Thursday, January 17, 2013

Amor Bravío #106 (Uni 101) Wed 1/16/13 “A Bottle of Wine and a Bottle of Tears”

Old News in El Pueblo

Luzma’s School:  Luzma and Irena walk along chatting about her upcoming boda.  She is pleased that the principal is being so understanding about her taking time off from school. Irena tells Luzma she has earned the principal’s generosity.  Suddenly, Pablo pops up at the school for reasons yet unclear causing Luzma to ask" what's up?".  He tells Luzma that all is well again at La Malquerida, that Camila and Dan are owners again and that they want her to return to the ranch.  Happy hugs all around.  Pablo is seen talking on the phone with big bro Mariano about the news at the ranch.  They agree they have no love lost with the owner-for-a-day Isadora.  More to the point, the brothers wonder why she and Cayetano are hanging around together.  Something is fishy in the family.
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Amores Verdaderos #48 Wed 1/16/13: And someone's been sleeping in my bed!

Esta noche Nelson Brizz mató todo lo bueno que yo sentía por él.
(Tonight Nelson Brizz killed everything good that I felt for him.)
Victoria weeps and Arriaga tries to comfort and reassure his señora
[At home we wring our hands and scream at our televisions:  Get out of that damned apartment!]

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #126 1/16/13: I Repeat, She Doesn't Love You!!

 Good evening all.  I am still celebrating the break-up of Pluti and Helena.

We begin with “Dog"berto making a crappy rhyme about the beautiful Mimi. (Boy is he annoying and not much to look at either)  He is looking for work and Mimi asks him if he is also looking for job to exploit an aspiring, talented young girl.  He is going to show Mimi how he has changed. (I wish that Mimi was a magician and could make him disappear!!)

Chepina tells Eugenia about the medicine change and Eugenia concludes that it was Claudia.  Chepina also lets Eugenia know that she found Claudia snooping in her bedroom. Chepina also lets Eugenia know that Claudia wasn’t home when the “chauffeur” came to take Eugenia to the fake casting call but Claudia knew that she had gone to a casting call.  How would she know if she wasn’t involved? It’s a shame that she is so young and so evil.  Eugenia feels that she continues to suffer because of her mother’s death.

Helena recounts to Eva the story of how Juan risked being discovered in taking his mother to the hospital.  Eva had some choice adjectives to describe Juan Carlos- handsome, intelligent, nice, gentleman, etc.  Oh why is Helena still worried about Pluti??  She realizes that she doesn’t love him and that he is suffering.  Eva wants to let out a hoola-Yippeee!!!  She is better alone than being with him and Pluti overhears the conversation.  Helena thanks Eva for her support and that she remembers –at the beginning of her romance with Pluti- Eva was questioning her feelings.  The genius Pluti- concludes that Helena was influenced by Eva to break up with him because she couldn’t have broken up with him on her own volition.
It was that damned Eva’s idea and she is going to pay!

Helena suggested that Lucia help Eva with the wedding planner.  Eva (who looked like she ate sand) said that she was enthusiastic about her wedding and her face tells it all- LOL

Pluti tells Adriano that Helena broke up with him.  He didn’t do anything. It’s Eva’s fault. (Okay- sorry but I digress- Pluti is a little bitch running from person to person whining- first to Mad Dad to try to get Helena back ad now to Adriano, to try to blame Eva and I guess have Adriano speak to Eva- get a backbone man!! Take no for an answer!!!!)
Adriano doesn’t want to hear it.  Eva had never liked him and she influenced Helena.  Adrian believes that he is mistaken.
Helena doesn’t want it to be difficult for Pluti at work and Eva stops her and tells her to remember that she still needs evidence for Juan Carlos.  She has to keep her eyes on Pluti and Rebeca.  Helena thinks that maybe Adriano is behind the fraud and Eva defends him.

Pluti is misinterpreting things.  Try to reconquer (what are we in the medieval times?) your girl instead of blaming others.  All women are the same- when you want to leave them then they want you.  Thank you, Adriano for your pearls of wisdom.  Pluti suggests that when Adriano marries Eva, he takes her as far away from him as he can.
Eva tries to convince Helena that Juan Carlos deserves another chance   Helena has doubts. (This reminds me of the movie Moonstruck.  She needs a slap to snap out of it!!)
Lucia bursts into Helena’s office to let her know that the whole company knows about Pluti and her break up.  Helena rips Lucia a new one.  Helena imitates Lucia.  She is furious that Lucia told everyone her secret.

Before Adriano leaves he is going to form a council that will direct the company that will take some of the responsibility from Pluti.  Pluti wants to know do you have confidence in me or was this Eva’s idea?  It was Eva’s idea.

Marsela, Santi and Renato spend time in the hallway discussing if the rumors are true.  They ask for Ferni, Marsela says that he is fine and happy at his new job.

Why is “Dog’ berto outside of Grupo Imperio?
The Dog asks for Eva at the front desk.  He is informed that Eva is a partner and what is the nature of his visit.  The Dog has hit the jackpot.

Pluti flips!! Adriano says that Eva only proposed the council.  Adriano blames Pluti’s attitude on his break up.  Adriano suggests that Pluti take a day off.  Pluti can’t, he needs to keep himself busy.  No one knows how men can suffer at the fault of a bad love affair.

The Dog gets the lowdown on Eva who became a partner upon Dona Antonia’s death.  The Dog got what he wanted and leaves. Pain!!!

Pluti wants the largest bouquet of flowers possible to send to Helena.  The note should read: to the most beautiful woman in the word, (oh no here comes Rebeca.) I’m not conforming to your good bye; I know that you will soon return to me, because our love is much stronger than this passing (temporary) crisis.  Come back to me my love (my life) if not you will tire of my insistence.

