Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Que No Me Dejas (AQNMD) #11. Monday September 26, 2016. Discussion Page + Episode Highlights

Hello Patio Pals! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Something urgent came up and I must travel to another city to address it. This means that, unfortunately, I am unable to watch and recap Monday’s episode in a timely manner. My apologies to all. Please feel free to discuss the episode and/or provide highlights in the comment section. Many thanks.

Our friend Vivi has kindly provided the following highlights: 

-- Inés reprimands Paulina for lying about where she spent the night and with whom, when she was supposed to stay with Mauricio at the hospital. Pau decides to confess the whole truth to her mom. 
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Monday, September 26, 2016

Tres Veces Ana, Monday Sept 26, 2016: Bonus - Advice from the Patio

Howdy! We have no episode tonight, so in lieu of a recap I offer this silly advice column for the Anas and their friends.

Dear Patio: I have my boyfriend's wedding ring. I've been planning to give it to his wife when I meet her, but I just found out she's my long-lost sister, so now giving her the ring just seems awkward and a little mean. Should I do it anyway?

Also, I'd like to bring gifts when I meet her and my other sister. What do you suggest?

Sincerely, Ana the Acrobat
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 26, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.  Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana*
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso*
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote*

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not contained in a current or past episode.

*Mon Sep 26 evening shows preempted for the presidential debates.

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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #102: And The Truth Shall Set Who Free? I Think I'd Rather Be Chained

Ramiro and Ana Laura have had another lover’s spat.  They make up, vowing NEVEREVER to have another.  Just then Ernestina, La Gran Abuela, makes a grand gesture of sanctioning premarital passion by presenting the two an all-expenses paid 3 day getaway holiday.  (Dunno, but having Granny pay for my first out-of-wedlock, secret fantasy roll in the hay just seems sooooo wrong.)

Samuel and Mariano discuss the fine and finer points of Mo’s first and second encounters with Soledad and Ana Lucia.  “—Instead of contacting us she kept the girl!  She kidnapped my niece.”  So, first off, Mo wants Sam to change his will.  He’s now giving 50% to Ana Lucha and 25% each to the other triplets.  This will even the score for 20 years of financial deprivation she suffered.  Sam says that’s all well and good, Bro, but stop and think how Ana Leticia will react to this. (Good catch, Sammy Boy.  It ain’t gonna be pretty.)

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Friday, September 23, 2016

A que no me dejas Episode 10 (9.23.16) Lies have expiration dates. Check them before you lie.

Paulina and Adrián's relationship has become a web of lies and everybody and everything is getting trapped in it. Yes! Like a black hole of lies!

Nuria lied.
She said she had an exam and that she was going to a party and she went to Beach Pretty to offer herself to Adrián and tell him that Paulina had replaced him with Camilo. Adrián can be ugly but is not stupid, so he didn't believe her and threw her out of the room. In any case, she planted the seed of doubt in his mind and he went to Port Hope to verify if in reality Paulina was with Camilo. AND SHE WAS! Of course Adrián got to the hospital in the precise moment when the doctor told them that little Mau was out of the coma and Paulina was hugging Camilo so after Adrián saw that, Camilo got a knuckle sandwich and Adrián left without listening to anything Paulina had to say. 

Life is fair (when you lie)
When Nuria was arriving to Port Hope after the delay caused by sleeping with Napoleón aka Luis, a random guy she picked up at the bar who then robbed her, and after asking Leonel for a favor so she could return home, Adrián was leaving, so they are both witnesses to Paulina's effort to talk to him and explain what really happened. Adrian refuses to listen.
When Nuria sees Adrián go to the boarding area ignoring Paulina, while Paulina is crying like a Magdalena, she thinks life is fair. That's how messed up her mind is.
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Tres Veces Ana: Karmageddon Awaits!

It's time for Karmageddon to strike and this is probably the longest list of the deserving. So let's not waste any time. The same two questions:

  • What do you think the writers will do to them?
  • What do you think they deserve?
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A Que No Me Dejas #9 Thursday 9/22/16 The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry (Full recap)

v *    Camillo over hears Gonz talking to Leo about Monica’s expense sheet

v * Monica gives a threat to Al, Tell Gonz he better be at my house tonight or else hell will open up!

v *    Nurizika virus goes to Adrian’s hotel room.  My sis is back with her ex, so lets have revenge sex! 

Nurizika tells Adrian that less than two seconds after he and Pau broke up she was back with her ex Camilo, so he should feel completely free to get his game on with her.  Adrian isn’t buying her lies or her cheap offer.  He has no interest in her.  Nurzika tells him that not only is it true but her parents are all about it.  They luurve Camilo!

Meanwhile the exes discuss the lie they are embroiled in.  Pau feels so bad that Camilo is having to continue the lie longer than what she had planned.  The situation with Mau has complicated things between her and Adrian and she will not be able to marry him just yet.  Camilo has no problem playing her boyfriend for as long as it takes.  A very grateful Pau has no idea how to thank her pal.  
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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #101

Sneaky will have a recap for us tomorrow, until then a place to discuss

Sneaky's recap below!

