Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Por Siempre Mi Amor #63- 3/4/14- Busted!

Del Pasado:
The kids get antsy in Tita’s closet.  They make noise while looking for a window.
Mr. Twitchy, CPS worker, is still looking for the kids.
Cris is leaving the university because he can't bear to be around Daphne and Este. (Snap out of it Cris!)

Dante asks Javier if he wanted another drink and he asks for a cosmopolitan which Isa stops and notes, Osvy toasts first- Fab will take his last name and Sucia marvels,

Mr. Twitchy is still looking for the kids. They are up to the last bedroom.  He is sorry to have wasted their time.  He leaves and then twitches back saying they are here, over and over again.

Tita makes an announcement -Tita and Osvy are getting married.  Ally will be the wedding planner.  Sucia congratulates the couple and Tita blurts out, you always wanted to be Mrs. De La Riva.  Fab asks and Tita tells him that Sucia was in love with Art. Fab asks Sucia if it's true.

De Hoy:
Yes, she lied that she was in love with Art but he was in love with Isa, so she left the path open for her. And it really wasn't important. (Ara should be taking mental notes because her aunt told her what a bad woman Isa was and how she was with Art while her mom was alive and it is all lies)
Tita was happy to have that little jab and so was Viewerville.

Mr. Twitchy is still there and hears a cough that Dan says is a dog.  The little man insists on going into the closet but sees nothing.  The kids stay quiet but the little man insists on looking in every corner of the closet and the kids escape.  Zenaida and Dan are in big trouble.

What an uncomfortable dinner, noted Ally. Ahh dessert is served, it's Tita's special.
Isa tells Sucia to come clean with Fab and thanks Isa for her concern.
Fab is sorry that he hasn't gotten more information about Javier or his family in Spain.  Javier is eavesdropping and strategically in front of Ara mentions that if he had a daughter like Ara he would react the same.  Ara wants to know what's going on?

The Keystone Cop skit is a bit silly at Tita's with the kids and Mari, Dan and Zenaida.
Dan has two options- he takes the kids or calls the police and everyone is arrested. Then he bites an apple.- que the heck?

Javier tells Ara that her dad wants to know him better including his family in Spain.

Ileana tells Cris that leaving the country to study is a bit much to avoid seeing Este and Daphne. She tells him that he is changing his life for them and will lose a semester. She will go with him and forget about Daniel.  Ileana is or sure if she could go, she is not as sure as Cris.  

The CPS van comes and it's a tearful farewell.  Little Mr. Big tells Mari that she has to go with the kids, pjs and all, since she is a minor. Zenaida and Dan cry in each other's arms.

Ara wants to talk to Sucia; ah she was listening and remembering.  She wants to know why she didn't tell Ara about her REAL feelings for Art, she lied to Ara.  Sucia tries, “the I was confused excuse” but Ara is not hearing it. She no longer trusts Sucia- Woohooo!!!!!!! Finally the web is starting to untangle) Ara tells Sucia that if her parents find out that she introduced Javier to here they will flip out and be totally against her.

Tita welcomes Fab into the family.  She thanks Fab’s mother for making her see the light with Osvy.

Agatha and Gema have a delicious meal when Borlas comes a knocking. Borlas shows Gema the photos on his phone that he took of GMeanie at the casino.  She shows Agatha the photos. Now she has the proof that she needed.

Javier has to go back to work but he will be back to take Ara to the movies and Daphne wants to make it a foursome. She's practically Ara's sister.  Javier gives Ara a kiss and Art can barely contain himself.

At the precinct the kids are waiting for the owner of the house, Dona Tita. They don't know her last name.  The kids tell the Comandante that Tita gives them sandwiches, buys them clothes and lets them play with Don Porfirio.  Ally gives them classes in reading and math and Tita is like a grandmother.  The Comandante feels that the kids are not mistreated. They share that Pimienta has chicken pox and she is quickly escorted out of the office.

Promo- next Monday- the time is changed to 11 AM

Everyone congratulates Tita and Osvy. Daphne tells Tita better late than never.
Tita hopes that the Sucia - Fab romance doesn't blossom.  Everyone notes that Fab is a good man who is in love with Sucia.  What a pity!!  When Sucia came to Isa's office, Isa asked Sucia to come clean and be honest, everyone deserves a second chance.  Tita says that if he knew everything (meaning Marianela) he may feel different but her lips are zipped for now.  Bruno asks but she doesn't tell him.  Tita's cell phone rings and she finds out that CPS took the kids.

At the precinct, they are questioning Marianela to insure that they were not mistreated or abused.  Marianela said that Tita only wants the best for them; she took them off the street.  She also has chicken pox so she is rushed to the doctor.  The little man is squirming.
The Comandante wants to know what to do with the kids; two detectives say that they know Mari. The little man couldn't be happier.

Art knows someone who can help Tita.

Ara can't believe that her aunt has lied to her all these years, saying that she was protecting her and it was for her own good but Daphne says that auntie was manipulating her.  Ara reminds Daphne that when they were little Sucia was after Art but Ara didn't believe her.  Ara says that for years she blindly believed her and it hurt her relationship with Isa.
Fab wants the 411 from Sucia about being in love with Art; Sucia plays it off as an illusion of a young girl. (Fab -make mental notes of these red flags). She just felt such compassion for Ara that she would be a good mother figure for her. She lies that Art asked her to live with them after Eugenia died.  Fab isn't buying it all but Sucia swears.  It was a confusion.

Art speaks to his contact and Tita could be charged with kidnapping the kids. It can come with jail time.  Isa calls someone.
Tita and Osvy review the legal papers and Bruno wants to find out where the kids are.

Fab wants to know why Tita doesn't like Sucia and she makes up yet another lie. Tita is very jealous, when Eugenia died Ara confided in Sucia and Tita didn't like it.  Tita always talks badly about her to Ara and Fab thinks that Tita is a bad person.

Gema and Agatha go over to Mau and Andrea's, Este is at home.  They have the proof that GMeanie was gambling.  Gema shows them the photos.

The police think that Mari is involved in the highway robberies of the electronics tricks. They have a sketch that looks very similar to her.

Sucia tells Fab that Tita isn't a bad person just a “buttinski” and is jealous.  Fab is not sure based on the way that Tita treated her but Sucia claims that she is just jealous. Sucia doesn't carry any grudges.  She will work to make Tita think differently of her. She just adores Fab and he should take his father’s last name. Pleeeeeeazzzzz!

Bruno finds out that the kids are at the precinct and they are accusing Tita of kidnapping the kids.

