Monday, September 02, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Week of September 2, 2013

Hope you all enjoyed the Labor Day weekend.  Here's your new page.

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Sunday, September 01, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #99 (Mex 137) Friday 8/30/13 Santos Gets His Wish

Cap# 137

In El Lay, Santos says his last Good-Bye to papi Justo, he tells Michael and Darren he’d rather sacrifice his life than that of his loved ones—but boy would he love to have at it with Guilliano!  Darren says that can be arranged.  The guards arrive a couple minutes later and take Mikey and Santos to their new cell.  Yep they’re gonna be cell mates. 

Horny old Ruben figures if he can’t have the one he wants he’ll love the one he’s with (apologies to Sr. Sills).  La Trampira de Elvira is down with that.  They seal the deal with a glass of champagne—apparently E-e-e-e-vi-i-l-l-l-l-l, like water, seeks its own--in this case, low--level eventually. 
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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #124: Happy Feet, Cross-Eyes and Sticky Fingers

At an unspecified Nuevo Leon honky-tonk, Jess & Oli are having a big ol' co-ed bachelor party cowboy dance event thingy, and emotions are running high. The novios play kissy-face and drink beer. Lots of snippy celos among the geritol gang, with Su glaring at Pan, who's glaring at Chatita, who's mostly just rolling her eyes. The only one of them who seems to be having a good time is Saturnino. He must have left the meter running.

Maricela shows up looking like the Sundance Kid's naughty dream, but Rico won't dance with her. Yvonne's clearly been using the Discuamatic. I think it's time to lend it to Don Gil for a while. Peppy music, gloopy food porn, accordion product placement, etc.
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La Tempestad #25- 8/30/13: Aba Daba Honeymooooon!


Ahoy, La Tempestad Maties, and A Happy Labor Day to Y'all! Hope you are enjoying the last days of summer. We have moved to the pier again because so much is going on, on the water this epi. This recap will not be in order, so please enjoy your Tequila Sunrises, put the spyglass to your eye so we can see what is what with His Deliciousness (DamFab) and his lovely wife, er, his Pesering Wifey Pooh on that sailboat.

The Rehash:
Commandante with Jaz and she is scared. He wants to know about others in organization, like who is the leader, and that he knows she is really Lu and not Jaz. She only knows about Nereo and noone else. He'll go so as not to get her in trouble, they'll meet again to talk some more.

DamDelicious has returned to port as the Harbor Master has called him back in for something urgent. Ester stays on the boat. She isn't happy. She wants him to hurry. She thinks everything is going er, swimmingly.

Herny at the pool thinking about how he'll get rid of DamDelicious during his honeymoon, he is now a partner in bidness with Marina in which she will be close to him. Herny's womens have arrived. They work hard for the money, so hard for it honey, er, well you know. They are in his room changing. They now come out to the pool, group kissing ensues, I'll leave it at that.

DamDelicious goes to the Harbor Master to see what is up and of course encounters Marina. She called him back to tell him she'll  fight for her love, she'll prove she ain't no coward. It's getting warm ladies and gentlemen. Now it's getting warmer with that nice bear hug he gives Marina, sigh! Besos now ensue. He'll think about her the whole trip and she'll be waiting for him to come back.

Ester is getting impatient on the sailboat. Her DamDelicious hubby should have been back by now!

DamFabilicious has Marina in his manly muscular arms and she tells him about hearing his Madrina and how the voice told her to get Damilicious to come back. He says he saw his Madrina and mentions it was like a warning of danger. The only danger is a trip with PesterEster. He doesn't think there is any danger. Marina wants him to be careful. Everything is fine and dandy, hush your mouth Capitancito! It's like putting the devil on the wall. Old German expression, my dearly departed Mama used to say this all the time. It's like saying, Don't say it cause it may happen! Now DamDelicious has Marina encircled in those manly arms of his, pulls her close and ravishes her with kisses. Ester comes upon them and is pithed. She doesn't confront them though, she feels humilated and thinks how long will this slut of a woman be chasing her DamDelicious hubby. but she will not be separated from her DamDelicious hunk of a manly man on her honeymoon. Yeah, keep dreaming Estercita! She stalks off.

