Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/29/16 Chapter 22: Where in the World is Sonia?
Fernanda and Friends and Margaritas. Tipsy, topsy, mopsies talk about unrequited love--Fer’s, that is.
Labels: vino
Monday, November 28, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/28/16 Chapter 21: Bad Girls Just Want to Have Fun
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, La Doña, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 28, 2016
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana**
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso (3-hr finale Monday, Nov. 28)
• 9PM--La Doña (begins Tuesday, Nov. 29)
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**
**On Monday, Nov. 28, both Silvana sin Lana and Señora Acero 3 will be pre-empted by the three-hour finale of Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso (8PM - 11PM).
A new telenovela, La Doña, will debut in the 9 PM slot beginning on Tuesday.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, doña, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Vino el Amor #20, November 25, 2016: Vino el Plot Earrings Plot
Hi all, it's dy77 subbing for Anita (who will be subbing for me next Tuesday - thank you Anita!). Here's the recap of Friday's episode.
- Marta and Luciana have a bonding chat
- David looks at his dead wife's picture and tells her he is ready to move on.
Labels: vino
Thursday, November 24, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 21, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones*
• 12PM—Império*
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo*
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
*Morning schedule is altered Thursday & Friday due to holiday programming. All evening shows are as usual throughout the week.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/23/16: # 19 “Deceits, Disappointments, and Acknowledgements”
Labels: vino
Vino el Amor #18, November 22, 2016: Vino El Party Poopers
Repeated scenes:
- Juan & Perla continue to slime with each other.
- Tano asks Susan to hang out later at a surprise dance party he is working up for her.
- Lucia is lost in thought, reading a letter she has written to explain to David that she's confused.
- Gracie and David discuss their new partnership and Liliana and Gracie "greet" each other.
- Susan makes some phone calls to the place that sold the evil acid that infected the vineyard crop, to try and learn who the buyer was. The evil acid place stonewalls her, citing confidentiality of its clients.
- Fer is so happy to see Gracie is home. Bobby and Liliana? Not so much. Gracie says she is staying in a hotel, but David insists that she stay at his house, saying our home is your home. Gracie is pleased. Liliana is most certainly not.
Labels: vino
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/21/16 Episode 17 Out of the Mouths of Babes
Labels: vino
Monday, November 21, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 21, 2016
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones*
• 12PM—Império*
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
*Morning schedule is altered Thursday & Friday due to holiday programming. All evening shows are as usual throughout the week.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/18/16 Chapter 16: They kissed and then it was Gone With the Wind
Labels: vino
Thursday, November 17, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 14, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/16/16 Chapter 15: To Sell or not to Sell, that is the question. Tis not Nobler to Suffer
Labels: vino
Vino El Amor #14, November 15, 2016: Vino El Worrywarting (For Good Reasons in Some Cases)
- Repeated scenes: Sonia & Liliana plot against Marta; Sonia slimes all over another photo of David; Miguel raises money; Ramon worries about Marta; Gutierrez brings Marta home and sticks it to Liliana; Miguel goes back to David with his proposal to work with Luciana to save the vineyard.
- Miguel and David continue their discussion. David thinks that Miguel just wants to work with Luciana and reminds him that workplace relationships are prohibited. Miguel notes that David has changed since Luciana arrived and he thinks David is jealous of Miguel and Luciana. David won't argue with him on that. Miguel says he just wants to help, and doesn't want Luciana to be hurt, so once he helps David save the vineyard, he will go.
- Marta tells Bobby and Fernanda that the vineyard may have money troubles, but not to worry about it. Liliana overhears that and snipes at Marta, and then tells the kids that it does and they need to prepare for the worst. After all leave, Fer tries to reach Gracie.
Labels: vino
Monday, November 14, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/13/16 Chapter 13: The Acid Test
- The wine was bitter and David blamed Miguel for being distracted. Ramón told him he was there the entire time. Susan said that the wine must have been deliberately contaminated. David then thought that Miguel had been slacking off. Because of this everything would be lost. Susan said she would bring the wine to the lab to check it for clues, David told the others to get rid of the bad wine, and Luciana and Miguel offered to help Susan. David was in panic mode that this would do no good. He fired Miguel.
Labels: vino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 14, 2016
Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Standard Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana**
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso**
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote**
**All three evening novelas will apparently be pre-empted this Tuesday by a World Cup elimination match.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Friday, November 11, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/10/16 Episode #12 Where a new Recapper Joins Our Team
Labels: vino
Thursday, November 10, 2016
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 7, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Vino El Amor # 11, November 9, 2016: Vino El Awkward Workplace Situations
Quick Plot Points - Full Recap Follows After the Jump:
- David stood up for Marta and Luciana to Liliana. David makes the workplace decisions! Liliana wasn't happy about this.
