Friday, January 24, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos- 1/23/14: The Bargain Basement Sale At The Menchaca Emporium Bring Lots Of Cash!

Hola, Amguis! I got about half of what was said this evening. Please feel free to fill in the blanks/correct what I got wrong. This recap will not be in any order and will be condensed. I am starting with the new and skipping the refried.

Lupe has gone on her scooter to pick up Emiliano from school. He wants to know why the RPs are living with them, they are rich aren't they? Never mind, Lupe tells him, they'll be out in a week. Lupe has come back with Emiliano and he goes upstairs while Lupe stops by to help Carmelita with the serving of the customers. MA comes down and asks her once more not to call the police, she says she gives him a week and flicks his head again. Meanwhile, Emiliano is upstairs and sees that magazine that Lupe bought. He turns the pages and is completely into a polo article he finds in it. Back downstairs, MA just wants five minutes of Lupe's time, she doesn't have time for him, she has to take care of customers and take care of Emiliano. She goes. After she leaves, MA tastes what she is making and rolls his eyes in ecstasy as he sighs Lupe's name.

MA says he's seen that pic of Ahole and Mini and AS and Leo fess up they knew beforehand. They saw Mini with Ahole but it was Leo's idea to keep it a secret. MA tells them Mini isn't important right now, their situation is. They need to find a solution. Oh, and never mention Mini's name again. The most important thing right now is that Lupe doesn't call the cops on them. He wants help from someone any one that can help.
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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #76 Thu 1/23/14 Secuestrar para Nada

Francisco is nervous as hell about whether the kidnap plan went off without a hitch.  Mike hears him talking to Antonio, but probably can't pick up much from that end of the conversation, except the question about where Ric's being held.

Antonio's goons haul Ric to a cabin in the woods where a sweet old grandma is apparently used to this kind of houseguest.  They brush off Ric's offer to pay whatever money they ask.  Head thug wants Ric's fancy phone with GPS left alone.  Grandma gets a little cash to buy groceries with.

Dr. Veronese was summoned to the hospital when Matilde was brought in.  They pumped her stomach, but there's no way she ingested enough pills to have killed her.  Dr. V thinks Matilde needs some therapy, though.  "Clearly she has issues and she's not going to quit trying to emotionally blackmail you."  Ruben is so pissed he wishes Matilde would actually do it right next time. Dr. V tells the kids to please convince their mom to get some help.  Since Inésiana is there, Dr. V asks about how Francisco is doing and tells her that alcohol does NOT mix well with his meds.  He tells her to get Francisco to see him.
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Por siempe mi amor #36 1/23/14: Feoavier, You Are Not a Businessman, So It's Definitely Personal

From Yesterday
Art and Isa are choosing names for the baby.  He will be named after Isa's dad. 
Ally does have a desire to be a mom.  Tita is disappointed, no nietas.  Well if not with me, are you going to convince Bruno to have a baby with someone else.  Zenaida excuses herself.    Tita tells Ally don't wait too long because her child will look as if its her grandchild. Think about it!
Andrea discusses with Angel the birth certifiacte caper.  He lies and says that he needs the certiicate for a soccer team.  He wants to knpw where it is hidden.  His friends said that it is usually with the bills.  Andrea says that its in a safe place.
Padre tells Cuca that he knows where Mari lives but right now he is preparing  for a spirtual retiro, so he wont pursue it right no.
Daniel goes up to Mari's "store" and asks her if she remembers him?  Why certainly , you bought out the store. Are you going to buy out the store again?  I just might. Mari doesn't get it. Once is being generous but twice, hmmm- she suspects something, definitely not love.

At Casa Arte
Isa let's Art know that years ago, she and Gany made a pact, they would be the godmothers of each other's children.  Art is okay with it, but Gaby is sharing the role of godparent with Bruno. Art hopes that Gaby won't be uncomfortable. (Here's a first, Art is showing some compassion, he is taking notice a real human emotion of someone other than Isa"). Bruno and Gaby will make excellent godparents. Ahh cupid strikes again.

At a  Japanese restaurant 
Gaby wants to know how does Nicholas know that she likes Japense food. A nosey, possibly lying little  birdie told him. Gaby likes Nick's sense of humor and Nick lets Gaby know that he likes her. Gaby notes that there is something different, more mature, seasoned about Nick.  He's older but more laid back, relaxed than before, he guesses that it's the life experiences that he has lived. He is older but age doesn't seem to matter in this convo. He wants to share everything with Gaby, is she interested?  Yep, Nick,she is this time around.  They toast to their new "alliance".

Ara's room
Ara is studying and hears some mariachi music. She runs to the window and there is Esteban outside. Ara is thrilled.   Isa comes into her room and asks if she heard the mariachi serenade. She did but doesn't know what to do. (Humph- Aunt Dearest didn't school you on this one, honey?). Isa takes Ara outside. Ara and Isa are now outside and Esteban is thanked with kisses for the mariachi serenade which is playing on his car's radio. Esteban what a lovely detail! I love this guy!!! A little make up kissing.  BTW-  the song is by Vicente Fernandez (talk about a seasoned chulo)-"Estos Celos".

At Tita's 
Ally is talking to a distracted Bruno about how Tita would like to have grandchildren. She is talking to herself because Bruno is in another world. She realizes it and wants to know, who or what is he thinking about? (Two guesses, Ally: either his mother or Gaby).  He needs to tell her the truth because she can tell in his facial expressions if he is lying. He is thinking about Nicholas Belmonte, his business partner.  He has changed for the better since he has arrived. 

At Sucia's Love Nest
Feoavier asks Sucia if Ara was interested in him, because he has a way with the ladies, especially the ones without much experience in the love department  like her niece. What sick rat bastards they both are. Ara wants a picture of him, but he is not ready to be photographed.  Ara will be easy bait for Feoavier because Sucia knows her better  than anyone even her dad,  she is just a spoiled brat. She gets everything that she wants and furthermore Sucia has taught her everything that she knows. (No wonder, the girl is a psychopath) She communicated with her all the time, even when Sucia was out of the country.  Ara tells her everything. Someone would think that you would give your life to her. That's what someone would think. (Yeah right, like the life she took from Aranza's mother) Psst. Pervy - has to follow Sucia's instructions and speak to her in the tone that she says to get exactly what Sucia wants, Feoavier corrects her to mean what we want (this convo will be important somewhere done the line) and Ara will do,what she says. Pervy can't wait to be healed. Soon!!! Yuck!!!!

Around the city
Art and Isa are shopping for baby clothes and Feoavier is healing. Ara and Esteban are canoodling while Daphne looks on like the fifth wheel.  Tita is feeding Precioso.
How cute!

The Dirty Clinic
Feoavier is getting the finishing touches on his nose and he is happy at what he sees, according to Sucia, he looks handsome, different.(It's definitely a matter of opinion- his nose is just smaller) he will send a check to the doctor this afternoon along with little extra that the doctor asked for because of the "complications".  The doctor wants the money in cash because he has to pay the anesthesiologist and the nurse.  He can bring the cash by tonight around 7 because doc has another operation afterwards.  Uh oh! I smell a rat!
Sucia asks Feoavier how does he feel with the new nose. He feels like something is missing.  Feoavier calls Methusulah to get an update on his license and passport. Sucia is going to check on the party, and Feoavier is going to attend in full costume regalia. (It's time to roll my eyes!!) Feoavier has to disappear becasue Ole Sugar Daddy returns today.

At the Avocado Casa
Gil and padre are playing chess and talking about tonight's Masquerade party, Gil was opposed to the idea at first but Padre thinks that it could be fun.  Nevertheless it's what Dan wants.  Gil needs a costume, perhaps something related to the military. No, he doesn't want to disrespect the uniform just as Padre wouldn't want his collar disrespected.  Gil will surprise,everyone.

Art and Isa's
Tita brings over the newly constructed crib.  Art and Isa are counting the days until the baby's birth. Tita compliments Isa she looks absolutely gorgeous. Everyone seems very happy. She can't wait until Bruno and Ally make her a grandmother- CEO. Someday, maybe.

At the Love Nest
Sucia introduces her friend Feoavier to Wilson who seems to recognize him, oh right but he was bandaged.  Feo thanks Wilson for letting him "stay" in the building.

At the University
Ileana invites Ara to the masquerade party's that she is going to with her parents but Ara has already been invited and inquiring minds want to know, how does she know about the party. She wasn't invited directly (yeah right) but she will go,with Ileana.
Ara is going to go and Ileana asks her not to mention anything to Daphne because she can't invite her. Ara "told" Esteban that she was going to the party and since he wasn't invited it's okay.- Really?
Daphne complains that she wants to sleep at home. she and Ileana start squibbling and Daphne says that Ileana has been telling her what to do since kindergarten and Daphne can't take Ileana.  Ara asks Daphne what's up? We have known her all of our lives. Daphne  doesn't like the fact that Ileana speaks the truth. Daphne gives Ara lessons on how to break up with Esteban.

