Friday, May 01, 2015

Amores con trampa #25 Alcohol turns people around... makes some sick while it brings the dark side in others

At the club, Yoya is confused, she never thought Diego would really be interested in her. Diego forces a kiss on her just in time for Frances to bring in Feli to see them. Feli looks angry but doesn't do anything. Diego gets them all to sit together only for Yoya to have to watch Francis kissing Feli all over.
Beto rants at Gallo about letting Yoya go with that 'pelafustan' (jerk)... Gallo is hessitant to do anything, says 'she looked so pretty!'...  Maria also says 'you know Yoya...' (meaning Yoya is very stubborn)  Perpetua says the same.  Porfirio just wants to watch tele...  Beto insists they have to go get Yoya. Gallo says lets wait till she calls again.  Beto insists, gets louder... says Diego is not that 'straight/proper'.  He tells them Diego is using Yoya to get back at him for taking Rocio away. Porfirio yells that the Carmonas are 'straight' and they have to show that 'tipo' (Diego) that he has to be 'straight' with them. Beto insists they have to go get her. Gallo and Maria and grandma worried, Grandpa looks a bit boozed up to really have any say or thought on the subject.
At club, Diego manages to turn off Yoya's cell phone (so the Carmonas can't call her).  She is spitting/(barfing?) on him, feeling bad for all the booze she has had.  She faints in Feli's arms... He tries to get her to respond.
At the Carmonas, Gallo is getting ansi by now... Porfirio thinks they are talking about killing a pig to make Carnitas... they explain its about Diego... Porfirio repeats one of his classics 'that is not good/right'.    Then Maria uses this situation to repeat her whinning about 'i wanted to go back to the fields'.  
Back at the club, this is all turning totally 180 degrees from what Diego and Francis wanted. far from turning to Frances, Feli still has Carmen in his arms and is really concerned about her, yells at Diego for letting her drink... Yoya is beginning to respond... but bends over when she sees she is in Feli's arms. Feli yells at Francis to take her to ladies room, Francis looks like she would rather peel a whole sack of potatoes than do that...
Isa calls Esteban and threatens him that if he is lying to her about Estefi and Santi NOT being together, he will be sorry. He hangs up with Isa and it turns out Stefi is there with him... he warns Stefi that Isa is more dangerous than she seems. He leaves, Stefi seems to have taken that warning more as a dare from the facial expression she puts...
Back to the club... In ladies room, Francis tells Yoya that she and Feli saw her kissing Diego... she even took pictures. Francis suggests Yoya keep Diego who is free... and assures her she doesn't even exist for Feli.   Francis comes out of ladies room... tells Diego the kiss he gave Yoya was not enough, he has to do his 'thing' with her on the way to take her home... Diego protests, that was not the plan, he does not even want anyone seeing him with Yoya.
In a flash, Diego and Yoya arrive at the Carmona's driveway... Diego tells Yoya he is beginning to like her for real (yeah right!... well, there is a chance he really means this) and kisses her again just in time for Beto and Gallo to see them... Beto goes irate, he wants to beat Diego to a pulp, but Gallo sends him with Yoya to go in the house and warns Diego that if he touched even a hair of Yoya he will be the one to hunt down (no stone unturned) and beat/kill Diego.
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La Sombra del Pasado #54 5-1-15 MAY DAY! MAY DAY! THE TRUTH IS OUT!! (or part of it!)

Good evening, Sombra Patio Peeps!  Let’s stop in and see what the fine denizens of Santa Lucia are up to this evening, shall we?  We have a little overlap of Aldonza letting slip that something’s rotten, er burned, in the D.F.  Roberta’s apartment was destroyed by fire!

We interrupt this family discussion to join Cande’s screech fest with Cris, already in progress.   Please see Diva’s wonderful description from yesterday, #53.  Cande stomps out of Cris’s room.  Has anyone else noticed how dark Cris’s room is?  I don’t think it’s just the dark wood and deep blue paint job.  Candela is constantly darkening that poor boy’s door and this is not the last time she’s going to do it today, as we shall see!

