky instructs Elio that under no circumstances is Seba allowed entry on the premises

Gimnacio Sagrado
Mariano of the Plaid Priesthood is intrigued with Seba's attitude w/Maria; and now this issue with the photos and the "secret".  He reminds Ricky that Maria often imagines things and she may have made up the whole thing about the "secret". He asks Ricky if Maria might have been promiscuous in her youth and if she was a virgin when.......Ricky gets frustrated and repeats, again, that he doesn't remember anything about that fateful night.  Mariano miraculously puts two and two together (he is a priest, after all)--maybe Seba is someone else's son!  And maybe that's the "secret" he and Maria share!   Must be the Power of the Plaid Priesthood!

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PEAM #172-11/6/13: Gossip Girl Avon: Ultimas Semanas!!!

Recap By Pablo

Delia doesn't care about luuuurve!

This is the second time Delia set Rogelio and Patricia apart. The first time only Jesús noticed a silent cry on her face but now the whole IMSS hospital are witnesses of her pain and suffering. ''We need Ane and Dr Osorio in the reception area, Dr. Osorio please bring Ane Sthesia to the reception area''. Sorry Pato, you can keep swimming, but this pichón is going back to his cage... now with less marbles and no legs!!

Hi, I am Susana, I am a woman just like you, only older

Avon soy yo! And if you think I look good, you'll look way better! Guaranteed or your money back! Jéssica is living proof that Avon products enhance your appearance, unless you cry, then you will look like a raccoon.

This ''girls'' are such Pranksters

Pánfilo is probably crying with his one good eye after seeing Susana on the catwalk. This episode presented by the shapes ''sphere'' and ''cylinder''. ''Sphere'', ''cylinder''...
His loss. In the crowd, Ricardo shamelessly looks like nothing happened, after all the damage he did... bad monkey!
Diego Armando Manriquez, the male version of Tracy Rodríguez, who is now chasing Alma, in an effort to extend this TN until its breaking point, falls victim of the gossip girls, who in revenge, cut him some slack, literally, leaving him almost naked. Who would have thought these girls would have such a sense of humor? If they could only work half as hard as they have fun!!
Jesús is not the first male secretary, he shouldn't be so redundant, unless this has a hidden sexist meaning. Or, a self affirmation. I was a secretari-o, yes, I didn't make a mistake, it has an ''o'', ''o''. Juárever! Vivan las secretarias! Enough already!
Group hug! We miss the old grumpy man, because Jesús, when he scolds the Gossip Girls after the prank to that obnoxious Argentinian, sound fake. Alma comes to his rescue and all giggle and laugh! Secretly, they wish this nightmare was over! Aren't we all?

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo-Index

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Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #126, 11/05/13 Kidnapping #3 in 3...2...1... Oh, wait, what's this story about an Angel de la Muerte?

Beware: nothing that happens this episode makes any sense, from a legal perspective, or any other perspective you might think of. 
Also, I appologize in advance for grammar mistakes or sentences that are not tied together, making a sense of this madness is harder than pulling teeth without anesthesia.

Dead to Viewerville Tav has decided: his daughter will not grow up with a mother like Maricruz Olivarez. HE says so, this is how it’s going to be.
Migreedy congratulates him on this awesome decision and hopes that he now feels ashamed for whatever feelings he might have had for MC in the past.
Dead to Viewerville Tav apologizes (!!!) for what he made Migreedy go through, Migreedy is just happy to be able to help his bro get rid of that woman. How sweet, unconditional brotherly love - Blech!
After Migreedy leaves, we see that MC is not as dead to Tav as Tav is to Viewerville. He remembers his talk with JA, about how MC will use Alvaro the same way she used them both.
Dead to Viewerville Tav thought MC really loved him, in her own savage way, but that was not true. He can’t allow his daughter to be with her, he’ll fight, no matter what it takes, he can’t be an irresponsible and a coward. (Excuse me while I go throw up).

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Mentir Para Vivir #22 Tue 11/5/13 Does Anyone Know Where We Can Find A Good Skank Around Here?

