Friday, February 28, 2014
Que pobres tan ricos #39, MA perforns 'a day in the life of Trofeo', A-hole keeps catching Mini in suspicious behavior.
MA tells Frida that the number that called is ‘private’ and that gives him a bad vibe (mala espina).
Isela tells a paranoic A-hole some lame excuse but he isn’t buying what she is selling. ‘cosas de mujercitas’ (conversation about young lady (virgin) things LOL!)… Mini continues the list of lame excuses. A-hole ends up giving them the benefit of the doubt and tells Isela he wants dinner. As A-hole leaves, Mini can’t wait to give Isela the news that MA is in Mexico. She will go to AS’s hotel tomorrow to find out where MA is. Isela says too little too late, your husband will find out and beware… Mini can’t want to cat-play around with MA. MA calls Saul and tells him about the call, could it be Vilma/A-hole? Saul says if they were suspecting he was at La Nopalera they would have come back right away. MA tells Saul he got a job. Saul almost falls over in surprise. MA says he is overqualified for the job, surely can do it blindfolded… (Frida protests, let her sleep)…
At dinner (or wine glasses), Mini comments about Adolfo turning out to be an accomplice of MA. A-hole says divine justice exists, but yes, it is unbelievable that so much betrayal exists. Mini continues to sweeten his ear… Are you sure sure sure that your cousin MA committed the felony? A-hole protests that his word should suffice for her. Mini follows his lead, MA should be behind bars. Isela follows suit. Then shouts to the maid to bring dessert (Tapioca, yikes!)
At hotel room, Maca is all over Leo on the bed. Leo says she is so wasted, she could suffer the vengeance of Monctezuma and…. (she has fallen fast asleep right on top of him). He moves off her slowly. Seems it affects his breathing how much alcohol she is breathing out.
Back to the plastic covered bro-sis pair. Almost a carnival dance these two are making everytime they need to move (the alarm clock has buzzed, morning!) She protests its too early to get up. He leaves her protesting alone. Comes down. Lupe is having coffee. He has got dressed with shirt and tie… she offers him coffee. He accepts. Then she apologizes for the issue with Emiliano. She says he is right, she is afraid of him resenting that she never told A-hole about him. MA says sooner or later Emi will understand her reasons. MA says he has learned that everyone in the Menchaca family respect each other. MA tells Lupe that he suspects A-hole is the one behind the fraud. Nepo comes in. He sweet-talks her. MA says good morning, I am ready when you are. Nepo says ok but have to try Lupe’s coffee first. Lupe doesn’t have any more, she offers him hers. Nepo hurries MA to finish his coffee so they can go. MA shows a semi-false up-beat attitude toward the day’s work. They leave, Lupe smiles at his gimmicks.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #61- Delete is More Than a Button on the Computer
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 77, Dimitrio Shows He Has A Heart And Maria Tries To Take Jose Luis For A Ride
Habit 1: Be Proactive – For Dimitrio
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #38- 2/27/14: Mama, Can You Spare a Dime?
Hola Amiguis. Shall we begin?
We get a replay of Macarena coming to stay with AS and Leo for we don't know how long. Question is, did she bring the lana? She sure seems to be swilling the booze as much as AS does.
MA is at the gate of Emiliano's school pretending he is Emiliano's Papa so his friends will stop pestering him about "Where's your Papa" all the time. It's school pick up time, but Emiliano can't go with MA cause Lupe doesn't know he's there. Only Lupe is authorized or maybe Don Chuy to pick Emiliano up, there are rules there. Lupe comes up and wants to know why the heck MA is at Emiliano's school while she elbows him in the ribs.
So you know how yesterday, Mini was doing all that research on line? Well, she shows up at Frida's Prepa looking for info on Frida from Tato. Tato is kinda, sorta reluctant to give her any info. She says she hasn't heard from the RPs since they went to Italia. Mini knows that AS is in Mexico, she's seen her, could Frida be with her by any chance? Tato still isn't saying.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014
Mentir Para Vivir #100 Thu 2/27/14 Beber para Sobrevivir
A tech swabs Alina's cheek and tells Inés they'll have the results in a week. Alina checks in with Raquel in the lobby and brags about how it didn't hurt her one bit when Raquel complains. Lucina fends off Alina's questions about why--if this is just something to check that Alina and Raquel are healthy--Lucina and Inés aren't getting tested too, by inviting everyone for a burger and fries…yum! Lucina and Alina lead the way out of the lobby as Raquel now complains to Inés, of all people, about how bossy and nosy Lucina is and, ugh, how annoying.