In the Street
MeanMinnie meets up with Gisela in the street. MeanMinnie is broke but Gisela will lend her money because she has missed her "friend".  Meanie finds it strange that she misses her, they are not lifelong friends. They just met. Meanie doesn't want borrow any money but she misses playing cards, gambling and winning.

Love Nest Lobby
Feoavier has a chat with Wilson the security man and inquires as to how much does Ole Sugar Daddy pay him to watch Sucia's whereabouts. Wilson finally concedes not too much. Feo makes him an offer that he can't refuse on keeping mum about Feo living in the building, first he must pass a test. If he passes he earn more money than he could ever imagine.

Art & Isa's
Art, Tita and Isa marvel at the reconstructed crib, courtesy of Tita's carpenter.  It just needs the mattress and the trimmings.  Art spoke to the baby and he kicked back.

Love Nest
Ole Sugar Daddy returns and is still down in the dumps because he hasn't been able to hire a programmer.  He wants Sucia to "sweeten" him up. Ewwww!!

In the Hood
Dante is shooting the breeze with Tassels. He perks up when Marianela enters the room.  Mari gave Tassels money to forget the kids some milk and Dante butts in and asks why doesn't Mari go to the store. Tassels lets Dante know that they are a partnership, when it comes to the kids. Dante has a proposition for Tassels that will make enough money to feed the kids. He needs him tomorrow night to pick up some merchandise, Mari is eavesdropping and can hardly hear what they are saying but it can't be good on Dante's part.   Its an easy job.
Mari warns Tassels about Dante.  Dante bad news, accordimg to Mari, but Tassels disagrees. (A student of the school of hard knocks)

At the Dirty Hospital
Feoavier and Methulusah are outside of the dirty hospital to "pay "a visit to the plastic surgeons who were trying to scam him. Hmmmm.
The nurse let s the doctors know that Feo hasn't come to pay them their "fee".  No problem if they don't get paid the authorities will get an anonymous call about Feo's facial surgery. Feo and Meth walk in on the conversation.  They are there to pay their bill. Feo and Meth walk away without paying. The doctors ask for their money, Meth throws a bag to them, the nurse picks it up and Feo pulls out a gun, saying its personal not business but this time it's personal.

At Art and Isa's
Art is reading a newspaper article about a murder at a clandestine clinic   They discuss how a plastic surgeon, an anesthesiologist and a nurse were attacked in a clinic while they operated on a fugitive from justice. They pay a lot of money for those operations and someone who thinks that  they are smarter than them robs them. Art worries about Isa and Ara's safety. Art wants to hire a chauffeur for Isa and he will do the interviews.

At the University
Ara is thought bubbling about Feoavier's words to her, if he was 15 years younger he would conquer her. Ewwwww! Daphne doesn't believe in love based on her dad's track record, she really wants Ara to dump Este. Love is corny to her.    Daphne invites Ara to a disco but she is going out with Ileana.

In The Hood
Tassels and. Mari are cooking dinner and they discuss the job that she turned down, they need the money.  He is going to partner up with Dante and get free merchandise.

At Art's job
Art and Nick are at work and plan a weekend work trip. Nick can invite Gaby and they are a couple.

At the university
Esteban surprises Ara with kisses. He invites her to dinner but she lies and says that she is going to dinner with her father and. Isa who are going to introduce her to an important client. They can hang out on the weekend. Kiss, kiss! (She lies too easily)

At the Avocado casa
Daniel thanks Gil for letting him have the masquerade party and wants to know what his dad's costume is going to be? It's a surprise!

Art and Isa's
Isa tells, Gaby that she has to get used to the idea of having a chauffeur. Art is quite the protector.
Isa wants to go home and nest (set up the baby's room) but suddenly Isa has a pain and looks worried.
Packages from Casa Arte arrive and Lucha accepts them it is the bedding for the new crib at the same time Ara arrives home and  hears Lucha mentions "the new crib". Uh oh!
Ara goes into the nursery and sees the new crib and has a mini -meltdown.
At an Outdoor Cafe
Tita and Precioso are having lunch and she accepts his invitation to Morelos. Osby!! Que chulos!!!

Isa is in the hospital
Art can't believe Ara's attitude, she should be there with them but Isa doesn't want to disturb her. Let her go to her party.

At the love nest, I guess
Feo shaves hid head and changes his eye color to blue for a more convincing look.  Mr. Javier Clean. (I can still see those beady eyes) He is still looking at the TV with that demonic stare.

At the Party
He is dressed as a pirate at the masquerade party and here comes Ara, the Fairy Princess.  Their eyes meet. Ewwwwwwwwww!!!

Coming attractions:
  • Isa has a bad feeling about Feo even though he is supposed to be dead
  • Feoavier the wolf, is ready to pounce on Ara the lamb
  • Daphne is up to no good, what else is new
  • Must see TV


Por siempre mi amor #35 1/22/14: Look Before You Leap, For Snakes Among Sweet Flowers Do Creep * German Proverb


Ara admits she burned her Dad’s crib in a moment of craziness but she swears on the memory of her mother she didn’t send the snake.  Isa says she knows Ara didn’t send the snake since she knows Ara would never swear falsely on her mother’s memory and she can see in her eyes she didn’t do it.  Ara provides more evidence she didn’t send the snake as she tells Isa that she went to Gaby’s apartment and had the concierge give her still photo of the person who left the snake.  The person’s head and face are covered, but it’s obvious it wasn’t Aranza. “Do you forgive me?” Ara says pleadingly to Isa. “As long as you forgive me for accusing you of sending the snake,” Isa says.  Isa also says she’s hurt by what Ara did with the crib but at least she recognized and admitted her error.  Ara hugs Isa sincerely even touches her stomach protectively as Isa looks on a bit skeptically. Ara says she’s sorry that she’s made Art and Isa fight.  Isa says Ara took the first step in her and Art reconciling by admitting she burned the crib.  Art loves both of them and will make up with them, says Isa.

Daniel and Don Hilberto are playing chess—Hilberto is winning—and Daniel questions Sucia’s sincerity in planning his party.  Hilberto says Danny shouldn’t doubt his half-sister (media-hermana)—darn! He IS Marinela’s uncle then—since her willingness to plan his party means she loves him.  Danny notes that the age gap between the two of them is large and he’s been overseas for school for most of his life, so he doubts Sucia loves him.  (The common sense is strong in this one!) Hilberto hides his well-coifed head in the sand as he asks Danny to change the subject so he won’t get upset with him.  Like a good soldier Danny obeys, but he’s still side-eyeing the idea that Sucia is harmless.

We’re back to Ara and Isa in the nursery as their heart-to-heart continues.  Isa reiterates that she doesn’t want to take Eugenia’s place, but she hopes Ara can consider her a friend and a mother since she will be the mother of Ara’s little brother.  Ara says Isa has always treated her as a daughter and Isa says she’s the daughter of her heart and despite everything (a pesar de todo) they’ve always been united as a family.  It’s all very touching as Ara promises to be grateful for her family and stop acting like an infant.  Just then Art shows up and says how happy to see Ara and Isa making up. Art asks Ara to leave the room so he and Isa can chat.  He asks Isa to forgive him too and they make up.

Ara calls Sucia outside the de la Riva home says she erased the surveillance tape showing Sucia as the one delivering the snake package.  Ara then pointedly asks Sucia if she intended to kill Isa with the snake. She emphasizes that she just thought Sucia meant to scare Isa, not kill her, since it’s one thing to scare someone, but killing them is a whole other kettle of fish.  (We have here, as Vivi said with Dafne and Isa, a mixture of falseness and truth re Ara and Isa.  Ara is growing to love Isa and doesn’t want her dead, but the resentment is still there.)  Sucia says she’ll explain to Ara in person what she meant. Ara goes back inside Casa de la Riva and shows Lucha the photo still of who sent the snake to prove she didn’t do it.

Este fulfills his promise to feed Grandma Meanie to get her soltar la sopa about his biological father. Meanie eats as if Mau and Andy are starving her—she even puts some of the jam and butter in her handbag to Este’s horror—and explains the whole Feo/Andy backstory to fair Este. Este wants the whole truth from Meanie since he already knows Isa and Feo were married.  Knowing this Meanie spills the beans saying that when Andy found out that Feo was a bigamist, Isa supported her and sent Este and Angelito to a good school.  “But did Feo ever take care of us”(hacer cargo de nosotros)? Minnie laughs and says that Feo was a desgraciado who took raped/ took advantage (abusar de) of your mother when she was a minor.  When she got pregnant with you and I found out, I planned to report him to the authorities he married her.  “He was a disgusting human being—may he rest in peace,” (porqueria de gente) Meanie emphasizes.

