Tuesday, August 19, 2014
La Malquerida Starts August 25th. Pobres Recappers Phone Home..........
La Malquerida is based on a play and not the usual remake after remake of a previously done TN. This TN is based on a book of the same name as the TN by the Spanish Author Jacinto Benavente. He was a Nobel Prize Winner for Literature. The book was published in 1913. There were two movies based on this play. The first was an American Silent Film, entitled "Passion Flower" and was released in 1921. It starred Norma Talmadge and Courtenay Foote. The second movie was a Mexican Production, released in 1949, entitled La Malquerida and it starred Dolores del Rio and Pedro Armendariz. The Producer of this TN, Jose Alberto Castro has stated that he based this TN on the book alone and not the movies. Now on to the synopsis. This will be a barebones synopsis so as to avoid spoilers.
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Labels: malquerida, recappers-needed, synopsis-cast
Hasta el Fin del Mundo - #1 - 8/18/14 Well, this is just.... Awkward
Race car number 86 moves down the pit lane and onto the track. The roar of the engines gets louder, the tires squeal in a fight between pavement and centrifugal force. The drivers shift gears, the heat from the track rises. We can almost smell fuel and burning rubber as the cars scream by. Chava Cruz presses in the clutch and shifts gears, then accelerates. His pit crew cheers him on. "Faster! Make them eat your dust!" Chava's mind and body coordination becomes almost a dance: clutch, shift, gas pedal, turn. Again and again. Chava speeds under the checkered flag. At trackside his pit crew checks the stopwatch and cheers. Chava pulls into the pit and stops. He removes the steering wheel, lets down the window netting and climbs from the car. He greets Armando, "You're the best mechanic! We're going to win BIG!"
Large disks of chocolate move down a conveyor belt in a dance of their own. Workers in white coats wrap the disks in paper and put them in yellow boxes. Wait... those disks look familiar. Is that Abulita? Yes! I have some of that in my pantry! (We're getting our product placement out of the way in the first five minutes. Thank you Nestle'.) Another worker calls to Sofia who's been inspecting the production line. "Maestro Coria is waiting for you to taste the new product." Sofia makes her way toward him. "Let's go Matias." She praises the workers, "Good work, girls!" and follows him off the production floor.
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Labels: hasta
De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #158 - Mon 8/18
Simona asks Diego what Nat was talking about in the office. Diego explains that Rodrigo did a lot of stuff to break them up, but it doesn't matter, it's over, and he's ready to move on.
Alonso goes over the hospital to ask Oscar, aka HOTscar what his intentions are toward Karina. Reminder, Alonso…you're the baby daddy, not Karina's daddy.
Paul wants Carmen to be more supportive of Brigitte, but Carmen is just tapped out of compassion. El leaves Paul and Carmen to talk. Paul's surprised about Brigitte as well, but he doesn't want to just leave her to her fate. Carmen doesn't think she can handle it and Paul pats her ineffectually until she cries on his shoulder. He looks uncomfortable.
HOTscar tells Alonso he felt sorry for her, because she was so alone, and then started calling her. He apologizes for thinking Karina was "alone" since Alonso's presence proves she's not.
Paul goes out to tell El that Carmen doesn't want to talk to Brigitte. El understands her heartbreak, having watched the way Carmen raised all the kids. He asks Paul to help Carmen as much as he can. Paul wants to see Brigitte…
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Labels: te-quiero
Qué Pobres, Lunes 8/18/14 (#160): «Permesso»
Saul hitting on Rita; Trofeo spiking AS's coffee; Leo and Diego (who, I notice, is now leaving his shirt unbuttoned like Leo does); Ahole lies to Emiliano about making peace with Mati.
Isela insinuates to Mini that she's got something on Ahole.
New stuff:
Ahole tells Lupe that she can have her divorce, and sole custody of Emi, just as soon as he's reinstated as president of the Editorial. Lupe points out that this was their original deal and he reneged, so why should she believe him this time? He gets angry, recalling that Mati spoiled it the last time by showing up safe and sound. Then he recovers and remembers that he's supposed to be sad that Mati is dead.
Frida chats with Emi. She tells him that Mati is in heaven with her husband and her sons and Emi's grandmother Marce too. Emi tells Frida she'll be a great mom someday!
Isela and Minerva attend the wake. Mini is wearing a super-sexy dress; MA has to peel her off of him. Isela taunts AS about their rivalry to become president of the foundation. Three sheets to the wind and counting, AS calls Isela a rude bleeped name several times. (The Spanish captions don't say what it is; the English captions say "hag.")