Oriana’s Boudoir:  Lucina tells Oriana that Matilde put Cesar out.   Lucina wants to inform Paloma immediately, but Lucina stops her.  They can tell Paloma in the morning and besides, Cesar is staying at the Casa Bonita tonight.  Ricky knocks on the door and humbly asks if he’s interrupting them. His choice of sporting mustard pants and a purple shirt clearly proves that he’s still depressed.    Lucina runs out and shoves Ricky in the room.  Oriana tells Ricky that Matilde told Cesar to bounce after learning that he wants to be a missionary.  Oriana thinks it’s better if she just disappears.  Ricky tells her that he spoke to Paloma about the blackmail letter.  He confirmed that the letter threatened to reveal her past as a hooker.  Ricky holds her and whispers that they will get through this together, but she pulls away and says no.  Her life is complicated.  She’s wanted for smuggling in one country and murder in another.  Raquel doesn’t want to involve him.  She asks what they will do if her husband is alive. 
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La Tempestad Cap #72. 11.5.13. We May Look Alike, We May Sound Alike, But Only One Of Us Got The Brains. Can You Guess Who?

We had a two episode combo tonight. Ep #103 and #104 were combined into one. 

Say it with me please: Damn you, Uni. Now breathe in breathe out. 

Cut scenes in this color. 

On to the recap....

Drop The BedSpread. Drop The BedSpread.

DamFab has been drugged, undressed, and sexually molested by Pester. He awakens only to find himself DamNaked in bed with an equally naked Pester. He's DamHorrified. Quickly jumping out of bed he wraps the bedspread over his DamFineBod. ***Some voices can be heard saying: Drop the bedspread. Drop the bedspread*** But alas the bedspread is not dropped. Rats. He demands to know what the hell happened. Pester tells him they had the night of passion he asked for. DamFab refuses to believe this. He'd never in a million years ask her for a night of passion. He recalls the previous nights events and feeling DamDizzy after dinner. He asks her what the hell she put in the wine. She denies spiking the wine. She insists their night of passion happened because they both wanted it. 

Mexico City
Our Ex-PeggedLegged Ernesto is on the phone sans voice distortion device. He says: "It is Ernesto Contreras. It is no joke. You know my voice." 

DamHasHisPantsOn is now wearing pants. He must have put them on while we were in Mexico City. Damn you, Mejia. DamFab tells Pester he loathes her. He refuses to believe anything happened between them. She tells him if she wound up pregnant when they did the deed on the night of her coronation then she could very well wind up pregnant again. Foreshadowing? Please say it ain't so. He puts on his double shirt and leaves the room. 

Mexico City 
Ernesto asks whoever he is speaking with to set up an organization meeting. Everyone must be present for the surprise he'll give them. 

Pester looks over the dirty selfies she took and tells herself: "Oh Marina. Your dreams of love have just become a nightmare." 

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Tuesday, November 05, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 11/5/13 (#171): Hitchcock. Kubrick. Truffaut. Kurosawa. Garcia?

- Valentina posts a new photo of "my family" to Bookface. Pretty much everyone in Monterrey is in it except for Vero. (And Daddy Elias. How soon they forget.) Vero sees the photo and has a cow and vows revenge on everyone. Said revenge will be exacted at the double-baptism on Sunday. She will crush ALL of the birds with one stone. (insert bird puns here) She promises to pay Jacinto oodles of money if he'll just do this one last job for her, and then he can disappear. I hope he realizes that she'll probably try to whack him because she hates paying for things.

- Vero says "[he/she/you] will pay" about a thousand times.

- Diego Armando is totally useless as a director. Chucho ends up directing the whole commercial himself and also assists with the editing. Meanwhile, Diego asks Alma to run away with him so they can laze around nekkid at the beach. Alma turns him down. He tells himself that Alma will pay.

- Diego Armando has offended each and every one of the secretarias. They are determined to make him pay. (Does anyone notice a trend here?)
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La Tempestad, November 4, 2013. Capitulo 71.

This is actually capitulo 101 and 102.  Unseen footage in red.

DamFab calls Mercedes to tell her that Mags is in town. Mercedes doesn't want Mags and Marina to meet until she gets there.

Estercita is visiting with Delfina and Fully. Fully wonders what Marina was doing at the square. Estercita says no one knows the real Marina. She ran into her today and she seemed like a different person.

