Monday, August 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #107 8/13/12: Pregnancies, Pineapples, Percentages and a Horse's Patootie

El Refrito
In the words of Cap'n Sylvia:
E: “Ok, if you demand that I not marry Gael then I won’t, I swear on my mama’s memory. Well, tell me if you want me to dump Gael!”

Lo Nuevo

Paloma responds: I don't have to ask you that. Do what you think is right and I wish you both the best. *sob*

La Iglesia

Padre has changed his mind and will marry Gael and Elisa and give them his blessing. A friend convinced him to change his mind. Gael is overjoyed. Padre changes the subject to the fainting ING.

Harangue-o Parte I (I did some combining. We were all over La Ermita tonight.)

Dam had a lobotomy since the last time I watched (last Tuesday) and he's slurpy smoochy with Flor. Ick. Creepy Mom is creepy and stares at all this and smiles her creepy mom smile. Thank heaven Gweedo and Doc show up to put an end to it. Paolo knocked up Sabrina, she's gone and they're pithed! Fina is shocked!

Fina asks Flor if she knew Sabrina was pregnant. Flor is indignant and I hope Fina is suspicious. Meanwhile, the three protectors gang up on Paolo. Paolo swears he's in love with Sabrina. They don't believe him. He's been too sketchy and now Sabrina is missing.

Witch Mountain Interlude

Paloma snivels. Ramona tells her she'll survive and that Gael and Elisa were not meant for each other either and that destiny changes. Ramona asks her not to do anything stupid like drink sleepy death death herbs. 

The Former Hacienda of the now defunct Viuda Beltrán 
Chente breaks the lock and ushers the suspicious Sabrina in. He explains it belongs to his dad and she can hide there. Chente proudly explains who his real daddy is and how he was able to buy the hacienda with his awesome Pro Ce earnings. Suspicious Sabrina wonders when Paolo will arrive. Chente blathers on about Toña being Gab's girlfriend back in the day but he had to dump her 'cause she was a mere servant. Chente has a rich fantasy life and thinks he will inherit the Hacienda one day. When Sabrina starts to worry, Chente offers to go check on Paolo and find out if her family has figured out she left yet. When he gets to Harangue-o Toña tells him about all the goings on and Sabrina's pregnancy. Chente grabs a bag and a pineapple 'cause that's an easy food to prepare when you're on the lam. (QTH?)

La Quinta de la Naranja

Gab has arrived with another check and the contract. Guppy Lip's eyes begin to sparkle at the idea of a check. Then she sees the check and she finds the amount to be ridiculous. She wants to talk to the lawyer and tells him to come back later. Gab makes his move. He tells Guppy she could have all of the land if she stayed with him. She scoffs. He tells her he has his own properties and can give her all the luxuries she wants.  She throws him and his damn contract out. Gab likes it when she gets mad.

Blue House Interlude
Gael comes to call and asks why the hell ING hasn't left Gab yet. This is the third time he's tried to help. He offers to get her a house and help her pay. He tells her to get her stuff and let's go. Otherwise, he's not helping her. 

Iglesia Interlude

The archbishop approved Padre's request to let him stay for 6 more months. Elisa visits. She cries and repeats her list of woes. (We've heard it all before.) She's thrilled the Padre will marry them.

Lucio's House Parte I

He hands over el pagaré (promissory note) to Gael and tells him to give it to Elisa. He asks Gael not to tell Carmina. Lucio tells him to treat Elisa right.

Harngue-o Parte II
Flor gives Paolo hell and Gweedo backs her up. Doc is desperate to know where Sabrina is. Paolo swears he doesn't know. All he knows is she called early that morning, but Toña didn't want to wake him. Fina suggests that Doc call home.

Over at Doc's house Be-gone-ya is busy accusing Paloma and Ramona of stealing half of Sabrina's stuff. She is interrupted by Doc's call. When she explains about the "theft" Doc asks how she can be so stupid and tells her she's blind. Sabrina is pregnant and planned to run off with Paolo. Awesome scene!

Elisa and Curly Face off
It starts off nice enough. They both offer each other condolences for their recent loss. Then things get ugly. ING offers to give Elisa info about Carmina. Info Gab has been hiding for years. This reminds Elisa that Curly has been boinking Gab for a while and the girl gets rude. Curly tell Elisa she's missing a golden opportunity. Elisa tells her that to sleep with Gab, Curly must be cold-hearted and part snake herself. Curly leaves with the threat she might not be so forthcoming with info next time.

Lucio's House Parte II

Carmina visits Lucio, too. She had no one to turn to (acudir) She needs advice about the crappy price Augusto put on  Cielo Abierto. Though she understands that as his widow, she has to continue with the contract, she's not willing to sell it at that price. Lucio agrees it's a ridiculous price. Carmina hopes Augusto maybe mentioned to Lucio the price he wanted to sell for. Lucio tells her no. You know this beech is fishing for info because she starts yammering about how Elisa is all calm and hasn't even looked for the check. Carmina asks for his help, but he refuses. She's got to figure this out on her own. Carmina tells Lucio that she heard he went to see Gab about the situation. Lucio says he went on behalf of his god-daughter (ahijada.) He doesn't think it's fair what Carmina is doing to Elisa. Carmina says she's entitled to her percentage and Lucio thinks Elisa should at least fight for a fairer percentage. Lucio says Elisa can say that Carmina and Augusto were getting a divorce. Carmina tells him that didn't happen and she leaves in a snit. She wants her porcentaje, dammit!

La Quinta Interlude

Gael arrives with his little blue folder of joy for Elisa. Lolita tells him to take care of Elisa, too. Carmina arrives to dump water on everyone. She tells Gael to beware. A dream can quickly become a nightmare. One day you wake up and realize your mate is thinking of another. Gael says she must know this from experience.

Harangue-o Parte III

Paolo continues to insist he has no idea where Sabrina is. Fina butts in and tells him to at least (and I quote the CCs) "have the nuts" to tell the truth. He assured her he was going to run off with Sabrina. Doc flips: "You knew?!" Dam asks why she didn't say anything. Fina turns the blame on Doc and Be-gone-ya. Gweedo calms everyone down. Doc tells Paolo that as soon as Sabrina shows up, he's dragging her to the registro civil and there's gonna be a shot-gun wedding!!

Oh, this does not sit well with Paolo. He and Flor have a pow wow in la cocina and he tells her she better fake losin' that baby, 'cause honey...he ain't marryin' that estúpida.

Whining at La Quinta

Elisa whines about Paloma. She asks Gael if he did or said anything that would make Pal think they would be together forever. Gael says no and besides, he saw her kissing Enrique. Gael is stoopid. The most important part of this conversation is that Gael and Elisa now plan for Padre's last mass to be their wedding. Methinks there is a conflict.

The Cliffhanger

Be-gone-ya arrives at Casa Harangue-o and she is pithed. She goes straight to the house, but Enrique stays behind so she can yell at Dam about Paolo knocking up his sister. He also tells Dam he's no better since he knocked up Flor and had to marry her quick. Oh, and Elisa is marrying Gael.


Amor Bravío #1-2 (Uni 1) Mon 8/13/12 (Untamed Love) Series Premiere

Capitulos 1 & 2 (Mexican Broadcast Sequence): Nightmares Come True

Location Unknown: We see a beautiful bride running through a wood with blood on her gown and a handsome groom with blood on his vest running also through a wood. They appear to meet, as flamenco music plays in the background. Then they both wake and we realize that they are miles apart and were both having the same nightmare.
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Refugio Para el Amor #91 Mon 8/13/12 Of bad mothers continuing to try to control their children, of parallel and opposite scenes in different locations, and of young hunks singing 'you dropped a bomb on me'


Some young hunks in this show would prefer to be in Pearl Harbor Dec 1941 than in this novela tonight.

Max and Oscar: Max drops bomb on Oscar, Luci IS CL’s daughter.
Max changes subject and says he wants to see the videos from the German bank right away.

Lorenzo calls Luci, both have mixed feelings about her pregnancy but all in all, it’s a blessing. Lorenzo offers to come over if she needs anything. She needs him to come to the Pueblo, have something important to talk about.

CL sees the video with Barrera and…
At same time Max and Oscar are watching same video.

Rod and Gala arrive at event and are bombarded by photographers, the press asks Gala if this is a reconciliation, she won’t answer, Rod and Gala walk away. Rod seems happy/content with her… they toast to their friendship, but when she grabs sips champagne and takes a bite of the or’deur, she gags on it, Rod: R U ok? She feels sick. He notes she is pale. Promises they will leave if she feels more sick.

