Friday, July 13, 2012

Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains -- More Parental Toxicity

Dirty Dozen #2: Toxic and Controlling Fathers

The other side of toxic parenting is the Controlling Father. While his female counterpart typically controls through guilt or other forms of emotional blackmail, he typically controls through the purse strings, sometimes also with keys and locks; insults and emotional blackmail are often his last resort. Most are wealthy and powerful, some are insecure and merely selfish, and some still are perverse.  Not as common as the Controlling Mother and usually less deadly, but perversion can compensate for that.  Some of these are candidates for redemption, although most usually pay the ultimate price.

It is rather surprising also, that this is the province of specialists and there are fewer actors cast in these series-length roles than for controlling mothers.  Why do you think this is?  I think it must be the deep voices.

Who is the most evil of them all?

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Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekend Discussion: Controlling Mothers, Part II

Maternal Monsters, Part II

There are way more of these than perhaps any other female villain because they can play so many cards in the game of control. Guilt, money, religion; even sex isn't exempt from their repertoire in their attempts to control their teen or adult children. I was hoping to compile another Dirty Dozen, but some of these are so spectacularly evil it just couldn't wait. Please provide any more details if you can.
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Friday, June 29, 2012

Weekend Discussion: A Study of Novela Villains, Part One

Villains.  Where would melodramatic telenovelas be without them? As in grand opera, they are colorful and over-the-top evil, with grand gestures and outrageous fashions on the women and basso-profundo voices on the men. They come in distinct (stereo)types and for our purposes we will discuss them by classification. Therefore we will examine a series of Dirty Dozens to determine who is the most evil within each. Controlling parent villains will also include their usual surrogates (steps, uncles, aunts, grands), peers will include same-sex siblings, and there is a third category yet to be named. This week's Dirty Dozen – in this author's mind – is perhaps the most lethal of them all:

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Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekend Discussion: Videos for those who aren't into football

If you aren't into football and don't care who wins the Super Bowl, here are some excellent items to choose from for weekend viewing.  Open a bottle of your favorite wine, get some nice cheese, crusty bread, and fresh fruit and enjoy the finest drama -- or comedy -- to be found online.

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Weekend Discussion, 5/19/17: Toxic Mothers, Round III

Now that we're past Mother's Day, it's time to review some of those that are undeserving of such honor. Do any of them come up to the level of Catalina Creel of Cuna de Lobos? Let's talk about this:
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 21: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 154: We’re now officially in las últimas semanas and tonight, instead of Grimm’s Tales, we get grim tales: the only one smiling is Malicia; and Natalia finds her way home. Again.
We open the episode at Casa Ferrer where Marisa complains to Rosa that Leo and Lucas have abandoned ship and now no one is looking for Natalia. Someone has to stop her from doing harm to her baby. She can’t involve the police because they would arrest Nati for using drugs. Maybe she should hire a detective to find her and bring her home. But why, wonders Rosa, didn’t Leo’s doctor do a pregnancy test when Natalia was hospitalized? (Good question!)

Enrique reminds us that recovery depends on the addict and not on those who are trying to help him.

Carolina is with Clara at the stripped-down house when a strange scary guy shows up looking for Fernando. (Why do they let him in?) He tells Clara that if Fernando doesn’t pay him what he owes, he’ll pay himself with whatever he can! And he leers menacingly at Clara. When he leaves, Caro urges her friend to call the police.

Again Enrique: I was numb when reality came knocking on my door. Reality also knocked on my family’s door, but they weren’t numb to the pain.

As Caro is encouraging her friend to tell Escobar what happened, Rogelio calls. Clara tells him she can’t go on the trip to Paris with him. After the call, Clara tells Caro that she can’t be away just now. Fernando may need her.

Natalia is walking down the street with Paula, telling her she will raise her child by herself. She’ll get a job. As what? Paula wants to know. A crack dealer? Nati tells her she speaks three languages… Paula’s attention is diverted when she catches sight of Fernando. She attacks him like a rabid pit bull. (The Many Moods of Paula -- spin-off possibilities?)

Enrique tells us how the addict loses all sense of reality as very quickly is close to hitting bottom. He has to make a choice: live or die. And to chose life, he has to acknowledge the power his addiction has over him.

Back at Gloria’s, Andrea and Alejandro continue their conversation. Alejandro is ready to bring Nati home, even if he has to tie her up to do it. He is surprised by Andrea’s question:
¿Será que ese hijo es tuyo? Do you think the child is yours?
Why would you ask that, Alejandro wants to know. She admits that she just doesn’t know about Natalia’s life right now. Alejandro asks where Andrea last saw her so he can go out looking for her.

At Albieri’s clinic, Anita looks pityingly at Escobar. Luisa has no sympathy:
No fue por falta de aviso. Él se lo busco.
It wasn’t because no one warned him. He brought it on himself.
Escobar calls Malicia but hangs up when she answers and tells them: Voy a buscar un abogado. (I’m going to look for a lawyer.) Anita smiles. It's the first sensible thing she's heard him say.

At Salamandra, Zein has been watching Malicia. Who called? he asks with a smile. Someone who doesn’t like my voice, I guess, she answers playfully.

As usual, Malicia is listening in while Rogelio complains to Zein that Clara backed out of their trip to Paris at the last minute without offering any explanation. He has bought the tickets, reserved the hotels, everything! Zein, who seems to subscribe to the “Love the One You're With” philosophy, tells him he has time to find himself a nice companion. Malicia has entered the scene by this time and confides dreamily that she has always wanted to go to Paris. And when she leaves, Zein says to Rogelio: Why not invite Malicia?

At Empresas Ferrer, Carolina is advising Clara to tell Rogelio the truth about her situation, but Clara can’t find the courage to do so.

Leo is irritated that Roberto seems to be dragging his feet on writing his demanda. Of course, that's because Enrique is the one writing it. And everyone's favorite passive-aggressive has, indeed, finished the job. He hands it to Roberto for his inspection. It's estupenda says Roberto. Enrique takes another swig from his flask. (The therapy hasn't quite done the trick, has it?)

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa takes a phone call from Alej and tells him there’s no news on Nati. Lucas comes home in a foul mood. He can’t stop thinking about what Dora told him – that Daniel is (also) obsessed with Jade – and he calls Clara: Get me a ticket to Morocco, he tells her. For today, if possible. Marisa watches and shakes her head. She can’t understand how he can leave precisely at this minute when his daughter needs him. He says:
Tengo que hacer algo por mí. Ya no aguanto más!I have to do something for myself. I can’t take it anymore!
He goes on, now clearly over the border and in Rant country: What do you want me to do to show I’m a good father? Kill myself? Then you can all be happy with the copy!

Nati has no sense of how she looks to ‘normal people’. Like most pregnant women, she now looks at children with far more interest than she used to. Unfortunately, as she approaches little kids in the street, they back away and their mothers threaten to call the police. When she is attracted by the window display in a toy store, the security guard won’t let her inside.

In Fez, we see Jade doing the candelabra dance. At first she seems weirdly alone. But then the camera shows Said scowling. Then there is Zein watches with an unreadable expression. Next is the dazzled Daniel. And finally -- a love-struck Lucas. Jade is overwhelmed as the four surround her and move closer. She screams… and she wakes up to find Said worriedly attending her while Alí, Zoraida and Rania stand by. Said will buy their tickets for Miami, he says, maybe they can even leave today.

When Alí and Said have left, but Rania is still skulking in the background, (like Malicia, Rania is always listening) Jade tells Zoraida she has to go to the ruins one last time to say good-bye. Zoraida tries to stop her but cannot.

Then Rania comes out from the shadow and with a nasty smile says: ¿Jade va a encontrar con el occidental? …Tío Alí y Said van a saber de eso! (Jade’s meeting with the occidental? Uncle Alí and Said are going to hear about that).

Jade and Daniel are at the ruins.

Lucas is just getting ready to leave Casa Ferrer, when Nati shows up: Papá, ayúdame (help me) she says and then collapses in his arms.

Jade and Daniel are kissing.

Lucas carries Natalia to the couch, and sets her down with her head in Marisa’s lap. I don’t want to die, says Natalia. Her parents assure her that all will be well and they will take care of her.

Jade and Daniel are still kissing.

Rania accuses Zoraida of conspiring with Jade. She is going to tell Said everything. When Alí enters, Rania takes great pleasure in telling him that Jade went to the ruins to meet the occidental. Zoraida says it’s not so. Alí reminds Rania that when you accuse someone without sufficient proof, you are the one who deserves punishment. And what about silent witnesses? shoots back Rania. Allah will see to them, answers Alí.

Alí’s not happy about this. He laments to Zoraida that for all the things he’s done to cover for Jade, Perdí mi lugar en el paraíso. (I lost my place in heaven). Not so, Zoraida assures him:
Su corazón va a pesar más que las culpas. (Your (good) heart is going to carry more weight more than your faults.)

Alí is going out. If Said comes home before I do, he instructs Zoraida, tell him Jade went out with me. Rania watches and burns. Right here on earth.

And back at the ruins, a strange encounter of the clone kind continues. Jade thinks she is talking to Lucas and Daniel keeps telling her he is his very own self. She managed to forget him – why did he have to come back and make her remember? She’s not 18 anymore and she wants to be with her daughter. The puzzled but persistent Daniel declares his love over and over. As they are kissing (again!), Alí appears. He thunders:
¡Jade! No puede ser! ¡Otra vez lo mismo! (Jade, this can’t be. The same thing again!)
To Daniel he says:
¿A qué viniste? ¿Quién te controla a ti? (Why did you come? Who’s controlling you?)
Go back where you came from!

Daniel slips away and Alí grabs Jade roughly by the arm. This is your last chance, he tells her. Make your future or bury yourself in the past.

Enrique reproaches Roberto for telling Amalia about the clone. What were you thinking? She’s a journalist! Enter Carolina with Escobar. The chump has come to Roberto for legal advice about his pilfered apartment. (Too bad, since Roberto seems to be singularly ineffectual as a lawyer. He may be the Worst Attorney in Miama (TWAIM) He should be asking Enrique!)

I want to have my baby, Natalia tells her parents, and she wants to stop using drugs. All you need is will power, says Lucas. You’re a strong person, says Marisa. (We have to assume that they are just talking to fill in the silence. At this point, neither can be serious.) Natalia takes out her remaining stash and hands it over to Lucas.