(Today on apologies w/sneaky two shoes (which seems to be a weekly show)  - I missed the first, almost to the first commercial break. I have no excuse, nor any good reason. I was just daydreaming and forgot to set my recorder and by the time I realized I was missing it it was 12-13 min past the hour. Sorry:(  What I did see though was chock full of irritating tropes )

Ram & Llora sweet talk/convo Abue has a surprise for them, Ram looks concerned over what it could be- Analu eavesdrops and learns afterward that not only does he have a novia they're getting married and Analu is invited to the wedding as "the guest of honor" (which she should find weird but doesn't say anything about)

Chana takes the opportunity to 'I told you so' to Ramiro about accepting that gun. He acknowledges she was right and will never doubt her again. She also reminds him he's the only one who can save the girl.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 19, 2016

Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not found in a current or past episode.

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Tres Veces Ana # 100 - To tell or not to tell – that is the question…

Recent episodes featuring this tio-niece bond and dramatic interludes of doubting your identity have been putting me in the Shakespearean mood (not that our blue-eyed Tio could resemble anything close to a hunchback), so here we go….but not before this little plug for you, Patio friends: I will be out of town next week on a business trip and unlikely to have the opportunity to either watch the show or keep up with the patio comments. Would anyone (my fellow brilliant recappers, or someone new even perhaps wanting to give it a try?) be willing to volunteer to be a guest recapper for next Wednesday’s (9/28) episode? I would really appreciate it, so please let me know in the comments below and if need be, I can get a page up for that episode, where someone could post their notes/recap.

With that, here we go! Beware, my dears – some consolidation ahead. Brevity is the soul of wit, I have heard, though writers of some of the scenes below have not.

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A Que No Me Dejas #8 - Place your bets now as the race for "Who Discovers Gonzalo's Affair First" Begins!

Hello Everyone! The chess pieces keep dancing around the board so let's get started….

Adrian is appalled that Paulina would even suggest breaking up. He says he understands Mauricio is a priority but he doesn’t want to break up. At that moment, Gonzalo arrives and Paulina cuts the call short.

Gonzalo gives money roses and a pearl necklace and a note that says he doesn’t like when they are mad at each other. Monica rejects the gives and Elisa is happy that she has taken a stance against the fact that Gonzalo doesn’t seem to care that much about his other children. She hopes Monica keeps at it.

Karen thinks Paulina jumped the gun at suggesting her and Adrian break up. Mauricio might be in a coma for a while but Karen doesn’t think it’s fair for anyone involved. (I suggest they just go get married in a day then Paulina come back and be with Mauricio but married).

Ines talks to Mauricio about what his life will be once he’s better. (This poor kid has been through the wringer. I hope his life does get better).

Adrian presents the project for the clients to Odette and she’s impressed. He tells her that their relationship is on stand still because of Mauricio and Odette already smells blood in the water. (My god, I can’t imagine people in real life plotting to ruin other people’s relationships but I’m sure it also happens.)

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Poor Mau! A que no me dejas #7 09/21/2016

Bullet points cause I got busy!

  • Dude, they killed Edgar! The thugs he owed money to got tired of his excuses and gunned him down, poor Mauricio also receives a gun shot and ends up in a coma.
  • Julieta continues to be a crazy person and goes to Jaime's office where she demands to get Adrian's contact info, Jaime tells her Adrian will be in touch when he feels like it.
  • Julieta trashes Adrian's office, she does not believe that he is really gone because all his stuff is still there.
  • Jaime finds out that Julieta did not go to therapy, he threatens her and says he will move out if she does not get help. Ugh, just leave Jaime, just leave.
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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #99 - Split Just Got Real!

Color Guide:
Reader Reaction in Blue
Rhethoric (en espanol) in Green
Avances in Red
Name Key in Purple

Finally, the appropriate hug he's been waiting for

Tio is filled with emotion at finding his niece. Soulless is also filled with emotion, albeit on the opposite spectrum. She wants to talk to AnaLu before she speaks to him, but AnaLu’s had enough of her. They go elsewhere, and he offers to talk over dinner. She’d rather not leave her mom alone just yet, so they decide to address things tomorrow. AnaLu admires her Tio's eyes (yea, we're with you on that honey). They both have light eyes (ojos claros), she now understands why she looks so different from her “mother”. He tells her that the last time he saw her she was about 4, and that her father passed away a long time ago. She wants to know why he abandoned her, did he think of her and love her? (¿por qué me dejó? ¿El pensaba en mí y me quería?), but TioM assures that her papa adored her. Maribel interrupts looking like she walked out of a Jane Fonda workout video, and says they need to talk. AnaLu can't be bothered with Bloody Mari, but TioM's gotta jet & will come back for her the following day. Mariblood waits for her in her room. TioM needs a hug & kiss but AnaLu is boundary-conscious (unlike a certain sobrina), and gives him a friendly embrace. Teardrops, yada yada. TioM turns to see Rem, tells her (voy a arreglar cuentas con su hijado) he's going to sort her godson out. (Viewerville gets tingly all over).
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A Que No Me Dejas (AQNMD) #6. Monday September 19, 2016. This Episode Was Brought To You By Straitjackets R Us And Waiter-Outers Anonymous

Aggravated assault and attempted suicide did not get me locked up, so I am trying my luck again!

At a glance

-- Operation Silent Love is still underway, with two orbiters circuling around our Silent Lovers, waiting for the opportunity to swoop in once the relationship crashes and burns.
-- Julieta is still running amok... And not in a padded cell.

A closer look

Camilo jumps in to save Paulina from her family’s relentless interrogation. He pretends he was the biker who picked her up, as witnessed by runteldat Nuria. Paulina and Camilo announce that they are not rekindling their romance as of yet, but they are giving themselves the opportunity to get close to one another and see if they can revive the love that once united them. Camilo says he is sure of his feelings towards Paulina but he understands that she still loves Adrián and needs time to define her own feelings. Nuria says she doesn’t believe the pair. They are lying liars who lie and she will demonstrate it! Vitch, get a job!
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Monday, September 19, 2016

Tres Veces Ana, #98, Monday Sept 19, 2016: Worst. Explainer. EVER.

