Monday, September 10, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #39 9/10/12: Turning Up the Heat!

Antonia, hanging with Juan in Acapulco, wants to give her her house keys. You know, because she trusts her so much.

Plutarco he shows up at Helena's place with his greasy hair and leather jacket to tell her about his desperate situation with his marriage to Antonia. He acts all broken-up, presumably looking to get some sympathy points with Eva. Then they go to her dad's house to get Lalito back. Pluto has worked out some weird arrangement with Helena's dad whereby Helena gets to take Lalito if the two of them will live with Pluto and Antonia. I don't really get it. They retrieve the boy and go out to eat.

Heckel and Jekyll (Santi and Fernando) are at the pool, barking at girls in bikinis. They want to have some fun w/ these bonboncitas! Eva pops in to keep them honest... Antonia is there too, and the jerks make fun of her, so Eva and Antonia  really crank the screws and turn up the pressure on them for being jerks. Eva makes a speech about the grace of the feminine form in all its shapes and sizes and throws them both in the pool.

Meanwhile, Marcela, Fernando's overworked wife, assures her daughter that her husband would never cheat, but deep-down she's not so sure.

Pathetic and gross old Adriano is getting desperate, calling his underage girlfriend (who is eating ice cream)  and begging for her attention: "Yo estoy loco por ti!" Nothing interesting happens with those two this episode.

At the pool, Eva admires Antonia's aquamarine choir-gown, they talk about true beauty being within, and then she tears off the robe and dives into the water in a swimsuit! Eva awkwardly declines to hop in with her and scuttles off to confer with Mimi by phone about possibly faking it in a swimsuit.

Rebeca, Pluto's bimbo is eating cherries and wondering why he is so late. Fortunately, the waitress serving Pluto, Helena, and Lalito is an informant for Rebeca, and lets her know that her Cachito is eating out with another lady and some squirt! Predictably, Rebe flips out again... "That vile scorpion Helena... How dare she steal "my" man?"

Jeez, EVERYONE is in Acapulco! Paty baby is here too!

OMG THE JIG IS UP! Antonia walks in on Juan in a state of disarray (as he struggles to think of a way to hide his leg hair and get in the pool) and immediately recognizes him! Poor girl, she thinks this is all some cruel trick. In all the time Juan spends saying "let me explain" he probably could have summed it up. Anyway, she lets him explain and he tells her it was all for love of Helena, but he still likes her a lot as a friend. Poor Antonia feels like she was used. Juan looks suitably remorseful and attentive to her distress. THEN he hits her with another blow: accusing her husband of the fraud and asking her to help him find proof of Pluto's villainy. She begs time to think and process.

Marcela is at home continuing a sweet conversation with her daughter about whether to choose career, family, or do both. The girl seems to have a good idea of the qualities that make her dad such a jerk (though Marcela insist her husband exhibits none), and the girl seems to be listening to her mom's advice much more closely than any real teenager would.

Pluto yells at a portrait of his wife and smashes it - He says he was only playing games before, but now he's serious about bumping her off - he wants to be the widower who conquers Helena.

Alone in her hotel room, Antonia thinks back on all the times Juan/Eva was sweet to her. Including the time that I must have missed that Antonia tried to commit suicide with Vitamins and Juan talked her down! I think this is the leadup to her realizing that Juan really has changed.

Anyway, here are the advances:
Tomorrow: Antonia will catch her husband getting nasty with Rebeca! Yay!


Refugio Para el Amor #110 Mon 9/10/12 Vio’s Looking for a Sugar Daddy; Vicky’s Trying to Lose a Sugar Daddy, but Gains a Dangerous Enemy in Rosa; Luci and Rod Refuse to Board the Forgiveness Train

Luciana has once again had the unfortunate timing of encountering Roselena while trying to seek out Padre Honesto. She should realize by now that 90% of the good Padre’s time is spent (unwillingly) listening to Rosa’s crazy rants.  The Padre, eager to use that 10% of Rosa-free time, immediately leaves them alone when Rosa says she and Luci have a pending conversation. He really couldn’t get out of there fast enough!

Rosa offers Luci a chair, but Luci wisely chooses to remain standing and clutching her bag. (Good thinking Luci. Easier to fight and take flight that way.) Rosa’s back in Stepford Wife mode, and starts weaving her tale about her only sin being protecting her family and keeping them united. She knows that for Luci, she must seem the worst woman in the world, but she swears before God, Christ, and the Padre’s large cross, in a Church no less, that she’s repentant! (Where is that bolt of lightning when it’s needed?) Luci’s not falling for it for a second. She holds her head high, looks at Rosa and then the cross and says: “Well, then let Him (God) forgive you, because I can’t.”  Woohooo!!!!!
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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #104-108 Sept. 10-14

Oh I wish I had time to do this episode justice. Thank heaven for the witty discussion!

The Flintstone Plotline

  • The gals show up at Zoe's. While there, Sabrina slimes on FFFFF and Isa sees it. Later, Ssssabrina slimes on Fer and Zoe sees.
  • The next day the three Caballeros Tarados fret over the Hobag Conundrum. Every once and a while Fer talks some sense: "better to tell the truth ourselves than to let Sabrina talk." That idea gets shot down every time. They think a payoff will work. Dumba$$es.
  • Manny asks Fer if she can fire Ssssabrina. He gives the go ahead. Sssabrina gets pithed and tells him he has until tomorrow to decide to give her her job back or she's blabbing.
  • Isa confronts FFFFF while Zoe confronts Fer.
  • Everyone leaves work early. Susy wonders if anyone around the constructora works.
  • Isa confronts Ssssabrina. Ssssanbrina admits to sleeping with FFFFF (it was just a simple "acostón; un chiste rapitín" she argues.) Isa swears on her mother that if Sssabrina keeps it up she will pay and  cry lágrimas de sangre.
  • Zoe confronts Ssssabrina. See above. Zoe doesn't go the tears of blood route. She goes the Slap the Ho route.
Horny, Willy, Lucia
  • Horny offers to pay reIcky dos mil pesos to rough up Lucia.
  • Lucia tells Reina and the other girl not to say a word to Willy, but she's heading off to Canada. The promise not to tell Willy. Luckily they tell Jazmín who promptly tells Willy.
  • Willy, Moncho, Juancho, Nacho and Chicho devise Operación Tananana.
Beba and Jorrible
  • Beba fusses at Jorrible for fighting with Fernando.
There was tons of vocab I didn't get to write down. I hope that I can do that tonight. 


