Monday, October 06, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE, week of October 6, 2014 -- Los Miserables, Señora Acero, etc.

I know people are watching the new novelas, Los Miserables and Señora Acero.  Novelera got us started with an excellent introduction to the first and Deb has written a few of her wonderful prose poem recaps about the second.  

If anyone else is interested in writing about these shows, please don't be shy.  A paragraph or two of highlights would be great.  

If you just want to chat about the novelas, that's fine too.  This is your space!   

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE ONE: week of October 6, 2014

What a breathless week we've had, my dear Reinamaniacs!  What's next?

First Izzy and then Lopez 2.0 tracked down one of the Giant Red Diamonds to the sticky-fingered EMT guy.  Uh oh.

More Fodder for Crackpot/Crockpot/Colander/Sieve Theorists: Asunción changes her story when she talks to Estefanía -- She knew Estefi's father when she was just a teenager.  (Oh ho!)  It was later that she married Pedro (el payaso) Ortíz.  

Victor leads Christian, The Worst Cop in Las Vegas (TWCILV), by the nose, convincing him that Navier is responsible for the death of the hapless Reina stand-in.  Later TWCILV somehow stumbles on the fact that Navier is actually a Secret Agent Man.

Navier, with Boris of Belgium's help, is about to flee the country.  At the eleventh hour, Greta spills the frijoles about Christian's murky past -- maybe they can use the secret to help Navier.  Femme Fatale Connie Leiva lures TWCILV to her house where Navier is waiting to pounce.

Serious Reinamaniacs -- feel free to review previous recaps in the dropbox Jean has set up here.

So is it time for our show yet?

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Saturday, October 04, 2014

Weekend Discussion: Sob Stories and Snob Stories

The snobbery expressed in telenovelas reminds me of a lot of things I've witnessed in life.  I've previously explained some of them, but the baby gift incident in Mi Corazon es Tuyo last night made me remember the following story:

My college buddy recently became a grandfather for the first time (I think he's freaking out about it). I remember when his older daughter was born his now-ex bought her a Laura Ashley nightgown in a thrift shop for $3.  It looked absolutely brand new; I'm sure its previous owner barely wore it a handful of times before outgrowing it.  She showed it to me and another woman and we commended her on her practicality (which in this case she had learned with their firstborn).  She begged us not to tell her husband, who had an issue with thrift shopping.  This is the same man who wouldn't have made it to the IBM boardroom for not having attended an Ivy League university.

For a while they drove leased cars (Lexus and Mercedes) until they couldn't afford to continue to do so.  It was all downhill from there and he is still recovering.  Much of that was her fault 20 years ago but I won't bore you with the details.  Interestingly she came from a family with a lot of reverse snobbery.

Tell your tales, amigos, and you can change the names to protect the guilty.

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Mi Corazon es Tuyo #55, Two Offers Made, Two Offers Accepted

We start where we left off yesterday with Bunny, (I like this nickname since we don’t know her name yet, thanks to whoever came up with it) making a motion to can poor Fernando. Who’s up for this motion? Vote? The other directors sit nervously playing with their pencils, (snicker, snicker), awkward!  Ah, a name. Senora Linda Olalde. Fer says that he’s known her objections of him for a looong time. He knows that all the things that she dislikes in him as a CEO has also paid off handsomely for her in making her over $100 million, but she whines that it could have been $200 million by now. You are going down Fernando, and I will see to it. Not until you have proof of my failings, sweetheart, until then, I’m going home. Child's play!  Fer closes the meeting and says adieu. Bunny Olalde snaps her pencil in frustration.
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La Malquerida #30, 10/3/2014: Dueling Daddies and Mad Mamas

Mexico Episode #35

The Old: Cris realizes that Juliana is so excited about going to San Jacinto because that man (German’s bio-dad) is there. At the ceremony reception, Uli tearfully tells Acacia that if she leaves, this time he’s not coming after her.

The New:
Nuria is right there to grab Uli’s attention, and Esteban is right there to keep stoking Acacia’s ire. Like an overzealous basketball coach, he tells Acacia how well she’s done—demanding her respect and her proper place with Uli. Acacia is already starting to have doubts. It is true after all, that the Municipal President was the one who pressured them to get going and placed Nuria with Uli. Este dismisses all of that. When a man loves a woman, he does the impossible. Acacia still has doubts. “Do what you want, but don’t say later that I didn’t warn you.” Acacia tells him he’s right, and they leave.

