Thursday, November 08, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #149 Thu 11/8/12 The Grief, The Hope, The Rant and the Retribution
The Refried:
Pato tells Luci he had to go confront that mountain that changed his life.
The New:
Layby in the D.F.
Rod and Claudio talking to Mateo about the good news/bad news/ where is your Mommy? Don Chelo comes over and Claudio introduces himself. Don Chelo wants to know what they want with Mateo.
Taco Corner and the Slap:
Rosa has come up and slapped the crap out of Lorenzo. Not only that, she is screaming in his face about all her hopes and dreams going bye bye, not really but she is pithed at him. He screams right back to stop insulting him. Fabian is a great witness and is trying to hold Lorenzo back. I think we in Viewerville, would love to see Lorenzo return that slap, jus' sayin'. Rosa calls him a wretch, he says he is a hard worker. She just continues the insults with he comes from a bad family and as a matter of fact, his sister got pregnant, without benefit of marriage, here is that non ending rant of hers, and to stay away from Jana or else something really bad is gonna happen! The maids eating behind them snicker and laugh at the la loca one. After Gennaro, sucks to be him, whisks her off in the big SUV, Fabian is still holding Lorenzo back as he calls the loca one the devil.
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Amor Bravío #59 (Uni 54) Wed 11/7/12 "As the Screws Turn"
We begin our capitulo, with viewerville in post-election hangover, in need of poll free night and a review of Monday’s scenes. Mariano and Ana are in the hospital planning moves for both the marbles and herself, back to El Rancho Albarran. Mariano, clearly smitten with his little Ana Angel is told to concentrate on the game or he is going to lose (Pablo tells him the same later on in regard to his unrequited love for Camila).
Flashback to a field at Malquerida and Rodolfo and Nat are strolling in a field chatting about her “business dinner and meeting” at Rancho Albarran the previous night. Rodolfo has set her up to embellish her description of the evening and then turns the screw and asks why she is lying to him and to her mother. Tripped up, but quick to recover, Nat tells him she owes him no explanation of her private whereabouts and whomevers. He turns the screw tighter asking about her decision to be his novia… she declines the offer for any novio at this time… he presses onward asking if it is just him she is rejecting…. she says “Ya, basta, no novio, punto!!” She walks off (we people who wear wedgy shoes wonder how Nat strolls away in an uneven cowpatch cleanly and without tripping).
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Amores Verdaderos #1 Wed 11/7/12 Steven Seagal called, he wants his career back
* Our newest Nicandro Díaz circus starts on a beautiful field with an aikido class for kids. While José Ángel Arriaga (Big Ed Yáñez) is channeling his inner Seagal, struggling and trying not to fall on the other master he’s practicing with, Viewerville is also struggling… with an urge to laugh. But we must admit: all men look hot in a
* In the meantime a big fashion commercial is in the making at the beautiful (though a little bit too rosy) Hacienda Balvanera. Victoria Balvanera (Erika Buenfil), the owner of the advertising agency is directing the dozens of models, cameramen, assistants and other crew members who are circulating around the swimming pool. She’s in her element but her face lights up even more when she notices the helicopter that carries her husband Nelson Brizz (Guillermo Capetillo) back from a business trip in Brazil. Victoria is delighted at the thought that their family will be together again.
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Wednesday, November 07, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #148 Wed 11/7/12 Rosa Rages, Lovers Kiss and Anvils Align and Prepare to Fall
Recap by Decie Girl, who makes her CarayCaray recapping debut tonight.
The assembled guests and victim are gathered together and
Rosa says that the protocols have been observed as God ordered and tells
Bore-us’ padre to go ahead. The man says that for many years Bore-us has been
sincerely in love with Jana and asks that the Torreslandas give her hand in
marriage to their son.
Jana, battling
panic and after having been pulled and pushed like a slab of salt water taffy
snaps and says no, I’m not going to marry Bore-us.
bravely defies
Rosa and says I’m not going to marry Bore-us. The assembled guests freeze and
those in the know wait for Rosa’s expected explosion.
Bore-us leaps into the silence calling Jana-- Flaquita,
which annoys her so much she snaps don’t call me Flaquita. My name is Jana.
Rosa tells Jana she is ridiculous and demands to know what this is all
Jana who has stiffened her spine
tells her I don’t want what you want mama. I love you more than anyone in the
world but you can’t live your life again through mine. This does not go down well
and Rosa tells her if you don’t marry Bore-us, I swear you will be sorry.
Lorenzo talks on the phone to Luci. She tells him she
understands so much. He is really down and she suggests he come to the pueblo,
he can be with her, amah, Magda and Ariche. They can help. She knows how he
feels; it is the same way with her and Rod. He wants to know if she has been
able to forget even a little and she tells him no not for one second. Lorenzo
tells her it is the same for him and he can’t get Jana out of his mind or his
heart. Now he is going to have to learn to live without half of his heart.
Back at the engagement dinner from hell, Max tells Jana you
are putting us all in an uncomfortable position. The reason for this dinner was
to ask for your hand. Rod says Papa I think Bore-us and his parents should
listen to what my sister has to say. Conny starts to say I’m sure it’s
uncomfortable, but before she can go on Rosa snarls at her not to interfere.
