Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The fetus is not mine! La Sombra Del Pasado 08/12/15 #126 (Mx 129)

Tonight's show picks up where we left off last night: Candela is ready for war, she wants payback for the abuse she suffered at the hand (that never gets old) of Severiano so she walks into his bedroom as he slumbers and points a gun at his head. Severiano wakes up and asks what she's doing, her reply? "Getting payback for what you did to me last night"- he begs her to put the gun down, she refuses and tells him she's going to kill him like the dog that he is, and then it happens. The gun goes off, missing Severiano's head by mere inches, instead a poor feather pillow meets his/her maker. RIP little pillow, RIP.
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Amores con trama #97 and #98 8/12 and 8/13

8 o'clock (CST), Wednesday night...there's a gal comes around and she makes things right!


(Look for her rrreally big recap in the comments!)


Lo Imperdonable #61 Tue 8/11/15 The Episode Eli hated to have to recap

Okay, so I hated this episode, and I'll tell you why: this is going to throw the recap a little bit out of order but I need to get this out. The last five telenovelas that I've watched all had a female in the cast suffer a sexual assault and quite frankly I find it disgusting that in 2015 writers are still so lazy that they would resort to having a someone be sexually abused in order to move the plot along.

 In last night's episode Magda fell victim to her awful husband Aaron. He raped her and in the process made me hate this show even more. Because not only has this been heavy on the slut shaming and treating the women like dirt but now they throw a rape in? Really writers? REALLY?! Think about it you guys, five novelas and all five had rapes in them, why? Are there really no better ways to tell a story than to have a woman be brutally abused? Really? Anyhoo, the recap is below and I'm personally counting down the episodes till this one is OVER.

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La Sombra del Pasado, Capitulo 125 (Mex 128), 08-11-2015: Old dogs with old tricks should remember payback's a bitch

Don Antonio has Sev where the Devil’s had so many others: on his knees, begging for his life. He wants to kill Sev like the rabid, cowardly dog that he is. He wants to kill him in the shadows where he’s committed so many of his own crimes. With no witnesses, his death will be just another unsolved crime in the trail of “not-enough-evidence” crimes that Sev’s been racking up for years. It’s what he deserves. It’s what the town deserves. Indeed, Don Antonio might be the hero Santa Lucia deserves. Sadly, it’s not to be. Sev has a saving grace and it’s name is Emanuel. By virtue of the fact that Sev fathered Eman, Don Toño won’t kill him and before he leaves, he makes sure Sev knows it. “Don’t forget this: Emanuel doesn’t owe you his life. You owe him yours.” Don Toño’s barely out of the shot before Sev is plotting revenge. “You should have killed me,” he mutters to himself, struggling to regain his composure. “You should have killed me.”
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #21 Tue 8/11/15: Hotfootin' It Back To Easy Street

It’s Friday and Maria Dolores is in her wedding dress telling Daddy up on high, as she has flashbacks to her happy childhood, that this is the day he and she always thought to share together.

At the hospital downtown, news that Ivana is in the hospital has traveled fast in the cultured and well-heeled circles, that Ivana is doing poorly.  Ursula, with Me-me-me-first Maleny in tow, has come to pay homage in hopes of winning her over again.  Ivana’s unwitting doctor lets the preggers news slip, believing it’s still all in the family and happy news for Daniel, the soon-to-be-doting daddy.

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La Sombra del Pasado #124 (Mx 127) - Mon 8/10 - Uncertainty

After Sev slaps Cande, Dominga helps her up.  Sev goes on a really bizarre rant about how Cande never loved him and that's why he sought out Roberta.  He put her on a pedestal, and now he knows she was always thinking of Padre J when she was, uh, "with" Sev.  He's acting heartbroken over it, with tears and everything, but the question is…is he really?  And more importantly, does anybody care or are we all handing him quarters?  Cande taunts Sev with "At least he's a whole man, and I don't mean your missing arm."  I suppose she means his soul.  Sev taunts back with "At least I'm a real man and not one who put on a cassock rather than fighting for the woman he loves.  But of course, he doesn't know what a woman is."  Totally thought he was going to end that with "of course, he never loved you."  Missed a primo opportunity there, Sev.  He continues his tantrum alone in his office, downing a drink and breaking the glass in his hand.

