Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 26 (Aug 15, 2016) 1st Half

In a short refrito, the unfried Luis Montero is seen escaping up the stairs of the prison so he can be with his daughter and grandson. [Lots of luck, Luis—I hope you trip and fall and no one can put you back together again.]

Carlos is fixing a meal in the cabaña for his little family. Marissa and Iggy interrupt and Mar asks Paco to take Pedrito out to play. Then she tells Fer about the fire at the prison and that Luis was roasted to death in the kitchen. Fernanda has a look of disbelief on her face.

Fer calls Amelia to tell her Luis is dead. It’s hard for her to believe, but it’s true. While she’s on the phone, Carlos, Marissa and Ignacio talk about Luis. Carlos loathed him, but wouldn’t wish such a horrible death on anyone. Fer finishes her conversation and tells the group Amelia isn’t going to cut short her honeymoon.

Iggy wants to ask Fer if she knows of any relatives Luis might gave. The three of them knew him best, but they are also the ones Luis hurt the most. He’s asking because if no relation claims the body, he’ll be buried in a common grave without a marker. Fer says, then, they need to do that. Marissa gently tells her if that’s what she wants, Fer will have to acknowledge she’s Luis’ daughter.

Fer goes outside to clear her head. All the awful confrontations she had with Luis get rewound and reviewed. Carlos comes out to comfort her. She tells him about all the times Luis asked for her forgiveness and a little affection and now it’s too late. Carlos reminds her Luis only caused them all harm and she shouldn’t feel guilty about not responding to his petitions for forgiveness.

Fer and her big heart realize he was a human capable of remorse and changing, but she wasn’t ready to forgive him and now he’ll never know. She feels terrible. Carlos holds her tightly.
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Tres Veces Ana - #70 and 71 - All roads lead to Evaristo!

Happy Monday and happy last week of two hour episodes (…we think anyway)!! This was a very action-packed episode, so get ready!

We return to Santi’s hospital room, where he and Facundo are arguing over what sort of terrible people Santi has made acquaintance with in those dark,, dark days when Facundo didn’t know Santi was alive (you know, when Santi was allowed to grow an unkempt beard and live like a hermit in a cave that didn’t even look like it had running water. Oh wait, that was Facundo, not Santi! But anyway, we are sure those places Facundo is referring to are much, much worse and have roaches to boot.) Santi wouldn’t hear any of it. And by the by, while they are on the topic, he needs to warn Facundo to leave his madrina alone – he knows that he treated Rem very badly. The whole scene from Friday is repeated, as is the one with Rem and Sole with their musings on life and the mysterious and powerful force of protection love has.

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Monday, August 15, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 15, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #68/69? : Face To Face With Destiny-Or Not

-- If you were like me, your heart was in your throat.--ed.


Whack a mole’s got nothing on this episodio of cat and mouse patrol.  Just as all Hell is about to break loose inside the hospital lobby, Ramiro appears out of nowhere and catches Ana Lucia by the arm.  He tells her she knows Santiago does not want her at the hospital.  She insists nobody’s stopping her from seeing the man she loves.  “--No doubt it was his father standing there making him say that just to keep me away.”  Ram insists it isn’t like that (but oh, it is, isn’t it).  “They can all come down and pitch a fit and it still won’t get me out of the way; I’ll still speak to Santiago.”  Well, if she’s going, he won’t let her enter through the front door.  He pulls her around out of view of the entrance and continues while Narina and Ana Laura continue their confused conversation in the front lobby.

Narina explains how she met Marcelo in the boarding house.  Is Narina the owner?  No, she clarifies, she’s the friend of the owner.  (Nice touch, Narina.)  Why, with all his money, would he rent a room there?  Narina learns that they lost contact with Marcelo, A Llora’s BIL, three years ago and that all believe he did it purposely to make his wife and the family think he’d died so he could desert his wife and the rest of them.  “All the people we love die or abandon this family:  my two parents, my sister, Ana Lucia…--”  “--y-y-y-your sister?”  “--It was terribly cruel.”  Now things are beginning to become clear to Narina.  “--No, you don’t understand.  The poor boy lost his memory after a horrible accident three years ago.  He’s just now by chance coming face to face with his old life and memories.”  