Carmen sends Nuria away and talks to Uli. She tells him to wait till he’s calmed down to talk to Acacia, but for now, he needs to concentrate on his event/work.

At the hospital, Cris and German talk. She updates him on the Acacia-Uli problems. German knows how important this day was to the both of them and asks if he can help. They talk about their art. German tells her about the paintings he sold to the renovated restaurant—Cris will go see them. Cris is planning on finally doing that exhibit of her photos. She asks German to join her, but he knows it will just cause additional fights with Norberto. Norbie can’t know that he’s still painting. Cris offers to speak to Norbie. German can’t continue to hide such an important part of himself—his calling/vocation. Cris loves the painting he did of Ale. They clam up when Norbie walks up.

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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #35 20141003 Chava Curses After Hearing Greta's Blessings!

RIPOLL-Patrick and Sofia are in her office having a screaming match!  Chava is still a suspect and he wants her to fire him!  Patrick is furious that Sophia had the charges against Chava dropped! Sophia swears that Chava is an angel who fell to the earth to deliver all mankind from all that is evil.  Patrick tells Sophia to marry Chava if he's so effin' great!  He's hurt that she made him look like a fool in front of the employees by taking the chauffer's word over his.  He storms out.  She doesn't care. 

Sophia sits alone in her office remembering all of the wonderful and scary times that she's had with Chava.  Patrick has a slight tantrum in his office.  He tells us that he will expedite the wedding, bankrupt Ripoll and destroy Chava. 

CASA de CRUZ-Aracely, dressed as Donna Reed or June Cleaver, tells Lupe that her relationship with Pedro is officially over.  Chava comes home.  He tells them that he stopped by to thank Sophia for trusting him and dropping the charges.  Lupe tells him that Aracely deserves all of the credit for getting him released.
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Friday, October 03, 2014

La Gata #25 10/3/14- La Gala

Hmmm. Interesting. (At least to me) "Gala" has quite a few meanings...all of which seemed to fit for tonight's episode.
I had some questions...
  • How long until Centavito and Fela get to live in the mansion? They deserve it.
  • What the h*ll is Lowrenza's deal with Monica? She is obsessed with her marrying Pablo. It makes me want to puke.
  • Why are we still being subjected to Rita's wrinkly face?
  • Can Virginia look any more pitiful when Lowrenza is yelling at her? And am I the only one that thinks Lowrenza's crimes against her daughter are worse than her meddling with Pablo?

Now on to the recap.

Esme doesn't think she could ever be unforgettable. She's just La Gata. Fernando explains there are street cats and salon cats. And now she will be a salon cat. Don't you want the Sra Martinez Negrete to lower herself for you and beg to be friends?

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Hasta el Fin Del Mundo #34 20141002 Something Happened, As Usual--Updated!

Mads is sick.  I didn't watch last night's epic epi.  Please feel free to comment or write your own version.  I will be recapping tonight's episode.  Peace!

Xlnt provided us with an Xlnt short recap! 
Thanks so much!  See below!

Here's a quick and dirty bullet point recap of the show:

Sofia visits Chava in jail. Aracely shows up and introduces herself as Chava's ex-novio. Sofia goes back to work with the realization that she has some competition.

Aracely offers to be Chava's lawyer. Chava agrees.

Irma tries to convince Armando to sell the house. In the midst of her harping the phone rings. Irma answers and quickly hangs-up when she realizes she is talking to a voice from her past. The phone rings again. The woman, Martina, warns Irma not to hang up or she'll come to the house. Irma agrees to meet Martina the next day.

Dani hears about the theft at Ripoll and thinks Lucas is the culprit.

Chava goes free from jail due to positive testimony from both Sofia and (surprisingly!) Silvana. Though he is now free, Chava remains under suspicion. Read more »


Mi Corazón Es Tuyo: Just Another Day In The Life.....

Cap 54

•       Fernando has given Diego his blessing to pursue Ana.  They shake on it.  He later tells Fanny.  She deals as best she can.

Don Nicolas is still having difficulty dealing with the reality of his old age and the social restrictions regarding adopting.  He and Ana have a heart to heart about it.

Jens gets a follow-up visit by her OB-Gyne and learns that she still has her ovaries.  The wheels start turning in her head.  (In vitro fertilization alert!  Will Ana be the surrogate mother for her?  Hmmm.)

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La Malquerida #29, 10/2/14: The Green Eyed Monster (Jealousy/Acacia) Strikes Again

Mexico Episode #34

Get better, Mads! We miss you! Ok folks, just bullet points tonight. Honestly, I don’t know how Mads does it practically every day for multiple telenovelas.