I'm so sorry, I've only got half of this. I'm not feeling well and I didn't record this, so it'll be gone from my DVR's buffer in a few hours. Please forgive me, and feel free to fill in the rest in the comments. :-(


"So, what's up with this lie?" Ana Laura asks her lying sister. "Pitting people against me? Freeing yourself from your guilt?"

Ana LetMeDriveTheCarDaddy sits down slowly and dramatically, stalling for time while she cooks up a better lie. Oops, no, she's going a different way tonight: "Okay, you got me. I told Abuela that you caused the accident. And what else did she say to you? Nothing, right? She didn't throw it in your face. I bet she even apologized. Of course. She and everybody are different with you, because I'm not the cripple."

She goes on a little more with her jealous, venomous outburst, and then concludes: "Yes, the blame for the accident is on me. But what do you think? That I knew what I was doing? No, think about it. You were there."
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 19, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.  Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
Please note that Tormenta de Pasiones and Más Sabe el Diablo have switched time slots.  The times listed above are correct.
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.  Also, please do not discuss previews, trailers, or any other plot information not contained in a current or past episode.

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Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #97: Mariano Does A Double Take And Ana MiMi Plays A Double Fake

Parte 1~

The next morning Ana Lucia brings Remedios her morning coffee out onto the veranda.  “—This coffee has a purpose doesn’t it?”  Yep.  Ana Lucha wants Remedios to tell her all about Santiago’s wife.  At the same time, Ana Leticia is up in Rodrigo’s suite of rooms asking him about his and her abuela’s relationship.  She tells him she’s certain there was more there than a simple friendship, but that’s all she’s gonna get outta that sly old fox.  (Word up, Ana MiMi.  This dude didn’t make his millions by giving away the farm.)   If the guy’s sparse with his pesos, he’s twice that with conversation. It seems he’s got Ana MiMi’s number, especially since she must take after Ernestina’s scheming daddy….

At the same time, Ana Laura is tearfully telling Ernie the painful truth about how the car accident happened.  Ana Letmeeeee was sitting next to the car window and arguing with Ana Lucia.  "--Daddy scolded her.  She moved over easy.  She pulled at the steering wheel of the car, pulling Daddy’s arm away.  He put on the brakes.  I still remember the squealing of the tires [rechinar/rechinado = grinding, creaking, squeaking, squealing, rasping].  He lost control.  I lost consciousness.  I woke up in the clinic.  They had cut off my leg.  Ana Leticia remembers a lot more of this.  She dreamt a lot about this and has had nightmares ever since we were children.”  Ernie starts to comment about A MiMi having blamed A Laura all this time.  A Lora says she knows this, and how she says he lost control, but no, Grams…..and now you know the truth.

In the lobby of the Grand Rodrigo, Don Isidro sees A MiMi and mistakes her for Ana Lucia.  She’s a pure vision of loveliness and diamond-studded sensuality – one which even The Material Girl would be proud, considering A MiMi’s choice of lacy black bustier today.   Don Isidro’s tongue drops down, slaps onto the floor, does a triple roll and then snaps back into his mouth.  “—Ana Lucia, I finally found you!”  Ana Leticia is WTF impactada, but recovers instantaneously.

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Friday, September 16, 2016

A que no me dejas Episode 5 (9.16.16) Lying is never the answer... Wait, what was the question?

Amor en silencio
We start this episode with Paulina and Adrián sealing their pact to have a "silent love" (wink!) secret from everybody who is against it. Yes. From all the options they had, probably lying is the best. Ay ajá!
According to them, if lying is the only way to keep everybody happy (including themselves), well, let's lie away! And enjoy while the truth comes to light!

Since Adrián is being offered a job in "Playa linda" (pretty beach) by his brother in law's cousins, they could take this opportunity and go live over there, far from Julieta, Mr Gonzalo and everybody else.

-We have to be very good actors to pretend in front of them that we have broken up- says Paulina-, because since we haven't, it will be pretty difficult to show a sad face...

Silent hate
In the Murat mansion, Nuria finds out her parents are adopting little Mauricio (otherwise known as Anito el huerfanito) and totally disagrees, because she sees that as a threat to her status in the family. It is already hard to compete with a sister and now they wanna add another member? 
Anyway. Both Inés and Gonzalo are already decided because Edgar (Gonzalo's distant cousin) doesn't love the kid and is always mistreating him due to his hearing impairment.
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Thursday 9/15/16 A Que No Me Dejas #4 (Full Recap) Twisted Sisters

We serve the refitos of  crazy Julieta calling Paulina and telling her how much she hates Paulina and her family.  She chugs her Clorox cocktail before telling Pau that It’s all on her when Julieta bleaches herself out.   

Ines scolds Edgar for abusing Mau as a frightened Chelo looks on.  Ed says he was instructing the boy, but Ines says this isn’t instruction it’s abuse. 
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Tres Veces Ana - # 96

Discussion page and Sneaky's recap later in the day!

Sneaky's recap posted below.