Nepo arrives with a band to serenade Mati personally. (Is that really him singing? They should have had him sing much earlier.) Irked by Ahole's histrionics, Leo pulls him off of Mati's coffin so that he can sob on it himself. Ahole protests the "vulgar" music, not realizing (until MA informs him) that Mati loved this kind of music. Frida adds that this is what Mati would have wanted for her farewell party. Ahole dramatically pulls Leo off the coffin to resume his own loud outburst.
Saul corners Rita. He flirts with her; she tries to keep up with trite conversation. Gwendy watches, stunned, as Saul trots out all of his best moves at his best friend's grandmother's funeral.
In front of the former members of the board-of-zombies, MA tells Ahole, "not long ago, Mati said that Aureliano wanted to surprise us a few more times with new lessons to learn." Ahole replies, "how dare you mention the clause at our grandmother's funeral!" "Excuse me, but I didn't mention the clause. YOU mentioned the clause!"
MA thanks the zombies for attending and says the burial tomorrow is family-only. Ahole puts on a show for don Tulio et al. He tells MA he won't be at the burial. He can't take it. MA says that's no problem, because Mati wanted Ahole to take care of the divorce tomorrow anyway, so why not respect her last wish and stay away from the Menchacas forever?
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Labels: pobres
Monday, August 18, 2014
Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 8/18/14 #21
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- El Señor de los Cielos II, En Otra Piel, et cetera, week of August 18, 2014
Thanks to deb for posting a link to an English language article about Los Mis here .
ALL the Telemundo novelas will be preempted on Thursday for the "Premios tu Mundo" broadcast.
Labels: cielos, piel, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 18, 2014 - PAGE ONE
is a link to last week's compiled recaps on Dropbox. (for some reason the text does not start right under the title. You have to scroll down to the next page.)
Sadly, though, we will only get four days worth of our fix since Thursday's capitulo is pre-empted by the Premios tu Mundo presentation. Bwahahahaha! If the volume of comments merit a second page, I will post it later in the week.
Can't wait....
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Saturday, August 16, 2014
♫♫♪ I Wanna Hold Your Ha-a-a-a-and ♪♪♫
Cap. 20
• Alicia and classmate are home intending to practice a cheer leading routine for the lacrosse team. The two girls bump into Nando who’s on his way out. Classmate sees hearts and flowers for Nando, still in neck brace and the retro head-warming golf cap, who is heading off to who knows where and for who knows what (not that any of us in Viewerville cares a whit whether we know what or where …..) Nando is perturbed and tells Ali and friend to watch where they’re going.
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Lo que la vida me robó, Friday, 8/15/14: El gran final -- Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours.*
By the way, we loved Act 2 so much, we decided to give you two different versions of it.
Labels: robo
Friday, August 15, 2014
Que Pobres tan Ricos... #159... Mati's farewell... A-hole believes he is at the finish line... but Mati still had some aces up her sleeve...
Mati and AS have a bit of emotional convo. Roberto was a gentleman… but a mother knows what she has and her son was useless and never valued what he had. AS admits he had it all… Mati admits that was their mistake, to give them everything without asking anything in return. Mati recognizes Rob was not faithful either. Mati tells AS that part of her bitterness is due to that. Even if you deny it. Mati asks AS to not waste what she has left of her life… even though you have your status back, I know you are not happy. AS argues she is. Mati says when my grandchildren move on, you will be alone. So use the opportunity and enjoy your children while you have them. Please hear the words of this old woman… not for anything but because I have more experience. Mati leaves AS in tears.
Lupe and Emi… she is ranting at him, he swears she won’t let him see his dad. You don’t love him, but I will keep seeing him, even if you get mad at me.
Mati goes to see Frida (this already sounds like goodbye speeches/final lessons of life) Frida tells Mati that she is ready to go on trip to see all of Mexico.. Mati tells her she has to stay and deal with a couple things and then will catch up with her in a few days. She has to leave another issue resolved. She wants to go on that one trip she has left feeling totally at peace. (oh my…)
Frida and Mati tell AS they are heading to Switzerland… AS has a fit with the idea. Mati tells her it is a pleasure trip they have been looking forward to… Leo and MA are also at table. MA is curious, why the idea of the trip. Mati says she has traveled with MA to London and with Leo to Broadway… AS rants that Mati has never considered her opinion… MA can only wish them to enjoy themselves. Mati says no circumstances can separate people. With Love, you can face anything.
