Monday, July 27, 2015
Amores con trampa #85 and #86 7/27/15 and 7/28/15
There’s a rehash of Carmen taking down the casting information and Francis trying to goad her into a fight. Unfortunately, Carmen in unaware that Francis has removed the most important part of the poster. It’s a casting for models for a teeny weeny bikini line.
At the boutique, Maria tells Rocio that Fac is not the man she married. Rocio tells Maria that Beto told her about Maria left Florencio at the altar for Fac. Rocio asks Maria if she ever regretting leaving Florencio stranded at the altar. Maria gets uncomfortable and walks away. Both of them hear the bell announcing a customer. A man enters with a huge bouquet of roses. Maria thinks it’s Facundo, but it’s Florencio. He says “all these roses together cannot match the beauty of your face.” He hopes they can can at least make her ojitos de venado sparkle (I translate under duress because it sounds like crap in English: literally deer eyes. I guess I could go with doe eyes.)
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Labels: Trampa
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: El gran final de Tierra de Reyes, el gran estreno de Bajo el mismo cielo; El señor de los cielos 3, Avenida Brasil, etc – week of July 27, 2015
The anxiously awaited Bajo el mismo cielo begins on Tuesday night in the 9pm/8C time slot.
Enjoy the week!
Labels: bajo, telemundo, tierra
What's up, Caray, Caray!?
Here is your space for all the news that's fit to print about proximas, shameless plugs for current shows, community news, and anything you think might be of interest to your fellow telenovela fans.
What shows are ending? What new shows are starting? Got any recommendations for shows, movies, music, or books that may appeal to your fellow fans? Let's hear it! (Remember to keep it spoiler-free and gossip-free.)
La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #20-29 July 20-31
Simon Has a Rocket
See Simon. See Simon build a rocket.
See Bermudez. See Bermudez interview Simon for a bank loan. See Bermudez decide Simon is crazy.
See Edwina. See Edwina gush over the rocket. See Edwina convince Bermudez to give Simon the loan.
See Simon again. See Simon buy chocolate for Edwina. See Simon ask Edwina out. See Edwina arrive late. See Edwina fall.
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Labels: la-vecina
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #9 Fri 7/24/15 A Date with Fate and a Twisted Date
Labels: no-creo
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Lo Imperdonable #49 Fri 7/24/15 The one with the magical healing herbs
And now your recap. Disclaimer: Events are NOT in order.
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Labels: imperdonable
Friday, July 24, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #113 (Mx 115) The Sombra begins to fade
Hola, mis amigos del Patio de la Sombra! Let’s dive right in! The episode felt staccato and that may be reflected in the recap.
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Chrome feeds
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Amores con Trampa #84 Facu gets deceived by Santee, Esteban and Beto so he misses the meeting with the investors. Florencio arrives at MC. Rocio and Beto strengthen their love in front of Hilda and Francis
Labels: Trampa
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capítulo 8 Thurs 07-23-2015
Labels: no-creo
Lo Imperdonable #48 Thu 7/23/15 The one where EXPLOSIVE stuff happens
I had a very bad morning, probably the worst in ages, so I wasn't able to watch the show or write a recap as I had planned. I'm extremely sorry and ashamed, but these have been difficult days for me, as I received a couple of bad news and more might follow (friendly advice: never move to France - it will suck the life out of you and then, when you finally come out for air, it will suck some more).
The one VERY bright spot right now is that my baby is doing just fine, which is the only thing that truly matters, but all the rest is a mess, so I didn't have the heart to watch the show.
I am so very sorry to disappoint you all, especially after Eli's two stellar recaps (btw, Eli, great job yesterday, too, you bring it every single time - thank you so much for your hard work!).
Please, if you can, feel free to include whatever you want about last night's show in your comments and later on I might have the time to edit this post and add your stuff, too.
Now I have to go struggle with some French bureaucrats some more, as my day is only half over and who knows what will happen next. If only I had a gold mine somewhere deep in the Mexican nowhere land to go hide...
Adriana Noel
Later Edit:
Thank you so much, Vivi and Anon 09:48, for giving us the highlights of the episode. It seems like I lost quite an explosive show.
I will add them here, so that anyone who comes to the post later on, can find them faster.
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Labels: imperdonable
Thursday, July 23, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #112 (Mx 113-114)
Padre goes to see Emanuel. They talk about the robbery. Em says it was worth it to save Solitario's life. Padre waxes all kinds of dramatic. Fight the good fight! It's the biggest fight of your life and Sev is the biggest enemy. You aren't just fighting for yourself you're fighting for ALL the little people Sev has trod upon. God is on your side! You will win! At the end of the road you will find your origin and your destiny and you will find it mounted on your horse EL SOLITARIO!!
Emanuel gets sentenced to prison. They are going to transfer him to El Reclusorio Laa Vigas. I'm pretty sure the sentence said he would stay there an undetermined amount of time until the judge made a decision(?) Throughout the episode it was made clear that that was code for "he's probably not getting out any time soon." Slivia says they will get him out. Em knows he has no defense. Silvia and Pato are hoping that Em's wanting to save the horse's life will at least get him a reduced sentence.
