Monday, April 11, 2016

Sueño de Amor (SdA) #24. Monday April 11, 2016. Pains That Can Swim And People That Can't Think

At a glance

-- Esperanza gives her unconditional support to the Gallos after Kiko's accident.
-- Ricardo is in LA, doing his best to put out fires of the personal and professional varieties.
-- The Kuris are trying to adapt to their descent from [borrowed] riches to rags.
-- Pato gets sucked into the Aranza-Pedro-Kristel dramedy.
-- Adrián is hitting the bottle again.

A closer look

The opening scene is a replay of Kiko’s disturbing and gratuitous stabbing. Sheesh, Osorio! I wanted the kid to dance off camera, I didn’t want him to be offed! Esperanza’s cab pulls up. She rushes to check on the poor kid who’s collapsed on the floor, writhing in pain from his very visible stab wound and, get a load of this, she asks him: “¿Qué tienes? What’s wrong with you?” I don’t know, lady, care to take a guess? Kiko is in the habit of lying down in a pool of milk, blood and possibly urine, in that very spot, every single day! Just give him another 5 minutes and he’ll be on his merry way! Esperanza wastes precious minutes calling out the non-stabbed Gallo siblings and asking the Virgencita for help. If that Virgencita medallion necklace you’re wearing could move, it would strangle you, Esperanza! The taxi driver acts like a colossal jerk: he refuses to help, grabs his fare from Esperanza’s purse and takes off. At long last, the super maestra remembers the miraculous invention called cellphones! She whips up hers and dials the Mexican 911 for an ambulance. However, seconds later, when Erasmo and Estrella turn up, the ambulance is forgotten and Kiko is taken to the hospital in a taxi.

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 8 (Apr 11, 2016)

Well, it had to happen, but it all happened for Fernanda and Carlos at the end of Week 7. Couldn't they have extended their happiness one more week?

Misunderstandings, misinterpretations, lies of commission, lies of omission, fury, rejection, deception, sorrow, hurt, jealousy--it happened to just about all the persons integral to the story.

The person who hurts the most right now is Fernanda, the innocent schoolgirl who is in love for the first time with someone who seems to have been two-timing her with a former Miss Universe.

Pedro is a close second as he watches his one-sided marriage fall apart in front of his daughter's eyes. His anger at Amelia is somewhat justified for Fernanda's biological father is back in the picture and Amelia seems to be amenable to having him know his child. Pedro risks Fernanda's disappointment in learning he is not her "real" father, although he has been her real father for 19 years. In not wanting to tell Fernanda about her paternity, he underestimates the powerful bond they have if he believes Fernanda will reject him outright to begin a relationship with Luis.

One glimmer of hope for Carlos, the besotted novio, to rescue his relationship with Fernanda is that he learns from a reliable source that one of the proofs Isabela had for verifying her pregnancy is false. What will Isabela have to say when he confronts her with the news, as he surely will.

One glimmer of hope for Pedro is that he doesn't know Luis and Fernanda know each other already because they are embroiled in a bitter lawsuit which didn't go Luis' way. How will Luis react to the news that it is the same Fernanda Perez who is his biological child.


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, El Señor de los Cielos #4, and Secretos: Week of April 11, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current novelas (all times are Eastern Time):

 noon  - Secretos
 8 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 9 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
10 PM -  El Señor de los Cielos #4

La Esclava Blanca will start on Monday, April 18th; replacing Eva in the 9 o'clock slot; Eva will move to 8PM;  ¿Quién es Quién? is rumored to be moving to 1PM (to follow Secretos).

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since we all share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're discussing at the top of your post, so readers can find their way around.

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Saturday, April 09, 2016

Pasión y Poder Capitulo #121 Friday, April 8th 2016 Hey, Guess What? My BF (Who is your ex) is a better lover than my ex (Who is now your BF). Hehehehe.

My BF is accompanying my ex and me to Monterrey. Darn. 