At SFeA, Luci at home reviewing her sketches. Paz pampers her cooking her cravings for her as a good mother should…

After eating, Luci still worried how Lorenzo will react (to the news of them not siblings). Paz says he will be confused at first but he won’t mind in the end. He will ask questions but what matters is that they are siblings. Galdino and Paz raised them both equally with the same love. Luci agrees. But for her, her a’pa is still Galdino. Her heart is with them, CL will understand. Paz gives her a grateful hug.

Lorenzo and Fabian… Lorenzo feels bad to leave Fabian alone with the business, have to go to SFeA. He wants to see Luci and family, even if have to travel all night, they do want to talk to him.

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Por ella soy Eva #20 8/13/12: WOW!

Haha, the big bos says I don't need your help, I enjoy the process of interviewing.

Juan flirts it up hilariously, get's his attention! You don't have the "profile" we're looking for. In comes his underage girlfriend, and Juan proceeds to show off his tourism knowledge! To no avail! Juan cries descrimination, has a little showdown! Eventually he gets thrown out, but he's still trying. Leopard-print bimbo keeps trying to throw him out, but he keeps fighting... he proves he knows more than all those bimbo "preciousnesses." The boss' fat sister happens by, prompting Juan to launch into another tirade, which this time reaches sympathetic ears! She thinks he should have a fair chance, and he rallies the ladies (igualdad, igualdad!)... As leopard-print bimbo looks on in horror.

Paty baby isn't helping Santiago.

Something happened to Lalito at school! Santiago teases her for leaving and being responsible. She should have called her mom! But Plutarco takes an interest, but is he sincerely concerned! Plutarco lets her use the chauffer! Turns out it was head lice. Gad, talk about fuss over nothing. The grumpy dad gave Plutarco an ugly look through the window.

Big boss makes out with Paola (his bimbo)... He wants to interview more girls, but there's a knock on the door! Juan pokes his head in first and gives him a quiet warning to clean off the lipstick on his fate. Sis follows, and Juan cleaves  to her for safety as he demands fair interviews! Something about the idea of having all the girls come in together to compare their genuine credentials scares the crap out of the boss and he slams the door shut to let Juan skip the line!

Helena's mean dad calls her a cualquiera, and basically wants her out of Lalito's life! He's got some serious bug of evil up his butt!

Eva impresses with her knowledge on ecotourism! The interview scene is the funniest thing I've seen on Univision! Eva finally gets the job by saying "I'm willing do do whatever is necessary to be a success at this job!" with a mischievous wink. I think the boss is a little smitten!

Juan celebrates the victory with his makeup buddy, and does admit that the machismo he was part of is a problem. He gets a quick lecture and then decides to do his own make up and hit the town to beat up some chauvinists!

Paty baby has foolishly given Santiago another chance. She makes him propose again!

Plutarco's wife, sitting on a vibrating platform (crazy weight loss solution?) and sweating a lot, tells Plutarco about Eva. He resumes trying to kill her with fatty foods. He orders 4 pizzas, despite her protesting! This is a rather grotesque turn of events!

Eva appears to be spying on Lalito... While still in character. He sees Grandpa bringing Lalito home right before Helena. Has gramps been making the boy work?

Haha, Juan is getting better at his makeup. He's doing it like a pro, now!

Making whoopie with his leopard-print bimbo in the closet, Plutarcho drops some plot points about Diego, a social climber and seducer who will soon come to Grupo Imperial.

Juan wastes no time in sneaking into Plutarco's office, rummaging around in the audit information. He shows us what boxers under panty hose looks like and getting a high heel stuck in his skirt! On his way out, he bumps heads (several times) with Helena, just like their first meeting, and they lock eyes significantly!


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #84-88 Aug. 13-17

Today I head back to work full-time (*sob*) so I won't be able to get the recap done until much later this evening. Since the prime time recaps will probably already be up by that time, I'm scheduling this post to publish at it's usual time so as not to take up any homepage space later. I'll put today's recap in the comments.

Feel free to discuss today's happenings. (In other words: forewarn me if EWM and Horny do something awful.)

If anyone wants to give recapping a try let me know. This is a good show to get your feet wet as we are a smaller group. Blue Lass describes it perfectly: All we really need are pithy bullets. :-)

I will probably be limiting my vocabulary additions to the week-ends, but I love when y'all add your words to the comments. I'll add them to the list.

I'll leave you with some new compounds I picked up this week-end:

  • el/la mandamás : bigwig; big boss
  • el santocampo: cemetery
  • contrarreloj: timed 
  • a contrarreloj: against the clock


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Wed. Recapping Spot Still Open for Amor Bravio

Please let Melinama or me know if you're interested in giving it a shot!  Thanks!

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #90 Fri 8/10/12 The Jury’s Still Out…Is It a Colombian Bug or a Torreslanda Bun That Gala’s Got in Her Oven?

Luci Comes to Terms with Being a Mama and Having Two Mamas
-Pretty in pink mama-to-be Luci, holds the little pink outfit her Mama Aurora picked out for her before she died. Luci asks her Ama Paz what her Mama Aurora was like (como era ella?). Was she as pretty as she is in the photo? Paz says she was even more so—she was lovely, with fair skin, black hair like Luci’s, and huge eyes like Luci’s. She was good and lovely, just like Luci. This makes Luci smile and she gives her Ama a big hug.
-Luci goes to her room and talks to God, while caressing her baby clothes. The baby news has sunk in and she’s both crying and smiling as she rubs her belly and says this baby is the product of her and Rod’s love—a love they never thought would end. She speaks to the baby directly, looking at the little pink top, saying s/he will be the proof of that great love which will never die within her. Her/his papa was the greatest gift life has given her. Her mushashon. She’s going to dedicate herself to her baby and making him/her happy and safe. The baby will be her life’s meaning (el motor de mi vida).
-Later, she sits in the living room looking content. Now that she’s come to terms with being knocked up, she’s floating on Cloud 9 and now has no problem with the workers Don Aquiles sent over, who are busily patching and painting the walls.
-That afternoon, Luci, Paz and Magda are on their way back from buying ceramics supplies, when Ariche comes to greet them. He left school as soon as he could to help them with the house. Luci tells him she has some good news to tell him (I’m thinking he’ll be an excellent babysitter), but heads to Don Serapio’s with Paz to call Lorenzo first. Luci is stand up impactada when Estelita tells her CL told her AND Mati that she might be pregnant. (That’s not exactly the way it happened…but ok.) Luci begs her not to tell Lorenzo (oops!), and to have him call them back. Estelita knows she messed up big time. Luci tells Paz that Mati knows, which surely means that Rosa knows! Duhn, duhn, duhn!!!

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Weekend Discussion: Fabulous Novela Weddings, continued

The Wedding Album, Volume II

Oh, how I sometimes wish we could go back to some true golden oldies, but it seems that in recent television seasons each wedding planner at Televisa or Telemundo (i.e., wardrobe consultant and production designer) tries to outdo the last production. I'd love to know whether novela weddings set the style for the brides of the following year. We start with three family affair weddings:
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Por ella soy Eva #19 8/10/12: Boy, You'll Be A Woman Soon

(In honor of Neil Diamond, who got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame today.)

The young man wanted to go to the big travel agency like all the other girls to see the great executiva, but he knew he couldn't go there looking like Fidel Castro. Along came his fairy godmother with a big tub of wax and some hose and a wig and a matched set of buns and falsies. Read more »


El Mundo de Telemundo - Week of August 13 - Discuss among yourselves

¡Hola á todos! Another week for discussion of our Telemundo novelas! Take it away.

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Abismo de pasión #106 8/9/12: With friends like Elisa...

...who needs enemies? But more on this later.

Alternate title: No man is worth this. (Ramona to Paloma, but use it wherever you see fit, and feel free to change genders around.) T-shirts with this printed on them will be distributed to the rowdy feministas vowing venganza out on the patio.

Judging by the Avances and checking the schedule it looks like there is no Abismo tomorrow (Friday) night. Check your own stations to be sure.

Let’s see, where were we? Oh right, “Paloma is DYING!!!!!”, shrieks Ramona. Enrique grabs Pal, Sabrina calls dad and Begoña has turned into a white-faced screaming zombie.