Ok so the action (if we can call it that) happens mostly at the pedida de mano party. They do actually do the ceremonial asking for her hand thing, with lots of teary smiles all around,  except Ramiro’s dad who scowls, but before that a few interesting things do happen:
Abue introduces Remedios to everybody and everybody is polite except Facundo who tries to kill her with his eyes but she stays standing.
BadAna keeps up the goodie good act w/Santiago and Remedios– she’s cool w/Remedios being there as long as she doesn’t blab about Analu, and she tries to convince Remedios to tell her where her little sister is because she just misses her sooooooo much and has totes forgiven her for stealing her husband, although that hurts, and would like to see her, if only from a distance. Remedios tells BadAna that Analu doesn’t know anything about her sisters and just then Ramiro rescues Remedios from BadAna’s clutches and warns her not to trust her nice act, she’s pure poison.
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Thursday, September 15, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 12, 2016


Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo***
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones***
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

***SCHEDULE CHANGE (?)  It appears that Tormenta and Más Sabe have switched places according to zap2it.com  However, the Telemundo site is still showing the original schedule. 

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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A Que No Me Dejas #3 - Karen the Residential Badass Aka. Episode 3 MVP!

  • Julieta keeps choking the life out of Paulina as Nuria watches on like it’s a boxing match. Karen grabs Julieta and pulls her off Paulina. As Chelo helps Paulina, Karen and Michaela kick Julieta (out instead of restraining her and calling the police) and go see if Paulina is okay. Paulina wants no one to know about the attack, as it will only add fuel to the fire. (The fire’s already been lit though, might as well stroke it when it matters).
  • Gonzalo tells Ines that Monica wanted a recommendation letter and Ines says he should rehire her (Oh Ines, if you only knew). Gonzalo doesn’t think it’s a good idea (I wonder if that’s why he let her go in the first place).
  • Elisa, Monica’s mom, wants Monica to tell everyone the truth. Monica thinks it’s a dumb idea since she’d be outed as a mistress and she’d lose Gonzalo. Monica, who has her head in the clouds, wants Gonzalo to leave his wife out of love for her but Elisa warns her not to end up like her (another juicy secret). Monica tells her she just wants Gonzalo, not his money.
  • Alfonso shows Camilo his new office in the financial department. He tells him he’ll introduce him to his co-worker, Leonel later as he’s out taking a class. (Fresh out of college and already the boss of someone who has been there for years? Camilo that spells trouble). They also talk about how him and Paulina graduated with honors and now they’ll be working together in adjacent offices, he can romance her again.
  • Karen, badass as she is, says they should call the cops if they see Julieta again. Everyone agrees and her and Paulina go to cover up the handprints on Paulina’s neck with makeup. (Side note: Paulina is too cute with Mauricio). In her bedroom, Paulina still wants to cover up the attacks but Karen suggests she at least tell Adrian because Julieta is a cuckoo clock (thank you!)
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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - # 95 - Donde esta Remedios?

We are back with the master of truth Ramiro as he is uncovering all of the TioM’s secrets. It suddenly dawns on him how unfair it was for TioM to go against him during the Ana Let’s crusade to spoil his reputation. Mariano thinks these are totally different things and, besides, they are men you see and there is another part of the body they sometimes must think with and Ramiro is welcome to debate this from his righteous stand, but Mariano really has no other insight to offer. Except to say that he is not totally and alone at fault for Gina’s death. 

In a shocking to all of us twist of events, Maribel has found Ana Lu finally and is trying to take her back to the store to show Ana Lu that girl who looks so much like her. We are starting to place bets on the number of coincidences that will fall into place to prevent the reunion. Kudos to Maribel though. 
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Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #127 (MEX #131). Wednesday September 14, 2016. GRAN FINAL, PARTE 2: Esperanza Loses Her Stomach, Her Hair, Her “Galán” and Her Dignity While Ricardolt Gets to Rub His Happiness In Her Face!

Congratulations, Blondie! You think getting Ricardolt was a prize? Ha-ha! He’s your anvil, darling! Enjoy!

At a glance 

-- You first tuned in thinking you were going to watch a sappy romantic comedy called “Dream Of Love” but it turned into a Frankenturkey horror show that ought to have been titled: “Move Over, Toots, I Found Your Replacement!”
-- No telenovela female protagonist has been humiliated, disrespected and demeaned like Betty Monroe. She was branded ugly, fat and a bad actress. She was blamed for Osorio’s failure as a seasoned circus producer and a budding writer of “original” stories. She was bullied into losing weight and shaving her head on national TV. She was forced to endure the introduction of another protagonist actress halfway into the novela’s run. She was made to wear zombie makeup and an unflattering wardrobe for most of the show, while Marjorie de Sousa sashayed around in impeccable hair, makeup and clothes. To top it all off, her character demeans herself to the jerk Osorio calls a galán, only to be strung along for a while then get rejected by him! But wait, it doesn’t end here! Esperanza is made to attend Ricardolt’s wedding and share in his happiness and baby news with a smile on her face! But wait, that’s not all! Esperanza has to endure Ricardolt’s presence at the inauguration of her dream school, accompanied by his pregnant wife and his perfect little recomposed family!
-- Friends don’t let friends watch Osorio’s novelas. If someone you care about expresses an interest in checking out one of those hideous mounds of mutant manure that Osorio produces, please stage an intervention!

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How to tell if your sister is out of her mind: A Que no me dejas #2 09/13/2016

Hello patio peeps! I'm so happy to be back on the patio with you all! Today I'll give you a short recap but I hope it covers everything. I'm a little rusty but here it goes!

Recap is done!