Saturday, September 08, 2012

Amor Bravío #23 (Uni 18) Fri 9/7/12 Pushy Broads Like Viviana Make The Rockin’ World Go ‘Round Or “Ruh-roh!” For Rafa And D’Andres

Capítulo 23    

While Camila is still trying to find daylight at the end of the tunnel of love, Viviana and Isadora show us once again that behind every wimpy, impotent man there’s an uber-domineering mother; and behind every self-respecting woman’s decision to stand up for herself [darse lugar], there’s an unthinking hunk of a male whose mouth moves faster than his brain, and whose maw is large enough to accommodate a size 13 foot.  (Rafa, honey, call your office!)

Lo Del Nuevo

Rafael goes on a fact-finding investigation, pretending that he and his mama are interested in buying Rancho La Malquerida.  He flashes that brilliant smile with those sparklingly gorgeous brown eyes at the helpless, young county clerk who then tells him—in strictest confidence--that there is a very wealthy entrepreneur, whose trade in stock is tourist developments and who wants to buy this property in order to convert it into an important vacation/tourist development.  Rafa’s little expedition is cut short when he gets a call from Viviana supposedly telling to come quickly because a calf is about to be born, and they’re going to watch while Camila works her veterinarian magic.

At the M.Q., Augustina watches Isadora and Alonso perambulating into the living room together.  Gussie’s curious as to why Al’s out of the hospital so soon.  Poor, abandoned Al takes the opportunity to plead his case and whines that since Cami didn’t want to come see him, he’s back to be “at her side”, feeling that his first priority is his wife.  Gussie tells them she isn’t so sure her daughter will want anything to do with him, but she’s tending to her animals in the stables right now in any case and doesn’t have time.  Doesn’t matter, says the forlorn Lonso.  He’s going to find her-r-r-r and force her-r-r-r to face hi-i-i-i-m! NO, objects the devoted MamaDora, as she shoves Sonny Boy back down onto the couch.  (Sorry, but the more I see of Flavio Medina playing the supposed son of lovely Leticia Calderon, the more I feel the actor should have gotten a face peel before filming, or make-up should have given Leti a few more wrinkles and a little fake streak of gray hair!  It’s like Benjamin Buttons, the early years!)  Mama declares that she’ll find and fetch Cam, then races out the door on her quest. Gussie stares indignantly at her loathsome loser of a son-in-law as he begins chewing what remains of his claws.  He peeks up through the corner of his squinty little eyes at her, flinching and scowling under her accusatory gaze, and waits for MamaDora to procure “his” cold-hearted and cruel Camila for a suitable scolding. 

Outside in the driveway, Padre Baldedero gives Daniel a verbal thrashing for lying to him about living out on the street when really he was staying at Sra. Amanda’s B&B.  Dan’s excuse is that he feared being discovered and didn’t have any idea that Amanda was his mother’s friend until the padre told him so.  Ok, says Baldo, then why did Dan refuse a perfectly good and safe position in town to work there at this ranch?  Dan replies that there’s no better place to get to the bottom of things than by being in the middle of a den of thieves [boca del lobo=in the lion’s mouth/den].  He’s going to make things right and get justice, like he told him before--or die trying.  Padre insists it’s too dangerous.  Dan says he’s got nothing to lose and a lot to gain if he does.  It’s suddenly clear to Padre why Dan wanted a letter of recommendation from him—to get on here and be protected!!  Yep, nods Dan. FYI, Padre needs to remember to call him Andres around there!  Fine. Padre says he’s got a letter from his daddy for him that would have done the same, and he was about to give it to him, but he wanted to assure himself about the facts first.   (Padre’s intentions are good, but even a snail sprints faster than this old dude!)

MamaDora now walks into the cow pens and finds Cami tending to her sick cow who’s having a problem with labor.  Isa tries shaming Cam into rushing back with her to her hubby’s side.   “--Why, he couldn’t bear to stay another day in the hospital without you!” (Aw, tell her to pitch that load of manure over the fence into the bull pens with the rest of the dung!)  Cam bites her tongue and tries explaining she needs to finish up there, but will be in immediately after, implying (as all Viewerville and anybody with half a brain can see) that ailing Al couldn’t be that lonesome, what with his mama and Gussie there to keep waiting on him hand and foot! “—I can’t believe that this cow is more important than your husband!!!  What a lack of humanity you’re showing!”  (The cows, of course, are the geese, to mix my metaphors, laying the golden eggs…er…bulls here, lady! They’re the very things that allow Lonnie Boy and you to sponge off los Monterde—and, I bet you pesos to pine nuts that Vivi was ready to tell old abhor-rible Dora exactly that if she’d gotten half a chance!) 

Cam, still cool under fire, hurriedly spells it out for MamaDora: it was Alonso’s decision to leave the hospital against the doctor’s orders, so please don’t come telling her how to act or not concerning her husband.  Isa riles and pulls rank on her DIL, reminding Cam to mind her tone.  Cam apologizes and politely repeats that she should not interfere with her and her husband’s personal business, and assures her that she’ll be in once she’s finished with the important duties there!  Isa sniffs and storms off (undoubtedly not used to being contradicted in both word and deed), griping the whole way out about how Camila’s attitude is “inconcebible [inconceivable/ unbelievable]”!!   Viv gives Cam kudos for standing her ground.   Cam takes heart and gets back to birthing [alumbrar] her bulls.

Inside the hacienda again, Gussie brings her lonesome (loathsome) SIL some broth.  He begs her to convince Cami that he only did what he did to avoid more aggravation and frustration for her.  It was an “experiment” you see, to check whether his “problem” had solved itself. Gussie replies that times have changed and women stick up for themselves nowadays; they don’t feel they have to put up with this kind of humiliation, aka, ridiculous male chauvinist crap.  In walks the irritated and irksome Isadora, complaining that Camila was more interested in some “stinking [apestosa] old cow” than her indisposed, doting and adoring hubby, Al.  Hearing that, Lonnie races out of his bed and rushes angrily down to the cow pens to give Cam a piece of his mind--which, in light of the circumstances in which he was found, makes Viewerville wonder if there was another blocked artery, one depriving oxygenated blood to his brain!!    

The co-madres race out after loping Alonso, trying to stop him from another boneheaded and deadly mishap.  Loping Lon rushes past D’Andres and the Padre in the driveway, but Gussie orders D’Andres to chase after him.  Padre mentions he was there to check on Al’s health; Gussie asks him how he knew about Alonso.  Somebody in town told him.  Gussie and Isadora are horrified to realize that apparently the whole town now knows about the damnable droop in Alonso’s drawers.