It is a bright and lovely morning!  Pru has invited Mari for sundaes, ice coffee or such.  Pru is worried about Vale:  she’s been so emotional since the breakup with Cris.   Mari tries to plead ignorance but finally confesses that Vale came to her house nearly hysterical and looking for Lardo.  Mari tells Pru that Vale and Lardo are “half way” going together and Vale was upset because Aldonza saw her and Lardo kissing and Vale’s afraid Aldonza will tell Cristobal!  Pru is impactada! 

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #180 20150430 Thursday Night Discussion Page

Please discuss among yourselves.  My laptop is done.  Recaps for Thursday and Friday will be up on Friday.

If you would like to do the recap for last night in the comments...have at it.  You will not offend me.  I'm lazy and that means less work me!

Also if you are interested in recapping the next TN, contact Jane Peppler directly.  I won't be moving on.


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Que Te Perdone Dios #73 - The Phantom of the Opera is Here, Inside My Mind

Refrito: Ren and Pat are seated at the blind restaurant. Max calls the Hacienda and Diana tells him where to find Abi.

New: Pat is loving the restaurant, and I have to agree. I think it's very progressive of this novela to show this experience. But there's no call for Pat to start emoting Mat-style, which he does. He spills some wine (that must happen a lot), and then Renata wants Pat to "see" her by touching her face. Before long they are "seeing" each other's faces with their "lips," in an all-out necking session. At least nobody can see them.

Max calls Abi at her hotel and crassly uses his parents' death to generate sympathy, to get her to agree to have dinner with him. After hanging up, he calls her, "Estupida," a la Macaria.

At the secret casino that so many know about, Lucio joins Fausto and Marcelino, and proceeds to get the best of Marcelino. In an indecent proposal, Lucio suggests Marc bet his wife, since he has run out of cash. Elsewhere, Julian and 'Black Hand' (Mano Negra) are satisfied with their first night. Julian reveals that he's not into playing dad for Tono, and that Fausto should be given everything free to keep a good relationship with las autoridades.

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La Sombra del Pasado #53 - Thu 4/30 - Nuestros Planes

Well, Aldonza doesn't know how the hell they'll make this work, but she's determined to try.  And Cris swears everything will be fine and he'll make her the happiest woman in the world.  We'll see how long that lasts.

Pato goes into Irma's shop and encounters a Mari-in-the-box, who he claims not to remember all that well from his last visit.  In retaliation for him not falling at her feet, she asks if he's bothered asking Lola's overprotective grandparents for permission to date Lola.  She implies that if he doesn't do that, pitchforks and torches may be in his future.

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4/29/15 #179 Wed Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Something Wicked This Way Comes

¯Con la Paz del las Montañas te Amaré¯
Fireplace, lovemaking on the floor, candles, etc.  Sofia and Chava rekindle their amor.

Casa de Chava
Paco is sorry Lupe’s so disappointed with how things turned out but it was best for the truth to come out before Aracely and Chava did something crazy like getting married.  He hopes Aracely doesn’t have to be a single mother and that Pedro will help her.  However, Pedro is hurt that he didn’t know about the pregnancy.  Lupe is sure Pedro will forgive her.  After all, he was there waiting for her to return from the doctor.
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La Sombra del Pasado #52 4/29/15

Dear hellashelle,
Please remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

The Shortest Version:
  • Cristobal wants to marry Aldonza. Yeah. It's a crazy idea. He gives her time to think about it though. He'll be waiting for her at noon tomorrow at El Santuario. If she doesn't show up, he'll leave her alone for good.. (If you are dying to know what happens, skip to the end of the recap.)
  • Renato talks Silvia into working with him on Aldonza's case. Recapper loses all respect for Silvia when she accepts his offer (Because really girlfriend, this is your only option? Working with the man you love to help him suck up to another woman?)
  • Renato's mother left him a ton of money. At least I assume it's a lot. He seemed gobsmacked and asked if there was some error. Surely that's code for "HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF ZEROS."
  • Sev slithers out of the accusation that he caused Padre's accident.
  • Valeria tells Aldonza that things are just going *gush*SO WELL*gush* with Cristobal and soon they might be *gush*TALKING ABOUT A WEDDING*gush* (Please note: "gush" is code for "the recapper is puking".)
  • Aldonza calls Val on her sh!t: Hmmm. That's interesting, Val. Because I saw you and Abelardo playing tonsil hockey outside the clinic.
  • Val yells at Abelardo because someone saw them kissing. In the open. In broad daylight. With no shame.
So yeah. That's pretty much the big stuff.
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Amores con trampa #23 and 24 4/29 and 4/30

Look for Jarifa's recap in the comments!!