Jackie has decided to stay in Hermosillo and maybe take over Mariano's clinic. Rosa has two other kids to take care of, though, so she has to go back. Tears all around as mom and daughter say goodbye.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor # 60- Money Doesn't Buy You Class
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Mentir Para Vivir #99 Wed 2/26/14 Maricucu throws a fit, Alina throws a berrinche, and Ori throws her life out the window.
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Qué Pobres, Weds 2/26/14 (#37): Heeeeeeere’s Daddy!
Desperate Woman Reads Teen's Old Tweets
Isela warns Mini that if Ahole finds out that "we" can't conceive, he'll dump Mini. And if he finds out she's helping MA, he could kill her.
Mini disagrees. As long as they can get a "son" for him somewhere, even if Ahole finds out ("and he WILL find out," Mini says), no way will he throw away his big chance at the prize.
As for MA, Mini thinks she knows how to find him. She looks at Frida's tweets/blog(s)/other social media. But there doesn't seem to be anything recent and it's all about Tato, Tato, Tato.
Grandma in Old Pajamas Begs Grandson: "Get a Job"
MA questions Mati about the papers that were hidden in the busted bust. All she remembers is that her husband told her not to lose it. She can't recall any details (at least not today). She warns him of the dangers of being idle and urges him to get a job.
Fragile, Vulnerable Boy at Monastery Retreat Takes Bath, Forgives Mother
Drunk "Nun" Feeds Dog with Fork
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Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, #76, 2-26-2014: Alejandro has a new attitude and maybe DIM does, too; José-Luis gets his hopes up again...only to have them dashed again
At Mansion Mendoza, another mother and son have a much less endearing conversation: Gracie wants to know what happened with DIM and Pedro and doesn't want DIM to hide things from her. DIM tells her that he told Adolfo who told Pedro about how he (DIM) might or might not be an Almonte heir, and Gracie get mad at him for being inept. DIM is back at Gracie quickly and tells her what he does or doesn't do is nothing compared to what gossip-mongers in Agua Azul are saying about Gracie herself and the crazy, verging-on-incestuous familial relations of the Almonte-Mendoza clan: Gracie sold her own daughter to her lover’s son who might actually be the half-brother of Gracies's son which would make her son and son-in-law half-brothers and her daughter the wife and sister-in-law...etc.
Labels: robo
Por Siempre Mi Amor # 59- The Prodigal Daughter Returns
- Javier encourages Ara to move back home.
- Bruno sends Gaby a cheerful balloon display encourage her to keep smiling through hard times. Gaby tells Bruno that its inappropriate, but Bruno says that they are just friends. Art lets Bruno know that its time to come to terms- he still loves Gaby
- Isa dreamt that Ara returned home and she actually returns home. Little dog and all, thank goodness.
- The padre has a heart attack
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PSMA (Por Siempre Mi Amor) Recap #58 (Really #'s 77 and 78)- Let's make it a drinking game, everytime Cuca blows a gasket, you take a swig!
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Mentir Para Vivir #98 Tue 2/25/14 Breaking News! Ricky Turned Down SEX! Oh and Antonio Got Whacked.
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 75, Tues., 2/25/14: Metamorphosis
Labels: robo
Que Pobres Tan Ricos #36... Nepo offers MA a job, MA and Emiliano bond more... Frida gets help from JT and then later realizes just what she escaped when she broke up with Tato
A-hole at office angry about the board old hags that won’t name him President of the bizness. Adolfo comes in unannounced and asks A-hole if he is finally the big Cahoona… Not yet. Adolfo asks maybe MA is working on fulfilling the grandpa clause out there in Europe. Even if your cousin is a runaway he won’t lose the rights if he complies with the clause before A-hole. A-hole is now irritated/anxious that MA is in Italy and he can’t keep an eye on him. Vilma tries to say her 2 cents worth but to no avail. Adolfo gigles ‘bye!’