The New Hash:

Ain't Misbehavin'
Damdelicious and Marina are still out in front of the Harbor Master's office still sucking face in front of the whole town. Just imagine if Fully or Herny had come by! What about Bea, the scandal! Anyhoo, it's time to say bye for now. Fabilicious tells Marina she is the only woman he will eva love, to remember that, but he's gotta go with the PesterEster. She knows she will think about him all that time and he asks her to wait for him. They ti amo each other and many besos and he reluctantly walks away. The theme song plays.

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Corazón Indomable Fri August 30 There Will Be Mud

I have a feeling the actual mud eating will be drawn out tonight and we won't actually see it until Friday...LoriLoo

 Maybe you'll even get the wedding tonight...Vivi

there looks like a high risk pregnancy on its way to delivery tonight as well... Carlos

And so it was...

As the time for tonight's episode draws near some of our more rabid mudthirsty Carayistas are already assuming their places. We immediately spot the placid Madame Judy deFarge already rocking in front of her flickering vintage black and white Philco impassively tending her knitting. Gringo Robespierre is nervously glancing  at his watch and muttering to himself about some goddess, mud eating, and sweet revenge. Let's tune into the show...

Ester is lying on the ground just outside the embarrassment of a hovel that  José Antonio has constructed for them to live in. Her new BFF Clorinda announces that she has brought dessert but seeing her neighbor sprawled out unconscious on the earth she rushes to her side shouting,

"¡Ay, Jesús Cristo!"

and tries to rouse her.
She Must Have Added Too Much Onion To Those Beans

I'm guessing those delicious rice and beans with onion, salt, and the little microscopic river creatures will be put on hold for the moment. Heck, one of my favorite things about these TNs is the delicious food.

Suddenly we are transported to Isla Dorada, Ester will simply have to wait for now.

Lucía is impeccably dressed in a stunning blue gown as she climbs up a slight incline followed by casino employees, Maricruz, Octavio, Miguel, Doris and other invited guests. She stops short and gasps as it dawns on her what Maricruz has planned for her. She wasn't expecting a bed of roses, but irony of ironies that is exactly what she is confronted with. However this rose bed has been altered slightly and she finds herself gazing into the gaping maw of a freshly prepared mud pit. We are treated to sepia flashbacks to an earlier time and an earlier mud pit... a fango lined with cacti. It suddenly occurs to her,

"I should have dressed more casually for this."

I Should Have Worn An Old Dress

Yep, a fango and here she is dressed more appropriately for tango.
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Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Paging Carla Estrada! We have a project for you!

For a long time I've thought about what a great job Televisa could do if they had the remake rights to the US cult-TV classic Dark Shadows.  Consider how it could be improved with an earlier period of time for the birth of its unusual protagonist (how about the 15th century?), the addition of legends like that of La Llorona, and the right cast.  Of course, the original music by Robert Cobert would be there along with more great stuff from Jorge Avendaño and Carlos Paramo.

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The Honeymoon Does Not Begin

 With A Guest Appearance from Tomas the Magnificent, World Famous Psychic

San Francisco, California
Friday, 30 August, 2013

So I was doing some remote viewing and I found myself pretty intrigued with the goings on in R-Laydee. Arson? A twin kidnapped at birth and separated from her Mother and sister? The Captain of a local fishing boat is the hottest thing since newly baked bread? Interesting.

I gave my friend Eusebia a call. Doña Eusebia and I are old pals: we met at a psychic’s convention in Nuestra Señora del Mar, Veracruz, Mexico, in 1989. She was demonstrating Mayan cures for depression and I was speaking on my favorite topic, ‘Good Intentions’. You know, how the Road to Hell is paved with them? Anyway, we have been close friends ever since.

