Saturday, January 11, 2014

Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #44- 1/10/14: He's Leavin', Leavin', On That Midnight Camionetta To Aguazul!

Ahoy Amguis! Here's a tune for you listen to as you read the recap. This little ear worm is dedicated to Jose Luis and Angie. Sweet Thing. Enjoy!

We start this epi with the refried of missing money, who could be the culprit, that would be BM (B*tch Maria) and Dimwit (Demitrio), and by the by, this is a BM free epi, Yay! Word to Carlos, sorry dude! Also Monse tells Ale that Dimwit has hi-tailed it to the Arechega Hacienda to suck up, er, to hide out, to er visit Angie over there. Ale tells Monse that together they will protect Angie from that dimwit, Dimwit. He's not going to get one over on her. Mac (Macario) knocks on the door, says he hates to interrupt, but things are now ready for Ant/JL (Antonio/ Jose Luis) and Refug (Refugio) to escape, er, leave the hacienda. Besos and Ale goes.

Next we watch pobrecito (poor thing) Addled (Adolfo) looking under the mattress for the lana (money) he stole from Ale's cash drawer. Not there, sucks to be Addled!

Dimwit is packing his suitcase and puts the lana he stole from Addled in between his clothes. That will teach Addled to hide the lana under his mattress.

On A Humid, Dark Night:
Mac and his men have fixed up the camionetta (truck) to look like they are hauling hay. The guys, Ant/JL (Antonio/ Jose Luis) and Refug (Refugio) will hide amidst the hay, if they have hay fever sucks to be them, anyhoo, Miguel will be waiting for them in Aguazul with a car, best of luck Ale tells them. Ale also tells them when they reach their final destination, to give him a ringy, dingy to let him know they made it okay. Mac will help them hide in the camion (truck) and bro hug with Ale and Ant/JL . Ale waves them bye, bye.
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Friday, January 10, 2014

Pobres Ep 5 Jan 10, 2014... Whose land is it anyway?

we see a repeat of scene where A-hole fakes some praises to MA and then we go to the Menchaca's where they are hoping the fonda business will go very well. La nina de los ojos bonitos will do very well and Diosito won't let us down.   they are smiling, laughing, etc. Carmelita asks Lupita what is really going on? Lupita tells her about the school tuition issue. Carmelita suggests move him to public school but Lupita won't even consider that, even if she has to work her back out.

Back to RP, MA is starting the business meeting, but the auditors come on with the bad news about the fraud. MA accuses A-hole but he glances 'who? me??'... the auditors point the fingers to MA as the only one responsible.

Lo nuevo:
Back to Menchacas. Food is ready. Carmelita and Lupita are looking around to check if there is anything else to do before opening the doors. Carmelita cheers Lupita a bit. and gives her her blessing. Lupita thanks her, that is exactly what my mom would have done... Time to open the door!!

At meeting, Saul is vowing for MA to the auditors. He and MA will investigate and they will get back to them.  MA protests, I have only been here as prez for a month, and you think I had enough time to run a fraud??  But A-hole keeps twisting the knife, you will have to face the law but also the investors, and you were claiming the authority, etc... enough for MA to grab him by his jacket lapel and accuse 'it was you who set this up, right??'  

Back to Fonda... El coliseo de Roma... (the name of the fonda is 'The Rome Colisseum' even though it is typical mexican home cooking... )  some guys come by, the ladies try to turn them into the first customers but the guys were actually looking for the gym and are not interested in the restaurant.
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Por siempre mi amor #27 1/10/14: So-not Has A Mini-Me And Her Name Is Aranza

El refrito 
  • Marianela welcomes her five little handfuls into the new apartment. They talk about "la mercancia" and decide to use one corner as the warehouse. 
  • Tita interacts with her new mascota Don Porfirio 
  • Aranza and her mush-mouthed crew party it up in the loud Antro, much to the consternation of the recapper. They are tossing back the tequila as Esteban the responsible designated driver looks on. Aranza wants to “do it” with Esteban. She lays a sloppy kiss on him. They officially have a theme song. (Yo Puedo Esperar por Mickael Carreira)
  • Art tells Isa that Bruno is returning to Mexico for good. 
Lo Nuevo 
El Antro 
Aranza is still in the loud antro with Esteban. She is drunk as a skunk. Dafne's date has passed out in a corner. Ara asks Esteban if he remembers what else they are celebrating this month besides her birthday. Being the complete caballero that he is of course he remembers. They've been novios six months! He has a surprise for her, but he’s not going to tell her what it is. Then she starts falling all over herself and has to sit down. Dafne comes back with a new galan explaining that Cristian (galan #1) pitched a little fit and probably left…which is just what she’s going to do. Esteban is left to take care of Aranza alone. He calls his dad (Mau.) 

Departamento de Sonia 
Sonia’s Victor Borgia look-alike sugar daddy is getting ready to leave. He throws a stack of bills her way. That should hold her until the next time they see each other. He tells her not to call or look for him. She tells him he always says that. He wants to make sure she doesn’t forget it. He leaves. She makes like Harvey Korman and Counts de Money. He returns later and is pithed that his kept lady is looking unkempt. She says he should let her know when he's coming around. He doesn't like to be called "baby." He can come and and go as he pleases. He demands she get his dinner and fix herself up. He can go his house if he wants to see a a slovenly woman.

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Weekend Discussion: Culture Shock

What cultural head-scratchers get you every time you watch a novela?

I'd love to know whether men and women still interact as though it were the Victorian age.  Mexican women go to college and have careers; shouldn't that have eliminated the ridiculous notion that they exist only for their men and their children?  Despite it being a comedy, the sexism in Por Ella Soy Eva really was disturbing.  Do Mexican fathers really devalue their daughters like that?

Do parents really call their children "princesa," "mi reina", "mi rey," etc.?  This really bugs me because I can't help thinking that this is more appropriate for a significant other.  I can't help thinking that applying this to a child is spoiling them and giving them a sense of entitlement.