At Nepo’s stand, he is still nervous about the cousins still there, Gwendy calls that ‘jealousy’. Nepo did not like the face of Lupita during the event night. Gwendy says nepo is seeing enemies where there aren’t any. Nepo came up with an idea of keeping the enemy near… Diego Armando comes by and gets a fruit drink from them and leaves. Gwendy still very interested in hearing what Nepo is thinking to do.
Adolfo gets to the reason he is there, you have not transferred the money to my account yet. Adolfo asks A-hole for 10% extra as compensation for the delay and for having to take the risk to come back. A-hole assures him MA will be the only one to pay for it all. Adolfo not quite buying what A-hole is selling. He does not want to end up like MA hiding in Italy to avoid being arrested. Adolfo leaves and Vilma comes and A-hole says ‘the time to get rid of that one (Adolfo) has come’.
At JT’s room, Frida says she has to find a truck or pickup to return the equipment. JT says he will find it for her. Would do anything for you. She is leaving and he calls her back, she says Grnadma is waiting, but he won’t let her leave without a brief kiss.
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Mentir Para Vivir #97 Mon 2/24/14 A human life is a story told by God*
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #57 US 2/24/13 - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? It's that Elephant Again.
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Aranza ties to pretend that Javier isn't a big stinky problem. |
Dafne brings Aranza's clothes and her dog to Javier's place. Aranza wants to know if it's true that Dafne is dating Esteban.
"Well, you're in love with Javier, right? So Esteban is free."
"I thought you weren't into him because he was poor. You always called him a loser and a fool."
"He's good looking. I wanted to tell you what was going on before you found out from someone else." Aranza protests that it isn't cool that Dafne broke the "woman's code" but Dafne counters with, "A woman has a right to change her mind." As Dafne leaves she turns and kisses Aranza's cheek. "You know I love you."
At Tita's, Mari is facing off with Borlas. He wants to know why Mari is involved with Daniel. She tells Borlas that Daniel is in love with her. And Borlas has failed her. Twice. He is involved with the wrong people and there will be no forgiveness from her.
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Que Pobres Tan Ricos #35- 2/24/14: It's A Hard Knock Life for the RP's Except For One That Is!
Hola Amiguis! I will try to make this recap short and sweet. Shall we begin?
OMGee the Stinky Suit has been retired! Yes, indeedy, half way through the Stinky Suit got taken off by MA. It is the 30th Day of this Stinky Suit and I hope MA pitched it! Or maybe not. We will have to see.
The Commandante is telling the Menchacas, that their money is probably long gone now. Nepo is still pithed no one got questioned!
Mini and Isela are plotting and planning as usual. Mini really thinks, from things she has overheard, that MA was framed for the fraud. Isela not so much. She wants Mini to not think of herself, but of Isela. Por favor! Besides, what kind of proof does Mini have. Well none, but she wants to find out where MA is in Italia. He could be in a number of cities, like Rome, Florence, Venice, etc.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulo 74. 02/24/14
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Monday, February 24, 2014
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel, Camelia la Texana, et cetera, week of February 24, 2014
Labels: avenida, camelia, piel, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA -- week of February 24, 2014
Sue in TN - you get the prize for having your prediction of the ending be the closest to what actually happened. Let's see how you did:
SUE- Humberto comes downstairs to find Santa is gone. He drops off willy with Willy at the hospital and then somehow figures out where Santiago is and heads to the warehouse.
ACTUAL - very close. Bert comes downstairs, finds Santa gone and takes willy to Begoña's house. Willy is at the hospital with Barb and Begoña is tied up in the warehouse with Santi but Paula is there.
At the warehouse, Santi is in a tux with his hair slicked back. He has made Santa put on a wedding dress and tells her to stop telling him that he is sick. Santa finds Begoña's phone and manages to mute the sound and call Bert with the phone behind her back. She gives Bert some clues about where she is but when she keeps asking Santi how he found this place, even he gets suspicious and finds the phone.
SUE - Pancho also heads to the warehouse.
ACTUAL - Bert heads off to the warehouse and Paula calls Pancho and gives him the information.
SUE - As Father Milton is about to pronounce Santiago and Santa husband and wife, Bert arrives. He and Santi have a life or death struggle. Bert loses. Bert lies Pietà-like in Santa's arms. She forgives him all his sins. He dies, redeemed at the end.