Rebeca starts her crap- oh why did the social climber leave you or did she find out that you aren’t a good lover or did she find a true man, capital M (in English) that is more handsome, rich and has more inches than you.

Lucia acting stupid goes to get some copies and Eva asks if she needs a needle and thread to sew up her loose lips.
Helena did send an email to the foreman regarding the foreman of the construction company regarding Playa Mayagua and Helena has Eva’s support.  Eva wants to get the cd in Rebeca’ office, but Helena cautions her.  Eva invites Helena out for a bite to eat but Helena wants to check up on Eugenia.  Helena wants to ask her some things about JC.

FF to Rebeca is still teasing Pluti about the break up and that Helena is deceiving him behind his back.  According to Rebeca its karma, they belong together.  Pluti disagrees and throws her out of his insults amid her flurry of insults.  Rebeca is a woman scorned.  Pluti must pay for those 10 years that they were together.  Lets’ see who will marry you now.

FF Santi brings Lucia some files that she needed.  She seems to be hiding something on the computer.  He tries to invite her out to lunch but she has too much work.
He rushes back into the office. FF

Helena comes to see Eugenia and Eugenia asks whether the visit is to see how she is doing or to ask about Juan Carlos.  Eugenia always believed that he was alive.  My son has not stopped loving you.  There are some things that are bothering Helena-

Lucia is on a matchmaking site.-casate contigo.

Pluti has to do something because the flowers aren’t enough.
Eva is giving make up lessons. To the blue dresses.  Pluti sees her and watches her walk to the elevator.

Eugenia understands Helena’s doubts but Juan Carlos has changed.  She and her husband spoiled him.  Eugenia asks- have you forgiven him for al of the harm that he has done to you?

Eva goes into the elevator and Pluti follows.  He asks Eva- why do you hate me so much?  Listen Pluti- I know that when you were married to Antonia you had a lover. I realized how much my beautiful Antoine suffered over you.  So, whom are you tapping now?  Let me guess, Rebeca, heh!  Is that what you told Helena so that she would leave me?  It wasn’t necessary.  Eva lets out a yell.

Eugenia asks Helena- have you forgiven Juan or not?  I haven’t stopped loving him but I need to trust him.  I still can’t get out of my head how he deceived my family, my son. Etc.
Eugenia again says that he as changed and sees women differently.  Helena doesn’t understand this drastic change with woman.  How does a macho man turn into a gentleman?  Crickets on Eugenia’s part.  The chamaca interrupts and Eugenia introduces her as her husband’s younger daughter.

Pluti yells that Eva is creating a telenovela if she thinks that he had a lover.  She is worse than anything that he could imagine.  This is what he thinks that she told Helena.  I didn’t tell her anything; she realized that she didn’t love you.  Repeat- She doesn’t love you!!  She just a little confused and no one not even you can separate us.  Dream on, Pluti!!!

Eugenia tells Helena about Modesto’ s other family.  Juan knows, yes. How did Juan take the news?  Not too well at first but its her decision. But Eugenia is confused as to what decision to make.  She is not sure of what she will do.  Helena’s mother is having a similar difficult marital issue that is personal.
Eugenia hopes to have convinced Helena that her son has changed.  He has to demonstrate his innocence.  He is no perfect but he is not a thief.  He deeply loves you, Helena.  She thought bubbles to reading Juan’s letter.

Keep threatening me but I will stick to Helena because she is in a fragile state
Unlike you Pluti, I don’t have to go running to my man Adriano to tell him that you are threatening me.  If you don’t learn to respect women, I will show you physically. I’m not going to lose Helena due to your bitterness.  Listen Pluti- Helena DOESN’T LOVE YOU!!!  She will never love you!!  Is there another man in her life????  The elevator door opens and Eva walks out.

At school- Kevin asks Danny about the joke that they played on Dona Eugenia.  Danny says- hey that’s your friend.  Kevin tired calling her all weekend and she didn’t answer.  According to Danny- that’s how women are they want to keep us interested.  Just grab her up.  (I hope that I heard wrong)

Marsela wants to present her thesis at the anniversary celebration.  Adriano is very proud of Marsela.  She is focusing on the Mexicans who attended tourist conventions in the last year.  Adriano suggests that she consult Renato and Rebeca and Marsela’s face drops.

Mimi is giving skin care tips to a young girl and in walks “Dog”berto.  She never ceases to amaze him.  “Dog” berto tries to talk Mimi into going into business with him, open up a beauty salon, esthetics shop, etc. since she has some famous beauty make-up clients.   Ewwww!!!

Marsela would rather work directly with Renato as opposed to involving Rebeca.  Eugenia tells Juan/Eva that Helena is an enchantress.  She advises Juan to let Helena know soon that he is Eva.
“Dog"berto is envisioning Mimi’s name on a marquee, with the inside equipped with a spa.  He will evict the renters.  “Dog” berto has big dreams-oh boy!  Mimi wants to know how is she going to finance this venture.   The Dog suggests Eva.  The Dog is trying to make up for the wrong that he committed.

Eugenia feels bad on deceiving Helena with Eva.  She wants Juan Carlos to come clean.  But it’s not the right time. Eugenia will not give Juan/Eva any inkling on what she and Helena discussed, or on how to reconquer her. He will have to do it on his own.  What she and Helena discussed is between Helena and Eugenia.  Eugenia felt bad that he fell for the casting scam.   She knows that Claudia changed her medicine.  (The chamaca from hell!!!)  Juan/Eva called her the demon chamaca.

Daniel meets up with Jennifer and flips out on her, that he was waiting for a long time for her.  She was chatting with few friends and didn’t let him know.  She asks him to forgive him. - What a creep.

Coming attractions:  Is Pluti planning revenge against Eva?


