Thursday, October 31, 2013

CI Capítulo 123 – Thur., 10-31-13. -- Maricruz and Octavio Face Off in the Battle for Lupita: Round 1 Concludes, Alliances Emerge, and Simona Suffers Collateral Damage.

            Battlefield bulletins and reports are included in this recap. Many scenes are combined to reduce whiplash and/or ennui. Feel free to add more detail in comments. 

           If we missed the previous episode, Ester lets Padre Julian (and viewerville) know that Octavio kidnapped Lupita from her home with Maricruz.  We also see Ester crying and praying that MC will get her child back. After all, MC helped save Ester and her son during his birth; now Ester repents of any evil deeds she committed against MC.

Bulletin #1   Aggrieved mother MC, accompanied by local official Morales, enters Simona’s and Tav’s home to demand the return of her daughter. Stalled by their refusal, MC pulls out her big ammo—Simona will pay for this dastardly deed and it won’t be long: she’s a dying woman!  MC will Reveal All to Simona, including Tav’s planned desertion, if they don’t return Lupita. Mig buckles and tells Tav to return the child, so a teary Tav brings a droopy Lupi downstairs and delivers her to MC’s eager arms.

Bulletin #2  Simona is suffering flak injuries from MC’ broadside. She insists Tav explain things—why didn’t he let MC talk? Tav says MC was just making up stuff and Simona should “trust him.” (We’ve heard that one before.)  Tav thinks MC is playing dirty by trying to blackmail him. He later assures Mig that he’s over the MC sickness and he’ll take back his daughter.

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Corazon Indomable #122 Galan #6 to the rescue! Where is Galan#7 when MC needs him?

This episode is so crazy and all over the place that I'm not sure I can keep up. The back and forth is hurting my brain and I think it's going to explode. Here is the best I can do.

Santa doesn't put up much of a fight when Octavio takes little Lupita from the only family and house she knows. But she doesn't cry or put up a fuss, so I guess she's ok with it. MC and Juanita come back from shopping and find out that Lupita has been kidnapped. Wondering where Octavio could have gone with Lupita, Santa says that he probably took her to his home and MC is surprised by this. Simona's house? He took her to Simona's house? Santa: Yes, he lives there. (Actual conversation).  But MC stands her ground. No one knows what she's capable of!!!! He won't get away with this!!!
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

He took Lupita! God help him! CI 10/29/13

Hi everyone-

We had a minor snafu and there won't be a full recap today, maybe tonight I can do something to fill everyone in on what happened last night. I did not watch the whole episode but did catch the last few minutes, I can tell you that Octavio thought it was a good idea to take Lupita from Santa by force. I have a feeling that he is going to regret that cause sh*t just got real.

In the mean time feel free to discuss last night's episode :)


Monday, October 28, 2013

Corazon Indomable #120, 10/28/2013: Otra Vez, el Burro al Trigo!

The Old: Migreedy convinces JackAss to write a letter implying that he (JA) had a sexual relationship with Maricruz, when she was married to Tav, and get it post-dated. Tav threatens MC with taking away Lupita, if she’s raising their daughter in an unfit/immoral environment, while Engineer Moustache (aka Alvaro) listens unnoticed.

The New:
Tav continues to fight for the title of Worst Galan Ever by telling MC that due to her reduced circumstances she’s likely going to prostitute herself (not his exact words, but the spirit of them), and won’t be able to provide adequately for their daughter even doing that. Lupita will just be a burden and impediment to her, so MC should just give Lupita to him. (Alvaro slips out unnoticed.) MC insists she’s not living an immoral life, and WILL marry Engineer Alvaro, who has been nothing but supportive. Plus, she’s a free woman! They go back and forth for a while with many of the same arguments they used 60 episodes ago, when the odd man out was the Love Gov (e.g. Lupita is MY daughter, mine alone/I won’t let you raise my daughter in an unfit environment).  At the end, MC basically tells him over her dead body will she be separated from her daughter, and if he tries to take her away, she’ll kill him like the dog he is! (Please do!)