At Menchacas, Chuy catches up with Lupe. He did not want to say anything in front of Emi, but he did not like the fact that Emi left school with A-hole without her permission.
At clinic again, Mati is back in, nagging that she does not want more tests… MA asks her to let them pamper and take care of her. Mati says ‘only because you ask, but I feel grrrrrreat!!’.
Carm talks to Lupe… when your dad finds out A-hole and you are married… Lupe is still hopeful her divorce will be done today and she won’t need to tell her family.
Frida and the nerd friend at school. She tells him she is going on trip. He knew she would not fulfill her promises… he should have known better…
Doctor and Mati… she has to rest a bit before leaving… Doctor leaves her alone.. (YIKES!!!) we see nurse legs … but hands are a bit too big for a nurse woman… nurse puts a pill on her hand… gives her a glass of water.
Nurse leaves the room… and we find out it is A-hole.
Something happened or the pill is slow to take effect. MA joins Mati… she is a bit tired. He rolls her chair out of the place running LOL!
At RP house, Leo is watching Frida pack. He seems to want to go along. She says he has the commitment to help MA out. He says not same option A trip to Europe vs Option B staying and working.
Mati and MA share a cute moment looking at a spectacular view of the mountains and fountains… MA glad she is better. He sees her happier every day. She says she is at peace, Life has allowed her to recover not only her sanity but the time to enjoy her loved ones. MA says he was pained to be away from loved ones for so long. She says what matters is that you came back fully grown and mature.. .now you can care for your family. MA says almost everyone accepts him as before… only Emi he is still working on. Mati says we are all one great family (the Menchacas and RPs). That is the biggest valuable we take from life, the love of our loved ones.
Leo and Frida are still packing. She brings up the subject of his relationship. Leo says he spoke to Mati and she was taking it ok. Frida says we have a great grandma. Leo can’t close the suitcase. He nags about it and leaves. Frida finds an envelope that says ‘Fridita, don’t open this letter until you get to your destiny’… (yikes!!)
Mati and MA… she now talks as if she is saying goodbye… she then talks about Aureliano and her always wanted to have a daughter. Mati says ‘the more love you are capable of giving, life will be as beautiful as you want to dream it to be’. (Mati dies right there on her wheelchair, MA doesn’t even notice… he is saying it is a great feeling of peace…) (we hear a song)…MA gets desperate and yells for help. (editor’s note… we will miss you at the patio, dear Mati…)
Frida has the envelope in her hands when she gets the call from MA… she is shocked, puts hand over mouth.
At hospital, Leo and Frida arrive to hug MA… AS is sitting… no need to get upset. We have to wait for news. Doctor comes out. Mati has passed. MA is shocked… Frida hugs him, AS breathes a big sigh.
At fonda, Gwendy and Carm talk to Lupe to coordinate the menus for the wedding.
MA talks to doctor, does not understand what happened. Doctor is also puzzled, she had a heart attack, and even though she did not have any other signs, she did not respond. So sorry…
MA asks Leo, Frida and AS to be strong. AS will make the arrangements for the service at the cathedral… MA will take care of that. He tells them that Mati asked to be watched at the Fonda. AS protests, but MA says it was her last will and it is not up for discussion. AS says ok but then there is no use our friends to find out about the watch since the would not go. MA says Mati’s true friends will be there.
Rita asks Gwendy if she will get a bachelorette party… Gwendy is confused because Rita asks this when she is Nepo’s ex. Rita says she is indifferent to Nepo now. She is glad that DA would have an ‘ally’.
At A-hole’s… A-hole is anxiously waiting for a call to get news of her passing. MA calls him. A-hole fakes not knowing, asking MA if his call is about the divorce. MA is very sad and says have very bad news, want you to find out from me. Mati has just died. A-hole is shouting a skid about being upset when he is smiling from ear to ear… They hang up .’’how sad… I did it!... I got rid of that mummy!... finally she is in heaven’’
DA tells Nepo he will eat at the Menchacas to talk to Rita a while. Nepo is not quite ok with it… thought DA was going to study at Nuevo Leon… DA says he wants to take the opportunity to go to the United.
At fonda kitchen, Lupe is happy telling Carm that Gwendy is so happy with her wedding. Lupe says she will shower a bit before MA gets there. Carm asks if Tomas will go with them. Lupe says yes, but she can’t wait another day… MA arrives very somber… Lupe can tell something is very wrong. MA tells Lupe and Carm that Mati died. Lupe is teary eyed, hugs him hard.
