Monday, December 17, 2018
Mi marido tiene más familia Monday12/17/18 Capítulo 68 A Prayer is Answered By a Father's Love--OR--Crisanta Gets ZAPPED!!!
Julieta realizes that she probably has no right to ask the Virgin for anything but she has never stopped believing in her power so that is why she is asking her to help her. Nothing is like it was. Her relationship with Robert is broken. They are about to lose the house and have lost Dave. She doesn't know how to find the strength to go on. She will put up with anything if it makes her son happy.
Lupita encourages Dave to tell his bio-dad Fernando how he feels. Her dad taught them to keep nothing in. Dave is afraid that if he tells his bio-dad that he wants to go back to live with the Oppa's he will be very sad. Fernando has nobody else. Dave cannot leave him alone since he knows how it feels to be abandoned.
Vicente is all excited that Robert has accepted the position in Africa. He will give Robert time to get everything arranged. Vicente says it is a minimum six month commitment so Vicente can do what he needs to do in Mexico. Robert looks like this is not what he was expecting.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of December 17, 2018
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad**
• 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5**
**On Monday, December 17,
Falsa Identidad will run for two hours (9-11 PM).
Señora Acero will not be shown that day.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/14/18, Episode 30: Death Plays A Hand
Parte 1~~
Valentina is excited and flies into the manse's dining room. Lucia's broadcast is #1 trending topic on all the social net websites. Eva arrives after parking her broomstick and has a breakfast of sour grapes when seeing the last night's ratings.
Beltran is racing off to the airport. He tells Alicia and Javier that he'd rather take a taxi than have her drive him to the airport. However, Belchin's BFF arrives, fully recovered from the near-death beat down he got a few months back, and says he'll take him instead. Alicia is satisfied. Barbara, on the other hand, apparently is left to get to the airport all by her lonesome. Belchin' refuses to answer her numerous calls to his cell.
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Friday, December 14, 2018
Mi marido tiene más familia Friday 12/14/18 Capítulo 67 Taking Steps Towards a New Normal--OR--How Many Products Can We Promote in One Episode?
Pancho runs into Robert in the hall. He notices that there is something wrong. Pancho knows that they aren't buddies or anything but they are on the same side. Maybe they could start over. Robert agrees that perhaps they just got off on the wrong foot. In spite of their quarrels, Pancho likes Robert. He'd like to have a chat with him on the stairs. By the way, Crisanta is back to snore some more in the building. That surprises Robert and he answers in his best "Pancho" imitation with "No manches!" (No way!)
Back at school, Julieta and Dave are happy to see each other. Dave has missed them all. Susana is taking Sebas out to lunch and Axel will join them. She just wanted to spend some time with her sons. Fernando has come for Dave. He reminds Julieta of the visitation schedule the judge set up. She tells him about how much she missed Dave and just had to see him. She didn't want to go against him or the judge. Fernando asks her to just let him be Dave's dad. Fernando leaves with Dave.
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Thursday, December 13, 2018
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of December 10, 2018
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
- 8-9PM - La Sultana
- 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
- 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement,this group DOES NOT DISCUSS previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/12/2018, Episode 29: Which Ones Are the Bad Guys? Oh, They Are ALL Bad
Recap by Kirby J
The tension continues as León/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) tells
Armenta that Lucía will come through, but Armenta is getting impatient waiting
while Lucia negotiates with Montilla and tells LCJ that he is fed up, Lucía is
taking too long with the mayhem caused by the cops. As Armenta tells LCJ that
his time is up and points Juanita (his lovely pistol) at his head, main goon
leader rushes in to tell Armenta that the cops are leaving. Armenta wonders
what saint LCJ prays to, but then tells him that the Saint must not have heard
Out in the corridor, Lucía thanks Montilla for saving
her life and that of her chauffeur’s. Montilla is upset and chides Lucía for
provoking such a big sting operation just because of her impertinence. Whatever
happens next will be her responsibility, and she needs to respect the police.
Lucía apologizes, and when they turn to go inside they hear a gunshot!
Karla arrives home and sees all the disorder. When she
goes inside and sees Pedro passed out on the floor and runs to him. She tries
to bring him to, but he is unconscious so she calls for an ambulance. As she
talks to the operator, she sees the note from “El Ruso” (long-bearded goon)
which demands that she return the money or there will be more beatings of those
close to her.
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Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 12/12/18 Capítulo 66 The Cooper's Face Their Problems--OR--Venus Enters Catalina's Fifth House (Romance)
Tavo comes over to Catalina's to assess the flooding situation. He insists that she come stay with him at his place as a friend.
Gabriel falls out of be and is all excited because today is the day he is starting his new business. He and Dani go to kiss and the dog barks for some attention, too.