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Friday 10/25/13 Capitulo 119 Corazón Indomable ♥ I'll Have A Shot Of Whatever Octavio Is Drinking

Somehow after a few days of the Miraculous Tequila Diet, Octavio has reached the brilliant conclusion that he must rescue his curly-haired little angelet, Lupita, from the clutches of her irresolute profligate mother, Maricruz. Never mind that he has renounced all paternal rights, he is apparently aware of some other higher law that will permit and obligate him to do this. At first Simona is not too keen on the idea, unless of course Maricruz has left the building and the county as well. This idea is so outrageously audacious that I really don't mind sticking around a bit to see how he thinks that he can pull this off.

After her recent encounter with God's vicar, Padre Julián, Natasha is nursing a sore shoulder. Nana applies an icepack as Natasha recounts how just the touch of his hand forced her to kneel before him. Who woulda thought the little guy would be so strong?

"Ouch! Who Woulda Guessed That Little Runt Of A Priest'd Be So Strong?"

Nana asks,


 She tells her that she touched his face.

 Nana asks,


She wanted to provoke an emotional response.

Nana asks,


Well in order to have something interesting to paint but the anger he expressed wasn't exactly the response she was looking for. She was thinking more along the lines of anguish, desperation, fear... the usual.

Need I say it one more time? Nana asks (feel free to say it with her),


"Well, if I want the painting called "The Temptation of a Priest," he would have to express what a good priest would feel on the threshold of a freakin' huge sin."

Nana's distressed with her ward but doesn't seem very surprised.

Downstairs at Simona's ranch, Octavio discusses his plan with Miguel. Miguel has doubts. Octavio has already decided and if it doesn't suit Simona, then heck, he'll go off somewheres else, just he and Lupita. (And probably police and private detectives hot on your trail.) Maybe you'd better pour yourself another drink and think this out a little better.

Natasha expands a bit more on her epic painting. She will be sprawled out at the feet of the tormented priest in all her voluptuous sinful glory... a detail to be added later of course. Padre Julián will find out that part if he happens to see the painting displayed at an exposition.

Octavio expounds on his plan to rescue his daughter from the bad influences of  that hussy Maricruz and her engineer friend. Miguel advises that he proceed with caution. I say go for it, this TN needs some excitement.

Nana is thinking that a sweet picture of a caring priest doing priestly stuff, but Natasha has her heart set on something a little more scandalous. She wants some fame out of this.

Miguel goes upstairs and tries to sell Simona on Octavio's harebrained scheme to take his daughter away from Maricruz. He counsels,

"Don't you comprehend that it would be marvelous that this woman lose her daughter? It would be a tremendous punishment to Maricruz Olivares' pride. This would be genuine revenge."

"And If That Doesn't Work We'll Tickle Her With A Feather."

She seems to be warming to the idea.
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Thursday, October 24, 2013

CI, # 118, Thur., Oct. 24, 2013. Octavio Is Easily Moved, while Padre Julian Stands His Ground

Previously, more or less
Padre Julian visits Tav and Simona. She wants to talk baptism for the baby, while Padre and Tav are concerned for the po’ folks and their needs. When a riled Tav exits the room, Simona tells the Padre she has to keep Tav on a tight leash. (So—her casa is his casa, but only to a limited extent?)
MC and Santa discuss the priest, who reconciled her to God and appreciates her efforts
to help the poor.

Neighborhood Chit Chat, Slander and Stuff
            Santa gives MC marriage advice—don’t do it unless you have love. You must have love for marriage to work. MC agrees that marital duties are only pleasant if love is involved.  (So how does Tav stack up here? He’s MC’ only experience.) Later, MC plays with Lupita on the bed, blowing lips and making funny noises (maybe their best interaction so far). Her mind is elsewhere, pondering a possible marriage.

            Migreedy and Simona gossip in the parlor, with Mig gleefully saying MC has a boyfriend and her time here is almost up. Simona’s equally gleeful at hearing the news. Later, Simona asks Migreedy to tell her the truth about her illness. He still insists it’s nerves, all nerves, and nothing but nerves.

