Saturday, October 05, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #124 (Mex 162) Friday 10/4/13 ¡Qué Bonita Boda Del Barrio! ¡Qué Ridículo Fin De Los Villanos! ¡Qué Horror de Nueva Pareja!


Santos last sees Giuliano burning in the warehouse cuz now Old Goldie is no more than a crispy critter.  

A while later, Mirna calls the mariachis back to the bar and tells them the place is opening up again.  She presents the funny looking guy in the crazy Denny’s horn rims and nose disguise as the new owner.  He wants them to talk Maria into singing with them—that’s the only way, but she’s not to know he’s the new owner.  The guys try to convince her to sing again with them, but she’s reluctant to dress up like a mariachi anymore because of all the Jorge Alfredo memories.  She finally accepts, tho’, after they guilt her into it.  They promised they’d always be together.

The night the curtain at the bar finally goes up again, Maria dedicates the song and the program to Santos.  Before she can start singing, up in the balcony JAntos begins singing.  She cries tears of disbelief and joy.  Fernando looks up and smiles, though he is shocked and also relieved to see his best bud alive and in the flesh.

At the end of the set Maria races up to the balcony and JA explains he had to fake his death in order to save all their family and friends’ lives.   They kiss and then he goes to the stage and shakes everybody’s hand.  Somehow all the guys have gotten their life’s wish and realize it must have been JA who managed it.  Although, for Fernando, his father’s freedom was not manageable, JAntos tells him.  

A few minutes later, Fernando is alone in the back area behind stage near the dressing rooms with his head in his hands.  He doesn’t hear his father approach.  When he looks up, there’s Don Nando, free at last and back in the barrio.  Turns out he’d never murdered anybody so they let him go.  He says he’d always planned on coming back to them but life played a terrible trick on him and his family.   The only thing missing for Fernando is Jalisquito.

Meanwhile, Elvira connects with a man in black pea coat and black leather gloves who she promises to help get revenge.  We never see his face.

Maria surprises her family by bringing the living Jorge Alfredo home with her.  Isa (whose baby daddy and mommy are never found out) is thrilled he’s back.

The next day Maria and JAntos, Justo and Wendy show Amalia and the girls their new fabulous mini-manse in the burbs.  Since she gave them a home when they needed one and never asked anything in return, they felt the least they could do was present her with this one.  Justo has also brought her the deed to the house in Guadalajara that she and Pedro had been so happy living in when first married.  Justo takes a moment to mention that he’s been offered the position as French Amabassador for Mexico, his life’s dream.  When Amalia worries that they’ll never see him again, Justo tells her that he believes she’ll see plenty of him—that is if she allows him to initiate a formal courtship.  She agrees.  (Viewerville boos.)

JAntos shows Isa her new bedroom and inside there’s a puppet theatre with lots of puppets, all hers now to play with whenever she wants.

Fernando is about to board the bus to Guadalajara to look for Jalisquito who has just gotten off the same bus and left his little gift guitar on the seat.  He and Fer pass each other in the bus station, but don’t notice one another.  Jalisquito remembers he left the guitar on the bus and gets to it just as it’s pulling away and Fer’s picked up the forgotten guitar.  Fer looks out the window and thankfully finally notices Jali standing on the station’s lot and gets the bus driver to stop and let him off.  They hug and all’s well with the world.  A couple of days later we see them going to a recording studio and Jali gets an agent(?) to listen as he cuts his first record--one of many we figure our boy wonder will make.

El Coloso comes home and Rodrigo is crying over Paloma again because apparently their last plan failed.  All Col can say is that there’s plenty of other fish in the sea and he’ll help him find another.

JAntos isn’t done with playing Santa yet.  He takes Maria to a beautiful high rise office building in the heart of beautiful downtown Mexico City and gives her the keys to her new law office for charity cases (QTH?)—er…women and children in need.  (Wouldn't they normally be in the barrio?)

Meanwhile, Aaron asks Pal to go steady.  She’s not sure she wants to and says they are really only friends.  Sindy is listening in the doorway and barges in to say that Aaron needs to tell her the truth: that he and Vanessa had a bet for an MP3 player full of top tunes that he could score [ligarse] with Paloma before Vanessa could score with Rodri.  He yells back that that was only at first, but since then he’d fallen in love with her.  Paloma slaps the craps out of him and races off to apologize to Rodrigo.  Pal and Rodri are a truesome twosome once more.  (Vanessa’s come-uppance was apparently left on the cutting room floor.)

Back at Ruben’s, hotel room, he and Elvira force Mirna to help with their plans of revenge towards Maria and JAntos or her daughter gets offed.  So, a bit later, while Maria is setting the table for a special dinner, Mirna comes in screaming and yelling that she has to come to the bar cuz Jorge Alfredo and Ruben are mixing it up over her or some such.  Maria races off to the bar but doesn’t seem to find anyone there.  Suddenly Crispy Critter with half his face melted is on the balcony clapping and asking for a personal performance.  His goons take her to a warehouse, tie her up, and gag her in a chair with a sword dangling up top of her head.  There’s a video set up and Elvira and Ruben are there to laugh at her misery.

Santos, meanwhile, has a feeling Maria’s in trouble and leaves to find her.  He’s kidnapped off the street by another set of goons who’ve we must assume been following him.  They bring him to a different warehouse with the same sword of Damocles set up where OG is waiting for him.  OG shows him the video-cam hook up and says they’ll watch each other suffer and die (huh?).  In between Maria’s tears and OG’s threats, Santos and Maria spit out their gags and profess their profound and everlasting love for each other.

Suddenly Juli sees Bruno appearing all around the room and threatening to take him to Hell.  Santos taunts Juli about his seeing ghosts.  Ruben and Evile-ra can’t understand what’s gotten into Juli and think he’s gone nutty.  Santos breaks free and, in the worst choreographed fight I’ve ever seen, overcomes Juli and manages to tie him up under the same sword.  Ruben thinks it’s some sort of a trick Juli’s played on them and he races over to the other warehouse to get even with Juli for letting Vargas escape. 

Outside, Santos runs into Derecho who tells him they know where Maria’s being kept.  Viewerville assumes that Mirna called Malo who called Derecho and Curtis.  They give Santos a lift with them.  Ruben shows up in the meantime and surprises Juli.  Rather than untying OG, he brings a box of something and sets fire to it.  Again, Viewerville assumes it’s some sort of bomb and that Ruben finishes what Santos started and that Bruno now has his cuz as a roomy.

Apparently, Vi escapes the warehouse and leaves Maria alone to be rescued.  Santos pulls her off the chair only seconds before the sword comes flying towards the empty chair.   