Don Camilo talks to the cops about the afternoon Adelina died.  And BTW, he thinks Sev did it.  Incompetente barely restrains himself from rolling his eyes.

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Lo Imperdonable #60 Mon 8/10/15 Yeah, but you should see the mosquito!

What goes up must come down, including Marty's mood.

Over breakfast, Marty and Vero are all lovey-dovey as they chat about their new house (which will have a room for Matilde, natch).  Marty wants her to see the plans he has drafted, so he steps away for a moment to get them.  Meanwhile,  Matilde joins Vero at the table.  The women get to talking about Poor Emi and The Ginny Problem.  "I know she'll never be able to make him happy," Vero says.  

Uh oh. Marty has returned and overheard the conversation.

"And who do you think could make him happy?" he asks grimly.

Go figure.  Now that she's really sick, she fakes being well.
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Monday, August 10, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #20 Lunes, 8/10/15

I don't usually get rattled, but I'm glad I didn't have to be around for the honeymoon. There are some things that defeat the strongest stomachs. Even war would be better than this.

Nothing is worse than desperation. And there's too much of that right now.

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Amores con trampa #95 and #96 8/10 and 8/11

First: My recording cut off just as Fac was going to open the door. WHO WAS THERE????????

Second: “Antes Muerta que Lichita” premieres Tuesday Sept. 22. Surely we will see the Ultimas Semanas announcement soon.

Third: This is from memory, sooooo out of order and really, really short....

Rocio remembers that Isa has the code to the boutique. Despite Fac trying to stop her, Maria goes to Isa’s house and accuses her of breaking in and tearing up the store. Isa denies it. She is not a common thief.

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There’s a whole lot of stock shtick going on in Bajo el mismo cielo these days (the Evil Blondes who deny their roots [pun intended], say, or Low Self-Esteem Girl falling for the Probably Not Totally Bad Boy).  But it’s still a remarkable show, I think, for two reasons:

-First, because its story is told from the perspective of the undocumented Mexican immigrant.  I can’t recall another story voiced this way.  Can you?

-And second, because the characters of Carlos, Adela and Luis – the moral core of the story – are beautifully written and acted.

I’m so glad you are watching this one and talking about it here.  I’m looking forward to reading what you have to say this week.

Fans of Avenida Brasil and El Señor de los cielos – let’s hear from you!

Everyone – have a great week! 

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La Vecina-Highlights and Discussion #35-39 Aug. 10-14

I'm back to work! I don't foresee being able to do a recap until Wednesday. Please feel free to discuss to your heart's content.

Here are a few things from last week....

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¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!?

Hola Carayites!

Last week on Caray, Caray!...

Changes are coming to the Univision lineup.  La Sombra del Pasado is in Ultimas Semanas.  The replacement show will be Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse, starring Livia Brito and Jose Ron.  Check out Sara's synopsis and my Help Wanted ad for further details.

Coverage continues for Amores con Trampa , Lo Imperdonable, Yo No Creo En Los Hombres , and La Vecina.

On Telemundo, you'll find recaps and discussions about Bajo el Mismo Cielo and other shows.

In general blog news...
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Sunday, August 09, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #19 Fri 8/7/15: Wham, Bam, What a Sham

Parte 1~~

Daniel catches his mistake and glibly promises to marry Maria Dolores in a proper church as soon as they might be able to, mourning and the added expense being his two major considerations.  Mama Esperanza and MD are glad to hear it—and in the end both women say sí, sí, sí as Viewerville screams at the screen, “--Oh no, no, no!!!!!”

Gerry is coaxing Ivana out of bed.  (We note the matching purple in Gerry’s choice of shirt and Iva’s nightgown which serves to confound those of us in Viewerville who are currently laying bets as to which team talented Gerald bats for.)  Work has never betrayed her, so alright.  She’ll go back today.