            Clorinda visits Ester, who’s holding her baby, and learns that JA and Ester are moving to Rancho Simona. Clo says that won’t last long, since everyone knows Simona is dying. Ester is muy impactada.  Adding details, Clo says it’s a brain tumor and Simona is getting what she deserves.  She was stingy, indifferent and refused to give alms. (The medical facts on this are skimpy.)
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Things I learned this week...when stuck in a loveless marriage, drink! CI Wed October 24.2013

Dear Caray mates, I have to apologize for this recap, as some of you know I've had issues with my internet connection at home. I have called my provider more than once and they were to send a tech weeks ago to fix the issue, but he never showed up. Yesterday evening my internet connection went "boom", I called Time Warner and they sent out a tech, who turned out to be the jerk of the week, he came in, looked at the equipment and declared "yeah, this is not my problem or something I can fix", he was so rude that we asked him to leave, which left me with no internet connection at all, so the best I can do for you today is bullet points, and hopefully I can finish before I have to see clients. My apologies!

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #116, 10/22/13 Solita’s sorrows

Beware, gang, this will be the shortest recap in history, but there is not much to say about this episode except:

Solita decided to starve to death because Perico Perro dumped her.
Mari waited for Alvaro to bail her out of her stupidity.
Tav got the brainy idea to give Mari back the money she paid for the Narvaez Ranch.
Simona agreed to have Esther and JA move at her ranch.
New characters showed up.

That’s it, that’s all that happened. Now you can all go about your day, drink your morning coffee, concentrate on work, enjoy your lunch break...
No? You say you want more? There really isn’t much more to add, but if you insist….

(All the scenes are severely reorganized, so you can make some sense out of what actually happened).

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Rats, you mean I have to take my dying wife home?!

Hello my favorite peeps, I'm doing tonight's recap because the lovely and talented Vivi is out of town so this week you get two recaps from me, yay?

 The old stuff: We get a repeat of MC saying that all she needs to be happy is Octavio, she could live in poverty with Lupita an one cell 'Tavio and be in heaven (oh gag me with a spoon!), she will always belong to Octavio, ALWAYS-remember this for later folks.

On to the new stuff, at Simona's ranch Octavio and GreedyMig- this is my new name for sleazy, wormy, scum of the earth Miguel Narvaez, GreedyMig and Octavio discuss Simonas ill health and Octavio informs GreedyMig that he is leaving the cash cow, eh I meant to say his wife in order to go back to Maricruz, GreedyMig does not agree with this, think of the money Simona!

 Greedy then tells Octavio that he is lucky, hell when his wife dies he will be rich, rich I tell ya! I used to think that GM (greedy Miguel) was with Lucia because he had no spine but the more I see him in action the more I come t realize that he was with her because they both lacked morals and did not care if others suffered as long as they got what they wanted. I hope this dude gets a giant anvil!
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

CI, # 114 -- Fri. 10/18/13 -- Don’t Know Where the Vengeance Went, but Now It’s All About Luurve

CeCe is on leave for tonight’s recap due to exams, so La Paloma is reporting instead. Many scenes are compressed and combined by topic, so they may be out of order.  

It’s another night of back-and-forth emotions for Tav and MC. Their attempts to find new partners leave them back at square one, feeling the old feelings. Details of this mess follow.

Tav protests to Miguel that MC isn’t just playing around with a new boyfriend, she has to think of a stepfather for Lupi. Mig thinks the engineer has a good salary, but Tav says MC won’t lack for anything as long as he’s around. It’s seems like a lie—MC’ love for Tav won’t allow her to date anyone new. (That’s some sublime self-satisfaction for our galan.)

MC and Alvaro are out riding. He cheers her up and she trusts him, but does wonder why he is helping her. Shortly, the new couple is at her table, drinking coffee, chatting and laughing. Tav rings the doorbell, Santa answers and tells him to wait. Tav sees the happy couple and knows Miguel wasn’t lying about MC’ new boyfriend. Nevertheless, he’ll protect his daughter.

In a moment, MC welcomes Tav and introduces Alvaro. The men grip each other’s hand in a contest of manly power.  (Sergio Goyri seems to have more focus when he’s menacing someone as a bad guy. He’s sort of a cardboard cutout here.)

