Saturday, May 07, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #71, 5/6/16: Watching The People Get Lairy Is Not Very Pretty I Tell Thee!

What do you mean there are only 9 episodes left?
At a glance

-- Isabel was abducted by a mysterious woman, who turns out to be Diego's mother. No way! Yes way!
-- A calcined corpse shows up in San Cristóbal and is believed to Belén's. You don't say! Oh, I say!

A closer look

After the hullabaloo of Diego’s rampage and Isabel’s abduction, Ayala instructs his men to take the injured Julio away. Diego comes to and asks about Isabel. Ayala informs him that his wife has been kidnapped. How could this happen if Diego himself shot his wife’s lover in the leg? Ayala denies that anybody got shot. No blood, no witnesses, no case. Diego flips out and threatens to denounce Isabel for adultery. 

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 12 (May 9, 2016) First Half

We have been asked by BlogMom to post twice a week. Seeing as we are about to fall off the front page, the recap for EPISODE #52 for Friday, May 6 is being posted here. Comments are most welcome.

We pick up the conversation between Dr. Javier and Fernanda where he left off in the prior episode. He was wondering why Carlos is trying so hard to get Fer to come back to him. He should be ashamed to face her after what he did to her. Fer explains that they thought Isabela was pregnant and Carlos didn’t want to leave her, but the pregnancy was all a lie.

Carlos now wants Fer to forgive him so they can be together again. Dr. Jay wants to know if she wants to. She says yes, he’s the love of her life, but she can’t just now because she doesn’t trust him. She’s lost her confidence in him. Jay doesn’t think he’s likely to deceive her again, but Fer says one never knows and then repeats the story of her mother keeping the secret for 19 years that she’s the daughter of another man and Pedro never knew that [but of course he does] and that Carlos’ mother just found out her husband has a mistress. She doesn’t want that for herself, living with distrust. She leaves him, pondering.

Carlos finds out from Dr. Marcos that someone named Isabela was nosing around and told Javier that she was Carlos’ novia. Carlos has to explain that he and Isy were novios at one time in the past, but he ended it. He doesn’t know why she’s going around telling people she’s still his novia. Marcos thanks him for clearing that up. Carlos assures him he loves Fernanda, even though they’ve had a quarrel.

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Yago #5. Friday May 6, 2016. Everybody Has An Achilles Heel.

For no reason at all. You're welcome.
At a glance 

-- Fidel Yampolski takes Omar under his wing and helps him become Yago. 
-- Abel plies Katia, a recovering alcoholic, with vodka in order to get more information about Yago. 
-- Sara is jealous of Ámbar and Yago’s nascent romance. 
-- Lucio tries to secure the initial investment that Yago requested through a loan shark. He also learns that Bruno is investigating Omar’s case. 
-- Ámbar has a health emergency and is evacuated by helicopter to Mexico City. 

A closer look

Punta Azul. Yago requests that Lucio invest 40 million US dollars in their joint venture or they have no deal. 

Flashback. San Nicolás Prison, a few years ago. Omar gets a beat down from some inmates who want to know where he hid the casino’s stolen money. Omar is saved by big shot mob boss, Fidel Yampolski, whose integration to the prison population is the biggest event in the jail’s social calendar that year. 

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Friday, May 06, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #43. Friday May 6, 2016. At Long Last, My Precious Turtledove! We’ll Bump Knees And Make Sweet Acapulco Love!

Are you sure this is what the book said? You got the position number right?

At a glance 

-- Esperanza got an engagement bling-a-ling in Mexico City and a bow chicka wow wow in Acapulco. 
-- Everyone is still pondering Salma’s pregnancy and debating what to do about it. Everybody except Salma. 

A closer look 

Esperanza is at Casa Manzanares giving unsolicited advice to the suicidal pregnant rapist teen. The rest of Salma’s cheering squad is also there: Margarita, Mario and Kristel nod along to everything the self-appointed Dr. Nosey Parker says. Salma is instantly reinvigorated by the magical pep talk. Yay! ¡Abrazo Juaréver! 

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El Hotel de los Secretos #70, 5/5/16: Diego Goes Ape ****

Ok so the universe hates me today, I've been trying to watch the episode but something is wrong either with my phone or the APP I'm using, and my freaking Kindle won't charge! I'll do my best to have a recap up- even if it's just bullet points. I apologize for the delay. Question for anyone else using the Univision APP- are you having issues trying to watch shows on it?