Sound off, amigos.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo Capitulo 43, 1/9/2014 - Ladron Que Roba A Ladron

Ladron Que Roba A Ladron

Want of money and the distress of a thief can never be alleged as the cause of his thieving, for many honest people endure greater hardships with fortitude. We must therefore seek the cause elsewhere than in want of money, for that is the miser's passion, not the thief s.

A Wet Death

I guess it had to end this way. Someone was going to die today and it was supposed to be Alejandro Almonte. The plan was laid between Police Captain Loreto and fugitive Jose Luis/ Antonio. “Get close to, ambush and kill Almonte.” 

The day is dark and the rain falls down noisily as it does in a tropical rain forest.  The first hard drops hit the tree canopy with a sharp sound, then, as the drops turn into runnels, the noise becomes even louder, making a slapping sound as stream turns into a torrent that rushes over each level of life on its way to the forest floor. 

The men on the ground have dressed for the rain in serviceable black nylon capes. The swishing noise of the nylon makes it even harder for us to hear what is happening. We get glimpses of the action; Loreto tells JL/Ant to shoot Alejandro, JL/Ale fires but he has no intention of harming Ale—he has emptied his gun of bullets. Loreto takes a real shot at Alejandro as Ale comes closer on his horse. Ale falls or jumps off the beast. JL/Ant loads his gun, this time for real, and calls, “Loreto!” Loreto turns to face JL/Ant and Jose Luis fires, hitting Loreto square in the chest. 

Loreto falls to the ground, dead. A drop of rain falls from his hood onto JL’s nose. It looks like a tear and it falls from the tip of his nose to the ground. A small curl of smoke goes up from the gun and Jose Luis Alvarez looks as though he will be sick. Perhaps his life to-date just flashed before his eyes. Jose Luis knows that homicide can be justified or even forgiven but its resonances will stay with a man for his lifetime. He will never be the same.
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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #66 Thu 1/9/14 Regresar para Recuperar

Ric, Homero, and Inésiana discuss Alina.  They agree that she can't see too much of Inésiana while she's staying at Paloma's, but Inésiana wants to see her at least once.  Homero goes off to see what happened to his car, but not before laughingly patting Ric on the cheek and telling him he's got a lot to learn.  Ric and Inésiana trade "I love you"-s and Ric starts listing all the documents he's going to need to get the adoption ball rolling.

Ric calls Marilu, aka Alina's new NannyMommy, to tell her not to take Alina over to Paloma's after school, even though Alina was looking forward to it.  "Just make up an excuse."  Niiiiiiice.

Homero catches Leo up on the car incident and mentions that he could swear he knows the guy who was with Francisco/JL.  He finally remembers that the guy's name was Mike and he used to be an agent.  "If he's undercover, why wasn't I informed?!"  Uh, oh…either Mike changed sides or someone forgot to keep forwarding Homero all those memos….
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Qué Pobres, Thursday 1/9/14 (#4): Discuss and Enjoy

Posting my notes a week and a half later, just for posterity's sake:

- MA and Minerva try to have their engagement party. It's difficult because Leo loudly takes a phone call right in the middle of MA's speech. Then Leo announces to everyone that he has a girlfriend. ("I thought he was gay," Minerva's mother mutters.) MA protests; this is his party. Frida backs him up. But AS and Leo are adamant that everyone should hear all about Leo's new girl, the Countess Macarena, no I'm not kidding, that's her name.

- The loan shark pays Lupita a visit with a "friendly reminder" about the Menchacas' debt.

- The board of directors likes MA's proposal to open an office in London. They praise him lavishly and openly snub Ahole.

- MA wants to buy a castle in England. Just in case Ahole is the first to fulfill that goofy clause in Grandpa's will, MA wants to make sure he and his family have something of their own.

- Adolfo, an old friend of Grandpa's and of the company, helps MA with all the legal and financial arrangements for the London office. MA and Saul are comfortable with Adolfo's help because they know Ahole hates him. (I think there's some talk of the company putting up 30% of the money and MA is putting up the rest personally?) Adolfo suggests giving MA power of attorney to expedite things. The board of directors agrees.

- While Grandma snoozes in her darkened bedroom, Ahole gloats to Grandma's nurse: "I'm paying you a fortune to keep her over-medicated. With any luck, she'll lose her marbles in no time!"

- It appears that the deal to create the London office is just about finished. The business partner from London praises MA and snubs Ahole. (This seems to happen a lot.) He says it will be a big success. "And we owe it alllll to Miguel Angel," Ahole points out with greasy sincerity. "And Adolfo," MA adds.

- Ahole gives MA a manly hug and hisses in his ear: "I've supplied the financial records for the audit. I hope this will clear up any remaining doubts about my honesty."

- Meanwhile, back on Italy Street, Lupita worries about Emiliano's school. His tuition is past due, and there's no money to pay it. Sure he could go to public school, but that won't give him the education he needs to prepare for college.

- The audit of the company's finances is finished. The result: the company has failed to pay 30 million pesos in taxes, and they're also short an additional 60 million pesos. MA accuses Ahole of fraud, but the auditors say: all of the evidence points to just one person - Miguel Angel!


Por siempre mi amor #26 1/9/14: Close Your Eyes And Make A Wish. I Wish That I Was Ten Years Older!!!

El Pasado
 A tearful Bruno is telling Tita that he is leaving Mexico; he is going to stop being breast-fed and live the way that he wants without pressures from anyone.  Funny, he was doing the pressuring if my memory serves me correctly. 

Ara has been instructed to cut up 5 of Isa’s favorite pieces of clothes and the brat that she is complies with her evil Aunt’s wishes. There is something very disturbing about this scene.  Ara has no filter between what right and wrong, she continues to emulate her aunt’s sociopathic tendencies.
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Por siempre mi amor #25 1/8/14: The Show Must Go On! (Where There's a Will, There's a Way!)

(Hi, it's CorazonSalvaje substituting for the night. This episode shows love and patience overcomes any obstacles no matter how diminutive or major.)