Nepo asks DA.. tell me the truth..the real truth… are you happy?... not that much. Nepo still is reluctant to talk about ‘that’. DA says ‘that’ has a name. Nepo says ‘that which you are… is something I still can’t understand that well… please understand me… I was educated another way… very macho…’ DA says I know… Nepo says ‘put yourself in my shoes (the only ones that matter to you, jerk!)… when one finds out that your child is … like that… well….. I love you my son… I love you very much’.
MA tells Carm and Lupe that he was with her in her last few minutes… and he can tell she went at peace. Chuy and Perla are very upset. Carm too… the mother, mother in law, grandma and friend we all dream of having. Lupe does not know how to tell Emi. MA says it won’t be easy but sometimes children know more than we do about these things… Lupe goes upstairs. Emi can tell she is crying… Lupe tells Emi that ‘your grandma got ill… she had something in her heart… and she won’t be with us anymore… she died, mijo’… Emi gets upset quick. Lupe says all we can do is remember all the nice moments we lived together, about everything she taught us when she was here… and to pray for her.’ Emi is ok with it.
The watch is on. The place is full, all men are in black suits, they are praying the rosary led by Carmelita.
There is a huge portrait of Mati on one wall… there is not a dry eye in the whole place. Chuy talks about the deep pain in his heart. La Donita left us. His wrestling friend tries to cheer him up a bit. Chuy says she was just enjoying time with us, she was laughing… The son of perro A is also there to comfort him. Chuy says Mati left the papers of the house with him. Now he can breathe easy that no one will get them out of there. He will always thank Mati for not leaving them alone. AS is protesting that they are watching her at the ‘colonia’… AS is nagging about the ‘customs’ of the salt cross and onion they put under the coffin… Even Leo says those customs don’t offend anyone… AS keeps nagging. MA leaves her, he’s had enough.
DA comes and Leo hugs him. A-hole makes his appearance. ‘my grandma Mati… granny… why did you leave us, granny?... you were always my model… you left me all alone in this world… why, God??... why granny?... My God! Why did you not take me instead of her?? She deserved to live more!! She did not deserve it!!’ Emi approaches him and A-hole continues the skid ‘she left us, my son, she left us for good’
Nepo arrives to the wake… Trofeo behind him… Nepo remembers when he helped Mike to pay for Mati’s tests… he never thought she was so ill… and she was so pretty, truly… he has brought some booze to help deal with the sorrow… he rants at Trofeo to not take it all… Gwendy comes to them… Nepo does not know it is her… Gwendy tells Nepo ‘we have to love and pamper each other all the time, we never know when it will be too late…’
A-hole keeps feeding crap in Emi’s brain… tells Emi that last time Mati talked to him at the office, she was no longer mad at him. A-hole says he wants them to be a family and live together. Lupe joins them, she is not happy that Emi is alone with A-hole. (too late, Lupe…damage done already)
Trofeo offers AS some of his cup… She is not happy about it until she tastes the ‘coffee’ then her eyes pop out…
Mini and Isela at their house… they can’t believe Mati is being watched at the Fonda. At least after this, A-hole can fulfill the clause from the grandpa. Isela says she has lots of money now, besides, she has another ace card under her sleeve. Mini asks her to spill the beans, Isela won’t.
Leo tells DA that just when grandma and him were getting close and he had discovered that she was very understanding and knew him more than he thought, she is gone … DA tells Leo that Rita is inviting him to go with her to the Uniteds.
A-hole keeps his skid with Lupe… losing Mati is like losing his mom all over again. Now more than ever he wants Emi to go live with him. Frida comes to them… Lupe sends Emi with Frida. Lupe rants at A-hole not to keep looking for her… A-hole starts making smart remarks about her being prettier… no divorce… He warns her that if she keeps pushing for divorce, he will have Emi tell a judge who he wants to live with… Besides, A-hole can sue her for abandoning the home… He basically warns her that she has no choice but to come live with him at his house. When he can fulfill the clause, he will give her the divorce.
Previews: A-hole thinks the ‘clause’ is in his hands… but surprise, surprise!! The notary tells him that Mati left a statement that the ‘marriage’ he had with Lupe was forced, so it is not valid for fulfilling the clause. (YOU GO MATI!!!! ‘otra vez fria, hah, A-hole??’)
I will try to edit this tomorrow… but it was not as bad as I thought … it was nice for her to go at peace even though we know in reality A-hole did kill her…)
Labels: pobres
De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #157, 8/15/14
Can anyone recap for me Tuesday (August 19th)? It's Open House and I won't be home til late.
