Tuesday, November 04, 2014
La Gata #46 Mon 11/03/14 Lorenza, you are a dog!
Labels: gata
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #56 11/3/14 Chava Gets the Bum's Rush
I guess Irma figures she's done enough.
Fire Salvador and lose Pato? That ain't happening.
Labels: hasta
La Malquerida, capitulo 51.
Labels: malquerida
Monday, November 03, 2014
Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 11/3/14 #76
Labels: mcet
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- La Reina de Corazones - Week of November 3, 2014
We all hope that the smushing will end soon. Let Telemundo know your opinion of this at:
And since tomorrow is election day all across the country, enjoy this:
Baldo en Español by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos
English version
P.S. Just a reminder — we don’t discuss previews here. We only talk about what has actually happened in the episodes aired on American television. You may, of course, spin Crackpot Theories™ to your heart’s content.
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE — week of November 3, 2014: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, etc.
Thanks to deb for the recaps of Senora Acero!
And because tomorrow is election day, enjoy this:
Baldo en Español by Hector D. Cantu and Carlos Castellanos
English version
Labels: acero, miserables, telemundo
Sunday, November 02, 2014
Quiero Amarte Highlights and Discussion (Weeks 7 & 8 - Nov 3 & 10)
Mauro will get better
Juliana will stay in Mexico
Cesar and Lucrecia will get worse
Constanza will become annoying
Horacio will forget to zip up his pants
Salvador (Yummy) Romero will stay near Constanza
Ulises will get the cold shoulder from Mariana
Mariana will get discovered by Cipriano, working for the "enemy"
Amaya will need lots of support to get through her divorce
Max will try to convince himself he can love two women
Labels: amarte
For el dia de los muertos, two songs I just LOVE!!! Mi funeral!!! No es serio este cementerio!!
Mi funeral:
No es serio este cementerio:
Labels: announcements
Saturday, November 01, 2014
La Malquerida, capitulo 50. 10/31/14
Labels: malquerida
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #55 10/31/14 Sofia Decides Her Fate
Labels: hasta
Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #75 The Effects of Herbs, Sugar, and Prescription Pills
Labels: mcet
Friday, October 31, 2014
La Gata #45 Friday, October 31 – Pobrecita Bambina!
Fern and Esme in the hospital where Leti is. He tells her he has to take Fela to the Psychiatrist and he will return after her appointment. He reassures her he will not abandon her and asks that she please keep him apprised of little Leti’s condition. She says she will and thanks him. Fer leaves after a gentle Fatherly kiss on her forehead and a blessing to them both. Almost immediately El Italiano enters. He has money, he says, he will find a specialist. Gata is grateful and says she will pay him back. El Italiano tells Esme he has seen Pablo. It doesn’t matter she answers. El Italiano goes on to relay Pablo’s message to Esme and even argues his case, that Pablo is the Father after all and has a right to see his child. How dare he Esme asks, after what he’s done? El Italiano says Pablo made a mistake, he didn’t purposely try to hurt Leti. I know you’re saying these things because you’re hurt and frightened but that does not erase the fact that he is the Father of this baby. She relents but says she will not be there when he comes. She doesn’t ever want to see Pablo again!
And now we catch up with Ines in her hot red dress. She’s in a café sipping a drink and exchanging winks with a potential involuntary sugar daddy dressed in a snazzy white suit. Garabato monitors and coaches in the background.
We now find Pablo at the counter in El Italiano’s pizza place. El Italiano tells Pablo La Gata says he does have the right to see the bambina for which Pablo heartily thanks him. El Italiano wants to go with Pablo to the hospital instead of giving him the name and address. Please, Pablo says with some indignation, I want to talk to Esmeralda alone. Well, she said you can see the baby but she will not be there when you arrive: She wants you out of her life, get it?! Well, somebody wants Pablo in her life if it’s not Esme. Gisela has been blowing up his phone and she has a high passivity index because he doesn’t answer!