Ruben is back at the hotel room and throwing all the cash he made into a metal suitcase.  Vi enters and asks if he’s intended to leave her.  Yep.  There’s nothing between them, nothing in common, he explains snidely.  Each of them is better off going ther own way.  Ok, but she doesn’t have any money.  Too bad, says Ruben.  He turns his back on her for something and she pulls out a gun and shoots him in the back, taking the suitcase of cash with her.  (That's the last time any of us has to see that dude's crazy, bobble-headed smile.  Yippee!)

Sometime later, the whole barrio is full of mariachis playing Negrita and Que Bonita Amor and Si Nos Dejan, etc.  JAntos is dressed in a white charro and gets on his horse to lead the parade with the El Col and Fer.  They ride with the mariachis throughout the whole of Garibaldi til eventually, he joins Maria, who is dressed in her mariachi bridal gown.  Amalia is in her Mariachi finest also and doesn’t look half bad as she hands over Maria to JA.  JA and Maria chat about how today starts the rest of forever together.  She rides through the rest of Garibaldi in a carriage.  Justo shows up in the crowd and looks on.  

Eventually the parade ends back at the church again and El Coloso is there to walk her into the church and to give her away forever.  No, says Maria.  He’s her friend and will always be her brother.  Just then a beautiful blue-eyed blond friend of Maria’s walks up and is introduced to El Col who asks Maria if she believes in love at first site.  Maria says sure, cuz that’s the way it was for her and JAntos.

At the same time we get Evilera also dressed in a wedding dress swearing this is her wedding day.  The ceremony begins.  Somewhere in the middle of it, crazy Vi from the back of the church pulls a gun and aims it at Maria.  Out of nowhere, Lt. Curtis grabs her and grabs the gun from her.  She’s under arrest for Ruben’s murder and for the attempted murder of Maria.  Vi gives up without even a whimper.  (Who’d a thunk that?)  Just then the priest declares Santos and Maria man and wife and they kiss.

There’s an homage to mariachi’s and their world-wide appeal immediately following.  The cast is shown signing autographs for their fans who are in throngs along the barricades of the set.  Then the cast is all on an inside stage setting once again waving to Viewerville as the curtain at AJNTR Bar literally comes down on this performance and the screen reads ~~El FIN~~.  Yipee! We can now stick a fork in it cuz it's done! 


Friday, October 04, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #123 (Mex 161) Thursday 10/3/13 Que Desordenado Camino al Fin

Santos heads back to the prison to collect his stuff, now that he's been freed.  Justo gloats just a tiny bit to Mr. "I'm Unbeatable" Summers.

Santos moons over Maria's pictures while she stands by the Emergency Traje and strokes her flat belly.

Summers' talk with Giuliano via cell phone, wherein he threatens OG that he has enough evidence to bring him down, is overheard by the judge.  The judge orders Summers to hand over the evidence and the cell phone.

The mariachis start to promote the event, putting up posters.

Santos is summoned to…um…er…fill out paperwork…yeah…by OG's pet guard.

Ruben rips a poster off the wall, saying he and Maria are going to have a lot of fun tonight.

The guard points a gun at Santos in some dark hall of the prison dungeons.

Elvira is grumpy about the event at the bar, but OG tells her she's going to walk in there like a goddess, dripping with jewels…but first, there's something she's gotta do….

OG's guard gets busted by the warden and a couple of other guards.
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La Tempestad, Capitulo 49, Thursday October 3, 2013, The Passing of Madre Eusebia

Sometimes, in story or in truth, a single character so closely mirrors the common values of a community that she or he can be said to be the ‘soul’ of the story. Such was the character of Madre Eusebia in La Tempestad.

This capitulo follows the happenings in the village of Nuestra Señor del Mar, Veracruz, surrounding the passing of Eusebia; shaman, curandera, holy woman, godmother of the story’s protagonist and the kind beating heart of Our Lady of the Sea.

Eusebia Is Missing

Damian has discovered that his godmother, Eusebia did not sleep in her bed last night. He is very alarmed and goes to Neptune Fish Packing to gather his crew of fisherman to search for the missing Eusebia. We, on the other hand, see Eusebia lying apparently bruised and broken at the foot of a cliff, deep in the jungle. Her eyes are closed and it is unclear as to whether she yet lives.

The sailors and Capitan Damian conduct a thorough search of the rugged jungle where Eusebia is known to gather her herbs. The searchers cry, “Madre Eusebia!” and Damian calls for his Madrina, but no one answers. After a while the guys come together in a place that Damian notices has SUV tire tracks—probably A TOURIST notes El Oso and the group decides to go on looking for Eusebia.

“Eusebia”! Their cries ring through the jungle. But no one answers.

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Corazon Indomable Cap. 103 – 10/3/13 -- MariCruz’ Party Plans Are Stomped Flat By a Real Party Pooper

The Condensed Version
            With the family (Solita, monkey Chango, nameless nephew with the unfortunate resemblance to Ewwsebio) back at Rancho Abuelo, it’s time for a celebration. MariCruz is planning a baptism for Lupita and wants it to be a fabulous social event. 
            (I’m puzzled—Lupita is a year old, yet I don’t recall seeing her eat any solid food. It’s always a bottle. Also, I’ve never seen her crawling or attempting to stand or walk. She’s always in a crib or someone’s arms. I guess some developmental stuff happens off-camera.  Also, shouldn’t nameless nephew be baptized so he has a name, or is he forever anonymous?)
            Enough quibbling. MariCruz’ efforts in behalf of the party have a ripple effect, in that:
Tav and MC have an accidental meeting at the only toy store in town and it flows into an illicit luncheon make out session; Solita meets a handsome young man and sparks fly for a potential romance; a betrayal by Jose Antonio turns the party into a disaster (unless a recovery happens in the next episode).
            While these events are centered at MC’ hacienda, some familiar themes play out at Rancho Simona and the Realengo settlement.  Miguel is still waiting to regain his freedom from justice. Simona is still waiting for her husband to get with the program.  MariCruz is waiting for her feudal village new neighborhood development to open for business. Aaand, those are the bare bones.  Some semi-juicy details follow below.
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Thursday, October 03, 2013

PEAM# 148- 10/3/13- Tracy Rodriguez, The Cougar Arrives on Take Your Baby Robot to Work Day.

Del Pasado:

Chatita and Alma chat about Marcia.  Marcia makes Chatita queasy.  The Avon staff is waiting for Rogue to begin the board meeting.  Jessica ties to inquire about Xochy’s “pregnancy”.

Rogue tells the staff about Tracy Rodriguez’s visit and that everyone better be doing the right thing. DeMonica interrupts that she is pregnant with Rogue’s baby and everyone is impactado. 
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Corazon Indomable #102

Eli is unable to do the recap. I'm posting bullet points for her instead. Feel free to add whatever is missing in the comments.

