Monday, August 06, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #86 Mon 8/6/12 Rod Comes Close, But His Major Case of Foot-in-Mouth Disease Gets in the Way; Rosa Puts on Her Glad Rags and a Happy Face

In Het Het, Magda has just opened her door, and is as stunned as Viewerville to find Rod there. She doesn’t look the least bit pleased about her surprise visitor. Magda informs Rod that Luci went with Paz to Santa Lucia, a neighboring town. Rod asks if he can come in and wait. Magda shrugs and gives a non-committal “Make yourself at home.” She is nice enough to offer him refreshment and tells him what Luci went to Santa Lucia for—she won a contest (concurso) and got a grant! Then she catches herself getting too excited and happy as she speaks with the enemy. She’s sure Rod doesn’t want to hear it. Rod tells her that anything having to do with Luci is important to him. Magda looks incredulous.

In the market, the Gossip Girls are reporting to Luchita that Luci’s big, blonde, blue-eyed hubby is in town, likely to take her back to D.F. This makes Luchita very happy, as her rival for the affections of Don Aquiles will once again be out of reach. The Gossip Girls leave to investigate some more.

In the Cultural Center of Santa Lucia, Luci and Paz meet with the young woman who informed Luci about winning the contest. She’s brought the final contract for Luci to read and sign. Luci will receive a monthly payment (mensualidad) for a year, and they will buy her pieces. Her pieces will be on sale/displayed in four different cultural centers in the state. The first order (pedida) she has to fill is for 12 pieces. Luci and Paz are happy that Luci now has fixed work, and over the moon when they are presented with Luci’s certificate for finishing first in the contest. Paz is so proud (orgullosa/o) of her.

In the D.F. Aquatics Center, we have another proud parent. Pato has finished with his therapy and Max tells him how impressed he is by his tenacity. He’ll be here for him whenever he can. Pato says it does him good to have Max there. He asks where Rod is, but Max doesn’t know where Rod ran off to all of a sudden.
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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #79-83 Aug. 6-10

I’ve consolidated the action so its not in the order we saw it. Let me know if I’ve completely or slightly misunderstood anything.

Isa grabs Wigsy, the police arrive, and thankfully arrest her. At the police station, Gimme refuses to tell where Leo is. To our horror, poor Leo is in a ditch and moaning.

Lucia visits Zoe and is worried about Willy (his operation, she’s in denial about being concerned about him). She admits she’s grossed out by what she overhead Beba and Horny saying in regard to Willie. They go to lunch and meet up w/Sabrina, who tells Lucia what Zoe told her early no man is perfect and Willy loves her.

Poncho goes on his blind date w/Mayela. Things appear to be going well, she gives him a cake and since we know he loves food he’s ecstatic. He then realizes she’s 14 months pregnant (he actually says 14 which is pretty funny) and leaves w/the cake, of course. Later he goes to Fer’s to find Doris for a hug. He tells her about his “date” and I’m concerned there may be another baby kidnaping based on the look in her eyes. Doris wants to get that baby and pass it off as her own. Though the end result is a lie, I hope they ask for the baby and don’t steal it (even though Mayela will be a horrible mother and we know is willing to sell her child)

Willy wakes from surgery and has a nice dream about being married to Lucia and them having a baby girl. When he actually wakes, he asks about Tuqueque. Meanwhile, Lala and her co-madre are talking badly about Beba quite loudly (icky Horny is there too). Lucia finally goes to the hospital. Willy has been asking for her and Lala urges Lucia to see her son as she can see him later in the day. The family gets the good news that both patients are doing well. As Lucia approaches the door to Willy’s room Horny is there. Willy is drugged and is asking for Lucia, Horny never states who she is and keeps pawing our hero. In typical TN style, once Horny realizes Lucia is there, she kisses him to Lucia’s and our extreme displeasure.  Naturally Lucia leaves, running into the abuelas as she leaves. They notices she was acting odd but attribute it to Willy. Unfortunately they don’t know Horny is the true vampire not Beba. Willy talks w/his mom and she tells him about Lucia’s visit. He calls her and she thinks he’s in love w/Horny; Seriously, Lucia. When Horny visits him she asks why he is trying to get back w/Lucia; WITCH. He tells her regardless of their “agreement” he loves Lucia and will handle the situation in his own way. She reminds of their contract and how she will act crazy if he crosses her; Again I say, WITCH!

Doris, EWM and the two younger Mari’s are playing kiddie cards. Minnie returns and wonders what is burning in the kitchen. She reprimands Doris and EWM for trying to cook. The girls say they were dying of hunger and Minnie will make them some good grub (as oppose to whatever dear Doris was attempting to cook). EWM gets offended by Minnie, yeah, and goes to find Fer & Isa. Doris tells her the wrong way to go to find them.

Maristupid chats w/Knuckles, who telling her his life as a child (which is most likely a big ol’ lie).

Fer & Isa go to the ranch to look for her father. Sarita arrives just as the two are about to leave taking horses with them. I’m surprised Fer rides horses, he’s a city-sliker. What’s funny is that Diego is clearly pretending he cannot ride. The search party actually finds Gimme’s lover and to distract them he scares Fer’s horse. By nightfall they find Hector who tells them where he last saw Leo. Of course by the time they get there Leo is gone. Thankfully an older couple has found him and is taking care of him; this scene is a flashback to CME when Jero got found. Leo actually speaks and asks for his daughter. At the end of the episode, Hector is in police custody and keeps claiming he doesn’t know where Leo is. Isa & Fer vow to keep looking for him.

Ricky wants his antiques friend to speed up the restoration. When Ricky brings the artifact to Jorrible’s henchman, the latter refuses to pay Ricky for the work.

EWM goes to Jorrible’s and she tries to get a rise out of him by telling him Isa & Fer are together. He calls her on her obsession w/Fer and she leaves in a huff. Tomorrow - Isa & Fer might actually make a love connection.


Sunday, August 05, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #14 8/4/12: Love Hurts and Pluto Gloats

We start tonight with Helena at home with Silvia and Lalo. Helena is telling Lalo, JC won't be at his soccer game cause he is having problems and is moving to another country. Lalo doesn't beleive her.

At GI there is a meeting in full swing and the whole purpose of the meeting is to accuse JC of the fraud against GI. Pluto is providing "proof" at the meeting, Antonia's thesis, Pluto's work on the project, yada yada. JC pipes up the only one he stole from was Helena Moreno. She came up with this Playa project wayyyy before Pluto. He goes to leave, but Adriano tells him to wait, the meeting isn't over yet. The next "proof" JC is presented is the money transfers of 30 million dollars. Combine that with JC giving the Playa project to the competition (Helena) and it smells, looks, tastes, etc like FRAUD. JC swears his innocence and says he was entrusted with the Playa project and Ferni and Santi had nothing to do with it. Now Pluto brings in another "proof" one Senor Maxillian Montes, who Pluto asks if he recognizes anyone in the room. Of course he points to JC that's the guy. JC swears he's never seen him before. I think this Montes guy has some pics/proof of Juan in some hotel with Helena. JC swears his innocence and then points an accusing finger at Pluto and says he set this whole thing up. Antonia gets mad and says no way hubby did this. JC says this is absurd! He is getting his own lawyer to investigate these charges and he goes. Pluto is gloating.

Helena is in her office, crying her eyes out. She feels she was bamboozled by "Juan Peron" who is knows now as JC. He got his hands on her project and now she feels like an idiot. Lucia tells her not to blame herself, she couldn't have known who he really was. Helena is still crying when some clients come in looking for a honeymoon package. Lucia waits on them, they see Helena is upset and crying, but Helena blames the tears on allergies! Lucia helps them out and Helena picks up the magazines from the floor along with Santi's wedding invitation. She doesn't notice it on top.

Two police officers come to the front desk of GI looking for JC. They have a warrant for his arrest. Marcela goes to find him. Meanwhile, JC is in his office looking on his computer, and Marcela comes in, gives him the 411 about the cops that are there to arrest him and throw him in jail. JC sneaks out of the building to the garage and while a cop is ogling the girls coming in and out of the building, JC sneaks into his car and drives off.

Pluto is pithed that JC got away, and wasn't arrested and put in la carcel. Adriano can't beleive it, it is soooo bad for the business.

Santi and Ferni are upset too, Santi can't beleive it, much less that JC escaped.

JC has gone to his lawyer, one Lic Suarez. JC tells him he is innocent, but Lic Suarez says you should prove this in court. Lic Suarez will help him, and JC goes.

Helena and Lucia get a visit, and wait for it, it is the guys from the tourism board come to shut them down over this Playa bidness. Helena and Lucia are shocked, I tell you shocked! The clients see the lay of the land and high tail it out of there. Helena is very ticked off and she wants to know why they are shutting HER down. The guys tell her that she has to prove she was the one that orginially did the project. Lucia starts packing up the office and packs those mags with Santi's wedding invite on the top, which neither of them has looked at yet.

Adriano is in his office alone and he can't beleive that JC did this to him, when Pluto comes in all gloaty and sucks up to Adriano. Adriano tells him that the law will deal with JC.

