Monday, April 10, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 4/10/17 Chapters 116 & 117

Chapter 116: Sometimes Love is Not Enough, Part II

Back to where we left off, David is pleased with Luciana's reading of the Romance ad copy. He embraces her and she in return. Her expression is bittersweet while his is more like regret and possible sadness at a decision contrary to his own best interests.
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La Doble Vida De Estela Carrillo index

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 10, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-noon — Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 12-2PM — Amar es Primavera
• 8-10PM — La Doña (Mon-Thurs; preempted Friday for a religious special Santiago Apostál)
• 10PM — El Capo

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 08, 2017

La Piloto #24, 4-7-17: Battle Of The Brutes In Which Oscar Gets More Than He Bar-gained For

Yolanda settles Rosalba in at her home in Altamirano while Estela hides under a table, eavesdropping.  Yoli notes when trying to leave a phone number with her aunt that she has somebody else’s (similar) cell phone and not her own with her. She shrugs it off until realizing that whoever has her phone, will know that she called DEA Dave on it since she forgot to erase the call.  Yoli sees that El Cañengo will be Rosie’s bodyguard, but at a distance.  He puts locks on all the doors and brings food for her.  Yoli says her good-byes as Rosie tells her to remember her decent upbringing and hopefully she’ll get free of the narcos and start leading a proper life and earning a proper living.

John learns from Oscar that the town folk freeze up when anybody mentions Los “Bolches”(?), the local syndicate run by Eladio, aka, The Bald-headed Bully-Boy. They are reluctant to discuss anything to do with him, he tells his brother.  Oscar wants to do a little bullying of his own to get people around there to talk, but John reminds him to keep their heads down and let things ride a bit.

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Vino el Amor, #114/115, Friday Apr 7, 2017: Gracie Tastes the Rainbow

Episode 114. Fernanda's Party

Cut scene: Luci, Susan, and David (in vest) talk about the winery's success, especially with becoming the Sunset restaurant's house wine. David is excited, and grateful to both of them.

Montage: Juan gives Perla some earrings; Luci, Susan, and Dave work together, and vestless Dave is smiling, but Luci looks sad after he leaves the room; Erika, Miguel, and Adolfo are working together, and they're laughing and cheering; Marta and Ramon work on something together in the kitchen, and shirtless Tano approves.

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Friday, April 07, 2017

La Piloto #23 4.6.17: In Which Everyone Plots Against Yolanda...

• Zulima takes the phone away from Oscar to make sure Yolanda called Dave. She laughs and calls Yolanda an idiot for doing so.
• Roberto gets into Omar’s car and leaves but doesn’t notice Omar following him in a motorcycle.
• Olivia tells Lizbeth that she’s worried about seeing Roberto because she would have to confess the truth about where she works and what she does. Lizbeth reminds her that that’s their reality and he has to accept it. Olivia agrees and then asks her about the guy from the bar, Raul Arguelles. She smiles.
• Raul and his father, Arguelles, investigate the road shootout from Yolanda’s kidnapping attempt. Raul wants to investigate personally but his father will handle it but it was probably related to drug trafficking. He sends Raul on his way and looks at the blood on the floor.
• Yolanda and Carlina load Rosalba onto the plane as Lizbeth comes and gives her the jacket she left at the cabin. She thanks her and John comes to wish her a safe flight. She thanks him and then he tells John that he hopes she’s well. Rosalba reminds him to take care of Yolanda and not let anything happen to her. John agrees and Yolanda goes to take off.

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Vino el Amor #112-113; Thursday, April 6, 2017: Fighting for Position

Repeat from yesterday: Begin with Lu and Dave telling each other their feelings. One day all their problems will resolve. In time they will find out if they have made the right decisions. Lu tells him she is happy when they can talk about the things that come from their heats. Dave says he doesn’t want her to be waiting for something that may not ever be. But Lu does not want to lose faith and Dave doesn’t want to lose faith either. He just worries that this is not fair to Luciana.
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Thursday, April 06, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Doña, El Capo, & más: Week of April 3, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8-10PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Capo

Please note the changes that have taken place this week: La Doña now runs for two hours each day, and El Capo debuted at the 10PM slot on Tuesday.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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La Piloto #22 4.5.17: In Which Yolanda Tries To Do The Right Thing...

