Sunday, July 07, 2013

Amores Verdaderos EXTRA – El Clamor Publico No. 4 – 7/7/13

El Clamor Público
This edition of El Clamor Público© includes Weekend Edition Headlines, Patio Chatter from the Past, Patio Letters and no Collected Wisdom of Diana in this issue, due to the length of the Patio Chatter. Ed. Note: Most portions of the content  have appeared in other publications.


Nelson Brizz, shooting victim in vicious ambush attack by two thugs, is in danger of losing a leg. He says from his hospital bed that his leg is very important to him. Patio people remind readers that "Only the good die young," however, the bad seem to lose body parts.

Adriana Balvanera, still looking for answers to mystery disappearance of newborn daughter, receives a telegram telling her to pony up mucho dinero in exchange for information.  She wears stylish pants to the assignation point.

Kendra Ferretti, Mr. Brizz’s authenticated amante, processes this medical information.  She avers that she doesn't want to be married to someone with a wooden leg. She's probably worried he'll wear a black eye patch and walk around saying, "Aaarrrrrrggghhhhh, mateys!"

Malú saved from unruly fans by Supersuperman is grateful.  Gives him a smile and an autograph.

Mr. Constantine, famous film director, after being a victim in a vicious ambush attack by two thugs who rearranged his face and ribs, has hired Francisco Guzmán as bodyguard.  Regrettably the leading lady in his new film has hijacked Mr. Guzmán for an afternoon and evening of fun and frolic, certainly to be discovered by his insanely jealous mujer.

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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Porque al Amor Manda #85: ¡Qué Emoción!

Purple Towers:

Alma admits to Jesus from about two inches away that she confessed her non-love to Rogue. Jesus impactado. Alma reverse-impactada. He moves closer. She edges away. Finally he backs her up against an end table, where she puts up a brave resistance by baring her throat and arching her back. Ha! That'll do it! But then both of their phones ring, and of course they have to answer them. It's telenovela law.

It's Sebastian on the phone for Alma, and Vero for Jesus. Rogue is a basket case! Marta is a nut case! Jeez, wouldn't you two rather be kissing? JUST SAY NO TO THE PHONE.
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Amores Verdaderos #168 Fri 7/5/13 FF's Prognosis; Kenho's Mis Planes Set Into Motion; We Find Out Where Ms Vikki Went


Hola, Patio Peeps! This recap will be short and sweet and condensed, well maybe for me, but I will fit everything in. Of course, this recap will not be in any order and I may have missed some things, but y'all can comment if I did.

The Hospital Where FF's Dreams May Come To An End or Anyballs' Handiwork:
All those of the Balvanera Manse support staff that have given blood for FF are now going with Salsa Dude. Off they go. Angel is still trying to get a hold of Ms Vikki, but her cellphone is out of the area of service. Frankie and Angel have a little convo, and Frankie says how he and Nikki found the FF. Adri and Lili are sitting together and feel like come coffee talk, nah, Lili says she wants to go to the chapel to pray, and Adri and Lili go off. Salsa Dude comes back and here come Hottie Doc, sigh, I have to pause a minute, sigh. Ok, I'm back, sorry got distracted. Anyhoo, Hottie Doc has come to speak to the FF's family. And wouldn't ya know it, Adri and Lili are nowhere in sight. So to the audience of Nikki, Frankie, Salsa Dude, Angel and ugh, the Kendho the Hottie Doc gives the result of the surgery. Since I am still learning Spanish, Carlos can fill in what I missed, but seems the bullet nicked an artery and there was a great deal of blood loss and seems if the blood doesn't start flowing properly in the FF's leg, he'll lose that leg! Shock and awe I tell you! Nikki cries and Kendho of course is pithed!

Later, Nikki is sleeping and Frankie gently wakes her up to let her know he is on his way to work. He will be taking Anyballs' money with him. Nikki is worried her Snappy Pappy will lose his leg. Frankie tells her Snappy Pappy is a strong guy and he'll be ok. Smoochies and Frankie goes off to work.

After Frankie leaves Nikki gets herself a cup of Joe and here comes Tomi to spend a bit of time with Nikki. Tomi can't beleive she is there all by herself. Nikki tells her Frankie had to go off to work, and that lobuki Kendho went home too, which Nikki is happy about. Tomi has brought Nikki a change of clothes, another bag for FF and a Nikki's laptop that Adri gave her to give to Nikki. Nikki is happy. Nikki also tells Tomi thanks to Adri, Frankie now has a job with Joan Constantine as his bodyguard.Nikki changes and they are about to leave when the nurse comes out and says Nikki can go in to see her Snappy Pappy .

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Corazón Indomable Fri July 5... "I Did It All!"

As Maricruz packs her magic suitcase, she has only two objectives, her child who is blissfully percolating in her womb and her vengeance directed at the daddy of that contented fetus. She wants to grind him into the dirt with those lethal high heels she wears. Well, she said that there are only two things she can think about but she is also hoping her pappy will give her power of attorney over the casino without croaking when he learns the truth that she is his long lost daughter. The doorbell rings and it's Raiza who has come for a little visit. They eye each other warily.
"Love Your Outfit." "Uh...Likewise."
Though Raiza looks pretty good in blue blouse and black skirt, Maricruz wins the fashion face off with a stylish breezy short lavender chiffon confection.

Kooky, Kooky,  Lend Me Your Comb

The flyboys are also packing for a flight as Octavio tells Eddy of the progress that he is making with Maricruz number 3. They had a nice long chat and he's sure that he can win her over. Eddy takes a moment to primp.
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Qué Bonito Amor #60 (Mex 89.2-90) Friday 7/5/13 Drowning in Sorrows

Cap. 90-91

Lo Del Pasado:

El Coloso knows he’s gotten the final rejection notice with the news from Maria and Mama that there is a Jorgecito Alfredito on the way.

Lo Del Nuevo:

Col leaves Maria’s apartment in a broken-hearted, sniveling snit.  Maria runs after him, hoping half-heartedly to keep him from doing something stupid.  (Good luck.  El Col has his macho permanently locked in the “on” position.)

Rodrigo learns from Paloma that Jorge Alfredo and Maria broke up because, according to Maria, he didn’t trust her enough.  They determine they’ll always be truthful with one another and seal it with a puppy-love kiss.  Suddenly Rodri remembers he has something in the apartment that could help JA and Maria mend fences.  He and Pal head for his dad’s place to get “it”, it being a letter JAntos had written and torn up some time ago. 

At the “Crossed-Off” bar [El Bar Cruz de Olvido= Cross of the Abandoned/ The Forgotten’s Cross (to bear?), Olvido=also oblivion, obscurity], JAntos, now duly crossed off Maria’s All Time Top Ten list and having landed on Maria’s sh!t list, continues crying into his bottle of tequila while he listens to a group of so-called mariachis struggle to carry a tune and struggling even more for a reason to finish the song. (Having to listen to that bunch definitely had me crying too.)