Ara tells Ileana and Dafne she told Isa and Art about her burning the crib.  Ileana says that she played the saint like Esteban, but Ara says she just wanted to make peace with Isa (llevar la fiesta en paz). She denies sending the snake and will deny it to the end.  She also tells Ileana and Dafne that Feo was married to Isa.  Dafne is shocked, but Ileana said she already knew since Este told her in confidence. Dafne says Ileana should have said something to them, but Ara says Ileana was right to keep Este’s secret since they are friends and it was said in confidence.  “And I would have done the same if you two had told me a secret,” Ileana says.  (Yay! I understood what these fresas said!)

Sucia tells Feo that Ara and Este are going out (andar con). He’s going to kill two birds with one stone and use Aranza and Esteban to get back at Andy and Isa.  He calls his son an imbecile. Ara and Este meet at the university and Este tells Ara he questioned his grandmother about Feo and Ara advises that Este turn the page on this part of his life since his grandmother told him Feo was a bad person. Our fair young protas get into a fight because Ara is hiding the fact that she’s going to Sucia’s and lies that she’s going to the gynecologist. Este wants to go with her, but Ara doesn’t want Este to be so possessive and asks him to leave her alone.  

Ara goes to Sucia and sees Feo, digo, Javier, in his mask.  He looks ridiculous but is blatantly flirting with Ara. He says if he was fifteen years younger he’d try to go out with Ara.  He holds Ara’s hand and says the fact that her eyes went wide and her hands are sweating means that they could have a great affair (aventura) together. Sucia comes in and Feo leaves them to talk.  Ara asks if she tried to kill Isa because her rage (coraje) overtook her. Sucia says Ara is acting as if she put dynamite in the box.  How could Ara think she would kill someone?  In the meanwhile, Sucia flashes back to when she switched Eugenia’s pills with placebos which killed her.  “If you only knew Aranza,” Sucia says to herself, “If you only knew.”

Bruno gets Tita’s carpenter to build a new crib just like the one Ara destroyed.

Padre asks about Mari in the market.  The florist tells him that Mari doesn’t have a fixed place where she sells but she’s always around.

At Casa Arte Isa tells Gaby about the delivery of the new crib and Isa asks Gaby if she’s ready for her date with Nicolas.  Gaby says yes since she and Bruno have no future.  “I would have loved to settle down with my soul mate (media naranja-the other half of my orange), but I’d be a fool to turn away the mango that is Nicolas.  (Seems like she’s saying she’s settling for Nicolas to my mind.)  Meanwhile at Art’s office, Nicolas, Art and Bruno are signing paper work on a business deal and Nicolas mentions that he’s going out with Gaby that night and he forgot if she liked Chinese or Japanese food best.  Bruno tells Nicolas that she loved Japanese more but he’s not sure if she’s still does. “I don’t believe you,” says Nicolas. “I’m going to take her to a restaurant I was recommended.” (Then why bring up the date to Gaby’s old pretendiente.  Are you just trying to throw shade? I don’t like that at all.)  

Back at Sucia’s, Ara asks about her aunt’s handsome friend Javier (Blech!). Ara wants a picture of him so she can stop imagining what he looks like. Sucia says she’ll draw Ara a picture and then invites Ara to Daniel’s coming out party, which has a disguise theme, since Javier will be there. Ara says she’ll be there with bells on. Ara says she likes Javier because he treats her like a woman and not a little girl.  Sucia agrees that Ara is very mature because she’s surrounded by older people in her life-Art, Isa, Ozzie, Tita, etc, that have made her too mature for guys her age.  Ara asks Sucia if Dafne is right that Este is not right for her.  Sucia says she isn’t sure but that sometimes friends see things with more clarity.

Ileana and Este are discussing his argument with Ara and Ileana says this is something he can fix since he’s the most romantic guy she knows. He can show or give Ara something thoughtful (detallada) that will win her back.  He thinks up a mariachi serenade (serenata) but then remembers he doesn’t have the money for that.  Ileana says it doesn’t have to be expensive because Ara fell in love with Este because of his thoughtfulness (detallista), but he has to think of something and she’ll help him.  She shoots down flowers and candy and they think up something together.

Art and Isa discuss names for the baby. Art suggests Eugenio because Ara wanted it in honor of Eugenia. Isa says no, they should name the baby something else—for once she’s stood up to Ara—suggesting naming the baby after Arturo and Art says no to Arturito.  He thinks they should name their son after Isa’s father, Miguel.  They agree even though the baby’s full name will be long and he won’t like it when he has to write it out at school: Miguel de la Riva Lopez Cerda.

After visiting the museum together Tita and Ally talk. Tita asks Ally when she’s going to give her grandbabies.  Ally says having a child is not on her list of priorities; she privileges her happiness.  Tita says kids give life happiness and she should have a child while she can.  Ally says women are having babies later in life and she can wait.  Tita tells her to rethink that because she should have babies when she can and not when her child will look like her grandchild.

Andy asks Angelito why he wants his birth certificate since the school says it’s not true that he needs it. Angelito lies that he’s starting a futbol team with friends and needs it. Andy tells him those sorts of things are important documents that need to be in a safe deposit box to keep them safe.

The padre finds out Mari’s address and tells Cuca who insists that he convince Mari to work in her grandfather’s house.  Cuca apologizes for her strong insistence on this to the priest. In the meanwhile Danny meets Mari again and they flirt.  Mari, though, asks why Danny is being so kind to her. Buying all her merchandise the first time was kind (gracioso) but again would be suspicious.  Fin de capitulo.

Este gives Ara a car serenata
Dante and Borlas discuss business
Gisela tempts Meanie to gamble again
Feo and Sucia plan how to trap Ara
Nicolas formally asks Gaby out
Javier debuts his new look—green contacts are involved.


Lo Que la Vida Me Robo #52, 1/22/14: Things just went south, way, way, way south

Oh em cheese. Ladies, gents, get some wine ready because you are going to need it in order to get through this episode. Sh*t just got real.

Oh snap, Alejandro knows, he knows!:

 Our beautiful Alejandro comes to the realization that his enemy was in his home the whole time, hidden in plain view. The memories of his wife crying over Jose Luis play heavy on his mind. He cries because he is heartbroken and angry that he was taken for a fool, there's no doubt that he thinks his wife and Jose Luis carried on an affair right under his nose. He walks over to his desk, his face wet with tears, his eyes red and full of pain and rage, he opens his desk drawer and pulls out a gun, he loads it with two bullets and goes on his way. Folks, put on your seat belts because we are in for a bumpy ride.

Well, maybe Macairo and Dominga can be happy:

 In the kitchen Macairo is trying to summon up the courage to ask Dominga if she had anything going on with the fruit molester who shall not be named. He tells her he has a question to ask her but he needs to know if she will answer him truthfully. Dominga replies that she has never lied to him and before he can spit out his question Alejandro shows up. Dominga takes the opportunity to offer her congratulations on the new baby and Macairo offers Alejandro a hug. Alejandro asks where Rosario is and Dominga tells him that she took Carlota a cup of tea. Alejandro gives both of them the day off, telling them that he needs some time alone with his wife. They don't argue with him and Macairo takes the chance to ask Dominga out on a date. They are going to Red Lobster! Okay, that's not quite right, but they are having sea food, so yay for them-now I want sea food!

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #75 Wed 1/22/14 Hold off on the Baby Shower gifts for RaquelMary’s bebé as we enter Ultimas Semanas

Bundle of Joy, er what?!?
Un bebé? Un bebé? Estas loca!? Raquel tells him she is most assuredly preggers.  Yeah, well there may be a baby, but it’s not mine.  Who knows who’s baby that is because he’s sure he always used protection (preservativo).  She tells him she hasn’t slept with anyone else and even condoms can fail.  He refuses to accept this.  She tries, and fails, to get his attention by repeating she is preggers.  “If you want the job I’m offering, abort!”  She’s shocked to hear he would want her to abort his child.  He repeats, adamantly, “NO ES MI HIJO!!”  Raquel foolishly threatens to tell Oriana.  He pounces.  Grabbing her by the throat, he assures her that if she breathes even one word of this to anyone, she can fuhget about the depa, el coche, not to mention the presidenta job!  He throws her aside and storms out with her screaming after him, “Eres un imbecil!  UN IMBECIL!!!”
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Qué Pobres, Wednesday 1/22/14 (#13): The Fugitive

Lupe tells her family she doesn't want Nepo to know about the RPs. He'd just try to fix everything "his way." (Which would solve the problem and get the RPs out of there immediately, as opposed to Lupe's way which keeps MA in her house indefinitely. But I digress.)