I'm working on a little brochure, I'm going to call it "How to tell if your telenovela sister is a crazy person and a potential danger to you and the woman you love"-  Signs of a potential crazy sister include:

  • She smells your clothes when you're not around
  • She's jealous of every woman you date and runs them all off.
  • She wears a necklace with your initial on it
  • She accuses the father of the woman you love of being responsible for the death of your father AND that's NOT the worst thing she's done to someone you've dated!!!!
  • Her spouse recognizes that she's way too into you
If you spot any of those signs, run.
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Tres Veces Ana - #94: An Open Secret

Color Guide:
Recall in Red
Reader Response in Blue
Spanish Dialogue in Green

Ana Lu needs a clue

We return to the scene after Solebad has her concierge/taxi service, Evaristo, pick her up. He takes her to a restaurant, where she woes on and on about AnaLu being An-aloof. He thinks it's time she told the truth to not risk losing her, but she's desperate to know what Aloof knows exactly so she doesn't overspill her jar of secrets. He gets Shakespearian: But the truth strains out through the smallest crack, and always ends up coming to the surface (Pero la verdad se cuela hasta por la rendija más pequeña, y siempre termina por salir a la superficie). In any case, he promises to protect her. She blames him for being sloppy (descuidaste) and bringing Marcelo to her doorstep.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sueño de amor, GRAN FINAL part 1 of 2 - Ep. 126 usa/131 mex (9.13.16) ...and we ended up with 7 weddings (2 failed) and 8 funerals!! How's that for original?

The "dream of love" also known as "the worst nightmare" has reached its end. 
We finally woke up! 
That's good and bad, because we might be happy, but there will be more monkeys people in the unemployment list (starting with Osorio) looking for a chance, any chance, to do ANYTHING. ¡Dios nos agarre confesados!

Anyway. With this recap I say goodbye to SUEÑO DE AMOR and I sincerely thank all the carayitas who filled the patio with their laughter and precise comments. Let's start:

As you can see, I am lucky not to cover the whole kidnap.

No. We didn't hear a shot. I thought it was Baxter storming in with the SWAT team but no. Probably something else. 
Ricardo almost lost both hands getting free from the plastic strap fasteners but finally got it, being able to tackle Ernesto down, hold his hand and with his own gun kill two of his achichincles. After Ernesto was neutralized, Ricardo flew to untie Cristina Vález Valderrama, firewoman of education and therapist, leaving poor stomachless Esperanza to fend by herself.
No. She could not believe it either. With eyes big as plates she stared at Ricardo who was holding CVV tight completely oblivious to her. She took the gun and ran to try to kill Ernesto!
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Monday, September 12, 2016

A Que No Me Dejas (AQNMD) #1. Monday September 12, 2016. GRAN ESTRENO: When The Sea Hits Your Eye Like A Big Starfish Pie, That's Amore!

Paulina and Adrián our starfish lovers

At a glance

-- Paulina Murat and Adrián Olmedo are madly in love but a whole lotta crazy stands in the way of their happiness. 
-- The Murat, Olmedo, Fonseca, Córdova and Almonte families are interlinked in one intricate web of passion, hatred, jealousy, obsession, secrets, lies and intrigues that will get unraveled as Paulina and Adrián struggle to protect their love.

A closer look

A few years ago, on an idyllic deserted beach in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, Paulina Murat and Adrián Olmedo profess their undying love for each other. Adrián gives her a starfish medallion necklace and recounts how the starfish came to exist. A poor fisherman fell in love with a princess, but her affections vacillated between him and a wealthy man who offered to lay his entire fortune at her feet. The fisherman asked Poseidon, the God of the Sea, for help. Poseidon reached for the stars in the sky, gathered them all and deposited them at the bottom of the sea, so that the fisherman can offer them to his beloved. “And since then, the starfish have protected and perpetuated true love.” concludes Adrián. “True love like ours!” adds Paulina. From a short distance, beautiful green eyes, green with ugly envy, glare daggers at the smooching couple. They belong to Paulina’s older sister, Nuria Murat.
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Sueño de amor # 125 (MEX 130) Mon. 9/12/16 Ernesto Reminds Esperanza Twice: She Has No Stomach

Well, this is my last recap for this novela and I would like to thank my fellow recappers Adriana, Nandicta and Pablo for making this a fun experience as well as all of the commenters on our tiny patio who also made this worthwhile and fun.

ACT ONE: Kidnappings

We start out where we left off with poor, pathetic, crying and conniving Ernesto begging Esperanza to let him in to talk. He is not there to hurt her. Against her better judgment (and because she has a bad habit of giving in), she eventually caves. As soon as he is in and she goes to get him some water, she knows she is in trouble. She comes back out to talk to Ernesto and has an incredulous look on her face the whole time he raves on and on. Ernesto is supposedly upset that Esperanza could believe what Tracy said about him on the recording after all they have been through together. He loves her. Esperanza mentions the photo. Not him! Ricardo is turning her against him. How can she doubt him and his love. He does not have to take days to decide. He wants her. He knows Ricardo is going to choose Cristina. His reason is when she got sick it took Ricardo no time at all to hook up with Cristina. Esperanza defends Ricardo by saying she told him she did not love him. Ernesto thinks that Ricardo should have investigated what was really going on. Ricardo's love is divided. Now he has a younger, attractive fertile woman in front of him with a child the same age as his children and Esperanza can no longer have children and as much as he hates to say it: she does not have a STOMACH!!!! She is also the woman who lied to him, deceived him. Ricardo will never ever forgive her completely. The long and the short of it is since Ricardo will choose Cristina and since Esperanza's children are no longer living with her, he can offer her his unconditional love. They can leave. Esperanza wants to know where. Paris, Rome, wherever she wants. He knows they can be happy together. Esperanza tells Ricardo that she does not love him. Ernesto tells her that that could change. She has affection for him. Esperanza reiterates that she loves Ricardo. She does not trust Ernesto and she prefers to wait for Ricardo's decision. She is declining Ernesto's offer but that is not the end. Crafty Ernesto has one final request: will Esperanza go out to breakfast with him one last time as great friends so he can say goodbye to her? He promises her that after today he will not bother her anymore and he will accept Ricardo's decision whatever it might be. He begs her like a dog. She does not think that it would be convenient but Ernesto does not give up and lays the "how could she deny him a dying man who gave her his whole life just see her happy and alive?" guilt trip on her until she gives in again.
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Tres Veces Ana, #93, Monday Sept 12, 2016: Claws for Concern