Rosa, Julie and Norbie:
-Julie and Norbie insult Rosa and call Luisa a liar. Julie threatens to have Cris fire and throw Rosa and Luisa out (like that would ever happen). Rosa leaves despondent, but she’s the only one who kept her dignity in that conversation. Rubio is actually sympathetic and caring with her. He wants to teach Manuel a lesson for playing with Luisa. Later, Rosa takes her anger and despair out on the rugs. Luisa doesn’t know what awaits her when she gets home!
-Despite Norbie telling her to shut up about the Rosa thing (he wants Cris to keep paying the hospital bills), Julie tattles to Cris. Cris basically warns Julie about insulting her peeps, but she will speak to Luisa. Cris sees no problem with Manuel moving on from Acacia and dating Luisa.
-Cris gives Julie the info for the specialist in San Jacinto. Julie’s so damn excited, Cris realizes this move to San Jacinto is all about connecting with German’s bio-daddy. Dr. Andres, meanwhile, has learned from Uli about Juliana’s son being injured and his operation. He gets a faraway worried look.

Ale and German:
-Ale is snooping through Danilo’s file at the Association and learns he really is growing cotton. She quickly hides the file when German comes to get some papers to take to Norberto at the hospital. They canoodle a bit, and German asks if she got his note and wants to wake up at his side every day. Ale drops the Danilo file accidentally, German picks it up, and it’s obvious Ale was trying to hide it. German gets agitated. He wants to know the truth of what’s really between her and Danilo! Ale tells part of the truth—that she’s known Danilo since she was 13; when she left San Jacinto she never saw him again; she didn’t even know he was living in El Soto; and she wanted to learn more about what he was doing here. German apologizes for his outburst of jealousy. It’s just that Danilo seems to know so much about her, while at times he feels that they’re soul-mates (almas gemelas), and other times like he knows practically nothing about her. Ale says what’s important is what they feel for each other- love. Danilo only brings bad memories for her. German, on the other hand, is the love of her life. But it’s really hard for her to open up and tell him everything. German asks her to start by telling him why she took off the ring she always wears. When Ale can’t even do that, he speaks about trust being fundamental in a relationship. If Ale can’t come to trust him enough to open up to him, then their relationship will eventually fail.

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Thursday, October 02, 2014

La Gata #24- Thu 10/2 - La Audiencia

If you missed it yesterday, the episode starts with a replay of most of the fight…and Pablo and Esme smearing her lipstick all over each other's faces.  Silencioso pries them apart and decks Pablo.  Some cops or security people finally show up to drag Esme and Pablo apart.  In all the screaming, once again, no one gets around to saying anything that might resolve this.

Lorenza gets the news from Monica and explains away Pablo's reaction with "Well, he's a man."  She blames it all on Esme and begs Monica not to leave Pablo.  Monica wants Pablo to be happy, and Lorenza says that Monica is his happiness.  I don't think Lorenza understands the meaning of that word.

Back at the house, Esme cries and is comforted by Silencioso, who says those meanies will pay.  The maid brings them tea or coffee and gives them a suspicious look.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Reina de Corazones -- PAGE TWO: week of September 29, 2014

No need to say more than that I can't wait for tonight's episode and Mauricio's recap!!


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Mi Corazón es Tuyo #53, Wednesday, October 1. Meet Encreaky, aka Enfrique the Elder.

(Didn’t catch a name, so that’s what you get, old man)

As much as I hate to have anything in common with Isabruja, this is going to be fast, loose, and dirty:

Where we left off, Ana overhears Isabruja’s rants and marches in to assure the patrones that she will start sleeping in her own house straightaway.

Poor little Mau is having a hard time understanding that mama isn’t coming back.

Bruja is happy Ana is moving out. Fer not so much.  Ana tries to convince herself it’s better this way.

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La Malquerida #28, 10/1/2014: Acacia’s Getting Heat on All Sides, Can She Take the Pressure?

Mexico Episode #33

Hello All- You’ve got me again. Mads is still sick. Gloria is still in the mountains. I won’t go into a lot of detail tonight, except for a few scenes.