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Friday, July 05, 2013

Corazon Indomable Cap. 39 Thursday, 7-4-13: Master Weaver MariAlejandra Hits One Tiny Snag

          MariAle continues to look fabulous as she weaves her plots: revenge on the obtuse Octavio and domination of the crooked Canseco sisters.  She still considers Teo of the tender heart and shifting back hump her only ally on the island.  (Scenes may be plucked from their original sequence and grafted with others.)
Previously:  Octavio stops MariAle on the beach and initiates a sincere conversation.  Tobias gleefuly reports to Don Alejandro that he made Solita understand her pregnancy. 
He Can’t Recognize the Face , nor Does He Look Behind It for a Motive
          Oblivio puts down his newspaper (He was reading? Really?) as MA strolls by the garden. Oblivi leaps over the wall and stops our girl in her striking coral swimsuit and sheer coverup. He begs her for a real conversation and offers to tell the story of his love for the girl who looks like her. He wonders if the bad mood she claims could come from his resemblance to the past scoundrel who hurt her. 
          He promises to tell the truth and recounts his marriage to a wild country girl. When he left her, he did everything he could to secure her future life. MA wonders if she MC was a bad girl, but he vows his wife was naïve and harmless.  He didn’t love her, but he never thought he’d feel the attraction he now has for MariAle.
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Qué Bonito Amor #59 (Mex 88-89.1) Thursday 7/4/13 Que Desafortunado Bebe

Yep, Maria's pregnant.  "With a criminal's child," as Amalia puts it.  Amalia has to pull a fake-out with "I won't love that baby…I'll adore him."  Paloma's excited to be an aunt, Amalia's excited to be a grandma, and Isa…?

Roddy's all dressed up and smelling good to go see Paloma.  Colosso gives him some money to buy Paloma flowers with.  As he's leaving, Roddy lets Elvira in.

Isa, of course, is worried nobody's going to love her when she's not the baby anymore.  She's not too thrilled about the diapers…she volunteers to feed the baby, though.

Elvira is stiiiiiiill after Jorge Alfredo, but Colosso doesn't know where to find him.  Elvira brags that Maria won't sing at the bar ever again.

Amalia laments that Maria didn't fall for Colosso.  Once again, Maria tells Isa that her "daddy" is a bad guy, which sends Isa off to her room to cry.

Irasema and Susanito argue.  Irasema's Team Jorge Alfredo all the way.  After all, he's the reason she now has Susanito.  Irasema tells him if he condemns Jorge Alfredo, he's condemning her too.  Susanito caves, of course.  "What the hell.  I was born henpecked and I might as well die that way!"

Ana bitches and moans about how all men are the same, Milamores loves Jorge Alfredo more than he loves her.  Oh, shut up, Ana!  Leti doesn't like how Maria's being affected, but she's excited at the thought that Maria might be pregnant.
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Amores Verdaderos #167 Thu 7/4/13 The Episode of Many Cameos

or Another long night in the hospital.
or Where the hell is Victoria?
or Please don’t hurt my Neltroll.
or Helllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo, Marcelo Córdoba! Cameo:

“A cameo role or cameo appearance; often shortened to just cameo) is a brief appearance or voice part of a known person in a work of the performing arts, typically unnamed or appearing as themselves.”

* Lo refrito: while Nikki is sobbing in the corner, Guzmáncito is packing her suitcases. Although it hurts him, he had to realize that sometimes love isn’t enough.

* Lo nuevo: Aníbal offers his “help” to Nelson. He can keep his position in the company in exchange for divorcing from Victoria. Tomorrow they’re going to a lawyer, captas? But the Furminator has one more bomb to drop: tonight he’s going to tell Adriana that Lili is her daughter. Uhh-ohh.
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Thursday, July 04, 2013

PEAM# 84- Rogue's Pity Party Continues; You Can Cut The Sexual Tension With a Knife and The Re-emergence of Cybil aka Dr. Loca Marta

Happy July 4th!!!

We begin with Paty the Back Stabber- drinking what may be poison and sending the incriminating email to Alma.

Dr. Loca is at Avon with very youthful, high shoes, waiting to see Alma and goes to the bathroom.
Marisela comes out of the bathroom and bumps into Panfilo, she trips over a broom, Panfilo calls her daughter and asks if she is okay. She scolds him for calling her his daughter all the while Dr. Loca is listening.  Panfilo asks how is she and Marisela tells him that she is fine and Elias is divorcing his wife.  Dr. Loca is still listening.
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Maricruz scores a win, Carola is a snitch, and Miguels one brain cell is working over time

Part 1 and 2 are now up. Enjoy!

Solita just can't win, she is not doing well and the doctor is going to send an ambulance for her, Don Ale and Tobias agree not to tell MC 3.0 about Solita's health issues, they don't want to worry her, after all she is also pregnant. Later we are back in Solita's room at the mansion, the doctor has run some tests and has sent her home with some medications, the results of the tests will come in later and Tobias worries that Solita is not taking care of herself because she does not understand what's going on inside her body (sad!), Don Ale tells Tobias that it's his job to make Solita understand what's happening to her, Tobi looks less that happy about this new job duty, I suggest he ask for a raise.

Isla Dorada

MC 3.0 is having a visit with Mohammed, he wants to know what Karim can do for her, she tells him there's only one thing she wants and that's to return to the casino, as she understands it she was fired at the request of Karim,  Mohammed says that this is true and she replies that if he got her fired he can also get her back her job. Mohammed says that Karim was going to do just that but that he got him to abandon that idea because he thought it was her preference not to return to the casino. MC 3.0 tells him that Karim can make Carola take her back and that's all she wants, Mohammed promises to let Karim know what she's asking for. I think she should have also asked for a pony, a pink pony, that's what I would have done.
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Qué Bonito Amor #58 (Mex 86.2-87) Wednesday 7/3/13 Que Aburrido Amor

            Opening sequence shows our two lovebirds suffering the pangs of morning sickness.  Amalia sees Maria rushing to the bathroom and the wheels start to spin.  Hmmmm  Amalia brings her some food but Maria doesn't want to touch it.  Amalia tries to give her a pep talk – stiff upper lip, all that stuff, but Maria feels defeated and dejected and betrayed.  Amalia philosophizes that when we fall in love, we tend to magnify our emotions.  But the same thing happens when our hearts are broken.  We tend to see only the bleakness of the situation and forget the joys of life.  Maria feels lost and confused.  Amalia encourages her to eat.  She notices Isa is there, crying.  Isa lashes out that she no longer loves Maria because she's rejected her “Papito”.  Maria agrees she brought a lot of pain into their home the day she allowed him to have her love.
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PEAM #83- 7/3/13: These Are The Little Mornings That King David Used To Sing!

Recap By Pablo

34 years ago, in a place at north of México, a little girl was born. She had hair blonder than corn and her parents named her Alma (Soul in spanish). Could it be because her hair got blonder as she aged? Probably not. Her mother had the same name, juárever. Today, on January 5th, her husband threw her a surprise party and all Avon was invited...  will everybody attend? Patricia, her best friend and husband's lover, mad because Rogelio upset her, left early this morning and didn't come. Instead, she spent all afternoon either planning to commit suicide and/or trying to send an email... maybe she can do both...

Rogelio, who almost got circumcised in Acapulco, threw the house out of the window with a party that included cabrito al pastor, fajita, asado de puerco, grilled zucchini and onions, jalapeño peppers, soft drinks and beer. When Fernando, who almost fell in love during jail time, thinks all this is for him, runs to happily hug Rogue, but soon he finds out it is not. It is because of Alma.

Alma, who almost lost her ''other virginity'' in Toluca, is more surprised to see nobody working when she left, than seeing them clapping when she arrives to Rogelio's mansion. Palomo group plays the Diana and the ''mañanitas norteñas'' and she blushes as she walks by Jesús side. Jesús, who almost lost his gold medal to more experienced secretaries, spends the whole time making all kind of faces. I know I should have counted them, but I only have 10 fingers!
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Amores Verdaderos #166 Wed 7/3/13 Follow the money

Frankie outsmarts Aníbal but in the end, at least for tonight, the old coot has the last laugh.

