Saturday, November 21, 2015

Pasión y Poder Episode #13 Friday, November 20th 2015 The one where the Gomez Luna men have girl trouble.

When we last left off, Julia had walked in and found Hubs (Eladio) and The Ratt (Montse) in a rather compromising situation. In a surprising twist, Eladio wasn't able to weasel his way out of this one, despite The Ratt's squeaks, err pleas, that she and Eladio have nothing together. And despite, Eladio attempting to explain to Julia that what she saw was a terrible misunderstanding. Julia leaves the Gomez Luna offices believing that Hubs is cheating on her with The Ratt. [Side Note #1: It should be noted that one point, Julia told Eladio that she thought that his flings were over with, which would indicate, that she knows very well that he has had affairs with other women.] [Side Note #2: Marinita, or whatever her name is, was seen slithering past Eladio, at the end of the scene, which would indicate that she had overheard the entire argument between Julia and Eladio.] 

Daniela spews some BS to Arturo about wanting to head off to Queretaro because she wants to change and wants to patch things up with her sister Regina. Well, Arturo Montenegro wasn't born yesterday, so he's not buying the BS, AT FIRST. But then, Daniela claims that she talked to her mother about her "change" and as expected Mommie Dearest backs her slutty daughter up. Well, that's enough for Arturo, to allow Daniela to head on over to Queretaro, so I guess he was born yesterday. [Side Note: It should be noted that during this scene, the Joshua factor came up, and Arturo made it clear to Nina that he didn't want to smell, err see, Joshua in the Montenegro household ever again.] 

Ms. Insensitive, err Clara, decides to chit chat with Maribel, who is obviously suffering another headache, about the embrace and support she received from Francisco, regarding how sad Clara was over what is happening to Maribel. Clara can't seem to accept what is happening to Maribel, but Maribel has already accepted it, and advises Clara to live and enjoy every moment of her life. Maribel also advises Clara to get closer to Francisco and to not wait for him to get close to her. Jacinto joins the group and he picks up his daughter Luisita. He then passes Luisita over to Maribel,  so she can hold her daughter, but Maribel can't handle the weight of her daughter, and nearly falls down. Jacinto realizes that Maribel isn't feeling well and he asks her go on inside, telling her that he can take care of the corn stand for her. But Maribel refuses to go inside, in fact no one is leaving, they'll all stay together like a family. 

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Friday, November 20, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #63 Fri 11/20/15 (Mex 91-92) You Make Your Bed with a Cold, Pale, Wrinkled Bag of Bones; You Lay in It!

Ciao, Muchacha Peeps!  Let's jump right in.  Scenes have been combined and are not necessarily in the order of broadcast.

Remember that Sergio was telling Pedro that whenever Granny says so, they have to assume the position so he'd better make it to the chapel on time with Aitana. . .who bursts into the office with Julieta.  She ignores Pete's anger at the lack of respect and insistence that he's got work to do.  Petey darts out to take a call from Fiorella:  He wants to run away with her, she says destiny is separating them again.   She throws the phone and says it would've been best if they never met. All three convince Petey to adjust his priorities and the ladies herd Petey off to pick out rings and the wedding cake and other matrimonial frou frou, leaving Sergio in the office.

Freddie enters the office where Sergio has made himself comfy with a cigar and more than a shot of liquor.  She pumps him for information about the relationship between her Father, Gabriel, and his Father, Maximo.  It was bad, they were like water and oil and fought all the time; one would never know they were brothers!  Once their Father died and the business was left to the two of them, they argued more than ever, especially about how to manage the business.  Maximo ended up being the head hancho Freddie says, baiting Sergio, because he was brighter and more fit.  Oh no, goes Sergio, your Father was very capable and talented; it was such a shame that he died.  Yes, she adds, under suspicious circumstances; but she was very young and it was never clear to her what happened.  Sergio thinks such rivalries are common:  he had one between himself and his brother (the late) Osvaldo, Sr., and Gael and Osvaldo Jr. have the same rivalry.  Sergio observes that he was never serious competition for his brother as far as the business was concerned, being the fun-loving type and all.  [I feel like there should be some kind of alert here, but I'm not sure exactly about what.  Any ideas?]  Anyway, Sergio insists such rivalries are normal, yah, Freddie thinks it's all fun and games until somebody dies and it must've been hard for him when his brother died like it was when her Father died.  We can hear the wheels in Freddie's head creaking down the same old rutted road.

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Antes muerta que Lichita #43 Friday 11/20/15 ALicia makes her demands... but ends up agreeing to marry ALex... Marta causes Mateo to have a new crisis, which alarms and upsets Roberto

A very self-confident Alicia tells Augustus she thought about it very well and she will marry Alex but only if she becomes the Creative Director. Augustus predictably reacts a bit proud ‘Wow, wow! (lol!) no less than the CREATIVE DIRECTOR of ICONIKA!! Hey kiddo, don’t you think that is a bit steep? … makes sense, you marry my son in exchange with ANOTHER promotion’ Alicia assures him her work will be up to par with her new title. He responds ‘it better be… it won’t be easy jaja! … let’s see if you can carry the load!’

Alicia assures us she can! She adds to Augustus ‘Since Roberto had nothing to do with this there is no need to take his job away… he can take a role as Sub-Director or similar…’ Augustus protests that she now is making up position titles at the agency … Agu jokes that he will now be the one that sells coffee. Alicia adds to her list of requests: stop blocking my parents business of the coffee shop. Augustus claims he is totally unrelated to that situation. But he offers he will have someone find out what is going on there. By the way, regarding the compromising photos, you better be putting distance from your ‘amiguitos’. Alicia asks Augustus if Alex is aware of this offer, is he willing to marry ‘me’? Augus gets close to her face in a jolt.

At Iconika, the reporter lady is now interviewing Roberto. She is very curious about Mateo… Roberto detours her back to his job at the company. Then Luciana starts making up a advertising profile background… saying he has worked in Mexican and worldwide advertising agencies. Shushette adds on to the mask full of false facts… Roberto again tries to detour the conversation to his CURRENT job at the agency.

Augustus is meeting with Alex in his office. Alex still refusing to deny who he really is… Augustus insists that he has to come to his senses and shows him a magazine cover with a photo of Alex’s love interest ‘Kenny Williams’ with a title saying he just got engaged to a certain Hilary Paterson. Augustus tells Alex that the ‘tipo’ with whom he was related understood the game of appearances. Alex picks up the magazine and reads the title with a teary voice. Augustus apparently also has some teary shadow in his eyes… ‘this world is based on appearances, if your ex understands it, why don’t you?’ Alex asks ‘and you knew about it already?’

At reception tres amigas… the girls are mocking Magos about her having trouble with ‘guero’ and his girl. Fatima comes and rants at Magos about complaints that have come to her regarding that situation.

Alex tells Augustus ‘you investigated… you not only knew I was gay but every detail of my life… you never stop surprising me.’ Augustus claims that is why I am where I am and I am who I am. Alex continues ‘in the end, you don’t forgive that I am not like you… you think I have a weak character…’ Augustus comes over to hug him and assure him ‘I only want to open your eyes… if you came out, you would make many unhappy, beginning with your family…’ / ‘Then to avoid making others unhappy I have to make myself unhappy? I have to sacrifice myself?’ / ‘no, no!! don’t look at it that way! … your mother would not resist seeing you like that, and you would never be out of trouble… didn’t a guy beat you up, even if he had the same sexual orientation as you? Nothing good awaits you following that life!’ Alex claims it was just bad luck… Augustus says no… don’t be selfish, think of those of us who love you. (who is selfish?? ) if I am asking you is because I love you… I won’t be around always to get you out of trouble! I beg you, please accept…

(the new actress, Marle [Patty Navidad]) is yelling at Alicia and Elias… she claims it is a lack of respect and dignity to make her wait… Alicia and Elias apologize and assure her they will make it up to her. Marle says Elias and her were talking for a long time, she says Elias is interesting… Elias says the same. Marle leaves, ‘I want something dignified/to the level of… my fabulous brand!... I am a genius! I know!’ Marle and Elias have a flirty goodbye… Alicia looks at Elias a bit inquisitive… makes the ‘I am watching you’ sign with her fingers.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pasión y Poder #12, Wednesday, 11-18-2015

Hey folks! Bad news. I did not get the very beginning of the episode. My DVR was set to start 1 minute early, but I guess Uni started the capitulo earlier than that. I will start the recap where my recording started.