Tav Rides By to See Whose Truck Is Parked at MariCruz’ Hacienda
Tav claims he came to see Lupita. MC gestures him upstairs on his own, while she and Alvaro sit on the couch for more cozy conversation. Tav eavesdrops from the upstairs bridge. When the engineer leaves, MC lets him kiss her hand. She rips Tav for coming unannounced and with a rotten attitude.
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Friday, October 18, 2013

CI # 113 -- Thurs. 10/17/13 -- Tonight’s Melodrama: MariCruz, the Plucky Rancherita

Allà en el rancho grande,
Allà donde vivia,
Habia una rancherita
Que alegre me decia,
Que alegre me decia.
            MariCruz is speaking with the smitten Mayor Morales, telling him she will fight the land takeover and plans to file a class action lawsuit.  He won’t intervene because he admires her.  When he tries kissing her hand, she pulls it away and leaves.  Although she’s beautiful and smart, he smirks and tells himself that everything has its price. (Dream on, slimeball. If the Emir couldn’t pull it off, neither can you.)  

           Alvaro, the engineer (aka Old Caterpillar Face), confesses to Padre Julian he has a personal motive in his sympathy for the displaced peasants. He’s in love with MariCruz and hopes the padre will speak in his behalf. He’s an upright guy who can provide references if needed. (If you need that much help, your case may be hopeless.)

            Miguel uses his vast knowledge of women to advise Octavio that Simona knows he loves MC more than his wife.  (We’re surprised he’s not working on a best seller to share his expertise.)

Our Plucky (but Unlucky) Heroine Fights to Save the Ranch
            The hardworking accountant tells Santa he really, really needs to see MC, but she’s never home.  He hopes the tenants will help her save the ranch and let her know how badly JA has cheated and betrayed her. She doesn’t deserve her bad luck.

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Corazon Indomable #112 So many Galans, not enough MC to go around.

I guess Solita is now sick. It breaks Perito's heart to see her that way. Perito can't decide if he loves Solita or not. He runs it by MC. Maybe he loves the painter? She asks if he wants to be with the painter in sickness and in health til death do they part. He's not sure. The painter was never sick when they were getting it on. MC says that if he finds out he doesn't love Solita, she wants him to leave her alone.
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

CI: Octavio’s Golden Goose May Get Cooked If Miguel Can’t Make Him See How Badly They Still Need Those Golden Eggs

Capítulo 111

Lo del Pasado:

Octavio storms out the hacienda door despite Salmona’s ordering him to stay put.  

Lo del Nuevo:

Simona has to admit that her marriage has been a freakin’ failure.   Make that a Freakin’ Failure with a couple of capital F’s.  Miguel tries to cover for his brother’s brash behavior.  Baby Brother and he are close to getting the royal send off if he can’t finesse the situation. Salmona angrily says she refuses to overlook the latest of any number of Octavio’s humiliating insults [afrentas].  She’s certain, she says, that Octavio only married her so that he could be near Maricruz!!  Migui tries persuading her again with the idea of their leaving a while, taking that long cruise he mentioned…cuz he’s certain Maricruz will be evicted shortly and that she’ll be long gone before they return.          

At the same time, Mr. Mining Company Big Shot tells Vargas that he absolutely refuses to throw all those people off the Narvaez land, let alone the woman he loves and who is certain will eventually fall in love with him. (As Hubby has always said, even the homeliest hombre thinks he’s a ripped Romeo.  This guy’s no exception.)  Big Shot’s job is on the line this time, but he’s not going to be the one responsible for evicting all those people, and especially not MC.  (How many men has Maricruz got drooling and madly in love with her by now, anyway?)
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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Corazon Indomable, Episode #110, Monday, October 14, 2013 “The Beginning of the End for Short-Lived Rancho El Abuelo”

Recap by LatinInMD

Simona is still sharing her headache with us, so Octavio does himself (and all of Viewerville) a favor and prepares to put her to sleep with an injection.

MC visits police chief Vargas to inquire about the investigation concerning her rustled cattle.  Sensing – correctly – that Vargas is not giving it much thought because he figures the loss is a small drop in the bucket for her (and just in case we forgot what the narrator told us only five episodes ago), MC gives Vargas and Viewerville a quick tutorial – illustrated with sepia flashbacks – on how she managed to blow her father’s entire fortune in record time.  She’s done nothing but give without getting anything in return, she points out.  Now you understand my situation, she asks Vargas?  He’s speechless – as is the rest of Viewerville, knowing how ludicrous all this still sounds.