Lo de ayer-
Isabel is gussied up and off to get dressed.
Methuselah's beating and death threat.
Our preview at the sabatoge and the outcome of it with Isa's scream.
Lo de Hoy-
As Isa screams, Gabs, Tita and Aranza hurry in to see what the deal is and two out of 3 comfort la novia. Some suspicions are up but Tita states whom is really at fault. You-know-who leaves and thoughbubbles about when Soni had instructed her to commit the deed (I wanted an Edgar Allen Poe reference there BTW) and how she did it. Isa then overreacts and pleads to call off the wedding when Tita re-assures her, "where there's a will, there's a way." and that the wedding won't be discarded due to un capricho de Aranza.
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Mentir Para Vivir #65 Wed 1/8/14 As Elvis would say, "Thank you, thank you very much."

Hermosillo--Casa de Ricardo
Everything is falling into place for la boda.  Marilu has even taken Tito to Paloma's house so he won’t be underfoot (hmmmph, he wasn't invited?)  Ricky enjoys a few flashbacks of his relationship with Oriana.

Preparations are underway in Fidelia's Purple Palace and the guests are starting to arrive, including Matilde, resplendent in a lavender suit to match the wall color.  She barely says hello to Fidelia as she enters.  Fidelia and Ruben share an awkward hello. The bride enters in a cute short wedding dress carrying a flower ball (is that what they're called?)  She looks really cute with her hair done up away from her face.  The ceremony begins.  Later, the couple signs the wedding license and voila!  It's done!  As the judge pronounces them man and wife, Oriana gets a sudden twinge in her hospital bed.   Something is amis in The Force. Marilu turns expectantly to Ricardo, all smiles. Ricardo gives his bride a peck on the cheek.  QTH?  Matilde annoyingly cheers for the happy couple, crying out "Beso! Beso! Beso!"  Her family is embarrassed.

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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Qué Pobres, Wednesday 1/8/14 (#3): Let's Make a Deal

- Frida and her boyfriend go to the place where they keep the bulls and let them all free. As a saner person would expect, the bulls run around and it's not a very safe place to be. Frida is arrested, thanks to the tip Mom called in earlier. Frida calls her mom, but Mom refuses to bail her out. Mom gloats to Leo that this will give Frida some time to think. (Mom and Leo are gambling with the money MA gave them. I think THEY need some time to think.) Fortunately, Frida's boyfriend calls MA, and MA bails Frida out.

- "We Have to Talk," MA tells Minerva. She does her best to distract and sidetrack him. She also tries to get him to explain what was that mysterious clause in the will, but he doesn't say. He does give her an extension on her credit card for wedding preparations, though. As for the topic he wants to discuss - it's about where they'll live. Min says she's willing to live anywhere with him. She's very cosmopolitan. Indeed, she'd even be willing to have multiple homes in various cities.

- Frida tells MA she called Mom instead of him because she's not used to having him around to help. He's never been around when she needed him. Not when she had her appendix out (MA is hearing about this one for the first time), nor when Grandpa died. He's never had time because he's always been working. MA promises that this will change.

- Lupe's family transforms the gym into a restaurant. Don Chuy tries to convince Emiliano that he ought to be enough for the boy so he doesn't need any other dad, but Emiliano desperately wants to know who he came from. It's really hurting him not to know. Lupe overhears this and rushes off to Conceptos, er I mean Grupo Imperio, er I mean Ruiz-Palacios Inc. or whatever it's called.

- Just FYI, Carmelita is Lupe's other friend, Lucy is an executive secretary, and Vilma (it said Vilma in the captions but might be Irma) is Alejo's secretary. Also: Tato is Frida's boyfriend.

- Lucy lets MA into Grandpa's old office. MA flashes back to the angry confrontation he had with Grandpa when he announced that he was moving to London. He's been given everything he could possibly need on a silver platter, but he's leaving anyway. Grandpa predicts that MA will be a failure. MA is just the kind of guy who likes to prove everyone wrong. But MA also remembers his mother and his sister complaining that he hadn't been in their lives. MA nods decisively at Grandpa's presidential desk.

- Alejo is meeting with some shareholders or maybe it's the board of directors. Whoever they are, they're skeptical that he'll be able to give up his womanizing ways to secure his position with the company. Anyway, he's not officially president yet, so don't count your chickens before they're hatched. As if on cue, MA comes in and says he's gonna do it! Alejo is MAD!!#@$%!!

- Privately, in his office, Alejo tries to get MA to make a deal with him. Vilma comes in without knocking. Alejo screams at her exactly the same way he screamed at Lupe on 12/22/02. MA scolds Alejo for speaking to her that way and says now that he's half president of this joint, he insists that Alejo treat people with respect. (Oh, how I miss Eva!)

- In the main lobby, Lupe asks to meet with Alejo. Vilma says he doesn't have time, but I'm not sure if she even asked him. She says Lupe will see Alejo "over my dead body." Territorial much? Lupe won't leave without a fight, so Vilma calls Security. Lupe puts that big guy in a headlock. MA happens by. He doesn't know exactly what's happening, but he's impressed as hell! He figures it has something to do with Alejo, but he doesn't get a chance to find out any more because Lupe flees. However, she does leave behind a little glass slipper!

- No, there wasn't really a glass slipper. I wish.

- Lupe tells Dad she was out doing errands and "thinking." "You were right," she tells her father. "Emiliano has the right to know his father, but his father has no right to such a great son." Later, at bedtime, she thanks Emiliano for his patience and says she's "working on it" but it will take time. He agrees to wait, but I know how youngsters reckon time. He'll be clamoring again within a week because when you're a kid, a week feels like a month. Emiliano asks if she's had a lot of other novios. She says she's had a lot of amigos, but was never much into the novia experience. And Emiliano's dad doesn't even count as a novio. "Losing one's head is not the same as love.

- MA meets with his friend Omar, er, Saul(?) for a rehash session. Just like old times!

- MA hasn't extended Minerva's line on the credit card yet and he tells her they need to slow down on the wedding preps because he's not going back to London soon. I think that was the gist of the convo, anyway. This worries her. Min's mom interrupts and MA cannot get out of the room fast enough.

- Someone should tie Juan Osorio Ortiz to a chair and make him watch this show. THIS is a comedy!