Arturo and Augustin are talking at the office about Julia and her marriage. They are under the impression that it is a good marriage. Little do they know all that Julia has suffered.

Clarita is talking with Francisco at their place of work. Through tears she tells him about her friend Maribel who is sick and that she has no cure. He offers his help and gives her a hug. Franco sees this public show of affection and tells them to get back to work. Clarita goes back to work. Franco tells Francisco that even though he is David's friend, his Godfather can still fire him. Francisco tells him yes, like you said only Mr. Gomez Luna can fire me. He gives Franco a stare down that proves he is not afraid of him.

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Antes muerta que Lichita #42 Wednesday 11/18/15 "Managing and Selling Images: Layers of the Truth"

Thursday night: Latin Grammies. More Lichita on Friday.

There was some question yesterday as to the meaning of "flor de quilombo" as Valeriana was warning Luciana that she would be creating a "flor de quilombo" if she were to keep going after Alicia. "Flor de quilombo" is Argentine slang (Lunfardo) for a big mess/enormous problem. Great job by the writers trying to include some Argentine vocab with the Argentine characters.

Now on to tonight . . .

Back we go to Alicia being told the way things are by Augusto. She will marry Alex or else she and her whole family will suffer economically. He knows all about them and their precarious financial position. Augusto wants her to act as a "tapadora" "front/cover" for Alex. She can save Alex's career and her own. She asks Augusto what if she does not want to get married? Augusto tells her he does not threaten (is he channeling Catalina Creel from "Cuna de Lobos"?) and gives her ONE day to decide. Does she want to lose it all or gain a lot more? Augusto motions her to leave, closes the door and laughs.

Elsa and Nacho are discussing with the municipal government representatives who have come to shut down their business. Nacho tells them he got all of the permits that were needed so how can they shut them down? Seems that for starters they do not have their "derecho de reventa" "resale right" (resellers license?) That is followed by picayune problems that these representatives have detailed. Elsa is convinced that somebody must have invented these complaints just to drive them out of business. Nacho says they will be going down to the the municipal government office to sort it all out. The government workers have them vacate the premises and have seals to officially close the business.
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #92, Wed 11/18/15: Isela and Ivana Confront Their Abusers, But Find They are Looking in a Warped Mirror

Max solemnly greets Clara and tells her the reason Leo hasn’t been answering her calls is because Alma revealed last night that she has cancer. Not only that, but she also told them that her cancer has advanced and she does not plan on getting treatment. Leo took it badly and slept curled up with Alma. Clara understands how devastated they must all be, says she will call Leo later, and makes a quick exit.

Up north, Doris joins Nana Chelito at the dining table, and scolds Chelito for eating all that delicious looking bread, when diabetes runs in her family. Chelito basically tells her she’s already old, and she didn’t get to enjoy the good things in life when she was young because she was always working—not even going out with male suitors. Doris wonders if that means that Nana has never done the deed. Chelito basically responds that she’s got her own secrets and it’s none of Doris’ business. Doris starts complaining that she’ll be in the same boat with Orlando ‘cause he won’t give up the goodies under wraps in his package. Chelito doesn’t understand young women today. In the old days, women would beat lousy men off with a stick to keep their grubby paws off them. Now, women don’t appreciate a good man who respects them. She asks if Doris doesn’t think she saw what went on (or didn’t) on that couch last night? (That’s right, Doris. You should be blushing.) If she wants someone like Ari, he’s there waiting for her. But don’t waste Orly’s time. Doris points out that these days, sex is no big deal if the two people love each other. Chelito’s advice is to enjoy the courtship, and allow love and respect to grow over time.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #62 Wed 11/18/15 (Mex 90) Here we go again

I almost thought Vitto had overplayed his hand when Fi said it was all too much, between Gianna being sick and her dad having just died and she might actually take of running because she couldn't handle being around any more sickness/death right now, but nooooooooo…she ended up promising never to leave him, as overheard by Diana.  Oh, what's he dying of?  They don't know yet.  They're still running tests.  But he's totes dying.  *roll eyes*  Well, what the hell, it's not like we love Fi for her critical thinking skills.

She called Pedro, in the midst of Vitto's fake "I'm dying" speech and told him NOT to call things off, and then later had a big cry-fest with him in the garden because she can't possibly leave a dying man, blah, blah, blah.

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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #41 Tuesday 11/17/15: In which so much stuff happens!

Whew, this was a really busy one, guys!

Luci, initially delighted to catch Lichicienta in the act of cheating on Alex with some gross old married dude, is horrified to see her smooching Beto! She snaps some photos for evidence and then indulges in some angry selfies!
Luci in shock!

She goes to her mom and whines: "Who knows what twisted and perverted tricks that Alicia used to ensnare Beto!?" Her mom points out that as of yesterday she was all aflutter for Alex and mad at Lichita for getting him. Luci explains that yeah, she liked Alex and was done with Beto, but when she saw him kiss Alicia so passionately, the ground shook beneath her. In the most brilliantly sarcastic line of the night, her mom, who's seen this all before, gasps: "another earthquake strikes Mexico!"

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Yo No CreoEn Los Hombres #91 Tue 11/17/15: Mother and Son Reunions

 (I’m doing this from memory cuz I’m in a hurry today.  If I got it wrong or left any out, my apologies.)

Daniel, smelling and looking like  sewer rat after slinking off from prison at his release, grabs hold of Maria Delores, pulls Julian out of his wheelchair and into the street, and then threatens  her and throws another guilt trip on her.  He then races off up to Josefa’s apartment, bangsing till she lets him in.  Julian is lying in the street but MD takes the time to help him back into his wheelchair and screams for him or somebody to call the police. 

Daniel finds the cell phone and calls Ursula to tell her to pick him up from there.  He then makes his way to Hosie’s kitchen and holds her off at knifepoint while grabbing food out of the kitchen.  She convinces him—one sewer rat to another-- that they should make a pact  to wreck MD’s and Max’s wedding by blurting out the truth about Claudio and Isela’s affair.  “—That news will stop the wedding for certain!”  He agrees.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Pasión y Poder #11 Martes 11/17/15

Chapter 11: Sex, Lies, and Seduction

Eladio left Monserrat's apartment just missing Erick, who ducked out of sight just time to to avoid being caught. Once Eladio was gone Erick took the long-stemmed roses he had brought and hit the wall twice with them. That was enough to scatter the petals all over the floor. He then rang Monserrat's doorbell and charged in, demanding some answers. She finally told him that Eladio Gómez Luna paid for the apartment.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #61 Tue 11/17/15 (Mex 89) Buncha lying liars

Benito can try to fake it all he wants, but Pedro heard what he heard.

Gael confides in Roxi about Osvaldo's threat.  She knows Osvaldo's capable of some truly assy behavior, but she doesn't think he'd come at Gi after everything Pedro has done.  She even apologizes for exposing them to Eloisa.  She half-jokingly says if he's going to break up with Gi, he'd better not kill her in the process!

Pedro goes to Gianna's room looking for Fi.  She's playing with her balloons, which unfortunately does not include inhaling the helium and inviting Pedro to do the same.  She's looking for Gael, but he won't answer his phone.

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Antes muerte que Lichita #40 Monday 11/16/15: Alicia on the rise and Alex's secret uncovered.

Alicia's surprise presentation in kimono is a big hit - she then take off the kimono and underneath is a t-shirt and skirt, she says, and THIS is the heart of the Latina. (?) Anyway, Augusto loves the presentation and so does the client, who says: "This is much more original than the first one you showed me, I'm enchanted, it's good that Alicia and not Luciana is now our creative director." She gets applause.

After they leave (the client saying, "you robbed my heart,") Sandra screams at Alicia about pulling this surprise. Beto deflects the rage saying "I knew about it," which is not true, and Augusto points out that it was all a success so stop beefing. Alone, Elias congratulates Alicia: "you are truly a creative director and remember - it's better to surprise than disappoint."

Magos pathetically continues to more-or-less pole dance all around Luis, purported father of Ximena. He pays little attention. Turns out the blond in the photo on his desk is his girlfriend. [How did he get this job with an office so easily??] Mags is undaunted.

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Pasión y Poder #10 Mon 11/16/15 Connie Smells a Ratt because She Smells Like One Too!