As the party begins, Chuy takes pity on the RPs and brings them some food, which may or may not include blood sausage (moronga). It looks like tacos. MA and Frida tuck in right away; Leo gives in soon afterward; AS holds out the longest, but then eats with gusto (with her hands!) and even has seconds! MA is glad the family is finally having a meal together.

Later, they sneak halfway down the stairs to peep at the quinceañera. Can I just say, many months after the fact, I just got a joke from PEAM - Rogelio was in a room full of cigar smoke and said "it's like a quinceañera in here." He was referring to the dry ice fog which, apparently, is part of the quinceañera experience. Anyway, Leo and AS make fun of the party. ("Check out that dress!" "Oh, I thought it was a piñata!") Frida says she wishes she'd had a party like this. MA watches Lupe dance with Nepo. MA's eyes meet Lupe's; she gestures for him to get out of sight. (How cute, they're already conversing with their eyes.)

After the party, Lupe is excited: maybe they can do this more often, using the place for events. They'll pay off the debt in no time.
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Por siempre mi amor #34 1/21/14: I didn't do it!


We begin today with Art Dad and Aranza arguing and she then leaves to go wrap Esteban in her coils and they exit.
A scene with Ferno-no and Soni. This scene made me think Soni had half a heart since when Fernando had said he didn't give a funk about his kids, she looked as if she had felt something.
Lucha comes in to offer Art Dad coffee since he seems stressed out and he declines. Ater some chit chat, she suggests he go check out the hacked, chopped and destroyed crib.
Baby Shower with Tita and the chiccas! She comes in with a cake in the shape of a baby's bottom cuz you know, we wanna be reminded of butts when we're eating, much less something in the shape of it. They begin a game with toilet paper and wrap Isa with it(?) I don't really get that game LOL.
Art Dad is going to see the crib and he has a flashback to when Tita surprised him and Dead-genia with it. She had told AD's mom tres veradades and boom it was his (hers.) He seems really distressed. With a daughter whom is so easy to brainwash, who wouldn't be?
At Soni's clad pad, she brings some carrots with grapes (cuz you gotta eat good to do bad right!) and El Ruco is on vacation with the fam for a month so Ferny has all the time in the world (before that acme anvil falls and leaves him more bruised thjan his face already is.) He is exchanging cash from an account into his and Soni is turned on by this apparently LOL.
Bruno calls AD whom is in his office and things are prepared and he says baby shower in a rather sexy English voice. He goes to meet Brun for dinner.
Esteban is with 'Za
and they're discussing her wrongdoings. She begins to doubt he is on her side but he reassures her. Some talk about Isabel and that she was with Fernando.
GrandMean is talking with Gisela about going to play poker and that she depends on her offspring for cash (add Gisela to the anvil list) and Gise then says there are a million ways to leech money out of your kids.
Some more 'Za and Esteban. (He really does bring out the best in her. Too bad Soni plans on ruining that.)
Dinnertime with Marianela and Borlas whom brings Dante and the kids don't trust him (they got their eyes on him!)
(Theme Song)
Bruno and Art Dad are together discussing their troubles and doubts.
Lucha and Gabino give the situation a piece fo their minds.
GrandMean's at home and Estebonbon comes and greets her. She gives a cynical snark and he ignores it. He ask about his dad's death and gMean says it can't be spoken of.
At the Baby Shower, it's time to open the gifts and the moment we've all been waiting for. First, Isa receives a blanket and then in the next gift, she shakes it a little and says it makes a sound. She opens it and it's a serpent!
Back to gMean and Estebonbon, she is telling him that it can't be spoken of even if he doubts damn Ferny dad is dead (aside from Isa, gMean, Gabs, Marianela, Borlas, Tita and Illeana, is Estebonbon really the only character with a brain or that we can tolerate in this novela?) However at breakfast she will speak with them tranquilos. He agrees and with a kiss, he's off.
Back with Dante, Mari and Borlas. The kids are brush their teeth and Dante offers to help with the dishes while one of the kids decides to help with laundry. Mari is off to the store and Dante snidely says he will hold down the fort. He asks if Mari is always with them and they respond with not always. Borlas comes in and sends those kids to brush. (Am I the only one who remembers Dante as Luisa's BF Ivan from Un Gancho al Corazon?) Dante comments on how those kids are hard working and he is surprised. B says they work around the whole house and D just snickers.
Tita comments back at the baby shower on who could do something so perverse? Isa just thanks the veterinarian neighbor and he says he will take the serpent away. Gabs comments that it was made with pure evil intention. But who? Tita asks again. Isa thanks Andrea for the party as Andrea leaves. We close the scene with the same question being asked as Isa begins to have a perfect idea who.
Brun and AD discuss that Nicolas had directly said he plans on marrying Gabs.
Isa is with the gals and she brings up whom she thinks had screwed her over.
A scene with Andrea and Mao disucssing the situation and Dead-nando.
AD is home and so is Isa. 'Za you little rat, your goose is cooked. As 'Za watchs from above, Isa blabs like the wind and he doesn't believe her.
More Borlas and Mari.
Andie and Mao argue.
A little arguing with AD and Isa and she goes ot the baby's room where she feels him kicking. Lucha comes in to help her and get relaxed.
'Za realizes she had nothing to do with the snake and goes to tell Art Dad.
A scene with Ally 'n' Brun to mix things up.
'Za then goes to the hotel where the party was held and gets a lovely photo and screencap of Soni in an obvious du'rag and shades giving the snake-filled gift. She holds onto the picture.
'Za goes to see Isa whom is relcutant at first but lets her in. 'Za tells her she didn't do it and is embarrassed. She has proof BTW and begs for forgiveness.

Avances- Soni is ready to give EsteAnza/AranzaBan the axe and set her up with Ferny.


Lo que la vida me robó, Cap. 51, Tuesday, 1/21/14: Ale Get Your Gun!

For tonight's edition of People on The Patio, we've invited a special guest to give us the inside scoop on one of the most shocking scenes in the novela. 

Let's give a warm welcome to María Zamudio and hear her take on The Infamous Shower Scene and its Aftermath!

[The Hell in a Handbasket table shifts uneasily.  What could SHE possibly have to say for herself?  THAT INSANE BITCH!  Some are already edging stealthily toward the tunnel leading to the Bunker of Ironic Detachment, opting to watch People on the Patio on their tablets.]

NovelaMaven: María, thank you for joining us this evening.  Say, before we begin, would you mind passing me the pitcher next to you...

María Zamudio:  Do I look like your servant, Maven?  Get off your rear and get the damn pitcher yourself!
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Que pobres tan ricos # 12, Tuesday Jan 21 'Like a virgin'... a quinceanera party for the ages... and the guest list at Via Italia grows...

(Menchaca's upstairs closet/attic: as MA continues piling the 'things' on the loan shark's arms...)
L: Hold it! I won’t let you pay this man for us.
S: you won’t be so ungrateful, right, Lupita? (turns to MA) And you, don’t abuse… just because I have a chicken’s heart…
MA: (interrupting the loan shark before he can insult Lupita's humble status) And very good taste!
S: I get moved by the needy people… but there are some goblets over there (pointing to another box full of AS's fine crystal goblets…
MA: You are in luck! (piles them on top of the stuff on the loan shark's arms) There you go. (turns him around and starts to push him out the door) Have a good time!... (more babble)… don’t trip with those boxes, ah?
L: Thank you for getting that guy off my back, but you did not need to do it. Neither will I accept what you gave him as a gift, we will pay you for everything…
MA: Guadalupe, if you want you can add it to the amount you all owe me.
L: Ah! There it is… you go ahead and estimate how much are the things he took, and add it to my debt. Write it down!
MA: No, you can also take it as payment for what we are going to be eating here.
L: Just don’t abuse. You won’t say now that those things are worth the food we will be giving you for a year, right?
MA: Well, you don’t really think we will be staying here a year, right? (he doesn't look so convinced himself that her estimate is so off the ballpark)

(at photo session)

The coordinator or manager questions A-hole that Mini was about to marry MA and now she is engaged to him. A-hole eats the guy alive for questioning him… A-hole gives the photographer instructions… I want you to capture the beauty of my fiancée and my personal attractiveness… I want to look sophisticated but sincere, haughty (altivo) but trustworthy, in love but indifferent, you get it, right? And if not, you know… (you ‘ll end up at ) Sonora desert…

(Pictures don’t really look that great to me, but I can tell Mini is not too excited to be there, looks more like she would prefer to be posing for pictures with a snowman…)

Back to attic at Menchacas…
MA: Lupe, why do you distrust me so much?
L: Not sure… there is something you are hiding… tell me the truth, why your interest in staying in this house?
MA: well, I used to have such a different lifestyle until just recently. I worked in London at the stock market… I gathered some money that I earned with hard work. (she wants him to get to the point) I trusted people that did not deserve it and I lost everything overnight. And all we have left… (then he goes deaf, like not really wanting to spit it out that all they have left is this house)…(she asks what is it he has left?)… this property.
L: Well, I am soooooo sorry for you all… but if you really lost it all, you all will need to learn to live humbly.. I have to go… (he asks for some food)… I will ask Carmelita to serve you some… just some!… we will keep a tab on you.. so you don’t later on come tell us that you were robbed… no, we know the kind of people you are… (leaves mumbling ‘the stock market’…)

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Mentir Para Vivir #74 Tue 1/21/14 You've Been Boinking the Biggest Skank in Town and You Didn't Even Catch a Computer Virus From Her?