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Yago Capitulo 52: Abortion Free Funday

Before we even begin , there are other guests from the North pole that would like to express their regards:

Aww isn't Elf Flavio a sweet bum? I want to give him a hug!
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Sueno de Amor, Friday #106 No perdón for the dying

And here we go again, with today's comedy. Hold on, guys, the chuckles abound, you might even die laughing when you're not crying your eyes out because our protagonista is dying, while wearing ugly make-up and without even having her beloved's perdón.

Ernesto is telling Cristina and Ricardo that he has to go search for a priest, because Esperanza wants to marry him before she dies. Ricardo is impactado with the news, but he tells Cristina that he wants to say good-bye to Esperanza.

Pato is now apologizing for having told Ricardo that Esperanza still loved him and she'd lied to him. She did it because her mom didn't deserve Ricardo's hate and now she wants mom to forgive her for saying what she should have said episodes ago.
But Espe doesn't care about this anymore because she is dying and she has nothing to forgive. And since Ric just happens to be here, with his prometida, can you fetch him for me? Time for some more tears.

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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #66 and 67

Sneaky will have a recap for us later in the day, until then please discuss.

Recap posted below

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & La Sombra de Helena: Week of August 8, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current novelas are the following (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 12-2PM—Sombra de Helena
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sueño de amor, Ep. 105 (8.11.16) Sacrifices are necessary for greater goods, not for greatest bads

Después de un breve sueño, despertar eternamente  (or die mommy die already)

Cristina Vélez Valderrama, the firewoman of education, while adding cremora to her coffee, is simmered in her own thoughts about the talk she had with Esperanza after the ring incident in the bathroom with wi-fi.

Stupid is not only who makes stupid choices, but also whoever complies with them
This morning, Espy has woken up weaker than usual but she still insists on going to school.
Pedro tries to convince her to stay and rest but what in Hillary is determination in Espy is stubbornness and she tries to get up to no avail. After the sour discussion with Pato regarding the night of sex with Luca and the fight with Ernesto over his potentially deadly prank, she is feeling rather weak.
Finally, she agrees to stay home and rest and send Pedro to school, after all, neither one of her kids should miss it. Have you seen their cards? 
And I am talking to you Pato, we have to talk when you come back, ok?

Then Ernesto gets home. He has changed but that doesn't erase what he did before. They argue some more and there is a zoom to Silvia Derbez picture with a tear. Really? Whoever painted it decided that it was a good idea to add a tear? Is this Crown of Tears or what?
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Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 25 (Aug 8, 2016) 2d Half

Aplogies ahead of time for ruining a nice little nursery rhyme.
A nod to Kendra for the idea.

Oh where oh where has Pedrito gone?
Oh where oh where can he be?
With his ears cut long and his hair cut short
Oh where oh where can he be?

Oh where oh where has the little boy gone?
Oh where oh where can he be?
I think he went down to the landscaping site
To see what he could see
While his folks all reveled without a care

I think I saw him by the tractor
Playing and running around
While his folks all reveled without a care

But I just can't see him anymore
He just can't seem to be found
While his folks all reveled without a care

Who knows where he might have decided to go
Perhaps someone at Televisa will know
Maybe his real mommy came and took him away


Yago #51, Wednesday August 10, 2016: Unexpected Cliche

- Bruno overhears Sara and Yago, and discovers that Yago is Omar. At home, he wants to talk to Melina about Yago.

- Julia is pregnant by Abel and wants an abortion. Katia urges her to tell to Abel, but Julia doesn't want to talk to him.

- Julia's icy attitude towards Fidel begins to thaw.

- Ximena returns to the bar to finish her mural and to invite Yago to an art exhibit. It turns out she's an art instructor - she's not as young as she looks!

- Becker wants out of the deal with Camilo. Camilo doesn't like that.

