Wednesday, September 18, 2013
CI Capítulo 91: Taking The Easy Way Out....Again!
Labels: Indomable
La Tempestad Capitulo 37. September 17th 2013. Oh she's badddddddd alright!! No doubt about that!!!!!
Eusebia tells Marina, Rebeca, and Jose that Esthercita is alive. Reactions all around.
No puede ser!
Delfina prays. Esteryuya comes running in with the news that DamFab has been arrested. Esteryuya tells Delfina that Fulgencio accused DamFab of having put the explosives in the sailboat where Esthercita was killed. No puede ser! says Delfina. Esteryuya tells Delfina about the crowd that has gathered outside the police station. Delfina wants to go and speak with DamFab. Esteryuya doesn't think it is a good idea - there is an angry mob there, she says. Delfina doesn't care. She wants to go and speak with DamFab and she wants Esteryuya to come with her. She drags Esteryuya off to the police station.
Mexico City
At the hospital, Magdis is being taken into the emergency room. Mercedes attempts to go inside the emergency room too. Doc Gonzales (aka The Only Doc In Mexico City) doesn't let her and he ends up having to get security to hold Mercedes back. Mercedes is held back and she ends up falling on her knees and prays to God to not take Magdis from her.
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Labels: tempestad
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #111 (Mex 149) Tuesday 9/17/13 Hot Prison Love is the Best Love
Getting it on in the LA prison. |
Hola everyone, I'm filling in tonight. RECAP IS DONE!!
(I always seem to recap the love scenes! LOL!)
BRIEF SUMMARY with screencaps.
We have a refrito with JAntos telling Maria to get lost, live her life, yadda yadda. She talks him out of that and says that no matter where they are, their love is "magic." They get busy with their conjugal visit, which I suspect has been edited by Univision (por supuesto).
"Hasta nunca" aka "Goodbye forever." But that doesn't last long! |
Gratuitous Jorge Salinas shot. I make no apologies. |
They seem so desolate. He won't relent. She reminds him of the good times and has brought her dad's sombrero. She accuses him of being Santos instead of Jorge Alfredo. That seems to break him down. |
He gives in! |
Labels: QBA
PEAM, Tuesday 9/17/13 (#136): REDFINGER
Wait, is this a riddle? Can I answer? Xochi, you're Fernando's wife and you're truly in love with him and your true love is just as good as Díscua's if not better. Plus, there was that wedding and everything.
At the manicomio, Marta and her long-lost identical twin Marcia throw creepy looks over one another's shoulders as they embrace. (When people get too much Botox, I can't read their facial expressions. When TWINS get too much Botox, it's twice as bad!)
Rogue is soaking his finger in a glass of water. (Suddenly I have to go to the bathroom.) He tells Cantú that he's breaking up with Verónica TODAY! Careful, dude... she does NOT take rejection well. Rogue is annoyed that Nick expects him to be at his beck and call. I'm sick of looking at Rogue's cold, wet, red finger.
Vero, the virulent moron, the 100-pound malignant tumor in Chucho's life, sets up the voice recorder on her phone and pays Nick Donovan a visit at his hotel. The room is filled with smoke, making Nick look even more cartoony than ever. She says she's here on Rogue's behalf. Nick gallantly puffs cigar smoke in her face. Vero tries not to look scared.
Alma brings Chucho home for a surprise party, because if there's anything a convalescing stomach patient needs, it's excitement and fancy food. His is greeted by his entire extended family.
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Labels: Manda
La Tempestad, September 16, 2013. Capitulo 36.
Fully gets onto Nereo for mistreating the girls. The customers are complaining that the girls are being delivered bruised and unhappy. (Really? Perhaps their unhappy because they are being SOLD as slaves you idiot) Anyway, Fully says he better treat them well or else. Hernan makes his grand entrance and tells Nereo that he lives in a pigsty. Nereo tells him to pay him better and the conditions will improve. Who invited you to come over anyway? Hernan ignores him and asks Fully what he wants. Fully tells Hernan that Nereo is mistreating the girls and the customers are refusing the deliveries. All this is going on as Robles is listening in via hidden camera. Hernan tells Nereo that he is giving them to many problems. Whatever says Nereo. Like you could find someone else to take care of the girls. Hernan laughs his wicked laugh and informs Nereo that both he and Fully appreciate him, but the girls are like delicate fruit. Would you buy the bruised ones? Or the fresh ones? Nereo understands but still gripes. Hernan laughs again and tells Nereo not to make fun of them and calls him an idiot. We have someone who could easily take your place. Who asks Nereo. Lazaro replies Hernan. Nereo laughs and Fully is not a happy camper. Hernan says you can leave, but you will be burying yourself. (meaning he can only leave dead) Nereo looks worried and Fully tells him to stop arguing and obey orders. Nereo says fine, but who is my boss? Fully and Hernan both say they are. Knock on the door and it's Robles. He wants to know what the major of the town and the local millionaire have to do with a shady character like Nereo?