Yamila tells Regina that she'll need more construction workers over in Monterrey. As luck would have it, Regina's BF is also her contractor, so Jorge will be tagging along to Monterrey with Regina and her ex-boyfriend, David. Regina, is uh, not too thrilled with the idea, and her face says more than a thousand words. But does Turtle Boy realize it? Nah. 

Over at GLA.. Eladio has admitted to having done the deed with Nina. And Julia.. well she's NOT taking the news so well. She can't believe that Eladio has shamelessly admitted to it. Eladio reminds Julia that she's his EX and he did promise her that he'd tell no more lies. He then accuses her of having fooled around with Arturo (while still married to him) when she and Arturo saw each other over at the beach. She denies it, but he's not buying that story. He turns to head to his chair, and she grabs him by the arm, and wants to know why he got involved with Nina. Was it to get back at Arturo?! Was it to bother her?! He replies that he doesn't get what her problem is, they are divorced and each can do as they please. She turns around from him, and can't believe that he's being sooo stupid! (Honestly, I can't either, this little game of spiting your ex, is sooo high school, sheesh!) She then accuses him of doing this to get back at her for something she didn't do. We see as Eladio wants to reach out to gently put his arms on her shoulders, but he fights the urge to do so, and instead tells her that he's discovering what a marvelous woman Nina is. Oh, boy! Now Julia, who has been wearing her wedding bands, takes them off, and returns them to him, telling him that this was the last thing that was left of their marriage. She tells him that he can go ahead and stay with The Marvelous Nina and leaves the office. Now alone, Eladio talks to himself, saying that Julia hasn't realized that no woman as a marvelous as Julia is. He then professes his love for Julia. A love that he will always feel. 

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El Hotel de los Secretos #51, 4/7/16 and #52, 4/8/16: Death by poisoning

Since we are missing Thursday's recap, I took the time to do some bulletpoints from the show.

Highlights from Thursday’s episode:

*Despite Teresa’s objection, Isabel goes through with the exhumation of Romulo’s cadaver.
*Sofia is at an abby that treats people with mental illnesses. 
*Genaro is fighting with Ayala in front of all the prostitutes about the testing of the women for venereal diseases. He thinks it’s unnecessary, he attacks Cecilia, but she is defended by Jorge, which is amazing since we now know she’s a woman, and her name is Manuela.
*Alfredo comes back to the hotel.
*Genaro is ailing, most likely he has venereal disease.
*Romulo’s remains are being examined by Ayala and Matilde. Surprised that they buried him naked since there doesn’t seem to be any clothing on his bones, lol.
*Judge Bareda orders the end to the investigation of Anastasio Tagle, because Teresa wanted to protect Filipe. 
*Angela gives Lupe his money back, Julio watches her.
*Diego sweet talks Isabel into trusting him about why she wants to have Romulo’s bones examined. He says he stands behind her in desire to investigate Romulo’s death.
*Sofia makes a friend at the treatment center, Luisa. 
*We learn that at least one of Manuela’s band members knows she’s a woman, and he calls her hermanita.
*Andres asks Natalia out.
*Isabel and Julio have an argument about trusting Diego, Julio doesn’t want her to.
*Julio watches Angela reach for a bag that is hidden under the edge of a bridge in front of a grotto of a religious statue. She looks in it and puts it back. She leaves and Julio retrieves the bag and puts it under his mattress. We don’t get to see what it is.
*Julio has hidden the letters that he got from Romulo’s secret room under his mattress.
*Teresa and Judge Bareda put a halt to Ayala’s examination of Romulo.