In full view of Arturo, Eladio plants a whopper on Julia’s lips.  Eladio finishing slobbering over Julia and goes over to Arturo pee on Arturo’s leg and shakes his hand.  Julia tries to stop him, but he assures her that everything will be ok.  Later, Arturo stares longingly at the Gomez-Luna table while Julia gives Eladio smoochies. 

Gabriela runs into Franco in the hallway.  He wants to know why the Montenegros were invited.  He’s tired of looking at them.  Gabriela tells him not to pick a fight with their guests.  She also informs him that Julia knows about their relationship.  She wants to speak with him and no longer wants them to boink in her home or on her couch until he gets some balls and talks to Eladio.  In other words, Gabriela reminds Franco that there will be no thing without a ring, no nookie without a cookie, no more kisses without the Mrs.  Talk to her uncle or else. 

Daniela arrives stag to the event after turning down escort service and another butt massage from Johnny; she’s not feeling well.  After he left the house, Daniela instructed Petra to call the chauffer.  Daniela has higher standards now. 
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #90 Lunes 11/16/15

Chapter 90: The Great Escape

Orlando and Doris talked. They needed to dispel all misunderstanding. She apologised for the needy message. He realized that since the change in their relationship he had been very happy. But he said he needed to get away from the nabe and from Isela. He needed a little time. “I wanted to live here in Chelito's town. With you.” That was the best news Doris ever heard. They went inside.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #60 Mon 11/16/15 (Mex 87-88) Los ricos también sufren. . .de la estupidez!

Ciao, Peeps!  Well, here's tonight's action and, in true Patio fashion, y'all should feel free to fill in because there was a lot of business talk tonight and I'm kinda wobbly on that stuff.  Anywho, here goes.  There was some jumping around so I have combined scenes and hope it's coherent.  Freddie hears Fiorella tell Simoneta that while she doesn't want to return to Pedro, because he's engaged, she is not sure she wants to marry Vittorio either.

Julieta tells Sergio she's going to Italy, Rome to be exact, with Santino Orsini.  Sergio is immediately jealous and thinks he should go with her but Julieta nixes the idea.

Freddie reports back to Dante about Fiorella and Gianna moving back into El Rancho.  She directs this little plotting session:  the goal is to keep Pedro away from Aitana AND Fiorella so that he can suffer the way she suffered when her Father died (kinda of an "off" comparison, but this is Freddie), and she wants to make sure Fifi marries Vitto so as to be rid of the opportunistic Italian heffa!  The first step is Dante's telling Eloisa about the hospital room Pedro has set up.  He trots off like a dutiful bull dog.

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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Celia, Bajo el Mismo Cielo, Señora Acero and Preciosa Perla: Week of November 16, 2015

Here's your page for this week.  Enjoy!

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La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #105-109 Nov. 16-20

Here's this week's post.


¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (November 16, 2015)

Hola Carayites!

In this week's edition:

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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres-Cap 89-Fri 11/13/15, Or New Year, Same Old Problems

As usual, scenes combined, not continuous

Honoria Hangs on to Hope

Jenny tells Hon per her doctor boss, they are many techniques, devices and procedures that can help Julian have a child. The important thing is that Julian takes medical tests to find out if he's able to have children since his inability to move his legs doesn't mean he's sterile.

Hon asks Jenny if she would be willing to have children with Julian. Jenny reminds Hon that Julian has completely friendzoned her. He sees her as a sister and any children she has, he'd only be their uncle.
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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Pasión y Poder #9, November 13: So yeah, I went out with your sister, mi amor.

(some scenes have been combined) 

David and Regina are both "wowed" by the passionate smooch they have shared. She's drunk and admits that she doesn't dislike him like she had made him believe. He thinks she needs to rest and she stumbles into her room and falls onto the bed. He asks if she's alright and helps her get out of her heels. She pulls him onto the bed with her. But he doesn't want a repeat of what happened with Daniela. She doesn't realize that when he said "Daniela" he meant her sister and asks him if he has a girlfriend. He replies that he doesn't and then quickly changes the subject telling her that he'll call room service to bring her some coffee to help cure her drunkenness. As he heads to the phone, she pulls him from the back of his shirt, and almost falls down. He catches her and then helps her get back onto the bed. The two now sit together on the bed, and she tells him that for the first time in her life she's going to do what she wants. She then pulls him on top of her as they both lay down on the bed.

Over with the poor folks .. Maribel tells Doña Gisela and Clara that she'll have to use a part of her and her husband Jacinto's savings to pay for the medical tests that she needs to have done. She mentions how the doctor said that she didn't like what she saw. Doña Gisela thinks it doesn't sound good and urges Maribel to let her husband know what is happening. But Maribel doesn't want to let him know at least not until he returns from his trip. Maribel and Luisita leave. Clara annouces to Doña Gisela that she has things to do but we never find out what those things are or why we should even care. 

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #59 Fri 11/13/15 (Mex 85-86) Gianna's Illness provides Fiorella an Escape from Hell Resort AND Free Both from The Dragon's Lair!

Ciao, il mio bella gente!  Andiamo, eh!  Tonight is all about getting Fiorella and Gianna back to El Rancho Angeles, along with a few other developments.  To summarize:

Freddie snoops in Pedro's office, finds documents related to the swindle of Maximo's brother and Freddie's Father, Gabriel Angeles.  She is convinced, therefore, that Pedro is not only fully aware of the swindle, but an accomplice!  Dante vigorously disagrees with her but Freddie is convinced Granny brought him up to speed and now he's covering for her.  Freddie vows that Pedro and any other Angeles involved MUST PAY!

Assvaldo and Sonia meet with Fabio in a restaurant to recruit him to join with them in their "bring down Pedro" scheme.  He doesn't even need to fully hear them out and asks them if the whole thing is a joke or if the conversation is being recorded.  Fabio flatly refuses:  he WILL NOT be involved in sinking Pedro nor allying himself with the likes of them!  Fabio looks like he wants to laugh right in their faces and doesn't look the least bit intimidated when they threaten to tell his wife and send some of the "hundreds" of damning photos of him and Sonia to his wife.  We'll have to find out how this one turned out later!

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Antes muerta que Lichita #39 Friday 11/13/15.... Alicia is a hit with the board members.... and makes an impression when she presents her work to the Oki Oki owner... Roberto shows more jealousy, ALex shows more concern

The guy from the board that Alicia just saved from choking says a toast for Alicia … Roberto and Alex take notice… Of course Luciana whines and rants about all the attention Alicia is getting when she got a piece of bread thrown at her chest… Augusto whispers to Alex that this is a significant moment…

Magos and Ximena converse about whether Ximena liked the ‘guero’

Alicia and the board member guy dance… Another board guy comes and wants to dance with Alicia as well. He talks to Alicia about her desire to continue and expand her advertising career… he agrees that the API is very related to that… another board guy comes and wants to dance with her as well. They all have a different subject to do small talk with her… Roberto still taking notice from a few feet away… The guy talks about Alicia’s drive to grow her career… Roberto finally has had enough passive attention and comes and cuts off the other guy to dance with Alicia… he is a bit sarcastic in his comment about all the attention Alicia has got.

Luciana and Chuchette comment on Alicia’s dancing and dressing skills… they say even though she looks fine, she can’t dance or behave elegantly.

Alicia and Roberto still dancing but arguing… basically he is jealous and she is trying to defend herself. He is trying to control his impulse to kiss her… she rants ‘don’t you dare’. She notes to him that he once was behaving totally the opposite with her.

Augusto sits with Bea, they also have noticed Alicia’s attention by all the board members. Augusto gives her a bit of a speech about the ‘image’ they should present to everyone… then they ‘fake’ embracing for everyone and the press flashes all over.

Now it is Luciana dancing with Roberto… of course she likes the attention from the photo flashes… He wants to hear more about Alex’ accident… she won’t say anything beyond what he knows.

Alicia and Alex are dancing too… she is afraid that when the ‘fake engagement’ ends, they will end up labeled as liars…

At the office Braulio and Brisa are talking… she gives him two months worth of rent money. He says he is surprised at her remembering the rent and her accuracy.

