Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #83. Monday July 11, 2016. The Sick And The Restless
Esperanza tells Pedro she can’t wait to leave the hospital. She misses home so bad.
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Monday, July 11, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - # 36, In which Valentin is the winner in every scene
Labels: ana
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of July 11, 2016
News Flash! I've just heard that Friday, July 15, will be the last day for Eva and Esclava. Eva will have a 1-hour final program on Friday (8-9 pm), while Esclava's final will be 2 hours long (9-11 pm). El Señor will have a 3-hour final program (8-11 pm) on Monday, July 18.
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Tres Veces Ana #35: Old Memories, New Methods Or, Revelations and Self-Recriminations
• The “new Marcelo” accuses Evaristo at gunpoint of having concocted one heck of a despicable lie. Ol’ Ev as usual can explain. SanMarco tells him that his mind may not remember much but his muscles and instincts are totally on top of things; the man in front of Ev now is very capable of pulling a trigger, so don’t test him! (Yeah, you’re just as likely to have pigs fly with this old windbag!) Ev starts spinning another one.
• Evaristo puts the blame on SanMarco for not following his directions and going with the man at the airport like he told him to. Oh, and that explains why he lied about that picture he gave him, and lying bout her being his wife. Then she’s lying dead in a construction site while two are trying to kill him? Ev tells him if he’d wanted him dead he’d have been dead a long while back already. ---(NOT! It’s no wonder Marcelo’s alive with the group of half-baked wannabe crooks this guy’s got on his payroll! Ev thinks a bit too highly of himself in this biz.) No, Marcelo Salvaterra had numerous enemies. Could have been any one of them…..
• At the same time, Ramiro breaks a window to enter Valentin’s hole-in-the-wall apartment. He sees what a dump it is and notes all the liquor bottles –Yup, he’s an alchy. He then sees the pictures of Ana Laura plastered over the wall and realizes this dude’s not only a fortune-hunter but a stalker who’s had this developing relationship planned all along. (Duh-duh-duhhhh!!!)
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Labels: ana
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 21 (July 11, 2016)
In this humble opinion, it is Amelia. She has--
*Recovered from a near fatal accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down
*Left her suffocating, possessive husband
*Moved back into her family home and adjusted well to the luxuries it afforded her
*Recovered from her paralysis
*Secured an important position in her father’s construction empire and seems to be doing well
*Changed her hairstyle and wardrobe
*Stopped obsessing over Luis, her teenage heart-throb
*Is sorry for her treatment of her suffocating, possessive ex-husband
*Is sorry for her mistreatment of her darling daughter
*Changed her hairstyle again
*Has only slapped, cursed, or denigrated her evil-minded sister
*Helped keep the location of her sequestered father a secret for two years
*Has started to flirt a little with her suffocating, possessive ex-husband
*Has sudden feelings of jealousy seeing Marissa in Pedro’s arms, despite the innocent gesture
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Labels: camino
Saturday, July 09, 2016
Yago Capitulo 32 -Beautiful Crime
We finally see Alejandra's numb body. Bruno&Yago both got anonymously called by Damian. They almost fight but Yago reveals that he had sweet nothings to do with Ale's death. Bruno clearly cannot contain his sadness.
We get a flashback of Young Camilo yet again and man is he a psycho. From a calm, loving fairy tale reader he turns into every traitor's worst nightmare. He first shows the traitor Adolfo a glimpse of his favorite flower telling him of the cold history that each of them hold. Camilo stops to tell Adolfo that he's the next in line to get turned in a leaf. The goons drag him away and drown him mercilessly under water.
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Labels: yago
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #82. Friday July 8, 2016. There’s A New Coupling In Sueñolandia And It’s A Match Made in Blah!
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Prince Charming and Dora the Explorer had a kid and he is getting married in Sueñolandia next week. |
- She wants to register the kid, because she didn’t think to register him before dumping him on her mother QEPD.
- She wants to baptize the kid, because even though the walls bleed any time she enters a church, she still has a spiritual side.
- She wants to introduce the kid into society, because she needs everyone and their grandma to know he is Luca de la Colina’s son.
- She wants Luca to take the kid off her hands for a while, because she says she hasn’t gotten a good night’s sleep in over a week. In reality, what she meant to say is that it’s been a while since she roamed the city at night stealing other people’s essences.
Labels: sda
Friday, July 08, 2016
Tres Veces Ana - #34
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Sueño de amor, Ep. 81 (7.7.16) Life is unfair, while some experience full blown cancer others enjoy full blown romances.
Labels: sda
Yago, #31, Thursday 7/7/16: Buried Hopes
It must be the next day, because Sara is wearing a different dress. Lucio's been sentenced to six years and a fine of 120 "salarios" for his fraud. I don't know how much a "salario" is, but I'll bet that 120 of them add up to more than a slap on the wrist. He stares at Sara in disbelief as he's marched out to the waiting van. She stares right back at him.