Now on to Episode #52
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Sueno de Amor, #23 Friday, 04/08/16 Too disturbing for words

Good morning everyone. I hope you all enjoy your weekend. I sure know I started mine on the wrong foot, after having watched this very disturbing episode. I won't get into too much detail when it comes to most of the show, because, honestly, it wasn't very interesting, but there were a couple of scenes that left me speechless (especially one in particular). 
More on that later.
For now, we start with Ric arriving at Esperanza’s house for the tenth time that day to tell her that Tracy is going to take the kids and go to LA. Slow motion sadness all around.
He reminds Esperanza and the viewers all the suffering he’s had to endure in his life : the desert, jail, war, training to become an incompetent SuperSpy and a lousy boss. But nothing prepared him for the pain of losing his children. He will go to LA and appeal the temporary custody sentence. Tracy is using the children, which is too low even for her.
Espe encourages him to fight for the most valuable thing in his life : his biceps children’s happiness. They get touchy with one another and glance longingly, but this is as far as they go… for now.

Mario and Felicia are still having coffee, when he says that he has to leave. He is so clumsy in his infatuation, that he is barely able to stumble outside. Felicia loves what she’s seeing.
Until I get an explanation about her bitchiness with Pato a while ago, I won’t be able to get behind this couple.

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Friday, April 08, 2016

Karmageddon for the Rich and Shameless: Pasión y Poder 4/8/16

I have always loved the concept of poetic justice, of people getting the fate they deserve. This does not often happen among those who can buy their way out of it or get someone else to do it for them. Many – if not most – who can do this have no conscience about it. Few feel any regret for their actions or remorse for the consequences; most that do are too late to do more than pick up the pieces.

Human crime is not limited to things subject to legal judgment. Many crimes are social, familial, or both. Most of these are behind closed doors and at least half will hurt the perpetrator as much as the victim. All they can do at that point is close ranks to save face if they can manage to avoid the paparrazzi who – for this crowd – is Dante's Inferno. – D.D.
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Thursday, April 07, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 22 (4.7.2016) Esperanza wants to believe something so badly, she ignores the reality around her.

Or like we say, 'No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver.

The dream love is becoming a nightmare
Luca (immaturus sucrotoxicus) postponed his trip a number of times until he lost his place in Járvar and even when he's supposed to go to Boston, is still here. He offered Adrián an emergency hot line in case he felt the temptation of grabbing the bottle and left the room. After him, Viviana told Adrián how lonely she feels and accidentally drops the bomb: He is a unwanted son. But since every cloud has a silver lining, she looks it on the bright side: Ernesto (Immoralix Vulgaris) never left her. Well, either that or he stayed for her gorgeous bank account.
While packing in his room, Luca has a surprise visit from Anastasia (fauxblondix skankis) and the cameraman make sure that we, and her, of course, see his ''wedding'' ring. Is actually a promise of eternal love ring, a never ending love like the silvery circle itself. She tries to rekindle the fire they used to light in this very room, but Luca is taken and not interested.

Forever 64
Later on, Viviana (MILFus gerontofobicus) asks Ana who did her boob job because she wants a pair like hers. Luca, who swears not being interested in Ana but still follows her around, hears them and goes crazy remembering the motorboat moments he had with the voluptuous blonde. 
-Mom, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Getting addicted to cosmetic surgeries is worse than crack and she cries while saying that she needs to feel young again to stop taking selfies with a filter. She honestly wants to be loved again like when she was young. I am sure Ernst didn't see her beauty because he was busy seeing the resemblance of her green eyes and the dollar bills
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Pasión y poder, Episode 120, Thursday, April 7, 2016: What happens in Vegas... comes back to haunt you in Mexico (even when nothing much happened).

In which Julia and Eladio suffer, each believing that the other has been unfaithful, and each too proud to tell the other the truth; Nina gets tougher; and Arturo...  well, Arturo is still a putz.

Franco the Joker is taking the enemy down.  He can hardly contain his glee – he smirks and mugs and grins, excitedly waving his spider-like fingers in the air as he cants his head to one side or the other.  He is pushing Julia farther and farther out of the picture.  Eladio grows more vulnerable every day.  Gabriela still seems bewitched.  And the Joker dances daringly ever closer to the flaming abyss.