Back to the party… The board leader is giving the press a speech. Alex takes center spot and asks Alicia to join him. HE gives a speech about advertising 101… and the challenges facing them…. Suddenly something is going on… everyone is eewwing and awwwwing… Alicia suddenly looks down and gets freaked… Bea brings her a coat to cover up… (?? Not sure, my guess is someone spilled something on her and made her like she had an ‘accident’)

Back to the office… Brisa says that with her rent payment, she has the right to claim half of the space… he feels deceived…

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #58 Thu 11/12/15 (Mex 84) Parallel lines ... who meet, side by side, by side.*

I've been trapped in a massage cabin at the Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort.  What?  No, don't send help!  Just send room service.

Alas, the massage cabins have neither cable nor Internet, so I do not have a recap prepared for you.

When last I saw sneaky two shoes, she was hopping on the back of an ATV with a mysterious stranger.  As they drove away she called back to me "I don't know if I'll be back in time to recaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." So we're just going to have to play it by ear.

In the meantime, grab a frozen drink with a little umbrella in it (assuming Benito hasn't drunk them all) and discuss away!

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Weekend Discussion: Crimes of Fashion, 2nd Edition

It is my information from colleagues (including the late Richard Blackwell) that fashion felonies are the cocktail enjoyed prior to the aperitif of society peccadilloes and the entrée of scandal and murder. It is always satisfying to know that the moneyed classes are as human – or inhuman – as anyone else in their roles in their own downfalls. To this end, the paparazzi at Vanidades have provided me with these sometimes hilarious and otherwise frightening examples of questionable taste. My colleague, fashion critic Soledad Romero-Vargas, provides the captions.

Enjoy and provide your comments. And please, if you have any excellent candids for a future edition send me an e-mail with the files attached. I do protect my sources. – D.D.

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Pasión y Poder #8, November 12, 2015: The End of a Very Long Dry Spell

What kind of a hotel is this anyway?

As Regina is stripping down and looking forward to a nice relaxing shower, David emerges from the bathroom wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist.  The two stare at each other in disbelief.  

Honey, you've got a spider the size of a Buick in your bathroom!

"What are you doing here in my room?"  

"In your room?  This is my room!"  

David scrambles for his key card and the towel drops.  Regina shrieks.  "Cover yourself!"

David says there's no contest – the room is his because he was there first.  Regina thinks David is not behaving like a gentlemen.  While she struggles back into her dress, he picks up the phone and calls the desk. "Something very strange has happened..."
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Antes Muerta que Lichita #38 Thursday 11/12/15: The Episode Where Alicia has a Really Really Good Day.

Scenes are condensed and likely out of order.

We left off with Roberto trapped under Don Augusto desk while Luciana throws a fit with her Tio.

Luciana whines like a teenager not getting her way. She wants to have drive the company car, wants Alex as a BF and the best position at Iconika. Most of all she wants the pest, Lichita, fired! Don Augusto surprisingly tolerates Luciana's tantrums. Alicia and Alex will remain an item even through he does not approve of her because it is convenient for him and Alex's image. Don Augusto admits his respect for Luciana's need for power and control. She truly is his blood which loses meaning on Luciana. She does not get why she Alex cannot see her as a contender...I mean look at her...really look! Don Augusto repeats that Alex will never fall in love with a WOMAN......(pin drops)...other than Alicia Gutierrez, so give it up and get out.

Alex drops in on Alicia's parents during their 15 minutes of fame with the Cara's reporter. He wants them to know he is very serious about the relationship with their extraordinary daughter. Nacho gives Alex the third degree until Alicia drags Alex outside. She wants to know why he is trying to prolong their false relationship. Alex is not ready to confess the truth to his family yet. Alicia feels bad for lying to her family. He reminds her that she should take advantage of their false relationship. She needs this to continue in order to keep her current position at Iconika. Alicia eventually concedes.

 Don't think, just lose yourself into these sparkling
grey eyes.
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, Capitulo 88 Thu 11/12/15: Chelo for President!

Orlando fairly bursts into Josefa’s place, accusing her of using Isela’s keys to let thieves into his shop. They hurl some insults back and forth, specifically about knowing one’s mother, before Isela breaks it up. She claims she took the keys with her to Claudio’s office. In the next breath, she says Claudio had nothing to do with the robbery so unless Orlando’s going to bring charges against her, he should just leave. He says he's already filed charges, and let the chips fall where they may. After Orlando leaves, Josefa admits she did it. Isela hopes she gets caught and Josefa first says Isela would go down with her as an encubridora(=hider, concealer; in the context, as an accessory to the crime), then says Claudio wouldn’t allow it. Isela just looks at her with a clear disgust and walks away. Josefa doesn’t know what to make of her attitude shifts at all.

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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Pasión y Poder #7, Wednesday 11-11-2015

Lo Nuevo

Eladio brings Julia breakfast in bed. He says he learned to cook when he was the food manager at the hotel. He hands her a rose and hopes that she sees how he is changing. He would also like her to accompany him today. Julia can't believe what she is hearing. It's like he's a different person. He says he's the same, he just realized that he has to pay more attention to the details, and he likes the change he's made. Julia is happy (But for how long?).

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Antes muerta que Lichita #37 Wednesday 11/11/15

Well, here we go. We start with Alicia telling us that to be unique and authentic one needs to take the risk of making decisions that could change one's life forever. . .

The first real scene is loser Magos with her loser friends Gerry and Paula. She is telling them she really doesn't know who Ximena's father is. At the time she got pregnant she was cheating on her steady El Chanclas with a "Luis somebody" who never called her after the sex. So, she will just tell Magos that her father is El Chanclas. The three losers decide to have some "chelas" (beers).

In the meantime, Alicia is on the phone with her mom telling her she will be working late. Alicia hears that Magos is out with her buds and hopes she does not get into trouble.

Back with the trio of losers: they are pounding back the beers. They talk about being lucky and Gerry brings up how lucky Magos was after vandalizing the car of the supermarket manager and getting away with it. They drink to continued good luck.

The same night, Beatriz is driving Augusto crazy in bed with her overwrought concern that Alex is not home yet. Augusto cannot be bothered: Alex is a full grown man. She has a hunch that something bad has happened to her son. She tells him to go to sleep and she will pray for their son alone.

Alicia gets a phone call at work. The next thing we know is she is getting out of a taxi. A naked Alex trying to hide behind a tree awaits her. It turns out that he got assaulted (he admits it wasn't too bad)( guess they took his clothes) Alicia has brought him clothes from the costume department at work. At least they were decent enough not to take his cell phone. He just wants to go home. He apologizes for calling her but the was nobody else he could call. Alicia promises she will not tell anyone about his misadventure.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Yo No Creo en los Hombres #87, Wed 11/11/15: Lo Que No Fue en el Año de Orly, Pero Sí, Fue en el Año de Alma

Maleny runs into Ursula’s bedroom, ready to burst with the Ivana-Gerry gossip. “There’s someone else offering a baby to Ivana…Gerry!” Not only that, but he came out of her bathroom practically naked! Ursula laughs it off. Even if they slept in the same bed, it would be as girlfriends. Maleny isn’t so sure. From what she saw, Gerry is all MAN—she’d do him. Ursula says that Mal would sleep with anybody, including Isidro, and points out that this doesn’t change the fact that Ivana is sterile. Mal points out that Gerry’s sperm is perfectly functional. There are thousands of ways these days of making a baby.

As Gerry dresses (awwww!), Ivana explains to him what Maleny was looking for—the ballistics report from the investigation into her father’s death. Ivana tells Gerry how she pressured Medina into giving her the report, using the threat of turning him in for what he did to her in Cuernavaca, and the carrot of protecting him from Ursula. The report showed that the death of Hector was NOT suicide, but also that Ursula wasn’t the culprit. Ivana is sure, however, that Ursula was the mastermind (la mente maestra). She’s sure this pack of hyenas will do whatever it takes to take MD’s baby, and she won’t permit it! Ivana also found out that the supposed cause of Hector’s “suicide” was financial ruin, but knowing how Ursula lies about her family’s finances, Ivana isn’t convinced this was true. And this time, there was a death involved.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #57 Wed 11/11/15 (Mex 83) Of all the massage cabins in all the world….

[I took some major liberties with the order of scenes here, but still, this was a good one to actually watch if you haven't been watching lately.]