• Rosalba is okay with Yolanda’s silence but she wants to leave ASAP so that she doesn’t see Yolanda’s self-destruction. Yolanda agrees and goes to prepare her departure right away. Rosalba does ask that she think about it because she could’ve died today and the next person could be her. Yolanda promises to protect her and apologizes for disappointing her.
• Amanda runs into Cindy in the Cielito Lindo bathroom. Cindy doesn’t want to fight but Amanda has other ideas. She takes out a pair of scissors, slams her against the wall and starts cutting her hair.
• The Lucios and Arley load up into their cars outside the bar and John reiterates to Zulima that he’s the boss of this place and she has to report back to him. She agrees and Oscar suggests they put a couple of their men inside as customers just in case. John agrees and asks Arley to put all the confiscated guns in their warehouse and find out who the men are. They try to leave but Lizbeth runs to Arley to tell him Amanda is fighting in the bathroom with Cindy.
• In the bathroom, Olivia tries to separate the women when Arley, Zulima and Lizbeth come. They all grab Amanda and she drops the scissors. Zulima thinks these spectacles are embarrassing and they take Amanda away. Arley then confirms with Cindy that Amanda only cut her hair and walks away, annoyed.

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Vino el Amor #110 & 111; Wednesday April 5, 2017: Vino La Muerte para Mark!

We begin where we left off yesterday with Luciana crying because of David. Marta says that DisGrace convinced Fernanda to apologize to Marta and she is happy for the return of that relationship and is grateful to Grace. Marta tells Lu to think about whether or not she would have accepted either of her parents with another and to put herself in Fernanda’s shoes.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Vino el Amor #108 and 109 (107 on Uni), Tuesday, April 4, 2017: Vino el Missing Jobs, Brains and Scenes

At viñedo del incompetents, everyone is jockeying for position, and let's face it, Gracie and Lilian are winning easily. Luciana tries an all-business approach that lasts about two scenes before she totally folds, while Gracie decides to just plain drop her business, at least her income source, and Grumpy David fires the therapist. At viñedo del competency (which had its scenes cut by Uni because we all know Uni loves incompetency), Miguel is visiting the other vineyard to counsel David on his lovelife, Erika hates her inhaler and Adolfo suggests to the other vineyard that maybe they should for reals implement a water source for (as far as we know) the still-turning-into-raisins vineyards.

Speaking of that genius David, there's a real meeting of the minds as those geniuses David and Gut spar over Gut not yet uncovering the dirty dealings of those geniuses Mark and Juan. Meanwhile, Perla looks for a job and Carito interviews at the competent vineyard, which might be the smartest move in this whole episode. All of these plot developments in the preceding paragraph were cut by Uni.

To figure out the cuts, I watched the Mexican episodes #108 and #109 and I looked at the summary of  #110 on the Canal de las Estrellas site. So I feel confident that last night was just a combination of 108 and 109. The cuts to 109 weren't as egregious as the ones to 108. I've noted everything in italics that was cut. I am sure I will have missed some things in this recap, especially not having the benefit of captions or transcripts for the cut scenes, so please feel free to elaborate in the comments.

Also my apologies for being somewhat absent as of late. I've barely got time to watch Vino el Amor the American version. Kind of annoyed that Uni is going to force me to watch virus-laden bootleg videos to figure out what was cut. Work and life are just super busy. I really appreciate all who subbed for me with recaps the past few weeks - Thanks!
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La Piloto #21 4.4.17: In Which Yolanda Faces Some Harsh Truths...

• Amanda walks in on Arley with her coworker, Cindy, and Arley asks the girl to leave and she does. Amanda can’t believe Arley betrayed her this way after she swore their relationship was real. He reiterates that it was but men like him have a man girl but they also have other women. Amanda can’t believe his words and runs out of the office without further explanation. She runs into Zulima outside, who asks if she told him about the baby, but Amanda just grabs her and runs.
• Yolanda is filling in Rosalba on her life since her coma. Rosalba tells her that her father would be so proud to see how far she’s come as a pilot but sadly he’s dead. Yolanda remembers when the police shot him and she witness everything. Rosalba is shocked to learn how fast she learned to fly and then asks Olivia and Lizbeth if they work in CAA. They shake their heads and Rosalba remembers what she read on the news. Rosalba can’t believe they dealings with drug traffickers. Lizbeth explains that only a bar would hire them now as John comes with good news but stops himself when he sees Rosalba. He is glad to see Rosalba is going better and Rosalba thanks him. He then asks to speak to Yolanda alone and they go off.
• Outside, John asks Yolanda why she looks so scared and Yolanda reminds him that Rosalba doesn’t know they were also involved in the drug trafficking. Yolanda will take Rosalba to Altamirano in a couple of days, as soon as Carlina gives the okay, so she needs his help so she doesn’t find out the truth. John agrees and then jokes with her about how good of a pilot she is. He then brings her a device to plot cell phone locators on outgoing calls since he imagines she wants to call her mom. She kiss him and thanks him for always thinking of her.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2017