Dam delivers the crumpled documents to Lucio so Elisa can have her tierras back. Dam also wants Elisa to keep his money and he knows Lucio the Lion will come up with a suitable fib to keep her in the dark about Dam’s involvement. Elisa is all alone and needs it now more than ever. Correction, growls Lucio, Elisa’s got me, Dolores and GAEL. Ouch.
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Thursday, August 09, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #89 Thu 8/9/12 Heard It From A Friend Who, Heard It From A Friend Who, Heard It From Another, Luci is Having a Baby.*

Estalita's Apartment:

We start tonight's episode with a meeting of the ladies, that would be Estalita, Vio, Serena, Ofelia and little Marianita. Vio is telling the ladies all about that bruja Flor in the park and about having her children with her! Vio feels very bad that Flor confronted her in front of the children, but unfortunetly Vio is still much in lurvve with Marcial. Ofelia tells Vio it is obvious that Marcial no longer loves Flor and besides Flor can't force Marcial to love her. Vio says she will never be with Marcial cause she just cannot take him away from his children.
Ofelia is going to call Mati for a job, oh, the horror, run Ofelia don't go there, and Estalita tells the assembled girls she talked to Claudio Linares ,who told her, wait for it, Luci is expecting a bebe. Vio is stunned.

Het Het:

Luci is lost in thought while Paz, Copio, Magda and Ariche move stuff into Paz's house, and Dona Luchita is of course "supervising" lol. Luci is still staring at Rod's picture. She puts it back in her wallet and cries.

Now we have Dona Luchita in a huff coming to see Don A. Dona Luchita is giving Don A hell for leaving Paz's house, where the Palomita lives, in such a mess. Dona Luchita wants Don A to help the ladies out, after all he got all that money. He dismisses her with a wave of his hand.

Don A must have listened to Dona Luchita cause guess who goes to visit Paz, anyone, that's right, Don A. Luci and Paz say oh, here he comes again! Luci tells Don A you promised not to bother us. Don A tells them, Magda is there too, that he heard the gossip about them needing some help, he promised Lic Linares he would help Luci anyway he could, and he is "loaning" them Barbosa for anything they need done. Barbosa just stands there as Don A leaves and the women are stunned. Don A comes back in and tells Barbosa he meant first thing in the morning and grabs him and goes, lol. Luci starts in that she absolutely, positively wants NO help from Don A, but Paz for once says au contraire, we could use all the help we can get, look at this place it is such a hot mess. Luci is still pithed cause she doesn't want his help, and Paz is looking at her funny, but Luci is still thinking of Mushashon.

Magda tells Paz and Luci she is going out to get some food. (Ed Note: I am a foodie and couldn't understand what Magda was going to get, it sounded like cocoalitas, if you know please comment, it looked yummy). Oh, Luci wants some of that, and Paz and Magda are giving Luci a knowing look. Paz wants to go with, but Magda tells her to stay with Luci and she'll be back quickly. After Magda goes, Luci tells Paz she has been thinking about what Don A said about the help and now she is all for it, it would be better. Paz looks at Luci funny and agrees (it's the hormones). Paz says they need all the help they can get. Paz is thinking it is time for Lorenzo to know that Luci is Claudio's. She feels Lorenzo is strong enough to hear it. Luci wants Lorenzo to know too, but what will he think? Paz says the same with you Luci, you need to go to the clinic in the morning and find out if you are having a baby. Paz tells her, in this house there are no secrets, and Luci agrees to go to the clinic tomorrow.

Don A is having a meeting with Barboso. And he tells Barbosa he will do everything he can to help Paz and her family, whatever Paz wants Barboso will do. He says si senor! Copio has come in to see Don A and gives Barboso the humph sound, lol. Copio does a good imitation of Don A, and kicks Barboso out the door and slams it shut. Don A is laughing. Don A says he wants to consult with Copio, he wants to know exactly what went on when Rod came to Het Het to see Luci and why he left. He wants to know everything. Why Rod left, why Luci stayed and what's the rush with fixing the house. Don A will even pay Copio for the info. Well Copio is insulted, he'll do it for free, impressario to impressario! Don A is laughing a takes a shot of tequila.

Magda has returned with that yummy food. The ladies want Luci to eat a little more, and Luci agrees, but says she isn't sure if she is having a baby. Paz says of course you are. She advises Luci to be calm and leave it all in Dios' hands. Luci says she will go in the morning. Luci remembers about the time that she was with Rod, on their honeymoon trip, when they had just delivered that baby, and they were talking about the many children they were going to have. Luci says it was all a dream. Paz and Magda once again urge her to go to the doc in the morning. Paz remarks to Luci that because of divine justice, Claudio found out his daughter is alive and now that daughter is having a child, his grandchild. Luci says oh yeah, but it will also have the blood of the Torreslandas!

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Por ella soy Eva #18 Thurs. 8/9/12: Being a Woman is Hard Work.

Thank you, Ithabill, for writing the recap for tonight's show.

At the big colorful table Adriano welcomes Helena to Grupo Imperio, but lets her know she's there because Plutarco vouches for her. Mutt and Jeff are assigned to work for her. Everyone leaves, and Mutt and Jeff give Helena a hard time about working for the company she claims stole her project. They tell her, "What starts bad, ends bad." In Adriano's office, Toni tells her brother that Helena appears decent and professional. Adriano is not convinced. One of his bimbos calls about the job he promised her, and Adriano excuses himself telling Toni it's his dentist on the line. She sneaks a chocolate.

Marcela shows Helena her new office and is the first person to be nice to her. Helena asks whose office it was and hears it was JC's. On the desk she finds the memory box she gave him, caresses it, and remembers. She cries.

Mimi bursts into Grupo Imperio and hugs Marcela (who she's never met) for the loss of JC. Her pretext for being there is that she owns a travel agency, but she's really on a fact-finding mission. Adriano walks in the hallway and Mimi addresses him Hola, machote (Hello, stud). She's obviously struck by him, and he's so flustered by her attention he walks into the elevator door. JC steps off the elevator- in his Fidel Castro disguise- and Mimi urgently shoos him away. She later scolds him for taking the risk of showing up there where he's supposed to be dead.

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Por Ella Recappers: We Must Get Organized!

So we have TWO recaps for last night and almost a third. And nobody on for tonight, so I'll do tonight, since I was away earlier this week. According to our schedule, Julie will be doing Friday... ... and next week we should be back to our schedule as shown on the sidebar, that is: Me on Monday Ezra on Tuesday JPCruzer on Wednesday (we thought you were still at guitar camp, Jim!) we have nobody on Thursday unless somebody wants to volunteer Julie on Friday. Comments? Let me know.


Por ella soy Eva #17b 8/8/12

We begin with Juan Carlos and Mimi chatting.  Mimi is telling him about her friend, Peggy Sue, who was pretty sad regarding the death of her love....Juan Carlos Caballero.  Well…the secret is out!

Juan Carlos is scared when Mimi finds out who he is.  He begs her not to turn him in, and the suspense builds.  Of course she won’t turn him in because he is the son of Eugenia Mistral…famous actress.  According to Mimi, she was in a novella with Eugenia and actually was her makeup artist.  They continue to talk and commiserate.  I guess at one time in her life, Mimi had also been accused of something she didn’t do.  They become friends and allies.

It is also the day of Santiago’s wedding,  Fernando and family are getting ready to go.  We meet Jennifer and Kevin, Fernando and Marcela’s teenagers.

We go back to JC and Mimi, and he pours out his heart to her.  He regrets everything he did because he knows he fell in love with Elena.

Mimi tries to comfort him.  JC is uncertain of what he’s going to do.  Mimi has a bit of a mischievous side to her.  She’s going to help her new friend in some crazy schemes.

JC wants to attend Santiago’s wedding.  Mimi helps him find a disguise.  They continue to talk, and she continues to cheer him up.  She makes him dance and sing and be in harmony with life.  These two will be a funny pair of friends.

Now we get to perhaps the funniest scene of tonight’s episode.  What a mistake on Helena’s part!  She tries helping Lucia by going to what they thought was Sebastian’s wedding.  It was actually Santiago’s wedding.  Helena stops the wedding and begins saying all of this stuff about Santiago, thinking that he’s Sebastian.  Lucia’s very embarrassed, Santiago is wondering who the crazy lady is that is defaming him, the crowd has no idea how to react except for being shocked, and Helena tries to fix things, embarrassing herself even more.  I needed a good laugh!