Back at the hospital Gata talks tenderly to baby Leti, telling her she is praying for her when Rita comes in. Rita tells her it was wrong to come back to the dump: the babies were used to a different life. I was tired of being told what to do. I love Pablo and I will always love him but everything is over. Rita seizes this opportunity to start singing the praises of El Italiano, oh he loves the babies and has done so much for them! Yes, I am grateful Esme somberly responds. And this gratitude can become love Rita croons! No, Esme sadly counters, nothing takes the place of love and without love, life is empty.
Ines chats up the old man. When he goes to the bathroom she puts a drug in his drink as Garabato looks on in approval. The old man is back. Ines suggests they go to his room. Garabato watches. The old man begins to feel a little dizzy as he makes his moves on the cringing Ines. Another little guzzle ought to help this. He drinks, squints and blinks trying to unblur Ines. He grabs for her and falls to the floor, out cold. She slaps him, trying to make sure he’s out. Are you ok? She slaps him over and over with increasing glee. Garabato comes in and they rob his room and person: Money, jewelry, everything, stuffing it in a dufflebgag. They even take his shoes. Garabato delays their escape to slobber his thanks all over Ines after covering the old man’s face with his hat.
Pablo and El Italiano arrive at the hospital. Esme runs to hide in the bathroom. Rita and El Italiano remain in the room and Rita spins a web of lies about how Esme has just gone on and on about his kindness and her gratitude for what he’s done for the babies.
In a split screen we see the anguised Pablo talking lovingly to little Lettie: He asks for her forgiveness . On the other side Esme resolutely folds her arms, stiffens and raises her chin in defense against Pablo’s unrehearsed profession of paternal love. Unmoved, Rita makes cracks in the background. Pablo talks about the beautiful toys he’s going to buy her and presents her with a music box and a virgincita necklace, kisses it and places it on the virgincita card. (Someone help me. I know there are proper things for these items) Leti is deeply asleep. Pablo jumps up and demands to talk to the Dr. He wants to have the baby transferred for better care. El Italiano informs him the baby is still critical and can’t leave the hospital. Oh sure, now you’re scared quips Rita, why weren’t you afraid to take her out in the rain? Pablo explains with more patience and courtesy than is warranted that they had no refuge from the rain and that he tried to protect her best he could. Behind the bathroom door Esme begins to consider that Pablo’s actions were not intentional and she begins to acknowledge his pain. As he leaves Pablo asks Rita to tell Esme he will return tomorrow. Tomorrow? This baby may not make it through the night. She’s dying and it’s your fault! She’s not going to live, she HAS to live declares Pablo! He turns back to the baby and blesses her.
Fer enters the hospital room and Rita spews her poison all over Fernando: Tell him what happened! He tried to kidnap the baby, got scared when it started to rain and tried to turn back. Is it true! Answer Fer demands! Esme bursts out of the john! No sir! It’s not true. It’s a terrible tragedy but it’s not his fault. My love, Pablo coos plaintively. Don’t say a word. Get out! Pablo leaves but reminds her he is Leti’s Father and he will return.
Ahhh. We have a little respite in a scene with Centavito and Maria back at the landfill. Pablito is in a little bed as Maria picks through some trash. Centavito is studying his braille and offers to show her how he can read. They express glee that the basurera grapevine and solidarity was able to get the intell which reunited Pablo with little Leti!
Back at the hospital El Italiano introduces himself to Fer, referring to her as “La Gata” which Fer icily and sternly corrects. Esme is no longer a defenseless wild cat. Fer warms slightly to hear of El Italiano’s helping Esme which she confirms she appreciates. They shake hands.
Lorenza sweeps into the de la Santa Cruz mansion announcing to Jarocha that she has come to see her adored, beloved grandchildren. Jarocha is not taken in by this sudden interest and she attacks with her best provocative posturing, finger snapping and flashing eyes all the while calling Lorenza out on this self-serving interest in the babies. Lorenza, berating Jaroha, calls her low class ignoramus whom she refuses to let ruffle her. They continue to trade insults as Meche comes in and begs Lorenza to please leave before something bad happens. Jarocha swings wildly at Lorenza as Meche ushers her out of the door, restraining Jorocha at the same time.