ACTUAL - Very close, again. Bert comes in just as Father Milton has said, “you may kiss the bride.” Santa uses her Diabla skills to elbow Santi in the neck and run towards Bert. In excruciatingly slow motion, Santi raises his gun, Bert pushes Santa away and takes the bullet. Bert just dies on the floor, doesn’t say much and Santa just calls for an ambulance. Very undramatic. Maybe they didn’t think Gaby Espino could handle a scene like you describe.
SUE - Meanwhile, Pancho - who has lost the most as the result of Santiago and who is the real hero of our story - ends up killing him. Then, he disarms the bomb by cutting the right wire.
ACTUAL - This was wrong. Nobody kills Santi, he is arrested and the whole bomb part of the story is ignored. Lucky that Santi didn't keep his finger on the detonator. Zero drama there.
SUE - Willy arrives. Comforts Santa. She goes back home with him and Begoña to pick up the pieces of her life shattered by the Canos. Pancho is done with police work and decides to leave Marrero
ACTUAL - The last part is right. It’s “meses despues,” “months later,” Pancho tells Lucy that he is leaving the police force and Marrero. He tells her that he doesn’t like women and thanks to Ulíses, whose grave they are at, he now understands his true self. Lucy is pretty calm about losing her chance at marriage. They say that they will always care about each other.
SUE - Other characters
Lucy joins Tránsito in the restaurant business
ACTUAL - Novela Maven was closer on this one. We see Tránsito singing her version of the Santa song in the restaurant (with improved decoration). I don’t know if the video has gone viral but maybe. Pancho asks her if she has seen Patricio. “No,” replies Tránsito, “it’s as if the earth (or her customers) have swallowed him up.” Lucy does not seem to be involved.
SUE - Ivan gives Victoria the Christmas she never will see. She dies in his arms
ACTUAL - 100% correct although that was pretty easy to predict.
SUE - Elisa decides to use the plane ticket and leaves for Canada, since there’s nothing there in Marrero for her anymore
ACTUAL - Elisa didn’t make the gran final.
SUE - Paula and René leave for Guatemala and a new life with René’s family
ACTUAL - Much weirder. In the “meses despues” we see Paula with a baby, presumably her baby. Willy is there but no René. Santa is pregnant. She is sad that Bert never knew that he had fathered yet another child but she is happy in her flat affect way.
SUE - Father Milton reschedules the baptisms and weddings he missed due to having a bomb strapped to his chest.
ACTUAL - I'm sure he did but we don't see that.
SUE - Francisca cannot accept that Barb is disfigured. Newly sainted Lisette says she can live in her home. There's plenty of space. Daniela decides to keep her baby because, in her mind, she doesn't want to reject her child as Francisca did hers.
ACTUAL - Not quite. Barb’s face is so damaged that even Alicia’s surgeon can’t repair it. She and Fran are living in the Cano house. Fran is annoyed at having to wait on Barb who has wrapped herself up in black, stays in the dark and keeps saying over and over, “Fui bella,” “I was beautiful.” This is driving Fran nuts. Those two deserve each other.
Daniela gives up her baby for adoption to a couple we’ve never seen before. [Too bad Arturo and Mara]. Padre Milton looks on approvingly. Daniela gives a little speech saying that when she saw her baby, she loved her but she knows that she is not ready to be a mother, etc. etc.
SUE - And speaking of Fran, she's all alone - her family either dead or gone. But at least she has that big home to keep her warm.
ACTUAL - see above.
Other stuff not in Sue’s prediction.
Ivan writes another book called, “Immortal,” about his love for Victoria and that also will warn women to get mammograms to get early warning of breast cancer.
Willy goes to see Alicia. He says that it is too bad she let her desire for vengeance be stronger than their love. They could have been happy together. Alicia asks if he will wait for her. Willy seems to indicate that he will but that seems unlikely.
Santi is locked in an asylum. He says “Santa” over and over. A nurse brings him food but he doesn’t want to eat - actually he can’t feed himself since he is in a straight jacket. The nurses carelessly leave the door of his room open ...