Amor Bravío #105 (Uni 100) Tue 1/15/13 The Devil’s in the Details

Some scenes were re-arranged for continuity

Camila’s Townhome
Ozzie rushes to Camila’s place to show her the transfer of ownership (cesión de derechos) documents indicating that Alonso did indeed give up the ranch back to her!  The documents were left at his office but Margarita hadn’t found them until this morning and she rushed over to the Hostal to tell him.  Rosario pipes in, Camila had asked what other last wish had her son requested of her and this was it.  Ozzie is shocked to hear her call Alonso her son.  Camila tells him she’ll explain everything as they on back to the ranch.  She thanks Rosario and Padre Anselmo profusely for bringing such good news.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #47 Tue 1/15/13 Many Men Making Moronic Decisions


REFRIED: At the agency, Bea is telling Big Angel and Vicki that she's going to be staying with her . . . neighbor, Paula, that evening. We are establishing that no one will be at Big Angel's apartment this evening.

Big Angel tells Vicki that working will help her forget her troubles. Pushes her in her wheelie chair. LOLs around and light-heartedness.

Nikki is at old homestead. She's afraid of the dark. The nice housekeeper lady is bringing in kerosene lamps just in case the power goes out due to the storm. It is likely to happen. Then Nikki is given dinner by our hottie Guzmancito. Some nice pasta. She's astonished that he cooked it. He learned it while he was in military school from the Italian chef. She wants him to sit and eat with her. He's not hungry.

The power goes out. She runs to him and hugs him in her fear. He looks abashed/bemused.

THE NEW: Guzmancito asks her if she's afraid. Of course not! She pulls away again. When the lightening hits and lights flicker, she relents and admits that she doesn't want him to leave the dining area.

No, of course she's not scared of the dark!

At the agency: Vicki and Big Angel working late. Big Angel brings in some yummy-looking pizza and soft drinks. They start to chatter. This pizza is just like what she used to eat with Adriana, Vicki says. They talk a bit and then the topic goes to that hideous painting that Big Angel knows that Vicki painted. He says that artists paint things that they have strong feelings about. She agrees that the hideous muscle-man painting of his was done to capture his "strength and energy." Okay whatever. A bonding moment occurs between boss and bodyguard.

He strikes a pose. They laugh.

Slutty Kendra-ho arrives at Nelson's office wearing a fake red wig and little else. She does a little strip tease and wants to tempt him at work. He at first resists but Little Nelson has other ideas. Yukky love scene commences.

The Slutty One presents a temptation that is too much to resist.

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Por ella soy Eva #125 1/15/13: In Which Pluto, Like Many Rotten Scoundrels, Thinks a Fower Arrangement Will Make Up for His Being a Tool

Eugenia is asleep in the hospital and her weak, clueless husband hovers over her. The doctor tells him: "Somebody's been changing her medicine!!" Stupid Modesto wonders if she did it herself. When she wakes up he does not tell her about the switched medicine.

Eduardo orders Helena to marry Pluto! "He's the best you're gonna get. All women need a man so they won't get lost. You need a man to take care of you." "Don't you respect us at all?" "Don't start with your feminist bull. You poisoned your mom with it." "You had her in hell for 30 years, I saw you mistreat her, insult her, put her down. You wrecked the best years of her life, you beat her till she aborted a child, you don't call that damage?" It's very satisfying scolding. "You have no moral right to tell me what to do. And leave mom in peace. She's putting her life back together. The best you can do for her is give her the divorce." Silvia enters: "Eduardo, if you want to see Lalo he's in the park." "I want to talk." "But I don't, and I have a lawyer coming." After Ed leaves, Silvia annoyingly stands up for him: "He cares about you, Helena." FF>>

Ikky Daniel smarms all over Jennifer, making out aggressively outside her house. She says they should leave, her parents might see. He says she's a woman now and should put out, and, she should wear sexy clothes for him too. Then she asks: "Where were you yesterday when I went to the movies with parents?" "I was with my mother! I think only of you!" He asks what she wants to do, the answer is clearly supposed to be "hump you, you hunk," but actually she tells him she wants french fries and a movie. He implies she doesn't need any french fries. "What, am I fat?"

After the movie Daniel points out the heroine "did everything for the passion of her guy. Could you do crazy things for love? I could!" They are right inside the house, he won't let up, finally she pushes him out the door. Then Fer comes and wants a talk. "Are you still my princess? How are things? We never talk. I like Daniel, it's ok with me if you marry him." "DAD that's not on the horizon. Do you want to know if we..." "NO I do NOT want to know. I trust Daniel." "Do you trust ME, dad?"

Dagoberto comes to see Mimi at the pension. He asks the desk lad about Eva, particularly asking where she works. There is ominous music. In the back, JC asks how she feels: Mimi says she doesn't want Dagoberto, really, but she remembers... "Aw, your problem is, you're not getting any." "No, my problem is that I like Adri." "I'll tell him it's you who loves him (and who gave him that night of passion)." "Don't you dare."

Changing the subject, JC is deliriously glad Helena blew off Pluto. Mimi warns him: "It's like baseball, it's not over till it's over." "Don't spoil my happy moment." He floats happily into Grupo Imperio in the morning.

Eugenia and Modesto come home, Claudia kisses her father, ignoring Eugenia, who pointedly looked her way and asked: "Who could have been so cruel as to treat me this way?" Claudia looks guilty.

In Helena's office there is a giant flower arrangement from Pluto, he comes along to beg for another chance. Helena: "I ask you not to make this difficult. Let's see each other as little as possible." "You're my life, my future, don't leave me." "My decision is made!" She leaves, he tells himself she WILL marry him.

