Tuesday, March 17, 2015

La Sombra Del Pasado #20 Discuss

I over slept this morning and was almost an hour late for work! I'm in the doghouse so no recap from me today, I'm so sorry-please discuss the episode below :/

Previous: Episode 19
Next: Episode 21


Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #147 We Got A Pair of Bad Muthas in the Hood

From Friday:
Miguelina, Paco, Lupe' and Nandito congratulate Lucas on the successful WBB concert.

Chava asks Sofia if she is willing to be whisked off on an "adventure" on the back of his motorcycle. Sofia excitedly answers, "Yes, yes, yes!" Noisy kisses follow.

Geronimo tells Isadora that she made a huge, drunken fool of herself in front of Oliver and his friends. Isadora can't understand how several "non-alcoholic" drinks - that tasted like they contained alcohol - could make her drunk. Geronimo tells Isadora to stay away from Oliver until she gets her drinking problem under control. Morgana and Geronimo exchange knowing glances as he leaves.

Rosa offers Lucas the box full of money she collected as the cover charge for the concert. Lucas refuses to take the money and tells Rosa to get lost, he's not interested in her. She blurts out, "I'm Rosa, your mother."

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Que Te Perdone Dios #40 on Monday, March 16th, 2015.

Tell Me That You Love Her
Renata has asked Mateo why he didn't have breakfast with them. Apparently, he went out for a jog very early (we can't deny Mateo is a very healthy man as well as bland to an extent.) Ren says she hasn't seen Abi and then Mat says he caught her deep in the hacienda crying about him. He feels awful and had never had it occur to him that this would be so. Ren tells Mat not to blame himself; Abi's always loved him. She asks him what he feels for her (god)daughter in which he excuses himself to shower because, "esta muy sudado."

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Monday, March 16, 2015

♥ Mi Corazón es Tuyo ♥ Lunes 3/16/15 ♥ #168 ♥

Capitulo 168: Where There's Smoke...

Margarita's Apartment: León kissed Fanny and she left in annoyance. He didn't let this bother him, congratulating himself on having finally kissed her.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Dueños del Paraíso, Tierra de Reyes, etc - Week of March 16, 2015

This page is only for Dueños and Tierra.  Los Miserables is getting close to the end and, as we often do in últimas semanas, we have given it a separate page for the duration.

Here’s a link to the Los Mis post. 

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: The Final Weeks of Los Miserables - Week of March 16, 2015

Here's this week's page for The Miserables. Enjoy!

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Que te perdone dios #39 Discuss

Sorry folks, I'm having major issues at work and am unable to do a recap, please discuss and catch each other up!


Quiero Amarte (Week 26-Mar 16) The Shoe Dropping Edition

Many shoes are left to be shod or dropped. Here is a non-exhaustive list.

1. Lu’s turning in her sister for the fraud & embezzlement that caused her to spend 5 years in jail – 1 ½ shoes (Elo knows and probably now Juliana)
2. Lu's exposure as the murderer of Amaya's Parents and Godmother – 1 ½ shoes, minus 1 shoe (Amaya knows, Caro knows, Dolores is dead)
3. Lu's creating and prolonging Mauro's depression –  1 shoe (Cesar knows)
4. Lu’s paying Armando to woo, seduce and carry off Juliana 20 years ago –  6 shoes (Armando, Juliana, Eloisa, Directora, Mauro, Max)
5. Lu’s giving Mauro’s investigator false heads in his search for Florencia for years – 1 ½ shoes (Cesar knows, the investigator knows—but he only counts for half)
6. Cesar, in league with Lu cancelling Juliana & family’s air line tickets – 1 shoe and several stockings (Genoveva knows, Juliana, Franco, Mauro, Max, Elo all suspect)
7. Cesar & Aaron (& Whoracio) defrauding Nescafé by submitting false shipping documents and skimming the profits – ½ shoe (Whoracio knows, but can’t do anything about it)
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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #146 20150313 I've Got Five Minutes to Break Up with You because My New, Younger, Hotter and Richer Boyfriend Should Be Here Shortly

OK, a lot of more "Other News"....

  • It seems that Renzi has convinced Patrick to go tomcattin' with him.  Renzi warns their "dates" Tania and Wendy that Patrick is depressed because his woman left him.  Renzi tells Tania that Patrick likes to be the hunter, he likes likes old fashion girls.  After introductions are made, the group sits down and Tania immediately sticks her foot in Patrick's crotch and hits the sweet spot.  Silvana who?  Little Patrick has found a new friend.
  • Irais tells Armando to go outside because Alexa wants to talk with him.  Irma sees both Alexa and Armando heading towards the door and follows them outside.  Instead of getting the kisses that he craves, Alexa breaks up with him.  She tells him to contact her again until he is single. Irma listens quietly from the shadows.   Araceli goes back into Cuco's and cries with Irais.  Irma thinks that the breakup will give her time to get Armando back. 
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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo #167: Out With The New And In With The Old

At the reception, Isabela is up to her old tricks and adds vinegar to the champagne used in the wedding toast.  Couth Jenifer allows “Doña Ana” to wipe her mouth off with the bottom of her gown.  