Acacia and the Rock
Esteban tells Acacia that Ulises is not the man for her and she should dump him, forever. He believes Ulises is just taking advantage of her and her naiveté. Acacia stands her ground- she and Uli love each other and know what they want. She acknowledges her youth, immaturity, and jealous streak, but points out what a good man Ulises is. She gets offended that Este thinks she’s gullible and stupid enough to be fooled by a bad man. She then points out her own error in misjudging Esteban. She asks that Esteban take the time to get to know Uli, just as she finally took the time to get to know Esteban and realized that he’s a good person. A: I know you’re going to try, because you love me. E: With all my soul, Acacia. (Creepy!) Acacia says that if Uli does turn out to be a bad person, she’s the one who has to find out for herself.

After Acacia clarifies to Cris that she didn’t tell Elena about her future plans/hopes with Uli because she doesn’t feel close to Cris, they cry and hug it out. Acacia admits that she did miss having her mom there every day, but it was her choice to live with the Abuelos because she couldn’t stand Este. And Cris was there every weekend, every holiday, every important occasion, and spoke to her on the phone every day. Este comes in, and Cris takes him to task for his ugly attitude towards Uli. She points out that the bad person he’s describing would not have risked his life running into a burning building to save Acacia and Manuel. Acacia is not stupid. She has been surrounded by good men- gentlemen, her whole life, and knows how to tell the good from the bad. Plus, Acacia is so impulsive that the harder Este pushes her away from Uli, the more likely it is that she’ll run off with him. That’s not what Este wanted to hear. He changes the subject by kissing Cris passionately.

Showing Love, Not Making Love
Ale and German have apparently been cuddled up in bed all afternoon, and she’s visibly calmer. She tells him how loved and protected she feels. They begin to kiss, gently at first, and then with more intensity. German sits up and looks at Ale with a question in his eyes. She smiles and nods slightly, and they commence the intense kissing. German pauses again to remove his long sleeved shirt and to give female Viewerville a gift. Ale is not immune. She looks at him with pure desire in her eyes, and things begin to get hot and heavy. German finally lowers himself completely onto Ale, which obviously dregs up bad memories for Ale. She suddenly pushes him away and declares that it’s best that they break up! There is a “colorful” term for the condition German must have in that moment, but we, and he, won’t go there. Instead, German points out how much he loves Ale and he just wants to demonstrate it, and he knows/feels in his heart that she loves him too.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2014

La Gata #23- Wed 10/1 - La Transformacion

Hell no we couldn't just put up a discussion post!

We jump RIGHT in to a smooth-haired Esme being adored by Fela, but they're not letting us see her face.

Back at the house, Silencioso tells Esme that from now on she'll have tutors to prepare her for taking her secondary school exams.  She won't have to go to night classes anymore.  With her gorgeous clean face and her bright red lipstick.  Also, Silencioso wants to teach her some stuff too.  She almost looks like she's wearing her same black dress and boots…but are these pricier versions of the originals?

Esme rides past the Negrete house in the back of the car, setting Mariano's mixed feelings aflame.  He assumes she's Silencioso's new amante (lover).  He starts to have thoughts that, hey, since Pablo's out of the picture maybe he could….  But no!  In an extensive thought bubble, Mariano puts Esme up on a pedestal as much as Pablo ever did (you know, back in the day, before all the lies) thinking that she's a one-man woman and she'll probably never love anyone other than Pablo.  I get the impression that only makes him admire her more.

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Hey it's CS, the recap will be up later night!

We begin tonight with Pato conspiring against Chava to Sofi's face but she isn't buying what he's selling.

Matt. says hi to Lucas and that it feels different without Chava around.

Sofi gives Silvie the skinny as she leaves and says for Chava she wants the best lawyer.

Luc. needs to see Silvie and Matt. says for him to be easy on the future mother of his kids.

Silvie and Pato spew their negative venom amongst each themselves and malenergize the room.

Chava is in jail an dis if notified he has a visitor; it's Sofi.

Silvie and Pato pro and con Pato's plot until he says he has a secret qeapon; Queen Bee Greta!

Speak of the devil, Fausto lets Greta know she seems happier and she says she woke up that way. They talk about Alan but Fausto isn't convinced by his story.

Tavares lets Chava out of the cell to talk with Sofi, in an actual room; she KNOWS Chava is innocent.

Pato has shown up at the Ripoll mansion on short notice and that kills Greta's day; jerk has the decency to apologize and he wants to talk.

Silvie is instructing Dani how to do her job. Silvie says she personally loves the way Dani dresses but she needs to uniform it, not wear tennis shoes, pin her hair up and put on a little bit of make-up.

Greta says she doesn't like going behind Sofia and talking with Pato about her situations like that. Greta's not having Pato's games and wants to know what is in the envelope. Pato straight up says it contains proof Sofia's not Octavio Ripoll's daughter and Gret. who now has a look of Fret is alarmed; is it true?