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Labels: sombra
Lo Imperdonable #47 Wed 7/22/15 Claudia suelta la sopa
Now your recap:
The Old Goat and Family:
Pablo gets grilled. He tells the old goat his story: he does not come from money, he is on a scholarship that allows him to pay his expenses, he has an art show scheduled in New York which should net him enough money to buy a house in Pueblo Nuevo. The old goat freaks out at the thought of Pablo taking AP with him but Pablo promises that he won't, he has no plans to move to the city. The Old Goat questions how Pablo will manage to keep AP living in the same standard that she's used to...sorry, time for a rant:
Dear Old Goat,
Your granddaughter has spent a life time being bullied by Manuel simply because she was born with a vagina, she has been treated as a second class citizen, and as a criminal who needs to be watched at all times to prevent her from what? Having a party in her pants? More recently she has been emotionally abused by your pig of a grandson and has been locked in a shed, oh and let's not forget that she's not even allowed to read because god forbid she should get any "ideas"- I'm pretty sure AP would gladly live in a hovel like Veronica's if it meant having some freedom, what good is all the money she has now when she can't even walk down the street without you and Manuel thinking she's going to start jumping the bones of every man in town?
End of rant. PS:I'm still counting down to your death!
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Labels: imperdonable
Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 7 Wed 7/22/15 A Mole To Remember
The boss gives Jacinto " The Mole" his liquidation papers because it's not like he will get a job anywhere now once the truth comes out. Jacinto suddenly stands up and declares WW3 on the Boss. He is still playing the same strings and blames his victims for his problems.
Daniel is apologizing to MD for their previous discussion but he doesnt trust Max and he doesnt want for any more bad things happening to MD. MD says that there are lot's of things that he can do such as guarding her bag ( Note: It includes Ivana's dress for the parade) like a golden treasure. Daniel later tosses the dress away to a random female employee. The employee of an employee thinks that she stole the dress. They plan to sell the dress.
Jacinto comes to the company like nothing and starts his molesting spree on the poor women. The Boss comes at last but Jacinto doesn't want to move. The Boss does nothing , he doesn't even attempt to call security WTH.
Maleny at the tennis-ground is worried that Isela & Orlando will open their mouths but Ari assures her that they will not because once Max is done helping them , he might not see them again. Maly wants Ari to move to a new apartment but Ari has no money. Maly proclaims that she needs to marry Max ASAP.
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Labels: no-creo
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
La Sombra del Pasado #111 (Mx 112) - Wed 7/22 - Love sh-- yeah, not so much
Cris thinks that Aldonza's amorous attentions are proof that if they just run away forever, they can be together. She insists they can't run forever. She still thinks Val might be giving Cris the child she'll "never" be able to and it hurts. Cris gets the impression that the piece of trash who raped her is still around and he has some ass kicking to do. Aldonza denies it, but says she's engaged to Renato, so Cris backs off.
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Labels: sombra
Amores con trampa #82 and #83 7/22/15 and 7/23/15
She's the Wednesday Wonder and the Thursday Thunder. She's..........
*muppet flail*
Look for her recap in the comments :-)
Labels: Trampa
Lo Imperdonable #46 Tue 7/21/15 Babies, soulmates, and disappointment
I'm skipping the old and going to the new: (Events not in order)
Matilde gets the letter in which Veronica tells her that her marriage is not what she expected, Marty has shown his true colors and while she loves him and they've had some lovely times, this is not enough for her to stick around, she will wait until Marty returns from his trip, then she will travel to Mexico and start the divorce process. Veronica asks that Matiilde keep this to herself until she gets a chance to tell uncle Jorge what's going on. Matilde laments that Vero is too good to be suffering so much.
Matilde is shaken by the letter and left in tears, she calls Marty and tells him that they need to talk, they arrange to meet the next day at a cafe near the notary Marty is using to make Vero half owner of his portion of La Morenita. The next day Marty goes to the notary and finishes the process of giving Vero ownership of the mine- the paper work will take an hour and instead of waiting Marty opts to leave in order to meet with a very unhappy Matilde.
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Labels: imperdonable
La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo #110 (Mx 111), 07/21/2015: New Scenery, Same Story
Labels: sombra
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Yo no Creo en los Hombres #6 Tues 7/21/15 No karma anvils yet for Jacinto. Maybe karma pebbles?
One caveat before we get started: My cable is weird in that the Eng subs don't work when I try to watch live, but they do for the On-Demand eps. Don't ask me why. The On-Demand isn't up yet, so I am working off my back up recording, the Spanish caps, and Google Translate for things that fly over my head. I sincerely hope I don't mess anything up, and I am so sorry if I do. I'd also like to thank CountxAlacran for sending me tips on what makes a good recap. I've tried to keep them in mind for this. But enough of my yammering. Let's get started!
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Labels: no-creo
La Sombra del Pasado #109 (Mx 110) - Mon 7/20 - Santa Lucia Status Updates
Javier? The new flunky is dispatched to Simoneta's place to clean it out. Why Sev didn't call those nice movers who helped him load the coffin table into the bed of his truck is beyond me. Flunky pockets some jewelry while he's there.
She really can't stand being cooped up in the hospital, so Gonzalo offers to let her stay at his house until he thinks she's ready to be around large groups of people and/or travel again. Flavia would like Ray to come visit her at Gonzalo's, but that's going to depend on her test results.
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