They go up to her room. She asks her parents to remove anything that she could use to hurt herself or the baby, and then lock her in the room. Ignore my screams, she tells them. (She does sound serious.)

Enrique reminds us that in the struggle between him and drugs, the drugs always won. They were stronger than he was. To battle them, the addict needs something larger to hold on to – religion, psychotherapy, something…

Nati is screaming and tearing up the room…

… My family suffered, says Enrique, but I did too. Withdrawal was so painful…

Nati is screaming: ¡No me voy a morir! (I’m not going to die!)
Marisa, Lucas and Rosa stand miserably on the other side of the door. Why us, why my daughter, wails Marisa.

Lucas has talked to Enrique. If Natalia will enter treatment voluntarily, he can arrange admission to rehab. It’s the only way to save her life.

Credits roll.


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #161 Tuesday 12/6/11 In Which We Examine Love In Its Many Telenovela Guises, Complete With Subjective Anvil Scores*


*Anvil scores are non-rigorous, non-scientifically derived, utterly subjective prognostications predicting the likelihood that a couple will be together or an individual character will be alive at the end of the CME Ultimo Capitulo.
0= “No likelihood of survival for the couple or individual” and 5= “Will absolutely make it”.

Tonight’s episode is not so much about plot as it is about atmosphere. Here we have an opportunity to slow down and examine the experiences of our characters.
Key points reprised from last night:

• Augustin and Anibal continue to cohabit, at Augie’s convenience and under Anibal’s rules;
• Fina, Blanca and Roberta watch Dr. Deadmorals osculate a check
• Roberta and Germy have already made use of the love nest and Roberta wants MORE
• Jero gives Renata the ultimate proposal of marriage at night, with fireworks, wine and grape stomping fun
• Jero and Nata are getting married again, on Viernes.


Anibal and Alison are holding and getting to know their respective pillows. Actually each is imagining their pillow as the other, and they talk, kiss converse and remember with the almohadas. Music plays, “Alguien, que me tome como soy”. The kids are adorable. This is young love, as sweet as it gets.

Anvil Score (couple)= 4. I’ll give Anibal and Alison an 80% likelihood of being together at the end of the show. For life, not so likely.

At La Bonita Renata and Jero are rolling around in bed, literally. They giggle and flirt as Renata drinks the glass of water that she sent Jero to fetch for her in yesterday’s episode. Really, she just wanted the scoop on Matilde and Carlos’ big blowup. They talk about “horrible” jealousy and “more painful” lies with their bad consequences and start down the slippery conversational slope of their own previous jealousies. Luckily, we are only treated to a quick refrito of those past destructive moments (Jero’s jealousy at Renata being sent to Augustin’s by her father and for her own protection and Renata’s jealousy when she sees Jero kiss Marina). Quickly Jero and Renata agree to cease and desist that topic of conversation and go back to loving embraces.

Anvil Score (Jero and Renata) = 5. These two are bound to be together happily ever after.

In the maid’s bedroom, Coni is with Amparito. Alas, the bebe is crying.

Ines and her husband talk over Constanza’s insane (but understandable) behavior with Corina and Trojan Baby Amparo. Husband, always the lawyer, reminds Ines that she is just a volunteer at El Centro Esperanza but Constanza is now the sister-in-law of Regina, the founder and director. It is a delicate situation, he says.

Anvil Score (couple)= 5. They are a great example of mature married love in the TN.

Next morning, DF

Julieta, Adri y Matias are having breakfast and conversation regarding the proposal that she run Chema’s restaurant. Julieta has talked with her father and sister and they will visit with Chema’s dad about their decision. Julieta then drops the bomb that she saw Roberta entering an apartment in her building at night. “Ay,” says Adri rolling her eyes to heaven, “Do not do this”.

Anvil Score (couple) =5. I think Adri and Matias will be a couple at the end of the show. Renata’s best friend, her “cousin” in a relationship with her stepbrother, all good, if a little incestuous.
Anvil Score (Julieta)=4. Julieta should make it to the end.

DF and Ensenada
Meanwhile, back at Palacio Gonzolo, Roberta embraces Gonzolo and Regina and welcomes them home from their honeymoon. Roberta says everything is going great at Empresa, she’s learning, etc. Liar, liar pants on fire, Roberta. Just then Renata calls on the phone and invites them all to come to Ensenada for the upcoming Friday wedding. At La Bonita Jero is horsing around and tickling Renata like a teenager. Renata is ecstatic on the phone—this time they are getting married without deceptions, without lies and with sincerity. Jero continues to tease Renata and call out to Gonzolo over the phone, “Father-in-law. My dear father-in-law!” Another cute scene. Jero stands on the edge of the sofa and pretends to fall on Renata, who is convulsed with giggles. These actors are having a lot of fun with the end of this TN. Back in the Palace, at hearing her sister’s good news Roberta grimaces like a cat with a fish bone caught in its throat.

Anvil Score (Gonzo and Gina)=5. These two need to be around to help with the grandchildren, no? David in IN?

Anvil Score (Roberta)=1. I think Roberta is too far gone to be redeemed, even in TN land. There is a slight possibility that she might donate an organ and save her sister but…nah, I don’t think so.

Anvil Score (the wedding happening on Viernes) =0. Between Augustin, Fina, Roberta and Marina I give his wedding NO CHANCE of coming off without a hitch. Anyway, Renata and Jero are still married in the Church, so who cares?

More musical montage with Alison and Anibal flirting and kissing, running through the winter spare vines, splashing one another in a pool, sliding on a children’s slide and playing in the wine crushing vats. More young love.

Elsewhere at La Bonita, Carlos is hobbling along chasing Herminia and Matilde. He calls after Matilde not to be infantile. But she won’t talk to Carlos and triangulates through Herminia to tell “this gentleman” that she does not desire to speak with him. The subject of Prescila is broached and Carlos tells Matilde that Prescila only WORKS at La Bonita. Matilde flounces away leaving a clearly frustrated Carlos in her dust.

In her bedroom with the acid green walls, Roberta calls Auggie to tell him about the impending nuptials. Next FRIDAY. Predictably, Augustin blows a gasket. After hanging up the phone he brushes rudely past Anibal who just happens to be at the door of his study. He jumps to the conclusion that Anibal was eavesdropping. Anibal says no, and Augie tells him he has to go to town.

Anvil Score (Augustin)= 0. He is multiple murderer and he gloated about Zeke. Furthermore, I hate his taste in coats. He dies, badly.

Inside La Bonita Renata snags Matilde and pulls her aside for a cozy little chat. Renata heard the fight between she and Carlos, heard the shouts. Matilde tells Renata that Carlos lied to her about Prissbutt. “I understand perfectly,” says our empathic Renata, but you are no saint yourself, Mati. Don’t permit this situation to ruin your relationship. It’s foolish. (Go, Renata!) Renata starts in on a lecture about the perils of jealousy. She points out that…Finally she reminds Matilde of the far reaching effects of jealousy. It has had consequences for Renata. How? Asks Matilde. Renata draws a deep breath and says “Because of jealousy and because of not speaking, Jero began his relationship with Marina. And now the consequences (call them twins) are irreparable. Think about it! She warns Matilde. This may be my favorite scene in the TN.

In the next room Carlos has come back in the house after chasing Matilde. He is raving at Jero about Matilde. Matilde has given Carlos an ultimatum—it’s her or the heifer. Jero asks if Prissybutt is important to Carlos. Carlos, in what I think is a somewhat evasive answer says “Si!” and holds up his bandaged hands. He remarks that he can’t do his job without her. (Really? I doubt that MiCharlie).

Jero tells Carlos he had better figure something out and he has to do it on his own.

Anvil Score (couple)=4. I am optimistic about Mati and Carlos. If, as they say, men marry their mothers then Carlos had found someone in Matilde to equal his controlling and histrionic mother. Prissybutt hasn’t got a chance again THE HEADBAND.

Anvil Score (Prissybutt)=2.5. Likely alive but out of the picture.

Gonzolo returns to Empresa and falls into the welcoming arms of Matias, Honorio and Adri. Hons says he looks great, totally healed. Gonzo says it is all because of LOVE. Love heals, blah, blah, blah. The group discusses the news about Renata and Jero. They have had their problems and setbacks, but they are having a wedding next Friday. Everyone needs to be there. Hugs all around. The smarm meter is starting to overheat as we change scenes into Regi/Gonzo’s house of the stone balls, where Ines is hugging Gina and welcoming her back from her honeymoon. Her only disappointment is that her Mother wasn’t there to enjoy this moment. (More of Fina’s dastardly deeds). Ines hates to tell Regina but there are problems with Constanza. Don’t tell me it has something to do Corina and that bebe! says a furious Regina.

Cut to Honorio calling Cons. She is all dressed up (as usual) with her pretty feet in high platform shoes stretched out on the twin bed in the guestroom, holding said bebe. Hons tells her that Renata and Jero are having (yet another) wedding in Ensenada next Friday and Gonzo want the whole family to attend. She should get her clothes and things ready to go. Coni equivocates, she is very happy for Renata but doesn’t know if she can go to the wedding. Honorio really loses it now. “Constanza are you listening to me”, he yells. Yes, she is listening but what is she supposed to do with Amparita? Hons hits the roof. You mean you are not going to Renata’s wedding because of this creature”? “I don’t know”…Coni starts again. Honorio is beside himself,” This is not your responsibility! Where is her Mother? Call that woman right away and tell her to come and get the baby!” Again, Coni hesitates… but Hons tell her that her priorities are all wrong. If she prefers to take care of the baby—who is not hers! —Over going to the wedding of her niece, it is her problem not his. He slams down the phone.

Anvil Score (couple)= 4. I think Honorio and Coni will work it out. They may have to adopt a child but…

Cut back to Gonzo/Gina manse. I cannot believe it, Gina rants to Ines and she pours her a cup of coffee. She explained everything to Coni. This is not how they do business in the Center. Ines gently reminds Gina that Coni is now her sister-in-law and this complicates things a bit Gina is going to talk to Constanza.

Another photo and music montage. This time it is sweet moments Laz and Kari’s DF honeymoon. For my money, they are the cutest couple on four feet. The city is huge they have discovered. Their four feet are sore from all the walking. They canoodle on a park bench while taking a much-needed break from sightseeing. More music. More love.

Anvil Score (couple)=5. These two have been through too much not to make it. Nesme is still out there like a black cloud on the horizon but Super Laz will prevail!