Eva perches next to her eager suitor in Adri's office and informs him that at the anniversary bash "we are NOT going to share a room." Adri says he can't wait to marry and give the business to Pluto. Eva is impactada: "Back up - what did I hear?" "Pluto will take over so you and I can travel the planet." "Thanks for consulting me! You think I want to go to those horrible places? I'm not going any farther than the nice Mexican resorts. And anyway, it's old people who retire, you have a lot more juice in you. And Pluto is not up to it! Now I'm in a bad humor, no kiss for you, you make decisions like a kindergardener."

The maid Chepino tells Modesto she didn't mess with the medicine and wants to tell him she saw Claudia do it, but he won't listen. He lies to Eugenia when she comes in but after he leaves she gets the truth out of Chepina. The two of them know it was Claudia that did it, and also Claudia that pulled the "casting" caper. Eugenia: "She's so young to be so evil. But I still feel sorry for her, she's sad for the death of her mother."

Dagoberto tells Mimi he's looking for work. "Why don't you find a new, naive young girl and make her promises about her career and then betray her!?!" "Don't be bitter, I'll prove I've changed."


Amores Verdaderos #46 Mon 1/14/13 Adriana Disappears Again; the Shrew and the Gorilla Have a Happy Holiday

* The Angel of Music Hugs and the Little Painter meet in the hall of the Balvanera hacienda where the big guy tells the Senora that he didn’t know she painted so good. He seriously sounds like a 10 years old schoolboy who’s impressed by his favourite teacher. Vicky is flattered but she quickly corrects him: you mean Tomasina, don’t you. Well, yes, of course, he’s talking about Tomasina. She’s a very talented painter and it seems she can see through his very soul. After he leaves, Victoria whispers worriedly that oops, Arriaga pretty sure knows it was her who committed that crime again good taste.

* Bratty and Robo-Hunk-Hottie Frankie have a super-super-okay-happy day in the countryside: they play darts, laugh, tease each other, laugh, ride horses, laugh, and run around in the rain.

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Amor Bravío #104 (Uni 99) Mon 1/14/13

Capitulo 104:    Confessions, Tyranny, and Mutiny

Lo del Pasado

Augustina asks Judith about the lack of photos in the house; Camila calls Augustina to tell her that the accident wasn't an accident.  Rosario cries in the church as she remembers Alonso and declares that the evil ones must pay.  Padre Anselmo hears Rosario's confession and realizes she is talking about Alonso Lazcano.

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Por ella soy Eva #124 1/14/13: Ahora Soy Very Internacional

We open on a fun outing with Helena, Lalo, and Helena's mom, playing around at some fun-park. Surprising, that we're so close to the end of the show and some good guys are still happy!

But then Pluto bursts into the home as if nothing had changed between him and Helena, with a zillion gifts for everybody. Helena and her mother look distressed.

Then Helena asks him if he had forgotten that they broke it off. Amusingly (and annoyingly), he says no, but he thought it was all because of Helena's state of ire, and maybe she's cooled down by now. Needless to say, she is not convinced.

Santi and Luci - surprisingly, she's not being a total dishrag, and she lays out the rules for him if he's going to stay with her. Oh wait, I spoke too soon. Now she's whining about not having a boyfriend.

Surprisingly, my favorite scene of the epi is a Rebeca scene (!!) - Angelica comes in to boast about a modeling gig she got in America (ahora soy *very* internacional). Rebeca gets grumpy with all the boasting, but the funniest part is how each keeps yanking away the other's wine glass (despite the fact that they each have one - it reminds me of when one of our chickens drops a piece of food just to chase another chicken away from IT'S food), back and forth to accentuate their prideful statements. Eventually, they split the remaining wine

Eva (well, Juan is using his real voice while dressed as her) consults with his ill mom. As he leaves the room, he's caught by his dad, who grills him - "no te metas con mi mujer!" Juan almost slips up! "Me meto porque ella es mi MA- [catching himself] -gistral amiga." Heh.

Eugenia's doc says it's clear that she hasn't been taking her meds. Modesto protests that she has! The doctor says in that case, please bring in her pills so we can see what she's really been swallowing it.

Cut to Eugenia's room, where a skulking Claudia is messing with those very pills, only to be caught red-handed by the maid. Nonetheless, she acts indignant and entitled and obnoxious, very much Claudia.

Let's see, Plutarco once again takes his case to Eduardo, and asks his help in reconquering (seriously, with the way they throw that word around, he's got to be re-re-reconquering her by this point).


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #194-198 Jan. 14-18

In today’s episode we swing into the action almost immediately.  Marisol gets a letter from Fer and also permission to see him in the real prison.  Jorrible has the audacity to show up at the party and gets kicked out.  rIcky shows up at Lala’s to beg her to leave town with him.  Meanwhile one of Jorrible’s bodyguards lurks outside to kill rIcky.  Willy was about to go to Marisol’s party but seeing Jorrible there and more importantly realizing Mr. C is there, so he returns home, sees the hitman and takes him out. 
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #45 Fri 1/11/13 If You Don't Know Me by Now and What Becomes of the Brokenhearted


Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman. Tonight we learn a little more about Anibal that mysterious gentleman, who for reasons we will learn this evening, has been deceiving his daughter Adriana. He seems to think he had the best of reasons, but he should have thought about the pithy saying by Sir Walter Scott: Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. We in Viewerville, must pull up our pants, as he, er, um, is shoveling his dung at us, so to speak, so we don't walk in the muck. Then we have our always patient, understanding Cris, not!, at least when it comes to her husband. You'll see as you read the recap exactly what I am talking about. Then we have our tragic Adriana. She is on a mission to find out what she can about her beautiful bebe, Lucia, who either died or was stolen from her. Even she doesn't know for sure, but she is determined to find out the truth. Speaking of truth, we have wonderful Tomi, falling on her sword, for her employer/friend Ms Vikki. We should all be so lucky to have as wonderful a friend as she. Finally, we have the spoiled, princess, er, brat, Nikki who has been forced into exile to "find" herself. Will she be successful? We in Viewerville are not holding our collective breaths. So, Ladies and Gentleman, come take this journey with your humble recapper to learn more about what went on in our TN last night.
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Amor Bravío #103 (Uni 98) Fri 1/11/13 All The Bad News The Scooby-Do’s Ain’t Fit To Print Or The Darkness Before The Dawn Is Just Dios’ Working In His Coinikydinky Miraculous Ways