Luzma, meanwhile, arrives home and lies to Leoncio and her mama about her suspension.  Instead she tells them that due to “a teachers’ meeting,” school’s out for the next couple of days.  Tío Leo tells her she’s got chores to do, helping her mother if she’s off school, and he wants no buts about it!  He’s not about to allow her to “laze around the place [andar de vaga]” while her mama’s got work to do.  (Ok.  Even a broken clock, as they say, is right twice a day.)

Viv and D’Andres watch the fireworks ringside when Lon eventually shows up at the cow pens and immediately starts carping about his having to walk all the way down there just to talk with her because she’d rather attend to some cow than hi-i-i-i-m!  (Sorry, Numb-nuts, but word up: the sad truth is that this cow’s carcass, alive or dead, is worth oodles more than yours!) Cami, despite all, tries politely suggesting that he return to the house, promising that she’ll attend to him when she’s finished with the cow.  However, that won’t do for the perverse little putz!   “—No! We’re going back to the house together! (Is that a foot stomp I see?) Your priority as my wife is me!”  Cam says yep, she gets it, and he’s right.  A wife’s duty is to attend to her husband; but since they never had that kind of relationship, they are an incompatible husband and wife and she wants a divorce! (Nice way to turn the tables, toots!  High fives start hittin’ all over Viewerville.) Cara de I can’t believe-she-shoved-it-back-in-my-face-and-pulled-a-proverbial-fast-one-on-me de Loathsome Lon. 

Back inside the main house, Dionisio arrives and greets the gang.  He gives a special swak to his mark, aka, the ever-gushing and most gullible Gussie, as Viewerville pauses for a communal gag before turning its attention back to the screen.  Gussie introduces Padre B to Dio, “her novio”.  The padre takes note and then his leave. 

Back by the cow pens, Lon is pissed as hell.  “—It’s a bit personal a topic to discuss in front of this worthless trash [gentuza= low-class scum of humanity, white trash, rabble] don’t you think?”  Yep, agrees Cam.  “--So go back inside and I’ll come by in a bit to discuss it with you after I’m done.  I am busy right now.”  He starts grabbing at his chest and bitching about his condition.  Cam warns him not to try that emotional blackmail crap on her.  She hasn’t got time for it!  He heads back towards the main house, eventually screaming at D’Andres to stop following him around already!  Rafa shows up at that point and asks what’s going on.  Dan explains that Cami just asked her hubby for a divorce in front of gawd and everyone.  Rafa’s excited as hell.  Cami’s not going to forgive the rat bastard after all!  Now’s his chance!  Don’t get so excited, says D’Andres.  “--She needs that wimp around to do her dirty work for her!”  Rafa, all smiles, insists that Dan’s just so wrong about her.

Vivi tells Cam she did the right thing and to hang in there and stand her ground.  No guilty feelings, because Cami married a guy who became a stranger to her.  No, says Cam, he was a stranger from the beginning.  (I’d say the operative word here is “strange” rather than “stranger”.) Viv adds that she shouldn’t doubt her motives or her actions.  She knows, because she felt uncertain and doubted the same way Cami is now.  “--Divorce is a frightening thing and so is the loneliness that comes with it.”  Cam sobs tears of frustration and relief, admitting she feels alone half the time as it is.  Viv continues to encourage her to buck up, since after all she’s an intelligent, educated, attractive, self-sufficient gal who should never lose sight of that!  She even has herself a ranch!  Cam stops her there and explains that the ranch really isn’t hers and how her uncle left it all to his illegitimate son.  More tears on Viv’s shoulder.

At the same time, Rafa finishes telling Daniel that the M.Q. is being sold but, that he’s sure Camila doesn’t know it.  Dan argues that she has to know it because she ordered the appraisal herself.  Rafa explains that she loves the land and the animals too much to sell them, so it wouldn’t make sense.  (Anybody else think Dan’s too linear in his thinking?)  Dan doesn’t buy it, so Rafa agrees to disagree and says that’s why they’re going to continue their fact-finding mission and get to the truth!

Cami continues explaining the odd circumstances and events concerning this fugitive cousin, Daniel Diaz Acosta, to Viv and explains that nobody knows who he is, or even what he looks like, since nobody’s ever met him. 

In the meantime, across the way at the Buenaventura, Big Bro Mariano returns home.  In rushes Pablo and demands to know if Eliana erased the message from Luzma the night before.  Eliana lies, saying no, of course not, but once the two brothers are out of the room she allows herself a malevolent and victorious smile as hisses are now heard in living rooms throughout Viewerville.

Back at the M.Q., Dionisio gets on Al’s case about the pending disaster now that his divorce is imminent.  He warns Al that if Camila kicks his scrawny ass to the curb, that he’ll take this loser’s place as lover in charge.  Lonnie argues that Dio can’t do that since the woman he’s talking about is his wife! Dio lets out with a belly laugh and a half.  “—Je-je! She’s what??”  Scowling Al doesn’t see the irony in his poorly chosen words.  You might want it that way, lecturers Dio, but seems to me that we’re all very aware that that never happened and I’ll be damned if I’ll lose the huge investment I've made in this project so far!  Al doesn’t see it that way.  Naw, Camila wouldn’t give him a second look.  Dio scoffs.  “--You wanna bet??” Dio spells it out in no uncertain terms.  Unlike a loser like Alonso, he actually knows how to woo a woman, to keep her happy and contented, and most of all…sssssatisfied!  Al sneers back that Camila would never go for it, especially after Dio’s dating Cam’s mama.  Dio scoffs. “--We’ll see about that, now won’t we?”

At los Alberrán, Eliana eavesdrops against a closed study door as Mariano assures Pablo that he’s not as closed-minded as their parents when it comes to somebody’s background or financial status.  If little brother and Luzma love each other then that’s all that counts.  Pablo can count on his support he assures him and then persuades him to go after his gal and fight to win her back.

At the same time, Camila tells Rafa and Viv that while she’s waiting for the calf to start down the birth canal, she’s going to take the break to discuss things with Alonso. 

Luzma finds out from D’Andres, meantime, that there was a message left from Pablo on Camila’s answering machine after all.  D’Andres finds out that Cami’s been acting as a go-between of sorts because Luzma and her boyfriend must hide their relationship from everyone.  That’s why she was outside the night he defended her from Terrible Tío Leo, but he never showed and blah, blah, blah…..  D’Andres fights a major eye-roll and sends her off to work things out with her “ex-non-ex-or-whatever”.

Dio runs into Cam inside the main house and tells her in his most ingratiating and sycophantic way that he doesn’t agree with Al’s behavior and he’s on her side unconditionally.  So, if she needs anything from him he’ll be there, yes he will, cuz she’s got a friend...for whatever else….uh-hem…she needs. Cam says thanks and blows if off. 