- Abel is giving Teo the cold shoulder, and Yago is giving Abel the cold shoulder. It's a bromance love triangle!

- Sara is giving both Camilo and Lucio the cold shoulder, and Yago is giving Sara the cold shoulder. It's a love trapezoid!

- Camilo is leaning on Lucio to get Abel, and Lucio is waiting to hear from Fidel about being a double-agent. But Sara asks Yago to let her be the double-agent instead.

The blow-by-blow:
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Tres Veces Ana - # 64 and 65 - Triple hysteria and impactful reunions

(Some scenes below are consolidated)

Rehash of Rem finding out about Santi and Ana Le’s monologue to her bed-bound husband on not expecting anything less of him than to murder Daniel. She cheated, that is true, but he was neglecting her, working late, she just wanted attention. And Marcelo cheated himself. Ana Le loves him and will not divorce him. She also apparently generously forgives him and asks for the same in return.

New episode:
Abue for some reason feels the need to explain herself to Facundo, as she feels guilty for not finding him earlier. She promises she tried, but his nephew didn’t know anything either (Abue, you tried once two days ago. That hardly even qualifies to be an attempt.) She does tell him about Jenny and Facundo is very surprised. He offers condolences to Mariano, who has his “Ana Le has already shown me the light and I hate Jenny now” face on and so he changes the subject. Abue departs and Mariano wants to make it clear to Facundo that Marcelo is not on the list of his favorite people right now. He, Mariano, needs to defend his niece. Facundo, though, says Marcelo will need all their help as well. Mariano is skeptical.  
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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Sueño de amor #104 Wednesday 8/10/16. "Too Many Tears, Everyone Looks Like Hell and a Pato Who Won't Stop Quacking"

We pick up our story just after a worn down, weakened, and ill Esperanza has told Ernesto that she is ready to throw in the towel, that she just cannot deal with her situation anymore and he has begged her to keep fighting and not give in: just do it please for her children.

(WARNING: the unifying theme of this episode was TEARS!!!!!!!)

Ricardo, Cristina and all of the kids are leaving the church (Pámela is on his back) after setting the date of the wedding. Ricardo is chanting: two weeks!!! (To the wedding) The kids and Ricardo want to go celebrate by going to the movies. Cristina is all poopie at first saying they just were at the amusement park but gives in.

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Yago #50: Ticking Time Bomb

Ticking Time Bomb-- Poem by Jaquay Atkins
With an arrow through my heart, you poisoned my soul
Toxic fumes run rampant
Appalled at your conniving actions;
Body is numb, icicles for fingers
Crying inside
My mind has become a ticking time bomb
The explosion is bound to be epic

Flashback: Lucio takes a very young Matias to his first horse riding (equitación) lesson. Matias is worried about falling off the horse and prefers to go to Jonas’ house to learn carpentry. Lucio tells him they will go afterwards. He tries to alleviate Matias’ fears about the horse, and tells Matias that he always wanted to be a horseman (jinete) when he was a kid. He tells Matias that horses need their love and care, and can be good friends. Voiceover: “If there was anything I learned from my parents when they stopped caring for me, it was that blood ties aren’t enough to unite a family.”

Present Day: Lucio goes into Mati’s room, picks up a picture of Matias on his horse, hugs it to his body, and begins to cry. Voiceover: “I thought that my love for Matias would be enough to have him with me for always. Now, I know that even the strongest love is powerless against the whims of destiny.”

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Tres Veces Ana #62 and #63 - The Past Catches Up at Last

Rehash: Ana Let kisses Dani goodbye, and Evaristo is seen lurking towards Dani's room (possibly also to kiss him goodbye). Santi has a wet dream (and by wet, I mean his ritual baptism in doused gel) where Marc is there to finish Danito off. Fack-mundo decides to go for a night stroll.....into Dani's hospital room, mayhap?? Santi wakes abruptly to find that the gel was just a nightmare....oh and Dani's death too. He checks w/ Inaki who reassures him Dani is fine. Ghoulieta arrives to thank him once again, but he tells her to save it. Dr. Lorenzo comes in and& informs them that Dani kicked the bucket overnight. Ghoulieta makes a ghoulish face and howls at the moon. Inaki humorously crosses himself.