Helena lets Lucia have it when they leave the wedding and asks how she could have been so distracted and gotten the wrong wedding and church.  They look at the invitation, fight some more, and then realize that the invitation was from JC’s friend and was directed to JC.  Of course, this makes Helena think of JC and get angry all over again.  Another funny scene.

At the wedding, we meet Angelica, who is Santiago’s x-girlfriend who came to stir things up.  She did, making Santiago doubt his love for Patricia.  Oh man!

Meanwhile, Plutarco and Onesimo are at Playa Majagua, and Plutarco is not making a good impression on anyone.  Basically, he’s told that people around that area won’t deal with anyone who isn’t Helena Moreno.  Plutarco continues striking out with these folks.  If he’s not careful and leaves, he liable to be lynched!  They all have his number.

Fernando and Santiago talk, and Fernando asks if Helena seemed at all familiar to Santiago.  He can’t really think about that at that time because he is too busy deciding whether he wants to marry Patricia.  Does he love her or Angelica?  Patricia takes care of Santiago by coming out and letting him have it, with hits and all!  No wedding for Santiago.

JC and Mimi go back home after attending Santiago’s wedding.  She stops him from getting close to the love of his life.  Poor guy.  He’s miserable.  Mimi has a plan for him to feel a little bit better.  She has him call Helena in order to listen to her voice and then hang up on her.  Childish.  He doesn’t feel better.

Santiago is also down in the dumps and confused.  He goes to Angelica’s to let her have it.  We learn why they broke up…infidelity on Angelica’s part.  She knows how to push his buttons and make him fall right back into lust for her.  Right then, Patricia calls, and he’s squirming.

At the Contreras household, it’s morning, and we have a scene where the teenagers are being teenagers, Fernando is freaking out because Jennifer has makeup on to impress her boyfriend, and Marcela is trying to keep peace in her home.
We also see how Fernando doesn’t like it when Marcela tries to give him ideas regarding his job.  He’s the man of the house…the one who works and has a macho attitude regarding work and family.

We next see Helena and Lalito having breakfast.  She’s playing with her son, and Eduardo doesn’t like that one bit.  She lets Helena know it and reminds her of her debt.  Silvia tries to keep peace in the family.

At the office, Plutarco and Onesimo talk.  Plutarco has a scheme cooking.  He wants to hire Helena to work on the project, since he knows that’s the only way the people at Playa Majagua will deal with Grupo Imperio.  Hmmm.  He actually has the audacity to call Helena, offering her a job whenever she’s ready to start working.  She’s stunned!  She’s unhappy because she’s being offered a job by the company that stole her project.  Silvia convinces Helena to at least consider the offer and to think about her family, especially Lalo.

We have another scene with Angelica and Santiago.  Nothing too important.  Lucia agrees with Silvia.  Helena is about to capitulate.  She has an idea.  If she goes back to work, she can find out who did her wrong!  She calls, and Plutarco asks to meet with her at a café to talk business.

At Mimi’s house, JC is quite depressed.  Mimi makes a deal with him.  If he eats his breakfast and cheers up, she’ll find out how Helena is doing and report back to him.  He likes that idea.

At the business meeting, Plutarco is able to manipulate the situation and get Helena to accept the job offer.  Helena is quite skeptical, but she goes for it.  Of course she does.  That’s where this story takes a new turn.

Now we have a scene with Santiago and a dramatic Patricia.  Both of these gals are too weird.

Mimi makes a trip to what used to be Helena’s and Lucia’s travel agency and begins asking Lucia questions.  Lucia, being the loquacious person she is, tells it all, in her own convoluted way.  Mimi finds out that Helena is about to accept a job at Grupo Imperio and lets JC know.  Now, the dynamic duo of

Mimi and JC want to know more and come up with a plan to disguise JC and make their way to Grupo Imperio to find out more about Helena.  At first, they stop by her house, and Eduardo lets Mimi know that Helena no longer lives there.  Worry.

At Grupo Imperio, Plutarco introduces everyone to Helena.  At that point, Adriano walks into the meeting and is furious and almost kicks Helena out of the company.  Plutarco asks to speak with Adriano privately and ends up convincing Adriano to give Helena a chance.  After all, she’s the only person who knows the project and who could make it work.  Plutarco isn’t dumb.

While Plutarco, Antonia, and Adriano talk, the rest of the folks (except for Marcela) give Helena a bunch of grief for being a woman and for wanting to work at Grupo Imperio.  Marcela comes to Helena’s defense.

This is going to be a story where we guys will learn about the power and capabilities of a prepared and competent woman.  It will also be a story of how the hero of this story learns quite a bit about human beings, especially the opposite sex.  Always good for us guys to learn a bit, huh?

Anyway, tomorrow, we find out Adriano’s answer to whether or not Helena stays.  We are very close to meeting Eva Jaramillo.


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Abismo de pasión #105 8/8/12: Some lessons to learn for some of our characters... and Many of us leave Dam's table for being a sell-out

 Recap by Marta!!

To Gael/Elisa: No worse deaf than he/she who does not want to listen…
Paloma upset at finding Elisa and Gael. I’m burying only friend I had in life… (would be easier for Coyote to finally trap the roadrunner than get Paloma to listen to Elisa/Gael now, crystal clear what she saw, she leaves upset)
G: You are not really taking anything away from her. She knows I have loved you always.
E: But I cant stay still, knowing she is suffering on my account.
G: Don’t tell me you want to cancel on Paloma’s account.
E: I thought Paloma would understand you are my only hope in life.
G: What I want YOU to understand is you are the only hope I have to be happy in life.

To Gael/Elisa/Lucio/Maru: Next time check before you spend days trying to prevent someone from leaving town…

Elisa and Gael at Lucio’s. Elisa is about to Lucio that she and Gael will get married. But Padre Loopy arrives to interrupt her.  Loopy says they don’t need to do it (take the signatures to bishop). He has to go, it is his duty. God knows what he does. And if at this time to change landscape, then he will. Priests don’t belong anywhere, we are servants of God who need to follow our calling wherever.  Padre grabs the papers… Elisa insists they will go see the bishop. Loopy says the ones who don’t get it are you. I DO want to leave and that’s final. He takes the signature papers.  Gael sad, Elisa seems not quite given up yet.  Loopy leaves and Maru gets home.
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Refugio Para el Amor #88 Wed 8/8/12 It's Time To Party, But Not Everyone is in The Mood

Recap by Anita

Lo del anterior
Patricio and Matilde are talking in his room.  Pato wants her to ask her sister Estelita if there is any news of Luciana.  He doesn’t know Rod went after her.  Roselena walks in and hears the tail end.  She goes off on him.  Luci’s name was never to be mentioned again in this house.  He wants to know why she is surprised that he would want to hear about Luciana.  Even though she is no longer part of the family, he’s going to continue to seek her out.  Roselena dismisses Mati and this time tells her to shut the door.

She recognizes that he is an adult [really?] and she can’t pick his friends for him [really?] and she can’t stop him from chasing after Luciana [maybe not], but she wants him to remember that it was thanks to Luciana that she got “sick.”  Mamá demands an answer to her trick question,  “What’s more important to you, Luci or my health?”   Pato calls her bluff reminding her how she hurt the people that he most loves, then turns his back on her and rolls to the other side of the room.

In Het Het
Don A. talks to his dead vampire bat head trophy [it’s probably a rabid wolf, but in any case it’s a bad taxidermy job] on the wall.  He can’t figure out why after watering his little flower, another gardener just comes in and swipes her away right from under his nose.  He wants an answer to another trick question, “If she [Luci] has a husband, why isn’t he here?”

The two Het Het Chisme Twins follow Luci down the street, trying to catch up and talk to her at the same time.  They want to know if she going to take the call from the Licenciado, ese.  She stops them short and runs off around the corner.  They claim she’s changed, the city has changed her, she’s no longer the country girl she once was.

Luci arrives at Telephone Central.  She asks about Don Serapio.  Procopio says he’s getting better.  Claudio Linares calls back.  Luci tells him about winning the ceramics prize and getting orders for more pieces.  Claudio tells her that he’s coming to see her in a few days.  Is there anything she needs?  She avers that it’s hard to find certain pigments there.  Claudio says he’ll call her back tomorrow morning when she knows which colors she wants.  She tells him she won’t be home in the morning.  Instead of stopping there, she lets him know that she will be at the clinic in the morning with her a-ma.  Luci realizes a minute too late that she’s made a BIG ooopsie.  Claudio wants to know if she’s ill.  She tells him no.  Instead of stopping there, Luci, being Luci, can’t lie.  She tells him there’s a very tiny remote slight possibility that she’s expecting un bebé.  A baby, an astonished Claudio replies.  Well, not certain, not for sure.  Then what makes her think so?  Magda and Paz say they can see it in her eyes.  But then that’s the way things are determined there.  He want to be sure everything is ok and to call him after the tests are done.