Eusebia and I used to schedule time to speak remotely—mind to mind— twice a month. These days we have both gotten a little lazy and tend to catch up on our iPhones, but I still keep a remote ‘eye’ on Nuestra Señora del Mar just to keep in touch. I love that funky little fishing village on the Gulf.

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Qué Bonito Amor #98 (Mex 136) Thursday 8/29/13 Que Bonito Estancamiento

Maria gives Amalia a shot.  Amalia wonders how much more misfortune they can handle.  She can't stop worrying about her daughters.  Even Wendy doesn't think Maria is safe with Ruben on the loose.

Ruben's bleeding from a head wound and even that didn't burst his thought bubble of "Maria will be mine!"

Santos tells Michael that Etrusco came to visit him and threatened Maria.

Wendy decides to call her dad and tell him to get her the hell out of there.  She's back to blaming Santos for this mess, but Amalia (!) and Maria defend him.  Maria blames Wendy's dead boyfriend.

Santos tells Michael he's ready to sacrifice his life and spend it in jail to keep Maria safe.  He waxes rhapsodic about how wonderful Maria is.  He hopes she'll live for both of them now.

Amalia doesn't want to just wait around and see what's going to happen.  She only half jokes that they sure could use a man around the place.  As Maria rightly points out, they don't need no stinkin' man…they've got the Virgen!  Plus Jorge Alfredo is in her heart.
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Thursday, August 29, 2013

CI Cap. 78 8-29-13 Oh, the Drama and the Trauma! Lucia’s Invited to the Rose Garden and Ester’s Between the Rocks and a Hard Place.

          The strands of drama (Lucia) and trauma (Ester) twist tightly through this episode, with only a few bits of wedding fluff for comic relief.

          Doris and Mariana discuss the upcoming Ed/Arecely wedding and how SUD will go so Daddy Gov will stay home. (Hey, it made sense to Doris.)
          Ed and Teflon Tav discuss the wedding madrina and compare the bride’s cheap dress with Doris’ expensive couture creation. The guys agree it’s the woman inside who counts. Tav loved MariCruz in rags more than MariAle in satin.
          Arecely and Sonia are thrilled to open a check for $3,000 in honeymoon money from Madrina MariAle. The Gov, meanwhile, is sending a check for $1,000 while Doris chips in a measly $200 (not too much, not too little she says).
          After a chilly formal greeting, our two gorgeous antagonists get down to business. Lucia hopes for mercy, but MA is quick to point out Lucia showed no mercy to her, so she can’t expect any in return.  However, there’s another option and Lucia can do her bit.

The Cat Toys with the Mouse
          MariAle tells Lucia her plan for redeeming Miguel’s IOUs so he won’t have to go to jail for non-payment. If she agrees, the payment term is extended to one year. If not, it’s only 24 hours. When MA says it’s a hard thing, Lucia sarcastically says she’s sure it is. Really, the merciless MA continues, it’s simple, but annoying. (A little understatement here, MA?) 

          The smiling ice queen tells her victim that so much could happen in a year. A defiant Lucia claims she doesn’t regret anything she did, with MA retorting “You will.” When Lucia opts into the plan, MA tells her to bring Miguel and Tav with her at 4 pm tomorrow afternoon, to rendezvous on the casino dock.

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PEAM #123-8/29/13-It Wasn't Me It Was The One Armed Man-Round 2

The past:

Chatita and her potty pot are at home blaming herself for losing Panfilo.  She has to think of something to rock Panfilo’s world.

Rogue has a nightmare that Moronica serves up a roasted Sanson. Rogue was relieved that it was only a nightmare.
Alma wants to call Jesus but he surprises her with tulips and an apology. Ahhh, he’s Alma’s super hero.  Jesus justifies to Alma why he is giving Marta another chance.  He shares his overflowing plate of tasks with Alma, but he had to see her.