When and if someone asks for Melissa’s hand then she can say something. Not to
be outdone Gagme pipes up that it is healthy for Jana to tell the truth before
an important step like marriage because after you get married it is very
difficult to discuss these things and shoots Rod a toothy smile, isn’t it my
love. He just adds very difficult.
In Het Het Paz questions Luci, what happened?
Why is she so sad after talking to Lorenzo?
Luci tells her she doesn’t like it that Lorenzo is suffering. Lorenzo is
suffering but why, what is wrong?
Is it
Jana? Luci tells her yes he is lost in love her. Paz says poor Lorenzo perhaps
it's better to shed tears now rather than later what with all that the Señora
Torreslanda is capable of doing.
says she agrees with Paz. That Lorenzo is a good boy, a good worker and honest.
He deserves someone to love and care for. Paz says he shouldn’t be looking so
high. Look at the suffering he found. Luci says what she most wants is that he
doesn’t suffer like me. Magda says the Torreslandas and Jacintos are like oil
and water. They never mix, they always end up separated. They are never
At the dinner Rosa says it’s just nerves for all of us, the
emotion of the moment. Bore-us’ madre agrees that it is just nerves, right
princesa? Bore-us’ padre says yes it is just nerves that made you say you won’t
get married. Bore-us says, you never said anything when I asked you to marry
me. Jana answers that she did say yes but she wasn’t convinced. Jana goes on,
indicating Bore-us and Rosa, you two decided everything for me without giving
me the opportunity to make my own decisions, without knowing what I really
want. Where does it stop? I don’t know what I want for the rest of my life.
Rosa says a good marriage is the only thing for the rest of your life. Rod
steps in and says let Jana say what she feels. Jana continues, you mama, you
set the date for my wedding without asking me, you planned this dinner.
Jana tells Bore-us you decided we would get
married without knowing if I wanted to be a professional and now your parents
are deciding where we are going to live. Everything is prepared for a wedding I
do not want.
Jana isn't finished yet and yells at her mother, this dress
you bought me is the same as yours. Why?
Because you liked it. You’re living again through me.
She ends her tirade telling her mother my
feelings aren’t important. Señora Bore-us says she has had enough of this but
Bore-us says not me, mama. He asks Jana once and for all do you want to marry
me. Obviously nothing short of a load of bricks falling on him gets through to
this dope. Jana tells him point blank, no, I don’t want to marry you. Oscar and Conny exchange discrete smiles, Max and Rod keep
theirs under control while Gala smirks.
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Por ella soy Eva #79 11/7/12: What a Woman!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 7th- Por Ella
I’m back!!!
Thank you all for your well wishes and warm thoughts. I spent 7 days without electricity and heat. I am thankful to have my utilities back but my heart goes out to everyone who is still in the dark and/or lost everything. We are currently in the midst of a nor’easter and I pray that the lights stay on. I have missed everyone and will spend this weekend catching up on my reading of the blogs.
We begin at the impromptu party staged by Eva as a diversion at the restaurant with Rebeca, Renato, Lucia, Santi and Angelica.
An inebriated Adriano and Eva leave the restaurant. Eva leads Adriano down the stairs, who copes a feel on her derriere,
Helena is worried about Lalo who is missing a male figure in his life. Silvia says that he is confused; he has grandpa, JC who died, his father who left, etc. Helene wants to be cautious and doesn’t want to let Lalo down. Silvia asks is it Lalo or she who is cautious.
Rebeca looks for Eva and Adriano. The attendant tells her that they left in his car.
At Adriano’s house- he falls on top of Eva. She is ready to fight and Adriano is looking for love. She will be his.
At Ferni’s they are eating dinner with Daniel and Marsela asks Danny about his mother and if she cooks. Danny’s mom spends time at home and cooks and Marsela defends working moms. (Fernando has no table manners)
Eva defends her honor, she is a respectable woman and Adriano is begging. He falls asleep. Mimi calls and Eva lets her know that Adriano is begging and wants proof of her love. Mimi is going to come over.
Rebeca calls Eva and lets her/him know that the jig is up.
Eva shrugs her off and tells her to get a life.
Adriano is getting desperate.
Back at the restaurant-Renato is asking questions about Eva and Angelica starts singing loudly. The other patrons are looking. Santi is embarrassed.
Adriano keeps on begging for a whiff and falling out on the couch.
Danny asks Jennifer for a little kiss for the road. Danny has a plan, lets go to my parents place in Ixtalpa and spend the weekend? Jennifer says that her parents will not go for that. Danny has plans for Jennifer that are not honorable. He is dangerous.
Eva puts Adriano to bed and Mimi is waiting outside of his house.
Pluto calls Helena- he wants Helena to recuperate and return to work, he misses her. He is still forcing the issue.
Eva explains to Mimi what is going on. They peek in on a sleeping Adriano. Mimi adores him. Mimi undresses him. He beckons Eva to the bed. (So the girls are going to play bait and switch). Mimi tells Eva that this is the opportunity to prove that she is an upright woman and relieve Rebeca from her suspicions. Mimi is going to rock Adriano’s world and make him believe that it’s Eva. What a friend!! Mimi returns to the bedroom and turns off the lights and tiptoes into bed with Adriano who is calling for Eva.