At home, Luci tells her mother that, if the test is positive, Claudio wants the three of them, Luci, Paz and Baby, to come to D.F. to live together.  Paz says she wouldn’t feel comfortable there; her  place is here in S. Francisco el Alto, but if she wants to go and be with her father and lack for nothing, nothing should keep her here.  Luci says her place is here, too.  Then she gets nauseous from the odor of the tomatoes.  Magda and Paz give each other a knowing look.

In the Web of the Black Spider(woman)
Gala holds the pregnancy test.  She cogitates.  Is she or isn’t she going to take the test.  She hesitates.  She goes for it.  She sets it up.  She aims, she scores—nope, it’s negative.  [It’s hard to tell if she’s relieved or disappointed—either have extreme ramifications.]   Julie has arrived to share the results.  She seems genuinely disappointed she’s not going to become a grandmamá [haha].  It’s only been a couple of days, after all, there’s still time, time to try again (with The Rod) to get some positive results.

Gala is getting ready to crash the Torreslanda family gathering.  The City Chisme Twins arrive.  Gala’s excuse to show up is that she has a present for Roselena that she brought all the way from Colombia (proving that she’d actually been there).  The real reason, of course is to nuzzle up to Rod Her Bod Now.  She tells the Twins to go ahead—she wants it to seem as though she’s just popping in and doesn’t want anyone to figure out it was all carefully planned ahead of time.

The Cosmic Bed
Oscar and Conny wake up in the same bed to greet a beautiful day with birds chirping in the background.  Oscar leans over and kisses Conny and strokes her face.  They both have that lovely morning-after glow of two contented individuals who have known the intimacies of the cosmic bed (gracias, Isabel Cordero).  There is pretty music in the background while Oscar offers coffee for a queen.  They are beginning to learn some useful personal things about each other—they both like their coffee black.

A little later, they are both up and dressed, suitcases ready to roll.  Oscar thanks Conny for a spectacular night.  Between amorous kisses, he tells Conny he’s so in love with her.  She with him.  Oscar wants to unpack and spend another night.  Conny puts the damper on his ardor.  They both have to work tomorrow.

The Torreslanda Estate
Frigida Brigida is still complaining about setting up for the al fresco Sunday family-style get-together.  She wants Genaro to get busy and fire up the grill.  Hanna is boasting to Melissa & Lula about the menu.  Everything is going to be grilled (but she hasn’t mentioned the tacos that are coming.)  Pato arrives and the chit chat is kept very general.

Boris arrives.  He wants a chance to talk to Rosa before she sees him and runs him off.  Rod arrives for the repast “en famille” and praises Hanna for her organizational skills.  She says it’s great to be doing this now that everyone is together again, well, except for Tía Conny.  Pato, very calculatingly states that it’s only Luci who is missing.  That curbs everyone’s enthusiasm.  What a way to ruin the moment.  [Pato was probably taking notes on who looked the most uncomfortable.  Naturally, it was Rod.]  He knows darn well that Mama Rosa just admonished him about not mentioning Luci’s name again in this house.  Maybe he can claim it was a technicality, since they were all outside the house.

Lorenzo and Fabian have arrived at the Torreslanda gate with the tacos.  The security guard remembers them, but won’t let them in and goes to fetch Frigida. 

Meanwhile, Max, Gabriel and Marco have joined the party under the canopy; the fiancées are late—the boys say, you know how girls are, they need time to get ready.  They decided not to argue with them and if they want to be late, let them be late.  Roselena arrives.  Boris sees his chance to receive absolution from Santissima Rosa for his bedroom transgression and approaches her.  He receives absolution and her blessing to return whenever there are other people in the house.

Frigida won’t let the tacos nor the taco carriers through the gate and tells them to begone.  Neither he nor his sister Luciana are welcome in this house.  Lorenzo protests that he’s just making the delivery that Hanna requested.  Frigida could care less—it’s not her problem.  From somewhere in the back, Hanna comes running to save the day and the tacos.  The gates are opened, she takes a reluctant Lorenzo by the hand and leads him onto the grounds, much to Boris’ distaste.  For Frigida it’s another lost opportunity to stick it a poor muerto de hambre, but she’s going to keep an eye on him because for sure he is a ratero (pickpocket).

Pato sees Lorenzo first, then Rod.  Hanna introduces Lorenzo to Max as Luciana’s brother.  Everybody welcomes the pair, asking about the tacos de canasta.  Rosa appears  wanting to know what this “tipo” is doing here.  Hanna speaks up, this is Lorenzo, she invited him.  He’s the guy that sells tacos outside the Tiendita de la Colonia.  Doesn’t she remember him?  Roselena says she didn’t ask what his name was, she wants to know what he is doing here.  Max says, what’s the problem?  Everybody loves tacos.  Boris is getting steamed, but not by the heat of the grill.  He wants to know if Hanna is going to take Lorenzo by the hand in order to eat his tacos?

Lorenzo doesn’t want to stay although he’s been invited to stay and serve the tacos.  They just want to get paid and leave.  Rod gets his billfold out.  What he really wants to know is how Luciana is (even though he just saw her yesterday).  He doesn’t know how much the tacos were and tries to give Lor more than the 300 pesos for the 100 tacos.  He tries to get Lor to keep it all.  Lorenzo doesn’t want it.  Dicho:  El dinero no se regala; el amor sí, pero el dinero no (Money isn’t given away; love yes, but money no).  Rod tries to justify it by saying that if they stay and serve, that’s more money for them.  Lorenzo says he doesn’t want to be here, not even in dreams, after what they did to Luciana.  They are only there because Hanna requested an order from them.  So, he hands the bill back to Rodrigo and Rod fishes out the right change.

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Por ella soy Eva #17a 8/8/12: I'm Back from Canada, and Juan is OUT!

Wow, after a week in Canada I jump back in with a busy beginning . . . A lightly battered Juan is taken in by a makeup artist, who dresses him up to sneak him in his bud's wedding. He also beats himself up a bit for being such a twit to Helena.

Cut to the marriage, with Juan sitting in the back as a soberly dressed old dude (the friend did a pretty good job) sitting with his friend, who stands out in her sequined cowboy hat. Anyway, when the priest asks if anyone objects,

She got Sebastian and Santiago mixed up! Crashed the wrong wedding! Great OOOPS moment! but on the program helena sees Juan's name!

Now, another woman barges in to say this bastard tricked me! but he actually knows this one! She's dressed quite garishly! Then he runs away!

The bad guys on the beach are pleased about their coup, and happily stroll along a beach. At playa Majagua, but they won't make any business without the woman who's idea it actually was. Plutarco slips the mayordomo a bribe. However, the man throws the money in the sand, and all the locals form up to shout the badguys down w/ "HELENA, HELENA" They realize he stole the idea!

Santiago wishes Juan were there - he'd tell me what to do. Paty baby was the perfect girlfriend, but he wasn't so sure anymore when he saw the morena. Paty gave him a big 'ol slap and a half.

The makeup friend listens to Juan mope a bit. She encourages him to call her up, listen to her say "hello," and then hang up. Which does not actually seem like good advice, but he does it anyway.

Angelica is waiting around in her lingerie, having correctly foreseen the arrival of a drunken and desperate Santiago. She calmly counts to three as Santiago desperately slams on her door screaming her name. She gets what she wants from him, undressing him as he miserably answers his phone (it's the fiancee, of course). Seriously, this dude is in no position to marry anybody.

We have some domestic scenes at the home of Juan's mustache-d  bud. Weird!

Helena visits her son at her parents' house. Her dad is as mean as ever, reminding her that she owes him the money and maybe put her to work!

Plutarco is moping about how honest the folk of Majagua are. If they'd just taken the bribe, this would've been so much easier! He looks at a sexy photo of Helena and gets an idea. Hmmm... Also, he asserts to his flunky that the project is HIS, not hers.

Side note - I really enjoy the new transition scenes of Juan getting into his drag.

A totally terrified Santiago wakes up in Angelica's love nest and stumbles out in emotional shambles that match his physical state!