Meanwhile, a guy who looks like a really mean Mexican Jesus is giving Nesme a (well-earned) hard time. Nesme is at the jail bars looking threatening and miserable when bad-Jesus winds him up. “It’s visiting day, and no one came to see you and I. You are alone like a dog”. I take exception to Bad-Jesus’ simile comparing Dr-I-only-die-my-hair-on-top (thank you r la O) to un perro. No dog deserves such a comparison! Nesme bends his nose against the jail bar to express his despair. “Kari. You will always be mine”. Maybe not, Alvaro.

Anvil Score (Nesme)=0. Nesme has to go. There is no redemption for this dirtbag.


Jero and Renata sit on bench outside Padre Severino’s house waiting for Antonio. Renata is nattering, shall she dress in normal or wedding attire? Marina comes to the door and hears Renata y Jero discussing the wedding, flirting, and declaring their endless love for one another. Marina is stricken and grabs her non-existing bump as outside Renata laughs. Antonio arrives and Renata goes to help him with the children’s fingerprint project.

Anvil Score (Marina)=1. I hope I am wrong, but this weekend’s musings on the CME board convinced me that Marina may be a goner.

Anvil Score (Antonio)=2.5. Antonio could be collateral damage in another wedding shoot out. I only give him a 50/50 chance of making it to the finale.

At La Cruz Saul defends his poor performance with Marina to Augustin. Saul protests that he has only seen her three times. “This is your last opportunity”, Augie snarls to him as he hands him more money.

Anvil Score (Saul)=2. If Saul irritates Augustin he might just go the way of previous Dunant henchmen. Bye bye, Saul.

Prescila and Carlos are working. Prissybutt pretends to be concerned about Carlos and offers to talk to Matilde. Trust in me, Charlie.

Marina sees Antonio. Marina is seriously depressed. (What is new?) Antonio goes to the cafeteria to join Renata for the fingerprint project. He gets a full set of fingerprints from her as they chat with two of the cutest kids ever.

Another music and photomontage. Matilde is recalling her courtship with Carlos. He asks her to marry him with a Crackerjack ring. She encounters Prissybutt who tells her that she does not want to cause problems for MiCharlie and she will go to a hotel. Carlos later encounters Pricilla in her room packing her suitcase.

Coni’s house.

Regina meets Coni to talk about El Centro Esperanza and the situation with Amparita. “She is not your daughter”, Regina tells Connie. Corina has responsibility for her. Regina reiterates that Coni’s behavior is breaking all the rules. Regina threatens to report Amparita to DIF. (Anybody know if this is child protective services or the police? Another agency?). Later Honorio tells Gonzolo about Coni’s behavior. “My sister adores Renata. I’ll talk to her”, declares Gonzo.

Marina has gone to see Saul at this hotel. She tells him, “I do not accept your proposal but I will accept your help getting out of this place”. Ta dummm.

It appears that other recappers will get to choose Anvil Scores for Fina, Blanca, and several other characters. Good luck and happy scoring to all!

Vivi intruding here. DVRs and VCRs may have cut off since our show went a bit over, so I'll add the final scene that our show ended on: Augie comes upon Nata at the cafe working on the fingerprint project. She keeps her distance as they chit chat about Jero being free, and she points out that it was Augie's fault that Jero was thrown in jail in the first place, in Augie's quest to clear his name. And he didn't even really do that yet. Augie says his conscience is clear, and people just like to envy a "winner" like him. Jero walks up with the paperwork from the courthouse for the Friday wedding. He embraces and kisses Nata and then begins to wax poetic about his love for Nata, clearly in an attempt to annoy the hell out of Augie. It works. He's so happy with his mujer, that he invites Augie to their Friday wedding. Augie is NOT amused.

Avances: Jero is not happy with Marina's plans to leave. Nata is ticked at Jero and tells him to let Marina go if she wants to go!


Monday, October 08, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #129 Mon 10/8/12 5 Months Later Brings-- 2 Baby Showers, 1 Early Baby, and a Papa and Grandpa 1/2 a World Away

Canada Doc has just told Gala and Rod they are having a beautiful, healthy baby GIRL! Gala looks like she wants to perform a sex change operation in utero. She tells the doc he must be mistaken. Rod looks happy for the first time in weeks. The doctor, trying to appease the ticked off mama, tells them there is a 10% chance of error, but he’s pretty sure it’s a girl. Gala latches on to the 10% as being his lack of professionalism, because SHE, the all-knowing, KNOWS that she’s having a BOY! Rod apologizes for his rude wife, but the doc politely says they can come back next time to confirm. Nope. The only way Gala is coming back to this fourth rate doctor’s office, is with the proof in hand to that he is WRONG! Rod looks like he wants to disappear into the wall.

Back in Mexico, in Casa TL, Frigida is complaining (what’s new?) about having to buy a ton of groceries for the ever shrinking TL family. Matilde tells her it’s normal for children to fly from the nest. Frigida calls them a bunch of ingrates (bola de ingratos). She brings up Connie as the prime example. Mati tells her to mind her own business. Speaking of…Connie waltzes into the kitchen, looking happy and content. She greets Frigida (who does her best to suck up), kisses Mati, and asks for her sister. (Why would she ruin her good mood by going to visit that witch?)

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #141 Thu 10/25/12 Rosa's Plan Backfires, Luci Sees Her Son But Does She Recognize Him?

Funeral Home, D.F.

We open this epi tonight with Rosa just having heard the "Osito" word she has been so hell bent on finding out. She saunters into the room and Max greets her. Rosa la loca goes right up to Vicky and expresses her condolonces on behalf of her and Max. Vicky is lookin' scared and Rosa comments what a hard worker and great man Don Jeronimo was. Vicky is really crying and Rosa says it's best if they leave Vicky to her grief. Vicky thanks them for being there. Rosa and Max go and Vicky is left alone with her grief.

Nicole and Aldo have a little cafecito outside and Nicole can't beleive that Max and Rosa came, and Vicky is really taking this hard. Aldo says Don J worked for the Torreslanda firm many years. They go back inside to be with Vicky so she isn't alone.

Oscar, Conny and Claudio are standing together and can't beleive that Don Jeronimo is dead. Was he sick, they wonder? Claudio says he was talking with him just the other day, Oscar gives him a funny look.

Rod and Pato are talking and Rod asks how Pato is doing? Pato says by the grace of Dios he would be here too, if he hadn't had quick care after his accident. Rod says he is glad Pato is still with them. Rod asks after Luci, look dude couldn't you ever ask her yourself? Really! Pato tells Rod that Luci is looking for her son, Pato was going to go with her, but since Don J died, he came to the wake/funeral instead. Rod says the P.I.'s have checked everywhere but nothing, absolutely no new info. Rod says they and he will never stop looking he swears. In come Vicky and Aldo. Rosa la loca holds out her arms to Vicky as a show of condolence and Vicky has no choice to be embraced by this viper of a woman. Rosa loudly says I am so sorry for your loss, and then pulls Vicky close in her arms and whispers in her ear, but it's a shame you are alive "Osita"! Vicky is shocked, she can't say a thing. Then Rosa la loca goes to Max and tells him, I know you want to be here in Vicky's time of need, but you got more important things to do, like talk to Hanna. Max gets a puzzled look on his face, and Rosa la loca goes close to his ear and the viper is spitting her venom and says Adios "Ostio", Max is shocked, I tell you shocked! The look on his face, like busted! Vicky cries in the background and Vicky watches as they leave and Rod takes Max's place by the coffin. Rosa is stomping out of that funeral home and Max wants to know what talk with Hanna? Rosa tells him you had an affair, you made me confess all to the children (Ahem: There are more sins piled up than you can shake a stick at lady, jus' sayin") and now it's your turn. She leaves Max stranded as Gennaro takes Rosa la loca off. This is her new planes! Make Max confess all in front of his children about the amante!

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

MEPS Wed. 29 April - Cap 52 - Having Lots of Balls...In the Air

Lili is in meltdown, she repeats that she killed her mother and now it will be her fault that her father will die, so she has to get help to die instead in order to save him, Gepetto is confused but surviving and luckily doesn't quite recognize Franco Santoro, Barb is preening for her lunch, Anibal is jealous because Dad thinks more of Barb's executive acumen than Anibal's, Aurora isn't rushing into a marriage with a stranger, and

Santi agrees that the only reason to marry is for love. He is happy to wait until Aurora and he can really marry for love, but Dominica is going to be plenty po'd when she finds out she isn't likely to get the cushy retirement she was promised as the yellow-ribboned suegra (MIL) Wondering what made her so sad and gloomy (ponerse achipolado) Martina tries to pry out of Lili what Barbara did to scare her while she was left alone with her to go off on the ruse to find Damian.

Franco assures Gepetto that he has been in the States since he was a boy so he couldn't look familiar. Oh, oh, there is that ominous knock from Jairo Roca at the yellow submarine door, Jacinto looks his usual scared but a glimmer of glad that Franco is just in the other room putting Gepetto back in bed.

Santi tearfully tells of his first love at age 12 when his curls were really, really cute and he was in love. He has flashbacks of Fernanda's christening as he adds, I thought I would die for love of Erika, Aurora wonders, wasn't she the woman I met at your sister's wedding? I passed by her ranch every day wrote verses for her, and made drawings for her, but Erika treated me with indifference and fell in love with Camilo. He has hidden his feelings since and felt like no one would love him. He asks Aurora to come with him now. Aurora you are unique, you are an extraordinary being (we just can't see more than the physical beauty on a sourpuss face out here in Beanielandia) I never thought that you would exist here on the earth. She pouts, he turns and leaves, we leave her looking sad and tearful behind the gushing fountain. Her coldness makes her shared dna with Barbinator all the more believable.

Jairo forces the door open and says he is sure Jacinto is hiding the old man, he is going to tell me where Martina is. She has robbed him and he is going to get even. Franco quietly steps into the fray. Is this subject a friend of yours? this friend is a big bully (matón) I am talking with a big thug(hampón) who is a little bully (matoncito) As Jairo waves the fairly convincing looking gun, Franco dryly asks, think you are capable of using this toy (juguete)?