The masseuse goes off to get backup while Pedro and Fi contemplate their fate.  Fi admits she's having a crappy time and she finds the whole place weird…with the tables and strangers touching you.  Pedro claims it's about spa-ing with the right person.  When the masseuses show up, Pedro keeps up the pretense that they're married and tells the story of how they met.  Fi accuses him of exaggerating the bike accident.  Fi really freaks out when she hears that part of a couple's massage is teaching her how to give her "husband" a massage and get the cranky expression off his face.  Yes, Fi…oil on the hands...hands on his chest…circular motions….  Neither one of them can quit grinning.

Fi gets to keep her robe and skip her massage, just like she wanted.  *sigh*  She actually asks Pedro not to tell Eloisa that she's now had some massage training…or else Eloisa will be asking for massages all the time.  No, she's serious about that.  The masseuse tells them the "temazcal" is available (this is both a purifying sweat ritual and the structure where it takes place) and there's nothing like it, especially when you experience it with the one you love.  Pedro talks her into it.

10 minutes later, they're outside the temazcal in swimsuits watching a "temazcalero" (person who facilitates the temazcal ritual; in Kat-speak the "-ero" suffix amounts to adding "dude" after whatever the noun is, so the temazcalero is "the temazcal dude") go through a ritual before he ushers them inside a small, domed stone hut.  Inside, the temazcalero continues the ritual, pouring water over hot rocks.  Fi and Pedro join in on chanting and drumming.  Afterwards, they rush off to take a shower that's bound to feel cold no matter the actual temperature!

And thus ends our romantic interlude at the Suspension of Reality Spa and Resort.  Alas, other people exist and other events happened outside the cozy little Pedro-Fi bubble.  If you really want to know, read on….
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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #36 Tuesday 11/10/15: Putting the "lucha" in Lichita

Alicia (she prefers that to Licha, obvs) has secured a famous makeup guy by offering him publicity advice. He's delightfully mean to Luci, who'd been teasing her about being poor.

Also, one of the girls finds out that Xuxette's real name is Jesusa and gives her crap for such a vernacular name.

Alicia has her photo shoot... "Now, with more attitude..."

Meanwhile, her parents are working hard (or at least, Elsa is) to try to be able to pay back Roberto, who's leant them some money. They don't want their daughter to find out about this.

Now that Alicia's getting applauded, Luci is telling people that her main job at the office was to get coffee and make copies. ugh. Alicia turns it around, makes it a story of personal growth and upward mobility, the reporter eats it up, and Luci is in agony. Alicia tells the story of her Dad losing his job to some rich jerk who drove off, and stares daggers at Luci. By the way, it's shocking that Luci gets to sit in on the interview and constantly butt in with obnoxious and mean details. Like when she insinuates that Lichi is only a rising star because she's dating Alex, the jefe's kid.

Xuxette swishes in and demands that the reporter quit and switch to an interview of Luci. Surprisingly, this strategy works and they shoo Lichi out of her seat. Luci then refuses to answer any questions, instead demanding that a photographer take pictures of her "looking like an intellectual." The reporter is disgusted. "So you never studied publicity?" "No, of course not! It's in my veins. Publicity is my middle name! Anyway, in Argentina they have home-schooling..."

She goes on and on about how close she is to her lovely family, but it's Lichi's turn to snipe, pointing out that Luci's family is in ruin. Which she learned from Val, Luci's mom. She also brings up the scandal of the stolen ring! Fury brews behind widened blue eyes.

Beto ostensibly prepares Alex for the API meeting, but is really trying to find out how close he is with Alicia. And tells him that he doesn't love her and it shows. Alex easily realizes that Beto is interested in Alicia. Xuxette bursts in before Beto can respond. There's an emergency, Lichi and Luci are in the office and it looks like they're gonna fight! (she uses a cute expression: "se están agarrando del chongo," or "grabbing the bun..." does that mean they're hair-pulling or is it just an expression for a girlfight).

They're shouting and carrying on and making hilarious faces! It comes to blows and Lichi lands a solid one right in her opponent's nose! Luci crumples and begins wailing. She eventually gets back up, but it's clear our girl has Luci outmatched by a lot. The others arrive and get them to put down their fists. "Oh, we were just having a discussion about aesthetic differences... Whether the dress was blue or gold." Cute reference...
Their faces when they realize the reporter is about to come back...
In the Alicia/Alex interview it becomes clear they're not a super-couple, but come on, they haven't even known each other for a month! The reporter is expecting them to be finishing each other's sentences, that's unrealistic! "Are you guys even a couple? You don't even know each other's favorite color!" Despite all of this, a little hand holding and a nudge from Xuxette get the reporter back on board and she suggests a headline: "The Icónika heir is a sensuality machine with his girlfriend..." whoah. Alex looks like he swallowed a bee. They reject that headline and start spouting romantic nonsense. Everyone swoons, even Xuxette.

The pair are supposed to smooch for one last magazine photo, so of course Nacho and Beto show up to see it! Gulp!

Previous: Episode 35
Next: Episode 37


Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #86 Tue 11/10/15 - If Reality Bites, Then Josefa Chomps

~Parte 1~

As Isela, with Chelito, Orlando and Doris looking on, learns from Maria Dolores that that Sow of Sorrows she’s lived with all her life, aka Josefa, is not her real mama, Julian tells his true mami and papi the harsh truth about his condition: while some in a wheelchair can still engender children, he cannot.  All this is because Jenny had the gall to tell them she’d like to give them a grandchild.  Ok.  She apologizes for her big mouth and promises Julian to look into what treatments there might be in his case.

At Doris’s apartment of disenchantment's, Ise lets out with screams of anger and frustration as her two friends and two acquaintances look on with encouragement.  “--It’s Ok.  Let it all hang out.  You’ll feel better after.” 

Across town, Maleny has sought out Evil Doctor’s advice again.  “Did you know Claudio’s wife, Alma?” Yup, they were the in-crowd back in the day and all hung out together.  Well, informs Mal, she’s got pancreatic cancer.  Tuff going.  That’s life in the world of medicos, says he.  El Medina de Medecina adds that Mal really needs to get the rest of her answers from Ivana now.  Mal is Big Oh! impactada.
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pasión y Poder #6 Martes 11/10/15

Chapter 6: The End of Purgatory Season

Arturo called the foundation but the call went to Julia's home. She was thrilled at the sound of his voice but Eladio entered behind her. She cut the call short and told him it was a generous donor. She suggested they call David so Eladio can make up with him. He called David and spoke of making up with Julia and asked him to come home. David didn't believe a word of it. Eladio said he was changing his ways and the mansion's doors were open to him. He then passed the phone to Julia so she could persuade David. She told him that his father had turned over a new leaf and everything would be alright.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #56 Tue 11/10/15 (Mex 81-82) Oh would you just vacay already!

Osvaldo and Pedro's shouting match ends…if we can call it that…with Eloisa telling the boys to shut up already.  They'd better settle their differences without hurting the family or the company (and presumably somewhere she doesn't have to hear it).  Os is taking over for the weekend, Pedro's going on vacation, and that's that.  Pedro out-maneuvers Os by telling him that if everyone finds out "the truth" he'll be the loser who got cheated on and granny won't actually let him run the company anyway.  He also tells Os he'd better "see to" his wife if he doesn't want her cheating on him, which…seriously?  No, man, if she chooses to cheat, that's on her.  I love how he's all macho when he's telling other people how to live their lives, but when it comes to his own, he's such a spineless twerp.  Not.

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Yo No Creo en los Hombres #85 Lunes 11/9/15

Chapter 85: Confession

Ivana read the note in Gerry's gift. “You want to have a baby with me? But you know I can't get pregnant.” She was in mild shock for a second.
“But I can donate sperm and we can find a surrogate.”
“But is that possible here?”
“Yes, of course it is. If you'd rather we could go to the United States or some other country. But you can do this.” She laughed.
“How foolish this is, Gerry! I can't believe this. I don't deserve a friend like you. My aunt said that you distanced yourself from me because you can't help me in the way I want. And look,” she smiled. “She was so mistaken.”
“I wouldn't do this just for you.”
“I can't let you, Gerry. It's unfair, especially for you.”
“I want to be a father... with you.”
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Pasión y Poder #5 Mon 20151109 Get Off My Lawn Ya Dirty Mariachis and Take that Cheatin' SOB with Ya!

Hello, my name is Cynderella and I am your Monday recapper.  I have the sense of humor of a juvenile boy.  I apologize in advance to anyone that I WILL offend.  This recap has not been edited. 