Santa and family have ordered pizza at Begoña’s house. The doorbell rings. Santa goes to get it. For some reason, the pizza guy is standing about 10 feet from the door. How did he ring the bell? Santa has to go down the walk to pay the guy. She looks up and there is Santi standing by a tree across the street. A car goes by. She looks again and Santi is gone. Begoña comes out and asks what is wrong. “Hug me, mother,” she says, “Todo esto debió ser un mal sueño, nada más” “All this had to be a bad dream, nothing more.”
“All this” what? The pizza guy? With this sort of enigmatic ending, we get the Fin and it’s over. I give this gran final about a C- . It had less drama than one of Carlos Ponce’s State Farm commercials. Aaron Diaz managed to make what my sister calls, “fierce face” but Carlos Ponce looked like he was just phoning it in. On to the next novela. I’m going to watch (and probably recap) En Otra Piel. Thanks for all the great recaps and comments. It was fun.
Camelia la Texana-index
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Mentir Para Vivir #96 Fri 2/21/14 JL Offers Oriana Manna From Heaven
Lo Del Pasado:
Mariano and Jaquie decide to continue dating and see where it leads.
Lo Del Nuevo:
Oriana brings Alina over to Fort Falcon for the weekly visitation. Samuel's thug spies on JL and the family's arrival. Things are great till Jose Luis and Ori argue about his thinking Ricardo would show preference to his own children over Alina if Ori marries the guy. (At least Lina and he still are able to have a good time together without Oriana prejudicing the kid against him again.)
The Widow Barragán and the head of the Syndicate's Big Dude Council, Patrick, discuss how likely Jose Luis is to keep his word about handing over the CD and keeping mum now that she's offered to keep Joquin's promise to JL about giving him his freedom from the mob. Her only worry is that her sociopath-etic BIL, Samuel, will go off the reservation and that will lead to one of JL's trusted contacts handing over another copy of the thing to Homero de la Garza. Then they'll all be toast. Rosa, Joquin's widow, says the best thing to do is just forget all about Falcon, but Patrick says they can't because de la Garza is a bloodhound [pero de caza= literal, a hunting dog] who won't let go till he's got them all in irons.
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #73- 2/21/14: A Mystery, A "Secret" Revealed, and a Life In The Balance!
Ahoy Amiguis! So many points to ponder in this episode. Another mystery is revealed, there is a disappearance, a date, a "secret" revealed and a life on the line. Want to know more? I have another earworm for our, for now, happily back together couple, Ale and Monse. Have a listen! Tell It Like It Is.
This recap will be my usual off the cuff, on the fly recap. If I make a mistake please let me know. As usual when you see a blue link, click on it and listen to the music I've picked for these characters. Shall we begin?
We start with the refried of Ale, Monse, and the blurred bebe butt changing scene. Univision, really? As they they are leaving each other, that would be Ale and Monse, lots of besos (kisses), te amos ( I love you) and mi amors (my loves). Tia looks on and smiles. Monse tells her Ale signed the divorce papers and she couldn't be happier. Tia is quite perplexed!
EZ calls Tia Lottie to see if she received the flowers. She did, thank you very much, those orchids are just gorgeous. He asks the Tia to dinner, she would love to go. Gracie, the ice water queen, comes in and harshes Ms Tia's mellow. She tells Gracie that Monse and Ale made up, that's not possible says Gracie, Ale just signed those divorce papers and she's not beleiving a thingy Lottie is telling her. Lottie tells her Monse and Ale are sooo very happy. Gracie still doesn't get it!
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Friday, February 21, 2014
Que Pobres tan Ricos #34 Friday Feb 21, 2014... AS is happily living the life she is used to, CHAAAAARGE IT!! to the corporate office (yikes!)... Mini discovers about A-hole and Adolfo setting up MA for the fraud...
Nepo and Gwendy arrive at fonda with Carmelita. They had locked the door because of the argument. JT comes out to explain.
Meanwhile AS has arrived somewhere in a taxi. (seems a high end spa where they already know her)
Back to Fonda. Lupe still upset about the stolen money. Nepo also in disbelief. Apparently Tomas is about to spill the beans about AS being a ‘person of interest’ but the menchacas quickly take Tomas away. Nepo will call his brother in law the police commander. He calls him.