The Old Stuff
Francisco has a briefcase full of cash, a first class plane ticket to New York and a phone video of him and Aníbal doing the deal.  

Arriaga chooses the cash settlement Victoria's lawyer offers for the loss of his house.  As he signs the agreement, he smiles at the thought that Vikki is with him, helping him, even when they are apart.

The New Stuff

Aníbal tracks Nikki down at the Pizzeria to tell her he just bought off the love of her life for thirty pieces of silver (a cool half million at today's exchange rate).  Even as they speak, Guzmán is on his way to the airport to hop a plane to New York, he tells her.  Nikki is stunned.  That can't be true! 
"Go see for yourself," says her tatito coolly.
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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #165 Tue 7/2/13 Gramps, you are dead to me.

Amores Verdaderos Cap 165, 7-2-13—Gramps (Anibal), you are dead to me.

Lo siento, I'm afraid this is going to be a rather haphazard recap tonight. I was sort of in and out when watching, so I know I missed stuff. I encourage everyone to read the comments because I'm counting on our wonderful commenters to fill in the blanks I will inevitably leave!

Well, at least I have screencaps. So it's going to be more of a screencappy recap than a recappy recap. Captas?


Please note, I call Anibal (Anyballs) "Gramps" now. My mom and I discuss this show daily and her name for him is Gramps, so Gramps it is! I can't think of him as anything else now.

* Lili is chatting with Polita. Lili is going to take Nikki's old room. TACKY.

* The Little Ape and Nikki are having a pleasant chat at home. She seems happy with her plight as waitress and Guzman helps show her how to ease her poor aching feet in a warm pan of water, a remedy to help her after a long day of labor. Labor, something she's never experienced before now.

Nikki and Frankie: Bliss bliss bliss

* We return to the masked men who have broken into Carlos's place (with Vicki there) as the men proceed to give Carlos a first class beat-down. Carlos tries to resist but he's outnumbered. Vicki is tied up and has duct tape covering her mouth. She cries in terror as she is forced to watch poor Carlos get the snot beat out of him.

Poor Carlos! The masked men tell him to get outta Mexico and don't ever come back.

Poor Vicki! After all her history of kidnapping, she has to now experience this? What evil MONSTER was behind this?  Oh wait . . .

* Big Angel is preparing to leave for good and wonders to himself how he'll sleep with her so far away.

Big Angel talks to himself dreamily.

* Meanwhile, the hapless Zambrano (who always is the guy on duty when some crap goes down) returns from the errand he was sent on to find this chaos. He releases Vicki and she tells him what happened. He secures the apartment and then Vicki and he call the Mexican version of 911 because Carlos looks in pretty bad shape.

Poor Zambrano!

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Qué Bonito Amor #57 (Mex 85-86.1) Tuesday 7/2/13 Cry Me a River Grande – or – Maria Needs a Dope Slap

Version 2.0--Is now re-viewed, re-edited and re-posted.  Most of the changes came in the parts with dialog. Some scenes have been combined to facilitate the rain of tears flowing by.

Todo lo que Paso Ayer, Pasó Ayer

Esto Pasó Hoy

The Streets of D.F. lead to a Cantina Flophouse
Jorge Alfredo is still meandering the streets carrying his remaining memories of Maria in a sack and in his arms.  (We are afraid he will gift it to some street person.) But no, he goes into a unknown cantina, asks for a bottle of hooch and gets a room.  The lady barkeep takes him up and unlocks the door. It looks more like a cell.  (The Televisa Rata is in the scene and here we thought he was a goner. He looks quite healthy.)

The fellas are outside, the gals are inside.  (We notice that Pilar, El Siete Mares has joined the mariachis and has two lines.) Oscar is very upset because Maria is drinking and it’s all El Pochito’s fault.  Inside, the girls are washing that man right out of Lady with Bangs life. Back at the Mendoza apartment, Amalia is fretting again. Maria hasn’t come home.  She calls Oscar and this time he answers.

She’s on the phone as the girls emerge carrying bundles of clothing and gasoline.  They proposed to burn that man right out of Lady with Bangs life rather than wash.  They are screeching down drunk and Amalia can hear them through the phone.  She asks Oscar to put Maria on the phone, but he says she can’t come right now, because she’s with a client.  Yes, he knows what time it is, but out there, time is money and they’re making it.  He’ll bring her home safe and sound.

Oscar and Susanito take it upon themselves to light the fire—it could be dangerous.  At the last moment Maria takes the Wanted Poster of Santos out, unfolds it and adds it to the pile. The matches work; the stuff goes up in flames; Lady with Bangs cries; Maria cries; she says, Hasta Nunca, Jorge Alfredo; Lo Nuestro se Acabó (until never, JA; our [love] is finished).  Santos hears her singing in his mind up in his room and cries.  Maria watches the fire and cries. (This is just the beginning folks—it will be enough to fill a river before the hour is up.)
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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 7/2/13 (#82): Half a Loaf

Xóchitl finds her mother unconscious on the floor and screams for Julio, who comes running to help. He holds a mirror to Bárbara's mouth and verifies that she is still breathing. Xochi calls an ambulance.

At the hospital, Xochi blames herself for her mother's condition. Julio tries to comfort her, but she seems to turn away from his hug. The doctor gives his diagnosis: Physically, Barb is perfectly healthy. She probably faked her swoon. She needs a psychiatrist. (Or a big bowl of Cocoa Puffs, because she is cuckoo!)

Bárbara is staring vacantly in her hospital bed until Xochi enters. Then Barb puts on her most pained expression and demands to know where Xochi was. She's yelling and scaring the other patients. She particularly complains about Julio. "Julio helped me bring you here," Xochi says. Bárbara grumps some more and pretends to gag or choke. "I know you're faking," Xochi tells her. "The doctor said so!"

Bárbara denies everything and says the doctors are all wrong. She's very sick. (With Munchausen syndrome, maybe!) Xochi tells her mother she thinks she's doing it to get attention, but it's not necessary because Xochi loves her.
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Corazon Indomable, #37, Tuesday, 07-02-13 MariAle gets a new ally, Octavio gets wasted and the baby bump gets real

I feel like this episode had way to much useless dialog, some of what I wrote might not make much sense… but please, blame it on the story, I’m just an innocent victim :)

Oblivio returned from his journey of discovery none the wiser; Maricruz Maria Alejandra Olivarez Mendoza de Narvaez still looked non-pregnant and got into fights with everybody (isn’t she the least bit worried some of this stress will affect her baby?); and everybody else went about their scheming, like they normally do.

Maria Alejandra (I would call her Maja, but that makes me think of Camila’s lovely dog) calls Tobias, wants to talk about the problems Carola is causing, like the fact that she kicked her out of the casino; also, she has no ally in her quest to defend her father against the two Cansicko Sisters. “No lo voy a permitir!” she proclaims, but she needs a power of attorney to stop Carola. Tobi warns her Don Ale won’t giver her one, so MA decides she has to tell him the truth, it’s the only way she’ll have enough authority in front of them bleached ones.
But Tobi is worried about Don Ale’s health, so MA asks him to talk to the doctor about it. And no, she won’t go back to Mexico and give it all up, she still has a card to play – telling Carola she is Don Ale’s daughter!! (Yeah, don’t tell pops the truth, but go ahead and confide in your nemesis! I’m sure Carola’s heart will melt with joy – IF she believes you, that is).  
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Porque el Amor Manda #81 , Monday 1 July. One small step for the lips, one giant leap for the plot.