Isa and Art go to see their lawyer and explain to him about Tita, Angeles de la Tierra, the orphanage, the charity work, etc.  Osvy calls Art and says that Tita is going to get arrested and Art, Isa and the lawyer head to the precinct.

Este can't believe that his grandma gambles. Maybe the photos were photo-shopped.  Agatha says that it's not one there are several.  It's clear that GMeanie stole the jewelry blamed Gema but used some jewelry for betting money at a luxurious casino.

Mari doesn't have chicken pox it's a viral reaction that's not contagious.  More questions for Mari. Mari doesn't have a last name, she has lived on the street and in an orphanage, took the kids off of the street and had an apartment for them.  The Comandante wanted to know how did she financially sustain the kids?

Borlas came to see the kids and Zenaida tells him that he is not welcome and the kids have been taken away.  Ally tells them that Mari and the kids are at the precinct and Borlas looks sick.

Andrea and Mau confront GMeanie who continues to lie.  She threatens to leave and Mau can't take the lies any more.  They have proof.

Tita, Osvy, Bruno and Dan confront the Comandante.  He tells them that Tita is going to jail for the way that she harbored the kids was illegal and she and Dan will be charged with kidnapping. Osvy says that Tita will go to jail over his dead body.

GMeanie keeps on denying that she gambles.  Why does the family believe Gema over her?  Mau is strong; it's not only Gema's word.  She's innocent. Este asks her where did she get money to bet in the casino and she plays stupid.  She only goes to the doctor, Andrea can't take it.  Mau shows her the photos and it's quiet.

It's not a crime to help children but according to the Comandante it's the way that they did it.  The way to resolve this is to arrest Tita and Dan. They are taken to separate cells.  Shouting ensues and Art and Isa arrive.

GMeanie denies that it's her.  Finally she admits that's she likes gamble.  The money for medical treatments was used for betting.  She has her dignity and is going to leave.  She tries to put a guilt trip on Andrea, how could she allow her mother to be treated like this.  Good riddance!  Andrea can't defend her.  Este is hurt, he helped her, he would do anything for his grandma. Hit the road, GMeanie!!!

Coming attractions:
·      Ara is deeply hurt and wants Sucia to stay away from her
·      It gets tense between Ara, Daphne, Javier and Este
·      There is a confession- is it Single White Female time???


Por Siempre Mi Amor #62 US 3/3/2014 - Just A Few Speedbumps on the Road to Sonia's Pot of Gold

As the Great Winter of 2014 drags on I hope this may lift the spirits of the Winter Weary:

Hang in there. Spring will be here soon and Summer's on it's way!

It seems that at last Univision has stopped cutting and combining episodes! This was a full episode with no deleted scenes.

Friday's Leftovers:
Tita and Osvi and Fabricio and Sonia are invited to dinner at Arturo's. Mari tries to break things off with Dan.

Today's Entree:
Daniel doesn't want to lose Mari. He can't believe she wants to call it quits at the first problem. Mari doesn't think a father and son falling out is a small problem, plus she's scared of Gilberto. On top of this Mari thinks there's a chance that Gil may decide to disown Dan because of her. Dan doesn't think that will happen and if it does, he'll teach English for a living. He asks Mari to give it time because he's sure his father will come around. Dan is in love with her. He'd do anything for her. They kiss.

Ozvi visits Fabrico at his office. Osvi is pleased that his sons are getting along so well. He wants to know if Fabricio has decided about taking the de la Riva name? Fab still isn't sure it's necessary since he already has a last name. Osvi wants to make amends for past mistakes. It was destiny that brought them together and the de la Riva name is his birthright. Osvi says, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to." Fabricio finally agrees and calls Oz "papa". Ozvi looks very pleased. Now all he needs is a big hug from his younger son. They embrace.
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Monday, March 03, 2014

Qué Pobres, Lunes 3/3/14 (#40): I'll Take "Things That Are Lost" for 300,000 Pesos, Alex

Tonight on Jeopardy!:

What is "the wind in Ahole's sails"?
What is "Perla's fee for Granny-sitting"?
And the Daily Double... What is "Nepo's will to live"?
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó #79, Lunes 3/3/14: The Dead Can Say Nothing

Medina Manor: Refugio approached Pedro Medina from behind and held him at gunpoint to protect Lady Nadia. Lieutenant Alvarez entered from behind him, demanding to know what was amiss. Refugio replied that the Lord Mayor was about to abuse his lady wife and he was protecting her. Her own fear clearly showing in her expression, Lady Nadia went to her husband's side, saying he would never hurt her. Lieutenant Alvarez then ordered his friend and subordinate to cease. Reluctantly and with an inaudible word of frustration he did so, not removing his eyes from the couple.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA, week of March 3, 2014

Here's your page for the week!  Enjoy!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of March 3, 2014

Here is a page for this week's musings.

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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Lo que la vida me robo, #78, 2/28/14: A bunch of idiot men.

Lo siento, it has been a VERRRRRRY busy week for me, plus now I discover my internet connection is indifferent to my needs and continuously conks out. I hope I can get it all sorted out. In the meantime, discuss amongst yourselves!

As I see it is almost time for the next episode (lo siento!!!!) I am going to do screencaps and an overview of the episode. It has been a busy week, and now I'm fighting a cold. I am wallowing in my whining. ;)


Yes, jail IS the solution, you dumbass! Ale goes to whats-his-name, the police chief, wanting to get a break for Maria, for kidnapping (trying to) his own hijo, and conking Tia over the head in the process. Who conked HIM over the head, that he still wants to help Bitch Maria out? No puede ser! The police chief is not all that sold on this idea, but for Ale, he'll try to help.

Meanwhile, Bitch Maria is plotting against Ale. Something fishy is going on, and if it can be traced back to Ale, he'll be in jail for being a crook! She wants JL to help her, and JL, thinking that he can still get Monse back, is listening to Bitch Maria. Don't listen to her, JL, you dumbass!

Bitch Maria would like it if Ale were in legal trouble and lost everything, because she feels she'd get him back for herself. Or at least, Monse wouldn't have him anymore. She's an insane idiot as well. She's hoping that JL can use his position to denounce Ale for some wrong-doing.