Rebe and Antonia are in the bathroom at GI and Rebe is asking Antonia if she can beleive that JC did this. Antonia says that JC was always in like Flynn with Adriano and that JC is really a Don Juan and Rebe pipes up that he has done the wild thang with half the women that work at GI. Antonia asks Rebe if she is one of the ones that did the wild thang with JC. Rebe laughs and says no way, as if!

Pluto is in his office with Onesimo and gives him a pic of Juan to distribute to the media so they can catch JC already. Pluto is snapping his fingers at Onesimo telling him to git already. Oni goes and in comes Rebe. Rebe has come to gloat about that Casanova finally getting his comeuppance; they plan on going to her apartment in the evening, hot kissing and finger sucking ensue.

JC has ended up at Ferni's house. He wants to stay for the night. He can't go home to his place, or his parents cause the cops will surely go to these places first and he can't go to Santi's house either. Both Marcela and Ferni tell him no problem. Marcela is going to make dinner and JC is calling Helena but no answer.

The cops have come to Modesto's and Eugenia's house looking for their son JC. Modesto is way pithed and Eugenia thinks the gentleman are there with her contract and then she thinks they are the paps! She poses a bit, but Modesto tells her they are security guys coming to check the home security system. He invites the cops in, the cops are looking at Eugenia funny.

Pluto and Rebe in the tub drinking wine, eating grapes and gloating about how Pluto nailed JC with "proof" about the fraud and the missing 30 millon dollars.

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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Por Ella Team is Experiencing Summer Scantiness.

Hi friends, As you know we don't really have a full team for Por Ella and due to summer shenanigans we're in trouble at the moment. I am going to be in Cincinnati and unable to blog Monday; Ezra is in Canada and I'm not sure he'll be home in time to blog Tuesday; Jim is at guitar camp and will not be blogging Wednesday. It IS possible Ez will get home in time, but I don't know, because I'll be gone when he gets back. ideas?


Abismo de pasión #102 8/3/12: Doctor Tovar Burns the Toast

Alternative Titles
Anyone Not Waiting in Line to Punch Damien, Please Step to the Right
Who Invited this Crazy BWitch to My Party?
A Convict, A Rapist, A Doctor and A Witch Attend a Dinner Party
Dam!  You got knocked the Hell Out!  (From the Movie Friday)
Castanon Home Office Damien tells Elisa that some chick tried to kill his mommy last night.  Damien informs Elisa that Alfonsina has pointed her bony, bejeweled, forefinger with an impeccably polished red nail at her.   Elisa freaks out and screams that Alfonsina is one sick puppy dog.  Elisa freely acknowledges that, at times, she has wanted to choke the hell out of Alfonsina and feel her soul slowly leaving her body.  However, Elisa did not make the attempt on Alfonsina’s life, this time.  Damien wants to know where Elisa was last night.  Elisa asks how many times Damien will believe his mother’s lies about her.   Damien tells Elisa that he does believe in her; he just needs to know where she was so that he can prove his mother wrong.  Elisa tells Damien to get the hell out and go back to his fake pregnant wife and his deranged mommy. 
Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom Alfonsina wants to chat with Florencia about the trip to Mexico City.  Did she go to the OBGYN?  Where’s the ultrasound?  Damien has the ultrasound.  Florencia informs Alfonsina that she and Damien got married by the Justice of the Peace.    Alfonsina is surprised that Damien doesn’t want a church wedding.  Florencia laments that Damien doesn’t want to acknowledge or celebrate the wedding (no party, no church ceremony, no nasty nookie, no nothing).  He gave her his name.  What more does she want?  Alfonsina tells Florencia not to worry; she will get a white wedding.  There is no way her fake grandchild will be born in a marriage not blessed by God.  BEGIN TMI ALERT!!!!!  Florencia tells her mother-in-law that she didn’t get to ride the stallion on the wedding night!  The saddle wasn’t ready, so she couldn’t jump on it! END OF TMI ALERT!!!! Alfonsina apologizes for breaking up the happy honeymoon, but since someone tried to kill her, she figured she’d better call her son.  Florencia wants to know if it’s true that Elisa tried to kill Alfonsina.  Do you think I would lie about something like this?  Florencia tells Alfonsina that Damien doesn’t believe it.  Florencia tells Alfonsina that she went to see Elisa and informed her that she and Damien were married.  Alfonsina says that she did well.  Florencia doesn’t think so.  Florencia asks if it’s true that Damien and Elisa are not siblings.
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Friday, August 03, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #85 Fri 8/3/12 DumbRod gets a Bobo OVERLOAD, Rosa la loca confesses more symptoms, Connie and Oscar's little dream escape‏


Refritos: Max angrily insists he wants to see the bank videos of Claudio fraud time….Vicky gets to the apt, sees note, gets upset. She writes back to him on same little bitty card, leaves keys. (Sorry this plotline just gives me the creeps… it is sickening, period.)

At TL, Connie and Mati try to console a nutsy Rosa. Connie would have offered to come along. Rosa says it was time. Sooner or later she would have to face CL. Frigida listening behind door…
-I have lived so long with nightmares, seeing Aurora following me around in every corner of the house, reprieving me for what I did to her daughter. I hope that now that I told CL the truth, she will stop stalking me around. (Connie gets worried) I had no choice. Claudio caught me, he knows the truth already, he knows Luci is his child. (Connie wants to tell Max or Oscar. They need to protect her.)
- No need, Claudio can’t do anything against me. Luci asked him for mercy for me. Now it turns out the woman I hate most in life has prevented me from ending up in jail for everything I have done.  (This woman is so out there in her own little Fantasia world… The sorcerer’s apprentice has nothing on her, what role is she playing on the scene? One of the dancing polka dot hippos?)

At Gala’s, Julie is having a small party with some folks (surely her latest pickup guys and gals at the latest bar hopping night, I am beginning to doubt this woman’s bedside habits. How old is this woman anyway? 17?). Frigida calls. Tells her have a bomb of info. Julie brushes her off but Frigida insists it is important and dangerous. (drum roll) CL knows he is Luci’s dad. Now Luci is a Linares thru and thru. Julie finds it just interesting. Frigida won’t let her off so easy. Will meet tomorrow and will bring my big black bag so you can fill it with… (Interesting open ended question… what would we put in her bag? Piranhas, roaches, poison ivy, dog doo doo, rotten eggs, a picture of herself?).

Patito shows Jana his reading on MRIs. Rosa comes in robe and slippers and barks at him. Some mom. Pato argues with Rosa, want to know about your tests. Rosa gets offended.  Jana asks if she got Boris’ flowers. Rosa says yeah but it won’t clear up his ‘offense’. Pato notices Rosa is really anxious, but Rosa won’t talk at all about what is bothering her. Pato and Jana wondering what is up.

Claudio in his office gets a call from Luci. She wants a debriefing. He does not want to lie to her. Says Rosa and I argued, it got violent and offensive at times. Told her a piece of my mind. She tried to deny but then had to admit all the damage she caused you and Aurora and me. Just because you asked me, I will not harm her. I wanted her to recognize all she did to us. It was hard for her but she did admit it. Deep inside I thought she would apologize but she didn’t. (Luci says RTL would never apologize).

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El Mundo de Telemundo, week of August 6, 2012: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Here's a fresh page for our Telemundo community. Have a great week!

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Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains; Peer(less) Evil

Dirty Dozen #3:   Femmes Fatales

Now we get to a particularly lethal species of female viper, the femmes fatales, the women who think they're the gods' gift to the men from whom they demand gifts. Not always clad in plunging necklines, stiletto heels, and red lipstick, they demand everything and get it... until Karmageddon gets them.  Always involved in one-upwomanship competitions with the female characters in their peer groups – and sometimes beyond that – for the attention of any or all of the males, they will use seduction as the primary weapon and deception as a close second. Frequently as sadistic as seductive, they are motivated either by pride, revenge, or greed. Whether toxic relative or false friend, the femme fatale is a typical narcissist and often a vile sociopath. Most are succubi and emotional vampires in other ways and – fortunately – few ever live to become the toxic mothers of future protagonists.

Who is the most evil of them all?
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Abismo de pasión, #101, Thursday 8/2/12: In which the writers vow to hold all plot developments until Sylvia gets back home


Alfonsina insists it was Elisa who attacked her. To Damián, that is simply impossible. Gabino, lurking at the doorway, can’t believe his ears – or his luck: “Are you sure?” To the doubters, Alfie shoots back: “How could I invent something like that?” Florencia narrows her eyes. She knows how.

If there’s not a will, we’ll find a way.

Lucio agrees it would be unfair if tía Nutcase ended up with the quinta. Good thing she doesn’t know about Elisa’s account. They need to find out if Augusto left a will. If he didn’t, they’ll have to find a good lawyer.

[“Well duh” hisses someone in the beanie-optional area of the Patio.]