- Minerva and her mother argue over which of them is more likely to ruin this whole wedding deal. In my opinion, Mom (whose wide smile reminds me of the Joker) is more in love with MA than Min is. I think MA doesn't mind Minerva, but he can't stand her mother.

- MA looks through photos of Minerva on his tablet. However, his favorite photo is his mental picture of Lupita.

- At the office, Omar/Saul tells MA, "you don't seem very enthusiastic about this wedding." MA is concerned because he doesn't think he's seen ALL of he company's financial reports.

- Vilma/Irma is trying to talk to Alejo, who is ogling women. To get him to pay attention, she tries to stand in front of the one he's looking at.

- Alejo, Vilma/Irma, and MA are with a bunch of executives or... I dunno, people who are entitled to opinions. MA shows two different versions of the next issue's magazine cover. HIS version shows a confident, professional-looking woman. Alejo's version shows a hot model. Which one do they thing better represents the "Mujer de Hoy"?

- MA also says that he's been looking at the financial reports, and SOMETHING DOESN'T ADD UP!

Next time: Alejo and Vilma/Irma accuse MA of fraud.


Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Miercoles 1/8/14 #42

Chapter 41: Another Day, Another Death

In Review:

Constable Loreto disposed of Pervertino in the stable. He then stole the cursed gold ring previously stolen from Lord Benjamin Almonte.

Current Happenings:

Gaol: Esmeralda visited Refugio to assure herself of his safety; alas there is a price she will pay for that. She carefully stepped away before being seen by the guard seeking her favors.

Almonte Estate: The recently returned Macario entered the manor to advise Lord Alejandro that his prisoner had been disposed of before he could be transported. He had made enquiries of the other workers and no one had heard the shot. Their other prisoner is alive. Lord Alejandro concluded that Pervertino had been killed so he could not speak of whom he was working for. He then ordered Macario to post guards at the entrances and to guard Lady Monserrat.
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Mentir Para Vivir #64 Tue 1/7/14 Suck It Up and Grow a Pair of Balls, Pretty Boy! (Words of Wisdom by Homero de la Garza)

Casa de Homero:  Paloma objects to Oriana moving in with Jose Luis.  In her current state, Oriana might fall in love with him again.  She reports that Ricky is also suffering because he can’t see his honey bunny.  Homero says that Oriana either cooperates with the sting or she goes to prison.  Besides, Ricky will have to grow a big pair of balls in order to get through this.  Paloma calls Homero a hardass.     Homero tells Paloma that Ricky marrying Marilu is a stupid idea.  Paloma says that the plan will work because Jose Luis is “dead”.  In order to take Rhodalina, Francisco would have to admit that he is Jose Luis and he will get sent to prison.  Homero says that the plan will never work because Francisco Falcon can prove that he is the father with a simple DNA test; he doesn’t have to admit that he is Jose Luis.  Fathers have rights.  The girl could be the result of an affair.  Homero thinks they can get around the law if Inez signs a notarized statement giving custody to Ricky and Marilu. 
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Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 41, Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2014 -- When Bad Things Happen to Bad People

Lo refrito:
Montserrat and José Luis say their goodbyes.
José Luis collapses in grief after Montserrat leaves him.
Montserrat sits alone, very straight, very still, and she lets the tears stream down her cheeks.

Macario knows what he knows, darn it.
And he knows that there was no other Rosario on the hacienda in the old days.  Because if there was, how come he can't remember her?  Rosario, filling in for Dominga in the kitchen, tries to avoid loquacious Macario and his dogged questions.  She answers in monosyllables and looks anywhere but at his face.  But she gets increasingly flustered as he keeps pressing her.

Was this other Rosario older or younger (más grande o más chica) than she?  Older.  Well then, says Mac, she must have known Alejandro when he was a newborn!

This is too much for Rosario.  The dish she is holding crashes to the floor, and she hurries out of the room, asking him to stop talking nonsense.

A joyless coupling that ends in a squabble over the bill.
We are spared the details.  María has done what she was expected to do and Adolfo is pleased.  He hands her a single wad of bills for services rendered.  She is outraged.  This isn't half the money!  She knows herself that there were many bundles of bills in the locked drawer.  Maybe so, shrugs Adolfo.  But what is she going to do about it?  If she wants Montserrat to get blamed, Alejandro can't know he had anything to do with the theft. If Adolfo gets dragged into it, he'll make sure Alejandro knows her role in the robbery -- and worst of all, that she slept with him for a few pesos.  Actually, he has paid her a lot more than a night with her is worth. 
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Pobres ep 2, Tuesday Jan 07: Its a small world after all... and some new interesting characters make their entrance

Refrito: AnaSophy keeps her pitiful-me-song about her disastrous life, and her son trying to get her to be quiet for a record 10 seconds. She is so afraid she will be the laughing stock of several Mexican generations… (he suggests she choose from 2 solutions: bigger party or punish Frida with no funds… she likes that.. but she thinks sending Frida away to an European bording school is too easy (LOL!).. she will think of something… but meanwhile, how will she face the embarrassment she just endured. Have no choice. Give me the gun… (psych!, she wanted the blow dryer to dry her full fur coat)…

We get the ice cold reunion scene of Minerva and MA… and her sticky mommy, who can only see in terms of dollar bills.

Back to the colorful neighborhood party and Emiliano’s wish of meeting his dad. Lupita and her dad put a ‘oh crap!’ face when he says it.

Lo Nuevo:

Here comes (Arturo Peniche as) Nepomuceno (I will do him a favor and call him Nepo from here on), he arrived with his musicians to get the party started. Lupita is sad, Nepo comes to bring her some fruit (is he a green grocer/distributor?) and try to cheer her up. Fruit is not as pretty as you, but they are sweet as honey. Lupita not in mood, even with the band he brought to her son.Nepo is definitely interested in Lupita, and he does not skip a beat, he asks her out. She is very reluctant… just a movie or a drink… please don’t say no or I will squish like an avocado. Lupita leaves him with a pinch of hope, ‘maybe one of these days we can go out to dinner…’ That’s good enough for him. He happily goes back to animate the party. Wendy(?)(is this the aguas girl?) comes to scold Lupita for rejecting Nepo. For some reason Wendy wants to know the name of Emiliano’s dad. Lupita won’t tell her.