Ok. All done.

capítulo 103  

Lo del Pasado:

Comandante Juarez has told his 2nd in command that he hasn’t any proof yet about the padre’s murder, just Alonso’s word for it, and that he doesn’t trust Isadora Lazcano any further than he can throw her--and that’s one far piece these days; Rodolfo has offered to be the eyes and ears for the Scooby-Do’s, and Camila and Daniel have finished saying their farewells.  Cam-n-Dan have gone back into the house to fetch off the wall the portrait of Don Daniel that Cam had given him as a present in happier times when, who should appear to add salt to their wounds but Isadora de Gorra [de gorra = getting freebies at somebody else’s expense]!  Lots of “unh-uhhh!” and “uh-huhhhhh!” follows.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Cam finally tells Issa to stuff it where the sun don’t shine if she can even cuz she’s so full of it, and dares her to stop her, then stomps out of the hacienda with it.  La Pissy de Hissadora has another signature hissy fit.  She starts yelling at the top of her lungs for Rod and Eleuterio to stop Cam’nDan or else.  (Will somebody throw a bucket of bilge-water on Wicked Witch of South-Of-The-Border and-how and now, please????)  Neither of them being ready to set themselves against either Camila or Daniel—they tell her it’s like it or lump it as far as they are concerned.  They dare Hissadora to either can it or can their asses if that’s what she wants, but they aren’t stopping Sra. Camila from taking her own dead uncle’s picture with her.  

In Aculco, at Amanda’s B&B/Rehab and Wellness Center, Amanda tells Osvaldo she has no choice now but to tell Natalia who her daddy really is.  (Whoo!  That’s a relief!)  Os is apologetic for not having managed to put Dio and Issa behind bars where both Amanda and the Lic agree the fiendish frenemies belong. 

Speaking of Natalia’s dastardly daddy, Dio finally intercedes to put his lame leg ‘n er…foot down to put the kibosh on this cacophonous scene long enough to remind Issa—the real malquerida in this telenovela—that it’s not exactly life and death here and there's no reason to  raise such a stink bomb over it.  Issa stands there letting the flies into that copious pie-hole of hers, but seeing she has no choice really, she lets them leave without a further word. However, once CamnDan’s caravan is on the roll, she assures her staff that she will demand totally loyalty from here on out from all of them or next time she’ll kick their sorry jackasses to the curb, if not to kingdom come ‘n back. The crowd of hired help skedaddle and she then allows herself a huge, Gollumesssssque sssssmile of ssssself-satisssssfaction.

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Friday, January 11, 2013

El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of January 14, 2013

This past week we said goodbye to Corazón valiente and the amazing recaps Novelera and Jean created over the long run of this popular, if problematic, novela. 

And if Lucero can play a feisty but well-endowed single mom (in Televisa's Por ella, soy Eva), why not Aracely?  Arámbula makes her Telemundo debut in Corazón's  replacement, La patrona, sharing the spotlight with Telemundo favorite, Jorge Luis Pila.  Add Christian Bach as the latest incarnation of a diabolic güera of a certain age and let the soap bubble.  Check out last week's page for Bill C.'s clever and detailed account of the first episodes. 

Rosa diamante ends January 21 to be followed by Pasión prohibida on January 22. 

Pablo Escobar is drawing to a close very soon. 

El rostro de la venganza soldiers on.  Meh.

MundoFox's La Mariposa has an enthusiastic following but since the station is being shown in a limited number of markets, not all of us have access to it.  Too bad.  From the early episodes available on its official website, this novela looks pretty exciting.

Telefutura has reinvented itself as UniMás.  Though not technically part of theTelemundo line-up, one of its new novelas, Made in Cartagena, has caught Hombre's attention and he has been writing about it here.

This week you'll see a separate page posted for us -- an INDEX of all the shows we've discussed since we started El Mundo de Telemundo in November, 2010.  I invite you to suggest additions or make corrections in the comments section of that page.  I'll try to keep it updated so people can find discussions of past novelas by the date our conversations and minicaps were posted.

Okay, your turn.  Discuss amongst yourselves! 

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Por ella soy Eva #123 1/11/13: Failure, Thy Name Is Modesto.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Bears spit in the woods.
Water is wet.
The snowplow pushes the snow towards the wrong side of the street.
Death and taxes.
You get the idea.

Modesto disappoints.
The guy is going to have to buy his own ugly necktie next Father's Day, is all I'm saying.

Alternate title: Genie's Big Adventure
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Telemundo y más:  INDEX  

Here is my attempt at a sort of roadmap -- a list of the names and dates of the novelas we have talked about and recapped in brief during the two years our page has been up and running.  

Just to clarify:

The dates refer to the title of the posting, not to the specific date posted.

The list is organized from most recent to oldest posting. (Thank you, Jean, for that suggestion!)

Most, and sometimes all, of the recaps are in the comment section of each weekly posted page.
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Weekend Discussion: Bodas Interumpti... y otros desastres, Part 1

Part I

Sometimes I think there is a deal between the bridal industry and the networks that produce telenovelas. This thought first occurred to me in 2000 when Aracely Arámbula had no fewer than four bridal gowns in Abrazame Muy Fuerte: one in the bridal shop that she rejected, one for the interrupted wedding to José Maria, the third for the completed wedding to José Maria, and the fourth for the finale wedding to Carlos Manuel. Little did I realize at the time that this was close to the norm.