Santa Dominga:  Oriana hears the door creek open and quickly turns off the bedside lamp.  Her head hits the pillow and she pretends to be comatose.  It seems that Jose Luis has been drinking tequila, slurping oysters and listening to Barry White songs all evening.  He is now in the mood for a night of love.  He’s knows that she’s not sleeping; he saw the light go out and he will not be swayed.  Suddenly, the falcon swoops!  Somehow, Oriana finds the strength to fight him off.  Confused, he mentally reviews the effectiveness of his mating technique.  He’s got a Richard.  Check.  He’s aroused.  Check.  Why isn’t she?  It’s a mystery.  He smells his armpits.  It must be his deodorant.  He’s irresistible; he’s certain of it.  Next, he resorts to begging.  I’m horny and little Jose Luis needs your help, he says.  He shoots puppy dog eyes at her.  Oriana springs from the bed and pulls a white silk robe over her Victoria Secret lingerie that scarcely covers her heaving pale bosoms.  She says that she's getting the heck out of Dodge City and heading back to her grandmother’s house.  The fox springs up and drags her back to the bed to be ravaged! Just when looks like he is about to take her by force, he stops when she declares that she will hate him forever!  Her words immediately deflate little Jose Luis, ummmm his ego.  After dismounting from her, he goes to her purse, removes her identification and leaves.  Shaken and crying, she lies sprawled in bed.  A little while later, he returns in a sarcastic mood.  He's looking for his medication.  Oriana, is still lounging in bed wearing man tempting Victoria Secret wings.  He finds it and leaves her alone for the night. 
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Por siempre mi amor #33 1/20/13: The Mask of Zero

Hello Everyone! What a great game the 49ers/Seahawks game turned out to be! I almost couldn't breathe for the last five minutes. Holy Smoke! On to the Super Bowl! Go Hawks!

Fenando has donned a mask for this episode. Like they do in fashion I thought it would be fun to compare his masked visage with pictures of others in masks and play a game of "Who wore it best?"

Sonia and Efraim visit Fernando in the hospital. Everything is arranged for his recovery and new identity after his nose job.

Nicholas has dinner with Bruno and Arturo. Nick makes a toast to Bruno's recent marriage which he heard about from Gabi.

Today's Dish:
Tita thinks Isabel has been foolish to cover up and/or downplay all Aranza's misdeeds to Arturo over the years. Even Ally thinks Aranza should have some limits. Isabel whines that she doesn't want to be the bad guy and besides it's too late now and I can't go back and fix things. Apparently Isabel doesn't have to worry about her own child being a monster because Rosemary's Baby is already living in the house.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Qué Pobres, Monday 1/20/14 (#11): In Which the Nouveau-Poor Experience Hunger, Except for Mom Who Knows Only Thirst.

Frida is feeling very sorry for herself. She whines to MA that her "friends" were just a bunch of traitors. Her pain is so great. (MA and Saul bite their tongues.) Nobody understands her, she says, except for MA. MA agrees to let her stay with him at the Menchacas'.

Leo and his mother check out the family home. He finds that the water, gas, and power have all been shut off. She finds a bottle of gin hidden in the library. She calls a few of her friends to sniff out the situation. She says she's in Italy, having a great time, and her friends tell her that the family's name is mud. She is mortified and humiliated. She'd rather die than grovel to them, she says. Her friends are vipers.

Leo says if he can just get the money for a plane ticket, he can go to Spain. Surely Macarena will put him up. AS reminds him that they can't even afford a ticket to Cuernavaca. "We're the nouveau-poor," Leo moans. They can't even sell the car - it's in MA's name.

To make matters worse, the police have come to the house and they are probably going to seize the car anyway. AS can't bear the prospect of being found trespassing by the police. Leo (who at least seems to have a couple of brain cells to rub together in a crisis) suggests sneaking out the service entrance. (Ooh! Symbolism of their rapid drop in status!)
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Lunes 1/20/14 #50

Chapter 50: The Wages of Sin are Relative

In Review

Lord Alejandro stood in the shower his eyes closed against the falling water and soap as Maria entered, having stripped off her clothes just outside the door. Lady Monserrat entered the bedchamber and upon hearing the water in the shower, removed her shoes and followed the sound. She entered the bathing chamber and saw her husband kissing the maid.

Current Happenings

Bathing Chamber / Bedchamber: Lady Monserrat called out her husband's name and he opened his eyes to see a naked Maria before him. Lady Monserrat left the bathing chamber in indignation, with His Lordship pushing Maria aside to follow, draping a towel around himself to save his own dignity. Lady Monserrat picked up her shoes and pointed at the naked Maria, demanding that he dismiss her and order her to leave. By now Maria had already donned the master's robe and he told her to leave the room.
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Mentir Para Vivir #73 Mon 1/20/14 “Have you taken your pills?” “Have you taken your pills?” “Have you taken your pills?”

It's not a broken record, it's only Oriana yapping her mouth all day long.

Madhilde joins Cesar and Fabiola at the table and asks the servant for her lunch. After briefly inquiring Cesar about his work and probably figuring out there is not much that she can complain about when it comes to him, she starts on Fabiola: what are you going to do, when will you get married, yada yada yada. As Cesar speaks up for his sister, Fabiola herself says to mommy dearest that if she has nothing nice to say, she better shut up. This rubs Maddy the wrong way – she is her mother, how dare she talk like that? Again Cesar steps in, warns Maddy that he came back to Paloma’s to protect Fabi (so Maddy lives there, too?); she was never a good mother, she enjoys humiliating others too much, especially them, her kids. Then, they both get up and go, leaving Maddy with her usual cara de indignada.

Oriana is on the phone with Marilu, who assures her that Alina is well taken care off and very much loved. Oriana thanks her for all that she is doing and asks Mari to tell Ric that Berenice, the nurse, will come to attend Seb.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- SANTA DIABLA, week of January 20, 2014

We're moving toward the finish line on this one.  Things should get even crazier than they have been.  Wait -- is that possible?


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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS, THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del sur, La Impostora et cetera. Week of January 20, 2014

Here is a new page for the week ahead.

A couple of reminders:

Label your comments
Please label your comments by the name of the show and, if you think of it, the day of the week.  That makes it easier for everyone to follow. 

No spoilers!
Please confine your comments to events and revelations that have been shown on the air.  We don't discuss promos or avances on this page.  Thanks for understanding.

Have a great week!

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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lo que la vida me robo Cap 49, 1-17-14—Something something in a shower

Lo que la vida me robo Cap 49, 1-17-14—Something something in a shower



The Padre is warning Monse that Ale will find out that the capataz is really JL is. They've gotta find JL and Angel. But Monse doesn't know how she can help; she doesn't know much about JL's background.

The new:

Godmother of Angelica swears to JL that she'll rip him a new one if he's going to do wrong by Angel. He says no, he'll stay with her till the end. He knows she's in love with him and he will respect her. The Godmother wants him to prove his gratitude to Angel for all she's done; Godmother suggests marriage. Godmother can cover his tracks and make things safe for him, since she's rich and has connections. She'll work hard to clear his name. Godmother sees Angel as a daughter and Angel doesn't have much time left. This would make her happy before she dies. Will JL do it or not?
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Mentir Para Vivir #72 Fri 1/17/14 I Confess! The Road To My Personal Hell Was Paved With My Greedy Intentions!