Simona tells Octavio of the bribe and the letter to get Miguel off the hook for the murder.

JA is willing to take what he can get from MC and he won't call it stealing.
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La Tempestad Capitulo 48, Wed 10/2/13 - Fulgencio’s interesting day, Eusebia’s bad day, JazLu’s good day, and Hernan’s crappy party.


Tu madre no es mala. (Or is she?)
Padre T wants Laz to make up with his mom, they haven’t spoken in six months. Laz doesn’t want to reconcile because ShutupRosy the big fatmouth hypocrite can’t keep her yap shut about JazLu. Rosy rejects JazLu and she will never change. Padre T tells Laz to arm himself with patience and eventually things will fall into place and their family, including JazLu (yes he really said this), will be united. I say the Padre’s been guzzling the communion wine if he really believes this.

Ernesto is tired of Mercedes deliberately buggering up his business deals. He tells Macario it’s time to take care of her once and for all. He’s got a plan...

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Qué Bonito Amor #122 (Mex 160) Wednesday 10/2/13 Santos is exonerated, Mirna’s secret is out, Rodri’s done w/Paloma. Whatever.


Refrito:  The Mendoza women (y el perro tambien) celebrate their reunion;  Colosso clobbers Ruben who announces he's planning to close JNTR and suggests turning it into a parking lot maybe. 

Fer and Ruben exchange war of words, ending with Ruben repeating that he's planning to close JNTR and he has Mirna to back him up.

Mirna agrees the bar is in its worst crisis, and indeed most businesses do see some hard times.  It would be in the owners' best interest to close at this time.  Susanito disagrees:  he's not interested in money.  He's only interested in keeping the mariachis and himself employed.  She reminds him she was the administrator of this here bar for many years, playing intermediary between them and Concho.  Fer accuses her of only watching out for her own interests.  She claims people change and actually proposes they don't close the bar and allow the mariachis an opportunity to run the bar and see if they can make a profit.  Ruben is muy impactado – not a happy camper. Mirna looks like she's got something up her sleeve.                     

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PEAM # 147 (10-2-13) Let's start with a Tama-xóchi​tl

Recap By Pablo

Sisters, sisters, there was never such lunatic sisters
(You can not make one out of the two of them)

Marcia is ecologist, Marta is ecoloca. I am not sure which one is the crazy and which one the ''sane'', because I doubt that the idea of impersonating one another to follow through the evil plans regarding little Valentina was Marcia's. Unless she is craziER. 
Leaving Marcia at the ''Casa de la Risa'' Marta presents herself pretending to be her twin sister at the García Montemayor manor. Jesús has a bad feeling about it and so does Chatita, who feels some kind of bad vibrations from her. Marta, maybe not knowing what an ecologist looks like, chose to dress as a hippie from the 60s, with feather earrings, a thin shoelace on her forehead, batik dress, cork sandals  and all... I am sure she's got pot in her pierce!
To make matters worse, when asked, she says she was in Africa not hunting lions, but saving the rhinoceros and the platypuses. After a brief lapse when her brain plays a little trick on her, making her remember setting the house on fire, Chatita asks her, are you all right, bomba? 
-Me? sorry, I was just thinking on how funny that word was... 
-Don't tell me you mean the platypuses...

Marta/Marcia/Gollum slides when they asked her, have you seen Valentina yet?

-Oh, yes, she looks a lot like little Jimena, my dau- I mean, my sister Marta's daughter, she is so pretty, so cute, so little and adorable. Precious. I love her, I LOVE HER!!! Please let me see her again!! Oh, sorry, I got carried away thinking of the platypuses! (giggle)
Later, when Marta leaves and while hugging Jesús, Chatita gives her ''the eye'' and then tells him that she felt that ''je ne sais quoi que je ne sais pas'' that all women feel sooner or later and that she is afraid, very afraid...
Later on, while in bed getting ready for  nookie, Alma asks Jesús what would he prefer? A boy or a girl? And he say both, just like Rai... wouldn't be great? Valentina loves her...
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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

La Tempestad Cap #47. October 1st 2013. It Is Getting DamHot In R-Laydee Because His DamHotness Is Back

Good Morning Everyone! I'm working on the recap. In the meantime you all can discuss this episode here. Short summary of the episode - DamFab is free; Bagre drools over Ursula; Lots of eavesdropping on the bad guys; Robles gets an early start on Halloween; A nauseating marriage proposal; And a very distasteful stolen kiss. Oh and many people try to urge our lovebirds to get back together.

We begin in Mexico City, where Magda is threatening to slit her wrists with a broken piece of glass. Magda screams. Mercedes screams. Magda wants booze. Mercedes refuses to give her booze. Alicia and Chauffeur come into the room. Mercedes grabs Magda by the arm and pins her down on the bed. She runs off to get something leaving Alicia and Chauffeur holding Magda down. 

Eavesdropping #1
In R-Laydee, Hernan is on the phone and telling Fulgencio about the DamAppeal. Hernan wants Fulgencio to eliminate Raul Suarez, the owner of the sailboat, because he could rat them out. Marcelino eavesdrops from afar. Fulgencio will be sending Dumb and Dumber err Valdivia and Lara to give Suarez a scare. Not sure why they keep on using these guys for their dirty work. They should know by now that they are useless. Anyway, Fulgencio says that he'll be heading off to Mexico City. He'll be hiring a lawyer too so DamFab can DamRot in the slammer. 

At the slammer, DamFab is taken to solitary confinement. He speaks up and says Dragon started the fight. Evil Guard socks him in the stomach. DamFab is thrown into solitary confinement. Evil Guard breaks the light bulb with his club. Evil Guard will show DamFab whose boss around there. DamFab will remain in solitary confinement until he learns to obey. Guards leave. DamFab breathes heavily and is in pain.

Magda is sedated by Mercedes. Mercedes will take Magda to rehab. She apologizes to an unconscious Magda for what she is about to do. 
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Qué Bonito Amor #121 (Mex 159) Tuesday 10/1/13 As JAntos slumbers . . .

Que Bonito Amor, Oct. 1, 2013, Cap 159—As JAntos slumbers . . .

Sleeping Beauty: JAntos spends most of this episode prone and unconscious.

SUMMARY (typed as I watched): 

Refried: Ana chewing the adoption people a new one for losing Jalesquito. Isa telling Coloso that Don Concho killed one of her dads (Pedro).

Maria figuring out via nice lady on bus that she might be pregnant. This thrills her.

Happy to think she's got JAntos's bun in her oven.


Aaron and Rodrigo do a musical number together as they fight for Paloma's heart. It's kind of weird.

She has to deal with these nutty boys.