Pati gets ready to get out of the car and bids Elais goodnight after their first kiss.
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Corazon Indomable #77 The Truth It Must Be Told

I can’t believe it’s my turn again for the recap. Didn’t I just do it?

Here's part 1:

We start with MA informing Miguel that she’s calling in her debt. Miguel says that he needs time to repay her but MA wants it now. She therefore wants the ranch. Miguel says he won’t part with the ranch and MA says there’s one way to keep the ranch, it’s to have Lucia come to ask for the IOUs.

Miguel runs to Octavio to cry on his shoulder. He mentions that MC wants to put him in jail if he doesn’t pay up, even after he was the one who got her out of jail. Thankfully, Oblivio fired up his brain this morning and reminds Miguel that it was his wife that put her wrongfully in jail in the first place. He tells him that MC wants Lucia to go see her, so that she can humiliate her. Yes! Me too! But wait. Captain Oblivio has a plan. He’ll go instead. Wait, what? That’s the plan? That’ll work against a woman who spends night and day plotting her revenge against people she despises. Except your not that cute Oblivio.
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La Tempestad Cap #23 Wed, 28 August - I'm Nobody! Who are you?*

*With a nod to Emily Dickinson. I hope she doesn’t mind. (And everybody is somebody.)

Old hat: Mercedes calls the mystery number. Mucky Mag answers the phone but nobody’s home. According to Mags she is Nadie, nadie, nadie. "That voice," sighs Mercedes. Hernan makes his heinous offer to Maria. “Take me on as a partner”. No Marina no!!

New hat: Marina says it’s gonna cost a bundle. Hernan wants to rebuild the empacadora together, build a dream together, JUNTOS. Blech.

Marina says she needs to consult with Mercedes first. Hernan tells her to accept it, they will be partners and together they will rebuild the fishery.

Dam tells Pestercita he’s ready to set sail (zarpar) for that trip she’s been yearning for SO MUCH. But he asks that she have no illusions. It’s no honeymoon baby, it’s a good-bye voyage. (So why bother?)

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Qué Bonito Amor #97 (Mex 135) Wednesday 8/28/13 OJ leads police on slow speed chase; El Padrino makes an offer that Santos can’t refuse.

·         Santos is told who El Padrino is:  one of the most feared capos of El Mafia who is surely behind the gang responsible for the fraud.  He should be careful and not speak his name too loudly; he has followers everywhere – a la Voldermort.  Santos swears he'll make him pay for everything he's been through.

·         JNTR – Maria and Susie meet w/Concho and demand he draw up an agreement ensuring that all employees receive seguro social, a 5% raise, and vacation time.  They threaten him with arbitration.
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PEAM #122- 8/28/13: A Lot Happens at Avon, and Nothing To Do With Work! WooHoo!

Recap by Pablo

We all know that two restless girls, a dog and a tube of superglue is not a good combination, right?
We might not know what are they up to, but with that in mind, I wouldn't sleep! Or I'd sleep with one eyed superglued!

Alma and Jesús exchange vows yet again, they look like the perfect couple. Maybe they are. Who knows? Could this be the calm before the storm?

Everybody deserves a second chance, even if that kills you!

Jéssica wants to break up with Oliverio and Xóchitl advises her not to. On the other side of the wall, Ricardo and Oli cry like girls even though the doctor has promised Oli a vaccine to cure the allergy he has to Jéssica´s kisses.

Jesús doesn't feel well... looks like his nose is too big for that head and is pulling him down. His eyesight is blurry and he grabs the chair. The only good remedy for those dizziness attacks is PEAM bottled water. Yes! The same water Alma drinks. You know you can always trust the same company that makes uniforms and lap tops, right?
There's gotta be something in that PEAM water, maybe is ionized, maybe has been solarized, the thing is that as soon as you take a sip, you feel better again, like a new man! Good, because in 15 minutes the deadline expires  to deliver some project.
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #96 (Mex 134) Tuesday 8/27/13 Que Pasa?