Fanny is playing coy again with Lenin.  When she hears that Lenin’s got the opportunity to study abroad in S. Korea, she finally gets the nerve to break things off with him.  She thought she loved him, gave it the “old college try” (ahem….) but realized what she felt was not true luhhhhhv after all.  (Awww, and just when Lenin was learning how to civilize those hideous, curly locks of his, too!)  Is she still in love with Leon?  Could be.  Lenin is Mr. Perfect in his own way, but it just hasn’t been enough.  No spark to start her motor runnin’…so to speak.

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La Sombra Del Pasado #19 3-13-15 Return to Santa Lucia

Aldonza seems fortified with an inner resolve as she tells Tia Adelina that she is returning to Santa Lucia and if Adelina is uncomfortable, she can stay behind.    Tia matches the resolve and tells Padre Gerònimo she will be ready in ten minutes.

Over at Las Animas Cris and Emanuel discuss the hiring of the good for nothing Abelardo.  Cris almost feels as if his Dad hired him just to aggravate him.  When asked, they tell Melesio who they’re talking about.   Melesio reminds them Sev is the boss but if Abelardo really turns out to be good for nothing, he will be the first to advise Sev.  Melesio leaves.

Emanuel senses there’s something more to Cris’s sour mood.  Cris tells him it was the same night he returned home that he caught Abelardo messing with Aldonza:  he had to intervene and that is what started his involvement with her.  Somewhat surprised, Emanuel asks if he really was that bonded to her?  Yes, it was very special to him.  Emanuel asks more special than with Valeria?  Things are different now.  He’s going to marry Valeria but with Aldonza. . . well, things never got that far and then there are all those problems between the families.  He hopes wherever she is that she is doing well.  Emanuel listens earnestly as Cris’s gaze has wandered to an unseen might have been.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios Capitulo 38 - Demons don"t be zombies -Recap Full Recap

Previously (Merged scenes) 

Diana is reminscing on her talk with Fausto who told her that he could possibly not betray Door-Mat who is loves almost almost almost as a spawn. Diana wonders what he means and Fausto breaks it down for her: He still admires her beauty but as a woman you now not count for me anymore. Diana now in the present speaks to herself " Are you sure i am not of your interest anymore,  Diablo? We"ll see! " 

Despicable Fausto aka Diablo is still begging Abi to forgive him cause he wants to change so bad but for that he needs to start anew. Could you possibly forgive me? (No Abi dont dare it says the screaming Patio from the shadows!)  Abi replies that she has nothing to forgive and will accept his good intentions until he doesnt hurt poor Ren once more .  Diablo agrees ,may not the words but actions guide her to make her choice,you shall surely not repent! 

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Mi corazon es tuyo #166, Thursday 03/12/15 Is this your best shot, Isabella?

Skipping the old…

Ana is in the dresser, looking at all of Fer’s costumes and screaming:
“Don Fernando!!”
When Fer arrives, she asks where she is supposed to put her things, if the place is packed with his shirts and jackets.
Then they talk about Isa coming to see the baby and threatening to take DN away for good. Fer doesn’t believe Isa would ever do that, because it would mean actually taking care of her child, which Isa is incapable of doing. Yes, but Ana is still worried, because Isa made a war declaration against them. Fer reassures her that nothing will stand in their way this time. Then he goes to feed the baby, who is in his bassinet in the room, fussing.

Magda comes to visit Angel with his favorite food and a bottle of wine. He looks happy to see her. Magda tells him about the talk she had with Ana in the morning. She was invited at the wedding and advised to tell Angel that she loves him and to kiss him. She does just that and Angel accepts willingly.

Leon takes his family (mom, Mau and Reina) outside, to show them the new car he bought. Mau reacts like every other 5 year old would – he’s happy, happy, happy and wants to take the car for a ride. Reina is impressed and mamacita is very proud of her progeny.

Dorofeo and his goons are still tailing Jenny and Johnny’s house. At one point the goons wonder why is Doro after J&J when his beef is with Ana. Between screeching and screaming, Doro says that Ana will be last, but before that, he needs to take care of the people she loves/ who helped her.
Unaware of what is going on outside their house, J&J are preparing Aura’s corner in their room, by painting a wall. Soon enough the pain ends up on their faces and their clothes, but we’re spared the rest of what is probably to come.  

Isa has a new disguise, which we don’t see entirely, yet. We can only tell that she has a short, blond wig and an unrecognizable voice. Arqui is impressed.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #145 20150312 You Can Lead the Band into Cuco's, but You Can't Make Them Play!