Adolfo arrives at A-hole’s and is mad. A-hole was not willing to give him any time on a Sunday. Adolfo tells him Saul Ballesteros has been following him around. A-hole lets him come in. Again Mini hears the conversation between A-hole and Adolfo. Adolfo not willing to end up in jail. Adolfo demands A-hole to clean his name and find the money for the deal with ‘El Bambi’. A-hole will ask Vilma to take care of it. A-hole also mentions that it is an issue about MA. A-hole laughs when Adolfo leaves ‘darn imbecile, I wish I could see his face when he is arrested’. Mini does not hear this last line since she had to hide before Adolfo left the room.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #56 - The Tangled Web of Lies and Deceit Gets Tighter-It Gets One Step Ahead and Then Two Steps Back
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Weekend Discussion: Photo Gallery; The Three Faces of Marital Discord
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Thursday, February 20, 2014
Por Siempre Mi Amor #55-2/19/14- Getting Clocked Has Nothing to do With Telling Time
Tonight's episode will be from memory, just the highlights and tomorrow there is no show due to the Premios. I am subbing for Sara on Friday and I will include the deleted episodes with more detail. Sorry for the inconsistency. :-( Please feel free to add in what I have omitted.
- Ara tells Feo how she is defending him and he just loves her more and more each day (Barf). She is almost where he wants her.
- Art and Fab have a friendly, brotherly chat. Art wants to let his dad and Fab's mom clear up their mess. Art wants to know more about Javier's character and explains the whole kit and kaboodle, including that Javier is his daughter's boo, to Fab. Art shares that there are too many coincidences with Javier and Fab agrees.
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Qué Pobres, Weds 2/19/14 (#33): Cold Feet and Sticky Fingers
Leo and Frida both have mixed emotions about leaving the Menchaca home. Frida says she'll miss "her people," but she's obviously excited about having stuff again. Leo admits that living in La Nopalera has brought out his creative side, but he still can't wait to get out of there.
Separately, but in unison, Lupita and MA both wonder and worry about the purpose of Vilma's visit yesterday. Maybe Ahole found out about Emiliano, or perhaps he suspects that Mati is hidden there.
JT gives Frida the equipment rental fee. (Net profit from the event was 1500 pesos.) They boldly state how much they won't miss one another. Then Frida kisses him and takes off. A moment later, Mati notices that JT is in good spirits.
After a particularly unsatisfactory shower, AS swipes the money. She has a moment of hesitation and prays for a "sign." The "sign" is a really big fart, which she interprets as meaning "go for it."
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #72- 2/19/14: Are You Happy Now?
I am putting up a discussion page for tonight's epi of "Robo". Eli has suffered a loss and is unable to do the recap. Please discuss, fill in and comment as you like. Here are some of the highlights:
Nadia accuses EZ of being Pedro's amante; look on EZ's face, Priceless!
Ale comes to Monse's house and says he signed the divorce papers, and he still loves Monse. Funny thing she loves him too. He feeds the bebe and smooches Monse. They are in seventh heaven, but are we? And how long can this last?
Fina wants to give Dimmy his freedom. Graceless comes and tells him Ale will want DNA proof of his being a sibling of Don Benny's but no matter, she can take care of that, and they will be in the money. She also slapped him and for a hot minute it looked like he'd slap her back, but he goes and Fina wants him to pack his suitcase, but it doesn't look like Dimmy is going anywhere.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Mentir Para Vivir #95 Wed 2/19/14
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PSMA- #54- 2/18/14- The Lies Continue
- Ara and Daphne get caught in their lies
- Feo gets a well deserve slap down from Art
- Isa is remembering Feo unconsciously by him constantly saying Guapa. Yuck!!!!
- The robbery finger is pointed back to GMeanie
- Nick keeps on lying but Gaby gets down to the truth and finds solace in Bruno's arms
Labels: siempre
Que Pobres Tan Ricos #32- 2/18/14: The Return of the Stinky Suit!
Hola Amiguis! I am filling in for Marta for this Capitulo. Let's get started shall we? It will not be in order, I hope to keep it brief, it's on the fly from memory, and darn since MA put on that Luchadore costume we are back to counting at 1 again for the Stinky Suit. If he hadn't put on the Luchadore costume we would have been at day 28 for that Stinky Suit. So it's back to square one.