Julia says goodbye to the tacky charms of Las Vegas and thanks Arturo for providing a few days of distraction away from all her problems.  Of course, she admits, flashing him a radiant smile, she is still a little confused.  [Oh god.]  Arturo, however, has his eye fixed firmly on the prize.  He still loves Julia, he assures her – he has never stopped loving her.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): ¿Quién es Quién?, Eva la Trailera, El Señor de los Cielos #4, and Secretos: Week of April 4, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.

The novelas currently being covered include the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

noon  - Secretos
 8 PM  - ¿Quién es Quién?
 9 PM  -  Eva la Trailera
10 PM -  El Señor de los Cielos #4
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation!
NOTE: Telemundo has announced that starting Monday, April 18, Eva la Trailera will move to the 8 PM time slot.  In the 9 PM slot will begin a new novela, La Esclava Blanca.   There are reports that ¿Quién es Quién? will then be shown each day at 1 PM, following Secretos.

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Pasion y Poder #119, Wednesday 4-6-2016

Lo Nuevo

Jorge and Regina take a screaming Dani to her room. Regina argues with Dani about falling off the wagon. Dani is pissed because she saw the way Regina was looking at David the yesterday at Connie's. She knows that Regina still has the hots for her boyfriend, Dani's boyfriend that is. Dani tells Jorge to not be fooled because Regina still wants David and he is an idiot to think otherwise. Jorge stops Dani from storming out of the room. She calms down when he tells her that he will call David. Dani decides that she will call David.
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Sueño de amor #21 Wednesday 4/6/16

Wow! Another action filled episode. Our questions are finally being answered! So, let us get right to it!

We pick up the action inside the warehouse where La Sombra is keeping Esperanza. He is continuing to threaten her at gun point and threatening her. As the force of special agents engage La Sombra's henchmen, there is a lot of gun fire, hand to hand combat and a confrontation with a group of La Sombra mannequins. As Ricardo wonders which if any of the La Sombra figures are real in front of him, the voice of La Sombra greets him and tells him how much he enjoyed making Esperanza suffer. Ricardo shoots but La Sombra himself is long gone. In the background of much of the scene there in "James Bondish" music playing. Ricardo finally finds and unties Esperanza. He take her into his arms and apologizes for what he caused to happen to her. She just sobs.

At the same time, Tracy is at home on the phone with Mr. Parker, her lawyer, telling him that she does not have to feel sorry for him (Ricardo) because that is the only way to force him (to do what she wants). She hopes Mr. Parker understands. Talking to herself she tells Ricardo, her love, that one way or another he was looking for it (guess she is now giving it to him).
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Wednesday, April 06, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #50, 4/6/16: The Party is Over

This is your substitute reporter for Hotel this evening. Ay Caray, so much happened yesterday, I hope tonight is a little quieter. I mean, gunshots, problems with the electric lights. My nerves just can't take it (Anita fans self). I didn't even think the canapes and the hors d'oeuvres were that good at the party. It was too hot and too many overdressed people. No wonder Cece and Diego went out for some fresh air. And to top it off, the guest of honor never showed up, nor any of the Alarcon progeny. It was very insulting.

BREAKING NEWS: The party was a bust. The Lady in Red appeared at the last moment. The missing Anastasio Tagle has been found, dead in a church pew. Investigation is just beginning. Matilde loses a special patient, the One-Armed Pablo succumbs to his bleeding mid-section. Ayala comforts her with a philosophical discourse on the cycle of life and death. Sofia disappears in the middle of the night. Diego keeps losing track of his wife. These and other stories will be in tomorrow's edition.