Nerina tells AnaLu thank you very much for the offer to speak to my son, but no. Or, she'll think about it, but at any rate she'd like to be alone for now. After AnaLu leaves, Nerina has a mini-meltdown, knowing that Clawdia recognized AnaLu.

AnaLet waits impatiently for Iñaki to finish showing a property. Outside, Orlando picks his teeth and bounces the business end of a ballpoint pen off of his face, then sucks on it. (I don't know why this greasy lad isn't a chick magnet.) Finally Iñaki is done, and AnaLet offers to let him cheer her up. They go someplace (I don't know where they are, I think it's a hotel) and she tears his clothes off and slaps him. He grabs her by the throat, and then they get freaky.

I don't know what to tell you. It looks like love to me.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#1): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 12, 2016

Welcome to Page #1 (Monday edition) of the Telemundo y Más page, issued twice a week: Mondays at 3:00 PM and Thursdays at 8:00 PM.

Here are the current telenovelas (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):

• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo***
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones***
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso

• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote

***SCHEDULE CHANGE (?)  It appears that Tormenta and Más Sabe have switched places according to zap2it.com  However, the Telemundo site is still showing the original schedule.

Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Tres Veces Ana #93??: Pandora's Box Begins To Open

Parte 1

Inside Ernestina’s manse, Ramiro’s best backdoor efforts to avoid Ana Laura’s performance with Valentin to raise funds for The Foundation, by talking Rodrigo into footing the bill for the next year’s entire budget, so that she and TinTin won’t have to spend time alone rehearsing together,  all come to nothing.   A Llora wont’ disappoint TinTin or the others involved by cancelling it.  Tough nuts—no if’s, and’s or but’s.

Outside in the garden, Nerina tries her best to get on her son, TinTin’s, best side after so many years on the outs.  She blames their separation on that trollup, Gina—a big mistake—who clouded his otherwise (?) good judgment. TinTin tells her never to speak like that of the love of his life.  He sneers at her sudden upsurge in “maternal love” now that she’s learned he’s a paralytic, calls her a crappy mother, and gripes that Ramiro has stolen another woman from him and marrying her, like he did with Gina.  Bottom line: Nerina strikes out Big Time with TinTin of the tiresome temper tantrums.

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New Telenovela: A Que No Me Dejas, Starts Monday, September 12, 2pm/1c. Synopsis And Cast

Looneyvision has finally deigned to air “A Que No Me Dejas” (“I Dare You To Leave Me”), the 2015 novela acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, in Mexico and the rest of Latin America. 

“A Que No Me Dejas” was the biggest winner at Premios TVyNovelas 2016. It scooped up best script and/or adaption, best direction, best cinematography, best musical theme, best veteran actress and actor for Leticia Calderón and Arturo Peniche respectively, best female antagonist for Laura Carmine and, dare I say, it should have received the best male protagonist prize too, because Osvaldo Benavides deserved it heaps more than any other nominee in that category. The same producer, Carlos Moreno Laguillo, and the same writing duo, Martha Carrillo and Cristina García, that gave us such gems as “Amor Bravío”, “Quiero Amarte” and “En Nombre del Amor”, now bring us this remake of Carla Estrada’s “Amor en Silencio” (1988).   

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Friday, September 09, 2016

Sueño de amor, Ep. 124 usa/129 mex (9.9.16) Chinese (weevils) philosophy: Big crisis bring bigger opportunities

Or "la que tiene más saliva, traga más pinole"

True love has deadlines
Cristina Vélez Valderrama, firewoman of education and mind reader, surely knew what I was thinking, and her reaction to the second time Esperanza nalga pronta made herself affordable with yet another basket of "homemade" cookies this time with chocolate chips that can be shared with the kids at school, was to snap them out of Esperanza's hands. Cookie fight!
I am sorry you spent all night baking cookies, Esperanza, but this is not Sesame Street and Oscar (the cookie monster) is not here! Last time you said Ricardo's favorite cookies were oatmeal, now there's chocolate chips, what's next? Key lime meringue cookies? Mexican wedding cookies (hint, hint)?
Esperanza's response to the dismiss of her whole night spent baking was to slap CVV and run. (And here I had to laugh out loud, very loud)

But CVV, who has tackled Ernesto and Kracy even when they both had guns (and Kracy had mental issues), thinks this is a piece of cake and she runs after Esperanza so they can both engage in some pulling and yelling with Ricardo in the middle. 