Lo Del Pasado:

Fabiola and Piero get the news from her OB that she’s HIV positive and she goes into shock.  She might as well have Leprosy, and she very well knows it.  (Thank you, Sebastardo, for spreading the cheer.)   

Lo Del Nuevo:

Outside the hospital Piero tries comforting Fabiola despite the bad news.  She knows she’s a carrier [portadora] and knows she can no longer have a normal love life.  He tells her pshah!  With the right precautions, one can.  After all, she’s only known to have the virus; it’s not all-out AIDS yet.  Besides, love isn’t just sex…..[Sorry, but I don’t believe “platonic love” is quite the same, let alone worth the effort.)  Piero is desperate enough to offer himself up for the “sacrifice”, to be her lover and a sick baby’s father.  (You’re a better man than [most] am, Gunga Din!)  Just then Ric rings Piero on the cell, and he’s guessed she’s got the virus.  Piero confirms it. 
Ric says there’ll be a family meet up at Paloma’s and to bring her there.

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Friday, January 17, 2014

Que Pobres tan ricos #10... First day in the life of the Ruiz Palacios living with the Menchacas... in progress... go ahead and discuss...

F: You say that because you are so used to the high-end/royalty lifestyle (burgues/burguesa).
L: You say that because you have always envied me… because lets be serious, if the ultimate bad taste lived in this house, it would definitely live in this one room!! (don’t let Jose hear that, dear Leo, if you appreciate your nose in one piece.)

AS: I knew I had more Gin around somewhere. Thank you God, for this little miracle (continues to booze herself silly) Then she asks MA if they are detained at immigration/customs in this mazmorra. She wants MA to go bribe someone so they can leave asap. MA insists they all get some rest, he is exhausted. AS says she could be a bit ‘tone-less’. But in the remote case she were drunk, but she is not… (they have to hold her from falling backwards)… she is not crazy. She is going to go to sleep (bends over and looks at the bean bag..) in this little bean… I won’t sleep sitting there, better dead than simple (simple lifestyle). MA gives up and tells her to do whatever she wants. Leo asks him why don’t you call Mini and she can let us stay at her pent-house. MA says Mini broke up with him. We are not getting married anymore. And I Don’t want to talk about it now. He insists they rest. AS: thanks the virgin (Madonna) because that ho won’t be her daughter in law, don’t like her… let alone the one that was going to be his mother in law… that’s what I call a N.A.C.A. Here in Rome you will find a beautiful woman you can marry and have many banbinitos with. I toast for MA to marry a fine young Italian girl… MA insists time to rest… but the rest keep arguing and he looks away totally discouraged.

In the other bedroom, Don Chuy is lecturing his family…
DC: I know you are not thrilled that these folks are spending the night here… but what we do in this house is always!???
Chorus: To help those in most dire need.
DC: That’s it! Feel my heat! (pounding his chest) And don’t forget there is always someone worse off than us. And that is why we are all in this world. To help each other.
JT and Lupita are still not convinced that the RP’s are pennyless as they say… Don Chuy insists… Lupita repeats she just does not trust those folks.
DC: lets see, I want to see who will put the bell on the cat… eh… who is the brave one who will tell those folks that they can’t spend the night here. Who will tell them to get the heck outa dodge with all their ‘kiliches’ (crap).

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Por siempre mi amor #32 1/17/14: Of Rekindling and Kindling

Directo a Lo Nuevo
At the creepy hospital
Sonia overhears the doctors talking about Feo's change in appearance. Admitted as Fernando Córdoba discharged as Javier Castillo de la Fuente. It's pretty obvious to the head Chief Doc that the guy on the table has run afoul of the law and that's why he wants to change his appearance. He thinks they can milk the patient for a little more when the anesthesia wears off. Assistant Docs suggest complications during surgery or maybe the work was more complicated than expected might be a good cover stories. Chief Doc is pleased with his minions' ambition, but So-not has heard it all so we'll see if the Docs get their payday.

El Departamento de Andy y Mau

Andy wants to talk to Meanie about the video game incident. Neither she nor Mau think that Meanie should have talked to Angel the way she did, but in turn Angel had no right to speak to Meanie the way he did. Meanie begins to sniffle "Angel is right. Around here I am just an arrimada (moocher.) Woe is me *sniffle* *sniffle*" Andy assures her mother she's not a burden and Angel will offer an apology. Meanie does not want a forced apology. Andy asks her not to be so harsh with Angel and please not make trouble with Mau. Meanie is a little miffed. Andy didn't used to have a spine when they lived in Dumpsville. What is it to Mau anyway? They aren't even his kids by blood. They just carry his name. In true novela fashion, little pitchers with big ears can be seen peeking in the door way. Angelito hears it all, but doesn't fully understand. He later asks himself what his abuela meant by not "carrying Mau's blood only his last name." 

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Weekend Discussion: Censorship, the Plague (Revisited)

Anthony Comstock, Father of Modern Censorship

Note: This is a revised version of the article published here about a year ago.

What's the Point?

We complain about it all the time among ourselves. We should be complaining to the networks about this.

About eight years ago I heard this subject covered on Anderson Cooper's program in which comments were made about the body heat being generated before Mexican and other Hispanic TV cameras on our favorite shows. The news team was wondering why the English-language networks were being raked over the coals and submitted to the rack to censor programs of this salacious material while the Univisions and Telemundos were being left alone. No answer was forthcoming and I don't recall them taking the subject very seriously, but I took this seriously enough to call a VP at Univision to let her know about it. I found the transcript of the broadcast online and sent the link to her with a cover note. After she read the page she let me know that nothing is going to interfere with the content of the programs. No te preocupes.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo - Capitulo 48 - January 16, 2014 -How A Cat Sees Robo, or, Jose Luis Alvarez Receives A Proposal He Can't Refuse

A Cat's Perspective

Man, you have got to feel for this guy Alejandro Almonte. He had no relationship with his dad, his Mom won’t acknowledge him and now his mate spends the first ten minutes of tonight’s capitulo moping over her former boyfriend.

Oh! How rude of me. I see that I have not yet introduced myself. My name is ‘Mani’ Gato. Mani is a moniker that means, “Jewel” in Sanskrit, and I am subbing for my Mom, Elna June, tonight. I usually help her write the recaps. Today when she suggested that she was anxious about Alejandro, Jose Luis, Angelica, Montserrat and their friends, I offered to do the work. She is here with her hands covering her eyes so she does not have to see the Plot’s approaching ‘train wreck’. So, you help out where you can and Bipedal behavior fascinates me. I’ll give a full recap a shot from the perspective of a Quadruped. What can I say? I am a giver, that’s me.

I never knew my own father. He was just a shot in the dark, so to speak, and for all I know my mother never saw him again either. Lest there be any confusion on the matter of my parentage—yes, I know I was adopted. It became obvious at an early age that I did not much resemble my parents, although my adopted mom and I share green eyes. That is another thing I have in common with Almonte. I guess you might also say that I am a bastard. My adoptive parents are both Bi, but they have done their best for my siblings and my self.

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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #9- 1/16/14: Time For Some Humble Pie!

Hola Pobres/Ricos Peeps. This recap will not be in any order, it is mainly from memory, and if I skipped over anything please fill in the details. Here is a link to the song that AS was singing:
Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu

I am skipping the refried and getting right to the new. As has woken up in the van, still ten sheets to the wind, is happy she is finally in Italia and that her and Da Vinci will visit St Peter's Basilica and see Pope Francis I; he is from Argentina after all.

There is a celebration for Nepo's son Deigo at a nice little restaurant, and he is very proud of him and they celebrate I think his making a major team. Nepo corners Lupe and asks what her answer is, ya know, being his novia? She has to have time to think about it, he gives her all the time she needs. There is dancing and Nepo dances with Lupe and Don Chuy dances with Carmelita. Carmelita likes Don Chuy alot you can tell. He tells Carmelita that he hopes Lupe accepts Nepo.

Meanwhile, the RP's are out in the rain worried about their stuff, AS has plastic on her head to protect her from the rain, she is thinking of tortellini and lasagne and thinks Italia has hit a crisis. Leo and Frida tell her they are at a fonda.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #71 Thu 1/16/14 Regresar para Espiar

Fidelia is pissed at Ricardo for not telling her that he got a butt whoopin'.  She's glad they got Alina away from Francisco and reluctantly agrees not to talk smack about him in front of the kid.  Paloma calls Ric to see how he's doing.  They're both feeling a little down this morning.  Unfortunately, Mariano is in Chihuahua, so he can't be there to console her.  Fidelia, feeling feisty, declares she'll go visit Paloma and screw what that uppity Matilde thinks about it.  Ricardo tries to call somebody…Inésiana?...whose phone is disconnected.