- David isn't ready to sell the vineyard to evil olive oil guy and Juan. Juan may have been making workplace decisions for awhile, but now David is back making the workplace decisions. They aren't happy about this.
- Liliana has made a workplace decision of her own - she's just going to make life hell for Marta and Luciana, starting with dropping a dish and making Marta clean it up. Marta can deal with that, but warns Liliana to watch it when it comes to Luciana.
- Miguel and Luciana are totally cute as he gives her the vineyard tour. He's happy about this.
- Miguel's totally cute tour is broken up by David who wants to give Luciana a vineyard tour. It's awkward. Miguel is jealous.
- Fernanda overhears Miguel and Carlos/Tano discussing Miguel's jealousy and Luciana's hotness and makes it more awkward. Fer is not happy that her crush Tano thinks Luciana is hot.
- Luciana has an idea concerning organic grapes but she needs open sunlight through a window to discuss it with David. He does not like this. They fall on top of each other fighting over the drapes. It's awkward.
- Fernanda walks in on this "workplace meeting" and doesn't like it. Even more awkward. She demands that David get rid of Luciana. He won't. Too bad. David makes the workplace decisions!
- Miguel walks in on a Mean Girls division meeting and calls them out. Perla makes it more awkward by telling Miguel that Carito crushes on him.
- Luciana wants to tend to a dying rosebush. David doesn't like that and says no. DAVID MAKES THE WORKPLACE DECISIONS.
- Gutierrez visits Liliana and flirts with Marta. Awkward.
- Susan and Cesar have a (not all that awkward, just normal awkward) first date but then he brings her back to the vineyard office. That was kind of awkward.
- Carlos/Tano is apparently crushing on Susan and tells her this but also tells her he thought she only liked professional men. She gets mad he judged her as a snooty type. Awkward.
- Fueled by the awkward situations above, Fernanda officially joins the I Hate Luciana Sooooo Much club after hanging with Liliana and skype sessions with Gracie. She visits the worker house to tell Luciana this! Awkward!
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Monday, November 07, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/7/16 Chapter 10: I Want to Talk to You
- Luciana told Marta she would pack her bag immediately. Marta caught attitude and they had a disagreement.
- León and Carlos talked about their mala suerte with women. León told Carlos to be patient in his pursuit of Susan and Carlos speculated on his parents' divorce and divided family. León told him that the only thing his parents really disagreed on was Luciana's behavior. Finally, he said that none of this worked out in the end.
Labels: vino
A Que No Me Dejas (AQNMD) #41. Monday November 7, 2016. Stalker, Doormat, Slimeball, Martyr, It's Complicated. These Are The Choices For Relationship Status In Dejaslandia
In Madrid, Adrián is working late to finalize a presentation due tomorrow. Triana comes back from the Tablao looking rather glum (apachurrada). The Tablao where she works might have to close because it’s facing stiff competition from a newly-opened Tablao. Adrián offers her his genius marketing advice to help turn things around.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of November 7, 2016
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana*
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso*
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote*
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
*Tuesday all evening shows pre-empted for La Batalla Final; according to BUT... the Telemundo site only shows Silvana will be preempted. Whom to believe? I'm guessing zap2it is accurate.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Friday, November 04, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/4/16 Chapter 9: About-Face
- Luciana told Miguel that nothing improper happened at the river. “I'd never have anything to do with him. First, he's the boss. Second, he's crazy.” Miguel asked whether she knew what had happened to Lisa and she did, saying she would never have provoked this on purpose. Miguel reminded her of Lillian's reaction; she didn't care what that vitch thought. “But she will take it out on your mother.”
Labels: vino
A que no me dejas Episode 40 (11.4.16) The Tarot cards never lie. Funny. Everybody else does.
We start this episode with Nuria's wedding. She finally chose a dress with a slit in the back to get more room and expand since her belly was getting bigger and bigger every day. So much it grew, that by the time they signed the marriage contract her whole back was exposed.
Raquel, very loud so Gonzalo can hear, tells Alfonso that she has never seen Inés this happy now that she is getting divorced. Gonzalo's blood is probably boiling and as soon as Gastón leaves Inés alone to use the bathroom, he follows him to threat him, telling him that as long as he keeps close to his wife, he will never sign the divorce papers.
Outside in the ballroom, Little Mau gets all the attention and Nuria gets jealous. Why am I not surprised? She takes Leonel's hand and goes to dance, while Paulina takes the little boy and start another dance group with Camilo somewhere else.
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A Que No Me Dejas #39: Wedding (and Divorce) Blues...
Ines turns around and sees that Paulina was listening to everything. Paulina asks her about what he wanted and Ines explains that she didn’t let him talk. Paulina tells her that it was probably for the best, she doesn’t want to talk to him anymore. Ines tells her that she says one thing but her eyes betray her. Paulina agrees and Ines reiterates that if she already got married with Camilo so she shouldn’t speak to him again.
