Thursday, February 06, 2014

Waaah waaaah waaah, Alejandro makes the patio ask "does baby want a bottle, a big dirt bottle?" Lo Que La Vida me Robo Cap.62, Wed. 02/05/2014

Some scenes have been combined and might be out of order, I'm doing this to try and get a recap up quickly, I have a doctors visit in the morning and have had a long week, so tonight I can't stay up until 3:00 am to do my recap, I do hope you enjoy and that I've covered everything!

Refugio, oh he disappoints me so:

  Refugio is a dummy, he falls into Ez's trap and agrees to have Ez pull some strings to get Esmeralda fired from the job she loves. I say he let's her dance, dancing half naked never hurt no one! Anyhoo, he later tells Jose Luis what he did and explains that the thought of Esmeralda dancing in front of other men drives him crazy, Jose Luis tells him that getting Esmeralda fired is a bad bad idea and indeed it is because Esmeralda soon finds out that Ezequiel is behind her losing her job, when she goes to confront him he throws Refugio under the bus and tells her he only did what Refugio asked him to do.

 Esmeralda storms out of his office, but not before she declares that Refugio is her ex-boyfriend. Hey, can we blame her? First he gets her fired, then he pretends to be be sad that she lost her job all while knowing that he was responsible for her being on the bread line. Yeah, I'd break up with my boyfriend if he did that to me, although I'm not sure if I'd do it before or after I gave him a beating. And I'm not even a violent person.
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Mentir Para Vivir #85 Wed 2/5/14 Little Orphan Alina

Spy vs Juez
Homero pays a surprise after-hours visit to the judge.  “QTH? Whatta ya want,” cries the judge.  Homero demands justice.  He feels that if he hadn’t interfered, Alina would be home w/Ricky and Ines would be with Paloma.  But noooooo, judge had to have his little, miserable revenge (desquite).  “You ain’t all that,” replies the judge.  Homero advises him he’s got a good sized file of his errors:  petty vengeance, bribes, unlawful judgements.  He demands that Alina be returned to Ricky and Ines out of that jail ASAP.  Judge thinks he can do something about Alina’s plight (thank goodness), but Ines? No! He has a witness that says Ines kidnapped that child.  Furthermore, Ricky is purportedly behind a grand scheme that puts Ines and Alina at the tia’s beach house, supposedly on vacation.  Judge refuses to give up his source.  Homer accuses him of being more stubborn than a mule.  Furthermore, he’s a bad person.  (now that hurt!)

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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Qué Pobres, Wednesday 2/5/14 (#23): Grated Expectations

Alt titles:
- Managed Expectations
- What to Expect When You're Not Expecting

MA announces his intention to have an appraiser evaluate the property - land and buildings. Just in case it turns out the Menchacas owe more than 300K pesos. (Imagine if the bank decided to increase the balance on your decades-old mortgage.) There is much grumbling.

Nepo is walking on air. He's slept late and has breakfast ready when Diego gets up, much to Diego's delight. They haven't breakfasted together in years, apparently. This seems like a good time for a serious father/son talk, but Guendy arrives. Nepo gives her and Diego his good news about Lupe.

Guendy teleports to the Mechacas' and loudly announces the noviazgo of Lupe and Nepo to the whole family, because that's totally her news to give, right? The whole family congratulates Lupe (or do I see Chuy hesitate for just a moment first?). MA hangs back. Guendy notices and insists that he give his cousin a hug and kiss. MA obliges with an awkward hug.

Lupe asks the family not to mention this to Emiliano yet. Guendy makes a kissy face at MA.

In a silent-bleep-laden scene, Ahole suffers a brief equipment malfunction when he attempts an ultra-quickie with Min before work. She takes advantage of this pause in his fervor to ask him for a bank account and a higher limit on her credit card for "household expenses." Ahole ignores her chatter, gets his concentration back, bangs her real fast, and goes to the office.

Ahole brags to Vilma about his honeymoon. She spitefully puts way too much sugar in his coffee. Again she voices her doubts about Adolfo. He's using the RP company to launder his money. It's very risky. Vilma doesn't like it. They could go to jail. Ahole replies that his own money is safe in the Caymans and in Switzerland; it's the RP money that's at risk. They're making a big profit, so what's the problem? "Yes sir, you know best," Vilma replies.

Ahole vows never to set foot in a prison. He neglects to make such a promise on Vilma's behalf.
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February 4, 2014-PSMA (Por Siempre mi Amor) Recap #49 (and 50?)- He isn't just a lover, he's a fighter! (or) Damn that Esteban REALLY packs a punch!


We begin today with a scene between Isabel and FeVer.
Now a scene with Gabs and St.Nick.
After some chatting, Isa has a flashback to her married days with Feo and the one moment we could be close to cracking this case like a walnut, she begins to think she's going crazy (but who wouldn't? After blatant feticide and being abused by Aranza, I know I would.) FeVer then excuses himself and asks a worker there a favor. He instructs to snap a pic when he is hugging Isa and the worker obliges. After some more chit chat, he goes for the hug and his head is apparently big enough to block Isa's view of the camera as his goon catches the candid right under her nose. (Just for the sake of wittiness and photo-op related jokes, SAY MIZITHRA!Mozzerella! Asiago! Brie!) Also, FeVer kisses Isa's neck slightly and she gives a 0.o type face.
A scene with Art Dad which cuts to Tita and 'Za and that snips into more Nick and Gabs.
Tita and 'Za.
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Mentir Para Vivir #84 Tue 2/4/14 Just Lie Back and Think of England

Hoping to get him drunk, Raquel pours drinks down Jose Luis so that she can take advantage of his size 15 feet.  She wants him to give up the booty.  Has she no shame?  She wants to discuss the wedding, but he’s only interested in the CD.  She won’t give it back because it’s her only guarantee that he will marry her and give RaquelMary’s baby a name.  She will give it to him as a gift after they marry.  They begin to argue.  Outside, Lucina hears yelling and bangs on the door.  Jose Luis refuses to discuss the wedding or her possible executive position with the real estate company until she returns the CD.  He threatens to tear the house apart!  Lucina yells that she will call the police.  He shoves Raquel aside and marches out the door.  Lucina runs into the apartment and the two women embrace.  Raquel realizes that Jose Luis only interested in the CD.
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Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos # 22, 4 Feb 2014... Lupe commits #1 sin in TNs, acts on impulse with incomplete information. Nepo in heaven, MA acts like sore loser. Isela moves in with the newlyweds. Mini relieved, A-hole feels like Three's a crowd.

Grandma and Frida looking for ‘don’t know what, but its important’ Lupe comes over and asks what is going on, gives Mati some words of encouragement, you have your family who love and support you.
Lo nuevo:
Mati says her grandchildren are extremes. Frida is good although rebellious. Says Leo is very selfish, like his mom(THanks Vivi!)… OTOH grandson MA is the greatest, but A-hole is the worst… A-hole is the other side of the coin, he always has two faces, using the most convenient one every time. A-hole is the dark ship with white flag. The problem is the only ones that know him well are Aureliano and myself. A-hole doesn't even visit often so as to avoid running into Aureliano.