Here we will look at weddings that didn't or almost didn't happen and two which did but which will always be associated with tragedy.

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Amor Bravío #102 (Uni 97) Thu 1/10/13 Amor Lento

Tolentino is giving Isdaora what she believes is an airtight alibi.  As her flashback shows, and as I'm sure we all suspected, she went into the church long enough for him to see her, snuck out the back, killed Alonso and Ximena, and got back to the church before he started setting up for Mass.  And all without smudging her lipstick or creasing her eyeshadow.  Damnit!  Juarez apologizes for the inconvenience.  Isadora asks him to keep investigating, though, since she's so upset that her darling boy was murdered.  Isadora leaves while Rosario continues her very bad spying.

Daniel and Camila get to Dionisio's house, but it looks like he's left already.  No guard dogs either.  Daniel calls the house and asks to talk to him, but whoever answers says he left a while ago.  Camila is disappointed.

Irene happily welcomes Luzma to her home.  Pablo asks her for dinner at the hostel, but she declines, not wanting to break Irene's parents' house rules.  Irene suspects they're fighting, though, and Luzma admits she's pissed at him and thinks he's being selfish.  Irene suggests Luzma give her the whole story while they unpack.

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Por ella soy Eva #122 1/10/13: I'm Not That Chained Up Little Person Still in Love with You.

And I grew strong, and I learned how to get along.

Helena has called Plutarco to come to a restaurant to have a serious talk.  "Why are you being so mysterious?" he asks her.  After stumbling over her words, she starts by saying he hasn't been honest with her.  "Dishonest?  Me?" he asks ingenuinely.  He says he only loves her.  Ya. ya, ya, she doesn't want to talk about that now.  She admits she hasn't been honest with him either.  She doesn't feel for him what a woman about to marry someone ought to feel.  And for that reason it's better if they end their relationship.  "Is this a joke?" he asks her.

Eugenia is reliving her glory days in the theatre in her mind when the Claudia brat comes in and mocks her.  "The world has forgotten you forever," she tells Eugenia, "forever."  Eugenia isn't rattled.

At home Fernando tells Marcela he misses his friends at GI.  "You will make new friends at your new job," she tells him.  The doorbell rings and it's Daniel, who Ferni welcomes like he's the best thing since sliced bread.  Marcela leaves, and Ferni makes the two of them a manly breakfast of raw eggs.  Daniel is reluctant but Ferni presses the glass on him.  Ferni wants to talk to Daniel's father when he gets back from his trip, and he's surprised to hear that Daniel didn't know his father was away.  The truth is that Daniel hardly ever sees him.  That's why Ferni's family is like a family to Daniel.

Silvia is meeting Bastardo at a restaurant.  He has brought her flowers (nice ones this time) and has the band play Silvia's favorite song.  He is all dressed up.  He brings up happy memories for the two of them and is begging for her forgiveness for all the damage he has done to her.  He can be a human being.  Who knew?  Silvia is quiet.  She kind of looks like she's in shock.

Helena tells Pluti that this is no joke and she's thought about it a lot.  Pluti can't accept it; he knows she's nervous about the wedding and tells her to take all the time she needs.  Pluti thinks all this is because of Juan Carlos.  He gets mad, cracking that shiny veneer to briefly reveal his true self, and reminds her that he got her a job when she was broke, he got Lalo back for her, all with his help.  She gets mad in return and accuses him of doing it all to get something in exchange as though she's a trophy or a prize.  She gets up to leave and Pluti begs her to wait.  He tells her she and Lalo are everything to him.  This sets Helena off, and she shouts at him that if Lalo is so important then why did Pluti teach the boy to lie to win a medal he didn't earn and to fight with another boy to solve his problems.  Dude.  Busted.

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #44 Thu 1/10/13 Nil-Son and Kendrat almost get caught, Vicky/Angel's little white lie... and.. Hey Nikki!! ... 'You're Cut Off''

The longer version of the title:
Nil-Son and KenDrat do the dance and almost get caught... Anibal moves home... Cris shows chef potential...  Anibal and Paula get 'you have been baaaddd' speeches... Adriana arrives at hacienda, Angel/Vicky spend night together... Angel/Cris argue.. again! and ... oh yeah, Hey Nikki!!!...just when you thought it was safe to act normal again ... 'You're Cut Off''

Nikky breaks Dance’s plans to dance the night away, you got one minute to take off that carnival outfit… 59… 58…

Tomasina tries to lecture her, Nikki says she just got the usual slap on hand by mommy and that’s that. Shalala Shalala same ol same ol  (Nikki... don't plan your 'i got away with it' party just yet, girl)

At hospital, Angel tells doctor E.T. wanna go …. HOOOOOOMEE!! Doctor says not so fast, get at least one night rest in observation here, Vicky volunteers to stay with him… when Doc leaves Angel laughs that Doc thinks Vicky is his wife… Vicky suggests they call Cristina, Angel says not a good idea, don’t want to worry her (or rather spark her jealousy rages again…) Vicky says ok I will stay the night and care for you. (Angel puts a OUCH!! Face like not thinking that is a good idea, so he asks 'what will you tell your husband?') Vicky says don’t worry I will think of something.