Dora and Gussie meanwhile, chat over coffee.  ViboraDora tells Gussie that she should take it slow with Dio, since nobody knows that much about him and his friendship/association with Alonso is a rather recent thing.  “--Could be he’s a man that runs from commitment, don’t you think? After all, strange that he’s never once been married.”  Gussie says they’re giving it a try for a while, but she feels his intentions are totally honorable.  Dora advises her that, even so, she shouldn’t get her hopes up or “confuse infatuation [enamoramiento] with the fear of loneliness.”

Upstairs, Cam comes in for a chat about bailing from Ailing Al.  He apologizes profusely and races on about how he was only trying to rescue their relationship and to test out the situation without hurting her in order to avoid the same hurtful arguments they’ve had.  She brings up the therapist again and asks why he’s not been seeing one as he promised he would.  Al says something about using a pill instead for a shortcut cure-all which of course, he sees now was stooopid… and the rest is history.  He mentions that he feels castrated around her.  She is tired of hearing that old saw again, she says, and figures it’s all the more reason to end their farce of a marriage right now, amiably as he promised when she gave him a second chance. 

Meanwhile, D’Andres and Rafa are discussing Cam’s husband and the pending divorce.  Rafa makes the mistake of calling him Daniel just as Vivi walks up to them.  She overhears and asks why he just called Andres ‘Daniel’ ?   “—What’s going on here?  Where do you two know each other from anyway?” 

Back up in their bedroom again, the sniveling Alonso gets on his knees and pathetically begs Cam not to divorce him.   She tries to get him to stand up.  He blubbers some more and tells her he can’t possibly live without her, that he truly loves her.  She’s his life!  (Pardon me while I fight the indigestion reliving this scene is giving me.)  She calmly reasons with him that it’s no good tying oneself to something that isn’t working, and then reminds him that he promised they’d divorce on good terms if it ever came to that.  He denies it and finally refuses outright to give her a divorce.  (Ok.  Annulment, it is then?!)  She stares him down and calmly walks out of the room, almost as if she’s backing away from a skittish and dangerous wild animal to avoid it charging at her.

Outside once more, Rafa and Dan try lying their way out of the dung pile they’ve stepped in.  Rafa lies, saying they only met there through the interviews he did with the staff; D’Andres says Rafa simply made a mistake cuz he meant to call him Andres.  She screams at them to stop treating her like a dumb female cuz if there’s one thing she can’t stand it’s for men to do that to her!! Rafa starts to give in and tells D’Andres that she can be trusted [de fiar]. Dan tries walking off and leaving them to sort it out.  Viv gets in his face, tho’, and warns him to tell her the truth or she won’t be responsible for what comes next!  Rafa tells Dan that she won’t stop till she gets what she wants from them.  Dan still tries pretending he’s just an ignorant peon, but she threatens to tell Cam that she heard Rafa call him Daniel.  D’Andres says he doubts she’ll care.  Viv gets in his face.  “--Oh no?  Well, she just happens to be waiting for a guy named Daniel who is her cousin and who’s the sole heir of the ranch.  So, would you happen to be that Daniel she’s waiting for?” 

Rafa gets upset that Viv never told her anything about it.  “--Could be that’s because Camila just finished telling me! Nobody knows anything about him; but he’s a fugitive from justice and that he’s the true owner of this hacienda.”  Dan starts to walk off but Viv stops him in his tracks.  “—You are that person, aren’t you?  You are Daniel Diaz Acosta, her cousin and the sole heir to La Malquerida!”

In town, Padre B stops in at Lic. Osvaldo Becerra’s legal office to tell him that he has not only met Dionisio Ferrer, but he’s now officially dating Agustina. 

At the same time, Dan tries to squirm out of it one last time.  He wouldn’t be there working as a cowboy or a chauffeur, he explains, if he were some heir-apparent to a ranch!  Sure he would, says Viv, if he were hiding from the law!  “--What a coinkydink that you’re not from around here; that you have a Chilean accent, not to mention that you seem totally unsuited as a cowboy and are well-educated, too educated to be accepting the pittance of a salary a cowboy makes!  So tell me what’s going on here already or I’ll go tell Camila and she can sort it out!”  Rafa grabs Viv’s arm and pleads with Daniel to let her in on it.  He refuses. “—She’s Camila’s friend!”  Rafa insists she can be trusted and to just tell her the truth already!  Dan backs off then and admits sarcastically that he really has no choice at this point.  He asks her to be  as trustworthy as Rafael claims she is.  “--What I have to tell you is rather sensitive, too sensitive, to tell you out here.”  Vivi agrees and offers to have them come to her place that evening to give their side of it with her.  She won’t tell Cam anything for now, she says, but warns them that her loyalty is totally to Camila.

In town at Lic. Becerra’s again, Baldo tells Osvaldo that he doesn’t trust this Dionisio Ferrer character as far as he can throw him [me da mala espina], and he especially doesn’t like him involving himself at the ranch, considering his past history with Don Daniel.  They agree Dio’s probably going to try taking advantage of Camila and Agustina’s “fragile state of mind” in order to get his hands on the ranch.  Padre B encourages him to fight for her if he truly cares for her.  “--Don’t let this other guy steal her away!”

Rafa and Viv, now, fight over his keeping secrets from her with all that money involved.  She says she feels used.  Rafa defends Daniel and his intentions, but can’t go into why because Cami comes back at that point.  The sick cow is about to deliver her calf now so the group race over to the pens. 

In the meantime, MamaDora stops by to chat with Sonnie to find out what happened with them.  He tells her that Camila is determined to get that divorce and admits that he is in love with her; that he loves her more than life itself.  There’s no way he can allow Dio to take her away from him.  Dora is dumbfounded.  What’s he mean?  Al explains how the guy threatened to go after Cam if she divorces him.  Al comments that it was Dio who approached him about becoming business partners and in the end who really wants control of the ranch.  He can’t stand the guy any longer, he says.  Dio’s gotten so ambitious that he’d do anything to get what he wants!  No problem, says Mama.  If they play their cards right, if anything goes wrong, the only one to blame will be Dio.  They’ll come out of it all smelling like a rose.  For that reason, warns Mama, Al has to remain cool headed and free of any emotion.  Love can’t be a part of this equation.   

D’Andres is now at the cow pens to help with the birth of the calf.  Cami delivers the calf, a bull, but the mother dies.  It’s obvious that Cami has done everything humanly possible to save the animal and feels really bad about the whole thing.  She leaves the group to clear her head.  Rafa looks over at Dan and asks him to recognize that “any woman who would feel that badly over the death of an animal wouldn’t be able to harm a human being.” Dan remains skeptical. “—Yeah, well people are capable of anything for money, and there’s lots of money here!”  Rafa is disgusted and simply reminds him they’ll see each other that night at Viv’s.