A drunken Adriano makes love to who he thinks is Eva Maria. Mimi is having the time of her life. (For someone so drunk, Adriano, sure has a lot of energy!!!)
Back at the restaurant- Angelica and Renato are having a marvelously loud time. Santi is a little uncomfortable with the whole scene. Lucia asks Santi if everything is okay with his marriage, she doesn’t want to be a buttinski. Santi lies- Angelica is the woman of my dreams. He teases Lucia about she and Renato. He was hoping that he could change her (angelica) as she laughs aloud.
Juan is thinking about Helena and remembering when he told her to wait, while Helena is thinking about him and will never love anyone the way that she loves him. She asks Juan to leave her alone, get out of her head. At the same time Juan Carlos is thinking about his one and only love, Helena.
Santi is trying to convince Angelica to study something other than dancing; Angelica tells him she is not a boring wife like his ex, Patti. (That’s for sure, nor does she have any class) While Santi and Angelica are arguing, Renato and Lucia leave. Angelica tells Santi that if he misses Patti, go back to her. The waiter brings the HUGE check; Santi’s face loses color.
Renato leaves Lucia at the curb and drives off. Really???
The next morning, a very satisfied Adriano is complimenting (Mimi) Eva and asks her to marry him. That was some session!!! Mimi sadly agrees.
Mimi slips out of the room and tells JC that there is no doubt that Eva is the woman, thanks to her!!! Mimi tells JC that Adriano proposed to her and she said yes. Que, que, what!!!!!
Eva left a note- “Spent a marveloussssss night. See you later in the office, Eva.”
At Ferni’s Jennifer is complimenting her mother on working, running the house and being super woman. Kevin is looking for his birthday gift. Ooops, they forgot! Marsela wants to give him a harp while Ferni wants to give him a motorcycle. Kevin prefers the motorcycle.
Marsela feels bad that she forgot Kevin’s 15th birthday. Ferni and Marsela are arguing about spending money for the harp or the motorcycle while an exuberant Adriano greets them, (the married couple) looking for Eva. Rebeca bursts into Eva’s office. Eva tells Rebeca that she is boring her and fed up with her suspicions. Adriano floats into Eva’s office and thanks her for the aphrodisiac, it worked well. Rebeca is impactada. Her mouth drops to the ground. Rebeca asks if they…? Adriano is a gentleman so he doesn’t want to give details. Rebeca, her animal print top and tight skirt, leave the office in disbelief. Adriano is still relishing in the night of nights that they spent together. Eva brings up the hiring the women that were fired and batters her eyebrows and Adriano melts.
Helena wishes Lalo goodbye and to have a good day at school. Silvia notices that Helena did not sleep well. Helena was thinking and doing a little work.
Helena calls Pluto and he is a happy camper. She feels fortunate to be with him and he is so marvelous, Yuck, Rebeca barges into Pluto’s office. He lets her know that he is very happy being at Helena’s side. Rebeca has a big surprise for him.
Santi lets Rebeca know that she left him with the check last night. Rebeca says that Santi is a dummy and not a macho man who knows how to handle his woman like Ferni. Ferni agrees. What a waste>
Cindy summons the three stooges into a board meeting. Rebeca is going to uncover something spectacular. She says that Juan Carlos is not dead and is closer than they think. Santi and Ferni have a good laugh. She heard it from Juan Carlos’ mother Eugenia Mistrial.
At the board meeting- Renato announces that Eva is going to announce the restructuring of the company. Eva is going to show her proposal to rehire the 100 women who were fired. Pluto is none too happy. Adriano can’t stop smiling.
The doctor visits Eugenia and asks about when her magazine article is going to come out. She said that it was nothing but a deception. She also doesn’t believe that her son is alive either. The doctor is elated. Pluto is none too happy with the risky plan.
Pluto needs an economical guarantee. Eva offers her shares that Antonia left her. Adriano is in total agreement with the proposal.
Rebeca calls Pluto back; she had something to share that is very serious with everyone who works at Grupo Imperio.
Coming attractions:
Pluto marrying Helena?? Rebeca exposes Eva at the board meeting. (I wonder if Mimi is dressed as Eva?)
Labels: por-ella
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Por-ella soy eva pre-empted tonight in favor of the United States own home-grown melodrama
Abismo de pasión #161 Gran Final 11/5/12: POR FIN!!
Prologue (by Sylvia): If anyone watched the “Rumbo”, which aired an hour before the Final, they would have been pleased to witness another heavenly visit by Guadalupe in glowing white and positioned next to the cenote, warning us: “Passion is like the wind. Able to put everything in motion. And human passions are not in plain sight. They need the warmth and locked darkness, like the bottom of an abyss, an abyss of passion.”