After putting Simona to sleep, Octavio comes down to the living room to continue his endless exchanges with Miguel about how it upsets Simona to have Octavio visit MC.  Miguel insists that Octavio and Simona should take a trip far, far away.

Simona awakens from her drug-induced nap just as Ofelia enters her room.  She asks the maid who replaced her long-serving nana to prepare a bath for her, so she can make herself pretty.  (Good luck with that.)  (By the way, what happened to nana?  My guess is she had too many brain cells to continue on this show.)
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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Fri 10/11/13 Corazón Indomable cap 109 Simona Shares Her Headache

This yawner of an episode begins with a Octavio quarreling with Miguel over Miguel's incredible lack of compassion for others... Next!

Maricruz continues on her mission to run out of money as soon as possible by handing out wads of cash to the stragglers of Realengo. She thrives on being adored by the simple folk.

Maricruz Purchases A Playmate For Lupita

After handing out the last stack of bills she quarrels about it with José Antonio. He tells her,

"You're going to end up in the street and no one will even extend a hand."

"If so, it's God's will."

Miguel and Octavio are now quarreling about Maricruz and Simona... anybody care?

Maricruz is home spending her required 15 min. of quality time with Lupita as Juanita looks on. (Cute kid) She is brushing Lupita's unmanageable curly mane and searching for nits.
"Now Tell The Nice Folks How Much You Love Your Mama... Or Else..."

They discuss Lupita's new brother. Maricruz hopes that he takes after Simona.

Yikes! We join Simona in the hospital... scary. No makeup, a curious headband, and very grumpy... Yikes!

That's It, Simona, Just Head Toward The Light

She scolds Octavio for leaving her alone in the hospital. Looking as though he'd rather be anywhere else, he explains that he was needed at the ranch because of peasant unrest over their expulsion from Realengo... hey, Miguel needed him there to help protect the ranch (plus he needed to look in on Maricruz...he neglects mentioning this part).
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Friday, October 11, 2013

C I, # 108 -- Thurs., 10/10/13 – A Tale of Two Babies (Featuring the Appearance of Saint MariCruz)

            The other day, Jarifa commented “Funny how Simona and Esther are in the same boat: they both pushed marriages with men who they knew were in love with Maricruz and not them and then went on to get pregnant by those men. Esther lost her first child. Will that happen to Simona? “
            In this episode, we see Ester’s baby enter this world a day later than Simona’s newborn son.  I turned to that old master of serial suspense, Charles Dickens. (His novels were originally published as serials with cliffhanger endings. Almost like telenovelas.)  His beginning to A Tale of Two Cities could well apply to us:
            It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. . . .  In other words, we were watching “Corazon Indomable”!
            The early parts of this episode switch back and forth between Simona and Ester at a quick and choppy pace, so these segments are blended and condensed.
Seen Previously
            JA rushes into the hacienda, pooh-poohing Ester’s complaints of pain. MC tells him he must go for the doctor, using the truck.  She’ll saddle up and ride to Ester’s aid in the meantime.
            Simona asks Tav who does the baby look like? She wants him to stay with her. In fact, she hopes he is here every time she wakes up.
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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Breaking news! Brain injury reported in a Narvaez family member, details below! Wed 10/09/2013

Ah yes, you read that right, we started last nights episode with Simona riding up on her horse and seeing her husband and his ex-wife sharing a small kiss, he was just kissing her forehead but this was more than our dear Simona could deal with so she took off on her horse and suffered an accident. 

Octavio and Maricruz both become alarmed and worry that Simona could be injured and that the baby she's expecting might be in danger-well, let me just say that maybe they should of thought about that before they started whatever the hell it is they have going on with each other, I mean seriously, Octavio is married, Maricruz claims to hate him, so why not just part ways? Never mind, if I think about this too much my head hurts.

So apparently Simona has gone missing and a search party is set up to locate her, Maricruz stays behind and frets, Santa and Perico urge her to go to bed but she refuses, it seems like our girl is feeling a little bit of guilt over Simona catching her and Octavio together, again, should of thought about this before she started going after a married man.
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Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Corazon Indomable, #106, Tuesday, 10-08-13 Tav might be the dashing hero, but Mari's dimples are more powerful

Introducing the Realengo Rebellion of 2013 (thanks for the inspiration, La Paloma)

Fair warning: this is going to be a short recap, because this episode has been all over the place
a lot of scenes have been condensed, for a better flow. 