The Skank Boat Party

David and Daniela are standing on the boat deck surrounded by a group of horrible background dancers.  She tells him that her sister's engagement is back on because he boldly recanted his father's statement to the press.  Suddenly, she rams her tongue down his throat and offers him a treat for breaking the camera.  Just in case he didn’t get that big hint, she turns and offers him her butt in some sort of spastic “I think I’m really sexy, but I’m not”, mating dance.  Little David likey, likey!  Anyways, eventually they end up stumbling into a hotel and the 70’s porn music begins.  He’s still recovering from his motorcycle accident and grabs his ribs, so she rides him like a he’s a Kentucky Derby stallion.   The next morning they wake up they and agree to be friends with benefits and just have fun.  He doesn't want her to get to attached.  Afterwards, they have sex again. 
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Monday, November 09, 2015

Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #55 Mon 11/9/15 (Mex 79-80) When Princesses get Pimped

Ciao, y'all!  Andiamo!  Fiorella has had it with Vitto and Petey!  She's got her savings, she's going home to pack!  They watch her leave.

Remember Granny overheard Dante say, "Federica was right!"  Dante tells her that Benecio knew what Maximo did.  They both agree that Federica cannot find out.  While Dante stepped away to talk to Eloisa, Simoneta threw away the handwritten letter from Gabriel as she tidied the table where he had been sitting.

Alina arrives to El Rancho for Gael's session and is accosted by a hissing and seething Sonia who literally gets right in Alina's face, calling her a hypocrite.  Assvaldo enters the living room and knows exactly what's going on.  Gael arrives moments later.  Assvaldo interrupts the face off, snatches Allina up from the sofa and pushes her in the direction of Gael.  He chews Sonia out but she doesn't back down.  She thinks Assy's days of telling her when and where to get off are OVER!

In the dragon's lair, Fiorella sadly tells Gianna she doesn't have enough money for even half of a ticket to Italy!  Pedro enters the room and offers to pay for both girls to return to Italy.  It pains him to know she will leave but her happiness is the most important thing for him:  what he feels for her is far above "all this."  Fiorella looks truly touched.  Pedro will even see that she has a job with ACorp partners in Italy.  Then Vitto enters the room repeating his lines about Fiorella being the most beautiful woman in the world and him being the most fortunate man.  Oh, what does she need to be more comfortable?

"To be freed of my promise to marry you so I may love and live happily ever after with Pedro Angeles!"

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Antes muerta que Lichita #35 Monday 11/9/15: Alicia gets locked in a bathroom and Sandra looks happy for the first time every.

I've been away for just a few days, but with these double episodes I missed a lot!

It looks to me as though Sandra set up a conference call, which was supposed to be with her and Don Augusto and the third party being the injured wife, who should have been hearing that she, Sandra, had been Aug's lover for ten years. But it was Alicia, instead, who heard it all.

Elsa has to tell Nacho: Roberto is the anonymous donor. As usual, "I as head of the family have the dignity to refuse his money." Elsa convinces him out of it and makes him swear not to tell Alicia.

Roberto warns Luciana not to mess with Alicia's interview. But that's all been taken care of already - Chuchette tells Alicia in passing that the interview is in a few minutes, and no matter that Alicia had no advance warning, because her attendance is no longer required.

For no reason I can figure out, Valeria has a cozy chat with Alicia, who having heard the above phone call, is not ingenuous when she calls Don Augusto and Beatriz "an exemplary couple." Valeria says, not so much, and then confides that her family lost their fortune and the brothers are estranged etc. "I miss my therapist, it's nice talking to you. And you and Alex make a divine couple."

The exemplary couple (Bea and Aug) do not see eye to eye. Bea: "Separate our son from that common trash, a mere employee. Fire her!" Aug, deflecting: "Sell me your half of the company." "No!"

Braulio, sadly surveying his table of action figures, wonders where Brisa has gone. He's worried that some old dude in the street has her. He goes, scales the walls (very carefully) and finds Brisa giving a yoga lesson to three old dudes.

Darling Mateo is hugging his Angel lovie, which smells sweet like Mrs. Marta when she hugged him. Awwwwww. "I don't know if all moms smell that way, I can't remember mine. I have the best dad in the world but I wish I had a mom."

Ximena helps Elsa research cafes on the internet, then: "My schoolwork is to write about my parents, but I don't know anything about my dad..." Elsa says, ask your mother. Alicia comes in and there is a lot of stammering about the mysterious investor. Alicia hopes with her new salary they'll be able to pay off more of the bills soon. Elsa wishes Mags would chip in, now that she has a job at Ikonika, but pigs don't fly. Instead, Mags is out in the alley with her skeez supplier - she's finally paid off her debt to him. He compliments her business sense and gives her some money and more knockoff merchandise. She says the biz powerhouse inside her has been awakened.

Gumaro: incensed that Roberto didn't tell him about giving money for the cafe. Roberto: "They're like the family I always wanted to have - united despite their troubles." Gumaro starts to cry and says, after my hard day at work cooking you dinner, at least you could take me dancing.

Speaking of united families, the mansion-tension at dinner could be cut with a knife, complains Dafne. They have the usual disputes, the phone rings, all look at their cells, Augusto wins and takes it in the next room. It's Sandra, hoping to console him after what she imagines has been a wild hair-pulling tearful dinner (since she thinks Bea knows all, thanks to the conference call). Aug says, dunno what you're talking about, and don't call me at home. Curses foiled again!

Next day, Sandra yells at the receptionists who ruined her plan. She tells Roberto Elias, that cretin, will be creative director when he arrives. Roberto wonders if he can get a piece of the U.S. campaign; she sez: ask Augusto.

Augusto buys himself more time with Sandra by saying he'll open a brance of the biz in the U.S. and he'll go live there with her. Then she's so happy, it's heartbreaking.

Don Marcelo Lagomarsino, that lovely stylist, likes the campaign Alicia designed for him. Roberto warns her not to bring that project into Ikonika since it's an outside project. They knock heads over dropped notebooks again and feel drawn to each other but pull away. "You're prettier every day." "I have a boyfriend." "I'm just admiring you as I would a nice car, a nice yellow doorway..."

Gerry helps Mags haul two heavy black trashbags of her new merchandise into Ikonika. "The finest of Paris," she tells the other receptionists.

The interview is tepid. The reporter wants to ask about his personal life: how many hearts have you broken, what are your tastes?" (Those suspecting him of being in the closet are curious about this too.) "I like the color blue." They ask about his girlfriend, he says nothing. Roberto mutters "he seems to have forgotten he has one." The reporter is disappointed Alicia is not present, they wanted to include A&A as one of the "Most In Couples of Mexico."

Augusto and Alicia meet at the prow of the building again. He tells her she is too insignificant to be his son's girlfriend. "You are obviously a gold-digger and an opportunist" "I've deserved the post I have now for many years, and I see, by the way, that here at Ikonika one cannot get ahead without VERY INTIMATE relations with a VIP!" "As it is in the whole world," he retorts, "and you'll keep your position only exactly as long as Alex wants you."

Marcelo has come to get his campaign but can't find Alicia because Chuchette got her locked into the bathroom so the reporter would not see her! Long story short, Alicia runs at the door as the maintenance guy unlocks it, she falls into Marcelo's arms and he makes her up and does her hair in time ...

... for her to meet up with the reporter in the hallway. Alicia plucks from the reporter's hands the damning cd of terrible Alicia-shaming pictures Chuchette had just delivered, and is charming, and I guess the interview will be tomorrow...

... along with a showdown and cat fight between Alicia and Luciana!
so will watch and post in the morning. Meanwhile, chat among yourselves if you like.

Previous: Episode 34
Next: Episode 36


TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Celia, Bajo el Mismo Cielo, Señora Acero and Preciosa Perla: Week of November 9, 2015

Here is your post for this week. Enjoy!

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La Vecina Highlights and Discussion #100-104 Nov. 9-13

We hit the triple digit episode numbers this week and still haven't hit the "doldrums". (Well, that may just be me.)

Continuing the this-is-not-del-montón theme from last week...
  • The writers remember details (insurance Cheo signed without reading, putting ice-cream in a fridge like sneaky mentioned.)
  • The writers add details for interest (Rafa has a cat, the dance partner switch that jlk mentioned)
  • Except for Pedro and Rick, every character has a redeeming quality. (Yes, even Isa...but she needs to be careful...)
  • Chemistry. Holy cow who knew kisses on the cheek could be so.damn.steamy.
Feel free to add your own.