In brief, and out of order:

Valentina puts Chatita to sleep with her retelling of the boring Queen and Lackey story. In Val's version, a wicked witch put a spell on the Queen and that is why she married the Evile One. Vero wakes Chatita and yanks the Ayudante doll out of her hands.

Elías invites Marisela for an evening out. When he picks her up, Vero is rude and condescending to the young gold-digger. Like she's any better. El and Mari go to a fancy restaurant, where Marisilly stages her usual act of what she thinks sophisticated rich people act like, with the usual abysmal success. Elías looks like he's starting to doubt the tale she's spinning, with her reminiscences of dining at Big Ben and taking a cruise in the fjords of Alaska.

Pato answers Rogue's tragically booty-free call, considerately dressed as a nun so as not to incite an uprising amongst his oppressed lower levels. He irritably puts up with her heckling over his many problems, but then he drops a bomb: he's been ousted from Avon, and his salary isn't coming with him. So buh-bye Sugar Daddy, hello Nine To Five for our Paticakes. She'll have to cut costs; probably give up her expensive apartment. Pato is outraged. WORK?! HER?! What about his other businesses? Well, turns out he had to give up his other TOTALLY LEGITIMATE businesses when he was arrested. No connection, surely.
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Monday, July 01, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #56 (Mex 83.2-84) Monday 7/1/13

Capitulo 83, Part 2: Todo es Perdido (por el momento)

JNTR Rooftop: While Roddy and Paloma are making up elsewhereMaria accuses Santos of not trusting her with the truth. She has conveniently forgotten that she had shut him down from doing so more than once. He admits to having abused her faith in him [Santos, that was a big mistake] but that he never lied about his feelings for her. He wants a chance to prove his innocence to her before the authorities.  However, this isn't cutting any ice with Maria, who tells him in no uncertain terms that she wants him out of her life and the lives of her family and Rodrigo. She turns away, pauses, then takes off the engagement ring and casts it to the ground at his feet.

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Amores Verdaderos #164 Mon 7/1/13 Anyballs steals a signature move from Al Capone... spreading threats all over town... ; Lilly not giving in and JA won't back up on Vicky, so JA and Vicky have sad goodbye... ; Poor Carlos got confused with swiss cheese... AGAIN

Nil-Brain miffed, treats Bea like crap ordering around, then fires Dances.

Bea and Dances talk afterwards, she asks him why got fired, he tells her he had a fling with KenDrat… Bea very understanding. He just wants her to smile. (AWWWWW shucks!!)
Vicky in her art studio thinking… remembers sweet-NOT-Lilly’s words: can accept you as aunt, but not as my dad’s sig other!! JA comes in, reassures her he will fight for her and for their love. Says Lilly has decided her life, (hugs her), have made a decision. Can’t work for u anymore, for dignity. Time to go (haven’t we heard this before?) She asks why now? You have saved my life so many times… he insists its time to fly. He wants to get a job elsewhere (… wait for it… wait for it…) to give you all you deserve. (her color comes back to her face, even more when he repeats he luvs her and smooches her lips swollen…
Lilli in her room talks to pix of mommy, will avenge you, she will pay for every one of the tears you shed for her sake.
Carlos arrives at B mansion, Polita plays her typical PR welcome skid, makes him laugh and goes halfway up the staircase to put up another forced audition… Poor Carlos, he must be getting Howie Mandel syndrome. Have to say with her body language and her hands all over him, she was quite funny.
Adri comes in, Polita plays ‘oopsie, was just entertaining him for you’. Carlos follows the lead, he seemed quite entertained by the whole thing, laughing. (Polita wants to sing the theme of the movie… LOL!!! good one!)

He came to explain why she found another lady actress in his apartment. She says no need to explain. Carlos knows better, she is just playing indifferent but she does care. She says he has always been sincere about relationships, asks him not to worry about her. See you this afternoon at mtg. (he leaves, she takes deep sigh… then tells Tomasina having an open ended relationship will prove unbearable)
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Corazón Indomable #36, 7/1/2013: One Day You’re In, and the Next Day You’re Out, and Mari is OUT!

We start off once again with MariAle rejecting Karim’s measly half a million dollar diamond necklace and earrings, via phone. “I’m not for sale, and I never will be!” Mari claims he would have done better to send her a humble bouquet of flowers (didn’t he try that already?). She tells him to find female company elsewhere. “I’ve got more important things to do.”  *Click* Cara de muy, pero MUY, confused de Karim.

Speaking of confused…up in Tamaulipas, Jose Antonio overestimates Octavio’s powers of reasoning and deduction and figures he must be up to date on what REALLY happened to Maricruz after speaking to Santa (the SAINT). Nope, not so much. He doesn’t know what to believe. JA can’t believe the crap coming out of Tav’s mouth. “Maricruz is NOT a thief!” Tav is still confused because: 1) she was in jail, after all; and 2) Luciafer dropped the charges and freed her. Plus, JA and Santa have no proof to back up their accusations. JA gets in his face (more than a ranch peon should with his boss) and tells Tav his low down, crappy family set Mari up, and freed her just to get her out of town.
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TELEMUNDO Y MAS - week of July 1

Ciao from Sicily! Here is your discussion page on it's new day.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #163 Fri 6/28/13 Kendho, FF and Salsero, Oh My!; Lili Demands, Will Angel Cave?; Anyballs Has a Plan, Sha La La, Sha La La

Hola, Patio Peeps! This recap will not be in order and some scenes have been combined. As usual I may have missed some things/gotten things wrong, please comment and let me know.

We start this epi with Lili and the Angel at Cris' grave and Angel wants he and Lili to leave that Balvanera Manse, it is a wretched place, but Lili stands her ground and says she is now a Balvanera, and wants to enjoy the things her Mama Cris couldn't. Lili really thought that the Angel would have broken it off with Ms Vikki when he found out they were sisters. Lagrimas! Lili wants to spend some time with Anyballs, her Abue. Angel is not happy, cause he knows what Anyballs is all about! Besides she also doesn't like that hateful Nikki and now they are on equal standing. Angel tells her she may be a Balvanera, but she is still an Arriaga. Later, Lili and the Angel are in the Staff support kitchen and continuing the convo from the cemetary. Angel wants them to leave this house with dignity. Lili, meh, not so much, she is doing this for her Mama Cris who should have had the same standing as Ms Vikki. Now Lili demands that her Papa Angel break up with Ms Vikki, can't be in love with Mama's own sister! Que, Que What???? Demanding, please! Angel tells her that he can't help his destiny, he loves Ms Vikki. He also tells Lili, look at her, she is in love with Frankie, who will never love her the way she wants him to. She tells him, well that's ok, cause she isn't related to Frankie! Polita and Jean Marie happen to come upon this arguement and Angel stops and asks for an update on Anyballs. Jean Marie tells them that Ms Vikki called and says he is doing better. They are both glad to hear it. Angel tells Polita he needs to see Ms Vikki when she gets back and goes. Lili tells Polita that she wants to see Ms Vikki first, before her Papa. Jean Marie asks Lili if now they have to address Lili as Senorita Lili, since she is now a Balvanera. She looks at them and nods her head, then bursts out laughing and tells them, she is still the same, friends foreva, group hug!

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CI: #35 - 6/28/13 : The Truth Shall Not Always Set You Free

Scenes are condensed for fluidity.