As Lorenza leaves Fela intercepts her angrily demanding to know why Lorenza stole her flowers. Lorenza lets loose with a string of the insults that are always on the tip of her tongue! You cursed, crazy old dirty woman, I don’t have time for this! Fela doesn’t slow her roll and shouts at her yes, you stole my flowers and the man in the wheelchair, Augstin Martinez Negrete stole my daughter. Lorenza fairly staggers away from Fela as if hit in the gut and hurries through the gate.
Now we have Giselle and Pablo in the gallery where his paintings were to be displayed. The walls are bare. Giselle sashays into Pablos’s personal space with an unsubtle appraising sweep of her eyes. Apparently “a collector” bought all your paintings.” Todos she puckers, in kissing distance.
Having returned home, Lorenza and Pablo argue about their plans to eliminate the de la Santa Cruz problem. Lorenza asks him about Fela’s accusation: She said you kidnapped her child. What was she trying to say? Augustin denies having any knowledge of what Fela was talking about but rolls away but looking worried.
Back at the hospital the Dr. tells Esme little Leti is dying. She didn’t respond to the treatments. I’m afraid she won’t make it through the night and they have to transfer her. Esme agrees tearfully, her dread palpable.
Back at the empty gallery Giselle chides Pablo about ignoring her calls. He apologizes and she tells him she met his mother. Since I’m going to be friends with your Mother I offer you my friendship. She gives him a long, languid kiss on the cheek. Pablo looks confused.
Back at the hospital with Esme, Fer, Rita and El Italiano. Esme has become dejected and almost stony in her fear and grief. Leti is dying, she must be transferred. Fer declines El Italiano’s offer to take charge of the expenses but Esme in turn declines his help but Fer gently insists.
Mariano arrives at Pablo’s apartment: “It’s a miracle, I have money for my baby’s treatment! They rush to the hospital where they find the still dirty and unkempt Rita. Pablo runs expectantly to the crib. It is empty. Where is my baby? She’s not here and she’ll never be here Rita answers. Cut to a consultation of the Dr. with Fer, Esme and El Italiano. The Dr. tells them the baby is dying. Esme faints! Esme’s heart rate is weak, they call for a stretcher and carry her away! Let’s go! Cries El Italiano! You stay here Fer sternly orders, this is a family matter and you are not family! I’m not family but you are? El Italiano asks the empty room.
Pablo continues begging Rita where his baby is obviously so traumatized by the grief and shock it hasn’t occurred to him to ask the hospital staff. You deserve this for what you did; I don’t care about your pain. I’m not going to tell you where she is and that’s it. She announces that she is leaving to take care of her “other nieto” pushing Pablo aside as she flounces out of the room with all the importance he has given her in this matter.
Esme is in a hospital bed. She wants to be with the baby. The Dr. and Fer try to get her to rest. In a sudden burst of the old La Gata spirit she snatches her hand from Fer, pulls out the IV and jumps out of bed. You don’t understand. You’re a Dr., babies die everyday, and it’s no big deal to you. Looking at Fer she says you’re a man who lost his daughter and didn’t put forth enough effort to find her. That child out there is mine and she needs me. Nobody understands a mother’s pain! She flings open the door and is met by a tearful Fela. I’m here to talk to you because I understand. I truly understand the pain of a mother who has lost a child.
Blanca and Esme have a heart to heart and encourages Esme to fight for Leti, not to do as she did, not fighting hard enough. Fela tells her Leti will survive and she will be all right and in her arms again. Fer joins them briefly with further words of comfort. La Gata has regained her life and fighting spirit! She’s got to give her daughter the will to live! She thanks Fer for brining Fela to the hospital.
The Dr. is walking with Esme and has informed her that Leti is in intensive care. The Next 24 hours will be decisive, he says. Esme pleads, let me be by her side. Somewhat apologetically the Dr. asks where the Father is. Esme, silent, looks sheepish. It’s important he be here. We have to be prepared for the worse.