Doc in a box

Once again, Doc Tovar has taken refuge in the hotel but is tracked down by Begoña. In BegoñaLandia, protecting Enrique from Paloma and pushing Sabrina towards Paolo ‘the momzer’ Landucci make perfect sense. She is all aflutter about the dinner tonight at which Paolo is to ask for Sabrina’s hand (la pedida de feto ... er ... I mean mano

His hyperactivity is harnessed for good

Gael can’t stand by idly and let Padre Lupe be transferred to a parish far away. He wants to start a petition drive. Lucio is sympathetic though he knows Lupe won’t like the idea.

Casa Castigo, Nerve Center of La Ermita

Dolores fills Elisa in on the assault on Alfie.

Paloma comes by and Elisa tells her about Lupe. Elisa wants both of them to catch up with Gael. No thanks, says Paloma. She’s trying to get past her obsession with him and it would be better to keep her distance.

Dolores reminds the Killer Orange that she. Lolita, is no longer her servant. If Citrus is hungry, she can cook. And as for her pigsty (chiquero) of a room -- well, it’s her problem.

The Cranky Oracle and the Unemployed Engineer

Ramona thinks Enrique comes around a little too often for someone who’s “just friends” with her nieta. Yes, he can wait for Paloma. But outside. And not too long! Before he steps out, Enrique extends an invitation to Ramona and Paloma to attend the “pedida” at the Tovar house tonight.

Gael and Elisa finally connect, though not the way he would like. He explains how he’s fighting Lupe’s transfer. If Lupe does leave, says Elisa, Gael would be out of a home. In that case, he’d be welcome to stay at the Carminatorium. But just friends. No benefits. Capeesh?

Begoña’s BFF Carmina assures her that Enrique is just toying with Paloma. The Bumble agrees to help Citrus find a lawyer to keep that devious Elisa from putting the helpless widow out on the street.

Paloma finds Enrique waiting for her at the cenote. He invites her to the “pedida” and then admits sheepishly that he’s really doing so to irritate his mother.

The Blue House of Shame and Incredulity

Gabino explains to Curls why Alfie is blaming Elisa: she hates her so much, she’d do anything to harm her. But Curls should watch out – Alfie won’t denounce her to the cops but she might try something privately.

Back in town, Maru agrees to help Lucio collect signatures for Lupe. She invites him in for coffee and they chat. She tells him how Braulio got canned; both assume it was Gab’s doing and that Dam will fix things now that he’s back.

Maru is convinced that Gab has always had the hots for Alfie and that Alfie, well aware of this, has used his feelings to manipulate him. Lucio is skeptical. He repeats the dogma that Rosendo was Alfie’s only love. “Hay amores que marcan a uno para siempre” he says nostalgically. “Like yours and doña Blanca’s” says Maru with resignation.

[On the Patio, they shift uneasily at Lucio’s table – that Alfie loved Rosendo doesn’t mean she hasn’t sensed and used Gabino’s feeling for her. Will the horses stand all alone on the “not stoopid” list? Who will take care of them?]

A person’s feelings could get hurt.

When Flor asks Dam what’s wrong, he snaps “¿Eres tonta o te haces?” (Are you an idiot or are you just acting like one?)

When Flor says it’s not her fault that Elisa tried to kill his mother, he tells her to shut up – Elisa couldn’t do such a thing. So does that mean his ma is lying? Well, she hates Elisa so much ....

Flor tries to steer the conversation away from her rival. “Have you told your mother we got married por lo civil?” No he hasn’t. He prefers to wait until she’s calmer. But one thing is sure – he’s not leaving her alone when there is someone out there who means to do her harm. Pout pout goes Flor. Snark snark goes Dam. Lying, Pregnancy-Faking Gold-Digging Flor, left alone, sighs and laments: “Como siempre, yo pago los platos rotos por culpa de Elisa.” (As usual, I sweep up after the elephants in E’s parade.)

Someone is cleaning house at Casa Castigo

The tía is in a frenzy, throwing Augusto’s clothes in a heap. She threatens to attack Estefanía’s room next. She and Elisa go nose to nose, exchange insults and end with Elisa proposing that for now, they divide the house so they don’t have to see each other.

Elisa has just scooped up an armful of Augusto’s things when the bell sounds. Dolores offers to take the stuff to Estefanía’s room while Elisa goes to the door.

ALL TOGETHER NOW: ¡Ay, no puede ser! ¿Qué haces aquí? ¿Qué quieres?

Yes, it’s Florencia Landucci de Arango who has come to rub Elisa’s nose in it – she and Elisa’s brother are married!

Now, as Dolores watches disapprovingly, Elisa transforms into the Jezebel that the likes of Begoña have always believed her to be:

“You feel very sure of yourself” she begins. And then adds with an imperfect subjunctive flourish of bitchiness: “Si yo quisiera, yo te lo quitaría todo, Florencia!” (If I wanted to [but I don’t], I'd take it all away from you, Flor!)

¡Damián y yo no somos hermanos, Florencia!” (We’re not brother and sister) Flor’s tears undermine her show of bravado when she tells Elisa that it doesn’t matter because it’s too late. Dam is her husband and the father of her non-existent child.

Elisa isn’t finished though. She is cool and dry-eyed, jaunty even, hand on hip: “You think that’s going to stop me? If I were you, I’d be worried.”

En La Ermita las Bouvier tenemos la fama de ser de lo peor – y nadie dudaría que yo soy capaz de robarme hasta un hombre casado.” (In La E, we Bouviers are known as the worst – and no one would doubt that I’m capable of stealing even a married man.) “Just ask your suegrita about the Bouvier women.”

Flor makes furious threatening noises and leaves. Dolores shakes her head sadly: “You shouldn’t have said that, Elisa.” Elisa admits she was trying to make Flor suffer a little. She’s married to Damián – why did she have to come there to torture her? Why?

La Ermita, a public bench

Paloma and Enrique are laughing and kidding around. Then Paloma catches sight of Gael in the street, collecting signatures. Impulsively, she pulls Enrique towards her and kisses him. Convincingly and indicatively. Gael, apparently unimpressed, approaches them and asks them to sign his petition.

Braulio has come to see Dolores at Casa Castigo. He learns of Dam’s hasty marriage (he hopes Dam doesn’t live to regret it). And he tells her how much Vicente’s rejection hurts him.

She has a favor to ask – she wants to send Horacio some clothes but doesn’t want to see him personally. Braulio agrees to deliver them and also to let him know that the divorce and annulment are underway.

Before leaving, Braulio tells Lolita he was hurt by what she said to him in church – it made him feel she had stopped loving him.

[Murmurs on the Patio ... what did she say? anybody remember? Sara whispers: "Braulio was lamenting the fact that at the church, Lolita told him she no longer loved him." Ah! Gracias, profe!]

Paloma is depressed and demoralized. And Ramona isn’t helping. She tells her nieta that Enrique isn’t for her; Paloma will never love him; and she’ll never be able to get over Gael. Paloma fumes that everything her abuela says is negative and she is nicer to everyone else than she is to her own granddaughter.

Dolores literally pushes Elisa towards the office where Dam is waiting to see her at Casa Castigo. She tries to shoo him out but he closes the door firmly and then says conditionally, imperfectly and subjunctively: “No estaría aquí si no fuera importante lo que tengo que hablar contigo.” (I wouldn’t be here if what I have to discuss with you were not so important.)

“My mother says someone tried to kill her.”

“She says it was a woman.”


“It’s too ridiculous to say it ...”

“But that’s why you’re here, right? So who?”

“My mother thinks you’re the person who attacked her!”

Elisa goes Carmina-eyed!

Avances: ¡Una acusación! ¡La venganza! ¡La duda! ¡Golpes! ¡El cheque!


Thursday, August 02, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #84 Thu 8/2/12 Rosa's Chickens Have Come Home To Roost!

In order to keep the flow of this capitulo things are not in order. I wanted to keep the different parts together in order for it to flow better.

Het Het:

We are starting in Het Het tonight. The Lady has come about Luci's ceramics. She offers Luci an economic scholarship to go to school for her ceramics an artist's college, I think. Luci is very surprised. The Lady also wants Luci to work for them. The Lady gives Luci a magazine with pictures of different ceramics in it, with different artists and she asks Luci if she recognizes anything. Luci's ceramics are in this magazine! Luci is wondering how they got in this magazine as she never entered a contest for them. The Lady asks if she remembers the woman that traveled on the bus with her and Ariche, when Luci went to sell her ceramics in another town? (Ed Note: Remember when Don A basically shut down Luci in Het Het from selling her ceramics? She went to the next town over) Luci remembers Marcella the lady she met on the bus. Luci also remembers she left her box of ceramics on the street when Don A kidnapped her. Ariche remembers that when the police took him back to Het Het, after the kidnapping, Marcella picked up that box of ceramics. Evidently, Marcella got them to someone and they ended up on display in New York! Luci is flabbergasted, to say the least, and wants to know how she got credited with her ceramics? The lady says there was some type of note/paper with her name on them and that's how they knew they were Luci's and that's how they were credited. Luci is wowed by that. The Lady wants her to sign a contract with them for work, and Luci asks Ariche what he thinks. Ariche wants to see the contract. Ariche looks it over and says Acepto! We accept, lol.