Inside the main house again, Gussie tells Piedad how happy she is with her new romance; that she figures she’s being compensated for so many years alone.  Just then she takes a call from Lic. Becerra.  He makes a date with her for early morning coffee to discuss some important information he’s just recently discovered.

Across town from Becerra’s office, Dio takes a call from El Trench saying he’ll have the death certificate in his hands the next morning. 

Dio smiles triumphantly and says to himself that finally he will have possession of both the ranch and of Camila Monterde!!


Abismo de pasión #126 9/7/13: Squawking & Stalking

Hacienda Beltrán:

After Elisa overhears the conversation between Ingrid and Damián, Dam comes clean about who really shot whom. No more lies! Well, at least not about that. Ing turns on the waterworks and the lie fountain, but Damián says let’s just see what Gabino has to say when he wakes up. He stalks off.

Ingrid whinges away to Elisa about shooting Gabino to protect herself and, oh, right, Gael – he threatened Gael. Yeah. Elisa says she totally understands: she, too, would have defended herself against anything other than a lifetime of verbal abuse, character assassination, attempted rape and slapping. You know, something really serious. But anyway, that wasn’t what she came for – she wants information on the Blue House. There’s a loud KA-CHING KA-CHING KA-CHING as Ingrid’s eyes turn into a slot-machine jackpot. The Blue House! The tickets! Let us fly, my pretty!

Hacienda Castañon:

Gael finally has enough of Tía Crazy’s poison pills and stalks off himself, only to encounter the Begoñaphone on the sidewalk. She dresses him down about his trashy mother and his trashy friends and he takes this for an amazingly long time before re-stalking.

Begoña goes inside and tries to rope her pretend friend into her little pity party: that tendriled tramp stole my husband, and now he’s going to marry her – and, what’s even worse, take her to live in the house that I decorated! Carmina has to pull out her little bingo card of sympathetic clichés to remember how normal people behave in this situation: ¡Qué barbaridad! ¡No puede ser! ¡Pobre de ti! Then she puts the card away and goes back to being herself: I have some citrus secrets that will give you the upper hand…

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Por ella soy Eva #38 9/7/12 : I'll go if you go. Or will I? Are you going? Maybe I won't. Hmmm...

Our characters spent much of the hour debating whether or not they should go to Acapulco.

Eva and/or Juan Carlos
JC tells Mimi what he learned on the phone. Supposedly JC bought a $3 million share in that hotel with the money he stole from GI, but the hotel never got the money. Surely Pluto has it. They'll need to find someone who can crack a safe!

In the restroom, Cindy(?) asks Eva if she has a "toalla." Eva calls her "clueless," and cluelessly hands the confused girl a paper towel from the dispenser. (Sanitary pads are also called "towels" in other nations, including England.) Read more »


Friday, September 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #109 Fri 9/7/12 Rod feels the heavy load of screwing up, Luci's first day at office, Rosa likes the idea of being called 'crazy', Julie shops till she drops and Gala is posessed by the RANT devil

Lo refrito:
Paz/Magda amazed at having a live phone line, look at it as if it were a Mars rock. Now if they only could figure out how to dial… but they don’t have the right prefix codes for cell #s. LOL!

Luci nervous when she arrives at TL with CL. Claudio eases her. She sends Claudio ahead.
Rod catches Luci: stares seem to suddenly only find each other in the whole universe. HE asks her how she is, how’s their baby. She says have faints here and there, but doing fine. I know you don’t care about my feelings. Everyone but I knew you were Linares child. It was jealousy, rage and spite that made me marry Gala. But not love.My love will always be yours.

Lo Nuevo:
Luci asks him not to approach her like that and not to talk to her about love. We are through and if I am here is ONLY for my dad. That does not give you right to approach me. He promises he won’t do it again. She thanks him. (he is about to cry) he asks her if she will never forgive him. She asks him to try to be happy with his wife and child and forget her. He promises he will try. (Claudio calls Luci over to break the moment.)

Max asks/orders Oscar to be the one to turn over the offices to Claudio and Luci. Oscar seems not to mind. Oscar reminds him it is his duty to introduce Linares and Luci as the new associates to the rest of the board. Max gets enraged and stands up ‘heck no!!’. Oscar asks him to chill out. This is not up to you or me, you just HAVE TO. Patience. (Max mocks the ‘patience’ request) (Max would rather spend a year in a jail cell with Rosa than do this)

Elsewhere at TL offices, Luci keeps shaking nervous. Claudio keeps reminding her she is as much owner as the TL’s. She asks him Will it keep that name? CL: Of course not but there will be time for that. Luci excited to be able to communicate with Paz directly with the cel.

At Het Het Paz and Magda have got Procopio to help them figure out how to call the cell phones. Procopio gives them the right prefix code to call cell phones. Procopio will miss their visits since they won’t need to go to the funeral home to make calls.

Board meeting begins, Pato and Luci smile to each other, Rod stares at them worried. Max reluctantly introduces Claudio and Luci as the new associates. Oscar gives them the copy of the docs. Luci very nice to Oscar. Pato offers the Linares his help. Luci thanks him. Claudio tries to state that he will need another office for an auditor. Max claims Claudio needs his approval. Claudio says he doesn’t think it required. ‘Unless you have something to hide.’ Rod jumps in saying we don’t have anything to hide… and looks seriously at Luci and Claudio.

At TL Mean manor, Rosa is still rattling to Connie. Connie hopes she will really listen to the doctor this time. RosaE is still irate, instead of the doctor, she should head to the TL offices to kick out Linares and Luci. Connie rolls her eyes… Rosa E asks Mati to prepare dinner, she is hoping everyone will come to dinner again (dream on, woman!!)

At Het Het, Aquiles is talking to his travel agent to get a complete trip package for Mex City. ‘pa’ que se oriente’ (so you will figure out where we’re heading)…

Gala at her office is barking out of control to her employees, says the photos are nasty, the writing is hideous! She throws the paperwork of her employees all over the place and keeps insulting them. Julie comes in carrying half a mall worth of shopping bags… Gala rants and rants that everything is the ‘maldita domestica!!!’’s fault. Julie says you can’t go on raging around because it could hurt your pregnancy. Remember THAT is our investment. What you need to do is go to the offices and face that ‘chacha’ and mark your territory and warn her who you are and how far you would go if she dares touch ‘lo que es tuyo’ (what is yours).