(As usual, leave a comment if you want to claim a day to recap. Today may just be highlights. I have Wednesday off so I am sure I can take that...unless that's better for someone else.)


¿Qué nos cuenta, Caray, Caray!? (November 9, 2015)

Hola Carayites!

In this week's edition:

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Sunday, November 08, 2015

Yo No Creo En Los Hombres Cap 84, Fri Nov 6 2015: A Merry Christmas to All, Except for Isela and Los Santibañez


This is J desde NYC again. This recap is from memory as I am uber-busy this weekend. Scenes are combined, as usual.

Lo Nuevo:

Alma thanks the Morales for inviting her and showing her a great time at the Las Posadas festivities. It was one of her dreams, she says, to attend a traditional one since she was a girl. She had so much fun. She asks Espy and co to come over to their place so she can return their hospitality. She happily leaves her sons to say goodbye to the Morales sisters before they head home. The Bustamante brothers kiss their respective Morales girlfriend and Clara tells Leo to enjoy his family because the Morales women  didn't know that their last Christmas with Dad Rudolfo would be their last.

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Saturday, November 07, 2015

Pasión y Poder #4 Friday 11/6/15 Joshua is free, Daniela and David bond, and Miguel plays with Play-Doh.

Hey everyone. I'm Mauricio and I'll be your Friday recapper for Pasión y Poder. 

Let's get started...

Maribel, her husband, her daughter Luisita, Clara, and a new character named Doña Gisela sit down at the table for dinner. They're all eating, except for Doña Gisela, who is the Debbie Downer of the table, and who believes that Maribel should be saving a plate of food to sell at her stand tomorrow. Doña Gisela is all about saving money, because you never know what could happen, just look at her, she used to be supported financially by her daughter Caridad, but now she's the one that has to see what she does to take her daughter a plate of food to prison. When Luisita mentions her and her parents trip to Acapulco, Doña Gisela wonders with what money they'll travel. Honestly, it's none of her beeswax, and if I were sitting at the table I would have told her so, but Maribel's husband is a sweetheart and answers her question. He tells her that they have been saving up and with the travel allowance he'll receive from his job to travel to Acapulco to work he will complete the money they'll need to make the trip. Maribel thinks they should use the money they have saved up to buy their apartment, but her husband tells her that they'll do that later, right now he wants to give them this trip. Doña Gisela has moved in with Clara so the two can share expenses. When Clara mentions the monthly check that Doña Gisela receives, Doña Gisela gets nervous, and more so when she accidentally contradicts her earlier story of the reason for receiving the check. She had said that it was from her own pension before but now she tells them that it is from the pension of her deceased husband who worked for Gomez Luna. 

The next morning, Regina visits Joshua in jail. Joshua tells Regina that they took his shoes, that he had a terrible night, and he asks her to get him out of there. Regina tells him that Augustin and his parents' attorney's are working on it, but her dad told her that he could kept on lock down for at least 48 hours while the investigation takes place. Joshua is not happy, he can't stand being there a minute longer, it's the worst place ever. #suxtobeyouJoshua

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Friday, November 06, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #34 Friday 11/6/15: Alicia gets some supporters and some antagonists for her new title... Elsa figures out Roberto is her secret investor... he bets to not tell Alicia... Elias is BACK!!!

Roberto and Mateo talk about why he is not bf of Alicia if he loves her. Roberto explains that he does love Alicia and eventually that is a possibility that they will be together, but for now he is focused on Mateo and for the two of them to be together for good.
Alicia talks on phone with her mom. Elsa wants to know about her and Alex being an item. Alicia will explain later or tomorrow. Then we see her 'seeing' herself in the manequin with the red dress.  She interprets it as a signal from destiny to 'show the world who i am'.
Alicia later on phone with Alex, asks him for 'a favor' in exchange to 'fake' being an item.
We see the next day Luciana coming to the office and finding Alicia sitting on "MY" desk!! Alicia happily announces to her that she is now the Creative Director for the Oki Oki account. Luciana has an internal combustion with her facial expression. Luciana claims Alicia cannot use irony or practical jokes... Alicia says she is very serious, this is the promotion she deserves for her efforts and years of work.  This is the place that is rightfully mine.   Luciana calls her cow poop and drags her out to hallway by the ears.
She causes an even louder scandal and everyone, even Elsa, notices and is listening.  Augusto whispers something to Alex's ear...  Chuchette and Nestor of course joke about ALicia's claims after Luciana announces them.   Luciana demands explanation of Augusto.  Augusto is about to support Luciana... (sikes!)... he says Alicia is right. ALex also supports ALicia's claim.  Luciana gets sad puppy tone and asks what future is ahead for her. Alicia says 'if you let me put my 2 cents she can take the dog food account.   She surely has good ideas for food for dogs and female dogs (perras). Luciana grinds through her teeth that the only 'b' is her...  Alicia tells her after everyone has left that she just paid her with the same move, except hers is with 'white gloves'.
Sandra gets Augusto in private and tries to get confirmation that ALicia's sudden promotion has to do with the 'rumors' that ALex is gay.   HE denies the 'rumors'  and yes, Alex and that 'employ-dilla' are indeed dating.  ALex comes in, says to Sandra he wanted to give her a heads up but Luciana got ahead of him with her rant.  Sandra properly wants rationale for the promotion.  ALex says why don't we evaluate everyone's role and possible promotions? Augusto firmly tells Sandra that she needs to order everyone to treat ALicia according to her new title.
Elsa talks to Alicia and Magos in private... Elsa says she could not be happier for her promotion but of course as a mother it kind of revolves her belly hearing everyone thinks her promotion is due to the rumor that her bf is gay.    btw, how come ALex is your bf now?
Roberto tells ALicia he is more than in agreement with her promotion, what he is a bit feeling odd about is the rumor that she got it because of her status as Alex's gf.  Are you with him for the promotion?  She claims it is his same move with Luciana. He says 'by now even if i told you my whole story you would not believe it, right?' She says life is ironic... she was dying for this title, which is what she studied and worked for... then changes the subject to ask if he needs anything from her 'work-related'. she reminds him that their 'interaction' is purely business related.
Augusto is head wrestling ALex... Alex reminds him that Alicia was overdue for this role.   Augusto says between the two of them they will keep her there... In comes Luciana ranting... demanding justice... She demands he take the promotion back in this moment (even snapping her fingers like he uses to do)... he yells at her even louder 'who do you think you ARE???'   She yells 'YOUR NIECE!!! and by the way! the one that knows exactly what happened in THAT ACCIDENT!!!'   Alex asks 'what accident?'  Augusto throws it under rug... but ALex asks Luciana if 'this has to do with the secrets the Toledo y Mondragons have, including my dad?'   Luciana asks Augusto 'does it?'
Roberto repeats to ALicia he is happy for her... esp with the Oki Oki account... she reminds him he had promised it to her.  He tells her Luciana planned otherwise...  Alicia asks him if he ever intended to fulfill the promise.  HE ironically tells her 'no doubt that my word means nothing to you now'.   She gives him the Oki Oki account folder.   He notes to her that she is now relating to him as 'tu' vs Ud, you are always thinking the worst of me'.  He leaves sad,  But she whispers that 'what matters still is that even with my promotion you are still my boss and i can't forget that.'   He makes a u-turn and with a yearning tone says her name like begging her to give him a bit of a chance...  she is the one that turns around and leaves... leaving him with a sad puppy face [that i feel like hugging 'there there']
Alex asks Augusto what is the mystery.   Augusto undermines it, saying it is unfinished business in Buenos Aires (you go Augusto!!)... and says 'maybe she has to go fix it personally'.  Luciana of course backtracks her aggressiveness, grinding her teeth (boy this family does have HUGE Secrets, right?) She hopes not... what about Lichis taking my spot?   ALex demands respect for his gf.   Luciana calls her dull and bland.   Alex gets more irritated and demands her not say one more insult for Alicia.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #54 Fri 11/6/15 (Mex 77-78) Life Ain't So Sweet in the Dragon's Lair

Ciao, Peeps!  We pick up in the dungeon, I mean house of Dragone where Vitto scolds Fiorella for not being at his beck and call.  What need does she have to go out when he has such a beautiful garden for her to enjoy?  He motions toward the glass enclosed atrium with the nude statue.  The symbolism is too easy.  Anyway, Fiorella wants to know if he intends to imprison her.  Vitto protests that Fiorella doesn't respect him or give the least sign of appreciation for all he's done.  Fiorella shouts no, because he's buying her!  Vitto says it's because he's old and she will never feel anything for him.  Gianna comes into the living room and demands to know what's going on.  Vitto just wants an explanation.  Gianna speaks the heart of the whole Patio when she tells Vitto that Fiorella owes him nothing.  She accepted his proposal and is he forgetting that he sent a picture of himself when he was much younger?  "You lied from the start.  She gave up everything for you and you took advantage of our not having any options and my needing medical attention.  You say you're a good man, then show it!  She's doing her best and you have no right to treat her this way!  We're here now and you're responsible for us both!"  Gianna begins to feel faint.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #53 Thu 11/5/15 (Mex 76) Death, Doom, Tragedy, and Eloisa thinks its all about her.