Chava tells Sofi that when he was done with Silvie, he went to go get water and then the police found the money in his bag. He like Lucas swears on his mother that he didn't steal the money and Sofi. believes him.

(Theme Song)
Just as Chava and Sofi almost kiss and form one (I call them chOfi) Tavares comes in and so does Araceli.
Pato is leaving his pseudo-sympathetic charm all over Greta like a snail would trail slime on a driveway and unfortunately she is putty in his hands
Tavares excuses himself (too late man) as Chava and 'Li (Araceli's nickname) catch up. He introduced Sofi to her.
Fauntleroy waltzes into Alexa's room and onto her bed; he's so nasty I'm surprised he doesn't leave a streak. He is just babbling and I'm hardly paying attention but he says something about his suegra whom I'm guessing would be Greta (I apologize but Alan is detrimental to my health and forget CS'09, why don't any of you remember Alan as the creepy jerk Jorge who was Marianela and eventually Kristel's beau in Llena de Amor?)
Pato is detrimental to my health as well but eh; he is a charmer with those pechugas of his and that one photo of him in nothing but green converse.
Sofi is pleased to make 'Li's acquaintance.
Luc. is looking for Silvie and inadvertently runs into Dani.
Fausto introduces Pato to Alan (LOL coincidence, I THINK NOT!) and I begin to feel a pit in my stomach. Al asks about the wedding and invites Pato on a double date but Pato rebuffs it since he knows he will be the one stuck with the bill (I like that Pato sees right through him; now if someone could see right through Pato without being manipulated whatsoever GRETA.)
Luc. and Dani flirt on work hours.
IrkMe and Armie are with Renzi, d-e-a-l-i-n-g (read that in the juvenile girly and boy sittin' in a tree song tone; bottom line, Armie isn't buyin' what Renzi's sellin'.)
You know, I had a feeling Greta would end up blackmailed but when she spews her minor venom all over Fausto, that's when I get mad.
Chava and 'Li; Chava knows Pato's behind this.
IrkMe +-_-  and Armie =3 argue on the street.
Dani. and Luc. discuss work and Dani said Silvie is chida (she comes off as the person who would have a human skull for a decoration so yeah.) Lucas and Dani kiss as I say aw young love.
Renzi and IrkMe +-__-plot and he makes her pledge she will convince Armie =3 with whatever it takes.
Greta caresses a picture of Sofia and we flashback to see Baby Sofi and the skinny Greta received on how to raise her.
Luc. and 'Sol (Marisol) lament over Chava's situation and the worst part is that whoever stuffed Chava's bag with the money is among them.
Lupe runs into 'Li on the street and they catch up.
 Sofi. has Luc. on the case and if he finds about anything, he'll let her know.

Tavares is the observant little bugger and says he noticed a tension between Sofi. and 'Li but Chava reassures him there was nothing.

Pato is arguing with Sofi. and says he doesn't like a thing about Chava.

Armie =3 thinks it's weird that Renzi is buying all those businesses and if he has so much money, why not donate it to the poor kids of the world (Armie =3 is quite the galan  <3)

Pato is bitching some more but Sofi isn't having ANY of that and says that if they're separated due to not seeing eye-to-eye on the whole Chava thing than so be it!


Avances from Mexico (and EnElVideo .com)

1-Greta calls Paco,
2-'Li asks Lupe what's up with Sofi and Chava or in other words if there is anything between them.
3-Chava and Sofi kiss as he strips her of her black silk robe.



Quiero Amarte Discussion Space (Week 2- September 29th-October 3rd, 2014)

I apologize that this is so late in the week. This show is getting good.


Hasta el Fin del Mundo #32 20140930 Who's Your Daddy NOW, Sophia?

RIPOLL:  Now in police custody, Chava tells his sobbing sister not to be afraid and asks Matias to take care of her and his mother.  After the cruiser leaves the curb, Marisol collapses at the gate.  Both Lucas and Matias kneel to comfort her, but Matias shoves Lucas away and continues to comfort her by himself. 

While everyone is outside, in Silvanna's office, Patrick and Silvanna celebrate his success in setting up Chava by making out. 

A while later, Patrick returns to Silvanna's office with the DNA results.  It's official!  Sophia did not spew forth from the loins of Octavio.  Patrick laughs maniacally.  Silvanna congratulates him for having Greta in the palm of his hand. 