At Cabos hotel, right in middle of escalator, A-hole spots some guys coming in the other direction, and they were staring at Mini. He almost charges them as if they had made a pass at Mini. He definitely has anger issues to work on. the poor guys were just innocently looking at Mini. (why not, she is good eye candy for boys). Mini asks him how come he kept his fortune when MA was ruined by the scandal. A-hole won’t give details, changes subject to go visit the OB GYN to check if she is already expecting. Mini asks will you still love me when I am big and bulky? A-hole says I will always love you, but first things first!! (baby ASAP!)
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Lo que la vida me robó, cap. 61, Tues., 2/4/14: Oy vey María!

As the birth of Montserrat's child approaches, everyone is drawn to Aquazul.

Montserrat has never left, of course.  She has passed the months of her pregnancy in the family home in Aguazul, suffering her mother's insults without the buffer of her father's love.  Carlota and Rosario do their best to make up for the affection that Graciela seems incapable of giving.  Montserrat's pregnancy has gone well.  She looks lovely these days. No longer in mourning, she is young and fresh in simple, floral dresses that easily accommodate, but don't conceal, the blossoming of her body.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #47 & 48 Let's All Help Isabel by Doing.... Nothing

Monday's episode was a combination of two episodes. I watched all of #47 and part of #48 online. They cut out a lot of scenes, some that I think were important. Everything that was cut out is in italics. I was scrambling to take notes during last half of the show. Because I didn't watch all of #48 there may be some other scenes that were left out that I didn't see and so I didn't include. What are you doing to us Univision!

Mary explains to the kids that although she loves them all very much she must leave because the police are looking for her. Borlas will be taking care of them. The kids let Daniel know that he'd better take good care of Mari or he'll have to deal with them. Big group hug. Mari lets Agatha know what's going on with her and the kids. Dante and Borlas watch her leave from behind the stairwell.

Esteban tells Ileana and Chris that someone tried to kill Ara and Isabel. The brake lines were cut and the air bags were disabled. What do they know about Javier?

Gabi tries to comfort Isabel. Nothing can ease her pain.

Gilberto plays chess with the Padre and tells him he has Daniel's future all planned out.
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Monday, February 03, 2014

Qué Pobres, Monday 2/3/14 (#21): Omar's Brilliant Plan

Oops, did I say Omar? I meant Saul. Yes I did.

The tension in the room is so thick, Nepo can feel it. He wants to leave. But Chuy demands that he stay and listen to the whole story. He's going to tell him allll about these relatives of his.

But in the end, Chuy doesn't say much. Mike is indeed his long-lost cousin from the States, and all these people are his relatives. We all WANT to live together, he explains to Nepo, but it can be complicated. As for the bruises on MA's face, he slipped and fell. That's all.

Elsewhere, Mati and Emiliano commiserate over being left out of everything. Emiliano thought it only happened to kids, but Mati explains that when you're old, people act as though you're invisible. They'll have a conversation about you right in front of you as if they were talking about an object or a pet. Mati says Emil is the first good friend she's had in a long time. She asks him to call her "Grandma."

Ahole congratulates himself on another stellar performance in bed. Six minutes, Minerva notes. She is exhausted, frustrated, and bored.

Ahole is ready for more, but Vilma calls. She has a bad feeling about Adolfo. He's paranoid and a money-launderer. She doesn't trust him.

Room service knocks. Ahole is too busy to get it, so Mini has to wrap herself up in a bedsheet to answer the door. As she shoos the guy away without a tip, she overhears Ahole mention a secret Cayman Islands bank account.

Either Vilma is very dim, or she simply doesn't want Ahole to spend too much time making babies, because it takes him half an hour to get her off the phone. He assures her that Adolfo will get them the money they need. Then he tries to ply Mini with jumbo shrimp, but she pretends to be asleep - thwarting his plan for three more baby-making attempts.

Lupe tells Nepo she needs to postpone their date. She's too busy with all of these guests. Nepo assures her that a man can always wait. (Yeah! Make like a banana and peel, Plantain King! Hahaha!!)
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Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes 2/3/14 #60

Chapter 60: Unholy Deadlock

Almonte Manor: Lord Alejandro told the good Father Anselmo that Lady Monserrat married him only for his wealth, then attempted to abandoned him for her lover, whom she had housed on his estate. He did not believe her explanations. Father Anselmo attempted to force him to listen to reason regarding his lady wife and forthcoming child. He did finally tell him that he is being stubborn and should think about these matters as the backwash could be dire.
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Mentir Para Vivir #83 Mon 2/3/14 The kidnapper was wearing heels and had highlights

This is going to be a short recap, unfortunately. I'm terribly sleepy and a difficult day awaits me tomorrow. Besides, nothing important really happened.
Later edit: 3 hours of sleep later.... I'm up, starting my day. I should be out the door right about now, but I remembered I had forgotten to add the date to the recap title, so ... here I am (The the "Being a recaper" Files)

Homero is explaining to the judge who Ines Valdivia and Francisco Castro truly are. The two go way back, Homero knows all about the judge's dirty laundry and isn't above blackamiling him. The judge agrees not to investigate Mariloca’s accusation about the fake identities, but the little girl will have to go to an orphanage.

On the phone with Sam, JL is upset because he can’t talk with Joaquin; also, why does he have to be spied on by John, the new “Mike”? Sam asks JL to deal with it and Oriana hears part of the fight and asks JL what is going on. He says that getting out of the business is not as easy as he thought and now he has someone watching his every move, too.

Lila, Mady and Tony, or the Trio of the Greedy, talk about the investment in the new Real Estate Business. Even if Ric doesn’t want the association to happen, Tony thinks it would serve both he and Paloma right, for the way they always treated Mady and Lila. Francisco Castro becoming an associate at Aresti Breton is the perfect revenge. Lila and then Mady shake on it and get ready to sign the contract.

Alina is enjoying a bunch of presents in her room with Oriana, until Jose Luis shows up; the child’s attitude changes, so JL leaves the room. Alina says that she wants to go back home, she misses Fabi, Tito and a bunch of other people that I believe are the servants.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, Avenida Brasil et cetera.


You can continue to post your comments and recaps about La Reina del Sur and Avenida Brasil and all  other Telemundiana on this, The Front Page.


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA -- Week of February 3, 2014

Here's a new page to chronicle the craziness that is Marrero as Santa Diabla careens toward…well who knows where it's going.  But you can be sure we'll be around to find out if there is ANYONE left to root for at the end of the day.


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA -- week of February 3, 2014

You guys have voted with your feet.  Or your mice.  Or something.  Anyway, the Impostora crowd has been quite chatty lately so Jean and I figured you could use a page of your own this week.



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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Lo que la vida me robo, Cap 59, 1-31-14—That Maria strikes again. An Anvil Cannot Come too soon.

Lo que la vida me robo, Cap 59, 1-31-14—That Maria strikes again. An Anvil Cannot Come too soon.

Preview screencap:

Don't you listen to Bitch Maria, Ale!

WRITTEN ON THE FLY (Sort of). Please forgive errors. I do a lot of condensing and jumping around here, so it's sort of in summary format.