Yago #4. Thursday May 5, 2016. A Blast To The Past

This recap is brought to you by our recapper and Patio regular, CountxAlacran. Enjoy!

(Some scenes were merged) 

Short version: 
  • Naked Ivan Sanchez!  
  • Repeat of the previous scenes (Ambar dances with Yago, Lucio & Sara come to the island, Bruno promises Melina to reopen his old investigation regarding Omar. 
  • We get to see Abel’s point of view such as his bronca with the scratched car (He protected Omar from a bully) that ended in Abel reluctantly accepting Lucio’s offer resulting in Abel killing a man and betraying his supposed brother. In the robbery Abel dropped the gun but it was far too late for Abel to fix his mistakes because it had Omar’s fingerprints all over it. 
  • Yago & Ambar bond further as he invites them to his yacht despite Abel’s hidden rage and failed attempt of a nice date (Yago is unsure if using Ambar for revenge would be a great thing). Abel changes his mind about trusting Yago but Lucio pays him no attention. 
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Thursday, May 05, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 42 (5.5.2016) From teacher warrior spinner hope... to cliché weepy nosy counselor!

¡Feliz 5 de mayo!

Bienvenidos al mundo del revés, donde nada el pájaro y vuela el pez

Adrián and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad life 
Adrián was hiding behind the boxes full of the most expensive glassware from around the world talking with Estrella on the phone, and she broke up with him for the ''N'' time. Then he is showered in insults because he is un ''estuche de monerías tonterías'' and Ernesto lists his ''achievements'': He likes K-pop spontaneous musical numbers, he had to repeat school year and was demoted to attend the poor one across the street, he is a drunk and a minor impregnated herself while he was drowned drunk. Sadly, that was the saddest thing and none of the above, because during the impregnation, he was not even aware and thus didn't enjoyed it! At least Salma can say that those 45 seconds of ''pleasure'' will ruin her whole life, but what about Adrián? 
Los De la Colina discuss abortion vs. adoption, and seem not to agree on any of them.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 2, 2016

Here's Page 2 for the week.
The current novelas include the following (all times are Eastern Time):
 noon  - Secretos 
 1 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 8 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
 9 PM  - La Esclava Blanca 
10 PM -  El Señor de los Cielos #4

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find the discussions they're looking for.

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Yago #3. Wednesday May 4, 2016. Some Chase Ghosts And Some Follow Mirages.

At a glance 

-- Lucio’s relationship with Omar and his involvement in the casino heist are explored. 
-- Yago plays mind games with Lucio and Sara to make them court him as their next business partner. 
-- Melina is convinced that Omar is alive and wants to look for him. 
-- Ámbar and Yago have their meet-cute and seem to be attracted to one another. 

A closer look

The episode begins with a repeat of Yago’s reencounter with Omar’s family. HIS family. He is received affably but, at the end of the day, he is now a stranger to his parents, Melina and Jonás, and to his younger brother, Bruno. Yago is also introduced to Sara and Lucio’s little boy, Matías, who may in fact be Omar’s son; we’re still looking into it. Yago feels so disconcerted that he needs to escape to the bathroom. He washes his face, dampens his hair and dries both with a towel. Later on, after Yago leaves, Melina wipes her face with the same towel he used earlier. She must rank somewhere between Daredevil and Wolverine on the olfactory acuity scale, because, lo and behold, she instantly picks up Omar’s scent in the towel! 

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El Hotel de los Secretos #69, 5/4/16: The “Lady” Vanishes

Already drunk, after Andres finds out from Alfredo that Alfredo/Andres Jr. is really Diego Jr., and Belen has been playing him for a fool from the get go, he seeks Belen out and flies at her in a rage. Hearing her dissing both his mother and Natalia in the servants’ quarters adds fuel to the fire, and practically the whole staff has to pry his hands off Belen’s throat (good thing she has that big ruffled collar). Belen doesn’t back down, however. She starts insulting Andres’ manhood, saying he’s not capable of impregnating a woman. Andres flies at her again, and is intercepted by all the male staff. Belen turns her insults to Angela, which is the last straw for Natalia. She smacks Belen a good one, and the hair-pulling melee begins. Two of the waiters drag Belen away and out the back door, like the trash she is. The men, Lupe and Angela follow, but then leave Andres and Belen alone to sort through the ashes of their brief marriage.
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Sueño de amor # 41 Wednesday 5/4/16. "Waterworks"

I have never seen so many tears in any production anywhere anytime. We pick up the action with Luca being taken in for questioning in the death of Vicente. Luca tells the officer what happened with Vicente. He was not going to let him threaten the girl he loves. The officer sees that as reason enough for killing him.