The Past

2 brain celled Tav is full of joy as his delusional mind allows him to believe his brother Miguel, did some good and moved MC and the family to a new house.  Because Oblivio could not make any inferences to why there is a burnt down shack where MC and her poor family once lived, Miguel guilty has to break it to him what happened (Oblivio must I comment on your lack of intelligence every episode…please surprise me for once…sigh). Oblivio freaks out wondering what happened to Solita and MC. Miguel informs him they both are fine but are gone forever.

The Present
Tobias lets it slip that Don Alejandro also has a grandchild. He quickly covers by saying there is a chance that his daughter could be married with kids. Don Alejandro likes the idea. Just as Tobias digs himself out of one hole he falls into another by stating that he is sure his daughter will return (!!) soon (Tobias, Tobias…. You’re a quick thinker but you need to make an exit before Don Alejandro gets suspicious).
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Qué Bonito Amor #55 (Mex 82-83.1) Friday 6/28/13 One Broken Heart Is Mended and a Bonito Amor Appears To Be Ended Or What a Difference a Week and a Half Makes

Capítulo 82 /83 

The butcher is making sausage which is an ugly business.......They squeezed a lot into an hour again in this episodio.  Here are the

High-points in Half a Minute (cues the echo): Santos escapes his would-be executioners and makes it back to Mexico City; Mil Amores confesses his love to Ana and she admits hers for him; Coloso and the Mariachitos give Fernando a scathing hard time for keeping the truth about JAntos from them.  Maria faints after singing Me Equivoqué Contigo [I Was Wrong About You!] and still nobody but Amalia has a clue as to why; El Coloso begs Maria for a  chance at romance, and she tells him she's a one-love woman;Vanessa lies and cries to the schoolteacher about Rodrigo forcing himself on her and scaring her; Justo resigns his official position so he can return to Mexico with Wendy and help prove Santos is innocent; Maria gives a scathing tongue lashing to Fernando for keeping her in the dark about Santos/JAntos What'shisname and tells Fer never to darken her family's door again; The Godfather gives Giuliano one final chance to get the $10 million back or he'll be shoveling red hot coals with Arnold and Bruno; Maria starts to soften towards El Col and he tells Aventurero he's nearly got her to give him the nod; Santos shows up at the bar looking for Maria to explain things; Fer finds him and tells him she and the whole city know about him now and that she wants nothing more to do with either of them; Maria gives in and goes to the rooftop to give JAntos/Santos hell for lying to her.

Details to come!

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PEAM #80-6/28/13: What Are Julio and Xochi Up To; Chucho Bonds With Pancho Lopez, But Will He Take His Advice, Will Alma Take Rebe's Advice?

Hola, Manda Peeps. This recap will not be in order, scenes have been combined so that the recap flows better. This recap will be in two parts. The first in Monterrey and the second in Toluca.

Happenings in Monterrey:
Chatita is now finished with Cardy and is about to leave, but needs directions of course. She encounters the three sillies and gets directions from them, but has a thought? Are any of them married? They point to Don Gil, he is the only one married in their department. She gets him to give her directions to his home so she can maybe sell Begona some Avon cosmetics and the other sillies joke that she just may need them, ha, ha!

Sebastian has come to pay Rogue a bit of a visit. He wants to know if Rogue has gotten rid of his amante Patymelt yet, cause Sebastian had to convince Alma to marry Rogue, ya know cause Rogue bailed ole Sebas out! Rogue is shocked, I tell you shocked. And that isn't all! He swore that Rogue was a good guy, faithful, trusty, yadda, yadda, and if Rogue doesn't break it off with Patymelt, he'll tell Alma all about what is going on! Rogue isn't taking this lying down, and tells Sebas if he tells on him, he'll tell Alma that Sebas was responsible for her Mama's death. It's the proverbial stand off here! Well, Rogue backs off and apologizes to Sebas and tells him with everything going on, in particular Alma being away in Toluca with that damned secretary, Rogue has been let go from Avon and Sebas is just astounded.
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Friday, June 28, 2013

Weekend Discussion: The Televisa Remake Game; Classic Movies, Second Edition

We had a good time with this before, so here we go again playing Televisa casting director to remake our favorite classic movies!  The rules:
  • Pick a classic movie, any genre.  Title translation optional.
  • Give your dream cast for the Televisa Remake you would produce.  Actors currently under contract to Telemundo are also invited to the casting call.  Although most or all character names would be changed into Spanish ones, use the original character names for clarity.
  • Make note of any minor changes to setting, character relationships, etc.
  • Comment on any previously posted project.

  • New projects should occur at least every third post, but more frequently is good, too!

Considering today's weather and its effect on me (sluggish with brain working at half-speed) and Televisa's track record of doing remakes of remakes, my first entry in this discussion is the a truly great film noir remake (or reboot) – Body Heat:

Ned Racine............     Sergio Sendel
Maddy Walker........    Silvia Navarro
Peter Lowenstein.......  Jorge Salinas
Oscar Grace.............   Ricardo Vera
Edmund Walker.........  Marcelo Buquet
Stella.........................   Laura Carmine
Miles Harden.............  Alejandro Camacho
Mary Ann Simpson..... Altair Jarabo
Roz Kraft................     Eugenia Cauduro
Heather Kraft..........     Karyme Hernández
Teddy Lewis...........     Alex Sirvent
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Amores Verdaderos #162 Thu 6/27/13 Loving You Doesn't Stop Me From Boinking Your Sister

Balzac Demands a Review of His Contract

Luckily for Balzac, none of his Pug buddies are Amores Verdaderos fans or read Caray Caray recaps.  In this scene, Polita is holding Balzac (a Juliard trained pubsbian), who has been humiliatingly stuffed into a tiny red night-shirt with a fur-lined collar.  Polita begins to discuss her employers’ private foyer business such as:   Lilly’s newfound Ballsvanera status and Arriaga’s raunchy activities with Vicky.  She stops herself when she recalls Tomi’s words about loose lips.  Jean Marie doesn’t seem to push the conversation.  He takes Balzac from Polita and says it’s Balzac’s bedtime.    

The Kitten Fight

Back in the Body Guarding Room, the princesses continue to argue.  Disney Princess Lilly tells exiled Princess Nicky that she might be a short hillbilly, but like Nicky, she is a Ballsvanera and has all the rights associated with that name.  Hoping to start a new fashion trend by wearing green Spanx on the outside of a purple skirt, Nicky tells Lilly that Candy’s not the only sweet treat Anibal has sampled.  Disney Princess Lilly promptly loses her entire mind!  There’s so much hair flying, it’s like Saturday night at a Head Bangers Ball! Guzman observes one of his greatest fantasies coming alive right before his eyes.  The only way this could have turned out better is if the cousins were wearing bikinis and wrestling in jello.  Guzman reluctantly steps between them and carries Nicky (kicking and screaming) out the room.
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Qué Bonito Amor #54 (Mex 80.2-81) Thursday 6/27/13 Que Triste Despedida

Jantos finally gets to see his ailing mama.  Justo has stopped blaming Jantos for the crimes he didn't commit and has now decided to blame him for being an idealistic trusting fool.

Fabiano has called Victoriano to report that Ruben's neglecting bidness in favor of chasing a skirt.  Fabian's under orders to get Ruben's house in order.

Wendy asks Jantos' forgiveness for not believing in his innocence.  "I have nothing to forgive you for.  I know what it's like now to be in love…."  Come on, man!  Don't go so easy on her!  He's too busy being dazzled by the miracle of new life. He has a little chat with the fetus, introducing himself as the uncle.