We have a refrito. Monse talks with a uniform-clad JL about what's going on. Ale hasn't forgiven her, blah de blah. She wishes JL well in his wedding. He tells her that the only woman he'll ever love is her, but he's very fond of Angelica. They have a bittersweet parting. She tells JL to send her love to Angel. He will. He looks sad.
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Mentir Para Vivir #82 Fri 1/31/14 Hiding in Plain Sight

capítulo 82 

Lo Del Pasado:

Mad Malibu de Marilu has spitefully just opened the ID theft/false identity can of worms that everyone else had been hoping to avoid during this entire adoption farce.  Hopefully she will be eventually taken to the woodshed by none other than Joaquin Barrago himself!  Ricardo wants to slap the stupid b!tch silly and fights to keep his cool as she gives the judge the skinny on the Falcon/Caligaris name change and marital connection.

Lo Del Nuevo:

The judge realizes that Ric and ML are not the sweet, sensible, loving newlyweds they’d pawned themselves off as earlier.  According to Mala-boo Marilu, Ric and 2nes are lovers; 2nes is a criminal and a home-wrecker; and she’s still married to another crook who also is using a false identity: Sr. Francisco Castro!  The judge decides that while he investigates the situation further, Alina will have to be sent for her own welfare into the state foster system [casa hogar=orphanage], which will be a fate worse than death, apparently, for Oriana and little Lina, not to mention Paloma.  Once the interview with the judge is finished, Ric tells Marilu that he’s starting divorce proceedings the next day first thing and she and her crutches can find their own way back to Fidelia’s.  He heads over to Paloma’s to give Oriana the bad news.  

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Que Pobres tan Ricos # 20 31 Jan 2014 Nepo looking forward to his date with Lupe, but at fonda, the sh... has hit the f..... Salvese quien pueda!! (TAKE COVER!!!)

A-hole/Mini argue about he wants a baby RIGHT NOW! And she is not anxiously anticipating that.

Emi and Grandma Mati were playing dominos, he keeps losing, ‘gambling debts are honor debts’. Tizoc calls him to go do homework. Emi leaves. Leo comes in dramatically (OMG!!! You would not believe the trauma I just went through! I got mugged!!) Tizoc undermines his experience. Leo says he was about to be bleeding to death. Then he undermines the barrio/neighborhood. Tizoc says if you know how to defend yourself nothing would happen to you around here. Leo says if you mean being a boxer or gorilla, that is far from my idea of a man. ‘my friend’. Tizoc begins rapping to him with sound effects. From now on you are my friend. Leo is nodding in rhythm… You are Leonardo el princeso!! (the prince). Leo does not appreciate the joke. And calls Tizoc naco. Grandma Mati enjoys the show. Laughs her butt off.

Back to Cabo San Lucas. She is trying to convince him to tune it down a couple notches (like Frida told her mom a while back). He reluctantly tells her about the grandpa clause. ‘el primer nieto que tenga un hijo en legitimo matrimonio’ and I plan to be the heir of the RP empire, to share with you ‘chiquita’. She says you should have told me earlier. Then she is biting her teeth as he continues reassuring her she will be pregnanty by the end of the honeymoon.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor 1/31/14 Capítulo 42(ish)- Because we weren't bummed out enough

AVISO: Some scenes are combined.

Little Miguel has passed away. Isa is inconsolable.  

Mau and Andy discover Angel home alone just as Min returns home. Min is now a volunteer and a meeting with the Padre taking longer than she expected (which Padre? The one of Cuca and the Padre fame, or a different one?)  Mau asks her to help out more around the house. 

Ara cries on Este's shoulder. Ara says Isa and her father were so excited about the baby, but now it's a nightmare.  

Mari and Tassels argue about the stolen goods she was unwittingly selling. He could have gotten her in a real mess. Tassels swears it will never happen again. Mari will not trust him anymore. He betrayed her. 

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Weekend Discussion: Controlling Mothers, Part II

Maternal Monsters, Part II

There are way more of these than perhaps any other female villain because they can play so many cards in the game of control. Guilt, money, religion; even sex isn't exempt from their repertoire in their attempts to control their teen or adult children. I was hoping to compile another Dirty Dozen, but some of these are so spectacularly evil it just couldn't wait. Please provide any more details if you can.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo - Capitulo 58—Aftermath of a Funeral

“What we have got here is failure to communicate.”
                                    Cool Hand Luke - 1967

Editorial By Elna june
There has been much discussion in the last few days about the nature and character of certain of our players in ‘Lo Que La Vida Me Robo’. I say that what we have got here is a failure to communicate. And I stand by my statement—Let me explain.

The writers in this telenovela have, by and large, done a great job. The acting, production values and dialogue are first rate, and the pace sometimes makes me feel like I am watching a telenovela directed by Paul Greengrass.

What we, as faithful watchers of “Robo’ need to have communicated to us now is character development, especially of the protagonist, Alejandro Almonte. In the last few days, culminating with the terrible death of Lauro Mendoza, I find that I have completely ceased to care about the anti-galan Alejandro. I am no longer angry with him, as I was at times earlier in our story, I am, quite simply, BORED with his character.

And a bored viewer cannot be a good thing, my friends. If the writers have taken a darker direction with this telenovela protagonist, such as we have seen in recent American primetime dramas with Tony Soprano in “The Sopranos” and Walter White in “Breaking Bad”, or, in more classical theatre with Shakespeare in “Macbeth”, then we viewers can know that we are watching, fascinated, as the proverbial train wrecks. Let Ale go to the devil and serve us up some new options for Montserrat. She can practice being a single mother—that storyline has many interesting possibilities.

The tension created by Alejandro Almonte’s cruel actions has left us viewers in a state of cognitive dissonance that is downright uncomfortable. Why is he behaving like such a jerk? We choose up tables, we look for hidden clues in his dialogue and personal history, we try to cling to Alejandro’s ‘right to be angry’ as a reason for his cruel actions and words. But so far his story rings hollow and  his personality unlikeable.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #19-1/30/14 : AS Has a Very Bad Hair Day and Other Follies

Hola Amiguis! This capitulo was a tough one with all the slang and speed. This recap will not be in order and please let me know what I got wrong. I am still learning Y'all as you are : )

JT and Frida are still having their little chat. He even invites her to come hear his band sometime, but I don't think she wants to venture into the neighborhood. He imitates her "fresa speak".

AS is wearing that lovely, er, hideous scarf and Granny Mati hands her a mirror so she can see how loverly she looks, Not! AS is just abhorred! Leo remarks she needs a hat (in English) then says in Spanish it is a sombrero. Lupe serves Granny Mati some chicken soup, ya know they just gently killed that chicken. MA is going to show off his waiter talents he learned in Londres. He is going to serve his family. Lupe tells AS all about the neighborhood hairdresser, ya know, Guendy, but AS doesn't trust anyone from the 'hood to be touching her curly locks.

MA serves his family, that would be AS and Leo, Frida is still off talking to JT. MA serves and says basically here ya go MiLady and MiLord, things he learned in Londres, with a towel over his arm and the tray over the same arm, think Moseley in Downton Abby. Don Chuy thinks that's a hoot. MA even says he will serve Don Chuy and it will be an honor.
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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #81 Thu 1/30/14 Acusar para Arruinar

Fidelia gives Marilu a hard time, asking if she's still drunk from last night, but Inésiana is more than willing to get down on her knees, if that's what it takes to get her daughter back.  Fidelia stops her from doing it and threatens to tell the judge that Marilu is a drunk.  Marilu says that she's got plenty of things to tell the judge herself.  Fidelia tells Inésiana that she has no idea what happened to Marilu and wonders if someone can really go crazy from one day to the next.