La Sombra del Pasado, 04-28-2015, Capitulo 51

Paragraph summary: Hum realizes Sev’s a monster.
Long paragraph: Humberto is up in arms over Sev’s implied orders, but Sev says he shouldn’t take life so seriously. Especially other peoples’ lives. Besides, he’s only suggesting that Hum help PJ…to die well. Maybe this has opened Hum’s eyes a little because now he can see that Sev’s a monster and he tells him so. Sev says that may be, but they’re the same. The only difference is that Hum’s a hypocrite and Sev isn’t. Hum sits down and tells Sev that’s he’s starting to realize Sev’s much, much worse than he thought. Sev’s glad he’s figured that out because they still have to resolve the matter of El Santuario. He hasn’t pressed about it because he didn’t want to affect Val and Cris’s relationship. Hum notes that there is no relationship anymore, but Sev thinks that that might change. He has the gall to look to heaven and say “with God’s help” on this point, as though he didn’t just ask Hum to kill a priest.

Paragraph summary: Ren updates Aldonza on the apt and the job debacle.
Long paragraph: Aldonza calls Ren for an update. He’s promised the neighbors that they’ll come to a fair recompense for the damage. Aldonza wants to know where they’ll get the money. Ren again advises her to fix and sell the apartment. She doesn’t want to, but she’ll think about it. Yes, he says, but they don’t have much time. Meanwhile, she asks what he’s going to do about his job situation. He’ll look elsewhere, but he’ll take Pato and Silvia with him wherever he goes because they also got fired because of this whole thing. Oh, well in that case, Aldonza agrees, it’s the least he can do for them. He hopes Silvia’s open to the idea because she won’t even talk to him right now. Aldie advises him to give her time.

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Que te Perdone Dios Capitulo 71 - 50 Shades of Dumbo (Discussion& Recap)

Sit tight as I work on the recap!  I have really  accustomed to the opening to be honest but i would have still preferred  this song : . What's your opinion?

On to the recap:

Refritos:  It's a repeat of the scene between Max and Dan. She after Max has mocked her supposed loss ( Just let it live by said Max)  proceeds to inform Max that the reason they travel without a Heli is cause his parents went to the otro mundo! Max is in denial of course.

Present:   Mat  who always has a never ceasing  head of imaginations & blunders furiously   reclaims Ab's in her face that he now hates her despite having loved her once. Ab's as much we are is pithed as hell cause Mat claims she betrayed Ren's trust and because Mat is  so ingenious with his imaginations he could build a Fausto out of Lego's but it would still inevitably transform into Satan  ( Imagine no more  Fausto's , one age full of darts wohohoo!)  .  Abi exclaims that she has not betrayed Ren's trust. Mat claims her intimate life is no concern for him but he still hates Ab's for being so cruel  and serene with him but especially cause he will never be hers.  Abi says to the thick-head she unfortunately has no heart to hate , she only feels love. Mat calls her a liar and Ab's after he having left squeals in frustration. Ab's 5 , Mat 0.

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Que Te Perdone Dios #70 on Monday, April 27th, 2015. (Julion and Tono do take after each other alright!)