Vladi answers the door bell ringing, drunk as a skunk, it is Damian who looks down his nose at the messy apartment. as he clears crumbs, he asks why are you taking it out on (agarraste contra) the furniture. what were you doing with my sister-in- law (concuñada). what you are doing is too much. Vladi stumbles into a defense, she is the best, she is the only woman in my life. Are you going to end up on the street with this. Don't offend me and when did you have this woman in your arms. Listen to me, earth to astronaut Piniero, Piniero, When did she twist your arm. You and I have to make a deal (trato).

Jairo is more aggressive when hearing Franco say, Who is this? He swaggers, a cavalryman for justice (jinete justiciero), after we all roll our eyes at this hubris, our hero ends up saying, he is Franco Santoro. Jairo withdraws the gun and says sooner or later we will meet in the street and it will be another matter.

We can make some money here says ever practical Damian, that's a joke. Why are you sure that Pris is coming to look for me. She has changed lately, this transformation is the result of love. something has changed in side. Don't play with me says the flailing Vladi. Damian's idea is taking shape, we have some hard issues here (contundentes) She never would have become impregnated you under ordinary circumstances. Vladi starts to see that Damian is taking him seriously and maybe has a thought, clearly he can't think.

After Jairo leaves Jacinto and Margarita tell him about the scene he made when he came looking for Martina and all the damage. Franco thinks it is a good idea to keep Martina hidden at the asylum for her sake not just for Lili''s. Margarita points out that Jairo changed his tune when he heard the name of Franco Santoro. He is a brute and he is a betrayer.

Jacinto also tells about Camilho wanting to search Las Animas, (esculce) he wants to know more about your life. Franco smiles, when he enters the office I will have plant something for Camilo so he has a very good surprise.

Barbi primps for her lunch with cleavage and jewelry forming a pleasing focal point with the lowcut red dress. Power dressing at it's best.

She gets a phone call from Cigarman who demands to know whats going on with Franco. She wll have an answer in two hours after their meeting. he is having someone else gather (recabando) information on Franco. She wants to know who is searching but Cigarman Artemio doesn't want her to know. And forget about the priest just now, You might need to liquidate Franco.

Anilbal has systematically robbed his wife, declares Damian, warming to his subject with the possibility of a good smack down of his useless brother-in-law. Vladi is still reeling slowly but paying more attention as Damian gets to the point, But you can aid the woman of your dreams. You need to tell Priscila that her husband is robbing her. How can I do that. Damian hesitates with a warning, now listen, for no reason are you to tell her that I was here. I will tell you exactly what you need to know. - Break.

Gardenia in her efficient secretary mode, reads from her list the calls Franco has had, The young Camilo Eliszldte. called again, someone who did not identify themselves but said it was a matter of life and death needs to talk to you, Franco says calmly, get a name and I will call them back, and also Barbara Greco called to confirm your lunch meeting with her. Erika goes ballistic about why he would have lunch with the hyena who might do him harm. He thanks her and says he will keep it in mind and dials Steve as she swishes out of the room.

Steve I need your help. He quotes the lion and fox message we got last week to see if Steve knows anything and of course he knows immediately that it is from Machiavelli in his book, The Prince. Then what does Isaac Newton have to do with this. Not much, they lived in different centuries and different countries.

Jairo asks for his greasy black coated guest if he sees anything he likes, but finds out he is looking for Franco Santoro. He reveals he is or is using the name, Rene Manzanares, regarding Franco, Jairo senses some action but Rene dully says he is not and friend nor an enemy, he is just trying to find out about him. (I kept waiting for him to break into a medicine man dance and birng out feathers and beads ala FELS, but no, this man knows his role here).

At the glassed dining room at the Race track, Barbara is more than ready for the race. we hear classical flute music as Franco enters in impeccable dress. She smiles coquettishly, and leans in for a kiss, he turns away and politely seats her instead.

This place is Gonzalo's and mine, we only have people here we consider very important. He is honored, She orders a Martini extra dry and he says yea me too. He reviews in his mind, Babara Greco, my mother's killer and ....
She looks him over with glistening drool, they clink glasses and play sexy eye games. BREAK

Mudfight at the old corral and Jairo continues his rant about Santoro. He does favors that get people to like him. I want to look for my students (pupilas) and get even for a spoiled (malogro) bit of business. [I never noticed before that Jairo uses such flowery euphemisms for a lowlife].

The game of cat and mouse continues, the lunch advances to Señor Santoro... you can call me Franco it feels more comfortable.

I want to ask you for a very special favor. She explains that he will understand that Gonzo can't know anything about this discussion. She reveals that her husband, Gonzo is the most jealous and controlling. and I want to ask a favor or another favor. Ask what you want, señora he responds. Call me Babara. This will make me grateful for the rest of my life.

Damian prepares reports or stuffs a few pages in a folder, actually he makes confetti of all the rest of his files. Remembering Barbara's words about how rich he will be What is going to happen to Peque and he remembers her saying $3 million is enough for that thought to disappear in smoke. The $3m and being with Fernanda will be mutually exclusive. Without notice, In comes Fernanda. He picks up tickets to shove in his coat pocket while she is carrying plans to go on the honeymoon trip. the director of finance is forbidden to work. Tomorrow at this time we will be flying on our honeymoon. We will leave all this behind and nothing, nothing, nothing will change our plans. [Doomed plans start with never or nothing or always, especially when repeated two or three times, right?] -Break

No one knows what a hell this last 15 years have been for me, reveals Barbara, the jealousy of my husband the ingratitude of his children, when I loved them like they were my own. Sorry, she sniffs the tears begin to roll cleanly past the extra thick eyeliner, to be sharing my confidences. Don't worry you can trust me. I can imagine you need to unload yourself on someone. The eyes dance without revealing the real person on each side of the table.

We as a family are very united and I will defend it no matter what the price. He coughs into his napkin to hide his reaction. Suddenly, she says, we need the money deposited in 24 hours. in exchange ask me what you will, she cries and says again, just in case he didn't get it, ask what you will. She thinks this will flush out his real desire to invest in Grupo Lactos.

Damian says, of course little one tomorrow we will go on our honeymoon. You have great hopes for this trip? She nods, at last we will be far away and alone. She talks about all that must be done before they leave, meeting with the architect on plans for the community center. He wants to start the honeymoon tonight. But she wants to relax and start fresh when they are away. Foiled again says his expression. remembering that Barbara said he will be gone.

Jacinto races into the Elizalde barn to appear from behind when Camllo rides through. Jacinto says I know you wanted a time to check out Santoro's office and I know he is not there today so it is your opportunity to look. Camilo says it's good when a dog knows its owner and rides off (looks to me like a case of swine flow not swine flu has hit the pueblito) Jacinto smiles and rides off on his bike, the trap is set. - break

The horse race is on Barbara and Franco look out the exclusive window at the track where the other horse race is on. What is your answer? She apparently expects an instant capitulation to her charms. He responds that it isn't easy to move this fast. She stands to circle behind him, to dispense with $3 million in 24 hours or not a week or a month what's the difference. The Elizalde family does have some problems, very grave problems. What is wrong with Grupo Lactos. It's not Lactos.with problems but the family. Gonzolo is tired and if this doesn't go better, he won't live long. Those silly boys, like Camilo only seduces girls. and Fernanda, poor Fernanda, Franco almost breaks What about Fernanda? She is always giving to everyone with her kindness and we need money for her projects to help the infants and mothers. He regains his composure to ask, And why are you telling all this to me, to help my family to sacrifice myself for my family. What do I have to do to receive a positive answer. She does ugly cry better than anyone and says she is desperate to save the business. He needs to think. She lets the tears roll without end. He hands her his handkerchief while he urges her, don't cry anymore. With her undaunted bravura, she says, Then tell me, are you going to aid me? yes or no! [Well you didn't really think you would get an answer tonight, now did you?]

Next: Camilho finds something hot in Franco's office and Franco finds something hot at the end of his lunch, - Barbara.

Dear Amigos, I will need a hand to recap the Wednesday nights of June 17 and 24. Anyone want to fill in, try it out or at least be willing to post summaries to facilitate discussions? You can answer here or write to Thanks.


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 115 usa/118,119 mex (8.25.16) Dos mujeres y un canijo

Express novela Sueño express, where everything is express except coffee. Next express wedding is in a week!

A quien le importa? (what happens to the subplots, right?)

To put you in context, I will list all the scenes that Univisión decided you shouldn't see just to finish this express novela sooner to start wit the next trainwreck.

From original version episode 112

Salma is offered Guatemala or Guatepeor, therapy or bootcamp. Obvi, she chooses therapy. Then she calls Paulo and he recommends her to turn nice and play victim to get her way. Then she starts her plan with Mario, who believes her. 
Later she asks for forgiveness to the whole Kuri-Conde family drinking green tea.

Kracy runs freely on the streets.

Anya picks up Pedro's roses before going out.

Esperanza and Pato talk about obscure forces "controlling them"?.

At Palacios, Ricardo argue with Pedro because he fells betrayed.

At the clinic, extended scene where Anya explains to Pedro and mapa about the cat.

From original version episode 113
Univisión don't give a damn about 0sorio's spawn singing career
or Carmelita Salinas grandson
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #57-58 3/14/11 Family Ties – ties that bind, ties that strangle

Part One of Two: Of mothers who suffer, mothers who love, and mothers who destroy – sometimes all at once; of caring sisters and clueless fathers.
Herewith the abridged version:Osvaldo heads off for a retreat looking for inner peace. (No, really. I’m serious.)

In this story, Grandma really IS the wolf -- Bernarda tries to poison María D against Victoria; then Juan Pablo tries to tell MD his mother is a liar. Without actually saying his mother is a liar.

Just as Victoria is ready to start a new stage of life with her lost daughter at her side, Bernarda reveals that Magdalena is the wrong María.

Victoria shows what she’s made of: in spite of Bernarda’s dirty trick, she’ll stand by MM.

And MM shows what she’s made of: she’ll strike out on her own with gratitude for the new chance at life Vic and Toni have given her.

Oscar and Toni start to get to know each other.

The FerBeast softens toward María D, recognizing that she, not Ximena, is her brother’s happiness; but she hardens her heart towards her mother, blaming her for driving Osvaldo away.

Victoria, already devastated by the discovery that MM isn’t really her lost daughter, is further crushed to learn that Osvaldo has left home.
And now the unabridged version:

María Desamparada continues to pour her heart out to Bernarda: The strangest thing of all, she says, was meeting up with a girl I knew at the orphanage. Now she says she’s Vic’s daughter! Why didn’t she live with her mother when she was growing up?