Ghoulietta auditions for Ghostbusters
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #103. Tuesday August 9, 2016. Lies That Build You Up And Truths That Tear You Down

With this red string I thee project to wed. Red for love. Red for heart. Red for ready to commit to you. Red for rededicating my life to you. Red for red-herring.

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you soon, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Ernesto tells Anastasia they need to talk about alimony and child support (pensión alimenticia). She says she doesn't want it or the apartment. Ernesto reminds her that Baby Luca is his son and a De la Colina. Ernesto wants his baby to have the best in life, live comfortably, go to the best schools and never want for anything. 
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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Yago #49 Bombs are dropping all over the place, (not really)

Sorry it took so long. Recapping this TN is very time consuming because there is so much detail to it. Anyway, here you go.

We start off at Lucio’s office with Abel telling Lucio that Abel has joined forces with Yago now and he wants Lucio to do it also, he will bring him there dead or alive.  With sweat dripping off of his face profusely cuz it’s Mexico City and no one needs to wear a heavy jacket anytime of the year to keep warm, he opens it and show Lucio the bomb he’s wearing on his chest. 

Flashback to Ambar as a 10 year old, crying and hungry, she misses Sara, Damian trying to calm her down. He tells her that Sara abandoned them. Damian admits to missing her too. He also admits that Sara was his favorite, wishing that Ambar was instead, things would have been much easier if she were. 
Current day, Damian puts flowers on Ambar’s grave.
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) #102. Monday August 8, 2016. Ricardo The Lionheart Has Nothing On This Ricardo!

Students, faculty, cancer-ridden ex-fiancée: I cancelled your coffee break and gathered you in this auditorium to gloat about my shacking up with this beautiful, voluptuous and definitely cancer-free blonde!

Hello Patio Pals! I’m away on holiday until August 22. Mini-recaps for Monday and Tuesday are scheduled to post the next day at 6 am EDT. Be well and see you soon, Sueñolandia dwellers! 

Esperanza has a lot of fever due to the cancer virotherapy. The little inspirational board that hangs in her bedroom says: “After a brief dream, to wake up eternally”. Juaréver that means. Pato and Pedro take turns in taking care of their mother.
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Tres Veces Ana # 60 and 61 - In which Ana Le settles many of her debts

(Some scene consolidation below, don’t be confused) 

Skipping the rehash and going straight to the new material, because far be it from me to deprive you all of the episode that might just make you wish you could kick some of these characters in a shin. No finger pointing though (Llora). 

So we ended on Facundo confusing Ana Lu for Ana Leticia. Before Santicelo could collect his split personality brain cells and think up an excuse, Ana Lu gave him a huge break by assuming that Facundo had just mistaken Leticia with Lucia, since he probably just heard it for the first time yesteday! So she corrected him and invited him for coffee. Santi of course played along, and Facundo – quick thinking on his feet (he must have had a lot of time to do crossword puzzles and Sudoku in his cave) – did as well.
(Side note – what is happening to Ana Lu’s blouse there? Is it borrowed from Ana Le?) 

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Monday, August 08, 2016

Un Camino Hacia el Destino-Week 25 (Aug 8, 2016) 1st Half

After they are married:
Will Carlos and Paco move into the shack with Fer, Pedro and Pedrito? OR
Will Fer & Pedrito move into the Gomez Ruiz mansion with Carlos, Paco, Marissa and Clarita?
Will Pedro want to come with them?

After they are married:
Will Pedro move into the Altamirano mansion with Amelia, Mariana, Hernan and Blanca? OR
Will Amelia move into the shack with Pedro, Fer, Carlos, Pedrito and Paco? OR
Will Fer move into the Altamirano mansion with all her brood of family and friends? AND 
Who will adjust better to their new abode?
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