At school, Tracy is visiting Silvana in her office. They are looking at the security footage that shows Pedro's fight with Vicente. For a change of pace, Tracy corrects Silvana's Spanish. They talk about the murder. They are all excited that Pedro can be implicated in the murder and in that way they can make Esperanza suffer a bit. Silvana asks her secretary Quintina to get a hold of the detective that is investigating Vicente's murder.

Esperanza is with Ricardo. Ricardo sees Vicente's murder on the news on his phone and that Luca was brought in for questioning. He goes over in his own mind his encounter with Vicente. He tells Esperanza about it. Pato overhears about Luca and is immediately hysterical. Luca is not answering his phone. Ricardo explains that Luca is only in for questioning. He has not been arrested. Ricardo will find out what he can.
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Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #40. Tuesday May 3, 2016. Estalkin' Is Bad. It Gets People Stabbed.

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot. 

Someone does us all a favor and stabs Vicente. In 24 hours, witnesses saw him tussle with Luca, fight with Pedro and get roughed up by Ricardo. Neither one of the three has an alibi, this was made abundantly clear throughout the episode. 

In other Sueñolandia news: 

Salma discovers she’s pregnant. At long last! Poor thing is distraught. She is barely 14, she sexually abused a drunken teenage boy, she got a very average boink out of it at best AND she fell pregnant to top it all off. I know this sounds sarcastic but I actually felt sorry for the kid. Thankfully, she has the support of her grandma and her older sister. 

Kristel gets fired from her job as visual enticement at the antro. She has plenty of free time now to blubber and be confundida
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It's a hard knock life: Yago #2 05/03/16

Ok, here we go, I'm going to break down the recap into two parts, the first part will recap everything we learned about Sara last night and the second part will cover everything else, I hope not to miss anything but if I do please feel free to add to it in the comments section.


 We start our episode off with a flashback to Omar's brutal beat down in jail. The young man was set up for theft and murder by his two best friends and his future wife, we don't yet know his friends motivations, but I'm guessing they betrayed him simply out of greed. Sara on the other had a different motives, will learning her background make the patio more willing to forgive her and see past her sins? Only time will tell.

Sara was raised by her father who taught her that life is a game, everyone you deal with is an adversary, an in the game there can only be one winner. Life is made for winners, and there's no room for the weak. What her father failed to tell Sara is that sometimes you can win at the game while also losing everything you hold dear.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #68, 5/3/16: Love Diagnosed and Perversions Disclosed

Immediately after Jacinto has viewed Julio and Sra. Montego’s private passion on display, the two discover a buried box with a bloodied jacket.  Upon examination, Detective Ayala finds an arrow appliqued inside the jacket; it appears to be a symbol of some secret Scottish Rite, as yet undetermined (I believe, as again I was working with no CC’s and bad audio).

Once Julio and Isabel head out, Matilda and Ayala scuffle over his pedantic attitude towards her.  It’s something to do with eroticism and not knowing real love if it smacked her upside the head cuz she’s really just cold-blooded; he supposedly only gets excited by dead bodies….dunno.  It’s a boring story-line and the actors totally miscast for this kind of love duo.  Mati races angrily back to the hotel to commiserate with Isa who tells her Mati is suffering from Luhhhhhv.  FF>>FF>>

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Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Yago #1. Monday May 2, 2016. GRAN ESTRENO: Revenge Is Stronger Than Death

At a glance

-- Omar Guerrero is betrayed by his fiancée and his two best friends. They frame him for a casino heist and the murder of a security guard. 

-- Omar reenters the lives of those who betrayed him as Yago Vila, a Spanish entrepreneur and outstanding poker player. 

A closer look

During his helicopter flight, a handsome young man ponders the treacherous nature of journeys over the turbulent waters of life. He has waited for many years to finally reach his destination: The place where Omar’s life changed forever. When he lands, a lady with a rocker bouffant is waiting for him. She hands him the keys of a red Ferrari. He drives it with vertiginous speed. At this rate, he might not even arrive in one piece to start his revenge. He swerves his luxury speedster in the nick of time to avoid hitting a pickup truck coming in the opposite direction. In his mind, this illustrates the importance of recognizing obstacles in time in order to get them out of the way. “One man who knew how to remove obstacles was “Pliers” (pinzas) Abel. He was like a brother to Omar. He was his protector.” Abel is the mustached guy who wears too much hair mousse. Another distinctive feature is his fondness for pliers and ciggies. “Lucio was like a dangerous freeway that Omar didn’t anticipate. They grew up together but their paths diverged.” In the photo of the traitors squad, Lucio is the one who looks like a psychotic baby. “Sara was a precipice that Omar didn’t see coming either. He was madly in love with her. If I had Omar in front of me now, I would tell him that all betrayals begin for love. My name is Yago. My story was born the day Omar’s died, and I am here to avenge him.”
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El Hotel de los Secretos #67, 5/2/16: Movie Night!