Blah blah blah love triangle we don't care blah blah blah.
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CI #101: In Which Jose A Suffers Multiple Personality Disorder; Tav Proves He’s Still All Beefcake and No Brass; Simona Turns Her Rancho into Fort Knox; and Twinsebio Puts Plan B into Play

Unfortunately, gang, last night's broadcast down here was butchered by damaged cable/problem satellites? and thus I had garbled video, mostly no sound and lots of unintelligible CC's for 2/3 of the show.  Finally all three parts are up.  Enjoy.  Cursed be Comcast and all its future iterations!!!

Parte 1~~

Lo del Pasado: 

Octavio swears he has a conscience and tells Miguel from his sickbed that he’d be a bastard to cheat on Simona with Maricruz after the way she repeatedly and roundly rejected his attempts at reconciliation.  No, he opines, they’ll grow old and gray before they’ll ever be able to talk civilly to each other again.  MC, on the other hand is forced to admit to herself that this venganza thing is not as great as she thought.  She’s got an itch that only Tav can scratch and she’s ready to play passive pussycat and purr, if only she could…. 

Jose Antonio has decided to reverse tack and stop being MC’s loyal lapdog; he’ll start treating Esther (his own personal lapdog) with some well-deserved respect from now on.  Esther notes a change in the surly slug she’s now married to now that he’s promised her his days of acting like a dirt poor, ignorant campesino are over.  He’s going to treat her right, feed her right (so maybe this time their baby won’t starve to death in the womb?) and they’ll live in something other than a shack. He will see that they won’t lack for anything!  Esther secretly suspects that JA finally realizes he’s sick and tired of being MC’s doormat.

Lo Del Nuevo:

MC notes JA’s late to work and when she asks him why he’s late they quibble about the fact that he’s put preggers de Esther’s well being ahead of hers and the Realengo riff and raff.  She offers by way of apology to kill two birds with one stone and says that since time’s short they can go into town together to buy what each of them needs.  He balks at the idea.  Nope, his family and HIS house come first, especially now that she’s pregnant. MC can’t believe he cares for Esther that much.  He has to treat somebody like Esther, a rich gal who gave up everything to live at his groveling level should be treated, with kid gloves and given the best of the best.  MC says chuck the inferiority complex, little bro.  it doesn’t suit you!  And dump the attitude, while you’re at it.  Why are you such a gritch all of a sudden? What have I done to you, anyway? 

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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 10/1/13 (#146): The Honey-nooners

Where were we? Oh right, Mad Marta, cleverly disguised in a forehead-braid to pass as her impetuous sister, visits Chucho at Avon. He is momentarily startled, but then accepts her as Marcia. (Someone with a more suspicious nature might question whether the real Marcia would wear her forehead-braid so crooked, but Chucho is a trusting soul.) She tells him Marta's doing better lately, but she still feels terribly guilty about what happened. Chucho says tell her to forget about it, because luckily nothing bad happened. But that's not enough! Fake-Marcia says that Marta needs his forgiveness. Chucho says, in that case, tell her I forgive her.

Fake-Marcia then presses her luck, saying she'd like to see Valentina again. Chucho says, "I told you I'd let you know." Well, she also wanted to meet Alma. He says she's pregnant at home. Fake-Marcia gets a weird gleam in her eye. Why doesn't he give her their address, and she'll visit them at home? Then she realizes she's overdoing it, backpedals, and gives Chucho her phone number so he can call her instead.

The real Marcia, cleverly disguised in a hospital gown to pass as her crazy sister, accidentally calls the doctor "Doctor" instead of his first name. After their session, which we don't get to see, she asks herself why it didn't occur to her before that Marta could go bananas without her medication.

As Fake-Marcia leaves the office, we hear her telling Chucho that she'd love to have dinner with him and Alma. (It's not clear if he invited her in between scenes, or if she's just hoping.) She introduces herself to Susana, Jessica, Marisela, and Ricardo, who don't seem to think she's any saner than her sister.
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Corazon Indomable, Episode #100, Monday, September 30, 2013 “Little Red Riding Hood Sneaks Into the Big Bad Wolf’s Den”

 Recap by LatinaInMD

Viewerville is introduced to a cute new ranch hand chatting it up with Ms. Nasty Natasha, when JackAss suddenly rides up on his horse. 

Meanwhile, Octavio and Maricruz have once again run into each other in the vast open fields of Tamaulipas.  She is wearing a crimson hi-low skirt with a white top.  He is wearing his usual jeans, shirt, and the single belt he owns.  He demands to know when Maricruz is going to stop bugging him and his family.  By “bugging” them, he means that she just wants to ruin herself to mortify him and roll against the current.  How dare she plan to build homes for poor homeless people when she has already given them land?  Does she want to turn her daughter into one of “them”?  He insists she let them fend for themselves, then two seconds later asks if she thinks he is so “insensitive” as to not feel for their plight. (Uh, yeah, it sure seems like it.)  She reminds him he cares about no one but himself, and besides he doesn’t know what it’s like to feel hunger and desolation, while she knows it because she has lived it.  As usual, what begins as a fairly calm discussion ends in screams, with Maricruz getting the upper hand by questioning Octavio’s manhood.  He orders her to shut up, but instead she adds:  “What are you going to do, allow yourself to be governed by Simona?  She named you her administrator so she could handle you like a puppet?  What are you in that house, Octavio Narvaez?  Nothing more than a breeding stud (“semental”)……”  Mercifully, they suddenly hear a woman screaming for help.

Natasha tells JackAss that she would love to see his nude torso, and faster than Flash Gordon he whips off his shirt to reveal to her what we must assume is a less than studly torso, since Mrs. Mejia didn’t see fit to show it to Viewerville.
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La Tempestad, September 30, 2013. Capitulo 46.

Jose asks Rebecca if she's okay. She says she can only tell him, if they go back to the way things were. He finally agrees. She says that DamFab only broke up with Marina to protect her. Jose says he knew it! She wonders if she can tell Marina, but Jose says it's not her secret to tell. She must respect DamFab's decision. He is the only one that can tell Marina.

Hernan and Marina walk to work. (How the heck can she walk in those heels and on that sidewalk? Gorgeous, yes. Impractical, yes). She tells him that she was up all night thinking about him wanting to seek revenge against the murderer that killed his parents. She thinks he needs to seek justice instead. He agrees but tells himself revenge will be better instead.

Hada/Estercita is getting ready for her wedding. She tells herself that Hernan was right. They need to meet outside of the house so that no one can see them. Ernesto comes in to take her to the ceremony.

Madrina was worried about DamFab after “feeling” that he was hurt. He asks her not to tell anyone what happened to him.
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Monday, September 30, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #120 (Mex 158) Monday 9/30/13 Temporary Losses and a Major Confession

This looks like a lot of overcompensation to us.