Plutarco calls to... offer Helena her job back! Her mom says she should do it - think of Lalo!

Friend to Juan: You need to quit starving yourself! If you will just eat these molletes I promise to go find out something about Helena.

Helena's friend wants her to take the job offer. He calls her, and she agrees to meet him at a cafe to discuss it. He lies a lot, especially the part where he says he respects the value of intelligent women, and she agrees to come back to work there. When she shakes his hand, I get a real bad feeling about this.

Santiago's girl enters his apartment, sees him in his crumpled disarray, and yells and cries. He's a wreck, honey, leave him in the dust!

HAHA see him freak out when he sees Helena in the boardroom. Really, everyone flips, except Plutarco, who has his sneaky-cat look going full-bore. The boss (his brother-in-law) is the most mad, calls Plutarco into his office for a "damn good explanation" why the woman who led the woman-workers' revolt is back to work.

Juan's makeup bud gets a lot of info out of Helena's friend, and comes back and lets Juan know that she's working at Grupo Imperial now! They go out together (him in sunglasses) for a closer investigation, but... Helena's dad is a total ass and tells her that Helena is DEAD!

In "the Chif's" office, Plutarco struggles to explain why this woman is indispensable to a project that he himself came up with... He changes the story up a bit.


Abismo de pasión #104 8/7/12: Musings on the Minimal Happenings

Abismo de Pasion - Musings On the Nature and Character of Some of Our Characters and on the Minimal Happenings of Capitulo # 104

Gabino and a Possible Mendoza Momzer Ancestor

Now Gabino Mendoza is a momzer and no mistake, even if he does lay claim to an old and honored Basque name. Being Basque would explain Gabino’s blonde hair and blue eyes but so would Salvador Zerboni’s undoubted acting skills, so there is no figuring out that puzzle. There are a lot of Mendozas in Yucatan State, and no wonder. Hernan Cortes and his conquistador thugs came through the Yucatan in 1519-20, and among them was one Alonso de Mendoza. We have no reason to think that Sr. A. Mendoza spared the local maidens his attentions—and he might have left genetic evidence of such. A. Mendoza went on to make mischief all the way through Mexico, Peru and Bolivia before he came to a bad end in an indigenous people’s uprising outside Potosi, Bolivia, the largest silver mine in the world.  The wealth of nations was mined at Potosi, on the backs and at the cost of the lives of tens of thousands of native persons. Such wealth, such power, attracted men like Mendoza like honey attracts bears. Over time ancestor Mendoza gained a reputation for meddling in power politics until he found himself sent out to the wilds of Bolivia, where he was tasked with founding the city of La Paz, on the site of a perfectly good indigenous town that had been there for centuries. For his sins, he was commemorated with bronze statues and monuments erected in various parks and cities in Spain, Mexico, Peru and Bolivia. As recently as 2010, the wise city fathers of Madrid named a train station after him. I suspect Gabino the momzer is very, very proud of his ancestor Alonso the momzer,  preserved forever in bronze in the Plaza Central in La Paz. Or Gabino would be, he really would be—if he wuz real.

Paloma the Dove Gets Shot Out of the Sky

Gabino has a natural daughter, Paloma, but for all that she may be a Mendoza by blood, her character is not at all like her father’s. While Gabino is all about power, Paloma is all about love. Paloma’s greatest claim to infamy may be that her mug is likely plastered all over Mexican Employment offices with a bold-faced warning stamped below in ALL CAPS, ‘DO NO HIRE THIS WOMAN’!  Paloma’s romantic worldview and extreme immaturity have caused her to leave her post as receptionist for Dr. Edmundo Tovar for the flimsiest of excuses—her girlfriend needs her, she is upset, she is sad, she has a hangnail—but her heart is in the right place.  Paloma believes in fairy tales, and prince charming and best friends.  In fact, she met Prince Charming in the form of older orphan boy Gael when she was just a little girl.

Tonight Paloma got her heart broken, and her dreams of Prince Charming and Best Friends got shot right out of the rosy tinted sunset, because when she wandered by Casa Castigo to see Elisa, Elisa wasn’t there. Delores answered the door but while Paloma was chatting with Delores, Carmina, THE Agent Orange herself, enters the scene, and she sprayed the interior of the quinta with her super toxic words. “Has Paloma heard the news about Little Elisa? She’s getting married! Oh, Elisa did not tell you herself? Tell her Delores! Tell Paloma just who Elisa is going to marry”. Pause. “Elisa is going to marry Gael”.

No one could accuse me of being a Romantic (although I admire true Romantics greatly) but I am a compassionate woman and I felt Paloma’s gut-punched reaction from California, and I’m on, what, a 5 months time delay from Mexico? Bam! In one blow Carmina took away the love of the Paloma’s life and her Best Friend. 

Delores tells Carmina to leave her niña Paloma in peace, and politely calls Carmina a viper, but it is not enough for me, dear readers. I want to lock Carmina in a small room with only a food slot, a toilet and a magic mirror for company. Nature is not kind to highly sexual male-identified vain fair-skinned, light-eyed woman of a certain age who tan too much, and no one has to touch Carmina to torture her. Her mirror and the reaction of potential lovers will do all the work over the next few years.

Paloma leaves the quinta looking shattered and then we get several scenes of filler where she recalls her previous distrust of Gael and Elisa. Elisa’s move just confirms her worst fears and Doña Ramona’s dire mutterings about Gael.

Goodbye to Horacio—Forever—Not so much

Earlier, Lolita said goodbye to Horacio FOREVER. A police car drove off with flashing lights and siren (why?) with Horacio in the back seat in handcuffs. When Delores got back home to the quinta, Elisa tried to make a really lame case for why she agreed to become Gael’s bride. She even tried to remind Lolita that she, Lolita, told Elisa to look at Gael with new eyes. Nonsense, Elisa. You have not come to terms with who you are.

Elisa, the Neurotic Survivor

What we can never forget about Elisa is that she is a survivor, pure and simple. She was born that way and her life would have molded her that way, even if she hadn’t emerged from the womb with those tendencies. And before we go throwing stones, we should thank our own survivor ancestors, each and every one of the hoarding, ‘oops I just gave the last seeds and berries to my Johnny-boy’, one of them, because without these selfish survivors, we would not be here to complain self-righteously about Elisa’s behavior.

Elisa Castañon is a survivor who feels profoundly threatened right now, and she is so male identified that she can only imagine a MAN helping her out of her dreadful situation. Survivors, when feeling desperate, do not make very nice friends.  Elisa needs time, space, and some perspective.  She is in shock and is living with her greatest enemy. It is not a good time to take a life decision. Vivi said it so well, yesterday, “Take the money and buy some more land, Elisa”! But given her peculiar upbringing, not BEING a bastard but being BELIEVED to be a bastard and treated like one by her father, I am not surprised by her choice for Gael. She wants a man to choose her, to love her. It is a neurotic choice, it will make her miserable, it has devastated her best friend, it will cause her guilt and great sorrow and it will not solve her problems.  But she must learn these lessons herself.

So, Elisa spends most of this fillergarbage capitulo running guiltily from place to place, trying to reach Paloma to talk to her about her decision to MARRY Gael. We know it is too late.  Paloma has already been told in the worst possible way that her love and her best friend have betrayed her. Really, was there a good way to give the news?
·      Damian goes to Don Lucio to see how the pay-off of Elisa’s debts went. “Didn’t happen,” says Lucio. “Your mama wouldn’t take the check because she said it was late”.
·      Maru has collected the signatures from the La Anita workers needed to send to the Obispo.
·      Ingrid is still working her connection with Dr. Tovar. He wants to help her. She asks him not to tell Gael about her fainting. Now Dr. Tovar has two fainting women in his life—Ingrid and Sabrina. Could either of them be, say,pregnant? We know Sabrina is but, our Doris says yes to both. Ingrid kisses Dr. Tovar’s hand on the way out of the Clinica. He looks quite smitten.
·      Alfonsina lectures Flo (again) on why she should keep Dam Pitiful and the Nieto Falso in La Ermita.
·      Flo visits her Dad, Guido, at the hotel. Flo has a lovely face, a wasp waist and she loves her father. There, I found something nice to say about her. She is also a  spoiled scheming snot who is not above kidnapping to get what she wants. Can’t abide her.
·      After Flo leaves, Guido runs into Edmundo Tovar in the Hotel hallway. Edmundo apologizes for, as Cynderella said, burning the toast at the Engagement party the previous night, but Guido is, surprisingly, all smiles. He agrees! Paolo is not a fit partner for a girl like Sabrina. They shake hands and part all friendly-like.
·      Delores has a premonition that Horacio is injured and lying along a road somewhere. Her premonition turns out to be real. It appears that the police car carrying Horacio has had a terrible accident, but Horacio survived and walked away. After sparing the life of an injured policeman, Horacio takes the keys to his handcuffs and a large pistol and disappears into the scrub. I’m guessing he may still save Elisa or Delores heroically.
·      In the funniest scene of the night, Begoña brings Sabrina her breakfast on a tray. Sabrina takes a sip of tea and runs bent-over-at-the-waist for the bathroom. Begoña, the loving mother, seeing her daughter suffer, suggests that she and Sabrina have a woman-to-woman talk. Sabrina looks sick. Begoña goes on to do all of the talking, jumping smartly to the conclusion that Sabrina is suffering from—bulimia! Then without Sabrina having to say a single thing her mom assures her that she can get help and that all will be OK. Just like that, Sabrina is off the hook—for the moment.