LA cops visit Orange Giuliano to inform him they're investigating Bruno's and Arnold's deaths.  OG plays it cool.

Jantos calls Maria's house and demands that Colosso let him talk to Mario.  The jackass tells Jantos that Maria can't talk to him and hangs up the phone.  Maria demands to know who was on the phone and Colosso actually admits it.   Jantos hits redial as Maria's telling Colosso to step the hell off!  He passes her the phone this time and we're treated to a Mi Amor symphony with an encore of Te Amo.  "I miss you."  "I miss you more."  "No, I miss you more!"  Wendy overhears Jantos' end of the conversation.  Maria reminds Colosso for the millionth time that she loves Jantos and he needs to quit trying to separate them.  Colosso blames his heart and Maria refuses to forgive him this time.
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Corazon Indomable Cap. 34 6-27-13 -- Carola’s Skunked, Lucia’s Punked, and Octavio’s in a Funk

                There were lots of little backstory  bits tucked into this episode, to help those viewers catch up who didn’t watch from the beginning.   It just now hit me, Teobaldo  has two outfits—navy shirt /white pants and white shirt/navy pants.  He must never take a day off, because he’s never out of uniform. 
                Some scenes are combined and may be out of sequence.

Isla Dorada Progress Report
          MariAle phones Don Ale.  He’s feeling better. Things with her are going well, she has money from Emir Karim, a $5,000 client tip.  DA warns her to be careful with him, he could be dangerous. Should she put the money in DA’s account or save it?  He says it’s her money, keep it.
          She feels that she’s the owner of the world and of her fate. When she arrived at his house, she was dirty mess of a girl, now, thanks to his training and counsels, she’s a complete woman who will pay him back as a true daughter would.
          DA asks how much longer is she staying on the island?   She’s staying a while longer, is thinking of renting a little tourist place instead of the hotel.  He thinks a good idea, let him know when she moves. How is Solita? She misses her sister and MA says she’ll bring Soli to the island.
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Thursday, June 27, 2013

PEAM # 79- 6/27/13-Una Familia Con Suerte Names A New Northern Regional Director At An Unusual Board Meeting

Pancho begins by telling everyone that tonight is the big event.  Jesus is trying to find out, what event and Alma sidetracks him by saying that it is a surprise for Jesus.  Pancho’s phone rings, he excuses himself and tells Alma and Jesus not to miss him. Hahaha!!  Jesus and Alma share- “Que the heck” glances.  Alma is a little nervous but Jesus feels that they are good people and that there is nothing to worry about.  Jesus helps Alma to take off her lined coat??? (Why is she wearing that?)  They are alone and Alma thinks that it’s a bad idea that they traveled alone.  Jesus asks if she is scared??? (Wink, wink)  They look at each other as if they are ready to jump on the table in front of them.  We get some scenic photos of Nuevo Leon and then back to Avon.  Enter Dr, Loca- I mean Dr. Marta heading straight towards Marisela’s desk.  She wants to talk to her for 5 minutes. (Note to Marisela- you may need some mace for this chat)  Marisela agrees and Xochy and Susanna note the strange behavior of the psychiatrist who herself needs therapy.   Xochy asks Susanna about Don Sebastian.  They are taking it slow.  Susanna shares that in Acapulco she and Sebastian had a good time.  Paty the Back Stabber brings Rogue the memory stick.  (I hope that he had more than one)  Rogue wants to know if she slept with him.  Why no, Rogue are you jealous???  Paty the back stabber hugs Rogue.
Alma feels weird, but not because of Rogue.  She doesn’t want to be there for the complicated reasons.  Alma asks about Jesus and Vero.  She wants him to be happy and Jesus reminds Alma that his happiness is not with Vero.  Jesus asks Alma why did she ask about Vero at Rogue’s house?  Did she know something?? Then they share long, loving glances at each other.  She doesn’t know what he is talking about and gently takes her hand.  We can all feel the sexual tension. Candelaria aka Candy comes in and announces that the meeting will begin soon, inappropriately hits Jesus with her butt and gives out the folders, throwing Alma’s folder to her and gently handing Jesus his folder.  Alma throws daggers at this person.

Dr. Marta tells Marisela that she is owes her an apology about sending the photos of Elias.  It was childish!  Que the hell??  Did she have a lobotomy?? She was nervous and depressed and didn’t know what was she was thinking.  If they are going to fight for Elias, then it should be civilized.  This time Marisela acts like the fool.  Dr. Marta puts out her hand to shake and asks if they can be friends???  Marisela doesn’t buy it and tells the good doctor that she is super, super crazy.  The good doctor responds that she is a super, super little stupid girl.  (I guess that she didn’t get the lobotomy.) 

Elias is having coffee with his lawyer and concedes that he has lost Vero.  The lawyer says that he is an honest lawyer (is that an oxymoron???)  He should quit while he is ahead.  Start a new life.
Alma is not pleased with the provocative attention that Candy is giving Jesus. Ahem!!!  Alma scolds Jesus for encouraging the behavior with his smile.  Which smile?? The smile makes me all warm and tingly, Jesus.  Alma zips her lips for a change.  Jesus asks about the reason for the meeting and Alma says that it’s about Rogue’s case and that Rogue is innocent until proven guilty.  Jesus is a giddy but bothered by Rogue being referred to as Alma’s husband.  He also knows that Alma knows something about Vero that she won’t tell him.  Come on Alma, tell me, we’re friends.  Jesus as a married woman, I don’t have the right to say anything about your wedding with Vero.
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If at first you don't succeed, stalk!

I saved the first half of my re-cap in Outlook and it seems like Outlook might be down? I can't get it to load at all, so discuss the episode while I wait for Outlook to love me again!

Okay Part 1 is up! Part 2 has also arrived....kinda

The Old Stuff
Maria Alejandra comes home after a long day out, she takes off her shoes (her feet must be so happy!) and when she looks up she finds that she has an unwanted visitor, Karim!

She's just not into you (or your billions)

Majandra (Maria+Alejandra) is not a happy camper, she demands to know how he got into her room and he says that "For Karim closed doors don't exist", to which Majandra replies "and neither do manners", she tells him that her doors are closed to him and he explains that with his influence he managed to get the hotel staff to let him into her room. Majandra is not amused and tells him that he came into her room like a thief and she is going to complain to the administration, she might even sue them! (ha, can you imagine Judge Judy's take on this?!)

Karim, is really calm through Majandras verbal assault and tells her that he tried to call and she was not answering the phone- ah, yes, when someone does not answer the phone instead of leaving a voice mail feel free to break into their home, that way the next time  you call they will answer! I will also suggest that Majandra get a Twitter, that way her stalker can always reach her, her Twitter handle should be @Ihateeveryone, sorry, I get distracted! He also explains that he paid a lot of money to get into her room and would she like to have lunch? Yes, what every girl wants, lunch with a guy that has no understanding of the word "no".

Majandra tells him that she has no desire to have lunch with him and he asks why, "never ask a woman her reasons", Karim though really, really, really wants to know why she won't give him the time of day and she informs him that it is because she is not interested in him, he wants to know if there's a chance that she will change her mind and she says "yeah sure, when hell freezes over"- I made that last part up but she does tell him that she won’t change her mind, he suggests that even steel melts when under a strong fire and she says that the feelings of a woman scorned can't be changed. He tells her he can give her jewels, and money, make her super rich but she is not having it! She tells him to stop being such a spoiled brat, and he says that he wants her and won’t give up! Majandra finally tells him that if he does not leave she will, he takes the hint and agrees to go, but not before saying that he has never had a woman reject him, Majandra says that there's a first time for everything.