Once Inésiana is gone, Fidelia calls Ric to report on Marilu.  She's worried that if Marilu doesn't get what she wants, she might start to take things out on Alina.  Pobre de Fidelia, first Maria, then Sebastian, and now Marilu. She thinks maybe they ought to call either Mariano or Dr. Veronese to exorcise the demon or medicate her.  Or maybe both.  Piero tells Ric that he saw Marilu last night in a bar drinking with some guy and that in her inebriated state, she told him that Inésiana can take the kid, but she wants to keep Ric.  Piero still has the guy's card.

Our trusty Hhhhhackerrrrr has finished his work.  For the low, low price of $10K, what he did was
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Por siempre mi amor #41 1/30/14: Aranza Comes Partially To Her Senses But Is It Too Late and How Long Will It Last?

Gabino is so happy to see his miserable son, Dante.  Heis happy that he may work for the De La Rivas and he wants him to see his mother.

The police are chasing Mari through a market, she jumps on the motorcycle with Hot Rod Tita Mama.  Daniel witnesses the getaway.
At the accident scene Isa is being transported to the hospotial, Gaby calls and they can't find Art.
Gabino is too happy to share his news with Lucha. A cold (reminds me of Destilando Amor- Francisco De La Vega, who denied his mother)Dante walks in and Daphne orders "Dante" the chauffeur to take her to the hospital.
Art is found and is worried about the well being of his wife and child.  Why did they let him drive?
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Por siempre mi amor #40 1/29/14: The Evil Seed Is Planted

For J Desde NYC- Feel better!

Art is asking Za about deceiving Esteban will Favier. Za denies it. (She has that whiny pitch in her voice just like Sucia). Ara says that Facier made her realize that she doesn't feel anything for Esteban. He is too immature. Once again with the perdonames. Art asks Ara not to continue lying and Ara promises not to do it again.  Isa was not too happy that Ara wasn't with Daphne and Ara was not too happy that Isa brought it to his attention. She's going to pay. (What else is new?)

At the love nest
Sucia and Favier discuss how Ara loved the dog and Sucia marvels at how no one know that the dog was her suggestion.  She asked if he had spoken to his contact at the prison and he lied and said that he was on vacation, he wants to put Fernando to in the past he doesn't want her to know the truth about Feo. Favier is calling Methusulah about getting some candidates for the chauffeur's job for Isa. 

At Art and Isa's
Ara approaches Daphne about blowing her cover, and Daphe says that it couldn't be helped.  She was waiting outside for her and rang the bell and Art saw her but it won't happen again. (Yeah right) then Daphne goes into her rant about how that nosey Isa is going to pay dearly. (Ara is already paying by living with you for the last 10 years)

At Andrea and Mau's
A tearful Andrea is comforted by Esteban and tells MeanMinnie about Angel finding out the truth about his sperm donor. Minnie was worried about Feo's name being called but what does it matter, he's "dead".  Angel went to the movies with Mau and he is glad that Mau is his dad, he wouldn't have it any other way.

At Methusulah's Office (and why does this man even have office space?)
The Evil Duo pay Meth to hire a chauffeur for Isa, someone intelligent because they want to be kept informed of everything that is going on regarding Isa and Art. (What a powerful anvil drop that will be)

Art and Isa's
Daphe comes down to dinner and art asks for Ara.  She wasn't hungry and is not feeling well. She's upset that Isa got her in trouble. Isa is taken aback , Daphne doesn't understand why she  Ara doesn't like Isa and Art wants to know if Daphne's parents are aware that she is there. Since they don't she needs to give them a call and leave a message. They need to know her whereabouts.  Daphne pits in her jabs about Aea is lucky to have a father and stepmother who care about her and that Ara doesn't appreciate them. Art and Isa share uncomfortable looks.  Isa gets a text- Hello Beautiful. Oh no, it's from Feo and she starts having palpitations. Art feels bad for Daphne but Isa shares the text from Feo that she just received.  Art is sure that it's a wrong number and he will call it. Favier is pleased that Isa reacted to his text and he plans on driving her crazy ( pushing her past her limits). He will Mae her life miserable as Feo's ghost.

At Gaby's Apartment or should I say the smack down ring
Ally shows up at Gaby's door.  Gaby wasn't expecting company and Ally says that they ends to talk. Gaby says that she has nothing to say, she hasn't seen Bruno for years (Gaby, you knew that this wasn't a social call, so why did you invite Ally and furthermore why does she have a coffee cup?). Ally brings up that Gaby still has a picture of she and Bruno. She and Gaby are similar in their lifestyles how they act.She asks Bruno why did he chose her, what attracted him to her? She found out her answers when she got to know Gaby.  Bruno still loves Gaby. (Why doesn't Ally have this convo with Bruno? Gaby did nothing to encourage him).  Gaby doesn't believe her. Why would he get married then, Gaby defends Bruno.
She herself is an honest, forthright woman and perhaps Ally doesn't know Bruno as well,as she thinks that she does. Then we go back and forth as to know knows Bruno. Gaby let's Ally know that she broke Bruno's heart due to fear and just being plain stupid, I didn't see that I had a good thing in front of me.  Ally agrees that he came to Spain very hurt.  Gaby regrets it but it's useless.  Bruno moved to the otherwise of the world to get over her.  Gaby tells Ally that she has nothing to worry about the love story between she and Bruno is over. Hmmmmm- Gaby, viewer vile will strongly disagree with you!

In the Hood
Dante is trying to rent an apartment from Agatha.  There is an available apartment and Dante will handle the paperwork. Then he asks for that young cutie that came around looking for her. Gema(La mas facil). He didn't know that she was her stepdaughter.  When she comes around again Agatha find out when she is coming around again and she will introduce her to him. Bleck!

At the love nest
Favier enters with a key and tells Sucia that Wilson told him that the coast was clear. Ole Sugar Daddy  - OSD is not around.  Sucia gets a call from OSD, he is asking about someone who she ran over -he has two broken knees and some serious bumps on his legs. OSD asks if he was hospitalized? Yes for observation? OSD will handle the costs, send him the bills,oh and he was going to sue, but thanks to Sucia, she encouraged him not to.  OSD feels so much better.  He will send over a messaging with a check. He is not coming, he doesn't want to be seen, and he doesn't want anyone to have anything against him. He said that he is not going to sue but he can be ill advised and proceed with the lawsuit.

At Art and Isa's 
Isa is very upset over the text, Art tries to calm her down and jokes that the intended person for the text will never receive it.  Calm down, Isa, Feo is"dead".  She has to calm down for the sake of the baby. Art and Isa share a little pillow talk.  She feels safe I his arms. Goodnight.zzzzzz

At Tita's
Bruno asks Ally, where was she.  They were worried about her. She didn't think that Bruno would notice because at times she seems to be a bother to him. She directly ask Bruno- what's in your head?  Bruno promises to work on making there marriage a happy one.

At the university
Ileana can't understand why Ara would break up with Esteban. He is the perfect boyfriend that loves her and they have known each other since they were kids. Why would she leave him for a man that she just met.  Ara can't explain it but she feels something fast and furious for Javier.  Daphe interrupts and tells Ileana not to critique what she doesn't know and Ileana 
is bothered that her friend drops a wonderful man for someone that she just met.  Daphne tells Ileana how Esteban went to Ara's house and how he treated her. Ileana suspects that Daphne is exaggerating.  Cristian feels bad for Esteban and the break up but suggests that maybe Ara didn't feel the same way that Este felt for her.  Este was so jealous and feels bad about the way that he reacted. Este figures out that it's Javier.
Este tries to talk to Ara who resists. She tells Este to forget about her, her hurt her and she does not trust him.  Este is begging Ara to give him another chance. She won't budge.