This is one big "Other News" Episode!

  • Everyone who is anybody and nobody arrives at El Lugar de Cuco!  Rosa's marketing efforts have paid off and the line is wrapped around the corner.
  • As the band sets up, we learn that Peralta paid for the set and the lighting.  The cute drummer has a name and it is Juancho. 
  • After Dulliver tells Lucas that her invited Peralta (his father), Lucas asks if Dulliver told Peralta that Lucas is in the band.  Dulliver assures Lucas that Peralta doesn't remember him.  Dulliver is incorrect.  Peralta does remember Lucas...well!  Peralta reminds Dulliver that he fired Miggie because Lucas stole his watch!  Dulliver defies his father!  He believes Lucas when Lucas says that he didn't steal from Perala.  Peralta only accused Lucas of larceny because he wanted to break up the boys' friendship.  Peralta insists that Lucas is a criminal.  Rosa overhears the exchange and tries to jump in between the men, Cuco pulls her back before she can say anything.  Peralta denies that he set Lucas up and tells Dulliver that he would have never come to the show had he known that Lucas was in the band.  Dulliver tells Peralta to hit the bricks, he doesn't care.  Lucas gently reminds Dulliver that his father could disinherit him.  Dulliver will no longer be a trust fund baby.  He will be...poor!  Dulliver suddenly has a change of heart and comes to his senses!  He chases after his benefactor, stops him on the street and demands that he return immediately.  Leaving will only confirm for him that Peralta is a big, mean, doody head!  Peralta begins to argue back, but changes his mind when he notices the arrival of Sophia and Ripoll clan!
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Thursday, March 12, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #18 3/12/15 Adiós, Mamá.

It is truly a sad evening out on the patio as we say goodbye to Roberta. Ironically this is episode 18 and Judaism often associates the the number 18 with life ("chai".)

You will be missed, Roberta.

Aldonza has discovered her mother bleeding in the tub. She calls for her tío and he comes in and asks Roberta not to go. Roberta tells him God is punishing her. He's calling her. Padre Jeronimo (Padre J) begs Roberta to hold on. Her daughter needs her.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #37: Aww, Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones

Crazy Connie has been brought home to Angels Ranch by Dr. Patricio to be by her daughter's side.  She sees Fausto and immediately calls him out on his attempt on her life and everyone tries convincing her that it was really "the attempt on Renata's life"--er--her "so carelessly" tripping over a chair left too near the circular stairway.  Give it up, Granny.  Nobody cares.

Abigail runs into Teodora in town and asks her what gives and where she went the other night.   Teo makes the excuse that she had to leave early to turn on the lights or some such for Mia.

At Mad Max’s auntie’s manse, the money-grubbing Ximena is eagerly making funeral plans.  Max is sickened by this and it’s good to know that he has his father’s sense of right and wrong.  He tells her not to go counting her chickens before they’re hatched.  Well, his uncle going to be a cripple and his face will probably be hideously deformed despite all the numerous surgeries.  (That should be reason enough for a divorce, right?)  Max brings up her past.  She lies and says she is an only child.

At the same time, Sweet Twin Sister is told that she's well enough she'll be getting out of the nut house in a few days.

Back at Renata’s Rancho de los Angeles, Fausto the demon is back and insulting neurologist Dr. Patricio’s surgical skills for having blown the operation with his wife’s sight.  So much for the white knight in shining armor.  He  invites Pats into his office for a little verbal sparring over Patricio’s play for his wife.  Pats says he is in love with Renata and was forward in saying so because it was so painfully obvious that Feisty didn’t love her.  Well, tough tootsie nails, replies Fausto, cuz the woman is mine till they carry me out of here feet first!  (Oh.  Well,  we can always dream, can't we.)

Back in town, Lucio stalks Teo and warns her against opening her mouth to anybody.  Luckly for Teo, Benito and Diego show up and stop the manhandling.  Teo races off and tells her gal pals, including Abi, that she cannot keep her mouth shut any longer.
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La Sombra del Pasado #17 - Wed 3/11 - Breaking the habit

Sev waxes rhapsodic about how women who cheat in Santa Lucia are utterly destroyed…and all their descendants, too!  I think when he talks about how the town does that to them, I think he's really talking about himself.  "So, careful what you wish for.  You might get it."

Aldonza confesses to Bernardita that she has had a boyfriend, sort of…not a lover…more like...a platonic love.  Aha!  Bernardita thinks that meant Aldonza "lo hechaste al plato!" (had him on a plate; or, you know…just had him).  OK, Bernardita can't take this topic seriously, Aldonza realizes.  Anyway, that's all over now.  It was a dream and then it became a nightmare…an impossible love.