The clueless Pilots:

Eduardo is complaining to Octavio about being rooster blocked by Maricruz numero 3. She ruined his attempt at getting Aracely to run off to Mexico with him for a few days because she got him to admit that he was not going to marry her, he does not like Majandra because she's a busybody. Skip to a few scenes later and Eduardo and Octavio are discussing  women again (don't these guys ever talk about sports or something?) anyhoo, the conversation eventually moves back to Maricruz3 and to Octavio’s interest in her, Ed suggests that Octavio is falling for Majandra and Octavio says nope, he could never fall for the snob! Maybe he's just attracted to her because she looks like Maricruz, Ed says that if he loved Maricruz he would have stayed with her in the ranch, Octavio shuts down this conversation real fast, I guess he hates talking about how he abandoned his poor wife and left without saying good bye, yep, that's something I would want to forget too.

Teobaldo, Aracely-Can this relationship be any more creepy?

Aracely is sitting around the house crying, she's sad because she had to give up her job and because Eduardo has said he does not want to marry her, she wants to go visit her family and Teobaldo reminds her that they agreed she would go to school, she says she doesn’t want to do anything! Eventually the conversation turns to her would be suitor, she loves Ed and Teo is scaring him away, Teo tells her that if Ed is really interested in her he should come and speak to him about his intentions (why? You’re not even a family member, this girl needs to get a job and run away in the middle of the night), and what if Ed does not want to meet with Teo? Well, in that case he will have to pay for all the tears Aracely sheds, okay, that’s not creepy, that’s not creepy at ALL.
End of Part 1-

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Amores Verdaderos #161 Wed 6/26/13 Nelson Brizz is Going Rogue!

Hi, my name is Nicole Brizz Balvanera and I'll be your server today.
Nikki may have no experience waiting tables but her beauty and ditzy charm have the desired effect.  She gets the job at Angelo's Pizzeria and manages to keep the customers smiling even as she mixes up their orders.  (No problem, relax, just move your tables together and you can share.  And they do!  Híper-cool!)

Guzmancito gets a temporary job as bodyguard for some musicians. He stops by the pizzeria to see his sweet girl and is touched by what she is doing.  She wants to stop by the Balvanera house after work and he agrees to go with her.

The symptoms of Paula's illness are becoming harder to camouflage.  She keeps her agony to herself and feigns cheerfulness in front of her family.  Gilda and Candelaria remain her only confidantes.

Joan is daydreaming about Adriana when an unexpected visitor shows up on his doorstep.  Hold on to your beanies, out there on the Patio -- it's her Orangeness, Carmina Bouvier*, standing straight and tall and unaccountably calling herself Bruna Cristo!  ¡No lo puedo creer!  Bruna is going to play the lead role in Amores verdaderos.  No. Really.  She and Joan exchange pleasantries and move on to an energetic and extended smooch.  She is disposed to move from the vertical to the horizontal but Joan surprises her -- and us -- by excusing himself and leaving her to wonder if she has lost her touch.
[Actress Sabine Moussier last seen as a villainous citrus fruit in Abismo de pasión, aka, The Passion Pit.]
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Qué Bonito Amor #53 (Mex 79-80.1) Wednesday 6/26/13 Arnold and Altagracia meet their Anvils, while a new one is ordered for Fabian.

It's my night to blog, so of course all I get is the tail end of Colosso holding the last note of a song. Go figure

·                     Tijuana – the popo have caught up with Jantos and Salvador.  They're taken into custody where he's shown a wanted poster for Santos.  Now he'll get to rot in jail while he awaits his extradition….or will he?  Santos and Salvador quickly get the best of the Keystone/TJ Cops and escape! 

·                     Don Braulio has arrived at the Mendoza household armed with eviction orders and Colosso and Rodrigo kick him out instead, but not before his attorney leaves the eviction notice (orden de  desalojo)  – outside they meet with the real brains behind the eviction scheme – Ruben! – who pays them off handsomely.  Ruben thoughtbubbles about how Braulio has committed a crime without knowing it and now Ruben plans to take the vecindad for himself

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

PEAM #78-6/26/13: Whoever Marries Without Love, Pays The Price With Tears!

Pato, Rogelio is home!
-Well, not so good, we have to sleep in separate beds!
-That's bad!
-Not so bad, he kicks and he wouldn't let me sleep!
-I know! I mean, that's good!

When Patricia arrives to Rogelio's home, the doctor is still there giving the last instructions. Then Rogelio starts to argue with Alma about the twin beds they need to sleep in tonight. Of course, Patricia is careless and mocks the reason why that happened, going to the extreme to make sexual jokes regarding the ''little problem''. Rogelio is devastated, he is being hit from all fronts. Alma, who should be staying in her penthouse at least until Rogelio gets better, decides to spend the night. The Unefón rings, and Alma tells them that Pancho López, from the main offices in Toluca, wants to see her immediately, so tomorrow, she will be traveling once again (would they belong to the high mile club?). Patricia, whose list includes sowing seeds of doubt in Alma's soul, makes fun of both until she gets what she wants, and tells  Alma to find out who Rogelio really is. 
Tomorrow will be a big day, so without a good night kiss, Rogelio and Alma go to bed and turn off the lights.

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Qué Bonito Amor #52 (Mex 77.2-78) Tuesday 6/25/13

To live and die in El Lay  
by Ellie

I missed the first 11 minutes of tonights episode becuase I was watching Catfish on MTV and forgot to set my DVR to record QBA, if I missed anything let me know

Oh boy this a dark episode and no one was having a good day.

 Maria and the other vecindad folks learn that their slumlord Braulio wants them all out, and to that they say "hell no we won't go!" Maria stands up to Braulio and tells him that he will not be able to kick them out of their home, at least not without a legal battle. I missed whatever happened here but next thing I know Braulio, in full on sleazy mode comes to visit Amalia and tries to get all up in her business (I'd like to see women in these shows get rape whistles and pepper spray), she tries to get away from him but he is like white on rice and tries to kiss her, while telling her that she is poor by choice, if she gave him the time of day she would be set! While trying to escape his clutches she falls and bumps her head, Braulio runs away from the scene and offers no help.

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CI: The Prince and the Pauper Pilots

capítulo 32

Carola doesn’t waste time in asking Alejandro what the true relationship between him and Maria Alejandra is.  Don Ale tells her unequivocally that it’s not what she thinks; MariAle’s not his lover. Carola continues her deferential ministrations, toadying to Alejandro while professing total trustworthiness and scrupulous management of the casino and its accounts, but also continuing to question his intentions in sending this irreverent parvenu to scrutinize her every move and to oversee her bookkeeping.  He tells Caro the girl’s a brilliant talent—well not for the casino biz, advises Carola.  She’s flunked public relations by snubbing their big whale, Emir Karim.  Papijandro gets a belly laugh and a half out of that little tidbit,  putting a couple more kinks into a Caro’s sphincter.  She poses the 64,000 peso question: does he still trust her?

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Amores Verdaderos #160 Tue 6/25/13 Evil wears very red lipstick

Amores Verdaderos Cap 160 6-25-13—Evil wears very red lipstick

A quick overview, more coming later:


* Nikki and Guzmancito discuss their grim financial circumstances. Nikki is resolved to tough it out. She looks through the help wanted ads; some promising positions (dead-end jobs) but each has something wrong with it. At least she's willing to consider dead-end jobs, though. Good for you, Nikki!