Guzmancito arrives ‘hermano que te pasooooo??’ (isn’t it obvious, Gorilita?)  Angel kids around saying it was about 50 thugs all coming at me at the same time.. LOL!!
Vicky asks Gus to just take the van home. What do I tell the staff when they ask? Vicky says tell them had to travel to Cancun on an urgent matter. (or the old flat tire, lost keys, etc etc)  (When Vicky leaves, Gus and Angel look at each other like ‘what is up with all this? / you are better off not asking’)

Nil-Son is at KenDrat’s valentine party palace. Vicky calls Nil-Son’s cel to tell him of her travel plans to Cancun. Nil-Son is not a happy camper to know Angel is going with her. He relays the message to KenDrat. She is elated that he can stay all night. HE is not about to stay the night away from home (yeah right, how old are you again??)… KenDrat plants the seed of doubt on him about Vicky and Angel.  She won’t let him leave just yet. kissy kiss. As she disappears to bathroom, he thinks angrily about Vicky and Angel traveling together.

At apt, Lilli on phone, seems Tomasina called her to let her know Angel is ok. And about Vicky’s trip with him to Cancun. Cris is not a happy camper when she hears the message relayed either  (Now I am beginning to root for Cris and Nil-Son to end up together).

Back to Suite San Valentin at the penthouse.  KenDrat has put on a short … ok, VEERRYYY SHOOOOORRRTTT snug dress… she drags him by hand out to the door, but as she opens the door Nikki and Dances arrive. YIKES!!! Nikki questions KenDrat on why her dad is here. Nil-Son gags speechless. Then comes up with silly excuse that he had sent Dances on a personal matter but was MIA. Nil-Son turns around to yell at Dances: 'next time pay more attention to your job!!!'  Ok everyone comes up with more silly excuses why they all ended up at same spot.

Nil-Son tells Nikki mom had to travel to Cancun, why don’t we have dinner together? Haven’t done it in a long time. Nikki all too happy to oblige… (There. all is well in the hotel hall…) One final word from Dances to KenDrat: if you don’t make it as a model, you still have a future as an actress.

Back to hospital. Angel insists not a good idea Vicky stays, she is staying.

Back to apartments Balbanera: Pau-whiner tells her friend on phone she could not tell Cristina she is daughter of Anibal. Pau-Whiner is still very worried Candelaria (?) will show up and spill beans around town. And Pau is worried if Anibal finds out she looses him forever and if Cris finds out she knew about it, she will lose her friendship too.

Felipe arrives to Pau-whiner’s place. She wanted to talk to him about Gorilita. She is determined to recover her son. Won’t stop at anything. Felipe questions her on her motive. Pau-whiner says I broke up for good with the man who owned my life for so long. Felipe thought she wanted to talk about them two (Felipe and her).  She just wants Felipe to stand aside as she tries to get close to her son again. Felipe assures her he won’t do anything… but… honestly, don’t get your hopes too high, our son will never forgive you for abandoning us. You left when Frankie was only 14. You were all he had! He was an innocent child, and the only message he got was that you chose a man’s love to your own children! I went to live with my brother in US! He spent years in an institution trying to recover from the wounds you inflicted on him! He is no longer the kid you abandoned! His heart got hardened, and I don’t see any way for you to recover his heart.  She is well aware it won’t be easy but will dedicate whatever life she has left to try to accomplish it.

At B house, Tomasina is attending to Anibal.  He lets her know he is staying this time for good, not just staying a few days on vacation.  Eager to play conscience reminder, as always, Tomasina confronts him telling him she always was expecting him to come in the door any moment with his mistress to present her officially. Anibal says don’t count on it. Vicky would never forgive him for it.  Anibal thinks Adriana always was against him. He is not clear on  when he lost her.  Tomasina reminds him... maaaayyybe, just maaaaayyybe.. perhaps?... it was when he sent Adriana to the hacienda to hide her when she got pregnant.  She has been living but emotionally dead since her little daughter died. Anibal is not happy getting his bad days thrown back at his face.  Reminds her that no one should talk about that subject in this house.

Said Adriana is having drinks with her godfather. Adriana says there is a mystery behind her dad and her daughter. Tomorrow she will face her past face to face. (she will face Anibal). Godfather offers to go with her, but she would rather face it alone, to bring her joy… or her misery.

At B house, Jean Marie is drinking wine all by himself. Polita comes by… those who drink alone hide something. JM tells her it is his own wine, a gift sent by Odette (from here known as Odiosa). Polita can’t believe he is drinking wine given by the patrona’s worst enemy. JM keeps defending Odiosa, saying she is the most beautiful woman in the world …(to him, the jury is still out for everyone else). Polita warns she will tell…  then leaves in a huff…

Back to hospital, Vicky has fallen asleep on Angel’s bedside. He is about ot caress her, but does not, (come on prince charming with head wound, have you ever watched Snow White?? go ahead and take us all out of our misery!!!) then touches her hand to wake her up, he can’t believe she stayed all night with him. She confesses she felt bad telling Nil-Son the lie about the trip. She lets him know she asked Tomasina to call Angel’s house to let them know about the trip.  Angel gets visibly worried.  Vicky asks him if his wife would be mad about that (he swallows hard, then lies saying Cris is smart and loyal, understanding). Vicky does not want him to have problems at home for her sake. He assures her no. Then looks up like praying his lie becomes true.

Cris in bed is torturing herself with thoughts of Angel and Vicky smooching and making out at hotel lobby and then running their way up the elevator to room…  Cris freaks out thinking Vicky is stealing her husband.

Morning at B house… Dances asks Polita for his breakfast, Tomasina comes in running saying Nil-Son is waiting for his breakfast… Polita says Jean Marie has not reported in yet (hangover?) … Cristina and Lilli arrive. Cristina asks what time Vicky and Angel are back from Cancun. Tomasina says they are on their way. Poor Lolita is coming out of her skin getting yelled at and yelling back… In comes Jean Marie, also asking Tomasina not to yell. He has a headache. He is preparing himself some tea. He also gets sick and leaves for restroom.