Next morning, Lupita and her dad again discuss the options about the gym, and even consider selling the house. He can tell Lupita is more worried about Emiliano wanting to meet his dad. She is thinking about it. Her dad says should not even consider it. Lupita never told Emiliano’s dad she was expecting. She remembers:

We see her on the day she got the positive pregnancy test results and was coming to the office to tell him, she found him (none other than Alejo) in the arms of a woman (none other than Minerva!)… Lupita got upset and left, he basically demanded that she not tell anyone about what she saw. She gets really upset, claims he had told her he loved her. Alejo says ‘I am a R-P, the next President of this corporation. You are just a receptionist. How can you even think there could be love between people of such different social ranks?’ She gathers some strength and backbone and says she does understand and will leave him something (he thought she wanted to give him a last kiss, but she actually gives him a knee in the sweet spot… YAY!!, you go Lupita!! WHOO!!! WHOO!!!)…
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Por siempre mi amor #24 1/7/14: So what I consider pretty is considered faux-pas?

Recap by Corazon del Salvaje

Lo de Ayer-
Gaby and Bruno are in the aparment discussing marriage and while one-B-wants to tie the knot, the other-G-isn't feeling it yet. Bruno then dismisses himself.
Aran, Art Dad and Isabel are meeting and break the news that they wanna marry which stresses her and she runs off. AD & Isa. are worried for her sake but know Aran is capable of being reassured.

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Qué Pobres, Tuesday 1/7/14 (#2): "Just a Secretary"

We don't have a recapper for tonight, so I am taking the liberty of adding a few high-level notes.

- Grandpa's been dead for a while, I think, so they're not actually reading the entire will tonight. They're just reading a never-before-revealed portion of it that deals specifically with who should take over the company if Grandma is unable to. Since she's now been deemed mentally unfit, the time is now. The will states that both grandsons will share responsibility for the company and the estate, but whichever one produces the first LEGITIMATE, within-wedlock, male heir first wins. If no varón shows up within a certain period of time (I missed it), the remaining stockholders will divvy up the bienes in whatever way they think best.

- Emiliano's father is... drum roll please... Alejo. Lupe was his secretary. She never got a chance to tell him she was pregnant, because when she came into his office without knocking, he was making out with Minerva. (The date on Lupe's pregnancy test results was 12/22/2002, and MA only started dating Minerva 10 years ago... so that's another reason for Alejo and MA not to get along.) Lupe wanted to tell Alejo about the baby, but when he said "you're only a secretary" and to know her place, she slugged him but good. It was glorious. But anyway, she does think Emiliano has a right to know. The boy is adamant about it. But she doesn't tell him just yet.

- MA insists he has no interest in running the company. He's a self-made man and doesn't need the family or the name or the company, blah blah blah (we heard this several times last night and it's repeated several more times tonight). Mom tries to guilt him into accepting his share of company and producing an heir pronto so that "we" can have the whole enchilada. She says they're entitled to it.

- Today the dog is wearing an outfit of the same color/fabric as MA's mom's dress.

- Alejo's current secretary is, I believe, the woman who played Marisela in PESE. I almost didn't recognize her, because this character's attitude is VERY different. I think she's hot for Alejo.

- MA borrows/rents/whatever a fancy car at a place that looks a lot like part of the Conceptos building and visits Grandma. She recognizes him right away and gushes about how much she and Grandpa loved him. He was their favorite! This confuses MA, because Grandpa was always so critical of him. Grandma explains that Grandpa wanted to build up MA's and Alejo's character, because their own fathers had grown up to be totally useless.

- Arturo Peniche's character, who I think is a greengrocer, begs Lupe for a date. (A cita date, that is, not a date fruit.)

- Chuy and Lupe put up all the gym's equipment as collateral for a variable-rate loan. They're using a loan shark/pawnbroker because a bank would be "too slow" (and most likely turn them down anyway).

- MA's mom arrives by helicopter to have lunch with some nasty gossipy friends. Instead of collecting money from them for the benefit, she has to write them checks to cover the damage to their furs at last night's debacle.

- MA tells Grandma again that he doesn't need the family name, etc. Gran tells him not to be so prideful. Everyone needs help from time to time. She asks him to please take over the company because Alejo's been doing a really lousy job.

- MA's mom gives her lazy kids a lot of money to loaf around and amuse themselves. Frida is smirking at a magazine article about a matador; Mom realizes Frida must be planning mischief. Mom phones a friend to warn of likely vandalism.

- Alejo complains to a photographer that the pix he's taking of a model aren't hot enough. The photographer asks if the company co-president, Miguel Angel, feels the same way. Alejo angrily says he's the ONLY president of the company. "No ship has two captains!"

- Lupe's friend (or is she her sister), a cosmetician, helps Lupe's would-be sweetheart with a "new look" to impress Lupe.

- MA is a bit put off to hear that his mother and siblings don't eat together at home each day. Mom insists that he take the job and produce an heir. If Alejo gets everything, MA will have to support Mom, Leo, and Frida. "Don't any of you have jobs?" MA asks, aghast. Nope. And in Mom's opinion, "they" deserve the inheritance. "I earned it!" she declares. She must be exhausted from all that waiting!

- Minerva wants to see Alejo. She's dying to know what was revealed by the lawyer this morning, and she hasn't seen MA yet. "Stay away from Alejo!" Mini's mom warns. "Miguel is the good one," she assures her daughter. Mini says don't worry! Nothing will happen with Alejo! Promise! But she also lets on that although MA is good in bed, he's a bit "rigid."

Next time: Lupe tries to visit Alejo.


Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 40. 01/06/14.

Sorry for posting so late.  I was up late last night watching the BCS Championship. Noles won the  2014 Championship.  YEAH!!!!
Ale tells Montse that he will be going to Aquazul tomorrow.  What to come with?  Montse declines.  There is no reason for her to buy new clothes if she doesn't go anywhere to use them.  Are you bothered that I won't let you go by yourself asks Ale.  Yes, replies Montse.  But I understand it's hard for you to trust me.  Hopefully with time you will trust me when I say that I no longer want to leave you.  One thing that bothers me though.  I don't like to have to ask for money or tell you why I need it.  Ale agrees and gives her a copy of the keys to his locked desk drawer.  Whenever you want money, just come and take what you need.  During this exchange, Adolfo hears this. 