El Viejo Leon Juega Con El Momzer Mendoza

Don Lucio goes into Gabino’s office. Gabino has been fired, and is packing up his office. Gabino immediately assumes that Maru’s gossip has brought Lucio running to gloat over Gabino’s downfall, but Lucio says, no, he is there on another matter altogether. He stands respectfully, with his hat literally in his hand, a small distance in front of Gabino’s desk. He has a letter saying he is representing the dependents (Elisa) of Don Augusto Castañon in their affairs. (Power of attorney or something like it, I assume.)
Lucio says he would like to see a copy of the final signed contract with Gabino and Augusto’s signatures together. (Note: He used the word “contigo” here. Does this indicate signed at the same time?) Gabino says he doesn’t have a copy of the contract here (at the office). Lucio, like an old, but still dangerous white headed lion who still has a couple of very sharp canines left, moves closer into Gabino’s desk. He says in a slightly more insistent voice, “Here is something I don’t understand. You say there is a contract like this, but the copy of Augusto “No hay aparece por ningun nada” (can’t be found anywhere). Gabino hisses that it is not his problem. He has his proper copy, and a copy of the (document?) forwarding the fifty percent down payment to Augusto.

Now here is where is gets really interesting and I will need help from all of you  in clarifying anything I might have missed. Lucio says that he is glad that Gabino mentioned the millions of pesos, because he has done his own investigation. The money that was supposedly paid to Augusto has not left Gabino’s account. Isn’t that strange?

Gabino says that if the situation is as Don Lucio says, he will have the ‘chamaco’ at the banque get the cheque ready immediately.

Now, a snaggle-toothed but still manificent Don Lucio Leon leans in to Gabino over the wooden desk and says, “But if the cheque did not pass into an account in Elisa’s father’s name ‘antes de morir’…if the money was not received before he died you are not an owner of Cielo Abierto”.

“Buenas Tardes”, says an always polite Don Lucio Leon. And Gabino grabs for his cojones, for they have just been twisted.

Paloma Drops a Bird Bomb on Elisa and Gael

Later, Paloma comes upon Elisa and Gael in the Plaza. They have just finished a mild and uninteresting kiss. She tells Elisa that she wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it herself. “You are dead to me”, she announces. Well, we knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.


Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #16 8/7/12: Things Never Turn Out the Way You Expect

Ezra wasn't available to recap tonight, so La Paloma stepped up to the plate. Thank you, LP, for the great recap.

Here's a summary, complete with jerky transitions and some items possibly out of sequence. Feel free to add details or corrections as you observed.

Helena is being comforted by Lucia as she grieves for JC. Then, Helena spends time with Lalito, telling him of JC’s death and explaining his feelings of love will stay in his heart. Back at Lucia’s apartment, Helena remembers her good times with JC.

At JC’s home, his mother tells his disbelieving father about JC’s visit. They are shown at the funeral in the cemetery, along with many of JC’s grieving friends, GI associates, and former lovers. At the end of the funeral, Helena lingers near the tomb, holding a single white rose. Her heartfelt speech to JC is interrupted as numerous past lovers, wearing chic black dresses and teary faces, swarm the tomb. A dismayed JC, wearing shades and a hoodie, lurks behind a tree.

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Refugio Para el Amor #87 Tue 8/7/12 Everybody's Tucked Up In Bed Tonight--But Mostly With The Wrong People

With the exception, we hope, of Connie and Oscar. When last we saw them, her peignoir had slithered to the ground, and sweet kisses and tender laughter were being exchanged. Looks good for romance between the middle-aged.

Not so with the rest of our folks. Gala's in bed with Julie and the former is throwing up milk. Luciana's in bed with Paz and tossing and turning ,wondering if she should tell Rodrigo she's pregnant. Rodrigo's in bed with his memories of Luciana, racked by loneliness and weeping tears of regret.

Jana's in bed with Melissa and discussing the difference between “querer” (care for) and being “enaomorada” (being in love). Like us, she's aghast to learn Melissa's in love with Licenciado Linares.

Roselena's in bed with Max but when he wants to go to sleep with his arms wrapped around her (abrazados), she coolly pushes him away.

Vicky and Aldo aren't in bed yet (far from it!) but he's managed to lay some fervent, furtive kisses on her and she's responded.

Where will all these tangled threads of romance and rejection lead? Stay tuned but it's going to be a long and arduous ride, that I can guarantee.

Telenovela writers seem to love contrasting scenes so tonight we flip back and forth between Paz counseling Luciana, to wit: 1) I know you're pregnant by looking in your eyes (this is a new one for me) 2) A baby is a gift from God. (well, I've heard that one before) and 3) If you are pregnant, Rodrigo has a right to know and to help raise his child. ( I agree with Paz, emphatically)

And Roselena counseling Rodrigo: 1) What!? You actually tried to reconcile and ask forgiveness!? 2) You put more faith in her word and point of view than in MINE? If Luciana lied to you once, she'll lie again. 3) Good Lord no! You actually slept with her after getting married. Eeeeuwww, don't tell me any more!

But he does. He lets her know that he was the first man in Luciana's life and therefore she is not the skank Mom and Julie made her out to be. An “inconvenient truth” that Roselena ignores in her classic controlled fashion.

In Gala's Schematorium, the witches are doing the usual plotting. Gala's in a huff, knowing that Rodrigo sought out Luciana after his night of drunken passion with her. Her friends are in a huff when they find out she didn't use protection (cuidarse). And Gala's even more annoyed that Roselena didn't stop Rodrigo from going north to see his lost love, even though helpful friend Valentina points out that Rod's an adult who can do as he pleases. They learn about Jana's planned “comida” (luncheon. in this case) and Gala vows to invite herself (Julie too) if her girlfriends are going with Frick and Frack. Later that night, we have the dreaded nausea pregnancy scene, even though Gala's cheerfully drinking coffee the next morning. (Coffee never bothered me but supposedly nausea with el café is another sure-fire pregnancy tip-off). And Mama Julie brings a home pregnancy test to the breakfast. Whadda gal!

Conclusion: Rodrigo's got two buns warming in two separate ovens. Gala's sure to tell him about hers; but will Luciana spill the frijoles as well? Wait and see.

Something's cooking at Vicky's apartment also. Aldo breezes by with the fable that he was “just in the neighborhood” and thought he would stop by and see his old friend, Geronimo. An invitation for coffee ensues, Aldo regales them both with his crazy stories and finally Dad toddles off to bed. Vicky tries to hustle Aldo out as well, but he gets in some bodacious besos and a promise to never mistreat her like Osito does. Will she listen? Perhaps.

Oscar is making considerably more progress, we assume. A romantic dinner by the pool where he entreats Connie to stop worrying about Roselena, and them promptly brings up the possibility of her sister going to jail if the father of Luciana decides to press charges. (Oscar, way to ruin the moment!) He quickly recovers from that faux pas. They decide to let go what they can't control and wend their affectionate way up to their separate hotel rooms. He offers to keep her company so she won't miss him. She gently fends him off. He returns in a few moments because goshdarnit, he's a little nervous all by himself in his great big scary room. By now she's in a lovely blue nightgown, and happy with the way she looks. And so is he. A kiss, a compliment (you're beautiful!), a giggle. And we draw a veil. Enjoy! you darlings of a certain age!