At work
Art and Bruno are discussing why Ara is so gaga over Javier and why Ara felt the need to lie to go out with him and break up with Esteban. Bruno suggests that Art have a chat with Ara and find out why she lied and Art needs to meet Javier. Bruno says how ironic it is.  He tried to forget about Gaby but he married a woman just like her. He still loves Gaby. (Viewer vile knew it all along)

At Methusulah's office 
Gonzo and Dante are there to get some  false paperwork.  Meth says that from what he can see the dead are resurrecting?  Huh? Fernando appeared.  Gonzo started stuttering.  He died in jail, right? No, somebody else died and Fernando is free.  Both Gonzo and Dante were colorless and  speechless.  Dante gets that paperwork the the needs at a price of course.  Gonzo asks about Feo's whereabouts. Meth confirms that Feo wants to revenge Isa having him jailed and Dante can help. He can be the chauffeur.  Meth will arrange for Dante to be interviewed.

At Padre's
Padre and Cuca were watching a news report about truckers being robbed by a band of crooks.  Those robbers need to get an honest job.  Cuca asks if padre has heard anything from Mari. Padre prays that she will be watched over and get what she needs.  

In the street
Mari and the kids see the white BMW, that puts a gigantic smile on Mari's face.

At Casa Arte
Gaby tells Isa that Ally paid her a visit. She is jealous of Gaby and that Bruno hasn't gotten over her. It doesn't matter to Gaby, (sure, Gaby).  Isa doesn't buy it.if a runs left Ally for any reason, Gaby shouldn't let that opportunity slip by again. Art and Isa plan a Gaby and Bruno intervention.

At the love nest
Favier is going to have dinner with OSD. He is going to try to dupe him.

In The hood
Dante brings Agatha the paperwork that she needed and he rents the apartment. Gonzo tells Da te that he double crossed Feo and that if Feo sees him, Gonzo is a dead man.  Dante will be a big help because Feo doesn't know him. The chauffeur's job is a better investment than robbing merchandise where he has betrayed Feo.

At a restaurant
Isa and Gaby are dining and Art and Bruno coincidentally meet them there. BTW- OSD is dining at the same restaurant with Javier.  Javier is all smiles at the lunch with OSD, who thanks him for tasking care of all of the medical costs. His cell rings and he walks off to answer. Tere calls Isa and suddenly there is a flood at the house, so Osa and Art leave, leaving Gaby and Bruno together.  It's Meth on the phone who tells Favier that he has a candidate for the chauffeur's job and Facier asks Meth if he is taking care of the other little job. When Isa and Art leaves they see OSD who,greets them under the watchful eye of Favier.  OSD has a new computer security program that he wants to show him that can protect the software of his company. They will make an appointment.  Favier mentions to OSD that he knows the Rivas couple and Ole wants to know, how does Favier know who they are. Favier says a friend of his is a relative of Art's.

At Casa Arte
A woman drives up in a car that is smoking and the security guard runs to help her. Meanwhile someone runs up to a white car and does/ puts something on it.

At Art and Isa's
Meth calls the house to let it be known that hi"agency" has a candidate for the chauffeur's position. Art and Isa hope that Gaby and Bruno don't suspect what they were trying to do Lucha tells Art that a chauffeur candidate is coming this afternoon for an interview.  Isa asks Ara if there is anything that she can help her with.  She shares that she has broken up with Este and she feels bad. Is it what he did or that you don't love him. She loves him but he hurt her by what he said.  You have loved him since you,were kids, first as a game and then it grew.  Isa lets her know not to let any man disrepect her at all. Isa asks if there is someone else. Yes, the person who,sent the flowers, Javier.  Ara feels bad because she doesn't  want to deceive Este. Isa gets it. Don't be fooled by the illusion of love, things, words, that is not love.

At the university
Este is still sad over the break up with Ara.  Daphe says that he said some horrible,things to her and Christian tells him that there are other fish in the sea. He notes that Ara is acting differently but he is going to fight for her.

At the restaurant
Gaby shares with Bruno that Ally visited her.   Bruno needs to come to terms with his feelings.  Gaby broke his heart and age didn't come to terms with how,she felt. He is married because he was humiliated.Gaby recognizes Feo

Padre tells Borlas to come clean to Mari about his "night" job

Daphne shares with Esteban that Ara kissed Javier

Isa and Ara have a car accident, an ambulance is called.  Ara calls Isa, mama!! She and her little brother will be fine.

Dante shows up at the De La RIva house as the new chauffeur.  Gaby is estastic.

Coming attractions:
Ara begs for forgiveness
What will happen to the baby?


Mentir Para Vivir #80 Wed 1/29/14 Cupid takes one of Leo’s arrows and aims it right at his heart; Sabe meets his velvet lined anvil (?)

Las Brujas y El Zorro
Matidle and Lila meet JL at swanky restaurant.  The ladies order drinks, but JL responsibly orders mineral water, cuz well, you know why. 

Casa de Paloma
Ricky and Ori discuss Marilu’s sudden change of heart (as Ori precariously navigates the stairs).  Ricky worries that the social worker may not give a good report to the judge who could keep Alina away from Ori.  She doesn’t want that to happen, she wants custody back now.  She’s really afraid of JL.  Ricky says this could mean another fight.  Ori is tired of arguing and resorts to her oft-repeated suggestion that maybe they just need to stop seeing each other – again.  Ricky tells her Mari-coo-coo can’t keep him from visiting his madrina who happens to be the major investor.  Ori worries this will put a bee in her bonnet and then she’ll go blab to the judge that the marriage is a sham and Ricky and Ori are having relations.  Ricky tells her to calm down and take one step at a time.  First, she must go to the judge to request custody of Alina.  That’s a given.  Now if JL protests, they’ll have to figure out how to defend themselves.  She is now Ines Valdivia   Egads – copy/paste time.  You know the drill:  If JL admits he’s Falcon, he’s cooked and as Francisco Castro, they never married.  He reminds her they agreed they’d be in this fight together to the bitter end and asks her not to give up now.   They’re smooching as Ruben shows up to visit Cesar.  He doesn’t say much but they stop smooching as Ruben heads upstairs.  Ricky assures Ori everything will turn out ok.  He tells her about Leo’s godfather’s suicide. 

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, # 57, 1/29/2014, Ale Hates Montse; Montse Hates Ale. Things are even, but will they ever get better?

Lo Refrito # 1Josefina tries to explain her understanding of Alejandro's point of view to Montse.

Lo Refrito # 2In the Living Room of Hacienda Almonte, a disbelieving Alejandro bends over the dead body of his father-in-law, Admiral Lauro Mendoza.  Ale tells Marcario to call in Lauro's chauffeur but not to tell him what happened because he (Ale) needs to make a call.  Ale exits the scene, leaving María behind to have some quality time with Admiral Mendoza's corpse:  "Maldito Viejo," she calls him, which translates directly as Bad Old Man, though if she were speaking in English she'd probably say, "Stupid Old Fart!"  María is angry at the Admiral for coming to die at the hacienda.  Some nerve!