Montse recalls Dim's threat about spilling the frijoles about JL if she doesn't give him money.

Ale goes to visit Loreto.  He says that JL is hanging out at his hacienda.  Loreto thinks he's mistaken.  JL and his accomplice died in a fiery crash.  But did you ever find the bodies asks Ale.  No, the place they crashed is a hard place to get to says Loreto.  Ale says they are wrong.  JL is still alive.  Loreto can open up an investigation, but it will cost money.  Ale has no problem paying for it as long as they bring JL to him. 

Nadia is depressed.  Montse calls and wonders if everything is alright.  Are you having problems with Pedro?  No, everything is fine replies Nadia.  But I am glad you called.  Why did you ask me not to tell Josefina that Dim and Adolfo are at your hacienda?  Montse says that Dim is threatening to tell Ale the truth about JL if she don't give him money.  Why does he want money asks Nadia.  Because he and Adolfo want to flee the country to avoid Toma's threats replies Montse.  She asks Nadia to lend her the money to get the boys out of her hair. 

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Mentir Para Vivir #63 Mon 1/6/14 Selective memory loss – the best kind of telenovela amnesia

Sorry for the delay, I’ve had a very busy day yesterday and wasn’t able to revise the recap until now. I hope you enjoy and maybe understand some of the stuff that happened better than I did.

Paloma is with Alina, explaining her that mom didn’t come home last night because she had to go on her trip. Why she didn’t even say ‘goodbye’ then? Because it was very late and Alina was already asleep. And mom went to the USA, which is far, but Alina doesn’t have to worry because mom loves her very much.
What about dad, what if he comes for her now? Alina inquires. Not to worry about that, he won’t be allowed to get in and besides, she’s going to stay with Ricardo for a while and everyone at his house will have good care of her.

At Trejo Bonfil Textiles, JL is pissed because Joaquin’s goon has come to keep an eye on him. Antonio interferes to remind him that they really need to start with their shady business activities. Ok, JL agrees; first, they have to find out who are Aresti-Breton’s suppliers and who are the local women working with them. Antonio needs a few days to find out all this information, so JL suggests to enlist Seb’s help, too (like that would help). After, he calls Eliseo, demanding to know where he is.
And why is that? Because JL sends the guy who is supposed to be watching him to kill Eliseo (or at least, that’s what I got from the scene).
And that is exactly what happens, even if Eliseo does smell the trouble and tries to attack first. One last smoke, a stare directly into the camera and his perplexed face at the thought that he’s about to kick the bucket and Eliseo is dead. Good riddance, you were mostly a useless bad buy. I hope you and Berto have a good time, wherever it is that you surely ended up together. 
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Por siempre mi amor #23 1/6/04: Love Is - Isn't - No Wait... IS in the Air... or Maybe Not

I hope you all had a great weekend and are staying warm and safe. Sub-zero weather is no fun, especially the "freeze the hair in your nose" kind most of the country is having right now.

Nothing warms like a good laugh so I wanted to share this. I saw this on Friday and laughed till I cried.

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Monday, January 06, 2014

Qué Pobres, Monday 1/6/14 (#1): God Save the Queen

Nighttime in Mexico City. Lupita weeps in the street and prays before entering a building where there's a wrestling match. It turns out the star attraction, Don Chuy, aka the Son of Sumatra, is her dad. He's excited to see her; she's never come to watch him fight before. But she's not really here to watch him tonight, either. He can tell she's been crying.

"What's the matter?" he asks. "I'm pregnant," Lupita replies. The Son of Sumatra is so stunned that his opponent quickly defeats him.

Later, the luchador tells Lupita that he hasn't felt such pain since Mama died. He thinks someone's done something terrible to Lupita; she says no, she's not blameless. It's partly her fault she's pregnant. She let herself be deceived. She won't tell Dad who the father is. All she will say is that he's an arrogant man whose name isn't worth mentioning. (HINT: Look out for an arrogant man who's hung up on names. Good luck with that.)

Some years later, in London (England)...
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur et cetera, Week of January 6, 2014

Try to stay warm, amigos! 

Reminder: La Impostora, a new telenovela starring Christian Bach, Sebastián Zurita and Lisette Morelos and filmed in and around Acapulco, is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 8pm/7c, the time slot currently occupied by Marido en Alquiler.  

Is anyone interested in writing minicaps?  This is the place to talk about it.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Santa Diabla -- Week of January 6, 2014

Here's your page, folks.  Enjoy!

Remember that Jean will be away for the next three weeks, so Monday's recap spot is open.  Anyone interested?

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Marido en Alquiler -- Week of January 6, 2014: Rumbo al Gran Final

Marido fans, here's your page.  The final episode airs Monday, January 13.  Tell me what you prefer: 

Do you want to finish up the show on this page?  

Or would you like me to post a separate page just for the last episode next Monday?  

Is anyone planning on recapping Wednesday?

Note:  Next week, when the new novela, La Impostora, begins on Tuesday, January 14 in this 8pm/7c time slot, please bring your discussions and minicaps to The Front Page of Telemundo y Más.  Thanks!

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Avenida Brasil-index

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Saturday, January 04, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #62 Fri 1/3/14 Chitty Chitty Crash Bang!

Lo del Pasado:

Jose Luis has ordered Eliseo to follow Oriana now that she’s gone back to live with her “abuela”.  He’s also warned Els not to say a word about this to El Ho-boy Jefe de Joaquin.  El Tito can follow instructions better than Eliseo seems to cuz once Elis got back into the service van, he immediately got on the phone to Hoquin complaining.  Hoquin tells him to knock off either JL or the wife and kid.   Dun-dun-dunnnnnn!!! 