* The Furry Fornicator is going to seal the deal on a new house for Kendra-the-Ho. She's crowing in triumph. She's also got the FF to sign over insurance papers in hers and Mia's name, leaving Nikki out of the equation entirely.

* Paula wonders to herself how long she can keep her illness a secret. Makeup covers up the bags under her eyes and her pale complexion for now, but how much longer?

* At the grand opening of Lili's garden goes well—at first. Roy the Boy is becoming more and more likable  as he embraces his garden assistant job under his "pretty boss," Lili. Drama plays out amidst the plants, however. Paula attends because Lili asked. Vicki and she bury the hatchet. Also Vicki buries the hatchet with Cande, now that she knows that Cande wasn't the ho that was off globetrotting with Anyballs when Vicki's mom was on her deathbed.

* Adriana confronts Cande now that she knows that she's Lili's "aunt." Why didn't Cande say anything? She and Anyballs are peas in a pod! Cande is so full of guilt that she's about to spill the beans ("She's more than your niece, she's your . . . !") but she chickens out at the last minute and just says that Lili regards Adri as a "second mother" and Cande urges Adri to make the most of that, as Lili really needs a mother-figure right now.

* Lili gives a tearful thank you speech to all the visitors, ending it with a heartfelt thanks to her mom, Christina.

* Kendra-the-Ho goes to visit Nikki and cause trouble. Nikki really isn't in the mood for it and keeps on telling Kendra to get the hell out. Kendra, of course, won't. She cries crocodile tears and pretends that she's "sorry" for all she's done. Nikki doesn't believe. Before the Ho leaves, she tells Nikki that Lili's big Grand Opening is today, and that Lili is the one taking advantage of Anyball's generosity, now that Nikki is on the outs with Anyballs.

* Nikki shows up at the Grand Opening to bum everyone out. She makes a jealous scene and bitches about Gramps and Lili. Lili says that Nikki is jealous (too true!). Nikki is ushered off and Gramps tries to smooth things over for the guests. Nikki tells a concerned Vicki that Gramps is closing doors for her and the Little Ape. Vicki seems surprised by this. (What? You think he wouldn't do that, after what he did to Carlos all those years ago?)

* Vicki approaches Anyballs about him blackballing Nikki and Guzmancito. Gramps says he doesn't have to explain anything to anyone. Vicki says she's an exception. He defends his douchebaggery by saying he doesn't approve of Guzmancito. This is all unacceptable for Vicki. She wants to help Guzmancito, as she later tells Big Angel. Big Angel understands, but advises her to be careful when offering help, as Guzmancito is like he is—poor, but proud.

* Vicki and Big Angel are discussing in a private corner of the garden, the bad blood between Nikki and Lili. They don't know what to do. Big Angel doesn't approve of the way Nikki talked to Lili. Lili has wandered by and overhears this. She stays to hear Vicki and Big Angel talk about "their relationship" and so the truth is out. She is all teary and unhappy and about to confront them when Roy the Boy pulls her away to tell her that they've got a big client! And there will be more where that comes from!

* On the way back home, Nikki passes by a restaurant with a "waitress wanted" sign. She goes in and asks for a job. Turns out the waitress they just hired hasn't shown up, so Nikki is going to get a chance! She is thrilled and gloats that regardless of Anyball's interference, she and Guzmancito will succeed, and the hell with Lili! Her little garden will fail, mwahahaha! Admiration and sympathy points for Nikki are all erased as she gloats at the thought of Lili's failure.

* The Ho is gloating with Espanto about her latest triumphs with the Furry Fornicator. He's getting them a house! She hints to Espanto that both the FF and her little sickly niña Mia are getting to be a drag. Espanto gets the message—he balks and says he's killed before, but killing a BABY?!?!? Even he won't sink that low! The Ho tells him that for the proper amount of cash, he'll manage. (Is this THE most evil character ever? I wonder!) Meanwhile, the FF has an upset—he isn't going to get the money to pay for the house after all. He's in a snit. When he tells the Ho the news, she has a shrieking fit. He hangs up on her—he doesn't need this crap right now! (Salsa-Dude is listening to this and chuckling to himself because he knows how furious the Ho will be.)  The Ho complains to Espanto about this latest upset, but talks about the FF has more funds (his stock in the new account UltraBelle) which will be coming soon. She'll be swimming in money! Espanto leers greedily behind her.


AVANCES: A sloshed-up Furry Fornicator seems on the cusp of spilling all the family secrets in front of everyone. MUST SEE TV!!!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 6/25/13 (#77): Relocations and Dislocations


Cardenas proudly shows off his no-longer-mysterious tube TV/telenovela collection to Chatita.

At home, Eli is despondent that Vero moved out. Minerva tries to cheer him up, saying there's always hope. But she sounds like she's quoting a fortune cookie. Meanwhile, Marisela is coming up the walk and thinking that this palatial estate is just the place for her.

The boner specialist says that not only will Alma and Rogue have to wait before they can have relations, but Alma will have to sleep in another bed. Otherwise, you know, she might thrash around in her sleep and knock that thing clean off of him by mistake. (Yes. We'll just say it was a mistake.) Patymelt pretends to be amazed that Alma isn't just climbing the walls in frustration to be with her new husband. She gloats openly in front of Rogue and imagines laying a passionate kiss on him in front of Alma.

Chucho comes home to Vero's surprise dinner. He is very, very slow to understand that she intends to live with him; but when he finally understands, he refuses. Emphatically. Sort of. But she is so pathetic: she has nowhere to go. She has no money. Eli cut off all her bank cards and whatnot, and she spent all the rest on groceries for this dinner. (Note for Vero next time: you don't need to buy two cows to feed three people for one meal.)

Fernando actually gets a warmer welcome from his cellmate than Vero got from Chucho. By bedtime, they have bonded sufficiently for Fernando to confide that he had nothing to do with Rogue's crime; he never made a dime off of it; he's loyal to Rogue because Rogue cared for Fernando like a father; and their father was never around when they were growing up.

One more thing...
Alma tells Rogue that she's been summoned to Avon's Maximum Wrinkle-Stopping Ultimate Mosquito-Repelling Supreme Control Center Anti-Aging Home Office Anti-Smudge Mega-Headquarters in Toluca. She has to go tomorrow. Rogue suspects this won't turn out well for him.
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Porque el Amor Manda #76, Monday 24 June. What happens when you call a girl a princess and put her on a pedestal.

So Val's gone walkabout from the office, and everyone is friqueando. They look "everywhere", meaning mostly in their own area. The guards say she hasn't left the building, so Chucho runs down the fire stairs, and then back up again, to show off his fitness. Then he searches the conference room and men's room back in the admin area. No luck. He runs down to the garage, and Alma follows. Val isn't there, but our Trepid Heroes have time for some Significant Looks and a leisurely chat about having faith before they take up the search once more...back in the admin office.

Meanwhile, down in the bodega, row upon row of boxes is neatly stacked on racks. Val finds one of only three wooden crates in the whole place, half full of packing peanuts, decides this is her princess carriage, and climbs in and closes it. See, this is what happens when you keep telling little girls they are princesses. So here come our warehouse dudes, who of course need to lift that almost-empty wooden crate way up to the top of a high and precarious stack of cardboard boxes, which are not on racks, with the forklift. Their only task for the day done, they leave. Val is friqueando and screaming for Daddy.

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