A bit later we get the shirtless arm wrestling at last! More or less. With the voiceover: “In a hot country like this, the sun makes your blood boil, moisture penetrates the skin, the air stifles night senses and awakens instincts. There is no respite for lovers who fall into an abyss of passion.” (But that last part about lovers, the camera had left our boys and traveled to Carmina and Rosendo. In case you were worried.)
And if you think those explanations can make up for all the craziness that Fluffy and Co. have inflicted upon us you can think again. The only thing that helps out is a rowdy happy hour out on The Patio of Lowered Expectations, watching this nonsense with a group of crazy, like-minded friends, nerfazos in hand, drinks on the table, and habanero poppers on the way. As they say at the Drive-In: And now, on with the show...
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Monday, November 05, 2012
Amorcito Corazón Discussion #144-148 Nov. 5-9
I hope everyone is well. Today's show seemed to have the baddies acting out a lot. Hopefully the rest of the week will get better.
Moncho saunters into the gym after Willy finishes teaching and the ladies approve of his new look.
Mr. C. has lunch w/F5 and his blonde amante. She compliments Mr. C which makes the lying adulterer jealous.
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Amor Bravío #58 (Uni 53) Mon 11/5/12
58: Those Who Observe
del Pasado
Camila tells Andres she loves the ranch, but it isn't hers. That she has him is enough. Alonssso
reminds Leoncerdo (who must have been thrown in the shower, hosed
down, and forcibly dressed in clean clothes by Omar for the occasion;
Omar should demand combat pay for that) that he wouldn't be in El
Diablo's house if not for him. He tells him to make Andres regret he
was ever born. This is something Leoncerdo will be too happy to do.
Alonssso tells him that he had better not screw up this time and he is to tell no one of these orders. He
promises not to.
Lo de
Cabaña: Andres asks Camila what would happen if Daniel isn't the
person she hoped for, if he's done thing he isn't proud of. She
doesn't understand the question, saying she wants to believe that
Daniel is the good person Rafael says he is. They embrace, Andres
with a pensive expression.
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Does anyone know what happens to "Por ella soy Eva" tonight?
I know that passion pit (I chuckle to myself every time I think of that clever translation) has a big finale tonight. TV guide says Abismo for 7 to 9, but there's a big gray block between 9 and 10.
Anyone know if Eva is on tonight?
Labels: abismo, por-ella, schedule
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Refugio and Passion Pit bloggers, phone home!
Hello friends, both these shows are ending pretty soon. I know we have some people going on sabbatical. Which of you wonderful recappers are staying on, and who is not? Email me or leave a comment here.
If you would like to be on either of the new teams, Amores Verdaderos which is starting this coming week or the other one (I don't know what it will be), also leave a message.
Labels: abismo, Amores, recappers-needed, refugio
Amores Verdaderos: New Telenovela Starts on Univision Wednesday 11/7/2012!!
Ahoy Caraymates!! Looks like the Passion Pit is coming to an end on Monday, and then we have one day of rest for elections before we are plunged into a new world of intrigue and love at 9pm EST/8pm Central. The overview and cast list are below. Please let Blog Mom Melinama know if you would like to join the recap team.
Amores Verdaderos (True Loves) is a 2012 Mexican telenovela produced by Nicandro Díaz Gonzalez for Televisa. It is based on Amor en Custodia, which has been produced three prior times in Colombia, Argentina, and Mexico (Azteca).
The story begins with a kidnapping attempt on Victoria Balvanera (Erika Buenfil), a huge landowner and owner of a well-known advertising agency, Meta-Imagen Internacional. Jose Angel (Eduardo Yáñez), who happened to be on the family estate applying for the foreman´s job, saves her from the criminals. After the kidnap attempt is over, Victoria decides to hire Jose Angel as her bodyguard; the time they spend together everyday causes that true love grows between them. However, their love is impossible because both of them are married.
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Abismo de pasion #160 11/2/12: Paluka, I AM Your Father! Oh, And Other Mysteries are Solved!
Love Shack! Baby Love Shack! Gabino dramatically grabs Paloma and sniffs her long hair. He reveals to her that although he is only 5 years older than her and ten years older than Vincente, he is also her father. Welcome to the most dysfunctional family EVER. I gave you life! Give daddy a hug! As expected, Paloma doesn’t take the news as well as he’d hoped. Paloma’s can’t hide the expression of distain or disgust on her face. Paloma yells that Gabby is a liar. You can’t be my father! You’re a total HOTTY! Gabby grabs her and has to physically restrain himself from performing his trademark pelvic rub on her leg. Let me go! Let me go, she yells! She won’t feel pity for him like Vincente; she hopes that he rots in jail. Gabby thinks that she’ll feel guilty for putting her father in jail. Let me go! Let me go, she yells! Vincente picks up something medal and clocks Gabino in the back of the head with it. Vincente grabs Paloma and yanks her out of the house while Gabino falls to the floor. Gabino struggles up from the floor and jumps into a pickup truck. The chase is on!
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Por ella soy Eva #78 11/2/12: An Intervention For... Rebeca??
Mimi reluctantly verifies to Eugenia that Juan is, indeed, alive and posing as Eva. Genie's hurt that he didn't confide in her, and he's caused her a lot of problems. But Mimi says Juan needs her help. Please, if she doesn't want to see him, at least talk to him on the phone.