DamFab takes Mags to his house. Mags wants to know what they are doing there. I thought you were going to introduce me to Marina? DamFab wanted to meet his son first and Mags finds out that Marina is expecting. Mags is shocked. She asks if he really loves Marina. Of course, with all my heart replies DamFab. Mags hopes that one day someone will love her the same way too. She thought she found someone, Valentin, but he told her to her face that he didn't love her. DamFab says not to worry. Things will turn out the way they are suppose to.

Fully reminds Estercita that as long as they are united, things will go their way. She says Hernan received another strange phone call and he thinks Fully's behind it.

DamFab asks Mags if she wants to hold the baby. Of course, she does.

Fully thinks the calls could be anybody, even her.

Bea thought bubbles that she has to get better on her own but that no one finds out. This is the only way she can save her daughter from the monster Hernan.

Speaking of the monster aka the crazed stalker, comes looking for Marina and finds out from Becky that she isn't there. She just came to give Bea therapy and went back to work. Hernan pretends to care about Bea's well-being. Becky says that the doctor was right. The movement in her lips was just a nerve twitching. Her lips haven't moved again. Hernan wants to see Bea for a bit. He tells Becky that he has a lot of affection for Bea. Becky leaves them alone and Hernan starts telling Bea that she is a pain for Marina.
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Mentir Para Vivir #21 Mon 11/4/13 Break-up revisited

Manolo, the cop, drives Jose Luis to a hotel; JL asks for Lucina’s number, she left some boxes behind at the villa.
After all that beer drinking, Manolo surely has Lucina on speed dial, right? He gives JL the phone number.

Madhilde is nagging Ruben about the possibility that Mariano convinced Cesar to become a missionary. If their son continues with this madness, she plans to throw him out of the house, see what a sacrificed life really means.
Lucina interrupts Maddy, casually asking what this latest fight is all about. Ruben tells her about Cesar’s plans, she doesn’t see what the big deal is. She’s going to her hotel – Casa Bonita Hotel Boutique (don’t like the name); Ruben offers to join her.

On the phone with Fidelia, Paloma apologizes for Maddy’s behavior. She’d like to see her, and Fidelia shouldn’t worry, because Maddy has been warned to behave.

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Corazon Indomable, Episode #125, Monday, November 4, 2013 “The Agony of REPEAT” aka “The Second Kidnapping of Lupita Narvaez Mendoza”

Recap by LatinaInMD

Phew, done.  I cannot believe I just survived a “repeat” viewing of this abysmal episode.  And since I am a glutton for punishment, along with the rest of Viewerville (at least those still subjecting themselves to this torture), here I go again, with a “repeat” of the low points (sorry, no such thing as a highlight here).  (I have the strange sensation that I am repeating the first title above from some previous recap, but it was to be expected with all the repetition we get from the monkey writers.)

We begin where we left off, with a “repeat” of Sickmona assuring GreedyMig that Oblivio will do her will, because she “dominates” him; as she confidently strides off, GreedyMig is left wondering what she is up to and now decides it’s best if Oblivio refuses to do her bidding.

At Rancho El Abuelo (“REA”) all seems ready for the big wedding party, where MC will do her best to blow what little money she has left for someone who has never lifted a finger to help her.  Alvaro, the priest, and MC stand around the living room as if there’s no place to sit, with Lupita in MC’s arms, looking awake but rather bored – the child must be channeling Viewerville’s mood.  JackAss shows up and asks if he can hold Lupita, grabbing her from MC’s arms before she can say a word.
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PEAM #170- 11/4/13: I Feel Jealous Even Of The Dress You're Wearing...........

Recap by Pablo

This episode sponsored by EL POLLO LOCO (Martha's secret recipe) Cheap and healthy!

Buaaahhhh! Mi pichón operado del cerebro!!
Jesús in the hospital 
Alma in the hospital 
Chatita in the hospital 
Patricia in the hospital 
Pánfilo in the hospital 
Martha in the hospital 
Marcia in the Sanitarium 
Verónica in the hospital 
Bárbara in the hospital 
Máximo in the hospital 
Don Sebas in the hospital 
Sansón skipped the hospital, he just died (poor boy, he couldn't take it anymore)
Hernán skipped the hospital, he died at home waiting for a wife that never came to help him... yes! she killed him! Sort of.