Lo del Nuevo:

Lucina is waiting in the living room to speak to Oriana to give her the moral support Oriana had asked her for.  Lu is anxious cuz she’s worried about Oriana’s decision to go back to live with JL; she’s certain he’ll demand his marital privileges.   “—I’m so sorry to have gotten you involved in such a mess.”  Oriana reassures her she doesn’t blame her for trying to help her out of a jam cuz nobody could have imagined somebody would come looking out of the blue for Ines Valdivia and she did agree to go along with it.  As for sleeping with JL, say Ori, she’ll cross that bridge if and when she comes to it. (Cue the ostrich feathers and the sand.)    Lu asks how Ricardo’s taking it and figures he must be furious feeling so trapped [llevarse el tren= fig. to feel cornered, on a road with no exit, no way out] considering.

Speaking of the King of Rome, in another part of the manse, he is telling Paloma that he’s definitely a reluctant participant in this crazy plan of Homero’s, but they’ve got no choice and just hope that the situation doesn’t last long.  Pal’s worried about him marrying Marilu, especially since they used to be an item once.  Ric gets agitated. “--At least Marilu realizes it’s [a sham marriage], but Jose Luis will be continually insisting [fregar = to scrub at, rub at, do something nonstop] and constantly haranguing on Oriana  to comply.” (Yep, Ric, it does suck to be you about now.)  

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Lo que la vida me robó—1-3-14, Cap 38 & 39. Something with a fire.

Lo que la vida me robó—1-3-14, Cap 38 & 39. Something with a fire.

AM GOING TO TRY TO WRITE AN ON-THE-FLY RECAP as I watch. Wish me luck! Will add screencaps and clean things up later.

Scenes may be condensed or whacked. Please forgive.

Refried: What's her name is talking with her mom about not wanting to be cooped up even if she's sick. Monse and her dipshit brother are talking, bro thinks that she's playing Ale just right, she huffily replies that she's falling in love with him. Bro advises to not string along both guys for too long. They are called upon to get into a car.

Visiting with Angie. Dipshit Bro is kissing up to Angie. She tells him and Monse that she's been grounded. Angie wants to talk alone with Monse, Dipshit Bro says Por Supuesto. Angie wants Monse to send along JL to visit. "Don't get your hopes up too high; I don't want you to get hurt." Antonio (aka JL) can't offer more than friendship. Angie wants to fight for JL, because Monse is married, yadda yadda.

Juvie-Dude is visiting JL. JL is working on a report. Juvie is hovering over JL and JL wants him to leave.

Dipshit Dim begging Angie's mom to lift the grounding. He wants to court Angie. Mom thinks they're both too rebellious. He wants Angie to kick up her feet and forget she's ill for a while. Mom doesn't think that's a good idea. She says he can visit Angie at her home, though.
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Friday, January 03, 2014

Por siempre mi amor #22 1/3/14: Insert Pablo Blarto joke here

My apologies for the following: 
  • I fear I’ve lost count of Caigamos en oracion. I thought we were up to 15, but J desde NYC noted 12 on Wednesday. I can say with certainty that it was not said during this episode. 
  • A lot of the snark I ripped off from myself during my AdP days. I just didn’t have any original snark. 
Lo breve 
  • Girl day was a disaster. Aranza went to pet a dog. Somehow So-not slithered into the picture, the two of them decided to "play a trick" and it all went downhill from there. The cops were called in. Art had a mid-mall melt down. Meanwhile So-not and Aranza played tic-tac-toe and ate ice cream. 
  • Bruno is being really pushy (tofie described it best.) It's really freaking out Gaby who has never had a novio. 
  • Gaby doesn't like to cook. 
  • Mau and Andy went to look at departamentos with the kiddos and DID NOT invite Mean Min. 
  • Art doesn't think he can be with a woman who can't keep track of a kid in a mall. 
Lo Interminable 
Art can’t understand why Isa didn’t tell him about the fit Tita witnessed. Tita explains that Isa is trying to win the girl over. Art wants to know who’s filling Aranza’s head with all this garbage. Duh, says Tita…It’s So-not! Art doesn’t see how that’s possible since he and Aranza haven’t been around her. Tita figures it all happened the day So-not picked the girl up from school and then they also had plenty of time the day Aranza ran away. Art wants to give So-not a piece of his mind buy Tita advises that he ignore her and instead talk to his daughter. Allow Aranza to tell the story…and for the love, don’t let on that you got this information from Tita and Lucha. Tita doesn’t want Aranza to lose her trust in them. 

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Qué Pobres Tan Ricos (How rich poor people are) synopsis!

Sorry to be so late, folks. This looks like fun. Even though it's late, I'm considering taking a day. We have space for others. See sidebar.

The Rich Learn a Lesson

A story of love, romance, and amusing situations; families that have nothing in common but are now obliged to live in the same house: on one side, Los Ruizpalacios, millionaires of great social background and on the other Los Menchaca, a classic family of the barrio.

It begins when grandmother Mati Ruizpalacios can no longer run the family business. Her favorite grandson Miguel Ángel - who has been living in London for 11 years - must return to Mexico because his grandfather Don Aureliano's will states: "The company will go to the first of my grandsons who gets formally married and has a son."

Miguel's cousin Alejo is an ambitious enemy who involves Miguel in a dirty fraud and causes him and his family to lose their fortune and all their property except one piece of land in the La Nopalera neighborhood on which, surprisingly, the Menchaca family is now living.

Don Chuy Menchaca is a retired fighter called "The Son of Sumatra" who, many years ago, knew Don Aureliano Ruizpalacios, to whom he has been paying off the property mortgage little by little.

After the death of the rich empresario, the debt was never settled because Don Chuy doesn't have the deed for the property where he has not only his house but also a modest gymnasium that isn't earning much money these days and which he's thought about transforming into a home-style Mexican resturant with the help of his sons José Tizoc and Perla Ivette and his eldest daughter Lupita, who has a son Emiliano (adored by his grandfather).

Don Chuy is forced by circumstances to take in Miguel Angel and his impoverished family; they move to Italia Street in La Nopalera.