Juan (who's taking this call in his own voice while wearing full Eva garb out in broad daylight on a busy street) apologizes but also says this has been really tough for him. Genie says it's been no picnic for her either - half the world thinks she's crazy for saying that he's alive. (Well, if everyone thinks he's dead, perhaps it's crazy to insist otherwise before finding out what's up. Seriously, what did she expect people to think, the way she was talking?)
Juan apologizes some more and explains about his mission to clear his name. He needs her help - but above all, she mustn't tell anyone that he's Eva! But Genie says it's too late - an alleged reporter, she can't remember her name but no doubt she was one of his ex-girlfriends, came by and overheard everything!
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Amor Bravío #57 (Uni 52) Fri 11/2/12 Hissadora Ties Up Loose Ends While Devilish Dionisio Gives Gussie’s Girls The News He’s Just Tied the Knot With Mama
Cap. #57
was getting the crap beaten out of him by the petty, pusillanimous pissant, Alonso,
when last we left Hacienda La Malquerida which is, ironically, a ranchota
that’s anything but what its moniker would suggest. (A cry goes up in Viewerville to Dan’l: ‘You
aren’t gonna let a wimp like that get the best of you, are you?????’) D’Andres is ready for the next punch; he
blocks with his left, jabs with his right, and then knocks the little chimp on
his back, jumps on his chest (auff!) and starts choking the prostrated nebbish
till Rodolfo and Eleutario manage to drag him off. (I’d have made mincemeat out of this
milquetoast some--like Xi--call a man if it were me; but the telenovela gods
thought to let the little weasel loose to make trouble for all concerned
another day. That’s why they get the big bucks I know.)
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El Mundo de Telemundo, week of 11/5/12 -- Discuss Amongst Yourselves
A new page for your posting pleasure!
Labels: diamante, elisa, pablo, telemundo, valiente
Amores Verdaderos-index
Friday, November 02, 2012
Refugio Para el Amor #147 Fri 11/2/12 You say yes!! I say no!! You say WHY!! and I say HELL NO, I WON'T GO!! ... now Mi Janita esta contenta y su mamita esta' asfixia!!
Repeat of Boris provoking Lorenzo and Fabi stopping Lore but Lore saying Boris is right, Lore cannot offer Janah what Boris can (or like he will say later, he can only offer her ‘pan hoy y hambre manana’ bread today and hunger tomorrow)
Rod telling Janah RE already lived her life and is now collecting on what she invested. Live your life and not the life your mother wants to live through you.
Rod confirms to Janah that Pato and Luci left for SFeA.
Chelo and Mateo at the park, Mateo works Chelo into agreeing to buy him an ice cream.
At Het Het Paz insists to Luci to call Rod back. Luci says came home to avoid him. Paz says you cannot avoid him forever, you work together and have a son together…
Rod is buying Alexia a chocolate ice cream and in come Chelo with Mateo wearing a green turtle mask. Mateo recognizes Rod and calls him by name, to the astonishment of both Rod and Chelo. Rod introduces himself to CHelo and then tells the turtle that he has not had the pleasure… Mateo takes off the mask and Rod recognizes him finally and greets him. Glad to see you again (hand shake). Mateo asks why he has not stopped by to buy another paper… Rod’s cell phone rings, he politely excuses himself to answer but there is no one at the other end, although from the image that the phone showed him he can tell it was Luci. (we get a glimpse of a flustered Luci unwilling to talk) Rod wakes up from his shock quickly enough to introduce the kids that he does not know are both his children to each other. Rod smiles at the kids shaking hands.
Lo Nuevo:
Mat: Look, dad, Rodrigo’s daughter does go to school!
Alex: You don’t?
Chelo: Well, they still won’t take him in, he is still too young.
Mat: That is not true! I am big. I just turned five!!
Chelo: Well, they still won’t take him in the kinder at the neighborhood.
Mat: Then what do I do, dad?
Rod: Well, please don’t take this as an interference from me, but I think Mateo should be going to school already… if you allow me, I can offer my help…
Chelo: No way jose.. I don’t know you and I won’t let you do anything!… lets go, son!
Mat: But … what about my ice cream??
Chelo: I will buy you a popsicle on the way (home)! Lets go, son!
Mat: But make it vanilla flavor! Goodbye Rodrigo! Goodbye Alexia!! (he looks so cute waving his hand goodbye to both Rod and Alexia. Rod and Alex both wave back to him)
Rod: Goodbye Mateo!
Alex: Dad, isn’t it true Mateo should be at school like me? He is already 5 y.o.! he is big!
Rod: Yes, mi amor, Mateo is big. He should be at school already. He is 5 years old now. (then he whispers lower to himself) he is 5 years old.. like my son Rodrigo.
At Het Het Paz has words of wisdom for Luci: Mija, even if you hang up on Rod a thousand times, your heart will keep on calling out for him. I can understand your big sorrow, things did not start on the right foot between you two, and when you both wanted to right the ship, others had put too many stones in the way(I would say boulders!) in the way! Too many lies, too many dirty tricks! … to prevent you two from being together!