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Mentir Para Vivir #101 Fri 2/28/14 Free At Last!, Free At Last! (El Fin)

[I'm trying to get this one up especially ASAPPPPPP for y'all, amiguis.  In the meantime, my wholehearted thanks goes out to all of the fabulously talented and dedicated recappers on this team for your unfailing "sticktoit" dedication and your fantastic and varied humorous styles which were always good for at least one belly-laugh a read.  Also, a big thanks to all the bloggers on this telenovela which got a bit draggy half-way through (as most of them do) for continuing to read and to comment so regularly, making this site so much fun seven days a week.  A bundle of besos to all of you!]

Parte 1: The Great Escape 

Lo del Pasado:

Oriana realizes this “vacation” is a trap Jose Luis set to kidnap her and Alina.  She’s seen locks on the windows and JL has demanded her cell phone which he’s now destroyed.  Lina had to leave her “guard dog” home and is outside exploring.  JL has gone out to get the rest of the luggage. 

Lo Del Nuevo:

Back in Hermosillo at the Blue Bayou Bachin’-it Bungalow, Ric is whining to Piero that he is dying to hear something from 2nes to make sure she’s okay.   Piero suggests that they use the GPS data and drive that night to wherever she and JL have stopped for the night.   They can park off aways and hang around in case there’s an emergency or something.   Suddenly Ric gets a call from her using the emergency cell she snuck along in her purse.  She’s frantic and tells him she’s sorry she ever decided to go with Jose Luis.  “—It’s a trap!   She hears JL’s footsteps.  “--I have to hang up!”  “—Did he do something to you?”  Click.  She hides the phone just as JL re-enters the room.  He’s irked cuz she didn’t answer him right off.  “—I suppose you brought the CD with you.  (Like did he ask her to or something?)  When she tells him she didn’t think to he accuses her of giving it to Homero and gets physical.  She denies that and insists that she forgot it, period and breaks loose of him.  He tells her not to play games with him; that she left it home on purpose.  (Like she really thought she was supposed to keep it taped to her body 24/7 or something?)  “—Who’d you give it to?  Your ‘grandma’, that Ricardo?  Who in Hell’d you give it to?  ANSWER ME!!” Slap!!  

JL has knocked Ori down and she’s flailing on the couch just as Lina races back in to witness the beating.  She races back out again, screaming for some adult to help them.  (Sorry, kid, but all the adults were probably paid off to leave.)  JL races after the kid and stops at the doorway, turning around to take a last look over at Oriana and spew a mouthful of blame at her.  However, she has a big surprise for Psycho Spouse: a whopper of a whang-bang in the face with the handy tool-shed shovel [pala] one always keeps inside a vacation cottage in the wilds of Mexico.  Out she races on tippy toes, careful not to catch her CMF spikey boot heels in the mud, to fetch the still uselessly screaming Lina, dumping her into the backseat of JL’s Beamer.  “—We’re leaving.  Don’t forget your seatbelt!”  Keys in hand, Ori and Lina drive off in the Beamer back down the rough, rocky one lane back road they’d used to get there.  

The guys pull up in Ric’s silver Mercedes, meanwhile, and Ric pulls a gun when he sees JL’s white Beamer pull up.  He cocks it just as the Beamer stops and 2nes jumps out of the car to explain what’s just happened.  

Back in Hermosillo, Cesar is visiting his mother, Mathilde, at the prison.  She asks him what’s going on with her case.  She knows that Escalona testified she didn’t know a thing about the money-laundering but she’s still stuck in jail.  Cesar explains that it will take time for the investigation to finish.  She’ll have to be patient and may be stuck in there a while longer.  

Mad Hilde doesn’t like having to mix with the masses and tells Cesar to scream at the judge and bribe him to get her the heck owdathere!  The buggy, stinking mattresses and buggy, stinking prisoners are too degrading for somebody like her! Unless this is his way of taking it out on her.  Is it, she asks?  Cesar shakes his head in disbelief.  She continues making up her own version of why things are going so slowly: Ruben is purposely taking his time with the lawyer…blah, blah, blah….  Cesar tells her she’ll never change.  She’s sick, wicked and hasn’t seen the light.  Her pushiness, her arrogance and snobbery—her willingness to trample over everybody, including the law, are what got her stuck in jail in the first place. She scolds him for talking to her so disrespectfully. He gets up to leave.  “—I’d better go.”  She apologizes for getting on his case, but he walks off and leaves her crying.  

Later that day at Paloma’s, Snoops and Michael listen to 2nes’s horror story.  Snoops assures them all that if JL is dead, they’ll claim righteous/legitimate/lawful defensive action.  Ric gives Snoops the copied CD and he hands it off to Mike to hand deliver it to the MI labs via private plane.   (I swear it’s like fingernails on a chalkboard calling a Spanish speaking male with an English moniker!)  She won’t spend a day in jail, Piero promises.   The nightmare is over, Homero declares.  With more reason than ever she has earned the right to the name Ines Valdivia.  However, she still has to give her statement to the police.  Nope.  She won’t step foot into another jail cell ever.  Ric and New-nes smile at one another 

Gadget and Manolo take a few uniforms with them to pick up JL’s body.  Ooops!  The body’s not there.  Manolo points out there’s only a puddle of blood where his body should have been.  They check the grounds, but get bupkis.  As the lot of them head over to give their statement, Manolo calls Snoops who tells the others.  No trace of JL anywhere.  

JL has been hiding in the woods with his trash baggy of dinero.  He flags down a pick-up truck in the rain along the back road, claiming he was assaulted and needs a ride into town.  The driver says fine, get in.  JL starts to get into the driver’s side but pulls his gun and shoots the driver dead instead.  He dumps the body and takes off.

The next day in Hermosillo, Homero calls Orines to check on her.  Still no word, but the good news is there’s no dead body either.  She’ll be free to come and go in a few days, but until he turns up they’ll need to be extremely careful, he warns her.  No problem.  Ric’s doubled the security.  

As for JL, he must have run out of gas or the truck gave up the ghost.  He’s got a rag around his wounded head and is resting on a hillside, calling Patrick for help.  Patrick won’t give him the time of day now, tho’, cuz JL supposedly gave his CD to Homero de la Garza and they gave a tip off [dar el pitazo a – lit. whistled to] to Interpol who gave it to them (I think).  The mobsters have got to grab their things and run like rats in the night, and it’s all his damned fault, he snarls back at him.  JL begs for his help, but Patrick tells him to let his “grandmother” help him!  “—I hope you die like the dog you are!”  Click!

~~End Parte 1~~

~~Parte 2~~

Up in Smoke!