Not sure if there was a mix up in who was to recap last night, but it's getting late.  I'm sure you are all bursting with comments about all the action last night.  Please feel free to unload here.  If the recap appears, I'll delete this and paste any comments under the recap.

All I remember was that:
1) Maria was turned down at the visa office because the U.S. officials saw that she was a delinquente, arrested for harboring a known (?) criminal.

2) Santos is yanked from his cell and put in a darkened room and he's sure he's going to be tortured or killed, but it turns out that it's Michael and Big Guy who are there to greet him.  The two "bros" fill each other in on everything that has gone on in their lives.

3) Lourdes and Don Concho don't know what to do about their errant daughter.

4) Maria gets prepared to face down Concho and heads there with Susanito (he has the documents that prove he truly is a biological descendent of Don Concepcion--aptly named, I would say).

4) Derecho has his medal snatched back because Don Justo threatens to sue the State of California for inept investigation and putting his son's safety at risk. [Thank you, Decie]

5) OJ makes a phone call threatening Don Justo's family (I think). The phone booth says, "Telephone" in yellow, so he must be stateside.

6) Don Justo meets with El Padrino and ElP wants to know where OJ called from (I think).

7) We have a truly unnecessary scene with Roddy giving Paloma the surprise of her life--a runaway horsie ride.  Apparently, it all turns out alright, because they have a picnic.

8) Wendy is having a hard time adjusting to life in the barrio--in mid-shower, the water dries up, literally leaving her in a soapy shampoo dither. [Thank you Decie]


La Tempestad Capitulo 22. August 27th 2013. DamFab is a brute, but he has a BIG heart.

From Yesterday: 
DamFab carries Marina to safety in those manly muscular arms of his. Mercedes holds Marina and cries. Jose subtely lets Mercedes know that she should let Beatriz hold her daughter. Beatriz holds Marina and cries. Tia Becky notices Mercedes' strange behavior throughout all of this. DamFab has gone back inside the building to rescue Hernan. DamFab helps get Hernan out of the burning building. At the hospital, Marina is wheeled in to be examined by Doc Suspenders. Beatriz thanks DamFan and Hernan. Although I don't understand why she thanks Hernan. Sure he did try to save Marina too but he didn't really do anything. Anyway, Hernan tells DamFab that he owes him one. DamFab tells Hernan they are even since Hernan called the ambulance when he was wounded with the spear. The fireman tells Olinto that the offices and the warehouses were the most damaged by the fire. The fireman also tells Olinto that the fire was set on on purpose. Olinto is mega impactado! DamFab is in the chapel and he prays. 

At the hospital chapel, DamFab cries and prays to La Virgencita for Marina's wellbeing.

In the waiting room, Bea and Mercedes are all emotional as they talk about motherhood. Bea's life wouldn't have any meaning without Marina. Bea does not know what she'd do without Marina's smile, without watching Marina get up every morning, without Marina's kisses, and without hearing Marina call her Mama. Mercedes talks about how beautiful and priceless the word Mama is to a mother. The word Mama is the nourishment of a mother's heart when it comes from the mouth of our children, says Mercedes. Bea agrees with Mercedes. Bea says that her life has been total happiness ever since Marina came into it. Bea and Mercedes laugh a little over how emotional they have gotten. Bea says that it is because all women are like that when a child of theirs has touched their heart. Bea asks Mercedes the first million dollar question of the night - Are you also a mother? Before Mercedes can respond, Jose and Tia Becky arrive with some cofee and tea. Tia Becky asks if there is any news about Marina yet. Beatriz says no. Jose is sure that they will get news soon. Tia Becky says what a tragedy the burning of the packing plant was. Tia Becky thinks that there will be a lot of people who will be left unemployed. Mercedes says that she won't let that happen. As long as the packing plant is able to function like before they will find a way so no one is affected. Tia Becky realizes that Mercedes also owns the packing plant and she tells her how sorry she is that it burned down. Mercedes says that the burning of the packing plants represents a high cost but what matters is that no one was hurt. Tia Becky agrees with Mercedes. Bea then asks Mercedes the second million dollar question of the night - How did you end up with the packing plant? Did you buy it from my deceased husband? 