DamFine and Marina are taking a stroll in the woods. DamFine tells Marina that he had a talk with Maya-loca and told her to quit messing with her and her family. I told my boys that we are going to keep watch over you and your family for awhile. Marina is grateful and DamFine will do anything just to see her smile. She says his manly muscular arms make her feel safe and secure. He's happy that Bea decided to stay. She kisses him and says this is for taking such good care of my mom and the people of this town. What are you talking about asks DamCurious. She tells him a little birdy told her that he buys gifts and takes the kids in town around. He denies it, but she doesn't believe him. She is so proud of him and is going to shout it to the world. The run around the woods and fall to the ground. He tells her that he just does what his heart tells him to do.
Fully wants to know what Robles is doing there? Robles says that's the same question I want to ask you. I already said how strange it is for you all to be together. Hernan laughs and asks what's so strange about 3 men having a visit? Robles says you guys have nothing in common unless you are in the same business with Nereo. Nereo denies he has any business. Robles says he thinks that Nereo is involved in the trafficking of women. Hernan asks if he has any proof? Not yet, but I will soon replies Robles. Fully tells Robles that the investigation business is between him and Nereo. They are only here for... Suddenly Jaz comes out of her room. Nereo wants to know what she wants. Jaz wants to talk to Robles. Nereo tells her that Robles doesn't have time for her but Robles takes her aside and asks her to talk. Fully and Hernan look worried. Jaz looks like she's about to spill the beans and in runs Lazaro.
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Labels: tempestad
PEAM #135-9/16/13: Leave Your Worries Behind, 'Cause Rain, Shine Won't Mind, We're Ridin' On The Groove Line, Tonight! Wooooo!
Hola PEAM Peeps. This was a kind of light episode and especially loved the little soft shoe, so hence the title, courtesy of HeatWave! I am also skipping the refried and starting with the new. I am subbing for Cheryl, who is visiting Venice and France, but she'll be back next week!
Chatita, and Alma are paying Chucho a bit of a visit at the hospital. Chucho wants Alma to go home and get some rest, she has hardly left his side since all this happened and Chatita is hurrying her along. So after many Ti Amo's and smoochies, Alma finally goes. Now Chucho and Chatita are alone and he tells her about wanting to propose to Alma and he wants it to be fantastic, any great ideas? Chatita doesn't get what he wants, ya know you get the ring, you propose and your done! No, no, he says something spectacular! They put their heads together. Chatita has some wild idea about a proposal she saw in a novela, leave it to Chatita! Chucho doesn't like the idea, it has something to do with water. Father Domingo wouldn't go for that! He warns Chatita to say nothing to Alma, this will be a big surprise. Hey Chucho, remember Chatita has trouble rememebering things, hmmmmm......Is it catching????
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Labels: Manda
Monday, September 16, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #110 (Mex 148) Monday 9/16/13 Save a Life and a Love
Labels: QBA
Corazon Indomable, Episode #90, Monday, 9/16/2013 – Boy, Oblivio Really Is No Good!!!
The Long:
I’m still giving you all more or less a bullet-point recap because that’s pretty much what we got from the editors with this seriously chopped-up episode. Was it just my impression, or were most scenes just seconds long?
Labels: Indomable
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS, Week of September 16, 2013
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #109 (Mex 147) Friday 9/13/13 Face To Face Once More, But Cheek to Cheek?
Labels: QBA
Porque el Amor Manda #134: Patricia la Recepcionista, Part II
Rogelio shambles out of the elevator and is greeted by the happy trill of the new receptionist -- our Patymelt, looking scrumptious in Avon pink. The security guards are thrilled with the view. He storms back to his office and calls Alma, who giggles through the entire conversation. Tough toenails, Rog; the paperwork's done and the contract's signed! He tells her he hates her. Que lastima! I like her a lot better when she gets her snark on.
Rogue calls Paty into his office and tries to boss her around, but of course she's been around long enough to know he ain't the boss. She gives a very nice speech: she can live without him, she's starting her life over, and she has important work to do -- so next time he buzzes her, he'll hear one word: WHATEVER.