Part 1
Diego has been searching everywhere for his missing wife. He finds her in Romulo's study with a tall skinny camarero, alone, together, sort of. He quizzes Isabel about this inappropriate situation. Isabel thinks before she speaks. She tells him she was looking for a necklace and thought she might have left it here. She often comes here for solace after her father died. She holds up the necklace (the "Angela" necklace). Diego's original question has not been answered. What is the camarero doing here? Julio has been thinking before he speaks. He tells Diego the senora was locked in and called for help. The room is usually locked during big events (security, dude) and one of the servants may have locked it not knowing the senora was inside.
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El Hotel de los Secretos #49, 4/5/16: To Err Is Human; To Be Heir is Andres

Sofia can’t deal with the Big Void in her life; Mama talks her down after admitting she hated Sofia as a child but then learned or realized how much she loved her.  Why else had she stayed with her night and day since she went totally bonkers…..(Great minds of Viewerville actually do want to know.) Alfredo gave up on her; she doesn’t deserve him now.  If she pulls the trigger, says Mama then Mama will kill herself also.

It was because Sofia had her father’s looks and bearing – Teresa saw his lyin’ eyes and mouth and Teresa’s own humiliations.  Sofia  was also a very demanding child.  She drained everything out of Teresa.  Once she was finally able to see Sofia for herself, it was too late; Sofia wasn’t “in there”.  Teresa tells her they’ll find the truth together,  they’ll find it themselves together.  A big mother daughter hug ensues.

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Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Pasión y Poder Martes 4/5/16 #118

Chapter 118: Higher Stakes

People gamble with all sorts of currency and all kinds of luck, good and bad. Those who are lucky at cards are said to be unlucky in love. Some people gamble on both and lose badly. Some don't realize that there are higher stakes than money like hearts, reputations, egos, lives. Typically, they also don't examine the odds... or that the house always wins in the end. – D.D.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #20. Tuesday April 5, 2016. La Sombra Shoots Esperanza!

Hello Patio Pals! We’ll have to make do with a quick summary until a volunteer takes over this recapping spot.

Triana is still alive. That woman has more lives than a siamese cat.

In a warehouse somewhere in Mexico City’s murky underbelly of crime and art trafficking, La Sombra shows Esperanza his mangled hand or the stump where his hand used to be. We were only shown Esperanza’s horrified expression. All we know for sure is that La Sombra has lost sensation there and that Ricardo is to blame. We also learn that La Sombra murdered Ricardo’s best friend and threatened little Rodrigo with killing his father.

Kracy and Ernesto were getting ready to really know each other, in the biblical sense, but news of Esperanza’s kidnapping interrupts them.

Ernesto mobilizes his connections to look for Esperanza. He also comforts Pato and vows to pay whatever ransom (rescate) the kidnappers demand.
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Pasion y Poder Monday #117 20160404

Connie is acting remarkably smug and superior to Gina ever since she and Mikey hooked up.  She’s like a real relationship expert, now that she’s been dating her stalker, who is also her husband’s brother.  Anyway, she tells Gina that she needs get back together with Dave.  Unfortunately, Dave has been dating Gina’s sister and Gina is kinda sorta not OK with that.  Gina will stick with Jorge, her rebound guy.  Jorge’s kind of boring, but Gina can learn to tolerate him…she hopes.  Gina doesn’t want to talk about Dave anymore because he and Dani are happy together.  They move onto a happier conversation.  Connie’s got great news!  Mikey should be getting out of jail soon!  Erick’s was faking it, so the fuzz can’t prove that Mikey tried to take him out.  Erick will be discharged from the hospital soon.
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Monday, April 04, 2016

El Hotel de los Secretos #48, 4/4/16: Smoke and Bookshelves

It's night-time. The Gold Knife Killer, or a copycat, stabs Angela's husband Pablo. Pablo screams, and Ayala et al come running. Ayala instructs someone to give Pablo first aid. Meanwhile, Ayala searches high and low for the killer, but is felled by a block dropped from above.