Inésiana and Alina have a tearful goodbye at school.  She asks when she'll see Tito and begs Nurse Berenice to take care of her mom.  Music of impending doom plays as Alina slow-mo walks into the school and then turns around to wave and blow kisses.  Inésiana dissolves into tears by the car.

Dr. Veronese comes by to see Ricardo and tell him about the tests Sebastian had done.  Turns out Sebastian is HIV positive.

Francisco is all sweetness and light when Inésiana shows up.  He doesn't even care that she brought Berenice with her or that Mike hasn't left yet.
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Por siempre mi amor #31 1/16/14: Hell's Angels Has a New Member and Her Name is Tita and Face Off al la Novela Style

El pasado
Ara asks Art why was the prison calling Isa and Art explains that Isa's first husband died in jail. He knew all about it because they do not have any secrets from each other.
We begin with Feo and Sucia at Methulusah's office.  Feo gives Methulusah his "cut" for helping with the jailbreak. He gives Feo the info on a man who can help him.  In another month they will be back in business.  With modern technology and cameras everywhere, why is Methulusah still able to do business?
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Mentir Para Vivir #70 Wed 1/15/14 Oh Grandpa! Is that a gun in your pocket…..or are you just happy to see me?

El Campo
Ceferino arrives to threaten the campesinos.  He makes them an offer he hopes they can't refuse.  Before his goons can make good on his threat, the police chief pulls up (egads, I always forget his name). Ceferino tries to act all innocent but the chief isn't fooled.  He tells Ceferino to take his goons and scram!

San Carlos
Mariano leads a seaside ceremony for the real Inez (poor thing doesn’t even get a real cura)  Paloma scatters her granddaughter’s ashes on the water.

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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, Episode # 47, 1/15/14: More happiness for our main lovers, though a smug Team Evil grows in confidence.

Lo de Ayer:  DIM is encouraged by Tía Carlotta as he goes out for the first day of honest work in his life with Alejandro;  José-Luís and Angélica buy a little fisherman's boat to make their escape together;  los papás of Angélica read the the letter she left them, stating her reasons for fleeing the Arechiga Hacienda.  She wants to be free to live her life before she dies.  Please understand and let her go.  Not surprisingly, they don't and won't understand and worry that she's sick and dying and vow to find her.  There is a lot crying.

Hacienda Almonte:  Nadia comes in breezily enquiring of an always watchful Rosario whether Señor Hernández, aka her semi-secret amante, Victor, has arrived yet.  Not that she knows of, Rosario replies, surprised, asking, He's coming?  Yes, says Nadia and hopes he won't be late.  At that moment, Josefina walks in and there are kisses, greetings, and enquiries about nightly rest.  Josie notes that Nadia seems excited to see someone.  Ever a-fanning Tía Carlotta enters, and there is another round of warm greetings.  They then talk about the fact the DIM one and Alejandro got up early to go to the fields to work.  Josefina feels sorry for him, which the others can't believe considering how badly he treated her.  Suddenly, there are noises and voices outside.  Nadia's all in a flutter expecting to have hot, ever suit-vested-Victor walk in, only to discover it's her creepy, constantly clenched-mouthed, probably perverted HUSBAND Pedro instead. 
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Qué Pobres, Wednesday 1/15/14 (#8): There's Only One Italy... Plus the Other One.

A lavish Mexican-themed party is in progress at MA's family's home. AS is bien sloshed as she encourages her friends to take all her fine designer clothes. "I trust you to donate these to worthy charities," she says. Her friends figure they're pretty worthy.

Minerva and her mom gape at all the excess. Isela urges her daughter to beg MA's forgiveness.

At the Rome Colosseum (not that one, but the other one), the Plantain King tells Lupita he knows all about the family's troubles, and he wants to lend Lupita the money. He emphasizes that this would be only a loan - not a gift. Not charity. But Lupita is proud and says she and her family must solve this problem on their own. Anyway, it's a mistake to borrow from friends. So that's a Nope for Nepo.

Carmela and Wendy tease Lupita. They think she's charmed by Nepo... but she's actually thinking about MA.

AS tells MA that she's giving away her clothes (and maybe her jewelry, not sure if she went through with that) with the intent to buy all new stuff in Italy. Yes, she says, she already knows about the move, because she overheard the whole conversation. MA realizes what happened. He tries to explain that she didn't hear it quite right; "It's not THAT Italy," but she is too out of it to follow. "There's only one Italy!" she declares. She's blown the entire deposit he gave her on this party and "a few other expenses."
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Por siempre mi amor #30 1/15/2014: Rumors of Feo's Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Recap by J Desde NYC

Many thanks to Corazon de Salvaje for filling in for me last week.  Bronchitis is the devil. Prayer and Mucinex works.

Scenes, as usual, are combined

Lo Refrito:
Feo is truly the ugliest woman in creation as he and his two fellow minions flee the jail in Sucia's convertible. It's all very Thelma and Louise except for the cliff. The two minions thank Sucia and run off.
A prison official says that the body they found and the smoke means that this scene was planned. 
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Por siempre mi amor #29 1/14/14: Velo de Novia done right!


Marianela is with the kids telling them their situation will improve soon.
Borlas and Agatha are talking about renting and she is happy to oblige with granting permission.
Isabel and Gaby are together with Gabs lamenting about how she felt with Bruno and Almudena together. Gabs then blames herself for really thinking B would be stuck on her still and Art Dad for not telling anyone in which Isa then chimes in Art Dad didn't know. No matter, Gabs plans on moving on and re-inventing herself. Good for her.
Art and Bruno are talking about why oh why did he NOT ever tell him he got hitched (I thought we were friends man!) Art then asks if it was pure despecho and B denies.
From Nueva York, Daniel is calling Gil. with the news that he is going to go see him since school is out for a while!
Aranza and Esteban are at school where he has brought her a beverage of sorts and they depart to respective classes with a kiss. Some chit-chat with Dafne and Illeana and the main thing that caught my attention was Dafne liking older (WAY older like 30) men who give her what she wants.

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Mentir Para Vivir #69 Tue 1/14/14 Mirror Mirror On the Wall...Who's the Biggest Nut of All?

Aresti Mansion:  Oriana runs into Paloma’s room whining about making Rhodalina tell another lie.  Rhodalina didn’t want to go to school today and she doesn’t want to move in with Ricky and Marilu.  They are interrupted by internal phone call alerting her that Lucina is there.  Oriana goes back to Paloma and kneels before her.  She wants to know how to make a six year old go to school and stay with the babysitter.  Seriously?  Paloma tells her that she will take care of the situation with Rhodalina. 

In the living room, Oriana wants to know if Raquel is still boinking Jose Luis.  Hell yeah, says Lucina.  He gives her a lot of toys and cash.  Oriana says that she feels sorry for Raquel, but secretly hopes that her frenemy will continue to sleep with Jose Luis.  If Raquel is boinking him, Oriana won’t have to service him.  Lucina advises Oriana to ride Jose Luis like a he’s bucking stallion at the town rodeo, if necessary.  Oriana says she’s in love with Ricky.  Lucina points out that Ricky could be boinking his sweet young wife at that very moment.  Men think with their richards.  When a man gets lonely or upset, he will seek solace with other women.  They’re man sluts.  She thinks that women are ri-richard-culous when it comes sexual relationships.  So go get your freak on with Jose Luis…guilt free, says Lucina.  Do what ya gotta do to get yourself out of this mess.
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Que Pobres tan ricos #7: The trap closes in on MA, and a party for the ages and the ageless...


Abuela telling MA how she faked ‘taking’ her pills, signs papers. Those pills made her sleepy and confused, she wants to live life full awake and in reality.

MA hands over the pills to Saul to get them analyzed.

Mini and mama… Mini wants to give MA one more chance, mama says he just gambled one too many times and turned into a delinquent. She does not want them to end up selling stuff on the street. Mini’s phone rings, its MA, need to talk to her. Mini: sure! Come on over (so I can drop you like an expired lottery ticket)

At the Menchacas Don Chuy and Jose his son try to dance around Lupita to get to gym to work out with a story about helping a neighbor with her sink drain pipe.

MA proposes to Mini after some babbling about counting on her for counseling/tranquility and Mini responding that he can find that counseling/tranquility with a doctor… will you marry me?.... well… No.

Lo Nuevo:

AS continues preparing for her huge farewell party. Frida and Leo ask her where in Italy we’re going. No idea… (claims Florence is the birth place of their ancestors)… It will be so great that they will be using Euros… Leo asks why move. AS assumes MA is trying to make amends for all the years of neglecting them.