Back at the front desk, Vero shows up in the diamond dog-collar and is surprised to see the Alpha Female herself. Vero taunts her for having a tacky little job, which seems oddly snobbish for someone who makes her living on her back. Paty replies that gosh yes, she is wildly jealous; she would MUCH rather live with a man who sends flowers and jewelry to other women. Uh-oh! GIRL FIGHT! The guards have a jolly time physically separating them.
Neurotica marches into Rogue's office, throws the necklace in his face, and demands that he fire Paty immediately. After she's gone, he talks to himself in his iPad mirror app. If he can get good enough at calling himself "Rrrrroger," he won't need her anymore.
In other news:
* Jess can't hit the sheets with Ollie because she has some terrible secret that will ruin everything if it comes out before the wedding. She can't possibly be a virgin -- although that would certainly be quite a secret -- so what is it?
* In a complete departure from telenovela law, Alejandra witnesses not only the attempt but also the failure of Discua's seduction, and still feels the need to march into Avon to discuss the "almost-kiss" with both Fernie and Xochi. QTH? Doesn't Fern get any brownie points at all???
* Vero confesses to Cinthia that hating Chucho is the only way she can be near him -- at least if they're fighting, they still have a relationship. Well, at least she's self-aware.
* Val tells Eli that Paty's a good egg and advises him to put on his big-boy pants and ask her to be his novia.
* The gremio is plotting some super-hot makeover for Xochi, but with all the running around talking to everyone but Fernando about Fernando she won't sit still long enough for them to do anything.
* Augusta begs Jesus to come back to work. She needs him! She can't manage on her own!
* Alma and Val have secrets, too. Maybe there IS more super-glue.
Labels: Manda
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Porque el Amor Manda #134: Patricia la Recepcionista, Part I
Jesus has thought of a way to keep Alma next to him for everz and everz. He gets a coquettish smile. It's probably just something lame like asking her to marry him and not something cool and original like letting Valentina attach them to each other with super-glue, but anyway, he won't tell, even if she blandishes him with big besos. She tries anyway.
Delia arrives in mid-blandishment to announce that Marta is going to be spending the rest of her life in the manicomio. Ha. We'll see about THAT.She also gives Jesus a book that may or may not be about after-death experiences, and oh, by the way, tells him that he is free to return home as long as he stays away from Valentina. Wasn't that kind of the big news? Shouldn't that have been the opener, or was she trying to warm him up with reading matter?
Just then Valentina comes rocketing in like a Chucho-seeking missile, followed by balloons, Paty, Elias and Chatita, in that order. Delia allows that the defendant is not at fault if he's bedridden and someone launches a child at him. What a grown-up. No wonder she doesn't get many lines. Chucho gathers his motley family around and gives a pretty speech thanking his tocayo for all the lurrrrrrves. Group hug + manly fist bump.
Out in the middle of the street, frightening the horses:
Discua accosts Fernando in front of his apartment building. She never defrauded anyone! She's innocent! He looks skeptically at her fancy car. Hey, I worked (out) hard for that! She homes in on his lips several times, but he stands firm. Alejandra eavesdrops with pretty mouth agape.
At Big Bra Central:
Chatita is hanging up laundry when someone raps insistently at the door. Surprise! It's Discua's cleavage! Chatita tries to give her the bra -- after all, they're practically twins. (Discua and Chatita, that is. Get your minds out of the gutter.) Discua says that Chatita probably doesn't remember her, but she needs some advice. Chatita says she doesn't remember anybody; why should that slow down the therapy train? How about a drink? Discua replies that Beings of Light don't drink. Then she confesses that she's in love with a married man. Chatita gets the rompope.
Labels: Manda
La Tempestad #35-9/13/13: I Like Dreamin', Cause Dreamin' Can Make You Mine!
Ahoy Mi Maties! It is the anniversary of Mr. Mads and I, dare I say how long? Twenty-five marvelous, wonderful years.
The Refried:
It's a domination contest of who is gonna conquer Marina, Herny who likes dreamin' he is gonna win Marina and Dam Delicious who wants to knock Herny's teeth out. I think Dam Delicious wins this one. Don't y'all?
Maycucu (Thanks Vivi) pays a little visit to Bea, when Bea tells her she is vulgar and will always be in Ester's shadow, Maycucu jack slaps Bea and Bea has trouble breathing and collapses.
Marina rushes to the Oceanfront and tells Dam Delicious he is the only man for her, and not to worry about Herny, she has no feelings jaureva for him! She likes that Dam Delcious is jealous, smoochies!
Herny goes home and laughs his manical laugh! Marina will be his, she is his reason for living and he will do anything to get Marina, including the Ester Bomba!