Maricruz finally starts making the rounds, asking the tenants why they haven’t paid their rents.

Tenant 1: I couldn’t pay because the insects destroyed my profit.
Maricruz (channeling Donald Trump): If you don’t pay, you’re fired…I mean, expulsed!
After Mari leaves, the guy tells his wife that he needs to go fix something.

Tenant 2: I always paid, I’m a hard working man.
Maricruz: Well, if you say so, and you have this cute child with you, then I believe you.
After the tenant leaves, Mari thinks to herself that there is something fishy going on… Good catch, girl, you’re quite intuitive!

Tenant 3: We’ve had some problems, people who were supposed to pay us haven’t done it, yet. This week you’ll have your money. How strange that you are having financial problems, though, the business has been working well the last few months.
Mari: Yeah, sure… (Are the little grey cells in her head starting to function now?)
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Corazon Indomable, #105, 10/07/13 Poor Don Ale must be turning in his grave…

(Filling in for Vivi, who is away, enjoying her vacation)

Thanks God he’s already dead, he’d die a hundred more deaths if he witnessed the way his entire fortune is being wasted and what an idiot he has for a daughter.
                                 "What have you done with all my money, Maricrazy?"

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves….

There is a big bad storm outside and Mari is scared– thank God the good people of Realengo have shelter on a night like this, unlike she when she lived with Abuelo and Solita in the hut. If only she could help more…

Tav is watching the rain, too, when Simona hugs him from the back – is she in the mood for some lovin’?
Apparently, she likes the storm, that’s when she feels more secure in her warm, comfortable home – hey, I feel the exact same way about storms, does that mean I am like Simona? She feels double happy today because she has Tav and his baby on the way – oh, I feel triple happy, because I have none of that…so I guess Simona and I aren’t quite the same, after all!
She hugs him again, while he looks like he has a death wish…you know, his usual face since becoming Mr. $imona. He also thinks to himself that she doesn’t care about the poor, she’s so unlike Mari.
He tells her that he wishes the sun came out faster, so the less fortunate suffered less – where was all this philanthropy when you had your own ranch, Tav?
Simona is bothered by his words, asks for an explanation, but he just leaves her standing by the window, alone.

Remember how we always complained that we have no clue about time passing because they never show us? Well, we should have kept our mouths shut…
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Saturday, October 05, 2013

CI: #104: An Episode of Repetitive Conversations and a Splash of Bravado from Octavio!

I do not like JA 3.0 4.0 (oh heck I have lost count on how many personality transplants he has had with each episode). He is convincing MC to not invite the dirty poor children she has invited onto her lands. They have the same old argument they seemed to be having these past few episodes. JA thinks she is absurd to invite them (JA you did grow up in the same neighborhood, no? Why the snobbery)?  MA does not care about their appearances, they may be dirty rascals on the outside but they are pure and beautiful on the inside. She has not forgetten where she came from….blah blah blah. In the end Santa convinces her not to invite the children since it is late and to celebrate the following morning. She agrees but is sad that Oblivio has not showed up. Everyone has sad faces and seems more like mourning than a celebration.  MC doesn’t help with a depressing dialogue of how hurt she is and how hard life has been on her. (Easy solution: forget your vengeance, show Lupita lots of love and raise her so that she wont live the same way you did, concentrate on strengthening the empire you own because too many people are worrying about your finances, and ward off any evil people around you (like JA)).  

Simona annoying waits around for Oblivio since now that she is married she has nothing better to do with her time.  When he arrives, he feigns a headache and rebuffs her more by wanting to rest in the guest rooms. Miguel looks disapprovingly in the background while Simona is obviously worried. When Oblivio is alone, he is frustrated that he cannot go to his daughter’s baptism (I am not sure what the problem is here….I confess again to missing a few episodes but what is stopping him but himself? Tell SImona you have a daughter, you need to be as present as you can in her life, and like it or not he will be always be somewhat linked to MC so take it or leave!) But alas my rants are too sensible for Oblivio to understand.  

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