Suddenly it occurs to María D to ask: It’s obvious you and la sra Victoria have known each other for a long time and you dislike each other – Just what is the link between you? Our only link, replies Bernarda, is that in the past Victoria worked as a servant in my house.

María Magdalena is at Toni’s apartment happily unwrapping her new clothes. She remembers thinking she’d never forgive her mother for abandoning her. But now that she has gotten to know her, she realizes she is such a good person. There’s no reason to turn down her invitation to go and live with her.

At the Casa de Modas, Fabián comes upon the usually cheerful Luci in tears. She admits she is crying over a romantic disappointment.

Vic announces joyfully to Toni: Even though I haven’t told my family yet, today I’m taking María Magdalena home with me. It’s time they knew her. I’m not hiding her any longer.
And what will you tell them? asks Toni. The truth, says Vic. Except for the identity of María’s father – that’s something I have to hide; I’ll only tell Osvaldo.

Valle de Bravo, Osvaldo’s Retreat:
It’s a place for physical and spiritual exercises to heal body and soul; a place to find peace. Just the ticket, says Osvaldo. Enlightenment Lite. Ah peace!

Vic and Toni continue their conversation. Says Victoria: Pip spilled the frijoles -- he told me you’re in love with Oscar. Yes, it’s true, says Toni. But why talk about it when Oscar is in love with you? Vic reminds her that Osvaldo is and always will be the only man in her life.

Bernarda is filling MD’s head with a bunch of whoppers about Victoria: that she was always immoral, always messing with other employees. Because of her, Bernie had to fire gardeners, chauffeurs – she was a slut! MD is dubious:
Me cuesta mucho trabajo creer lo que usted dice.(It’s hard to believe what you’re saying. Literally “It costs me a lot of work…)
When did she leave your house? asks Maria. She didn’t leave, says Bernarda:

I threw her out when I found out she was pregnant.
[Ay, María Desamparada, listen to what Evil Buns is saying! Do you think she will treat you any better?]

Poor, deluded Victoria continues telling Toni: Now I have what I always wanted: my daughter, my family, my husband. And you know what?

I’m going to leave this business in Max’s hands and yours so you can take charge of everything!

Toni is delighted but the Telenovela Imminent Tragedy Alarms (TITA) are flashing – Threat Level Orange! Orange Alert!
Alas, there’s no joy in Max’s office at the moment: He rages impotently against Ximena’s invasion of his privacy: What right do you have to go through my stuff? (¿Con qué derecho revisas mis cosas?) What right do you have to to torture María D with the letter she wrote me?

I'm your wife, explains Ximena matter-of-factly. Max retorts: I’ve told you a thousand times you have no rights over me or my life. As soon as the baby is born, we’re getting divorced.

This just rolls over Ximena. She’s there for money for her expenses and her mother’s. Max agrees to give her a check for herself – it’s his obligation as her husband – but her Mami can fend for herself (or Ximena can use her money to take care of Mami). If Rox is hard up, she’ll have to find a job. Maybe they can find something for her in the business, if they have to.
[Max, Max, what are you thinking? You might as well let loose ten thousand roaches in the office – the result would be just as nasty and equally hard to eradicate!]
Ximena flounces out angrily.

Fabián laughs when Max tells him Ximena expects him to support her mother too. En serio? Qué descaro! (Really? What a nerve!)

Bernie continues weaving her fabric of lies for María D. She tells her Victoria had several lovers before she met Osvaldo Sandoval. She married him for his money and his social position. MD is still skeptical:
Se me hace muy extraño. La señora Victoria siempre ha dicho que se enorgullece de sus origines humildes.
(That sounds odd to me. Sra Victoria has always said she’s proud of her humble beginnings.)

Oh that’s just an act, says Bernie dismissively. Osvaldo provided her with access to a new world. For that, she was willing to abandon her daughter in the street. Thank God the nuns found the child and took care of her.

But how do you know that? María asks. I found out by chance, says Bernie. She felt so sorry for Victoria’s poor daughter that she wanted to rescue her from her life of sin. Why, she even took her in to live with her. But Vic took her away. Who knows what plans she had in mind?

Then María D asks:
¿Y quién es el padre de María M?
(Who is MM’s father?)
Bernie throws up her hands? Maybe one of those lowlifes (pelados) she ran around with? There were so many!

Casa de Modas: Toni reproaches Pip for squealing to Vic about her feelings for Oscar. He is unrepentant. Someone had to break through her wall of reserve.

Victoria tells Oscar he has to find a woman who loves him – she’s not the one!

Meanwhile, María D can scarcely believe what she is hearing from St. Bernarda. How sad! In spite of everything, she admired Vic and wanted to be like her.
Pero después de lo que usted me ha contado, me siento tan desilusionada que jamás me hubiera gustado tener una madre como ella. Jamás.(But after what you told me, I feel so disappointed
that I would never have wanted to have a mother like her. Never.)
Bernie strokes MD’s hair, holds her face in her hands and locks eyes with her. [This is impressive. Bernarda is a sociopath who has learned to mimic human emotions to perfection.]

Ximena pays a visit to her mean Mami. Mama Rox turns up the nasty another notch when she hears that Max won’t fork over money for her upkeep. Then, out of idle curiosity, she asks her daughter: Do you love Max? Her answer:
Max es el hombre más aburrido y correcto que he conocido en toda mi vida!(Max is the most boring, the most proper man I’ve ever met in my life.)
The only thing interesting about him is his money. Well, agrees, Rox, that is the most important thing. And tomorrow she’ll show up to work at Casa Victoria – they don’t know what’s in store for them!

Vic is heading off to pick up María M and take her home to Casa Sandoval. She asks Luci to find Os and Fer. She wants them present for an important occasion:

This is going to be the happiest day of my life, she tells Toni.
[Ay! TITA! TITA! Now the Telenovela Imminent Tragedy Alarms are flashing red! Red Alert! Run, Toni, Run!]

Linda rides up a mall escalator and thought-bubbles: She sold JuanJo’s engagement ring and the bracelet and ring she got from Osvaldo. Now she’ll use the money for something worthwhile. (algo que vale mucho la pena.)
Osvaldo’s exercises at the retreat may not exorcise the conflicting images of Linda and Victoria from his mind. But they do give him a chance to show off his big arms and shoulders.

Linda pulls a stuffed toy – a teddy bear on a rocking horse -- out of a shopping bag and wonders if everything between her and Os is really over.

Toni is in Oscar’s office checking out the titles on his book shelf. She sees not just accounting texts, but also volumes of Latin American fiction -- Rulfo, Vargas Llosa, García Marcos. And now he’s into some of the newer authors, he says. What about you, Antonieta? asks the newly minted galán who has suddenly awakened to Antonieta’s many charms. What are you interested in? What are your hobbies?

I’m into bondage and self-abnegation… um.. I mean … music, she says. Shy smiles on both sides. They’ll have to go to a concert together some time.

Secretary Luci tells Max that Vic has already left for home but she wanted him, Fer and Osvaldo together at the house because she has a big surprise for them.

Waiting for the fall:Vic and María Magdalena are leaving Toni’s apartment and heading for Jaime and the Casa Victoria van. MM is so happy, she’s afraid it’s all a dream and when she wakes up it will be over. They are both startled by the sound of a horn honking; then a black SUV driven by Fausto pulls up to the curb. Bernarda gets out and approaches them.

Vic looks her in the eye and defiantly declares that she is taking her daughter to live with her. Forever. Bernie will never be able to come between them.
Bernanda replies dispassionately:
“Nunca” y “siempre” son dos palabras muy peligrosas, Victoria. Hay que tener mucho cuidado con ellas.(“Never” and “always” are two very dangerous words, Victoria. One has to be very careful with their use.)
Bernarda goes on:
Yo sólo vine a sacarte de tu confusión, de tu mala información.(I only came to clear up your confusion and correct the bad information you were given.)
She reaches into her purse, pulls out a paper and hands it to Vic. Read it, she tells her.

María D and Juan Pablo walk and talk. María wants to discuss what Bernie said about Vic.

Bernie looks on without apparent emotion while Vic seems to crumble as she reads: ¡Eso no es posible!, she cries. (That’s not possible!)
It’s a DNA result, a laboratory study, not something I made up, says Bernie.
¿Qué cosa Mamá? (What is it?) asks MM.
¡Mamá! repeats Bernie mockingly.
Que le guste o no, la señora Victoria es mi madre! says MM defiantly.
(Whether you like it or not, Señora Victoria is my mother!)
Tell her the truth, Victoria, says Bernie: María Magdalena is not your daughter.

Victoria calls the lab and verifies the test results. [Estudios Clínicos de México -- Their motto: Count on us to blab your most intimate secrets to any fool who calls!]

She turns to MM and says tearfully:
Efectivamente, tu no eres mi hija, no eres mi hija, no eres.(It’s true, you’re not my daughter...)
[Why say it three times? Maybe it’s a spell to fend off Evil Buns. Doesn’t work, though. Those of us who expected a house to fall on Bernie are left nursing our disappointment.]

I told you so, says Bernie, snatching the paper back. My mission is done. But you and I still have a lot to talk about.

Meanwhile, Juan Pablo says carefully to María Desamparada: That’s what my mother told you about Victoria? Yes, she says, that’s what she said.
JP: Daughter, let me clarify something. You don’t know everything Vic had to live through.
He continues trying to find a rational explanation for his mother’s lies:
It’s very common for human beings to make assumptions and later convince themselves they are absolute truths when the reality is very different.
So you know something about Señora Victoria’s life? asks MD.

After the fall:Victoria turns to the now devastated María Magdalena. Listen carefully, says Vic:

I don’t care what that woman said. I accepted you as my daughter and my decision to take you to live in my house hasn’t changed.
Tú eres mi hija y vas a seguir siéndola, pésele a quien le pese.(You’re my daughter and you’ll continue to be my daughter, whether others like it or not.)

And back at the Casa de Modas, Toni and Pip are imagining the excitement of the moment -- Vic must be taking MM home right now!

Let’s go, daughter, says Vic. But MM turns away and refuses: Yo no soy su hija. (I’m not your daughter.) They’ll go to Toni’s apartment where they can talk.