Andres and Julio are in their room. Julio again fails to tell Andres anything. What's more, Cecilia is at their door! She wants to talk. Julio takes her outside. She tells him she did Diego. Julio is unimpressed. Cece says Diego knows Isabel wasn't a virgin, and Cece knows that Julio's the guy. She either says that Diego is filled with hell or that being with him was hell... either way, she's got some physical souvenirs from the experience and shows them to Julio: on her lip, on her neck, on her shoulder. "Montejo did this?" Julio asks stupidly. "No, YOU did this to me!" Cece accuses. She says something like, have your fun now while you can, because the longer I have to wait for you the more you'll have to pay. (That sounds insane. Did I get it wrong? Is she really that nutty?)

Isabel braids her hair. Diego calls her to bed. She dutifully approaches. (I guess Cecilia didn't wear him out after all.)

Morning. Benjamin flogs or scourges himself with a wicked-looking cat o' nine tails, luxuriating in every stroke. Is it a routine flogging, or is this a special occasion?
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #19. Monday April 4, 2016. The Evil Ninjas Kidnapped My Mommy!

At a glance

-- La Sombra abducts Esperanza. Finally, things are moving! We are cooking with gas!
-- In other news: Kracy is being her usual Kracy self, Luca is leaving for Járvar at long last, Mario is attracted to a milder version of his castrating wife and Triana Fonseca is dead.

A closer look

Previously on “How I Left Your Mother”: Ricardo drops the “I love you” bomb and his kids’ Wolverine aural faculties picked it up instantly. Igor (that’s Rodrigo to you) is outraged: “You love her? What about Mom?”. He gives Esperanza the stink-eye. Nikita (known in some circles as Selena) says something unintelligible. Sorry, I didn’t catch it; I’m still working on my Russo-Gringo-Spanish.

We’re back at the romantic tête-à-tête of schmaltz and clinginess. A waiter deposits a giant slab of chocolate something on PatoLuca’s table. The kissing step-siblings agree to have a silent parenthesis of staring into each other’s eyes and smelling each other’s aroma, yet we don’t get a respite from the corniness because they just won’t shut up! I swear, there is a starry-eyed 13-year-old girl somewhere, with a giant bag of jelly babies and an endless supply of glitter sharpies churning out the dialogue for this pair. Next!

Erasmo the builder is so poor he can’t afford milk or tomatoes. Ain’t that a biatch! Meanwhile, another builder over on "Pasión y Poder" has so much money he is sparing no expense to woo the daughter of a millionaire. He’s showering her with gifts: flowers, chocolates, tacos al pastor, quesadillas de huitlacoche, a pet turtle and even a fun day at the fair! But I digress.

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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 7 (Apr 4, 2016)

---Notice: Univision has announced a fork in the Camino.  Camino is switching times with Sueno. Camino will be broadcast at 8:00 pm, not 7:00 pm starting Monday night (Apr 4). There has been no reason given why the switch was made (although we might suspect it is doing quite well and they want a stronger lead-in to the show replacing PyP at 9:00).

Carlos and Fernanda are also at a crossroad in their Camino. Fernanda has graduated from the prepa with honors and she has the whole summer ahead of her to decide whether to go to a local university on a full scholarship or study music at a renown school elsewhere. It's not clear where Carlos fits into her dreams. Carlos is ever more committed to a relationship with Fer, but he's faced with Isabela's pregnancy bomb. He wants to keep this information from Fernanda--for now, but too many people in his circle already know. Some want Fernanda to know about it and suffer.

Amelia and Pedro are also at a crossroad in their Camino. Amelia is proceeding with the divorce and plans to tell Fernanda when she returns from her school trip to Cabo. Although she still pines for Luis, she's at the beginning of a new friendship with Lic. Ordoñez, an important bank employee she's met. She's also wants to contact her long-estranged father and to tell Luis that Fer is his daughter. Pedro is conflicted over this turn of events. He's angry and frustrated that all his love and devotion to Amelia in 19 years has not changed her attitude towards him. She does not and cannot love him. She continues to resent him--big time. He does not want Fer to know he's not her bio-daddy.
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