At Dr Offices… Dr is glad RosaE is back. He needs to ask her some questions to try figure out why she goes on rages so frequently. RosaE says it is just daily life stress. Doctor says most people could control that but you can’t. There are situations where you can’t control yourself and that could have a medical reason. RosaE says ‘that is just who I am’.
Doctor says we might find some chemical reason in the brain which could be stealing your peace of mind. RosaE says sorry but I don’t’ believe even in the peace of graveyards… or churches… or convents… or desert islands… or sunken ships… or the dark side of the moon.

Aquiles tries to get Procopio to mind his business while Aquiles is away. Procopio says I could do it for a week, but not a minute longer. Btw, Paz got a private phone line. Maybe thanks to her dad Luci will end up more powerful and rich than yourself here in SFelAlto.
(Funny, Aquiles notices Procopio has his cigar backwards in his mouth and mocks him)

Paz and Magda worry about the cost of the calls from the private line. Namurashi (the crafts contract girl) comes in and asks for Luci. Paz says Luci went to the capital and not sure when she will be back. Namu says she brought the design they want Luci to paint into some of the pots. Paz and Magda offer to begin making the pots and then Luci can come finish them. They all agree on the idea. Paz asks Magda if Luci will want to keep going with the pottery. Magda assures her Luci will never leave her crafts. Paz worried about Luci’s meeting with those ‘wild beasts’.

Back to TL offices, Luci and Claudio are on their way out, but Pato wants to talk to Luci in his office. ‘esta chica pero esta padre’ (it is rather small but it is cool) As Pato and Luci enter his office, Rod notices it and eavesdrops some. Luci is honest with Pato, not comfortable here, want to go back to town with a’ma. Pato tells Luci she is important because of how she is, simple, pure, honest. That is why she is really important for him. (With this Rod goes to his office worried). Thanks to her motivation he was able to move forward. Will never tire of telling Rod he committed the silliest mistake of his life in not believing in her. He let go the most valuable woman he could have found in his life. Luci reminds Pato never to talk to her about Rod. He promises, if that makes her happy.  Luci is summoned to take on her office.

Rod stands in between Luci’s and Pato’s office doors, he wonders if there is anything going on between Luci and his brother… no can’t be. Luci and Pato care about each other for the way Luci helped him move on. Yeah, has to be just that.

In her office, Luci looks around, is even more concerned/nervous. Begs the virgin for help. Want to avoid my dad any embarrassment. Want to do things right. (and now!! My favorite scene of the night!)
Gala storms in, already enraged. ‘What are you doing here, Gala?’  ‘Came to remind you what is your place in life. Just because you are the child of Claudio Linares you will never stop being a criada (maid)… you better not wave around your tag/title of businesswoman… ‘cause you are not. And Even less try to approach Rod because he is MY husband!’ Luci’s response: ‘ you got the wrong office! Go ask your husband not to look for me, but surely he will listen to you more, you are his wife’.(WOO HOO!!! I LOVED the daring tone Luci used)
‘And now that all that is clear and out of the way, neither you nor your husband have any business in this office’. ‘ enjoy the little time you will be here. Because you don’t have the ability or the ranks to be here.’ ‘you are wrong. I own half of this business and next time you have a doubt/question/request/rant, knock on the door before you come in.’ (smiles to wrap it up nicely, Gala leaves in a huff, whispering through teeth ‘estupida criada!’… storms right into Rod’s office… rants at him about ‘la domestica esa’ just steps in here and you go after her like a lap dog (perro faldero). Rod demands she respect his office …
 ‘you don’t respect me or your child!’…  Rod says if you have anything to rant at me for, this is not the place. You respect this office. Don’t make me do things I will have to regret later. (No!! Make him!!! … but she just yells for him to get off her) Yeah! Let you go for good! That is what I would LOVE to do but I can’t because you are having my child. (Gala leaves again whispering through teeth ‘darn Rod, if you only knew how much I despise you!’)
Luci gets a message on her cell phone, gets instantly worried.

Boris and Jana… Jana says been havin a hard time lately, family matters. But won’t tell Boris any details even when he rants that she should trust him and he claims problems are easier to handle when you share them. Saved by the ring. Pato calls Jana on cell phone. Wanted to tell her how it went to Luci on her first day as associate at TL. She looked so pretty. Jana is happy to hear that. Pato asks Jana a favor, to pick up the results of Luci’s test. HE wants to give them to her as a surprise tomorrow at the office.

At Het Het, Paz and Magda are about to have a stroke wondering how it all went for Luci.
Then they worry about the cost of the phone. Paz is more worried about when LUci will be back. She feels Luci will slowly but surely get away from here. Magda says that is the laws of life, besides Don Claudio IS her dad. Ariche comes in and is admiring the phone when it suddenly begins ringing. It is Luci, they are all about to do an indian dance of celebration. 

Rod comes to see Pato… Pato is leaving, he’s tired. Rod sits down deflated. Pato asks what is wrong. Rod says getting really worried about the picture of my future. Pato guesses right it also has to do with the idea of being so close and yet so far from Luci. Rod will have to learn to live with that. Gala has set on the goal of making his life miserable. And even if Rod does not give her reason, she makes it up. Thanks P for being here, need his support. Same here.

RosaE and Connie on ride back from doctor… You must be happy now, but I will tell you I am fine!… She blames Luci for everyone thinking she is sick or crazy… Connie tries to get RosaE to admit she was wrong about Aurora and Luci. That it became her obsession. No obsession, vengeance! Had to take vengeance from that woman!! Connie tells her you are sowing what you planted. There are your children resentful of you. RosaE barks at her not to be against her!.. Connie explodes’ Do you want me to lie to you? Do you want me to say what you want me to say?? … Rosa says want to start over, and admits Luci is expecting her first grandchild… RosaE asks driver to take her to see Padre Honesto.. (again?? What good is going to confessional if you won’t admit your sins??).

At the taco basket corner business, Lorenzo and Fabian arrange with some of the maids to go to their place to eat one of these days…

On their way out of TL, Luci tells Claudio she could not stand being in an office all day. Claudio says you will get used to it. She wants to keep doing her crafts and teach the women in SFeA to do crafts so they will be independent. Claudio happily admits to prefer that too.

Again at her offices, Gala takes it again on her employees… And again Julie comes in with shopping bag, a dress she had seen at the store. Gala is not in mood, ‘you only think of spending, right? ‘ ‘this is just crumbs compared to the fortune of your husband’s. I only have 3 vices: shopping, men and champagne… you should do the same… you are a millionaire.. so many women would die to have what you have… / Ay no!! I am not happy! And what hurts more is that I realize I will never be (happy!)… Julie guesses correctly that Gala is mad about Luci… Gala rants: ‘you did not see what I saw!’. She believes herself the Grand Damme! She even told me that Rod is following her around! … she even rand me out of her office!... yes I left! What did you want? That I would stay and rant at her in public?...  Julie says you are expecting a child of Rods’, a TL, and you have to use that baby in your favor.