Valle de Bravo, Osvaldo’s Retreat:
The blindfolded Os puts his hand on his guide’s shoulder and follows him. The guide says:
Este es el laberinto de tu alma. Yo te voy a guiar a encontrar la salida. Y luego te vas a intentar tú solo guiado únicamente por un solo pensamiento: el salir del laberinto en que tú mismo te has metido.
(This is the labyrinth of your soul. I’ll guide you to the way out. And then you’re going to try it alone, guided only by one thought: the way out of the labyrinth in which you have trapped yourself.)

Os takes his hand off the guide’s shoulder, sinks to his knees, removes the blindfold and sobs. [Maybe he’s crying because he realizes that a little New Age mumbo-jumbo won’t make him any less weak and selfish. Or maybe not.]

When Vic and MM get back to Toni’s apartment, Vic tells the girl:
Yo no te di a luz pero he aprendido a quererte como una verdadera hija.(I didn’t give birth to you but I have learned to love you like a true daughter; dar a luz = to give birth)
Stay with me, begs, Vic. You can help me find my real daughter. But MM refuses. She knows that her presence will cause problems in Vic’s family, and knowing there’s no blood tie between them makes her sad. Even so, she won’t go back to her old life. She’ll make her way alone. Someplace far away where she can think about what to do with her life. And she’s grateful for what Vic has done. Vic is sad to see her leave but tells her she is proud of her.

Toni and Pip are at a sidewalk café anxiously awaiting Victoria’s call.
Oscar joins them and Toni’s cell rings – It’s Victoria!
Toni’s joy changes to shock and disbelief while she listens to her friend’s story. Vic will explain more later:
Por lo pronto quiero pedirte que la acompañes a María Magdalena al aeropuerto.(For now, I’d like you to take MM to the airport.)
Vic won’t come with them – MM prefers it that way, maybe to avoid the pain of saying goodbye.

Casa Sandoval:
Max paces and wonders where his father has gone. A cell phone rings – it’s Osvaldo’s. And Linda is calling. She hangs up when she hears Max’s voice. Max sees her name on the caller ID: Linda. Well at least he’s not with her, says Max. Where are you, Osvaldo? sobs Linda. Why don’t you answer me?

Jaime, the chauffeur, is driving while Victoria sits alone in the back and thinks:
Dios mio, mi calvario empieza de nuevo. Tengo que seguir buscando a mi hija hasta encontrarla.(My God, my torture begins again. I have to keep looking for my daughter until I find her.)

Juan Pablo and María Desamparada have made their way back to the church and continue their talk:
Argues Juan Pablo:
Si Victoria fuera de verdad esa mala mujer que algunos creen, Osvaldo no habría casado con ella.(If Victoria were really that bad woman that some people think she is, Osvaldo would never have married her.)
MD agrees:
Pues sí, en eso tienes razón Padre.(Well, yes, you’re right about that, Father.)
MD thanks him for talking to her. He hopes she’ll take his words to heart. His mother will always be his mother, but for reasons he can’t explain, she and Victoria have always hated each other. That has caused many conflicts that have affected all of them.

Juan Pablo breaks off when he catches sight of Victoria, tears streaming down her face. Sorrowfully, Victoria tells JP:
No era ella, Juan Pablo, no era ella.(It wasn’t her, Juan Pablo, it wasn’t her.)

Victoria tells him what happened. Juan Pablo can’t believe his mother has done such a thing:
Si mi madre no hubiera llegado con esos análisis, habrías sido feliz al lado de MM aunque no fuera tu hija.(If my mother hadn’t shown up with those analyses, you’d have been happy with MM even if she wasn’t your daughter.)

Vic is so confused, so hurt, she couldn’t bear another disappointment. All she wants right now is to be in Osvaldo’s arms so he can console her. Only he can give her back a sense of peace and hope. [Oh crap.]

JP wipes his brow and says meaningly:
Victoria, en esta vida, uno debe estar preparado para todo, hasta el peor de los golpes.(Victoria, in this life, one must be prepared for anything, even the harshest blow. Alternate translation: Oh crap.)

He continues: Osvaldo is only a human being and he can’t always offer you the peace you’re looking for.

Valle de Bravo, a group session:
Osvaldo, why are you here? the group leader asks him.
I’m here because I’m a coward, he says. [Any arguments to the contrary? No, I didn’t think so.]

Casa Sandoval:
Fer looks at her brother and pities him for his unhappiness; if only she could do something to help him.

In his mind Max relives his intimate moments with MD. All that joy will never come back into my life, he thinks.

MD prays to the Virgin for the strength to go on alone with her child. She’ll never fall in love again.

When she gets home, María D finds the FerBeast, little red car and all, waiting for her in front of her building. María tenses, expecting another round of insults and attacks, but she’s surprised by what Fer has to say: Max is very unhappy. Now Fer realizes that the woman he should have married is MD.
Well it’s a little late for those reflections, says María D. Besides, you never liked me. What made you come here to tell me that?
Fer says that however she feels about MD, her brother’s happiness comes first. She knows he plans to stand by Ximena only until the baby is born. So if María really loves Max, lucha por él! (Fight for him!)
María is unconvinced.
Think about it, says Fer. Maybe you lost a battle. But not the war!
[And for me this is the first time that Victoria’s two daughters actually look like sisters.]

Victoria comes home sobbing. Max greets her soberly: So you know?
Know what? asks Vic. [Way to meter la pata, Big Boy!]
And Max tells her:
Mi padre se fue de la casa.
(My father left the house.)
Fer has been listening in the background and now she springs forward and attacks Victoria, telling her it’s all her fault. She never had time for her father, for her, for Max. All she cared about was her business. I hate you, she spits out, as Max leads her away.

Dios mio, cries Vic, ¿por qué? ¿por qué?

Part Two of Two: Of Conspirators, Unfair Blame and a Shocking and Tragic Death.
The abridged version:
Ofelia and Guillermo – otherwise known as Thing 1 and Thing 2 -- celebrate Victoria’s misery and then add to it by sending her a compromising photo of Linda and Osvaldo.

Victoria thinks Osvaldo is innocent but blames Linda and María D – she must be Linda’s accomplice -- for trying to hurt her.

Millie worries because JuanJo has disappeared. Linda laughs off her concern.

The FerBeast softens toward Cruz.

Milagros, Napo and Cruz finally find JuanJo – sprawled out dead on the street..
And now the unabridged:
At the airport:
María Magdalena, despite Bernarda’s machinations, is grateful for the chance to make a new life. Toni tells her she will always be welcome in her home; she and Victoria would have been happy if she had turned out to be the daughter they were looking for. They say an emotional and affectionate goodbye.

Ho Ho Ho! Linda Sortini Claus comes home with shopping bags full of gifts for the baby and new clothes for herself – she needs to look good in her new job, right? Where did she get the money for her shopping spree? An advance on her salary, she fibs. María D’s baby will never lack for anything with three mothers to care for him!

Yes, says María, in an uncharacteristically bitter outburst, he’ll have three mothers and no father. Max will lose out on knowing his child, watching him grow, hearing his first words. And he’s probably waiting anxiously for the birth of his child with Ximena.
But he doesn’t need my child; and my child won’t need him:
Yo me basto para quererlo, para cuidarlo y para protegerlo.(I’m enough – I can raise him, care for him and protect him on my own.)

Pip and Toni discuss what happened with María Magdalena and its effects on Vic – for her, it’s like losing another daughter.
Fer tearfully phones Pip and asks him and Toni to come to the house at once. Something terrible has happened! (¡Ha ocurrido una tragedia!)

Milagros is disconcerted when she realizes JuanJo isn’t home. Napo tells her the last time he saw JJ, he looked depressed.

The evil adventures of Thing 1 and Thing 2:Ofelia tells Guillermo with malicious delight that the bomb is about to explode in Osvaldo’s house. Even Guillermo is impressed with how much pleasure Ofelia takes in Victoria’s suffering. Why do you hate her so much? he asks:
Resulta que Victoria me hizo a mí lo mismo que te hizo a ti Osvaldo con Leonela.(The fact is that Victoria did the same thing to me that Osvaldo did to you with Leonela.)
She stole away Osvaldo’s love.
[And here I confess I was hoping Guillermo would smack Ofelia silly for mentioning Leonela. And then she would pull a weapon on him and this pair of vipers would end up neutralizing each other. But not yet, I guess -- he’s too intent on torturing Victoria right now.]

Fue mi culpa! ¡Fue mi culpa!
(It was my fault!)
Osvaldo left because of me! sobs Vic to Pipino, who, along with Toni, has come running in answer to Fer’s cry for help. I was so distracted by my own problems, I wasn’t there for Osvaldo. Looking for your lost daughter wasn’t selfish, Toni reminds her. Yes, counters Vic, but I should have told him!

Guillermo and Ofelia continue to wallow in Victoria’s pain and the fact that in the end, for all her airs of superiority, she has been betrayed just like any woman. They need to keep their distance but they want to make sure Victoria finds out about Linda. Guillermo has been saving his cellphone photo of Os and Linda for just such an occasion. And like any crook, Ofelia just happens to have a cellphone registered under another name. Gui will send his photo to Ofelia’s phone…

Fer thinks her father is an innocent victim. Max tells Fer she shouldn’t be laying all the blame on her mother. As Max comforts his sister, he recalls Os’s last words to him about Victoria – how controlling she was, how little time she had for him -- that he loved Victoria but she never allowed herself to be loved.

Guillermo and Ofelia send the photo to Victoria.

Vic is inconsolable over losing Osvaldo and María Magdalena in one single day. Max joins her as Toni and Pipino look on. Her cellphone sounds and she rushes to answer it: ¡Tiene que ser Osvaldo! (It must be Osvaldo!)

But it’s the blurry photo of Osvaldo kissing Linda! ¡Osvaldo y Linda son amantes! wails Victoria. (Os and Linda are lovers!)

The three try to convince her that there must be an innocent explanation for the photo. It looks like she’s kissing him on the cheek, suggests Toni.

Back in the barrio, Linda isn’t sorry she sold everything Os gave her. After all, it cheered up María D a little. She still pines for Osvaldo.

Oscar arrives at Casa Sandoval. Max is on his way out and asks Oscar to look after his mother.

Milagros is dishing out the eats at her stand in the mercado and Napo is serving as waiter. She’s still worried about JuanJo’s whereabouts. Napo will call the fire station to see if he’s there.