Luci: What do I do now? Its been 5 years! And I keep on loving him even knowing we can’t be together.
Paz: Keep on loving him, mija. But in silence. Don’t shout out your love because the only thing you will hear is the echo of your pain! Love him with dignity, in silence, giving yourself your place. And without forgetting there is a child out there waiting to be found. That child will join you two for live, Luci.. .forever.
Chelo bought Mateo a vanilla popsicle. Mateo wants to know why CHelo is angry. Chelo claims he is not angry, he just does not like what the people talk about when they go out together. Mateo tells him who cares what they say or if they make fun of us. Don’t think I have not noticed. But the truth is you are my dad and I am your son. So what does it matter. (you can tell this kid is very mature for his age, and that Chelo is moved by his words).
RE is battering Connie for her intention to marry Oscar. What do you mean you will marry Oscar when you are married?? (Mati tries to help saying Connie divorced just after Aldo was born, but RE takes it as offense). RE wants to believe Connie has NOT forgotten that she married by church and although she is divorced, to the eyes of God she is married… Connie says RE’s actions of the past are worse than her intention to get married being FOR LOVE… RE changes tactic to play sad bystander… and she starts to pray with her hands on Connie’s head that God forgive her for her sin and save her soul when she is in God’s presence. Connie is in disbelief, Mati is nodding ‘my God!’
Max is at the apartment, but there’s no Vicky… he calls Celina (his sec at TL offices) to call his wife to tell her he went out on business but will make it home before dinner time (before the asking for Janah’s hand ) At Nicole’s salon, Nicole and Vicky are counting money that looks way too shiny (do they brush some nail polish on the money for practice?) Vicky tells Nicole she does plan to go meet Max but she wants him to wait some… Vicky assures to Nicole that Max won’t get the SUV back, no matter what he tries. She is going to the apt, but Max will not get the hanky panky he expects.
Chelo and Mateo get home. Chelo wants Mateo to promise he won’t talk to Rodrigo or anyone else ever again. Mateo says he will still sell the papers to Rod… so Chelo has to give in on that one. Mateo asks Chelo not to be mad at him, yo te quiero mucho. Hug
At Het Het Pato is telling Magda and Paz about Janah returning home after 5 yrs in Italy getting her architecture degree. Tonight Boris parents will ask for her hand in marriage. Paz wonders if Janah is too young for that. Pato says she is not that young anymore although there are some things that even if we don’t agree with them, they can’t change.
At Vio’s business carwash, Lorenzo is walking around remembering Boris’ words and looking very somber…
At TL offices, Oscar is in Janah’s offices doing work stuff… tomorrow she will be introduced to the whole team. The team lead will take her (saying will hold her hand). In comes Boris without knocking or excusing himself…
(this I have to script word for word, it is too good, Oscar is an awesome role and Harry G. is great in it. And poor Janah can only limit herself to roll eyes and yell ‘Boris!’ often)
B: I hope the ‘hand holding’ thing was just speaking figuratively.
O: Excuse me, Boris, why do you waltz in without knocking first?
B: No, there is no need for me to knock before coming in because this is my fiance’s office.
O: (a bit later) … let me tell you that in this office you have to make an appointment before showing up and have to follow the rules.
B: I don’t get why you tell me this… (scans Oscar with his eyes in undermining mode from bottom to top) Oscar!… Janah is the daughter of the owner of the company and I can visit her whenever I want to.
O: You are very wrong. Here there are two major stockowners and many smaller stockowners, including me. And we manage this consorcio very different (than you would think). So if you want to come in, respect the rules. Good afternoon, Janah.
B: No manches, Janah, this guy is a jerk! But things will change when we are married!
J: They WON”T change! This is my place of work. And even though I am the daughter of MTL, I am an employee like any other, with the same rights and responsibilities. Got it??
(the Janah table at the Patio is cheering in approval: ‘NUFF SAID!! YOU GO GIRL!!…)
At the penthouse apartment, Vicky is letting Max slurp her neck but she is a block of ice… he notices and questions her on it. She comes up with ‘we haven’t been together so long I want us to go slow’ excuse.
RE calls Gala to summon her to come with Rod for the dinner party. Rod comes home with Alexia and Gala rejects Alexia’s attempt to greet her with a hug because Alexia has dirty hands (chocolate ice cream?). Rod witnesses the ‘motherly love… NOT!’ scene so he rats at her for her lack of motherly love (did you really expect any different, Rod?). Gala won’t let Alexia dirty up her clothing. Rod is just dropping Alexia home, have to go back to the office. Gala keeps nagging nagging… Rod keeps nagging back ‘you are such a good mother!’ and leaves. Gala yells at Brigida to serve comida.
Poor Alexia is basically ordered by Gala to eat liver with broccoli/peas/carrot puree… YUCK!! The poor thing was asking Brigida if she had prepared her favorite chicken dish. Later Gala is still forcing Alexia to eat the liver and the whole puree… ‘if you want to be as pretty as I am, you have to eat what I tell you’.(YIKES!!!) ‘you did not eat it right when they served it and now it is cold and tastes even worse, but you still have to eat it! (DOUBLE YIKES!!! Even Brigida behind the wall is making faces at Gala’s behavior. As a mother, even I get gurgles at watching Gala force Alexia to eat and Alexia calling for her dad to get home already. ‘Papi, ven!!”)