Osorio: Oh my God, I have been so busy writing a stupid underage romance subplot for my son, that I was forgetting Rogelio, send him to the hospital ASAP! And don't forget than in the 11 episodes left, we still have to squeeze in Valentina, Minerva and Domitila, all to the Hospital, ok? 
Octavio: working on it! Do you want me to make the coffee maker explode? I could send half of Avon's staff at the same time!

Ury mistook Rogelio for a mop, mopped the jail floors with his hair and now poor Rog is suffering, with the two sides of his brain split apart. Joining them will take time and effort. Of course Patricia is ''desvastada'' while Alma and Fer try to hold her. Have you seen a grown up man cry? Cantú is also very sad. Losing a boss like Rogelio is unbearable...

The news has reached Gossip Radio Hall at Avon, and Jesús is telling only one person, to make sure the whole building knows in a few minutes. Well... to speed things up since he is a superhero, he also tells Xóchitl... And since we are in the ''cebollazos'' time, they praise each other's ability in the parenthood area, pretending it is not a big deal, but highlighting that becoming a parent is the most wonderful thing in the world. He knows because the first time he was robbed of that experience, but this time he is making up for it. Imagine feeling that FIVE TIMES!! Yes, Xóch will have FIVE BABIES!! Her sonogram was in CinemaScope!! Here they are, three girls and two boys. Their names will be Cempalzúchitl, Chinampina, Iztaccihuátl, Temalpopoca y Guadalupe.

Verónica in storms unexpectedly wanting to see her daughter

She calls Minerva a traitor, pushes her to the side and walks in confronting Chatita, who is not so sure today is one of her visitation days, but says no anyway. 
-Bruja Escaldufa, go home! You will not see Valentina today!
- She is mine and I see her when I please! I have the receipt! Wait, oh no, that is for Fernandito. Anyway, what is this fleabag doing here? And this poor girl from a lower class? I have clearly forbidden that MY daughter be near her! Why isn't anybody doing what I demand in a house that is not mine? Please explain, you have five minutes!! I have some killings to do!! I mean, my shoes are killing me!
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Monday, November 04, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MAS - week of November 4

¡Hola a todos! We crested 200 comments for the first time in a long time. We have great comments and commenters. Here's another post for this week.

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Saturday, November 02, 2013

PEAM #169-11/1/13: AARP LoveFest, Rog Is Picadillo and Pato Loses It!!!!!!

Hola Peam Peeps! Here is the short version of the recap. Rog is in la carcel and it ain't pretty, Alma returns to work, Panfi and Sebas plot, Pato loses it. That's it, that's all. Want more? Pull up a chair, grab your hot chocolate, whipped cream optional, and read on!

I Fought The Law And The Law Won!
We find Rog in la carcel and meets some dude called Darwin. He knows all about Rog from Yuri, the Russian. He has a message for Rog, he'll be picadillo! Here comes the Guard, his name is Champigon, Champi for short and wishes nightmares for Rog. Rog looks scared!

Safe Harbor:
Pato has decided to stay with Alma and Chucho. It would be safer for her and little Ferny she is such a good Mama to him. Chucho reminds her she is part of the family. Awwww. Luisita gets to know little Ferny.

AARP Love Fest:
Panfi tells Sebas he is going to ask Chatita to marry him. Sebas thinks this is such a great idea, he'll ask Susana. They will come up with a plan so the girls don't find out. Chatita thinks they are planning something and then forgets why she came into the room.
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Corazón Indomable #124 Fri 11/1/13☆ It's Past Time That Another Star Shines In My Sky

Sorry gang... no CeCe for you today... she's been abducted by real life... so get you a drink and brace yourself for another dose of Carlos...

And what better way to set the stage for tonight's murky presentation than to borrow an edited quote from La Paloma's brilliant recap of Thursday's episode?

"Tav is ... thinking. (Always a laborious process, bless his heart.)"

And these words that he utters out loud may be the most illuminating you'll hear tonight.

"Where Did This Show Go So Very Wrong?"

"My God, I'm going to go crazy with this situation."

You are speaking for all of us, lad... you are speaking for all of us...

So the rest of you who are left watching this with us, grab a shot of Tequila, pop a Xanax if that's your style, and hang on tight. This will definitely hurt a bit, but we'll try to move more rapidly than usual to minimize your suffering.