Meanwhile Pablo is in his apartment working the phone trying to locate his daughter. Monica and Mariano are there as well. Gisele Arrives as if she owns the place and implies as much with her introduction: She is Pablo’s friend and Pablo is her client and what concerns him concerns her. Monica is open-mouthed impactada. Gisele asks Pablo who he’s looking for and whips out her cell and begins to punch digits. Monica possessively drapes an arm over Pablo suddenly interested in a more active role. I have a detective friend who can help Gisele announces. Mariano picks this particular time to make a crack about the enviable position Pablo is in having this beautiful sexy lady suddenly appear. For crying out loud enough already Pablo shouts! I’m going through the worse moment of my life with my babies and the woman I love! Why is it so hard to love you Esmeralda he pleads toward the ceiling. Gisele seems visibly stricken by this outburst and gives Monica a cold, hard glare as if to say, I’ll fight her AND you for him!
Finally we see Esmeralda is in blue scrub gown and cap at Leti’s bedside in intensive care whispering words of love and encouragement to the tiny Leti asleep in an incubator. She claims a future victory for little Leti by telling a story in which love has already saved little Leticia from the jaws of death!
Previous: Episode 44
Next: Episode 46
Labels: gata
La Malquerida, capitulo 49. 10/30/14
Labels: malquerida
Mi Corazon Es Tuyo - Earthquake Size Shake-ups
• Bruja Bela arises from her bedroom lair long enough to view the happy family scene below with Ana. She swears to destroy them all.
• Later Jenifer and Ana discuss Jen’s honeymoon while Don Nico warns Don Fernando off Ana and possibly stealing Diego’s girlfriend once again from him. DF swears that he loves Ana and is crazy jealous but also that Estafania was never truly in love with Diego.
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Labels: mcet
La Gata #44 - Thu 10/30 - La Enfermedad
Fernando is upset about the earlier incident with Fela out on the lawn. He tells Mercedes what happened. Those "gente" (people) are more like "bestias" (beasts). He keeps backing off on the "revenge" but then something else happens. Fernando is feeling overwhelmed and he's angry that they would accuse her of theft when they're the thieves.
Pablo insists on going to get his car to take the baby to the hospital, whether Esme likes it or not. He tries to pay Meatball for the armload of stuff Meatball brought over, but Meatball won't accept it. For no good reason, and with no clear logic, Esme accuses Pablo of having done something to the baby, of trying to hurt them to get back at Silencioso for wanting revenge on his family. And then, once Pablo is gone to get his car, she leaves with Meatball. She won't listen to Carlos, either, about the baby being Pablo's too. "He lost that right when he let her get soaked like this."
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Labels: gata
Hasta el Fin del Mundo #54 20141030 I'm Not Saying that it was a Bad First Kiss....I'm Just Saying that I'd Kiss My Brother Like That
DZ "acting" like he's brushing dandruff of of Marjorie's shoulder. Head in shoulders will take care of that!
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Labels: hasta
Thursday, October 30, 2014
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- PAGE TWO: La Reina de Corazones - Week of October 27, 2014
Look for Thursday's recap in the comments below. This week, Jean has graciously agreed to fill in for Mauricio. Thanks, Jean!
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
HEFDM Recap #53
Chava and Araceli talk about Sofi.
Dani and Greta are talking and Greta just gives her usual apathetic little expressions.
Pato has come out of the room and is hugging Sofi from behind and getting all intimate.
Lucas (sexy little imp) is working out in no shirt.
Armie has come to Casa Chava and is lamdenting and confiding with him that Nandito isn't his.
Alexa and Fausto; she has a journal to write in and I'm reminded of MEPS when Liliana received a journal. In the journal it says COSAS POSITIVAS --COSAS NEGATIVAS.
Chava is empowering Armie; Claro que Nandito es tu hijo!
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #53 20141029 Zepeda is on the Way! Yeah!
David Zepeda Acting like he's wearing a suit! Read more »
Labels: hasta
La Gata #43- Wed 10/29 - La Angustia
Chácharas gets up and starts to show those lousy punks what a REAL fighter can do, but he only manages to unload the whoop-ass on Garabato before the rest of them gang up on him again. Ines is the one who calls them off and they drag Grabato away.
More circusy stuff. Pablo is going to keep giving Gata "detalles" (details, literally; little gifts, little things to show someone you care about them). The organ grinder is playing "Volver" I finally figure out.
Carlos is reading to Virginia from one of her Braille books. He'd like to write books, but he thinks he doesn't know enough. Virginia says she'll teach him to write in Braille.
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Labels: gata
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