The Lady has left and Luci is smiling. Magda and Paz have come back from shopping, (Ed Note: I am really loving Paz's shawl here, it is a wonderful shade of pink), Luci tells Paz and Magda she wants to go to the funeria to use the phone, she is worried. Magda says it's about the Lic. isn't it? She says yes, he wanted to talk to Rosa, and Luci wants to know how it went.

Ariche is at the funeria, which I will be calling Don Copio's, and is playing his flute when the Chisme Ladies come in and want to pump Ariche for info. Don C comes in and tells them to stop with the gossip,especially trying to get chisme out of a child, for goodness sake. The phone rings and Don C answers and its, wait for it, Pato. He wants to speak with Luci. Don C isn't sure who Pato is, but Ariche hears and takes the phone from Don C. Ariche calls Pato, Mushashon, and talks to him. Tells him he is happy to speak with him. Don C and the Chisme Ladies are listening in, but get no info other than the name Pato. Ariche hangs up and then goes, and the Chisme Ladies are trying to figure out who Pato is, one things it is Luci's husband, the other says, no it is Rodrigo, sigh! lol. For the sake of continuity I am adding that after Pato hangs up he tells Mati, who had been holding the phone, to put the cell phone by his good hand. He is expecting Luci to call him back. He tells Mati he is very happy to be talking to Ariche and to Luci when she calls back. The plan is Pato is going to be going on a trip close to Het Het, stopping by to see Luci and Mati is in on it. He makes her swear she will never tell anyone. She swears. He thanks her and tells her he loves her and she goes.

Luci is still at home and Paz wants to know if she is thinking of Claudio and Aurora. Paz tells her they were always wonderful people and with money too. Luci doesn't care about that. She is starting to tell Paz about the Lady that came to visit with the ceramics, but Ariche comes and tells her he talked to Mushashon, at first Luci thinks it was DEAD TO ME, but Ariche says no the other one in the chair, my friend. Luci says oh Pato, I hope everything is ok with him. Ariche tells her to come on, cause Pato is expecting her to call back. They go and Paz is wondering why Pato is calling and Magda says don't worry he is a nice boy and cares about her.

Luci and Ariche go to Don C's and the Chisme Ladies are still there. The Chisme Ladies pretend they want to use the phone too, but will wait until Luci is done. Don C tells them, he is sure Luci wants to speak in private, he grabs the Chisme Ladies' arms and physically escorts them out, lol. Don C comes back, just as the phone is ringing and Don C answers, it is Pato of course. He hands the phone to Luci and she talks to Pato. She wants to know how he is. He says he is fine, but is worried about her. Luci says little by little she is getting her life back. Pato tells her if she needs anything to let him know, you know money, anything at all. She thanks him and tells him she has everything she needs. Pato tells her that he will be close to her soon, traveling for the Foundation for underprivelged children, I think, and Luci tells him not to give up his therapy. He says there are two very important things in his life, his therapy and her. She smiles.

It is now nighttime in Het Het and Luci still hasn't heard from Claudio. She is very worried, about what went down with Claudio and Rosa. Magda says she hopes that Rosa ends up in la carcel (the jail). Paz says no, no, she doesn't want that. She just wanted the truth to be told. Luci informs Magda and Paz that Max perpertrated a fraud on Claudio and he spent twenty years in jail for it. They are both shocked!
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Por ella soy Eva #13 8/2/2012: The No-Recap Post.

Since Eva has no Thursday recapper (as far as I know), I've created this discussion post so we can talk about tonight's show. Our cable stalled and I missed the first 20 minutes. What did I miss? The second half was intense. I hope the rest of you saw it. If not, here are the bare essentials.

Eduardo warns Juan that if he hurt Helena or Lalo, “I’ll kill you with my own hands.” Juan promises Lalo that he’ll play in the father/son game tomorrow no matter what. JC absentmindedly puts Santiago’s wedding invitation into a booklet he later returns to Helena – apparantly that's significant. Helena discovers that Juan is Juan Carlos of GI. The tourism commission meets with the executives of GI and Alberta Travel because their projects are identical. They all conclude Juan stole Pluto’s project and gave it to Helena. Juan swears she’s innocent and that Pluto stole her project, but no one listens to him. Helena refuses to ever speak to him again. At a meeting at GI, Adriano shows that Juan transferred $3M from GI into his own account.


Por ella soy Eva #12 8/1/2012 Discussion Post: The Plot Gallops Forward.

I suspect that JPCruzer had computer problems and wasn't able to post last night's recap. I'm creating this post so we have someplace to discuss it.

Several significant events happened in Wednesday's show. Juan and Helena do the deed. In the morning he proposes. He tries to tell his big secret but he stops when she says she’ll never forgive the baby-daddy for lying to her. When Juan tells his parents he’s engaged, mama is thrilled and papa is critical. Helena delivers the project to the tourism commission. Juan resigns so he can be more honest with Helena. But Pluto convinces Adriano to get Juan to stay on until after the project competition, for the sake of company image. Onesimo gets Eugenia to sign a contract, telling her it’s for a movie role. Juan asks for Helena’s hand from Eduardo, but he’s silent and walks out. With his women, Eduardo has added rude whistling to his silent treatment. Juan starts to tell Helena, “Yo no soy…” when he gets a call that his mother has disappeared and he must leave. Eduardo tells Helena, “Juan is not the person you think he is. He will deceive you. You’ve been warned.”


Abismo de pasión #100 8/1/12: about good fathers, good brothers, good sons and nasty mothers.