In the barrio, a nurse and her AA sponsor arrive at Honoria’s home to help out with Fermin’s illness.  Honoria is shocked to see two respectable-looking individuals there instead of the two drunks she thought their doctor seemed to be advocating.  Oooops!  Her bad.

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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Lo Imperdonable #59 Fri 8/7/15 The Makeup, The Breakup, And The Engagement

(scenes out of order and combined) 

Alternative Title: Will The Character Who Isn't An Idiot Please Raise Their Hand...

The Makeup
Vero wanted Marty to look her in the eyes and tell her that he truly believes that she never had anything to do with Dem. Marty NEVER does this. Instead, he sweet talks himself out of the situation -- he tells her how love wonderful is because it heals all wounds -- and he also tells her that he's never loved anyone as much as he loves her. Vero for a like a second tells him that there's no point in the two getting back together if he does not trust him. But as expected she falls for the sweet talk and caves in. The two kiss and makeup once again without resolving any of their issues. For now all is well with them until the next time Crazy Marty makes an appearance which is bound to happen sooner or later. (more on this later...)

Meanwhile in her hotel room, Matilde lights a candle to La Virgencita and prays that Vero finds happiness at the side of a good man. The next morning, she wakes up to find that Vero's bed has not been slept in. Where could her precious niña be? Matilde's prayers have been answered (at least for now) because Vero is with Marty in his room. The two have spent the night together and Marty watches her sleep. She wakes up and kisses him. She asks him to promise her that he'll NEVER do anything to make her want to be far away from him. He promises (and over at The Patio we take on bets on how long it'll be before he breaks this promise just like he has broken all the other promises he has made before). He has her promises that she'll always love him and she promises. The two kiss. 

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Friday, August 07, 2015

Amores con Trampa #94 Aug 7, 2015 And Porfirio's secret is finally out! (yikes!!) and Maria and Florencio save the day for Facu... even if he does not like it

Estefi runs to Facu, is very nervous about them leaving. What if you stay behind? (she even makes him fall and of course she drops right on top of him
Perpetua brings Porfirio some eggs…he is glad she came, he wants to talk to her about something important. Something you and I lived before… about MY WIFE and YOUR HUSBAND many many years ago!  (whoa!! Stop the presses!! Did he say what he just said??)  Perpetua does not want to talk about the past… he says no use trying to cover the past… it will come to the surface any moment now… he wants the family to know the truth, the whole truth… She is so against it she just walks away on him.  He tells himself that he does not know what will happen with the family but that secret will come out sooner or later.
Facu gets Estefi off him. She feels bad, she feels like they are her family.  She would even go with him (I mean, with ALL of you! … to the end of the world)…  you all are my family!
Beto talks  with Maria and Jacinto.   Maria says maybe we don’t have to leave. I have an idea, but I need you (Beto) to help me with it! 
Facu looks for Maria all over the house, but he can’t find them. Perpetua tells him Maria and Beto left a while ago. They only said that they had to do some errands related to the store… Facu had thought she would go with him to the signing of the documents about the company.  Perpetua asks him if he is sure he wants to just turn the company over to that crappy guy Velasco.  Facu says it’s a done deal.  Porfirio asks where his Concha is… She went to the market, and he says too bad I did not know, would have gone with her to eat a campechada…   Facu and Perpetua joke and laugh about Porfirio ALWAYS thinking of food.
On his way out Facu meets the Italian lady who turns out to be Isa’s mom.  She flirts with him a bit too. She casually demands him to give her some of his time and attention. She even invites him to go to dinner at some restaurant she knows… later.   She will wait for him with open arms… eh… open stomach.    Facu says better wait for me while sitting down… (LOL!)
Santee and Isa are already at the company.  They are basically thinking it’s a done deal.  Isa greets the receptionist.  Felipe comes and is surprised Isa is there.  Isa came to accompany Santee to celebrate the beginning of their new life.  Facu arrives.  Feli says we are ready, Esteban is finishing up the papers. Esteban comes out saying it is all ready.  They all go into Facu’s office… Santee and Isa trail them a bit to do a celebratory march into the office… they basically wrestle each other to go in the office door first. 
Esteban gives the papers to Facu.  Facu signs reluctantly after Esteban gives him one last warning to read what he is signing so there are no misunderstandings later.  In run Beto and Maria… Don’t sign!!!! (reminds me of a scene in The Goonies movie). Maria asks if he signed. Yup.  Maria grabs the papers and rips them to pieces. She announces to Isa that she won’t let them make a fool of him again.   Santee gets angry, they have no money to finish the product/work… Beto announces they have a new investor who will put as much money as they need.  Santee is in disbelief… WHO??  (Florencio makes his entrance) YO!!!
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La Sombra del Pasado #123 (Mex 126) 8-7-15 Valeria the Skankster Strikes Out and Sev's Anvils Line Up!