Ricardo, who has to come after them, remind them that they are both professionals and ADULTS and shouldn't be behaving like this in public (or in private).
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Tres Veces Ana - # 91

Discussion page with Sneaky's recap to look forward to!

Sneaky's recap posted below:

Santiago is all telling BadAna bout his luuurve for her sis (oh dude, bad plan, look at her face) Actually she starts to look a little sad when he says Analu is unique. She interrupts him and tells him he's a better kisser than Marcelo. (One more thing for Marcelo to be mad at her for)

Orlando is in trouble at work and at work following trouble/BadAna.

Nerina sees the kiss and confronts Santiago about it, mostly she just thinks he should stop giving Analu false hope. Abue comes in and introduces Santiago and Nerina to each other, awkward. 

Analu calls Santiago's cell to cry to him about how she loves him and find out the woman she talked to was not his wife but his sister in law 

Bad Ana goes to talk to Llora about why she's not dripping snot and tears all over the place after hearing their sis is fer sure dead. - 'do you know something I dont?' Llora doesn't want her to get mad but she doesn't believe Analu is dead. BadAna wants her to accept "reality" but Llora won't give up hope. Now they girl talk about how hard it is for BadAna to be living w/2 men at the same time. Llora knows about double personality Marcelo, she's met Santiago. BadAna confesses its actually not a hardship its really super fun and she sometimes doesn't want Marcelo back at all as she kinda likes Santiago better. (you and me both sister) Llora counsels that Santi isn't real and Bad Ana teases her about being a psychology nerd and instead of crying Llora gives a shy grin and a 'ya que?' (whatcha gonna do?) and a shrug. Bad Ana goes on for a while about how much nicer Santi is than Marcelo and how weird it is to cheat on her husband w/her husband. Llora is just happy she's happy  and thinks this could be a second chance for them both. BadAna looks like she would really like a second chance and to change. (we'll see how long that lasts)

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Thursday, September 08, 2016

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS (#2): Silvana sin Lana, Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso, Señora Acero 3, & más: Week of September 5, 2016

Here's Page 2 for the week.  The current telenovelas are as follows (all times are Eastern Daylight Time):
• 10:30AM-12PM—Más Sabe el Diablo
• 12PM—Império
• 1PM—Tormenta de Pasiones
• 8PM—Silvana Sin Lana
• 9PM—Sin Senos Sí Hay Paraíso
• 10PM—Señora Acero 3: La Coyote
Everyone is welcome to join in the conversation.  Since discussions of all the Telemundo novelas share the same page, please remember to put the name of the telenovela you're referring to at the top of your post, so readers can easily find the conversations they're looking for.

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Sueno de amor, #123 (Mexico #128), Thursday RIP Tracy. RIP PatoLuca's honeymoon. RIP Esperanza's cookies.

I am going to keep the recap very short, because I have run out of patience with this telenovela. Luckily, this is my last episode to retell, so thanks God this is FINALLY over. 

Here goes...

At the hospital, Esperanza offers to stay with Ricardo, as he waits to talk to Tracy (who's not dead, yet). Cristina takes Selena and Rodrigo home. They are heartbroken over their mom’s possible death, especially Rodrigo, but Cristina has the right words to calm him a bit. He wishes she were his mom. Point for Cristina, I guess.

Viviana and Adrian are worried because Ernesto won’t agree to the transplant. Vivi wants to divorce Mario. Luca screams at Mario for the way he's treating his mother.

PatoLuca play house. Pato is a good cook, but her food kind of makes her nauseous (Oh, boy, already?).

Regino tries to kill Tracy, but he can’t do it because she's with Ricardo and he’s discovered by the doctor outside her room. 

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Sueño de amor #122 ( MEX #127) Wed. 9/7/16 Finally!

Comments in parentheses are mine.

So, we are starting where we left off with Esperanza never having gotten the lesson about calling before you go to somebody's home and getting an eyeful of Cristina answering Ricardo's door in her pj's and barefoot to boot. Seems that Esperanza has one of "those" excuses: she was just bringing Ricardo some of the oatmeal cookies he likes. Yup, and he also likes blueberry crepes answers Cristina. She babbles on about him usually not sleeping this late but that he had a lot of things he had to do last night. Esperanza gives her a look up and down and says she can only imagine. Esperanza decides it is better that she go and hands the "homey" basket of cookies to Cristina. Esperanza leaves with Cristina holding the cookies and taking a look at them. (She should try them and if they are any good, eat them all or give them to the kids for just having to put up with Esperanza as Ricardo slept.)

Back at Esperanza's, Anya and Pedro are setting the table for breakfast and talking about how they hope Esperanza's little delivery went well especially after yesterday's kiss. They agree that she deserves to be happy. Anya reminds him that the greatest miracle of all is Esperanza overcoming cancer. What she would not give to have her dad there with them now. They kiss. Esperanza walks in upset and asks them to guess who answered Ricardo's door. She tells them: Cristina in pajamas and starts to cry thinking that Cristina spent the night with Ricardo.
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Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Tres Veces Ana - # 90 - The morning that will never end or Where is that scalpel when you need one?

Nerina is chatting with Rem. She feels guilty that her handicapped Tin had to go through all that hardship alone. She must get him back and make him believe that she never forgot him.  