At the other dinner table, CHelo, Mateo and Chuy are having dinner. Mateo is so funny noting he did wash his hands but CHelo hasn’t. Chelo has to go wash his hands or Chuy won’t serve him.
At Het Het another dinner table? Paz, Ariche, Luci, Pato, Magda and Namurachi… Luci is saying grace and praying her son also has something to eat. Such a cheerful dinner party there… as always.
At office, Oscar compliments Rod on his taking the time to be the best father he can. Rod says Alexia is the only motivation for him to come home. He just has one look at her and my live gets brighter.
At Het Het they all are taking Pato for a stroll through town… and they just missed a call from Rod’s cell to Paz’ house. Rod is a bit flustered.
The nannie and Brigida are both feeling bad for Alexia, but Brigida discourages any attempt to rock the boat because Gala would kick them both to the curb immediately.
Julie tells her friend Carola(Thanks, Madelaine!) that she can’t allow Gala to ruin what they have invested so much time and effort… she won’t be without the TL fortune… Carola asks what will you do now? … flirt with Max… Really?... no! I am going after Claudio Linares again. Can you imagine Luci’s reaction that besides I am Rod’s MIL, I will be her own step mom?? (dream on, B____H!! Claudio is not your typical shallow brained target... )
At Het Het they are walking through town… Luci and Pato compliment each other’s efforts… They also talk about Pato wanting to continue his strive for walking. But what he is thankful for is that from the plane of the chair, he has learned to see people through their hearts.
At apartment, Vicky tells Max she wants to progress to own her own business… Max berates her that he did not come to talk about her business ownership dreams but to sleep with her. Vicky continues playing hard to get and leaves, ‘say hi to your wife. Bye’
In his car, Boris continues to be a pest to Janah… he has a surprise for her tonight. She is less than amused. Are you mad at me? … lets see, I want to clear the road… I don’t like for you to visit me at work. IF I went to Florence to study architecture, it was to put it into practice when I returned home.!! Boris can’t even get her to smile at him. Gets a forced smirk instead.
Lorenzo talks to Vio … also tells her Boris is right… what can I offer Janah? ‘pan pa’ hoy y hambre pa’ manana’ Vio does not want him to talk that way. If the rich always were the better options, maybe Rod would be very happy now with Luci and she would not have left the hospital or lost her child… You are a very good taquero and with honor! You have progressed so much, you have 12 bikes with a locale… Lorenzo says there is a long way to go still, but already saving to buy a house… Vio says see? That is what gives you value/worth, you are on the way… You are great Lorenzo, and that ‘Boris’, all he has to offer is that he was born with silver spoon. He’s not even as handsome as you… Lorenzo thanks Vio for the encouragement..
Janah gets home mad. Mati tells her RE went out shopping with Genaro, is so enthused with tonight’s dinner… Janah not so much. Mati understands Janah is not enthused because she is not in love. Mati won’t try to keep communicating Janah with Lorenzo. Janah thanks her for telling her about Lorenzo everytime they talked… ‘each time you talked to me about him I felt like I had him with me, and yet we were so far…’
Alexia has fallen asleep at the table… Gala shouts for Brigida which scares Alexia, Gala tells Brigida to save the dinner in the fridge to serve again to Alexia tomorrow(Witch!!) and you will go to bed without your usual milk merienda. So tomorrow you will be hungry and will eat your food… (double witch!!) Gala tells herself ‘poor thing, but if your dad won’t give me the time of day, someone will have to deal with the broken dishes’. Rod gets home, wants to see Alexia, but Gala says no and lies saying Alexia already had her night cereal of color animals. She hurries him to get ready, RE wants them to be on time for the dinner… Rod won’t engage in the fight so he heads to the shower..
At Het Het they are packing the current order for the hotel chain… tons of packing tape and bubble wrap everywhere… Magda says she and Paz are the Quality Control dept. LOL! Pato compliments them for their achievement these last 5 yrs. Luci passes the compliments to Paz, Magda, Namurachi and everyone else.
Julie is visiting Claudio at office… She wants him to stop calling her Julieta. She wants him to invite her somewhere for a drink. He is too busy.. ‘julie!’. She says it must be something about the men in this business… none go home to spend time with wives. She says he needs someone to pamper him and keep him company. Claudio says he got that with his daughter Luci… Julie keeps swinging the bat and wants to talk about ‘OUR present and OUR future’… Claudio gets serious… Julie walks behind his desk and starts with some speech that he is young, that he needs to rebuild his life, he is handsome and very interesting. They say the true 30’s begin at 50’s. Claudio says the same thing he told Luci already, he is not interested in marrying again because he feels he is still in love with his late wife. Julie then won’t go home empty handed so she makes him comply to them going out to keep each other company with no commitments.