**Recap by MartaIvett**

Lo refrito: Alfie recognizes II, Gab hits her, II gets panicky since ALfie recognized her.
Gab says don’t worry she won’t be able to tell anyone. II urges Gab to kill her.. Kill her!!
Lo nuevo: But Alfie is saved by the door, Paolo gets home and hears the whispering… finds Alfie…
Somewhere in MexC… Dam stoopid, sits looking at the night stars… he likes it (I bet he likes looking out into space so he doesn’t have to think he just signed his life sentence). Then sees someone with Elisa’s hair, he heads toward her. Gets sad when the woman turns around… He begins to doubt himself(as he should). Flo waves her ‘new wife’ status, promises happiness. (ok excuse me while I get sick watching such a waste of a hunk body under such a shallow brain)
Padre Loopy visits/stalks TangelHo again. Don’t worry, your visit to the bishop was a success. I will have to leave LE. TangelHo happy as a pickle. When do you leave? Not for at least Three months. TangelHo disappointed it won’t be sooner, Loopy mocks her about it. My leaving won’t wipe off your remorse. Did you have Gabino denounce Horacio? I am sure Hora knows what you did. IF I had any doubt of what was the real reason for Augusto’s death, I don’t anymore. TangelHo plays indifferent. You killed Aug because he found out about your affair with Rosendo. You made Stefie carry a guilt that was not hers. I know Hora is your only witness about Augie. And I know you think only I know about you and Rosie. There is someone else who told Augie and someday will tell everyone else. (she goes for his jugular but he defends himself) Elisa comes. What is going on here? Loopy just leaves quietly. TangelHo rubs her twisted neck.
At Tovar, BeGoneYa is tired of waiting for him to retake his role as a husband. He uses as excuse the problems with the kids. She wants him to fight for the family. Edmundo says what happened with Aug made him think the family is everything and to try to recover theirs.  She gets a bit more clingy… we won’t make same mistakes again.. but swear you won’t betray me again with another woman. … Quique gets home Miffed at mom for having gone to argue with Paloma. BeGoneya says not true. Just told her don’t want you to hang around women like that. Edmundo takes that as his get outaDodge free card… tells BeGoneYa ‘you will never change’ and leaves. BeGoneYa blames Quique for Edmundo running out.
Braulio watches over Chente at clinica. Tona surprised at finding him there.  He wants her to go back home and rest, She won’t because she might not fall asleep without hugging him. You will have to get used to the cold pillow. Please go, I will watch Chente and won’t let you take the only time I will have to watch over him.  Tomorrow I will leave before he wakes up. Tona begs and begs for him to let her stay too. But Braulio stands firm and she ends up leaving.
You are a good father, Braulio. No matter what my son says, Chente is yours and no one else’s.
Elisa catches Loopy outside. This is also my house. Padre says don’t worry, but while your aunt lives here I better not come back.  Why did she yell at you? Cause I told her things she doesn’t like or want to be reminded of. Is there a big problem between you two? … don’t ask.  Is it true what Gael said that you will be transferred to another church?. In 3-6 mos I will have to go. I will miss/need you. No one is indispensable.
Gabino at M&M, is mad breaking things, II is upset too, they blame each other. II worried she will pay the consequences. He is sure ALfie won’t talk if she realizes it is you, if she talks, everyone will know who you are and what you had to do with Rosie… II not so convinced. Warns him If she goes down, he does too. He grabs her, we are together in this and in many other things (and proceeds to show her that this includes dirty ugly sex).
Elisa wants to argue with TangelHo but she locked herself in her room. Elisa does not care if TH does not believe in God but she will respect Loopy. Lolita comes out. Elisa tells her TH kicked out Loopy. Lolita says it was not the first time with Loopy. Elisa questions Lola what is up with my TH with Loopy. Lolita won’t talk. Tries to leave toward kitchen, Elisa goes after her.
Tona, flashlight in hand, shows Paolo where the fuse box is… he realizes someone took a fuse out, so it was intentional. Tona says whoever it was knew the hacienda. They knew where the fuse box was and no one goes into a dark house they don’t know.  Paolo agrees she is right…
Loopy gets home. Gael was worried about him already.  Did you convince the bishop? .. most probably will have to go in 3 mos.  Gael in disbelief.  Phone rings. Tona calls Padre’s number.  Tona tells Loopy what happened at hacienda. Alarmed Loopy is heading there. You wait here.
Hacienda: Alfie in bed with a HUGE headache. Is it necessary to take me to a clinic? I need X-rays, MRI or to see a BETTER doctor whom I trust (oh! No you don’t Alfie! This guy can do kidney transplants, save your son from bleeding to death, and save TangelHo’s baby who happened to be your hubbie’s child? Oh by the way, he can also stitch up a fist blow on an old guy’s head and prescribe some pain killers) Inmundo says no need. Don’t even need stitches. Your blood pressure is great too. Check. All you need now is a chill pill and rest. She nags, won’t be able to sleep after what I just lived through. What did you see exactly? It is not clear in my head. … did anyone tell my brother what happened? … Dr T leaves. Alfie asks him to get Tona, don’t want to be alone. Dr T tells Tona ‘don’t let her blackmail you’ (into letting her go out?).
Dr T asks Paolo about Sabrina, Paolo tries to fake good intentions. Dr T says don’t bother with me, I don’t buy your script. Get away from her. I Wont’ let you hurt her and I will do everything I can to get a zangano like you off her back.  (YAY!! You go Dr T!!)
Lolita won’t spill beans to Elisa about any issue between TangelHo and Loopy. Elisa sure it must be important/serious. Elisa tells Lolita about Loopy’s transfer. Could it have to do with TangelHo? Lolita doubts it, changes subject and urges Elisa to make it so that TangelHo leaves.
At MexC Flo wants a wedding night… starts forcing a make-out session… ‘this is first night we will be husband and wife’. Dam is tired. Don’t insist. I did not get a white wedding, so at least I deserve a wedding night.  Dam has to give in.
Alfie won’t take the meds from Tona. Loopy arrives. Alfie is so upset/scared. It was terrible!  What happened?... it was all so confusing… I was here in my room. Was about to go to bed and the lights went out, I heard noises and went out to investigate if it was an animal in the house. There was a person. I tried to defend myself. It was a woman. … did you recognize her?... Alfie stares at him scared…  don’t know, could not see her that well… I need my son to feel good… call him at the hotel in MC!!. Call him and tell him he HAS TO COME IMMEDIATELY!!
Loopy is thankful to God it was not more than a scare. Maybe it was someone coming to rob. Alfie assures they came in to kill her. .. HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE? … I DON’T KNOW!!.
Well, the call from Loopy for Dam ruins Flo’s plans for the night of roll in the sheets… Dam alarmed. Flo a bit miffed. How is she?… the blow was not serious but she must be real nervous… sorry but I can’t…. I am really worried.
Morning at LE… Braulio still in Chente’s room, Chente wakes up before Braulio can leave.
Dam urges Flo to hurry up to leave. My mom needs me and I want to be at her side!
Flo is not in a hurry to leave. I had no white wedding, no walk down the aisle, no reception party, no presents, no wedding night. And seems I wont’ have a honeymoon either. (don’t you get the writing on the wall, girl??) Dam miffed at her attitude… you can stay if you want. Of course I won’t stay behind.
At M&M… II is still very upset and worried. Gab hugs her to comfort her. Relajate, chula!  Veme y escucha. Noone knows where you are. Alfie won’t do anything against you because it is not convenient for her. I will go there to find out the way of the land. Soon I will take you out of this pocilga and to a place you cannot even imagine. Can’t tell you much about it yet, because no one can know I bought a property like that. (II’s eyes pop out… she is mad, you better not have bought it with her money).. it is an hacienda, as big as the Arango’s. Relax. I will be back.
Alfie wants to use what happened to convince Dam not to move to Mex City. He can’t leave me alone now. I wanted to give him the hacienda that belongs to the Beltran widow… Loopy asks when will the civil ceremony be. I Suppose in a couple weeks. Loopy hopes Alfie will convince Dam to get married by church soon enough… tells her about the bishop’s order. On a rare show of affection for anyone but Dam, Alfie says you can’t leave. This is your town. She is upset. Loopy is afraid there is nothing to do about it. He is moved to see she is crying for him. Surely you are a bit emotional right now. No, its not that, you are my brother and even though I never told you, you are important for me. He is totally moved, no, more like blown away shocked.
Gab comes to get the newsflashes from Tona. What did she tell you? Did she see anyone? Hasn’t told me anything, she does not want scandals. Gab wants to see Alfie. Tona won’t even ask Alfie. She just wants to go see her son. Gab wants to make sure his patrona is well with his own eyes. This convinces Tona to ask Alfie to receive him. Gab hides when Loopy comes out.
Back at Castigo hall, TangelHo sits at Augie’s chair. Elisa is miffed about that. ‘That is my dad’s place!’ Was. .. you mad at me because of what happened with Loopy? It is my house and I can decide who comes and goes. Elisa does not agree. ‘My dad built this house for my mom.’ TangelHo does not agree. Elisa argues this house was never in your name. All you have been here is an intruder and I want you to leave. Before he died he had already kicked you out. I am his wife. And this house belongs to me. The one that will have to leave is you. And I want you to leave now. You are crazy if you think I will just leave you the house I was born in.  They declare war on the house ownership.
Alfie and Gab…  Alfie wants to know what is going on with Beltran widow. She is out of town. Gab offers his services. Alfie says no thanks, don’t want to deal with another of your ‘references’. 
Alfie makes Gab realize she knows who was that attacked her, it was actually two people, one of them a woman. She won’t identify her because it is not convenient. Have my reasons not to say. Dam arrives really alarmed. How are you? (Alfie puts on her martyr mother play script) I am ok, but for a moment I feared the worst. Flo plays it down, good thing nothing happened. Alfie says she is afraid whoever it was will try to kill her again. Who? Someone who hates me so much they can’t stand seeing me alive.  Gab says ALfie says it was a woman. Did you not recognize her? Could you identify her? .. the woman who tried to kill me is … wait for it.. wait until I order a street sign with her name in neon colors… Elisa Catanon. Dam impactado.
Preview: A lie(it was Elisa), and a dare (Flo threatens Elisa if she attempts anything to get Dam Back she will make her disappear, Elisa seems amused/intrigued more than scared)

(Recap by MartaIvett; posted by Blue Lass)


Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #83 Wed 8/1/12 Max Dumps Vicky, Violeta Dumps Marcial, Mati Dumps on Rosa, and Rosa Does Her Best Lady Macbeth.


Luciana tells Pops that while she is very grateful for his offer to help, they’ll make do just as they always have. Just then, in swoops Don Aquiles.

Introductions are made all around, telling Linares who this scoundrel is and letting Aquiles know that Linares is their knight in shining armor.  Aquiles retells his story that Galindo asked him to care for Luciana and Paz.  Magda tells him what he can do with his version of what happened.  Dagger eyes all around.

Magda continues her rant against Aquiles.  He spouts his “virtuous” intentions.  Luciana is angry that he would dare mention her Papa Galindo’s name.  Claudio intervenes, saying he’s happy that Aquiles will be watching over them, very happy because he knows everything will be just dandy because we wouldn’t want to have any legal problems, right?  Aquiles agrees and says he’s very respectful of the law.  He pronounces Claudio as their D.F. Protector and himself as their local protector.  Before he leaves, he spills the frijoles that Gagme was the one who contacted him and even paid for his flight to D.F. to dish the dirt on Luciana but no way was he going to malign his little palomita.  This leaves Luciana open-mouthed impactada!


Mati advises Rosa that Jana called to say she would be studying at Lula’s.  Frigida chimes in that Boris would presumably be there as well.  Rosa goes straight into rant mode.  She’s tired of hearing about Boris and how he’s always around Jana.  Next thing you know, they’ll be living together!  Pato tells her not to exaggerate – they’re novios and understandably want to be together all the time.  Melissa suggests they should trust Jana since they all know she’s a good girl.  Rosa thanks her sarcastically for her two centavos but the subject is now closed! 