El Lay Prison: In the cell Michael tells Santos to keep on fighting and he will help. Maria enters the visiting lounge to visit Santos and a guard is sent to get him.

Doña Magnolia's Place: Isabel and Ana visit Amalia on the job. Ana brings Amalia some groceries despite being short on cash herself. She is about to go to Guadalajara to see El Jalisquito.

Guadalajara, DIF Facility: Vicente strums a child's guitar as a social worker approaches him to tell him that a young couple has come to see him for a possible adoption. He doesn't want to be adopted by anyone else, but the social worker is less than sympathetic.  She tells him that if all is well he will be adopted by these people in a week.
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PEAM #145, 09/30/2013 - So Many Babies Coming, So Many Baby Daddies Reactions, So Many Psychiatrists Needed Soon

Voici Rubén PRE 

Here we go again.  Chatita comforts Alma telling her how Alma's Papa is making another play for the favors of Susana, they kiss and Chatita leaves.

At the airport, Rogelio is having a meltdown with this lawyer when Elias appears and tells Rogue that Pati is not coming with him to NYC. She decided at the last minute not to go with him since she is unsure how she feels about him.  Rogelio's eyes light up with hope reborn.  Elias tells him if he really feels something for Pata, he better not keep making her feel bad.  He is off to his new life to face his future alone.  Rogelio does his usual JUADEVAH.. but still looks happier than we have seen him in many a moon.

Jesús shows up at the Avon office with this little box from Orion explaining that he will hold Alma's post but assures the idle office staff that she is going to be fine but needs to take care of herself and the baby with bed rest. Moments later, Julio and Aida show up in Jesús' (aka Alma's) office and feel happy to still be a great team. Jesús is thrilled that they came with him but who would have wanted to stay with Augusta the fury? Jesús thinks Aida can take Xochi's old job since Xochi was promoted.  No one seems in uniforms, could this become a trend. Julio greets Xochi with a happy face like he never was heartbroken.  Julio who has stepped out to the office to be greeted by an enthusiastic Xochi who learns they are all back from the dark caves of Orion.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Week of September 30, 2013

Good morning, Telemundies!  Here's your new page for the week.  Enjoy!

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir: Main Characters

Oriana Caligaris

Courageous, determined and committed, tender and intelligent.  As a young person, she settled in Colombia.  Even though she studied at the university, she has dedicated herself to her home and her little girl, Alina.   Implicated in smuggling by her husband, José Luis Falcón, she breaks away from her marriage and returns to Mexico along with Alina.  However, by troubling chance circumstance she and her daughter could be accused of murder.  It is then that the opportunity to adopt Ines Valdivia’s identity presents itself.  Even though she has misgivings about agreeing to it, she decides to do it in order to protect Alina and thus sees herself  forced to Lie In Order To Live/Mentir Para Vivir.” 

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

La Tempestad #45-9/27/13:The Recapper Who Flew By The Seat of Her Pants, Or The Flotsom and Jetsom of This Capitulo!

Ahoy, Tempestad Maties! I am doing this recap mainly from memory. Things will not be in order as usual. I am combining some scenes to make the recap flow better. I got my flu shot this morning so if I got something wrong, I am blaming it on that ; ) Please let me know if I made any errors and I will fix them ; )

Black is Black, I Want My Baby Back:
DamDepressed is just lying on his bunk, when Claudio comes in and tells him, time is awastin', not that, but he can't stay in the cell all day. Go play some basketball for goodness sake! Claudio, bless his heart, has gotten through to DamAlrightI'llGo, and they do.

We are men, who says we can't gossip:
The crew of the Tempestad are at Candy's club, and talking about Marina and the hand holding Herny! They are so not liking that, but Candy reminds them that DamDumb dumped Marina so what about that, hmmmm..... It just so happens that the subject of the gossip, appears right at Lolo's elbow. She wants them to get crackin' as in go back to work. They agree, and then Lolo, Mr. I just gotta know, wants to know if he can ask her something, and before any of the boys can stop him, Lolo asks her about that Herny guy, waz up with that? Marina reminds him and the guys, hey DamDumb dumped me, so what about that? They have nothin' to say!
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Mentir Para Vivir! (Synopsis)

[This one takes the place of QBA in the 10 PM Eastern time slot and starts on 10/7.  Anybody interested in recapping or subbing, let Melinama know.]

Oriana will be forced to take another identity in order to protect her daughter.  She will have to confront many obstacles and schemes that will make her Lie In Order To Live!

Oriana Caligaris (Mayrin Villanueva—Eduardo Santamarina’s wife) and Jose Luis Falcon (Diego Olivera) are a Mexican married couple who, for some years now, live in Columbia and today have a six year old daughter named Alina (Ana Paula Martinez).

Jose Luis works in the Columbian Customs Office.  One day he confesses to Oriana that he did some contraband transactions and he deposited the earnings from those in an account under her name without her consent. Therefore, she is involved/implicated and the police are now looking for the two of them.  Disillusioned and disappointed, Oriana flees to Mexico with her daughter, Alina, in order to look for a very dear friend, Raquel (Altair Jarabo) who, together with Lucina (Cecilia Gabriela), is owner  of Hotel El Descanso in San Carlos, in the state of Sonora.  

Among the guests at the hotel is Don Gabriel Sanchez (Alejandro Tommasi), an old friend of Lucina’s, business partner of an important textile manufacturer located in Hermosillo, Senora. After being a widower, he is now remarried.  His wife (Lourdes Munguia) is an ambitious woman twenty years his junior, and whose brother, Berto (Ferdinando Valencia) is a gigolo/opportunistic playboy.  Gabriel is father of Ricardo (David Zepeda), a successful engineer and of a rebellious adolescent, Sebastian (Alejandro Speitzer). 

One day while Don Gabriel is with Alina,   a gunshot is heard and he falls down dead.  Oriana runs in and finds her daughter with a pistol in her hand.  Alarmed, she fears that Alina shot the gun.  At this point, Lucina takes control of the situation, deciding to send the two to Guaymas, Sonora to protect them.  

When Ricardo arrives at San Carlos to pick up his dead father’s body and to start an investigation, he’s informed that the principal suspect of the crime is a young woman who’s traveling together with her little daughter.   

At that same time, Ines Valdivia (Laisha Wilkins), a strange reclusive young woman, takes up lodging at the hotel and dies unexpectedly.  Always the clever one, Lucina takes advantage of the situation to ensure Oriana assumes Ines’s identity, using false documents, thus placing her safely away from the contraband investigation as well as that of Don Gabriel’s murder.  Oriana has her misgivings, but she has no other option than to (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhhhhhhh!!!!)  Lie In Order To Live!!!!!