Lucina, Ori and Raquel go back to the clinic a few days later.  The baby is in fact JL's.  So much for condoms…..Raqi worries about who’s going to care for her baby since its daddy is lost or dead.  Lucina says she will, of course!  Raqi warns her what an expensive pain it will be, but Ori says they’re a blessing and she’ll realize it soon enough. "--BTW, I am preggers also!  So, now the baby will have all sorts of half-brothers and sisters to grow up with."  Happy, happy, joy, joy!

Months later…..Ric experiences the joys of giving birth vicariously as he coaches 2nes through the birth of little Mariano.  More happy, happy, joy, joy!

Six months later after that…..Raqi has realized how much she loves motherhood.  Lucina asks her to consider having a dual baptism.  Still no word from JL and they’re certain he’s dead or left the country.  Raqi is no longer in love with the brut, either.

Ric comes to tell Paloma that the baptism is the following weekend and that Piero will be Mariano’s padrino [godfather].  Also, his divorce is final and he and New-nes will  be getting married at the same time. They are going to want to live in their own house, however.  Paloma is bummed and offers them her house.    

Outside, on the grounds, Leonardo tells Fabiola that he’s taken a job doing portraits; it’s not his thing, but at least it pays well.  They’ll be getting married, but she wants to wait till she gets her veterinarian degree.  He wants it sooner cuz he wants to sleep with her already, but she’s worried he’ll become infected.  He suggests they see a specialist about the precautions they’ll have to take.  (Good luck with that.)   Okidok.  She’s satisfied.  They will get married soon then.

That night a bum in a dirty raincoat with oily long hair and beard shleps along the stairs to Fort Falcon.  He’s stopped by a security guard holding a gun to the back of his head.  “—I knew you’d return!  Patrick sends his greetings!”  Why, it’s JL and he does a quick number on the guerrero and kills him.  He then enters the house, garbage bag in hand, and stares at the dusty picture of him and his family at the fair.  

The next day, Oriana and Alina come to invite Raqi and Lucina to the wedding/baptism combo affair.  Raqi wonders if she really should go.  She was such a rotten friend there for a while.  Raqi is definitely wanted there, says Ori, and she's definitely invited to the thing--and no, no hard feelings, blah, blah, blah….. She thought Raqi might want to have a dual baptism with little Lucia while they're at it.  Raqi can’t believe she’d be so nice to her after the rotten way she treated her.  Not a problem.  All forgotten.  In fact, Ori feels she’s going to be forever in their debt for all they did for her!  (You can say that again!  Cha-ching!!) Raqi nods okay.

One week later…..

The wedding/baptism combo affair takes place (and Viewerville has to do a double-take).  Is that a bikini or a wedding dress? It’s a totally backless wedding dress, tied on with tiny spaghetti straps at the neck and the back; it’s tea-length with that crazy dippy back duck-tailed hem so popular now—and expensive and chic as all get out.  Ori’s got only a jeweled ribbon as a headband for the non-existent “veil”.  It’s got a lacy trim at the bottom which goes around the entire hem of the short skirt and the train.  

The two babies are baptized afterwards.  We’ve all got more happy, happy, joy, joy than they—or Viewerville—could ever imagine or hope for.  That is, more than wacky, wigged-out JL, who is outside the walls of the church, torturing himself by being there as the happy couple and the guests exit en mass (pardon the pun) should hope for.

Sometime later, JL decides to bury his bag o’ dough.  Dunno where or when, just that it’s also during the small high school celebration party that Piero, Paloma, Ruben and Fidelia, Ric and 2nes are having for Sebastian. Hugs all around.  Seb calls Piero "Papa". Leo and Fabi show up for the little backyard reception with smiles on their faces.   Leo doesn’t seem to have any more problems with Seb.  Fabi gives him their gift.  Seb apologizes for the grief he caused her.  She’s not holding any grudges.  (Whoooeee!  That’s a relief.)  

At the same time, Mad Hilde finally gets out of prison.  Cesar is there waiting for her.  He’ll take her anywhere she wants to go, but she has to tell him she really hasn’t got any place to live now.  Can she live with him?  Nope!  But she’s changed.  Really she has.  Nobody changes completely, he tells her, and he’s not about to go through what he did before.  So, he’ll take her to some hotel.  Sorry, but she’s got no money for a hotel.  Cesar takes out a check from Paloma that he says is more than sufficient to find her an apartment with and to live comfortably.  “--Very generous, and a very subtle way of getting rid of me.”  (Yes, exactly—and not for the first time, shall we add?)  Cesar says she was only thinking of what she might need and not to take it badly.  Ok. “—Taxi!”  (He decides to call her a taxi after offering to take her in his own car?)  She asks about Ruben and finds out he married Fi.  “—See ya ‘round.”  He leaves her there.  She gets into the taxi, realizes she’s been abandoned, and cries her heart out as it takes her away.  

Back at Paloma’s, Ric and 2nes are getting ready to take a drive somewhere.  He tells her he’s buying the manse next door for them to live in happily ever after.  What a great compromise!

Outside the grounds of Paloma’s manse, no security is visible.  Ric crosses the quiet street to put the stroller into the trunk of his car.  JL is a block or so away in another car, hiding and watching for him.  Suddenly Ric is accosted by Jose Luis who is pointing a pistol at his chest.  “—You’re going to die now.  You took away everything that gave my life meaning: my love, and my daughter, the light of my eyes, and you’re going to die for that!  Because, you don’t deserve to live.”  Ric tells him that he might kill him with a bullet, but JL is already dead.  Yeah, his life no longer has any meaning, but he didn’t cause that.  Jose Luis did it to himself!  He lost it all because of his ambition and his blindness.  "--When I found them they were no longer yours.  You’d already lost them!”  JL cocks the pistol.

Oriana crosses the street and walks in front of her husband—er…the new one, Ric.  “—If you shoot him, you’ll have to shoot me as well!”  JL looks at her in horror.  She challenges him to shoot—if he’s got the courage to.  He can’t really think he’d recover their lost love, but go ahead and try.  Just know that whatever happens, the love she and Ric share will be endless.  Apparently he does have the courage to. The gun goes off.  Jose Luis stands there with the pistol still in hand, his face showing the recognition of his hopelessness, his total loss of family and fortune and his fatigue after two years of trying to retrieve it.     

Ori’s horrified—as is all of Viewerville—to see that Ric’s got a wound the size of DF in his chest and is bleeding and unconscious.   He moves to shoot her dead also.  She looks up at him.  He sheds a tear, walks away into the middle of the street, suddenly turns and aims.  Just as he cocks the pistol for a second shot, he’s hit by a racing truck that appears out of nowhere!  Whap-thap!!!  A couple of blocks away, the driver of the truck stops and dials his cell.  “—Patrick.  “—All set.  The Fox is now dropped.”