Mateo (Drippin' Wet) and Fausto

Mateo (unfortunately in board shorts and not a banana hammock like Jorge Aravena has done before) has hopped out of the pool and talks with Fausto. He thought Fausto had gone out with Abigail and he did' into the city. Mat is amazed and Fausto cuts what could be the beginning of an argument off. That was futile because Mat doesn't believe this sudden closeness with Abi.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4/28 #179 Hasta el Fin del Mundo – Beware the wrath of Geronimo

Casa de Chava
Chava  finds Aracely knitting away and confronts her, “I want the truth!  Who’s the daddy?  Me or Pedro?”  Aracely doesn’t know what Pedro may have told him but she assures Chava that he’s the baby-daddy!  She would never lie when it comes to “their” child!  She admits she took advantage that night, but this baby she’s carrying is the result of that marvelous night they had together.  Chava knows she was with Pedro shortly before that night.  Aracely can’t even look him in the eye when she admits sleeping with Pedro,  “It was a big mistake on my part since I knew it’s you who I truly love.  I know my cycle and know when I conceived.  I have no doubt you’re the father of this baby.”  Chava apologizes for being such a cad but this does involve knowing whether or not that child is his or someone else’s!  He can’t trust her assumption the baby is his. He insists on a doctor’s opinion.  Aracely brings on the waterworks, “Please believe me, this is your child!” waaaaaah.   Chava insists, “For the good of everyone involved, we have to be sure about the baby-daddy!  I can’t see myself living a lie my entire life that will eventually eat away (carcomer) at my soul!”

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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #177 4/27/15 Two Daddies and Two Weddings

From Friday:
Irma takes Nandito to school. On the way to class he hides from the teacher and escapes out the side door.
Sofia is mourning the loss of Chava's love and the news that he's marrying Araceli. Fausto tries to comfort her.
Araceli is happy about her shotgun wedding. Paco doesn't like the fact that Araceli's happiness is based on Sofia's suffering.

New Episode:
Araceli vows to Paco that Chava will be the happiest man in the world with her and her spawn. She storms out. Paco looks at the ceiling, "Dios, dios." then turns and goes after her, "Araceli! Araceli!" He stops at the door. She's gone. Paco sighs, " I didn't get to tell her that Pedro came here looking for her last night."
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Monday, April 27, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #50 4-27-15 She's Aliiiiiive!!!

Let’s pick up where we left off!  Abelardo bolts down the stairs of Aldonza’s apartment building, exits and crosses the street, five-gallon gas can in full view.  He stops and calls Sev to tell him the job is done.  Sev is pleased and instructs him to return to Santa Lucia.  When Sev takes this call he is already at the Police Station and goes in immediately to talk to the Chief, who greets him warmly.  Sev has stopped by to inform the Chief that a nasty rumor is going around that he is involved in Padre J’s accident.  No alarms go off for the Chief that he’s not heard this “rumor” before.  Sev reminds the Chief he has had problems with this family making false accusations before.  The Chief remembers.  Sev has come to get the Chief’s assurance that he will do everything in his power to do a thorough investigation and make sure the ravings of Aldonza don’t soil his sterling reputation and honorable name.  The charges are all the more painful as everybody knows nobody loves and respects Padre Jeronimo more than him and his family.  The Chief assures Sev he will look into the matter with the ultimate care and attention to the law.  Sev leaves and the Chief wears a look I can’t quite figure out; determined pissivity?  “Here we go again?”

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Amores con Trampa #21 & #22 4/27/15-4/28/15

Today was a really trying day at work, but tonight's episode made me forget all my woes. Ernesto Laguardia just gets better and better!

Straight to the new!

María spent the night worrying. Facundo never made it home. They've fought before, but he didn't stay away all night. Abuela tells Maria to wait until he gets home and they can talk things over. Women know how to turn their husbands around. Maria laments that Facundo even turned off his phone. Her finger is swollen from calling him all night! Abuelo comes in and tells them to change up breakfast...except for the boiled eggs. Carmen and Beto also arrive and Carmen asks about her father. Beto is a chip off the old block and blames his mother (that's María) for Facundo's absence. Jacinto and Susana are the BEST!! Jacinto doesn't give a rip if Beto is bigger--he tells his big brother not to talk to his mother that way. Susana gets in there too...fists ready for action. Go girl! Beto repeats that if Facundo spent the night elsewhere, it's María's fault.