In Madrid, Adrian is crying on the stairs. He took the wedding news to mean that regardless of what Julieta or Odette did, Paulina still married Camilo so she must love him. Therefore, everything she told him at their failed wedding must be true. He promises to forget her.
Alfonso informs Gonzalo that they are going to trial for the divorce since he doesn’t agree to it. Alfonso tells him to agree to Ines’ demands and he will win a lot more, like Ines’ trust and respect, both of which he lost completely. Gonzalo quietly thinks about this.
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Thursday, November 03, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/3/16 Chapter 8: Missing
- Marta said she would apologize to David. Luciana called Lillian out on not having changed a bit, saying she was the same bitter crone as before. Lillian said she and David don't want her kind there and she will be made to leave the way she came. She walked out. Luciana said she wasn't trying to create problems but just came to put the family back together again.
Labels: vino
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of October 31, 2016
Here's Page 2 for the week. The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation. Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for. Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.
Labels: acero3, silvana, sin-senos, telemundo
Vino El Amor #7, November 2, 2016: Vino El Bearer of Bad News

The biggest plot points, of course, were that Luciana and David met for the first time and it did not go well, for reasons both on them, and Luciana delivered the bad news in person about Marcos to Marta.
And here's the recap!
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A Que No Me Dejas #38: Julieta Can't Keep Her Hands to Herself
Karen is telling Paulina about how wonderful Flavio is. He’s always checking up on her and has helped her with her suppliers. Paulina finds her sudden dependence on him strange since she’s always been very independent but Karen argues that it feels great to feel like you have someone with you every step of the way. Paulina is happy for her and Karen tells her she’s happy she’s also given Camilo an opportunity.
Alan asks Gonzalo if there are all going to live in the same house and Gonzalo tells them that that’s the idea but things are going to change. Firstly, they have to leave Puerto Esperanza. Gonzalo wants to construct a new hotel in Chetumal so he wants them there every step of the way.
Gisela and Dario give Jaime the news that they’re moving in together but he has to fake his smile and happiness. He tells Gisela that he didn’t know this side of her but he’s been surprised. Gisela tells him that she doesn’t believe in marriage but things could change; she’s happy just to be with Dario for now.
Gonzalo explains that in Puerto Esperanza they will always be judged for being his second family and Alan tells him he’s more than happy to move. He would love to see a hotel from the ground up. Rene is sad though because he won’t see his friends anymore, including Paulina and Mauricio. Gonzalo offers a deal: they can visit when he comes over to Puerto Esperanza and the kids agree.
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Wednesday, November 02, 2016
He's just not that into you 11/01/2016 #37 A Que no me dejas
Odette: "pay attention to meeeeeeeee"
- Odette is being a weirdo, she is trying to get all of Adrian's attention but he's not having it, he's kinda into the new girl, Triana, and why the heck not? At least she's not a stalker!
- Odette becomes the third wheel, when Adrian asks Triana to have a few drinks of tequila with him Odette invites herself to their little party.
- Odette is also needy, she shows up at the university and waits for Adrian to get out of class so they can go home together and Adrian makes it clear that he is there to study and when questioned about when he will be home he basically tells Odette that he will get home when he's good and ready.
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Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Vino el Amor 11/1/16 Chapter 6: The Consequences of Solitude
- Fernanda went into David's room but he didn't want to see her. She reminded him about asking him to allow Graciela to stay for a while, but he said no. Graciela tried to talk to him alone but he furiously told her he wanted to be left alone. She should have been afraid, but wasn't.
- Susan tried to call David concerning the condition of the grapes, but Juan pulled rank on her, saying he was in charge in the current absence of David's ability to take charge.
Labels: vino
Vino el Amor #5, October 31, 2016: More like Vino el Sadness and Bad Timing for Graduation
This episode's sadlights (some scenes combined):
- Luciana and Marcos read a newspaper article about David and are pleased it mentions Marcos.
- Liliana is trying to locate Graciela and Lisa.
- David has rushed to the river and found Lisa's car, then her phone.
- Graciela has returned to the house, looking dazed. Juan spots this.
- David spots Lisa floating in the river. He goes in after her and starts swimming back to shore (I thought I saw her splashing here).
- Miguel and Juan have a spat about fixing the wine press, the fertilizer and basically who should be making vineyard-related decisions and whether Miguel should report to Juan.
- David brings Lisa to shore and attempts the worst CPR ever, which mostly consists of yelling at her to breathe. He's also yelling for help, which doesn't come. Lisa dies.
- David, in a daze, carries Lisa back to shore in his arms.
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A Que No Me Dejas (AQNMD) #36. Monday October 31, 2016. Bumpy Transitions
The speech therapist and Pau explain to Mau that he'll have a new mom and pop soon. The kid is not happy to hear this and throws the cutest fit. He wants to live with Inés, Pau and Chelo.
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