That night at the hospital, the doctor shakes his head in doubt that Ric will survive.  Paloma and 2nes look on at the comatose Ric and weep.

Months afterward, Leo arrives back at Snoop Mansion after a trip to the police station and tells Fabi and Grandpa Snoops that the police finally located Antonio’s corpse; and the bullet he was shot with matches the one found in Homero’s driver’s body.  So, that proves JL did the deed to both sorry suckers, he says.  Any news about Falcon? "--He’s a paraplegic now."   

Raqi visits JL in prison at his request.  Why did you want to see me, she asks, after remarking how bad off he looks (i.e., in the wheelchair, with his ratty hair and even rattier beard).  He was hoping she’d bring him his daughter…er…their daughter.  “—And who told you she was yours?”  He’d supposed it was after all the times she’d sworn it was his.  "--And you always swore it wasn’t!"  Could have been her lying and that she only wanted his money, she adds.  You cannot be that cruel, he says pitifully.  (Yes she can!)  "--Who’s accusing whom of being cruel?"  After all the crap he pulled and all the hurt he caused he doesn’t deserve to know sh!t, she tells him. "--Why bother?"  Well, he thought that after losing the other family he might still have this one to claim and he’d give the baby girl his cash. It was enough to secure her future with. Raquel swears she will never tell him one way or the other.  She doesn’t give a damn about his dinero either!  Ditto for the little girl.  "--She doesn’t deserve to know she has a man like you for a father."  Raqi turns on her heel and walks off.  Bye!  “--Won’t you even tell me if she’s mine?”  “--Nope.  You don’t deserve to ever know.”

Across town, Jackie gets a call from Ruben telling her that the manse she’s given over to the Holy Mariano?? Foundation is going well.  Suddenly the workmen call him over.  They’ve just dug up JL’s bag o’ bills!  Halelujah!  Manna from Mariano in Heaven above!!

Paloma and 2nes the New-nes are discussing their and Ric’s bad fortunes.  Pain is a fact of life.  We just have to find new reasons to go on living.  Too bad a bout Ricardo.  What a happy life they’d have had.  So many dreams! So many lies she’d thought she had had to continue to live with to survive. Paloma is hopeful that even Ric’s trauma can be overcome some day soon with Dios’s help. “--Ricardo cannot continue like this, Abuela!” 

Back at the hospital Ric suddenly opens his eyes.

Over at the prison, in his drab brick cell, JL realizes his family photo has gone missing and starts yelling wildly for it.  Another prisoner/guard??  has it and sets fire to it with a match, and then throws it back into JL’s cell.  He whimpers as he watches the photo, just like his life has, go up in smoke.  

Sometime later, a fully recovered Ric and the New-nes are alone for a second honeymoon (note the white linen shirts and skirt) on a beautiful coast somewhere.  Blue skies, fluffy clouds, interesting black pelican flying?  He loves her and will till the end of time.  She, for her part, is reborn.  Oriana is dead and Ines Valdivia is newly reborn. She has the whole world ahead of her.  Such a huge lie as the one she had to hide by is far in the distant past.  She no longer—they no longer—have to lie in order to live…..  They kiss and cuddle.


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Friday, February 28, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos #39, MA perforns 'a day in the life of Trofeo', A-hole keeps catching Mini in suspicious behavior.

Plastic wrapped MA gets up with difficulty to answer the phone call. But as MA speaks, A-hole catches Mini and asks her bluntly who she is talking to.

MA tells Frida that the number that called is ‘private’ and that gives him a bad vibe (mala espina).

Isela tells a paranoic A-hole some lame excuse but he isn’t buying what she is selling. ‘cosas de mujercitas’ (conversation about young lady (virgin) things LOL!)… Mini continues the list of lame excuses. A-hole ends up giving them the benefit of the doubt and tells Isela he wants dinner. As A-hole leaves, Mini can’t wait to give Isela the news that MA is in Mexico. She will go to AS’s hotel tomorrow to find out where MA is. Isela says too little too late, your husband will find out and beware… Mini can’t want to cat-play around with MA. MA calls Saul and tells him about the call, could it be Vilma/A-hole? Saul says if they were suspecting he was at La Nopalera they would have come back right away. MA tells Saul he got a job. Saul almost falls over in surprise. MA says he is overqualified for the job, surely can do it blindfolded… (Frida protests, let her sleep)…

At dinner (or wine glasses), Mini comments about Adolfo turning out to be an accomplice of MA. A-hole says divine justice exists, but yes, it is unbelievable that so much betrayal exists. Mini continues to sweeten his ear… Are you sure sure sure that your cousin MA committed the felony? A-hole protests that his word should suffice for her. Mini follows his lead, MA should be behind bars. Isela follows suit. Then shouts to the maid to bring dessert (Tapioca, yikes!)

At hotel room, Maca is all over Leo on the bed. Leo says she is so wasted, she could suffer the vengeance of Monctezuma and…. (she has fallen fast asleep right on top of him). He moves off her slowly. Seems it affects his breathing how much alcohol she is breathing out.

Back to the plastic covered bro-sis pair. Almost a carnival dance these two are making everytime they need to move (the alarm clock has buzzed, morning!) She protests its too early to get up. He leaves her protesting alone. Comes down. Lupe is having coffee. He has got dressed with shirt and tie… she offers him coffee. He accepts. Then she apologizes for the issue with Emiliano. She says he is right, she is afraid of him resenting that she never told A-hole about him. MA says sooner or later Emi will understand her reasons. MA says he has learned that everyone in the Menchaca family respect each other. MA tells Lupe that he suspects A-hole is the one behind the fraud. Nepo comes in. He sweet-talks her. MA says good morning, I am ready when you are. Nepo says ok but have to try Lupe’s coffee first. Lupe doesn’t have any more, she offers him hers. Nepo hurries MA to finish his coffee so they can go. MA shows a semi-false up-beat attitude toward the day’s work. They leave, Lupe smiles at his gimmicks.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #61- Delete is More Than a Button on the Computer

Sucia is trying to convince Isa that she is a changed woman.  She is going to prove it to everyone.  Time will tell.
Dan will let Mari know how the padre.   Gil is seething and Tita lets him have it.   She tells him that he his life is empty and he is a lonely, bitter old man who best to stop yelling at her.  General Gil and his stubbornness gave Tita a headache. Tita comments that Dan is considerate and must have learned that from his mom.
Mari tries to kiss Dan and Gil clears his throat.  Tita thanks Dan and tells him he must be like his mom.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 77, Dimitrio Shows He Has A Heart And Maria Tries To Take Jose Luis For A Ride

Well, I want you to know that I am going to do it. I surrender. I copied the number into my mobile phone for the storied Power Coaching duo ‘Julia y Susanlynn’ out of today’s glowing article in the WSJ.  Then I put the newspaper in the recycling bin just as the guys in the green truck were rumbling their way up my street. It was not a perfect solution, I reasoned—someone will have to put up the necessary suitcase of cash— but I knew I had hit the limits of my resources. I had had enough. It was time to bring in the pros.