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Corazón Indomable cap 99 9/27/13 I'm Natasha, But You May Call Me Señorita Nasty

We join Maricruz and Octavio in Lupita's nursery as he kneels and gazes adoringly upon his precious little daughter as she quietly sleeps... protected by two angels that are perched unseen and silent at either end of her crib. Invisible butterflies flutter about her pretty head. For a moment Maricruz is stirred by this tender tableau presented by the two most important people in her young life and moves in, reaches out and touches his shoulder. He rises and quietly turns to face her.  Their eyes lock and they embrace and indulge in  a sensual sensuous kiss briefly savoring each others lips...

"I Hate You!"  "I Hate You More!"

Suddenly the needle scritches across the vinyl grooves and we are shaken back into our present reality. Maricruz pulls away,

"You came to see your daughter?"


"Well pay attention... there she is."

They exchange a couple of gentle insults but I don't think either of them has the heart for a battle at this moment.

As we exit the room we get a closeup of the kid. She smiles sweetly as if to reassure us that after 60 or so more episodes of this nonsense, things are gonna be alright between her mommy and daddy... or maybe one of those butterflies tickled her nose...

"Shhh! They Think I'm Asleep."
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PEAM #144-9/27/13: One Pregnancy, One Being of Light, and One Kerfluffled Rogue, Oh, My!!!!!

Hola, PEAM Peeps. I am subbing for Ms Blue Lass who is away at a conference. I am combining some scenes to make the recap flow better.

We get the Alma in the hospital scene again, as her blood pressure drops, Pato gets a nurse for her. Alma is advised to stop stressing and Pato reminds Alma to think of the health of her bebe, who knew? Val must be rubbing off on Pato! Alma tells Pato she is important to her and Chucho even thanks Pato. Pato has some news. She is seriously thinking of going to Nuevo York with Elias!

Meanwhile, Eli is saying goodbye to his sweet little Val. She is very sad, but understands it is for work. He'll come back and visit her as he can. He also tells Val, casual you understand, that Pato is going with him to Nuevo York, que Padre!

Rico Suave and Maricela are in the Temple of Enlightenment and Rico is trying to explain the Light to her. He starts by trying to get Mari to meditate, but that ain't workin' for her. She loves her some Rico Suave, it's true, but she wants the old Rico Suave back, she can't seem to grasp the new Enlightened Rico Suave. She asks him to forgive her and she goes, he meditates.

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Qué Bonito Amor #119 (Mex 157) Friday 9/27/13 Is He A Sacrificial Lamb Or A Horse's Ass?

Capítulo 157 

Well, It's clear that Matlock and Mason they ain't.  Lawless and disorderly is more likely, but never having been in a courtroom myself, let alone having witnessed a federal criminal trial proceeding--such as this telenovela version claims to be--what do I know?  

·        Mirna looks on from a distance as Malo and sidekick handcuff Ruben and take him in for questioning.  He swears he’ll find out who gave him up to the coppers and make them pay!  She stares down at a photo, tenderly smooths it and declares, “—I did it for you, totally for you.”  (Baby Mommy alert for Isa!!)
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Mentir Para Vivir-Index

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Weekend Discussion: Classic Movie Remakes by Televisa, Third Edition

Since we have a remake novela ending next week, it's time once again for the Televisa Remake Game.
  • Pick a classic movie, any genre.  Title translation optional.
  • Give your dream cast for the Televisa Remake you would produce.  Actors currently under contract to Telemundo are also invited to the casting call.  Although most or all character names would be changed into Spanish ones, use the original character names for clarity.
  • Make note of any minor changes to setting, character relationships, etc.
  • Comment on any previously posted project.
  • New projects should occur at least every third post, but more frequently is good, too!
Last weekend I was watching one of the best movie mysteries ever made which had it all: Great sets, period costumes, dialogue, music, and an all-star cast. I amused myself by imagining the following Televisa cast for Murder on the Orient Express:

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La Tempestad 44 – Thursday, 26 September 2013 – The Education of Damian Fabre or the Count of Mexi-Cristo

Gaol, The Classroom

Damian Fabre, who is reminding me a lot of Edmond Dantes, has just finished his first reading assignment. Claudio is pacing the cell like a good professor and Damian sits on the lower bunk in his cell, like a good student. Damian tells Claudio that the book, Romeo and Juliet, transported him back to those old times and that some things have not changed. Couples still continue separating because of hatred and misunderstanding. Claudio, who might be an Abbe Feria lookalike to Damian’s Edmond, hobbles over to the bunk and sits down. Apparently he has a bad leg. He asks Damian, “Is this your situation, Sailor?”

Damian says that the comparison between himself and Romeo is not exact but has similarities. He thanks Claudio for having him read the book. Claudio asks Damian if the book cause him to sail away and then, when Damian smiles in assent Claudio waxes poetic about this being the first of many books Damian can read. “Good wind and better seas,” Claudio pronounces the blessing with a chuckle. He now offers to begin the Education of Damian and he will pick the books. Claudio notes that he and Damian share a profound depression or melancholy, and the way to treat the depression is to come to know oneself. Damian will learn much from his studies.

The Kiss – Rebeca and Jose

The hot kiss between Rebeca and Jose is shown again. Whooeee. Jose parrots Rebeca’s words back to her, “A kiss is just a kiss.” They part but Rebeca looks all shook up.

Marina is Sad

Marina is crying on the steps of the house. She wishes she had gone after Damian and at least talked to him. Beatriz, whom I find very hard to like, tells her that love never really goes away. She knows that after all these years she still loves Marina’s father. But Marina has to accept that Damian has hurt her in a very cruel way. Bea opines that Damian’s love was not as grand as he claimed. Marina cannot understand; one minute Damian loved her and the next he didn’t. She needs to understand and to have some peace. Only Damian can take the thorn from her heart by telling her the truth.
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Qué Bonito Amor #118 (Mex 156) Thursday 9/26/13 Que Inútil Día de Investigaciones

Paloma lets herself get talked into a frappé.  I can understand that.  I'm a fan of the frozen beverage.  Frappuccino.  Smoothie.  Margarita.

Milamores is called on to testify to Santos' good character.  The prosecutor calls him on the lack of proof, which is apparently only required of the defense and not the prosecution.  Milamores brings up the incarceration of his father for over 30 years without trial as proof of the US's crappy justice system.  Of course, the prosecutor objects to this.  Milamores calls for the immediate release of his father and Santos, both.  The judge tells everyone to STFU, go home, cool off, and be prepared to behave like adults when they start the trial back up again or he'll kick everyone out.