MA is being pounded in the ring. Pobrecito, but Leo and Frida have realized he is in the ring and go to help him get out of that ring. They go to Lupe. At this very moment the real Blue Tooth shows up, he was running late, so now finally Don Chuy realizes something is wrong. Lupe gets the news that MA is in that ring, she comes out at the same time that Don Chuy is trying to stop the fight. Lupe stops it by throwing something like water or juice in the opponent's face as they drag MA out of there and take him off.
To make up for the the stopped fight Don Chuy as the "Hijo de Sumatra" and Chilaquiles do a round or two of dancing. The vecinidad peeps aren't too happy and throw stuff at them in the ring. Everyone ends up leaving but some peeps want their money back.
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Mentir Para Vivir #94 Tue 2/18/14 My Boys Can Swim Baby! I'm Going to Be A Father!*
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Lo que la vida me robó, ep. 71, Tues., 2/18/14: Alejandro bangs a Uey on the road to a State of Grace and heads right on back into CrazyTown
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.
Alejandro Almonte wants more than anything to believe in his wife's innocence. But there is a voice in his head that he can't silence: They made a fool of you before and they are doing it again.
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Por Siempre Mi Amor #53 US - Liars, Cheaters, Low-Lifes and Crazies Everywhere!
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Global Warming Protesters on the hunt for Al Gore |
This episode is a combination of episodes 67 and 68 in Mexico. Deleted scenes that weren't shown in the US episode are in italics. I hope I got everything right. These episodes had a lot going on! Some scenes have been combined.
Katia tells Fabricio that his father is still alive.
Main Dish:
All these years Katia has been protecting Fabricio. She made up the lie that his father was dead to protect him from what people might say if they knew he was the son of a single mother. She claims her lover never told her that he was married.
"He denied me?" asks Fabricio. "Yes, I was in love with him. But he threw us out."
Katia saw him at the church service and he followed her afterward. He threatened that he'd tell Fabricio the truth and even wanted to force her into leaving town!
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Monday, February 17, 2014
Qué Pobres, Lunes 2/17/14 (#31): In which MA loses a fight with a chair. Again.
JT's concert comes to a premature end with an impromptu kickboxing match. Actually, it's more of a mismatch, since Tato grossly underestimates his opponent. Ouch! Chuy warns Tato, a bit too late, that JT knows what he's doing and he'll bust Tato's tangerine. But Chuy also tells JT, "Get out of the ring or I'll throw you out."
Upstairs, Leo, MA, and AS hear the ruckus and worry about Frida. Leo volunteers to check up on her - and admits that he'll also be looking for something to eat.
Outside, Tato tells Frida she's coming with him; she says no. He begs her for another chance; she says no. He vows to get her back.
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Labels: pobres
Lo Que la Vida Me Robó Lunes, 2/17/14 #70
Labels: robo
Mentir Para Vivir #93 Mon 2/17/14 Bad news travels fast and it’s really bad
Labels: mentir
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, Avenida Brasil, En Otra Piel et cetera, week of February 17, 2014
Tomorrow, check out the newest novela, En otra piel. Is anyone going to be following this one? Is anyone interested in doing mini-recaps? I'm going to check it out for the first week and then make up my mind.
Labels: avenida, piel, reina-sur, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: LA IMPOSTORA -- week of February 17, 2014
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: SANTA DIABLA -- week of February 17, 2014
En Otra Piel-index
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Lo que la vida me robo Cap #69, 2-14-14, Finally, some regrets, apologies, and comeuppances . . .
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Get used to that position, ON YOUR KNEES, buddy, because you're going to be having to do a lot of it if you hope to be forgiven! |
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BUSTED! You can't so easily dismiss all the crap you've done this time! |
Refried of Maria and Monse giving each other the stinkeye. Monse tells Bitch Maria that Ale is all hers, Monse doesn't want that douchebag anymore. Monse gave him a perfect out by filing for divorce, but the idiot wouldn't sign the papers! Bitch Maria seems uneasy about that. She tries to convince Ale to sign the papers, but now that Ale knows that he's the baby daddy, there's no way. Bitch Maria also informs him that JL won't be pressing charges.