Yesterday my diagnosis of high lipid levels was disappointing. But when the orthopedic surgeon said that I also had ‘Nerfazo Elbow’, well, that was the end. I just sat in the waiting room and cried.  I thought I was using proper nerfazo technique for tossing the balls at my television—heaven only knows I have had enough practice—but it turns out I was putting English on the ball as I threw it. Now I have to lay off the nerfazos during the stupidest part of ‘Robo’. Those characters simply will not listen to me—what am I supposed to do?

So I am putting Julia y Susanlynn on notice. You two have got to talk some sense into the characters of Robo.

Later I saw my shrink. He suggested that I might be a little too involved in telenovelas; that I might be blurring the lines between real life and Televisa life. What does he know? 

When I got home today, Mr. June was sorting out some books for donation. Right on top of the pile was a pristine copy of the book, ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’.  I wondered who had purchased the book and then I read on the flyleaf that it was a gift to me, some 24 years ago. Fancy that. I never read it but I figure that this guy’s advice to the characters of Robo cannot be any less effective than mine has been.

So, you annoying characters of ‘Robo’, until Julia y Susanlynn can make their way to Aguazul, you may find the Mr. Steven Covey’s advice helpful as you navigate the doldrums of this very LONG telenovela. I hope so. You are getting (collectively) stupider every day.

Per Mr. Covey, here is how our characters could become highly effective people.
The First Three Habits surround moving from dependence to independence (i.e., self-mastery):

Habit 1: Be Proactive – For Dimitrio

Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and how they align with life's principles) are the primary determining factor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for your choices and the consequences that follow. (Steven Covey)

Dimitrio and Adolfo get into a tussle on the lawn of Josefina’s house. Dimmy tears up the check that Fina has written him. Adolfo says it doesn’t matter, when he next sees Josie she sill give him another. He comments that Josie is willing to pay for a teeny bit of love, and, by the way, she doesn’t seem very well satisfied by Dimmy in the love department. Dimmy punches Aldolfo again, but Josie prevents a full fledged fight by calling on Adolfo. Dimitrio comes up toward Josie’s front door and she reminds him that he no longer lives at her home. She asks that the next time he comes to the house he should ring the doorbell, AND she wants her house keys back.

Josie says that what she does is no longer any of Dimmy’s business, but he disagrees. She is still his wife and what she does is his business. He doesn’t want her to throw her money at the wastrel Adoldo. He starts to tell her that she still doesn’t get it but she interrupsts him to say that he taught her very well. No man would want her for who she is so she will have to pay to have a little love in her life.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #38- 2/27/14: Mama, Can You Spare a Dime?

Hola Amiguis. Shall we begin?

We get a replay of Macarena coming to stay with AS and Leo for we don't know how long. Question is, did she bring the lana? She sure seems to be swilling the booze as much as AS does.

MA is at the gate of Emiliano's school pretending he is Emiliano's Papa so his friends will stop pestering him about "Where's your Papa" all the time. It's school pick up time, but Emiliano can't go with MA cause Lupe doesn't know he's there. Only Lupe is authorized or maybe Don Chuy to pick Emiliano up, there are rules there. Lupe comes up and wants to know why the heck MA is at Emiliano's school while she elbows him in the ribs.

So you know how yesterday, Mini was doing all that research on line? Well, she shows up at Frida's Prepa looking for info on Frida from Tato. Tato is kinda, sorta reluctant to give her any info. She says she hasn't heard from the RPs since they went to Italia. Mini knows that AS is in Mexico, she's seen her, could Frida be with her by any chance? Tato still isn't saying.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #100 Thu 2/27/14 Beber para Sobrevivir

Ric goes to the prison infirmary to visit a still living Marilu.  She's still feeling suicidal, on account of him wanting to divorce her.  The nurse adds something…a sedative, I hope…to Marilu's IV bag.  Ric reminds her she did commit a crime, y'know…killing Fabi's baby and nearly killing Fabi.  Marilu's sorry and all, but she still doesn't want Ric to "abandon" her.  He says he won't just as she drifts off again.

A tech swabs Alina's cheek and tells Inés they'll have the results in a week.  Alina checks in with Raquel in the lobby and brags about how it didn't hurt her one bit when Raquel complains.  Lucina fends off Alina's questions about why--if this is just something to check that Alina and Raquel are healthy--Lucina and Inés aren't getting tested too, by inviting everyone for a burger and fries…yum!  Lucina and Alina lead the way out of the lobby as Raquel now complains to Inés, of all people, about how bossy and nosy Lucina is and, ugh, how annoying.

Jackie has decided to stay in Hermosillo and maybe take over Mariano's clinic.  Rosa has two other kids to take care of, though, so she has to go back.  Tears all around as mom and daughter say goodbye.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor # 60- Money Doesn't Buy You Class

Tita is talking to Osvy on the phone.  He gibes her the good news. As Ara’s grandparents that have to clarify the situation.
Isa tells Gaby that Ara is back home.  They have won the battle but not the war.  She is still with Javier.  Gaby says that Ara will tire of him.  Isa is going with Gaby to the ob/gyn.

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Mentir Para Vivir #99 Wed 2/26/14 Maricucu throws a fit, Alina throws a berrinche, and Ori throws her life out the window.

Maddie reaches out to Cesar for help, pleads her case, suggests he hit up Paloma for help, then puts down her cellmates (She’d better hope they didn't hear her)

We relive Antonio's death.  Poor chump.

Lo Nuevo
Ricky and Ori talk about how happy they are about the baby.  Ricky swears by Mariano's memory that he will show no preference for his baby over what's her name? Oh yeah, Alina.

Deserted Cabin
JL goes through Antonio’s pockets, removes his wallet, and drags him away.

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Qué Pobres, Weds 2/26/14 (#37): Heeeeeeere’s Daddy!