La Piloto #20, 4-3-17: Zuli's Black Magic Backfires; Amanda Has A Crash-landing

**[Also, just a reminder that HULU+ no longer is carrying LP.  If your cable/satellite service doesn't carry Univision or On Demand with it added then if you are signed up with Univision/UniMas you can stream (for a charge) and you will be able to watch it there.**  --ed.]

The gone gals cannot stomach the rowdies at Olivia’s table.  Yolanda tells them to suck it up. Life could be worse and to ignore it. (I believe—no CC’s and crap audio.)

John calls and asks Yoli what was up with her madre.  She doesn’t know the location of the hideout or anything right? She won’t be talking? Right….. She’d better hope not.  One of the guerreros saw DEA Dave pay a visit.   Yoli goes to the office/back hallway?  and calls to get the 411 on Dave’s visit and to double-check that Mum kept mum.  She warns her that John has threatened they’ll beat her to a pulp [hacer picadillo=make mincemeatof her]  if she does open her trap.  When Yoli walks back into the bar there’s a skirmish with one of the drunk rowdies who’s trying to force Amanda out back.  Yoli has him thrown out but the leader of the pack calls YO! on it and she pulls a gun and aims it as his lower vitals….then at his head.  Try her!  Just try her!  “—We’ll meet again!”  “—Yeah?  You know where I am!”  The gals later gripe at Zulima for not standing up for them as head waitress/bartender.

Zulima suggests a bit later that Yoli try some alternative medicine, aka curandera, witchdoctor stuff to try to heal Rosalba, like they used to do in Zuli’s neighborhood when she was growing up.  Zuli plies her “magic” then turns it into black magic hoping to kill her through her black arts.

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Monday, April 03, 2017

Vino el Amor, Lunes 4/3/17 Chapters 106 & 107: Sometimes Love is Not Enough / Hearts of Different Kinds

Chapter 106: Sometimes Love is Not Enough

We pick up with the closing moments of the last chapter, where Juan gloated at Susan and Luciana, calling them all failures and saying that their lands will be his shortly. [Refresh my memory, fellow flies on the wall, but didn't Juan barely make the grade back at university?] Miguel entered the scene to stop this, but Juan didn't hesitate to insult him and his sense of loyalty. Miguel didn't take the bait and neither did any of the ladies, although Susan and Luciana knew that David would be disappointed.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, El Capo, & más: Week of April 3, 2017

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan (ends on Monday)
• 8-10PM—La Doña (beginning Tuesday, La Doña will run for 2 hours, 8-10PM)
• 10PM—El Chema (ends Monday)
* 10PM--El Capo (begins on Tuesday)

As the above listing indicates, Telemundo will make some major schedule changes this week. La Fan, a big favorite here on Caray, will air its final episode on Monday. Starting Tuesday, La Doña will run for two hours each day, from 8-10PM.  Similarly, El Chema will conclude on Monday. A new narconovela, El Capo, will take over the 10PM slot as of Tuesday. People in search of something light-hearted will apparently have to look elsewhere.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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Saturday, April 01, 2017

La Piloto #19, 3-31-17: The Shooters Get A Hooters And Dave's Still Got Squat

Part 1 n 2~~

Dave is suspicious about Simpson’s whereabouts at the time Zeki Yilmas was murdered.  However, Simp-sone has a great alibi: he was sleeping with Monica.  Of course Dave is supposedly overreacting and Simpsone makes him feel like a nosey peeping Tomas.