As the prison guards shove him around, Lucio reflects that this is especially tough coming from the person to whom he's dedicated the best years of his life. The other inmates welcome him with a ticker-tape parade (okay, a shower of trash) as he's brought to his cell. Lucio muses that betrayal has always been at his side; it has the face of an angel, and the name of a woman. He adds, somewhat redundantly, that its name is Sara. Weeping, Lucio tears Sara's visage off of the family photo he was allowed to keep.
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Labels: yago
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of July 4, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Tres Veces Ana - # 33
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Labels: ana
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Yago #30. Tuesday July 5, 2016. A Bunch Of People Not Careful What They Wish For
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Sweetie, it's a misunderstanding! Your boyfriend fell on top of me by accident and the unintentional friction unzipped his pants! This is all very unfortunate! |
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Labels: yago
Sueño de amor #80 Wed. July 6, 2016
So, we will pick up at Ricardo's, with Cristina left breathless after the kiss. They talk about where the kids are and about her ex being in jail. She asks if anything happened to him Ricardo. He assures her that nothing happened. He suggests they call each other "tú" after all they have been through. She isn't too sure about that and prefers "usted" so he does not forget she is his boss. He assures her he won't forget. (She is serious!!!) He just chuckles and walks away. As he turns she notices the blood at the nape of his neck. He had forgotten all about that. She makes him sit down and goes to get first aid items out of the medicine chest so she can treat Ricardo's neck wound. He just sits smiling waiting for her to come back.
At Margarita's, Kristel tells her family all about her wanting to get away from it all by goimg to study abroad in Barcelona if she gets a scholarship at one particular university she has applied to. Mario tries to dissuade her saying that you don't make a big decision like that so quickly. Her mother Silvana says she agrees with Mario but thinks if she leaves she won't be able to get rid of her (as in kill her). The you know what hits the fan when Kristel tells them she could be leaving next week if all goes as planned. She would like to be in her father's wedding though . . .
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #79. Tuesday July 5, 2016. And Now Wee Boys & Girls, Prepare Your Innocent Eyes For A Playful Session Of Torture!
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Thank goodness this is a family show! Can you otherwise imagine the level of gratuitous violence and voyeuristic sadism? |
Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.
Labels: sda
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Tres Veces Ana #32
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 20 (July 4, 2016)
Labels: camino
Yago #29. Monday July 4, 2016. The Sprinkler Sprinkled, The Hunter Hunted, The Betrayer Betrayed
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Resting Iván Sánchez face |
-- To put it politely: This fecal matter just got real!
A closer look
Lucio is arrested outside Casa Guerrero just as he and Matías were preparing to flee the country. Matías is distressed by the scene and keeps tearfully asking: “What’s happening, Papá?”. He bangs on the police car window and pleads with the officers not to take his daddy away because “he didn’t do anything”. Lucio reassures his son that everything is going to be alright. The poor kid continues to cry while Sara tries to console him. Yago observes the scene silently and thinks to himself: “There are moments that haunt you (perseguir) all your life and this is one of them. I know that I’ll never forget the sorrowful expression of Matías when he saw the man he thinks is his father being apprehended. I knew that my revenge would cause collateral damage (daños colaterales) but I never imagined hurting my own son”.
Labels: yago
Monday, July 04, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Eva la Trailera, La Esclava Blanca, El Señor de los Cielos #4, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of July 4, 2016
Labels: esclava, eva-la-t, helena, senor4, telemundo
Saturday, July 02, 2016
Tres Veces Ana #31: Murderess Most Foul and A Murder Most Fouled
Once again we’re ogling poor Jennifer’s descent sans benefit of parachute as Ana Leticia looks on. (According to The Splat Calculator at a body weight of say, 120 lbs., poor Jennifer’s fall from grace was the equivalent of being hit by a car going approximately 77 mph. ¡QEPD! ) A-Mimi, her feet back on solid ground once more, looks over her handiwork and drives off. Ho. Hum. And meanwhile…..
Mariano’s sexratary, Adriana, reports she’s been unable to reach his fiancée on either her cellular or at the house. It all goes to voice mail/ the recorder.
In Orlando’s hospital room, Evaristo gives our bruised and contused Orly back his cell phone –sans any files having anything to do with Ana Lucía. He warns our scared little suffering shakedown artist in training that the phone can now be traced by Ev’s tracking devices and so he’ll always be able to keep tables on him and his calls. To be certain that Orly keeps mum, he’s got his grandson there as his personal bodyguard.
At the same time, Santiago and the other architect Jen was supposed to meet with arrive at the job site. The guy tells Santi that he understood she was engaged to be married. Santi figures she thought he’d died or deserted her and it makes sense. They turn towards the entrance to the building and see Jen laid and splayed like a rag doll. Santi races over to her. She gains consciousness momentarily. “—It’s you! Marcelo!!” He has a few seconds to register that she knows him as Marcelo Salvaterra with a flashback to the visit to Iñaki’s new digs and his question to SanMarco if that name sounded familiar to him. Well it does now!
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