We begin with the end of the conversation at Cande’s bedside where Cris asks her upfront if she was an accomplice to the lie that Sev told about how he lost his arm.  He asks if she knew that Sev did not loose his arm in an accident with a plow or some such but rather that Raimundo Alcocer hacked him with a machete.  Cande says she didn’t know.  She always suspected his story but she didn’t want to know the details or become involved in such a disturbing event.  Cris takes Cande’s hand.  He shares his fear that he is losing the respect he had for her and Sev forever, he feels so deceived and betrayed.  Cande says she would do anything in her power to change how he feels but she cannot defend Sev because she doesn’t know what his real thoughts and motives are.  Cande swears she loves Cris with all her heart and it hurts her deeply this abyss that has grown between him.  Cris drops her hand and leaves her side, he is unmoved and unconvinced and leaves her room with his single tear still in place.  Ah, Candela, for once you tell the truth [she DIDN”T know how Sev was really severed] and your beloved Cris doesn’t believe you.

PadreJ and Aldonza talk at ES.  PJ is concerned that Eman is not there.  Aldonza thinks he’s exaggerating:  Eman can’t be with her 24/7 as if he’s her body guard!  Padre relents but insist Eman have more of a presence with her.  He tells her of his plan to do a mass for Adelina, Raimundo and Roberta and convinces her to not leave Roberta’s remains alone in the church:  if her own daughter can’t forgive her, how does she expect anyone else to?  She agrees.  Their remains will be together and he will do the mass before he leaves Santa Lucia.  She would like the mass to be private and absolutely agrees that Eman will be there.  Aldonza asks if the results from Adelina’s autopsy are back.  PJ is sure they are but he doesn’t know the details but will follow up for sure. 
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Capitulo 18 Thurs 08/06/2015: Why are the slimy ones so good at their job?

I'm desperately sorry this is so late! Next week I'll be far more timely, I promise! I apologize for the typos and editing too; I'm running on very little sleep and I want people to be able to discuss the eppy.

After Max stupidly admits that he said he wanted to “play” with her, MD doesn’t give him a chance to explain himself and kicks both him and Daniel out. “I’m not some rich boy’s toy!” Max and Leo leave right away, but Daniel lingers to say that Max is on Ivana’s side because they’re friends and he won’t be able to give Maleny all she wants by himself. MD remains firm in telling him to get out, but she still loves him in her head.

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An alternative way to view the feeds

Experimental Index for Sombra

If this works, we have an alternative way to look at the feeds that would help IE and Chrome users. Even if you're not watching Sombra, please take a look when you have some time and give me some feedback on how this would work for you.
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This has to be a non-politics zone. So: no politics

We lost a couple wonderful bloggers (and almost lost a couple more) an election cycle or two ago when politics started to intrude into blog posts and comments.

This is NOT a forum for political beliefs. Political comments will be removed. Thanks for your understanding.

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Weekend Discussion: First Annual Televisa Perversity Pageant (Men's Division)

We're getting into some seriously poisonous stuff with our latest round of Televisa villains. Lately it seems that the growing influence of male writers is resulting in more perverse male villains than we used to know 10 years ago. Therefore we are now in the finals of our first-annual Perversity Pageant (Men's Division).  Who should get the Crown of Fire?
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