Back at Clawdia’s (you guys must remind me who came up with this nickname, because I cannot remember right now to give credit, but it is awesome!), Claw and Tin (with no visible signs of burning ears) are discussing mommy dearest. Clawdia tells him all about the tiny little room in the pension Nerina is renting. Tin thinks that makes sense, what with her being a singer. So you know? – Claw is surprised. And if you do know, how come mom was so incredulous that you were in a wheelchair? Tin can’t believe Claw told her everything. How did she react? You know, put a whole dramatic scene on, cried, how was I supposed to know it’s a secret – responds Tin’s loving sister. We are half expecting a demonic laugh out of her to go along with that happy smile as she recounts making her mother cry.  Tin is much less amused at this cruelty. Claw wants to know if Tin has any desire to meet with Nerina – she promised her she’d check. Never! They are both dead to each other, says Tin. Fine, Clawdia is bored with the conversation anyway and is off to call our dream beau Mariano.

Meanwhile at Tio’s Ana Le has evicted Viridiana off the couch to the chair, , handing Viri her things, and took her rightful place as an arm candy wanna-be next to TioM. Ana Le thinks they should all either go to dinner or else she will whip something up in the kitchen. (Viri better think quick of an excuse, we have a feeling her plate will have a special portion of something in it.)

Tio’s phone rings and he is off to answer. Ana Le quickly says it must be a woman – the pattern is familiar: phone rings, and he excuses himself to answer. Actually, it must be Clawdia. You don’t say Ana Le, but hey, how was that seamstress I sent you? – Viri wants to know. Just terrible – if Viri counted the number of needle prick wounds poor AnaLetMeeee has, she may as well be a pin cushion. Viri is surprised. The only reason Ana Le kept this dress was because her loving Tio paid a fortune for it. Viri helpfully adds – a fortune you bid on it. Ana Le doesn’t see what Viri’s point here might be. Besides, she thinks she should fire her seamstress  - she was sobbing and crying. Well, Viri has an alternative suggestion – why doesn’t Ana Le come to the boutique to either repair or replace her dress? Ana Le tells Viri not to worry about it with scorn in her voice. Tio comes back and is shocked when Viri asks him about Clawdia’s health. He stares at Ana Le, who is practicing her innocent lamb expression. 
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Tres Veces Ana - Character List and Plot Redux (on steroids)

Ok this isn't done, but I thought you guys could use something to read while I finish the remaining character list. I wanted to give a refresher/redux version of everything we know so far, for those who are just tuning in ….or have tuned out and gotten lost along the way (ya thanks a lot, writers). I tried doing a summary of the past 80+ recaps and it took way too long. I might finish it, but it seems pointless since by the time I'm done, the series will be nearly ended. Like seriously, my butt is chafing and I figured this is mejor que nada. So enjoy the read, and let me know if I missed an important detalle. Acuerdo? Deal!


Alvarez Del Castillo Family Tree

Alvarez Del Castillo: Ernestina, Mariano, Leonor, Ana Leticia, Ana Laura, and soon-to-be-reunited grandaughter, Ana Lucia. (Soledad is a suspected half-sister, but we don't really count her in this family picture).

Garcia: Remedios, Alfredo, Santiago (aka Marcelo)

Guerra: Evaristo, Gina (deceased), Grandthugs (most deceased), and step-daughter, Soledad & former lover, Margerita (deceased)

Hernandez: Soledad, Ana Lucia, Sofia (deceased)

Fuentes: Edmundo, Ramiro

Salvaterra: Facundo, Marcelo (aka Santiago)

Nájera: Tadeo, Julieta, Inaki, Javier, Daniel (deceased), & Sandro by extension

Lascano del Padilla: Nerina, Valentin, Claudia

DanzAire Family: Ana Lucia, Maribel, Orlando, Javier, Anibal, Tadeo, Nerina

Peeps Del Patio: All of you—recappers, commenters, lurkers, and her holiness upon whose blog throne we worship: our Melinama.

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Sueño de Amor (SdA) US #121 (MEX #126). Tuesday September 6, 2016. El Perro De Las Dos Tontas

At a glance 

-- PatoLuca partay, Esperardo esnog and Cristina cries. 
-- Ricardolt is still confused. Poor Señorito Confundido! 

A closer look 

The millionaire construction heir and his bride arrive to their wedding reception. The setting and the buffet do not reflect the wealth of the De la Colina family but rather the stinginess of our beloved producer, Juan Osorio. He invited members of the public to attend the PatoLuca wedding and asked them to bring their own fancy clothes, thus saving himself a bundle on extras and wardrobe. It appears that the same penny-pinching attitude affected the PatoLuca wedding catering, which consisted of the following measly offerings: One minuscule plate of surimi vol-au-vents, four small plates of unidentifiable bites on sticks, half a cantaloupe with tiny cheese and crudités skewers sticking out of it, two puny platters of his and hers shortbread cookies, one styrofoam wedding cake, one single-tier medium-sized cake stand of styrofoam white cupcakes.
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Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Yago #65. Monday September 5, 2016. GRAN FINAL: Destiny Doesn't Believe in Second Chances

This is about the happiest thing you are going to find in this recap.

At a glance 

-- A very unhappy ending.

A closer look 

Flashback. Years ago. Sara and Omar are at the fair. Sara reveals that, sometimes, she feels she was born to lose because she has never managed to win any of these games before. She tries a game and loses the first shot. Omar offers to help her out. They make the shot together and end up winning the game. Omar believes that, together, the two of them can achieve anything. The booth operator tells Sara she can pick any of the plush toys as her prize. However, she shyly confesses that her prize was having met Omar. The lovers kiss tenderly as Sara narrates: “There are loves that make everything appear possible. There are loves that manage to make time disappear and everything gets suspended for one perfect moment.”
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