At the hotel Isa prays that God forgive her for what she's about to do. It's the only way for the family to avoid ruin. She snuggles up to a naked Facundo. He wakes up with a start. They both start freaking out. Poor Facundo tries to make sense of things "What happened? Did it happen? Did it not happen? Ay Dios mío! I don't remember!" Isa does "remember". EVERYTHING happened! She starts to apologize as Facundo begins to worry about María finding out. In comes Santiago!

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It's Narco-novelas all the time at 10pm as El Señor de los Cielos, tercer temporada, begins its run. At 8pm, Avenida Brasil is hitting its stride and at 9pm Tierra de Reyes slogs along. This is your post for comments on all things Telemundo! Enjoy spring, too.


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Quiero Amarte (Week 32-Apr 27) Highlights & Discussion

Please step into our voting booth. We invite you to select the size anvil for the characters who have done the most to derail the happiness of our main couples, Amaya/Max and Mariana/Iván. However, note this is not a secret ballot. If you wish to amplify your choices with comments, you are invited to do so.

There are four sizes:
1. Full-body size (FBS)—the character will not recover and most likely will serve time in a confined space (this could include a coffin, e.g. Horacio Espinoza)
2. Rib-crushing size (RCS)—the character will recover but will be disgraced (e.g. Constanza)
3. Leg-fracturing size (LFS)—the character will be inconvenienced for having been mean or aided and abetted a major antagonist (e.g. Becca)
4. Nail-breaking size (NBS)—the character is unaware they caused any harm or interfered (e.g. Vale at her snotty worst)

We know certain characters have tried to wreck the lives and plans of other characters (like Cesar did to Lucio and Manuel), but let’s stick to the main protagonists. Dig back into your memory banks and pull out some who may have faded into the mists on Mexican mountains.  Have Fun.


Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hasta el Fin del Mundo #176 20150424 Pedro Came.....................................................Back!

Discussion Page.....the recap will be up shortly!


Que Te Perdone Dios #69: Love Means Letting Go, Or Maybe Not

Abigail gives Diego another go at the marriage go-round; they and Renata agree amongst themselves to keep it secret for a while.

Macaria threatens Renata to keep Abi by her side (and to fill her mind with gawd knows what trash about Ren) instead of leaving the rancho.  Her only goal is to now needle Ren at every turn.  Ren reminds her that she’s the servant; she’s to stop dissin’ her, and to start addressing her with “usted.” Mac needles her as only Mac can with “ustedito’s”.  Grrrr!

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Friday, April 24, 2015

La Sombra del Pasado #49 4-24-15 The Stolen Kiss!

We have a brief overlap of the conversation between Adelina and Aldonza.  Aldonza admits that she is not happy but she will be one day, that happiness being contingent on making Sev pay for all his offenses.  The main thrust of the scene is Adelina’s firm rejection of Aldonza’ s suspicion that Cris is as perverse as his parents and her doubting her love for him.  Adelina tells her to trust her heart; it’s one thing that he is their son and raised by them but quite another that he would ever hurt Padre J.  Adelina tells her never to forget that Cris loves her as much as she loves him!

Lic. Serrano wants Reanato’s resignation on his desk NOW!  Serrano shuts down Sylvia and Pato and send them away so he can chew Renato out some more.  Serrano is unmoved by Renato’s accepting responsibility and asking pardon and tells Renato to get his cases in order for his successor:  there are lots of candidates who want an opportunity like he just threw away!

Across town there’s another chewing out going on.  Pru accuses Juana of taking the Humberto’s watch and gives her an ultimatum:  if she doesn’t find it, she is fired!  Hum intervenes and rescues Juanita from Pru’s hypocritical claws.

Ay, Candela is still wearing what she wore the previous night and we find her in her bedroom feverishly praying with a rosary.  Dominga knocks and Cande tearfully bids her to enter, affectionately calling her “Nana.”  Dominga sees Cande is distraught and crying.   Cande pulls Dominga down to the bed where she sits and holds her hand.  Cande cries that Jeronimo can’t die!  Dominga gently reminds Cande that she’s always been strong and she can’t get weak now.  Dominga coos to her that she’ll draw her a nice hot bath, it will help her relax, and leads her to the bathroom.

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