The beginning bits may be a little out of order.
Alonso's secretary is a dirty, rotten spy. What does Al care if Karina as an admirer? The sneaky broad managed to get Oscar's name and to pass it on to Al. Al calls the hospital, but Oscar the camillero (hospital porter/stretcher-bearer) is on his break.
Mali mentions that Brigitte is starting to show. She gets a tongue lashing from Brat. Carmen reminds Brat a child is a gift. Mali feels bad for setting off Brat. Poor Mali.
Simona is good at business. Even Vicente likes her. Nat pouts. Somebody said conejillo de Indias (guinea pig) at the meeting, but I didn't catch the context. I think Irene was concerned about Telerman not having a lot of experience with fashion textiles and using Eskenda as the guinea pig to expand their business (I completely made that up, but it sounded good didn't it?)
Rod goes to the airport. He is cleverly disguised in a white cap and shades. Reina fans know that only BLACK caps fully disguise the wearer.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo 196 - A Mixed Bag - Ding-Dong! We Think The Witch Is Dead but Pedro Makes the Marquis de Sade Proud--14 August, 2014
Labels: robo
Mi corazon es tuyo, Capitulo 19, 08/14/2014 Family portrait
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos # 157 and 158: 8/14/14: Frida takes a Day Trip
Capitulo 157
The micro bus has been renamed Lupita and the Menchaca plus Rita, and Emi, Rita is driving get on the bus. Tizoc sings the micro bus song and some guy cuts Rita off. (Ed Note: The actor Rita hit is Brazilian I beleive last seen in Estcrito en las Estrellas) Anyways, Rita isn't happy and gets out of the bus when this guy insults her. She is so mad she head butts him and knocks him out. Chuy convinces Rita to move the bus and get out of there. They finally arrive at Xochimilco to the Our Lady of Sorrows Shrine. While the Menchaca are debarking here come the RP's that would be Dona Mati, AS, Leo and Frida, driven by chofer. MA takes his own car. The Menchaca are happy they could make it. AS has done a deal with two photographers and some actors. The actors are playing poor people that AS is giving alms to. She plays it up for these photographers and the "poor people" play right along. She gives them food and money I think. The photographers take pictures of AS and the "poor people" for El Editorial Magazine to show her largesse toward the needy. Frida and Leo roll their eyes.
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Labels: pobres
Thursday, August 14, 2014
De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #156, 8/14/14
Labels: te-quiero
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- Reina de Corazones: week of August 11, 2014 - Page Two
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 195, 8-13-2014: Pedro Goes For Broke!
And Kidnaps Victoria, Laurito, Romina, and Also Amelia For Good Measure. Lots Of Other Awful Things Happen, Too!
My swan song final full recap, folks. Enjoy! |
Warehouse o' All Nefarious Activity
Montserrat has been chained into a fancy-looking water torture box by Pedro and his goons. The box is filling up slowly and steadily. She calls for help. The water will soon be over her golden head.
Half of Agua Azul (Dominga, Macario, Josefina, Esmeralda, Rosario, Padre Anselmo, Carlotta. Nadia, Romina) has gathered together to worry collectively about the fate of Montse. The only person not present is Graciela, who is in her bedroom alone in her anguish, having just confessed to Padre Anselmo that she has been lying to everyone about her illness. Carlotta asks Padre A. if Gracie needs anything, and he responds with one of the best lines of the night:
"Yes," says Padre A. "She needs the presence of God in her heart."
Very much on board with Padre Anselmo's diagnosis of what ails Graciela |
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De Que Te Quiero, Te Quiero #155 - Wednesday 8/13
Hola amigas/os. I thought this was going to be another grumpy Karen installment but by God’s grace I had a Lupita heavy episode. I recapped a bit of the two dunces who kidnaped Diego in spite of my poor nerves (think Jane Austen’s Mrs. Bennet) but later pulled out my recapper privilege card. But I promise I included the important stuff. Thanks so much Sara for this important option.
Rod manages to escape his latest conquest and almost – unfortunately almost– gets caught by the police.
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Mi Corazon es tuyo, # 18, 13 Aug 2014... New pet in the house... and Nando awakes in more ways than one. Even the 'perfect kid' like Leon has secrets
Outside in waiting area, IsaSkank returns and Fanny tells her Fer and Ana went in, Isa turns green. Leon arrives to support Fanny, ‘don’t worry, everything will be alright’.