At church, Padre E congratulates RosaE in having the guts to confess to her family. Do you feel better? No… Rod despises me, Jana and Pato are feeling sorry for me.  Give them time. RosaE says now they say I am going nuts. And even took me to a doctor that says when I find myself in danger, I disconnect from reality. But it is not so bad they think I am going nuts. (Now it is Padre who is blown away by her) As RosaE is picking up to leave, Luci comes in. RosaE seems to be cordial with her and asks Padre to leave her alone with Luci, need to talk to her.

Rod gets home and Gala has started a skid act of being in pain for the baby… Rod buys it hook, line and sinker… DUMB Rod-BOBO!! .. as he leaves the room to get her water, she sprays her forehead to look like she is feverish…

Previews: Gala calls Julie telling her she has found a way to tie Rod to her side…
And RosaE and Luci meet up…


Weekend Discussion: Televisa Remakes We Would Produce, Classic Movie Edition, Part 2

We've had fun with this before, so let's here about the masterpieces you would produce if you were at the helm of Televisa Studios. The rules:
  • Pick a classic movie, any genre.  Title translation optional.
  • Give your dream cast for the Televisa Remake you would produce.  Actors currently under contract to Telemundo are also invited to the casting call.  Although most or all character names would be changed into Spanish ones, use the original character names for clarity.
  • Make note of any minor changes to setting, character relationships, etc.
  • Comment on any previously posted project.
  • New projects should occur at least every third post, but more frequently is good, too!
One of my favorite comedy films of all time is now truly ripe for a Televisa remake, so here is the dream cast for....

Some Like it Hot:

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Weekend Discussion: Mandatory Forgiveness and Its Evangelists

Disclaimer: I am not a practitioner of any organized religion, nor was I raised in one. I know that the ability to grant forgiveness is a primary goal in most organized religions, but if “To err is human, to forgive divine” I will leave forgiveness to the angels.

We are always being told that forgiveness is for the forgiver rather than the person who offended him or her; forgiving is letting go to avoid living with rancor and hate. I can buy that notion if the offending act was committed in ignorance of the resultant suffering, whether the offender simply did not know the person would be offended or if s/he lacks the mental capacity for understanding such things. I can accept the idea of forgiveness if the offender apologises sincerely and makes amends (even if that can only mean getting out of the injured party's life). I cannot extend the same absolution to persons who knowingly commit malicious acts regardless of their motives for doing so.
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El Mundo de Telemundo - week of September 10 - Discuss among yourselves

Only Corazón Valiente and Pablo Escobar were on this Friday so it's on to next week!

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Abismo de pasión #125 9/6/12: How many fond fools serve mad jealousy!*

*Comedy of Errors

Redux: Ingrid can’t find the tickets so she kicks pillows and rants. Elisa has flashbacks to a time when she was more tastefully clad. Damian has flashbacks to a time when he had more sense. Pop! goes the sleazel! Carmina busts in on his memories.

Lo Nuevo: Carmina pushes hard to poison Dam’s mind against Gael. Doesn’t Dam realize Ingrid set him up? It was planned all along and Gael helped so he could get Dam out of the picture and calmly marry Elisa. (Grab your magic beanies folks. There are more holes in this theory than in Elisa’s clothing.)

Begoña is bored and mopey so she gives Enrique a hard time for marrying Paloma. She doesn’t know who is worse, her slut-mongering ex or her slum-sucking son. OMG, she actually gives Enrique her special bag of miscarriage tea. Nice. As he rushes upstairs to pack his bags she shrieks their house has turned into a brothel. (More like a manicomio if you ask me.)

Carmina keeps pressing Dam. Elisa hasn’t stopped loving him so Dam has become an obstacle and Gael is desperate.  Dam insists his friend would never do that but his Dam Stoopid cogs and sprockets start creaking. Slowly.

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Por ella soy Eva #37 9/6/12: Show Me the Money

There is a reprise of Eva, Helena, and Lucia's rendition of Rata de Dos Patas in the elevator.

Toni comes home to Pluto and Rebeca walks in a minute later, to which Pluto remarks, "What a surprise.  I was hoping not to see you in this house again."  At Rebeca's egging on, Toni asks Pluto why the hotel manager in Playa Majagua says he was there only once when Pluto claims to have been there twice.  Pluto feigns indignation, and to prove himself he rattle off the names of people working at the hotel and brings out pictures of Playa Majagua (which Onesimo took).  He says it pains him that Toni doesn't trust him and Toni begs forgiveness.  Rebecca glowers.

Mutt and Jeff are having a fight.  Santi suggest Fer is exaggerating his problems while Fer states that no one at home understands him.  Santi tells him Marcela does more than he does, and Fer says, "You see?  You're on her side."  Paty baby comes in and Santi falls over himself to accommodate her.  Under his breath Fer calls him hen-pecked (madilon; madil means apron), and Santi asks, "What?"  Santi and Paty are disagreeing because Paty still wants a big wedding.  She calls Santi selfish.  She uses her sexuality to tell him the reward will be great, and as he hovers in for a kiss she untangles herself from him and leaves.  Fer is enjoying the shoe being on the other foot with Santi also having relationship problems.

Bastardo is cranky at Silvia's helping him down the stairs- he accuses her of wanting him to feel like an invalid [push him, dear].  Helena, Lucia, and Lalo show up.  Lucia talks to him a mile a minute while Bastardo looks pained.  He pointedly tells her he could be worse and although SOME people wanted him to die he hasn't done it yet [ass].  He tells Helena, "At least you kept your word in bringing Lalo home.  We'll see if you disappear with him tomorrow."  Helena smartly excuses herself from the abuse.

Rebeca disbelieves Pluto's story about going to Playa Majagua twice.  He says he has too many problems to put up with her hormonal changes.  She acquiesces, but tells him she wants a new car.  "Do you think I have a machine that makes money?"  he replies.  Rebeca states she deserves the car for putting up with him because her period is once a month but his is daily [ouch].  He threatens to go and she says fine, she'll tell the manatee everything.  He calls her a dirty blackmailer, and she says, "Blackmailer, yes.  Dirty, never."  He stares at her [which he's good at, but he seldom smiles].