At TL manor, RE is at her three sided mirror vanity, talks with Mati about not seeing herself as pretty as before, then she starts with some analogy about having put on too much makeup, and the lighting in the room in the evening not being enough… in darkness everything gets merged and blurry… Janah comes in. Turns out RE bought her the dress for tonight ‘I went alone so no one would influence in my decision..’. (man!! How appropriate for RE’s daughter ‘ask for hand’ dinner party… a solid black sheath… I would expect this to come right out of RE’s own closet rather than Janah… she wants Janay to follow her footsteps for sure… the sheath for her dressing style and the black color because this is her ‘execution’ party for sure!) Janah protests because she bought many nice dresses in Italy and wanted to wear one of them tonight… RE insists so Janah again has to roll her eyes and please mom dearest.. Again RE looks like a girl playing doll house, and Mati behind her nodding in disbelief…
At Het Het Don Aquiles does not want Luci or her town tour party to see that he is crippled… or that he keeps company with a baboso like Procopio… so they hide as the Luci party walks/rolls by.
Brigida brings Alexia a plate of sincronizadas (like the flat Mexican tostadas at taco bell) with chocolate milk. Alexia is very thankful.
At the dinner party at TL manor, Gala is cackling about her perfect marriage and relationship with Rod… She pressures Rod to say something… so he says ‘Gala is a woman like there are none anymore’ (LOL!)… Janah is sick enough with Gala’s speeches that she summons Melissa so they can leave the table for a few minutes…
It is Boris’ parents turn to babble… Aldo is having fun with allt his… Rod is sucking a sour grape, Gala is smiling widely..
Janah shouts to Melissa that she does not want to get married. That RE wants to control her life, and to destroy her life like she destroyed Rod’s.. it is choking her, but she would not forgive herself if something happens to RE. maybe it is the destiny of the TL.. to be unhappy and never to know happiness…
Lorenzo calls Luci to release some sorrows… don’t say anything, just listen… I am dying of sadness… as we are talking now, they are asking for my Janitah’s hand in marriage. And I can’t do anything!! I love her more than anything in the world… And if she gets married, what do I do with this love?? Where do I throw it?? How do I make it so it won’t hurt?? (oh man!… I feel Lorenzo’s pain, I want these two in their own novella SO BAD!!)
At exec dinner, RE gets to the point… Boris’ dad formally requests from RE and Max the hand of Janah in marriage for his son Boris… Janah is short of breath and explodes… NO!!! I won’t get married to Boris!! (everyone is shocked quiet… Max smirks… Melissa smiles in approval and we can tell Rod, Connie, and Oscar feel this was for the better, but they are giving a controlled reaction to not make the awkward moment worse... I can't see Aldo but he must be enjoying this...)
Previews: Next Ep is not until Wednesday!! VO: Courage wins over fear!
Mati calls Lore to let him know Janah did not get engaged, Lore can’t hide his joy/relief… we see Lore and Janah have a very steamy meeting (apparently at the place where they cook the tacos) with kisses and hand holding… Rod calls Luci… ‘we can’t be separated. We have a son to find and if we stick together we will find him! (i will add a little word of wisdom for Boris... quien rie al ultimo, rie mejor!)
I am ready to sign a lease for my spot at a HUGE HUGE table pro-Janah/Lorenzo at the Patio, serving Italian ices charged with your fav liquor with tacos de chicharron and tacos de papa…
Labels: refugio
Weekend Discussion: Gay Characters and Storylines in Telenovelas; Still a Long Way to Go
In the
nearly two decades I have been watching telenovelas I can count only
on one hand how many gay characters I've seen in them whose names I
can remember. There have been some (not necessarily Televisa's)
with minor gay characters (as in appeared in a handful of episodes)
who fit all the popular stereotypes: Swishy men in cliché jobs like
hairdressers, interior decorators, or fashion designers come and go
on novelas and we roll our eyes and ask when the producers will
finally get it right and show us some gay characters we can believe
in life situations that are realistic.
A few
productions did.
Read more »Labels: amar, barrera, reina-sur, telenovelas, weekend
Abismo de pasión #159 11/1/12: La Hermita celebrates Día de Los Culpables
Refrito: Clearly Damian did not go to the Fernando Colunga school of snakebite cures. More’s the pity.
Lo Nuevo: We're going into Día de los Muertos and we didn't get one dead person tonight! We were robbed. Oh well, on with the show...
Oh man, this is gonna be good. The Orange-Brown Recluse confronts the Black Widow in the dark yard of Hacienda Arango. She assures Alfie that Dam and Elisa are going to meet the same fate as Rosendo and Stef. Alfie calls Carmina a Dirty Rotten Ho and Carmina retaliates by explaining, in great detail, that Rosendo was always putting the horns on Alf because Alf was so lacking in the sack. Ouch! Do we think Alf is gonna back down? Oh hell no. She spits back that Carmina is guilty of killing Lupe, shooting Augusto, she has a witness, and long before the kids get back from their honeymoon Carmina’s gonna be in jail paying for all her crimes!
“Have you seen Gabino around?” asks the Recluse, “Cause he’s out taking care of business for me and you’re going to know the pain of burying your kid just like I did.” OK, that one got to Alfie.
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