Ana tells Fer to talk to Nando and tell him everything his heart wants to tell him.
My son, my great pride and joy, please forgive me. When you get better, I have many plans for us. We can go camping like when you were little, remember? Remember I taught you to shave for the first time? It turned out all uneven (laughs). We can talk by a bonfire, we can talk about everything we haven’t talked about, you can tell me about your life… and I will tell you about mine. I need for us to talk… time does not come back… we have to make up for all the lost time, the time I wasted… I want to get to know you, what you think, what you feel, I want to hear about your dreams… I need you to get better, I know you will get better. You like the idea of camping? … we can have a great time, dear. You and I alone…. I need you, son…. I love you so much. (Ana grabs his shoulders in support, he leans back on her, crying desperately)
Isa asks Fanny why the nanny went in with the father.
F: Doctor asked if they were Nando’s parents, and my dad said yes… that is why. (Isa leaves confused)
Leon asks Fanny how is Nando doing. She says he hasn’t woken up. He is sorry. She thanks him for coming. She introduces him to her grandpa Nico as her novio. He in turn introduces Jenny, his novia. Leon is shocked… Nico asks ‘why that face? … seriously! She is my girl!’
Fanny and Leon show support to Alicia. Fernando and Ana come out (minus the surgery bunny suits). Fernando and Ana join the family. A few yards away, IsaSkank grunts through her teeth ‘I should have been the one that went in with Fernando! Not that stupid!’
At the house, the small kids are also worried about Nando. Sebastian gets scared about some small animal coming by.. the kids walk toward the animal one behind the other. It is a huron (sp?) Sebastian grabs him. Luz wants to touch him. Sebastian says probably a neighbor lost it. We have to be careful we don’t get caught. But surely Bruno caught them right away. Even though the kids hide the pet behind Seba, it makes enough noise and Bruno insists long enough to know ‘something is rotten in Denmark’ LOL!.
Back at hospital, in ladies room (well, one of the ones there is not really a LADY) IsaSkank is confronting Jenny (whom she refers to as ‘mecerita’[little waiter]) and Jenny is too happy to engage… yup, Nico is my guy and we love each other… IsaSkank demands Jenny address her as ‘Miss’. Jenny happily replies ‘if you are a Miss, I am the Novels prize in literature’. IsaSkank does not waste breath in correcting her ‘it is Nobel prize, nak-ha… and I will make sure you won’t see a penny of the Lasc fortune’. ‘why? Is it all going to be for you?’ ‘what are you insinuating?’ .. then she called her ‘trepadora’ … IsaSkank brags about having lots of money… I don’t need Fernando’s, my family has CLASS… I have degrees, I have seen places you can’t even pronounce… yada yada… Jen rebuttes ‘no matter how hard you try, you will end up empty-handed, because the nannie will will Don Fer over you, you white-collar ‘trepadora’. It shows easily that Ana is infinitely better than you! ’.(no she didn’t !! yes she did!! IsaSkank slapped Jen!!) … (round 2) ‘did your teachers and doctors teach you this?? Oh my, what a great education, Miss!! (Jen gets closer to IsaSkank in a very confrontational chest-forward way that scares Isa, she uses her purse as shield.. )‘no, I am not going to lower myself, if I slap you I will contaminate myself… ‘ Isa laughs it off, ‘where do you know Ana??... why are you so sure that Ana…’ ‘Nico told me!! And let me repeat it… you will lose, you ranch guerita… you skunk tail’ (Jen leaves on that high note, leaving IsaSkank grunting names for Jen like nak-ha and fifth rate waitress).
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Mi Corazon es tuyo #17 08/12/2014 Nando takes a nasty spill
Two jerks at a restaurant:
Johnny,Ana, Fernando and Isabitch find themselves in the same restaurant, it's an awkward situation, made worse by Isa throwing a tantrum that would make any toddler proud. How bad is this encounter? She loudly states that she's surprised the "help" can afford to eat at such an establishment, she then follows this up my loudly insulting Ana. When Ana tells Fernando that she is happy the situation with Fanny was resolved Isa shouts from her table to "keep it down, we are not in the market"-Ana fumes but says nothing else, although I find myself wishing that she would go over to Isabelas table and beat her to a pulp.
Fernando for his part just sits there and lets Isabela throw her fit-he's a smart man and I can't for the life of me understand why he would allow this scene to continue. Isabela has just verbally attacked the woman that takes care of his children and he sits there and says nothing?!
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