In no particular order:

Desperate Woman Reads Teen's Old Tweets
Isela warns Mini that if Ahole finds out that "we" can't conceive, he'll dump Mini. And if he finds out she's helping MA, he could kill her.

Mini disagrees. As long as they can get a "son" for him somewhere, even if Ahole finds out ("and he WILL find out," Mini says), no way will he throw away his big chance at the prize.

As for MA, Mini thinks she knows how to find him. She looks at Frida's tweets/blog(s)/other social media. But there doesn't seem to be anything recent and it's all about Tato, Tato, Tato.

Grandma in Old Pajamas Begs Grandson: "Get a Job"
MA questions Mati about the papers that were hidden in the busted bust. All she remembers is that her husband told her not to lose it. She can't recall any details (at least not today). She warns him of the dangers of being idle and urges him to get a job.

Fragile, Vulnerable Boy at Monastery Retreat Takes Bath, Forgives Mother
Drunk "Nun" Feeds Dog with Fork
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #76, 2-26-2014: Alejandro has a new attitude and maybe DIM does, too; José-Luis gets his hopes up again...only to have them dashed again

In Almonte Beach House, Agua Azul, Alejandro and Montserrat comfort Rosario after her recounting of the sad story of her abuse and betrayal by the incredibly evil Benjamin Almonte.  Alejandro vows to make up for all the suffering Rosario endured, declaring, too, that his mother is perfect with or without the new clothes and grooming standards, and he’s proud of her for having struggled and lived in spite of having endured such terrible and unjust treatment.  Rosario says that having Alejandro was worth everything, and she wants nothing else.  With Ale and Montse now, Rosario is the happiest woman in the world. Loving group hug time!

All happy families are alike...
(Would Tolstoy have been so sure about this if he'd watched TNs?)

... each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way:  

At Mansion Mendoza, another mother and son have a much less endearing conversation: Gracie wants to know what happened with DIM and Pedro and doesn't want DIM to hide things from her.  DIM tells her that he told Adolfo who told Pedro about how he (DIM) might or might not be an Almonte heir, and Gracie get mad at him for being inept. DIM is back at Gracie quickly and tells her what he does or doesn't do is nothing compared to what gossip-mongers in Agua Azul are saying about Gracie herself and the crazy, verging-on-incestuous familial relations of the Almonte-Mendoza clan:  Gracie sold her own daughter to her lover’s son who might actually be the half-brother of Gracies's son which would make her son and son-in-law half-brothers and her daughter the wife and sister-in-law...etc.

Thanks to you, lady, I may actually be my own grandpa

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Por Siempre Mi Amor # 59- The Prodigal Daughter Returns

Let's discuss:
  • Javier encourages Ara to move back home.
  • Bruno sends Gaby a cheerful balloon display encourage her to keep smiling through hard times.  Gaby tells Bruno that its inappropriate, but Bruno says that they are just friends.  Art lets Bruno know that its time to come to terms- he still loves Gaby
  • Isa dreamt that Ara returned home and she actually returns home.  Little dog and all, thank goodness.
  • The padre has a heart attack


PSMA (Por Siempre Mi Amor) Recap #58 (Really #'s 77 and 78)- Let's make it a drinking game, everytime Cuca blows a gasket, you take a swig!

AD and Isa are anxious about FeVer and 'Za who come home together. FeVer is rather smug but hospitable. AD and Isa explain about why BrunBrun is staying with them since 'Za states she saw his car out. Dena (my name for Almudena) and Bruno enter and FeVer turns on the charm towards Dena who introduces herself and Brun just gives a stale, "Que Tal." (kill them with kindness Brun.) The gang heads to eat dinner in the dining room.
Soni walks into the kitchen where Cuca is and she calls her name, thus startling our lovely MAID(en.) You startled me, my apologies, I just wanted to see my dad. It's pertaining to (cue) Marianela (who is walking into the room clad in a body hugging mint/pink dress, straightened hair and stilettos. PLEASE no Maricruz Olivares 2.0 with Borlas or Daniel as Oblivio. ) Cuca looks as if she has blown her gasket of the day in this episode but is thougthbubbling about how Soni is FINALLY going to talk with Gil. Soni (as if she can read minds) snaps her out of it and asks if Gil is home once again. Cuca responds with a no but they can wait in the dispatcho. They do so. Opp, Cuca has one more gasket to blow as she prays to God.
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Mentir Para Vivir #98 Tue 2/25/14 Breaking News! Ricky Turned Down SEX! Oh and Antonio Got Whacked.

Ricky and Mariano fist bump one last time.  Sorry, bro...I'm gonna have to "leave ya hangin this time'", says Mariano as he slowly drops his hand.  The heart monitor blares alerting the staff that the priest has flat-lined.  Ricky steps aside so the doctor can check Mariano’s carotid artery.  This makes sense because the flat-line noise is not proof enough that the priest has croaked.  The doctor tells Ricky that Mariano is a goner and makes no attempt to resuscitate him. 
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 75, Tues., 2/25/14: Metamorphosis

Tonight Rosario is transformed.  Some of us may see her cosmetic changes as unfortunate -- in a reversal of what happens in nature, the fragile elegance of this pale moth folds itself into a sturdy enveloping cocoon. 

Why does Rosario have to change her image to assume her new role? Alejandro believes she will be prouder of herself and others will respect her more now that her appearance reflects her wealth and status.  Is he right?  Maybe so.  Perhaps we are sentimentalizing something that, in Rosario's world, is a stigma. Why should her appearance continue to telegraph messages about race and class that make her more vulnerable than she needs to be? 
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #36... Nepo offers MA a job, MA and Emiliano bond more... Frida gets help from JT and then later realizes just what she escaped when she broke up with Tato

MA and Saul keep playing switched lawyer/customer in front of the late guy’s sec. Saul keeps MA in check, warning they have to be careful about reaching out too much, A-hole might find out he is in town.

A-hole at office angry about the board old hags that won’t name him President of the bizness. Adolfo comes in unannounced and asks A-hole if he is finally the big Cahoona… Not yet. Adolfo asks maybe MA is working on fulfilling the grandpa clause out there in Europe. Even if your cousin is a runaway he won’t lose the rights if he complies with the clause before A-hole. A-hole is now irritated/anxious that MA is in Italy and he can’t keep an eye on him. Vilma tries to say her 2 cents worth but to no avail. Adolfo gigles ‘bye!’