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 8/27/13 (#121): Nothing Happens Today. Maybe Tomorrow.

Okay, I'll recap it. But I'm telling you, hardly anything happens. A few things are wrapped up and a few things get started, but this is mostly fluff and filler. Cheryl's "next time" from last night pretty much covered the whole thing. It's not good when the avances can double as the next night's recap!

Oh well. Let's start with the rewind:
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Corazon Indomable #76, 8/27/13: The Venganza is ON!

Adriana is on vacation so I’m filling in for her with a brief bullet points recap. Feel free to fill in anything that I might have missed in the comments.

-          Tav informs Miguel and Lucia that Maria Alejandra is Maricruz, and she wants revenge on the three of them for all the horrible things they did to her. In addition to being rich, she also has a powerful friend in the Gov and can make lots of trouble for them. He advises Lucia to leave the island, and Miguel to stop working at the casino.

-          Tav returns to the hotel and happily tells Ed that he’s SINGLE! You see, he married MC Olivares, but MC Olivares does not legally exist any longer—MA Mendoza does, and he didn’t marry MA Mendoza. He puts on his tux, meets up with Doris, and suggests they go to the casino that night. He’s looking to cause some trouble.

-          Miguel goes to the casino and gives Raiza his resignation. He says he will find employment elsewhere on the island in order to pay MA and Raiza back. He sadly lets Razia know that he’s lost his inheritance/land, and will likely soon lose his freedom.
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La Tempestad, Cap. 21, Monday, August 26: GLORIA'S RECAP

Here is Gloria's Monday Masterpiece for your reading pleasure!
Robles tells Jaz he sees no reason for her to be working at the cantina.  He asks for a beer.  Jaz asks how much longer he’s going to be around.  Why asks Robles.  Do you want me to leave?  Of course not replies Jaz.  The truth says Robles is that the investigation is coming to a close.  We haven’t found anything.  But let’s talk about you. (What most women want to hear, but not Jaz) We talk a lot, but I hardly know you.  Jaz drops a glass and Robles tells her to leave it.  She tells him she has told him everything.  He keeps questioning her and she keeps looking at Nereo. Robles looks towards Nereo wondering the connection.  He asks her if she knows him, but she says he’s just a customer.  Another customer asks for a drink and saves her from further interrogation.  Robles saves the bottle with her fingerprints.

The cab driver and Mercedes are trying to locate the homeless girl but can’t find her. They decide to abandon the search. In the alley is a finely manicured homeless girl, picking up a cigarette off the ground and smoking it. Mercedes is driving off in the cab and wonders who the girl was.
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Monday, August 26, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #95 (Mex 133) Monday 8/26/13 Soy Mujer, Escuche Mis Gritos!

Lo del pasado:

Susanito talks about making Concho pay for denying him.  Concho rants about how weak Susanito is to his wife until Pinchi comes in to explain about Santos' arrest.  Michael's prison informant tells him about the arrest and how Santos will be under heavy surveilance.  Amalia and the girls and Wendy, yadda yadda yadda.

As the police car goes off toward the airport Jorge Alfredo thinks of Maria and better times while Maria removes things from his apartment and remembers other great things [including something that was censored out here, maldita sea]. We hear “Mexico Lindo y Querido” through this.

Mendoza Apartment: Maria gets home and sees Wendy. She makes a (justified) sarcastic comment about her staying there. Paloma and Roddy talk about Maria and her pain and how Paloma has feelings of helplessness about it. Maria, meanwhile, takes her pain out on Wendy for her past snobbery about poverty. Wendy tries to be conciliatory and Amalia seems to take her side.
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