OG is hanging out in Maria's new place.  Gross!  Don't touch the traje!  You'll stain it with your grossness!  He takes video of himself sniffing the traje as he taunts Santos that he's in Maria's room and if Santos doesn't declare himself guilty, OG will rape Maria.  Not in so many words, but we all know that's what he means.  He reminds Santos that he's being watched, so he'd better not do anything stupid.

Mirna is shocked to find out Ruben is planning to close down the bar as his revenge.  He wants the mariachis out on the street.  Not Mirna, though, he'll find a job for her.  Mirna asks for compensation, from losing her job at the bar, I presume.  Elvira walks in on them getting a little frisky and demands to know QTH is going on.
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CI Capítulo 98 9-26-13 There’s a New Real Estate Development in the Works: Rancho Realengo

            Recapper La Paloma weeps softly. She already attended a morning meeting with 300 retired government workers and made a quick afternoon trip out of town for business. Returning home, she had hopes of recapping a thrilling episode. Alas, an endless series of dull conversations fill the screen in a mind-numbing rotation of all talk, no action. Only a little hot canoodling at the end and the introduction of a new character repay the time spent by Viewerville this evening.

What We Saw Before
          One great moment was MariCruz saying “I think I’m going crazy!” We heard a ripple of reaction from Viewerville here, but no united agreement. She wants to see Simona’s face reacting to the land giveaway.
          We also see Simona telling Octavio the news of the upcoming baby. Things will be different with this baby, compared to the baby that She Who Must Not Be Named won’t allow him to see.
          JA tells Ester that they’ll all go to live at MC’s ranch. Hasn’t she heard the news of the relocation of the Realengo folk?  Maybe not, since she doesn’t hang out with the neighbors so much. 

A Long String of Conversations in Short Summaries

  • ·         Mig and Tav—Tav couldn’t say no to group expectations and MC pressure when she announced he’d match her donation of 5 hectares of land.  Mig is angry MC is trashing their old ranch and he tells Tav not to let Simona find out. The bros will never forgive MC for her cavalier attitude toward their family land.

  • ·         Ester wonders what will happen when Simona finds out about all this.

  • ·         JA warns MC she’ll find out how bad the Realengo scum are. (His attitude is incomprehensible, but that fits with this TN.) She doesn’t know why she got carried away and thinks she needs to talk to Padre Julian.

  • ·         Simona tells Miguel that Ofelia will testify in his behalf concerning Eusebio’s killing.

  • ·         Navario (twinsebio) is telling Lina’s drunk daddy that his letter to the rich lady didn’t work, so maybe he’ll contact Miguel Narvaez directly. He has a bottle in his hand.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

PEAM #143- One is Having a Baby, One Doesn't Want a Baby and One is Having a Baby and Doesn't Believe It. Oh, and a Disciple Has Been Elevated!

Happy Thursday, the weekend is almost here!!

The past-

Jesus snatches up DeMonica (Vero) and asks her where is Alma??? DeMonica denies knowing anything.  Officer Delia calls Jesus and tells him that Alma s on her way to the hospital and she is alive.
DeMonica starts arguing with Rogue for giving Jesus the idea that she had something to do with Alma’s disappearance.  Rogue says that her plan is stupid but DeMonica lets him know that if she sinks he goes down with her.
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Corazon Indomable # 98 The Magic Dimples Work Like Magic

Miguel tells Octavio he wants to turn himself in now because he only has a son to live for, and I guess that’s not enough. Miguelito sure got in the wrong line when they were handing out parents. Octavio tries to convince him to let him help. Miguel agrees that the reason he’s in trouble to begin with is because Octavio brought that woman to their home. What Octavio should have said was; just because I brought her to our home, it didn’t give you the right to mistreat her like you did. She was my wife and your wife was terrible with her, and you continually backed Lucia up when I defended her. No one deserved to be treated that way, and you both deserve what’s coming to you now. But instead, Octavio really said; you’re right, it is my fault so that’s why I want to help you now.
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La Tempestad, September 25, 2012. Capitulo 43.

Guess my DVR didn't record right,  so I think I missed the first minute or so...


Mercedes and friends are driving down the streets looking for Magdalena. 


Marina tells Hernan that she doesn't understand what he's trying to say.  Hernan will clarify for her.  He knows she was deeply affected with everything that happened with DamFab.  He admires her courage and regrets getting in the way of her and DamFab's love, but the love that he feels for her is too strong (umm, it's more like an obsession really). 


DamFab is led to his cell where he encounters his new cellmate, Claudio (Rene Casados).  Claudio puts on his tough guy face and says so your by new roommate?  Well, let me tell you there are rules here.  DamFab says there is no need for that.  I am not looking for trouble.  Just tell me where my bed is.  Claudio says the top is mine.  Suddenly some troublemakers come in and Claudio reminds them that he is not going to give them anything.  He doesn't need any protection.  The leader (who I will call UglyTatFace until I find out his name) reminds him that everyone needs protection.  DamFab tells UglyTatFace that he doesn't want any trouble. 

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Qué Bonito Amor #117 (Mex 155) Wednesday 9/25/13 Here comes Da Judge….Here comes Da Judge!!!

We're almost at the end folks!!

Justicia Americana:

Merry Mariachi's act up in court, Derecho testifies he estimates Santos laundered over $200 Million (dollars). Justo objects, saying Derecho is only speculating.  Summers presents bank statements as evidence of a BancoAmerica account used to move the money – an account that was curiously closed two days after the demise of Garza Cars......tan tan TAN!!  Santos vehemently objects, cuz in this version of Justicia Americana he can, saying that account never existed for the bidness
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

PEAM #142-9/25/13: Another Wedding Ruined By A Pearl Necklace (and a Little Help From Veronica) Wink!!!

Recap By Pablo

My wink-o-meter was spinning like crazy!! Like me, covering all the weddings!!

I got good news and bad news!

Discua got out of jail. And well... one could think that being in the path of light and under the microscope of the Universe, subject of its protection, nothing harmful would come our way, right? Wrong! That is not true. See? Discua has cancer, and no reiki or spheric meditations visualizing the tantric triangle had helped her in any way...maybe she is going through a faithless phase. The solution? Go and die, I mean, meditate at the top of a mountain in Tibet with the Buddhists. Maybe her xylophonic winking won't bother them. Or maybe they will think there is a singing bowl!! In her butt!

It's a mad, mad world

Ricardo is now her brother of light, and Remigio one of the security guards. Where did he learn how to run after suspects? Well... Melchor couldn't run to save his life either! He could roll, though. This proves that ANYBODY, anybody can work at Avon, experience not required. 