Julio is looking for Ayala. Dagoberto hasn't seen him. (He's still locked in that room.) Julio needs permission to search Benjamin's room. Dagoberto gives it.

In Benjamin's room, all Julio finds is an empty cough syrup bottle.

Alfredo and Sofia are talking about starting over. She says she'll be the best wife and mother ever. He says he'll resign and get a new job - he has friends, and maybe Gongora can help him. Sofia expresses doubt - his criminal record might get in the way, plus he owns the adjoining lands, so why not stay here? Alfred says no no, he'll sell the land and they'll go far away. Sofia pretends to agree, and says he'd better find a good buyer.

Olegario (a good buyer) is imposing two more conditions on Elisa for her sale of the land: 1) It's no longer enough if Alfredo resigns. Now that Sofia's out of jail, Oleg needs Alfredo to be gone entirely - so he wants a copy of the papers for the annulment of the legal marriage. 2) Belen makes a dramatic entrance: "I want my baby back!"
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Monday, May 02, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #39. Monday May 2, 2016. This Episode Was Brought To You By Lala Cheese, Salty Tears, Morning Sickness And Poisoned Juice.

At a glance

-- Shira is La Sombra's sister. She attempts to poison Rodrigo.
-- Kristel is channeling Victoria "The Crier" Ruffo and Julia "The Confused" Gómez Luna.
-- Vicente the estalkerr is still estalkin' and harassing PatoLuca. 

A closer look

Ricardo catches Pato’s estalkerr lurking outside Esperanza’s house and demands to know what he’s doing there. “Don’t you know who I am?”, says an indignant Vicente, “I’m the son of Gonzalo Santillana!”. “The Board Director of Instituto Palacios?”, asks Ricardo. “How do you know?”, wonders the obsessed fool. A little unintentional comedy to get us started. 

At Casa Guerrero, Esperanza gushes over her date, the coin found in the stupid love vault and the promises contained in the stupid love cassette, namely, eternal love, 2 children and a house with a blue door. 

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El color de pasión - Index

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, Secretos, and ¿Quién es Quién?: Week of May 2, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here's the lineup (all times are Eastern Time):
 noon  - Secretos
 1 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 8 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
 9 PM  - La Esclava Blanca
10 PM -  El Señor de los Cielos #4
More information about the new novela, La Esclava Blanca, along with full episodes from these first weeks, can be found on the Telemundo website . The Latin Times offers a brief synopsis and information about the cast (in English) here.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find the discussions they're looking for.

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New Telenovela: Yago begins tonight. Here's a synopsis. Who is in? We need recappers.

Hi friends,

I ordinarily write the synopsis for a new show but because this one is starting tonight I'm giving you one I found elsewhere. If you would like a recapping slot please leave a comment. We need somebody for tonight if possible!

Our main character is Iván Sánchez. (See dreamy picture.) The story begins with Omar Guerrero, a simple young man living in a middle-class neighborhood next to his inseparable best friends Abel (Pablo Valentin) and Lucio (Flavio Medina). Omar’s life changes dramatically when Sara (Gabriela de la Garza) moves into the neighborhood with her father Damián (Manuel Ojeda) and her sister Ámbar (Ximena Romo). Damián is a conman who is about to pull off the perfect heist on the big Casino in the city. Unable to do it alone, he convinces Lucio, Abel and his daughter Sara to involve Omar. Even though Sara has fallen in love with Omar, her father manipulates her to go through with the plan. During the heist, a guard is murdered and Omar is framed for both crimes, and is sentenced to sixty year in prison. While in prison, Omar meets Fidel Yampolski (Patricio Castillo), an old and powerful mafia boss who becomes his mentor. After a prison riot burns the prison down, the two men plot an ingenious revenge; Fidel helps Omar get a new face and a new identity: Yago. Now, twelve years later, Yago has returned to execute his revenge upon the three people who betrayed him. But, will love be stronger than his hunger for vengeance?

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