We quickly are transported to the drawing room of Rancho Abuelo (formerly  Rancho Narváez) to eavesdrop on a conversation between José Antonio and Maricruz Olivarez, who is fiddling with her daughter Lupita's hair (I suspect, being the vigilant mom that she is, inspecting for nits).

 It Looks As Though Someone Has Already Had Her Afternoon Benadryl ♪

He asks Maricruz if she is indeed going to wed Engineer Alvaro Cifuentes and she confirms that right now it is pretty much her plan. He scoffs,
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Mentir Para Vivir #20 Fri 11/1/13 He Returns From The Ashes, But A Grand Entrance It Ain’t

Capítulo 20

Lo Del Pasado:

Oriana has been threatened by someone willing to tell the world she’s not really Ines but the fugitive Oriana Caligaris.  Oriana has told Ricardo and she’s determined not to pay.

Lo Del Nuevo:

An infuriated Oriana arrives at her friends’ new B&B and indignantly accuses Raquel of writing the blackmail note out of revenge for Ricardo having set his eyes on her instead.  How could it be her, screams Raq.  No way she’d stick the hangman’s noose around her own neck that way.  Oriana still has a hard time believing that Raq’s innocent, and Raq says then they’ll have to be frenemies since Oriana has finally shown her true metal [cobre=copper, brass].  They all go through the list of guests and friends and nobody Lucina can think of had a reason to know, find out or of the couple of people who owed her favors, none had a reason or an inclination toward blackmail.  Ok, says Oriana, then perhaps it was Jose Luis!  Raq is confused.   “—isn’t he dead?”  Oriana looks like she wishes he’d stay that way, too.

Meanwhile, Ric and Mariano have their own list of possible blackmailers and they’ve crossed off everybody but Berto (apparently right before the scene started).  Mariano is curious why.  Ric says it could be he was there, murdered his dad, and saw Oriana and Lina there.  Mariano adds, then after he met her he put the two together and tied up the loose ends.  Ric says he’s always had his doubts about the guy [dar mala espina]; and now he has full reign of the company and could have waited for the opportune moment to slip the note under 2nes’s door.  They figure it will be a total disaster for Paloma, 2nes and Lina if this guy doesn’t get paid and goes through with his threats.

On the other hand, Ric sees no problem paying the same monthly hush money to El Borrachon de Maligno Benigno for the really swell way he took care of his daughter, Maria, all these years.  Benny says to start anti-ing up a lot more from now on or he’s going to let everybody know how macho Ric took advantage of a mentally retarded girl all those years ago.  Ric says he’s not about to give him even a centavo more, especially since he’s got witnesses now who’ll swear he was way too drunk to have been physically able to do his daughter and that Benny knows it too!   (Ok, but why then still think and act like he’s your kid?)   So, Maligno better think twice before threatening Ric again, or he can forget about not only the money but  that guest house he’s been living in rent free all these years as well!  Your decision, dude! 

A few hours later, Ric’s aunt calls in tears over the fit Maria threw.  She begs him to get her out of her house and to stick her in an insane asylum or a psych hospital somewhere, anywhere but there!  Oriana’s in his office and hears all of it; Ric mentions he found out how Maria attacked her also.  Ori says it was no big deal, then tearfully tells him they both have too many problems and need their space.  She’s breaking it off.  He refuses to believe it and will fight to convince her otherwise, he tells her. (Fine, but not now.)  She leaves.  He grieves. 

Later that day, Paloma notes 2nes’s sad face and tells her she doesn’t believe breaking things off with Ric is a smart move.  It won’t solve a thing.  “—There’s nothing that can’t be solved by talking it through.”  The hassles with Maria, Sebastardo and such cannot be reason enough to break up.  Something else has to be up.  2nes can’t open up and tell her the truth.  

Ric has a heart to heart with Piero in the park and now Pierro knows the truth about True-nes and 2nes also.  Pierro feels it was Lucina and Raqi, but Ric says it couldn’t be since they’d be in trouble with the law also.  Ok then, offers Pierro, perhaps her little girl told somebody? 