Sorrow begins to chip away at the stone that was Fer’s heart:
At Casa Sandoval, Cruz notices Fer’s tearful face. He knows the best medicine for sadness. In his pueblo, people listen to the music of the wind, the trees, the birds, the water and a song sung very softly into one’s ear. And as Cruz begins to sing softly into Fer’s ear, her face breaks into a wistful smile.

Millie stands by anxiously while Napo phones the fire station. The guys haven’t seen JuanJo either.

For a moment, you made me forget my sadness, says Fer. Cruz, forgive me for all the times I was rude to you. She kisses him on the cheek and goes back inside. And he is left to reflect ruefully that he is well and truly in love but to her, he’ll never be more than a simple gardener.

Max once again shows up at María D’s apartment, but this time he’s looking for Linda. He knows his father very well, he says: And he would never have gone to bed with a woman as vulgar as you unless you kept after him until you got what you wanted. Do you realize the harm you’ve done to a married man, a family, a decent woman?
Linda laughs in his face: If your father had an affair with me, it must have been because he was bored with your mother.
She is sure Osvaldo will come back to her. Let Victoria resign herself to the role of victim.
Max leaves in disgust.

Napo has called everywhere and he and Millie still haven’t found JuanJo. Maybe he’s back home…

At Casa Sandoval, Pip, Toni and Oscar try to convince Vic that the photo means nothing. Says Toni:
Te estas ahogando en un vaso de agua.(You’re making a mountain out of a molehill, lit. You’re drowning in a glass of water.)

Victoria says she trusts Osvaldo completely but Linda is up to something. She wants her watched. And she undoubtedly has an accomplice who took the photo and sent it to her – María Desamparada!Esa es su venganza por haberla corrido y por no haberle permitido que se casara con mi hijo Max! Quiero que las tengas vigiladas a las dos!(That is her revenge for my firing her and not letting her marry my son Max. I want you to have them both watched!)
She won’t have pity on either of them. [Guau! Vic’s character hangs another u-ey, morphing from Mother Teresa to Ma Barker faster than you can say TELEVISA!]

Rox asks Ximena if she thinks Vic and Os are going to get divorced. Xi couldn’t care less. She just wants Max to cough up the money so she can live in the penthouse she has her eye on. She’s so sick of living in the hotel. But all he thinks about are his parents’ problems!

It’s dark now and there’s still no sign of JuanJo. Napo and Millie are back in the apartment and Millie is crying. She knows something bad must have happened to her son. Cruz comes home in good spirits. When he hears the story, he says JuanJo is probably with Linda. Millie dashes out to check and to give her a piece of her mind. When she’s out of earshot, Napo confesses to Cruz that he’s worried too. It’s not like JuanJo to just disappear – he’s either home or at the fire station.

Millie pounds on the girls’ door. When Linda opens it, Millie grabs her lapels (I’d have gone for the hair) and demands to know where JuanJo is. How do I know? she says, unconcerned. He’s probably out on a drunk. That’s not so, says Millie.

At the dining room table at Casa Sandoval, Ximena tells Max that her mother isn’t afraid of working. She’ll be at the company tomorrow morning.

Nathy, María D, Cruz and Napo stand by as Millie laces into Linda:
You’re nothing but a cheap whore! It’s your fault I can’t find JuanJo and I don’t know if my son is dead or alive. You did the worst harm a person can do to a mother – destroy her son! You better pray that he’s alive or I’ll tear your eyes out -- I’ll kill you with my own hands!

Cruz and Napo lead Millie away leaving Linda tearful and shaken.

At Casa Sandoval, Micaela tells Max and Ximena that Fer and Vic won’t be joining them at the table. Max and Xi snipe at one another some more.

Millie, Napo and Cruz bundle up for a night to be spent on the streets looking for JuanJo.

Guillermo calls Ximena. She hangs up on him, pretending it’s a wrong number. Xi and Max continue sniping. New Xi threat: If you leave me, she says, forget about your child. Forever. Max looks upward for an answer. He doesn’t seem to find one.

Victoria is tormented by dreams of Osvaldo and Linda together and of María D and Linda mocking her. She prays for guidance.

Napo, Cruz and Millie comb the streets searching for JuanJo.

Max goes to see JP in the church. JP asks Max how Victoria reacted to Osvaldo leaving the house. Badly, answers Max, especially after someone sent her a photo of Os and Linda together. Looking for the bright side, JP replies: That means that Victoria still cares about Os. Nothing is worse (más angustiante) for a marriage than indifference.

Cruz, Napo and Millie search on. Someone tells them he saw a guy resembling JuanJo.

Do you know where my father is? Max asks JP. No, he doesn’t. All he knows is that Osvaldo was planning to go someplace to meditate. He doesn’t want to lose your mother, adds Juan Pablo.
My mother is a great woman, says Max, but very rigid (demasiado dura); I don’t know what’s going to happen.

Linda has recovered nicely from Millie’s threats and now models one of her new dresses for Nathy and María D. The roomies are shocked that she is indifferent to JuanJo’s disappearance and Milagros’s anguish. And once more, Nathy wants to know where she got the money for her shopping spree. She doesn’t believe the story of the salary advance. Linda admits she sold JuanJo’s “horrible” engagement ring (although it wasn’t worth much) and the bracelet Osvaldo gave her:
Los bienes son para remediar los males.(Your possessions tide you over in bad times/ The goods are a remedy for the bad.)
María D hands back the baby gifts and tells Linda to return them. She can’t accept them knowing where the money came from.

A tragic discovery:
Milagros stands at a distance as Cruz and Napo approach a figure sprawled on the ground and surrounded by empty bottles. It looks like JuanJo. They grumble about how irresponsibly he is behaving and try to figure out how to get him home.
When they reach him and turn him over on his back, Napo pulls away in horror crying:
¡Tiene la cara destrozada!(His face is a destroyed!)

Cruz checks for a pulse and finds none. JuanJo is dead!

Milagros’s wails of anguish echo in the empty streets. ¡Noooooo! ¡Mi’jo!
No Max in a kayak. Just memories of love lost. Sigh.


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #148 Wed 11/7/12 Rosa Rages, Lovers Kiss and Anvils Align and Prepare to Fall

Recap by Decie Girl, who makes her CarayCaray recapping debut tonight.

The assembled guests and victim are gathered together and Rosa says that the protocols have been observed as God ordered and tells Bore-us’ padre to go ahead. The man says that for many years Bore-us has been sincerely in love with Jana and asks that the Torreslandas give her hand in marriage to their son.  Jana, battling panic and after having been pulled and pushed like a slab of salt water taffy snaps and says no, I’m not going to marry Bore-us.

Jana  bravely defies Rosa and says I’m not going to marry Bore-us. The assembled guests freeze and those in the know wait for Rosa’s expected explosion.  Bore-us leaps into the silence calling Jana-- Flaquita, which annoys her so much she snaps don’t call me Flaquita. My name is Jana. Rosa tells Jana she is ridiculous and demands to know what this is all about.  Jana who has stiffened her spine tells her I don’t want what you want mama. I love you more than anyone in the world but you can’t live your life again through mine. This does not go down well and Rosa tells her if you don’t marry Bore-us, I swear you will be sorry.

Lorenzo talks on the phone to Luci. She tells him she understands so much. He is really down and she suggests he come to the pueblo, he can be with her, amah, Magda and Ariche. They can help. She knows how he feels; it is the same way with her and Rod. He wants to know if she has been able to forget even a little and she tells him no not for one second. Lorenzo tells her it is the same for him and he can’t get Jana out of his mind or his heart. Now he is going to have to learn to live without half of his heart.

Back at the engagement dinner from hell, Max tells Jana you are putting us all in an uncomfortable position. The reason for this dinner was to ask for your hand. Rod says Papa I think Bore-us and his parents should listen to what my sister has to say. Conny starts to say I’m sure it’s uncomfortable, but before she can go on Rosa snarls at her not to interfere. When and if someone asks for Melissa’s hand then she can say something. Not to be outdone Gagme pipes up that it is healthy for Jana to tell the truth before an important step like marriage because after you get married it is very difficult to discuss these things and shoots Rod a toothy smile, isn’t it my love. He just adds very difficult.

In Het Het Paz questions Luci, what happened?  Why is she so sad after talking to Lorenzo? Luci tells her she doesn’t like it that Lorenzo is suffering. Lorenzo is suffering but why, what is wrong?  Is it Jana? Luci tells her yes he is lost in love her. Paz says poor Lorenzo perhaps it's better to shed tears now rather than later what with all that the Señora Torreslanda is capable of doing.  Magda says she agrees with Paz. That Lorenzo is a good boy, a good worker and honest. He deserves someone to love and care for. Paz says he shouldn’t be looking so high. Look at the suffering he found. Luci says what she most wants is that he doesn’t suffer like me. Magda says the Torreslandas and Jacintos are like oil and water. They never mix, they always end up separated. They are never together.

At the dinner Rosa says it’s just nerves for all of us, the emotion of the moment. Bore-us’ madre agrees that it is just nerves, right princesa? Bore-us’ padre says yes it is just nerves that made you say you won’t get married. Bore-us says, you never said anything when I asked you to marry me. Jana answers that she did say yes but she wasn’t convinced. Jana goes on, indicating Bore-us and Rosa, you two decided everything for me without giving me the opportunity to make my own decisions, without knowing what I really want. Where does it stop? I don’t know what I want for the rest of my life. Rosa says a good marriage is the only thing for the rest of your life. Rod steps in and says let Jana say what she feels. Jana continues, you mama, you set the date for my wedding without asking me, you planned this dinner.  Jana tells Bore-us you decided we would get married without knowing if I wanted to be a professional and now your parents are deciding where we are going to live. Everything is prepared for a wedding I do not want.

Jana isn't finished yet and yells at her mother, this dress you bought me is the same as yours. Why?  Because you liked it. You’re living again through me.  She ends her tirade telling her mother my feelings aren’t important. Señora Bore-us says she has had enough of this but Bore-us says not me, mama. He asks Jana once and for all do you want to marry me. Obviously nothing short of a load of bricks falling on him gets through to this dope.  Jana tells him point blank, no, I don’t want to marry you.  Oscar and Conny exchange discrete smiles, Max and Rod keep theirs under control while Gala smirks.
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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

ENDA Tuesday March 2. Romina just can’t take it anymore, and she flips out.