Oscar comes in and Connie asks him to join them at the dining table.  He sweetly tells her he just came by to give her a kiss. *sigh*  The subject switches to Rosa’s doctor visit.  She reminds them it wasn’t an appointment but just an MRI she agreed to only to appease their father.  If it were up to her, she wouldn’t go to a doctor at all.  Rodrigo suggests she not ignore her health and that preventive care is the best medicine.  Rosa replies that she doesn’t need his sermons, thank you very much, and this convo is giving her a headache.  Now Oscar chimes in, saying it isn’t a sermon so much as her kids showing their concern for her health.  Connie shares that the results of the MRI (resonancia magnéticia) should be ready tomorrow and she will talk to the doctor herself and share the outcome with everyone.  Rosa is now pithed that her sister is now acting as her nurse.  This has ruined her appetite and asks Frigida to bring her some tea (what’s in that tea anyway – LSD?).  Now Max and Aldo show up and we have a full table, sans Jana.  Max tells her he comes straight from church where he spoke with Padre Honesto about Rosa!  Rosa is surprised the Padre is worried about her.  Connie, Rod, and Pato all proclaim their concern for her.  Rosa’s had enough.  She will retire to her room with her headache.  Max announces he has a lot of monkey business--er, work to take care of and excuses himself.  Everyone except Rod and Pato leave the table. 

Connie leads Oscar to the other room and Melissa joins them.  Oscar begins to talk about their vacay where they will finally be alone (all this in front of her daughter – eeeew).  They’re leaving tomorrow and returning Sunday.  Frigida overhears all of their plans. 


Julie can’t believe her spawn is planning to leave the city after last night’s horizontal tango with Rodrigo, saying it’s dangerous to leave him alone.  Gagme is convinced the danger is over now that the domestica *hic* has left the city.  Julie sits her down for a Diabla/Spawn talk.  Has Gagme considered what could happen now that Claudio is surely on the verge of discovering that Luciana is his daughter?  Julie reminds her that Paz already confronted Rosa TorresLoca.  What’s to keep her from telling Luciana? (oh if she only knew – eek!)  Luciana would surely come to the full understanding that she is now of a another social class and with lots of money!  She reminds them that Linares was a major partner of Max and although he’s been in jail for 20 years, he surely must have property and cash in offshore banks.  Remember el dicho “más tiene el rico cuando empobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece.”  (loosely translated the impoverished rich has more than the poor that has become rich – is that a fair translation?)  Bottom line:  with money comes power.  Luciana will find herself empowered and will stop at nothing to play the victim and unveil their evil plan to separate her from Rod.  If that’s the case, you may as well say adios forever to Rod and forget about all the perks that come with his fortune. 

Gagme assures her there’s nothing to worry about; she’ll be back in a few days.  She gets a call just then from Frigida who’s found out about the Columbian trip.  Frigida wants to make sure she gets paid for all the info she’s provided.  She can’t be sure that Gala will return and wants to bring their account current.  Gala’s peeved at La Gata’s impertinence. 

San Francisco el Alta

Magda, Paz and Ariche are shopping when Lucha comes upon them.  They explain they’re picking out things for a gift basket for a friend from D.F.  Lucha says she knows all about Magda’s “friend” and furthermore knows he’s her galán – the whole town knows.  Magda is properly offended. 

Magda’s House

The time has come for Luciana and Pops to say goodbye.  Luciana doesn’t want him to leave but she’s also not ready to return to D.F. anytime soon.  He’s very understanding but leaves her with Aurora’s picture, her Moms.  He wants her to always keep it with her.  She promises to hold it close and hopes he’ll return soon.  She’s worried about what is going to happen with Rosa TorresLoca.  Claudio assures her he will confront her and she will suffer the consequences of her evil actions, including jail time. 

Speaking of the evil Rosa TorresLoca

She and Mati are in her bedroom.  Rosa is wondering if Paz has told Linares the truth about Luciana.  Mati is just as concerned that any minute now Paz is surely going to reveal everything.  Rosa says she’s not worried but Mati tells her she sure as hell should be.  Linares is sure to come and confront her in her own home!  Rosa’s not afraid of him or anyone!  She’s confident Linares believed all the BS she fed him.  Mati doesn’t understand how she can be so sure, so arrogant.  Rosa is appalled that Mati would speak to her in such a way.  Well, Mati’s not done.  She goes on to say that Rosa’s arrogance has blinded her to the damage her actions will cause her children when they discover the lengths to which she’s gone to hurt the innocent, especially Luciana.  That did it – Rosa kicks her out.  Before she leaves, Mati assures her that after everyone has abandoned her, after she is left completely alone, she (Mati) will stand by her.  Rosa screams at her to get out -- ¡Largate! 

Left alone, Rosa speaks to herself.  She doesn’t care what happens.  She’d do it all over again, 1,001 times! ¡¡¡¡Te odio, Luciana, te odio!!!!  Ooooh, scary……..

Back at San Franciso…….

Saint Luciana asks Pops not to harm Rosa.  He can’t believe she would be so good after all the harm Rosa’s done.  Luciana explains she wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her.  She’s the mother of the man she loves --and Pato’s and Jana’s.  She wouldn’t want them to suffer because of Rosa.

It’s time to leave and Claudio begins his goodbyes, asking her to call him for anything she may need.  He hopes that someday she’ll come to call him Papá.  Magda, Paz, and Ariche arrive (where IS this child’s mother!??).  Claudio once again profoundly thanks Paz for raising Luciana.  He gives Luciana a cell phone, even though it doesn’t work here.  He will arrange for a landline to be installed.  She sweetly blesses him before he leaves. 

Pato’s Room

Rod and Pato are enjoying a video game and Rod notes that Pato’s motor skills have improved.  Connie comes by with some news about their mom.  She tells them that Mom is now under the care of a neurologist, not a cardiologist.  She feels there is something seriously wrong with Rosa.  Rosa is fed up with all the tests and will surely refuse any further treatment/tests the neurologist may recommend.  Pato and Rod agree to support Connie in her efforts to get Rosa the help she needs.


Claudio’s partner, Barrera meets him at the airport and wants to talk about the investigation.  Claudio doesn’t want to talk about that now and immediately calls Rosa la Loca telling her they must speak.  She’s all business and readily agrees to meet him tomorrow.


Boris hesitates to come in after Rosa’s rude behavior.  Jana tells him there’s nothing to worry about. He hopes she won’t break up with him because of what happened with Rosa.  He wants them to continue to date and eventually marry.  Jana avoids this conversation and rushes inside just as Rosa is leaving for church.


Max is alone, impatiently pacing the floor waiting for Vicky who is struggling to leave the salon.  Nicole is not cooperating and won’t let her leave.  If she leaves, she needn’t return.  We come back to Max who’s tired of waiting.  He leaves her a note telling her to leave the keys and get the hell out!  He gets into the car and angrily tells Aldo to get going.  Aldo secretly texts Vicky:  Did  you have a fight with Osito?  He’s furious!

Back at Nicole’s, Vicky is miserable and Nicole tells her to get over it.  She tells Vicky that while he may be very important, he should respect Vicky’s job.  She’s not some doll that he can play with anytime he wants.  She tells Vicky she should demand some respect.  (uh we all know that’s not gonna happen)


Rosa has run to the good Padre to tell him that the sh** is hitting the fan real soon.  Surely Claudio is now aware of everything that happened  19 years ago.  She’s very worried about what her kids will think of her.  Padre tells her to come clean and get this over with for her own good.


Claudio arrives and demands to see the records from 1993 and he wants them now! 


Vio and her friend the nurse (egads, can never remember this lady’s name) are eating when Marcial comes a-knocking!! Vio immediately tells him to scram.  Instead, the nurse scrams (some friend).  Vio isn’t interested in anything he has to say.  He tells her he loves her and that his life with Flor is over with.  She mocks surprise and says this is what all the men say.  She would never separate his kids from their father – never!  But his home is hell, he can’t stand it anymore.  She tells him to buck up and do it for his kids, then.  This is what parents do.  She tells him she was raised without a father’s love and that’s the last thing she would wish for his children and tells him yet again to get out.

San Francisco

Don Aquiles comes calling once again at Magda’s and they have an amusing exchange.  He tells her he’s come to see the circus owner not the little animals (animalitos).  She shoots back that she’s the owner of this here circus and she’ll be the one who decides which animalitos enter.  He begins to tease her about her D.F. boyfriend when Luciana steps in.  Aguiles says he’s glad she’s back and offers his help in anything she may need.  “Tu no mas dices rana, y yo brinco” (just say frog, and I’ll jump).  “If that “relamido” left you for that “señorita Villa Mis Polaimes”, there’s a man here that will defend you.”  He finally leaves and as she’s closing the door, she spins around and gets a dizzy spell.  She sits but says that what Don Aquiles said has caused her to think again about Rod.  She can’t drive Rod from her mind for a single second.  She vowed to love him for the rest of her life and now it looks as though that’s how it’s gonna be. 

Later Luciana confesses to Paz that she has some doubts.  Try as she might, she’s struggling to accept the fact that Paz not her mother even though she will always think of her as such.  Paz assures her she’ll always be her mother.  Luciana worries about Lorenzo.  She can’t believe that although they’re not related, she and Lorenzo are so similar in many things.  Paz tells her that although they may not carry the same blood, they’re brother and sister just the same.  Luciana worries about how they’ll tell Lorenzo.  Paz knows they’ll just have to find the right time to tell him. 