For his part, depressed and broke, Miguel Angel comes to live in, or rather endure, the colony La Nopalera. He's accompanied by his odd family: his mother Ana Sofia, an eccentric society woman who organizes charity events but at heart despises those who are not of "her class;" his brother Leonardo, a classic mirey(?) who has studied art in New York; and Frida, his little sister, apparently socially minded but attached to her life of luxury and comfort.

Clashes between the customs and habits of each family are inevitable, it's a funny, chaotic environment. Lupita and Miguel, who start off as the mediators for their families, will end up falling for each other and together confronting adversity to defend their love and overcome all obstacles.

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Weekend Discussion: Fix This Novela!

Holà, Caraymates!  

We've seen quite a few series that had something going on to make the ratings department happy but... a serious flaw or two that earned derision from critics or unsatisfied viewers. Some of these got really bad – like Corazón Indomable. Others just needed a tweak or two, like Doña Barbara,

If you could fix a flawed novela, how would you do it? What general things would you do to fix the series to get it on track? We will assume that any and all continuity errors would be corrected but what general changes would you make?

I'll start with one some of you really hated, Fuego en la Sangre. It had excellent production values, photography, music, actors, and a good basic story premise, but the writing didn't come up to the rest. What I would have done with it:
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 36 - Dysfunctional Family Conversations and Capitulo 37 - A Fair To Remember 1/3/2014

Dysfunctional Family Conversations

By Elna June

It is impossible to know how Tia Carlota really feels as she delivers Montserrat’s letter to Jose Luis in the foreman’s house. Montserrat begged her to do this while Alejandro was gone and she complained and tut-tutted all the way over to JL/Ant’s new home. As she comes in she glances around and asks JL/Ant if he is alone. When he signifies that he is, she comes to stand by him as he sits at his desk. She tells him to destroy the letter as soon as he reads it. Her face has a censuring appearance and she is somewhat flustered as she carries the precious missive from its hiding place in her ample bosom to Jose Luis’ waiting hand. But if you look real hard at Tia Carlota, I think you might see that she is excited to be part of this illicit transaction, however much she seems to disapprove. She leaves the house.

We know that in the letter Montserrat begs Jose Luis to leave the Hacienda.
She's glad that Adolfo prevented her and J-L from leaving together the other night. It would have been a big mistake. She is sorry but she is not going to leave her husband. She is afraid of her brother, Dimitrio and believes he will tell Alejandro whom JL/Ant really is when she is unable to come up with the blackmail money that Dimitrio has demanded. Montserrat warns JL/Ant of Ale’s character (temper) and worries for her ex-lover’s life if Alejandro finds out the truth. Maria also suspects him and he must go, now.

Important Conversation  - Jose Luis/Antonio and Alejandro

As JL/Ant finishes reading the letter, Alejandro enters the room and asks if he may know who wrote JL/Ant the letter. JL/Ant wipes his eyes and says that the letter was personal, for him. Ale persists. He still wants to know who wrote the letter. He can tell from JL’s face that he got bad news. Was it regarding a woman? Angelica Arechiga?  JL says it is very personal. Ale clasps JL/Ant’s shoulder and says that JL can count on him anytime—he is serious about this.

JL/Ant asks Ale if everything is OK with his work—why is Ale always asking for the report of his recent activities? Alejandro tells him that he just wants to be sure he did not make a mistake in trusting Antonio. JL/Ant is beginning to look truly conflicted—His obsession with Montserrat and his growing appreciation of and friendship with Alejandro just do not line up.

Alejandro grasps JL/Ant’s shoulder in a supportive and manly way. Truly, Alejandro shows more skill in his relationships with men than with women.

Some Happenings

·      Victor and Nadia kiss outside the big church in Aguazul. They pull away from one another, apologize and she says she has to go. Nadia says she will come to him when she can.

·      Pedro Media, local regional President, tells his sidekick and captain of police Loreto that Juventino is an imbecile. Juventino has not carried out his orders and President Pedro wants Loreto go ahead and deal with the Alejandro situation PERSONALLY. Tonight there is a dinner to be held at the Hacienda Arechiga. The Almontes will attend and Pedro arranged for Loreto to get an invitation to the affair. He will need to be very close to Alejandro until he gets a chance to kill him. This would best be accomplished sooner rather than later. Loreto agrees to this proposition.

Montserrat Practices Knife Skills As She Interrogates Dominga

Montserrat wanders into the kitchen and begins asking Dominga questions. Has Dominga worked here long? All her life. Her father, bless his soul, was a worker of Don Benjamin’s. So you knew Alejandro’s mother? No. Nobody knew her. Alejandro came to the Hacienda as a child with his grandfather Fulgencio. Fulgencio was a very sad man, perhaps because his daughter had died giving birth to Alejandro. Did Don Benjamin know that Ale was his son? Well, replies Dominga, If he knew he pretended that he did not. He treated him just like all the other workers. No, Dominga says she did not know that Rosario had worked at the ranch before. This was a long time ago and she is not that old.

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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #61 Thu 1/2/14 Proponer para Conmocionar

Ruben comes home after a long day at work and pulls out some plans to review.  He's rudely interrupted by Matilde banging on his door.  She screams at him that that "golfa" (ho) Lucina had all her stuff moved into a newly-vacated room.  Ruben's cool with that and says it's probably best since he's been to a lawyer to start divorce proceedings.  She grabs the plans and shoves them behind her, crumpling them in the process, and says she won't give him a divorce, so there!  Ruben tells her that he filed on grounds of incompatibility and mistreatment.  Matilde accuses him for the millionth time of having a lover and their shouts of "Yes you do!" "No I don't!" attract Cesar's attention.  He tells them everyone can hear them.  Matilde keeps insisting she won't "give" him a divorce and as she's leaving Ruben shouts after her that he doesn't care, he's going to tell the judge that she refuses to fulfill her matrimonial duties and rejects him in bed.  Ay, Ruben!  Did you really need to tell that to the ENTIRE hotel?  And your son?  Ruben apologizes for letting Matilde get the better of him.  He says he's glad he somehow ended up with two good kids out of this mess of a relationship.  Cesar encourages him to visit Fabiola and give her his support.

Back to Marilu…will she, or won't she?
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