SNOB HILL:  Alexa informs Alan that she is going to tell Greta the truth.  Alan tells Alexa that the mob has found him.  She and her family are in danger unless they come up with some greenback. Greta interrupts the conversation when she barges in with the script.  She encourages Alexa to study for the roll.  Greta compliments her daughter for having a brilliant man by her side and says that Alexa is blessed to have someone who loves her.  Alan says that he will make Alexa some dinner later.  Alexa flees from the room. 
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La Malquerida #27, 9/30/14: Alejandra Meets Her Demon Danilo, Face to Face!

Mexico Episode #32

Madelaine is sick with the flu, and Gloria is frolicking in the mountains, so I’m filling in tonight. And boy, was this episode a doozy! In an effort to capture tonight’s important confrontations, I made this recap detailed. Let’s get on with it!

The Old:
In the church, Perla and Alejandra argue loudly about the Danilo situation. Perla refuses to come with Ale to denounce Dan, and blames Ale for everything that went wrong after she took off with the merchandise—Danilo getting beat down by his bosses, left lame, and without his business. She tells Ale that Danilo is coming after her to kill her, and she better run.

The New:
Esteban is drinking in his office and breathing heavy after hearing that Acacia and Ulises have been having the marriage talk. His perv confidant Rubio comes in and Este pounds his fist on the desk and says Acacia can’t be Ulises’, or ANY man’s! Rubio tries to talk sense into Este and tells him that he and Acacia can’t live under the same roof. Este says all he needs to do is keep control of himself. He says this while grabbing Rubio’s lapels and breathing heavy. Yeah…how’s that “getting in control of yourself” plan working out, Este? Rubio leaves.

The real Church ladies have gotten tired of the two inappropriately dressed women screeching at each other, and make a beeline towards the back of the church for the Padre. Perla says we do what we have to do, to survive. Ale’s not having it. Perla can go on being exploited if she wants, but Ale has had the taste of a decent life, and she sure as heck won’t let Danilo steal it from her! The Padre interrupts before things become heated again. Perla covers up her boobs, and Ale stands up, points to Perla, and yells that Perla is the woman of the man who exploited her! Perla hustles out of the church quickly, and says it’s Ale’s funeral because Dan is coming to kill her.

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #52, Tues 09/30/2014 Finally Bruno and Manuela hook up, Jen leaves Nico breathless... Isa wins one battle, or does she?...


Johny hugs the bald guy

Leon meets Reeky… Reeky notices that Leon is not quite just history for Fanny.

Nando and Ximena, his blindly kissing her nose… she keeps on smiling…

Jenn and Nico… Ay my Sciatica!!! / no worries, I will go make you a home remedy in a jiffy!

Isa spills the coffee on Ana intentionally…

I: sorry, I am so clumsy… (Ana growls) … you owed me. Know? It was an accident, I am so distracted…

A: You think you ruined my night?... I can change clothes in 2 minutes, but you can’t change your bitterness…

Lo Nuevo:

Jen is delighted with how ‘lively’ (vivaz) Nico turned out to be…

Ximena and Nando… he makes some comment of going 300K km per second… she says ‘don’t feel bad… these things happen. … it was great.’ ‘you are such a bad liar… but I love you so much…’ ‘ Nando, you are my love… my love.’

Nico throws the towel on Jenn (he has her lip kiss prints all over his face’… she will bring him some cake she has around. (he comments ‘this woman is a beast’ and she replies she heard him LOL!)

Isa goes to fetch Fernando at library… She reminds Fernando Ana must be having a great time with his brother… they make a great couple, don’t you think? They are both liberal, extroverted… i can imagine them backpacking semi-nude in the middle of the jungle… ‘ She suggests they go to bedroom… sorry Isa, even if you try to massage and give him a preview, he is just not that into you… he comes up with the excuse that his son Sebas is out on the street. Isa asks Fer if it is time to take the painting of him and Fanny off the wall. He just replies ‘No.’ (take that, bruja!!)

The guy who Leon got off Fanny when they met is the DJ at some club. There is Sebas in the middle of teenage girls who are clearly older than him. Poor guy is about to be stepped on… but he is real happy to be there.

Erasmo the driver calls Fernando’s cell. Fernando is very impactado to hear his son escaped.

At scalpore, Bruno keeps admiring Manuela’s cleavage. She pulls his chin up so his eyes look at her face… LOL! He mentions the devil arriving and then blows on her chest… she asks him how long has she been running after his jacket tails… he doesn’t know. She says she is tired. He begs her not to go. ‘Today you will understand one of my mysteries’.
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