The key word is reciprocation

How can I describe América and 3bal Monterrey at Valentina's party with one word? Annoying!
How can I describe Alma's huuuge cleavage with one word? Impossible, I need two! And big ones!  Mmm, like a double breast chicken! That Queen's outfit was from another queen a little smaller!
And just to make sure this party was doomed like the first one, thanks to her, even when she blames Jesús, Verónica came to see Valentina and to make everyone uncomfortable . I wish Jesús could have called the police on her but he said he didn't want to ruin Vale's party and he did from tripe heart (Hizo de tripas corazón)
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Qué Bonito Amor #116 (Mex 154) Tuesday 9/24/13 Time to face the music

Ladies- Parts one and two are up

I'm going to do this in two parts, first what's going on in Mexico and then the happenings in El Lay, that way I won't have to jump back and forward.

In Mexico Amalia and the girls are out on the street, Aaron offers Paloma a place to keep their furniture, everyone is devastated by being kicked out of their homes (see, this is why sometimes it's better to own, rather than rent), Mancia has taken to the streets and is trying to make extra money by reading peoples fortunes using the tarot cards, she tells Irasema that a card keeps coming up and it bothers her because it means nothing good is on the horizon, Irasema tells her that the last thing they need is more bad luck.

Vanessa and Aaron are discussing Paloma's woes and Aaron tells Vanessa not to make fun of Palomas situation, then he confesses that he really digs Paloma and wants to be with her, even if it means that he loses the bet he made with Vanessa. I like this kid.
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La Tempestad Cap #42. September 24th 2013. DamFab Gets A Much Needed DamHaircut At The Prison

DamFab is found Guiltyx4 (thanks Cap'n Sylvia). Commotion in the courtroom. Crew won't let them take DamFab away. Mercedes wants justice to be done. Fulgencio grins with malicious satisfaction at the verdict. Judge can't keep order in his courtroom. What would Judge Judy do? Me thinks she would have been a better judge than the one we got. 

Mexico City
EstherHada asks Ernie if he's sure that he wants to marry her. Ernie says of course I do. You are going to give me my primogenito (first born). Macario, who looks like Powder with a horrible looking wig, congratulates the nauseating couple. He's sure that their child will bring happiness to their lives. He tells EstherHada that he's sure that in these circumstances Ernie would give his life for EstherHada. The Patio isn't so sure about that one, Macario. Ernie wants to make a toast, but Powder err I mean Macario doesn't think its prudent that EstherHada be drinking given the circumstance. But Ernie, who is not father of the year material, says let her do it for this occasion. It is not everyday that you have a bun in the oven. They all toast to Ernie's future wife and first born. Gag! 

Back in R-Laydee
The commotion continues. DamFab makes a DamSpeech. He wants everyone to be calm. Crew wants to be taken into custody with DamFab. One for all and all for one like The Three Musketeers. You gotta love these guys. They are so loyal to DamFab and care about him so much. He's DamLucky to have friends like these. Anyway, DamFab doesn't want them to resort to violence to free him because it could cause problems for them. He assures them that all will be well. DamFab is being taken away. Marina yells to the judge that DamFab is innocent and asks for DamFab to be released. Judge says that DamFab was tried according to the law and there isn't anything he can do. Fulgencio takes this opportunity to call DamFab a murderer and mentions that crap about the owner of sailboat having seen DamFab put the explosives on the sailboat. Mercedes yells at Fulgencio that all that is a lie. She will find the proof to prove it. Fulgencio asks her  where the proof is. Mercedes says that unfortunately she lost the original documents but she will get them. Oso mentions how someone tried to drive them off the road to prevent Mercedes from showing the proof to the court. Fulgencio says that without that proof, if it does indeed exist, there isn't anything they can do. DamFab will have to serve his sentence. Which reminds me, they never did say what that sentence would be. 20 años maybe? It is always 20 años in novela land. DamFab and Fulgencio stare at each other. DamFab gives Fulgencio a if looks could kill stare. Jose tells Fulgencio that they'll appeal. Fulgencio shows Jose his hand as if telling him talk to the hand dude. Mercedes tells DamFab that they are all there for him. DamFab asks them to calm down. Mercedes says that they won't let them lock him up. DamFab tells them that they'll have to accept it. They can't go against the law to help him. There are other ways that they can help him. He knows that they'll find a way to free him. He is taken away. Before exiting, he stares at Marina who is in tears. He leaves. Hernan slithers his way over to Marina and tells her to be strong. Marina says that DamFab was found DamGuilty while there are a lot people like her that know that he's DamInnocent. Marina thoughtbubbles that she doesn't want to lose DamFab despite him having hurt her. 

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PEAM, Tuesday 9/24/13 (#141): Surprise Parties for Everyone

Hola, amiggies! Time for a PEAM quiz!

1. You want to dress as a fairy-tale prince. What kind of costume do you wear?
a. A kilt.
b. Tudor style.
c. Gangnam style.
d. A praying mantis outfit.

2. Your baby-daddy spoils your daughter's birthday party by violating a restraining order and getting arrested. He makes it up to her by throwing her a second, much more extravagant party. How should you react?
a. Boycott it.
b. Show up, but don't open your mouth except for cake.
c. Be gracious for once. It won't kill you, I bet.
d. Make fun of your daughter's fairy-princess shoes.

3. You have terminal cancer. From whom would you most like to hear the bad news?
a. Your doctor.
b. Anyone else whose primary medical expertise isn't based on prime-time medical drama shows.
c. Your probation officer.
d. Your ex-fiance and his wife.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Corazon Indomable # 96, 09/24/13, The curse of love... only worse than the curse of watching this.

First of all RIP (Rest In Purgatory) Lucia
I was the one to recap Tav's first wedding, too, some 90 episodes ago. What an honor, really, may this new marriage be as happy as his last one. If he gets a number three, could I have that one, too? I'm getting good at this. 

Sweet, romantic music, and the green mountains of Tamaulipas start the show.

On the bridge
Tav is holding Mari in his arms and asking her why she’s sometimes so lovable and others such a raging bitch (that’s how I heard it).
This is just what Mari needed to pull out of the embrace and remind Tav (and the two viewers who had probably forgotten this detail) that she hates the Narvaez, doesn’t need his pity and he will end up hating her as much as she hates him.
But Tav is in protagonista mode, grabs her by the waist, reminds her that she seemed to enjoy the kiss they just shared.
Well, so did he, slave of his passions, Mari mocks him and declares that they are both cursed to feel a guilty love. She loves him with locura, but he leaves because it’s his wedding day and he doesn’t want to see her ever again.
As he rides off on his horse, she screams at him about being bought by Simona and how she pities the woman – but once she is alone, she starts to cry, because she’s the one to pity the most in this story and she knows it.

Tav doesn’t go straight to his wedding, he stops near a tree to think about the kiss he and Mari shared. He’s sure she’s only playing with him, as part of her venganza, because she surely hates him. But he’ll marry Simona, who proved to be a good woman, he won’t disappoint her. 
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