Rod arrives at his office and declines his friend’s offer to go out tonight with everyone – he doesn’t wish to see Gala.  He seems surprised to hear that Gala really did go to Colombia. Max comes in to tell them he’s called a meeting.

Meanwhile in Bogotá, Colombia, Gala is on the phone with Julie talking over her plan not to call Rodrigo. 

And at the Torreslanda home, Pato is exercising his right hand when he notices his left index finger moves!!!

Later, Jana and Pato make plans to contact Luciana.  Since she has no access to cell phone or internet, they’ll just have to write her a letter, something Jana laughs at since she’s never written one.  How quaint.

Meanwhile up in her tower of terror, Rosa, aka Lady Macbeth, is doing her bedtime ritual (“Out, damned spot. Out, I say!”) hmmm, just WHAT is she trying to rub off her hands?  Could it be all her evil deeds?  Claudio calls and they set a date to meet tomorrow.


Luciana receives word that some of her pottery was entered in a contest, and she’s won!  I always wondered what happened to her pots when she was headed for DF.

Rosa is in her chapel praying for strength to face the day she’s dreaded for so long.  Mati comes in, offering to accompany her to her meeting with Claudio.  Rosa says this is her problem and hers alone.

The standoff is at the cemetery begins.  Claudio comes up behind Rosa and tells her she will confess everything to him here and now --  in front of Aurora’s grave.  


Abismo de pasión #99 7/31/12: In which the BandanaHand Man Strikes – or – There’s an animal in the house!

Mexico City, Una boda por lo civil Or saying “I do” when you really don’t: “Acepto” says Damián miserably. He signs. He has been Flored by a pro.

La Ermita, donde Padre Lupe: Lupe is being transferred to a different pueblo? Gael is dismayed and outraged but Lupe is resigned. He’ll go to Mérida for the details.

At the reception desk of Doc Tovar’s consultorio, Begoña shrilly waxes theological: “¡Gracias a Dios, existen las clases sociales!” Because if there weren’t class distinctions, Paloma might feel entitled to become involved with her Quique. And that must NOT happen. (Oh and don’t tell my husband about our little chat, okey doke?)

Rural Health and Transplant Center: Doc discharges Toña (dar de alta) with instructions to take it easy. Her demon spawn has to stay a few more days. When doc leaves, Chente rejects his mother’s offer to stay with him. All he cares about is Gabino and Gabino doesn’t want to see him. “Hubiera muerto en ese accidente.” (I should have/Would that I had died in that accident!)

[Mutters on the Patio: Would that he had!]

In the Kitchen at Casa Castigo, Braulio fills Dolores in on Toña’s dirty tricks – Vicente isn’t his son!

La Dueña and her right bandanahand man at the Pro Ce:

Asunto 1: Alfabitch reproaches Gab for putting that criminal, Horacio, in her hacienda. Gab, who wields the pluperfect subjunctive like a pro, says:

Si lo hubiera sabido – en mi vida! – no hubiera* atrevido a llevarlo a su hacienda.” (If I had known – why, never in my life – I would never have dared to bring him to your hacienda.)

[*Gab uses an imperfect subjunctive in place of a conditional for the auxiliary verb in the “then” clause. And so can you!]

Asunto 2: Gab is to see to Braulio’s liquidation. [Here Gab perks up.]

Asunto 3: Gab is to give half his salary to support Toña and Chente. Or he will be fired too. “Lo que usted diga, Señora.” (Burn in hell, you miserable bag of botox!)

Asunto 4: Complete the deal for Augusto’s land or return the money she gave him. “I’m working on it, Señora.” (Do you feel the flames now, you filthy old hag?)

Ingrid makes a brief appearance at Lupe’s house to thank Gael for beating up Gabino. She rejects his offer to help her break free of Gab, feigning concern for Gael’s safety. She has, she reminds him, already lost one child.

Maru may have lost her place on the “not stoopid” list when she blabs to Gab that Dam will be in Mexico until Monday.

Close-up of BandanaHand man: “Así que doña Alfonsina se quedó solita,” he gloats, rolling his tongue a little in a vaguely obscene and disgusting fashion. (So the doña is all alone.)

Get a Job! sha la la la ...sha la la la la ... ba dum ...

At Casa Castigo, the tía is an orange blaze of fury. She can’t find the check and Gabino is demanding Cielo Abierto. Now Elisa will have to pay Alfie with Steffie’s land and the two of them will be left with zilch. Elisa corrects her: The invernadero has been a success and with the profits of her harvest, she’ll be able to pay off Alfie and still keep HER land. It’s the Killer Orange who’s screwed. Maybe she should make herself useful, find a job even.

In Mexico, Florencia Landucci de Arango, pregnant or not, wants to toast her triumph. Her new husband’s expression says: “Just shoot me now and get it over with.”

Gael and Elisa at the Fonda in La Ermita: Stoopid Elisa blabs about the account in which Augusto supposedly put Gabino’s money and how she’s using it to pay Alfie. But OrangeSlush must not know!

[Even those at Gael’s table agree: The man can’t keep his mouth shut. Oh Elisa.]

Gael confides that he’s about to lose Lupe. The church is transferring him. Who knows why?

Hablando del rey de Roma ...

The bishop in Mérida tells Lupe to prepare to leave La Ermita in three months. Lupe begs for six. The bishop will consider it. But, he says -- subjunctively and imperfectly -- he doesn’t want Lupe to think of the transfer “como si fuera un castigo” (as if it were a punishment) or “como si lo fuéramos a mandar al fin del mundo” (as if we were sending you to the ends of the earth).

Lupe knows a transfer was in the works – but why the rush? The bishop admits that someone complained. Which is not to say he BELIEVED that person but ...

Lupe knows exactly who that rotten piece of citrus ... er ... person was.

Today is the day!

They are grinning at the Blue House of Shame! “Today”, announces Gabino to Ingrid, “is the day to say goodbye to Alfonsina Arango.” She will be completely alone in the house tonight. And Gabino makes it clear – Ingrid is expected to get her hands dirty. Or bloody.

Everyone wants a piece of Braulio [Scooch on over and make some room at the table, EJ, R la O and BL]

Toña, back in her room at the hacienda, mourns Braulio’s absence. Where IS Braulio anyway? Sharing a Blatant Product Placement with Quique: Their hearts may be breaking but their palates tingle from Tostachos, the chips with salsita y toda la cosa.

When Quique learns Braulio has been fired, he tells him he has an idea that might interest him ...

Meanwhile, Elisa has an idea for Braulio’s future – he could take Horacio’s place in the butcher shop. After all, B loaned H the start-up cash.

Enrique catches Paloma when she comes out of work. She’s pretty bummed out, not in the mood for dinner, though she’s very nice about it. She does let slip that Begoña came by earlier to yell at her for seeing Quique – and so did Flor, by the way.

Gweedo, alone in his hotel room, mulls over Ingrid’s offer to sell out Gabino and person(s) unknown so Gweedo can clear his name. He is surprised by Paolo’s visit. And even more surprised when he hears why he is there: The little momzer wants Gweedo to stand by him when he asks Sabrina for her hand in marriage.

A Mother with a sense of perspective:

Said Sabrina lolls in bed and pouts. She is glum because her dad disapproves of Paolo. Begoña brushes off her daughter’s concern and explains to her what really matters: Getting married before Alfonsina’s son does – otherwise Sabrina’s wedding will go unnoticed.

Hacienda Harango – “Qué pena con usted, señora

Sickly Toña lets her patrona know she’ll be spending the night with Chente at the Health Center. In an uncharacteristic gesture of generosity (which may affect her circle of hell, one with decent help, perhaps), Alfie tells Toña to have the hacienda chauffeur drive her to the clinic. The driver can go home afterwards since she won’t be needing him tonight.

Outside, Gabino and Ingrid are lurking around the electrical boxes. Gabino pries one open noisily.

Inside, snug in her bedroom, Alfie yawns and begins to get ready for bed.

Outside, Gabino does something to the open power box.

Inside, the lights go out. Low, suspenseful chords play. Alfie lights a candle and curses the darkness. A noise sounds. “¿Paolo? ¿Eres tú?” She peers out and sees no one. More creaking. Doors slamming.

“Nada más falta que se haya metido un animal” she grouses. (Just what I needed – an animal getting in the house!)

She makes her candle-lit way down the hall. Startled when a shadow passes before her, she drops her candle. “Who’s there? Answer me!” She keeps moving forward, increasingly frantic, bumping into furniture.

Now someone pulls her hair and grabs her around the neck. “Ingrid!” says Alfie incredulously. Now Gabino comes from behind and hits her hard. She falls to the floor. “She recognized me!” says Ingrid in a panic. “No importa”, Gabino reassures her. “She won’t be able to tell anyone. The filthy BandanaHand aims a pistol at Alfonsina’s elegant head. We hear a click as the hammer is cocked.