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3/11/15 #144 Hasta el Fin del Mundo; Sorry, kids, WBB didn’t make it to the stage tonight

I'll just head into the new stuff....

Taller de Ripoll – The writing’s on the wall, guapo
Armie/Matias discuss the question of Irais/Jobeth.  Matias tells Armie all about the fracas.  We already saw it yesterday so why do we have to talk about it today?

Armie receives a call from Alexa and she tells him she's not available today because of the movie.  They agree to see each other at the WBB concert.  He notices she doesn't call him guapo and is somewhat hurt by that.  He's sensing more than seeing the writing on the wall.  He tells her Irma caused a little drama but he ignored her.  He doesn't really go into detail.  As they get off the call, it seems as if both are realizing the reality of their situation.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mi corazon es tuyo #165, 11 Mar 2015 Some set-up for the show tomorrow night. Hissa and Arquim plan the wedding crash, Ana counsels Fanny while Fernando likes what he hears from Leon.



Lo Nuevo:

Arquimides and Hissabella plan on what they will do to spoil/prevent the wedding. He says he just signed up an extra server/waiter for the wedding catering. He will drive the van. He needs to be near the action too, to coordinate it all. Hissabella drools on how much fun she will have with the unforgettable wedding of the n a c a.

Morning. Siete is slurping Ana’s face, she is not quite aware it is the dog so she says his breath smells bad. She suddenly wakes up and realizes all the young kids are on the bed with them. Fanny comes in, wants for Ana to go with her in the afternoon to start working on picking out a dress for Ana. Meanwhile Fernando wakes up and jolts when he realizes the crowd on the bed. Fernando walks over to Fanny. He asks her for a kiss and they share an embrace.

Fe: You know I love you, right?

Fa: Yes. Dad, I am sorry for the Ana situation…

Fe: I am sorry too. I treated you real bad. I love you. And I will be here for you always… always.

Ana slowly gets all the older kids (had to send Siete to go fetch Nando, Alicia walked in by herself) into a standing hug with Fernando. Just when she has everyone on the hug she grabs a pillow and starts the feather pillow fight while she rolls the bassinet with DN out of the way. Fernando (and Jorge, of course) is enjoying the scene, laughing his head off.

Back to Hissa’s… Arq thought she wanted him to do something related to computers for her. She said hey why not hacking someone’s computer, build an explosive device, etc. I will come up with some genius idea. Arq asks who is it she does not want to get married? She shows him Fanny’s facebook photo of Fernando and Ana on the computer. Fernando and Ana cannot be married.

Back to the feather cloud… Ana is still by the bassinet, Fernando bumps her rear end with a pillow so Ana turns around and joins the fight, directly targeting Fernando. Then she whistles with her finger, time to get ready for school. She gets the troops on line (shorter to taller, which in spanish is called ‘fila india’) then she gets them all to march out… she turns around and gives Fernando a whole lot of kisses… (he enjoys that too, JS must be a fun guy to live with) (all the kids start yelling at Ana to help them… Luz wants her to dress her, Alicia or Sebas asks her to help find the red sweater, etc etc…) while Ana asks Fernando if he is ok ‘I am happy! Feeling better than ever!’ ‘yeah it shows!’ then he asks her to bring her stuff to his bedroom/closet, yeah even her toothbrush lol! (they even squeeze some dance-like shaking). She kisses him, will be right back with her stuff after she helps the kids get ready. (a bit too much Ana yelling is the only bad thing in this scene sequence)

A: I love you!..

F: (pulls her back) I love you!

A: I told you first I love you!... you can’t copy me!! Equis!! (they goof around some more with I love yous and kisses, she leaves him in charge of the baby and he dances his way to the bassinet and picks DN up… this baby is ADORABLE!!)
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La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo #16, 03/10/2015

Recap by HellaShelle

We’re back with Aldie and the Mother Superior. MS gives Aldie the application and asks if her parents know she’s here. Aldie tells her they do, but her father died a long time ago. MS wants her mother’s phone number and Aldie balks. MS gets right down to it: they don’t know you’re here, do they.

Back to Roberta getting the bad news: lung cancer. Roberta rapidly starts to fray at the seams. She accuses Dr. Gonzalo aka Sleazey, of making this all up to get rid of her because of his son, but Dr. G has integrity (apparently he saves it all for work).  He curtly informs her that he’s a doctor and wouldn’t play with something like this. (Humberto must’ve missed that lecture in med school during his ob-gyn rounds). Rob breaks into tears and he gently embraces her in a brief, but kind, hug. She asks if he’s sure and he says he doesn’t have exact elements to confirm, but pretty much yeah. They need to do surgery to find out how bad it is and what the treatment should be. Can they cure it? Dr. G won’t know without further exploration. She doesn’t know if she wants to go through all of that, she needs to think about it. He reminds her that the faster is better. Rob’s set on finding her daughter first.

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