Imelda gets a surprise to start her day. It is Crisanta at her door in a sun hat and sunglasses. Crisanta explains that she is on vacation and she is going to stay in the apartment that belongs to her daughter. Imelda is left with her mouth hanging open but then asks what could Crisanta gain living there. Crisanta wants to be close to her husband' ashes and to know that her life with him was not in vain. She knows Imelda understands her pain.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 65, Tuesday, December 11, 2018; Julieta plays the “blame game” or Susana and Pancho become Novios
begin where we left off yesterday, with Audifáz receiving his much deserved
slap in the face by Polita. [Yes he did beg for it!] She really stands up for
herself this time and shuts him down. She tells him that even though they had
nothing previously and were poor, at least they all had each other and they
were a united family. But now, that is not the case since he has changed so
much. Now, he is leading them to a ditch that they will never be able to climb
out of. Audifáz won’t back down though
and says that Ari cannot return. Then he self-righteously walks away. Ari hugs
his mother as she cries, apologizing and trying to comfort her.
and Gabriel settle on a cute little white dog together. They name him “Hermoso.”
Then Dani makes a list of the dog chores and says that the dog cannot sleep
with them. Gabe mentions having children in the future and she imagines herself
holding a baby.
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Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/11/2018, Episode 28: Go Away, Little Boy! OR I am Woman, I Am Strong!
Recap by Rgv Chick
Previously: Armenta reminds Lucía that she doesn’t
need a weapon to kill someone; she has the newspaper and more power than she
realizes. She suggests that they use that power…together
Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) is quite impatient and stands
up. As he is about to ask henchie something, another henchie comes out and
tells him to follow him inside. As he walks in, Lucía motions him to stay calm.
Armente mocks him for being the sought-after chauffeur and suggests he should
ask for a raise after that escape. When LCJ asks Lucía if she needs something,
(Yeppers Chof, trot down to 7-11 and get me a Latte and a hand grenade) Armenta
quickly points out that HE sent for him. He wants LCJ to record the
conversation that he and Lucía are about to have…a historic event that is about
to happen.
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Amar a Muerte, 12/10/18, Episode 27: Q-Where oh Where is El Chino Valdes?
A-In two places at once. (Broma)
*Johny is on his way
(presumably) to the office. He always seems to wear the same suit and tieless
shirt (should be quite ripe by now, after 27 episodes). His fancy red car has
been defiled by a nasty yellow note which reads, “How often do you think of me?”
It freaks him out. What a way to start the day. To make matters worse, he can’t
reach Lucia.
*Lucia and her chofer linger
over their early morning kiss. It’s a lot like coffee, though. It wakes Luci up
to realize what she’s been doing and sends LCJ away. She needs to be alone.
Although he doesn’t believe her, he strides out, still breathless from the
passion spent, or rather, unspent.
*At their breakfast nook,
Mateo and Eva are pissed by the news in or not in the papers. Mateo’s article
is missing and all Eva can see are the competing headlines featuring Luci. Eva
is sure Luci’s not going to get away with it as she has no idea who she’s
dealing with. And Mateo thinks Eva does? It sounds like she is defending those
scalawags. No—Eva is only defending her family, the family business and Mateo.
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Monday, December 10, 2018
Mi marido tiene más familia Monday 12/10/18 Capítulo 64 Back Together, Back Apart--OR--Slapfest!
When Crisanta and Susana arrive home, Vicente and the boys are playing video games. Susana decides to join in. Sebas says he will have to teach her. She would love to learn. She plays on one team against Axel and Vicente on the other team. Crisanta somberly looks on.
Frida tells Dani and Gabriel she is happy that they are together again. Dani says the reality show strengthened their love. Blanca asks what Gabriel is planning on pursuing. He wants to be an event planner. Blanca chuckles saying it isn't very masculine. Gabriel nicely lets her know it is all about breaking stereotypes. Blanca sees the family getting more and more modern. It will give Imelda another heart attack. Linda fills them in about Ari and Temo coming out and how Audi ran his own son out of his house. Dani talks about respecting others' decisions even if they seem strange to us. Blanca is happy they are back together again.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): La Sultana, Falsa Identidad, Señora Acero 5 y más: Week of December 10, 2018
Welcome to Page 1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Here are the current evening telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
- 8-9PM - La Sultana
- 9-10PM - Falsa Identidad
- 10-11PM - Señora Acero 5
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post so readers can easily find the conversation they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes references to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Saturday, December 08, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/7/18, Episode 26: There Are Kisses And There Are ...Kisses
Lucia is surprised to take a late night phone call from the head of the Armente Family. He asks if she meant what she said on tv or was just posing for the Press. He's willing to take her at her word for a sit-down. Yes, it will be in a public place and he'll call her back with a couple of choices. NO cops or media present or else! He's a man of his word and she can trust him not to pull anything on her. "--You wanted to talk and that's what we'll do."
Across town, Carla counts her cash.
Lupita bemoans the fact that now they need to disappear and have no money to make the move. Julieta says it's no use because those two men will follow them to the ends of the earth; no matter where they try to escape to, they'll find them.
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Friday, December 07, 2018
Mi marido tiene más miedo Friday 12/7/18 Capítulo 63 Don't Poke the Bear
Fernando walks Dave to school where he mets Sebas and Frida. He leaves to go to work. Iker invites Linda out for some coffee. Yes! There is always time for coffee, or, as Iker puts it, time for a new book or a start to a new adventure. She is all smiles.
