Monday, August 22, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of August 22, 2016
Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Tres Veces Ana #78/79: Altered Egos OR Facing The Hiss Pitting Image
While Iñaki and Santiago get good and snakkered (I love this Norwegian-based term, snakker=talking/speaking) on two bottles of a most expensive brand of tequila, discussing the vices and virtues of Ana Leticia versus Ana Lucia, Ana MiMi has a major meltdown over her missing Marcelo whom she believes must be in his mistress’s arms. Ana Not-So-Lucky, meanwhile, is examining SanMarco’s wedding ring and musing the meaning of the inscription: Ana Leticia. “--Must be his wife’s name.” (Ding-ding-ding!!!) And, Orlando, as usual, is sticking his obnoxious and greasy oar in where it is not wanted.
Orly begins bugging NSLucky about the wife and unskillfully points out how perfect people at Danzaire think they are as a couple. That’s only for the particular performance. He doesn’t get it. “—Not all taxis that pass by are free. His has a passenger in it already.” (Apt yeah but he doesn’t stop there.) He inserts himself as the best alternative to Mr. Alter-Ego. (As Hubby always tells me, even the ugliest man thinks himself an alpha-male, totally irresistible if only the woman involved would remove her blinders. –In his case, I’d rather keep them on.) The only thing of interest for Ana NSL is that he mentions he knows who Ana Leticia is-and Orly plays his hand pitifully, if not pitiably.
Yaki and SanMarco discuss Ana NSL taking his ring from him and putting him in Dutch with her sister for “losing” it. He cannot go home now. Listen to me, says Yaki, I don’t sermonize like Ramiro, but I give you decent advice. SanMarco wants to follow it and grab Ana Lucia and just go to places unknown for the rest of their lives, he says, but he’s got nothing to offer her. Besides, they’d be fugitives for life, especially as there’s still somebody out there looking for him. Not a life she deserves, ya know? Marcelo needs his revenge, though, and is who shows up when he's in need of an answer. Darn it all.....
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Labels: ana
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Narcos Synopsis and Characters :Gran Estreno Monday, August 22 2016
Start Date and Time Slot: August 22nd, 10pm, replacing the 2nd hour of Tres Veces Ana for 2 weeks as the show only has 10 episodes.
If anyone desires to recap alongside me let me know in the comments below. You can also contact me at this email
Plot Summary: Set and filmed in Colombia, Season 1 tells the story of notorious drug kingpin Pablo Escobar, who became a billionaire through the production and distribution of cocaine, while also focusing on Escobar's interactions with drug lords, DEA agents, and various opposition entities.
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Labels: ana, narcos, sda, yago
Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, Fifth Edition
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Labels: ana, camino, sda, telemundo, weekend, yago
Sueno de amor, #101, Friday All talk and no play
Get a chair, make yourself comfortable and let the talking begin.
(scene have been combined, for better flow)
The hors d'oeuvre are so tasty, but who cares about them?
We open the episode on Cristina and Ricardo fighting over
The wedding planner drops by in between their fighting, and even whispers at one moment that there might not be a wedding because of all this mess. Cristina doesn't appreciate the interruption, but her mind is set on figuring out what's going on in Ricardo's head. She finds it hard to believe that he would remain indifferent to Esperanza's love. She asks him to look her straight in the eye and promise that he wants to marry her because of love, and not because he committed to it and he promised to the kids.
He swears he loves her and only her. She cries from relief and they kiss, but I'm still having a bad feeling about this. He's very believable and I'm sure that he truly believes what he's saying, but the Patio knows better.
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Labels: sda
Yago Capitulo 56: We're going home
Labels: yago
Friday, August 19, 2016
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 26 (Aug 15, 2016) 2d Half
The only way she'd ever go with him will be for Luis to threaten her with never seeing her son again. (It’s not speculation, it’s a Sherlockian deduction—thanks, David.) What an agonizing decision for a young mother to make—leave the whole family she’s grown so close to and supports her, the love of her life, a bright future (in charitable works, not artistic excellence) in order to be reunited with her son and have to live with someone she's hated (although she was making inroads in her own mind to forgive him—but not necessarily love him) in a country and culture far away from where she belongs. Ay de mi. What a dilemma for us to have to watch in the last week of our travels on the Camino as it brings us nearer the Boda at the End of the Road.
Labels: camino
New Telenovelas/Series Coming to Univision- Aug/Sept 2016
Labels: ana, camino, color, narcos, proximas, yago
Tres Veces Ana # 76 and 77
Labels: ana
Thursday, August 18, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 15, 2016
Labels: acero3, helena, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Sueño de amor, Ep. 110 (8.18.16) If you love him set him free, if he doesn't come back, GO GET HIM!!