Tomasina asks the typical chapulin Colorado line ‘now.. who will help us??’… Cristina to the rescue yells 'YOOOO!!', she can cook the breakfasts, she will prepare eggs, her own style. Lilli will help. Tomasina is worried this is not the typical breakfast the family gets daily… but has no choice but to go along.

Sitting at dining room, Nil-Son is running out of patience, Vicky should be here by now.  Anibal tries to ease him off… as Vicky and Angel come in. Anibal tells Vicky she looks exhausted. Nil-Son asks is everything ok? Yeah, sure.  Arriaga just had a minor accident, he slipped in the shower (eh.. cough, cough! But some points for quick thinking)  Nil-Son questions. Angel answers the obvious. Vicky is a bit miffed at the questioning.

Vicky leaves, Anibal calls Angel back… then Cris and Lilli come out with the breakfast. Nil-Son asks Cris what she is doing there. Helping out.  Cris kisses Angel and he shrieks in pain and whispers ‘will tell you all later’… She serves Anibal and Nil-Son. Nil-Son has a miffed face, but Anibal tells Cris ‘smells wonderful… different… but delicious/yummy…’

Nikki is working out… Vicky walks by, Nikki calls her. They chat for a bit. How was trip? Vicky tells her they have a talk pending. What you did was not a joke. Playing with people’s feelings is serious. The time has come for you to take your life more seriously, set some goals. You have always left everything you engage in half-way done. I cannot support all your cravings/impulses. This is your worst nightmare… You’re Cut Off!! With 3 blows of death… out go her credit card, car and cell phone …
No fair!!! You wanna kill me??
No, just want you to mature… You will  go to the hacienda with Gus.
When you have come up with a plan for your future you will come back.

Oops… interesting. Adriana is just arriving at what I guess is the hacienda. She stops at a stop which brings her the worst memories of her life, when Anibal left her there many years ago… She cries hard.

Vicky sends Nikki off with Guzmancito on Nikki’s car. Tomasina and Vicky hope this trip will do Nikki much good.  Vicky confronts Tomasina about sending Angel behind her… Put yourself in my shoes… I was worried about you… ok you had the best intentions and I am thankful for that, but when I give you an order, follow it.

Back at hacienda, Adriana presents herself to the old workers there, who take their time to recognize her but finally do and welcome her with open arms.  Adriana tells them no one in the family knows she is there and that is how she wants it to stay.   Later on she walks around. Maid Jobita comes by and we learn Anibal told them same lies he told Adriana, that the baby had died and he had sent her to Europe to study. Anibal has not been back to hacienda since then (when Adriana was preg). Adriana takes this all in with sad face expression.

At B house kitchen, Angel and Cris are arguing about her helping with breakfast.  (and if not about that, they would argue about how many rings in Saturn, how many moons in Jupiter or how far away is the North Star) She insists she just came to wait for him and just helped out. What’s up with that accident? … you don’t believe me??!!   He has to show her his bandages on back of head.  Angel is enraged. Cris is not done, every time you are with la patrona something strange happens… Angel insists he was just following orders… and Tomasina took the time to let them know. You have to understand.  He insists he was following orders. Cris gets ironic ‘and if she says get in the tub with her, you would also do that, right? I am not buying that story! I don’t suck my thumb!! You got that hit on head for playing around with your patrona!!!’  (in comes Vicky yelling ‘Enough!!’) 

Previews: Confrontation Cris and Vicky… Nil-Son also confronts Vicky about the painting… Cris also sees the painting and starts whining …


Amor Bravío #101 (Uni 96) Wed 1/9/13 “Isa Puts a Nail in the Wheel of Justice”

Old News del Pueblo

Hostel in El Pueblo:  Viv arrives to talk to Rafa.  Aaron excuses himself.  Rafa is looking a little oddly at Viv and she asks him what’s up.  Rafa tells her that Dan and Camila just visited them at the hostel and told them  that they lost the ranch based on Al's last will and testament – it is now owned by Isavibora.

Police Station del Pueblo:  Camila and Dan are at the police station telling Police Commander Juarez who “Dandres” really is.

Courtyard of El Rancho Buenaventura:  Cayetano is talking to Yago and Pablo about Isa now owning La Malquerida.   Our fine example of ethics, Pablo, is of the opinion that Isa should give the ranch back to Camila.   Our less fine example of ethics, Yago, is not so sure she should relinquish such a fine place.   Father Cayetano sits on the fence about what Isa should do as he wonders aloud if anyone really knows what they would do if they were in the same position to choose.  Puuleeeez, if this was anyone else but Isa…. Pablo is worried about his job at the ranch and asks Cayetano if he can put in a good word with Isa about him.  Cayetano assures Pablo he will.  Rocio hovers behind a wall eavesdropping,  seething that Cayetano and Pablo are reconciling against her will and without her meddling. After all, she is Pablo's real bio parent!
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Amores Verdaderos #43 Wed 1/9/13 A Bodyguard Is Down, Friendships and One Villan Has a Conscience, Who Knew?

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, this epi had some nice friendships in it, I must say. Isn't it great that the Angel and Ms Vikki are such great friends, always there for each other. The kitchen staff also, Polita, Tomasina, and Jean Marie and now we can add Lili to that list, they treat her sort of like family. So sweet. And also this developing friendship with Pau Whiner and Cris. Who knew? Pau Whiner is holding some powerful info she could tell Cris. Will she spill what she knows and why? Only time will tell. There is the wonderful friendship with Guzmi and the Angel. Nikki even has a friend, her wonderful Mama, but Nikki really needs a friend her own age. Someone she can confide in, that isn't like her shallow friends and especially not like Nabila the skank. Then there is Bea and her friendship with Cris and Lili, wonderful relationship they have. We will have to see if all these friendships survive, change, or if friends become enemies. Now on to the recap.
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