Jesus asks Adriano out to lunch and Adriano is visibly relieved when he sees Jesus doesn't suspect the truth.  Jesus wants to know if a man of his age looks ridiculous with a young woman.  Adriano stumbles over his words, but tells him that in love age doesn't matter if your intentions are serious.  Paola shows up (surprise!) and physically handles "Uncle Adri" in front of her father to Adriano's embarrassment.  Under the table she runs her hand up the inside of his leg, making his eyes cross more than usual in discomfort.  In his office, Adriano is mad while Paola laughs about the lunch.  He doesn't like to hide things and he thinks it would be better if her father knew the truth about the two of them.  She now gets mad and says he'll ruin everything.  She storms out.

Mimi and Eva are at lunch, with Eva talking as JC.  He is telling her how difficult it was to share a bed with Helena.  JC complains again of his abstinence and Mimi says she feels his pain but nobody ever died from that.  He tells her his last time was with Helena.  She tells him that next time he should take a cold shower, and if that doesn't work to think of the most horrible thing that happened to him.  Paying taxes, he says, and she tells him that clearly he is like a pressure cooker, so lock himself in the bathroom.  "What's wrong with you?"  he replies.  He says it's not just the sex, that with Helena it's different, it's much more.

Lucia compliments Silvia on dinner, while Bastardo complains that it had no flavor and each day she cooks worse.  Helena scolds him that Silvia is only following doctor's orders for a bland diet for HIM [ass].  Bastardo leaves with Lucia and Lalo.  Helena tells Silvia how much it bothers her how Bastardo treats Silvia, and that she fears that he is exaggerating his illness to take advantage of them.  Silvia defends him while Helena bangs her hands against her head [really, Silvia, it's time to stab him with a fork already.  he's done].

Eugenia is upset that JC hasn't called or visited in months.  Modesto tries again to get her to accept JC's death.  She quotes Shakespeare at him: "To die, to sleep, perhaps to dream."  She asks Modesto to bring her to Grupo Imperio; perhaps JC is there.

Helena is bending over in short shorts, making the bed, and in walks Eva who screams at the sight.  Eva asks if she's going to sleep like THAT, and Helena replies it's hot and Eva should too.  Eva says she's like her Aunt Cuquita and is always cold.  She then heads back to the bathroom for a nice cold shower.

Adriano compliments Marcela on her great work.  Fer is standing looking pained, but says, "I always told you my woman was ideal for this position."  Adriano jokes that from now on it will be Marcela who overlooks Fernando's work.  Uncomfortable laughter from both.  Adriano tells Marcela he wants her to finish the thesis left half done and it will be another source of pride for the family.  "No es asi, Fernando?" Adriano asks.

Helena asks Toni for a copy of her thesis but Toni admits she can't find it and will have to go to the university for a copy.  Eva asks Helena why so much interest, and Helena tells her because Pluto based the work on it and she wants to know it.

Everyone's meeting at the big colorful table.  Helena says that thanks to the team all the objectives of the first phase of the project have been accomplished.  Santi gives a cheer and Adriano scolds him while Eva tries to quiet him.  Toni tells how wonderful her trip to Playa Majagua was and that the people have complete trust in Helena.  Eva gives Toni credit for her role and Toni is exuberant to be part of this team.  Pluto throws a wet blanket on everything, saying he's worried about the people's cooperation with construction permits.  Rebeca backs him up saying that there is no one on their level with whom to negotiate.  Pluto says the money is all Grupo Imperio's and that JC's embezzlement of 3 million is making things difficult.  Adriano doesn't want to talk about this but Pluto persists.  After the meeting Helena asks Toni about JC's fraud, but Toni tells her that Adriano and Pluto keep the details to themselves.  Rebeca says it was horrible and that JC broke Adriano's heart.  Eva interrupts to say that absolutely no one has any proof against JC and that he's not here to defend himself because God has him in his Glory.  Rebeca rolls her eyes.  Helena asks about bringing Lalo to a weekend work party in Acapulco and Rebeca says no way!  Toni overrules her.  Eva smiles.

In Toni's office, Eva asks her about the embezzlement.  Toni says the money is legally stuck (atorado).  Eva asks, "Stuck where?  In a door or what?"  Toni says she does not have a single good memory of JC.  Cara de impacta de Eva.  Toni tells of seeing Rebeca in a bikini in Playa Majagua and feeling bad at the comparison.  Eva tells her that Rebeca has a good body but Toni has a heart, which lasts longer than the body. 

Eugenia and Modesto just miss Eva in the hallway at Grupo Imperio [my guess is Eugenia will be the first to recognize JC].  Adriano is happy to see them.  She asks for JC and Adriano gives Modesto a questioning look.

Lucia is feeling bad because another boyfriend is giving her the brush-off.  Helena acknowledges that even JC's father thinks him guilty of embezzlement, so what is she to think?

Pluto tries again with Adriano to ask about his share in the business.  Adriano tells him, "When I decide it."

Helena asks Lalo to go to Acapulco but Bastardo enters and says Lalo's not going anywhere [ass].

Eva calls a hotel to ask about the money from the embezzlement to hear that it never arrived at its destination.  Look of shock.


Thursday, September 06, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #108 Thu 9/6/12 Rod The Bod Learns Some Home Truths and Marcial Reveals Himself!


Torreslanda Home:

We start this evening with the coven of witches convening about that Linares getting his half of the bidness. Rosa comes in to tell them, yes it's confirmed Linares got his part, but he gave it to Luci, which means Luci will be there at the Torreslanda bidness. Now the girl that was the servant in this house is now a partner in the bidness. Gagme is so not down with that.

Down The Street From Torreslanda Home:

The wonderful purveyors of tacos, that would be Lorenzo and Fabain, are busy selling their tacos, when a big white SUV pulls up. It is Hanna and Lorenzo goes to the window of the SUV to talk to her. She congrats him on selling those lovely tacos. She is glad he is back in her hood, doncha know. He is just happy to see her. She wishes him much luck and then she goes, as Lorenzo gazes after the departing SUV.

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Amor Bravío #22 (Uni 17) Wed 9/5/12 Driving Miss Camila, er, Crazy (if you know what I mean)

Whoosh, the story flies by when you are recapping on the first run of a capitulo!  Pero, onward as the recaps must go on and hopefully it is all in the proper sequence of events.

We begin tonight’s story back in the jeep with Dandres driving a very drunk Camila home from Viv’s house.  Camila emotes as any good drunk does about all her problems, of which she has many.  Dandres astutely asks if these problems are because of her esposo (the one whose “problema” has recently been broadcast throughout the town).  Camila launches into the “all men are unfaithful” to which our noble Dandres claims “au contraire”.  Camila adds her skepticism about even having this discussion with Dandres as he runs the streets flirting with cada quien and his novia to boot.  Dandres pulls the jeep over and with great “sincerity” states he does … not …..have ….a novia.

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