Dam Delicious and Marina come home and find Bea passed out on the floor and try to revive her. Dam Delicious puts her on the sofa and while Marina tries to revive her, Dam Delicious gets a glass of water. Bea finally revives and Marina wants to know how this happened and Bea says she's fine. Dam Delicious brings Bea the water.
Maycucu goes home and has a yukky yuk about how she scared Bea so bad, she is sure they will be leaving town y punto! More manicial laughter! Say wouldn't Herny and Maycucu make a great pair? Just a thought!
Bea tells Dam Delicious and Marina she was attacked but won't give up the goods on who it was. DamAngry wants a name, full if you please!
Mexico City:
Doll has gone to see Mercy and tells her that she can take her to her daughter Maggie. Mercy is shocked!
Marina asks Bea if she wants to leave R-LayDee. Yes she does, so that decides it ,Marina and Bea are leaving and Marina tells DamSad to please try to understand. She loves her Mama above everything else but loves DamSad too. He completely understands. But the look in his eyes shows he lies. He so don't want her to be goin' nowhere!
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Labels: tempestad
Corazón Indomable #89, Fri 13: A Hammock In The Shade Of A Tree
She's Describing It For Me As We Speak. |
He picks up the phone and calls Maricruz. He tells her that he is calling to congratulate her and say goodbye. Say what? She thought that he's about to marry the governor's daughter. Nopis. No wedding, and worse, he's been accused of horrible crimes. Maricruz looks confused.
Labels: Indomable
Friday, September 13, 2013
Weekend Discussion: Most Annoying Characters
Labels: no-podia, QBA, telenovelas, weekend
La Tempestad, Cap. 34, Thursday, September 12: Madrina said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this, Madrina said.
In the magical cave
DamFab and Marina lie together on the carpet of rose petals. She kisses his bare, chiseled chest, looks adoringly into his Bambi eyes and says:
En tus brazos me he hecho mujer. Eres el primer hombre en mi vida.
(In your arms, I became a woman. You are the first man in my life.)
Quiero ser el último también.
(I want to be the last one as well.)
Hernán can hardly believe his luck in stumbling upon Esthercita, known in these parts as "Hada." He'll have to see what he can do to jolly her memory along on the sly.
Labels: tempestad
Qué Bonito Amor #108 (Mex 146) Thursday 9/12/13 Que Largo Camino
Susanito goes looking for Irasema, who's packing at her old apartment. He apologizes for being an idiot, but he doesn't realize yet he's apologizing for the wrong thing.
Amalia is a pessimist. I know, I know, what a shock. Justo tells her there's always a tomorrow. Good thought, Justo. Give her the hope of living for another day to complain about something different. Amalia says she misses Pedro. Just also misses Altagracia. He didn't expect for her to be gone from his life before the kids were. Justo says he and Amalia can share their solitude.
Santos caresses the wall and tells Don Nando and Michael that he'll get out, damnit!
Maria uses Colosso's cell to call Justo.
Who's busy asking Amalia why she never remarried. "You're still a hot babe. Trust me. I'm a guy. We know these things." Justo answers his phone and leaves the room without letting Amalia know who called.
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C I, Cap. 88, 9/12/13 – Vengeance Is Mine! Says MariCruz. And Mine! Says Doris.
Simona, with her upgraded image, reminds Octavio she always loved him, wanted to marry him. He knows they’ve been BFF, but she’s all gorgeous now. (No explanation on how the mole was removed so quickly.) She knows he loves MariCruz and doesn’t love Doris, but she can offer a third option. She’ll settle for being his wife and living at his side.
Raiza and MariAle see Tav enter the casino with a new lady on his arm. Simona is amazed at how sophisticated and elegant MA appears. (Simona’s in a lavender and lace gown, MA in dark blue with silver trim and long sleeves. It has near total coverage in the front and a completely bare back except for a few silver strips.) MA should remember her, but is doubtful until Tav says Simona’s full name.
Labels: Indomable
Thursday, September 12, 2013
PEAM #133- Easter, Thursday, September 12, 2013
Labels: Manda
Corazon Indomable, #87 Forget the Monkey, Where's the Mole?
We open with Mariana rushing to Doris’s bedroom after the maid tells her that Doris was screaming that she wanted to kill herself, and the patio shouting ‘Do it’.
Simona sits in the beauty salon with Jackie giving the hairdresser instructions to make her beautiful. Simona has her doubts.
Miguel is kinda sorta happy about selling the ranch, but on the other hand feels guilty that he’s letting his father down because his father loved it so much. Octavio, not so much.
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