Our other couple of a certain age, Max and Roselena—well, it's slim pickins' indeed. She's got her knickers in a twist because Max hasn't found a way to keep Rodrigo from trotting off to see Luciana again. And horrified that they had intimate relations. Max guffaws and says what do you expect from newly marrieds. And now they're divorced. Aren't you ever happy? BUT WHAT IF SHE'S PREGNANT!? And Max attempts at reconciliation and affection in bed are brushed firmly aside by our one-track minded frigidaire.

Well, if Roselena's worried, so is Paz. She's concerned that the Ice Queen might try to harm Luciana's baby if she knows of it's existence. But ultimately she decides that it's all in God's hands.

Upstairs, in the cold gray stone Torreslanda mansion, the discussion is a little quieter. Pato, Jana, Melissa and Rodrigo are all together. Rod's blue because the planned reconciliation didn't take. But he takes full responsibility for his fault in not listening to her and rushing to judgment. ( I'm ready to forgive and forget even if Luciana isn't!) Jana's excited about the comida she's planning and the involvement of Lorenzo, Luciana's brother. When Max and Roselena arrive, Max is happy to see the kids all together like a happy family. Rosa not so much when she learns Jana has planned a lunch party without her permission, and invited Boris to boot! But when she grudgingly allows that Boris can come, Jana gives her a spontaneous hug and kiss. Which Roselena  fastidiously wipes off as soon Jana leaves. (and this is a mother “who loves her children above all else”?)

If Paz is content to let the outcome rest in God's hands, Roselena is not. She wants to control absolutely everything and everyone, and will continue trying. And the less physical contact with anyone, the better! 

Minor events:
Lorenzo thanks Estelita again for all her help and Estela reminds him that with hard work and integrity, success is always possible. Marianita teases Lorenzo about liking Jana. But Estella warns him about getting involved with a Torreslanda; look what happened to Luciana. Estelita's daughter explains that she decided to come back home because 1) when she worked as a servant, the pay was good, but the man of the house tried to seduce her, and when she wouldn't give in, he threatened to report her to Immigration. So she worked in the fields and hard work it was. But once again, there was an Immigration round-up. She hid. Those who were caught were badly treated. She decided it was time to return home.

Linares plots his case against Max but also tells his colleagues that he's learned Luciana is his daughter.
And he gives Luciana a telephone call. Will she give him the possible pregnancy news?

Last scene of the episode: Next morning, Pato asks Matilde to get news about Luciana when she goes to visit her sister. Roselena walks in, overhears the request, and says she doesn't want to hear that girl's name mentioned in her house ever again! (Lots of luck with that Roselena!)

Dicho of the Day: Del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho. = Easier said than done!
( Indeed, I'm sure Luciana's name will continue to be mentioned in the house, no matter how much Roselena storms.)

  1. te van a salir raices = you're going to put down roots (Brigida yelling at one of the men setting up the table for Jana's luncheon party for seemingly just standing around.
  2. ya estuvo bueno = enough already! (Paz to Luciania when she quibbles about whether or not she's pregnant)
  3. Sentimientos encontrados = mixed feelings (what Paz is experiencing knowing her daughter may be a “madre soltera”.)
  4. con el alma en un hilo = worried to death (just about everybody at some point in a telenovela)
  5. usted me dice rana y yo brinco = Lit. say “frog” and I'll jump. Fig. Whatever you ask, I'll be happy to do. (Aldo, soft-soaping Vicky's dad.)
  6. yo que tú = if I were you.....
  7. por poco no vengo = Connie explaining why she almost didn't come on the trip with Oscar
  8. las castas = the upper-classes ( Paz discussing Roselena and her possible reaction to Luciana's pregnancy)
  9. se va a topar conmigo = she'll run into me! (Paz saying what she would do if Roselena tried anything)
  10. pura baba de périco = pure parakeet slobber (Lorenzo's buddy dismissing Aldo's promises of financial help in their business


Monday, August 06, 2012

Abismo de pasión #103 8/6/12

Where we left off...
Dam was firing Gab. He really doesn't want to lose Brau as an employee. Braulio would like to keep his dignity and doesn't take the job. Gab is still fired.

At the Quinta
Elisa is pithed! That b/witch didn't take the money and her aunt wants to throw her out! Lucio finally gets around to telling Elisa about the will that showed up. Everything was to go to Steffie and Augie never made another will. And if when they married Carmina and Augie combined their assests, then she gets half. Elisa assumes she'll get the other half. Well, no. That half gets split with all surviving relatives: Carmina and Elisa. Here's the breakdown- Elisa 25% Carmina 75%.

Carmina comes to rub her 75%  in Elisa's face. Elisa escapes to the office to cry, freak out about losing everything and to say "no puedo" over and over as she has auditory flashbacks. She stops and flahes back to her history with Gael. Maybe there is a way out!

Hacienda Harangue-O
Gab pays a visit to get his job back, but first he makes sure Fina is sticking to the "It was Elisa story." He's no dummy and knows Fina cooked it up to make Elisa look bad. He reminds her that she said it was two people and then plant the Gael idea, but he's all slick and makes it seem like her idea. Fina asks about ING and Gab plays dumb. Later when he tries to get her to pull strings to get his job back, she tells him no way. She can't contradict Dam, buuuut if ING were to magically appear in front of her maybe Gab would get his job back. It's pure beauty the way these two schemers dance around each other.

Dr. Tovar's office
Pal and Quique show us some chemistry and talk about the hilarious dinner party. He offers to get her some ice cream and she says sure! Elisa calls and says she needs her. Pal takes a rain check and yammers about trying to forget Gael and advises Elisa to forget about Dam. She encourages taking the opportunity when love knocks on your door. Pal does not hear Elisa say "what if it's with Gael?" (Quique was nagging.) PS: They've got a theme dammit.

Hacienda Harangue-O
Dam tells Flor he want to get the hell out of La Ermita. Fina did not take the news well and accused Dam of abandoning her just like Dad did. And she even supported him when Gab came whining to her. Dam thinks she trusts Gab more than him. Mama can cry and wail, but Dam is starting his life over with his wife and child. Be sure to savor the look on Flor's face. Priceless.

Bat Cave II
Gael takes Elisa to his "special place" (seriously, not code. It's a cave somewhere.) She cries some more and tells Gael all her woes. She's so alone. She can't take it any more. She needs someone to help her. She asks if Gael is really in love with her and if he would be willing to do anything for her. She says she wants to be with him. Once Gael is convinced this means 1. Let's get hitched and 2. She's not kidding, he starts to make plans. He wants Padre Lupe to marry them, so we have a three month deadline and 43 more episodes of angst.

The Only Inn in Fresno La Ermita
ING nags Gweedo. If he wants his proof, she needs money. Gab is threatening her life. She flounces out and is seen by Doc Tovar. She promptly faints. Doc takes her to his office and when she comes to she tells Doc Gab is making her life hell: he's robbed her, threatened her AND keeping her against her will.

La Cárcel
Lolita goes to visit Horacio before he is transferred to Campeche. She asks him if he has a death on his conscious. Gab made it seem like he did. Horacio tells her not to believe Gab. Lolita tells him that Padre Lupe thinks Augusto did not kill himself; that Carmina had something to do with it and that Horacio might know something. Horacio swears he knows nothing and tells Lolita and Elisa to get as far away from Carmina as they can. Footnote: Horacio's "my dad was a butcher" story was bunk. In truth his mother was a prostitute who died when he was nine, leaving him to fend for himself. Neither he nor his mother knew who his father was. He is transferred to Campeche, Lolita says goodbye forever and the bets for "heroic death" are settled throughout the patio. (Drat. I lost 20 pesos.)

Elisa comes home from the Gael's "special place" and Carmina asks when she will be leaving. Elisa tells her in three months...with her husband. Elisa won't say to whom but makes it clear she doesn't want Carmina there.


Por ella soy Eva #15 8/6/12: Oh, Why Did Such a Feller Have to Die?

Thank you, Ithabill, for posting the following recap. -Paula

Hi all. I've been watching Por Ella from the beginning as a replacement for La Que No Podia Amar, which sadly ends this week. I'll give this recap thing a whirl.

Tonight Helena admits to her father, Bastardo, everything that's gone wrong including having mortgaged the house to buy the travel agency. After snapping at his wife not to say stupid things, he tells Helena that he told her so and of the hundreds of stupid things she's done this is the worst. He orders her to move out of the house in the morning.

Read more »


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