If you're reading this, the day got away from me.  I had a morning rehearsal scheduled for a concert this evening and I'm playing it all by ear.  ( schedule, not the music!)  I will post a recap as soon as possible.  In the meantime, discuss away!

And now we have another excellent recap by the one and only sneaky two shoes!  Take it away, sneaky!

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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres, #83, Thu 11-5-15: A Time for Family

Ursula is having the world’s most ridiculous and lengthy hissyfit. She’s freaking out because Daniel won’t be home for Christmas. She doesn’t care how much it costs or who she has to blackmail, she wants him home! She rushes over to the Bustamante house to threaten Claudio.

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Pasión y Poder #3 Thursday 11/5/15 DNA Tests are for Losers

It's only the third episode and already the mail from troubled characters is piling up on my desk.  So let's clear a few queries off the top before we get into the recap, okay?

Dear Maven,
I dumped my scuzzball fiancé after he nearly killed a (much hotter) guy with his bike and tried to run from the scene and then swapped spit with my slutty sister right there in the hospital.  Now my even sluttier ma says I still have to marry the jerk.  What do I do?
– Latin Queen*

Dear Queen,
OMG, your life sounds like something out of a bad telenovela.  Oh, wait...  Listen, honey, you need to get out of town NOW.  I hear Querétero is lovely at this time of the year.

[*Word Nerd Note: The name "Regina" is the Latin (and Italian) word for 'queen.'  In Spanish, of course, the word is 'reina.']

Dear Maven,
How can I put the magic back in my marriage?
– Solace*

Sol sweetie, not even Harry Potter could put the magic back.  Lo siento.

[*Word Nerd Note:  The name "Consuelo" literally means 'solace' or 'comfort,' and is related to the English word 'console.']
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Antes Muerta Que Lichita #33 Thursday 11/5/15: And the Drama Continues at Iconika!

Mexico Episode 41: Dreams Come True for One & Not So Much for Everyone Else.

We open with Augusto giving his son fatherly advice on how the real world works. Because of who Alex is everyone will want something from him, there will be people who want to take advantage of him. Alex finds this hard to believe, especially of someone like Alicia. Augusto tells Alex that the people in his mind only lives in romantic novelas and literature not the real world. He needs to be strong to move ahead. Don Augusto excuses himself to answer a phone call.

Nestor the Pest continues to drink his Haterade because he cannot stop goading Alex. This time it is about the commercial featuring a gay couple. He want to know Alex opinion of it. The competitors have a habit of stealing ideas (??) from Iconika. However Nestor the Pest is sure that they came up with this all on their own because us "Normal" folk at Iconika would never have come up with that. Alicia retorts that the competitors did their job because their commercial continues to be a hot topic. Alex continue to brush Lichita off.

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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Pasión y Poder #2 Wednesday 11/4/15

Regina and Daniela check to see if David is still alive after colliding with Joshua on the motorcycle. Once they realize he is alive Daniela and Joshua (Joshua says the accident is his fault) want to leave but Regina refuses to leave David alone on the street. She tells Daniela to call an ambulance.

Julia tells Simona that she didn't leave with David because she thinks Eladio is capable of taking away his inheritance. David is just starting off his career as an engineer and Julia doesn't want David to have to take care of her, and then there is also her father. (Does Eladio take care of Julia's father's expenses?) Julia says all the years she has had to suffer with Eladio are worth it for her son. Simona says that Eladio is cheap and controls Julia's expenses and cellphone. She does not care about those things, but it is getting harder to justify Eladio's actions to David. Simona comments that Franco might end up the beneficiary because he is Eladio's favorite.

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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Antes muerta que Lichita #32 Wednesday 11/4/15

Well, this one was a lot of fun: doubled up episode with plenty of action but also with twice as many scenes as a "normal" episode. My head felt like a ping pong ball in the first half hour. So, this will be more of a bullet point type presentation.

Important plot points from tonight not necessarily in order:

- Alicia is done talking with Roberto unless it is about work. Roberto is broken up about the whole thing. He is worried that she is changing and forging on ahead with her life without him.

- Alex tells his mom that she should not be so hard on Dafne. She needs their support. He tries but there is not much of a response from her. As she picks up an American football helmet he brought home, she wonders why he would like a savage and brutal sport like that. He answers that his tastes are "varied."

- Fatima tells Sandra that they need one more person to man the reception desk and ends up being responsible for hiring Magos. She is doing this to help out Elsa after hearing about the rental problem Elsa and Nacho are having:
Nacho and Elsa are still unable to find a guarantor for their business venture to open a cafeteria. Elsa does not want Alicia to know they are having problems because that would just put more pressure on her. Elsa is back at Icónika to work the cart. Elsa and Nacho become even more depressed when the place they want to rent is suddenly advertising for a renter. They are sure they have lost their chance.
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Yo No Creo En Los Hombres #82, Wed 11/4/2015: Twas the Night Before Posadas, and All Through the Hood…

Honoria, with a nudge from Julian, admits to Esperanza that Isela is not Josefa’s daughter. Fermin comes out and joins the conversation. Honoria doesn’t want to get involved. They all know Isela had it bad growing up with Josefa, and it was a bit better when she had Orlando to lean on, but now…she’s leaning on the Bustamantes, and what she’s doing there isn’t right. They’ve got to get her out of there. Hon restates she doesn’t want to get involved. They’re all poor and they all have problems, and having extra Josefa problems is NOT something she’s looking for.  

Claudio tells Isela that Josefa herself admitted that she beats Isela, and Leo got confirmation from Clara. Why is Isela covering for her? Isela claims that it’s between her and Josefa, but then admits it’s because Josefa has no other way of dealing with/letting out (desquitarse) her pain. Claudio won’t accept this. He can’t present Isela before the world as his mujer, but he also sees her as more than his lover (amante) and doesn’t want her to be hurt. Isela then tells Claudio about her big sister Marta, who killed herself after a wretched man/jerk (infelíz) betrayed her.
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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #52 Wed 11/4/15 (Mex 75) Nothing Good

Hm, well, some stuff happened and I figured you might want to know about it.

The Fed Bureau of Investigations: Fed's upping her game with some incense and garudasana arms (Eagle Pose in yoga).  Dante lies about his whereabouts.  Fed reminds us all that the cards never lie.  She kept drawing The Moon and sure enough, Aitana, that two-faced woman, was skulking around in Pedro's office.  I notice the bottom of Fed's long, trailing sleeves aren't actually trailing, but attached to the hem of her blouse.  Interesting.

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Muchacha Italiana Viene a Casarse #51 Tue 11/3/15 (Mex 73-74) Not the Virgen I was looking for

Fi witnessed Vito and Diana's spit swapping, but never mentioned it again.  In fact, it's Diana who later threatens to expose Fi for a gold digging liar.

Sergio witnessed Belinda's birthday suit, and while she's right, he is eeeeeasy and never turns down a woman's advances…there's a first time for everything.  Take a hike, Belinda.

Vitto continues his relentless campaign to control EVERYTHING and vows to pay for both Gianna's tuition and find her a new doctor.  To this end, he and Fi visit Pedro's office to tell him so.  They behave like small children fighting over a toy (i.e., Fi).  Fi even says as much.  And tells them this isn't about who has the bigger…bank account.  And it STILL doesn't get her to call things off.

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