Labels: sda
Yago #55, Wednesday August 17, 2016: All You Need Is Love
Sara's nostalgic reverie ends when she sees Ximena sitting in her old spot at Yomar's side. She coolly announces that she's just here to drop Mati off, and then she leaves. No one attempts to introduce the two women to one another.
Sara thinks back to all the times she's had sex with Yago - on the sofa, on the table, in the car... she woefully tells us that at one time she thought she had found love and a true family. But everything can change in an instant. Boo hoo.
At dinner, Mati says he and his mother visited Ambar's grave. He apologizes for yelling at Yago for killing Mati's aunt; Mati knows now that that wasn't true. Yago asks if they can be friends, but Mati says that his parents are divorced because of Yago. Poor Ximena tries to steer the conversation back to dinner-related stuff.
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Labels: yago
Tres Veces Ana - #74 and 75 - Cheaters, zombies and murderers - Tarantino has nothing on Televisa!
Labels: ana
Sueño de amor #109 Wed. 8/17/16 Cristina of the X-Ray Vision or a Liar by Any Other Name: Esperanza? Ricardo?
Anastasia is at the Gallo house talking to Erasmo who is holding Luquita. She is all excited about the prospects of working at the Instituto Palacios even though she will have to leave Luquita in a nursery for half the day. Erasmo is happy because it would free up their afternoons to see each other. She should go to the interview and see if the job is something she would like. Anastasia thinks about how she was so hard on Luca's secretaries and now how she might be a secretary just like them.
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Labels: sda
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Yago #54: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
Flashback: Katia flashes back to a time many years ago when she was in search of a new, intense high. She had been sent by her usual dealer to a flop house, where dozens of addled-brained drug addicts roamed the halls and filthy rooms. The proprietress of this fine establishment is happy to get a new victim, and instead of giving Katia the cocaine she requests and pays for, she injects a very nervous Katia with her first ever hit of heroine. A new addiction is born. Katia’s voiceover tells us that what drove her to addiction was her compelling need to turn over the reins of her life to someone or something else. “The most dangerous thing about Hell, is that it’s a thousand times more tempting than Heaven.”
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Labels: yago
Tres Veces Ana #72 and #73 - It's My Party & I'll Cry Si Quiero
*Rehash in Red
*Recall in Blue
*Reader Reactions in Green
Rehash: Marcelo is arguing with Evaristo about the contents of the security box. Marc wants to thank the secret squirrel that helped Alfredo. Santiago will just be a memory, and he'll go after everyone including Solebad. Ev threatens him if he does, but Marc is over this convo and boops Ev on the head, who is strategically placed in front of the bed so he can ballerina twirl before knocking out. Marc searches for the key, but an Ev seedling comes in. Marc ambushes him with orders to take him to his bromantic friend, Ramiro. Ramiro is tied up and gagged, just the way we like him. The grandthugs (gracias Ria!) are taunting him with a gun and waiting for Ev's orders. Llora sobs in her room.
Sleeping Beauty awaits Prince Charming |
Recap: AnaLu sits with Nerina to apologize for getting them both in trouble. Nerina tells a despondent AnaLu not to worry, she can come to her for any help anytime. She went to the hospital that morning but didn't get a chance to see Santi. She asked her if she thinks they'll have a party ready by tomorrow. Our Ana Luchador is thrilled hearing this, this means he's gotten better and she'll see him soon!
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Labels: ana
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #108. Tuesday August 16, 2016. Loves That Heal And Loves That Sicken
Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you next week, Sueñolandia dwellers!
Labels: sda
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Yago #53 Is it a True Truce?
Labels: yago
Sueño de Amor (SdA) #107. Monday August 15, 2016. Now That Esperanza Has Miraculously Returned From The Dead, Let’s Kill Off Ernesto!
Aren't you glad you picked this light fun comedy to follow? |
Labels: sda
Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 26 (Aug 15, 2016) 1st Half
Carlos is fixing a meal in the cabaña for his little family. Marissa and Iggy interrupt and Mar asks Paco to take Pedrito out to play. Then she tells Fer about the fire at the prison and that Luis was roasted to death in the kitchen. Fernanda has a look of disbelief on her face.
Fer calls Amelia to tell her Luis is dead. It’s hard for her to believe, but it’s true. While she’s on the phone, Carlos, Marissa and Ignacio talk about Luis. Carlos loathed him, but wouldn’t wish such a horrible death on anyone. Fer finishes her conversation and tells the group Amelia isn’t going to cut short her honeymoon.
Iggy wants to ask Fer if she knows of any relatives Luis might gave. The three of them knew him best, but they are also the ones Luis hurt the most. He’s asking because if no relation claims the body, he’ll be buried in a common grave without a marker. Fer says, then, they need to do that. Marissa gently tells her if that’s what she wants, Fer will have to acknowledge she’s Luis’ daughter.
Labels: camino
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