Ric finds Lina in the garden and he explains that he knows the truth about her and her mother because her mother told him.  He finds out from her that she hasn’t said a word about any of that to anybody.  Ric excitedly calls Oriana to tell her how he knows it couldn’t have been Lina, but she reads him the riot act over involving her little girl.  Ric’s confused.  He thought he was doing a good think eliminating Lina as having accidentally spilling the frijoles to the wrong somebody.   It was hard enough getting the little girl to swallow the lies about her daddy’s death and then to get her to think in terms of their new identities for him to muck it up like that, she yells back at him over the phone.  She hangs up on him.  He tries calling back and she ignores the phone and walks out of her bedroom.    

He goes upstairs to check on Maria and overhears the hassle with her nurse over the antique doll.  He scolds her for throwing a fit over the doll and warns her if she keeps it up he’ll send her away where they will teach her how to behave.  [Puhleeese!  For the love of gawd, do it now!  Maybe if Fidelia tried leaving all those broken dishes, picture frames and antiques right where they lay till Ric gets home I think he'd change his tune in a DF minute.]  She wants to stay, she says; besides, Sebastian is coming by and he promised her that she could stay there as long as she didn’t tell anybody about---!”  “—What?  About what?”  Maria shuts up tight as a drum.    She covers with a little white lie and Ric’s head is pounding by now.  He and the nurse leave the room for a discussion about Maria’s earlier behavior.  The nurse thinks all she may need is a change of medication.  (I agree with Fidelia that she needs to be interned somewhere.  Maria definitely is not ready for social prime time.)

When bedtime comes for Alina, Oriana makes sure to remind her that she still cannot tell a soul the truth about themselves.

Sebastian arrives at Paloma’s manse a few minutes later to take Fabiola, at this point still sweet sixteen and never been kissed, to the party.  Mama Madhilde comes to her daughter’s side for last minute advice and admonishments, especially no drinking!   Sebastardo promises to treat Fabi right and to chauffeur her promptly to and fro.

Cesar comes home and tells his mother and dad that he’s quit his job at the company and plans to become a missionary priest.  Madhilde has a fit but Cesar tells her he grew up and is making his own decisions now.  Ruben this time actually stops his wife from going after Cesar like a rabid dog and tells her to let it be.  After all, it could be “the call of Dios”.  She tells him that’s a bunch of bunk cuz Dios would never allow a son to be separated from a mother like her!  “--Oh, well if you mean a suffocating, possessive and controlling mother like you, then yes!!”  (Viewerville does a hive five at the screen for Ruben finally rockin’ it.)

Across the way at Ric’s, Fidelia begs him to take Maria have her put away.  The woman is simply not ready for civil society!  It’s his son’s mother and she’s his responsibility, he reminds her angrily.  Sure as heck is, but she’s not her responsibility, is his aunt’s flustered and frustrated response.  He backs off a bit and finally sweet talks his aunt into giving him one more chance.  

At the party we see numerous twenty-somethings.  Fabiola definitely makes it look  like Seb’s into cradle-robbing.  She’s too square a peg for his fast circle of friends.    Grease-ball Berto and the ravishing Raquel are both there.   Berto finds out whose daughter she is and tells him she doesn’t seem to fit in at all.   Sebastardo says he’ll get her to loosen up.   First thing he tries is giving her alcohol and getting her drunk.   Berto sees the way things are heading with Seb and Fabi and mentions it to Raq.   She says she figures the girl’s gotta get laid sometime.    Tonight’s as good as any.   (Funny how Berto hasn’t put the moves on Raqi yet.)

Neither Ric nor 2nes can get to sleep because they’re both upset over her having to break off their relationship.  FF>>

Meanwhile, Madhilde waits up for Fabiola.  Fabi’s in the drive sitting in Seb’s car.  Seb starts putting the moves on her, telling her that he gets to paw her now that they’re going steady.  (Viewerville keeps waiting for Mama Madhilde to signal with the driveway lights or something.)   Fabiola sneaks into the house a long while later and we never learn if Seb got past first base or not.  (Damn!)  Mama is mad that she’s come in so late.   Fabi passes Mama’s manual breathalyzer test and promises she’ll never come home that late again.  

Early the next morning Cesar is over at the padre’s to let him know that he finally told his parents what he had planned to do with the rest of his life.  Mariano tries talking him out of it, thinking that he might just be looking for a way to escape his mother’s clutches.  Yes, he is doing that, but he also wants to do something useful for society and Dios.  This is what he thinks is best.  Maddy calls him and finds him over at the rectory with Mariano.  She immediately blames Mariano of brainwashing her son, and tells Paloma as much.  Paloma suggests that he’s old enough to decide for himself.  She strongly hints for her to let him do what he wants.