Study o' Sh*t Going Down:  Alejandro, visibly shaken, is on the phone with his best friend, Victor.  Victor seems excited to get Ale's call, hoping it means he's calmer about the situation with Montse and is seeing things with a fresh point of view, but Ale immediately says no, he didn't call for this.  He explains what happened with the Admiral and is emotional and upset.  Ale asks Victor to help him, to call and make arrangements with a funeral home to receive the body tonight.  He (Ale) is coming to Agua Azul now and will pay for all the costs of the wake.  Victor wants to know if Ale has spoken yet with Montse.  Ale says no and that he wants to tell her in person.  
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Qué Pobres, Wednesday 1/29/14 (#18): The VICTIM Returns to the Scene of the Crime

Chuy asks, why so much fuss over a beat-up old brush? "Because it was Mom's." Chuy feels cheap!

The RPs retreat to their penthouse apartment to whine self-righteously. Mati scolds them: you're not living up to your pedigree.

Mati wanders around absently, looking for something that she's not sure what it is.

Chuy tells his kids not to be rude his old friend Aurelio's daughter-in-law and her family. JT protests: "But they're hiding..." Lupe interrupts him, preserving MA's big secret for just a tiny bit longer.

In the VIP skybox, the RPs continue to vent. They are full of complaints about these strangers who have been harboring them and feeding them, so far at their own expense. Frida is upset because the Menchacas are "carnivores" and after all, this is their grandfather's house. MA begs them again to just stay out of the Menchacas' way.

Saul smuggles MA onto the RP/Conceptos/Grupo Imperio/Televisa campus. MA hides in the backseat of the car while Saul stalls for time talking to the guard (who won't let him through the gate) until more cars pull up behind him. Then the guard has to let Saul through the gate so that the other cars can get through and he can turn around and get out.

MA hops out of the car and sneaks into Ahole's office. He swipes every potential piece of evidence he can find.

Back in Italy, Frida explains the family's financial situation to Mati.

Vilma shows up to work and notices that Ahole's office door is open. MA hides under the desk. Vilma takes the framed photo of Ahole and Mini from the desk, covers up Mini, and kisses Ahole's face. Ugh, sad. Then she calls one of the secretaries, Melina, and yells at her for leaving Ahole's door open. Melina sasses back: it's not her job to keep Ahole's office locked up. That's Vilma's job.
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Por siempre mi amor #39 1/28/14: Ugh, Art Dad is Bashing the boy we have come know as Dashing :P)


(WOW, I didn't know this was the episode where Esteban finds out 'Za cheated on him AND the car crash takes place. We're literally in for a wild ride.)
We begin with a scene with Art Dad and Isa intimacy.
Next we have FeVier faint and el Ruco and a guy lifting him onto a couch. Soni brings smelling salts and he feigns awakening from his spell followed by a unhearty laugh.
Gabs and Nick together and he asks if she has any feelings for BrunBrun left. We yell HECKS YES and she denies it all.

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Mentir Para Vivir #79 Tue 1/28/14 The Three Faces of Sybilu

At the elementary school entrance, Ricky kneels down to speak with Rhodalina.  He promises her burgers and fries after school.  Unseen, across the street, Jose Luis quietly observes the whimsical interaction between his offspring and his arch nemesis, Pretty Ricky.  The camera pans down to show a Volkswagen sized beetle.  Jose Luis thoroughly crushes the bug under his size 15 leather loafer.  Big feet!  Explains why Oriana put up with him for so long.
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Que pobres tan ricos #17: The cannon explosion or the little flame, its a matter of degrees..... and MA and Lupe continue to communicate and look the same way

Isela/Mini in white robes, as usual Isela is asking for money … they celebrate the upcoming wedding, like winning the lottery without even buying a ticket.

At attic, Frida and Leo are cleaning up/picking up, while Jose is bugging them about the place all a mess. Leo and then Frida defend themselves… then she makes fun of Jose because he said he rehearses there with his band, about him being a loser etc etc. He claims to have his fan club. Jose turns it on Leo being a rich bum. Leo takes his exit rather than receiving more lectures. Jose tells Frida his band/group has a gig tonight. They begin whistling back and forth.

MA and Lupe, her doing numbers, we owe 307,228.60. MA is very amused staring at her and smiling. She asks if it sounds good. He says yeah, well, maybe… well, more or less. He admits he was not really listening. She claims he is doing same he did back then at the restaurant. MA says did not mean to offend, she agrees, his head is at the wedding of Mini and A-hole. MA cannot admit he was thinking about that. She repeats the number. He has to talk it over with Saul. Lupe says go ahead. Here is your mensa. I will even loan you my notebook. She swears they will pay MA peso sobre peso. She wants MA to start figuring out where he will take his family. She does not want to risk trouble with the police. He swears as soon as he fixes his problems they will leave their house… forever. (he tries to get up by sliding the chair back, but he almost stumbles to floor with chair and all, but is very respectful ‘excuse me’ once he finally manages to stand up.

At some chinese restaurant, MA and Saul talk. MA is obviously affected by the wedding stuff. They order ‘whatever is in this picture’… Saul and MA talk about the magazine article. MA repeats the text from the article. Although Saul doubts it, MA tells him Lupe told him they have been seing each other for many years. Saul wants to bring the subject back to the corporate finances.

Carme and Lupe at kitchen… Carme teases Lupe about MA. ‘lo que se ve no se oculta’ (whatever can be seen with the naked eye is hard to hide)
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 56, Tues., 1/28/14: Alejandro, you are dead to me!

Aguazul, 28 de enero de 2014

Estimada Sra. NovelaMaven:

I have only recently learned of the precipitous fall of my Q score on The Patio.  As you are surely aware, I am the VICTIM of a cruel hoax.  I am a man -- A MAN -- who has been made to LOOK RIDICULOUS.  I come to you in hopes that you can rehabilitate my image and explain my behavior to your colleagues.  And I beg you to remind them that whatever I may do or say, whomever I may install at my table or my bed, I am and will continue to be the most beautiful boy in Campeche.

Alejandro Almonte

NovelaMaven replies:

Bunker of Ironic Detachment 
Patio of Lowered Expectations
January 28, 2014

Dear Cowpies for Brains:

They hurt your feelings.  Boo hoo hoo.
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Lo Que La Vida Mi Robo, Capitulo 55. 01/27/14.

Montse tells Padre Anselmo that Ale accused her of kicking it with JL under his nose.  But you know that's not true.  I know that replies Padre.  As soon as Macario told me what happened I ran to talk to him.  I tried, but unfortunately he is refused to listen to reason.  Montse says he can think whatever he wants.  I don't care.  I know that's not true replies Padre.  Who knows if I can ever forgive him for not acknowledging his child says Montse.  It hurts me to admit it, but a lot of this is my fault.  I have to accept that I lost Ale forever.  Padre tries to console her and spills the frijoles that Maria is back at the hacienda.  Are they together asks Montse.  Yes, confirms Padre.  She will poison him against you. 