Ale confesses to Bitch Maria that he's been an idiot, he's been wrong about anything and he hopes he can prevent losing his wife and child. He needs to get out of prison ASAP! Bitch Maria does not look happy about this.
Rosario is telling Tia how exciting and emotional it was when she outted herself to Ale as his mom, and how wonderful it was to hear him call her "Mom." She's going to try to convince Ale that Monse was never unfaithful.
Angelica's mom is worried about Angelica's wellbeing, with JL being in the hospital and not doing well. Mom wants Angel to look after herself, but Angelica won't be happy if she's not around JL. Angel tells her mom that JL is in pretty bad shape and needs her, and furthermore, if JL kicks the bucket, what reason does Angel have to keep alive herself? Off Angel goes to look after her hubby and her mom doesn't try to stop her.
Angel's dad visits Ale and they discuss his situation. Ale is starting to think that maybe JL and Monse were not betraying him after all. Angel's dad will help Ale get out of jail. Medina can help do it. Ale doesn't trust Medina, but Angel's dad asks, "You trust me, don't you?" Angel's dad wants to make a business deal with Ale—the lands that Medina is after, don't sell them, but let Angel's dad (don't recall his name) well, let Angel's dad oversee them and use them. It would be good business. Ale looks like he's considering it.
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Ale in jail. |
Labels: robo
Mentir Para Vivir #92 Fri 2/14/14 Paloma's Birthday Bash Gets Crashed
capítulo 92
At Snoop Mansion, Homero listens to Jacqui's explanation and her desire to rectify her dead daddy's dastardly doings by using his vast wealth to do good deeds. Snoops realizes that Daughter of Ho King is not involved with the Mafiosi de Santo Domingo. She offers to get the inside skinny on the new realty development business that JL has invested her daddy's dinero in, if she can.
Later that day, Padre Huaraches 'n Socks has coffee with Piero. He tells Piero he's in love with Jaqui. Piero is all sour grapes-y and warns him about their going in cahoots with Snoops, cuz he only cares about the big collar and not about all the little people he uses and involves who might get hurt in the meantime.
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Labels: mentir
Friday, February 14, 2014
Que pobres tan ricos #30 Feb 14, 2014 Updated. The event day... some surprises, some chaos and out of nowhere, a knight in shining armor!! and for Mini and A-hole.. an unexpected request.
Nepo offers help… gives Chuy the money. Chuy confesses to Lupita. Lupita nodding at Nepo.
Lo Nuevo:
A-hole arguing with Vilma about the Nopalera property. Not normal for my grandpa’s ‘tastes’. Vilma would rather not go to a place like that ‘a woman with ‘class’ like me’. He suggests she go with a chofer or with some escort from the company. Mini comes in, A-hole gets sloppy with her, Vilma about to gag.
Lupita argues with Chuy about having accepted the loan from Nepo. Chuy says not time to get too proud. Chuy almost spills the beans about the ‘cousins’, Lupita signals him and he fakes choking. Nepo tries to make amends, but Lupita not buying what he’s selling. Lupita miffed at Chuy for not having consulted her.
By ring, JT and Frida, JT nervous, Frida calls her friends, apparently the equipment has not arrived. [ The guy on the other end phone gives her the excuse of having a hard time finding the place. Seems like the guy is Tato’s buddy. He asks Tato what to tell her. Tato says he is planning his own surprise for Frida.]
Back to fonda/ring. Listening to her phone call, JT smells a rat. But just then the guys arrive. They guys see the place with the ring and say its “a bit freaky”. JT and his friend go out with the guys to unload the equipment, Frida leans on ring and sighs in relief. Her ex boyfriend finally makes his entrance and she is surprised (and not too positively) to see him there. She just wants him to leave. He claims he was just worried about her. She is just helping these guys out. And yes, she is living there. He tries to grab her and JT comes to her rescue. They guy talks down to JT. They mock that JT is named ‘Tizoc’. Leo recognizes ‘Tato’ from up the steps and warns MA about it.
Lupita finally gives in and accepts and thanks Nepo for the money. Chuy hugs Nepo. Que Dios se lo pague. Lupita won’t have the ‘Dios se lo pague’, she will pay him for every peso. But she is thankful nonetheless. Chuy and Nepo relieved.
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Labels: pobres
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