John and Oscar have bought the local watering hole and called it “Beautiful Sky”.  However, their new waitresses, the gone gals, are having problems fitting into their new uniforms: skimpy midriffs and hot pants that barely cover their minuscule bottoms.  Yoli tells them to buck up and she’ll see about talking John into something a bit more concealing and less revealing.  It could be worse…..It is that Oscar wants them so (pardon the possible pun) uptight they end up leaving.  So don’t give in and she’ll try persuading the O’s big bro to get them something else.

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Vino el Amor, #105, Friday Mar 31, 2017: Sour Grapes

Fernanda's test results arrive. David is hopeful as he tears the envelope open, but it turns out that she didn't get enough points. The sky falls. Here is a song about that. (I promise it's not the RickRoll).

Fernanda nervously says that she was nervous. Why were you so nervous? You studied. I don't know, I had a lot of things in my head. All you had to do is pass this exam, not to think of other things. Forget about seeing Tano for now. We're going to study until you pass this exam. And to prevent further distractions, I'm going to have your aunt and grandmother leave. NO! She can't leave! I thought your aunt would help you, but I see she didn't. Sorry, Fer, things are going to be that way.

Yes she helped me. I need her, she's the only one who understands me. Evidently that's not so, Fernanda. I can't believe you're not being serious about your future. Don't you understand the importance of going to university? I swear I studied, you saw me, we studied together. You are not taking this seriously enough. Don't you realize you're taking away all I have left of my mother? (You still have her earrings, Fernanda. I promise they're way better than Graciela.) He screams in her face, ENOUGH! Your privileges are over, and that's it!

Grace comes in and tries to calm Fernanda. Grace looks at the test results and praises Fernanda for beating her previous score. She asks Fer what happened. Fer repeats that she was nervous. "That's no excuse! I asked you to concentrate!" David exclaims. Grace points out that Fer did study. "Sure, but don't you see that wasn't enough? AGAIN you've exceeded my patience, and now things are going to start changing for you."

Fernanda is starting to panic and pant. She swears that she studied. David just shakes his head.
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Friday, March 31, 2017

La Piloto #18 3.30.17: In Which Yolanda Realizes that Actions Have Consequences...

• Estela tells Yolanda that the battery on the wire is dead but Yolanda realizes that it was the reason Estela wouldn’t shut up. Yolanda wonders when the battery ended, if the DEA knows where they are and what they actually know. She chides Estela for betraying her because she risked her life to save her. Estela explains that the DEA offered her a lot of money and she couldn’t refuse because she has no one left in her life. Yolanda can’t comprehend that she betrayed her for money and realizes she never had a mother. Estela asks Yolanda to understand but Yolanda is disgusted; she kicks herself for always trying to believe in her. She wonders what John will do when he finds out and Estela begs her to not turn her in.
• In the cabin, Arley and Amanda bask in the glory of their lovemaking when, suddenly, Arley gets up with a start because he thinks he heard a noise. He grabs his gun but Amanda pulls him back down and tells him it was nothing. They kiss.
• Yolanda drags Estela to the edge of the woods as Estela prays; she has always depended on others and the money Yolanda gave her in the morning is not enough. Yolanda tells her to stay put as she thinks about something. Zulima has heard everything but has remained undetected by Yolanda.

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Vino El Amor - #104 Thursday 3/30/17 **FULL RECAP** Vino el loneliness and regret.

Miguel panics because he can't find Erika's medicine and right then Adolfo comes in asking why an ambulance is there and where is his daughter!  Smuguel tells him it's because Erika is sick.  Alfonso demands to know in rather unfriendly tones why Luciana is there, did she and Erika argue again?

Meanwhile David storms into the police department and into Brian's office to find he's not there.  An officer tells him that he's out of the office supervising an operation.  David wants to know where he can find one of his employees who has been detained, Ramon Flores.   The man tells him that Ramon left with his son and a woman.   David realizes it was Marta and calls her.  She tells him that everything is cleared up and Ramon is getting back to work.   David is still peeved about Brian's abuse of authority and plans to talk to him, but Marta tells him don't bother.  David tells her the other thing that's stressing him is the pipe construction has been cancelled and that he needs Ramon to oversee the rationing of water among the employees and staff  until it's cleared up. 
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Thursday, March 30, 2017

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Fan, La Doña, El Chema, & más: Week of March 27, 2017


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Amar es Primavera
• 12PM-2PM—Mujeres Ambiciosas
• 8PM—La Fan
• 9PM—La Doña
• 10PM—El Chema

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!

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