At "Reality de amor", the last challenge is "Brave for Love". The couples will have to fight fear as they undertake tests of physical ability working as a team. They have to "hand walk" over a pool, walk through a box of mice, climb a wall, put on a wedding lasso. At the end, Gabriel cannot say enough good about Dani. She has a similar declaration of love for him. They win the challenge.
Robert is at home getting upset in Dave's room. He looks at Dave's drawings when there were just the four of them.
Julieta is at work giving a presentation to Susana and other executives. She is having a difficult time but Susana helps her out.
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Thursday, December 06, 2018
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): La Sultana, Falsa identidad, Señora Acero 5, y más: Week of December 3, 2018
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current evening telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 8-9PM—
La Sultana**
• 9-10PM—
Falsa Identidad• 10-11PM—
Señora Acero 5
**On Friday,
La Sultana will be pre-empted by a 2-hour movie,
The Expendables, that will run from 7-9 PM. Apparently,
La Sultana will return the following Monday (Dec. 10).
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.
By common agreement, this group DOES NOT discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode of the current production. Spoilers WILL be removed by the admin. This includes reference to earlier productions of the story, and even the original novel. Thanks for your cooperation!
Labels: acero5, identidad, sultana, telemundo
Wednesday, December 05, 2018
Mi marido tiene más familia Wednesday 12/5/18 Capítulo 62 The End of an Era--OR--"Glued and Feathered"
Catalina is with Tavo talking about how she wants to be the mother that Julieta needs. As she finishes, Tavo informs her that he can no longer be her therapist. Catalina asks if she did something wrong. No, quite the contrary. She has given him a lot of hope. He can recommend another very good psychologist. Catalina assume that they will not be seeing each other again but Tavo has other plans. He wants to keep seeing her but as a friend. Catalina smiles. Tavo explains that he had to let her go as a patient because he has some affection for her. She thanks him for being so professional. She really likes the idea of being friends.
Polita informs Audifaz that she will be supporting Ari even if it means facing off against him. For the umpteenth time, Polita tells Audifaz that it has nothing to do with right or wrong. It is all about supporting his son. He starts lecturing her. She says he treats her like an employee not like his wife. He wants her to come to the Christian center with him so she won't stray from the path like her son did. Polita thinks it would be better if he were to change back to being the loving and caring Audifaz she fell in love with. She asks what the purpose of is learning so many wonderful things in his life if he is never going to use them. There is no response.
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Amar a Muerte, 12/5/2018, Episode 25: Coming Home Is So Special
Recap by Kirby J
we left off with Loosey and Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) arriving home after their “release”
(no one can imagine what kind of “release” they really had…but didn’t happen
according to Loosey). Johny is interrogating Loosey about what happened between
her and LCJ; so she comes back with, “Must I remind you that I was just
kidnapped…that we were trying to escape? …What is wrong with you?” As he holds
her head (as if wanting to force her real thoughts out of her head), JonEvil
admits that she is right and thanks her because no one understands him the way
she does…and no one respects him the way she does. Menacingly, he adds that no
one knows him the way she does...and if she is lying to him, he’ll kill him.
(LCJ) He forces a kiss on her and hugs
her, but Loosey wants to take a bath ( as she tries to push herself away)…she
needs to take a bath because she is very cold ( and smelly?). As JonEvil
releases her and leaves, Loosey looks back at him in horror.
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Mi Marido Tiene Más Familia, Capítulo 61, Tuesday December 4, 2018; Pancho and Susana Declare their love for one another
the judge gives his judgement in Fernando’s favor, Fernando goes to him and
promises that everything will be just fine. Then Julieta goes to embrace David,
crying. “I don’t want you to leave.” Robert has tears in his eyes.
and Pancho are having a good time at the Guelaguetza festival. Susana looks
very happy and has red carnations in her hair. They dance and have fun watching
the parade through town. It’s almost a Mardi Gras type of celebration with all
the colors and dancing. Susana says that Pancho takes her out of her comfort
zone and she enjoys herself. They enter into a gift shop to get gifts for their
families. She asks Pancho how things are going with his kids, especially Temo.
She relays how she thinks Axel will move out and that one day Sebas will become
a teenager and never speak to her again. They decide on some gifts for the
family. Pancho buys a heart shaped pendant for Susana, so she can keep him near
her heart.
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Tuesday, December 04, 2018
Amar a Muerte, 12/4/2018, Episode 24: It Never Happened, OK? Fer Sure??
Lucía and
Leon/Chino/Jacobo (LCJ) are still in the water enjoying their looong kiss
(while the goons are probably closing in, but they don’t seem to care). As they
continue their passionate kisses, she takes off his shirt; she slips off her
dress…next to come off is her bra (as the water starts to steam). They break
apart briefly, looking into each other’s eyes, then continue their fierce
display of desire. LCJ stops and looks up, as does Lucía, as a flock of birds
flies above. (LCJ relieved that they weren’t giant moths).
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Amar a Muerte, 12/3/18, Episode 23: No News of The Escape
called Juliana and they talked about the kidnapping. When Val ended
the call Lucho told her she shouldn't be talking about this with
someone who is practically a stranger. She indicated she didn't want
him to stay over, so he left.
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