Back to MA and Mini, MA still has not responded, frozen and deaf from her response. He has no words. She plays offended, his reaction said it all, he cares more about his family than about her!, so basically she tells him don’t let the door hit you on your way out… MA wants the ring back. She gives it and continues waving him out. Bye! After he leaves she wonders if she overplayed offended girl.

Back to RP house, Leo and Frida keep brainstorming about moving to Italy. She mentions she needs a new car. Leo says who cares, buy one over there. He wants to invite his own friends to the farewell party. AS agrees he invite his friends but warns Frida not to invite her nasty friends. Frida says don’t sweat it. I would not bore them to death with that party. They leave AS alone singing in Italian (La mobile??)

MA is upset walking down the sidewalk and drops the ring down the drain and then tries to fish it back with a branch. Saul calls MA, he says A-hole just met with the corporate board and they are going to accuse MA. MA is speechless. Saul asks Are you ok? MA: what else could happen after I break up with my girl, lose all my money, what else can happen? (just then a car washes him with dirty street water).
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Lo que la vida me robó, cap. 46, Tuesday, January 14, 2014: I'm gonna live, live, live until I die!

"Every decision you make is a mistake."
Edward Dahlberg

Asymmetry of information: in economic theory, a term used to describe a situation in which some people have more or superior information than others.  It tends to favor the more knowledgeable party.  

A seller may know more than a buyer.  I sell you my house but I fail to mention that my next-door neighbor is an enthusiastic tuba player and hosts weekly Polka Parties on her patio.  (Or, occasionally, the reverse may be true.  I recognize that piece of fabric in your garage sale is a headband Silvia Navarro wore in 'Cuando me Enamoro' and I grab it up for a song.) 
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Mentir Para Vivir #68 Mon 1/13/14 Two sets of parents, not enough brain to go around

At the plant Ric has a meeting with a guy called Ismael, another one of the cotton workers representatives. He explains him that whatever promises Arte Folclor made, they won’t be able to keep them for long. Aresti Breton can’t give them the extra 30%, but they can pay an additional 15% for now and once a business with a Chinese company goes through, the salaries might increase some more. Ismael wants to remain with Aresti Breton because he trusts them and so do the rest of the workers; but they’re afraid that Serafino Gomez, their supervisor (cacique) will do something against them. Ismael suspects that Serafino has made a deal with Arte Folclor; he mentions how Ric’s brother, Sebas, works for AF and also, another guy, Antonio. Ric isn’t pleased with the news, but promises Ismael to talk with the police, ask for protection for the workers

Antonio is updating JL on the fact that the cotton workers are still on their paycheck, but Ric is trying to change their minds. JL tells Tony that Seb blabbed to Raquel about their actual business and that’s why he had Mike kill him. Tony is shocked, he didn’t agree to any murderous activities when they shook hands and started working together. JL basically tells him to stop whining and deal with it.
Tony looks scared shitless. 
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Por siempre mi amor #28 1/13/14: The Elephant in the Room is Sitting at the Dinner Table

Hope everyone had a great weekend! It was a windy and rainy one here, but the Seahawks won in spite of it and we are one game closer to the Super Bowl! Go Hawks!

Boomer & Remington show their inner Seahawk!

Now to our story:
At Tita's, the unexpected and awkward arrival of Bruno and his wife Ally goes from bad to worse. Tita pointedly asks Zenaida to set another three places at the dinner table for unexpected guests. Bruno looks warily at his mother. Zenaida rushes off.

Sonia's pruney old Sugar Daddy arrives and orders her to fix dinner and fix herself while she's at it.

Which one of these guys is Sonia's Sugar Daddy?

Marianela, Tassels and the kids are finishing dinner. Agatha appears at the door with a bag of sweet bread.

Main Course:
Tassels tells Agatha that he and Mari are teaching the kids math, reading, and writing. Because the kids also help with their "business" they're also learning how to work and be responsible. Agatha asks Mari why the kids aren't in school. "They are street kids so none of them have official documents, no birth certificates or IDs." Agatha says, "What you're doing for the kids is noble." She offers to help them out in any way she can.
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Monday, January 13, 2014

Que Pobres Tan Ricos #6 -1/13/14: The Ruiz Palacios Are Moving to Italia, Que????

Hola, Pobres/Ricos Peeps. 

This recap will not be in any order some scenes have been combined for better flow of the recap. I didn't get everything, they talk so darn fast! So I leave it up to you commenters, to fill in the blanks I didn't get.

We start this epi the car smokin' and Saul and MA (Miguel Angel) hi-tailing it out of there, while the whole Mechanca clan looks on. Don Chuy has a mullet, oh dear.

Frida and her protest are next. The leader of the factory doesn't deal in vandalism or delinquincy and convinces the workers to go back to work. Frida is none to pleased, she vandalized her own car, and now her group has no way home. Her boy toy is a bit miffed too, forget his name, but just the thought of Frida wanting to be a revolutinary, turns him on and besos!

MA calls Mini (Minvera) to gauge if she's heard any chisme about his finances, she doesn't mention it so good night and sleep tight, catch you tomorrow.

Saul and MA have a chat about all this trouble. MA doesn't want the family or Mini finding out until it's resolved. Saul warns him that he could be arrested at any time.

Leo is at an Antro in the waiting line to get in. He calls some guy in the line feo and a loser cause the guy isn't dressed to impress. Come to find out later, the guy or his girl are famous and Leo even goes up to him to try and apologize, but the guy and girl snub Leo. Leo throws around Barcelona, Eurogenes and San Diego. Don't have a clue what that was about.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó Lunes 1/13/14 #45

Chapter 45: Distress, Joy, and Comfort

In Review

José Luis began telling Lady Angelica the truth about his identity.

Current Happenings

Esmeralda's Apartment: The Lord Mayor proved his unworthiness by barging in and subjecting Esmeralda to insults and a savage beating, after which he removed money from his wallet and threw it at her. He demanded that she never approach his wife again.

Lady Angelica's Bedchamber: José Luis began telling her his sad tale, including how Lady Monserrat's family used its influence to precipitate his fall. Further, how his friend aided him in his escape, but it was all in vain for Lady Monserrat had married under duress from her mother and it was no longer possible to elope with her. Lady Angelica exchanged her truth for this, telling him that she was gravely ill, perhaps soon to die. He embraced her tenderly in mutual sympathy.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Santa Diabla -- Week of January 13, 2014

Here's your page, folks.  Enjoy!

Remember that Jean will be away for the next two weeks, so Monday's recap spot is open.  If no one else comes forward, I will try to put up a quick and dirty summary of tonight's show.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Marido en Alquiler -- Week of January 13, 2014: The Final Chapter

Marido fans, here's your page.  The two-hour final episode airs tonight, Monday, January 13.  I know that Novelera is working on one of her masterful recaps, so you will have a great jumping-off place for your conversation.

Note:  This page is exclusively for discussions of Marido -- what you loved, what disappointed you, what you wish had happened...  If you want to talk about the new telenovela starting Tuesday, please go the THE FRONT PAGE.  Thanks!

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, La Impostora, et cetera. Week of January 13, 2014.

La Impostora, a new telenovela starring Christian Bach, Sebastián Zurita and Lisette Morelos and filmed in and around Acapulco premieres tomorrow,  Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 8pm/7c, the time slot currently occupied by Marido en Alquiler. 

It will be sharing THE FRONT PAGE with La Reina del Sur.  Please post your recaps and comments about the new telenovela, La Impostora, on this page.

Since two novelas will be sharing a single page, please remember to label your comments with the name of the show you are discussing.  If you add the day of the week, you get bonus points.


La Impostora, Tuesday
You can tell Telemundo is really trying when it goes for a sense of place...


La Reina del Sur, Wednesday
Pote shows his absolute loyalty to Teresa when he... 

Thanks, all!  Have a great week!  And remember, tonight's Marido finale is two hours long, so there is no Reina del Sur today.

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La Impostora-index

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Mentir Para Vivir #67 Fri 1/10/14 The Pain In The Butt Gets A Pain In The Gut

Capítulo 67

Fabiola and Piero will be waiting the next twenty-four hours for the news from her ultrasound which will finally let them know if Sebastian's baby--at first glance anyway, will be physically sound. Piero—like Viewerville—can't understand why other tests weren’t done.  (Unfortunately, Piero, there are some things medical science just cannot do, and determining Demon Seedism is one of them!)

At Snoop Mansion, Grandpa Snoops, aka, Homero, is anxious to make contact with Mike Rodriguez to see if he's truly gone over to The Dark Side or not.  Leo suggests doing things the simple way by checking with the insurance company for Mike's phone number if he reported the accident like he should have.  Snoops chalks another one up for genius genes in the de la Garza family tree.

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