Maria shouts for Dominga.  When Dominga asks her what the heck she wants Maria starts insulting her.  She says to watch her tone.  That is no way to talk to the lady of the house.  (What lady?)  Dominga gets a jab in and says she will treat Maria like the lady of the house when she actually becomes one.  (Score for Dominga).  Maria asks if it bothers her to know that she was wrong about her and Ale.  Dominga reminds her it's one thing to have Ale bring her there to console him and another for him to be hers.  Even though he may divorce Montse, I highly doubt that he would marry you.  (Score another for Dominga).  Maria reminds Dominga that she always find a way to get what she wants.  Ale comes in asking if she's ready.  Maria turns to Dominga and says he's taking her out to go shopping.  Make sure you make something scrumptious for dinner.  Maria gives Dominga a dirty look as they leave.

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Por siempre mi amor #38 1/27/14: No Puede Ser! Time for the Tin Foil Hats!!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all staying warm. We have had very nice weather here in the Northwest for the last couple of weeks, but alas, the rain has come back.

This episode was not the same as the one I watched online that was broadcast in Mexico. Some scenes were cut out and others were added at the end. Usually I watch the episode I'm recapping at least three times but because of the changes I only saw some scenes once. Hopefully I got everything right. If not, please feel free to correct in the comments.

This was kind of a downer episode, so snark is in short supply. But I did think that this is the episode where we officially enter the "TN Beanie" phase. So choose your style:

Left to right: Artsy-Fartsy, Kentucky Derby, Grandma's Metallic Yarns, Classic Hershey's Kiss

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Mentir Para Vivir #78 Mon 1/27/14 La Impostora is busted; Maddy's head explodes again

And here is the recap, in all its glory.
I apologize for the delay, this turned out to be a pretty good episode.

Alina is with the school psychologist, talking about her father. She is scared of him because he stopped laughing and playing with her as he used to do before, now he’s serious all the time. The doctor asks her to draw a picture of her family, Tito included, but Alina says that if she draws her dad, too, it would have to be while he’s kicking Tito in the behind. Such a great memory should be immortalized, so, go for it!

Mariano and Oriana are on the phone, talking about the religious service they should prepare for Homero, even if he’s not truly dead. Mariano feels that something is wrong with her and invites her to have a cheap lunch together the next day. She’s happy to share her worries with him. After he hangs up Mariano remembers that he totally loved her back when he was a member of the Plaid Brotherhood of Hermosillo.He hopes his hormones won't get the best of him when they meet.

Alina goes to see Oriana at Paloma’s after school. She shows her the picture she drew of their family (with JL included); she’s still afraid of her dad, though.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #16-1/27/14: The Beatles Addition

Hola Amguis! Little bebe steps happening between the Menchacas and the Ruiz Palacios. Skipping the refried and getting right to the meat of this episode. Recap will not be in order for better flow of the recap. Shall we begin?

Come Together, Right Now, Over Granny:
Having made their Great Escape with Granny Mati, MA and Saul bring her to the Menchacas and MA asks if she can also stay with the Ruiz Palacio's here. At first Don Chuy is like what, que??? Another mouth to feed, por favor this isn't a hotel. Granny Mati however, seems to be Don Chuy's biggest fan. She remembers all his bouts as "Hijo de Sumatra" and reminces with Don Chuy about going to his bouts with her dearly departed hubby. Don Chuy is really liking Grandma Mati.

The Fool On The Hill:
That's Ahole on the hill, er office, sitting almost on top of his computer when Vilma comes in. She wants to know if he's come up with something for this money situation. He's trying to get in touch with Adolfo, who isn't answering his calls. Just then the phone rings and Ahole thinks it's Adolfo, but in fact it is Dinora, the nurse that Ahole paid to medicate Granny Mati. He eagerly asks Dinora is she dead yet? Thanks Paula!
She informs him of Granny's escape and how they have looked all over the home for her and can't seem to find her. Ahole tells her don't worry, he'll get his people on that. Ahole tells Vilma  he doesn't care if Granny wanders around out of her mind and destitute and Dinora better not be blackmailing him. He wants Dinora to be discrete, cause this will land squarely on her head y punto!

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Monday, January 27, 2014

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS, THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del sur, La Impostora et cetera. Week of January 27, 2014

Here's your page for this week!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- SANTA DIABLA, week of January 27, 2014

I'm back! Thanks so much to Novela Maven for posting and doing the Monday recaps while I was away. I've been reading the recaps and those crazy kids in Marrero are going wild. I can't imagine what will happen this week.

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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #77 Fri 1/24/14 The Great CD Robbery: The Aftermath

Parte 1

Homero and his driver have been left for dead in the middle of the highway inside his abandoned Merc.  Jose Luis has the bulletproof briefcase that ol’ Snoops wasn’t on the ball enough to chain to his wrist.  Viewerville lets out another sigh of resignation.  Apparently Oriana and her posse are back to square one and it’ll be up to Mike the Tike to coach the Scoobie-Do crew from here on out.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #54- 1/24/14: Recuerdame

Ahoy, Amguis! The title of this recap means Remember Me. It's the new theme song of our dazed and confused, young married couple, Monse and Ale. Here is a video ear worm for y'all to listen to Recuerdame by La Quinta Estacion, it perfectly describes our sad couple's tormented life right now. As you watch this video, note the TN actress that's in it and the recording artist. They both did a theme song for another TN a couple years later. Can you name the actress, the recording artist, the TN and also the name of theme song they did for that TN?  This recap is on the fly. If I got anything wrong or left something out, please comment. Scenes will not be in order, but for a better flow of the recap.

Woke Up This Morning, Got A Blue Moon In Your Eye, Shame About It

Ale has come to Aguazul trolling the streets for BM. He finally finds her, clutched by Addled, gets out of his camionetta and proceeds to confront Addled. Ale, in his dazed state, releases a tirade Addled didn't expect. You ate my food and boinked my wife, Jose Luis Alvarez. Addled tells him he isn't Jose Luis Alvarez and BM says Jose Luis Alvarez who????

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Friday, January 24, 2014

Que Pobres tan ricos #15 01/24 (updated with more funny details) MA meets his rival; A prank attempt by Frida catches the wrong victim; MA makes daring move to protect Grandma; and the guest list at the fonda continues to expand.

MA reading the cover shot article inside the magazine ouside… reads one phrase about Mini having known all along she was meant to be with A-hole and that she always 'knew' she should not marry MA because she woul dnot be happy... ‘how can that be, I made her happy every time she came in my apartment in London !! Time and time and time and time again!!!’ then he  reads about A-hole admitting that even with his reputation as a giggolo (and the secretaries kept after him!) his heart always belonged to Ms Fontaner… then says ‘She gave her heart to me every time she came by my door in my apartment in London!! I was the love of her life! I I I I!!!

A drunk guy sees MA talking to himself with the blues and comes and hugs him and even shares his bottle with MA, who of course tries to clean the mouth of the bottle as much as he can with his sleeve and has a disgust face when taking his sip. Then almost chokes, did not like the shot at all…

Inside, Don Chuy tries to cheer AS and Leo. You can try have another sale, it is not so bad! Come down and have something to eat!… Carmelita comes by and tells Chuy Don’t bother. AS insults her 'I was selling very fine valuable things!'. Carm replies, yes, we humble folks can appreciate good value, but we don't have much money and you were trying to sell them way too expensive. Noone around here would pay an eye from their face ('un ojo de la cara' is spanish slang for saying 'a fortune') for them. Noone is willing to end up one-eyed (tuerto). AS replies that poor folks are poor on their own will. Carm asks 'then you WANT to be poor now and that is why you are here?? AS changes subject and asks them for some skim milk and croissants, but Chuy (calls her mi senora bella) says we only have bread buns (campechanas) and 'leche bronca' (I guess heavy milk)… Chuy and Carm leave. AS: And we have to deal with the crap of the popolacho… (Leo sits on bed, then AS sits and the bed begins to jump around) aahh!! This bed feels like the Titanic!