Back in San Carlos along the coast, we see a taxi dropping off a fare by the abandoned, former El Descanso looking more and more like a huge mausoleum in the middle of nowhere.  The driver asks if the passenger is certain he wants to stay there because the place isn’t a hotel any longer.  He tells his passenger the story about how they killed a rich man right there at that hotel, that they say it was a woman, but could have been her little girl.  Either way, they ran off from the place and after that the business went to Hell along with its reputation.  

The man’s got a single briefcase with him, full of multi-dollar bills, and he hands one to the driver before getting out for a look-see.  He carries a large teddy bear in the other hand.  Guessy who-ooooo!  Daddy’s home!  It’s Jose Luis, come back from the dead and looking for his family!  (OMG!   Compared to Ric, I got to admit this is one handsome villano I am going to abhor abhorring.)

Jose Luis walks inside and takes a look around.  The place is a literal dump!  Beer bottles and old food and newspapers are in piles all over the place.  (Surprisingly, no rats were hired as extras for this scene.)  The dumb, drunk dude he hired as a side-kick has spent all the money on pizza and beer instead of having a cleaning crew come in to get it ready for guests and JL is pissed!  He also wants to know what Dumb Dude…Eliseo?  has found out about where his family went off to when the place was sold.  DD tells JL that he heard the owners bought another small hotel in Hermosillo but he couldn’t find out a thing about his wife and daughter.

Jose Luis heads down to the pool and finds Manolo there giving the place a cursory security check.  He introduces himself as Santos Carvajal.   He tells Manolo that he plans to turn the place into his residence once he fixes the place back up.  He gossips a bit to the “new owner” about the murder and how they say it was the little girl who killed the rich man, but that the gun used was too heavy a caliber for a little six year old to hold let alone shoot.   And what happened to her and her mother?  Oh, they fled and nobody’s heard hide nor hair of them since.    Mano suggests another hotel up the road for Sr. Carvajal and explains it was in much better shape when the last owners had the place, but that now after a murder and an unknown dead girl on the beach, the people in the area think it’s cursed [salado] property. 

Mano gives JL a lift to the hotel up the beach and JL stops to ask him for Lucina and  Raqi’s phone number.  Mano is suspicious and wants to know why.  Jose Luis lies and says they left a few things in the storeroom and lost their phone number.   He needs to know whether to send the things up to them or to throw them away.    Mano starts searching his cell phone contacts list and the credits roll.



La Tempestad, Capítulo 70, Friday, November 1, 2013: If you love me, kill her.

First we have a special treat in honor of Él día de los muertos

People on the Patio chats with Becky and José

NovelaMaven:  Tonight we get to spend some time with two of our favorite characters and find out how they feel about the shabby way Univisión has treated them.  

Tía Becky, many of us still recall your arrival in Nuestra Señora del Mar, all that flirty energy you brought to the scene with just a skoosh of… do forgive me…vulgarity.  You gave a triple espresso jolt to that rather dull household where Marina and Beatriz had settled in like two prissy spinsters.  And when you and Marina shared a scene, Marina seemed…I don't know…animated.

Tía Becky:  It's true.  At first, Marina was a little stiff.  We'd have to loosen her up before filming by doing tequila shots together (the good stuff, not the paint thinner Candy sells in La Guac).
[TB turns, lifts an elegantly manicured finger to beckon a waiter: Un whiskey doble, por favor]   

NM:  I'm glad that you bring that up, Becky.  Let's talk about your drinking…
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Friday, November 01, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Remakes (Again? Por Supuesto....)

While I am looking forward to Lo Que La Vida Me Robó I have to wonder just how long it should take to do a remake of anything, especially by the same network.  I never saw the 1983 original (Bodas de Odio), so I don't have a basis for comparison to Amor Real.  Updating the story to the present should change a few plot points and character traits, especially for the female protagonist.

There are many novelas remade multiple times by Televisa and for different reasons.  I end up wondering why they try remaking something that's already perfect and whether anyone will ever stop to think that Enough is Enough and let's do something new for a change.

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