Curls is over her panic now. She eggs him on: “Shoot her, Gabino! Shoot her!”


Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #11 7/31/12: Recapper flakes out, forgets his promised duty, and lets everyone down

I wanted to apologize to everyone who follows this show and to the blog in general. I am disgusted with myself because I managed to air-headedly forget about my new blog schedule between this morning (when I was reminded of it) and this evening.

I am truly sorry and I am committed to never making this mistake again! I was hoping someone more diligent than I could drop some details about tonight's major plot points, and I will be eternally grateful!


--see comments for a better explanation of what actually happened in novela land tonight, where heroes like la paloma are helping us out!--


Refugio Para el Amor #82 Tue 7/31/12 The Calm Before The Storm

We're in the eye of the storm tonight....that deceptive heavy lull between two terrible cyclones. We've navigated our way through the tumultuous drama of Paz' revelations to both Lucinda and Licenciado Linares, and we're anxiously awaiting his confrontation with Rosalena. Which promises to be cataclysmic! But in the meantime, life seems to go on as usual at the troubled Torreslanda mansion. With a few new medical developments....

Per CarayCaray instructions, I'll try and keep the recap short and limit the front page appearance to a few paragraphs. The rest will appear on “Read More” along with vocabulary and dicho. I've consolidated scenes for brevity and continuity. Here are the main developments of the night.

  1. Rosalena and Connie trot off to the neurologist. Rosalena for a “resonancia magnetica” (MRI) to see if there's a medical reason for her manic behavior one minute, her deep depression the next, and overall, her lack of connection with “reality”. Her cardiologist, blabbing to Connie in the waiting room, says for sure Rosa “tiene algo”. That's why he recommended more studies.
  2. Max enlists Oscar's help for a coverup of Rosa's misdeeds: to wit, that she gave away a newborn almost 20 years ago, and they can't let the news get out. Otherwise her reputation, the family's reputation and the firm's reputation will suffer (oh the loss in market value! oh the ire of the shareholders! oh the financial losses!) Oscar pledges his unconditional support but Oscar doesn't tell him who the real father is or let him talk to Rosalena to get more details.
  3. The boys are happily selling tacos de canasta, flirting with the various maids and servant girls who buy their wares. Lorenzo catches the eye of a comely lass toting a small dog named “Perdon mi Amor”, a squabble make-up gift that no longer appeals to its recipient. She tells Lorenzo to ''cambiarse con el cambio” (keep the change) and his buddy teases him about the new conquest. They also learn that dog-walking pays well. (expansion of street business for our boys?)
  4. Rosalena continues barring Boris from the house, in spite of his gigantic Disculpame Bouquet.
    No one else in the family thinks it was that bad. (but I have to tell you, if that had happened in my house when I was a teenager, MY mother would have thrown a similar fit.)
  5. Rod continues storming around like an idiot. Tears up his bed where he bagged Gala (or she bagged him, depending on your point of view); marches out of the office when Frick and Frack, his two office buddies tease him about Gala; slinks out of the therapy pool after hearing that Pato is highly motivated to get better so he can go see Luciana again; and sulks when Pato, at home, admonishes him for getting back into Gala's clutches. His final surly pout of the evening is when Melissa, at the family lunch, snipes that if his mom is getting checked for neurological problems, maybe HE should get his heart checked. Zinger!!!!
Read more »


Monday, July 30, 2012

Amor Bravio cast of characters

Silvia Navarro is Camila Monterde: a beautiful woman without prejudice who always says what she feels and thinks - brave, passionate, a free spirit, modern, romantic. She doubts she will encounter love after losing her first love. She's a veterinarian, independent and intelligent. She comes to live at La Malquerida (Bad Love Ranch?) after suffering a traumatic accident in which her bridegroom died. She falls into a two-year depression but Alonso draws her out and conquers her with compliments and attention.

Olivia Bucio is Agustina Santos: widow of Humberto Monterde and ex-wife of José Julián Díaz. Camila was the child of her first marriage, and Ximena is of the second. She is old-fashioned; what people say matters to her. She always wanted a comfortable life for her children. She is easy to manipulate and weak of character. Don Daniel gives his unconditional support, she is in love with him despite his being the husband of her cousin Ampara. When he is widowed she thinks she has a chance with him, but he can't forget Ágatha. When Dionisio Ferrer declares his love for her, she believes he is sincere and accepts, though it's only a strategy to control her and get at Camila.

Flavio Medina is Alonso Lazcano: an attractive [??] young [??] man of strong character, bossy and arrogant, ambitious and obsessive. He acts for his mother Isadora and Dionisio Ferrer. He is an astute hypocrite and gains the affections and confidence of don Daniel Monterde, becoming his manager.

Cristian de la Fuente is Daniel Díaz Acosta: son of Ágatha Acosta and José Julián Díaz, though everyone (even he) thinks he's the illegitimate son of Daniel Monterde. He's a systems engineer in Chile until he loses his job due to bad economic times. He's intelligent, honest, and a fighter. He's married to Miriam, a rich woman of Jewish heritage. When he is named heir of Daniel Monterde, he's slandered and goes to jail accused of killing his wife. He manages to flee and heads for Mexico. He meets Camila and falls in love with her.

Rogelio Guerra is Daniel Monterde: A decisive man, honest, direct, responsible, a hard worker; owns the Malquerida ranch, where bulls are raised. He was married to Amparo, a good woman who was never able to provide him an heir, but he fell in love with Ágatha Acosta, a Chilean, the love of his life. Being depressed and having a heart condition, he leaves all the running of the ranch to Alonso Lazcano, who becomes the cause of all his misfortunes.

César Évora is Dionisio Ferrer: an ambitious and unscrupulous man who cares about nothing but himself. He is sinister and vengeful, with a seductive personality, he knows woman, and he uses Isadora and Agustina.

Leticia Calderón is Isadora: A distinguished, high-class, beautiful woman, Alonso's mother. She is an ambitious, unscrupulous hypocrite. She works with Dionisio, they are doing tourist development in the lands of La Malquerida; that's why she urges her son to conquer and marry Camila and then grab the property.

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Abismo de pasión #98 7/30/12

Where's my nerfazo order? I was having TdA flashbacks tonight. A whole lot of garbled speech and a whole lot of nothin' happening.

Gab visits his buddy Horacio in the hoosegow and Horacio threatens to spill his guts about Gab. Gab makes lewd hints about the lonely Lolita. Padre arrives and Horacio sings like a least about the Blanca business. It doesn't matter how much Padre thinks Carmina had something to do with Augusto's death, Horacio ain't talking about that. He wants to protect Lolita...and he's terrified of Carmina.

Doc Ernesto of La Que No Podia Amar fame has an evil twin and he works in the DF! He's also that friend of Paolo's who was going to help them out...for a price. Turns out this Doc is going to help Flor fake ultrasounds throughout her pregnancy. He will just use a DVD from women who are really pregnant . Even better, he has a friend in the business of botargas (basically stuffing...a fake baby bump) and this friend can hook Flor up with one every time she goes to the doctor. Dam will totally fall for the ruse! She needs to be fitted, though. She'll use wedding dress shopping as an excuse to get away.

Uh oh! Dam has other plans. He doesn't want a big Alfonsina production church wedding. He wants to get married at the registro civil TODAY! Flor thinks fast and tells him she wants to buy a new dress and get him a suit. Whew! Bullet dodged and botarga fitting is a go!! While she gets fitted, Dam gets a second opinion. Since he's carrying around an ultrasound picture from a real pregnant lady, the pregnancy is confirmed and Dam is a believer.

Elisa and Lucio make plans to finish up the paperwork in regards to the money "Augusto" left her. Lucio warns Elisa not to talk to Carmina about it. Elisa and Carmina later discuss the "sale" of Cielo Abierto. The check is no where to be found and there is no record of a deposit. If the money shows up, Carmina says she'll be in charge of it. Elisa suggests perhaps Gab never even handed over a check.

Carmina confronts Gab and is pithed he had Horacio thrown in jail. Horacio could turn them in! Gab wonders what Horacio has on HER! Carmina changes the subject to the check. Gab shows her the contract with "Augusto's" signature and tells her to come up with the money. He threatens to reveal everything to Elisa. He summarizes the episodes leading up to Augusto's death..

Elisa and Lucio are glad Elisa can get the Alfonsina monkey off her back. Lucio confirms that Gab can only get half of Cielo Abierto.

Dam and Flor stand before the justice of the peace(?) She totally says "Acepto." Dam pauses dramatically.

Other happenings

  • Fina visits Padre and finds out Dam cancelled the church wedding. She remembers when Lupe always supported her. He remembers when she wasn't such a beyotch.
  • Elisa visits witch mountain and wants to know why Ramona told her that her life was going to change completely on the exact day her dad died. Ramona says she never expected Augie to die and Elisa wants to know what Ramona meant. Since Ramona has sworn not to tell the truth until the ultimas semanas, she says nothing to Elisa. Elisa leave the now repaired amulet on the table.
  • Padre Lupe is getting transferred muy lejos de La Ermita. 


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