In another room, Carm and Chuy: she tells him she feels bad when they (AS and Leo ) treat him as a servant. Don Chuy says he feels bad for the Dama. Carm gets irritated: What Dama?! Damas chinas! (chinese checkers!)
 She treats you worse than her socks. You give her your room and she doesn’t even thank you. Chuy: I believe we have to help our brothers and sisters. Carm: know what is the only prob? You don’t treat us all your brothers and sisters the same. Don’t bother. And if you like to lay on floor as her carpet, I didn’t say anything.

Downstairs, Lupe runs into MA(she was looking away and walked right in his way), drops her things (insults him, calling him Menso), he was just trying to make himself a coffee. As is habit for her by now, she just feels like fighting/arguing with him. She says we only have 'de olla'. he replies 'de donde venga(wherever it comes from), de olla, de express...' any which way. need caffeine. Just show me how to use the machine and I will make it.  (she says dont bother, we cleaned up for tomorrow and I dont want you to make a mess.) (he asks what is she doing) she lights a match  and he moves back shielding himself LOL! (he finally figures she is making the coffee)  He puts a disbelief face. Down comes Frida.. She likes the smell of coffee. In comes Nepo. He thinks MA and Frida are customers… Lupe freezes and doesn’t know what to say, Frida jumps in says they are her relatives/ cousins. (Nepo is questioning Lupe never mentioning relatives) They live in the U.S.  MA: Hi… my name is Mike. Miguel Angel, glad to meet you. Nepo says his full name Nepomuceno Escandiotas… MA: seriously?? (LOL!!) … Yeah! Everyone knows me as The king of plantains!(MA turns around to smirk a giggle to Frida) To serve God... my Lupita... and you (not sure what else he mumbles with a giggle as in mocking MA a bit). Nice to meet you. Later on Nepo questions how MA feels comfortable enough to hang around the kitchen... In a move to try to draw the line with MA about Lupe, in front of MA Nepo reminds Lupe of the pending date between them. ‘Como la ve, mi "Mike"?’ MA asks Lupe how come she has not gone out with him yet. He is a fino caballero. Nepo tells MA she says she's busy and keeps him as 'the black woman's 'son'.She says yes, but does not say when.' MA giggles. Lupe finds herself in a bind, so she agrees to go out Saturday afternoon. That is good enough for Nepo. He says goodbye to ‘primos de Lupita’. Shakes MA’s hand so hard he pulls MA right over the counter… well, almost breaks every bone in MA’s hand. Then Nepo compliments Frida on her 'hairdo' 'bien gabacho' (?? LOL!) Nepo leaves, MA and Frida laugh and ask her about Nepo's name... Lupe rants at MA for telling Nepo they are her cousins. what a way to get her into another mess/problem!
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Por siempre mi amor #37 1/24/14: Have the Pepto Ready

What a nausea inducing episode...

Directo al Grano....
As always, condensed and combined for your reading pleasure.

La Fiesta De Disfraces (Near typo: Disgraces.....funny, just one letter....)
Ara has arrived like a lamb to slaughter and Favier begins his game. He sweet talks her and wants to show her what would be willing to do to have her. Ara is struck by his good looks. Ew. 

Inside, Don Gil the matchmaker  is pointing out Ileana to Dan. He introduces them and they chit chat. Dan is not into parties and doesn't like to be the center of attention. He's usually a little reserved. Ileana says she's the same way and all her friends at the university say she's cero moderna (which I assume means "a drag.")

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 53, 1/23/14 - A Little Bit of Hope and a Whole Lot of Hell

A Little Bit of Hope and A Whole Lot of Hell

Tonight’s story is bifurcated.  Hell (Hacienda Almonte) WILL have to be visited but we will be brief, enduring the suffering only as long as necessary to tell our tale. When it comes to bad neighborhoods, I say lock the doors, get in and get out; or, as SSgt Joe Friday used to say, “Just the facts ma’am.”

The section involving Angelica and Jose Luis is almost farcical in it’s optimism and relief. Jose Luis Alvarez has suffered many terrible and dangerous times—not all of them of his own making— since we began following his story. The poor bastard has not been able to catch a break for 50+ episodes. He has lived rough and greasy with his buddy Refugio. He has had severe problems in his love life, but his love horoscope right now looks excellent, but unstable. The most terrible of Jose Luis’ circumstances is that he was set up to take the fall for a murder he did not commit.

This one set of causes and conditions is primarily responsible for the situation in which Jose Luis now finds himself. He is on the run, a fugitive from in-justice and corruption. Tonight, finally, Jose Luis will get a chance to tell his sorry tale to someone who will listen, his former boss, Capitan Robledo.

At The Good Witch Glinda’s House

Jose Luis and his new girlfriend Angelica find themselves at the safe haven and home of Angelica’s Madrina Prudencia. Prudencia isn’t prudent in the least; she is a big hearted, unconventional Auntie Mame with deep pockets and strong desire to see her beloved goddaughter happy. Prudencia believes in love, with a capital ‘L’. She knows Angie has cancer and by God, she is going to move heaven or hell to see that Angelica gets her dearest wish—to be Mrs. Jose Luis Alvarez before she dies.

She has her work cut out for her. Her brother, Capitan Robledo, is berating her—he cannot believe she fell for the game of that con man Jose Luis Alvarez. He is a delinquent, a fugitive, and a criminal. He rants that he will take Jose Luis back to face justice in Aguazul and return Angelica to her parents who are desperately worried about her.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos- 1/23/14: The Bargain Basement Sale At The Menchaca Emporium Bring Lots Of Cash!

Hola, Amguis! I got about half of what was said this evening. Please feel free to fill in the blanks/correct what I got wrong. This recap will not be in any order and will be condensed. I am starting with the new and skipping the refried.

Lupe has gone on her scooter to pick up Emiliano from school. He wants to know why the RPs are living with them, they are rich aren't they? Never mind, Lupe tells him, they'll be out in a week. Lupe has come back with Emiliano and he goes upstairs while Lupe stops by to help Carmelita with the serving of the customers. MA comes down and asks her once more not to call the police, she says she gives him a week and flicks his head again. Meanwhile, Emiliano is upstairs and sees that magazine that Lupe bought. He turns the pages and is completely into a polo article he finds in it. Back downstairs, MA just wants five minutes of Lupe's time, she doesn't have time for him, she has to take care of customers and take care of Emiliano. She goes. After she leaves, MA tastes what she is making and rolls his eyes in ecstasy as he sighs Lupe's name.

MA says he's seen that pic of Ahole and Mini and AS and Leo fess up they knew beforehand. They saw Mini with Ahole but it was Leo's idea to keep it a secret. MA tells them Mini isn't important right now, their situation is. They need to find a solution. Oh, and never mention Mini's name again. The most important thing right now is that Lupe doesn't call the cops on them. He wants help from someone any one that can help.
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