Repeats: Romina tells Camila the baby didn’t live up to the advertising. Turns out, he just cried all the time and needed medicine, when what she ordered was the man-trapping silent cute accessory model. So, she sent him back for a refund. Cami goes ape. She is NOT going to let her nieto be abandoned in an orphanage! Where is he? Romina gripes at her mother for yelling at her. She’s the one who needs some attention here; it nearly broke her heart to leave him, she says. Nice try, Romeany, we all know you don’t have a heart. Cami says she will do whatever it takes to get him back and she’ll adopt him herself if she has to. Now WHERE IS HE?

New: Emiliano visits Germán at the jail. Germy begs him to back up his story and get him out of jail. No can do, says Emo. Emiliano won’t perjure himself and Germs is guilty, so suck it up and do the time, buddy. Emiliano also blames Germy for Alonso’s death, since it may have been prevented if Germs had told people about the will changes. Germán still asks for help. Aren’t they friends? “I thought we were friends. But you proved you are no friend. You and Romina were well suited; you both only think of yourselves.” With tears streaming down his face, Germy asks Emiliano to look out for Bernardito. Emo says of course he will.

Camila returns home, where Romina is still crying on the sofa, and reports that the orphanage office was closed, but she’s going back first thing in the morning to see about getting Bernie back. Romina sobs that she just couldn’t handle it when the nurse told her she had to take care of him, so she thought it was best to give him away. Cami is livid. “Most mothers have times when they think they can’t handle it. But they try, and they learn. You’d better pray that Bernie is safe and sound, because if he isn’t…”

Rafa and Luz are at the police station, getting the report that there’s been no luck in finding Xochitl. Rafa tries to get Luz to go home and rest, since there’s nothing they can do. People in telenovelas never seem to try very hard to find missing people. Have they never heard of the old recruit-everyone-you-can-find-to-help-search technique? Emiliano comes out from the jail and asks what they’re doing there.

Gabriel and Paloma arrive at the hospital and Rufi and Eugenio give them the report: Carlota is out of surgery, but they won’t know for 24 hours what the prognosis is. Eugenio has reported everything to the police. Paloma decides to go to the chapel to pray for Auntie Maim, even though she doesn’t deserve it, and Rufi goes with her.

Finally Rafa and Luz have a flier about the missing kidlet, and Emo offers to make copies of it and distribute it and get his soccer team to help.

Romina tosses and turns in bed, dreaming about her son crying that his mother abandoned him and doesn’t love him. She startles awake, panting, “No!”

Repeating montage of scenes: PJC looking pensive. Carlota unconscious with monitors beeping. Eugenio at home, looking worried and thinking hard.

The next morning, Camila wears an ugly shirt that doesn’t fit and says she’s going to get Bernie. Romina, sitting sadly in front of her untouched breakfast, asks if she may come, too. Those nightmares must have really affected her, because she says she wants to bring the baby home, but she is afraid. Can she be redeemed so easily? They head out.

Rufi is in church, praying. She says she’s lived for so long with an angel and a devil, with love and hate, but she knows light always overcomes the darkness in the end. She prays for Carlota.

Paloma, Madeleine, and Cris eat breakfast. Cris feels sorry for Rufi, because she loved Carlota despite her awfulness, and it’s so hard on her to discover just how bad La Loca is. Madeleine, echoing the audience, says death would have been too good for Crueloca. She needs to suffer a lot more first. Cris doesn’t approve of that judgmental attitude. “Well, it’s true,” says Mad. “Do you think Auntie Maim will leave us alone, now that the truth has been discovered?” asks Paloma. “Yes, I do. She will never hurt anyone again,” says Cris. “For sure,” says Madeleine. The music disagrees.

Gabriel gives the wedding invitations to a messenger to deliver. As soon as the messenger leaves, Gabriel has severe pains and staggers over to the cabinet for his medicine. (Dude! Pocket!) He collapses to the floor. He had better not die tonight. I don’t have my jumbo box of tissues on hand.

Carlota is still asleep, and her room is guarded. However, the guards do not accompany the nurse inside to check on her. Carlota grabs the nurse’s wrist.

Paloma takes flowers to Macarena’s grave and sobs about how much Cruelota robbed them of.

The nurse brings the doctor in to look at Carlota. The doctor somehow thinks she merits her own personal nurse at all times.

Romina and Camila ask the orphanage director to give the baby back. The lady is not pleased with the situation. Romina blames her little baby-abandonment oopsie on post-partum depression. Also, her husband abandoned her, and the baby is sick. So, you know, who wouldn’t hand the kid over to a policeman for a break? Orphanage lady is not inclined to give the kid back to a mother with obvious mental issues, but Camila says she’ll take charge. She begs, please please please.

Eugenio gives his evidence of Carlota’s evil deeds to the police guy. Policeman says as soon as Carlota can be released from the hospital, they’ll put her in prison and begin the trial. She’ll probably never get out. By the way, her lawyer Germy is also in jail, for fraud. “I’m not surprised,” says Don E.

Luz trudges around town, handing out fliers and asking about Xochitl and the boozy abuser. The boozy abuser, wearing a clever disguise of cowboy hat and neckerchief, has Xochi hidden in a flower cart.

Crueloca opens her eyes and asks what happened. “You fell over the stair railing and you’re badly hurt,” says the doc. “I have to get out of here,” says Cruel. “Nope,” says the doc. Cruel remembers her awesome flip over the railing in front of the awestruck crowd. 9.3 from the Russian judge; big deduction on the landing. Would have liked to see more disfigurement. The doctor stabs Carlota all over to check her nerves. She can’t feel anything in her legs, and she can’t move her feet. La Loca panics.

PJC finds Rufi in the hospital lobby, waiting for news. Cris feels that maybe he could have somehow prevented some of the deaths, at least Mac’s. Rufi laments that Carlota was so smart, she could have done amazing things if she had chosen good instead of evil. Eugenio shows up, and the doctor tells them all that Cruel is out of danger but is paralyzed.

Carlota frantically tries to move her legs. Out in the lobby, everyone seemed shocked and wonders how Carlota will overcome this setback. People! We do not want her to overcome it! Rufi for some reason wants to see the crazy old witch, but the doc says she wants to talk with Cris.

Gabriel apparently recovered. He and Paloma are helping search for Xochi. Some young girls offer to help.

Camila and Romina have Bernie at home. Romina cries and says she doesn’t think she’ll be a good mother. Cami assures her she can learn. Romina actually holds the baby and seems inclined to change. She agrees the kiddo will live there with Camila. Cami tells her not to mention a word of the abandonment to anyone, because if Emiliano finds out he could take Bernie away.

Paloma and Gabriel offer to go to Pachuca and continue asking about Xochi there. Emo and Chava try to reassure Luz that she’s not a terrible mother.

The police are stopping cars leaving town and searching them. The boozy abuser rearranges the foliage on his bicycle flower cart and evades the checkpoint.

Cris asks Cruel why she killed Mac and tried to kill Paloma. “Because that is how I could hurt you the most,” says Crueloca. She opens her eyes and says, “You’re a priest again?” which makes no sense because she already knew that. Well, I guess they haven’t chatted since he led the mass and she had a hissy fit in the choir loft. They didn’t exactly have time for socializing as she plunged to the floor. Cris tells her she will never be able to hurt anyone again, because she’s going to prison and she’ll never get out. “I’ve lived in a prison since I met you. Bars won’t stop me,” says La Loca. “We’re all leaving and getting far away from you,” says Cris. “Wherever you are, I will find you,” says Cruel. Maggie’s bassos let us know how they feel.

Gabriel has apparently talked to Don E. He tells Paloma her auntie is paralyzed.

The nurse tells Cruel that she’s being guarded. Also, Rufi wants to see her. Well, Cruel refuses to see Rufi. She wants to see Eugenio. Make it happen! The nurse is unruffled by her threats.

Natalia and Ivonne catch Rodolfo up on the latest drama. He’s looking pretty perky.

Eugenio visits Carlota:
C: I need my lawyer here.
E: I am no longer your lawyer. Don’t count on me.
C: Weren’t you in love with me?
E: Yes, but I can’t defend someone who could murder, someone who mocks my feelings and abuses my trust.
C: Give me another chance. I assure you I am repentant.
E: Do you really think I would believe you?
C: If you have any feeling left for me, think what we could do together. I would live dedicated to you.
E (flabbergasted): Your “love” for Cristóbal led you to lie, deceive, and kill. You destroy everything you touch. I actually did see something in you. Behind your hard, controlling shell, I saw a woman who was lonely and needed love. A vulnerable woman with a hard mask to hide her weakness.
C: I am not weak.
E: Yes, you are weak. Your intelligence is undeniable, but in your heart there is nothing but hate.
C: Help me. I’ll give you whatever you want if you get me out of here.
E: I don’t want anything. In the trial, I’ll be in charge of prosecuting you.
Carlota is not happy.

Romina sits on a bed, thinking that even though she wants to, she can’t feel anything for her baby. Why is it that others can, and she can’t? No one has ever loved her, except her mother. She cries and writes a note asking her mother to forgive her, but she can’t go on like this.

PJC has finished his communion rounds at the hospital and finds Rufi still sitting in the lobby, upset because Carlota won’t see her. She’s distraught because she was taught to be loyal to the patrones, and she promised the parents that she would take care of Macarena and Carlota, and she has failed. Cris assures her that she did everything possible, and the choices Carlota made are not her fault. Plus, she did a great job with Paloma. Rufi is sad because Paloma won’t need her anymore, but Cris says Paloma wants her, and that’s even better. He says Rufi is part of his family, like the adored auntie he never had. They hug. Awwww.

Camila goes home, and the nurse gives her the letter from Romina:

Mom, I can’t take anymore. I can’t stay here. I know you won’t approve, but there’s nothing else I can do. I can’t love Bernardo even though he is my son, probably because he is not a child of love, but of a moment of passion. My life in Real del Monte has no meaning without Emiliano’s love, so I am leaving. Please, take care of my son, and love him as if you were his mother. I’m sure you will do it much better than I would. Finally, although you don’t believe it, I love you, and having you is the best thing that has happened in my life. Don’t forget me. I love you. Romina.

Romina drives down the highway crying, and Camila sobs. “You can’t do the same thing your father did, Romina! Not you!”

Romina recovers fast, and makes eyes at a young man who is passing her. He flirts back. They continue their dangerous game, smiling at each other and passing each other at high speed in no-passing zones with blind curves, hardly watching the road. So, obviously, Romina eventually swerves to avoid an oncoming truck and her car rolls over and stops upside down.



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