At Nepo’s stand, he is still nervous about the cousins still there, Gwendy calls that ‘jealousy’. Nepo did not like the face of Lupita during the event night. Gwendy says nepo is seeing enemies where there aren’t any. Nepo came up with an idea of keeping the enemy near… Diego Armando comes by and gets a fruit drink from them and leaves. Gwendy still very interested in hearing what Nepo is thinking to do.

Adolfo gets to the reason he is there, you have not transferred the money to my account yet. Adolfo asks A-hole for 10% extra as compensation for the delay and for having to take the risk to come back. A-hole assures him MA will be the only one to pay for it all. Adolfo not quite buying what A-hole is selling. He does not want to end up like MA hiding in Italy to avoid being arrested. Adolfo leaves and Vilma comes and A-hole says ‘the time to get rid of that one (Adolfo) has come’.

At JT’s room, Frida says she has to find a truck or pickup to return the equipment. JT says he will find it for her. Would do anything for you. She is leaving and he calls her back, she says Grnadma is waiting, but he won’t let her leave without a brief kiss.
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Mentir Para Vivir #97 Mon 2/24/14 A human life is a story told by God*

*I couldn’t think of a snarky title for this recap, so I chose this quote by Danish author and poet, Hans Christian Andersen. It seems appropriate, all things considered.

Oriana is hiding the copy of the CD in the cover of her luggage. She looks worried, but she has to dissimulate in front of Alina, who comes to talk about Tito needing a bath.

Jl takes a good look at his copy of the CD and then leaves the house. John is following him and as soon as JL notices, he stops his car and goes to John’s to threaten him with his gun: if he doesn’t stop the spying, he’s a dead man!

At Aresti Bretton Piero and Mariano try to make Ric see reason (part 253). Piero calls him a hysteric, doesn’t think that his relationship with Oriana will last if all he does is try to control her every move. Ric thinks he was on the right, because Oriana met with JL behind his back. When Piero tells him that Oriana and JL share a past and a child and they can’t stay out of contact, Ric reminds Piero of his failed marriage (which means that Piero is not the best when it comes to relationships). Piero gets upset (rightfully, in my opinion) and leaves.

Mariano tries to calm Ric, too, but then they talk about his relationship with Jacqui and how nothing physical really happened so far. Mariano explains that he spent all his life refraining his sexual needs, so now it’s very hard to act on them. Ric thinks that if he truly wants a family, Mariano needs to learn to listen to his instincts;but  if he only likes Jacqui in a platonic way, he should just tell her the truth and not let her get her hopes up.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #57 US 2/24/13 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? It's that Elephant Again.

This episode is a combination of Mexico's episodes 75 and 76. Deleted scenes are in italics. Some scenes have been combined.

Aranza ties to pretend that Javier isn't a big stinky problem.

Dafne brings Aranza's clothes and her dog to Javier's place. Aranza wants to know if it's true that Dafne is dating Esteban.
"Well, you're in love with Javier, right? So Esteban is free."
"I thought you weren't into him because he was poor. You always called him a loser and a fool."
"He's good looking. I wanted to tell you what was going on before you found out from someone else." Aranza protests that it isn't cool that Dafne broke the "woman's code" but Dafne counters with, "A woman has a right to change her mind." As Dafne leaves she turns and kisses Aranza's cheek. "You know I love you."

At Tita's, Mari is facing off with Borlas. He wants to know why Mari is involved with Daniel. She tells Borlas that Daniel is in love with her. And Borlas has failed her. Twice. He is involved with the wrong people and there will be no forgiveness from her.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #35- 2/24/14: It's A Hard Knock Life for the RP's Except For One That Is!

Hola Amiguis! I will try to make this recap short and sweet. Shall we begin?

OMGee the Stinky Suit has been retired! Yes, indeedy, half way through the Stinky Suit got taken off by MA. It is the 30th Day of this Stinky Suit and I hope MA pitched it! Or maybe not. We will have to see.

The Commandante is telling the Menchacas, that their money is probably long gone now. Nepo is still pithed no one got questioned!

Mini and Isela are plotting and planning as usual. Mini really thinks, from things she has overheard, that MA was framed for the fraud. Isela not so much. She wants Mini to not think of herself, but of Isela. Por favor! Besides, what kind of proof does Mini have. Well none, but she wants to find out where MA is in Italia. He could be in a number of cities, like Rome, Florence, Venice, etc.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 74. 02/24/14

Refugio tries calling Esme put gets her voice mail. He wants her to return.

Maria is glad Ale is back. She wants to say goodbye. She's leaving before she gets thrown out on her ear. Ale offers her money but where she's going it will not be needed. When Ale asks her what she means, he notices she has slit her wrists. She passes out as blood is dripping to the floor. Ale calls for re-enforcements. He tells Rosario to get bandages while Victor calls an ambulance.

Next day, Refugio has fallen asleep waiting for Esme's return. He tries calling her again but gets voice mail. He wants to make sure she is okay. He gets a call from Angie and tells her he is on his way.

Maria asks Ale why didn't he let her die? Ale says what she did was really stupid. Maria says she has no one else but him. You all are ready to throw me out on my ear. Where else will I go? I am alone. I have no one and don't want to live without you. I prefer to be dead. Ale advises Maria to rest and they will talk later. Ale sends Margarita to watch after Maria. Victor asks if he thinks Maria would try it again? Ale doesn't know but Maria is not well. Ale turns to his mother and says he doesn't know what to do. Rosario understands his anguish but believes what everyone else on the patio has been saying. She did it to get attention. Maria knows once you bring Montse and your son, she will have to go. Ale says she has no one in this world. Rosario understands but reminds him that Maria and Montse don't get along. Macario agrees. Maria will only get in between you again. Ale feels bad since he has known her all his life. Victor tells him to wait until she gets better. Ale tells Macario to fetch Dominga from the hacienda and bring her back. Macario will do it gladly. Ale also wants him to bring Padre Anselmo. He wants to baptize his son by the end of the week. He also says he wants to take advantage so that he and Montse can get married again. The reason they got divorced was to get rid of all the bad mojo. Now they want to get re-married to start fresh. Happy faces all around. Ale plans to visit Montse and invites Rosario to tag along. Rosario jumps at the chance to hold her grandson again.
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Monday, February 24, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of February 24, 2014

Camelia la Texana starts tomorrow and En Otra Piel is just finishing its first week. Avenida Brasil continues to impress although we are only getting 1 hour a day for last week and this week to allow for midday repeats of the new evening novelas. Over to you!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA -- week of February 24, 2014

Here's your page for the week. Enjoy!

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